What not to do on a leap year: signs and superstitions. Leap year: signs and superstitions

Leap year is a source of constant debate about the presence or absence of reasons for concern. For some, it is the cause of worry, and for others, it is the cause of inspiration and the generation of good premonitions. And, as often happens, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

What is a leap year

A leap year has 366 days instead of 365. The reason for adding one extra day is quite simple. The length of one year is approximately 365 days and 6 hours. An extra 6 hours in 4 years gives another lost day, which is added to the new year. This is where February 29 came from.

This calendar was developed during the reign of Gaius Julius Caesar. It was compiled by the best astronomers and greatest minds that era. It began its action in 45 BC. Interesting fact is that first leap year was introduced every three years. This continued for 36 years until the scientists of Emperor Augustus corrected this error.

Signs and superstitions in a leap year

It will never be possible to reach consensus on this issue and come to a common denominator, because opinions are clearly divided. You can only voice the reasoning of scientists, esotericists and psychics about the leap year, and then each of us will choose the right side for ourselves.

At all, ancient superstitions and observations ordinary people are categorical on the issue of leap year - it is extremely unfavorable. Many people believe that February 29 brings only troubles, and also that the worst things in our lives happen during leap years. Long-term observations of historical realities confirm this fact.

Besides, folk wisdom advises not to change anything in such years: not to get divorced or get married, not to move and not to plan children or a new business. However, there are recipes for overcoming the negativity associated with a leap year. For example, you can stock up on an effective amulet.

Scientists believe that a leap year does not carry any negativity, since it is only an adjustment for the lost 24 hours. Astronomers' observations show that there are no changes in Solar System, in the life of our planet and the Moon there is no leap year. No deviations of an unknown nature associated with an extra February day have ever been observed, so scientists clearly and clearly announce their verdict - the 29th day does not change anything.

Astrologers believe that the current leap year will bring good luck to people born under the Sign of Leo. The Fire Monkey will accompany this. In general, astrologers have a well-established opinion that a leap year can be quite unusual and polar, but there is no data or evidence that it is strictly unfavorable.

Christian church, as well as others world religions, such as Islam and Buddhism, do not react in any way to the addition of an extra day. Moreover, Christian teaching has a rather negative attitude towards superstitions, since only we and God control our lives. Therefore, negative thoughts, according to leading religions, can lead to negativity, but only because we set ourselves up for such a wave.

This is how we approach main idea- think positively. Psychologists give this recommendation about superstitions, and this advice is more relevant than ever during a leap year. A positive attitude will maintain your inner balance and bring luck and good fortune. We wish you a happy and productive leap year, and don't forget to click on the buttons and

19.01.2016 00:30

If your ears are burning, and this is not caused by any diseases, then this phenomenon can be...

Leap year is famous for being considered the most difficult and dangerous period of time. Since ancient times, people began to notice that it was during these years that misfortunes and unfavorable situations most often occur. During the leap year, signs and superstitions began to appear among the people.

Birth of a baby

There are many unfavorable predictions regarding children born in a high year and pregnancy.

Women expecting a baby are prohibited from cutting their hair this year, otherwise the offspring will be born sick or mentally retarded.

February 29 is recognized as the most unfavorable day. An unhappy fate awaits a person born on this day. Most mothers believe in this sign, so the birth date of February 29 is not written down for newborns. Although there is an opinion that babies born on an unlucky day are endowed with a rare gift.

Children born in a leap year are surrounded by signs and superstitions about poor health. Therefore, those who saw the light in unfavorable year, you need to baptize as soon as possible. For the role godparent a blood relative is selected.

In a bad year, you should not celebrate the appearance of the child’s first tooth, otherwise the others will have difficulty erupting.

Wedding prediction

People have predictions related to celebrating a wedding in a leap year. Previously, at this time, we did not use the services of professional matchmakers. Girls had to choose their own spouse. Later they began to say that getting married this year was bad, because women were the initiators of marriage. They began to believe that the created married couple will:

  • have an unstable financial situation;
  • they will not experience family happiness, and the young couple will soon separate.

Divorce is also prohibited during a leap year. Otherwise, spouses who have broken their marriage ties will no longer be able to find personal happiness. In this case, there is one ritual that can protect divorced people from loneliness. The spouse who has freed himself from marital obligations must go to god's temple with a towel and say: “I pay tribute to the leap year, and you, family angel, stand next to me.” After such a ritual there will be more chances find your soulmate.

Everyday prophecies

Let's look at what signs and superstitions there are about the leap year in everyday life:

  1. You cannot share your goals that are planned to be realized - they will not come true.
  2. It is not recommended to borrow a large amount Money. It won't be possible to give it away quickly. As a result, your own health will suffer, and troubles will arise in love and friendship.
  3. Construction is prohibited. Any structure will burn down in the near future.
  4. It is not allowed to buy or change housing, or change jobs.
  5. It is not recommended to go mushroom hunting. In ancient times it was believed that given year all plants are poisonous.
  6. It is prohibited to sell or exchange any livestock or even drown kittens.
  7. If there are geese and it is decided to slaughter them, then the third bird should be given just like that to a relative or neighbor.
  8. It is forbidden to think about death and start purchasing things for this in advance. This can lead to early death.
  9. In the spring, with the first planting of seeds and seedlings, you should say: “I plant in a leap year, I’ll die soon enough.”
  10. When you hear dogs howling, you must say: “Go howl, but not to my house. Amen".

During the Leap Year, you cannot start anything serious - building a house, major contracts or transactions, purchases, weddings and much more. All this was prohibited. Because nothing good will come of such undertakings - everything will soon fall apart and bring with it many more problems. Also, if possible, you should not change your job or apartment.

In a leap year, it is better not to start building a bathhouse.

A child born in a leap year needs to take blood relatives as godfathers.

If you live in a village and raise geese, then when you slaughter a bird in a leap year, give the third goose for free to relatives or neighbors.

In the spring of a leap year, when you plant seeds and seedlings in the garden for the first time, say:

If you still decide to get married on a leap year, then before the ceremony say this:

“I crown with a crown, not a leap end.”

People who get divorced during a leap year should buy a new towel. These towels are then taken to the church and given to the cleaning ladies, saying silently:

I pay tribute to the leap year, and you, family angel, stand next to me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

In a leap year, when leaving home, they say without crossing the threshold:

“I walk and ride along the leap trail, I bow to the leap trail. I left the door and will return here. Amen".

At the first thunder in a leap year, they cross their fingers and whisper:

“The whole family is with me (names of your family members). Amen".

When they hear a dog howling on a leap year, they say:

“Go howl, but not to my home. Amen".

Usually on Ivan Kupala people collect herbs for treatment. And in a leap year, when you come to the forest, before you start collecting herbs and roots, stand facing west and say:

“Leap year, father, keep the bad things for yourself, and let me take the dear ones. Amen".

You cannot pick mushrooms in a leap year. otherwise you can bring illness and even death to your family.

You can't drown kittens during a leap year.

During a leap year, it is better not to go to church when a funeral service is taking place there.

If your daughter gets her period for the first time during a leap year, it is better not to tell anyone about it - not a friend, not a sister, not a grandmother - so as not to rob the girl of her feminine happiness.

On parent's Saturday on a leap year, when they come to the cemetery, they do not remember the dead until three people have been commemorated.

If a person goes to prison during a leap year, then one of the prisoner’s relatives must go to church, light a candle for three saints and, leaving the temple, say:

“The Leap Day will leave, and the servant of God (name) will come home. Amen".

A prisoner in prison, saying goodbye to a leap year, must cross himself and say, but so that no one sees or hears him at that moment, the following words:

“Free will, but not bondage for me.”

During Leap Year, you cannot sing carols on Christmastide. Because our ancestors believed that by dressing up as a monster or an animal, you could become just like him and adopt their behavior. It was also believed that in this way you could lose your happiness during Leap Year.

During Leap Year, you cannot change anything in your life. Because you can ruin and destroy your life, especially since they believed such changes were futile. Therefore, during Leap Year they did not get divorced, did not move to another place of residence, did not change jobs, did not get married, and much more was prohibited.

During Leap Year, pregnant women cannot cut their hair before giving birth, because our ancestors believed that otherwise the child would be born weak and sickly.

During Leap Year, you cannot purchase anything “mortal” in advance, that is, related to the funeral. Because such actions lead to quick death.

Also, our ancestors, when they planted something, said:

“On a leap year, it’s time to die.”

During Leap Year, you cannot sell or exchange animals, birds, and all living creatures in general. It was also forbidden to drown kittens this year.

When it was impossible to avoid a long trip, people on Leap Year said the following as they crossed the threshold:

“I walk and ride along the leap trail, I bow to the leap trail. I left the threshold (came down), and I’ll come back here.”

You can’t pick mushrooms on Leap Year because our ancestors believed that they were all poisonous. However, such a superstition is most likely due to the fact that in four years the mycelium degenerates.

In Leap Year you cannot celebrate the “first tooth”. Since ancient times, our ancestors had a tradition of inviting guests when a baby’s first tooth appeared in the house. However, if this event fell on a Leap Year, then the gatherings were cancelled. Because, according to the superstition, the child will have bad teeth.

Wedding in Leap Year 2016.

Even in our time, when few people pay attention to ancient superstitions, couples in love try not to schedule a wedding on a leap year. Probably every girl has heard from her parents or grandmothers that if you get married on a Leap Year, it will bring disaster, and soon such a family will fall apart. But is it. What is this superstition connected with and what to do to save your marriage.

Let's start with the fact that since ancient times it was believed that Leap Year is the “year of brides.” What is meant by this name? This suggests that every girl has the right to woo anyone during this period. young man. At the same time, the guy cannot refuse. One can imagine the consequences of such a tradition. Young people were forced to marry those they did not love. Don’t expect anything good from such a family life, and it is natural that such marriages broke up.

Representatives Orthodox Church They have always argued that Leap Year has no effect on the relationship between spouses, everything depends on them. The most important thing is mutuality, which will save the marriage. If you are worried that a Leap Year may somehow ruin your family life, then our ancestors gave some advice in such cases:

*a wedding dress in a leap year should be long, below the knees. Moreover, the longer the dress, the longer the marriage will be;

*do not give the dress to anyone after the wedding. You also cannot sell veils, gloves and other accessories;

*do not put it on the glove, because in this case both partners will not take the marriage seriously;

*to be strong marriage, the women kept the spoon with which the groom used the food. After the wedding, on the 3rd, 7th and 40th days, the wives gave their husbands to eat with this particular spoon;

*a coin was placed in the shoes of the bride and groom this year; according to our ancestors, this year would save the family from disasters.

Birth of a child in Leap Year 2016.

Attitudes towards the birth of a child in Leap Year are quite ambiguous. On the one hand, our ancestors believed that being born this year was unfavorable, because such a person would have a sad and unhappy fate, only losses and suffering awaited him. But others, on the contrary, believed that those born in a leap year are unique people who are destined for a special fate.

And people who were born on February 29 were considered chosen. Surely, more than once many of us have wondered how they generally celebrate their birthday - every four years or like everyone else every year. In general, there are those who celebrate their birthday every 4 years, and those who celebrate their birthday every year. At the same time, since ancient times there has been a belief that such people will definitely live a long life.

German professor Heinrich Hemme came up with a system for calculating leap birthdays depending on the hour of birth. So, if a child was born from midnight to 6 am on February 29, then the holiday should be celebrated on February 28, if from 6:00 to 12:00, then the 2nd year birthday should be celebrated on February 28, and on the third year on March 1. When the child was born on February 29 from noon to six in the evening, the name day is celebrated for the first year on February 28, and the next 2 years on March 1. And, accordingly, if the baby was born from 18:00 to midnight, the birthday is celebrated on March 1.

As already mentioned, some considered people who were born on February 29th to be chosen by fate. According to this sign, these are people who will be blessed with happiness and good luck. After all, this is the day when the so-called window from parallel world, respectively, the person who was born on this day is a messenger who is destined for something special.

Another sign is related to the fact that February 29 is a magical and mysterious day, and people born at this time have magical abilities, they are called, according to our ancestors, to teach us something, to show Right way at the crossroads. Therefore, they tried to listen to the opinions of such people.

Upcoming Leap Years: 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040

During the Leap Year, you cannot start anything serious - building a house, major contracts or transactions, purchases, weddings and much more. All this was prohibited. Because nothing good will come of such undertakings - everything will soon fall apart and bring with it many more problems. Also, if possible, you should not change your job or apartment.

In a leap year, it is better not to start building a bathhouse.

A child born in a leap year needs to take blood relatives as godfathers.

If you live in a village and raise geese, then when you slaughter a bird in a leap year, give the third goose for free to relatives or neighbors.

In the spring of a leap year, when you plant seeds and seedlings in the garden for the first time, say: “In a leap year, soot will die.”

If you still decide to get married on a leap year, then before the ceremony say this talisman: “I am crowning with a crown, not a leap end.”

People who get divorced during a leap year should buy a new towel. These towels are then taken to the church and given to the cleaning ladies, saying to themselves: “I pay tribute to the Leap Day, and you, Family Angel, stand next to me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

In a leap year, when leaving home, they say, without crossing the threshold: “I’m going and driving along the leap trail, I’ll bow to the leap year. I left the threshold, and I’ll come back here. Amen.”

At the first thunder in a leap year, they cross their fingers and whisper: “The whole family is with me (the names of your family members). Amen.”

When they hear a dog howling on a leap year, they say: “Go howl, but not to my home. Amen.”

Usually on Ivan Kupala people collect herbs for treatment. And in a leap year, when you come to the forest, before you start collecting herbs and roots, stand facing west and say: “Leap year, father, keep the bad things for yourself, and let me take the dear ones. Amen.”

You can’t pick mushrooms in a leap year, otherwise you can bring illness and even death to your family.

You can't drown kittens during a leap year.

During a leap year, it is better not to go to church when a funeral service is taking place there.

If your daughter gets her period for the first time during a leap year, it is better not to tell anyone about it - not a friend, not a sister, not a grandmother - so as not to take away the girl’s female happiness.

On Parents' Saturday in a leap year, when they come to the cemetery, they do not remember the dead until three people have been commemorated.

If a person is imprisoned during a leap year, then one of the prisoner’s relatives must go to church, light a candle for three saints and, leaving the temple, say: “The leap year will leave, and the servant of God (name) will come home. Amen.”

A prisoner in prison, seeing off a leap year, must cross himself and say, but so that no one sees or hears him at that moment, the following words: “Free will, but not bondage for me.”

During Leap Year, you cannot sing carols on Christmastide. Because our ancestors believed that by dressing up as a monster or an animal, you could become just like him and adopt their behavior. It was also believed that in this way you could lose your happiness during Leap Year.

During Leap Year, you cannot change anything in your life. Because you can ruin and destroy your life, especially since they believed such changes were futile. Therefore, during Leap Year they did not get divorced, did not move to another place of residence, did not change jobs, did not get married, and much more was prohibited.

During Leap Year, pregnant women cannot cut their hair before giving birth, because our ancestors believed that otherwise the child would be born weak and sickly.

During a Leap Year, you cannot purchase anything “mortal” in advance, that is, related to the funeral. Because such actions lead to quick death.

Also, our ancestors, when they planted something, said: “On a leap year, soot will die.”

During Leap Year, you cannot sell or exchange animals, birds, and all living creatures in general. It was also forbidden to drown kittens this year.

When it was not possible to avoid a long trip, people in Leap Year, crossing the threshold, said the following: “I’m going and riding along the leap trail, I’ll bow to the leap year. I left the threshold, and I’ll come back here.”

You can’t pick mushrooms on Leap Year because our ancestors believed that they were all poisonous. However, such a superstition is most likely due to the fact that in four years the mycelium degenerates.

In Leap Year you cannot celebrate the “first tooth”. Since ancient times, our ancestors had a tradition of inviting guests when a baby’s first tooth appeared in the house. However, if this event fell on a Leap Year, then the gatherings were cancelled. Because, according to the superstition, the child will have bad teeth.

Leap Year Wedding

Even in our time, when few people pay attention to ancient superstitions, couples in love try not to schedule a wedding on a leap year. Probably every girl has heard from her parents or grandmothers that if you get married on a Leap Year, it will bring disaster, and soon such a family will fall apart. But is it. What is this superstition connected with and what to do to save your marriage.

Let's start with the fact that since ancient times it was believed that Leap Year is the “year of brides.” What is meant by this name? This suggests that every girl has the right to woo any young man during this period. At the same time, the guy cannot refuse. One can imagine the consequences of such a tradition. Young people were forced to marry those they did not love. Don’t expect anything good from such a family life, and it is natural that such marriages broke up.

Representatives of the Orthodox Church have always argued that Leap Year does not affect the relationship between spouses in any way, everything depends on them. The most important thing is mutual love, which will save the marriage. If you are worried that Leap Year may somehow ruin your family life, then our ancestors gave some advice in such cases:

  • A wedding dress in a leap year should be long, below the knees. Moreover, the longer the dress, the longer the marriage will be;

  • Do not give the dress to anyone after the wedding. You also cannot sell veils, gloves and other accessories;

  • do not put the ring on your glove, because in this case both partners will not take the marriage seriously;

  • To ensure a strong marriage, women kept the spoon that the groom used to eat the food. After the wedding, on the 3rd, 7th and 40th days, the wives gave their husbands to eat with this particular spoon;

  • This year, a coin was placed in the shoes of the bride and groom; according to our ancestors, this ritual will save the family from disasters.

Having a baby in a Leap Year

Attitudes towards the birth of a child in Leap Year are quite ambiguous. On the one hand, our ancestors believed that being born this year was unfavorable, because such a person would have a sad and unhappy fate, only losses and suffering awaited him. But others, on the contrary, believed that those born in a leap year are unique people who are destined for a special fate.

And people who were born on February 29 were considered chosen. Surely, more than once many of us have wondered how they generally celebrate their birthday - every four years or like everyone else every year. In general, there are those who celebrate their birthday every 4 years, and those who celebrate their birthday every year. At the same time, since ancient times there has been a belief that such people will definitely live a long life.

German professor Heinrich Hemme came up with a system for calculating leap birthdays depending on the hour of birth. So, if a child was born from midnight to 6 am on February 29, then the holiday should be celebrated on February 28, if from 6:00 to 12:00, then the 2nd year birthday should be celebrated on February 28, and on the third year on March 1. When the child was born on February 29 from noon to six in the evening, the name day is celebrated for the first year on February 28, and the next 2 years on March 1. And, accordingly, if the baby was born from 18:00 to midnight, the birthday is celebrated on March 1.

As already mentioned, some considered people who were born on February 29th to be chosen by fate. According to this sign, these are people who will be blessed with happiness and good luck. After all, this is the day when the so-called window from the parallel world opens, respectively, the person who was born on this day is a messenger who is destined for something special.

Another sign is related to the fact that February 29 is a magical and mysterious day, and people born at this time have magical abilities; they are called, according to our ancestors, to teach us something, to show us the right path at a crossroads. Therefore, they tried to listen to the opinions of such people.

Let's first figure out why there is a leap year and what it is. A year is the length of time during which the Earth makes a complete revolution around the Sun. The fact is that it makes a full revolution not in exactly 365 days, but in 365 days and 6 hours. To prevent it from happening that according to the calendar it is December, but buds are swelling and snowdrops are appearing in the forest, it is customary to add 1 day to the 28 days of February once every 4 years. 29th day of February in Julian calendar(since introduced by Julius Caesar in Rome) is called “bis sextus” (“Bissextus”), and in Russian - “Visokos”. Consequently, the year will not have 365 days, but already 366. A year with 366 days is called a leap year.

WITH scientific point Everything seems to be clear, but why are many people afraid of leap years? Popularly, the extra day, February 29, is called Kasyanov Day. According to legend, Kasyan was an angel who turned out to be a traitor who told the demons about God’s plans. As punishment for this, he was beaten on the forehead for three years, and for the fourth year he was released to Earth, where he did evil. This legend has been the cause of superstitions regarding leap years since ancient times. People observed the events that took place every leap year, drew conclusions, and based on these conclusions, signs were born. Let's talk about some of the most common beliefs associated with leap year. So:

You shouldn't change jobs. But if you really found Good work, then really assess your strengths and capabilities before making a decision.

You can't get a divorce. If there is an opportunity to save the family, then it is better to do so. Old people have noticed that those who get divorced during a leap year are then much less likely to get the opportunity to improve their family life.

As soon as it rains for the first time in a leap year, you definitely need to get caught in it for happiness and success.

Do not tell anyone about your plans for the future - there will be no luck.

Don't borrow large sums money - you won’t be able to give it away quickly, which can cause problems related to health, love and friendship.

Children born on a leap year are considered lucky, and those born on February 29 may not be afraid of fires and floods; the elements will not touch them. By the way, these same children will have the gift of clairvoyance.

You cannot buy, sell real estate, or make repairs.

To Negative influence There was no leap year for family happiness; on December 31, everyone had to buy new slippers, and either burn or throw out the old ones.

As they said in the old days, he who is informed is armed. It is of no small importance whether to believe or not to believe in omens. There is a kind of placebo effect - if a person believes in omens and is positive, then they help him. And then, as Cinderella sang, “At least believe it, at least check it,” - it’s up to you!