Script of an excerpt from the fairy tale of the adventures of Pinocchio. Scenario of the musical play “The Adventures of Buratino” for children of senior preschool age


(Based on the fairy tale by A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key".)

Script for children's theater where the children themselves will play.





STORYTELLER: Once upon a time there lived a man named Carlo. He was poor and lonely. And then one day he said to himself: “Why do I live alone? Let me make myself a little boy out of wood. Everything will be more fun for me as an old man." And Carlo began to carve a boy out of wood, but before he had time to finish the work, the boy began to twist and turn, and when Carlo cut out the boy’s nose, the boy tried so hard to escape that his nose stretched out. And when the work was finished, next to Carlo stood a small wooden boy with a perky long nose.

(Music. The curtain opens. Papa Carlo's house. He sits and whittles a log. A painted hearth hangs on the wall. Papa Carlo (if possible) imperceptibly removes the log, and Pinocchio should also imperceptibly appear near Papa Carlo (i.e. Pinocchio should be where - hide.))

CARLO: Well, that's what a fidget you are! If it didn't twist, the nose would turn out normal! And so you will be called by me - Pinocchio.

Pinocchio: Pinocchio, so Pinocchio!
And who are you?

CARLO: I am Papa Carlo.

Pinocchio: Well, great! (Looks around, pokes his nose at the painted hearth).
And what's that?

CARLO: This is a painted hearth. He's been hanging here for a very long time. Back when I was little
boy, he was already hanging here.

Pinocchio: What's behind this hearth?

CARLO: You are so curious!
So, some kind of iron door, but the key to it was lost long ago, and I don’t know what’s behind it

Pinocchio: Ah-ah-ah! There must be some kind of secret here!
It would be good to know! !

CARLO: How curious you are, Pinocchio!

Pinocchio: Inter-resno!
Papa Carlo! Can I go for a walk?

CARLO: Wait, Pinocchio.
First you have to go to school. After all, you can neither read nor write.

Pinocchio: Why do I need this?

CARLO: Then, so that you become smart and prudent. And so that Papa Carlo can be with you
be proud.

Pinocchio: OK! Then I went to school.

CARLO: Wait! Don't forget to take your ABC's! From it you will learn to read. (gives the alphabet)

Pinocchio: Well, then I'm off?

CARLO: Go, son. And see, be a diligent student.

(Music. Pinocchio leaves. Carlo waves to him. The curtain closes).


STORYTELLER: So, Pinocchio went to school. But he was very curious, because it was not in vain that he had a long nose. And long noses, as you know, stick everywhere, even where they shouldn’t be.
So Pinocchio walked and looked at everything around him.

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage is Buratino with the alphabet under his arm. He jumps up, looks around. Suddenly he stops at a sign: “KARABASA-BARABASA PUPPET THEATER.” A barker stands near the sign (this is necessary, because Buratino has not yet can read.))

BUTTER: Puppet show Karabas-Barabas! Karabas-Barabas Puppet Theater!
Hurry up! Hurry up!
All for the show!

STORYTELLER: Pinocchio became curious about what it was, and he decided to enter the theater.
But they weren’t allowed in without a ticket.
And since he had not yet become smart and sensible, he sold his beautiful alphabet book and bought himself a ticket with the proceeds.

(Pinocchio hands the barker the alphabet, receives a ticket, waves it cheerfully and runs into the theater. Music. The curtain closes).


STORYTELLER: So, Pinocchio stuck his long nose where it shouldn’t have, and forgot his promise to Papa Carlo to go to school and become smart and sensible.
And now let's see what came of it.

(Music. The curtain opens. The Karabas-Barabas Theater is on stage. Pinocchio enters and looks at what is happening in the theater.
Different on stage fairy tale characters. Pierrot comes out and begins to read his sad poems. He has long sleeves, a cap on his head, drawn on tears and eyebrows to make his face look sad.)

Malvina, Malvina
My bride.
She ran away
To foreign lands. (cries).

(All the dolls also begin to cry. Karabas runs out - Barabas with a whip and begins to wave it, scream and whip in all directions).

KARABAS – BARABAS: Damn dolls!
There you are!
You have to laugh when he cries!

Pinocchio: Don't hit them!

KARABAS – BARABAS: Who else is this?

Pinocchio: I am Pinocchio.

KARABAS – BARABAS: Nasty wooden boy!
How dare you order me, Karabas - Barabas, the richest of the owners of puppet theaters!
You will also receive whips from me! (raises his hand).

Pinocchio: Don’t you dare, otherwise I’ll tell Papa Carlo and he’ll deal with you!

KARABAS – BARABAS: Who is Papa Carlo?

Pinocchio: Papa Carlo lives in the Poor Quarter!

KARABAS – BARABAS: Ha ha ha! In the Poor Quarter!
What can he do to me, the richest and most powerful of the owners of Puppet Theaters?
Ha ha ha! After all, he has nothing!
He doesn't even have a fireplace to cook his own food!

Pinocchio: But he has a painted hearth!

KARABAS – BARABAS: (wary). Painted hearth? At Papa Carlo's?

Pinocchio: Yes!

KARABAS – BARABAS: Does he know what is behind this painted hearth?

Pinocchio: Yes! There is an iron door there!
But he doesn't have the key and doesn't know where this door leads.

KARABAS – BARABAS: Dear, pretty Pinocchio!
Go quickly to Papa Carlo, he has probably been waiting for you for a long time.
And tell him to keep this painted hearth, and for this I will give you 5 gold pieces so that you give them to Papa Carlo.

Pinocchio: 5 gold?

KARABAS – BARABAS: Yes, here they are! (counts). 1,2,3,4,5 .
Go quickly to your Papa Carlo!

(Pinocchio takes the money (it should be 5 large yellow circles), clutches it in his fist and runs out of the theater. Music. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: So, Pinocchio left Karabas - Barabas almost a rich man, because 5 gold is a lot. And he hurried to Papa Carlo to give him this money.
But it's not that simple!
After all, at the time when Karabas-Barabas gave Pinocchio 5 gold, there were friends in the theater Karabasa-Barabasa: the cunning Fox Alice and the mischievous Cat Basilio. They decided to trick Buratino into giving him 5 gold coins. Therefore, Basilio the Cat pretended to be blind, and Alice the Fox was his guide.

(Music. The curtain opens. Pinocchio is on stage. He joyfully runs and jumps across the stage, waving his hand with 5 gold pieces above him. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat appear. Basilio the Cat in dark glasses, with a stick in his hand, extends his other hand for alms. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat move arm in arm across the stage.)


(Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat stop near Buratino.)

FOX ALICE: Dear Pinocchio, give alms to the poor blind man!
You have money, right?

Pinocchio: I have 5 gold.

(Shows. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat eagerly reach out to them.)

Pinocchio: But I have to give them to Papa Carlo! (He hides his hands with gold behind his back.)

FOX ALICE: Silly Pinocchio, you only have 5 gold!
After all, you can have much more of them!

Pinocchio: Like this?

FOX ALICE: And like this!
We know how to do it!
If you want, we'll tell you!

Pinocchio: How?

FOX ALICE: It should be a moonlit night, and today is a moonlit night...
So, on a moonlit night, you need to go to the Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools and bury your coins there, and say the words: “Cracks, Fax, Pax!” ". Then pour water, and in the morning a tree will grow, on which there will be coins, apparently and invisibly!

Pinocchio: Where is this Country of Fools?

FOX ALICE: You have to go straight, then turn right, then straight again.
And you will see the Field of Wonders of the Land of Fools!
And don't forget to wait until nightfall to bury your money there. (rubs hands).

Pinocchio: OK!
Just don't peek!

FOX ALICE: Are you kidding?
We are going in a completely different direction!
Let's go, Basilio the Cat!

(Music. Pinocchio walks across the stage. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat seem to walk in the other direction, and then turn and sneakily walk on him, or simply spy on him.
Pinocchio looks around, buries the money, waters it, says the words “Cracks, Fax, Pax!” and goes to bed. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat quietly dig out the money. The music ends. Fox Alice grabs the money.)

BASILIO: Give me the money!

FOX ALICE: Basilio the cat! Let's share!


(Fox Alice puts 5 gold pieces on the dais so that the audience can see how she will divide the money.
Then she (in accordance with the text) takes one gold piece at a time.)

FOX ALICE: That's for me! This is for you! That's for me! This is for you! That's for me!

BASILIO: You deceived me!

FOX ALICE: Why did you deceive me? Come on first! (repeats the previous procedure.)
That's for me! This is for you! That's for me! This is for you! That's for me!

BASILIO: You deceived me!

FOX ALICE: What are you saying, Basilio the Cat!
Well, how can I deceive you, my faithful friend!


(Pinocchio wakes up and gets up, sees that his hole has been dug up and there is no money.)

Pinocchio: Ooh, deceivers!
Give me my money!

FOX ALICE: Cat Basilio, hold him!

(Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat grab Pinocchio. Basilio the Cat holds him, and Alice the Fox spanks him on the butt.)

FOX ALICE: Here are the deceivers! (slaps)
Here's your money! (slaps)
Don't be so gullible! (slaps)
Where is he going, Basilio the Cat? So he couldn't complain to his Papa Carlo?

CAT BASILIO: Let's throw him into the river!

Take him by the hands, and I by the legs!
One two Three!

(They grab Pinocchio, swing him to the count: one, two, three and throw him into the river.
Music. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: So, little gullible Pinocchio ended up in the river. But it was made of wood and could not drown. Therefore, he was carried down the river by the current.
And in this river a long time ago, for 300 years, the old turtle Tortila lived.
It was she who caught Pinocchio from the river.

(Music. The curtain opens. Pinocchio is sitting. Tortilla Turtle is next to him.)

TURTLE TORTILLA: Poor stupid little Pinocchio!
Why are you so gullible?

Pinocchio: (offended) Why are you calling names?

TURTLE TORTILLA: I have lived on earth for 300 years and have seen a lot in my lifetime.
That's how little boys (turns to the hall) and girls are easily fooled into not wanting to go to school in order to become smart and sensible.
Well, don't be upset!
I will give you the Golden Key! (holds out the Golden Key)

Pinocchio: Is he really Golden?

TURTLE TORTILLA: Yes, it really is Golden.
And there is some kind of secret connected with it.

Pinocchio: Secret? Inter-resno!

TURTLE TORTILLA: He was dropped into the river by a man with long beard.

Pinocchio: With a long beard?
Maybe it was Karabas-Barabas?

TURTLE TORTILLA: May be! I don't know what his name was. But he swore so much, so
demanded that they get him a key from the bottom, which scared away all the fish!

TURTLE TORTILLA: He had to leave empty-handed. And then the fish took the key from the bottom of the river and gave it to me.

Pinocchio: Inter-resno!

TURTLE TORTILLA: Well, goodbye, Pinocchio!
It's time for me to rest.

Pinocchio: And it’s time for me to go to Papa Carlo, otherwise he’s probably already waiting for me.

(Music. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: And Buratino set off on his way back. The road passed by small house, in which the girl Malvina lived with blue hair.
Pinocchio remembered how sad Pierrot read poetry about her and decided to visit her.

(Music. The curtain opens. Malvina is sitting, writing. Pinocchio enters.)

Pinocchio: Hello, Malvina!
Are you the Malvina about whom the sad poet Pierrot always reads poetry?

MALVINA: Yes it's me.
And what is your name?

Pinocchio: My name is Buratino.
Papa Carlo sent me to school, and I ended up in the theater of Karabas - Barabas!

MALVINA: I ran away from this Karabas-Barabas.
He's swinging his whip all the time!

Pinocchio: And I almost got it from him!

MALVINA: What, you never went to school?

Pinocchio: No never.

MALVINA: So you can't even read or write?

Pinocchio: No I do not know how to.

MALVINA: Then sit down and write!
I will teach you!

Pinocchio: Or maybe I'd better go?

MALVINA: No, sit down and write!

(Pinocchio sits down and takes a pen.)

MALVINA: Well, I planted a blot!
One more!

STORYTELLER: Pinocchio laughs and plants another blot.

MALVINA: We'll have to put you in the closet for your outrages!

(Music. Malvina takes Buratino by the hand and leads him into the closet. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: So Pinocchio ended up in a closet where there were a lot of spiders.
... But he very soon managed to escape from there, and he went further, home to Papa Carlo.
But new adventures awaited him along the way!
After all, Karabas-Barabas managed to find out that Tortila the Turtle gave the Golden Key to Pinocchio. But Karabas-Barabas has been looking for this Key for a long time.
Therefore, Karabas-Barabas began to wait for Pinocchio by the road, and there he met his old friends Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat.
“How good,” thought Karabas-Barabas, “they will help me.”

(Music. The curtain opens. On stage are Karabas-Barabas, Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat.)

KARABAS-BARABAS: It's so good that I met you!
It's you that I need.

BASILIO: And what happened?

FOX ALICE: Yes, what happened?

KARABAS-BARABAS: I found out that Tortilla Turtle gave the Golden Key to Pinocchio! That crappy wooden boy! And I’m just looking for him!

BASILIO: Who are you looking for? Pinocchio?


BASILIO: Why do you need him?

KABARAS-BARABAS: He opens the iron door behind the painted fireplace in the closet
Papa Carlo!
I think there's... treasure there!

FOX ALICE: Lucky this Pinocchio! We threw him into the river!
And not only did he not drown, but he also received the Key to the door,
behind which the treasures lie!

KARABAS-BARABAS: Well, can you help me catch Pinocchio before he meets his Papa Carlo?
And I will generously reward you for this!

FOX ALICE: How is that generous?

KARABAS-BARABAS: I'll give you three gold pieces for this!

FOX ALICE: Are you kidding? Basilio the cat!
He wants us to fight Papa Carlo for three gold pieces!


FOX ALICE: Basilio the cat! He wants to fool us!
He is the tightest of all puppet theater owners!

KARABAS-BARABAS: Well, you don’t want to and don’t need to!
I can handle it myself!

FOX ALICE: Basilio the cat! It won't work!

BASILIO: Can't handle it!

FOX ALICE: Five gold!

Let there be five gold!

FOX ALICE: Let's go, Basilio the Cat!
Let's help our friend find Pinocchio! ... And then - the treasures!

(Pinocchio appears.)

Give me the Golden Key! He is mine!

Pinocchio: No, I won't give it away!
(removes his hands with the Key back.)

ALL: Give it back!

Pinocchio: No!

ALL: Give it back!

(Everyone rushes at Pinocchio.)

Pinocchio: Papa Carlo!

(Papa Carlo appears with friends.)

CARLO: I'm here, my boy!

(Music. Papa Carlo and his friends free Pinocchio. During the brawl, Karabas - Barabas wraps his long beard around a tree.)

CARLO: Well, we finally found you!
What kind of key do you have?

Pinocchio: This is the Golden Key!
Tortilla Turtle gave it to me!

CARLO: So this is probably the Key to the iron door behind the painted hearth!
My grandfather also told me that this door can only be opened with the Golden Key!
Let's go home quickly and try to open this door!

(Music. Pinocchio, Papa Carlo and his friends go home. Karabas - Barabas, Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat are going to follow them.)

FOX ALICE: Well, quickly, let's run after them! Otherwise we'll be late!

KARABAS – BARABAS: Wait for me!

FOX ALICE: Well, what happened to you?

KARABAS – BARABAS: My beard is stuck!

FOX ALICE: Well, cut it off!

What kind of Karabas am I - Barabas without a beard?

FOX ALICE: Well, then stay with your beard!
Let's run, Basilio the Cat!

KARABAS – BARABAS: Well, okay, cut it!...

(Alice the Fox takes out scissors and cuts his beard, and at this time he howls: “What kind of Karabas-Barabas am I without a beard?” - 2 times.)

FOX ALICE: Well, let's run quickly! Otherwise we'll be late!

(Music. They run away from the stage. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: So, everyone came to Papa Carlo's closet.
What is there, behind the iron door?

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage are Pinocchio, Carlo and his friends. Everyone approaches the painted fireplace, takes it off. They open the door with the Golden Key and see the inscription: “FAIRY-TALE COUNTRY.” A Fairy comes out from behind the door.)

FAIRY: Welcome to our Fairytale Land!
In it all people live together and happily!
But only good people can enter it, and evil ones cannot enter!

Pinocchio: Can I bring my friends here: Pierrot, Malvina and all the artists from the puppet theater of Karabas - Barabas?

FAIRY: Certainly!
Our Fairytale Land has its own puppet theater, and they will all be able to work there.

Pinocchio: Then we will call them!

ALL: Friends, come here!

(Music. Everyone comes. Karabas - Barabas and Alice the Fox stand aside and shake their fists, and Basilio the Cat - with his stick. But no one is afraid of them.)

CARLO: Now, friends, let's all dance!

(Music: polka. The fun begins. Everyone dances the polka, except Alice the Fox, Basilio the Cat and Karabas-Barabas. The curtain closes. The music stops sounding.
Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat appear on the proscenium (in front of the curtain)).

FOX ALICE: (speaks, looking into the hall) It’s always like this: you work and work, and everything goes to others!
(addressed to Cat Basilio) Let's go, Basilio the Cat, my old faithful friend!

(Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat walk arm in arm along the proscenium along the curtain.)

BASILIO: Give alms to the poor blind man...
Give alms to the poor blind man...

(Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat leave the stage. Music plays.)


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10. Fox Alice
11.Cat Basilio
1.Papa Carlo
4. Cricket
5. Karabas Barabas

Dear Guys! You all know and love the fairy tale “The Adventures of Buratino or
Golden Key". Do you remember how this fairy tale begins? Into one
Italian city Karabas Barabas arrived with his theater. The great and
The terrible Karabas had only one dream of getting rich. And he really hoped
to his Golden Key, which accidentally fell into his hands. This key
had to open a secret door, behind which, as Karabas thought,
there are countless treasures. And this door was in this very
city. But Karabas did not know exactly where. On the city market square
Karabas's treasured key was stolen, and he became terribly angry. And in this
time on the outskirts of the city in the house of the old organ grinder Carlo took place
amazing things. Let's look into his closet. Quiet evening
One day Carlo carved a doll and sang quietly.
Scene 1. Papa Carlo appears and sings a song from the TV movie
“The Adventures of Pinocchio” // “The Song of Papa Carlo”: words by B. Okudzhava,
music by A. Rybnikov//. He has a log in his hands. During the song Papa Carlo
imitates cutting a doll out of a log, after the first verse it is cut into a log
puts it in the chest and replaces it with a puppet Pinocchio. At the end of the song
Papa Carlo hides the doll in a chest.
Papa Carlo:
It's hard in this world
To a man alone
I made a doll from a log -
I’ll call it Pinocchio.
wooden man,
Long-nosed and fidgety
I now have a little son,
My boy is a naughty boy.

Music by A. Rybnikov “ABC” from the movie “Adventures”
Pinocchio." Pinocchio appears from the chest. He jumps out of the chest
and dances. Papa Carlo is happy about such a wonderful doll.
Pinocchio it's me
Papa Carlo and I are friends.
I can't sit still,
I really like to frolic.
Papa Carlo:
Stop having fun, darling,
It's time to start learning.
I'll leave now
I'll buy you the alphabet.
Don't be sad without me
And of course they didn’t play pranks.
I'll be back very soon.
Okay, I'll do something.
It's long overdue
After all, I'm hungry in the morning.
Here is the fire and the pot,
The soup will be cooked soon.
I'll come closer
Don't get burned, friends. (goes to the fireplace and sticks his nose into the pot)
Ha, these are miracles!
Soup is always cooked here.
A bowler hat is drawn,
And I couldn't get burned.
And this canvas
There is a secret for sure.
I'll take a look here. (moves towards the fireplace and pierces the canvas with his nose)
Oh, there's a hole here! (from surprise, uncertainty runs across the entire stage and
jumps onto a chair. Shushara comes out from behind the fireplace).
I'm gray, terrible,
Toothed, fanged,
I live in a hole and in the dark,
I can gnaw on everything everywhere.
And everyone is angry with Shushara,
They don't even want to know her.
What a nasty Pinocchio,

And he sticks his long nose everywhere.
I'll treat my little rats,
I'll drag him down the hole!
Cricket: (cricket sound plays in the background)
You, Shushara, don’t be naughty,
Let go of Pinocchio!
Shushara: (scared)
I'm letting go, I'm letting go,
I'm running away, running away.
Little violin
Little bow
Played the violin
Little cricket.
This song is yours
And sad, and so boring!
Take your bow quickly (cockily)
Go away you little worm!
I'm not a worm at all
Everyone calls me cricket!
I've lived here for a hundred years
I'll give you one piece of advice.
I don't need advice
I have fun all day long
Wow! /drives away the cricket/
Papa Carlo:
I'm back my son
Aren't you bored, my friend?
I was having fun without you, (spins, does a somersault or cartwheel)
I managed to fight the rat. (punches himself in the chest with his fist)
And then he chased away the cricket (proudly)
Here's a worm. (shows how small the cricket was)
Papa Carlo:
Shame on you, Pinocchio,
You didn't act nicely!
Oh, where's your jacket?

Papa Carlo:
Jacket, it's no problem!
Look, you're here!
This book is for you./shows the alphabet/
Gotta get ready for school
Try to study well!
I'm in a hurry to go to school, I'm in a hurry
And I will start studying. /the musical intro of the song “theater” sounds
Karabas Barabas"
Picture 2.
Pinocchio went out to the square and meets Duremar.
Who wants leeches? Fat healing leeches!
The best children's toys are live frogs!
Latest news - water beetle larvae!
Newts, tadpoles and leeches, cute boogers.
Pinocchio. Sorry, excuse me, I'm going to school. But I would like to ask
why is this happy music playing?
DUREMAR. This is the famous puppet theater of Karabas Barabas. Get there
going there is the cherished dream of all children.
Upstairs, near the musicians, MALVINA appears with large
colored rings. ARTEMON comes out behind her. MALVINA raises
rings, says: “Up!” And the dog jumps through the hoop.
MALVINA. Boys, girls!
Don't stand on the sidelines!
Come quickly
The artists are looking forward to seeing you.
We're having a miracle show!
ALICE and BASILIO appeared on the square. They approach Pinocchio.
Pinocchio. What a funny girl! Does her hair always look this blue?
ALICE. This is Malvina. mediocre bastard! Now she is the main artist in
Karabas Barabas Theater.
Pinocchio. Main artist? That's great! What is she doing?
BASILIO. She performs with her learned poodle Artemon.
ALICE. She picked up a mangy dog ​​from a garbage dump and drags him onto the stage.
Pinocchio. And if I take one look at this performance,
Shall I listen a little? The school will run away nowhere, won't it?
ALICE and BASILIO looked at each other and took Pinocchio aside.
BASILIO. The school won't run away.
ALICE. Do you have money for a ticket?
Pinocchio. Money? Noooo. How much does a ticket cost?

ALICE. Four soldi.
Pinocchio. You see, I forgot my wallet at home. you can't give me
borrow four soldi.
BASILIO (whistles contemptuously). Borrow four soldi? Boy (he
twisted it at his temple) are you not all at home (ALICE). Let's go, they are now
will begin.
PINOCOCIO (approaching DUREMAR who appeared. Through tears).
Excuse me, I really want to see this Theater. Buy from me
for four soldi my wonderful jacket.
DUREMAR. This old theater junk for four soldi? You, my dear,
look elsewhere for fools. (Pretends to leave.)
Pinocchio (Stops DUREMAR again). Well then buy mine
a nice hat.
DUREMAR. You only use your hat to catch tadpoles. But I have
magnificent net.
Pinocchio. In that case, take my new ABC for four soldi.
DUREMAR.(interested) With pictures?
Pinocchio. With wonderful pictures and big letters.
(He took out the alphabet from the canvas bag and showed it to DUREMAR).
DUREMAR. Agree. You give me the ABC, and I’ll give you the ticket.
(He pulled out the countermark that he received from KARABAS and gave it to
PINOCOCIO (With delight) Thank you very, very, very huge.
(Pinocchio ran into auditorium and took a seat in the front row.
Seeing him, ALICE and BASILIO quietly followed him. They
sat down on the steps not far from Buratino.)
Scene 3. (Pierrot, Harlequin, Malvina, Artemon appear on the stage.
They are putting on a performance.)
PIERO. Dear audience, hello!
My name in the theater is Pierrot!
You are people, and we are actors,
We play on stage for you,
But in life, as people, believe me, we experience.
If they offend me, I don’t know how to give back.
What should I do
With my sad nature?
I'm all in love dreams
And I speak in verses,
Apparently, I will be rewarded with cuffs for this.
And a hard stick will walk along your back.
Maybe someone will suddenly feel a little sorry for me.
Someone might cry.

For what? I don't know.
This is a comedy, people, and very funny.
Very funny comedy "The Girl with Blue Hair"
Or “Thirty-three slaps on the head”...
(A man jumped out from behind a tree. All checkered, like a chessboard.
He also bowed to the audience).
HARLEQUIN. Hi guys! And I am Harlequin!
A little impudent, my own master!
I was so born that I love to fight,
And whoever turns up, I beat him.
(He went up to PIERO and gave him two slaps in the face, so loud that
powder fell from his cheeks).
HARLEQUIN. What are you whining about, you fool?
PIERO. Oh, don't touch, be sorry.
Give me your word, Harlequin, you won’t tease:
I'm sad because I want to get married.
HARLEQUIN. If you want to get married, where can you go?
But explain why you don't get married?
PIERO. Alas, alas, in broad daylight
My fiancée left me.
HARLEQUIN. Yes, admitting it’s bad.
What's your fool's name?
PIERO. I'm ready to name my beloved,
But if you don't fool me.
HARLEQUIN. Come on, just think, two slaps on the head. Yes, it’s like being sleepy -
alarm call.
PIERO. Then I'll call you. Her name is... Malvina!
She is poetic, airy, innocent.
And the sun in her golden eyes,
And the sky in her blue voices!
Respectable audience! Well, tell me yourself:
Have you seen girls with blue hair?!
You, poet, listen
I say lovingly:
This nonsense now I
I'll beat it out of you!
(And then he grabbed a stick and began to hit PIERO. He wanted to run away,
but he stumbled and fell, and HARLEQUIN continued to bludgeon him with a laugh).
Pinocchio (Unable to stand it). Look, look! Pierrot is bleeding!
ALICE. What blood? It's cranberry juice!

Pinocchio. That's disgusting! Stop doing that! Don't hit someone who's lying down! (Runned in
stage) Shame on you! poor Pierrot, are you alive? (Tries him
HARLEQUIN. What kind of weirdo jumped out? Well, don't touch him! (Pushes
Pinocchio). Go away, don't interfere with work.
Pinocchio. I won't leave. (Pushes HARLEQUIN). Beat the unfortunate man
Pierrot? And this is what you call work?
HARLEQUIN. Yes! This is not only work, but also high art! (Pushes
Pinocchio). Get out quickly!
Pinocchio. But I won’t get out, no way! (Pushes HARLEQUIN).
HARLEQUIN. Who are you?
Pinocchio. I? My name is Buratino. And you're wrong. This is not
There is an art in beating the innocent.
PIERO (gets up) Pinocchio, you have kind heart, but you shouldn’t have interfered.
Pinocchio. I wouldn't have interfered if you had hit him back yourself.
PIERO. I do not have a right. That's my role.
Pinocchio. Stupid role. I wouldn't give a damn about her.
HARLEQUIN. What are you doing? First time at the theater?
Pinocchio. Yes! Of course the first time!
HARLEQUIN. Here you see! If you were an artist like us, you would know everything
what is happening here is all make-believe.
Pinocchio. I'm not an artist yet. But I will definitely become an artist. Dad and I
Carlo we will give cheerful, kind performances and we will not beat anyone.
MALVINA. Pinocchio, I see you are a noble boy. But very
ill-mannered. They burst onto the stage, disrupt the performance, shout, wave
hands. Your place in the hall.
HARLEQUIN. Actually, I like him: he’s brave, his eyes are sparkling, his voice is loud
- all data for the artist. We would invite you to our theater... but keep in mind: in it
They beat not only on stage, but also behind the scenes. And here it’s make-believe, but
there - for real.
Pinocchio. Who's beating you there?
KARABAS (from behind the scenes). One hundred thousand devils! What's happening? Why
stopped the show?
Pinocchio. How evil your dad Karabas is.
MALVINA. He is not our dad, he is a stranger to us. This is our master. He forces
We work from morning until late at night, and poor Pierrot beats him when he’s not lazy!
ARTEMON. He's starving us. And when we rehearse, he scolds and fights.
MALVINA. Ah, Pinocchio, I can no longer stand Karabas’s rudeness.
Barabas. No no! I will run away! (Crying). I'll run away!
PIERO (with tears). Malvina, I beg you, don’t run away! Or take me
with myself.
HARLEQUIN. Gentlemen! What are you speaking about? Now we need to talk about devotion to the theater, and

don't run away.
Pinocchio. Well, okay, stop crying. I figured it out! Anyone who wants can
come with me to my dad Carlo. He is kind!
KARABAS (jumping out from behind the scenes). One hundred thousand devils! you again
are you idle? Who stopped the show? Lazy people!
Mediocrity! (I saw Pinocchio). Oh, it’s you worthless brat who’s interfering
should they work? Well, I'll deal with you now. (He grabbed from his belt
the famous whip). I'll show you now!
Pinocchio. Malvina, run! I'll stop him!
(Pinocchio jumps on the back of KARABASA BARABASA. Actors
scatter backstage. MALVINA and ARTEMON run away into the visual
hall. KARABAS spins around with Pinocchio on his back, throws him off
and chases after them. Holds Pinocchio and swears. KARABAS BARABAS.
One hundred thousand devils! They want to ruin me!
I'm like their dad...
I'm like a mother to them...
My whole tender soul
I only give it to them!
After all, I love them so much
What I feed every day!
What if I spank
Slightly for prank,
I'll be the first to say:
"What a pity!"
Sometimes when I hit you with a whip,
I'll be the first to shed tears!
I give them roles
I take you on tour
I shout to them “Bravo!”
Fame came to them...
For all your efforts
I have the right to wait for love.
And what is the answer to me?
They run away
And they insult
And they curse...
KARABAS. No, I won't beat you, Pinocchio! I'll cut you up and throw you in
hearth I can imagine what it will be like for your father to find out that I will fry you on
dinner of a rabbit and two chickens. Do you hear? I'll cut it into the hearth.
Pinocchio. This is even very stupid on such a pretty, such
cheerful boy to fry a whole rabbit, and two chickens too!
Please, let me go, sir.

KARABAS. There can be no talk of any pity. (continues
drag Pinocchio). There is no need to resist, go, go, climb, climb into the hearth.
Pinocchio. Oyoyoy! Poor, unfortunate me! I can not do it.
Pinocchio. I already tried to stick my nose into the hearth once and only pierced
KARABAS. What nonsense! How could you poke a hole in the fireplace with your nose?
Pinocchio. Very simple: because my dad has a fireplace and a pot over
hearth painted on a piece of old canvas.
KARABAS. What you said? Who is your father, what is his name?
Pinocchio. My dad is Carlo. He is a musician, he plays the piano wonderfully
all instruments.
KARABAS. Quiet! Not a word! So this means it's in old Carlo's closet
there is a secret... (KARABAS shut his mouth with both fists)..
Okay... I give you life, Pinocchio, appreciate it. Not only that, I... give you a high five
gold chervonets. Take this money to Papa Carlo. Let Papa Carlo sit
at home and protects the hearth. Go!
Pinocchio. Thank you, Karabas Barabas, you entrusted the money to
reliable hands...Goodbye, friends.
(ALICE and BASILIO from the auditorium)
BASILIO. He gave him five ducats, huh? This is the event.
ALICE. The event is huge. It's time to act. Go ahead, Basilio!
(They run away.)
Picture 4.
(The road. Pinocchio is skipping home. Alice the fox appears
and the cat Basilio to the song “What a blue sky...” from the TV movie
“The Adventures of Pinocchio.”// music by A. Rybnikov
Alice and Basilio meet Pinocchio.
Where are you hurrying, my friend?
You couldn't pass us by!
And what is ringing in your pocket?...
Oh, how I love coins...
One golden, two golden
Fox Alice (ingratiatingly)
Tell us, cute
Rich boy
What should you spend it on?
Did you decide all the money?
This money Karabas

He didn’t give it to me for you at all.
I made a jacket for Papa Carlo
I'll buy a new one tomorrow
And then go to school
I'll definitely go.
Basilio: (with disdain)
Well, what's the use of learning?
It's pure torture.
Pinocchio (scared)
We took a wrong turn!
Fox Alice (in a sly voice)
You better answer me
Would you like, little one,
Get rich again?
Fox Alice
I knew it!
Cat Basilio
We're broke ourselves...
Alice the Fox gives Basilio the Cat another slap on the head.
Fox Alice (Cat Basilio)
You better not interfere!
What are we waiting for, let's go!
Cat Basilio
Wherever you have to!
Alice the Fox pushes Basilio the Cat hard in the side.
Fox Alice (with annoyance)
The cat is old and clueless!
We have an offer for you,
Go to the land of fun.
Basilio: (convincing)
In the Land of Fools there is a Field of Miracles,
Everyone there has their own interest.
You can bury money there
Then wait a little

And it will grow big
The tree is golden.
Cat Basilio
Fox Alice (To the cat in an evil whisper)
Listen, victim of prayer,
Shut up or die!
The tree is golden, big, big...
Alice and Basilio:
The tree is golden, big, big.
Fox Alice (affectionately, going around Pinocchio on the other side and showing everything about
what he's telling)
So, my dear, if
Bury the money there
Sprinkle salt on top
And "Cracks! Fex! Pex!" say,
Then water from the puddle
And go to bed peacefully,
You'll find it in the morning
There are exactly five trees – (Basilio faints)
Everything from top to bottom
In gold coins!
You're lying!
Fox Alice (offended)
If I'm lying, don't listen!
How stupid you are!
Cat Basilio (with threat)
You are your own mortal enemy,
So much the worse for you!
Fox Alice (with a sigh)
He doesn't want to, the slacker,
Try for yourself!
Let's go!
Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox turn and slowly move away
from Pinocchio to the left wing.
No, wait!
I'm with you, stop!
Fox Alice
We wait!

With money from a big tree
I will buy gifts from the sea.
I want to get to a wonderful country as soon as possible,
After all, I believe in my dream.
Fox Alice (whispers)
It's time for us to go,
We may be late!
All three disappear behind the right curtain and reappear from behind the scenes.
left. Pinocchio looks around.
Have you arrived yet?
Fox Alice
Where there!
Basilio the Cat (puzzled)
We were here!
Fox Alice
Cat Basilio (sadly)
Eh, as if before sunset
There was no need to trudge.
And eating is like hunting,
My stomach was completely cramped.
Would someone give me something?
Chicken wing,
Should I go for the chicken?
A plate with fish soup...
Fox Alice
Yes I would be glad
And the crust is dry!
Alice and Basilio take Pinocchio by the arms on both sides and run across the stage,
entangling him in the “Land of Fools”, to the music of “Fight of the Cat and the Fox”
music by A. Rybnikov from the television film “The Adventures of Pinocchio”
Basilio: (breathing heavily, wiping sweat from his forehead)
There is sand under the tree.
Alice: (exhausted)
Hide the money there, my friend.
Pinocchio (unsure)
My friends, thank you,
What helped along the way,
But you couldn't
Move further away?

Fox Alice
What would we watch?
No, God forbid!
We're tired of money
We don't need them!
Cat Basilio
Hanging around here, really,
Dog's interest!
(they move away, barely moving their legs to the side and sit down on the steps
scenes, all the time without taking his eyes off Pinocchio)
Money needs to be buried
Krex, pex, fex say,
And now I will wait.
An hour passed, another passed,
Pinocchio doesn't even touch.
This stupid Pinocchio
Everything sits quietly in a heap.
I can't wait any longer.
Let him swim in the pond.
The sound of frogs croaking. Alice and Basilio throw Pinocchio into the pond,
take away the coins
Cat Basilio
Now the money is ours!
Fox Alice
Don't get ahead of me
And now when I knock,
So you'll come out all at once!
Cat Basilio
Delhi, what are you waiting for?
Fox Alice
I take everything for myself!
Fox Alice clutches the coins to herself.
Cat Basilio
Delhi, or with claws
I'll rip off your whole face!
Fox Alice

Wait, I was joking.
Quarrels are of no use!
So, from Pinocchio
Five coins left.
You can't divide five by two.
Shall I take one?
Cat Basilio
Take it!
Fox Alice
Will you appreciate dividing into one?
Cat Basilio
Fox Alice
That means three.
Three by two... No, it seems
Doesn't share.
Cat Basilio
Here's a hedgehog!
Fox Alice
One for you. Me too
One. And for the division
I'll take the rest!
Cat Basilio
How can this be so?
I'm not stuffed with cotton wool
What a fool!
Yes I love you for this
I'll scratch you right in the eye!
Fox Alice
Here are two coins for you!
Alice the Fox gives Basilio the Cat another coin.
Fox Alice
And I'm only three...
Cat Basilio
I'll tear you apart!
Fox Alice
Let's see who wins!
Cat Basilio (hysterical)
All my happiness is in money,
And you take it away?

Basilio the cat rushes at Alice the Fox, knocks her over and begins
Fox Alice
What are you doing?
Cat Basilio
Now I’ll give it to you!
Fox Alice
Don't hit me, we have money together
We'll eat at the tavern! (they leave)
Guys, do you feel sorry for the stupid boy? At first I fell for the trick of the cunning
a rascal, and now he may drown in a swamp. Who should we call for him?
help? Do you think Tortila the turtle and her frogs? Let's get a look,
what happened next to our hero.
Scene 5. (The music “Frog Jazz” by the show group “Smile” is playing.
Swamp. Sitting on the round leaves of water lilies under the moon
large-mouthed frogs. They croaked and looked at the
appeared DUREMAR. He is wearing an old green coat, on his belt
The tongs and hooks are dangling. Holding a jar and a net in his hands, he
selflessly splashes along the shore, catching its leeches).
DUREMAR. Oh, oh, how many wonderful leeches, pretty turtles,
so many fat water bugs.
FROGS. We are green frogs
Jumping, laughing.
We dance and sing
We live a very fun life.
We live in a deep pond,
We catch midges, mosquitoes,
Well, in the evening Tortilla
We love listening day after day.
DUREMAR. Why are you croaking? Laugh, laugh! the time will come, I'm up to you
I'll get there too. (the song of Duremar and the frogs from the movie plays).
DUREMAR stumbled and flew from the shore into the swamp. When did he finally
climbed ashore, on the leaf of a huge lily rested my aunt
TORTILLA. Listen, Duremar, you scared the entire population of our
beautiful pond, you muddy the waters, you don’t let me rest in peace
after breakfast...
DUREMAR. Until I catch all the leeches in your dirty puddle...
TORTILLA. I'm ready to pay you off, Duremar, so you can leave me alone
our pond and never came again.
DUREMAR (mocking). Oh, you old floating suitcase, stupid aunt

Tortila, how can you buy me off? Unless with his bone
lid? I would sell it for scallops.
TORTILLA (evil). At the bottom of the pond lies a magical Golden Key... I know
one person - he is ready to do everything in the world to get this
key... And you know it...
DUREMAR (yelled). I! I! I! Sorry! Dearest, forgive me! A! A!
A! I made a mistake! Sorry!
TORTILLA. I swear, neither you nor anyone else will receive the magic key.
I swear - only the person who will force the entire population of the pond will receive it
ask me about it. Get out of here!
(A turtle with a raised paw, accompanied by frogs, swims away
on your sheet.)
DUREMAR. Well, get out! I'll sit on the shore and beg the frogs,
tadpoles, water beetles, so that they ask the turtle. I'll promise them
one and a half million fat flies... Oh! What is this? (Hid behind a hummock
Pinocchio appeared on the surface of the swamp. He climbed onto a leaf
water lilies)
Pinocchio (shaking). Bbbb... It's so cold. All the boys and girls
drank milk, slept peacefully in warm beds, I’m alone
I'm sitting on a wet sheet.
(The frogs have appeared again)
Frogs (one by one):
What kind of miracle is sitting there?
It's looking at me
Nosto like a stork,
And he’s sad, he’s sad.
I am poor and unfortunate Pinocchio,
And everywhere there is mud, mud, mud.
And hungry in the morning
And it’s high time for me to go home.
I was deceived in the Land of Fools
He probably made a lot of enemies there.
Frogs (in chorus)
Possibly Pinocchio
Wise Tortila will help.
Tortila appears and sings the song "Romance of Tortila the Turtle" from
TV movie “The Adventures of Pinocchio” // lyrics by Yu. Entin, music
A. Rybnikova // Frogs collect water lilies and dance a waltz next to
Frogs: (in unison)
Wise Tortilla,

Help Pinocchio.
DUREMAR (aside). Damn it! This is daddy's wooden man
Carlo... How did he get here, you scoundrel!
TORTILLA. Oh, you brainless, gullible boy with short hair
thoughts. You should stay at home and study diligently. Brought you to the Country
ALL FROGS (sympathetically) Well, well, well, croak, croak...
Pinocchio. So I wanted to get more gold coins for dad
TORTILLA. Alice and Basilio stole your money.
Pinocchio. Can't be!
TORTILLA. They ran past the pond and I heard them boast that
deceived you and stole your money. Because of your own stupidity and
gullibility. And it serves you right, you brainless hooligan.
Pinocchio (rubs his eyes with his fist, whimpers and grumbles pitifully). Not here
You need to swear, here the person needs help. What will I do now? Like me
will I go back to Papa Carlo? Ayayy!
Pinocchio cried bitterly. The FROGs surrounded him and began
calm down.
1st FROG. Woohoo! Tortilla, help the man.
2nd FROG. We need help, Tortila.
3rd FROG. He didn't try for himself. Help him please.
(Pinocchio). Tortila Turtle knows great secret
TORTILLA. Once I also helped one person, and then he
I made and sold my grandmother and my grandfather’s tortoiseshell combs.
DUREMAR (from behind a hummock). Here, the old one still remembers...
Pinocchio. I don't need your combs. Where will I find five gold pieces now?
coins? What will I bring to Papa Carlo? What will I tell him? Ah ah ah! Oh oh oh!
TORTILLA. Okay, Pinocchio, don't worry! Look what I have! (And she
took out a golden key from the seaweed). Gypsy thieves on the bridge
they ran, quarreled, swore, and suddenly they dropped it into the pond.
Pinocchio. In the swamp or what?
TORTILLA. For some, “to the swamp”, and for others to the “pond”.
DUREMAR (from behind cover) That's it! Here he is! Key! Gold!
Pinocchio. What should we do with it, what is it for?
TORTILLA. Previously, I could talk a lot about this golden magic key.
tell you, but now I’ve forgotten everything. I only remember that I need to open it to them
some kind of door behind which happiness awaits people.
Pinocchio. A golden key that brings people fame and fortune?
TORTILLA. No! He brings people happiness! What would you do if you
was this magic key for you?
Pinocchio (confused). I would... I would... first of all to the evil Karabas

He tore off Barabas' beard and freed all his artists. I would buy it for my dad
Carlo a new jacket... There aren't many jackets, and Artemon - this one
bone, Malvina and Pierrot (he thought for a moment) - I would make them
happy! You don't know... it's just a big secret... They seem to love
each other, but it's a secret.
TORTILLA. Well, what would you wish for yourself?
Pinocchio. I would like to study to be an artist. Papa Carlo said that this
his dream. And one more thing... I want us to have a real Theater, without any
Karabasov Barabasov.
TORTILLA. Taktaktak! You have a kind heart, Pinocchio. I give you
Golden Key! Look for the treasured door and open it.
Pinocchio. Well, thank you! Thank you very much thank you! May I
kiss, Aunt Tortila?
TORTILLA. This is unnecessary. (And she disappeared into the mire.)
DUREMAR. "Very well". Oh, you old floating suitcase, Auntie
Tortilla! Thanks for the key! (Comes out of hiding.) Now we need it soon
run to Karabas Barabas, tell him everything. Well, hold on, Pinocchio!
(Runs away)
That's how the Golden Key ended up in Pinocchio's hands. But how can he find
the treasured door? And how to save the actors from the evil Karabas Barabas?
Picture 6.
(Over the beautiful lawn it spilled morning dawn. The house looked like
a small cloud that hung over the lawn. The birds sang with ecstasy.
A girl with curly blue hair came down from the house. She
She wiped it and opened her sleepy eyes wide. appeared immediately
noble poodle ARTEMON. The curly fur on it was combed,
the tassel at the end of the tail is tied with a black bow, and on the front paw
there was a large silver watch).
ARTEMON. Good morning, dear Malvina!
MALVINA. Good morning, Artemon.
ARTEMON. How did you sleep?
MALVINA. You know Artemon that I haven’t slept for a long time, haven’t I?
I doze occasionally. I keep thinking about how our friends are doing, how they are without us. How
they endure the bullying of this terrible Karabas.
ARTEMON. We should all live and play here, and not near this Karabas
humiliate yourself. At least they would be full. Oh, I'm sorry, I completely forgot. May
Beetles brought you this beautiful berry today, just before dawn. And the butterflies
ordered to transfer the pollen from the flowers so that you can powder yourself again and
maintain a wonderful complexion.
MALVINA. How disgusting you are Artemon Why didn’t you say right away?
Where is this powder, let's quickly!

(ARTEMON handed over to MALVINA made from green leaves
basket, and she, sitting down by the fountain, began to powder herself).
MALVINA. Oh, how my soul hurts for poor Pierrot. He's so cute, so
funny - can't do anything...
ARTEMON. But he is a real artist... And what wonderful poems he has
wrote to you. If only I could do that.
Oh, beautiful Malvina!
Cheeks blush like raspberries
Hair of heaven
And the eyes are wonderful.
You and the rose
You and the color
You and a pink bouquet.
You and the blue ribbon,
Don't forget me, dear!
MALVINA (teared). You are obnoxious, Artemon! I'll go and bring you
get yourself in order. (Leaves).
(Pinocchio appears on the lawn. He can barely move from fatigue).
Pinocchio. Help, help, good people! Robbers are chasing me.
ARTEMON barked and rushed at PINOCOCIO.
Pinocchio. Oh, oh, oh!.. Ayyyy! (He fell on the grass.)
ARTEMON. Grandmothers! This is the wooden man Pinocchio! What's wrong
you, Pinocchio?
Pinocchio. Give me your paw, Artemon.
ARTEMON. Please.
Pinocchio. Goodbye, Artemon.
ARTEMON. How? Are you leaving already?
Pinocchio. No, I think I'm dying.
ARTEMON (ran to the house). Malvina! Malvina! Hurry to help!
MALVINA (comes out). You're making noise again, Artemon!
ARTEMON. Misfortune!. He died...
MALVINA. Who? Pierrot?..
ARTEMON. No, Buratino.
MALVINA. Ah, ah, ah! Poor Pinocchio! He lost consciousness.
ARTEMON. He must be saved!
MALVINA. Artemon, immediately bring a large syringe, we will give him
Pinocchio. I don't want, I don't want injections. Better to die than to get an injection! Brrr! I
I feel very good. (Jumped up). I'm completely healthy.
MALVINA. Oh, what quackery. You are a great pretender, Pinocchio, but
I'm glad everything turned out well. Now go wash yourself and
Brush your teeth before breakfast.

Pinocchio. My teeth are terribly clean, and I washed my hands yesterday, honestly
MALVINA. Artemon, take Pinocchio to wash. Change his clothes and
install another device.
Pinocchio. But they will still get dirty.
ARTEMON. Pinocchio, let's go wash and change clothes.
(He grabbed Pinocchio).
Pinocchio. Come on, really.
ARTEMON. Don't resist, otherwise I'll bite you.
(They left. But soon ARTEMON returned and began to set the table).
MALVINA. We need to quickly find out from Buratino what’s in the theater. He was there after all
when I ran away. Actually, he helped me so much...
(When Pinocchio returned in a ridiculous theatrical costume,
small table bursting with sweets).
This is a completely different matter! Please sit down, Pinocchio, at the table, I’ll pour you some
cocoa for you. I want to thank you for helping me escape from this.
the terrible Karabas.
Pinocchio. Come on, whatever. Big deal.
Pinocchio sat down at the table, tucked his leg under him and began to eat greedily
almond cakes, stuffing them whole into your mouth without chewing.
MALVINA. Don't eat with your hands, Pinocchio, that's what spoons and forks are for. And not
hurry up.
Pinocchio. And I'm not in a hurry.
MALVINA. Tell me, Pinocchio, do you like theater?
Pinocchio. Yes, now I really love the theater.
MALVINA. if you knew how much I miss the theater, without my friends!
Maybe you know something about them? What's wrong with them?
Pinocchio. If about your friends, then they agreed to be patient. We are with
Dad Carlo will definitely come up with something and help them.
Pinocchio. What if you're talking about Pierrot? Then he...
MALVINA. He died?...
Pinocchio. He was ready to sacrifice his life when Karabas
Barabas wanted to throw me into the fireplace.
MALVINA. Pierrot! He died... Ah! (She fainted).
BURATINO (continuing to eat cakes). What's wrong with her?
ARTEMON. Worried...
Pinocchio. Artemon, grab the syringe, we’ll give her an injection and all the worries at once
will end.
MALVINA (jumped up). Boys, boys, don't be naughty. No need
no injections. I feel much better already.
Pinocchio. And your Pierrot. he is alive and well. And in general he is a great guy!

(At this time Pinocchio took the coffee pot and began to drink from the spout. He
I immediately choked and spilled cocoa on the tablecloth).
MALVINA (sternly) You see, Pinocchio, what self-indulgence leads to.
Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table.
(Pinocchio obediently pulled his leg out from under him and reached for the vase with
jam. He climbed right into her with his fingers and licked them with pleasure)
MALVINA. And you have to eat the jam with a spoon. Listen who
is raising you - please tell me!
Pinocchio. When Papa Carlo raises, and when no one does.
MALVINA. Now I will take care of your upbringing, rest assured.
Pinocchio. I'm in trouble, I'm in trouble.
MALVINA. Artemon, bring a pen, ink and a notebook.
ARTEMON goes into the house and returns with writing materials.
MALVINA (Pinocchio). Now sit back, no need to hunch over,
Place your hands in front of you. We'll do some arithmetic.
Pinocchio. Fine, fine.
MALVINA. And without “okay”. We'll do some arithmetic. So - you have
two apples in my pocket...
Pinocchio. You're lying, not a single one.
MALVINA (patiently). Fi! Pinocchio, what an expression - you're lying! I
I say: suppose that you have two apples in your pocket. Someone took one from you
apple. How many apples are left?
Pinocchio. Two.
MALVINA. Think carefully.
Pinocchio. Well, two, two.
Pinocchio. I won’t give this Nect the apple, even if he fights.
MALVINA. You have no ability for arithmetic, Pinocchio. This
It upsets me... Let's do dictation. Open your notebook and write.
Pinocchio. I've never written in my life. I don't even know what to write with.
Here you go! (He stuck his nose into the inkwell and put a blot on the notebook). So do I
I knew - a blot!
MALVINA (clasping her hands) You are a disgusting naughty man. You must be
punished. Artemon, take him to the closet and lock him well.
Pinocchio. Me to the closet?
ARTEMON. In my opinion, as a dog, it’s not his fault.
Pinocchio. Of course it's not my fault. Is this how children are raised? This
torment, not education... Don’t sit there like that. Don't eat like that...
MALVINA. Understand, Artemon, if you engage in education, you need
practice with all rigor. As if I enjoy punishing Pinocchio.

ARTEMON (led by Pinocchio). Let's go, there's nothing we can do.
Pinocchio (MALVINE). A teacher was also found. Just think
what have I done! I just got my nose dirty by accident.
ARTEMON. Let's go, otherwise I'll bite you!
(ARTEMON and BURATINO go backstage.)
Malvina leaves the stage. Coming out from behind the scenes on the left in a circle of light
Pinocchio is all covered in cobwebs. Pinocchio tries to shake her off
It seems that I was brought up with interest.
It's time for me to run home. Look for the treasured door, save my friends.
Picture 7.
Pinocchio in Papa Carlo's closet. Spiders appear to the sound of music
“Song of Spiders” from the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, music by A.
We are spiders, we are spiders
Both flies and beetles are afraid of us.
We crawl, we cling
But we have to, so we bite!
Let's crawl forward, crawl back,
Every enemy will be defeated!
Who disturbed our peace?
Is this boy naughty?
Spiders run to Pinocchio and sing and dance “The Spider Song” from the movie
“The Adventures of Pinocchio”, music by A. Rybnikov
Pinocchio! In our web!
Let's weave a web,
And we'll start to scare him.
Well, he will scream,
We will silence you.
Cricket! Cricket!
Cricket: (cricket sounds)
I'm here, buddy!
Now I'll play the violin,
I'll scare away all the spiders.
Spiders: (in fear)
We're crawling away, crawling away.
We disappear, we disappear.
We leave Pinocchio.

You, cricket, forgive me,
After all, I offended you.
I don't hold a grudge for long
And I forgave you a long time ago.
You've lived here for a hundred years
And you keep a big secret.
You know for sure
The secret of this canvas?
This canvas hides the door
Open it quickly!
Golden key
Isn't he lost by you?
The key is here!
One turn, two turns,
The door was opened without any hassle!
What a miracle, what a miracle,
Well, how beautiful it is here!
Here is the stage, here is the hall,
I've never seen anything like this.
(theatre actors Malvina, Pierrot, Harlequin, and poodle appear on stage
Dolls can play here,
Entertain the kids.
Angry, angry Karabas
He won't hurt us anymore.
In this house from now on
There will be a puppet theater.
Let only laughter sound here,
Let's invite all the artists.
The final dance is performed by all artists to the song
performs Pinocchio "Pinocchio" from the TV movie "Adventures"

Pinocchio" // words by Yu. Entin, music by A. Rybnikov //. Everyone sings the chorus
List of materials used:
1. Music by Alexey Rybnikov;
2. Sounds of nature (crickets, grasshoppers, frogs);
3. Sounds of metallic rumble;
4. Minus the show of the group “Smile” of the song “Frog Jazz”;
6. ;
The props and scenery were created independently with the participation of

1 child.

A good fairy tale and I are inseparable,

And the fairy tale has miracles to the skies.

Just imagine: how boring it would be,

If only there were no miracles in the world.

2nd child.

Fairy tales teach kindness and love.

We will not stop believing in them.

The world is eternal, magical,

Your pages

We scroll again and again.

Giuseppe: (looking at the log) - Not a bad thing, you can make something like a table leg out of it...

(He turned the log over in his hand and began to cut it with a hatchet.)

Pinocchio: (in a thin voice) - Oh, oh, be quieter, please!

(Giuseppe dropped the ax, backed away, backed up and sat down straight on the floor: he guessed that the thin voice was coming from inside the log. At that time, his old friend, an organ grinder named Carlo, came to see him).

Carlo: - Hello, Giuseppe. Why are you sitting on the floor?

Giuseppe: - And, you see, I lost a small screw... Fuck it! Well, how are you living, old man?

Carlo: - Badly. I keep thinking - how can I earn my bread... If only you could help me, advise me, or something...

Giuseppe: - What’s easier! Do you see this log? Take a knife, cut a doll out of this log, teach it to say all sorts of things. funny words, sing and dance and run around the yards. You will earn enough for a piece of bread and a glass of wine.

Pinocchio: - Bravo, great idea, Gray Nose!

(Giuseppe again shook with fear, and Carlo only looked around in surprise - where did the voice come from?)

Carlo: - Well, thank you, Giuseppe, for your advice. Come on, let's have your log.

(Carlo went into his closet and carved out a doll).

Carlo: - I'll call you Pinocchio. You need to study. I'll go buy you the alphabet now.

(At this time it was heard).

Talking Cricket: - Kri-kri, kri-kri, kri-kri...

Pinocchio: (turned his head, looking around the closet) - Hey, who's there?

Talking Cricket: - Here I am, - kri-kri...

Pinocchio: - Hey, who are you?

Talking Cricket: - Talking Cricket. I have lived in this room for over a hundred years.

Pinocchio: - I am the boss here, get out of here!

Talking Cricket: - Okay, I'll leave, although I'm sad to leave the room where I lived for a hundred years. But before I go, listen to some helpful advice.

Pinocchio: - I really need the advice of the old cricket...

Talking Cricket: - Oh, Pinocchio, Pinocchio, stop self-indulgence, listen to Carlo, don’t run away from home without doing anything, and start going to school tomorrow. Here's my advice. Otherwise, terrible dangers and terrible adventures await you. I won’t give even a dead dry fly for your life.

Pinocchio:- Why?

Talking Cricket: - But you’ll see - a lot.

(Pinocchio fell, then Papa Carlo came in).

Carlo: - This is what self-indulgence can lead to! (He sat him on his knees and took an onion out of his pocket) - Here, eat!

Pinocchio: (began to rub his head against the stubbled cheek of Papa Carlo) - I will be smart - prudent, Papa Kalo... The Talking Cricket told me to go to school.

Carlo: - Nice idea, baby... (gives the alphabet) - Here's the alphabet for you, learn to be healthy.

Pinocchio: - Papa Carlo, where is your jacket?

Carlo: - I sold the jacket... It’s okay, I’ll make do as it is... Just live in good health.

Pinocchio: - I’ll learn, grow up, buy you a thousand new jackets...

(Pinocchio ran to school. Music played merrily).

Pinocchio: - The school won’t go anywhere, I’ll just take a look, listen – and run to school!

Pinocchio: (pulls one boy by the sleeve) - Please tell me how much it costs admission ticket?

Boy: - 4 soldi, wooden man.

Pinocchio: - Boy, take my new alphabet for 4 soldi.

Boy:- With pictures?

Pinocchio: - With wonderful pictures and big letters.

Boy:- Come on, I guess.

Pinocchio: - Listen, give me a front row ticket to the only puppet theater performance.

Piero: - Hello, my name is Pierrot... Now we will perform in front of you a comedy called: “The Girl with Blue Hair, or Thirty-three Slaps on the Head.” They will beat me with a stick, slap me in the face and slap me on the head. This is a very funny comedy...

Harlequin: - Hello, I am Harlequin! (gives Pierrot two slaps in the face). Why are you whining, you fool!

Piero:- I'm upset.

Harlequin:- And why?

Piero: - I want to get married, but my bride ran away.

Harlequin:- What is her name?

Piero: - Malvina or girl with blue hair.

Harlequin: - Look, it's Pinocchio!

Piero: - Live Pinocchio! Pinocchio! Come to us, come to us, cheerful rogue Pinocchio!

Pinocchio's song

Who enters the house with a good story?

Who is everyone familiar with since childhood?

Who is not a scientist, not a poet,

And he conquered the whole White light?

Who is recognized everywhere?

Tell me, what is his name?


On his head is a cap,

But the enemy will be deceived.

He will show his nose to the villains

And he will make his friends laugh until they cry.

He will be here very soon.

Tell me, what is his name?


He is surrounded by people's rumors.

He is not a toy, he is alive.

In his hands is the key to happiness

And that's why he's so lucky.

All songs are sung about him.

Tell me, what is his name?


Karabas Barabas: - Aaaah! So it was you who interrupted the performance of my wonderful comedy? -!

Piero: - Try to talk to him between sneezes.

Pinocchio: - Oh, I’m unhappy, poor, no one feels sorry for me!

Karabas Barabas: - Stop crying, you're disturbing me! Aap – chhi!

Pinocchio: - Be healthy, sir!

Karabas Barabas: - Stop screaming, I tell you!.. Aap - chhi! So, is your father alive?

Pinocchio: - My poor father is still alive, senor, but he will still soon die of hunger and cold. I am the only support in my old age. Have pity, let me go, sir!

Karabas Barabas: - Ten thousand devils! There can be no talk of any pity! The rabbit and chickens must be roasted! Get into the hearth!

Pinocchio: - Signor, I can’t do this!

Karabas Barabas: - Why?

Pinocchio: - Signor, I already tried to stick my nose into the fireplace once and only poked a hole in it.

Karabas Barabas: - What nonsense! How could you poke a hole in the fireplace with your nose?

Pinocchio: - Because, sir, the hearth and the pot over the fire were painted on a piece of old canvas.

Karabas Barabas: - Where did you see the hearth, and the fire, and the pot painted on a piece of canvas?

Pinocchio: - In my dad Carlo's closet.

Karabas Barabas: - Your father Carlo! So, it’s in old Carlo’s closet that there is a secret... Okay, I’ll have dinner with undercooked rabbit and raw chicken. I give you life, Pinocchio. Not only that... Take this money and take it to Carlo. Bow and say that I ask him under no circumstances to die of hunger and cold, and most importantly, not to leave his closet, where the fireplace, painted on a piece of old canvas, is located.

Pinocchio: - I’ll buy Papa Carlo a new jacket, I’ll buy a lot of poppy triangles and lollipop roosters.

Hello, dear Pinocchio! Where are you going in such a hurry?

Pinocchio: - Home, to dad Carlo.

Alice: - I don’t know if you’ll find poor Carlo alive, he’s completely ill from hunger and cold...

Pinocchio: - Did you see this?

Alice: - Smart, prudent Pinocchio, would you like to have ten times more money?

Pinocchio: - Of course I want! And how to do it?

Basilio: - I'll explain to you now. In the Land of Fools there is a magical field called the Field of Miracles...

Alice: - Dig a hole in this field, say three times: “Cracks, fex, pex”, put the gold in the hole, fill it with earth, sprinkle salt on top, water it well and go to sleep. The next morning a small tree will grow from the hole, and gold coins will hang on it instead of leaves. It's clear?

Pinocchio:- You're lying!

Alice: - Let's go, Basilio... They don't believe us - and don't!

Pinocchio: - No, no, I believe, I believe! Let's quickly go to the Land of Fools!

Alice: - It wouldn’t hurt for us to have at least a dry crust snack!

Basilio: “At least they’d treat me to a crust of bread.”

Pinocchio: - Hey, master, give us three crusts of bread!

Alice: - Cheerful, witty Pinocchio is joking with you, master.

Basilio:- He is joking.

Alice: - Give me three crusts of bread and with them a wonderfully roasted lamb, and also that gosling, and a couple of pigeons on a spit, and, perhaps, some liver...

Basilio: - Ten pieces of the fattest crucian carp and small fish for a snack.

Master: - Who will pay for dinner?

Pinocchio:- Oh, how much?

Master: - Exactly one gold. Pay up, scoundrel, or I'll stab you like a bug!

Basilio: - Stop, your wallet or your life!

Alice: - Where is your money? Ah, that's where his money is! There's money in his mouth!

Basilio: - Sit, my friend, until the evening.

Malvina: - Ah, ah, ah! We need to untie poor Pinocchio, Artemon! Bring castor oil quickly!

Pinocchio: - No need for castor oil, I feel very good!

Malvina: - Pinocchio, I beg you - close your eyes, hold your nose and drink.

Pinocchio: - I don’t want, I don’t want, I don’t want!

Malvina: - Hold your nose and look at the ceiling... One, two, three... That's all.

Malvina: - Sit down, put your hands in front of you. Don't hunch over. We'll do some arithmetic. You have two apples in your pocket...

Pinocchio: - You’re lying, not a single one...

Malvina: - I say, suppose you have two apples in your pocket. Someone took one apple from you. How many apples do you have left?

Pinocchio:- Two.

Malvina: - Think carefully...

Pinocchio:- Two.

Malvina:- Why?

Pinocchio: - I won’t give Nect an apple, even if he fights!

Malvina: - You don’t have any ability for mathematics, let’s take dictation. Write: “And the rose fell on Azor’s paw.” Have you written? Now read this magic phrase backwards... You are a nasty naughty person, you must be punished! Artemon, take Pinocchio to the dark closet!

Bat: - Listen, listen...

Pinocchio:- What do you need?

Bat: - Wait for the night, Pinocchio, I will take you to the Land of Fools, friends are waiting for you - a cat and a fox, happiness and fun. Wait for the night.

Malvina: - Pinocchio, my friend, are you finally repenting?

Pinocchio: - I really need to repent! Can't wait!

Malvina: - Then you will have to sit in the closet until the morning...

Bat: - It's time, Pinocchio, run! Follow me, Pinocchio, to the Land of Fools! ... Brought.

Alice: - Brave, brave Pinocchio! Roy a hole.

Basilio:- Put the gold ones.

Alice:- Sprinkle with salt.

Basilio: - Water it well.

Pinocchio: - But you still go further away.

Basilio: - My God, we don’t even want to look where you’re digging a hole.

Dance of the frogs.

Duremar: - Shoot, shoot, wet!

Tortilla: - Who's scaring my frogs here?

Duremar: – It’s me, Duremar, the seller of medicinal leeches.

Tortilla: - I’m ready to pay you off, Duremar! I'll tell you a great secret! At the bottom of the pond lies a magic key to the door, which is hidden behind a canvas with a painted hearth.

Pinocchio: - All the boys and girls have drunk milk, sleep in warm beds, I’m the only one sitting on a wet sheet...

Tortilla: - Oh, you brainless, gullible boy with short thoughts! You should stay at home and study diligently! Brought you to the Land of Fools!

Pinocchio: - So I wanted to get more gold coins for Papa Carlo... I am a very good and prudent boy.

Tortilla: - Your money was stolen by a cat and a fox.

Pinocchio: - You shouldn’t swear, you need to help a person here... What am I going to do now? Oh-oh-oh!.. How will I get back to Papa Carlo? Ah ah ah!..

Tortilla: - I give you this key. It was dropped to the bottom of the pond by a man with a long beard. Oh, how he asked me to find this key! He said something about some door that needs to be opened, and this will bring happiness... But I forgot everything.

Piero: - Goodbye, Malvina, goodbye forever!

Pinocchio: - How did you get here?

Piero: - Pinocchio, Pinocchio, hide me as soon as possible. Signor Karabas Barabas haunts me day and night. He hired police dogs in the City of Fools and vowed to catch me dead or alive. You see, Pinocchio, one night the wind was noisy and rain was pouring down like buckets. All the dolls were sleeping. I was the only one who didn’t sleep, I was thinking about the girl with blue hair...

Pinocchio: - I found someone to think about, what a fool! I ran away from this girl last night!

Piero: - How? Have you seen the girl with blue hair? Have you seen my Malvina?

Pinocchio: - Just think - it’s unprecedented! Crybaby and pestering!

Piero: - Take me to her! If you help find Malvina, I will tell you the secret of the golden key...

Pinocchio: - How! Do you know the secret of the golden key?

Piero: - I know where the key is, how to get it, I know that they need to open one door... I overheard the secret, and that’s why Signor Karabas Barabas is looking for me with police dogs...

Pinocchio:- Tell me!

Piero: - So, one night the wind was rustling...

Pinocchio: - You already talked about this.

Piero: - So, you know, I’m not sleeping and suddenly I hear: Duremar said that he knows the great secret that Tortila the turtle told. At this time, you understand, Pinocchio, I became so interested that I leaned out from behind the curtain and they noticed me.

Pinocchio: - In what house is this door located?

Piero: - Duremar did not have time to tell this. And what difference does it make, because the key is at the bottom of the pond...

Pinocchio: - Did you see this? Here he is! Well, now I’ll show you the way to Malvina’s house...

Karabas Barabas: - Yeah, gotcha!

Pinocchio: - Uncle, you won’t catch up, you won’t catch up... Tell me where it is secret door!

Karabas Barabas: - In Papa Carlo’s house...

Pinocchio: - They also wanted to fight with me! What is a cat to me, what is a fox to me, what is Karabas Barabas himself to me - ugh! Girl, hold on to the dog's tail. Went…

Carlo: - My son, Buratino, you rogue, you are alive and well - come to me quickly!

Malvina: - Papa Carlo, first of all, take care of the sick dog. Boys, wash yourself immediately!

Artemon: - A plate of oatmeal and a bone with brains.

Carlo: - Ay-ay-ay, but I don’t have a crumb in my house, and not a soldo in my pocket...

Pinocchio: - Guys, stop whining! Papa Carlo, take a hammer and separate the holey canvas from the wall.

Carlo: - Why, son, do you want to rip such a beautiful picture off the wall? IN winter time I look at it and imagine that it is a real fire and there is real lamb stew in the pot, and I feel warmer.

Pinocchio: - Papa Carlo, I give my puppet my word of honor, - you will have a real fire in the hearth and a real stew. Rip off the canvas. And here is the key to the door. Papa Carlo, open...

What did you see? So, it was not for nothing that I got wet in the swamp at Aunt Tortila's... In this theater we will stage a comedy - do you know what kind? - “The Golden Key, or The Extraordinary Adventures of Pinocchio and His Friends.” Karabas Barabas will burst from frustration.

Piero: - I will write this comedy in luxurious verses.

Malvina: - I will sell ice cream and tickets.

Artemon: - I will be in charge of theatrical costumes.

All: - What will you do, Pinocchio?

Pinocchio: - Weirdos, I will play myself!

Piero: - Good fairy tale save in your soul,

Malvina: - Take your example from good heroes.

Artemon: - Be a magician for others.

All: - Childhood will go away, but don’t forget us!

Song "Golden Key"

Bearded Karabas.

Pinocchio is our good travel companion,

I don't know any better fairy tales.

A golden key was found in that fairy tale -

The door to a beautiful country.

To all the girls and boys

Buratino became a friend.

He's wearing short pants

Enku danced with us.

We studied at the same desk,

They were bending over some books

And smiled at the spring rays

Blue April day.

Childhood will melt away somewhere in the distance.

People all grow out of fairy tales.

Only fairy tales still await,

What will the kids become?

Simple-minded Pinocchio

Did you turn out to be

Beautiful Malvina

Or the terrible Karabas?

Everyone knows the boy Pinocchio,

Everyone knows the girl Malvina

And once very, very scary

Bearded Karabas.

Song of Duremar

The bird catcher sings about the birds,

The fisherman sings about fish,

And I sing about leeches.

I sell them for money.

Applications for medicinal leeches are accepted.

From bronchitis, tonsillitis, from the liver, spleen,

For polyp and flu

These little boogers will help, -

My darlings, my darlings,

Very expensive leeches.


But from greed (kva-kva)

And from stinginess,

But from meanness (kva-kva)

And out of stupidity

And also from boasting


Your product won't help

Evil, nasty Duremar!

The florist sings about flowers,

The beekeeper sings about bees,

And I sing about leeches.

I sell them for money.

Leeches eliminate pimples and warts.

From hiccups and yawning, obesity, baldness,

These little boogers will help blindness and deafness, -

My darlings, my darlings,

Very expensive leeches.

Script in verse for production
fairy tales of Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy
in the puppet theater.

Duration of the performance: 1 hour 20 minutes; number of actors: from 5 to 16.



Rat Shushara
Cat Basilio
Fox Alice

(live actors)

Papa Carlo

(stuffed animals)

Police officer
Hotel owner
Turtle Tortilla

The curtain is open, its folded curtains form the right and left wings. Next to the screen on the floor lies a log with a long knot and a low stool. In the middle of the stage, Pinocchio appears with a bell and addresses the seated audience. From time to time the bell rings frantically, signaling the start of the performance.


Dear viewers!
Children and their parents!
Hurry up! Hurry up!
Sit wherever you want!
Who doesn't have tickets?
Buy for candy!
First call!
Run as fast as you can!
Dear Public,
Here we have a puppet republic,
Empire, state,
All-puppet kingdom!
Only here
Here and now!

The following heroes take turns peeking out from behind the screen, bowing to the audience and disappearing.


And I am Burratino!
As well as guest artists,
Repeat offenders.
They rob those who want it behind the scenes
Basilio the cat with Alice the Fox!
Second call!
Run as fast as you can!
In our theater "Molniya"
Main role I will fulfill it!
First presentation
To everyone's surprise!
The comedy is entertaining,
Funny and exciting!
Sharply written!
Written by Pierrot!
We play ourselves
The rest are stuffed animals with noses!
True incidents
All my travels!
Terrible adventures
Joys and sorrows!
Third call!
Run as fast as you can!
The curtain rises!
The show begins!

Act one

The melody of a barrel organ is heard. Pinocchio disappears. Papa Carlo (a live actor) comes out from behind the screen wearing a wide-brimmed hat, an old shabby jacket, and a barrel organ on his belt. To the sound of the melody, he turns the handle of the music box.

Papa Carlo

Dear spectators!
Here for you today
Performers will present
Your true story.

Pinocchio appears from behind the screen.


Hurry, Papa Carlo!

Papa Carlo

Come on, hide your nose!

Papa Carlo shakes his finger at Pinocchio with a smile. Pinocchio disappears.

Papa Carlo

I'll tell you first
Where it all started!
I was once young
Carefree and healthy.
I wasn't afraid of hunger
And you don’t need your own shelter.
With my father's barrel organ
I walked through the yards,
And in a tin can
They threw money at us.
Life flew by quickly
As if he sang a song
The barrel organ has aged
And I myself have aged.
At times it seemed to me
That things are going well
But suddenly she broke down
As if she had died.

The melody of the barrel organ is interrupted. With a sigh, Papa Carlo takes it off his shoulder and places it next to the screen.

Papa Carlo

Then my faithful friend,
Giuseppe - Gray Nose,
The same log
He brought it to my closet.

Papa Carlo picks up the log from the floor and shows it to the audience.

Papa Carlo

Like, you are looking for income,
He said, look,
Take it for yourself, buddy,
And make a doll.
Provide her with a tin
Teach numbers
And you will be like with a barrel organ,
Walk with her around the yards.
“Give me your log! –
I answered him. –
Maybe I'll find a replacement
Keep yourself busy."

Papa Carlo sits down on a stool and takes a penknife out of his pocket.

Papa Carlo

But I just took the knife
As I hear...

Pinocchio looks out from behind the screen.


It's ticklish! Ay! Here too!
Ay-ay! Hee hee! Wait!
Where did you put the knife?

Papa Carlo (Pinocchio)

Well, stop spoiling!

Pinocchio hides behind the screen again.

Papa Carlo

So I planed and thought,
What should I call him?
I straightened my back
And I remembered
The Pinocchio family,
I once knew.
Everyone there was called that -
Both adults and children
Couldn't be happier
Have you met people?
Although they knew how
Just sing and dance
Their troubles failed
Make you grieve.

Pinocchio appears from behind the screen again.


Your story is too long!
No need for so many words!

Papa Carlo puts the log aside and approaches the screen.

Papa Carlo (pointing to Pinocchio)

Well, here comes Pinocchio!
Already completely ready!

Pinocchio bows.


Clap your hands!

Papa Carlo approaches Pinocchio with a knife. Pinocchio rushes around the stage.


Papa Carlo

Your nose is long!


Your too!
Keep your nose up!

Papa Carlo

And no matter how hard I tried,
Make your nose smaller
He was just struggling
And it grew longer and longer.

Pinocchio hides behind a screen and emerges from there with a terribly long paper nose and continues to run away from Carlo. Papa Carlo points up, Pinocchio looks there. Papa Carlo grabs Pinocchio's paper nose and takes it off.

Papa Carlo

Having suffered quite a bit,
Still, my nose was shortened.

Pinocchio (indignantly)

Bring it back!
I took the whole nose off!

Papa Carlo

Yes, full...

Pinocchio (even more shrill)

The child was deceived!
Killed! You wear!
Save! Guard!

Pinocchio falls face down on the screen. The sound of a whistle is heard. A stuffed Policeman appears from behind the scenes on the right.

Policeman (menacing)

Oh, you vile organ grinder,
A slacker and a villain!
I knew you were a liar
Killer of all people!
Well, let's go to the station,
I'll put you on trial!

Papa Carlo drops the knife on the floor.

Papa Carlo

Oh, poor, unfortunate me!

Police officer

Don't whine, they'll sort it out there!

Papa Carlo dejectedly goes behind the screen. The policeman disappears. A whistle blows, then another. As soon as he stops talking, Pinocchio gets up and looks around.


Ha ha! What fools!
Believe it!

A stuffed Cricket appears from behind the screen next to Pinocchio.

You'll soon regret it
That they're all gone.


I've never been afraid in my life
No misfortune!
Where did you come from?
Who else are you?

Cricket (in an edifying, ominous chant)

Kri-kri! I'm a speaker
The all-knowing cricket!
You are real life
I didn't see it, you fool!
Remember, Pinocchio,
My sincere advice:
Don't stick your long nose in
No trace of where to poke.
Go to school
Forget about pampering.
Makes life fun
Not just mischief.
Be an obedient boy
Help everyone with everything.
And remember…


Very necessary!

... don’t run away from Carlo,
Otherwise there will be a lot of grief
You bring it to him.



Himself soon
You'll find out why!


Every booger to me
There is no decree in the world!
Yes I am what time tomorrow
I'll come up with some mischief!
I'll run away from home, we bet
To throw cats at dogs
And climb fences
And destroy the nests,
To make girls cry,
Beat the boys to tears!

You should, little blockhead,
Don't shed your tears!



Eh, ryuha,
Better think for yourself.
I even dead fly
I won't give it for your life.


Oh, that's how you are, you little runt,
Nasty cockroach!

Pinocchio takes out a large stick from behind the screen and begins to hit the stuffed Cricket.

You will remember my words!


Well, off to the closet!

Pinocchio drives the stuffed Cricket behind the right wing with blows of his stick.

Fate will punish you
For all!


Well, keep quiet!
Bug, and there -
The all-knowing Cricket!

Pinocchio begins to look around.


What else can you think of?

At the other end of the stage, near the left wing, a plate of chicken appears.


Pinocchio runs to the plate, but it disappears right in front of his nose.

Pinocchio (indignantly)

I'll beat you up!

Immediately a cake appears in the middle of the stage.

Pinocchio (whispers to the audience)

Catching him is a piece of cake!

Pinocchio sneaks up to him, the cake quietly crawls away to the opposite curtain. Pinocchio rushes at him, but the cake disappears.

Pinocchio (capriciously)

Yes, I’m hungry!

In the middle of the scene there appears an image of a hearth with a pot hanging on the fire. Pinocchio runs up to him, the canvas turns to face him. Pinocchio pierces him right through his nose with a running start.


Well, this is too much -
I pierced the soup right through!

Pinocchio takes his nose out of the hole and looks into it. Cricket appears on the other side.

Cricket (in an ominous sing-song voice)

Trust me, naughty girl,
It's all just begun!
You will eat a lot of grief...


Why are you pestering me?
You could drink the sea yourself
If only I could get you!

Pinocchio begins to beat the fireplace with a stick. Cricket sighs and goes behind the left wing. The Rat Shushara appears from behind the right wing behind Pinocchio and slowly approaches him.

Rat Shushara

Pinocchio stops knocking and turns around. The outbreak disappears. Pinocchio drops his stick.

Pinocchio (scared)

Rat Shushara

There is no salvation!

Pinocchio begins to rush around the stage. The rat Shushara is behind him. She catches up with him and knocks him onto the screen.

Pinocchio (plaintively)

Oh oh! Oh-oh-oh-oh!
Oh! Papa Carlo, where are you?

Papa Carlo appears behind the screen without a jacket.

Papa Carlo

Don't be afraid, my boy!

The rat Shushara disappears. Pinocchio clings to Papa Carlo's chest.


Oh, how scared I was!
Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!
I indulge more
I never will!
I will very, very soon...

Buratino paused and thought.

Papa Carlo (kindly)

Well, what, my fool?

Pinocchio (decisively)

I'll go to school
As the cricket told me!

Papa Carlo takes out the alphabet from behind the screen.

Papa Carlo

You're right, my Pinocchio!
Here's the ABC, here you go!
Open in the middle
Show it to the children too.

Papa Carlo holds the book in front of him, and Pinocchio flips through the pages, on which huge letters are written, and picturesque pictures are drawn next to them.


Where did you get it?

Papa Carlo (with a sigh)

I sold the jacket.


I love you so much!
Not even a year will pass
I'll buy you a hundred!

Papa Carlo puts the book behind the screen, takes out a piece of bread and hands it to Pinocchio.

Papa Carlo (with a smile)

Here's a piece of bread,
Let's grow quickly!


I will grow to the sky
Just don't get old!

Papa Carlo comes out from behind the screen to the audience.

Papa Carlo

No matter how naive it may be
It will seem to all of us
That evening Pinocchio,
Looks like I thought to myself
That for a long time he can
Live without pampering
And me too, old man
I believed in those words.

Papa Carlo sits on a stool, and Pinocchio hides the edge behind the screen.


And what, not for long?
I endured it as long as I could!
Yes I'm from home to school
He ran as fast as he could!
I didn't look at the sweets
And I didn’t dive into puddles,
And every now and then “Hello,
Seniors! repeated.

Papa Carlo (with a smile)

And what happened
For strange things
What is your honor
Didn't make it to school?

Pinocchio (confused)

Well, I was in a hurry... I was rushing...
The bell has already rung...

A bell rings behind the screen.


It's almost started
Some kind of lesson there
Suddenly in front of me
The tent was pitched.

A booth appears to the left of Pinocchio.


Seeing this,
I already rubbed my eyes!
He led me into confusion
Deprived me of my last strength.

Harlequin appears on the booth's balcony.


Where can I get them?

Harlequin (sarcastically)

Pinocchio (offended)

Go to hell!

Go to him yourself!
(to the audience)
Hey ladies, gentlemen,
Today and now
Last time the prime minister
We play for you!


Well, I really need it
Just one ticket!

For that, there are places outside,
There are no other free ones!


Take money instead
Pompom off the cap!

What else, you slacker!
Look for the fool!

Pinocchio takes out the alphabet.


Then this little book...

With pictures?


Harlequin takes the alphabet from Pinocchio.


Get your tickets!

Yes, get at least a hundred!

Harlequin laughs, throws tickets and disappears along with the puppet theater.

Papa Carlo (reproachfully)

Worthy of pity
Who behaves like this!


No adventures await us,
And school will wait!

Papa Carlo

You were wrong, and courage
Find and admit it.


Yes! Do it as you wanted
Repent later!
(to the audience)
That's how I ended up
First time in the theater!

Suddenly, the Rat Shushara appears on the stage next to Pinocchio.

Rat Shushara (triumphantly)

Well, here you are!

Pinocchio (indignantly)

Your exit is not now!
Go away! Don't stand on stage!

The rat Shushara turns around and walks across the entire stage to the wings.

Rat Shushara (grumpily)

I'm coming already, I'm coming!

The rat Shushara is hiding behind the scenes.


And now everyone is in anticipation
I sat in the first row!
I stomped along with everyone,
He spat and whistled!
Still clapping his hands,
So much so that I was already sweating!
I marveled at the curtain,
Motley painted.
How suddenly he revealed himself
And Pierrot came out to us.

In the middle of the screen a stage appears on which Pierrot stands.

Pierrot (sad)

On this day we gave
One comedy.
She was funny
I do not know why.

Harlequin appears on the stage next to Pierrot with a stick in his hands.

Shut the nuisance
And to the point, fools!
(to the audience)
They beat him with a stick in it,
To make it more fun!

Harlequin pretends to hit Pierrot with a stick. Pierrot pretends to cry.

Why are you crying out of place?

I want to get married!

Confess who the bride is
Otherwise I’ll beat you up!

Her name is Malvina.

Malvina? Ha ha ha!
(to the audience)
Now my club
Congratulate the groom!

Harlequin again pretends to hit Pierrot. He cries even louder. Pinocchio climbs onto the stage.


It’s not fair to congratulate you like that!

(addressing Pierrot)
Bring the bride here!
Congratulations to her too!


Try me first!

Pinocchio takes out his stick from under the screen and rushes at Harlequin. A fight ensues.

Are you fighting? Well, hold on!

Pierrot (scared)

Stop it! What do you!
No need!

Pinocchio and Harlequin (in chorus)

Get off!

Harlequin and Pinocchio begin to fight again. Papa Carlo gets up from the stool, separates the fighters and takes away their sticks. The stage is disappearing.


Well, dad! It's not fair!
He had to run away!

Papa Carlo (educational)

No, we are playing such a play
Let's not play here!
Don't clap your hands
Distributors of kicks!
In a good comedy
No bruises!
After all, humor is not in the external,
Not in an ostentatious manner.

In our theater the same
The order was different
Therefore Malvina,
My chosen one,
Ran away during the long night
To distant lands.

On that day, to be honest, we
We didn’t know what to do -
Where is the new bride
Get it for the play.
The performance was disgusting
About the feelings of two hearts,
If not for Pinocchio
It would be the end for us.


I climbed onto the stage
The audience began to laugh.
And I realized instantly
Who should you become in life?
I was jumping and making faces
Ten times for an encore!
They clapped my hands...

Suddenly, a long-bearded scarecrow of Karabas Barabas appears on the stage behind Buratino with a whip in his hand.

Karabas Barabas

Well, calm down!


What kind of crap is this?
Where did it come from?

Karabas Barabas (menacing)

I am Karaba bas Bara bas!
Kara bas Barabas!
No, it's better this way: I'm a doctor
All puppet sciences.
And seven-tailed whips
I have seven of them!


Yes... the unconditional leader!

Karabas Barabas

Don't you dare contradict me!
I'll burn you in a brazier
To warm up dinner!

A roasting pan with chickens on a spit appears on the scene.

No need! Have mercy!

Have mercy, sir!


Yes, in general, whatever you want!
Not scary!

Karabas Barabas

What nonsense?
I’m scared to go into the fire too!

Pinocchio (to the side)

It will smell so bad!

Karabas Barabas (angry)

dry wood,
To whom he said: into the fire!
While you were chilling
The fire is almost out!

The Rat Shushara suddenly appears next to Pinocchio.

Rat Shushara (sinister)

Well, here you are!

Pinocchio and Harlequin (in chorus)

Your exit is not now!

Karabas Barabas

Let's go, go to the shaitan!

Rat Shushara

I'm coming already, I'm coming!

The rat Shushara disappears behind the scenes. The effigy of Karabas Barabas leans toward the brazier to fan the fire.

Karabas Barabas

A-fu! Apchhi! I won't
I listen to nonsense!


My poor, poor dad...

Karabas Barabas

Let fate blame it
When your chickens
I'll roast you!


Will be terribly upset
But a day or two will pass,
And my father is unhappy
He will die of hunger!
After all, I am the only support
In his old age!

Karabas Barabas (mockingly)

So touching, just right
Cry yourself!

Pierrot (tragic)

My friend, die bravely!

And leave us with revenge!


Well, no, to the hearth one day
I tried to climb
And with a nose like this
Made a hole in it!
Do you think I'm lying?
I'm not lying at all!
The hearth is drawn
Was paint on canvas!

Karabas Barabas


Be healthy!

Karabas Barabas

Tell me where is he? Where?


In Papa Carlo's closet,
Under the stairs!

Karabas Barabas

So this is where the secret...


There is nothing!


But you are “secret”
They said...

Karabas Barabas

I say
I wish everyone happiness
And I give you life!


But what about...

Karabas Barabas (touchingly)

Cute boy,
Take your time, wait
On every finger for you
I'm putting in gold!

A pile of large shiny coins appears on the edge of the screen in front of Pinocchio. Pinocchio takes them for himself.

Karabas Barabas

Five gold is a lot.
They are yours, keep them!
Give them to Papa Carlo
And tell me from me
What am I asking so soon
Its not to die
And from the wall of the chamber
Do not tear off old canvas.
Will you remember?


I won't forget!
Thank you, sir!

Pinocchio runs off behind the right wing. The scarecrow of Karabas Barabas, following Pinocchio with his gaze, turns to the dolls and, shaking his whip, drives them to the left wing.

Karabas Barabas (rude)

And you all get away from here!
Conversation over!

The effigy of Karabas Barabas and the dolls are hidden behind the left curtain. Pinocchio appears from behind the right curtain.


And yet it is no coincidence
I ended up here!
It seems to me that the secret
Karabas has it!
I'd like to find out what's going on here,
But, come on!
Must be delivered whole
My treasure!

Pinocchio runs to the left curtain, but suddenly Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox appear from behind it. Pinocchio crashes into them and falls.

Fox Alice (affectionately)

Dear Pinocchio,
Where are you going in such a hurry?
Really come to us?

Pinocchio tries to get around them, but they push him to the middle of the stage.


No, by!

Cat Basilio

Come on blind!


Fox Alice

Come on, he doesn’t have
Probably not a penny!

Pinocchio takes out his coins and shows them.


Have you seen this?

Basilio the cat wants to take the coins, Alice the Fox rudely pushes him away.

Fox Alice

The weather is good!

Basilio the cat and Alice the Fox look around.

Cat Basilio

Yes, better than usual
We've had a great day!

Fox Alice (ingratiatingly)

Tell us, cute
Rich boy
What should you spend it on?
Did you decide all the money?


I'll buy a jacket for dad!

Cat Basilio

Haha, that made me laugh!


And the alphabet!

Fox Alice (concerned)

It won't do any good!

Cat Basilio

All the torment comes from him -
Both cold and heat!
I lost both eyes!

Fox Alice

I'm jumping on three legs!

Cat Basilio

Almost killed himself!

Pinocchio (horrified)

Are you kidding?

Cat Basilio

A stuffed flying Crow appears from behind the right curtain.

Vrrrut! All the scoundrels are screaming!
They'll lie to you!

The cat Basilio runs after her and tries to catch her.

Cat Basilio

I'll catch you here
I'll rip you off!
I'll eat your liver!

A crow flies past and disappears behind the left curtain.


Why are you doing this to her?

Cat Basilio

The little dog came to his senses...

Fox Alice slaps Basilio the Cat.

Fox Alice

Calm down, you blind fool!

Basilio the cat and Alice the Fox continue to push Pinocchio back to the right wing.

Pinocchio (scared)

We took a wrong turn!

You better answer me
Would you like, little one,
Get rich again?


Fox Alice

I knew it!

Cat Basilio

We're broke ourselves...

Alice the Fox gives Basilio the Cat another slap on the head.

Fox Alice (Cat Basilio)

You better not interfere!
What are we waiting for, let's go!


Cat Basilio

Wherever you have to!

Alice the Fox pushes Basilio the Cat hard in the side.

Fox Alice (with annoyance)

The cat is old and clueless!
(in an insinuating voice)
There is a place called
Country of Fools,
And in that country there is a Field

Cat Basilio


Fox Alice (To the cat in an angry whisper)

Listen, victim of prayer,
Shut up or die!
(Pinocchio affectionately)
So, my dear, if
Bury the money there
Sprinkle salt on top
And “Cracks! Fex! Peck! say,
Then water from the puddle
And go to bed peacefully,
You'll find it in the morning
There are exactly five trees -
Everything from top to bottom
In gold coins!


Fox Alice (offended)

If I'm lying, don't listen!
How stupid you are!

Cat Basilio (with threat)

You are your own mortal enemy,
So much the worse for you!

Fox Alice (with a sigh)

He doesn't want to, the slacker,
Try for yourself!
Let's go!

Basilio the cat and Alice the Fox turn and slowly move away from Pinocchio to the left wing.


No, wait!
I'm with you, stop!

Fox Alice

Basilio the cat (muffled)

While no one sees,
Let's kill him!

Papa Carlo (to the auditorium)

My boy! Pinocchio!

The cat, the fox and Pinocchio hide behind the screen so that only their eyes are visible.

Papa Carlo

Where should I look for him?

Fox Alice (whispers)

It's time for us to go,
We may be late!

All three disappear behind the right wing and reappear from the left wing. Pinocchio looks around.


Have you arrived yet?

Fox Alice

Where there!

Basilio the Cat (puzzled)

We were here!

Fox Alice


Cat Basilio (sadly)

Eh, as if before sunset
There was no need to trudge.
And eating is like hunting,
My stomach was completely cramped.
Would someone give me something?
Chicken wing,
Should I go for the chicken?
A plate with fish soup...

Fox Alice

Yes I would be glad
And the crust is dry!

The Three Minnows tavern appears on the right side of the stage.

Fox Alice

Look, Pinocchio,
Tavern on the way.

Cat Basilio

Why are we walking past?
When could you come in?


I didn't have lunch either!

The innkeeper comes out of the hotel with a rooster in his hand.

Hotel owner

Should you fry it?


No, we need three crusts of bread
And nothing more!

Fox Alice

He's joking, what a cutie!
Give it to us quickly
To three crusts of lamb
And a couple of pigeons!

Cat Basilio

And for me, and for me on my plate
Six fat crucian carp
And various small fish
Raw, cooked – all of them!

Fox Alice

And I still have some livers!

Cat Basilio

I want ham and cabbage soup!

Fox Alice

And this little chicken!

Cat Basilio

Yes, bring everything you have!

The owner hides in the hotel and comes out with a huge tray. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat grab the tray and run offstage to the left. Pinocchio tries to run after him, but the Master blocks his way and doesn’t let him in.

Hotel owner (threatening)

Where are you going?


I'm with them, let them go!

Hotel owner

No, since you're caught,
Now pay for everyone!
Did you go to school?



Wait, how is this possible?
We didn't agree on the price!
Coin plus coin
And together? None!

Pinocchio slips past the Innkeeper and disappears behind the scenes. The innkeeper and the inn itself disappear. It's getting darker. Pinocchio appears from behind the left curtain and looks around.


It was already completely dark.
Where should I go?

A Crow flies out from behind the right wing.

Home while safe!
Ambush on the way!


Come on!

Don't trust the fox and the cat!

Pinocchio waves her away.


Leave me alone, don't croak in your ears,
If you value your tail!

The crow flies over and flies behind the left curtain. Pinocchio runs forward and hides behind the right curtain. A pine tree appears on the right of the stage. Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox in masks peek out from behind her.

Cat Basilio

Fox Alice

It's coming, my dear!

Cat Basilio

But the path is not far!

Pinocchio appears from behind the left curtain, but as soon as he reaches the middle of the stage, he is surrounded by Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox, who have jumped out from behind a pine tree.

Fox Alice

What the hell did you get into the soup?

Cat Basilio

Life or wallet?

The robbers begin to push Pinocchio from paw to paw.

Cat Basilio

Oh, don’t you want to talk?
I'll kill you completely!
Then I'll tear it to shreds
And head off!

Fox Alice

Looks like he hid it
He's got money in his mouth!
Give it back, or else, you damned one,
I'll feed you to the cat!

Cat Basilio

Yes, it's wooden!
What kind of food is this?

Fox Alice (puzzled)

Gritted his teeth, damned,
Yes, it’s such a disaster!
Let's hit a rock!

Cat Basilio

Let's cut it lengthwise with a saw!

Fox Alice

I figured it out, let's hang it up
Its upside down!

The robbers drag Pinocchio to a tree, tie him up and hang him upside down.

Fox Alice

A day or two, and dear friend
It will open its mouth,
And the money is iron
They must fall into the grass!

Cat Basilio

Visi, it's good for you,
And the two of us for now
Let's go to a local tavern
Let's play the fool!

Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat go behind the left wings.

Papa Carlo

Well, my Pinocchio,

Pinocchio (with mouth full of money)

Papa Carlo

Forgive me, but
I can't help.
I'm far away in the middle of the night
I wander around the city,
I'm calling you, son,
But I can’t find everything.

A Crow flies out from behind the left curtain and lands on a tree.

The only jacket
He sold it for you
And you are in the wrong sciences
I began to study in life -
I trusted the crooks
He ran away from home.
It could happen
Why would he be lying dead?
(to the audience)
If you don't want to,
Hanging upside down
Guys, don't take it
Bad example from him.

The crow flies behind the right wing.

Pinocchio (spitting out coins)

Ugh! Ugh! I know the name
Will save me from troubles -
And he will take it off this branch,
And it will bring happiness!

Papa Carlo

Don't brag until
Nobody saved you!


But I want and I will -
I'll be saved now!
I've been talking all night
On the tree on that
But then dawn broke,
And I saw the house.

On the left of the stage appears an elegant house surrounded by flowers with a window.

Papa Carlo

And Malvina lived in it,
Pierrot's chosen one.


Yes, the one that lasts a long night
She ran away from him!

A girl with blue hair looks out of the window.


The fact that she left the troupe,
I assure you,
The wicked and rude one is guilty
Director Karabas.
Of course, I feel sorry for Pierrot,
But he's already big.
And beat girls with a stick
Not good at all!
I decided for myself
What's better than living in the forest?
What to expect when you go to the grave
They will carry you off the stage.

Pinocchio (mockingly)

And the owl will want to laugh
So where to look for a pot?

Malvina (offended)

I really enjoyed living in the forest
And very good!
Animals were friends with me,
And birds and flowers.
Roots from under the ground
They carried me moles.
The mouse was getting sugar
Soroka - chocolate,
The frog poured
Lemonade in a shell.
Cakes and buns
Artemon brought it to me.

The poodle Artemon comes out of the house.

On wool I'm in an alley
I exchanged them with the crows.


And they wore butterflies
To powder myself.

A butterfly appears and begins to flutter around Malvina's face.


Thank you,
She suits me so well.

A butterfly flies across the stage, Artemon, playing, runs after it. The butterfly disappears.


You talk too long
Save me quickly!


Take your time, boy,
Have patience!
Pretend suffering
And stop staring
You must unconsciously
Hanging on a tree.


Don't be so nasty!


You always ruin everything!
(very theatrical)
Poor Pinocchio,
Let's save him!

Artemon removes Pinocchio from the tree, Pinocchio falls unconscious. The tree disappears. Malvina comes out of the house and bends over him.


Ah, Artemon, hurry up
Call us doctors!


They know how to heal
Only those who are healthy themselves!

Artemon takes out a huge bottle of castor oil.

Woof! I castor oil him
I'll heal you instantly!


Or maybe I'm not at all
I don’t want to get treatment?

You have to try -
Hold your nose and endure
After all, without taking the medicine,
You might die!

Artemon pours castor oil onto Malvina’s spoon, and she shoves the spoon into Pinocchio’s mouth. Artemon goes into the house with the bubble.

Buratino (chokedly)

Give me sugar!

Malvina puts away the spoon and takes out a red pepper pod.


Only chili!
What did you want?
While we were learning the role,
You ate everything you had!
So about breakfast
Let's skip twenty lines.


Well, yes, it’s always like that with you...


Get up, let's start the lesson!

Pinocchio gets up. A table covered with a tablecloth with an inkwell and a feather appears on the stage. Pinocchio lies down on him.


Tell me who is so little
Raised you?


Once upon a time Papa Carlo,
Once upon a time myself
There was also a cat and a fox
And even Karabas.


Well, nothing, you
I'll do it myself now!

Malvina takes the pointer in her hands.


Sit up straight. Don't slouch.
Look ahead.
Don't fidget. Do not play.

Pinocchio (grumpily)

Why am I not alive?!

Malvina (not noticing his words)

Here it is in your pocket
Two apples!


I'll get them now!
You're lying! There is not one!


And if there are no apples,
Then imagine them yourself.



Someone took one.


But I won't give it to him,
At least he fights!

Malvina (indignantly)

Yes, of course
You, stupid, won't understand
What, how much will Someone say,
Are you giving that much?!


Let's do it the other way around -
Let this Someone be better
He gives me apples.


OK. Suppose
He had two.

Pinocchio (teasing)


Malvina (confused)

You seem to
I didn't understand anything!


Your Someone is evil and nasty
Be friends with him yourself!


Ah well? Take a notebook
Take a pen. Write!


All! Tired of it! Enough!
Tired, no more strength!

Pinocchio sweeps the inkwell off the table and lies down on the table again.

Malvina (horrified)

Look, you're all on the tablecloth
Spilled the inkwell!


Well, now it will begin...


Obnoxious hooligan!
Now you have to
I should be put in the closet!


Try it first!

The table disappears. Malvina tries to catch Pinocchio, but he runs away.


Can not?


A poodle runs out of the house.


I want you to
He was sitting in the closet!

Artemon grabs Pinocchio and drags him into the house. They hide in it, the roar of falling things is heard.

This is not a closet, but a dump!
It's scary and dark here!

Malvina (to the audience)

Of course it was a pity
I like Pinocchio, but
He himself did not listen,
I didn't understand anything
But I promised
Educate him.

Malvina enters the house. The house disappears. It's getting dark. There is a crash again. From behind the scenes on the left, in a circle of light, Buratino comes out, all covered in cobwebs. Pinocchio tries to shake her off.


Looks like he was brought up
I'm from head to toe.

Suddenly, the Rat Shushara appears behind him.

Rat Shushara (joyfully)

Well, here you are!

Pinocchio (indifferent)

Oh, is it you again?

Rat Shushara


I'm walking in circles.
I'm locked.

Rat Shushara

Well done!
And I'm from a friend to you
I brought a note.

The rat Shushara hands Pinocchio a piece of paper.

Rat Shushara


I can't.

Rat Shushara

Oh you! Let me read it!
“Run when it gets dark,
To the li-si-tse and the cat.
We are waiting!"


So I'm locked!

Rat Shushara

There is a rat hole here.
It's up to me!

Pinocchio (perked up)

When do we run?

Rat Shushara

Pinocchio, following the Rat Shushara, goes down under the screen and disappears. It's getting completely dark. A mound appears in the middle of the stage with a hole in the middle. With his ear close to him, lies the cat Basilio. Fox Alice stands next to him. It becomes a little lighter.

Fox Alice

A? What? Are they coming? Can you hear?

Cat Basilio

Fox Alice (angrily)

Maybe you're deaf?

Cat Basilio (with annoyance)

Keep your voice down
And don't scratch with your foot!

Fox Alice runs around the hole from the other side.

Fox Alice

No I do not understand,
Why did you give the cheese ahead?

Cat Basilio

I know this rat
She won't let you down!

Pinocchio appears from the hole, followed by the Rat Shushara.

Rat Shushara

Here, I brought it. Hold it!

Cat Basilio

Well, what did I say?

Rat Shushara

And tie the boy up,
So that he doesn’t do anything wrong!

The rat Shushara disappears into a hole. The hill also disappears. The cat begins to walk around Pinocchio, trying to tie him up with a rope.

Brave Pinocchio,
You are a true hero!

Alice the Fox roughly pushes Basilio the Cat away and frees Pinocchio from the rope.

Fox Alice

Get off it, kitty!
Go, dig a grave!


Fox Alice

Then, of course,
To bury the money,
And live forever without worries!

Cat Basilio

And open your own tavern!

Fox Alice

After all, we are already on the Field

Fox Alice takes out the “Field of Miracles” sign and places it on the stage.



Fox Alice

Put a pinch of salt
And the money is here!
Then the fields from the puddle
And “Cracks! Fex! Peck! Tell,
Eat the crust for dinner.

Fox Alice gives Pinocchio a crust of bread.

Fox Alice

And go to bed right away!

Pinocchio (unsure)

My friends, thank you,
What helped along the way,
But you couldn't
Move further away?

Fox Alice

What would we watch?
No, God forbid!
We're tired of money
We don't need them!

Cat Basilio

Hanging around here, really,
Dog's interest!

Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat go behind the left wings. Pinocchio puts coins in the ground under the sign.


Once! Two! And everything is ready!
Remained: “Cracks! Fex! Peck!

Pinocchio sits down next to the hole and begins to nod. As soon as he falls asleep, a tree with gold coins begins to appear from the hole. But as soon as he raises his head, the tree disappears. And so on several times. Suddenly a police whistle sounds. A Policeman jumps out from behind the left curtain, followed by Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat.

Fox Alice

Here he is, stop the thief!

Police officer

Well, I got the bastard!

Cat Basilio

You can't wash away the shame!


What is my fault?

Fox Alice

Cat Basilio


Fox Alice

Without a passport!

Police officer

The villain!
So that's who it is
Killer of all people!
You by sentence
And a speedy trial
I'll take you out of town
And I'll drown in the pond!

The policeman is pushing Buratino to the right wing. The Cat and the Fox, pushing each other away, run to where Pinocchio buried the money and, knocking down the sign, begin to fight.

Cat Basilio

Now the money is ours!

Fox Alice

Don't get ahead of me
And now I’ll hit you,
So you'll come out all at once!

Cat Basilio

Delhi, what are you waiting for?

Fox Alice

I take everything for myself!

Fox Alice clutches the coins to herself.

Cat Basilio

Delhi, or with claws
I'll rip off your whole face!

Fox Alice

Wait, I was joking.
Quarrels are of no use!
So, from Pinocchio
Five coins left.
You can't divide five by two.
Shall I take one?

Cat Basilio

Fox Alice

Will you appreciate dividing into one?

Cat Basilio


Fox Alice

That means three.
Three by two... No, it seems
Doesn't share.

Cat Basilio

Fox Alice

One for you. Me too
One. And for the division
I'll take the rest!

Cat Basilio

How can this be so?
I'm not stuffed with cotton wool
Some fool!
Yes I love you for this
I'll kill you!

Fox Alice

Here are two coins for you!

Alice the Fox gives Basilio the Cat another coin.

Fox Alice

And I'm only three...

Cat Basilio

I'll tear you apart!

Fox Alice

Let's see who wins!

Cat Basilio (hysterical)

All my happiness is in money,
And you take it away?

Basilio the cat rushes at Alice the Fox, knocks her over and begins to choke her.

Fox Alice

Cat Basilio

I'll kill you on the spot!

Fox Alice

An intermission is necessary.
Don't hit me, we have money together
Let's eat at the buffet!

Papa Carlo closes the curtain. Intermission.

Act two

Papa Carlo comes out from behind the screen and rings the bell.

Papa Carlo

Dear spectators,
Hurry to the hall. Now
The performers will continue
Your true story
About how I broke up
Forever with poverty
About the secret of Karabas
And a golden key.

Harlequin appears from behind the scenes on the left.

What about Pinocchio?
What happened to him when
He was thrown into the mud
Deep pond?

From behind the scenes on the right, Basilio the Cat appears with a tin can and walks towards the middle of the stage.

Cat Basilio

I accept bets
From adults and children!

Alice the Fox appears from under the screen.

Fox Alice

There are leeches in his pond
Eaten to the bones!

He drowned!

Pierrot appears.

Fell in love
And he died young.

Malvina appears.


No, I got poisoned
It's dirty water!

Papa Carlo

It's all very strange
And it's creepy
But the boy is wooden
Can't drown.
Falling in love is too early
He's his age
And, to be honest, myself
Drank from that pond.
For your life leeches
Didn't eat anyone
Therefore, guys,
Don't be afraid for him.

All the dolls disappear. Reeds appear on the stage left and right. Pinocchio emerges in the middle of the stage.


Yes, I'm afraid myself
I can do it for myself!
Fell on someone's shell,
And there’s a snake in the shell!

Turtle Tortila appears next to Pinocchio.


Standing on end with horror
My poor cap.

Turtle Tortilla

What, haven't you seen any turtles?
Don't be afraid, fool!


Oh, I met a crocodile
I'm in trouble for myself!

Turtle Tortilla

My name is Tortila,
I live here, in a pond.
Are you okay?


Yes, he seems to be alive for now.

Turtle Tortilla

You should sleep in a crib
After drinking milk,
And you…


I'm lost,
Tired to the point of bruises.

Turtle Tortilla

No, baby, you were deceived
Country of Fools.

Pinocchio (plaintively)

My dad is too poor
I'm the only one with him.
All the neighbors laugh
Over what we eat.
We don't have any porridge,
No bread and sausage
And all my coins
A cat and a fox were stolen.

Turtle Tortilla

You don’t know who you end up with,
Don't run away from home.


You better not swear
And help in action.

Turtle Tortila (thoughtfully)

I managed to do it alone
Help in the old days
So he made combs
From all my relatives.


Please, Tortila!

Turtle Tortilla

Eh, I like you.
I buried one thing
In the pond, at the very bottom.
She will help you!
Her from the bridge in the spring
A passerby dropped it into the pond
With a long beard.
He threatened, swore,
Asked for help in trouble,
But I was terrible
Angry at people.

The turtle disappears and returns with a golden key.

Turtle Tortilla

That's why I'm the key
I didn’t give it to him
And so, just in case,
Saved it under a stone.

Pinocchio (looking at the key)

It's golden!

Turtle Tortilla

But this,
Believe me, we're not done yet.
There is a door somewhere in the world,
What happiness will bring.


Where is she, Tortila?

Turtle Tortilla

On land, somewhere out there...
But what I forgot
You can find out for yourself.
Sit on my back
I'll take you to the shore.

Pinocchio sits on Tortila Turtle and she takes him to the right wing.

Turtle Tortilla

Goodbye, Pinocchio,
The grandchildren are waiting downstairs.

Tortila the turtle disappears behind the screen.


And what about me? Who's to say
Where to go now?
After all, I don’t even know
Approximate way!

Papa Carlo

Yes, I see: things are bad.
Are you in trouble again?


Just think! Way to go
I’ll find it home myself!

Pinocchio is hiding behind the right curtain. The reeds disappear and a lush bush appears in the middle of the scene. Pinocchio comes out from behind the scenes on the left, reaches a bush, stops and begins to look around.

Papa Carlo

Why did you stop?

Pinocchio (offended)

But nothing!

Papa Carlo

No, you're lost.

Suddenly the policeman's whistle sounds. Pierrot runs out from behind the scenes on the right, followed by a Policeman.

Police officer

Hold it! Grab him!

Buratino hides behind a bush. Pierrot and the Policeman run past and hide behind the scenes on the left. The whistle is removed. Pierrot runs out onto the stage from behind the right wing again and stops by a bush.

Goodbye! Goodbye Malvina!
Goodbye forever!

Pinocchio appears from behind a bush next to Pierrot.



Ah, Pinocchio!

Again the Policeman's whistle is heard very close.


Come here quickly!

Pinocchio hides Pierrot behind a bush. The policeman runs across the stage with a whistle and disappears behind the left curtain. Pinocchio appears again from behind the bush.


Well, that's it! Gone, as it were.

Pinocchio helps Pierrot get up.


Of course he's alive!

Indeed, he is alive. What a miracle!
Then let's run! Let's run!


Otherwise they'll catch us
Police and evil
Director Karabas.


They won't catch you, don't worry!

They will catch you and kill you!

The Policeman's whistle sounds again.


Don't poke your nose out of the bushes,
They won't find you!

Pierrot and Pinocchio are hiding behind a bush. Soon the whistle stops, and both look out again.



Looks like they were saved.
Well, what did I say?
Now you can confess
I'm sorry for what I did.

The bush disappears.

Only you left the theater,
Director Karabas
Under the stuffy feather bed
Tucked us in for the night.


Yes we wanted
The whole troupe should run away,
We're so tired of it
To tremble under the whip.
So, from under the feather bed
I sneaked out
And I thought... about Malvina...


Fool! Found about someone!
She shut me out
In a closet without a window!
I also taught him to sit!

Do you know where she is?


Otherwise! Of course I know.

Pierrot (in despair)

Take me there!
Because if we get caught,
Separated forever!


Oh no! She is an infection!
I'm not friends with her!

I am the secret of Karabas
I'll tell you for this!

Pinocchio (perked up)

About the secret door
And the golden key?

Pierrot (nodding)

Ready for the lady of my heart
Part with that secret!
Do not believe? I'm serious,
You see how I'm trembling.


Post it, and then
I'll take you to Malvina.

So, from under the feather bed
I sneaked out
And I thought... about Malvina...


Let's talk about it later!

I ate some vegetable
And I missed her so much...
It had barely struck midnight,
Someone knocked on the door.

A heavy knock is heard. Pinocchio and Pierrot are hiding behind the curtain on the left, peeking out from behind it. A roaster with chickens and a stuffed Karabas Barabas appear in the middle of the scene.

Karabas Barabas (angrily)

There was no concern.
May it get to you!
Who's there? What the heck
Did it come to you at night?

I'm a medicine seller
Leech Duremar.

The knock is repeated.

Karabas Barabas

What an obscene
Haunting nightmare!

Let me warm you up
By your fire?

Karabas Barabas

I have it for you
Two dozen leeches.
I'll give it away for free!

Karabas Barabas

I'm on your boogers
I sneeze and spit!

Karabas Barabas

Get out from here!
Go and wake up others!

I'll be knocking all night!

Karabas Barabas

What a devil! Come in!

An effigy of Duremar comes out from behind the right curtain.

Great chickens!
I'd eat one.

Karabas Barabas (gloomily)

A little damp.


Karabas Barabas

For other people's chickens
Anyone is ready to eat!

Three dozen leeches
I can give it to you for them!
I'm so hungry
I'm barely on my feet...

Karabas Barabas

Here, eat! I imposed myself
On my head!

Duremar begins to eat.

Quite damp
And not enough garlic.
Yes, by the way, I would be glad
A sniff of tobacco.
I'm here for you, really,
I'll give it back...

A snuff box appears on the stage.

Karabas Barabas

Here! On the! Take it!
But only about leeches
Don't tell me!

Duremar sniffs tobacco.

Karabas Barabas

Go to hell!

Karabas Barabas

What else?

Nice weather…

Karabas Barabas

Damn her!

An awkward silence ensues.

I'm extremely grateful
That I’m full and sitting here.
For this I am talking about mystery
I'll tell you now.

Karabas Barabas

Only one secret in the world
I'd like to know.
For all the rest
I don't care or even sneeze!

Her own tortilla
Yesterday she opened it for me.

Karabas Barabas (with enthusiasm)

What? What did she discover?

What's on her bottom
There is some kind of key lying
And it looks golden.
Like, who will get it?
He will be happy...

Karabas Barabas (touchingly)

My Duremarchik, dear,
Dear, dear,
She didn't say
How? How to pick it up?


Karabas Barabas

Duremar (imitating Tortila)

Do not torture
Never leeches
And I’ll give you that key
I'll get it out of the pond.
And I told her: "Old
floating suitcase,
Yes I am my leeches
I won't give you the key!
I'm cut from a different cloth
I am a vile soul!
Why would I be happy if
Not a penny in your pocket?!
Let him whine to himself,
But I want money!

Karabas Barabas

Yes I am for this key
I'll make you rich!
Tell me, how much do you want?
One hundred? Two hundred? I'll give you three hundred!

I'm very interested
Why did he surrender to you?

Karabas Barabas (dreamy)

I'll go to Carlo's closet,
I’ll rip the canvas off the wall...
Through thick and thin
I'll unlock the door!

Pierrot comes out from behind the scenes.

And here they are, unfortunately,
They noticed me.

The scarecrows of Karabas Barabas and Duremar turn towards Pierrot.

Karabas Barabas

Did you eavesdrop? Admit it!

Pierrot (scared)

Senor, but I... but I...

Karabas Barabas

It's too late to ask for forgiveness!
Hold it! Catch him!

Scarecrows of Karabas Barabas and Duremar run to Pierrot. Pierrot turns to Pinocchio. The scarecrows of Karabas Barabas and Duremar, along with the brazier, disappear.

Pierrot (sobs)

I ran and then
I don't remember anything!


Don't cry, because you were saved
And I solved the mystery.

But the key remained at the bottom...


Have you seen this?

Pinocchio shows Pierrot the golden key.


Now let him catch the mud
Evil Karabas in the pond!

I'm without Malvina
I won’t go for happiness!


Then let's run faster
Suddenly the vile Karabas
Hire sniffer dogs -
They'll catch us!

Pierrot and Pinocchio slowly move towards the right wing. Pierrot stops every now and then.

Pierrot (timidly)

Do you think Malvina
Will I be happy?


No more than a penguin
And a cone on a pine tree!

Head over heels in love with her,
I can't live without her!
I composed a poem, listen...


So tell her.

What if he laughs?


Now you will find out for yourself.
But I'm boring myself
I won’t let you educate!

Pierrot and Pinocchio are hiding behind the right wing. Malvina's house appears near the left curtain. She looks out the window herself.

I cried that morning
Even the dog didn’t know
What happened to Pinocchio?
And who took it away?

The poodle Artemon comes out from behind the right curtain and, sniffing, goes to the house.

There is a version that the rat
I dug a way into the closet.

Malvina covers her face with her hands.


She bit him to death!

Pinocchio and Pierrot come out from behind the scenes on the right.


I killed her myself!


Alive! What happiness!


Look who you brought.


Now I'll change my dress
And let's sit down at the table.

Malvina is hiding in the window.

Pierrot (in panic)

She forgot me!
Oh no, don't deny it!

Pierrot, take the soap
And wash the dirt off your face.
Then let Pinocchio...


Or maybe just him?

Malvina looks out of the window.


Your dirt disgusts me!
Wash them, Artemon!

Artemon with a watering can in his paws is pushing Pierrot and Pinocchio to the right wing.


Actually we were in a hurry
Towards miracles.

Are you going to wash or


Let me go myself!

Pierrot and Pinocchio wash themselves. Malvina in a new elegant dress leaves the house. A table with tea accessories appears in front of the house.


Now please sit down.

Malvina, Buratino and Artemon sit down at the table. Pierrot remains standing in place.


There's enough room for everyone!

Since I fell in love
I don't eat anything
I stay up and write


Read them!

I'll read it now
One sad verse:
"Malvina ran
To foreign lands,
Malvina is missing
My bride.
I'm crying - I don't know
Where should I go?
Isn't it better with a puppet?
Give up your life?


How nice! Very nice!
Read it again!

A stuffed Crow flies out from behind the right wing.

Carr! Carr! Trouble has happened!
Carrabas is coming to you!

The police whistle sounds. The table and the house disappear.

Run away! Save yourself!

The crow disappears behind the left curtain. A scarecrow of Karabas Barabas jumps onto the stage from behind the scenes on the right.

Karabas Barabas


Afraid! Afraid!


Stay with the girl
And I’ll deal with him!

Pinocchio takes out the golden key.


Look, bearded one,
Your key?

Karabas Barabas

My! Give it back!

The scarecrow of Karabas Barabas rushes towards Pinocchio, but he slips behind him and runs to the right wing. The scarecrow is behind him.

Karabas Barabas

Give it back! Wait! Where are you going?


Try to catch up!

Scarecrow Karabas Barabas and Pinocchio are hiding behind the right wing.

He's brave!


Too much!

Malvina and Pierrot (in chorus)

Hooray! We are saved!

The Policeman's whistle sounds, and the Policeman himself comes out from behind the scenes on the right.

Police officer

But no, kids,
You are A-RES-TO-VA-NY!

Artemon rushes at the Policeman.

The policeman backs away. Artemon is advancing.

Police officer

What are you, what are you?
Calm down, I'm not a villain!

The policeman starts to run.

Police officer

Save! Here he is
Killer of all people!

The policeman runs away behind the scenes on the right, Artemon behind him. Malvina and Pierrot are hiding behind the scenes on the left. A pine tree appears in the middle of the scene. Pinocchio runs out from behind the scenes on the left, runs to a pine tree and leans against it.


I forcibly tore myself away!
Wow, my heart is beating!
Barely alive!

A scarecrow of Karabas Barabas runs out from behind the scenes on the left.

Karabas Barabas

Yep, gotcha!


Karabas Barabas

Shout, shout!

Pinocchio suddenly finds himself at the top of the tree. The scarecrow of Karabas Barabas approaches him and begins to shake the tree.

Karabas Barabas

Come on, get down!


For help! They're beating our people!
Shake - don't shake
And I'll stay here!

Karabas Barabas

Get down, give me my key!


Oh, the key? Get it!

Pinocchio begins to throw pine cones at the stuffed Karabas Barabas.

Karabas Barabas


It would be better to grow up here
Not cones - bricks!

Papa Carlo

Then suddenly he ran away
And into the tree - bang!


But I wasn't scared
After all, I don't know fear.

The scarecrow of Karabas Barabas moves away from the pine tree, runs up and crashes into it. The pine tree is swaying.


Papa Carlo

He pushed again
So much so that I almost knocked him down!
But here to pine resin
He's stuck with his beard.


I quickly figured out
How can I deal with him?

Pinocchio jumps from the tree right in front of the stuffed Karabas Barabas.


Look, here's Pinocchio,
Come on, run after him!

Scarecrow Karabas Barabas and Pinocchio are running around a pine tree. The beard is wrapped around the trunk.

Karabas Barabas

Give it back! Give me my key!


Another... another circle!

Karabas Barabas

You will get it from me!

The beard of the stuffed Karabas Barabas was wrapped around the trunk, and he hit his forehead on the tree.


What, stuck, my friend?

From behind both curtains, Malvina, Harlequin and Pierrot enter the stage and surround the effigy of Karabas Barabas.


Look, he got caught!


Karabas Barabas

I'll burn everyone!


It's time for us to learn a lesson!

The dolls take out sticks and begin to pretend that they are beating the stuffed Karabas Barabas.

Papa Carlo

That's my Pinocchio
Saved friends from death.

Will not beat Malvina
Nasty Karabas!

We are the seven-tailed whip
Let's deprive him forever!


Now he's sweet, meek
And a kind person!

Papa Carlo

And his role, guys,
Now I played for you...

An actor in the costume of Karabas Barabas with a long beard and his stuffed animal in his hands stands up from behind the screen.

Karabas Barabas (with a smile)

The same bearded one
Kara bas Barabas!

Karabas Barabas bows to the audience.


Wait, what about the key?
Is my key golden?

Pinocchio shows the audience the golden key.


Let's say it better
What's there behind that door!

At the back of the stage, a double door appears with Pinocchio depicted on it. The door is almost completely covered with an old canvas depicting a hearth.

Adventure awaits us there
And new friends!

Rat Shushara appears on the stage.

Rat Shushara

There are cookie crumbs in there!

The rat disappears.

Karabas Barabas

I'm the kindest there!


There are silk dresses,
There are ribbons and flowers.

I'm there to chase butterflies
I can do it until dark!

Malvina is there forever
Will stay with me!

Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat peek out from behind the scenes.

Fox Alice (jingling his wallet)

There's money there!

Cat Basilio


The cat and the fox begin to fight.

Fox Alice

I'm not giving it! Oh! Oh!

The cat and the fox are hiding behind the scenes.

Papa Carlo

There's happiness there!


Our happiness!


Look here it is!

Buratino tears off the canvas, revealing Cricket behind him.

Ah-ah-ah, Burati-ino, hello!

Harlequin takes out a stick and swings at Cricket.


Screw him!

The cricket disappears. Pinocchio and the others examine the carvings on the door.


Here, on the door, is my portrait!
Do you see, friends?
Which means this door
I should have opened it!

Pinocchio turns the key in the lock. The door moves to the foreground, opens and its doors move apart towards the scenes.


Come in! Everyone come in!

Ah, this is not funny.
Turn on the stage lights!
Turn it on! It's dark for me!

Karabas Barabas raises a lantern above his head.

Karabas Barabas

There's a staircase here!


Then we'll be here for an hour!

The heroes pretend to walk, constantly looking around. Suddenly their path is blocked by the rat Shushara, casting a huge shadow.

Rat Shushara

Well, here you are!
After all, my exit is now!


Rat Shushara (decisively)

Show us your pass!

Karabas Barabas

Are cookies okay?

The rat Shushara nods and holds up a tin can. Karabas Barabas throws a handful of cookies at her.

How to go for happiness?

Rat Shushara

Right and forward!

The rat Shushara disappears. The rest continue on their way.


The lights come back on. The stage is festively decorated. In the background it is written: Molniya Theater. Karabas Barabas blows out his lantern.



Everyone (in unison)

Hooray! Hooray! We've arrived!

Papa Carlo

That's it, dear viewer,
We found our theater!

He's new!

He is good!


He is a bright light in the midst of darkness!


Clap your hands
After all, we tried so hard!

All participants in the performance bow and sing the song:

Everyone (in unison)

Opens the golden key
A door that is called a dream!
Children know
Best in the world
Best in the world
What's behind that door

We live in a puppet theater,
We dance and sing all day long!
He is good,
He is so good
Clap your hands
Have fun in it!

Where else can we find such friends?
We are looking forward to your visit!
All of you come
Come again
To our wonderful home!


Musical performance based on the fairy tale by A. N. Tolstoy “Pinocchio”.



Papa Carlo


Cat Basilio

Fox Alice




Little frogs

Picture No. 1

On the stage there is a table and a picture with a fireplace. Papa Carlo carves a doll.

Presenter: against the backdrop of leisurely music (choice of music


Once upon a time there lived a lonely man, his name was Carlo.

And one day he decided to carve a wooden boy out of a log.

Papa Carlo: Good log. You can make a great guy out of him

wooden boy Eyes, mouth, nose.

The log squeaks. Papa Carlo drops it, then picks it up again and cuts it.

Pinocchio: from behind the scenes

Oh, it tickles!

Papa Carlo throws a log, it rolls backstage and from behind the scenes under cheerful music Pinocchio runs out.

Papa Carlo: Who are you?

Pinocchio: I am Pinocchio!

Papa Carlo: Good guy. Only the nose is a little long, shorten it!

Pinocchio jumps around Papa Carlo and makes faces.

Papa Carlo: Stop playing around, Pinocchio, what do you want?

Pinocchio: I'm hungry!

Papa Carlo: Well, sit still, I’ll bring you something to eat now.

Pinocchio: (looks at the hearth). And now I’ll eat by myself!

(pierces the hearth with his nose). Oh! Oh! Oh!

Papa Carlo: I'm here, my boy!

Pinocchio: I want to go to school!

Papa Carlo: I already bought you the alphabet!

Pinocchio: Oh! Where's your jacket?

Papa Carlo: I sold it so you could study.

Pinocchio: Papa Carlo! I will learn, grow up and buy you 1000 new jackets!

The curtains are closing.

Picture No. 2

In the proscenium there is a boy with a poster - “Karabas-Barabas Puppet Theater”, a postcard, and a cash register on the table.

Pinocchio: I really want to go to the theater. Please tell me how much the entrance fee is

Boy: Four soldi, wooden man.

Pinocchio: He sighs and spreads his hands.

Maybe you can buy my alphabet book with wonderful pictures!

Boy: With pictures? Come on!

Pinocchio: Then, give me a ticket in the very first row!

Pinocchio sits in the front row.

Picture No. 3

Karabas Barabas opens the curtain to the music of “Elephant” by C. Saint-Saens.

“Elephant” - music by K. Saint - Sans O.P. Radynova. Program " Musical masterpieces" “Listening to Music” disc No. 7.

Karabas-Barabas: (Bows and announces).

The show begins!

Pierrot enters the stage.

Piero: (Very sad and slow)

Hello dear audience!

My name is Pierrot!

Now we will play you the comedy “The Girl with Blue Hair” or

"Thirty-three slaps on the head."

Harlequin: (Comes out from the other side, speaks cheerfully, abruptly)

Hello, I'm Harlequin!

Why are you sad?

Pierrot: Malvina fled to foreign lands,

Malvina is missing, my bride.

I'm crying, I don't know where to go

Isn't it better to part with the doll's life?

This is a girl with blue hair.

Harlequin: Ha! Ha! Ha! Listen, are there girls with blue hair?


From the audience: No! No!

Harlequin: Hey, dolls, look! This is the rogue Pinocchio!

All the dolls appear from behind the scenes and call Pinocchio.

Dolls: Pinocchio, come to us! Come here!

Pinocchio runs onto the stage.

Dance “The bird danced a polka” - music. A. Rybnikova.

A. I. Burenina “Rhythmic mosaic”. Cassette.No.2.

Karabas-Barabas: Who prevented the performance of our comedy?

The dolls run away in fear different sides, press your palms to your cheeks or cover your face with them.

Karabas-Barabas: Hey, Pinocchio, you’re made of wood, today I’ll melt it

fireplace with you.

Karabas - Barabas grabs Pinocchio by the hand and drags him.

Pinocchio: Oh! Oh! Oh!

Karabas - Barabas: Oh, good log. Stop crying, get into the fireplace.

Pinocchio: Poor me, unfortunate me. I tried to stick my nose into the hearth,

I just poked a hole in it.

Karabas - Barabas: How could you poke a hole in the hearth?

Pinocchio: Yes, because the hearth was painted in Papa Carlo’s closet!

Karabas - Barabas: Your father is Carlo? I give you life.

Here are five gold pieces for you, take them to Papa Carlo. And most importantly,

let him take care of the picture with the hearth.

Karabas - Barabas leaves.

Pinocchio: That's a coin - five gold!

I will buy gifts for dad with them.

There will be a jacket, there will be a pie!

Everything I could do for dad!

Alice and Basilio: That's a coin - five gold!

He will buy gifts for dad with them!

There will be a jacket, there will be a pie!

Everything he could do for dad.

Alice: Hello, smart Pinocchio!

Basilio: Hello, dear Pinocchio!

Alice and Basilio: Where are you in such a hurry?

Pinocchio: To Papa Carlo!

Alice: I don’t know if you’ll find poor Carlo alive, he’s really bad

from hunger and cold.

Pinocchio: (shows a coin). Did you see this? I'll buy him gifts.

Alice: Smart, sensible, Pinocchio!

Would you like to have 10 times more money?

Pinocchio: Of course I want to! How is this done?

Basilio: Easy as pie. Come with us to the land of Fools and sow your

coin A tree with golden leaves will grow from it.

Alice and Basilio dance and take Buratino with them.

Picture No. 4.

Forest. Malvina's house.

“The Dance of Artemon and Malvina” - music by D. Shostakovich.

O.P. Radynova. “Musical masterpieces” program. "Dancing Dolls"

Buratino runs out from behind the scenes to the music.

Pinocchio: Save me! Help! Falls in the middle of the stage.

Malvina: Ah! Oh! This is Pinocchio! Walks around him.

Artemon, what's wrong with him?

Artemon: Woof, Woof! The patient is more likely to be alive than dead.

He needs to be treated ka-tor-koi!

Pinocchio: No need for castor oil. I'm alive!

Artemon: (Jumps and barks).

Woof! Woof! Woof! That's it, that's it, that's all, that's all good!

Malvina: Now, wash your hands, sit down at the table, we’ll solve the problem.

Pinocchio: (To the side) So stuck!

Malvina: You have two apples in your pocket, Artemon took one apple from you,

how much do you have left?

Pinocchio: Two!

Malvina: Why?

Pinocchio: But because I won’t give my apple to anyone, even if he fights.

Malvina: Artemon, take this naughty guy to the closet!

The curtains are closing.

Pinocchio in the proscenium.

Pinocchio: Also my teacher. Is this how children are raised?

Don’t sit like that, don’t do that. I'll leave.

Walking through the hall. Disturbing music sounds (optional) music director), Pinocchio is rushing about.

Pinocchio: Now I’ll plant the money. Here! Not here!

Alice and Basilio run in wearing hats.

Basilio: Trick or treat.

Alice: Where is your money?

Basilio: Money, brat.

Alice: I'll tear you to shreds.

Basilio: That's where the money is. The cat and the fox take the coin.

Alice: And we'll throw you into the swamp.

They pick up Pinocchio's armpits, spin him around, and place him on a water lily leaf.

Picture No. 5.

There are leaves on the floor representing a swamp. On one sheet is Tortilla, on the other is Pinocchio.

Little frogs come out from behind the scenes.

“Song - Dance of Frogs” - music by V. Nikolaev.

N. N. Alparova, V. A. Nikolaev, I. P. Susidko “Musically - game material for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren: Golden Autumn” part 2.

Moscow Humanitarian Publishing Center "Vlados" 2000 page 21.

Tortilla comes out to the music.

“The Romance of the Turtle Tortilla” - music by A. Rybnikov, lyrics by Y. Entin.

Duremar looks out from behind the scenes, rubbing his hands, he overhears Tortilla’s conversation with Pinocchio.

Tortilla: Stupid, gullible Pinocchio. I would sit at home and study.

Pinocchio: I would like more money for Papa Carlo!

Tortilla: Don't worry, I know a great secret.

He takes the golden key from his neck and hangs it on Pinocchio’s neck.

Tortilla: With this key you need to open the door behind the drawn fireplace and this

will bring you happiness!

Pinocchio: Hurray! Now I'm biting!

Sounds “Song of Duremar” - music by A. Rybnikov, lyrics by Y. Entin.

Duremar comes on stage, he sings and dances.

Duremar: The bird catcher sings about birds,

A fisherman sings about fish

And I sing about leeches,

I sell them for money.

Little frogs: But from greed, qua-qua, and from stinginess,

But from meanness, qua-qua, and from stupidity.

Your product will not help, you evil, nasty Duremar!

Duremar catches frogs with a net. The little frogs run away. At this time Karabas Barabas comes in. Duremar catches Karabas Barabas with a net.

Duremar: Please forgive me, my dear sir.

Karabas Barabas shakes his head.

Duremar: To earn your forgiveness, I will tell the secret that I

Karabas: There is only one secret in the world that I want to know. It's a secret about

golden key

Duremar: Listen! Old Tortilla gave the golden key to this

wooden boy, we need to catch up with him!

Karabas: And take away the golden key!

"Dance of Karabas Barabas and Duremar." “Gavotte” - music by L. Wenzel.

“Musical and rhythmic movements for preschool and school age"Part 2. T. F. Koreneva.

Moscow. Humanitarian publishing center "Vlados". 2001 page 13.

In the proscenium, Pinocchio meets Pierrot.

Pinocchio: Oh Pierrot, hello!

Pierrot: Hello, Pinocchio. I'm looking for a girl with blue hair.

Pinocchio: Let's go, I'll take you to her.

Picture No. 6.

The curtains open.

Malvina is sitting at the table. Buratino and Pierrot enter.

Pinocchio: Here, I brought Pierrot, educate him.

Malvina: Ah! What happiness! (in an adult voice).

Boys! Go ahead and brush your teeth and wash your hands.

Artemon, lead them.

Everyone leaves, Buratino grumbles and imitates Malvina.

Pinocchio: Immediately! Immediately!

Artemon jumps out from behind the scenes.

Artemon: Woof! Woof! Karabas Barabas is running here!

Pinocchio: No panic! Let's go!!!

Karabas - Barabas and Deremar - run towards the dolls.

Karabas: Ha ha ha! So cleverly, the golden key itself comes into my hands.

Duremar: Give me the dog, Poodle, I’ll throw it to the leeches so that

my leeches have grown fat.

Karabas: Come to me, my children!

Karabas and Duremar catch the dolls. The dolls dodge.

Duremar: Take the scoundrels! They ran away from the theater owner!

Pinocchio: Hey, dolls, stop being afraid of them, there are more of us!

Now we will deprive him of the most precious thing - his beard.

Pinocchio grabs Karabas Barabas by the beard, the other dolls swing at him. The dog barks.

Papa Carlo appears.

Papa Carlo: Oh, you scoundrels and liars!

He swings a stick, raises the stick up.

Pinocchio runs around a stick, Karabas Barabas, running after Pinocchio, gets his beard tangled on a stick.

Papa Carlo: So you are punished for your greed.

Drives away Karabas Barabas and Duremar.

Now let's go home.

The backdrop opens.

“Musical snuffbox” music by A. Lyadov sounds.

O.P. Radynova. Program "Musical Masterpieces". “Listening to Music” disc No. 10..

Papa Carlo, the dolls, and Pinocchio approach the picture with the painted hearth.

Papa Carlo: Pinocchio, take out your golden key and we will open the door to

A magical land.

Dad Carlo takes a picture of a fireplace, there is a door there. Pinocchio opens it with a golden key on the “Magic Land” stage.

Pinocchio: No wonder I got wet in the swamp. Now we'll put on a comedy

"Extraordinary Adventures"

All: (in unison) BU - RA - TI - BUT!

Papa Carlo: Comedy is when everyone is having fun.

Dance “Pinocchio” music by A. Rybnikov.