Igor Kaminsky and Natalya Podolskaya difference. Natalya Podolskaya and her poor old lover Igor

15 April 2018, 17:11

Apparently in the wake of the fight against Slutsker (they seem to be slowly forgetting about Harvey) I read an interview with Natasha Podolskaya here

Natasha Podolskaya says that she was surprised by the fact that many actresses now love to talk about the fact that they were once harassed by directors.

Natalya is sure: if a woman does not want to be persuaded to have sex, this will not happen!

“No one has ever harassed me,” says the singer. - Apparently, this is how I dress! And it also seems to me that it is always written in a woman’s eyes when she can be harassed and when not!

And I felt somehow offended.

I won’t say, of course, that at one time I was once taken home by, for example, some great director... and, of course, I’m not an actress.

But it's real. We are like women and should somehow understand and support each other? What kind of statements are these?

Why are you, Natasha, so self-confident?

Do you think that a hundred years have passed and no one remembers anything?

Well, yes, the girl from the “Star Factory” is cute.

But I remember how at one time I was made an indelible impression by the fact that cute and young Natasha, at the dawn of her career, lived with a very, very, very old producer.

Life and fate of Natasha Podolskaya

Natasha Podolskaya is a singer who came from Belarus. It was there that she was born and raised.

Natalya Podolskaya and Igor Kaminsky met at one of the music festivals in Kyiv.

At that time, Natalya was just beginning her creative journey and lived in Belarus. At that time, Igor Kaminsky was a producer with extensive work experience, including many years of work with Yadviga Poplavskaya and Alexander Tikhonovich.

Igor liked the performance of the young singer and decided to offer her cooperation. Natalya happily agreed.

Thanks to Kaminsky’s professional qualities, Podolskaya very quickly became famous in her native Belarus. Igor recorded several songs for her, which became hits.

But the relationship between the singer and producer was not only business. At the time of his acquaintance with Natalya, Igor Kaminsky’s age was a little over 50 years. According to his friends, Igor fell in love as a boy with seventeen-year-old Natasha. He was impressed by a beautiful, talented girl who hung on his every word with trepidation.

In 2001, Igor invited Natalya to move to Moscow to conquer the Russian capital. At first, their business did not go very well and the singer, who was already famous in her homeland, had to sing in restaurants.

But Igor Kaminsky made every effort to ensure that Natalya became famous. According to him, he contributed to the singer being accepted as a participant in the popular television project “Star Factory”.

It was then that Natalia's paths crossed with producers Joseph Prigozhin and Viktor Drobysh. At first, all this suited Igor Kaminsky and he was glad that Natalya was making some progress. Next came her participation in Eurovision 2005 and a huge failure at the competition. It was from this moment that disagreements arose between the producers. Igor Kaminsky believed that Prigozhin and Drobysh made grave mistakes in producing.

At that time, Natalya was still living with Kaminsky. According to her, he asked her to get married more than once, but the singer refused or postponed the wedding indefinitely. One way or another, they were not destined to get married. They never made it to the registry office.

After Natalya’s participation in the prestigious international competition, disagreements began to arise between the lovers. To the surprise of Igor Kaminsky, one day Natalya decided to leave him not only as a man, but also as a producer. This was a big blow for him. He had never counted on such a turn of events and considered it a betrayal. After all, Natalya was leaving not for anyone, but for his colleagues - Drobysh and Prigozhin. Because of this, a very serious conflict arose between the producers, since Igor Kaminsky did not want to give Natalya to them.

Igor Kaminsky and Natalya Podolskaya were at odds with the scandal. The producer demanded financial compensation from her. He calculated that as a result of this turn of events he was losing a million dollars. Later, the amount of his claims was reduced to 600 thousand.

Natalya, as she said in her interviews, was ready to reimburse her former lover for certain material costs, but, of course, not such an astronomical amount.

The essence of their conflict was that Igor Kaminsky considered all the songs that were written for Natalia during the period of their cooperation to be his property. The singer also had to pay a penalty for premature termination of the contract with him. To prove that he was right, Igor showed everyone the agreement on the “promotion” of the young singer.

But, most likely, the agreement was not drawn up correctly, because Igor Kaminsky still lost in court.

Meanwhile Natasha fell in love

Vladimir Presnyakov about Natalya Podolskaya: “Angels brought us together”

The future spouses met in France on the set of an extreme program for Channel One “Big Races” in 2005, where Natalya Podolskaya, a 23-year-old graduate of the reality project “Star Factory-5,” and Vladimir Presnyakov found themselves on the same team.

Vladimir turned out to be 14 years older than his new acquaintance, but despite this, by his own admission, it was as if he felt a blow to the head from one look at Natasha. The musician believes that it was an angel.

Despite the fact that Natalya also felt drawn to Presnyakov after the first meeting, the new acquaintances were in no hurry to date. As Podolskaya admits, at the moment of meeting Presnyakov, the thought flashed through her head: “This is your future husband.” The inner voice did not deceive the girl, but her mind resisted the new relationship.

At that time, the aspiring singer was experiencing a painful breakup with Igor Kaminsky, who was also producing his young lover, and, unfortunately, her new lover turned out to be a little married.

But true love will pass through all obstacles.

Well, there are also photos on the prankster Internet

here for some reason babushki.ru

Here are my dear girls.

Tell me honestly, why behave this way? Why judge someone, point your finger contemptuously?

Wouldn't it be better to turn on yourself, godfather? Or is it true that the strictest moralists come from...ummmm....women with low social responsibility?

The famous Russian and Belarusian singer Natalya Podolskaya comes from Mogilev, the regional center of the Republic of Belarus. There she was born on May 20, 1982, into a family of intellectuals - her father was a lawyer and her mother was a gallery manager. In addition to Natalya, the family raised three more children - two sisters, one of them the future singer’s twin and a younger brother.

Natalya Podolskaya in her youth:

The girl discovered her talent for singing very early, and her parents did everything possible to develop it. In addition to studying piano at a music school, Natalya Podolskaya studied vocals from the age of 9 and, together with the studio team, went on tour to European countries, participated in major music competitions and won three of them.

Despite her success in the vocal field, at the insistence of her parents, Natalya Podolskaya entered the Minsk Institute of Law after school and successfully graduated from it. But her singing talent predetermined the girl’s fate. From the very beginning of her student life, she often appeared on Belarusian television, performed songs, and participated in shows. This period was marked by the young singer’s performance at the Slavic Bazaar festival and her victory in Prague at the “Universetalent Prague” singing competition.

Natalya Podolskaya in the recording studio:


In 2002, Natalia transferred to the correspondence department of the Minsk Institute of Law and entered the vocal department of the Institute of Contemporary Art in Moscow. This was largely facilitated by the fact that the girl signed a contract with Igor Kaminsky, who became her first producer. In parallel with her studies on Tamara Miansarova’s course, Natalya recorded songs and gave concerts.

Natalya Podolskaya at a photo shoot for a glossy magazine:

In 2004, the young singer made an attempt to represent Belarus at Eurovision, but did not qualify. At the same time, the girl participated in the television project Star Factory-5, after which the whole country recognized her. Thanks to the audience's votes, the girl eventually took an honorable 3rd place. After the Star Factory, Natalya Podolskaya leaves her producer and enters into a contract with Viktor Drobysh. The result of this collaboration was the singer's debut album.

Natalya Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov on the set of the video “I’m near”:

The next milestone in the singer’s creative biography was participation in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2005, where Natalya Podolskaya represented the Russian Federation. Despite careful preparation and a good promotional company, the song that Natalya performed took 15th place. The singer learned the right lessons from this failure, and soon recorded new songs, starred in a video and went on tour around the country.

Natalya Podolskaya on the set of the video “I forgive”:

In 2008, Natalya Podolskaya accepted Russian citizenship. By this time, her repertoire already had several hits and videos for them, which were actively rotated on radio and television. The girl participated in the New Wave competition, as well as in many television shows, on one of which she met her future husband, singer Vladimir Presnyakov. The singer also often appeared as a catwalk model.

In 2010, the singer’s contract with the Viktor Drobysh center expired, and she continued her creative career with her husband. The popularity of Natalia Podolskaya does not weaken, she constantly has new hits, the public’s interest is fueled by the artist’s participation in popular TV shows - “Ice and Fire”, “Just the Same” and others. By the beginning of 2016, Natalia Podolskaya’s arsenal included 13 videos and two studio albums: “Late” and “Intuition.”

Natalya Podolskaya in Jurmala at the New Wave competition:

Personal life

Igor Kaminsky, who brought Natalia onto the Russian stage, was her first common-law husband. But after the singer’s participation in the Star Factory, the couple broke up.

In 2005, on the set of the television project “The Great Race,” Natalya Podolskaya’s fateful acquaintance with singer Vladimir Presnyakov took place, which first resulted in a civil marriage, and in 2010, an official marriage with a church wedding. In June 2015, a son, Artem, was born into a happy family.

Read about other popular musicians and their biographies

In an interview with HELLO! the famous singer shared that turning 30 was a milestone for her:
“I feel like I’ve become quite an adult.” This is such a first flowering, a wonderful, fertile age for a woman. They say that he will still be there at 45. (Smiles.)
About old age:
- Firstly, I was lucky with genetics. Mom looks very good at 63 years old. Secondly, because I have a twin sister, she and I share all the troubles in half - this is my theory. I also laugh a lot in my life. And I wouldn’t mind getting facial wrinkles around my eyes in 10 years. I think they color a person because it’s clear where they came from.

About childhood:
- My parents were waiting for their son, they even thought of a name for him - Igor. And my mother found out that twin girls would be born instead of Igor during the birth. Doctors heard two hearts beating, and she was urgently given a caesarean section. When they brought us home, the question arose of where the second child should sleep, because there was only one crib. Dad said: “That means he’ll sleep on my button accordion for now.” This is how, according to family legend, my passion for music began.

Natasha (right) with her mother Nina Antonovna, father Yuri Alekseevich and sisters Yulia and Tanya
About the death of his father in 2006 in a car accident:
- Once - and there is no person. He didn’t live to see my wedding, or Yulina’s, or our 30th anniversary. And I want to tell him so much, to take him somewhere. This is how fate decreed... I always mentally turn to him, consult with him...
About first love (talking about Igor Kaminsky, the first producer - S.):
- I had my first love, a man much older than me, now it’s even scary to think how much. He believed in me, in my talent, he helped me very, very much, paid for the studio, we recorded songs. But, unfortunately, this story ended badly. We parted as enemies. Although I did not want conflict and war. We had a production agreement, and then, in the early 2000s, it was a form of slavery. It got to the point of absurdity. The producer sincerely believed that he had the right to everything - to your name, to your image, to the interviews that you give to the publication. And when the love passed,... the trials began. I'm very sorry this happened. People must be able to negotiate.
About the first success:
- I think that in 2004, at the “Star Factory” this happened. With the song “Late”, which Vitya Drobysh and Lena Stuff wrote for me. As Volodya says, this song has set such a high bar, it is so beautiful, powerful, and my vocals are fully revealed, and the lyrics are so deep... All these years it has been very difficult for me to do something better, to surpass this song. Now I’m ready for the second round of fame. (Smiles.)

About the first live concert:
- In 2005, after Eurovision, when my touring life began, I clearly understood how I wanted to perform. That this is in no way a soundtrack, not a backing track. I recruited a team of musicians and we rehearsed. I remember my first live concert happened in Moscow, at the Tropicana casino. We were so wildly worried! We had to perform for 40 minutes, and because of our excitement, we began to play all the songs faster. And we literally didn’t have enough minutes for seven minutes. A very strict art director later complained that we didn’t do enough work, that the guitarist’s string broke, in general, it was a terrible horror! But at the same time, all over Moscow there were posters and banners saying “Natalia Podolskaya at the Tropicana Casino.” And for me it was like “Yeess!”
About the first acquaintance with Vladimir Presnyakov:
- At the end of May 2005, I performed at Eurovision, where I took 15th place. I was very worried! At that time, I had just broken up with my first love, rented a separate apartment, and my sister Yulia moved in with me from Mogilev. I made a vow to myself - no relationship for 2 years. Only work. And then on the set of “The Great Race” I meet Volodya Presnyakov. It was love at first sight. An inner voice told me: “This is your future husband.”
(However, two months after the start of the relationship, Natalya found out that Vladimir was officially still married. She decided to leave, notes Gossip.)
- I simply told him that we couldn’t meet again - without explaining the reasons. (...) For himself, he was already a free man, because he decided to get a divorce, but for me, he was married. And then the press began to write that we were having an affair. This situation really stressed me out, because I didn’t want the reputation of being a homewrecker to be attached to me. I must be a strong person if I could step on the throat of my love. It was like cutting off my own hand, I was incredibly worried. And still, I knew for sure that we would be together. (Smiles.)
About the decision to get married:

- I decided to take communion on Easter, for the first time in my life. And the priest explained to me that I do not have the right to do this, because I deliberately live in sin with a man. At first I was very indignant. Then we talked for a long time, and the next day I brought Volodya to him. And after this conversation he proposed to me. Two months later, in June, we got married, and a month later we got married in church.
On the pros and cons of living with Presnyakov:
- The fact is that, having connected my life with Volodya Presnyakov, I was faced with such a problem. He is older, he is a famous artist, more than one generation has grown up on his hits, and it is very difficult for me to be a singer next to him. Develop, achieve broadcasts. All the radio stations and program directors categorically signed me up to be Vladimir Presnyakov’s wife and decided that everything was fine with me and I didn’t want anything. But this is not so. I endlessly search for songs, I record them, now my song “Intuition” is playing on radio stations, I shot a video for it in Paris. I am now actively engaged in my own creativity.
About the creative horizon:
- I really want to release song after song so that they sound everywhere, so that people love and listen to them.

“In Moscow, no one needs young talents. If they don’t have some famous personality or a tough guy with a tight wallet behind them, they won’t get anywhere. And Natasha Podolskaya’s victory in the Eurovision qualifying round is another confirmation of this,” such the letter came to the editorial office of "E-G" from Anna Igorevna from the capital's Institute of Contemporary Art...

Several years ago, singer Andrei Bill, who teaches with us, advised her to move from Belarus to Moscow and enter our institute. He himself began to work with it, to clear it of provincial husks. But Natasha imagined that she knew better what she needed to do. I started changing teachers. She sings, of course, not bad, but half of our institute sings no worse or even better. And how she got to Channel One is no secret to anyone. The entire institute knows that her wealthy patron paid 50 thousand US dollars to Joseph Prigozhin and Viktor Drobysh so that they would push her into the “Star Factory”.

There are no sponsors or investors behind Podolskaya,” said producer Joseph Prigozhin. “It’s probably ugly to say this, but she’s an absolutely poor girl.” Yes, she has a young man, Igor Kaminsky, who is about fifty years old. He loves her madly, and it’s okay that they have a big age difference. But Kaminsky is neither a sponsor nor an investor. He only has a debt of 50 thousand dollars. He borrowed this money to record an album for Natasha. This is what a man went to for love! But he didn’t pay Vitya and me any 50 thousand. If we took it, then we would take no less than a “lemon” from him. And for “fifty dollars” we wouldn’t even get dirty...

Composer Viktor Drobysh also began to paint the poverty of Podolskaya and Kaminsky and in the heat of the moment offered to go to their home. It turned out that the singer and her patron were huddled in a former communal apartment in an old, shabby house not far from the Akademicheskaya metro station. Inside the apartment, however, there were signs of European-quality renovation, but it was only partially done. Unopened boxes with equipment that Podolskaya was awarded at the “Star Factory” were piled in the corridor. Only the kitchen, bathroom and one of the three rooms were completely renovated. Moreover, as Kaminsky proudly emphasized, he did almost everything with his own hands.

Who I am and what I do cannot be explained in a few words,” admitted Igor. - You love scandalous headlines. You can write that Alla Pugacheva received her first fee, larger than Rosconcert’s rate, from the hands of Podolskaya’s boyfriend. That is, from mine.

At the end of the 80s, I was deputy director of the Moscow Musical Experimental Theater. We were the first to establish on a legal basis payment to artists not according to official philharmonic rates, but according to the KTU - labor participation coefficient. As soon as the artists found out about this, everyone began to tour through us. Including Alla Borisovna. Then I worked with “Veras” and “Pesnyars” for ten years. As a director, he filmed the musical program “Pop-TV” for Belarusian television, which was hosted by the soloists of “Verasov” Poplavskaya and Tikhanovich. Organized the retro festival “Golden Hit” in Belarus. As part of this festival, a competition for young performers was held. There I met Natasha. And now we have been together for almost four years.

You see, he is no oligarch,” Drobysh stated with satisfaction. - A simple man. Well, what can you take from him?! What 50 thousand?! We just liked the way Natasha sings, and we decided to help her. At first they didn’t want to take Stas Piekha to Factory-4. He came out like a fool and sang some shit. And everyone immediately said: “Next!” Only I stood up for him and convinced him to listen to him again. And how I fought for him during the “Factory”! He behaved like a complete brute. For example, while admiring himself in the mirror, he could say to a girl passing by: “Go wash yourself, you fool!” As a result, everyone hated him. And about Eurovision... Do you really think that we bribed Channel One and rigged the audience vote in favor of Natasha? Well, it's not serious! Who votes? Mostly young animals. Just those who watched “Star Factory”. They chose her.

If we talk about violations, it was very incorrect to organize a PR campaign for Dima Bilan at Five Evenings on the day of the final vote,” Podolskaya added offendedly. - When, for example, a president is elected, on election day any campaigning is prohibited. And a candidate who violates this ban is removed from the vote...

The ex-producer of Natalia Podolskaya is writing a book about her former ward under the working title “Geography of Domestic Show Business. Podolsk lowland." In an interview, Igor Kaminsky explained what the main advantage of Natalia Podolskaya is and why each of her appearances on stage over the past two years has been a series of gross production mistakes.

As you know, your trials with Podolskaya have already ended. Why did you again go to court with a lawsuit against the media and prove that you did not demand 1 million dollars from Natasha?
— The information that the trials are supposedly over is beneficial only to one of the parties. Meanwhile, the lies that Podolskaya and Drobysh flood the media with have long shocked me, as well as everyone who is familiar with the true state of affairs.

Touching articles like “Bandits are trying to return Podolskaya to her ex-lover”, “Kaminsky filed a statement with the police demanding Podolskaya...”, “Former producer is trying to sue Podolskaya for $1,000,000”, which are intended to show that the singer was dragged through the courts and is being demanded she has a lot of money.

These articles are just a product of “yellow” PR technologies designed to maintain public interest in the artist in the absence of creative success.

On February 27, 2008, the Savyolovsky Court of Moscow satisfied my claim for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation against one of these newspapers, “Your Day.” The court established that I never filed a claim against N.Yu. Podolskaya. about paying me any amounts either to the police or to other law enforcement or judicial authorities.

- What then was considered in the court, which, as Podolskaya claims, she won?

— I am the author, co-author, “producer of phonograms” and, as a result, the copyright holder of all songs recorded by N. Podolskaya in the period from 2002 to 2005. Thus, not only at my expense, but also directly through my creative work, in close collaboration with composer and arranger Arthur Baido, almost all the songs and soundtracks published on the “Late” CD were created. I was engaged in this activity within the framework of a seven-year contract concluded with the singer back in 2002.

Having gained some popularity as a result of our joint efforts, the singer secretly from me entered into a similar agreement in 2004 with the Victor Drobysh Production Center, which allowed this organization, as a result of the sale of the album “Late” in thousands of copies in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, not pay me, as the creator of all these songs, nothing. At the end of 2006 I was forced to go to court.

Several of my claims against PC Drobysha were considered in court. At the same time, the PR services of this LLC constantly tried to present this conflict in the media as a conflict between an ex-producer and a singer.

Meanwhile, my only claim in which the “defendant” was N.Yu. Podolskaya. — there was a claim to declare her contract with PC Drobysha illegal. This claim was non-property: I did not demand anything material from her, especially a million dollars.

The lawyers of “PC Drobysh” filed a counterclaim in this process and “miraculously” got the court (at least for now) to recognize my contract with the singer as void and terminated.

It is difficult to call this a win for Podolskaya, since such a result only took us beyond the framework of civil law, contractual relations. And now, the same circumstances can be considered, but in the field of administrative or criminal law.

- Why did you decide to write the book “Geography of Domestic Show Business. Podolsk lowland"?
“Friends who were familiar with the reason for my going to court suggested that I write such a book. Many of them believe that this story will be useful to all those who are planning to start producing an artist, or are simply interested in the underbelly of show business.

- Do you think that you understand show business enough to write a book about it?
- I have been working closely in the Russian-Belarusian show business for more than 30 years. At the beginning of this activity, the duo Alexander Tikhanovich-Jadviga Poplavskaya produced in Russia for more than 10 years.

In addition, I am the author and producer of more than 100 music television programs for leading television channels in Russia and Belarus, as well as the organizer and director of several annual international music festivals.

- What will the book be about? Who are the main characters?
- The book is positioned by the publisher as “an ironic guide to practical jurisprudence for students of production specialties.”

The future producer will learn how to correctly draw up long-term contracts with “performers”, how the romantic feelings of modern singers depend on their personal business plans, how they get to the “Star Factory” and “Eurovision”, will be able to feel the unpredictability of the consequences of “stardom” illness, and what you can expect when trying to protect your copyright and other rights in Russian courts.

The main characters are documents. Basically, documents that appeared during the legal proceedings with PC Drobysha. They sufficiently depict the characters of the participants.

- At what stage is the writing of the book now?
- The book is written “according to my mood.” This is, in principle, a documentary. And, since the consideration of claims in the courts continues, each answer adds a new impulse of inspiration.

- How do you feel about producer Viktor Drobysh and the current work of Natalia Podolskaya?
- Every artist deserves his own producer. If composer Drobysh produces and “promotes” anyone, it is only himself. I can’t say anything about Podolskaya’s work. Natasha herself was never the “creator” of her songs. Her main advantage is her good voice. But to properly organize and “make” a new song is a completely different story.

In my opinion, every appearance of the singer on stage over the past 2 years is a series of gross production mistakes. In the absence of good songs, random flashing on screen and in the media can have the opposite effect.

But even a good song may not work in today's situation. After all, it must also be sung and recorded, “as it should be.” As it already happened with the song “Late”. But there are no such people around the singer now.

Many young performers, in bouts of stardom, begin to feel that they are the only reason for their popularity, and are ready to independently create something worthy. Time shows that this is not always the case.

The title of the book is “Geography of domestic show business. Podolsk lowland” suggests that you cannot forgive Natalya and thus take revenge on her for her insults. Is it so?
- This is the working title. I myself am against such a “tin” in the title. The book, simply, is intended to acquaint the reader with the miracles occurring in our courts, as well as in some heads and souls. I don’t even try to express my opinion in it, but only provide documentary evidence.

But the publisher, having familiarized himself with the materials of the court hearings, considered that this title most accurately reflects their content.

There, for example, N. Podolskaya’s counterclaim will be presented in detail, in which, in particular, she stated: “I came to Star Factory-5 in 2004 from Mogilev, where I had previously worked in restaurants.”

This phrase will say a lot to our mutual friends-musicians, sound engineers, the singer’s fellow students in the full-time vocal department of the ISI (2002-2004) and to all those who know for certain that the singer moved to Moscow from Mogilev back in 2001, and since then has lived permanently in Moscow at my home, where we worked on recording songs, thanks to which the singer was noticed by her current owners.

And there are many such “revelations” in court. My response to the singer’s counterclaim contains 18 points beginning with the words “this statement is obviously false,” and the fact that this is indeed a lie is documented. The reader is invited to be an imaginary juror in these trials, and make his own verdict.

All grievances are long gone, but people who betray their loved ones and throw mud at those who gave them the opportunity to rise must understand that, regardless of the decisions of the courts, dark stains from a barrel of jam and a basket of cookies will sooner or later appear through white clothes.

Have you not been reproached that by writing such a book (inserting Podolskaya’s surname in the title), you will thus take advantage of and enrich yourself at the expense of your former ward, who is now in star status?

- Regarding the “status” - ... perhaps from Belarus, that’s what he looks like.
As for getting rich... this is... without offending anyone... “It’s better to lose with a smart person than to find with a fool.” Once I saw this girl in an amateur performance in the city of Mogilev and decided that I had found an interesting performer and a sincere, unselfish person to embody my musical ideas on the “big” stage. This was worth the loss of four years of creative work and very significant financial costs. Therefore, now I have no time to enrich myself “at the expense of my former ward.” I would like to lick the losses from this “find”.