Ilona Novoselova: the last minutes of the life of a clairvoyant in the comments of loved ones. Artem demons

“Not a word about Ilona Novoselova”: what the guy from Zlatoust is hiding “In two years, Artem Besov threw the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” four times. The fifth time was the last. The audience remembered Ilona as a strong medium with a difficult character. was unpredictable in actions. But those who knew Novoselova speak of her as a very vulnerable person. Ilona was selflessly devoted to her young man Artem Besov and was terribly afraid of loneliness. MK correspondents found a woman who turned to Ilona for help. "Lyubov Porokhnenko still cannot believe in the girl's death. They met on the beach in Krasnodar, where Lyuba lives. She recognized Novoselova by her bright appearance and the characteristic pronunciation of the letter "p". On a nearby sun lounger was her boyfriend, Artem Besov. Despite everything stories about an eccentric character, the clairvoyant immediately reacted extremely kindly to the woman.Love was going through a difficult period, according to her, Ilona then literally saved her life. The woman even came to Novoselova in Moscow and then maintained relations in social networks. “Ilona has an amazing aura,” says Lyubov Porokhnenko. – Having a unique gift, she is also herself rare person. Yes, harsh, but this is only for those from whom she feels false. Ilona herself said that she sees people through. And she said about me with a smile: “Your soul is pink.” Very vulnerable, she herself was afraid of offending those whom she treated well. It hurts so much that she's gone." Lyubov Porokhnenko says that Ilona truly loved her young man: “She was all dissolved in this feeling. Love was everything to her. Ilona was jealous of Artyom, followed his every glance. She was very afraid of losing him. I didn’t notice the same return from him, but everyone shows their feelings in different ways. ” Artem Besov is four years younger than Ilona Novoselova. Demons - real name guy. He is fond of black magic, conducts seances, reads fortunes on Tarot cards, removes and imposes damage, bewitches love and money. This is how he makes a living in the capital. Artyom's childhood friends were also surprised to learn that their friend turned out to be a magician. “He has changed a lot,” says one of them. - We do not communicate now, he has new friends, a different life. I remember him as a calm guy, far from mysticism, sociable. In the capital, Besov was going to receive a second higher education in a technical specialty at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, apparently not relying on his superpowers. Then he changed his mind, and answered all the doubts of those around him on a page on a social network. “You are helpless, insecure and closed off in your shabbiness. Adult people no longer have things to do, how to suck on the affairs of others. The retinue makes a name. In your case, it’s not a retinue, but a bunch of pathetic bastards trying to make PR for themselves with their stupid opinion ... "But the text of the curse from Besov." "(I won't post it and I don't recommend reading it). Ilona and Artem met in 2015. At first they corresponded and called up from different cities. Besov lived in Chelyabinsk, and Novoselova in Moscow. Then he moved to her in the capital and the couple began to live together. At first, Artyom was something like a clairvoyant agent. He organized her receptions in different cities, accompanied her on trips. Then Artem Besov began to conduct sessions himself. Ilona's fame greatly contributed to his popularity and well-being. The number of followers on Instagram grew, and there were more and more customers. On pages in social networks, expensive brands and professional photo shoots began to flicker. The relationship between the lovers became more and more serious, the guy introduced Ilona to his parents in Zlatoust. True, their life together it is difficult to call serene. According to a friend of the medium Karina Mirzoyan, the clairvoyant regularly quarreled with her chosen one. “Ilona cried all the time because of him. He didn't even let me talk to his friends. This guy brought Ilona. I warned her,” says Mirzoyan. Another friend of Ilona said that Artem left the girl four times already. He came back every time. But Ilona experienced his departure very sharply, she said that she was thinking about suicide. Shortly before his death, Artem and the clairvoyant quarreled again. The conflict did not happen on the day of death, and was not connected at all with Besov's departure to Chelyabinsk, as the media wrote. "MK" tried to find out from Artem himself what happened between him and the girl. Besov told the correspondent that he would not say a word about Ilona Novoselova again. The guy deleted the page on instagram, leaving the questions of the followers unanswered. Ilona died by accident. During her lifetime, she asked to be cremated. On the eve at noon, the relatives fulfilled the request of the deceased. The farewell ceremony was held behind closed doors, there were only relatives. The girl's mother needed the help of the ambulance doctors. Even before the cremation, the coffin was not opened, as Ilona herself wanted. She will forever remain in the memory of her fans as a beautiful and bright girl, a clairvoyant with a daring character and a very vulnerable soul." has changed (since the first appearance at the battle) over the years with him. She stabbed herself all over, became rude and poured out such words ... and deeds., crossed the line.

Ilona Novoselova lived brightly and enchantingly, and died unexpectedly and suddenly, both for her fans, and perhaps for herself. Or was this death a suicide? What was going on in the soul of this extravagant personality? From the finalists "Battles of Psychics" there are a lot of fans, fans carefully follow the life of their idols, they sincerely believe that all these magicians are omnipotent, they can foresee the future, bewitch loved ones, remove damage or impose it. But the psychics themselves are dying like flies, they get into ridiculous situations, their supposedly abilities do not bring them happiness, love, or long days of life. And all because these people are ordinary charlatans who take money from the naive population for their mega-services. Just look at the predictions Natalia Vorotnikova on a popular site, she prophesies divorces and the birth of children among actors and actresses, but nothing comes true! This aunt even 50% does not hit the target, but nevertheless continues to predict and probably gets money for it!

Herself Ilona Novoselova V 2008 entered the final "Battles of Psychics", and in 2013 was abducted by unknown people along with her girlfriend (also a transsexual). The kidnappers demanded from their parents Ilona 7.5 million rubles. As it turned out later, the extortionist was one of the builders who were renovating the apartment. Ilona Novoselova. Doesn't it seem strange to you that the clairvoyant could not foresee her own abduction. Moreover, during the investigation carried out by the investigating authorities, it was found that Ilona Novoselova in the past was a man named Andrey. This secret, which came to the surface, dealt a severe blow to the reputation of our heroine, her personal life was in jeopardy. Of course, such information should not have been made public, but Ilona should have understood that her popularity has and reverse side. After the kidnapping life Ilona Novoselova turned into hell, a lot of unpleasant phrases were addressed to her, after all Russia in this regard, far from being a tolerant country. In addition, it is worth noting that all transsexuals have a very unstable psyche: social pressure, their own uncertainty, doubts, hormonal drugs, problems with sexual partners, because not every guy will come to terms with the fact that his woman former man. But Ilona Novoselova played her role successfully for a very long time, until she finally broke down. The first, second and third waves of popularity subsided, from people she already heard not only words of gratitude, because not everyone was affected by her words and spells, someone demanded a return of money, someone threatened a court.

Not long before the tragedy Ilona Novoselova once again quarreled with her boyfriend, he left her for the third or fourth time, our heroine got drunk, maybe she wanted to scare her mother, or maybe she really decided to leave this world, realizing that she was tired of fighting, playing all kinds of roles and enduring pain.

Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova was the closest friend Ilona and she told the press about the last years of the life of the deceased psychic. It turns out that Ilon Novoselov she was tormented by the wildest phantom pains after a sex change, and she, in principle, regretted the operation, because without doing it she could meet and fall in love with a woman, create a classic family with her and be happy. Ilona Novoselova she changed sex at the age of 18, from the age of thirteen she dreamed of becoming a man and for twelve years she was tormented by incessant pain.

And yet, transsexual people are not simple, we, people with a traditional orientation, often do not understand them, but nevertheless, charlatanism under the guise of helping people is still disgusting, although in fact one cunning rogue profits from the stupidity and ignorance of others . Our people are mired in medieval times, they seem to see evil eyes and damage, they tell fortunes on toro cards and coffee grounds, turn to fortune-tellers for advice, others endlessly curse each other and call on the punishment of the Lord. People, wake up! Just live according to your conscience, and not by consulting the Bible and its ten commandments, do not count on fortune-tellers and higher justice, live with your mind.

A very long time Ilona Novoselova wore her natural first breast size, but then ventured into implants.

Take a look at this photo Ilona Novoselova changed the shape of the nose and lips, began to boldly paint her eyebrows black.

Ilona Novoselova, a famous clairvoyant, took away from this world many secrets related to occult knowledge. last hours her life is described by witnesses and eyewitnesses of the tragedy.

The finalist of the "Battle of Psychics" was a bright personality, and she had many followers and opponents. According to the first, the cause of the death of the witch was associated with the machinations of her ill-wishers, but Ilona's boyfriend says otherwise.

The mystery of the death of a psychic

Artem Besov, beloved of Ilona Novoselova, in the program “Let them talk” voiced his version of the girl’s death. He claims that Ilona's death is an accident. On this fateful day on June 13, they quarreled, and the guy threatened her with leaving. According to Artem, that morning Ilona complained that her soul hurt. The guy reassured her, but the girl began to swear. "Ilona, ​​I'm tired, something needs to be done about this"- Artyom told her and began to pack his bags. According to him, she fell out of the window by accident, slipping on a sloping window sill. Ilona's mother said that her daughter did not have suicidal thoughts, and on the eve of Ilona's death she said that she would live a long time. According to the mother, the couple often quarreled, but quickly went to reconciliation. The tragedy happened exactly at five o'clock in the evening.

The opinions of the spectators present were divided. Some argued that death was a natural price for communicating with other world. Others believed that Fate led Ilona, ​​from which, as you know, you can’t run away.

Her colleagues also spoke out about the death. Vlad Kadoni explained that in the last year the girl experienced severe stress due to harassment in the media about gender reassignment, and the girl was very worried, often falling into depression and quarreling with her beloved. The sorcerer expressed the hope that Ilona's soul would finally find peace.

Ziraddin Rzayev, who worked with her for a long time, said that Ilona is not at all an aggressive and outrageous person. Her soul is like that of a child, she was kind and an open person, an excellent companion. Ziraddin noted that the death of Ilona is a great loss for the psychic world.

Ilona Novoselova considered herself a black witch, performed rituals in cemeteries, directed and removed damage. Her extraordinary personality did not leave the TV screens, and this could not but arouse interest. Supporters of the witch claimed that her gift helps many, others literally poured dirt on Ilona, ​​not finding worthy arguments to refute the information about the girl. One way or another, it is not psychics and seers who are investigating the death of a clairvoyant, but government bodies who have not yet reached a final verdict.

The incessant discussions of the death of Ilona Novoselova once again prove that many were interested in an extraordinary personality. We wish the girl's relatives and friends good luck, patience and peace. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Ilona Novoselova (born Andrei Novoselov). She was born on November 2, 1987 in the city of Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow Region - she died on June 13, 2017 in Moscow. Russian psychic, clairvoyant, medium. Participant of the show "Battle of psychics."

Andrei Novoselov, who became famous after a sex change as Ilona Novoselova, was born on November 2, 1987 in the city of Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow Region.

about parents and early years Ilona is known very little. She herself is in different situations told different stories- and about their ancestors, and about extraordinary abilities, and about their non-traditional orientation.

So, according to one version, she is from hereditary magicians. And her gift of clairvoyance manifested itself at the age of ten, when she began to communicate with the long-dead - supposedly for the first time she saw in the mirror, and then heard her late grandmother. "At home, I found diaries, or rather excerpts from them, which described the fate of people who turned to my relatives for help and how they helped them (I had a healer on my mother's side, and a sorceress on my father's side)", she said.

Ilona said that early childhood she described to her mother people whom she had never seen before, and then it turned out that they all died before she was born. “I could tell what the weather would be like, whether they would give a salary or delay it,” Novoselova said about her childhood years.

At school, according to her, she began to study from the age of 8. But her classmates did not accept her, they were afraid of her superpowers, they called her a "witch" and shunned her. In this connection, she had to leave school and study at home.

True, the above version was told by Ilona even before the public knew that she was a transvestite.

Neighbors who knew Novoselova from childhood - even as Andrei - assured that it was ordinary boy, who showed neither his abilities for magic and clairvoyance, nor the desire to change sex. By the way, youthful photos speak for the fact that before the sex change, Andrei Novoselov met with girls.

Later, Ilona herself began to voice the version that her psychic abilities appeared at the age of 19 - when she experienced a personal drama and broke up with her loved one. Allegedly, that powerful emotional stress awakened in her a gift for clairvoyance.

Novoselova's mentor in psychic work - Irina Bogdanova - said that Ilona did not have an innate gift. And it was the change of sex that contributed to the establishment of a connection with the subtle worlds. According to Bogdanova, it was after this transformation that Novoselova acquired her gift.

Another version (also voiced by Ilona Novoselova herself) said that her gift was from past life: "I lived somewhere in Germany in the 1800s, my name was Eleanor. For some reason, I had no parents, so I was adopted by one family. Even then, since childhood, I was drawn to everything mysterious and mystical." Allegedly, in that past life, she found an old burial place, heard an inhuman voice, gained a gift, and they began to turn to her for help.

Ilona Novoselova changed sex at the age of 18. According to her, from the age of thirteen she dreamed of becoming a man, and because of this she was tormented by incessant pain - both physical and spiritual.

Ilona Novoselova said that after changing sex, she went to Russia - she studied ancient magical rituals and technology, improved the gift of healing, learned to predict. Having reached a new level, she helped those in need.

Ilona Novoselova in the show "Battle of Psychics"

For the first time on the "Battle of Psychics" she appeared in 2008 in the 6th season. She managed to reach the final. However, she voluntarily left the project - explaining that the spirits forbade her to test her psychic abilities in television show under fear of death.

During the program, Ilona Novoselova surprised the jury and viewers both with her abilities and with her unexpected departure from the show, in which she was considered one of the favorites. There were rumors that Ilona was allegedly bribed by one of the finalists so that she would not interfere with his victory.

In 2009, she appeared at the casting of the 7th season.

During the 7th “Battle of Psychics”, special magical attributes helped her: a colorful scarf, a dried roe deer foot and cards. In addition, Ilona used spells, candles, rituals, conspiracies.

At the first test of the seventh season, the crowd on the Arbat did not take the witch with incomprehensible attributes seriously. But opinion ordinary people and the skeptics watching the test changed dramatically as soon as Ilona began to name specific details from the life of the people turning to her. So, to one teenager, she named the date and mentioned that an important joyful family event was associated with it. Many of the people on the Arbat, Ilona Novoselova, correctly named the diseases from which they suffer, and advised how to be cured.

From the very beginning of the 7th season of the Battle of Psychics, she was one of the favorites, showing strong stable results. The successful combination of black and white magic was the key to her success.

But, despite the phenomenal results throughout the season, Ilona Novoselova could not find the child hidden in the park at the Grebnevo estate.

Ilona Novoselova in the show "Battle of psychics"

Ilona Novoselova was remembered as one of the most scandalous participants project. Ilona could answer the unpleasant questions of observers and skeptics sharply and unrestrainedly, if she was interfered with, she could express herself obscenely.

However, the outrageous behavior of Ilona Novoselova during the filming was more than offset by the successful completion of the tests.

After participating in the “Battle of Psychics”, even more people began to come to Ilona Novoselova for help. Like many project participants, she helped search for the missing and investigate crimes in the Psychics Investigate project.

Ziraddin Rzayev, who became closely acquainted with Novoselova on the show “Psychics are investigating,” recalled that, despite the outrageousness, Ilona was a very fragile person: “When I found out about Ilona’s death, I felt bad. I knew her personally. Everyone said that she is aggressive, in fact, she just looked like that. She was like a little girl in life, like a child. Ilona was very kind, clear and open."

The growth of Ilona Novoselova: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Ilona Novoselova:

Ilona, ​​in her own words, never developed relationships with men. At the age of 19, Novoselova tried to commit suicide because of unhappy love, but, according to her, "the spirits dissuaded her from this step, because the gift and calling of a witch is much more important than women's happiness."

Ilona had a relationship with the famous psychic Alexander Sheps. Novoselova was at one time a medium's consultant. IN in social networks often appeared their joint photos.

Ilona refused to comment on her relationship with Alexander for a long time, until one day they met on film set"Psychics are investigating". Sheps came there with his new sweetheart- Marilyn Cerro. The latter behaved rather aggressively towards Novoselova. Then even the doubters became clear that between Alexander and Ilona there was something more than just friendship.

In May 2013, the couple was kidnapped. The attackers ambushed the couple at the entrance late in the evening. The kidnappers demanded 7.5 million rubles from Ilona's parents. As it turned out later, the extortionist was one of the builders who were renovating Ilona Novoselova's apartment.

Employees of the criminal investigation department detained all four participants in the abduction.

Since 2015, Ilona Novoselova has been in a relationship with Artem Besov. They flaunted their romance, regularly posting joint pictures on social networks. Besov called himself a warlock.

Later, the couple's neighbors said that their relationship was far from ideal. “They regularly had scandals. Ilona could stand in the stairwell and throw dishes at him,” recalled one of the residents of the house.

Versions were expressed that Novoselova felt: Besov does not love her, but uses her corny.

Marilyn Kerro is sure: "She could not find her way and could not understand who she was. She really wanted to be loved, but she did not find it. She was broken."

Death of Ilona Novoselova

On June 13, 2017, the public was shocked by the news that Ilona Novoselova fell off the balcony of her own apartment, located on the sixth floor of a house on Entuziastov Highway. There, for the last two years, the psychic lived with her lover Artem Besov.

death of Ilona Novoselova

Law enforcement agencies that checked the scene are sure that Ilona accidentally fell from the balcony railing, where she climbed in to scare her chosen one.

According to the investigation, Besov and Novoselova are able to alcohol intoxication quarreled greatly, and the young man announced that he was leaving the psychic. Then she went out onto the balcony - she allegedly wanted to play a cruel trick on her partner, but accidentally fell off the balcony.

Ilona fell on the visor of the dental clinic, rescuers removed her from there with the help of special equipment. Visible marks that could indicate criminal nature death was not found by police.

According to some reports, before the death of Ilona Novoselova, she rewrote the apartment to Artem Besov.

Her close girlfriend Alsu Gazimzyanova, who was also among the finalists of the show "The Battle of Psychics", said that shortly before the girl's death, a black streak began in her life. According to Alsou, Ilona fell into depression. At that moment, a young man named Artem appeared in her life, who was engaged in black magic. Novoselova became so attached to him that she even transferred one of her two apartments to him, and also helped launch a magical practice.

As Alsu stated, at one time the psychic offered an apartment to her, in exchange for her "helping her die." A woman could not do such a thing, and soon the communication between them ended.

“The man made us quarrel. And I told her that I left because I was tired of this dirt. Artem began to give receptions with her, sat on her neck. In one day, he deleted all her pages on social networks. I was also told that she signed off her apartment to him," Gazimzyanova said.

She also noted that she was surprised by the fact that in the footage after the fall, Ilona was in shoes, despite the fact that everything happened when she was at home. The woman is sure that the death of her friend requires a thorough investigation.

Ilona's friend also stated: "A person close to me who observes the laws of Orthodoxy said that he had a vision: it was the demons who pushed her. According to the signs, everything points to the last guy. He brought her. I think they even fought."

Psychic and participant of the show "Dom-2" Vlad Kadoni (Viktor Golunov), who for a long time was in conflict with Ilona and did not have time to make peace, expressed confidence in the following: " Last years her life was a living hell. It all started after the persecution that the media gave her regarding her past. Naturally, she began to have serious problems, even problems with her personal life are understandable.

On Tuesday, June 13, the 29-year-old finalist of the seventh season of the Battle of Psychics, Ilona Novoselova, tragically died in Moscow. IN currently in the circumstances of the departure of the clairvoyant from life, law enforcement officers are sorted out. The sudden death of Novoselova shocked her family and friends. Many colleagues of the medium wrote condolences to her family on social networks. Most of them speak of Ilona as a bright and charismatic person, who did not have everything going smoothly. According to preliminary data, before her death, the girl quarreled with her boyfriend, 26-year-old warlock Artem Besov. “StarHit” found out what the beloved of the deceased witch is.


Ilona's boyfriend was sympathetic to her sessions, as he shared the interests of the second half. The young man is fond of black magic and believes that he has psychic abilities. Artyom is also called a warlock due to his connection with the dark forces.

"My name is Artem. I was born in 1991 in the city of Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region. I began to feel my gift since childhood, when I first saw myself from the side, walking down the street. Of course, then it was very scary and incomprehensible, but it was that moment that became fundamental in my extrasensory practice. Further more. I began to see what is happening at great distances from me: what people do, what they talk about and what they think, ”such information is posted on Besov’s website.

On Instagram, the chosen one of the medium, you can find photos that testify to his hobbies. Besov posts pictures of sinister symbols and mysterious drawings, as well as pictures taken during various rituals.

Artyom's autobiography says that his outlook on life was changed by an incident that happened in student years. “Once, passing by the church, I saw a woman who was standing near the doors of the temple and looking into the distance. She seemed to be completely renounced from the world. But suddenly she turned her eyes on me, fussed and pulled a box out of her bag. It contained tarot cards. She quickly gave them to me and hurried away ... I never saw that woman again, ”the warlock shared.

According to the young man, he inherited his abilities. Artyom's maternal great-grandmother was a very famous witch in the Tver region. According to Artem, he managed to find things that belonged to a relative. Besov believes that they have a special energy.

In the social networks of the clairvoyant, it is written that he is accepting clients who are faced with life's difficulties. Artem believes that he helps people. In the list of Besov's services, you can find such rituals as spoilage, love spell, cleaning and runic magic. On his website, the young man emphasizes that he is not omnipotent.

“Today in my arsenal, in addition to Tarot, there is also ritual black magic, runic magic, rituals on financial well-being and, of course, success in love. To say that I can do everything is impossible. But I try to constantly improve my skills, ”says the psychic.

At the time of this writing, Besov's site was unavailable, but search engines retained pictures of the pages taken on Tuesday morning.


According to journalists, Ilona Novoselova and Artem Besov met for about two years. Young people rented housing in the east of Moscow. It was there that the fateful event took place. According to some reports, the chosen one of the medium was in the apartment when Ilona fell out of the window. Correspondents also reported that Novoselova's parent was also present at the time of the tragedy.

It is not known for certain whether the medium committed suicide or her sudden death was a fatal accident. According to the neighbors of the deceased, she often quarreled with loved ones. Apparently, they were used to the explosive nature of Ilona, ​​since they were not surprised that shortly before the tragic event, she stood on the windowsill and started talking about death. Residents of the house on the Enthusiasts Highway shared that they often heard conversations in raised tones, which indicated another showdown.

“Ilona and her boyfriend moved here two years ago. They regularly had scandals, they often drank alcohol. Could throw dishes at him in the stairwell. In general, she was a good person. Mom did not live with them, occasionally she only came to check on them. I was at that moment at home, I heard screams. It all happened at three in the afternoon, ”Ilona’s neighbor told reporters on the landing.

Another resident of the house said that Novoselova regularly made noise at the wrong time. The strange behavior of the brunette worried her neighbors, who discussed what was happening in the general chat. “She kind of cursed this house. It was often said about her that she makes noise at night, goes into a trance or something, ”one of the eyewitnesses told reporters.

According to some reports, shortly before the fatal events, Artem threatened to part with Ilona and return to small homeland V Chelyabinsk region. The medium, according to journalists' sources in law enforcement agencies, reacted negatively to Besov's words about the final move home. It is assumed that in connection with this, a quarrel arose between the lovers. It is not known for certain what actually happened between Besov and Novoselova, because the chosen one of the star mystical show refrains from talking to journalists. On the young man's Instagram page, you can find a large number of comments, the authors of which speak negatively about Artem.

The sellers of the store, where the medium often went, say that on that fateful day she punched alcohol three times. Eyewitnesses saw Ilona in a state of intoxication.

“She was drunk. I saw her yesterday, she didn't walk at all. It was clear that something had happened to the man. She could hardly drag her legs and constantly talked on the phone ... Before that, I talked to her about the “Battle”, she was in a normal mood, ”said those who spoke with Ilona shortly before the sad incident.

The death of Ilona became interested in the Investigative Committee. “During the inspection of the scene of the incident, no visible traces were found that testify to the criminal nature of the death of the girl. Currently, a complex of verification measures is being carried out, aimed at establishing the circumstances and causes of the incident. Relatives of the deceased are being interviewed. Based on the results of the inspection, a procedural decision will be made, ”reported representatives of the department.


Ilona Novoselova and Artem Besov did not hide their relationship from the public. In the microblog of the warlock, joint photos regularly appeared with the finalist of the mystical TV project. Pictures on Besov's Instagram caused lively discussions among his subscribers. They admired the harmony that, as it seemed to them, reigned between young people.

Despite the fact that touching romantic shots regularly appeared on the pages of clairvoyants, touching Internet users, the relationship between Ilona and Artem was not always smooth. According to a friend of the medium Karina Mirzoyan, the clairvoyant regularly quarreled with her chosen one.

“I didn’t know him personally, but I didn’t really like him, because he often brought her up. She cried all the time because of him. This guy got her. I told her about it. He didn't even let her talk to her friends. We haven't seen her for a very long time. Recently, she told me that everything is fine with her, ”Mirzoyan shared.

Karina said that not so long ago, Ilona and Artem had a big fight. The medium was extremely upset by the quarrel with the chosen one. “They didn’t speak for a long time. She also complained to me. There were feelings. But he also did not leave her alone, like a madman came, stood under the doors, ”said a friend of the clairvoyant.

According to Mirzoyan, her friend was distinguished by a high degree of vulnerability. Karina believes that Ilona really had abilities. “I liked her as a person. She has a crazy aura. It is clear that she has a gift. amazing person was,” she told reporters.

Some Internet users believe that Novoselova's popularity contributed to the financial prosperity of her soulmate. In Artem's microblog you can find photos of things famous brands. Apparently, Besov takes care of himself and prefers to stay up to date with the latest fashion trends. At the same time, Artyom's defenders urge critics not to draw final conclusions, because the investigation into the death of his chosen one has not yet been completed.

Prepared on the basis of material from and REN TV.