How to draw breasts with a pencil. Nude painting: this girl paints with her breasts


Irina Romanovskaya from St. Petersburg can safely be called one of the most shocking artists in the country. She paints her works with the most expensive thing she has...breasts! Romanovskaya’s collection already contains portraits of famous football players: Hulk and Messi, politicians Putin, Medvedev and Obama, and from the latter - an image of DiCaprio. Of course, along with Oscar! Komsomolskaya Pravda visited the artist’s studio and learned the secrets of her craft.


- In one of your interviews you said that you are an architect by education. How did it happen that you decided to take up paintings?

Paradoxes often happen in my life. My first education was as a nurse. I wanted to leave school as quickly as possible - I was tormented there, I lacked freedom. Therefore, after the ninth grade I entered medical school. But after being in practice in hospitals and operations, I realized that medicine is not my thing and, probably, I am more of a creative person. I entered the architectural school, graduated from it, but never worked in my specialty. Then I got involved in business and opened my own business.

- What is your business?

I wouldn’t like to talk about this as long as it’s a trade secret. The point is that then I moved to St. Petersburg, moved my business and, having become economically independent, was able to devote myself entirely to art. It was St. Petersburg that revealed me as an artist. The whole atmosphere here is conducive to creativity. It's impossible to explain. I think only creative people can fully understand me.

- Did you start drawing with the body right away?

No. I have been doing monotype for many years - this is a print on paper from other smooth surfaces. I traveled abroad with exhibitions. Then it became interesting what would happen if we made prints from the body. At first these were abstract drawings. Then I wanted to move on to realistic images. So I started drawing portraits. I don’t give away all my secrets so that there are no competitors. Let me just say that I work with all my heart.

- What paint do you use?

Gouache. Good paint, easy to wash off.

- Paint dries out the skin. How do you deal with this?

Regular creams. So far nothing is happening to me. There is no need to even see a doctor.

- Can a girl with any breasts draw pictures?

It's more convenient with a larger size. But maybe someone will adapt with a little one.

Cabbage is nonsense!

- How does your man feel about this method of drawing?

He fully supports me. If I'm creative, why not? It would be difficult for me if I were pinned down in something. I probably wouldn't be able to be with such a person. I'm not doing anything wrong. I don't run naked down the street. But even if I want it, it's my own business.

- Have you ever thought about insuring your breasts?

We need to think about this. I was offered to patent my method. I found out, but it’s all complicated for us. Only technical inventions can be patented. And the paintings should only be framed as the author’s image.

- Maybe you have some secrets for breast enlargement?

I want to say right away that cabbage and exercise are all nonsense. This does not work. Nothing will help, there is no need to waste time and energy on this. I'm lucky, everything I have is natural. What nature has given, I use to the fullest.


-Are you a modest person?

In some ways, yes. But it seems to me that you have to get out of it. It's not fashionable to be modest these days. We need to declare ourselves. Within reason, of course. When I was young, I also had complexes, but with age they went away, and I realized that it was all nonsense.

- But at the same time you refuse to be naked on camera. Other artists who paint with breasts do it without problems

It's their right. I'm probably not ready for this yet. I think that it is not necessary to be completely naked for it to be interesting. Still, something must remain behind the scenes.

- Did you start painting during Soviet times?

Yes, I have been drawing since childhood. But of course not with breasts. There was a time when nothing was possible. I was afraid to even think about it. I probably would have been kicked out of the country right away. For me, the time is much better now. Everyone can set their own boundaries.


- What do your parents tell you about your drawing style?

Support. They like it.

- They are probably very modern?

My mother worked as a teacher all her life. She was a strict woman. She raised me in such a way that I never had free time. Either a music school or something else. So I'm used to work. But with perestroika, her views changed. Just like mine.

In Germany there is a woman who paints with a vagina, and in Australia a man paints with... a penis. What do you think about it?

I think everything above the waist is aesthetically pleasing. Poets and artists have always glorified women's breasts, they have painted them naked... I think there is nothing wrong with that.

Before the interview, Komsomolskaya Pravda spent a very long time trying to persuade Irina to show exactly how she draws with her breasts. After all, many found it hard to believe that such clear portraits could be created with one’s own body.

Well, at least draw us a smiley face,” the correspondent continued. - We have to say something to all the envious people.

As a result, the artist gave up. The truth didn’t show off. But she put on a blouse with a deep neckline and began to draw us a smiley face. The secret turned out to be simple. Like everything ingenious. First, Irina cut out the stencil. Then I applied it to the sketch I had drawn in pencil. And she began to apply two sheets to her chest. On the first one, we got two oval eyes.

If you draw portraits, you have to make many, many different stencils. That’s one of my secrets,” Irina admitted.

So we confirm: the truth is that he draws with his breasts. We saw it ourselves.

The imagination of creative and creative people simply cannot be curbed. They all don’t want to be similar to each other, they always try to distinguish themselves in something, so that they will be remembered, talked about and admired.
In order for a real and talented artist to paint a real work of art, he does not have to paint with a brush, holding it in his hand, he can do it with his nose, tongue, leg, chest and even buttocks.

Pictures drawn with tongue

Art teacher Ani K from the southern Indian state of Kerala had a strong desire to do something wonderful, unconventional and outstanding.
“I always tried to do something unusual. So at first I tried to draw with my nose, but then I found out that there are already several people who draw with their nose. Then, I decided to draw with my tongue, and it worked,” says the 30-year-old artist.
Not surprisingly, the bizarre painting technique of using the tongue as a brush caused nausea, headaches and cramps. When he first started painting this way, he felt severe pain in his head and body whenever he applied paint to the canvas with his tongue.

Subsequently, having mastered the skill at a sufficient level, he is able to complete the drawing in 3 or 4 days.
To date, Ani has already created many watercolor paintings, including a portrait of Mahatma Gandhi and Osama bin Laden. But his main work is considered to be a 2.4-meter wide painting – a reproduction of Lenardo da Vinci’s painting “The Last Supper”. To paint this huge picture with language, the author worked for 5 months.
He plans to present 150 of his works to the public in a gallery that is being built in his hometown.

Enthusiastic students, observing the marvelous creativity of their teacher, also try to imitate him. “It definitely takes a unique talent to paint canvases with tongue,” says one Ani student named Shibum.

Ani K isn't the only person who uses unusual body parts to create works of art. Di Peel replaced traditional painting brushes with her own breasts, which she uses to create her abstract masterpieces.
The Australian artist discovered the art of drawing with breasts by accident when she came across the work of a woman on the Internet who paints with this part of the body. So I decided to try it for myself.

Di's drawings in most cases resemble abstract flowers, or the view of the Earth from space. The artist admits that the drawings remind her little son of earthquakes.

Di Peel creates on the kitchen table, not on an easel. Sometimes she applies paint to her breasts and randomly smears it across the canvas, or she applies paint to the canvas and then uses her breasts to paint her masterpieces.
She uses acrylic paints because they wash off easily.

Buttocks art by Stephen Murmer

Drawing with your nose, tongue, or chest is understandable. But to draw with the buttocks, you need to have endless imagination and not be shy at all. A former art teacher, Stephen Murmer has been painting with his own buttocks since January 2007.

At the planning meeting, the topic “An artist working with breasts” was practically “cut down” by the female part of our editorial staff, but, thank God, the men became interested in the juicy details and supported the correspondent’s passionate desire to understand the sensational story, as well as introduce readers to Irina Romonovskaya, telling about her interesting art experiments.

After the “hot” planning meeting, I called Irina and explained that I don’t understand contemporary radical art at all, so I want to personally find out and see how, for example, the Zenit Hulk is created on canvas through the efforts of will and with the help of a magnificent bust. Shortly before this, Irina had already drawn a Brazilian football player, who was so grateful to the St. Petersburg woman that he left her an autograph... in that very place.

“You know, hmm...” I hear Irina’s gentle voice in response from the telephone receiver, “I can only show my creative process in the neckline area.” Without further questioning, I agree and go on a visit.

I ring the doorbell (the artist’s studio is in an ordinary apartment). A slender, charming girl appears on the threshold and invites me to come in. On the walls of the studio room there are many paintings created by her hand, in the middle of the room there is an easel, and on the cabinet there is a black cat Anfisa.

“I love animals, in St. Petersburg I organized actions in their defense. I was in Spain at a bullfight - I didn’t like it: it was an unequal fight, and in general it was a terrible sight,” says the woman, sitting down in a wooden chair. She is wearing a low-cut top, a sequined skirt, shoes and large raspberry earrings.

“I don’t draw in these clothes,” explains Irina, ahead of my question. - I just participated in a program on one of the TV channels this morning. I just arrived." Meanwhile, Anfisa jumps off the closet, trying, as if by chance, to settle on her mistress’s lap, and we begin a conversation.

An artist can do anything

Irina Romanovskaya says that she was born in Novosibirsk, and as a child she graduated from a music school in piano, then from the State Architectural University. Together with their mother, they traveled a lot, even lived abroad, and then came to St. Petersburg and settled here. “I’m not interested in the provinces; I’ve always dreamed of living in a big city. There was an opportunity to stay in another country, but I was bored there. I understand that my country is Russia, where I feel very good. I also like St. Petersburg, where there is a special creative atmosphere and where I opened up,” she says.

“Here I do classical painting and monotype, and I mostly paint portraits of celebrities with breasts. You see, an artist is constantly looking for something, he likes something, and he is trying to master it. The method of monotype (applying paint to a smooth surface), as I call it, although other terms can be used, was discovered by the Italian artist Giovanni Castiglione back in the 17th century. At one time - about ten years ago - I became interested in this technique, I already had exhibitions in France, and collectors bought the paintings. In total, I made about a hundred works, and I don’t even remember the first one,” says Irina, emphasizing that her relatives and even her son were sympathetic to her hobby.

According to the artist, the paint (in this case, gouache) is not harmful to health and is quickly washed off.

I ask you to tell me more about the drawing technique, or better yet, show it. Irina nods understandingly, moves to her desk and applies a few light strokes to her décolleté with a brush, and then presses a sheet of paper to her chest.

In general, everything is quite simple, but before drawing a large portrait, according to Romanovskaya, you must definitely draw an outline on the paper with a pencil so as not to make a mistake. Small details, according to the artist, can be drawn at the very end with a brush. The portrait itself can be drawn in a few days, or you can tinker with it for a couple of months. “Sometimes the picture doesn’t go well, it’s completely inexplicable,” emphasizes my charming interlocutor.

I remind Irina about the story with the portrait of the Hulk, which she painted for two weeks - several hours a day - and ask the question that torments many: “What does a woman experience when she draws a man’s breasts?” Romanovskaya answers with a laugh that the stronger sex is too fixated on eroticism.

“He’s just my favorite football player, but that doesn’t mean that I only think about him. When he signed my chest with a black marker, I took a few pictures of the autograph as a souvenir, and then washed it off - I can’t walk around like this for the rest of my life. I also have Kerzhakov in my plans - a good player,” adds Irina. I agree and propose to also draw the International Space Station. The interlocutor perks up and says that she has already drawn something from outer space. I say: “It won’t be easy with the ISS, there are a lot of sharp corners there...”

"So what! You can also round it up. An artist can do anything!” - after such an answer we laugh together. Irina admits that she does not want to draw someone or something related to religion with her breasts, for example, the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, but a portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin may appear in her collection.

Colors that turn you on

When asked how she feels about PR technologies that are so widespread in the art world, the St. Petersburg artist says that in our time PR itself is not so bad, you just need to respect the limits. “If someone thinks that I’m promoting myself, let him think so, I can’t please everyone, but I need to somehow feed on my creativity,” says Romanovskaya. - Exhibiting in libraries is boring and uninteresting. To be honest, the hype around my work is important to me. It seems to me that today no one is interested in an artist who sits in a confined space and “paints birch trees.” An artist must be brave, he must say something to the world, loudly declare himself and not react to what others say. Now I’m doing what interests me.”

Irina believes that many artists (her idols are Henri Matisse, Giorgio Morandi and Amedeo Modigliani) who became famous were PR people, and in our time one can try to combine self-realization, money and fame. Moreover, it is also necessary to think about the eternal and engage in charity. Irina herself conducts free master classes for children in St. Petersburg, teaching them classical monotype. “Some of the children from orphanages are very talented. A lot of good children are growing up in the provinces,” says Romanovskaya.

Recently, foreign modeling agencies began to invite her, but the artist says that if she is distracted from her creativity and earns money in the modeling business, she will cease to be an artist. “In one of the magazines I was compared to Natalia Oreiro and Elizabeth Taylor, but I think it’s better to remain yourself,” she emphasizes and says that in order for real success to come, you need to work harder and save every hour. “If the day has passed and I haven’t done anything, then the day has passed in vain.” Now Irina is preparing an exhibition in France, in Nice.

Milonov allowed, Shcheglov called her a PR woman

According to the deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Vitaly Milonov, against the backdrop of what is happening today in our country with morality and morality, Irina Romanovskaya’s manner of performance is absolutely not scary.

“If you want, let him draw. I wish her creative success and to stay longer in the form that allows her to create,” he said in a conversation with a correspondent of “Public Control”.

According to the deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Vitaly Milonov, against the backdrop of what is happening today in our country with morality and morality, Irina Romanovskaya’s manner of performance is absolutely not scary

But a colleague of the St. Petersburg artist, Alexei Kiryanov, noted that “you cannot draw a pink square instead of a black one.” “It’s just that, apparently, the girl wants to pave her way to the kingdom with her breasts. Any creative person should understand whether this has been done before, and if it has been done a thousand times already, then this is a common attempt to attract attention,” says Kiryanov.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Lev Shcheglov did not find any kind words about the woman who paints with her breasts. He also assumed that she was an ordinary... PR woman. “All this activity is either self-promotion, or a person’s psyche is structured in a certain way. And how many people like this are there in the world? One draws with his breasts, the other, excuse me, with his butt,” summed up the sexologist, apparently tired of various creative “phenomena.”

By the way, “Public Control” found as many as three girls who, as a wedding gift, drew a kind of “triptych” with their loin parts of the body. “As a joke, we gave our friends prints of our butts, made on sheets of whatman paper and framed, so that they would remember that we are always ready to come to the aid of newlyweds if complete... in general, if really difficult times come,” he laughs. Petersburg resident Ekaterina. The newlyweds liked the meaningful prank, not without erotic overtones, that the girls staged - they still keep the unusual gift.

What else do people draw with?

Famous English artist Steve Chambers paints with his mouth. He holds pencils or brushes more tightly with his teeth than some ordinary artists do with their hands. And the Briton’s landscapes are of such high quality that any professional with healthy hands could envy him - Steve’s are underdeveloped, which is why he has to create in such an unusual manner.


The sign of Gemini resembles the Roman numeral two; it symbolizes the division into two parts. Indeed, Geminis have a dual nature. They constantly change everything in their lives; they have no consistency in any area of ​​life.

Illustratively, the Zodiac sign Gemini is shown in the form of two people who are often in physical contact.

The Cancer sign looks like the number 69 placed horizontally. These are two closed semicircles forming a ring. Many interpret such a symbol as a symbol of femininity, seeing breasts in it. In principle, this corresponds to the vulnerable nature of Cancer.

Artistically, Cancer is depicted as a corresponding animal.

The lion is depicted as a circle with a curved tail, which is interpreted in different ways. Many consider this symbol to be similar to a sperm, which indicates the developed masculine principle of Leo. Some see in him a lion's mane, the valves of the heart.

The sign of Leo can also be drawn in the form of the beast of the same name, in a warlike pose.

The Zodiac sign Virgo is depicted as a modified letter “M”, to which a “tail” wrapped inward is attached to the right. This direction of the “tail” indicates that Virgo prefers to accumulate energy. The main calling of the Virgo man is to organize the space around him.

The sign of Libra is two parallel lines, on the top of which there is a protrusion in the form of a semicircle. Some see this symbol as an analogue of an object, others talk about the rising sun. The dawn symbolizes the border between the physical and the spiritual in the Libra man, which is why they are so eager to find harmony in everything.

Illustratively, the sign of Libra is depicted in the form of an object of the same name for weighing.

The sign of Scorpio is also similar to the letter "M", but its end faces outward and is equipped with a sharp tip. Scorpio people give energy to the outside world, so everyone can feel their inner strength. The Scorpio illustration depicts the animal of the same name.

The sign of Sagittarius resembles an arrow, and the artistic image is of a centaur with a bow. At the same time, he shoots, turning back. This symbolizes Sagittarius’s lack of attachments and dependencies, his focus only on the future.

The sign of Capricorn is very unusual, and its artistic depiction is with a fish tail. The creator god of the Sumerians had this image, and Capricorn, accordingly, contains enormous potential. He has amazing tenacity and stubbornness, which allows him to achieve what he wants step by step.

The Aquarius symbol is drawn as two zigzag parallel lines, which resembles waves. This speaks of the freedom-loving nature of Aquarius.

Aquarius is figuratively depicted as a man pouring water from a jug. This image speaks of the genius and wisdom of Aquarius, which they show in life. They also use their extraordinary intelligence to help others.

The sign of Pisces is two connected semicircles, and Pisces is depicted swimming in different directions. This perfectly characterizes the contradictory nature of these people.

They either passively float with the flow, or begin to fight. They are also very suggestible, so this image can be seen as an internal conflict.

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  • Symbols of the Zodiac signs in 2019

The female figure has been an object of admiration and admiration since ancient times. And it is not surprising that artists and sculptors dedicated their creations to female beauty. Many people dream of learning how to draw women, reliably conveying the curves of the silhouette and features of the female body, and to do this you need to understand how a female figure differs from a male figure and what stages her drawing consists of.


Draw a curving S-shaped line that follows the contours of the figure and emphasizes the posture. Draw the oval shape of the head and the transition from the head to the body, from which you will then draw the neck.

Start adding details to the outlined lines, giving the figure volume. Start from the upper back. If in the drawing he stands half-turned, slightly turned towards you, draw the relief of the back and chest, as well as the silhouette of the arms, slightly bent at the elbows.

Draw a conditional line below which the back line does not fall - determine the location of the waist and below the waist outline the curve of the hips.

Move on to drawing the legs and feet. Draw a smooth curve of the hips, tapering slightly towards the knees, and then give the correct shape to the shins, tapering towards the feet.

Having outlined the volume and shape of the female figure, move on to detailing the face. Draw auxiliary marking lines on the face and place the eyes symmetrically on the face. The distance between them should be equal to one eye. Then draw the nose and mouth.

Now outline the line of the cheekbones, sharpen the chin, draw contours. Give the figure even more realism by finishing the indentations and depressions of the collarbones with shading, highlighting all the reliefs of the figure and the areas of incidence of light and shadow.

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- perhaps the most beautiful thing on our earth. The ability to convey the beauty of the human body can be equated to a gift that must not only be appreciated and cherished in oneself, but also constantly developed. If you have not previously engaged in drawing in this area, get ready for mistakes and a lot of work, because everything beautiful is learned with experience and a lot of practice.


Start practicing from the basics. Buy a small mannequin figurine and start training your hand while maintaining the proportions of the body. These proportions are the same for all people, but unlike the male body, where there is a subsequent build-up of elements, body on the contrary, it requires smoothing.

With a brush it’s too simple. You can paint cool, but the main thing today is to impress and sell.
Artist Irina Romanovskaya paints with breasts. How warm up, there is something. The process and the result itself are interesting.

Artists are anally visual men. But with a psyche of such volume today, this is the level of a rural club decorator. The competition is too high.
Genius is abstraction and multidimensional. There is no way without a sound vector.

This is before: “Baba - know your place!” And today - self-knowledge and female orgasm as the best means of activating brain neurons.Modern women with sound and visual intelligence are catching up and surpassing.

Visual pictures of breasts from Irina.

“We are ready to extend a hand to all our partners. But we warn you: we have long arms." V.Putin

They called an ambulance. She didn't come. And then I was born myself. V. Zhirinovsky.

L people are in some kind of endless hysteria. It doesn’t matter for what reason, the main thing is to be hysterical. I love hysteria on stage, not in life . Sergei Shnurov.

Homosexuality is a disease that can be easily treated by fasting and prayer. V. Milonov.

Lionel Messi. The saddest day V life - when you realize that you won’t get better.

Forward of St. Petersburg Zenit, sledgehammer Hulk.

Our Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. All the best to you, good mood and health.
The drawing conveyed its essence well. Truly an honest man. And anally simple-minded.

Thousand devils! Mikhail Boyarsky.

The man who gave up a million. Grigory Perelman.

Visual women experience this: “It’s better to go naked than to wear fur.” from natural fur! It's minus 20 outside, but Irina stands up to protect the animals.

And this is the sound vector. Darkness, silence and loneliness.

Thinking, focusing your mind is the specific role of the sound artist. Irina even portrayed the skin-visual Monica through herself.

What to say? Thorough work and very unusual.

However! IN