The most beautiful rocks in the world. The most beautiful and unusual sea cliffs in the world

And just a breathtaking view of the sea below... This is rock climbing. More precisely, it is an active holiday, during which you climb steep cliffs above the sea.

Many people love rocks - for their beauty and atmosphere. But there are also extreme sports enthusiasts who just want to climb steep cliffs. So, for everyone - we tell you how not just beautiful, but impressive and exciting! We describe the most beautiful rocks, as their height decreases.

Old Harry Rock

Surprisingly, it was these rocks that gave Great Britain its “alias” - Albion. The fact is that the color of the rocks is white. They are located, as is already clear, in England, on the Dorset coast. The surf erodes the chalk cliffs of Old Harry, so it is impossible to get to them from the shore, as, for example, many travelers did several centuries ago.

Ko Tapu Rock

Located in Thailand. The island of the same name is located 40 meters from it. Ko Tapu consists of limestone rocks. The height of the rock reaches 20 meters! It is four meters in diameter near the water, and eight meters at the top! It is this unique shape that makes Ko Tapu one of the most famous rocks in the world.

Ko Tapu Rock

According to scientists, there was once a barrier reef in the place where the Ko Tapu rock is now located. As time passed, the ocean retreated, and then the wind and water began to work. They ground down the rock and it turned out to be a nice looking rock.

Rock Sail

The rock received this name because its shape resembles a quadrangular sail. It is located in the Krasnodar region, right on the Black Sea coast. It is “made” of sandstone, which is separated by a gap from the main massif. The thickness of the sea rock is more than a meter, its length is approximately 25 meters, and its height is more than 25 meters. It is interesting that the Parus rock protrudes into the sea perpendicular to the shore by more than three quarters!

Rock Sail

No less striking is the hole, which is located in the rock at approximately a height of 2.5 meters. Its origin is still a mystery! According to local legends and tales, it was broken through by mountain artillery arrows during the Caucasian War. But this version is refuted by official science.

Rock Old Man Hoy

This natural wonder is located in Scotland, on the Orkney Islands. The height of this “beauty” reaches 137 meters! It is not surprising that a huge number of tourists visited this sea cliff.

Rock Old Man Hoy

It is located on a basalt pedestal and consists of red sandstone. The Old Man Hoy rock has a long history that dates back four centuries! Although there are amateur researchers who claim that it is as old as Stonehenge.

Twelve Apostles Rocks

Near Australia, in the area of ​​Port Campbell National Park, there are amazing rocks, which were given the name “Twelve Apostles”. It is curious that in fact, there are only eight rocky peaks... Before 2005 there were nine, but in the summer of that year one of the rocks collapsed.

Twelve Apostles Rocks

The height of the highest peak reaches 45 meters. But the cliffs on the shore are even higher – up to 70 meters! It is also interesting that depending on the time of day, the Twelve Apostles rocks change their hue.

Bols Pyramid Rock

Bols Pyramid is not just a rock, but the highest volcanic cliff on our planet! This unique creation of nature is located in the ocean between Australia and New Zealand. At the base, the area of ​​the rock reaches 200 square meters. meters, and the height is as much as 562 meters! But, unfortunately, it is impossible to climb to the top of the Bols Pyramids - the lock was published back in 1986. Because of this, and also because there are no all the benefits of civilization here in the form of restaurants, bars, shops, hotels, tourists practically do not fly here, they do not come here.

Bols Pyramid Rock

By the way, before climbing the rock was banned, several people still managed to conquer its peak. They are all alive and well...

Rock "Dan Bristy"
It is geographically located on the Atlantic coast in Ireland at a distance of 80 meters, and has a height of 50 meters.

The rock is widely known among ornithologists, as millions of birds build their nests here every year.

Rock "Sail"
This rock is located on the Black Sea coast, near the village of Praskoveevka not far from Gelendzhik. It is named so because of its resemblance to a sail, the same shape, height - 30 m, narrow and long - 25 m. The rock is stretched perpendicular to the line of the seashore. The end of the rock closest to the shore is 10 m away from it.

This rock once adjoined the shore, but over time, part of the shore collapsed, and this remnant of a continuous sand layer remained because of its power and strength.

At the bottom of the rock there is a rounded hole; there is a version that it was pierced by mountain artillery arrows somewhere in the middle of the last century. This is not entirely true. S. Vasyukov, who explored the Black Sea coast, having examined the rock, wrote in 1903 that “... sailors fired at it from a battleship, fired 4 shells, but the wall remained unshakable, although traces of cannonballs were visible, which did not pierce the cliff anywhere.”

Rock "Old Man Hoy"
Geographically, the rock is located in Scotland and has a height of 137 meters.

The composition of the rock is red sandstone on a basalt pedestal.

Its exact location: the western coast of the island of Hoy, Orkney Islands. Age – about 400 years.

Rocks "Risin og Kellingin"
They are located in the Faroe Islands, and the names translate as “Giant” and “Sorceress”.

The giant has a height of 71 meters, which is only 2 meters higher than the height of the Sorceress.

Rock "Kicker"
Located in Ecuador, another name is “Sleeping Lion”.

Geographically, the rock is located on the Galapagos Islands. And has a height of 152 meters.

Formed as a result of an underwater volcanic eruption, a large number of birds nest on the rock.

Ko Tapu Rock
Located in Thailand and made of limestone, it has a height of 20 meters.

It is 40 meters away from the island.

4 meters in diameter at the water and 8 meters at the top. As scientists say, this place was once a barrier reef, when the ocean retreated, the formation was drained by water and winds.

Rock "Balls Pyramide"
This is a small uninhabited island, which is located near Lord Howe Island (Australia) in the place where it was discovered in 1788. The island looks like a huge sail, the height of which is 562 m and the width is 200 m.

Bols Pyramid is one of the highest volcanic cliffs on earth.

In 2000, a giant stick insect was found on the island, an insect that was previously considered extinct.

Old Harry Rock
The location of the rock is the Dorset coast in England. The rocks are made of chalk.

These rocks are quickly washed away by the surf; for example, in the 18th century it was possible to walk from the shore to the distant rock.

"Twelve Apostles"
These are amazing coastal cliffs that are located in the ocean in Port Campbell National Park, in the Australian state of Victoria.

The name is “Twelve Apostles”, but there were nine rocky peaks. On July 3, 2005, one of the rocks collapsed, and only eight apostles remained. The tallest of them reaches 45 meters in height. The height of the coastal cliffs is about 70 m.

Different times of day affect the fact that the appearance of the rocks also changes. The rocks seem to change color, and in the rays of sunset they generally present a mesmerizing sight.

Rocks "Three Brothers"
These rocks are located at the very entrance to Avacha Bay (bay), in Shlyupochnaya Bay. The Three Brothers rocks are three stone pillars emerging from the water. They are located 300 meters from the coastline.

“Three Brothers” is a natural monument of Kamchatka, which is often visited by tourists. One of the most photographed and “postcard” tourist sites on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Rock Dan Bristy 50 meters high is located 80 meters from the shore on the Atlantic coast in Ireland.

This rock is popular with ornithologists because millions of birds nest here every year.

Rock Sail- located on the Black Sea coast, 17 km southeast of Gelendzhik, near the village of Praskoveevka. The rock is stretched perpendicular to the seashore line. The end of the rock closest to the shore is 10 m away from it. Height 30 m with a length of 25 m

The Parus rock is the remnant of a continuous sandstone layer, which in the past was an integral part of the coastal massif and survived due to its strength and power.

At the bottom of the rock there is a round hole. The guidebooks say that it was pierced by mountain artillery shooters somewhere in the middle of the last century. This is not entirely true. S. Vasyukov, who explored the Black Sea coast, having examined the rock, wrote in 1903 that “... sailors fired at it from a battleship, fired 4 shells, but the wall remained unshakable, although traces of cannonballs were visible, which did not pierce the cliff anywhere.”

Rock Old Man Hoy in Scotland. Its height is 137 meters.

The rock consists of red sandstone on a basalt pedestal.

Located on the west coast of the island of Hoy, Orkney. Age about 400 years.

Rocks Risin og Kellingin in the Faroe Islands. The names translate as "Giant" and "Sorceress"

The 71 meter tall giant is only 2 meters taller than the Sorceress

Rock Kicker in Ecuador, another name for sleeping lion.

Located in the Galapagos Islands. Height 152 meters

Formed by an underwater volcanic eruption, a huge colony of birds nests on the rock.

Ko Tapu rock in Thailand. The limestone rock is 20 meters high.

located 40 meters from the island

4 meters in diameter at the water and 8 meters at the top. As scientists say, this place was once a barrier reef, when the ocean retreated, the formation was drained by water and winds.

Rock Balls Pyramide a small uninhabited island near Lord Howe Island, Australia, in the place where it was discovered in 1788. The island resembles a huge sail, 562m high and 200m wide.

Bols Pyramid is one of the highest volcanic cliffs on earth

In 2000, a previously thought extinct giant stick insect was discovered on the island.

Old Harry Rock is located on the Dorset coast, England. The rocks are made of chalk.

The rocks are quickly washed away by the surf. For example, in the 18th century it was possible to walk from the shore to a distant rock.

"Twelve Apostles" these are amazing coastal cliffs standing in the ocean in Port Campbell National Park, in the Australian state of Victoria

The rocks are called the Twelve Apostles, but in fact there were nine rocky peaks. On the third of July 2005, one of the rocks collapsed, and now only eight apostles remained.

The tallest reaches 45 m in height. The height of the coastal cliffs is about 70 m

At different times of the day, the same landscape looks completely different. The rocks seem to change color, and in the rays of sunset they generally present a mesmerizing sight.

The Three Brothers rocks are located at the very entrance to Avacha Bay (bay), in Shlyupochnaya Bay. The Three Brothers Rocks are three stone pillars emerging from the water. They are located 300 meters from the coastline.

Three Brothers Rocks are a natural monument of Kamchatka; an attraction often visited by tourists. One of the most photographed and “postcard” tourist sites on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

We present the most unusual creations created by nature itself. Before you are the most amazing sea cliffs, which boast not only a bizarre shape, but also a beautiful view.

1. Phi Phi Islands, Thailand and Ko Tapu Rock.

The Phi Phi Islands, a true paradise, are located in Thailand. This is where you can see the most beautiful beaches, bizarre rocks, bright turquoise sea water and an incredible underwater world.

This is where the unusual rock “Ko Tapu” is located. The height of this natural creation, standing alone in the sea, is 20 meters.


3. Berry Head Arch, Canada.

This amazingly beautiful arch is located in the Canadian province of Newfoundland. Those who decide to get to it will have to overcome a difficult path, but it will be worth it. The arch is a bridge between two cliffs 40 meters long.


5. Rock "Dan Bristy".

This lonely rock is located on the Atlantic coast in Ireland and has a height of 50 meters. Every year, about a million birds flock here to build their nests.


7. Rock "Sail".

This rock can be seen on the Black Sea coast, near Gelendzhik. The shape of the rock resembles a sail, hence its name. It is interesting that at the bottom of the rock there is a strange hole, which was supposedly made in the middle of the last century by mountain artillery arrows.



10. Rock “Old Man Hoy”.

This rock is located in Scotland and consists of red sandstone. The age of this natural creation reaches about 400 years.


12. Rock “Old Man Harry”.

This rock, located on the Dorset coast in England, is made of chalk.


14. Rock “Balls Pyramide”.

This small uninhabited island is located in Australia. In its structure, it resembles a large sail, its height is 562 meters and its width is 200 m. This rock is one of the highest volcanic cliffs in the world.


16. Rocks “Twelve Apostles”.

These unusual coastal cliffs are located in the Australian state of Victoria. The amazing thing is that the rocks can change their color depending on the time of day. They are especially beautiful in the rays of sunset.


18. Rock “Totem Pole”.

This basalt rock in Tasmania has long been favored by rock climbers. But only high-level athletes can climb it.


20. Rock Perce.

This rock is located in Canada and is one of the largest natural arches in the world.


22. Rocks “Three Brothers”.

This natural creation, located at the very entrance to Avacha Bay, consists of three rocky spurs protruding from the water.


24. Here are some more unusual rocks located in different parts of the world.




Rock, as defined by Wikipedia, is “A rock outcrop with steep or sheer sides and usually pointed peaks.” This review contains rocks, which are part of the coastline, which has been eroded by waves and tides. Such rocks, located near the coast, are its decoration and attract the attention of tourists and lovers of bright photographs.

These are the remains of the ancient Hvitserkur volcano, which look like a mystical animal standing on four legs and drinking water, the head, nose and entire body are clearly visible. The height of the rock is about fifteen meters and the waves continue to destroy its base, which is why it has to be constantly strengthened with cement.

The Pigeon Rocks or Raushis are located next to the Corniche in Beirut and are its natural landmark.

The amazingly beautiful 50-meter rock is located near Ballycastle (Ireland) and is a favorite place for ornithologists who watch many species of birds from here.

The Parus rock is located on the Black Sea coast near the village of Praskoveevka and is a sandstone monolith located perpendicular to the shore and having the outline of a quadrangular sail. With a thickness of just over a meter, its height is about 30 meters and its width is about 25 meters.

This is a 137 meter high rock located on the coast of the Scottish island of Hoy. Old Man Khoy is made of red sandstone, and its base is a basalt slab.

The Giant and the Witch (Risin og Kellingin) are located off the coast of the Faroe Islands. Their name is associated with an ancient legend. The height of the Giant is about 71 meters, and the Witch is 68 meters.

This limestone rock is located in Phang Nga Bay near the island of Phuket. The height of the bush-covered Ko Tapu cliff is about 20 meters.

Balls Pyramid is of volcanic origin and is located 20 km from the Pacific island of Lord Howe. It reaches a height of 562 meters with a width of 200 meters. The first time a person climbed to the top of this rock was in 1965.

Kicker Rock, or known as Sleeping Lion, is located near the island of San Cristobal, Galapagos archipelago. This cliff has a height above sea level of 152 meters.


Old Harry's Cliffs are two limestone cliffs located on the English Dorset coast. They are constantly exposed to sea waves, which is why their shape gradually changes.


The Twelve Apostles are a group of limestone cliffs located off the coast of Australia's Port Campbell National Park. About 2 million tourists come to admire this natural attraction every year.


Three impressive rocks, standing as if in formation, are located in the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk. The highest of them rises 75 meters above the water. According to local legend, while protecting their native village from huge waves, three brothers stood in their way, turning into stone.