Mayan "Sacred Calendar" and why is it needed? Mayan calendar.

Hello reader!

If you remember, then quite recently the calendar of the ancient Mayans was on everyone's lips. Few people ignored the topic of the burning issue of the end of the chronology once great civilization. Now I propose to delve into the mathematical essence of the issue - how to calculate the date of the Mayan calendar.

In my story, I will show how to get the date of the Mayan calendar from the date we are used to Gregorian calendar, giving examples of algorithms in Python.

To begin with, let's briefly repeat the theory of the calendar itself.

The Mayan calendar consists of three main parts. This is a long count, tzolkin and haab.

fourth not obligatory part calendar is a listing of the lords of the night. There are only nine of them and they follow each other. Something like a nine-day week. The names of the rulers have not been preserved, so it is customary to designate them simply: G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G9.

What else should you know? It is not known for certain which day of the Gregorian calendar should be counted from. There are many authoritative opinions on this matter, but two versions are now popular - the so-called correlations 584283 and 584285. The first is called the GMT correlation, the second is the Thompson-Lounsbury correlation or astronomical correlation. I note that December 21, 2012 is the end of the chronology according to GMT-correlation, but in Lately there is increasing support for the view that the second correlation is more true. According to it, the "end of all things" comes two days later - December 23, 2012. Hurrah, comrades! Of course, this makes it much easier for us.

So ... All calendar values ​​​​can be calculated by knowing the number of days since the beginning of the Mayan era. We will conditionally call them "Mayan days", by analogy with the Julian days.

Mayan days for AD dates are calculated as the remainder of dividing the expression (D + 1721425 - C) by 1872000, where D is the number of days from the beginning of our era to the given date, C is the correlation value, 1872000 is the number of days in the Mayan era. So in Python the formula is:
M = (D + 1721425 - C)% 1872000
the value of D in Python is very easy to get, just import the datetime module and then, if the current date is current_date =, then D = current_date.toordinal(). Or just - D =

Now, knowing the meaning of the Mayan days, we can calculate everything else. Let's start with a long account.

The long count is the count of kins (1 kin = 1 day), 20 kins equals 1 vinal, 18 vinals equals 1 tun or 20×18=360 kins, 20 tuns equals 1 katun or 20×18×20=7200 kins, 20 katuns - 1 baktun or 20x18x20x20=144000 kins. An era consists of 13 baktuns, so an era is 20×18×20×20×13=1872000 kins. For example, last date the Mayan era in the long run will be
So, to get the current value of baktun, katun, tun, vinal and kin, we need to divide the Mayan days first by 144000 (we get baktun), then we divide the remainder of the division by 7200 (we get katun), then we divide the next remainder by 360 (we get tun ), then we again divide the next remainder by 18 (vinal), and the last remainder will give us a kin.

In Python, everything is much simpler than in words:
d = M result = for i in (144000, 7200, 360, 20, 1): t, d = divmod(d, i) result.append(t)
where M is the previously calculated Mayan days.

As a result, we get a list containing all the values ​​of the long count we need.

One more note. So how to find a live representative ancient people Maya, who would still use the calendar of their ancestors, is not possible, remains a mystery, as the baktun is expressed during the change of eras. If an era begins with a zero baktun, then it is quite obvious that the beginning new era will be the number But supposedly the Maya avoided a zero date entirely, so they supposedly expressed the beginning of a new era as Further, it is not clear what the next day of the new era looks like - or A different representation does not affect the calculation of the date at all, so let's move on.

Let's take the tzolkin. The Tzolkin consists of two parts - the number of the day according to the 13-day cycle and the name of the day according to the 20-day cycle. Let's call them T2 and T1 (I change them in places purely for convenience, do not pay attention).

T1 = (M + 19) % 20 T2 = (M + 3) % 13 + 1
where 3 and 19 are constants, meaning that the beginning of the Tzolkin cycles did not coincide with the beginning of the Mayan era.
Therefore, let the tuple of names of Tzolkin days be
t1 = ("Imix"", "Ik"", "Ak"b"al", "K"an", "Chikchan", "Kimi", "Manik"", "Lamat", "Muluk", "Ok ", "Chuwen", "Eb"", "B"en", "Ix", "Men", "K"ib"", "Kab"an", "Etz"nab"", "Kawak", " Ajaw")
then the name of the day
T1s = t1

Now it's the turn of the haaba.
With him, too, everything is quite simple. Let the day of the month of haab be H2, and the month itself H1 (I swap places for ease of calculation).
From here
H1, H2 = divmod((M + 348) % 365, 20)
where the constant 348, as in the case of the Tzolkin, means that the beginning of the haab did not coincide with the beginning of the era.
And, according to the familiar scheme, let's have a tuple of names of the months of haab
h1 = ("Pop", "Wo", "Sip", "Sotz"", "Tzek", "Xul", "Yaxk"", "Mol", "Ch"en", "Yax", "Sac" , "Keh", "Mak", "K"ank"in", "Muwan", "Pax", "K"ayab"", "Kumk"u", "Wayeb"")
then the name of the month
H1s = h1

To complete the picture, it remains to calculate the lord of the night. As easy as pie:
G = (M + 8)% 9 + 1

Actually, all this is done by my program, the source code of which is available at (you can pick it up with git at [email protected]:mystic-mirage/mayanc.git)

Here are the command line options that the program accepts:
-d<дата грегорианского календаря>, by default - current date;
-g<входной формат даты>, by default "%Y-%m-%d" - the parameter accepts all specifiers available in the Python strptime() function, but only year, month and day are important;
-f<выходной формат даты>, default "%C, %Z %H",
possible specifiers:
%b - baktun,
%k - katun,
%t - tun,
%w - vinyl,
%i - kin,
%z1 - numerical value of the name of the day of the tzolkin (20-day cycle),
%z2 - Tzolkin day number (13-day cycle),
%z3 - the name of the day of the Tzolkin (20-day cycle),
%h1 - numeric value of the month of haab,
%h2 - day of the month haab,
%h3 - month of haab,
%l - number of the lord of the night,
%L - lord of the night
%C - long count (equivalent to %b.%k.%t.%w.%i),
%Z - tzolkin (equivalent to %z2 %z3),
%H - haab (equivalent to %h2 %h3);
-c<корреляция>- denotes the applied correlation, can take any value, and constants can also be specified: gmt and tl, by default - gmt, i.e. 584283;
-s<сценарий>- variant of interpretation of baktun during the change of eras, by default 1,
possible values:
1 - but,
2 - and,
3 - and;
--gmt - equivalent to -c gmt;
--tl - equivalent to -c tl;
--baktun - equivalent to -f "%b";
--katun - equivalent to -f "%k";
--tun - equivalent to -f "%t";
--winal - equivalent to -f "%w";
--kin - equivalent to -f "%i";
--tzol1 - equivalent to -f "%t1";
--tzol2 - equivalent to -f "%t2";
--tzol3 - equivalent to -f "%t3";
--haab1 - equivalent to -f "%h1";
--haab2 - equivalent to -f "%h2";
--haab3 - equivalent to -f "%h3";
--lord1 - equivalent to -f "%l";
--lord2 - equivalent to -f "%L";
--long - equivalent to -f "%C" or -f "%b.%k.%t.%w.%i";
--tzol - equivalent to -f "%Z" or -f "%z2 %z3";
--haab - equivalent to -f "%H" or -f "%h2 %h3";
--bc - indicates that the original Gregorian date is in the time period BC, i.e. the combination of parameters -d 3114-08-11 --bc indicates that the original date is August 11, 3114 BC;
--no-l10n - do not use localized names.

Note. The addition of the --bc switch greatly complicated the code, in particular, it was necessary to slightly rewrite the date recognition according to the given format (due to the fact that 1 BC suddenly turned out to be a leap year) and supplement the calculation of the Mayan days. But now the input parameter can be any date in the range from January 1, 9999 BC. e. - to December 31, 9999 A.D. e.

The program can be used not only from the command line, but also as a module for import:
from mayanc import *

The following functions are available:

Todaydatetuple() - returns a tuple containing the current Gregorian date (year, month, day), is used for other functions and is mostly useless to a simple user;
getmayandays(g_tuple = todaydatetuple(), cor = 584283, bc = False) - takes a date tuple (year, month, day), correlation value, era flag (AD - False, BC - True) and returns the Mayan days;
getlongcount(m_days, scenario = 1) - takes Mayan days and scenario type, and returns a tuple with long count values ​​(baktun, katun, tun, vinal, kin);
gettzolkin(m_days) - accepts Mayan days and returns a tuple of 20 and 13 day tzolkin cycles;
gethaab(m_days) - accepts Mayan days and returns a tuple with the month and day of haab;
getlord(m_days) - Accepts Mayan days and returns the ordinal number of the lord of the night.

There are also tuples like this:
tzolkinlist - contains the names of the days of the 20-day cycle of the tzolkin;
haablist - contains the names of the months of haab;
lordlist - contains the names of the lords of the night, but since they are not known, the tuple contains the designations (G1-G9);

There are also these constants:

default_fmt = "%C, %Z %H", which is essentially equivalent to this set of specifiers - "%b.%k.%t.%w.%i, %z2 %z3 %h2 %h3"
default_sce = 1

The script can be integrated with conky. This is exactly what he wrote for.

The presented calendar is interactive. By clicking on each cell, you can find out Full description this kina (tone, seal, oracle).

Dragon (Imish)












Wind (IR)












Night (Akbal)












Seed (Kan)












Serpent (Chikchan)












World Connector (Kimi)












Ruka (Manic)












Star (Lamat)












Moon (Muluk)












Dog (Ok)












Monkey (Chuen)












Man (Eb)












Skywalker (Ben)












Wizard - Sage (Ish)












Eagle (Maine)












Warrior (Kib)












Earth (Boar)












Mirror (Etsnab)












Storm (Kauak)












Sun (ahah)













* - in green Galactic Activation Portal Days marked
* - gray mystical column
* - Red stroke the current day according to the Mayan Calendar is marked

According to the Law of Time, the basis of the Universe is the Synchronic Order. The nature of Time is the fourth dimension, time is a single universal frequency of synchronization that informs and controls all three-dimensional manifestations. This universal clock frequency is a fixed ratio, mathematically expressed as 13:20 and displayed in the galactic constant matrix, the Tzolkin.

The ancient Maya considered the Tzolkin to be "a stellar heritage - the Sacred Calendar", giving the possibility of conscious interaction with the forces of the Universe. "Tzolkin" in the Mayan language means "account of kins". A kin is any natural cycle: one day, one year, a thousand years. The Mayans also called a person, the Sun, the Planet, that is, a kin is any integral being, a multidimensional model of displaying any process in nature.

Tzolkin, being a galactic constant, is a combination and interaction of several components: 13 numbers, 20 symbols and five fractal sets of four code colors. The vertical structure of the Tzolkin is based on 13 columns of numbers, represented by a dot-and-dash notation system. Thirteen numbers represent the primary structure of radiant energy, pulsating from the center of our Galaxy, which the Maya called Hunab Ku. Each number corresponds to a certain function of radio resonance, and represents both a pulsation and a beam. These pulsations have certain qualities and are called the Thirteen Galactic Creation Tones.

The horizontal lines of the Tzolkin are represented by 20 Sacred signs - symbols that determine the cycles of frequency ranges along which the pulsations of the Galactic Tones of Creation pass. The symbols represent a resonant structure, a vibratory form that allows the primal harmonic pulsations to become manifest in our solar system. These ideographic symbols are called the Twenty Solar Seals. Twenty Solar Seals describe the stages of development of our consciousness: from birth - the first seal (Dragon) to enlightenment - the twentieth seal (Sun). Each of the seals has the main key characteristics and a certain color, in accordance with the color code constant: red, white, blue, yellow. These colors, associated with the four cardinal directions (East, North, West, South), expand the possibility of perceiving the meanings of each seal.

The combinations of the 13 Galactic Tones of Creation and the 20 Solar Seals create the 260 archetypes of wholeness and form the Tzolkin matrix. The Tzolkin Matrix, which is a hologram of many levels of consciousness and being, is also called the Harmonic Module (p. 40), and includes a structure of 52 "green" cells - 52 Galactic Activation Portals, creating the possibility of a transition to a deeper level of awareness.

Each of the 260 kin has its own serial number, cosmological significance and has special qualities, color and energies unfolding in multidimensional reality. Each person carries the vibration of one of the 260 kins. According to the date of your birth, you can find out the Kin of Destiny (p. 24) and determine your Oracle of Destiny (p. 28). In the integrity of the human being, the 13 Galactic Tones of Creation give movement to the 13 major articulations (joints) of our body, and the 20 Solar Seals activate the 20 fingers and toes (page 15).

260 days of the Sacred account form a Galactic revolution. The New Time calendar synchronizes a cycle of 365 days with a Galactic rotation of 260 days. The combination of two rhythms, 13:28 and 13:20, opens the gate to the Synchronic Order, cultivating the ability to hold two or more levels of information in consciousness. Tzolkin is cornerstone Science about Time, and from its study begins the Way Home - to the harmony of the fourth dimension.

Tzolkin as a calendar

The Tzolkin (Mayan for "Count of Days") is a Harmonic Module that expresses 260 special codes, kins: 13x20, of Natural Time. By following this Calendar, you will experience these frequencies. In the Tzolkin calendar, the 13 cycles are called the 13 tones of Creation. The 13 tones interact and manifest together to express and govern the process of Creation.

The sequence of numbers shows the flow of 260 kins that make up the Tzolkin. The source of the cycles shown in the 13 Moon Calendar is the 260 day cycle of the Tzolkin and the 365 day cycle of the year. The 260 day Tzolkin cycle helps us access the cycles of the mind and energy of the fourth dimension. The 365 day cycle of the year helps us move through the cycles of the physical and biological realms of the third dimension. Following the New Time Calendar day by day, we weave these two dimensions together!

The Tzolkin calendar integrates two cycles - a 13-day cycle of Movement (Galactic Tones - they correspond to states of being) and a 20-day cycle of Measures (Solar Seals - special signs, each of which has its own name and image, and embodies certain qualities of being ): 13 Tones of Creation and 20 Solar Seals. When the waves pass through all 20 qualities, from the Dragon to the Sun, they again return to the beginning of the harmonic series, and so on each turn the combinations of Seals and Tones turn out to be different. This creates a kind of rhythm, reminiscent of a pulsating fractal spiral. The mystical column is the basis of the Tzolkin. Being the central axis of various levels of symmetry, it represents a field of pure potentiality, infinite possibilities - a combination of past, present and future - true emptiness. Tzolkin is a cosmic code, any sets of forms moving in time are found in it. This is a map of the endless corridors of time, and the key to them is the Law of Time discovered by José Argüelles:
T (E) = Art, Energy, organized by time, turns into art.

Each of the 260 cells of the Tzolkin represents a unique energy, a point of intersection of the energies of the Solar Seal and the Tone of Creation. The Tzolkin can be read as a graph showing the Solar Seals rising vertically and the Tones of Creation running horizontally. The sequence of days starts from the upper left corner, Kina 1, and proceeds vertically down to the last cell of that column in the lower left corner of the Tzolkin, Kinu 20. Kin 21 is at the top of the second column, and so on. all the way to Kina 260 at the far right bottom corner. The central, mystical column of the Tzolkin - symbolizes emptiness, a field of pure potentiality and limitless possibilities.

The Tzolkin Cycle is also called the "Galactic Revolution". After you have completed the full journey through the Tzolkin from Kin 1 to Kin 260, you will try out all the possible permutations of the 20 Seals associated with the 13 Tones. And since you know the names and properties of the 13 Tones and 20 Seals, you come to the secret knowledge of a whole 260-element bank of information!

There are many cycles within the sacred 260 element matrix, including the 1 day Kin cycle, 4 day Direction cycle, 13 day Galactic Tone cycle, 20 day Solar Seal cycle, 52 day Castle cycle, and 65 day Galactic Seasons cycle.

52 Galactic Activation Portals

The 52 dark cells of the Tzolkin, called the Mayan Loom, are also "Galactic Activation Portals". These days, specific combinations of Tones and Seals come together and create frequencies that facilitate the transition to states of deeper awareness. Portal days enhance our ability to open doors and penetrate into other dimensions, strengthen our intuition and understanding of the energy flows of the 4th and 3rd dimensions.

Watch how the accelerating energy of these days affects you. Look at your calendar for Portal Days.

Fractality and Radiality

Since the Tzolkin is 4 dimensional, it is naturally fractal and radial. Fractality means that the Tzolkin's mathematical model can represent 260 days, 26,000 years, and other multiples of time. The whole is contained in the part. And if it expands, the proportions remain intact.

Radiality means that the Tzolkin is a matrix of non-linear energy flows radiating from the center. Although the image of the Tzolkin appears to be a linear grid structure, if you study the deeper levels of the complex energy flows within this matrix, you will find in it the exact opposite of every type of energy considered.

Tzolkin is more than a calendar

Like the Periodic Table of all 144 chemical elements Tzolkin characterizes all 260 frequencies of galactic energies. In this context, we use the Tzolkin as a Calendar, but in reality it is much more than that.

Tzolkin - living system, and its relationships and proportions describe our evolutionary journey as a planetary civilization. Full sweep human history fits amazingly well with the Tzolkin and reminds us that the main task of the Tzolkin is "to help us in two ways - in returning galactic information and in achieving galactic synchronization."

The Tzolkin is a harmonic module filled with codes relating not only to the laws of 4th dimensional time, but also to the keys of Inter-Dimensional Travel and the codes that build our Light Body and the Light Body of the Earth, activating the telepathically unified mental field of our planet.

The color of the 20 horizontal rows of the Tzolkin - red, white, blue and yellow corresponds to the colors of the Solar Seals.

Look into the Tzolkin. Realize every opportunity to comprehend the variety of details and details of the Tzolkin. Just revere it as a matrix of codes. Open up to his information. Get visual activation.

Tzolkin and Mayan Loom

The structure of the Mayan Loom is bilaterally symmetrical and is divided into 3 zones. Symmetry is also observed in the upper and lower halves, which defines this structure as having perfect symmetry. You may notice that each quarter also has the same pattern or pattern, containing 13 units each: 13 = 6 + 4 + 3; 6- long diagonal; 4 - vertical; 3 - short diagonal.

Thus, the structure of the Tzolkin is so multifaceted that it has symbolism on the most different levels and layers of life. This is a mathematical Encyclopedia of Time with a very concentrated essence, and it is the source of the 13 Moon calendar.

In fact, if we look at the 52 Mayan Looms, we see another very interesting feature this structure. Let us denote by the letter K Kin Tzolkin and the number next to the letter K is the ordinal number of Kin. We can get 13 combinations from the Mayan Loom pattern. This pattern is completely meaningful and consistent, and the sum of the tones of each such combination is always 28.

These ratios demonstrate that the 13 Moon 28 day calendar is fully encoded in the Mayan Loom. We got 13 combinations of 28, i.e.: 28 x 13 - 364 + 1 Day Out of Time = 365 days.

Indeed, the pattern of 52 units is a Code. This is why we say that the 13 Moon 28 day calendar is truly a perfect calendar that synchronizes our biology with the Telepathic Order of the 4th Dimension. And the whole calendar is located in this structure.

Probably there is no person who would not hear O ancient civilization Mayan. The wise Aztecs not only predicted the end of the world for us, but also left some hope - a guide to determining their life path and internal energy.

In order to understand who you are, you need to make simple mathematical calculations. To know your Kin of Fate and Seal of Birth– sounds, of course, very mysterious.

Well, let's get down to business. All you need now is your date of birth and Mayan calculation tables.

First install your number of the year. If you were born on or after July 26, the date will be the same as your birth year. If before, subtract one from your real year of birth. Now find on the left the received year of birth - on the right it will correspond to the number of the year of birth, which is what we need.

1961, 2013, 2065 – 164

1960, 2012, 2064 – 59

1959, 2011, 2063 – 214

1958, 2010, 2062 – 109

1957, 2009, 2061 – 4

1956, 2008, 2060 – 159

1955, 2007, 2059 – 54

1954, 2006, 2058 – 209

1953, 2005, 2057 – 104

1952, 2004, 2056 – 259

1951, 2003, 2055 – 154

1950, 2002, 2054 – 49

1949, 2001, 2053 – 204

1948, 2000, 2052 – 99

1947, 1999, 2051 – 254

1946, 1998, 2050 – 149

1945, 1997, 2049 – 44

1944, 1996, 2048 – 199

1943, 1995, 2047 – 94

1942, 1994, 2046 – 249

1941, 1993, 2045 – 144

1940, 1992, 2044 – 39

1939, 1991, 2043 – 194

1938, 1990, 2042 – 89

1937, 1989, 2041 – 244

1936, 1988, 2040 – 139

1935, 1987, 2039 – 34

1934, 1986, 2038 – 189

1933, 1985, 2037 – 84

1932, 1984, 2036 – 239

1931, 1983, 2035 – 134

1930, 1982, 2034 – 29

1929, 1981, 2033 – 184

1928, 1980, 2032 – 79

1927, 1979, 2031 – 234

1926, 1978, 2030 – 129

1925, 1977, 2029 – 24

1924, 1976, 2028 – 179

1923, 1975, 2027 – 74

1922, 1974, 2026 – 229

1921, 1973, 2025 – 124

1920, 1972, 2024 – 19

1919, 1971, 2023 – 174

1918, 1970, 2022 – 69

1917, 1969, 2021 – 224

1916, 1968, 2020 – 119

1915, 1967, 2019 – 14

1914, 1966, 2018 – 169

1913, 1965, 2017 – 64

1912, 1964, 2016 – 219

1911, 1963, 2015 – 114

1910, 1962, 2014 – 9

Now you need set date of month of birth. Please note that for a number of numbers in July - its own day of the month.

August - 5

September - 36

October - 66

November - 97

December - 127

January - -102

February - -71

March - -43

April - -12

Now add up three numbers: date of year, month and day of birth- so you get the Kin of Fate. If it is greater than 260, then subtract 260. If it is less than or equal to zero, then add 260. The resulting number will represent your Kin of Fate.

For clarity, let's calculate Kin of Destiny Leonardo DiCaprio who was born November 11, 1974:

The number of the year is 229,

Month - 97,

Date of birth - 11.

Kin of Fate: 229 + 97 + 11 = 337

Subtract 260 from 337 and get 77.

It corresponds to the Seal of the red snake.

Characteristics of your Kin of Fate according to the Mayan calendar:

Intermediate numbers are formed by adding 20-ok to the previous one.

Seal of the Red Serpent (1 to 241)

You are the one who has to start everything new. Invent and create, do not be shy and take the initiative. Be generous - this is your forte.

White Wind Seal (2 to 242)

You are someone who talks a lot but listens little. Pass on information, but don't forget to carefully study what you are going to tell the world. Make sure you are listened to.

Blue Night Seal (3 to 243)

You are the one who is closely within the framework and schemes. Orient yourself at random, trying out the possibilities scattered around you. Do not force yourself to live by the rules, you are a truly free person!

Yellow Seed Seal (4 to 244)

Stability is your middle name. You create a goal for yourself and go towards it - persistently and consistently. No risk, just good judgment. You are the king of endurance and assertiveness.

Seal of the Red Serpent (5 to 245)

You are the one who thinks with his head and not with his heart. Your mind is a very precise thing, you can rely on it. Make your own decisions, don't be led by your emotions.

Seal of the white bridge between the worlds (from 6 to 246)

You are someone who is sick of boredom and inactivity. Your soul yearns distant roads and wanderings, and the heart - hot passions. Do not deprive yourself of pleasure, start dancing with life!

Blue Hand Seal (7 to 247)

You are someone who is used to doing rather than talking. Your life is then filled with meaning when you work. Do only what your soul lies in - and success will not be long in coming.

Yellow Star Seal (8 to 248)

Beauty is within you and you know it. Show others how beautiful this world is, and you will achieve bliss. You, like no one else, know how to see the essence and harmony of the world.

Seal of the Red Moon (9 to 249)

You are the one who is called honest and pure. Be in harmony with your own conscience, state your thoughts and desires directly, and the rewards will not keep you waiting. Your intuition is the brighter, the clearer your thoughts.

White Dog Seal (10 to 250)

You are someone who knows what love and affection are. passion and high feelings are fully known to you. Love, experience vivid emotions, and this is your self.

Seal of the Blue Monkey (11 to 251)

You are a person who understands that life is a game. You can show everyone, and most of all, yourself, that there is nothing that cannot be laughed at.

Yellow Man Seal (12 to 252)

You are the one who, with the support of family and friends, will choose his own path. Relying on the environment, you make independent decisions, and this is your strength.

Seal of the Red Skywalker (13 to 253)

You are impermanence itself, an adventurer. You are not one of those who will sit in one place. Changing places and wandering is your everything.

Seal of the White Sorcerer (14 to 254)

Nature has rewarded you with a strong intuition: you see what is not subject to others. Look for people you can trust with your knowledge. Connect with those who deserve it.

Blue Eagle Seal (15 to 255)

You are someone who can impartially assess a situation, a person. You have a million possibilities in your hands. Beware of excessive vanity, plan your life and help others in this.

Seal of the Yellow Warrior (16 to 256)

You are brave and strong in spirit. All your victories are the result of a fair fight that you fight according to all the rules. Remember that emotions brighten up life, do not rely only on reason.

Red Earth Seal (17 to 257)

This is the seal of the winner! Build your life, family, business - people should trust you. Do not be afraid to take the initiative - you are the one who does it better than others.

White Mirror Print (18 to 258)

You are what is called an introvert. Everything influences you and you influence everything. Inside you is a huge ocean in which emotions are raging - with the help of them you form the atmosphere around.

Seal of the Blue Storm (19 to 259)

It is extremely important for you to change without staying in one place. Do something new every day without looking back and looking at others. Make up your mind!

Seal of the Yellow Sun (20 to 260)

You are the one everyone loves. Remember that as a role model, you have a great responsibility to those who worship you.

culture Olmec, on which the Aztec and Mayan civilizations are based, literally appeared out of nowhere in 1200 BC. The main iconic things of this culture were:

  • huge temples,
  • religious complexes,
  • snake,
  • jaguar,
  • ritual ball game
  • and jade.

The heyday of culture came in bursts around 300 B.C. and then on 300 AD. (It is interesting that during the zero years of our era, the ancient cities were abandoned for about one century, and then everything returned to its place, and the cities began to live again). The decline began after 900 AD, "Long Count Calendar" disappeared from circulation, and hieroglyphic writing also ceased to be practiced. By the time Columbus met the Mayan merchants in 1502, only a shadow of power remained of the great civilization.

The last independent Mayan kingdom lasted until 1697, but spiritual religious traditions still exist today.

In 1841, thanks to a traveler John Lloyd Stevens the attention of the world community was drawn to the Mayan peoples. Then it became clear about their level of education and culture. Deciphering the hieroglyphs, scientists discovered so many dates that they treated the Maya as an empire of philosophers and priests, abstract thinkers who were more interested in the problems of time and mathematics than wars and dynasties. In particular, the Mayanist J. Eric S. Thompson no doubt that the true rulers of the Maya were priests-mathematicians.

Character analysis according to the Mayan calendar

To talk about a person, the Mayan Shaman learned:

  • Birthday sign,
  • his Strength,
  • the sign and strength of the two-week period,
  • the movement of the planets (Mayan astrology had a zodiac consisting of 13 signs).

A calendar is used for shamanistic purposes. Tzolkin. The calendar consists of 20 signs (Kins), five directions (4 signs each), and 13 levels of power for each sign. Eventually - 260 combinations. Each of these combinations is unique and interesting in that it gives a fairly distinct impression of psychological qualities. If you find two people of the same sign and the same strength, you will clearly notice the similarity of the energies they use. Sometimes it is very clear and interesting to observe.

Calendar structured in five directions:

  1. East: Beginning, Origin. Red color. Energy is oriented to the Future.
  2. South: Prosperity, Growth, Abundance, Activity. Yellow. Male Energy right hand. Actively influences the world.
  3. West: Harvest, Transformation, Achievement and Pride. Blue, Black color. Energy is directed to the past and its transformation. Harvest and knowledge for further journey to the energies of the wise north.
  4. North: Cold, Detachment, Wisdom. White. feminine energy left hand. Communion with the divine universal world order. High harmony and not involvement in the fears and passions of the mortal world. The art of being "above everything", independence, icy purity, coldness and purity.
  5. Center: Presence in the center of a dynamically changing life. Green color. The energy of self-awareness as a focus among the whirlwinds of the 4 elements.

Types of Mayan calendars

  1. long score- in fact, chronological, an analogue of the calendar account we are used to, when the year, month, day are sequentially recorded, but in the Long Count, instead of the usual year, month, day, we used: Baktun (13 cycles), Katun (20 cycles), Tun (20 cycles) , Uinal (18 cycles), Kin (20 cycles), as a result, received the record shown in Figure 1.
  2. Tzolkin Calendar- ritual, divine calendar of 260 days. Years were not counted. Tzolkin is formed by superimposing two weeks, lasting 13 and 20 days:
  • a week of 20 days consists of 20 kins: Ahau, Imish, Ik, Akbal, Kan, Chikchan, Kimi, Manik, Lamat, Muluk, Ok, Chuen, Eb, Ben, Khish, Men, Kib, Kaban, Etsnab, Kavak.
  • a week of 13 days, in which the days are simply numbered from 1 to 13.

The sequence of days in the Tzolkin is unusual and is such that the days of 13 and 20 day cycles change simultaneously, it looks like this: 1 Ahau, 2 Imish, 3 Ik ... 13 Ben, 1 Khish, 2 Men.

The Tzolkin calendar was used primarily for ministries, healing, and divination. Each of the 260 days of the Tzolkin has a whole legend behind it.

There are a lot of legends in Mayan folklore connected directly with the characters of the Tzolkin calendar (such as the story of two powerful lords of the underworld: two skeleton twins, cigar lovers: "Kimi 1" and "Kimi 7", etc.) It is these 260 combinations that clearly predict those qualities that will manifest themselves in those born on a particular day of the Tzolkin.

Up to the present time, in MesoAmerica, this calendar is considered sacred, and only shamans have the right to work with it. AND ordinary people they don’t even recommend pronouncing the names of kins in vain, since they are able to call on spirits and gods.

  1. Haab- civil calendar, lasting 365 days. 18 months of 20 days each, plus 5 extra days called Wayeb. Years were not counted in Haab.

The names of 18 months are shown in Figure 2.

The sequence of days in Haab looked the same as in the usual calendars of our time: 0 Chen, 1 Chen, 2 Chen ... Haab was used for everyday, economic and civil purposes.

The three above mentioned calendars belonged to sunny, but Maya also had Moon calendar , Venus calendar. The positions and periods of the planets were recorded: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

  1. Dreamspell Calendar, developed Jose Argüelles. Due to the popularity of the Dreamspell, it is important to mention José Arguelles, who created a different version of the structuring of the Mayan calendar, described by him in the book "Maya Factor: Off-Tech Path". This creative reflection is very interesting and different from classical interpretations. The program created by Argüelles dreamspell(Drimspell), has its own way of calculating days and kins (this method is different from the classic "Long Count" and Tzolkin).

The mathematical system of the ancient Maya remains unsurpassed today. Scientists have determined that this civilization arose around the 8th century BC. The legacy left behind them is still incomprehensible. How they managed to calculate the end of their own civilization and create a New Time Calendar (Tzolkin) for the following civilizations - let's try to figure it out together.

keyword in mathematical system ancient Maya - harmony. Everything is based on the interaction of human physiology and the physiology of the universe. They used vigesimal number system(as opposed to modern decimal) - counted not only the fingers, but also the toes.

It was the Maya who first began to use the concept of " zero" And " infinity". It is symbolic that graphic image for both concepts it was the same and was depicted as an empty shell from an oyster.

But their most unique invention is Tzolkin Calendar(tsol - account, kin - date). Using this calendar, you can determine the state of the galactic seal on every day. Unlike modern astrological horoscopes, among the Mayans, the galactic name changed every day and was filled with meaning. Only did not change alactic birth name. For example, for modern man, born on 10/06/1975, the ancient Maya determined the name - White Electrical World Connector. A year later, he is already named as Blue Self-Existing Monkey. Each component of the name is certain meaning and changes daily. Knowing their meanings you can plan how to live the day and what will happen tomorrow.

The Mayan calendar is made up of 52 galactic activation portals(in our year too 52 weeks). In the week they also 7 days. And here is the quantity cycles of galactic tones - 13(in our year 12 months). Their system is more precise and harmonious. In fact, there are 13 moons in a year, and in each moon exactly 28 days. The moons determine the tides of the world's oceans and fix the location of the planets of the solar system. Mankind can agree on any order of the calendar account, but the Universe has its own laws. No wonder it is used in medicine Mayan time cycles(they - doctors - most likely, they themselves do not suspect this).

For example, stages of development of the human embryo are considered moons, therefore, in obstetrics, it is customary to consider not 9 months of gestation, but 40 weeks (exactly 10 Mayan cycles of galactic tones by the number of fingers on the hands). And the next 10 cycles of the child are carried in their arms in the literal sense of the word, until he gets on his feet on his own (in pediatrics, it is considered the norm when a child begins to walk 9 months after birth, more precisely, after 10 Mayan cycles corresponding to the number of toes). And natural female nature lives on 28 day cycle, like the moon and the whole universe. It is surprising that everyone knows about this, but they prefer to live in an unnatural rhythm: the number of days in our month ranges from 28 to 31. By the way, the Mayan extra leap day is defined as “zero”. In the Tzolkin it is " A day out of time».

1. Why use the Tzolkin (New Time Calendar)?

3. How to use the 13 Moon Calendar?

4. 20 Solar Seals and 13 Galactic Tones

5. The Tzolkin and the 260 Galactic Signatures

6. Elegance and simplicity of the New Time Calendar

Why use the New Time Calendar?

The calendar is a programming device. The current world standard - the 12-month Gregorian calendar - is uneven (months of 30, 31 and 28, sometimes 29 days) and irrational (for example, September is the ninth month, and the word "September" itself means "seventh").

Would you use this ruler if you wanted to build a house?

Add to this a mechanistic 60-minute clock and you have a programming device that is not driven by mechanized disharmony, an artificial time frequency. 12:60 (12 months, 60 seconds). This artificial time root cause our disunity with nature, and all the chaos resulting from this disunity.

In order to dispel the glamor of the disharmony of time, we need to re-enter cosmic time - the universal synchronization factor, the temporal frequency 13:20 . The New Time Calendar - the 13 Moon Calendar - is a perfect harmony and solution that uproots artificial time and introduces us into a vast new cosmic reality - the Synchronic Order.

The New Time Calendar, or the 13 Moon 28 Day Calendar, is a perfect measure of the Earth's orbit around the Sun (365 day year). Each Moon of the New Time Calendar consists of exactly 28 days. A similar kind of 28-day calendar has been actively supported World Chamber of Commerce in 1931. The change of the calendar was then supported by such people as Eastman Kodak And Mahatma Gandhi. The 13 Moon 28 day calendar also makes calculations much easier. This means that any given day of the month, or moon, will have the same day of the week each year.

Calendar of 13 Moons of 28 days - a uniform standard of measure

13 moons x 28 days = 364 days

+ 1 day, July 25, Day Out of Time
(which is neither a day of the week nor a day of the year)

Only 365 days a year.

28 days - the period of revolution of the Sun at the latitude of sunspot formation. The sun bestows all life and light, and this type of solar activity coordinates the processes occurring in the entire solar system and on Earth as well. 28 days is also the esoteric cycle of the Moon, the ancient synodic cycle of the Moon's revolution around the Earth.

13 moons, or months of 28 days, equals 364 days. The 365th day of the year is the Day Out of Time. This day does not belong to any of the weeks, to any of the moons. This is a day of galactic freedom, universal forgiveness, as well as the holidays "Peace through Culture" and "Time is an art"

2. What is Synchronous Order?

Synchronous order is perfect structure interconnectedness of everything in the universe. This is the intelligence that is the basis of the Cosmos, which synchronizes people, events and places and fills this synchronization with meaning.

Have you ever thought about a person, and in a moment he called you on the phone? Or did you have a certain thought or question, and when you opened the book on an arbitrary page, you immediately found the answer to this question?

Such synchronization (the so-called "coincidence") in our civilization is perceived as a huge surprise and surprise, but only because we are too immersed in the mechanistic of time. at frequency 12:60.

In fact, synchronicity is the universal norm! Everything in the universe is perfectly synchronized at every moment by means of temporal O th frequency 13:20.

Daily use of the New Time Calendar, the 13 Moon Calendar, increases the experience of synchronicity by deepening your intuitive awareness of the interconnectedness of all events.

3. How to use the 13 Moon Calendar

Each Moon of the New Time Calendar has a single overall structure as shown in the figure below.

Simple reading of the Calendar in five steps:

1. Find Gregorian calendar date. In the New Time Calendar, these dates are listed at the bottom of each day's position, so you won't get lost in time!

2. Define a name Moon. In the given example: magnetic moon.

3. Find Radial Plasma(day of the week).

4. Determine day Moon

5. Determine Galactic Signature days - a combination of one of 20 Solar Seals and one of 13 tones.

Thanks to this, you can create reading the Code of the Day and really start living the Synchronic Order! Number kina shows what day it is Harmonic Tzolkin Modulus- A 260 day calendar that contains 260 Galactic Signatures.

4. 20 Solar Seals and 13 Galactic Tones of Creation

As you have seen above, each day of the 13 Moon Calendar has its own Galactic Signature. Each Galactic Signature has a unique energy. There are 260 Galactic Signatures that are formed when one of the 13 Galactic Tones and one of 20 Solar Seals. 13x20=260.

The 13 Galactic Tones and 20 Solar Seals describe the process of cosmic creation:

13 Galactic Tones of Creation

Tone Name Creative power, function Action

1 tone. Magnetic Targets Attraction

2 tone. Lunar Polarize Call Stabilization

3 tone. Electric Activates service Binds

4 tone. Self-existing Defines the form Co-measurement

5 tone. Overtone Empowers Radiance Control

6 tone. Rhythmic Organizes equality Balancing

7 tone. Resonant Channels attunement Inspiration

8 tone. Galactic Harmonizes Integrity Modeling

9 tone. Solar Pulsating Intention Implementation

10 tone. Planetary Perfection of manifestation Creation

11 tone. Spectral Dissolve Release Release

12 tone. Crystalline Dedicates to cooperation Universalization

13 tone. Cosmic Stands firm Transcendence

* * * * * * * * *

20 Solar Seals

Print name Force Property Action

1. Red Dragon Birth Genesis Nutrition

2. White Wind Spirit Breath Communication and Connection

3. Blue Night Abundance Intuition Dreams and Dreams

4. Yellow Seed Purposefulness. Bloom. mindfulness

5. Red Serpent life force survival instinct

6. White Connector Death Opportunity Alignment

7. Blue Hand Accomplishment Healing Knowledge

8. Yellow Star Fine Art Creating Beauty

9. Red Moon Primal Water Stream Cleansing

10. White Dog Heart Devotion Love

11. Blue Monkey Magic Illusion Game

12. Yellow Man Free Will Wisdom Influence

13. Red Sky Space Awakening Exploration

14. White Wizard Timelessness Perception Sorcery

15. Blue Eagle B And deniya Mind Creation