Where to bet on football online. Football betting and forecasts - how to bet on football matches and where to get forecasts from professionals for free

If you decide to bet on football online, you should assume that football (like the NFL in America) is the most popular type sports On the one hand, many pleasant conclusions can be drawn from this: the widest betting line, a long additional list, an excellent statistical base and a huge variety of strategies. But in other way football betting require much more knowledge and skills than any other sport.

If in conventional equestrian sports, in theory, it is enough to monitor the skills of athletes and the physical condition of horses, then in football it is necessary to find a middle ground between statistics, team position, ambitions, and football events.

It is necessary to weigh the risks when making a forecast from three positions: the position of statistics, the position of an expert and the position of a bookmaker.


When betting on football online, you should start with statistical analysis.

Season stage

  • Team position in the tournament;
  • Head-to-head confrontation between teams last season;
  • Head-to-head confrontation between teams in the historical range;
  • Statistics of home/away meetings.

There are no tricks in statistics - it is a purely objective method of assessment. But remember that the difference between an amateur and an expert is based on the importance given to statistics. It only outlines the boundaries of the forecast, but in no case shapes it, although, at the same time, it should never be underestimated.

Expert analysis

Experts are looking for relationships and patterns in football and football-related events. These include:


  • Coaching staff;
  • Injuries and disqualifications;
  • Manner of play;
  • Psychological and physical form teams, etc.

There are a huge number of factors that influence the outcome of a match. Most of them are related to the morale of the teams. The mental state of players can be affected by such details as the acquisition of a superstar with a huge contract, a reduction in salaries, distrust of the coach and even a crisis national federation football. That is why, before online football betting, listen to experts, the press, look for any latest news related to teams - then your prediction will be less risky.


Due to the popularity of football, not only spectators and players understand it, but also bookmakers. In order to play effectively against bookmakers, you must consider the following facts:

  1. Bookmakers' quotes are always objectively justified, especially in situations where the odds for a top club or a clear favorite are inflated.
  2. Quotes change not only due to which team looks preferable, but also depending on the size of players' bets on one or another team.
  3. Odds can change within seconds, and this is a double-edged sword. By placing an online bet on football, you can catch good timing, or you might miss it. This is especially true in Live forecasts.
  4. Each bookmaker has a more or less constant margin, limits and strategies for dealing with a given situation. Study them, and you will be able to beat the companies even when you don’t really know who to bet on.
  5. Bookmakers are people too. If the majority knows nothing about the fifth division of the English Championship, then the bookmaker also has the possibility of an obvious mistake in such a match.

On the role of chance in betting

Along with all the circumstances influencing both the outcome of the match and the forecast, a special place is occupied by the concept of mathematical expectation, the simplified formula of which looks like KxP>1, where K is the coefficient and P is the probability of a positive outcome. Thanks to the variety of mathematical theories, it is possible to rationally weigh the risks, which allows you to win at a distance with almost 100% success.

At the same time, there are simpler strategies, thanks to which a bet on a football match is realized with almost one hundred percent probability, however, the income in this case will be unstable and inevitably smaller (see the tactics of “catching up”, “forking”).

Our forecasts are not only factually based, but are also made for reasons of profit and the best odds among bookmakers. Therefore, open accounts with several bookmakers, and then your football bets will be the most profitable.

The best football bets at the following bookmakers:

1 Minimum deposit:
50 rub

Gambling is risky, but very interesting way fill your time or even try to make money. If you bet wisely, it can be an exciting addition to your sports viewing experience.

10. Bet on chance, not the exact score.

Betting on the exact score is one of the most common mistakes. Let's say you bet on team X to beat team Y 2-0. What happens if team Y scores a goal in last minute, and the score will be 2-1? You'll lose a lot of money, that's what.

Then a reasonable question arises: what is the best bet on in football? The best football bets in terms of winning are odds bets. This can be an overall result (win, lose or draw) or a bet on your favorite to score a goal during the game. The odds on these types of bets are not as big or attractive as those on who will score first, but you will most likely win the bet and thus make a profit.

9. Martingale strategy

One of the most best strategies. Its main goal is to win after a series of losses. And the main condition is a coefficient of at least two.

The player makes the first - minimum - bet, and the amount at his disposal is 100 times the initial bet.

If you lose, the bet is doubled, and if you win, it returns to the original amount.

The procedure here is as follows:

  1. For example, your initial bet is 100 rubles.
  2. If you lose, next time you bet 200 rubles.
  3. In case of another loss, set the bet at 400 rubles.
  4. If you win, you return to 200 rubles.
  5. If you lose with a bet of 400 rubles, then the bet amount will need to be doubled to 800 rubles. Let's say you win this time. As a result, you get a profit of 1600 rubles. (80×2).

The main disadvantage of this risky strategy is the need to bet more and more every time you lose. Many impatient players give up this activity and remain in the red. Or they bet more than they can afford, and again go into the red when they lose. Therefore, it is important to determine the number of bets (7-10 is best) and the amount you don’t mind parting with.

Included in best rates for football today. Applies with a coefficient of at least two. The bet size must be doubled when the previous bet has won.

For example, you have 2000 rubles with you and you want to increase the amount by 10% in one cycle.

  • You bet 200 rubles, bet odds 2, and lost. 1800 rubles left.
  • They made a bet again with odds of 2 and lost, leaving with 1,600 rubles in their pocket.
  • We bet again 200 rubles with a bet odd of 2 and won. The amount at your disposal has increased to 1800 rubles.
  • Once there was a win, the bet size increased to 400 rubles, with a coefficient of 2. And if you win, you will have 2,200 rubles at your disposal. Thus the cycle is completed, the goal is achieved.

Select a match (playing in real time) in which no goals were scored in the first half (score 0-0) and bet that there will be at least one goal in the second half. It’s better to start with small amounts (from 100 rubles).

If the match ends with a score of 0-0, you can bet 200-300 rubles on the next match, and if this time there is failure, then the bet can be increased to 500-1000 rubles. That is, bet an amount that will allow you to win back the money already invested and earn a little money.

This strategy for the cautious and thrifty. The coefficient at which it makes sense should be from 1.91 to 2. You need to bet on those events that will happen with a probability of at least 50%.

The bet size is 1-2% of the total amount you are willing to risk.

  • Let's say you have 5 thousand rubles at your disposal. Then the first bet is 50 rubles.
  • If the initial capital was increased by 25%, the bet amount can also be increased.
  • The rule remains the same - from 1% to 2% of the current bank.

Most people bet on the football teams they support. These actions are based on emotions rather than common sense. Naturally, we have a distorted view of those events that we care about, so it is better not to bet on matches whose outcome you care about a lot.

Also, betting “on emotions” can be harmful if you are trying to quickly make up for the loss of money after a couple of unsuccessful bets in a row. Betting more and more in hopes of winning back is one of the oldest mistakes and you should avoid it at all costs.

Target this method is to increase the initial capital by 60% in about a month. To do this, it is enough to place 3 bets per day. To achieve the goal, you need to break the original amount into parts (1% - 4% - 9% - 24% - 62%). Let's say your capital is 10 thousand rubles.

  1. That is, the first bet is 100 rubles (1%).
  2. The second rate is 400 rubles (4%).
  3. The third rate is 900 rubles (9%).
  4. The fourth rate is 2400 rubles (24%).
  5. The fifth rate is 6200 rubles (62%).

If any of the bets win, start new rate from the first stage, taking into account changes in the initial budget.

3. Flat strategy

This the simplest and easiest strategy, the name of which is translated from English as “monotonous”, “fixed”. You need to make the same bets regardless of the odds and the cash you have in your wallet. This way you won’t quickly lose your entire bank and can objectively assess your ability to predict the course of a sports match.

Another simple strategy that won’t empty your wallet in one fell swoop if you lose. You need to use a one-time established percentage from the bank.

For example, you have 1000 rubles that you decided to play with.

  • From this amount you take 20% - 200 rubles.
  • You place your first bet, and if you lose, you have 800 rubles left.
  • Now you take 160 rubles - 20% of the remaining amount and continue to play.

1. Tank attack method

This sports betting strategy involves dividing the initial capital into separate parts - “tanks”. Each of them is used in a betting cycle independent of each other. When one of the “tanks” reaches the target, the cycle closes. The more “tanks” you have, the higher the chance that one of them will “shoot”.

The basic rule of this method: for each next bet in the cycle, the entire bank of the “tank” is used.

What odds are best to bet on in football is a matter of your passion and faith in luck. Many players recommend as optimal option average coefficient – ​​from 1.55 to 1.9. High odds apply to high-risk bets, and if you lose, you lose a lot of money, but you gain a lot if you succeed. Small odds mean small winnings.

The bookmaker will never put high odds on the favorite of the match. And if you make a lot of bets with low odds, you will most likely lose more than you win.

There are two options for how best to bet on football. One of them is to go to the bookmaker in your city that offers the highest odds for your chosen outcome. The second option is to find a reliable bookmaker on the Internet and place a bet online. However, be prepared for the fact that when withdrawing money, if you win, you will be required to undergo verification and provide a scan of your passport.

Of the profitable options for which bets are best to place on football, experienced betters (players who make sports betting for money) it is recommended to look at the difference in odds for the same event at several bookmakers. And then, taking this difference into account, make small bets on all possible outcomes of the match. This strategy is called a “fork” and the probability of finding such a “fork” increases when the match has already begun. The “fork” is calculated using the formula SP = 1/K1 + 1KХ + 1/K2< 1 . SP is the sum of the probabilities, K1 is the coefficient for the victory of the first team, K2 is the victory of the second team, and KX is a draw. For a fork to generate income, the final SP value must be less than one.

Every football fan imagines himself as a football bettor. This is understandable - there is an opportunity to demonstrate and prove that he has “excellent knowledge”, and you can earn extra money in the process.

Unfortunately, everything is not as simple as it seems. It's likely that you predicted Barcelona to win the Champions League last season or Manchester United or Manchester City to win the Premier League this season and hedged your bets. But I believe you are still in debt and in a big disadvantage.

You may be making good bets, one here and another there, but lack of consistency ruins all your successful attempts. Here are five key things you should consider if you want to make yourself a smarter, more organized and successful football bettor.

1. Turn on your head

If you bet on football matches, most likely, you also support some team. The worst thing you can do in this situation is endless, mindless bets on your team winning. In these types of bets, you act like a fan, like a fan. But you need to turn off your heart and turn on your head.

Let's say your gut feelings have won over your mind, you feel that one of your favorite team's forwards will be on fire today, and you convince yourself that your choice will "teach a good lesson to all those highly paid smart guys."

And here it is - a defeat on the home field with a score of 5-0, you don’t believe yourself, you don’t understand how this could happen, in general, you look at your mistake with outright disbelief.

But in fact, you could do several good bets instead of this losing one, you just had to make some effort to see them.

2. Look for high odds

I assure you, this advice will allow you to get chances of winning that are certainly better than the express bet that you chose spontaneously right now. If you put in a little effort and look at your bets as a long-term investment, your profits will become long-term.

You can check the potential “value” of a bet yourself using simple calculations. Any result showing odds of 1.0 or higher can automatically be included in bets with inflated odds.

Let's assume that a-Team, you think has a 50% chance of winning. Best available probabilities by European rate 1 to 1 are at around (2.0). 50% becomes 0.50 in decimal terms. Multiply the best odds provided by the bookmakers by your estimated probabilities and you get 0.50 * 2.0 = 1.0.

This means that at odds of 2.0 the bet is roughly equal to the odds on offer, and you shouldn't touch it if the bookmakers are offering even a little lower.

3. Look for that extra edge.

We all know and understand that football is a game of people, which means we cannot calculate using mathematics exact outcome of the match. Sometimes factors come to the fore that no one could have thought of before starting the game, but which can greatly influence your decision about whether the odds match the bet or not.

For example, you find information that a terrible flu virus has knocked out half the team, including two or three key players. And now odds of 5.0 loom before your eyes and look terribly attractive.

The team may find itself in a very difficult financial situation, and players will begin to flee from it like rats from a sinking ship. Most likely, the team will weaken and the odds will go down sharply. Get your money back before this happens!

4. Always bet on the best odds

Raising 10, 15 and even 20 percent on your bets can be quite in a simple way– always bet money on best odds of all available. This, of course, means that you need to maintain several different accounts with several bookmakers.

The odds offered by bookmakers vary due to the fact that when the market opens they all start at different positions, although they then adjust them as money comes in.

In order to attract you, bookmakers offer free bets, where you can enjoy the absence of big risks, but at the same time grow your bank.

5. Bet only what you are not afraid to lose

Probably the most important advice What I can give you that will always come in handy when betting on any sport is to never bet more money than you can afford to lose.

Betting on sports should be seen as an additional way to earn money, and not as a desperate attempt to bet last in the hope of making ends meet and paying bills. Remember that any particular team doesn't have to win the game, but you do have to go home safely without losing your entire pot.

Keep your head clear and choose your bets methodically.

There is nothing worse than kamikaze bets, or ending the game with a smaller pot than it was before the match began.


If a person is interested in football and is well versed in the aspects of this sport, he can make good money through betting. To do this, you need to learn to control the odds.

This matter must be approached carefully, otherwise there is a risk of losing yours cash. You should also come to terms with the fact that failures may occur in the first steps; it will take some time to figure out this type of income.
How to bet on football - this is the question asked by beginners who want to get income and pleasure by watching exciting game favorite team. Football is financial source many bettors. By placing a bet online you can win money.

Features of the game and bets

To get a win, you need to forget about your emotions, loyalty to a particular team, you need to use only sober calculation. Attention should be paid to all factors that prevent the application of an erroneous rate.
To do this, you should pay attention to the following features:

  • adaptation of players to the team;
  • presence of injured players;
  • substitutions, player capabilities;
  • team fatigue;
  • the importance of the match for a particular team.

If you do not calculate all these nuances, you can lose your invested money. You should also understand that the betting exchange is quite profitable and gives good opportunity get a decent profit. Betting on football is one of the chances to make a good profit.


Today, players use many strategies, some of them help to get real income. They are used by players who are members of bookmakers. The most commonly used options are those described in detail below.

We bet on the exact score

The correct count strategy is considered the most popular; it is used by both beginners and experienced participants. The payments received are quite large and are paid out in a short time.

The main task is to guess the score with which the match should end.
Betting on the exact score in football - this strategy is considered difficult to predict, but it is different good odds. The amount received will be 6-7 times higher than the bet. Some players bet on more than one option. This is necessary to big win cover costs.

We bet on a time match

When using a strategy called a time match, players must guess how the 1st half (its result) and the match as a whole will end. Such bets are usually made in case of a game between a strong and weak team.

What is the essence of betting on total?

The game for totals is simple. To do this, you only need to guess the total number of goals during the match. You can also play for totals by placing a corresponding bet on one of the teams, on one player.

Deletions, warnings, replacements are also money

You can bet on a wide variety of events: the first substitution, the first warning, whether a player will be sent off.
This type of bet is rarely used, although the winnings can be many times greater than the bet made. To do this, you need to pay attention to who will be the judge, the number of red cards for the players between whom the competition is being held.

What are Dogon?

The catch-up strategy involves choosing an outcome even before the time it occurs. If the outcome of the bet did not give positive result, the next one should be increased so that the amount invested covers expenses while remaining a winner. Bets are set until the selected event occurs. The difference between betting on sporting events this way is that you need to have a fairly large amount of capital.

Use forks

The strategy of forks is considered the only win-win version. To do this, you need to find discrepancies in the readings of the coefficients different offices, which relate to one match. You can make money on this and not risk anything. If two equal opponents are playing, and the odds in individual offices are different, by placing bets on two teams, the player receives a win.

Remember that the main goal is to win

How to win on football bets is the question asked by people who want to make a decent profit. Betting against the favorites, teams that are constantly in the news and occupy high positions in the standings, gives a good income.
To do this, you need to carefully study the previous games of such a team. The rules for betting on football are simple enough that you don’t need to develop your own strategies to make a profit.

Features of handicap betting

Some participants prefer to bet on the handicap; it is quite risky and unpredictable. There are two types of this bet: positive and negative.
In the first case, it is necessary to identify an outsider. You can also determine the number of points scored during a given period of the match. If you have a question about what a handicap is in football betting, you should understand that it is a handicap.
If a player betting for the first time has a question: how to place a bet in football, he will find the answer to his question in the bookmaker’s office.

The power of express trains

Express bets are made up of an unlimited number of events. Winnings are calculated by multiplication starting bid to the coefficient indicator. To make a profit from an express bet, you need to get a positive outcome in all events. If even one position remains losing, the entire bet loses.
We hope that the article was useful to you. We recommend turning to the best bookmakers to try your hand at betting on football.

Watch the training video:

Have a good income!

Football betting is entertainment for the masses today. The reason for this was the fact that you can now place a bet without leaving the couch, which makes watching an interesting match not only exciting, but also very profitable (naturally, with the due indulgence of Fortune).

By choosing our service, you can make full-fledged bookmaker bets on football right from home, because we cooperate exclusively with trusted bookmakers, the honesty and promptness of payments of which have been repeatedly verified both by our specialists and by many players who entrusted them with their money and received their winnings .

In addition, we have removed many of the inconveniences that people who wanted to bet on football previously had to endure. All you need to do now is choose the office that you want to entrust your funds to, after which making online bets on football will be easier than ever.

The best bookmakers for betting on football

Remember that betting on football online gives freedom not only to you, but also to a huge number scammers who create fake bookmakers, the functionality of which has nothing in common with real sweepstakes, because all the similarities end at the first stage - collecting money, after which you will have to feel the bitter taste of defeat, regardless of the outcome of the match.

In order for your football bets to be not just accepted, but actually played, you simply need a reliable partner who will take on the task of checking bookmakers and weed out those who do not deserve your trust and money, leaving only those offices that are guaranteed to make payments in case of your victory. And we are ready to be such a partner!

Outcomes and types of bets

Before you place a bet, you need to understand the basic laws of betting. Today, three types of bets are generally accepted:

  1. Ordinary is the most common bet, implying victory if one forecast for a specific event is correct - the victory of one of the teams, the exact score, etc.
  2. Express bets on football – great way increase risk and winning amount. When answering the question of what an express bet is in football betting, the easiest way is to imagine it as a set of single bets, the odds of which are multiplied. For example, if you bet on one team to win in one match and the other in another, then the express bet will be played if both of your predictions come true. If at least one turns out to be false, your money will remain in the office.
  3. System. Express bets on football are very common today, but the system takes away their primacy. In essence, the system is an improved express bet in which you do not lose your money if you lose one of a set of bets.

In addition, it would be nice to understand a number of other terms, for example, to understand what a handicap is in football betting. In fact, a handicap is necessary in cases where the winner is “known in advance”, i.e. one of the teams has a clear advantage. By placing a handicap bet, you determine the “margin” by which the favorite must win. The handicap is also called the Asian handicap. By the way, there is also a European handicap - the difference is that a handicap is given not only to any team, but also to a draw.

Another question that beginners are often interested in is: what is the total in football betting? To answer this question as briefly and clearly as possible, this is the resulting indicator - the total score of two teams in the match.

The bets themselves are of the following types:

  • On the exact score - you will win only if you accurately guess the final score of the match. Betting on the football score is quite risky, but also has the highest odds;
  • A half-time match is an excellent option if your favorite adheres to the “start for health and end for peace” tactic - you can bet on victory in only one half;
  • For the first goal - everything is simple and clear, you need to predict which team will “sweat” the score;
  • Win/draw is the simplest type of bet, however, it has the most modest odds.

Live betting

Live betting on football is a relatively new phenomenon that has become widespread in the Internet era. They differ from ordinary ones in that they can be done directly during a match, and this allows you to dynamically react to the current situation.

The theory of betting on live football is quite complex, and everyone develops their own strategy, however, here it is worth being especially vigilant, for example, do not forget that even the most powerful forward can simply drop out of the game due to injury, and a team that has given up everything strength to attack in the first half, can greatly disappoint its fans in the second, because fatigue is common to all people.

The secrets of live betting on football are quite varied, but it’s worth starting with a simple one:

  • Don't bet too much large amounts in live;
  • Don't forget about time;
  • Odds are an excellent indicator;
  • Look at the mood of the teams, and also study their psychology.

Strategies for betting on football

The first and most important thing you should remember is: win-win strategy Football betting is a myth. If it existed, then bookmakers would have ceased to exist long ago, as well as sports generally.

The best football betting strategy is also a rather controversial issue. Everything always depends on many circumstances; accordingly, if a strategy worked once, it may well fail the next time.

Profitable football betting strategies are already being developed and improved long years, and we simply have to talk about some of them:

Betting on totals in football - strategies of this kind are designed for situations in which teams with typical behavior play. For example, if a team tries to score 2-3 goals in the first half, after which it goes into deep defense, then you can expect a not bad win with a correctly selected total.

The strategy of betting on a draw in football is perfectly applicable in major championships, for example, in the Champions League.

The same tactics as “Dogon”, Oscar Grind or D’Alembert - an excellent example of adapting the Martingale scheme in the football field - lost - bet even more.

The simplest tactic is to bet on the favorite, which is an excellent example of the saying “Better is a bird in the hand...”.

Like any other sports betting, the football strategy has its own nuances that are unique to this sport. Take, for example, live football betting strategies - they are most common in this area, because the Live football betting strategy contains approximately 4-5 points, which are much easier to adhere to during a fairly long game than (for an absurd example) in horse racing However, the tactics of betting on live football is the topic of an extensive and separate article.

Football predictions from professionals

Free forecasts are received not only by “well-connected” people, but also by absolutely any Internet user who can use a search engine... in any case, they think that these are forecasts from professionals. If you really need free football predictions, you can safely use the selection from our website - here are high-quality “tips” that will allow you to make the most successful bets.

However, we should not forget that the football forecast from experts today is just a guess, albeit from people who processed a significant amount of data before making their “verdict.” Unfortunately, accurate forecasts for football is a very dubious phenomenon. It would be more accurate to say that the forecasts themselves actually have a certain degree of probability of coming true, but we should not forget that this is just a probability!

Even mathematical football forecasts are not able to take everyone into account possible factors that can influence the outcome of the match. Sports forecasts for football, as well as for any other sports, are based solely on statistics, without taking into account factors such as, for example, the personal life of an athlete, but problems in the family can unsettle anyone.

Again, even best predictions In football, they cannot foresee the forward’s careless fall, which ended in a sprained ligament. However, we should not forget that forecasts are a complex statistical art that tries to take into account even the smallest detail, seemingly not directly related to the match. All this allows us to increase the reliability of football forecasts from experts to the highest possible level.

The best place where you can find truthful football predictions for tomorrow is this site, which contains all the necessary information from all aggregation sources.

Odds: what they are and how they work

Football betting and odds go hand in hand, because one cannot exist without the other. If you are planning to bet on football today, the odds are the first thing you should pay attention to. For those who are not aware of the essence of this term, the easiest way to explain it is to find a synonym - a multiplier.

Football, the table of betting odds for which is in the most visible place of any bookmaker's office, allows you to easily understand how many times your bet will increase if you win. For example, if the odds are 1.5, then every 100 rubles bet will turn into 150.

Odds for a football match cover both the overall score and a number of other parameters, the variety of which depends solely on the bookmakers’ imagination. For example, if you need high odds in football, the exact score is exactly what you should be trying to predict.

Many people also wonder how to find the difference in football odds. The easiest way to do this is with the help of several bookmakers with different indicators - by combining bets, you can achieve minimal risk and maximum winnings.

How to bet on football online

All that remains is to understand how to bet on football correctly. We have already found out that for this you need to find an honest bookmaker, which you can choose from the list of bookmakers on our website. Now that you know where to bet on football, you need to decide on the odds. Start with something simple, for example, bet on positions with minimal odds - this will allow you to watch the game with interest and get your first win with minimal risk.

Many articles and even books have been written about how to learn how to bet on football, but it makes no sense to trust them 100% - remember that unified strategy There is no such thing as a guaranteed win. The answer to the question of how best to place bets on football will be the same - make them with a “cool head” and compare your possibilities with the probabilities. Excitement is exciting, but getting carried away beyond measure is simply dangerous.

Now you know how to bet online on football. Perhaps someday you will tell your friends about what bets are best on football, confirming your advice with a demonstration real winnings. Good luck!