Household services in the hotel. Organization of additional hotel services

All services existing in the hotel business can, with some degree of convention, be divided into basic and additional. Providing the basic ones is usually free of charge. These usually include:

  • hotel information service;
  • bed linen, dishes, bathroom accessories in the client’s room;
  • first aid kit and, if necessary, calling emergency medical assistance.

Additional services are most often provided for a fee. Their number is much larger. In addition, they often depend on the location of the hotel and the culture of the country in which the hotel is located. There are completely exotic types of additional services:

As a rule, the organization of additional services is an important tool for attracting customers to the hotel. Typically the list includes:

  • various types of communication;
  • delivery of food and a variety of drinks to the guest’s room;
  • laundry and other types of household services;
  • the possibility of inviting a translator, guide or tour guide;
  • transport services and much more.

The convention of dividing services into basic and additional is due to the fact that each hotel has the right to independently establish service standards. Hotel management determines what to charge for and the price of this service, and what service to provide for free.

Laundry at the hotel

One of the most popular types of additional services in the hotel business is washing guest wardrobe items. This one is not surprising at all. Most hotel clients arrive either on vacation or for some serious business matters. Both options take quite a lot of time. In addition, while on vacation, it is quite understandable to want to deal with everyday issues as little as possible.

Currently, almost all hotels provide laundry services for clients. They either have their own laundries or have ongoing contracts with third parties. Since hotels are extremely profitable and large partners, they are always served at a decent level and in a short time. Therefore, using this service at a hotel almost always means both the quality of the wash and the item being returned on time.

The only disadvantage of this type of additional services is that they are almost always paid, which applies even to all-inclusive systems. The price level in most hotels is quite high. Therefore, each client decides for himself whether comfort and relief from everyday inconveniences are worth some financial costs.

Delivery of food and drinks to the hotel room

No less popular and in demand is the delivery of food to the client’s room, often called the English term roomservice. It is provided in the vast majority of hotels, and in serious hotels that aspire to the level of service, this type of service is simply mandatory.

Organizing the delivery of a variety of food and drinks for a hotel is not particularly difficult, since almost every hotel has its own restaurant or cafe. At the same time, customers can often order food prepared in third-party establishments. This possibility may be stipulated by the rules of each specific hotel.

Currently, despite the fact that food delivery to a guest’s room is an additional service, it is provided free of charge almost everywhere. This is not at all surprising, since it is extremely profitable for the hotel for the client to have breakfast, lunch or dinner inside the establishment, rather than going into the city. That is why, in order to increase the level of service, some hotels provide breakfast for free. In addition to food delivery service, many rooms feature minibars, making your stay even more enjoyable.

Cable TV in hotel room

In modern conditions, it is difficult to imagine a person deprived of the opportunity to watch television or periodically access the Internet for a wide variety of purposes - find out the news, work, or simply play your favorite online game. Naturally, hotel managers perfectly understand and represent the interests of the guests staying in their establishments. Therefore, almost all hotels have various cable television systems installed and functioning. There is also free access to the Internet almost everywhere using Wi-Fi or a local wired network.

This service, which until relatively recently was a paid service, is now universally provided without payment. Although in some cases, some of the channels that are in greatest demand (some sports, for adults) are given limited access at a low price. This situation occurs infrequently and is always discussed when the client checks in.

It should also be taken into account that in the case of foreign trips, when staying in hotels in popular destinations for domestic tourists, the list of cable television channels shown necessarily includes several in Russian.

Availability of a safe in the hotel room

While on vacation, often with a minimum amount of clothing and belongings, the question always arises of how to ensure the safety of valuables and documents. It is quite obvious that taking them with you to the beach is impractical and can simply result in loss.

To solve this problem, hotels install small safes in their rooms, the volume of which is enough to leave documents, valuables, bank cards or cash there. Modern safes take up very little space and do not interfere with your room at all. At the same time, they are quite reliable, providing a high level of security.

Most modern safes are equipped with electronic locks with a code set by the client himself. For emergency access (for example, if a guest has forgotten the code), the hotel staff has a service device that allows you to open the lock.

The service for using a safe installed in the room is almost always paid. Moreover, the price in most cases is low, so the service is in demand and constantly used. There are often cases when when groups of several families visit hotels, they pay for a safe in one of the rooms, where all valuables and documents are stored.

Most modern hotels are developed complexes offering consumers a variety of services. The range of services for accommodation facilities of different categories is given in the “Classification System for Hotels and Other Accommodation Facilities”.

As a rule, the organization of additional services involves the creation of independent services for each type.

Paid additional services (APS) are divided into:

    for communal services (washing, dry cleaning, ironing and minor repairs of clothes, cleaning and repairing shoes, watches, suitcases, equipment, storing luggage and valuables in the administration safe, individual safes);

    intermediary (booking seats in restaurants, tickets for various types of transport, calling a taxi, ordering tickets to theaters, cinemas, etc.);

    car service (parking lot, garage, minor vehicle repairs);

  • tourist (excursion);

    sports and recreation;

  • medical;


The material and technical support of the hotel, the list and quality of services provided must meet the requirements of the category assigned to it. Hotels that provide additional services independently have a large and diverse staff of professionals.

In addition to the main ones, these are medical workers, hairdressers, physical education instructors, etc. Traditional premises and facilities in such hotels are supplemented by gyms, saunas, garages, conference rooms, etc.

Additional services are divided into paid and free, the latter include the provision of boiling water, threads, needles, one set of dishes and cutlery; wake-up call at the appointed time; calling an ambulance; using a first aid kit; delivery to the correspondence number.

The range of remote controls depends on the class, purpose of the hotel, and its location. In accordance with this, it is specifically determined which of the PDS can be produced in the hotel, and which are provided by other organizations and enterprises.

Some services - beach, swimming pool, gym, etc. - are paid before use, others - meals, telephone calls, etc. - after they have been provided.

Documentation of the PDU is carried out on the basis of the price list. Order No. 121 of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 13, 1993 approved standard forms 12-G “Receipt No. for the provision of additional paid services” (Appendix 4) and 11-G “Parking” (Appendix 5). Receipts are issued in two copies (the first is submitted to the accounting department, the second to the payer) and are strict reporting forms. They are issued by the staff providing the services when fees are collected. At catering establishments an invoice is issued. If the service is paid through the central cash desk (at the reception service), the invoice can be issued according to the standard form 3-G or 3-GM. All services are recorded in special journals. The form of entries in them is determined by the hotel itself. For example, in the register of communal services on the floor, the following form of entry is possible: 1) date, 2) room number, 3) type of service, 4) its cost, 5) quantity, 6) amount, 7) receipt number, 8) signature of the employee who provided the service, 9) signature of the accountant.

All amounts of money are handed over to the senior cashier, and a report is drawn up.

The following information must be located in the reception and accommodation service in a convenient place for viewing: a list and price of additional paid services; extracts from the state standard establishing requirements in the field of service provision; list of services included in the room price; information about the form and procedure for payment for services.

In hotel services, the more expensive the room, the more free additional services can be provided to the guest. Some prestigious hotels provide free use of the gym, and breakfast is included in the room rate.

Enterprises that rent premises in hotels take part in providing services to residents. This could be a bank branch, shops, restaurants, cafes.

Relations between the parties are based on agreements that comply with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Lease (Chapter 34 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) is a property lease agreement. The lessor (lessor) undertakes to provide the lessee (tenant) with property for a fee for temporary possession and use or for temporary use. Products and income are the property of the lessee.

Land plots, enterprises, buildings, equipment, and vehicles can be leased. If the lease agreement does not contain information about the property being leased, it is considered invalid. The lessor can be the owner of the property, as well as persons authorized by law or the owner to lease the property.

A real estate lease agreement is concluded in writing. A real estate lease agreement is subject to state registration.

If the term of the lease agreement is not determined, each party has the right to cancel it at any time by notifying the other party one month in advance, and in the case of real estate - three months in advance. The tenant is obliged to promptly pay fees for the use of the property in the form of:

amounts of payments made periodically or at a time;

the established share of products or income received as a result of leasing property;

provision of certain services by the tenant.

Organizations not located in the hotel building (laundries, dry cleaners, repair shops, transport companies, travel agencies, insurance companies) can take part in customer service. They fulfill hotel orders out of turn. In order to ensure urgent and high-quality performance of services, it is necessary to first study and clarify all the conditions for their provision with the supplier company and conclude an agreement with it, in which, in addition to the volume and range of PDUs, the terms for the implementation of services by type are specified.

Hotel employees are intermediaries between the contractor and the customer, and they are responsible for the timely execution of the order. Delivery is carried out by couriers or messengers. When placing an order, hotel employees must take into account the guest's departure date. These services are provided by the service desk or room service staff.


1.Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation

1.1 Hotel classification

1.1.1 International classification of hotels

1.1.2 Classification of hotels in the Russian Federation

1.2 Hotel services

Room management service;

Administrative Service;

Catering service;

Commercial service;

Technical Services;

Auxiliary and additional services.

2. Basic and additional hotel services

2.2 Catering




In conditions of market relations and especially in the transition period to the market, tourism is one of the dynamic sectors of the economy. The high pace of its development and large volumes of foreign exchange earnings actively influence various sectors of the economy, which contributes to the formation of its own tourism industry. The tourism sector accounts for 6% of the world's gross national product, 7% of global investment, and every 16th job. In Russia, the tourism business is developing rapidly. And now, during the transition to a market economy, it is very important to apply modern management methods.

At the moment, there is a lot of literature on this topic by foreign authors; Western countries have accumulated vast many years of experience in management of hotel enterprises. But due to the fact that the hospitality industry in Russia operates in specific conditions, today there are not very many monographs by domestic authors on the research problem, in which one could find proposals for creating a Russian system that meets our Russian realities. Studying foreign experience in the hospitality industry certainly plays a big role in improving the quality of guest service. It is very difficult to demand high quality customer service from service personnel if they have a vague idea of ​​what requirements for the level of modern service are made by visitors.

The purpose of writing this course work is to consider and study the problems of service quality in the management of a hotel enterprise. The relevance of this study is determined by the need in the current conditions of transition to market relations to find better management solutions and improve management in the hospitality industry. Consideration of factors influencing the quality of hotel services is aimed at increasing the level of service and efficiency of production of hotel services. The development of market relations causes the emergence of new tasks, which necessitates improved management. It is important for hotel managers to understand the need to constantly improve service quality management, pay attention to its expansion, reconstruction of premises, introduction of the latest technologies, etc.

In accordance with the stated goal, the following tasks are solved in this work:

definition of the concept of quality in the hospitality industry;

detailed consideration of factors influencing the quality of hotel services;

The subject of the study is……..

1.Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation

Approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1. These Rules have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, No. 15, Art. 766; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 3, Art. . 140) and regulate relations in the field of providing hotel services (hereinafter referred to as services).

2. The basic concepts used in these Rules mean:

"hotel" - a property complex (building, part of a building, equipment and other property) intended for the provision of services;

“consumer” - a citizen who intends to order or orders and uses services exclusively for personal (household) needs;

“performer” is an organization, regardless of its form of ownership, as well as an individual entrepreneur providing services to consumers under a paid contract.

II. Information about services, procedures for registering a hotel stay and paying for services

3. The Contractor is obliged to bring to the attention of the consumer his company name (title), location (legal address) and operating hours. The contractor places the specified information on the sign.

The contractor - an individual entrepreneur must provide the consumer with information about his state registration and the name of the body that registered him.

4. The Contractor is obliged to promptly provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about the services, ensuring the possibility of their correct choice.

The information is placed in the room intended for registration of residence, in a place convenient for viewing and must include:

these Rules;

information about the performer and his contact phone number;

certificate of assignment to the hotel of the appropriate category, if the category was assigned;

information about the certification of services subject to mandatory certification (certificate number, its validity period, information about the body that issued it);

information about the license number, its validity period, the authority that issued the license, if this type of activity is subject to licensing;

extracts from the state standard establishing requirements in the field of service provision;

price of rooms (places in the room);

list of services included in the price of the room (places in the room);

list and price of additional services provided for an additional fee;

information about the form and procedure for payment for services;

maximum period of stay in a hotel, if it is established by the contractor;

procedure for staying at the hotel;

information about the operation of public catering, trade, communications, consumer services, etc. enterprises located in the hotel;

information about the consumer rights protection body at the local administration, if such a body exists;

information about the parent organization.

The Contractor is obliged to ensure that each room contains information about the rules of accommodation in the hotel, fire safety rules and rules for the use of electrical appliances.

This information must be brought to the attention of consumers in Russian and additionally, at the discretion of the contractor, in the state languages ​​of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the native languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

5. The Contractor is obliged to ensure the provision of benefits when providing services to those categories of citizens for whom such benefits are provided for by laws and other regulatory legal acts.

6. The Contractor has the right to enter into an agreement for the reservation of places in a hotel by drawing up a document signed by both parties, as well as by accepting an application for reservation through postal, telephone and other communications that make it possible to reliably establish that the application comes from the consumer.

If the consumer is late, he will be charged, in addition to the reservation fee, also a fee for the actual downtime of the room (space in the room), but not more than one day. If you are late by more than a day, the reservation will be cancelled. If the consumer refuses to pay for the reservation, his/her accommodation at the hotel is made on a first-come, first-served basis.

7. The contractor - a commercial organization is obliged to conclude an agreement with the consumer for the provision of services, except in cases where there is no possibility of providing services, including if the constituent documents of the contractor or a civil contract concluded with him provide for the obligation of the contractor in a certain order to provide services to the relevant categories of persons.

8. An agreement for the provision of services is concluded upon presentation by the consumer of a passport or military ID, identity card, or other document drawn up in the prescribed manner and confirming the identity of the consumer.

When registering a stay in a hotel, the contractor issues a receipt (coupon) or other document confirming the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of services, which must contain:

name of the performer (for individual entrepreneurs - last name, first name, patronymic, information about state registration);

last name, first name, patronymic of the consumer;

information about the room provided (place in the room);

price of the room (places in the room);

other necessary data at the discretion of the contractor.

9. The Contractor has the right to set a maximum period of stay in a hotel, the same for all consumers.

10. The Contractor must provide round-the-clock registration of consumers arriving at and departing from the hotel.

11. The Contractor does not have the right to provide additional services provided for a fee without the consent of the consumer. The consumer has the right to refuse to pay for services not provided for in the contract.

It is prohibited to condition the performance of some services on the mandatory provision of other services.

12. The price of the room (place in the room), as well as the procedure and form of payment are established by the contractor.

The contractor may set a daily or hourly rate for accommodation.

The Contractor determines the list of services that are included in the price of the room (place in the room).

13. Payment for hotel accommodation is charged in accordance with a single checkout time - from 12 noon of the current day, local time.

When placing before check-out time (from 0 to 12 o'clock) no fee is charged.