Singer Tequila: biography, personal life, creative achievements. Singer Tequila: biography, personal life, creative achievements Sasha Tarasov t killah instagram

In the Russian sky, new stars now and then light up - some fade quickly, some linger longer. One such artist, who appeared in show business relatively recently, is Alexander Ivanovich Tarasov, known to a wide audience as T-Killah.

A little about hip hop

It is in this genre that T-Killah works. Hip-hop is often confused with rap or generally considered these concepts to be synonymous, which is fundamentally wrong. Rap is the reading of text to music in the form of recitative. Fragments of rap performance can be interspersed not only in hip-hop, but also in various other genres - in rhythm and blues, and in pop music, and so on. Hip-hop (from the English "jump-hop") is the union various forms art. In addition to music, this includes dance and graffiti. Musical direction hip-hop is music with certain percussive rhythms, both with and without vocals. It originates from the music of African Americans, in America it began to develop widely in the 70s of the last century, and only then it flooded the whole world.

T-Killah: biography

Sasha Tarasov was born in Moscow on April 30, 1989. His father is famous businessman Ivan Tarasov (engaged in construction, died last year), mother's name is Elena. The family was quite wealthy, intelligent, and Alexander received an appropriate upbringing. At school, according to the memoirs of the artist himself, he studied well - mostly for fours, although there were also threes. At the same time, Sasha was not a good boy: once he even dyed the teacher's hair right during the lesson.

With friends in his teenage years, young T-Killah went to clubs, led a nocturnal lifestyle. Thoughts about music did not arise in his head then, as, indeed, about a serious education. However, Sasha's father, having learned about the adventures of his son, decided to direct him "on the right path." WITH light hand father Alexander and ended up at the Academy economic security The Ministry of Internal Affairs - for nothing that the school in which he studied was also with an economic bias. He studied smoothly at the institute, was known as a favorite among his peers and teachers. He says that tests and exams were mostly easy. The direction of "finance and credit" the future artist graduated in 2010. However, at that time he was no longer a “future”, but a “real” artist. How did it all work out?

The beginning of the way

IN T-Killah biographies there are no special details about this, but, as is usually the case in life, it all happened because of the girl. Academy student Sasha Tarasov recorded a song for a friend, which she posted on the World Wide Web. Laudatory reviews appeared, and for the first time Alexander thought about making music at a professional level.

Then he chose a pseudonym for himself not T-Killah - Taras: that's what his friends called him. Later, having plunged more deeply into this field of activity, Sasha decided to change his stage name. He recalls that he certainly wanted to leave the first letter "T" - in honor of the surname, but he could not think of anything further. The case saved the case - at a party, Alexander went over with tequila, then inquired what the meaning of this word was, and discovered that in medicine there is a drug with similar name, whose purpose is to kill harmful cells in cancer. Thus, from Alexander Ivanovich Tarasov, T-Killah appeared, whose vocation determined the purge of the stage from poor-quality performers.

Career takeoff

Sasha's first song, which conquered the charts, was called "At the Bottom". He recorded it in 2009, and she also owes her appearance to the girl: it was love suffering that prompted young man for creativity. The song soared to the top of the charts, and the video for it collected several million views on Youtube. Sasha was first talked about. But for complete success this was not enough - the next song was required, which would also become a hit. And Sasha remembered his school friend - Nastya Kochetkova. While still teenagers, they agreed to record a joint track sooner or later. Then Nastya got on the popular project of the First Channel "Star Factory", took up creativity. The girl responded with joy to Alexander's offer to work. Thanks to their tandem, the song "Above the Earth" was born, which in the shortest possible time became a hit and strengthened the position of T-Killah on the Russian stage.

And then - everything started spinning. Sasha wrote songs, shot videos. In 2013 it was released debut album Boom, two years later - the second disc called "Puzzle". The artist recalls that for a long time he did not tell his parents about his hobby. Having learned about Sasha's occupation, mother did not believe in his success for a long time - until two girls approached her on the street and asked her to say hello to her son. The father, according to Alexander, always supported his undertakings. In memory of him this year Sasha released the song and video clip "Papa".


Duet creativity occupies a special position in the biography of T-Killah. In addition to the song with in the artist's archive, there are works with Victoria Daineko, Olga Buzova, Loya, Anastasia Stotskaya. By the way, his first disc consists of almost duets. Among the singer's latest collaborations, one can note a recording with Alexander Marshal, the Vintage group, Vera Brezhneva.

Personal life and social activities

T-Killah doesn't talk too much about his personal life. For a long time he reported that he didn’t have a girlfriend at all, he was free, in search and, like the hero of his video “ Good morning”, wakes up every morning in the arms of a new girlfriend. All this secured the image of Casanova for Sasha. However, in Lately there were allegations that T-Killah still has a girlfriend. Allegedly, since October last year, the artist has been meeting with Maria Belova, the host of one of Russian TV channels. Together with her, Sasha appeared at the wedding of one of the popular musicians and, according to witnesses, did not leave her a single step.

But there is more information about social activities in the biography of T-Killah. He is engaged in production, owns the production company Star Technology, is actively involved in charity work, and helps homeless animals.

  1. Since childhood, he has been involved in sports, recently he has become interested in crossfit.
  2. Likes to play football but hates to watch.
  3. He loves dogs and hates cats, he is allergic to the latter. There are two dogs at home.
  4. From my mother I took over the love of extreme sports.
  5. I love the work of Kanye West.
  6. He loves action movies, dreams of acting in films in this genre.
  7. Sasha's height is 193 centimeters.
  8. One of Sasha's dogs, nicknamed Marshal, got its name in honor of Alexander Marshal - it was during the recording of the duet with the artist that this dog was acquired.

There is an opinion that there are two ways to get into the domestic show business - either give someone very influential a lot of money, or through bed. Sasha T-Killah - a prime example how to achieve success on your own, bypassing both, and without having music education. So if there is talent, everything will certainly work out.

T-Killah - famous Russian performer(real name - Alexander Tarasov). The main genres in which the singer works are rap, R'n'B and hip-hop.

The childhood of Alexander Tarasov

The future star of domestic hip-hop was born on April 30, 1989 in Moscow, in the family of Ivan and Elena Tarasov. His father was engaged in business in the construction industry, but he always supported his son's creative endeavors.

Since childhood, Alexander has been involved in sports - basketball, volleyball, kickboxing. The guy's education began at a school with an economic specialization, then continued at the Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

It seemed that the future of the guy was predetermined, and there was no place for music in it. However creativity took its toll, and Alexander decided to start a career in show business, despite the lack of musical education.

The beginning of the career of Alexander Tarasov

In 2009, T-killah's efforts to break into big stage crowned with long-awaited success after the release of the composition "To the Bottom (Owner)". The song scattered across the Russian-speaking Internet and became one of the most listened to songs in social network"In contact with". A little later, a video of the same name appeared, which collected several million views on Youtube.

T-killah - "Down Under (Master)" (2009)

Tarasov managed to consolidate his success thanks to his joint work with Nastya Kochetkova, a member of the Star Factory. Their common video for the song "Above the Earth" literally "broke" radio stations and music channels. The song stayed at the top of various charts for a long time. Another duet composition that finally won the hearts of T-killah fans - "Radio", recorded together with Masha Malinovskaya - was released in 2010.

T-killah ft. Masha Malinovskaya - "Radio" (2010)

T-Killah debut album

The artist has been preparing for the release of the first album for several years, and finally in 2013 the debut album of T-Killah called "Boom" was released.

The album consisted mainly of collaborations with other artists. In addition to Kochetkova and Malinovskaya, Tarasov recorded songs and videos with the star of Dom-2 Olga Buzova, "manufacturer" Victoria Daineko, singer Loya, actress and politician Maria Kozhevnikova, ex-tattoo Lena Katina, winner of the Junior Eurovision Nastya Petrik, Anastasia Stotskaya and other stars domestic stage.

T-killah ft. Nastya Kochetkova - "Above the Earth" (2010)

The scale of the artist's joint work amazed even DJ Smash, whom T-Killah also did not deprive of attention by recording a cover of his composition " Best songs».

After the stunning success of the first disc, T-killah hurried to release the next album, released in 2015 - "Puzzles", which clearly demonstrated that the performer does not sit still, but is diligently developing in creative plan. The album finally included T-Killah's solo hits, however, it was not without joint recordings. The duets with Alexander Marshal and the Vintage group especially fell in love with the audience.

T-killah ft. Alexander Marshal - "I will remember" (2015)

After the release of the album, Alexander Tarasov pleased the fans with a couple more new compositions: "Floors" (a duet with Vera Brezhneva), "It's OK", "Good Morning" and "Monkeys".

One of latest clips T-Killah - "Monkeys", recorded with the participation of video blogger Amiran Sardarov (leads a channel called "Khach's Diary").

T-killah & Khach's Diary - "Monkeys"

Social activities of Alexander Tarasov

Alexander Tarasov is active life position, so music is far from all that this young man is fond of.

Becoming the author of the project of the production company Star Technology, Tarasov gave a chance to many novice performers to fulfill their dream of the stage. "Star Technology" represents the interests of newcomers in the field of music, as well as established celebrities such as Lena Katina and members of the Romanian group Morandi.

Tarasov successfully engaged in charity work and social activities. He actively participated in charity project"Looking for a home" by helping homeless animals. T-killah is also interested in Internet technologies and actively invests in various IT startups.

T-Killah's personal life

The guy's first love, or rather, her collapse, had a powerful influence on T-killah's career. It was the decline of these relationships that the rapper dedicated his debut successful work"At the bottom". Now, the image of Casanova is firmly entrenched in the guy, which is supported by the media and by Alexander Tarasov himself.

T-Killah - Boom Boom Tequila Read all

The 26-year-old rapper has always known that his life is connected with music. Own creative name Sasha chose at the age of 14, after an unsuccessful tasting of the alcoholic drink of the same name. However, in early years because of the surname, the future musician received the nickname "Taras" or, according to the version school teachers, “Taras-to-board”.

T-Killah - Boom Boom Tequila 03:42 /* */Alexander is a lawyer by education, by life he is a regular on charts and the author of tracks that easily collect tens of thousands of views on the Internet. And - famous person on the TV screen: he managed to take part in the project of the first channel “Cruel Intentions” (season 3), sing along with the popular presenter Masha Malinovskaya (“Radio”) and the face of the project “Dom-2” Olga Buzova (“Don't forget”). By the way, joint tracks with them were included in the first album “Boom”, released in 2013.

T-Killah - Radio (feat. Masha Malinovskaya) 03:24 / * * / T-Killah is a hip-hop and R&B performer, he collaborates with famous singers- Anastasia Stotskaya, Lena Katina, Victoria Daineko. Alexander is actively involved in boxing, kickboxing and is a professional volleyball player: the rapper has 7 years of productive training behind him.
The first composition of T-Killa, which made a fuss, was called "To the bottom (Master)". The video has more than half a million views on YouTube and half a hundred thousand reposts on Vkontakte - with such indicators, the video received the status of the most popular on the network in 2009 and 2010.
After the successful release of two albums, Alexander went into business - he manages the Star Technology production center, where Garage Raver works - a master known for his successful collaboration with Timati and Sergey Lazarev.

T-Killah – Invisible03:35/* */ Facts about the musician:

On the set of a video clip in the city of Alicante, together with singer Nastya Kochetkova, the musicians were robbed - they stole money and an expensive musical device
At the invitation of DJ Smash, Alexander recorded a cover version of the original composition “Best Songs”. Part of the text was composed by T-Killah from the lines of several popular DJ hits, and the instrumental parts were recorded live.
In the clip "Hello How Are You" a popular model of the Victoria's Secret brand from Moldova, 24-year-old Xenia Deli, appeared
T-Killah loves dogs very much: he participates in the “Looking for a Home” project, which is dedicated to finding owners for homeless animals, and also tweets his own pet named Pharrell.

Alexander Tarasov is a charming and talented young man who managed to become famous under the pseudonym Tequila. The biography of the singer is of interest to all his fans. In this article you can read about life path and creative achievements of the national pop star.

Singer Tequila: biography, artist's family

So how did it all start? Alexander Tarasov is a native Muscovite, was born in April 1989. Family is a topic with which it is worth starting a story about the biography of the singer Tequila. Alexander's parents had nothing to do with the stage. His father ran a factory producing ZIL trucks, and his mother was a housewife.

In 2011, a tragedy happened in the family - Alexander's father Ivan suffered his first stroke. The man was able to regain strength and return to work, but his health deteriorated. In 2016, he died, the cause of death was another stroke. The loss of his father was a big shock for the singer, as dad has always been a close friend to him and

Childhood, youth

The singer Tequila, whose biography and family are discussed in this article, was active and inquisitive in childhood. IN primary school the boy was almost an excellent student, he obeyed adults. Everything changed when Alexander moved to the fifth grade. Yesterday's nerd became one of the main hooligans of the school, constantly provoking other children to various pranks. From the memoirs of the star, it follows that once he even threw firecrackers at the head teacher's office, which he now sincerely repents of.

As a child, Tarasov began to seriously engage in sports, giving preference to basketball and volleyball. When he moved into high school, kickboxing became a part of his life. By the time he graduated from school, Alexander had not yet decided on the choice of profession. He decided to continue his education at the Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Choice of life path

The biography of the singer Tequila indicates that he might not have become an artist. However, in student years Alexander was seriously interested in music. His favorite genres are rap and hip-hop. Gradually, Tarasov came to the idea that he wanted to connect his life with performances on stage.

In 2009 musical career young man went uphill. The success of his composition "To the bottom" led to the fact that Tequila broke onto the big stage. The video of the same name, filmed for this song, helped to consolidate the success. The video caused a real stir among YouTube users.

Then the singer Tequila, whose biography is discussed in this article, met his creative tandem with the graduate of Star Factory-4, which was a tremendous success. fruit joint work Alexander and Anastasia became the song "Above the Earth", for which the video of the same name was shot. The composition did not leave the lines of the Russian charts for a long time.

Career Development

In 2010, the singer Tequila, whose biography and songs are discussed in the article, presented the song "Radio" to the public. He recorded it in collaboration with the success of the song prompted Tarasov to think about the debut album. In 2013, the artist finally made his fans happy with his first disc. The disc received a telling name - "Boom". Alexander's debut album includes songs that he recorded with other stars. Among them were Victoria Daineko, Anastasia Stotskaya, Loya.

Tarasov's second album was not long in coming. Already in 2015, a disc called "Puzzles" was released. This time famous singer focused on solo compositions. However, he did not completely abandon duets. Some songs were recorded by Alexander in collaboration with Alexander Marshal, the Vintage group. Then for some time he worked with Vera Brezhneva, the composition "Floors" became the fruit of their joint work.

Personal life

What else can the biography of the singer Tequila tell about? The personal life of Alexander Tarasov has always been in full swing. The young man is used to bathing in the rays of female attention, takes it for granted. The fair sex liked him even before he managed to make himself known as a singer.

Journalists love to write about the latest passions of rapper Tequila. IN different time were attributed to him romantic relationship with model Xenia Deli, TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva. There were also rumors that he was carried away by Olga Buzova, who was made the star of the Dom-2 television project. Alexander Tarasov is indifferent to such gossip, traditionally refuses to comment.

In 2010, the singer Tequila began an affair with the charming model Olga Rudenko. Alexander met this girl at one of the secular parties, she immediately attracted his attention. Relations between Rudenko and Tarasov developed rapidly, he even made his girlfriend the director of his own project. There were rumors about an imminent wedding, but this did not happen. In 2014 it became known that a beautiful couple broke up.

Alexander and Catherine

The biography of the singer Tequila indicates that in the first months after the breakup, he enjoyed the bachelor life. However, already in 2016, it turned out that Tarasov's heart was again busy. This time, Katrin Grigorenko became the chosen one of the national pop star. This bright brunette won the Miss Kazakhstan 2016 contest. Do Alexander and Katrin intend to create a new unit of society? Rumors about the imminent wedding of celebrities arise all the time, but they themselves are in no hurry to comment on them. It is still difficult to predict whether this relationship will stand the test of time. Many fans are wondering if rapper Tequila has children? It is known that the singer has not yet acquired heirs, but does not mind their appearance in the future.

Rapper T-Killah, also known to everyone as Alexander Tarasov, prefers to relax in the company of friends and beautiful girls. In March, the young man worked hard in the studio and filmed his new clip, and now relaxes in the gym and at parties.

The day before, the performer showed in his microblog how he and his friend, Oleg Miami, in good location spirits drive a car and sing songs. "Starhit" managed to find out that before that the rapper appeared on one of social events Thursday evening, accompanied by a leggy, spectacular brunette. It turned out that T-Killah had fun in the company of model Katrin Grigorenko. According to some reports, the girl is the owner of the title "Miss Kazakhstan-2016". The couple enthusiastically whispered about something and tried not to catch the eye of secular photographers - the lovers carefully hide their romance. They left the event together.

“Together they are not so long ago, met at a party of mutual friends. Therefore, they don’t want to advertise their relationship yet, they are afraid to jinx it, ”one of the musician’s friends told StarHit.

In Instagram, the model, who came from Kazakhstan to conquer Moscow, also did not appear a single hint of a new chosen one. On her page, Katya prefers to post photos from her portfolio, bouquets of flowers from secret admirers or selfies.

Rapper T-Killah has excellent taste in choosing the fair sex. Alexander recently released the Good Morning video, in which he is surrounded by spectacular beauties in lingerie. According to the plot of the video, the performer dreams of a girl with whom he has an affair. But then it becomes clear from the clip that the young man's passions are constantly changing. “This is the story of my life! This happens to me almost every morning! The only difference is that I don't wake up with so many girls!" - said the author of the clip.

By the way, in a recent interview, T-Killah told what kind of chosen one he would like to see next to him. “The perfect girl should scratch my back before bed. If she excels at something else, you know what I mean, cooking isn't necessary. Well, in general, it would be nice if she knew how to cook borscht and all sorts of other things. interesting dishes! She's a girl! The kitchen is her territory. Although it is easy with me, I lead a sporty lifestyle and I have proper nutrition", - shared the rapper.