Which lottery is easier to win? How to win more in instant lotteries

Many people try their luck by regularly buying a lottery ticket. All those who like to cross out winning fields can be divided into two categories. Some people are attracted by the process of opening the balls. Anticipating it, such lovers experience incomparable pleasure and excitement. Some people play with unrealistic dreams of getting rich. Therefore, they will be interested to know which of all the existing ones is the most winning lottery in Russia.

Calculation or luck?

Among experienced lottery adherents, their own specific theory of success is already being developed. And everyone has their own. Someone believes in the magic of certain numbers and literally hypnotizes fate, over and over again, with the tenacity of a young buffalo, crossing out the same combination or looking for their favorite numbers in the ticket number. Someone, when buying lottery tickets, relies only on their intuition, someone firmly believes in success, and someone tries to calculate the likely options. Wealthy people are testing their luck by buying up the entire circulation that goes on sale. This has its own rational grain. After all, the more often and more actively you take part in sweepstakes, the greater the likelihood of receiving a prize.

The most winning lottery in Russia: look at the number of prize categories

Nowadays there is such a variety of organizations involved in conducting lottery draws that the average person’s eyes may simply run wild. Therefore, a person who decides to take part in the circulation for the first time immediately begins to ask his friends if anyone has already played and what was the most big win. The variety of choice of organizations conducting sweepstakes should not be confusing. In fact, the most winning lottery in Russia is the one that provides as many prize categories as possible.

In addition to the jackpot, leading organizers provide a considerable number of additional rewards, both large and very small. People who buy lottery tickets frequently at least regularly justify the investment. This fact contributes to an increase in players and their constant interest in the draws.

Factors to help you choose

A person looking for the most profitable lottery can pay close attention to the history of the drawings of one or another of them. It is important how many years the organizer has been working and how many regions of Russia he covers. Lotteries draws are held every week, so it would be a good idea to inquire about the statistics of prize money already paid out. People are also interested in which regions are most often lucky to, as they say, “break the bank.” This is an important factor for players. If they see that representatives of their region practically do not win the main prizes, they can switch to the draws of another organizer.

Lottery "Golden Key": an opportunity to increase your well-being

The housing lottery from the Interlot company just meets all the requirements for finding the ideal lottery described above. The organization's activities are based on the desire to improve the well-being of people in every region of Russia. Every week apartments, cars, Appliances, pieces of furniture. There are side cash prizes if the player covers only part of the dropped balls. In addition, lottery draws provide the opportunity to pick up an equivalent to the main money prize. So the player always has the right to choose.

Who to trust, public or private founders?

There is no clear answer to this question. Russian state lotteries have such rich history, that our grandfathers took part in some of them. People are accustomed to trusting the state more than private organizers, for fear of being deceived. However, among the commercial founders there are also already proven and proven organizers. Moreover, some are especially enterprising people manage to fake tickets of the most popular lotteries. There are some nuances, following which you can easily protect yourself from the troubles of getting a fake.

Protection of the real ticket

Not valid the federal law, protecting lottery tickets from counterfeiting. According to it, a ticket for each edition issued, regardless of the name of the organizer, must contain special security signs. State officials were among the supporters of the adoption of the bill, according to which the use of luminescent ink, special grids and inclusions is mandatory when printing issues. When purchasing a ticket, the buyer must carefully read all the information on the back. There should be information about the organizer's license and the time frame for obtaining it.

Cooperation with official distributors

On the front side large print The price and timing of the circulation must be indicated. It would not be amiss to mention that the Golden Key lottery, for example, just like other well-known organizers, cooperates only with trusted sales points, among which the leading place is occupied by the regional branches of Russian Post, as well as kiosks of Rospechat ".

Is it worth taking part in sweepstakes?

To answer this question, let's turn to mathematicians, some of whom are not averse to playing themselves. What motivates literate, educated people who strive to calculate their every move? One such person once hit the jackpot himself, but, according to him, he never expected it. The press had to make a lot of efforts to get the winner to contact. Journalists asked the newly-made millionaire questions, including the question of at what theoretical probability it is worth taking part in the sweepstakes. The winner's answer directly discouraged journalists. According to him, if there is at least a probability of winning in the proportion of 1 to 8 million, then you should already take part in the lottery draws.

The participant says that the price of the bet (payment for the ticket) is negligible. Everyone is free to buy as many tickets as will not be detrimental to them. So, for example, many married couples every week are willing to spend money on buying only one or two lottery tickets. From the point of view of a professional economist, there is nothing wrong with spending a little more on them in the hope of winning, because in this case the probability of winning increases in However, the winner calls on other players to be prudent and not spend more than what they could afford allow. The lottery winner also said that, despite his love for numbers, he did not calculate his winning combination in any way, relying solely on intuition.

How to get your winnings?

Organizations distributing tickets, under the terms of an agreement with the founders, can pay the winners amounts not exceeding 1,000 rubles. For larger winnings, the player must contact the regional branch of the organization of the founder of a particular Russian lottery. The jackpot will require the participant to travel to the capital. Of course, the person who has received the desired wealth is in no hurry to make contact, fearing for his further well-being. According to reviews of winners who have become millionaires, they travel to the capital without a ticket, sending proof of their winnings on a special flight, as special securities and documents.

Where to spend the money you win?

Most of the winners from participants in any Russian lottery, whose reviews are published in the press over time, talk about the need to share with people in need. Winners say that they perceive winning as a smile of fortune, nothing more, that this money is easy, and there is no need to get hung up on it.

There have been cases when people transferred their entire winnings charitable organization. It is believed that helping orphans or seriously ill people is the sacred purpose of every wealthy person. Of course, many of the lucky winners plan in advance exactly how they will use their winnings. They keep the necessary portion for themselves to realize their long-awaited dream, and donate the rest of the winnings to charity.

Players are driven by passion

However, as we have already said, it is not only the desire to get a big win that forces players to take part in sweepstakes. An important component is passion, the game for the sake of the game itself. Participants who get enough adrenaline from the process of drawing a draw and its anticipation are not at all interested in knowing what the most winning lottery is in Russia. They want to relive the agonizing minutes of waiting again and again, when there is only one uncovered ball left, to fantasize again and again about the desired win and try on the crown of the winner. If you follow this principle, you can insure yourself against unnecessary disappointments.

How to win the lottery? Every year thousands of people go broke trying in vain to realize the dream of becoming a millionaire without special effort, and only a few become lucky winners. From the article you will find out whether it is possible to win the lottery, what are the chances different types these competitions and how to increase the likelihood of winning, as well as several stories about how some managed to become owners of large monetary rewards for a small fraction of the effort.

What are the types of lotteries?

The lottery has gained immense popularity among the people as the cash rewards offered attract a large number of people. Of course, under such circumstances, the development of pranks did not stop at the initial level; they acquired many different types, which are fundamentally different from each other. But what exactly is the difference between them and which lotteries do people win? Let's look at everything in detail existing species lotteries to understand this issue.


The instant lottery lives up to its name. Typically, a drawing involves purchasing a ticket, and whether you win or not depends on what is hidden in it. Typically, a ticket has one or more fields that must be erased to read the winning information. Sometimes the ticket is something like a sealed envelope that you need to open and read the information inside.

Small rewards are usually paid out directly at the same location where you purchased your ticket. To receive major awards, you must contact the competition organizer. But in instant lotteries, large draws are extremely rare.

You can also buy a ticket online, but in electronic format it doesn't instill as much confidence as a paper ticket does. After all, the organizer can easily generate results after a purchase, which cannot be verified in any way, unlike the paper method.

The advantage is that you can find out the result immediately after purchase, without waiting for a circulation. The pleasant anticipation that comes when the protective layer is erased is also pleasing.

However, the disadvantages instant lottery has a lot. Firstly, the winnings are usually small. Secondly, you cannot choose the number yourself. Thirdly, there is no guarantee that the ticket seller is not a scammer. The latter can be avoided if you buy tickets only from well-advertised organizers. They usually have a special security code.


They are divided into two types. The only difference is that in one case you are given a choice of numbers, and in the other the numbers are pre-printed on the ticket.

In the first case, you can rely on your forecasts and calculations, reinforcing your confidence in winning with your knowledge. The chance of winning the second type of lottery seems more realistic. In such lotteries, winnings reach the highest large sizes, and the drawing takes place in full view of all participants using a lottery machine, which is a drum and randomly rolling out balls or a generator random numbers.

We will look at how to win a draw-type lottery and what organizers exist below.

The main advantage is that great amount participants generates and a large amount at stake. You can choose the numbers yourself, which also significantly increases the chance of winning. And you can play with a united group of people so that the probability is greater.

There are also some serious downsides. The numbers are completely random, and their large number reduces the probability to a minimum, and some lotteries draw once a week, or even less often.

Promotions, competitions, quizzes

This is not exactly a lottery, but the similarities are very great. It all usually starts with an advertising campaign large company, which gives away a cash or other prize to attract customers. Such draws are not complete without avid lottery players who will not miss the chance to grab their piece. Even if you receive some unnecessary product as a prize, do not forget that it can be exchanged for a sum of money.

You can always stay up to date by following promotions on lottery websites. There is always information about where and what draws are being held.

The prize fund is formed in advance, and you can be sure that you will not have to pay any commission on your winnings. Promotions are held frequently; as a rule, purchased goods are used instead of tickets. The product can also be purchased from large quantities, which increases the chance of winning the lottery, and these purchases, unlike a ticket, can be beneficial.

Most often the winner is the one who bought more products and, accordingly, invested more money. You need to find out about the reward in advance; there is a chance that you will receive some kind of T-shirt or mug with the organizer’s logo. It's hardly worth the effort. Even large brands may neglect to send the goods to the winner, citing the fact that all the prizes have already ended.

Probability of winning the lottery

Before you talk about which lottery you can actually win, you need to figure out what the probability of winning is. It is calculated using a certain combinatorics formula, so before buying a ticket, carefully consider all possible options.

Here is an example of the most famous lotteries and the probability of winning them.



Probability of winning the main prize

1 in 175 712 536

1 to 176 213 110

1 to 120 331 800

Gosloto 6 out of 45

Gosloto 5 of 36

Probability formula

The formula is quite simple if you know math. For those who don't know what factorial is:


That is, the factorial n is the product of all numbers in order up to the number n.

The formula is the division of the factorial of the number of selected numbers by the factorial of the number of selected ones, that is: probability of winning = (number of all numbers)!/(number of selected numbers on the ticket)!

For “Gosloto 5 out of 36” the formula is as follows: probability of winning = 36!/5! = 376,992.

Based on this formula, it is obvious that to win the lottery you need to choose the one in which the probability is greater, that is, with the smallest number of calculation results.

How to win the Russian Lotto lottery

« Russian Lotto"is one of the most popular lotteries in Russia. Of course, this is the most money competition, where you can win a huge amount.

First of all, decide what you want - to win a small amount or hit the jackpot? The more often you participate, the greater your chance of winning. Therefore, you must firmly decide that you will not stop. So, if you are sure that victory is necessary at any cost, then the following information is for you.

You've probably already tried to play something many times, but you haven't yet dared to seriously win the lottery. Since now you intend to take a firm step towards victory, you should learn some information.

Five rules on the path to victory

  1. The organizers win anyway. And definitely their winnings will be greater than yours, it’s not for nothing that they are involved in the lottery. As for the players, the situation is completely opposite. Therefore, you should not send all your money to buy tickets; distribute your efforts evenly.
  2. Remember: winning the lottery is real. Don’t forget, judging by its popularity, the safest and most honest lottery is still the Russian Lotto. How to win with this large quantities participants, another question. A lot always depends on you, even in the lottery.
  3. Regular participation in lotteries increases your chances of winning. Don't despair, even if you have lost many times.
  4. You shouldn’t rush into all the pranks when they appear. After all, there are many different promotions and holiday increases in winnings.

This is the answer to the question of how to win the lottery. If you follow these rules, prepare mentally in advance and determine the amount of money you are going to spend, then sooner or later victory will definitely be on your side.

You can, of course, like most people, just buy a bunch of tickets and wait for one of them to be lucky, but experience shows that this is the tactic of losers. Even the lottery must be approached wisely.

And what is important is that you must participate for the sake of victory, and not for the sake of winning. You must desire the result of your actions, only then it will be positive.

Alternative ways to win

There are many alternative systems to increase your chances of winning. Some people think that you can win with the help mathematical calculations, and someone, on the contrary, turns to the old school - magic.

It is difficult to say whether it is possible to win the lottery using such manipulations. But the fact that the Internet is full of such advice is quite obvious. There are many conspiracies and rituals to attract money. If you are a supporter of the idea that magic can help you, then you have the right to use this method.

As for mathematical calculations, the chances are much less, since the winner is determined randomly, and all you can do is show persistence and endurance. There can be no pattern between winnings, so either hope for luck or play calmly and wait for victory. In any case, you need to remain extremely careful and not get carried away too much.

Game addiction

When wondering how to win the lottery, first make sure that you do not have a gambling addiction. This disease is sometimes more dangerous than any drugs or alcohol.

Gambling addiction is a morbid attraction to gambling. Can start with the usual computer games and gradually develop into a terrible addiction that destroys everything in its path. It's more likely mental illness, unlike drug addiction and alcoholism, and should not be underestimated. Therefore, make sure that it is missing before you start participating in the lottery.


No one in our country would be confident in the possibility of winning if there were no people who won the lottery in Russia. The United States is known for its huge prizes and many winners. Sometimes even news channels often show lucky people who have made millions from nothing in a few hours. It was from the West that this popular game, and our television also does not treat such competitions indifferently. There are many TV versions of the lottery. Tickets for participation can be bought at kiosks or bookmakers, and the drawing process can be watched on TV. By winning such a lottery, you can not only receive a substantial amount, but also be seen throughout the country. This is one way to attract people, but there are lucky ones who still grab their piece.

Winner 2014

Let's immediately move on to the “freshest” millionaire, who is the Siberian Valery, whose last name is still unknown. The winner of the 735th Gosloto 6 out of 45 draw won 184,513,512 rubles. According to him, he did not immediately come for his winnings, since the amount of almost two hundred million rubles plunged him into a state of shock.

Valery walked towards success for a very long time. Every month, for many years in a row, he spent 800 rubles on lottery tickets. The amount is small, especially considering his winnings, but it played a role in his life.

By the way, “Gosloto 6 out of 45” is least famous for its winners with such big win, unlike Gosloto 5 out of 35. However maximum win in the second case it is much less.

The state lotto attracts people most of all because you will never be deceived here, since it is for everyone famous game, which is broadcast on television, where millions of people continuously watch its progress, and tickets cannot be faked, since each of them has its own code.

So, when asked which lottery you can actually win, any avid player will most likely say that it is “Gosloto 5 out of 35”.


The lottery is not the best The best way become rich, but the easiest and fastest. Winning can happen as soon as you buy your first ticket, or maybe after a few years, or even bypass you altogether. Before you run to the kiosk to buy hundreds of tickets and dream of winning a million in the lottery, you need to think carefully about whether your time and effort is worth it, and how much you are willing to give for just the chance of winning. But the conclusion from all that has been said is quite concrete: it is possible to win the lottery, and people become winners. Although the chances of winning are not very high, a competent approach and patience will always help much better than a one-time decision. Who knows, maybe the next win will go to you?

Gambling for money has always excited the minds: everyone, at least once, wanted to try their luck and win without making any effort. Today, cards and roulette have been replaced by lottery tickets. They are inexpensive, but can bring a lot of money if you choose them correctly.

Modern lotteries are very similar to fairy tales: they promise huge winnings simply for buying a ticket. However, if everything were so simple, the organizing companies would have gone bankrupt long ago. There are two types of lottery tickets: some already offer an arbitrary combination of numbers, and the second requires you to select the numbers in advance and check whether you have guessed correctly. It’s difficult to say which option is better, but if in the first case you can influence the choice only at the moment of choosing a ticket, then in the second there are a little more possibilities.

Some rules for choosing numbers

There are several recognized methods that players often rely on:

  1. Choose the same numbers. According to probability theory, the selected combination must appear at least once. However, you will have to wait a long time: for some lucky ones, luck smiled only after several decades of continuous participation.

Attention! It is worth remembering the cost of a ticket: over several years of continuous purchase, the amount will become quite significant.

To speed things up a little, you can calculate the possibility of each number appearing and choose the most likely ones. This can be done manually or on special sites - the latter help you choose lucky combinations.

You can often find the following combination: to get the first number, you need to add up all the digits of your date of birth (for example, July 5, 1994 - 5+7+1+9+9+4). The second number is the addition of all the digits of the name, if a is 1, b is 2, c is 3, etc. The third number is the sum of the first two.

  1. Randomness is not accidental: many gamblers are confident that they will win a large sum can only help Lucky case. For example, the license plate of a car passing by, the number of the bus they were on the day before, etc. To check the method, you need to pay attention to minor details on the day you buy a ticket or write down the first numbers that come to mind.

Surprisingly, “unlucky” numbers often become lucky: for example, after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, many bet on the numbers “9” and “11” and won. They often use the license plates of cars that were involved in an accident or that exploded the day before.

A little math

Although experts cannot say exactly which numbers will be drawn, they can give some advice:

  1. Choose only even numbers or only odd numbers not worth it - the probability of a coincidence is less than 5%. It is better to choose equally of both;
  2. You should not choose numbers that are nearby or even within the same ten: it is unlikely that anyone will be lucky enough to draw consecutive barrels. It is worth dividing the field diagonally and “scattering” them;
  3. Identical endings will not work either, for example, 2-12-22-32, etc. – drop probability is less than 1%;
  4. You can use addition or multiplication methods: for example, 7-14-21-28-35, etc. This choice gives a wide spread and allows you to use all tens.

Attention! You should not choose an already winning combination - the likelihood that the same numbers will be drawn is negligible.

If the numbers already exist

If the numbers on the lottery ticket have already been selected and written down, you only need to draw happy ticket. On the one hand, this allows you to rely on fate in everything, on the other hand, it does not allow the player to participate personally.

  1. Most people have lucky talismans or omens: you need to use them when buying a ticket.
  2. You can invite a baby or a person with a “light” hand to choose a piece of paper - they are considered to be luckier.
  3. You need to draw the ticket at random, without looking, so that fate itself leads the hand.
  4. It is important to avoid red and yellow clothes; it is better to go to the store in dark ones. Checks and stripes will not work; you should also avoid jewelry made from precious metals and any new things.
  5. Don't forget about days: it is believed that luck is stronger on your birthday, as well as on the same date and day of the week. Traditionally, luck is attributed to the first half of Monday and Tuesday and the second half of Saturday and Sunday.

Attention! An interesting method is visualization: thinking about winning, you can materialize it in reality. Some even draw pictures of a mountain of money or new things to constantly think about winning.

Of course, no one can guarantee that a lottery ticket chosen according to all the rules will be successful and hit the jackpot. These are just tips that can help avid players catch their luck. But it is worth remembering that you may not be lucky: you do not need to spend all your money trying to win.

How to choose a lottery ticket: video

Hello all friends. I’m in touch again, Sergey Ivanisov.

Why are people interested in this question?

Let's start with the main thing. Where could people even come up with such a question? Maybe they are just wondering which lottery more chances to win. Or maybe they doubt the fairness of certain lotteries?

If the first question can be answered using a calculator, simply by analyzing the probability, then the second can only be answered with extensive experience working with various lotteries.

It just so happens that I have this experience, because I already wrote whole line articles on this topic and played more than a thousand times in all possible lotteries.

Comparing state and foreign lotteries

Surely many of you are wondering why I am making this comparison. I will answer, yes, because all of our lotteries, with the exception of one, are conducted in a dubious manner, which I will talk about later.

The same goes for foreign lotteries, only here the drawing takes place completely differently.

Today we will compare who conducts draws more honestly and who deserves more trust. This will allow us to determine the lotteries that are more likely to win.

Is Gosloto a scam?

So, the analysis will begin with our state lotteries, and the site where they all take place: .

First, let's look at these two videos:

You can't see how the lottery machine chooses

Personally, this is the only reason for me not to play our lotteries. I consider it the main and only one.

We are talking about the process of drawing lotteries, which takes place using a “special random number generator”. Here's what they write about him on the site itself:

Random number generator (RNG) is a hardware and software complex that is used to determine the winners of lotteries.
The RNG is built on noise diodes and ensures random selection of winners.

Operating principle. The device generates a continuous stream of random noise, which is converted into numbers. In favor this moment time, the current values ​​are snatched from the stream, which are winning combination. To conduct the drawings, two RNGs were purchased - the main one and the backup one. The backup device can only be used in case of problems with the main one. Both devices are certified (the certificate is valid for 3 years).

But the question is, why shouldn’t an office that receives billions of rubles annually hold these draws with a real lottery machine and a real presenter? Is there really not enough money to pay salaries?

If we take into account the fact that Stoloto has information about all the combinations used, then, willy-nilly, doubts arise that the organizers can somehow force the RNG to produce numbers that no one used. Moreover, we do not even know whether this generator is always used for operation. Maybe he's just standing there for beauty's sake?

That's all I don't know. There would be broadcasts from real people and a lottery drum, then it would be impossible to argue.

Especially considering the level of today's technology. It would be possible to launch some kind of live broadcast and people would not have any questions.

It is worth noting that the exception is. Here the draws take place every Sunday at 8:20 on the NTV channel.

A large number of player complaints

I have a phone with Android version 7, and it has already happened that, unwillingly, I am shown news on topics in which I am interested. Among these topics, there are often various articles about lotteries.

Why am I saying this? Moreover, in just a few months, I have already read about 3-5 articles about how this site deceives people. They don’t want to give their winnings to someone, they tell someone that there was an error on the site and their ticket is not actually a winning one, and so on.

To be honest, I don’t really believe in this; people can say a lot if they are constantly unlucky. But after reading these stories, I really don’t want to for a long time play. It’s like seeing an accident on the road and then not speeding for another week.

In general, there are complaints, and they are also worth paying attention to.

By the way, perhaps the same thing happens with foreign lotteries, I just wasn’t notified about it.


What other lotteries do you know of ours, besides those on the stoloto website? That's right, I don't know either, even if they exist.

What does this mean? The fact that Stoloto can behave as he wants, and we will still continue to play, because we have no choice. They are already doing things that are causing waves of indignation from players:

  1. Take, for example, changing the frequency of drawings to 5 out of 36. Five times a day! Tell me, do you think this is normal? Look at their foreign counterparts, circulations take place no more than once a week, after all, this is not .
  2. But what if you pay attention to how long the “super prizes” began to linger. After all, they are the ones that attract more and more players. Accident? Don't think))
  3. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that absolutely all sites with foreign lotteries are blocked. On what basis? Maybe there's something I don't know?

I am sure that among the readers of this article there will be people who can add a few more items to my list. We would be grateful if you share them in the comments.

Where are the winners?

Why even in our news do I see information that people win in foreign lotteries crazy amounts of half a billion dollars. The winners are shown and interviewed. Moreover, the winners are shown even more often on foreign channels.

But the question is, where are our winners? Where are the people who won more than 100 million rubles? There was one man back in 2009:

I've never seen anything like them again. This is strange to me. Although I myself would under no circumstances reveal my identity if I won.

Video investigation

More recently, a video clip appeared on YouTube, where the author proves that Stoloto is cheating:

Conclusions on Gosloto

I wouldn’t want to demonize Stoloto; I myself would really like everything to be as open as possible here. After all, even in fair conditions, the probability of winning is negligible, let alone the current ones.

It is also worth noting that most of the reasons not to trust Stoloto are just guesses and have no real basis.

Foreign lotteries

What do I know about foreign lotteries?

  • The most popular of them, for example, Mega-millions, Euromillions, hold drawings in live on TV;
  • Draws take place once a week;
  • Hundreds of winners are shown on TV.

This fact in itself eliminates any guesses about fraud on the part of the organizers, which means there is much more trust in them.

For one marketing experiment, I needed to win money in the lottery. Not just to play, but to win. And I managed to do it on the 1st try. It's real to win the lottery...

Before May 6th, I had not played the lottery except perhaps on a few occasions. But when it happened and with what result, I can’t even remember. I recently became acquainted with the topic of lotteries, studying random number generators and their implementation in different languages programming.

Then I decided to conduct a small experiment in the field of Internet marketing, and for this I needed to win something in the lottery.

Is it possible to win money in the Russian lottery?

He approached the matter thoroughly, remembered combinatorics, looked at the calculations of the chances of winning the lottery. I realized that winning some amount in the lottery is quite possible.

For example, from calculations it turns out that the return on funds for the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery is approximately a third. And the probability of a minimum win is 1 in 8. These patterns work for “big numbers”. Therefore, I decided to immediately buy a pack of 10 tickets with a reserve. I used the Stoloto website for this purpose.

Tickets filled using a random number generator for different lotteries with even distribution.

I didn’t use any tricky options for filling in by type only even or odd.

After the drawing, it turned out that 1 ticket won, this is quite consistent with the calculated probability of 1 in 8. But the winning amount is quite remarkable - 800 rubles. And I spent exactly 800 rubles to buy 10 tickets. It turned out that I played almost without losses. The math went a little wrong :-).

These are the lucky numbers.

For example, Qiwi money. To do this, you needed to send your passport data and TIN.

The withdrawal occurs through payment system WalletOne with a commission of 2.9%.

There was some hiccup in the operation of the output form, but in general everything went without problems. The amount minus the commission was received within a few minutes.

A winning of 800 rubles was received. It's possible to win the lottery, but is it possible to make money from it?

Chance to win money in the lottery

I’ll show you how to calculate the probability of winning the lottery using an example. Gosloto 5 of 36. For 5 numbers you get an accumulating super prize. For 4 days and beyond, fixed amounts.

  • 4 numbers - 8,000 rubles
  • 3 numbers - 800 rubles
  • 2 numbers - 80 rubles

The probability of matching 5 out of 36 numbers in Gosloto and winning the jackpot is 1:376,992. General formula simple. The probability that one number from our 5 will appear is 5/36. Next, for the 4th number - 4/35, 3 numbers - 3/34, 2nd numbers - 2/33, 1st number - 1/32. Next, these probabilities need to be multiplied among themselves, since the events of balls falling out are independent: (5*4*3*2*1)/(36*35*34*33*32) = 1/(9*7*17*11* 32) = 1/376,992. The general formula for the number of combinations is C(5,36) = 36!/(5!*(36-5)!) = 376,992.

Next, for 4 numbers out of 5 you need a probability the right choice 5 numbers multiplied by a number possible options guess correctly 4 numbers out of 5, this is 5 options multiplied by 31 or 155. We get (1/376,992)*155 = 1/2,432.

The general formula is C(n,m)*C(m-n,x-m), where n is the number of numbers to win, m is the number of numbers available for selection, x is the total number of numbers. According to the formula for 3 numbers it is 5*31*30*(1/376,992) or 1/81, for 2 numbers it is 5*31*30*29*(1/376,992) or 1/8.

  • jackpot (5 numbers) – 1:376,992
  • 4 numbers - 1:2 432 (155/376 992)
  • 3 numbers - 1:81 (4,650/376,992)
  • 2 numbers - 1:8 (134,850/376,992)

Thus, it turns out that approximately every 8th ticket is a winner.

Next, we will calculate the average percentage of return on investments in the 5 out of 36 lottery, taking into account the probabilities of winning. Let's assume we bought 2,432 tickets (currently a ticket costs 80 rubles). It turns out we spent 194,560 rubles. From the calculations above, we will get on average 1 lucky four, 30 threes and 300 twos. Multiply by amounts possible winnings(1*8,000 + 30*800 + 300*80) = 56,000 rubles.

The return percentage is approximately 28.78% (56,000/194,560 = 0.2878).

Let's look at the statistics of circulation No. 6597. 5644 tickets were sold at 80 rubles, a total of 451,200 rubles. The amount of payments is 197,920 rubles.

  • 5 numbers - 0
  • 4 numbers - 3 or 24,000 rubles
  • 3 numbers - 125 or 100,000 rubles
  • 2 numbers - 924 or 73,920 rubles

In this draw, the actual probability of guessing 4 numbers was 3/5644 or approximately 1/1881, 3 numbers - 1/45, 2 numbers - 1/6. The return rate was approximately 43.87%. Discrepancies with theory can be explained by the fact that the mathematics described above works on “large numbers”, it is necessary to consider larger number circulations. Plus, when calculating the percentage of returns, the probability of winning the jackpot was omitted, but it is still not zero: 1/376,992 - this is approximately 0.00002653%.

Also, from the calculations presented above, it is clear why I was lucky to win 800 rubles, in the draw there was a very high probability of guessing the 3rd number 1:45 instead of 1:81, probably the organizers' lottery RNG went haywire :-).

Is it possible to earn money by playing the lottery online?

If you play, there is a chance, but it is very small. It’s not for nothing that this article was published in the financial adventures section. You also need to take into account the costs of commissions for withdrawing and depositing money into the system, as well as the need to pay a 13% tax on winnings.

And if you organize your own lottery, your chances of making money greatly increase. It is important to carefully allocate revenue between marketing, winnings, costs and profits. You also need to use a high-quality random number generator.

It’s just difficult to promote the lottery so that your number of participants grows, and as a result, revenue and profit. Above, we calculated the refund for players to be 28.78%, which means that the revenue of the game organizers is 71.22% of the circulation turnover. With a large number of lottery tickets sold, quite decent sums accrue. Even taking into account the fact that half of this amount usually goes to the super prize fund, which no one wins for months.