Practical application of music therapy in work with preschool children. Music Therapy for Children

In the forest. (Elements of musical modeling and kinesitherapy)

Experience emotional state. (disturbing music) We got lost in the forest, around tall trees, thorny bushes, stumps. We walk, raising our legs high, stepping over tall grass, hummocks.

exit stage difficult situation, calm. (joyful music) But here we see a sunny clearing ahead. It has soft green grass, a clear lake in the middle. Flowers of extraordinary beauty grow in the grass, birds sit on the trees, grasshoppers chirp in the grass. The child sits on the floor and looks around.

Emotional relaxation. (Calm music for relaxation) Water splashes quietly in the lake, you can hear a stream murmuring somewhere, birds chirping, bees buzzing. We are blown by a light warm breeze. The child lies on the floor in a comfortable position with his eyes closed.

cloud (rhythmoplasty)

Exercise is good to do in the air.

Look at the clouds floating across the sky. This cloud looks like a giant, and this one looks like a horse. And come on, you and I will turn into white fluffy clouds. Here a light breeze blew, and we swim, spin around the sky with it. (light music by Tchaikovsky) The shape of the cloud changes from the breath of the wind. You should move smoothly, easily, making various movements.

bee in a flower (kinesitherapy)

The bee flies across the field. (Rimsky-Korsakov "Flight of the Bumblebee") He sits on one flower, then on another. The child imitates the flight of a bee, flaps its wings, sits on flowers (on a sofa, armchair, chair). But then the bee flew in, got tired and fell asleep on a beautiful flower. Night has come. (Brahms "Lullaby") We throw a thick scarf over the child. Morning came, the sun rose, the bee woke up and again flew from flower to flower. (We remove the scarf, we change the music)

The brave daredevil .(kinesitherapy)

Once upon a time there lived a cowardly bunny in the forest. I was afraid of everything around. He sits under a bush and shakes. (The child imitates the behavior of a hare.) The wind blows, the hare trembles, the branch crunches - the hare shakes even more. (Schumann's music "Santa Claus") But the hare is tired of being afraid. He climbed onto a stump and shouts: “I am a brave man, I am not afraid of anyone!” (music by Beethoven "Ode to Joy")

Suddenly, a wolf came into the clearing. (Toy from puppet theater) Yes, so suddenly that the hare lost all his courage. He trembled like an aspen leaf, jumped off the stump, and so awkwardly that he landed right on the wolf's back. And the hare took off running. (Saint-Saens "Hare") The child shows how the hare runs away.

And the wolf was actually frightened of the hare, which so unexpectedly attacked him and ran away forever from this forest. (music by Beethoven “Ode to Joy”) The animals began to praise the hare: “Well done, Brave, daring, drove the wolf away, was not afraid!” Since then, the hare is not afraid of anything.

Pinocchio - Stress relief game

An adult says to a child: “Now you will turn into Pinocchio”

Stand up straight, the body becomes wooden, like Pinocchio.

Tighten your shoulders, arms, fingers, they become wooden.

Legs tense up, toes become wooden.

The face and neck, forehead are tense, the jaws are compressed.

And now from Pinocchio you are again turning into a boy (girl).

All muscles are relaxed.

Magic scissors

The music of Shestakovich "Leningrad Symphony" sounds.

The adult invites the child to draw himself. Then he sticks or draws black blots around this portrait. These are the child's fears. An adult and a child designate each fear: “This is darkness, this is Baba Yaga, this is loneliness” (Mozart’s music) After that, the child is offered to cut out his portrait and stick it on Blank sheet paper. An adult gives the child pre-prepared colored circles that indicate parents, people close to the child, friends. He should stick them next to the portrait as he sees fit, naming each one. And the child tears the cut blots into small pieces and throws them away.

snowmen .(Psycho-gymnastics for removal stressful situations)

An adult invites a child to turn into a snowman. Stand up straight, arms to the sides, puff out your cheeks, freeze and remain in this position for 10 seconds.

(music by Chopin "Winter's Tale") But then the sun came out, sun rays reached out to the Snowman and he began to melt. The child lowers his hands, crouches, lies on the floor, relaxes.

Crystal water

The child crouches, clasps his hands like a ladle and, as it were, scoops up water from a stream, then raises his hands up and pours the water over himself, then, jumping on one leg, utters a long “ee-ee-ee” for as long as he can. At the same time, the bell rings, the child listens and follows the sound until it subsides.

How does it sound.

The child is invited to show how he will beat the drum, glockenspiel or use another musical instrument if he is sad, cheerful, scared.


Invite the child to sing the sound “mmm”, in time for as long as he can stretch. Exercise promotes stress relief and relaxation.

Stretching out the sound “ah-ah-ah” helps to quickly relax.

Extend the sound "and-and-and" - in a few minutes it stimulates the working capacity of the brain, activates the work of all body systems. These exercises also help develop and will be useful for .

Music therapy for preschoolers

Music accompanies mankind, perhaps, from the very beginning of its existence. Lullabies lull babies to sleep, marches and drumming add courage, singing prayers sets you in a high spiritual mood... A lot has been said about the influence of a harmonious combination of sounds, but not everyone knows that music can act as a remedy.

What is music therapy

Music therapy is one of the methods of psychotherapeutic influence. As a rule, music therapy is not used in isolation, but in combination with other methods of treatment, and yet, according to many psychologists and psychotherapists, in some cases, due to the competent use of the therapeutic effect of music, very good results can be achieved.

Music therapy began its procession in the 19th century, but only in the 20th century did this technique become widespread. In many European countries, music therapy is used in leading psychiatric clinics, there are even specialized music treatment centers. Music therapy in these countries has gone beyond helping with mental illness - it has found its application in surgery, the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the pathology of the respiratory, digestive, hematopoietic systems and the musculoskeletal system.

What is the mechanism of action of music therapy? There is no unequivocal answer to this question - everything related to the higher nervous activity of a person is still beyond an exact explanation. modern science. According to the Swedish school of musical psychotherapy, the therapeutic effect of music is carried out due to the phenomenon of psychoresonance. According to this direction, music is able to open the way to the depths of consciousness. Certain music evokes the resonance of a certain experience, allows it to be identified, analyzed and neutralized.

American psychotherapists use music therapy in traditional psychoanalysis. During the session, the doctor selects music that can reveal traumatic memories and help defuse emotional feelings about this. Singing of the patient himself during active music therapy, according to some researchers, has an additional healing effect of the vibration of the vocal cords, which is transmitted to other organs of the body.

1. In seriously ill patients, music opens up reserves of strength and the will to recover.

2. Well-chosen musical accompaniment helps the patient to increase the level of confidence in the doctor and believe in a speedy recovery.

3. Therapeutic exercise to music allows you to achieve the desired rhythm and stimulate the patient to overcome discomfort during exercise.

4. Music becomes a good prophylactic to prevent adjustment disorders in conditions of high exposure to stress.

5. In elderly patients with memory impairment, pleasant happy memories can emerge under the influence of music, therefore, in geriatrics, music is used as a means of treating positive memories.

6. Music therapy is even used to treat newborns and unconscious patients.

Patients, as a rule, willingly go to music therapy sessions. The fact is that here no one will torment them with questions about the past and the present, no one will painfully “dig” the deposits of memories. The music therapist achieves contact with the patient with the help of music: focusing on his emotional response, the specialist selects a piece that would allow the patient to independently understand himself, get relaxation and even sometimes find a way out of a difficult situation.

Types of music therapy

There are two main types of music therapy - active and passive, and a great many additional subspecies, which involve the combination of music therapy with other physical and mental methods of influence.

Passive music therapy consists of listening to music. The goal of such treatment is to achieve an experience that can cause a release or opening of deep memories and feelings. In addition to passive music therapy, movement is often used, including breathing exercises, hypnotic effects, auto-training, and drawing.

Active psychotherapy implies the direct participation of the patient himself in the process of playing music. The patient himself plays a musical instrument, sings, claps, taps... Singing is an effective treatment for logoneuroses, including stuttering. At the same time, articulation improves, spastic contractions of speech muscles disappear, a person learns to control his breathing.

Music therapy goes well with physical activity. And here music is important not only as a rhythmic instrument that regulates the alternation of movements. Many methods involve not so much physical activity how much inner unity of the body and music. The patient moves to the music as he feels it. No need to think about external beauty movements - only the harmony of sounds and body.

Classical music is usually used for music therapy. In the arsenal of music therapists there are collections of relaxing, aggressive music that evokes various emotions - joy, fear, sadness, anxiety. Compositions that contribute to the emergence of negative emotions serve to release aggressive energy and express one's feelings, after which music is usually heard that allows, soothes, or, conversely, encourages productive activity.

Music therapy at home

Music therapy can also be used at home. Of course, one should not expect a miraculous effect from such treatment, however, as a preventive measure, such procedures can be quite effective.

Rules for conducting music therapy at home

A. Music should be listened to in a comfortable position. Pre-relax the whole body, try to get out of your head everyday problems. Follow this rule even if you want to achieve a stimulating effect.

b. The duration of the session is no more than 10-15 minutes. Excessively prolonged exposure tires the brain and can cause unnecessary defensive reactions.

V. Play music at a low volume so as not to exhaust the nervous system.

d. When listening to emotional music, let your body express how you feel. Under aggressive music, you can stomp your feet, conduct... The main thing is to feel the music and give vent to your feelings.

e. After the session, rest for a few minutes - let the music penetrate into the sphere of the unconscious.

e. You can try music therapy while you sleep. It is in this state that the subconscious is especially sensitive to external and internal influences, so night music therapy can be most effective - this applies primarily to children, psychiatric patients and patients with an overly excitable psyche.

It is necessary to select musical compositions individually, focusing on your condition. To remove aggression, first use aggressive music, then neutral and at the very end - soothing.

If your current state is determined by a feeling of fear, disturbing music should sound first - this will give you the opportunity to more fully respond to your experience. To improve well-being and relieve anxiety, end the session with soothing music.

Home music therapy is not always traditional singing, playing music or passive listening to compositions. You can try a technique that allows you to feel the unity of music and your entire body, including both mental and somatic components. To do this, you will need a tambourine or a small drum.

Followers of this type of music therapy recommend to start with a little silence and calm down. Now sing in low tones without words to the sound of the drum - you will feel the vibration that spreads to all tissues and organs of the body. Take a break from listening to yourself - try not to hear the reproduced sounds with your ears, feel them with your body. If you do everything right, you will feel the need for a dance-like movement. Release your inner music and inner dance. Focus only on enjoying the action. Discharge all your accumulated emotions in this way, and you will feel mental balance and peace. From the outside, of course, all this will look like shamanism, so make sure that no one is near you.

Music is your pleasant companion on life path. Use it wisely, allow yourself to respond to its calls - and you will be able to maintain your mental health and resist the daily debilitating stresses.

Name: Aksenova Galina Alekseevna

Position: music director

Place of work: MADOU d / s No. 42 "Berezka", Belgorod

"Music therapy as a method of regulating the emotional well-being of preschoolers"

The most important task of musical education of children is the formation of the leading component of musicality - the development of emotional responsiveness to music. On bright musical impressions, images, I build the development of activity in children's musical performance and children's creativity. Music is a source of special children's joy, it helps them master the world of human feelings, emotions, experiences. It has been established that music influences many spheres of human life through three main factors: vibrational, physiological and mental. Sound vibrations are a stimulator of metabolic processes in the body at the cell level. These vibrations are able to change the respiratory, motor, cardiovascular functions of the body. And since the child's psyche is very flexible and plastic, the psychological component of the work of a music director is the most effective.

Many scientists note that at preschool age one of the most effective methods alignment of the psycho-emotional sphere is music therapy. Music therapy is based on the selection of the necessary melodies and sounds, with which you can have a positive effect on the human body.

At preschool age, emotions play almost the most important role in personality development. Therefore, I consider an atmosphere of goodwill, the creation of a situation of success for each child, as a necessary condition for organizing music lessons with children. This is important not only for musical development children, but also to preserve and support their health. I pay special attention in my classes to educating emotions, developing the expressiveness of movements, overcoming communication barriers, creating opportunities for emotional self-expression. The use of music therapy methods in preschoolers has become the goal of my work.

The goal is realized in the following tasks:

To form in preschoolers the ability to listen: from the well-known “close” sounds that surround the child in Everyday life, to the sounds that make up the musical intonation.

Awaken in preschoolers by means of music the need for creative activity to express their attitude to the world.

Develop fantasy, imagination, creativity in productive activities to music.

To cultivate a culture of listening to musical works, emotional responsiveness to an artistic image.

To solve the tasks, I introduced innovative socio-game approaches into the practice of work. Music therapy classes are built according to the following scheme:

  1. Warm-up: motor and rhythmic exercises.
  2. Main part: perception of music, singing, improvisation.
  3. Musical relaxation.

Music therapy focuses the teacher on cooperation with the child, on the integration of various types of artistic activity. In order to enrich the sensory-emotional experience of children and fix it in memory, I use an integrative approach to music in my work, fine arts, artistic word, rhythm.

For more effective work in this direction in groups, together with educators, we created an integrative musical and gaming environment, filled it with equipment: a music center, discs with high-quality recordings of musical works (according to age, illustrated and imaginative pictures, puppets, play costumes and play attributes, appropriate to the content of the music, helping children to understand musical image, play it. With group educators and narrow specialists (speech therapist, physical education instructor, educational psychologist) consultations are regularly held on the use of music therapy in the classroom and during sensitive moments.

To achieve my goal, a close relationship with kindergarten teachers is necessary. After all, the material received in music lessons, children fix in independent activity where the teacher plays the leading role.

Little pupils are characterized by increased absent-mindedness, fatigue, they have difficulty concentrating, quickly become lethargic and irritable, and as a teacher, I need a lot of invention and imagination in order to use and apply one or another visual material in time that would captivate the child. That is why in the process of training I try to alternate musical material with speech, motor exercises, I am engaged in rhytmoplasty, I widely use immersion of children in games.

In the classroom I use elements of psycho-gymnastics, where children learn the ABC of expressing emotions - expressive movements.

We use music therapy not only in music, but also in physical education classes, morning exercises, invigorating gymnastics after daytime sleep, during morning reception, during breathing exercises, during daytime sleep and in evening time. In addition to music therapy, music accompanies children and adults during the day in the group.

It is preferable to start the morning reception in kindergarten with the music of Mozart. It encourages close contact between an adult and a child, creates an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, love and ensures psychological well-being. Music options for the morning reception can be the following works:

  1. "Morning" (music by Grieg from the suite "Peer Gynt" ) .
  2. Instrumental music performed by Diego Modena
  3. Musical compositions (Paul Mauriat Orchestra)
  4. Arrangements for Russian folk orchestra ("Lady" , "Kamarinskaya" , "Kalinka" )
  5. saint sans "Animal Carnival" (Symphony Orchestra)

Daytime sleep passes under quiet, calm music. It is known that sleep is considered as a manifestation of complexly organized activity of a number of brain structures. Hence its most important role in ensuring the neuropsychic health of children. Music during sleep has a healing therapeutic effect. Daytime sleep may be accompanied by the following pieces of music:

  1. Instrumental music: Frederic Delarue.
  2. « Seasons» P. I. Tchaikovsky.
  3. Beethoven, Sonata No. 14 "Lunar" .
  4. F. Schubert "Ave Maria" .
  5. lullaby melody "For the dream to come" (series "Good music for kids" ) .
  6. Samudra Ocean "Voices of the Ocean" .

Music for the evening helps to relieve accumulated fatigue, stressful situations during the day. It calms, relaxes, normalizes blood pressure and work nervous system child's body. To do this, you can use the following melodies:

  1. Instrumental music: Sergey Sirotin, D. Livingston.
  2. Mendelssohn "Concerto for Violin and Orchestra" .
  3. Health Music: Edward Simon, Karunesh, Ocarina Blue.
  4. Bach "Organ Work" .
  5. A. Vivaldi "Seasons" .
  6. "Voices of Nature" .

Beyond regular music listening (passive form of music therapy) in the classroom, I usually use a lot of active techniques, tasks and exercises used in correctional and medical pedagogy. With the help of gaming technologies, the creative abilities of the child are developed. So, for example, children really like the method of art therapy, where they collectively create their own creative compositions that express children's feelings, emotions and experiences. In the classroom, children draw general pictures, glue applications, which contributes to emotional and motor self-expression, the development of creative imagination and the rapprochement of children. Very often in my classes I use the method of color therapy. This method involves using various attributes of a specific color. For example, in dance compositions, in etudes and in musical and rhythmic movements, I suggest that children use silk scarves, ribbons, scarves, balls of bright colors, because these colors help create a good, benevolent mood, soothe, give a boost of positive energy and have a beneficial effect on the human body in in general.

But the elements of fairy tale therapy evoked the greatest response from children.

So, under a certain character of music, children get into a fairy tale, portray the heroes of their favorite fairy tales and compose their own fairy tales themselves. The child gets the opportunity to play and live a variety of roles, gain new psychological experience, learn to build harmonious relationships with adults and peers. In music therapy classes, I use psycho-gymnastic studies and exercises that not only help to relax children and relieve psycho-emotional stress, but also teach them to control their mood and emotions, to express their emotional state. So, for example, children turn into butterflies, flowers, birds. I want to note that even the most usually inactive children are happy to improvise and convey magical images.

The method of game therapy contributes to the correction and regulation of aggressiveness and other behavioral disorders in children. I use both contact, bonding games and educational games, games for the development of basic mental functions, and, of course, therapeutic games. During these games, personality-oriented interaction of an adult with a child and children among themselves, their communication in pairs, in groups is carried out. All games contribute to muscle relaxation, removal of physical aggression, psychological relief, removal of stubbornness and negativism, and also develop the emotional and cognitive spheres.

In almost every lesson, I use the method of vocal therapy, where children sing songs that bring up kindness, a sense of camaraderie, aimed at charging with positive emotions and psychological relief. For example, songs "Song of Friends" V. Gerchik, "My family" A. Yermolov, who perform all these tasks.

Thus, with the help of music therapy, it is possible to model the emotions and behavior of a child, help children gain strength, develop attention span, and feel successful.


Brusilovsky L. S. Music therapy: a guide to psychotherapy. - Tashkent, 1985.

Petrushin V. I. Musical psychotherapy. - M., 2000

Bochkarev L.P. Psychology of musical activity. - M.: Institute of Psychology, 1997.

Ivanchenko GV Psychology of music perception: approaches, problems, prospects. - M.: Meaning, 2001.

Maltsev S. M. On the psychology of musical improvisation. - M.: Music, 1991.

V. I. Petrushin Musical psychotherapy M., 1999

G. I. Anisimova “100 musical games for the development of a preschooler. Senior and preparatory groups " , publisher: Academy of Development, series: Kindergarten: day by day, 2008.

Music therapy with children

At present, for teachers of modern society, the problem of increasing the number of preschool and school age with behavioral and mental disorders personal development. In kindergartens and schools, psychologists, educators and other specialists are working on this problem. Many people are looking for new unconventional methods pedagogical assistance to children. One of these methods is music therapy.

The history of the relationship between music and man is rooted in the distant past, to the origins of mankind. The use of music for healing purposes also has a long history. In the past, music was widely used in medical practice. The impact of music on our lives is all-encompassing.

Music therapy is a method that uses music as a means of correcting emotional deviations, fears, movement and speech disorders, behavioral deviations, communication difficulties, as well as for the treatment of various somatic and psychosomatic diseases.

In working with children, music therapy is used to correct emotional deviations, fears, movement and speech disorders, psychosomatic diseases, and behavioral deviations. Music therapyallows you to overcome the psychological protection of the child - to calm or, conversely, activate, adjust, interest; helps to establish contact between the psychologist and the child; helps to develop the communicative and creative abilities of the child; increases self-esteem based on self-actualization; develops empathic abilities; helps to strengthen relationships with a psychologist and other people, promotes the establishment and development of interpersonal relationships; forms valuable practical skills - playing musical instruments; helps to keep the child entertained - musical games, singing, dancing, moving to music, improvisation on musical instruments; short music playing at each lesson is well absorbed by children who do not tolerate training loads; captivates and has a strong calming effect on most hyperactive children; withdrawn, constrained children become more spontaneous and develop skills to interact with other people. Improves speech function. Music therapy is very effective in correcting communication disorders that have arisen in children for various reasons. Music therapy sessions allow you to create conditions for an emotional dialogue, often even when other methods have been exhausted. Contact through music is safe, unobtrusive, individualized, relieves fears and tension. Variation in the classroom of familiar and unfamiliar works, their volume, speed makes it possible to work with different children..

For children with handicapped health benefits of music therapy is obvious, because.

Helps to strengthen trust, mutual understanding between the participants in the process;

Helps to accelerate the progress of therapy, since inner feelings are more easily expressed through music than through conversation;

Music enhances attention to feelings, serves as a material that enhances awareness;

Indirectly increases musical competence, there is a sense of internal control and order.

The sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance of success. Therefore, already from the age of two, children with disabilities can be treated and developed with the help of music therapy.

Currently, music therapy is an independent psycho-corrective direction, which is based on two aspects of the impact:

1) psychosomatic (during which a therapeutic effect on body functions is carried out);

2) psychotherapeutic (during which, with the help of music, deviations in personal development, psycho-emotional state are corrected).

The cathartic (cleansing) effect of music makes it possible to use it in corrective work with children who have developmental problems.

For example In order to correct fears in children with autism, it is advisable to use individual music therapy. Traditionally, there are three levels of individual music therapy:




On the communicative level, the teacher's efforts are aimed at establishing emotional contact with the child. At this stage, melodic works of the classics are used. The child plays or dances to the music, the teacher watches him and encourages him. It is important that by the end of the lesson, he can approach the child, take his hand, stroke his back, etc.

On a jet level, the purpose of which is catharsis, the child plays to the music with an object that frightens him. For example, a child is offered a horror doll. First he must give her a name. Then, to the sounds of rhythmic music, he begins to interact with her in accordance with the psychologist's instructions: "The Scarecrow begins to run away from us, we catch it, throw it, drive it away, it leaves us."

On the regulatory level, the psychologist offers various situations in which the “horror story” and the child may find themselves. The child is asked to choose the music to which the "horror story" communicates with him: slow, relaxing or fast, activating. The choice of music emphasizes the peculiarities of the child's emotional state and his attitude to frightening objects.

Music therapy is used both individually and in groups. Each of these forms can be represented in three types music therapy:




Receptive Music Therapy Classes by means of receptive music therapy are aimed at modeling a positive emotional state.

The child's perception of music helps to "step" out of real life into another, imaginary world, a world of bizarre images, moods. In a long pre-hearing story, the psychologist tunes in to the perception of a certain figurative musical picture, then the melody, as it were, takes the listeners away from negative experiences, reveals to him the beauty of nature and the world.

After listening in a conversation with the "patient", the psychologist finds out what he "saw", "felt", "did" in an imaginary journey, what picture he can draw, describe with words. This perception of music provides stress relief, improves the psycho-emotional state of a person.

In psychocorrectional work, psychologists useintegrative music therapy. An example is the synthesis of musical and visual-visual perception. Classes are built in such a way that the perception of music is accompanied by watching videos of various pictures of nature. At the same time, the child is invited, as it were, to "step" deep into the image - to a ringing cool stream or to a sunny lawn, mentally catch butterflies or relax, lying on the green soft grass.The organic combination of the two ways of perception gives a stronger psycho-corrective effect.

Active music therapy used in working with children different options: vocal therapy, dance therapy, for the purpose of correction psycho-emotional states in children and adults with low self-esteem, low degree of self-acceptance, reduced emotional tone.

What kind of music has the greatest therapeutic effect?

Listening has been found to give the best results. classical music and sounds of nature. For autogenic training, musical works are selected in accordance with the impact on certain functions, while options may be provided aimed at calming or mobilizing.

In the table you see a list of works that can affect the emotional state of both a child and an adult. I use these works both in music lessons and in extracurricular activities .

Ways of influence of music on the emotional state






Mood modeling (with overwork and nervous exhaustion)



E. Grieg,


2-3 min.

3-4 min.

When depressed, melancholic mood

"For joy"

"Ave Maria"

L. Van Beethoven,

F. Schubert

4 min.

4-5 min.

With severe irritability, anger

"Chorus of the Pilgrims"

"Sentimental Waltz"

R. Wagner,

P. Tchaikovsky

2-4 min.

3-4 min.

With a decrease in concentration, attention




P. Tchaikovsky,

C. Debussy,

R. Debussy

2-3 min.

2-3 min.

3 min.

Relaxing effect



"Sonata in C major" (ch 3),


"Sentimental Waltz"

romance from the movie "The Gadfly",

« Love story»,



"Prelude No. 1",

"Prelude No. 3",


"Prelude No. 4",

"Prelude No. 13",

"Prelude No. 15",


"Prelude No. 17"

P. Tchaikovsky,



saint sans,

P. Tchaikovsky,

D. Shostakovich,

F. Lay,

D. Lennon,


J. S. Bach,

J. S. Bach,

J. S. Bach,

F. Chopin,

F. Chopin,

F. Chopin,

K. Gluck,

F. Chopin

2-3 min.

3 min.

3-4 min.

2-3 min.

3-4 min.

3-4 min.

4 min.

3-4 min.

3-4 min.

2 minutes.

4 min.

3 min.

2 minutes.

4 min.

1-2 min.

4 min.

2-3 min.

Tonic action




"Umbrellas of Cherbourg"





2-3 min.

3 min.

2-3 min.

3-4 min.

In addition to the usual listening to music (passive form of music therapy), you can and should use many active techniques, tasks and exercises used in correctional and therapeutic pedagogy. These are different methods. I would like to talk about the methods that I use constantly in my work.

Great response from childrenelements of fairy tale therapy. So, under a certain character of music, children get into a fairy tale, portray the heroes of their favorite fairy tales and compose their own fairy tales themselves. Each hero of the fairy tale has his own melody, and it can change depending on the mood of the child.

I also actively use the methodvocal therapy In working with children, vocal therapy classes are aimed at forming an optimistic mood: the performance of life-affirming formula songs, optimistic children's songs that can be sung to a phonogram or accompanied by accompaniment.I noticed that children who sing become more emotionally responsive, more liberated in an unfamiliar environment for them, muscle clamps are also removed, the child becomes more plastic articulatory, which also has a beneficial effect on the general emotional state, as a rule, children after vocal lessons arrive in a positive mood. And of course I would like to say about the reception of playing music on children's noise instruments. And for several years now there has been an ensemble of spoon-carriers in our school. For me, it was a surprise with what great desire the children began to practice on spoons, overcoming pain in their fingers, sacrificing change. There are unbalanced children in the ensemble, often reacting aggressively even to the most harmless remarks. So, both I and the teaching staff noticed that with the beginning of learning to play on spoons, the children began to respond more adequately and calmly to comments addressed to them. The ensemble began to be invited to various festivals and concerts. How much pride, joy was in the children's eyes. Because our school is mainly involved in activities among correctional institutions. Summing up, I can say that playing with spoons increased the self-esteem of children. After all, this is a rather difficult task and not everyone can do it. And this realization by the child of the fact that “I can” elevates him in his own eyes and gives confidence in his abilities in everyday life.

Thus , music therapy will have a beneficial effect on the general emotional state of children, increase the emotional status of children if they:

Favorable conditions have been created for practicing music therapy with children;

Thought out methodological techniques: special musical exercises, games, tasks;

Selected special pieces of music;

all the senses in children are involved;

The integration of musical influence with other activities has been established.


1) Zhavinina O., Zats L. Musical education: searches and finds // Art at school. - 2003. - No. 5. Kiseleva P. In the key of C-major // Teacher's newspaper.

2) Markus L. I., Nikologorodskaya O A. Heals anger and fills time Do it yourself. - 1990. - № 3. Ovchinnikova T. Music for health. - St. Petersburg.

3) Union of Artists, 2004. Shanskikh G. Music as a means of correctional work // Art at school. - 2003.



Music accompanies us throughout his life. It is difficult to find such a person who would not like to listen to it - either classical, or modern, or folk. Many of us love to dance, sing, or even just whistle a tune. But do you know about the benefits of music for the body? Certainly not everyone thought about it.

But the pleasant sounds of melodies are used as a method of treatment without drugs. This method is called music therapy, and its use has positive influence on the body, both adults and children.

A bit of history

The fact that music has an effect on the human body was pointed out by the philosophers of the ancient world. Plato, Pythagoras and Aristotle in their writings talked about the healing power that the melody has. They believed that music served to establish harmony and proportional order in the entire universe. It is also able to create the necessary balance in the human body.

Music therapy was also used during the Middle Ages. This method helped in the treatment of diseases that caused epidemics. At that time in Italy this method widely used in the treatment of tarantism. It's heavy mental illness, the cause of which was the bite of a tarantula (poisonous spider).

This phenomenon was first attempted to be explained only in the 17th century. And two centuries later, scientists began to conduct extensive studies of this phenomenon. As a result, the fact was established that the twelve sounds included in the octave have a harmonious connection with the 12 systems of the human body. With the directed influence of music or singing on our body, amazing things happen. Organs are brought into a state advanced level vibrations. A similar process allows you to strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism and activate recovery processes. As a result, a person gets rid of ailments and recovers.

Thus, music therapy is considered not only the most interesting, but also very promising direction. It is used in many countries of the world for recreational and medicinal purposes.

Music and children

Babies living in modern world, spend most of their time in computer games and on TV screens. Most often, parents do not mind such activities for their child. Indeed, at this time, silence reigns in the house, and adults can safely go about their business. However, moms and dads should remember that frequent communication with a computer and TV can negatively affect their baby. After all, cartoons often radiate outright aggression, and there are a lot of violence and murders in the plots of films. All this negatively affects the fragile psyche of the child. But it happens that even the relationship between parents is not going well. In this case, the baby gets a real psychological trauma. He becomes insecure and withdrawn. Often these children experience feelings of fear and guilt. They are afraid that no one needs them, and no one is able to protect them. In addition, these children develop bad habits.

All this renders Negative influence on relationships between children. But at a young age, contacts with peers play an extremely important role. It becomes difficult for the child to enter the team because of self-doubt and fear that he will simply not be accepted.

Music therapy for children can help in this case. It is a psychotherapeutic method that allows you to correct emotional states. The use of this therapy leads to the rapid elimination of mental stress.

The great benefit of music therapy for children lies in its ability to eliminate behavioral problems, as well as experience age crises related to the development of the baby.

The harmonizing effect of melodies on mental processes is used in work with preschoolers. In this case, the teacher can use a huge number of methods. Regardless of which one is chosen, music therapy classes for preschool children have only one goal. It consists in the fact that the baby began to realize himself and his existence in the world around him.

The importance of conducting classes

Music therapy for children early age is a special form of work with children. In this case, the teacher uses various melodies, which can be either recordings on a tape recorder, or playing musical instruments, singing, listening to discs, etc.

Music therapy in kindergarten is a great opportunity to activate the child. Thanks to this, he begins to overcome the unfavorable attitudes in his mind, establishes relationships with people around him, which improves his emotional state. In addition, music therapy for preschool children is also necessary for the correction of various emotional deviations, speech and movement disorders. This technique helps to correct deviations in behavior, eliminate communication difficulties, and also cure a variety of psychosomatic and somatic pathologies.

Music therapy also helps in the development of the child. It creates optimal conditions for educating a small person's taste and aesthetic feelings, helps him discover new abilities.

The use of music therapy for young children contributes to the formation of their norms of behavior and character, and also enriches the inner world of a small person with vivid experiences. At the same time, listening to songs and melodies allows us to solve the problem of forming moral qualities personality, aesthetic attitude of the baby to the world around. At the same time, children develop a love for art.

Music therapy programs

Experts note that the combination of traditional means and teaching methods with listening to melodies and songs can significantly increase the level of development of preschoolers. This has also been proven by research. Music therapy for preschool children can be used not only for psychological and pedagogical correction, but also for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The possibilities of this method are wide enough. At the same time, a specific music therapy program for preschool children can be selected by a specialist from an extensive list that is available today.

K. Schwabe, who is one of the founders of this type of treatment, pointed out that there are three directions in the use of melodic sounds:

  • functional (prophylactic);
  • pedagogical;
  • medical.

Musical influences, which are components of these directions, in turn, are:

  • indirect and non-mediated, based on the scope of application;
  • group and individual, differing in the way of organizing classes;
  • active and supportive, with a different range of action;
  • directive and non-directive, indicating the type of contact between pupils and the teacher;
  • deep and superficial, which characterizes the alleged final contact.

Let's take a closer look at some of these methods.

Individual music therapy

This type of influence can be carried out in three ways:

  1. Distinctively communicative. With this type of impact musical composition the child listens with the teacher. In this case, the melody is able to improve the interaction between the adult and his pupil.
  2. Reactive. Such an effect contributes to purification.
  3. Regulatory. This type of exposure allows you to eliminate neuropsychic stress in a child.

These forms in the music therapy class in kindergarten can be used separately from each other or in combination.

Group audition

This type of music therapy class in kindergarten should be built in such a way that all participants in the process can freely communicate with each other. Only in this case, the classes will become quite dynamic, because within the group, relationships of a communicative-emotional nature will certainly arise.

Organizing creative activities is one of the best ways to relieve stress. This is especially important for those children who cannot speak out. It is much easier for them to engage in creativity, where their fantasies will find expression. The stories are very difficult for them.

Passive music therapy

This is a receptive form of influence, the difference of which is that the child does not take an active part in the lesson. In this process, he is a mere listener.

During classes using a passive form of music therapy in kindergarten, preschoolers are invited to listen to the most different compositions or listen to the sounds, selected in accordance with the state of health of the baby and the stage of treatment. Such activities aim to simulate a positive emotional state. All this will allow the child to get out of the traumatic situation through relaxation.

Consider options for conducting passive music therapy classes in work with children.

  1. Music pictures. In such a lesson, the child perceives the melody together with the teacher. In the process of listening, the teacher helps the child to plunge into the world of images proposed by the work. To do this, the child is invited to focus on the musical picture. Within 5-10 minutes, the preschooler should be in the world of sounds. Communication with music will have a beneficial effect on the preschooler. To conduct such classes, the teacher must use instrumental classical works or the sounds of the natural world.
  2. musical modeling. In such classes, teachers are encouraged to use a program that includes fragments of works of various nature. Some of them should correspond to the mental state of the preschooler. The action of the second works neutralizes the influence of the previous fragment. The third type of music is necessary for recovery. At this stage, the teacher should select melodies that have the greatest emotional impact, that is, positive dynamics.
  3. Mini relaxation. Carrying out such music therapy classes in kindergarten helps to activate the muscle tone of the pupils. The child should feel and understand his body well, learning to relax it when tensions arise.

Active music therapy

During classes of this form, the child is offered singing and instrumental playing:

  1. Vocal therapy. Such music therapy classes are held in kindergarten and at home. Vocal therapy allows you to create an optimistic mood in the baby. And for this, he must sing songs that will bring the inner world of the child into a harmonious state. In their texts, the formula "You are good, I am good" must certainly sound. Vocal therapy is especially recommended for egocentric, inhibited and depressed children. This method is also included in the preparation of a music therapy program for school-age children. With group vocal therapy, all the children present at the lesson are involved in the process. But here the specialist needs to take into account the moment of secrecy in the general mass and the anonymity of feelings. Participation in vocal therapy will allow the child to overcome contact disorders, affirming their own feelings for a healthy experience of existing bodily sensations.
  2. instrumental therapy. This view also allows you to create an optimistic mood. At the same time, children are invited to play a musical instrument.
  3. Kinesitherapy. The general reactivity of the organism can be changed under the influence of various means and forms of movement. Such a process will destroy the pathological stereotypes that often occur during the period of the disease. At the same time, new attitudes arise in the mind of the child, which allow him to adapt to the surrounding reality. In such classes, children are taught the technique of expressing their emotions using body movements. This allows them to achieve relaxation. This type of music therapy is used in correctional work with children. Such classes contribute to the normalization of psychological and communicative functions. The method of kinesitherapy includes a plot-game process, rhythmoplasty, corrective rhythmics, as well as psycho-gymnastics.

Integrative Music Therapy

In this technique, in addition to listening to melodies, the teacher also uses other types of art. He invites children to play a game to the music, draw, create a pantomime, compose stories or poems, etc.

Active music playing is important in such classes. It increases the child's self-esteem, which helps to overcome ambivalence in behavior. In order for children to perform simple plays, the teacher can give them the most simple tools, such as a drum, xylophone, or triangle. Such activities, as a rule, do not go beyond the search for simple harmonic, rhythmic and melodic forms, representing a kind of improvised game. Children participating in such a process develop dynamic adaptability and are fully prepared for mutual listening. Due to the fact that such classes are one of the forms of group music therapy, during their conduct all participants should actively communicate with each other. This will allow the process to be as dynamic as possible, which will lead to the emergence of a communicative-emotional relationship between children. The most important thing in this case is the child's self-expression through playing a musical instrument suggested to him.

Dance Movement Therapy

This form of study serves as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious world. allows the child to express himself in movements. This will allow him to maintain his own individuality and establish contact with his peers. Such classes are the only type of music therapy that requires significant free space. During the dance, the child's motor behavior expands, which allows him to realize the conflicts of desires and contributes to the living of negative feelings. Such an impact leads to liberation from the negative.

Especially valuable for the health of the child is the combination of dance with singing or improvisation of movements to the sounds of classical melodies. Oscillatory rhythmic movements that are performed to music that has three measures also have therapeutic value.

Treatment of speech disorders

Musical rhythm helps to eliminate some speech therapy problems. Among them is such a disorder of speech function as stuttering. Music therapy for children with speech disorders is carried out in the form of subgroup sessions. At the same time, the specialist offers his wards rhythm games, breathing exercises and playing the melody at a slowing down as well as at an accelerating pace.

Use music in the process independent work. At this point, there is no verbal communication. With such music therapy, the exceptions are exercises for children in the form of reading to music. The specialist makes sure that the volume of the sound of the melody is strictly metered. The sounds that children hear should not be too loud, but at the same time too quiet.

Development correctional programs on music therapy and their further use for the treatment of children with speech defects require joint participation music teachers and psychologists.

It should be noted that the use of this technique to eliminate speech pathologies is considered to be very effective and promising. This became possible due to the strong influence of music, which it has on the emotional state of a person. During such classes, as practice shows, there is a correction and development of perception sensations, which allows stimulating the speech function and normalizing the prosodic side of speech, that is, timbre and rhythm, as well as the expressiveness of intonation.

For children with speech therapy problems, special programs are being developed in which only those works that all little patients will certainly like are used. It can be musical pieces that are well known to children. The main condition for choosing a work is the factor that it should not distract the child from the main thing, attracting him with its novelty. The duration of listening does not exceed 10 minutes during one lesson.

Autism treatment

The main objective of the music therapy technique for correcting the condition of children with such a mental disorder is to establish auditory-vocal, auditory-motor, and visual-motor coordination, which should subsequently be synthesized in one activity.

The basic principle of conducting classes with children-outs lies in mental ecology. It provides for the presence of soft music at the beginning and at the end of classes. During the period of work, the specialist must carefully monitor changes in the emotional state of each small patient, adjusting, if necessary, the intensity of therapy. In addition, classes are built on the principle of passing from simple to complex material. Their structure includes:

  1. greeting ritual.
  2. Regulatory exercises that promote the activation of motor, auditory and visual attention.
  3. Correctional and developmental exercises.
  4. Farewell ritual.

Music therapy for children with autism is a highly effective remedy for many problems.