Draw a fir cone. How to draw a bump with a pencil step by step? Materials for drawing a pine cone with a twig

Every year in all kindergartens and schools they ask to make products with their own hands. This is perhaps the most common puzzle for parents.

And you know, it's not even bad at all.

We have a lot of natural material, we need to add a little imagination.

Well, most importantly, you and your whole family will immerse yourself in the charming world of creativity.

Today, we will look at a natural resource - pine cones.

It is used not only in school crafts, but also for interior design, Hand-Made designers and others.

Below are photos and a detailed diagram of several crafts made from pine cones.

What crafts from pine cones can you make with your own hands?

Almost everyone can make a craft from real pine and spruce cones, the main thing is desire and a little imagination.

Using this amazing natural resource you can do:

  • Decorative elements that will bring the stunning smell of the forest and a cozy atmosphere to your home.
  • New Year's crafts: festive wreath, candlestick, Christmas tree, garland, New Year's ball and much more.
  • Interesting crafts of funny animals with children.

Festive wreath

You can convey the New Year's mood to your guests right from the doorstep. To design the New Year's wreath we will use:

  • Cardboard
  • Spruce or pine branches
  • Cones
  • Satin ribbon
  • Not real snow
  • Dye
  • Glue gun
  • Decorations for decoration, optional.

Many materials are used to make the base.

For example: plastic, cardboard, branches, bending wire, and even newspapers.

We settled on cardboard; it is quite simple and convenient to work with.

On cardboard we cut out the diameter of the circle that we need. Next, we attach the branches and cones, forming a symmetrical circle.

After the cones are glued, we continue to decorate our wreath. Take a can of artificial snow and spray the edges of the cones.

If you couldn't find snow, you can paint the scales with white or silver paint.

We tie it with a satin ribbon, choose the color yourself.


For a more interesting and rich wreath, you can add additional decorative elements: red beads, acorns, nuts, flowers.

Use your imagination and you will succeed!

New Year's garland

A quick and easy craft to make.

Material you will need:

  • bumps
  • glue gun
  • rope
  • dye
  • glitter

Step-by-step instructions for the craft:

  • We prepare the cones in advance and paint them with paint. The paint can be chosen in different colors. Or make it in one color that matches your interior design. You can also use glitter to make the product more elegant.
  • We take a rope and mark the distance between the cones.
  • We leave 10-15 cm from the edges so that there is room to attach the garland.
  • Using a glue gun, attach the pine cones to the rope. Glue along the entire length.
  • We are waiting for the glue to dry. And Voila! The New Year's garland is ready.


For kids and schoolchildren it will be easy to make crafts from pine cones and plasticine of funny animals: Teddy Bear, Hedgehog, Squirrel, Owl, etc.


We will use:

  • Cones of different types (pine, spruce, open, closed)
  • Scissors
  • Plasticine

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts:

Body. From the collected material, select an elongated pine cone. Apply glue to the connecting parts of the scales. We connect the parts so that the scales secure each other.

Paws. We choose 2 larger cones for the lower paws, and 2 smaller ones for the upper ones. Glue the parts to the body, pay attention to symmetry.

Head. We make the head from open pine cones. They perfectly convey the fluffiness of a bear's fur. We attach it to the base with glue.


Ears, eyes and nose. You can make it from plasticine, and the tip of the nose, for example, from black peppercorns.

If you want to surprise everyone around you, then you can make a big bear. You choose the size of the bear, the main thing is to collect the required number of cones.

You can make the base - the frame of Mishutka - from polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam or papier-mâché. An excellent solution for the stability of the product would be to attach something heavy to the bottom.

We cover the frame with pine cones, and make the ears and muzzle from plasticine or pom-poms.


The simplest children's craft made from pine cones. To make it you need only two materials:

  • Cones
  • Plasticine

Step by step description:

Body. The cone itself is well suited for the base of the craft. If you look closely and rotate the scales correctly, they look like hedgehog needles.

Muzzle. Here we will need some plasticine. We make an oblong muzzle from it. And fix it on the craft.

Eyes, nose, paws, ears. We also use plasticine, only in a different color.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, this craft made from pine cones is suitable for kindergarten.

Experiment! Decorate your home with interesting design solutions that you have prepared yourself. Don’t forget about the children, they will also be interested in taking part in the creation of a small miracle.

Photos of crafts made from pine cones

    As it turned out, you can also draw cones in different ways, you can do it professionally, at the level of an artist, carefully selecting pencils according to softness/hardness, doing shading and shadows, or you can do it simply and quickly, at the level of children. Here they draw cones as I described in the first version. Article in two parts. Second part here. It should look like this:

    This page shows how to draw cones like this:

    Bump You can draw not only in a complex way, but also in a simple way. I suggest drawing a cone based on an oval. That is, we simply draw an oval and narrow it a little at the edges. Draw an oval the size you want the cone to be. After all, the cones can be green. If we draw a green cone, then we will narrow the oval a little downwards. We will make marks in the oval - we will give our oval such a peculiar ribbing). We create ribbing by drawing either just straight lines, and then dividing them into squares; or we make ribbing with corners.

    Then we can draw a twig and needles. This drawing is very beautiful as it is, but if you revive it by adding colors, it will be even better. You can use regular green paint and then simply add, for example, yellow. But if you prefer a brown cone, then we just use brown paint.

    I really like to draw nature; I often draw pine trees and pine trees with cones hanging on them. Drawing from is not at all difficult; all you need is a piece of paper, a pencil and a little effort and patience. This is how you can draw cones:

    Try to draw and you will definitely succeed.

    You can draw cones with varying degrees of skill. You should also note that before you draw a pine cone, you must first select the tree whose cones you are drawing. Below is a quote that will allow you to theoretically prepare for the process of drawing cones:

    1 Start your drawing with an image of a branch,

    to which the bump will be attached.

    Keep in mind that on one spruce tree

    paw can grow up to twenty of these

    shoots. Please also take into account the fact that in

    unlike pine or cedar

    spruce cones hang straight down.

    2.Make a preliminary drawing of the cone

    in the form of an elongated oval. Position

    it is at the end of the spruce paw, in the middle

    the branches of the cones do not grow because they

    are a continuation of the escape. IN

    later you will change this oval,

    add details and draw

    structural features of this shoot in

    depending on what time of year

    you choosed. But it's a start anyway

    the same.

    3 Sharpen the bump from that

    end that will not be attached to

    branch. Please note that the bump must be

    symmetrical relative to the central

    vertical line. Erase

    auxiliary lines with an eraser.

    4 Draw scales all over the surface

    escape. At the base of the cone they are more

    large and thin, have cracks,

    uneven edges. At the end of the scale

    younger and smoother. If you want to

    to depict summer, then draw a bump with

    tightly adjacent to each other

    scales. Closer to autumn they begin

    lag behind each other and puff up,

    this lump looks loose. Except

    in addition, in wet weather the scales

    They shrink and open when dry.

    So if you draw rainy

    day, depict the bump as dense.

    5 Consider the order of growth of scales on

    bump. They are not aligned

    in rows, like corn kernels

    on the cob, but like bricks in a masonry.

    The middle of the lower scale is located

    between the two from the top row.

    6 Color the drawing. For mature autumn

    cones use brown and beige

    colors, for young people add green

    shade. Don't forget about the shadows underneath

    protruding scales. Highlight

    dark paint damage and

    irregularities on their surface.

  • Since there are different types of cones, the first thing we need to decide is what we want to get in the end.

    You can schematically draw a bump, starting from the branch itself.

    We draw the branch with lines, then outline the cone (can be an oval, or better yet, a more characteristic shape - slightly narrowed at the tip).

    We draw needles on the branch with strokes, not forgetting that the length of the needles is almost the same.

    And on the cone blank we will make a grid with diamonds - these are future scales.

    Then each diamond is slightly rounded at the base so that the cone is voluminous.

    The cone can be painted in the desired colors or with shadows and light to enliven it.

    You can also learn from artists!) With a steady hand and skills, the bumps you get are like this:

    There is also this drawing of a pine cone, it has not yet opened to sow its seeds. We start drawing with an oval

    now, let's draw scales like those of a fish, as in the photo

    now, wipe the contour line so that the edges are lumpy

    add to the picture on each scale a small oval drawing, as in the photo

    That's it, now you can color it with colored pencils

    In order to draw a bump You can use the following master class, but you must have pencil skills to give the bump a shadow and make it seem alive and voluminous:

    But here is a real lesson for a novice artist, which describes the entire drawing process in sufficient detail:

    Also, so that the cones do not look lonely, you can draw them on a spruce or pine tree, and then paint them with paints, then they will look more colorful and are more suitable for a child (especially since most people do not know how to draw with a pencil at all). Or you can try to draw not step by step, but immediately by drawing from life:

    Drawing of various cones occurs mainly in the winter. New Year's holidays: children's drawings, cards for adults, etc.

    first you need to decide: what kind of tree cone we will draw - spruce, pine, cedar, larch cone or some other.

    The buds of different crops vary slightly. The picture clearly shows 2 cones: spruce and pine. Drawing them is not at all difficult. First we draw an outline: an oval for a fir cone and a circle for a pine cone. And we begin to draw scales inside the ellipse.

    To draw a bump with a pencil step by step, you don’t need a lot of skills and effort. Cones are quite easy to draw.

    And so, first you should draw a branch on which there will be cones. We finish drawing needles on the branch. Near the needles, draw oval figures of cones and apply diamonds connected to each other on them. These will be scales. After you have drawn the scales, you can paint them.

    More detailed instructions in the video below.

    Let's draw a pine branch with as many as three cones, and even seeds spilled out of them. I warn you right away that the drawing is very complex.

    To make it easier, first draw a branch and three ovals. Then each oval will turn into a bump.

This lesson fell into the easy category, which means that, in theory, a small child can repeat it. Naturally, parents can help young children draw a bump. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the “” lesson - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you will need

In order to draw a bump we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

It is best to depict any objects by looking at them in person. This way it will be much easier to draw a bump if you draw from life. Also, I advise you to thoroughly study the subject of drawing before starting to draw. This can get rid of many design errors. Look in Yandex.Pictures what it looks like and imagine how it should work to bring maximum benefit.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Simple drawings are created using contours. It will be enough for you to repeat what, and only what is shown in the lesson, to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to present that. What do you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies? Try making a sketch not with outlines, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with constant use of this technology, you will see that drawing becomes easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

There is also this drawing of a pine cone, it has not yet opened to sow its seeds. We start drawing with an oval

now, let's draw scales like those of a fish, as in the photo

now, wipe the contour line so that the edges are lumpy

add to the picture on each scale a small oval drawing, as in the photo

That's it, now you can color it with colored pencils

Now you know how to draw a cone and I hope that you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share this lesson with your friends on social media. networks.

You can also draw a cone along with its branch on which it grows. Therefore, in this lesson we will learn how to draw in watercolor just such a drawing on a forest theme. Yellow ocher, natural and burnt sienna, green and olive tints will be used for coloring. If desired, you can add other colors to them so that they are harmoniously combined and look natural in the drawing.

Materials for drawing a pine cone with a twig

  • - different brushes;
  • - palette;
  • - pure water;
  • - napkins;
  • - pencil;
  • - liners of different thicknesses.

Stages of drawing a pine cone in watercolor

1. In the first stage, we sketch a cone that weighs on a branch. Determine the length of the branch and its needles. We also draw the general outline of the cone and then draw out the scales. Let's get this nice sketch for painting with watercolors.

2. Dilute yellow ocher with natural sienna with plenty of water. Apply the resulting shade to most of the pine cone. Let's leave small fragments for highlights.

3. Now we paint the twig with its needles. To do this, we take shades such as olive, burnt sienna and natural sienna. We apply this new color with sharp movements to get needles on the branch. We also use olive color for the pine cone, mixing it with ocher or natural sienna.

4. Darken the picture and highlight areas of shadow and light. We use watercolors of the same shades that were used previously, adding a new green with a more saturated color. We make strokes on the branch and paint over the pine cone in its darkest areas.

5. We further darken and add color to the drawing with a pine cone and a pine twig. We use a large amount of green watercolor with a minimal amount of brown. Also, water when stirring paints should also be minimal.

6. We wait for the drawing to dry completely and now you can add shading and a thin outline using liners of different thicknesses. We draw the needles on the branch with simple lines.

Hello! Today I will show how to draw pine cones with regular colored pencils. To do this, I propose to slightly change the drawing process that I often use (from light to dark) and draw in reverse - first black and white shadows and outline, then add colors. This approach is sometimes more convenient, especially for beginners, because there is no need to think about color until the entire drawing is ready in black and white. And adding color is not a problem. As some artists say, if a painting turns out perfectly in terms of tone and contrast, then no color can spoil it.

Drawing pine cones- a kind of endurance exercise, testing yourself to see whether you really love drawing that much or just succumbed to influence from the outside. Here you won’t be able to sit down and sketch out something that looks like pine cone scales in a couple of minutes. It is in such drawings that the state of Zen is often manifested - peace and immersion in the process. If you start to rush, you will notice how you start to get nervous because there are a lot of scales in the buds and they don’t come out right. If this happens, you need to calm down and enjoy drawing every scale. It doesn’t matter how many scales there are in a cone, it is important that we enjoy the process itself, and do not wait for the final result.

So let's get started. For the drawing I chose a photo from my archive:

As always, first of all, using a simple HB pencil, sketch out the main location of the cones in the space of the paper with ovals.

Next, using a simple pencil, we begin to slowly draw the contours of the cones, drawing each scale. I started with the left cone from the central scales. We define the boundaries of the shadow under the cones and lightly paint over it.

Take a regular black colored pencil (you can also take watercolor ones). I used a Faber-Castel pencil. And we begin to draw all the dark areas on the cones, including shadows. The main thing is not to rush. In fact, there aren't that many scales. As a result, we get an almost finished pattern of cones, made in just one color.

Next, I took a light ocher pencil and painted over the areas on the scales where the light falls. I also used a gray pencil to go over the tips of the scales so that they didn’t look white. Using a gray pencil, I drew in parallel lines the texture of an old dry tree on which the pine cones lie.

And finally, take a brown pencil and draw in the dark places on the scales for a more realistic picture. I painted the background with gray and green colors. The drawing is ready.