How to make win-win bets at bookmakers. Five bookmaker secrets that no one will tell you about

Why do bookmakers make so much money? This is because in the world of gambling, 97% of all people lose everything sooner or later. Our goal is to be in the top 3% of successful people.

To do this, you need to learn 7 secrets that will help you at least stop losing money. - the answer to the question is below.

8 secrets successful bids in football:

1. Choosing a good bookmaker

If you look, then we are given a choice of just over 100 bookmakers, but some have a bad reputation, others have technical problems, others give a low coefficient. And it turns out that really good bookmakers about 10 pieces.

2. Pot Allocation for Betting

It is impossible to predict the outcome of an event with 100% probability, who will be the winner or what the score will be. Sometimes favorites play for zeros with outsiders, so you need to break your pot into many small parts.

Professionals place bets on 2-5% of the entire pot. This strategy allows you to protect yourself from draining the entire deposit due to the success of other bets.

3. Choosing a league for betting

Choose from several leagues that you will actively follow. It is recommended to avoid the third or fourth division, where there may be fixed matches against the leaders.

4. Most successful strategies

There are a lot of strategies, but I would recommend focusing on the two main ones that the most successful marques use: catch-up and forks.

  • Dogon- these are bets on equal matches, where the chance of winning is about 50%. Didn't play bet? We double the deposit and this is done until the initial bet is won back. More than 7 steps is not recommended.
  • Forks— a bet on several events in the match that contradict each other, it is important that the coefficient of each of the events is greater than 2. For example, a bet on one and the second team, where the chance to win is 77%.

5. Stereotypes about match odds

When beginners first start betting, they think that the odds reflect who is the leader in the next match and who is the underdog. However, the coefficient is a formula for the popularity of clubs, on whom they bet (or will bet) more often.

Often, strong clubs are given odds of 1.1-1.3 to win, but they, like the rest, play for a draw or lose. The most optimal odds for bets start from 1.5.

6. How to analyze an upcoming match

This video is one of best examples how to analyze the match you would like to bet on.

7. Where can I watch free predictions for matches

Most sites try to guess the score, which is a big mistake. They give a lot of facts that one way or another should play key role. However, the score is harder to predict than the victory of one of the teams.
I recommend checking out the site. free predictions ZuluBet, where bets on events go. And often bets are made according to the arb strategy, which brings 70-75% of wins. Thanks to this site, you can simply check your predictions.

Sports betting has gained extraordinary popularity all over the world. This trend is due to the fact that there are many applicants who want easy money. They believe that sports betting is an easy way to make money. But is it? Is it really possible to beat the bookmaker? In this article, we will reveal betting secrets.

The first thing to understand is the following - a bookmaker is not a place for easy money. Of course, you can read the comments of players on sports forums and blogs who claim that they make good money on bets. But you should not believe this. Most bettors remain in the red, and the reason for this is a mediocre approach to betting. Therefore, first of all, they consist in the fact that the player approaches with particular care the analysis and prediction of the outcome of the upcoming event. Relying on intuition or luck is unacceptable here.

The second secret is that bookmakers always remain in the black

revealing betting secrets, let's dwell on the fact that only the better can remain in the red. BC will never go to waste. Why? The bookmaker is in a favorable position. He doesn't have to choose what to bet on. It is enough for him to set “traps” for players in the form of coefficients, which already include the bookmaker’s income. It is usually at a high level. As a result, the bookmaker brings players together to make a bet and acts as an intermediary who will make a profit anyway.

Secret #3 – Live betting is not as easy as it seems

studying sports betting secrets, you will find out that they almost never bet in live mode. They only do this when “forks” are formed, since they allow you to get guaranteed winnings. In other cases, they consider live bets to be more risky than regular bets. Why? There are several reasons here:

  1. Lack of emotional control. Live bettors are usually in an agitated state and unable to control their excitement. As a result, bets are made on emotions. Whereas betting secrets mean the following: to bet only when you think in cold blood and are extremely calm.
  2. Game to the last penny. Usually, bookmakers transfer winnings received in live mode to the account almost instantly. Live betting secrets V this case are to immediately put the jackpot on the withdrawal and get them on hand. However, not all players know about it and remember it. That's why beginners keep playing live until they "merge" all the money.
  3. It is not always possible to stick to the strategy. Live betting involves an active pace. As a result, players in most cases forget about the tactics they have chosen and act on a whim, which leads to losses.

Of course, these points are not axioms. Some bettors still manage to stay in the black when playing live, perhaps they know special betting secrets, but still these are isolated cases. It is not certain that you will be one of them. Therefore, it is better to start with pre-match bets in order to avoid haste and rash bets.

Secret Four - Say No to Small Odds Betting

studying sports betting and success secrets in betting, you will certainly come to information regarding the choice of odds. Beginners often believe that the minimum multiplier is a guarantee of a successful bet. But often bookmakers deliberately lower the odds, thereby misleading players. As a result, they, believing that this is a "sure thing", make a bet, and then lose their money.

However, sometimes outcomes with minimal odds really turn out to be winning for betters. But if you compare the profit on them and the risks, then you will be disappointed. After all, having calculated the cost of the bet, you will see that you have earned a minuscule amount, especially if you bet a small amount. That's why capper secrets always mean the following:

  • choose outcomes with a coefficient of at least 1.4;
  • look for underestimated events in the line that can be identified using the Value Betting method;
  • write down all your wins and losses, because betting secrets is to draw a financial curve based on the results of the bet and see how successful your forecasts are.

Considering the secrets of the coefficients, it is also worth dwelling on the increased multipliers. If you see that they are clearly overpriced, then there is no point in betting on them. In 90% of cases, bets are unsuccessful. It is better to stick to the golden mean. So, the question of which bets win more often can be answered as follows: those that are made on events with neither low nor high odds. Like these ones betting secrets at bookmakers exist with respect to factors. They are definitely worth remembering.

Secret Five - Use Strategies

Now consider betting strategy secrets, they are to use effective and proven tactics. There are enough of them. Everyone decides for himself which one to resort to. Most bettors stop at the following:

  1. Martingale. This is the simplest tactic that involves doubling the bet every time you lose. After receiving the winnings, the bettor returns to the original amount.
  2. Time match. studying sports betting what you need to know, so these are the main types of bets. Among them you will find the option to bet money on the completion of the first half of a sporting event, in other words, a bet on a half-time match. The strategy here is not to ignore such bets. It is very easy to win on them, as it is easy to predict the end of the first part of the meeting. So, for example, if it is football, there is a high probability that the first half will end with parity.
  3. D'Alembert. Secrets of betting on the totalizator do not do without recommendations in the use of this strategy, for many players it has become a real Klondike. Its essence lies in the fact that after each loss, you need to increase the bet by one (the amount of the bet is taken for it), and after receiving a win, reduce it by one.

Summing up sports betting secrets

The main betting secrets which must be taken into account. They will help you succeed in the world of betting and save you money. You can also recommend skillfully manage your bankroll and never go all-in. Sports Betting Secrets also mean betting exclusively on those sports in which you are well versed. And, of course, do not forget about the study of statistics and analytics. Then it will be easier for you to make correct predictions.

A lot of people, once in the world of betting, are looking for a way to maximize their results and reduce the risk of failure. They are looking for all possible information about "how to bet in a bookmaker", " helpful tips newcomers", " successful game in BC "and much more. Site site experts will help you avoid the most common mistakes and share some tips.

Before you start betting at a bookmaker you need to firmly decide for yourself why you are doing it. It's just a hobby and additional adrenaline when watching sporting events, or a form of income. In both cases it is necessary always follow the main rule - do not bet more than your wallet can "pull". Without accepting this truth, you can easily lose big on one "beautiful" day. Thus, one must always keep the bar in mind Money, a kind of ceiling, above which you should not put. Next, we will consider simple rules, which should not be neglected if betting in bookmakers is more than just a hobby for you:

  1. Never try to win back after a losing streak.. On the tongue professional players in bookmakers ("cappers") this is called "tilt". (Tilt is an unreasonable or reckless game action under the influence of emotions. In most cases, "tilt" occurs after losing large sum money). Often this term is used by poker players, but it is also great for betting in bookmakers. Remember, an unsuccessful series can happen to anyone, even the most competent and savvy player, and most importantly, to be able to survive it with minimal losses. To do this, you need to set your own loss limit, and once you reach it, stop. Most of the bookmaker's clients "merge" their bank precisely in an impulse to win back their money, and here and now, and as a result they suffer even greater failures.
  2. The second rule is somewhat related to the first. Bet should be on a "fresh" head. You should not analyze sports events when you are tired or just thinking hard about something. Any such stimulus can "cloud" your mind, leading to an incorrect prediction. If you feel that something is gnawing at you or that the day just didn’t work out, then best solution will hold off on bidding at this point.
  3. Do not bet on the team (athlete) you support. It is far from always possible to soberly assess the strength of those who are not indifferent to you. A simple example, well, how can a fan of Real Madrid simply admit the idea that his team is weaker than Barcelona. It is best to exclude such matches for betting, but just enjoy the game and cheer for your favorite team.
  4. Do not rush to conclusions on this or that meeting. It is better to focus on a small number of events than to chase the number of bets. A well-thought-out bet will bring more value than an option chosen "on hastily". View the line and do a primary analysis, choosing the event that you will analyze in more detail, sorting everything out. If you try to keep up immediately after big amount matches, you simply won’t be able to thoroughly study them due to lack of time. Also, you should not try to be an expert in many sports at once, because for a competent analysis you need to watch the matches themselves, which means you need to devote time to this. It will be better to stop at only one sport for betting.
  5. It is very important to have a profit not in some separate time intervals, but to be in the black at a distance. What interval you choose is not so significant, it can be a week, a decade, a month, etc. What matters is not the results of one day, but the results of bets over a long period of time.
  6. Be careful with catch-ups and simple rate hikes. Even if you have solid financial resources, this by no means guarantees that you will definitely win by constantly increasing the amount of the bet, because, firstly, there may still not be enough money, and secondly, there are limits in the bookmaker maximum bid, and for the maximum gain.
  7. Never assume that you have found a "sure thing". Any team or athlete can lose. Of course, if you do not bet on a fixed match, but we will not touch on this topic for now. Let absolutely everything speak in favor of one of the rivals, this is far from a reason to go all-in and bet big on him. If you closely follow the world of sports and have a lot of experience, you will surely be able to recall more than one game where an obvious outsider worked wonders, beating the favorite. Naturally, a "sure thing" can be seen in a match of approximately equal teams, but the principle is still the same, there should not be 100% certainty that anyone will win.
  8. Statistics is a friend of the BC player, but not the ultimate truth. Although statistics shed light on many issues, they cannot be a guarantee of success. In addition to statistics, there are other factors such as: motivation, current game form, player injuries, the atmosphere in the team, etc. Do not forget that it is not numbers that play on the site, but real people, that is, the human factor will not go anywhere. You should be especially careful with the results of face-to-face meetings, because from year to year there are changes in teams, and individual athletes either gain or lose shape, which means that what happened several years ago does not have to happen again.
  9. Do not rely entirely on paid forecasts, and even more so on the notorious "agreements". Of course, we won’t say unfoundedly that all paid forecasts on the Internet are made by scammers and will certainly lead to your ruin, we will only say that the risk of getting into a mess is very high. Before "fishing in muddy water" you should consider free options. For example, on our website you can always find forecasts from professionals on different kinds sports, and they are completely free. In order to "recapture" the cost of paid forecasts, you must have increased traffic and a solid bank, and not everyone can afford this, and it will not be superfluous to think carefully before buying someone's opinion. Special mention should be made of fixed matches, or as they are also called "fixed matches". On the Internet, most sites with such content simply "weld" on gullible people, offering them options that are not supported by any exclusive information.
  10. There are moments when everything goes like clockwork, a fountain of ideas and everything goes off with a bang. At such moments, you should not blindly follow your luck and play all-in. Bet only until the losses begin. For yourself, you can determine this line in advance by stopping betting after the first loss, or after 2-3. Most importantly, don't forget 1 rule- don't get emotional. Ideally, it is best to calculate the desired profit and acceptable loss before the game segment, and as soon as the upper or lower bar is reached, it will stop. It is the ability to stop betting in time, taking a break, that distinguishes a professional from an amateur.

Always try to remember that life is not limited to bets and you should not change the game at the bookmaker for communication with family and friends. Do not forget that bets and excitement go hand in hand, which means that there is always a risk of gambling addiction.

Most beginners who place bets in online bookmakers do not adhere to a specific strategy. Their goal is to get thrills, bets for the sake of bets. This is what they get in full.

As experience accumulates, players think about how to win. The sharpness of sensation fades into the background. These players create their own game strategies or use someone else's work.

Professional players often share their experience and give tips for beginners following which novice betters will be able to avoid many mistakes. Sports betting tips from professionals do not guarantee 100% success, these are just recommendations that increase the chances of winning.

Sports Knowledge

The first advice that professionals give is to bet only on the sport that you understand. Many novice sports bettors do not know how to put it right. Collect and analyze information about the results of matches for a couple of years, delve into all the features and nuances - and only then proceed to compiling a sports forecast.

League or tournament knowledge

Many sports have national leagues or championships. Choose one or two leagues, study them thoroughly and place your bets.

For example, if you are a football fan, you can choose the English Premier League or the Russian major league. In hockey - NHL and KHL. Watch the life of the selected leagues, track match results and refereeing features, study the standings and remember that yesterday's champion can become tomorrow's outsider.

Knowledge of the bookmaker

Professional bettors advise evaluating a bookmaker based on several parameters:

  1. Reliability. If a bookmaker has been on the market for 20-30 years, this is already an indicator. If the office was founded only a few years ago, you should familiarize yourself with the information on analytical sites, customer reviews.
  2. Betting line and painting for the selected sport. Some bookmakers specialize in football, others in hockey, and others in basketball or eSports. The ideal bookmaker for beginners should offer good odds, extensive line and detailed painting.
  3. Promotions and bonuses. For beginners important criterion is bonus program bookmaker's office. Most companies offer a bonus upon registration or the first deposit of a gaming account. In most cases, this is a doubling of the amount of replenishment or free bets for a similar amount.

On the Internet you can find information about all bookmakers. Experts advise you to contact the top offices that have proven themselves in the market.

Decide on a budget.

Allocate an amount that you can spend on betting without difficulty for family budget. It should be enough for several dozen bets, depending on the chosen strategy. The minimum rate is 1% of the bank, the maximum for beginners is 5%.

While the player is looking at the bookmaker and the world of sports betting, you should not make the bank too big, even if you have extra money. Big bets on big odds, hoping to get a lot at once, are too unpredictable and extreme.

Don't waste other people's money. Nobody can give you a 100% guarantee sports match, V otherwise bookmakers would cease to exist. In sports, sensations, surprises, agreements are always possible. A psychology of sports betting is such that you always want to recoup.

Choose a game strategy

Game strategy is selected, depending on your style of play. Some people will be satisfied with game strategies - surebets, middles, etc. Other players are more suitable financial. The first ones are aimed at experienced and gamblers, the second ones are aimed at bettors who seek to save and increase the bank with a high degree of probability.

No player or analyst is right 100% of the time. Impossible always win at sports betting. This is not necessary. It is enough if you guess the correct outcome of a sports duel in sixty percent of cases. In the presence of high coefficients, even thirty percent will suffice.

Place bets on events you are sure of. At the same time, you should not focus solely on the odds of bookmakers: they do not always reflect reality. Beginners can bet on events where there is a clear favorite. And even in this case, it is worth looking at the statistics of previous joint matches: perhaps this particular outsider team is “ hard nut» for the leader of the tournament. However, the chances of winning on sports betting on the favorite are much higher than with equal teams.

Following the advice of professionals and the chosen strategy, you will learn don't lose at sports betting.

Many people have an innate interest in all kinds of bets. Especially gambling sports fans try their luck by placing bets in bookmakers. A haphazard game brings few profits to anyone. To make money on this hobby, you need to know the secrets of sports betting. Experienced bettors are not always willing to share their best practices, but still some of them become public.

Taboo for professional players

To begin with, we will tell you what you should not do if you want to not only tickle your nerves by playing on bets, but also earn money:

  • No need to rush about in search of the highest odds. In the most rated offices, they are about the same. Inflated odds are for an outcome that has minimal chances. If you see high ratio on a clear favorite, most likely this bookmaker is not going to pay winnings to its customers, the case smells like fraud.
  • You should not bet on a team or an athlete just because you like them. You can sincerely cheer for them in front of the TV or in the stadium, but your bet won't help them unless it's calculated.
  • Never invest the entire bank in one event. No one can guarantee a 100% result. Better to be safe.
  • Do not play at unknown bookmakers. You should trust only legal operators who have good reputation. Read player reviews, study ratings on the Internet and on our website.
  • Don't make hasty bets after big win or losing. Betting and emotions are incompatible things.

Many novice bettors ignore these simple sports betting rules and quickly lose their entire bankroll. Money loves an account, so use well-known financial and gaming strategies.

Tactics and common sense

There are a lot financial strategies, which help to minimize the risk of a quick loss. These, of course, are not the secrets of sports betting, but without them, the bookmaker cannot win. Here are some of them:

  • The rate is always equal to a certain percentage of the bank.
  • The bet is always the same amount.

When you register with any bookmaker, they set the minimum amount that you need to deposit into your account. Maximum amount you install yourself. Deposit money that you can painlessly withdraw from your budget. If you will do minimum rates, for example, 5% of the bank, then it will be very difficult to go bankrupt. Sometimes bookmakers themselves set limits on bets.

When you have decided on your own financial (monetary) strategy, it's time to choose sports betting tactics. There are a lot of them, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Corridors. The essence of the strategy is betting on total over and under. Players find such sporting events where the risk of losing is reduced to zero. The corridor can cover both bets and in any case one of them will win.
  • Forks. One of the most reliable win-win strategies. Bets are placed on one sporting event in two bookmakers, on a mutually exclusive result. In any case, one of the bets will be winning. The difficulty is that you need to calculate the amount of the bet in such a way and choose the coefficients so that one winning bet covers two. To quickly find rates experienced players use programs that look for them. There are special formulas for calculating the profitability of a surebet. Not all bookmakers are loyal to arbers. Sometimes they set limits on bets or block their account.
  • Dogon. One of the dubious strategies that originates in the casino game. Its essence is that the size of each next bet is doubled. Thus, the win, which will happen sooner or later, covers all previous bets.

These are the most popular strategies that are used when playing bets. After analyzing them, you can choose the right one for you, depending on the size of your bank.

Secrets of successful bettors

Players who are just starting to master sports betting often ask for advice from more experienced and successful ones. Here is one of the secrets that will help keep the bank constantly in the black.

Before placing a bet, you need to check if it satisfies the following conditions:

  • The coefficient must be no more than 1.55. Everything is very simple - than more chances for the victory of this team, the lower the coefficient on it. Bet only on those who are considered favorites by bookmakers, they very rarely make mistakes.
  • The coefficient on the opponent must be higher than 3.0.
  • Both of these conditions must be met, otherwise do not place a bet.

If you stick to these secrets from the sports betting pros, you will win more often than you lose. If too low odds don't appeal to you, play accumulator. You can select several events that meet the above criteria and bet on them in an accumulator. The odds multiply, and you have a chance to win a good amount.

AND main secret sports betting - do not play too much. Do not dive into betting with your head and luck will be on your side!