Comedian who died in a car accident. Soviet celebrities who died in car accidents

From 1967 to 1971 he wrote texts for musical parodies by the famous pop artist Viktor Chistyakov.

The first song on Reznik's verses "Cinderella" (music by Igor Tsvetkov) was performed in 1969 by Lyudmila Senchina. She brought the poet all-Union popularity and decided to further fate. In 1972 Ilya

Reznik left the theater and began to professionally engage in song poetry.

In 1975, the first came to Ilya Reznik international success. He was awarded the "Golden Lyre" prize at the "Bratislava Lyre" song contest (Czechoslovakia) for the song "Apple Trees in Blossom" to the music of Yevgeny Martynov performed by the composer.

Songs based on Reznik's poems were performed by Alla Pugacheva, Laima Vaikule, Irina Ponarovskaya, Valery Leontiev, Philip Kirkorov and others famous singers and teams. Among the composers who wrote music to his texts are Isaac Dunayevsky, Mark Fradkin, Yuri Saulsky, Evgeny Krylatov, Andrey Petrov, Raymond Pauls, Vladimir Matetsky, Igor Krutoy and others.

Most popular works Ilya Reznik - "Maestro", "Ferryman", "Old Clock", "Without You", "Vernissage", "It's Not Evening", "Apple Trees in Blossom".

The poet's work was marked by various awards. Ilya Reznik - People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2003),

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Biography, life story of Reznik Ilya Rakhmielevich


Ilya Reznik was born on April 4, 1938 in Leningrad, in a simple family of political emigrants. His parents were naive internationalists who came from Denmark, from Copenhagen, to Soviet Union. Blockade childhood, evacuation to the Urals along the Road of Life through Ladoga, the death of his father from wounds in the hospital, then he was only 6 years old. Upon the return of the family from the evacuation, Ilya's mother got married and left for Riga, leaving Ilya Reznik to fend for herself.

The abandoned boy was adopted by his father's elderly adoptive parents, essentially strangers, but very good people. It turns out that it was the grandparents who raised their grandson. He did not grow up as a hooligan boy, although he began to smoke already in the third grade.

The boys of the post-war period all grew up romantics, they had secret musketeer societies, and their favorite game was Cossack robbers. Ilya Reznik had time everywhere: he visited the club of young entertainers in the Palace of Pioneers, studied ballroom dancing, gymnastics, ran to the "Skilled Hands" circle. And in the fourth grade, Reznik really wanted to enter the Nakhimov School, so that later he could become an admiral! And after the seventh - going to the artillery.


Somehow, just seeing off a friend to the theater, Ilya Reznik caught fire to act as an actor and also followed in his footsteps. True, he tried to enter for four years in a row - they did not take it in any way. But the dream of the theater had already sunk deep into the soul of Ilya Reznik: half-starved childhood and youth could not force it out of the young man's heart.

Before entering, the future poet managed to work hard. When there was no money, he rowed a boat at night for 2 rubles 50 kopecks in the St. Petersburg Park of Culture, and he had bloody calluses on his hands. The young man worked as an electrician at a metal plant, as a laboratory assistant at a medical institute, and as a stage worker in a theater. Anything has happened...

And finally with light hand Heraclius Andronikov who blessed him, he nevertheless conquered acting department Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinema.



After graduating from the university, Ilya Reznik worked in the troupe of the V.F. Komissarzhevskaya. He got the roles large and small, interesting and not very. The entire period of student life and the first years in the theater is always work on the word, writing songs for student and theatrical performances, writing reprises, participation in all theatrical skits. This is a constant search for oneself and dissatisfaction with what has been achieved ...

It was at this time that the song "Cinderella" appeared - the first song of Ilya Reznik. Having circled the entire Soviet Union, she brought the poet all-Union popularity and decided his future fate. He felt in himself strength, vocation and demand. Ilya Reznik left the theater and began to professionally engage in song poetry.

Ilya Reznik never had the so-called cronyism and support. He always made his way himself, although it took a lot of strength and nerves. Especially in St. Petersburg, where he was not a member of the Union of Composers. And even when there was the first author's concert, when he had already acquired some kind of “wings”, a poster, they didn’t allow that either. They forbade writing "an author's concerto by Ilya Reznik", but they simply wrote "Variety concert with the participation of Irina Ponarovskaya, Edita Piekha." Those were the times...

Children's books

Ilya Reznik first became a member of the Leningrad Union of Writers. In 1969, the poet's first book for children "Tyapa doesn't want to be a clown" was published in Riga. After 50 years, he wrote children's poems with the line that he came up with at the age of six, "Uncle Fedya ate the bear." Poems and fairy tales, funny fables and cautionary tales, very musical in rhythm, filled with gentle humor, love and tenderness for young readers, were written in the best traditions of Russian children's classical literature. IN last years saw the release of Reznik's book from the series "Cuckoo", "Fidget named Luka", a collection of poems and fairy tales "Here!". In the series "Little Country" books were published: " forest tales”, “Cow from Komarovo”, “Kashalotik-sperm whale”.

The great Sergei Mikhalkov, a classic of children's literature, praised the work of Ilya Reznik: “If I were asked to name the names of poets whose work is organically connected with music and at the same time can exist separately, I would name only three names: Vladimir Vysotsky, Bulat Okudzhava, Ilya Reznik.

In 1999, Reznik became a member of the Moscow Writers' Union. He is the author of the books: "Monologues of the singer", "Two over the city", "Favorites". Then the poet wrote 600 quatrains, there were also epigrams. The editors printed twenty manuscripts and distributed the Focus to a group: a sailor, a homeless person, a doctor, an academician, and so on, and they said: “Cross out everything that you don’t like.” They crossed out 268 quatrains, that is, not all. So another, “strong” book came out, for which the poet will never be ashamed, she withstood all the tests. In 2000, Ilya Reznik opened his own publishing house - Ilya Reznik's Library. Now Ilya Reznik even writes prayers, commandments - he was blessed with spiritual poetry.

To the heights of excellence

The first international success came to Ilya Reznik for the song "Apple Trees in Bloom" to the music of Yevgeny Martynov performed by the composer. Then new awards: for the song "Elegy" to the music of Feltsman performed by Alexander Gradsky, for the song "Prayer" by Zhurbina performed by Irina Ponarovskaya.

So, step by step, year after year, the poet rose to the heights of skill and popularity. IN national stage there is, perhaps, not a single serious performer whose repertoire would not include songs to the verses of Ilya Reznik. His work is a whole song era of the end of the 20th century. Suffice it to name the main songs that became hits: "Maestro" and "It's not Evening Yet", "Old Clock" and "Starry Summer", "Crane" and "Charlie", "Edith Piaf" and "Verooka", "Without me you, my beloved...”, “Carlson”, “Grandmother next to grandfather”, “Serve Russia”...

In addition to songs, the poet wrote many poems, several scripts, and plays. On the stage of the Theater of the Film Actor, his inimitable mystery opera "Black Bridle on a White Mare" was staged. And what script did he write "Olympic Moscow" for the Leningrad Music Hall?! Or the amazing fairy tale-musical "Little Country"! Ilya Reznik went even further in his work, the poet created his own theater, the first premiere of which was musical performance"Playing Rasputin, or Nostalgia for Russia". Then there were successful tours of the theater in the USA, and at home in Russia the author's Vernissages of Ilya Reznik on the stage became traditional concert hall"Russia".

Cooperation with Alla Pugacheva

To the provocative question: “Ilya Rakhmielevich, have you ever fallen in love with the singers for whom you wrote songs?”, A calm and firm answer always sounds: “No. And the singers too. Although it is impossible to write good songs without falling in love with the performers. I consider them all members of my family. Alla Pugacheva is like a sister to me. Vladimir Presnyakov, Laima Vaikule - like relatives ... "

apart in creative biography Ilya Reznik is worth his many years of collaboration with Alla Pugacheva, for whom best songs, which became hits on long years. From the very beginning, a spark flared between them. But creative, not sexual, they have developed friendly relations. The poet always knew about her novels, Pugacheva told him everything. Of course, there were quarrels, and insults, and pauses in relationships.

Once it was Pugacheva who insisted that Reznik and his wife move to Moscow. The singer sheltered the poet's family at home. For nine months they lived with Pugacheva. During this time, joint creativity was born a lot good songs. Including “Without me, you, my beloved, the earth is small, like an island!” The poet wrote songs for the author's program of the singer "Singer's Monologues", which brought deafening popularity. These are “Maestro”, “Old Clock”, “Return”, “Anxious Path”.

“For me, the hero of my time is Alla Pugacheva. I love her very much, and she remains a real person, despite the hyperpopularity, despite the nationwide adoration. She is a hero for me and a real comrade who will always support, and I am glad that I have such a friend, ”Ilya Reznik always sincerely says.


In the cinema, unfortunately, Ilya Reznik did not leave a big mark. For the first time, Ilya Reznik appeared as a songwriter in the credits of the film "The Adventures of Prince Florizel", filmed in a parody-ironic genre based on the stories of Robert Stevenson "The Suicide Club" and "Diamond of the Raja", along with such eminent actors: Oleg Dal, Donatas Banionis , Igor Dmitriev, Lyubov Polishchuk.

Director Naum Ardashnikov made a film-revue "I Came and I Say" based on documentary material about popular singer and actress Alla Pugacheva, who played and leading role. Here Ilya Reznik was the author of the script and the performer of the role of Ilya Reznik himself. The film featured songs based on poems by Bella Akhmadulina, Boris Vakhnyuk, Alla Pugacheva, and, of course, Ilya Reznik. And in 2004, another film "Diamonds for Juliet" was released with the participation of Ilya Reznik.

Personal life

Ilya Reznik met his wife Munira, a choreographer and dancer, in Tashkent, while recording a program for the Sado group with Aziza and Mila Ramanidi ... Still, an oriental woman has her own special charm. “In a woman, the main thing, first of all, is femininity! And also affection, obedience, respect for a man. These traits oriental woman I am very attracted. I don't like emancipated natures. In my opinion, it is difficult to expect tenderness from an independent, business woman engaged in business,” Ilya Reznik confidently states.

The poet Ilya Reznik took care of the continuation of his family... He has many children! Son Maxim is a journalist. Many saw him in the program "Shark Pen". Daughter Alice, already an adult. And Arturchik is still quite small. He has a great fantasy, he is very active child. It is rather difficult with him, because he requires great attention to your person. Most likely, the creative genes of his father were transferred to him most of all ...

Having an Eastern spouse, it is easy to be spoiled in food. Ilya Reznik loves fried bread, Armenian scrambled eggs with tomatoes and cheese, potato pancakes with mushroom sauce. Basically, he likes simple meals. And at the same time, somewhere at a banquet, he is not averse to enjoying delicious food. Likes to drink after a hard day's work, but always with good company! If at least one person is sitting at the table who is unsympathetic to him, the poet will not take a gram in his mouth! His aura must be repelling him.

But Ilya Reznik is friends with those with whom he works. True, sometimes money quarrels people - how much evil because of money! He has no money, no car. But the poet is closer to the people! In honor of Ilya Reznik, a nominal plate-star was installed on the Square of Stars, and in the constellation Orion there is even the star "Ilya Reznik".

Titles, awards

Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR.

Cavalier of the Order of Honor.

In the second marriage, mother Ilya immediately gave birth to triplets: Vera, Marina, Vova. Her stepfather set her a condition under which she had to choose either him or her son. Mom made a choice in favor of a new family, leaving the boy. Then little Ilya was only six years old. Reznik was adopted by his paternal grandparents. By the way, they were not blood relatives for Reznik, as they were foster parents for his father.

Reznik recalls how his mother crossed the road as soon as she saw her son. The past of Ilya Rakhmielevich still causes him a lot of emotions. Instead, his faithful wife Irina Reznik tells the story of the past years: “This story is difficult for me too. Ilya was returning from school with a friend. It was a sunny day. Boys - good mood. And suddenly he saw his mother with a nanny and a stroller in which the triplets lay. Ilya was delighted: finally, mom! And when she saw him, she abruptly crossed over to the other side.

Later, Reznik's mother moved to Riga with the whole family and for a long time they didn't see each other. Only when Ilya Rakhmielevich became famous poet, relatives remembered him. Reznik admitted that he was able to forgive his mother and her children, who are not to blame for anything. He even began to help them. “My sisters and brother, they are good. Funny, noisy. We talked, I helped them as best I could. They also had a difficult childhood - with such and such a father, ”said Ilya Reznik on the air of the program“ When everyone is at home ”.

I wonder if Ilya Reznik's mother knew that her son would become an outstanding person, would she be able to leave him as a child?

    Ilya Rakhmielevich Reznik. Born April 4, 1938 in Leningrad. Russian songwriter, People's Artist of Russia (2003). Honorary Member Russian Academy arts. National artist Ukraine (2013).

    His father - Leopold - was born in Copenhagen. “When my real grandmother died, her friend Rebecca took care of my dad Leopold and his sister Ida. She and her husband were ardent communist internationalists, so in 1934 they moved to the Soviet Union,” the poet said.

    His father fought, received two wounds at the front and died in a hospital in Sverdlovsk.

    Leningrad blockade- the winter of 41-42 - he survived with his grandparents. Then he lived in evacuation in the Urals.

    When he was 6 years old, his mother remarried, abandoned him and left for Riga to her new husband. new husband his moms set a condition - either new family, where three children were born, or an "old" son. Ilya considered his mother's act a betrayal and.

    He lived with his grandparents - his father's adoptive parents Riva Girshevna (1891-1963) and Rakhmiel Samuilovich (1888-1957) Reznik. “Riva Girshevna and Rakhmiel Samuilovich adopted me, but I still called them grandparents,” said Ilya Rakhmielevich. Reznik still bears his grandfather's patronymic.

    At school, I went to the Palace of Pioneers, went in for ballroom dancing, gymnastics, and attended the "Skillful Hands" circle. In the fourth grade I thought to enter the Nakhimov School, in the seventh grade - to the artillery.

    After school, he worked as a laboratory assistant at a medical school, an electrician and a stage worker.

    Somehow a friend brought him to Theatre Institute and he also decided to become an artist. For four years he tried to enter, but he was refused every time. Finally, in 1958, he was admitted to the acting department at the Leningrad state institute theatre, music and cinema.

    Ilya Reznik in his youth

    Since 1965, he worked in the troupe of the Theater named after V. F. Komissarzhevskaya.

    “In those years, I didn’t even think about poetry - my thoughts were only occupied with theater. So, along the way, I composed some songs, performed the repertoire of Alexander Gorodnitsky, later I began to strum and compose songs myself” he recalled.

    In 1969, he wrote his first song "Cinderella", which brought the poet all-Union popularity, felt the strength in himself, his demand.

    From 1969 until the mid-1990s, he actively collaborated with. At this time, the most famous hits of Pugacheva were created.

    He told about the beginning of his collaboration with the future Prima Donna: “Pugacheva with the Lundstrem Orchestra came to St. Petersburg, and I asked her to show Galina Nenasheva my song “Love Must Be Kind.” We came to Galya, and she kicked us out with this creation, and now we’re walking around the Oktyabrskaya Hotel ... “Alla,” I say, “well, then take this song for yourself.” Alla chuckled: “But I don’t like it either.” - “Well, if you want, take something else.” me in a tattered guitar case - I played the guitar then, so I went everywhere with it - there were several claviers (the composer and I wrote something, and then showed it to someone). is there - will you look?". She nodded: "Well, okay" - and in the 74th year she came out with this song at the All-Union Variety Artists Competition. "

    In the early 70s, for some time, together with his wife and son, he lived in the apartment of Alla Pugacheva.

    “Yes, we had a home theater there, and what improvisations happened! I remember a brilliant episode. At three in the morning Alla shouts: “Ilyushka, are you sleeping ?!.” - “No,” I answer, “what?”. - “ Let's eat something." I quickly think: "Something needs to be thought up." I open the closet, take out some tatters ... I put on an old robe, draw a mustache, eyebrows, put on a sagging cap and in this form I go out into the living room I look: Boldin dressed as a gigolo and painted like a prostitute from Place Pigalle Alla are walking towards, "he recalled.

    Alla Pugacheva, Ilya Reznik, Raymond Pauls

    In 1972, he leaves the theater and begins to deal only with song poetry.

    According to the poet, in Soviet time hindered his career Jewish surname: "Leningrad regional committee The CPSU under the leadership of Grigory Romanov blacklisted me. In 1973, I had my first author's concert, in which Edita Piekha and Lyudochka Senchina took part. So I was not even allowed to write my name on the poster. It was written - a pop concert. And that's it."

    Songs by Reznik and Pauls performed by Alla Pugacheva

    In 1975 he was awarded the "Golden Lyre" at the Bratislava Song Contest for the song "Apple trees in bloom".

    In 1978 on the stage of the Chamber Jewish musical theater the premiere of his mystery opera in Yiddish "The Black Bridle of the White Mare" (music and production by Yuri Sherling) took place. He was invited to the children's program "Piggy Bank tricks."

    Also at one time he wrote parody texts for Viktor Chistyakov.

    In 1990-92 he emigrated to the USA.

    In 1996, there was a scandal between the poet and Alla Pugacheva due to the release of the last golden collection of their hits. Sales revenue was about $6 million. Reznik believed that Pugacheva should deduct part of the profit to him as the author of the texts. But the prima donna refused. Then he sued her. The prima donna had to pay him 100 thousand dollars. But after that, she harbored a grudge against Reznik, they did not communicate and did not even greet. Reconciliation took place only in February 2016 during.

    In 2006-2009 he was a member of the jury of the TV show "Two Stars".

    In 2007, he headed the established Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In 2011, he was re-elected to the post of chairman of this organization. In February 2013, he resigned from the public council after a scandal with leaving the median strip on Kutuzovsky prospect in Moscow.

    Height of Ilya Reznik: 187 centimeters.

    Ilya Reznik. Star Secrets

    Personal life of Ilya Reznik:

    Was married three times.

    The first wife is the deputy director of the Leningrad Variety Theater Regina Reznik.

    In the first marriage, son Maxim (born 1969), now a journalist (in particular, participated in the program "Sharks of the Pen") and daughter Alice (born 1976), were born.

    According to Reznik, the divorce from his first wife was very painful. “I was on the verge of suicide. I loved my children so much, and losing them would be a great tragedy for me. Maxim saved me when he said that he wanted to live with his dad at the trial. It was happiness. But it was impossible to save the family, it rested only on children, ”Reznik admitted.

    Son Maxim lived with his father for many years, and daughter Alice decided to stay with her mother. According to Reznik, he was forbidden to see his daughter. He even broke the law to spend at least a minute next to her: “I climbed over the fence to some sanatorium to meet Alice, I was looking for her. But Regina did everything to keep us apart. When Alice grew up, the connection improved.”

    In 1987, he married the Uzbek ballet dancer Munira Argumbayeva, who was 23 years younger than him.

    In 1989, the couple had a son, Arthur.

    The divorce from his second wife turned out to be very scandalous. It took place against the backdrop of the third marriage of the poet.

    Munira Argumbaeva claimed that Ilya Reznik robbed her and left her without a livelihood, that she had no roof over her head, no residence permit, no job.

    In addition, Munira stated that she learned about her husband's wedding from newspaper headlines, although she did not even suspect a divorce from him. Therefore, she declared their divorce was illegal, and Reznik's wedding with Romanova was fictitious.

    The scandal broke out in April 2012. By that time, he had not lived with Munira for more than 10 years - the ex-wife and son lived in the USA.

    But the songwriter unexpectedly found out that he was remarried to his ex-wife: The Meshchansky Court of Moscow overturned the decision to dissolve their marriage.

    However, the situation was quickly resolved - the Meshchansky Court of Moscow annulled the marriage of Ilya Reznik and his wife Munira. She again filed a complaint about the illegality of this decision, but the court again ruled on the divorce of the former spouses.

    Unloved wife of Ilya Reznik. Let them talk

    He married for the third time on June 2, 2012. The chosen one was Irina Romanova, master of sports in athletics who is 27 years younger than him.

    They met through mutual friends at a birthday party. "I immediately liked her very much - beautiful, charismatic"- said the poet.

    14 years lived in a civil marriage. “And I decided to get married in order to protect my beloved from insults: a lot of nasty things were said about Ira related to the fact that we are not officially married. Although I don’t understand who cares? In general, our painting was a kind of protection”, Reznik explained.

    The wedding took place in a narrow circle, and from the side of the groom, the well-known lawyer Sergei Zhorin, who had been involved in his divorce proceedings for several years, was a witness.

    Ilya Reznik and Irina Romanova

    Irina Romanova is a former athlete, teacher, exercise therapy and massage doctor, and today she is CEO husband's musical theater

    On August 6, 2017, he received Orthodox baptism in the Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God in Lower Oreanda in Yalta, and a year later, in the same church, he married his third wife.

    Filmography of Ilya Reznik:

    1979 - Suicide Club, or the Adventures of a titled person - A criminal in a wheelchair
    1979 - And I'm going (lyricist)
    1985 - I came and I say - episode, screenwriter and lyricist
    1992 - Moscow beauties - episode
    1997 - Monday Kids (lyricist)
    2002 - Only once - episode
    2004 - New Year's Men (lyricist)
    2005 - Diamonds for Juliet - Igor Leonidovich, oligarch
    2006 - Carnival Night-2, or 50 years later - episode

    Notable songs to the words of Ilya Reznik:

    "Maestro" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    “Apple trees in bloom” (music by E. Martynova) - Spanish. Sofia Rotaru
    "Strawberry Glade" (music by V. Miguli) - Spanish. Vladimir Migulya
    "Starry Summer" (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    “Singing mime” (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Valery Leontiev
    “A stewardess named Zhanna” (music by V. Presnyakov Jr.) - Spanish. Vladimir Presnyakov Jr.
    “Without me” (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Lullaby to the son" (music by A. Klevitsky) - Spanish. Anna Reznikova
    “When we are together” (music by K. Metov) - Spanish. Masha Rasputina
    "The Way to the Light" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Rodrigo Fomins
    "Ladder" (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Two" or " old friend"(music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Valentina Legkostupova, Alla Pugacheva

    “My little lady” (music by M. Dunayevsky) - Spanish. Nikolai Karachentsov
    "Trains" (music by M. Dunayevsky) - Spanish. Nikolai Karachentsov
    "Windy Woman" (music by M. Dunayevsky) - Spanish. Nikolai Karachentsov
    "Tired Fire" (music by M. Dunayevsky) - Spanish. Nikolai Karachentsov
    “Spring is the same age as love” (music by E. Dogi) - Spanish. Hope Chepraga
    "Corrida" (music by M. Dunayevsky) - Spanish. Nikolai Karachentsov
    "Criminal tango" (music by M. Dunaevsky) - Spanish. Nikolai Karachentsov
    "August, September" (music by M. Dunayevsky) - Spanish. Nikolai Karachentsov
    “My false comrades” (music by M. Dunaevsky) - Spanish. Nikolai Karachentsov
    "Prayer" (music by M. Dunaevsky) - Spanish. Nikolai Karachentsov
    "For the sake of women" (music by A. Zhurbina) - Spanish. Nikolai Karachentsov
    "My new year man"(music by E. Shiryaeva) - Spanish. Mikhail Boyarsky, from the film "New Year's Men"
    “We are not stars, not heroes” (music by E. Shiryaeva) - Spanish. Mikhail Boyarsky, from the film "New Year's Men"
    "Romeo and Juliet" (music by B. Aksenov) - Spanish. Mikhail Boyarsky, from the TV series "And I'm going"
    "Night bonfire" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Laima Vaikule
    "Sinbad the Sailor" (music by T. Rusev) - Spanish. Philip Kirkorov
    “I adore you” (music by I. Nikolaev) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Birch Land" (music by A. Bronevitsky) - Spanish. Edita Piekha
    "Rejoice" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva and Bolshoi children's choir All-Union Radio and Central Television
    “Oh, women” (music by A. Morozov) - Spanish. Mikhail Shufutinsky
    "Curtain" (music by I. Krutoy) - Spanish. Irina Allegrova
    “Thank you, love” (music by M. Fadeev) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Vernissage" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Laima Vaikule and Valery Leontiev
    “I invent a song” (music by P. Bul-Bul ogly) - Spanish. Olya Rozhdestvenskaya
    “Hush ...” (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Golden Wedding" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Children's ensemble "Kukushechka"
    "Photographer" (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Verooka" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Valery Leontiev
    "XX Century" (music by I. Nikolaev) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Sundial" (music by V. Miguli) - Spanish. Jaak Yoala, Vladimir Migulya
    "Phoenix Bird" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Tatyana Bulanova
    "Blue Sea" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Tatyana Bulanova
    “My Shore” (music by I. Reznik) - Spanish. Tatyana Bulanova
    "Korolevna" (music by M. Dunaevsky) - Spanish. Tatyana Bulanova
    "Return ticket" (music M. Dunaevsky) - Spanish. Tatyana Bulanova
    "Bridge of Love" (music by M. Dunaevsky) - Spanish. Tatyana Bulanova
    “You dream” (music by M. Dunaevsky) - Spanish. Tatyana Bulanova
    “Whose fault” (music M. Dunaevsky) - Spanish. Tatyana Bulanova
    “Save and have mercy” (music by M. Dunaevsky) - Spanish. Tatyana Bulanova
    “Who have you become” (music by M. Dunaevsky) - Spanish. Tatyana Bulanova
    “Nothing good” (music M. Dunaevsky) - Spanish. Tatyana Bulanova
    “How disturbing this path is” (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Business Woman" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Laima Vaikule
    “I will disperse the clouds with my hands” (music by I. Krutoy) - Spanish. Irina Allegrova
    "Old Clock" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    “I will not return to you” (music by A. Petrov) - Spanish. Edita Piekha, Lyudmila Senchina
    "Don't be jealous" (music by O. Feltsman) Spanish. Sofia Rotaru
    "Granite City" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. VIA "Merry guys"
    “Wait and remember me” (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Wanderer" (music by V. Presnyakov Jr.) - Spanish. Vladimir Presnyakov Jr.
    "Mambo" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Laima Vaikule
    “And this is all my fault” (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Cabriolet" (music by G. Gold) - Spanish. Lyubov Uspenskaya
    “I pray for you” (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Laima Vaikule
    "Blue Sky" (music by V. Molchanov) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Riddles" (music by P. Bul-Bul ogly) - Spanish. Olga Rozhdestvenskaya
    “After the holiday” (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Valery Leontiev
    “You take me with you” or “Crane” (music by E. Hank) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Dear Author" (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "City of Joy" (music by A. Zhurbin) - Spanish. VIA "Kalinka"
    "It's not evening yet" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Laima Vaikule
    “Rise above the vanity” (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "See you again" (music by A. Bronevitsky) - Spanish. Edita Piekha
    "Farewell, farewell" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Laima Vaikule
    “Hello” (music by I. Nikolaev) - Spanish. Igor Nikolaev
    “We skimp on love” (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    “I don’t say goodbye to you” (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Valery Leontiev
    "Gypsy Choir" (music by V. Shainsky) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Charlie" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Laima Vaikule
    “But you didn’t know” (music by A. Vengerov) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Prayer" (music by A. Zhurbin) - Spanish. Irina Ponarovskaya
    "Old tango" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Laima Vaikule
    "Outskirts" (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Play-play" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Laima Vaikule
    "Carlson" (music by J. Christie) - Spanish. VIA "Singing guitars"
    “Cause is time” or “Hey you, up there” (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Elegy" (music by V. Feltsman) - Spanish. Alexander Gradsky
    "Years of wandering" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Valery Leontiev
    “My mother spoke softly to me” (music by Stavros Kuyumdzis) - Spanish. Philip Kirkorov
    "Pierrot" (music by I. Tsvetkov) - Spanish. Sergei Zakharov
    "Marina" (music by A. Morozov) - Spanish. Mikhail Shufutinsky
    “Leaving - go away” (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Little Country" (music by I. Nikolaev) - Spanish. Natasha Koroleva
    “Wider Circle” (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. VIA "Ariel"
    "Christmas" (music by A. Buinov) - Spanish. Chorus of the Stars Russian Stage: Alla Pugacheva, Ruslan Gorobets, Alexander Barykin, Alexander Buynov and others.
    “Darling, goodbye” (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Laima Vaikule
    "Three happy day"(music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    “Mountains on the right, mountains on the left” (music by P. Bul-Bul ogly) - Spanish. Polad Bul-Bul Ogly and Olya Rozhdestvenskaya
    "Fiddler on the Roof" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Laima Vaikule
    “When I leave” (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "My love" (music by A. Zhurbina) - Spanish. Evgeny Golovin
    "Hypodynamia" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Valery Leontiev
    "Russia" (music by G. Gold) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    “Completely different” or “Black Rose” (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Laima Vaikule
    "Edith Piaf" (music by O. Tevdoradze) - Tamara Gverdtsiteli
    "Return" or "Bravo" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    “If the city is dancing” (music by A. Zhurbin) - Spanish. Viktor Krivonos
    “Why” (music by O. Feltsman) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Kin" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. VIA "Merry guys"
    "Ballet" (music by I. Nikolaev) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    “Angel on duty” (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Once" (music by A. Mazhukov) - Spanish. Irina Ponarovskaya and Evgeny Chernyshov
    "Veronica" (music by A. Bronevitsky)
    “The Scarecrow Song” (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Laima Vaikule
    “Late” (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva and Valery Leontiev
    “Where are you, love” (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Sofia Rotaru
    “Summer of Castanets” (music by I. Nikolaev) - Spanish. Natasha Koroleva
    "Where is everyone going?" (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "City of Songs" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Valery Leontiev
    "Let's talk" (music by E. Hank) - Spanish. Andrei Mironov, Yuri Bogatikov, Suzanne Berlin and Ilya Reznik
    "Rope walker" (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    “Become my dear” (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Sofia Rotaru
    “I will give you the whole world” (music by E. Martynova) - Spanish. Jaak Yoala, Evgeny Martynov
    "Let's sit and have a look" (music by V. Muromtsev) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "The first step" (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Sherlock Holmes" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Laima Vaikule
    "Cinderella" (music by I. Tsvetkov) - Spanish. Ludmila Senchina
    "New Year's attraction" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva
    "Widow" - (music by Y. Erikona) Spanish. Ilya Reznik
    "Dry your tears" - Spanish. Ilya Reznik
    "IN last time"(music - Marie Helen) - Spanish. Philip Kirkorov
    "Kashalotik" (music by R. Pauls) - Spanish. children's ensemble "Kukushechka"
    “A cricket sings behind the stove” (“Lullaby”) (music by R. Pauls, from the movie “ Long road in the dunes") - Spanish. Valentina Talyzina, Great Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television
    “Everything is fine” (music by A. Pugacheva) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov