Dzhigarkhanyan's conflict with his young wife. An extremely vile story: what happened between Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife

November 02, 2017

Discussions around the discord in the family of 82-year-old Armen Dzhigarkhanyan do not subside. He recently filed for divorce and accused his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya of theft. The director's friend Arthur Soghomonyan named another reason for the conflict between the spouses.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan / photo:

Over the past few weeks, the scandal surrounding Aren Dzhigarkhanyan and his Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya has not subsided. Let us remember that the artist was hospitalized, and at that moment he learned that his wife had appropriated all his property. The director called Vitalina a thief and soon after leaving the hospital, at first his wife refused to comment on what happened, but then stated that she did not take anything from the artist. Her representative Elina Mazur also said that Dzhigarkhanyan lived at the expense of his wife and calling her a thief is a betrayal on his part. The other day it became known that Vitalina is with her parents.

Earlier, the artist’s friend Arthur Soghomonyan told how Armen Borisovich’s wife turned out to be the owner of his three apartments in different districts of Moscow. However, he believes that their conflict began not because of property, but because of the theater, in which Lately Vitalina worked as a director and, according to some sources, received almost her husband’s salary. “When Vitalina suddenly decided that she was a stage director and began making musical performances, fundamental disagreements began,” Arthur admitted. He explained that the couple had quarreled last year when... despite the fact that the director ordered to cancel musical performance about Mary Stuart, Vitalina put him to work anyway. “Even before the premiere, Armen Borisovich felt bad - he demanded to cancel the performance,” Soghomonyan assured and added that even the artist’s attending doctors insisted on canceling the performance, but his wife did not listen to anyone. They reconciled, but not long ago everything happened again, and then Dzhigarkhanyan ended up in the hospital, according to his friend. Arthur admitted that creative issues come first for the director, since he is passionate about his theater, and Vitalina started talking about sending her husband to retire. This outraged the artist’s friends, Soghomonyan told the publication “

The conflict between the famous actor and his young wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya flared up this week. Armen Borisovich accuses his wife of not letting him into his own theater and of taking over two of his apartments. He spoke in an interview with the “Let Them Talk” program about his disappointment in his wife.

A couple of years ago Armen Borisovich and Vitalina seemed happy couple and were inseparable. The actor completely trusted his wife, who is 45 years younger than him. He transferred his entire fortune to Vitalina and entrusted her with the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, she was appointed director.

But this week Vitalina Tsymbalyuk made a statement: her husband was kidnapped! She claimed that the actor had been ill for a long time and was now not aware of his actions. She wrote a statement to the police about the disappearance of Armen Borisovich, and gathered a group at the theater and stated that the artist had been kidnapped by unknown people who wanted to take over the theater.

Vitalina told the media:

Because of all his illnesses, Armen sometimes has outbursts of anger. We recently had a fight. And suddenly some of his old friends arrived. I haven't seen him since then. But I did say it once. He said he would kill me. I do not understand anything.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan with his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Dzhigarkhanyan’s friend: “I think this will end in a breakup”

All this time, Dzhigarkhanyan was in the hospital, where his friends took him. He asked that Vitalina not be allowed to see him, but he received the host of “Let Them Talk,” Dmitry Borisov, with pleasure. The “Let Them Talk” program visited Dzhigarkhanyan in the hospital to understand the situation. And I came to the program studio ex-wife actor Tatyana Vlasova, with whom he lived for 48 years, and recently scandalously divided property.

About what's happening to ex-husband, Tatyana found out from the Internet:

I understand what old friends Vitalina is talking about. One of them is Arthur Soghomonyan, his great friend, one might say he is like a son to him. Arthur was a sponsor of the theater and helped financially with productions. The man is amazing! Vitalina knows him very well. As for the second, I think this is the son of director Nerses Hovhannisyan, Hayrapet. I don’t know why Vitalina calls them unknown. Maybe she wanted to add drama.

Armen Borisovich was very worried about his theater. This was the reason for the conflict with my wife

Photo: Vadim Tarakanov/

Arthur Soghomonyan told Let Them Talk how the “kidnapping” of the actor took place:

Vitalina’s statement looks ridiculous. Armen Borisovich himself asked me to pick him up. As he said, a few days ago they had a conflict, and he does not want to communicate with her, and he personally asked that she not be allowed into the hospital. When we brought him to the hospital, he was not very well. good condition: I haven’t taken my medication for three days. We arrived on time, I'm afraid what would have happened if we hadn't arrived on time. The rest of what Tsymbalyuk says is a complete lie, and I don’t know why she needs it. At first I was in touch with Vitalina every hour, she came to the hospital herself and promised to bring things and documents. The next morning I wrote a statement - first against Airapet, then against me. Now Armen Borisovich is in perfect health, I hope that by the end of the week he will be out of the hospital, and all these intrigues will go away.

He wrote an appeal to the theater actors, where he indicated that he expressed distrust of the administration headed by Vitalina and her two deputies. He asks not to panic and promises to return to the theater in the coming days.

The reason for their conflict is the management of the theater. What is happening now is sad: unprofessional management, few spectators, the latest productions are not pleasing. Armen Borisovich can be deceived somewhere, but not in the theater, he feels falsehood with his skin. And he worries about what is happening there.

He and I discussed his relationship with Vitalina, and said a few things to her. He is deeply disappointed, and I worry about him: stress at this age does not go away without leaving a trace. I don’t see that the situation can return to normal; I think it will end in a breakup.

Ex-wife: “The authorities turned Vitalina’s head”

His second wife Tatyana Vlasova expressed her opinion about why Armen Borisovich was so carried away by Vitalina Tsymbalyuk that he was left without a theater and property:

I'm used to being around these two people, especially new wife Armen Borisovich, there are always some intrigues going on. The main thing for me is to be happy. He was happy with me too, 48 years is proof of that. I was never jealous of him, because I myself am an actress by training. I was there all the time. She lived for him. But Tsymbalyuk lives for himself. And I can’t understand what caused our separation. When I was like her, he liked me. But we all get old. I can say he changed too.

I tried to understand what was in her that was not in me. When he met Vitalina, she was a pianist. And he loves music and knows it well - classical, opera. And then suddenly she’s young, slender, nimble, and even plays the piano! I think that's what attracted him to it.

Vitalina younger than husband for 45 years

Photo: Timirkhanova Tatyana/

Got carried away, okay. When she firmly entered his life, he began to look at something in her. And now she’s already running the theater and firing actresses and costume designers. Rules. I think he didn't know a lot of the things she did.

It seems to me that she was playing too much. It went to her head that she was the wife of such a man, that the director, that she ruled, could kick this one out and criticize that one. I tried to put myself in her place to understand. But, having achieved my goal, I would not turn people against me!

Vlasova admitted that Dzhigarkhanyan has a little secret:

He is aged, he is sick. I know all his ailments. I even know when he is really sick and when he wants to rest. He had a habit: if he wanted to think so that no one would interfere, he fell ill. I could have gone to the hospital.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan: “I noticed that Vitalina was stealing, but she was my wife!”

Dmitry Borisov visited Armen Borisovich in the hospital. The artist looked cheerful and answered the host’s questions without hiding, although not always clearly.

- What attracted you to Vitalin?– asked the presenter.

I have been living in this world for 83 years. There are female actresses who are sweet. And I still see what kind of breasts she has, what kind of butt she has, I see everything! Still, after half an hour I start to doubt! Because that's how I'm built. We are all designed this way. And sometimes people like Vitalina Viktorovna give us orders.

If you doubted it, what prompted you to leave your wife of 48 years and get married again?

I suggest you doubt it too. As soon as you find out everything, go and lie in the coffin.

Why was a police report filed? The whole country was worried about what happened to you, where the artist was taken...

The actor claims that his wife transferred two of his apartments to herself

Photo: Chernykh Alexander/

This is the tragic, bastard behavior of Vitalina Viktorovna. I’m telling you: I didn’t go anywhere, but was in the hospital. When I get out, where I will live, I don’t know yet. Vitalina took two apartments from me.

The fact that Vitalina Viktorovna issued a decree not to let me into the theater... I gave birth to this theater! Do you see what kind of vile thing has come out... It’s very bad person. Now she proves that I'm crazy...

- What’s the point if you say that she has already taken two apartments...

On knees! A Russian woman has no right not to bring a man to his knees. If we talk about Vitalina, then, in my opinion, she is a little sick. Thief clean water. I’m not speaking figuratively – she stole money right out of my pocket. I was either deceived or a little tired. I - National artist Soviet Union, and I don’t have an apartment to live in.

- Haven’t you noticed?

No, I noticed. But it was my wife. I am 80 years old, I still don’t know what the relationship is between a male and a female. This is the most difficult question.

New details have appeared in the story of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, who was hospitalized on Sunday evening. His acquaintance, Arthur Soghomonyan, told reporters that famous actor and the director is going to divorce his wife Vitalina Tsimbalyuk-Romanovskaya. According to a friend of the celebrity, several years ago his wife changed the charter documents of the theater, thus, according to the new charter, Armen Borisovich - artistic director, but makes all the decisions CEO, that is, she. According to a friend, Vitalina can even fire Armen Borisovich, but he can’t fire her.

“She has already sent a letter to the Ministry of Culture with a request to remove Armen Borisovich from his position due to health reasons,” Soghomonyan noted.

A close friend of the artist also added that legal wife Dzhigarkhanyan could not cope with the management of the theater. The last production that Vitalina was involved in was obviously a failure. In addition, Soghomonyan claims that Tsimbalyuk-Romanovskaya did not give medicine to Dzhigarkhanyan for several days: the movie star has been sick with diabetes for many years.

“On the fourth day, he went home and found out that Vitalina had deceived him and was releasing the play. Then I called Airapet, I was out of town, and asked him to pick him up. The next day I arrived. We went to the hospital to check his well-being, because Armen Borisovich looked unwell. Vitalina also arrived. I asked her to give me a list of the medications he takes, his passport and clothes. She promised me. I sent a driver, he stood there for hours, but she never gave me anything. We sent Armen Borisovich to the 57th city hospital. This is his fifth day there. Now it’s in good condition,” Soghomonyan said.

Vitalina herself does not comment on the information to journalists. Arthur continued that the theater is now in debt, and the organization is also late in paying taxes. According to an artist friend, Vitalina transferred all the accounts and apartments to herself.

“Armen Borisovich took this calmly. But when the theater produces half-finished performances one after another, and his name is on the posters, he could no longer stand it. “Armen said: I’m 82 years old, but I have nowhere to go. What have you lived to see,” said a close friend of Dzhigarkhanyan.

Soghomonyan noted that all the property was transferred to Vitalina, and these are two apartments. Dzhigarkhanyan bought one before his marriage, but the woman re-registered the living space for herself.

“The other one, which they bought when they were already married. Plus there was some money in the account. I really hope that we will reach a peaceful agreement. I don’t want to go to court,” said Armen Borisovich’s friend in an interview with the publication « TVNZ» .

According to Soghomonyan, in less than a year of marriage, Vitalina received half of everything that the famous artist earned.

The artist’s friends do not yet know where Armen Borisovich will go after leaving the hospital. “We will be looking for an apartment to rent. Thank God, he has friends and we will correct this situation, he will not have problems with housing or money,” Arthur Soghomonyan emphasized.

Revealed scandalous details conflict between Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his young wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. Not only that legendary actor found himself without property and literally nowhere to go after being discharged from the hospital, so likely is that Vitalina will simply fire the artist from his own theater.

Journalists spoke with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s close friend, businessman Arthur Soghomonyan, who is now helping the artist who is in the hospital. By the way, the actor ended up there for a reason. Dzhigarkhanyan was very worried when he learned that his wife had released a “crude” performance, although she promised not to do so. Then Soghomonyan asked the artist’s wife for a list of medications he needed, a passport and clothes. However, Vitalina did not convey anything. As a result, Dzhigarkhanyan’s phone number was changed and a new passport is now being issued.

“Vitalina greatly and deeply upset him. Armen Borisovich wants to change the situation. He’s tired of her lying all the time,” said a friend of the actor. The relationship between the spouses has been upset for a long time. “Armen Borisovich is categorically determined to get a divorce. This is not today's decision. He is upset by what is happening to the theater: very unprofessional management and a lot of strange facts. Armen Borisovich called Sergei Sobyanin and asked that they check the theater for the entire period when Vitalina managed it,” Soghomonyan said.

According to Dzhigarkhanyan’s friend, some time ago Vitalina, taking advantage of the fact that the master was in the hospital with a stroke, began her life in the theater. “The first thing I did was fire 11 actors from the theater, and these were the leading actors - Duzhnikov, Merzlikin, Kapustin... These guys and Armen were 15 years old. Naturally, they did not really perceive her as a leader. But she continues to command there,” said Dzhigarkhanyan’s friend.

The most interesting thing is that, having come to power, Vitalina changed the statutory documents, and now she can fire her husband, but he cannot fire her. Moreover, according to Soghomonyan, the young wife made a firm decision to deprive her husband of his job. “Vitalina has already sent a letter to the Ministry of Culture with a request to remove Armen Borisovich from his position due to health reasons,” said a friend of the actor.

In turn, Dzhigarkhanyan sent a letter to the theater in which he expressed no confidence in the management. The message was read out to the entire troupe. The artist intends to return to work in the near future. “But purely legally, we will ask the Ministry of Culture to take action, because only they can appoint or remove directors,” Soghomonyan noted.

The current state of affairs can be explained simply - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan “trusted a lot” and is now worried and very disappointed. “Vitalina took her mom, dad, friends, people who were not related to the theater to work. Vitalina has three of her own companies that provide some services to the theater. And we ask the prosecutor's office to conduct a financial audit. Today the theater is in debt and is delaying tax payments. Everything that concerns everyday issues, Vitalina is quite skilled in them. I transferred all the accounts to myself, all the apartments. Armen Borisovich took this calmly. But when the theater produces half-finished performances one after another, and his name is on the posters, he could no longer stand it,” explained the actor’s friend.

All of Dzhigarkhanyan’s property is registered in the name of his young wife. Moreover, according to a friend of the master, for a long time the artist felt the insincerity of Vitalina’s attitude. “And we even convinced ourselves that maybe it would work out: Vitalina is nearby, giving him medicine, because he had a second stroke due to the fact that he forgot to take the drugs that were prescribed to him. We saw great mercantile interests on her part. And all the time there are some intrigues, showdowns, trials,” Soghomonyan said.

We are talking about two apartments, one of which was purchased during marriage. The second has nothing to do with Vitalina, but, according to a friend of the artist, she insisted that Armen re-register it in her name. By the way, lawyers representing the interests of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya reported that she resold this apartment. However, no one lives there. As Soghomonyan said, “the resale is purely formal.” Plus Dzhigarkhanyan has money in his account.

The artist’s friend emphasized that they do not want to sue and are ready to divide all the property in half. “But she and her lawyers are building some schemes,” the man noted. Through him, Dzhigarkhanyan asked his wife to give him one apartment in exchange for everything else, but she refused.

As a result, when Armen Dzhigarkhanyan leaves the hospital, he has nowhere to go. “We will be looking for an apartment to rent. Thank God, he has friends and we will correct this situation, he will not have problems with housing or money. You know, we were sitting in a friend’s kitchen and Armen said: imagine, I’m 82 years old, and have nowhere to go. What have you lived to see,” the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes a friend of the master.

Original taken from ledy_lisichka V

Everything happens like in a bad, implausible melodrama, where everyone is overacting.

Scandalous details of the conflict between Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his young wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya have been revealed.

Not only did the legendary actor find himself without property and literally nowhere to go after being discharged from the hospital, but there is also a high probability that Vitalina will simply fire the artist from his own theater.

Armen Borisovich is 82 years old, Vitalina is 38.

Journalists spoke with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's close friend, businessman Arthur Soghomonyan, who is now helping the artist who is in the hospital ("I am a close friend of Armen Borisovich. When he called and asked for help, another friend of ours, Hayrapet Oganesyan, and I did not stand aside.")

By the way, the actor ended up there for a reason.
Dzhigarkhanyan was very worried when he learned that his wife had released a “crude” performance, although she promised not to do so.

Then Soghomonyan asked the artist’s wife for a list of medications he needed, a passport and clothes.
However, Vitalina did not convey anything.
As a result, Dzhigarkhanyan’s phone number was changed and a new passport is now being issued.

“Vitalina greatly and deeply upset him.
Armen Borisovich wants to change the situation.
He’s tired of her lying all the time,” said a friend of the actor.
The relationship between the spouses has been upset for a long time. “Armen Borisovich is categorically determined to get a divorce. This is not today’s decision.
He is upset by what is happening to the theater: very unprofessional management and many strange facts.
Armen Borisovich called Sergei Sobyanin and asked that they check the theater for the entire period when Vitalina managed it,” Soghomonyan said.

According to Dzhigarkhanyan’s friend, some time ago Vitalina, taking advantage of the fact that the master was in the hospital with a stroke, began her life in the theater.

“The first thing I did was fire 11 actors from the theater, and these were the leading actors - Duzhnikov, Merzlikin, Kapustin...
These guys and Armen were 15 years old.
Naturally, they did not really perceive her as a leader.
But she continues to command there,” said Dzhigarkhanyan’s friend.

The most interesting thing is that, having come to power, Vitalina changed the statutory documents, and now she can fire her husband, but he cannot fire her.
Moreover, according to Soghomonyan, the young wife made a firm decision to deprive her husband of his job.
“Vitalina has already sent a letter to the Ministry of Culture with a request to remove Armen Borisovich from his position due to his state of health,” said a friend of the actor.

In turn, Dzhigarkhanyan sent a letter to the theater in which he expressed no confidence in the management.
The message was read out to the entire troupe.
The artist intends to return to work in the near future.
“But purely legally, we will ask the Ministry of Culture to take action, because only they can appoint or remove directors,” Soghomonyan noted.

The current state of affairs can be explained simply - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan “had a lot of confidence” and is now worried and very disappointed.
“Vitalina took her mother, father, friends, and people not related to the theater to work.
Vitalina has three of her own companies that provide some services to the theater.
And we ask the prosecutor's office to conduct a financial audit.
Today the theater is in debt and is delaying tax payments.
Everything that concerns everyday issues, Vitalina is quite skilled in them.
I transferred all the accounts to myself, all the apartments.
Armen Borisovich took this calmly.
But when the theater produces half-finished performances one after another, and his name is on the posters, he could no longer stand it,” explained a friend of the actor.
All of Dzhigarkhanyan’s property is registered in the name of his young wife.
Moreover, according to a friend of the master, for a long time the artist felt the insincerity of Vitalina’s attitude.
“And we even convinced ourselves that maybe it would work out: Vitalina is nearby, giving him medicine, because he had a second stroke due to the fact that he forgot to take the drugs that were prescribed to him.
We saw great mercantile interests on her part.
And all the time there are some intrigues, showdowns, trials,” Soghomonyan said.

We are talking about two apartments, one of which was purchased during marriage.
The second has nothing to do with Vitalina, but, according to a friend of the artist, she insisted that Armen re-register it in her name.
By the way, lawyers representing the interests of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya reported that she resold this apartment.
However, no one lives there.
As Soghomonyan said, “the resale is purely formal.”
Plus Dzhigarkhanyan has money in his account.

The artist’s friend emphasized that they do not want to sue and are ready to divide all the property in half.
“But she and her lawyers are building some schemes,” the man noted. Through him, Dzhigarkhanyan asked his wife to give him one apartment in exchange for everything else, but she refused.

As a result, when Armen Dzhigarkhanyan leaves the hospital, he has nowhere to go.
“We will be looking for an apartment to rent.
Thank God, he has friends and we will correct this situation, he will not have problems with housing or money.
You know, we were sitting in a friend’s kitchen and Armen said: imagine, I’m 82 years old, and have nowhere to go. How far have you lived,” quotes a friend of the master