Symbol of the coming year on book pages. Literary game - quiz on fairy tales in elementary school Tale of the Year of the Rooster

Fairy tales composed by the people themselves have been known to us since childhood. Either the mother or the grandmother tells them to the kids at night, reading baby books for very little ones. And then, at a slightly older age, many children themselves will read them and color along the contours. These simple and wise works are often used to make cartoons, which children also enjoy watching. The folk tale “The Cockerel - the Golden Comb” is one of these masterpieces. Let's read it again together.

Fairy tale "Cockerel is a golden comb." Characters

The main one is the Cockerel, who is constantly rescued from trouble. The rooster in Russian folk tales is the personification of courage, openness, but at the same time simplicity, gullibility and even some stupidity. The fox, on the contrary, is traditionally cunning and greedy. She constantly provokes Cockerel to “feat”, with her songs forcing him to fall into the clutches and be carried away from the house. As if minor characters- Cat and Drozd, but in the fairy tale they play the main role of rescuing and returning the Cockerel.

The fairy tale “Cockerel - the Golden Comb” has a fairly simple plot. Cat, Drozd and Cockerel live together in a hut in the forest. They live together, helping each other. And when the Cat and Drozd go to chop wood, they leave the Cockerel on the farm, doing housekeeping, telling him to sit quietly and not stick his head out if the sly Fox comes.

The cockerel is left alone, and the Fox finds out about this and runs under the hut. She sings an alluring song, forcing the silly Cockerel to look out the window. Then the Fox grabs him and takes him to his hole. But the hero is not at a loss and screams, hoping to be heard by his friends, begging them for salvation. Friends hear and help out Cockerel.

A similar story, as usual in folk tales, is repeated three times. Cat and Drozd constantly fight back and stand up for their friend. A last time They even resort to a certain cunning, fooling the Fox with her own methods. The cat takes the harp, sitting in front of the fox's hole, and begins to play. Lisa comes out and gets what she deserves. And the three friends return to their hut.


The fairy tale “The Golden Comb Cockerel” has a rather simple moral: always help a friend, bailing him out of trouble. And also: friendship is above all, and cunning and strong enemy You can win if you all come together. How wonderful it is when you have friends who are capable of heroic deeds for you.

Pushkin's fairy tale

Fairy tales written in verse tend to attract more attention than they are considered author's, but may be based on folk stories. This is probably why it is easier to remember them, and the language looks richer, and the main characters are described in a more original way. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Cockerel is a Golden Comb” also belongs to similar masterpieces. Today this work every Russian schoolchild knows. Summary its plot will fit on one notebook sheet. But the simplicity of the content is organically complemented by the genius of the language and the attraction of the characters described. And the inherent potential puts the work in verse at the level of the world's masterpieces of great storytellers. Let us also remember what the fairy tale “Cockerel - the Golden Comb”, written by Pushkin, is about.

A little about the fairy tale

Its content, of course, differs from the plot of the Russian folk tale, which is known to everyone. And the sources for its creation, according to some researchers, were the Arabic folklore of the Copts and Irving’s legend “About the Arab Stargazer”. And the Cockerel - the golden comb does not play a role here. positive hero. Rather, it is a sword of retribution, an instrument of fate, designed to punish the careless one who did not keep his promise and killed the astrologer.

The coming 2017 is the Year of the Rooster. On January 28, 2017, the Fire Monkey will transfer its powers to the Rooster. He is bright and demonstrative, elegant and sociable.

WITH early childhood The youngest book lovers see this bird on the pages of children's publications. After all, there are a huge number of nursery rhymes, songs, poems, fairy tales and proverbs where the rooster is the main character.

Petya-Cockerel is an affectionate nickname for a rooster in fairy tales. His image is colorful and bright. Examples of rooster behavior largely coincide with human behavior. In some fairy tales, he is weak, frivolous, disobedient, overly trusting and self-confident. His disobedience and violation of prohibitions leads to trouble. A striking example This is the fairy tale “The Cockerel is the Golden Comb,” where a fox steals it, and his friends rush to his rescue.

In others, he is a sage, adviser, assistant and protector of the weak, a good watchman, cunning and quick-witted, possessing magical power. This image can be seen in such folk tales as “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “The Golden Comb Cockerel and the Miracle Chalk”, “The Rooster and the Millstones”.

In folklore, the rooster is a symbol of protecting the house from evil. The red comb on the head of a rooster is a symbol of knowledge and talents, according to to a greater extent- literary. Spurs on the paws are a symbol of fearlessness. The Rooster is not afraid of difficulties. He diligently rakes the ground with his paws and finds a grain of pearl. This means that the rooster is a hardworking bird. As, for example, in the fairy tale “The Cockerel and Two Mice.”

As a literary hero endowed with character, he is especially often found in the author's fairy tales and fables. Let us remember “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” by A.S. Pushkin, “Rooster and Weathervane” by G.H. Andersen, “Rooster and Dog” by K. Ushinsky, “Rooster and Paints” by V. Suteev, “Who is the Most Beautiful?” E. Karganova, fables by I.A. Krylov and S. Mikhalkov.

The people created a multi-valued image of the Cockerel - their favorite: if in a fairy tale he is an assistant to poor people, protecting them from the rich, skeptical of kings, then in proverbs and jokes the Cockerel is different - perky, daring, always ready for battle. His name was used to define the condition of some people - to rooster... A rooster is a name given to a perky fighter. The rooster is always with the people: time is counted by it (“Rise before the roosters”, “With the roosters”, “First roosters - midnight”, “Second - before dawn”, “Third - dawn”).
In proverbs, the image of a rooster is versatile - it is both a helper in the house and a master in the chicken coop, although sometimes he is arrogant, pugnacious and stupid, but he is always beautiful. Here are a few famous proverbs: “A good housewife will cook a rooster’s ear” (this is what they say about a skillful person), “Caught in the pluck like a rooster” (symbolizes a person in trouble), “When a roast rooster pecks” (means until trouble happens), “The cuckoo praises the rooster because he praises the cuckoo” (this is what they say when they hint at the insincerity of someone’s praise).
Riddles about the rooster have been around since ancient times. Basically, the riddle is based on beautiful appearance this bird's ability to wake everyone up in the morning with its loud voice. Due to its proud posture and spurs, riddles equate the cockerel with members of the princely and royal family. Pomposity, arrogance, beauty, courage and apparent severity are also noted in riddles about the cockerel.
Tail with patterns,
Boots with spurs,
At night he sings,
Time is counting.

About the fairy tale

Russian folk tale is part cultural heritage nation. For children of various ages must read fairy tales. Through children's fairy tales, a child will be able to get acquainted with the beauty of the great and mighty Russian language. Through getting to know fairy-tale characters the little listener (reader) gradually enters the world of relationships between people.

A good example of a relationship is the fairy tale “The Cockerel is the Golden Comb.” Heroes of this fairy tale story- representatives of the animal world. However, all the events occurring in a fairy tale can always be associated with real life. All relationships between fairy-tale characters can be considered as an example of relationships between people.

So, in one magical fairy-tale forest, three bosom friends lived and lived: a cat, a blackbird and a cockerel - a golden comb. The cat and the blackbird were busy with their daily work. Every day the friends went into the forest to get firewood. Cockerel, as the youngest, was left at home, in the hut, to manage the housework. And they always sternly warned him that he must sit quietly in the hut and not look out the window. And if a cheating fox appears, then don’t even vote.

Everything that the cat and the blackbird feared happened to the cockerel on the very first day when they went out to collect firewood. The sly fox learned that the cat and blackbird would not be at home. She came to her friends’ house and began in a gentle voice to persuade the cockerel to look out the window. She promised to give him peas. He leaned out the window. The red-haired cheat grabbed her prey and dragged her to her home.

The cockerel got scared and began loudly calling his friends for help. The cat and the blackbird heard calls for help. They ran and saved their naughty comrade. On the second day they began to gather in the forest thicket for firewood. And again they warned the cockerel not to listen to the sly fox. The cockerel would be glad to listen to his friends. But the red-haired cheat again outwitted the cockerel. Once again the cat and the thrush came to the rescue of their feathered friend.

On the third day everything happened again. The cat and the thrush went into the forest to get firewood. The cockerel was given strict orders not to listen to the fox's entreaties. The cockerel promised his older comrades to sit quietly and not lean out of the window. But natural curiosity defeated caution and prudence. The fox came and again lured the cockerel out with deception and temptation. He looked out the window and the red-haired beast, clutching him tightly, dragged him towards her home.

In vain the cockerel called for help from his faithful friends. They were very far from home and did not hear him. For the third time, the cat and the blackbird had to save their foolish friend. They rushed in the footsteps of the red-haired thief and found her hole. They gave her good blows. The cat tore it with its claws, and the blackbird pecked at it painfully. They took the cockerel and all went home together.

This tale can serve good example what happens to naughty children when they don’t listen to their elders. And also in the content of this story there is an example of true friendship and mutual assistance. It was the friends who came to the aid of the cockerel in difficult times.

The full text of the fairy tale for children, completed large print, can be read below.

Read Russian folk tale“Cockerel - the Golden Comb” is free online and without registration on our website.

Once upon a time there was a cat, a thrush and a cockerel - a golden comb. They lived in the forest, in a hut. The cat and the blackbird go into the forest to chop wood, and leave the cockerel alone.

If they leave, they are severely punished:

We will go far, but you stay housekeeper and don’t raise your voice; when the fox comes, don't look out the window.

The fox found out that the cat and thrush were not at home, ran to the hut, sat under the window and sang:

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard,

Look out the window

I'll give you some peas.

The cockerel put his head out the window. The fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him to her hole.

The cockerel crowed:

The fox is carrying me

For the dark forests,

Behind fast rivers,

Behind high mountains

Cat and blackbird, save me!..

The cat and the blackbird heard it, gave chase and took the cockerel from the fox.

Another time, the cat and the blackbird went into the forest to chop wood and again punished:

Well, now, rooster, don’t look out the window, we’ll go even further, we won’t hear your voice.

They left, and the fox again ran to the hut and sang:

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard,

Look out the window

I'll give you some peas.

The boys were running

The wheat was scattered

The chickens are pecking

Roosters are not given...

Ko-ko-ko! How can they not give it?!

The fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him to her hole.

The cockerel crowed:

The fox is carrying me

For the dark forests,

For fast rivers,

For the high mountains...

Cat and blackbird, save me!..

The cat and the blackbird heard it and rushed in pursuit. The cat is running, the blackbird is flying... They caught up with the fox - the cat is fighting, the blackbird is pecking, and the cockerel is taken away.

Whether long or short, the cat and the blackbird gathered again in the forest to chop wood. When leaving, they strictly punish the cockerel:

Don’t listen to the fox, don’t look out the window, we’ll go even further and won’t hear your voice.

And the cat and the blackbird went far into the forest to chop wood. And the fox is right there: he sat under the window and sings:

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard,

Look out the window

I'll give you some peas.

The cockerel sits and says nothing. And the fox again:

The boys were running

The wheat was scattered

The chickens are pecking

Roosters are not given...

The cockerel keeps silent. And the fox again:

People were running

Nuts were poured

The chickens are pecking

Roosters are not given...

The cockerel put his head out the window:

Ko-ko-ko! How can they not give it?!

The fox grabbed him tightly in her claws, carried him into her hole, beyond the dark forests, beyond the fast rivers, beyond the high mountains... No matter how much the cockerel screamed or called, the cat and the blackbird did not hear him. And when we returned home, the cockerel was gone.

The cat and the blackbird ran along the fox's tracks. The cat is running, the blackbird is flying...

We ran to the fox's hole. The cat set up the caterpillars and let’s practice:

Ringing, rattling, harpers,

Golden strings...

Is Lisafya-kuma still at home?

Are you in your warm nest?

The fox listened, listened and thought:

“Let me see who plays the harp so well and hums sweetly.”

She took it and crawled out of the hole. The cat and the blackbird grabbed her - and began to beat and beat her. They beat and beat her until she lost her legs.

They took the cockerel, put it in a basket and brought it home.

And from then on they began to live and be, and even now they live...