Win what kind of operator is this in Crimea? Choosing a mobile operator and a favorable tariff when traveling to Crimea

: talked about top operators, popular tariffs and prices, and also gave useful practical advice.

Before the reunification of Crimea with Russia, there were 3 Ukrainian operators operating on the peninsula, which served about 3 million subscribers (up to 4.5 million during the tourist season).

In August 2014, Ukrainian mobile communications began to leave Crimea. In September of the same year, MTS-Ukraine, through the WinMobile network (the brand owner is the K-Telecom company), connected technical roaming, which worked until the end of 2014 only in large cities.

The first Crimean operator “Win ​​mobile”(code +7-978-9) appeared on the peninsula on August 5, 2014 and began providing services in the GSM standard. A little earlier, MTS Krasnodar SIM cards (code +7-978) began to be imported in large quantities. According to the head office, the company does not operate directly on the peninsula (it uses the Win mobile network to provide technical roaming).

In 2016, 2 more operators appeared on the peninsula: in February - state-owned Krymtelecom (owned by the Ministry of Information and Communications of Crimea; code +7-978-40), and in June - Volna Mobile (owned by KTK-Telecom; code +7-978-5).

Important! Krymtelecom does not serve the territory of Sevastopol, where it has its own operator Sevmobile (code +7-978-254 / +7-978-300).

Tele2, Beeline and Megafon in Crimea operate through the towers of local operators, using technical roaming in the same way as MTS. Some stores sell “gray” SIM cards, but there are significantly fewer subscribers of these companies on the peninsula.

Starter package price and connection quality

The Sevmobile starter package costs 100 rubles. The company offers 6 tariff plans. However, Sevmobile is suitable mainly for residents of Sevastopol, who rarely travel outside the city. National roaming operates on the territory of the Republic, and you have to turn it on manually.

Tariffs of Crimean telecom operators

Operator Tariff plan / Subscription fee, rub./month. Tariff description
Win mobile Freedom of communication / 0 Cheap mobile communications within the network and on the territory of the Republic
At sea / 0 Favorable tariff for calls to all numbers in Russia (3 rubles/min.)
Fast and Furious / 400 Tariff plan for Internet use (15 GB)
Krymtelecom My Crimea / 0 Economy option for on-net calls
Contact / 150 The same, + 5 GB of Internet and full unlimited within the network
Super Contact / 300 12 GB of Internet, 100 minutes for calls within Crimea (all operators) and more SMS
Wave mobile Sun / 0 Economical tariff for calls to Crimean and Krasnodar numbers
Sea / 150 Tariff for calls to numbers of Crimean and Krasnodar operators with a package of SMS and mobile Internet (3 GB)
Wind / 300 Internet tariff (10 GB)

Roaming: The cost of national roaming for all operators is on average 10 rubles/min. and 10 rub./MB. International roaming: from 30 rub./min. (CIS) up to 70 rub./min. (far abroad).

Crimeans also provide a wide range of services for corporate clients.

Important! The most convenient tariff for MTS Krasnodar subscribers on the peninsula is “Super MTS”.

The cost of the company’s services is not significantly more expensive; the “Favorite Country” service is available. Russia".

"Megaphone" offers its subscribers the “Crimea” option: for 15 rubles/day, incoming calls will be free, outgoing calls within Russia and 1 MB of Internet will cost 5 rubles/min. ATTENTION, to use the “Crimea” option, you must connect to the K-Telecom network; the network will be displayed on the screen as “WIN”, “RUS 32” or “25032” (in Sevastopol “RUS33”).

Beeline (via the WIN network) and Tele2 (via the Volna Mobile network) operate according to a similar scheme. The best option for Beeline subscribers is to use the options “The most profitable Internet in roaming” or “Internet roaming week”. "Tele2" offers a service “It’s like home in Crimea”.

Interesting! The prices of the “Big Four” are almost the same.

All operators in Crimea provide services of comparable quality and price. Somehow you won’t be able to outwit mobile communications on the peninsula; to reduce the cost of using it, follow these simple tips:

  • buying a Crimean SIM card with the Internet is the most convenient and cheapest option to stay in touch;
  • It is easier to buy a SIM card in big cities than in small and coastal ones;
  • Using the services of the Big Four on the peninsula is expensive. The best conditions are offered by MTS (especially Krasnodar numbers);
  • Keep an eye on the network of connections (see above to see who is collaborating with whom). If the phone “selects” the wrong network, you will have to seriously fork out money;
  • if you are traveling to Crimea with a Big Four number that will be called, take advantage of special discounted services and top up your account in Russia (on the peninsula there may be problems with this or you will have to overpay);
  • when you leave the peninsula, do not forget to turn off all preferential options (MTS often sins with this, eating up your money).

Development and prospects

Mobile communications in Crimea are actively developing and becoming more accessible. There is hope that soon the Big Four will be able to emerge from the “shadow” of technical roaming. In the meantime, we will use the mobile Internet of local operators.

Although Crimea is now part of Russia, mobile communications there do not work the same as in other parts of our country. In Crimea there are no Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Tele2, Yota networks, but there are Win Mobile, Krymtelecom, Volna Mobile networks, so all SIM cards of Russian operators operate in roaming mode in Crimea.

For all Russian operators, except MTS, roaming in Crimea is quite expensive - calls, SMS and megabytes of traffic cost 5-10 rubles. MTS package tariffs, operating throughout Russia, also work in Crimea through Win mobile roaming. There is no additional charge, but there is one unpleasant feature - MTS free roaming only works in 2G mode. Internet speed is on average 0.1 Mbit/sec.

Win Mobile has 3G and 4G networks, but for some reason MTS is only allowed on 2G. Apparently, that's what they agreed on.

I asked several residents of Crimea and even SIM card sellers about mobile networks in Crimea, but to my surprise they knew nothing, talking only about MTS. I had to figure it out myself.

In Yalta, the networks of three operators are caught.

In the Internet S Tariff Plan, 100 MB of traffic costs 5 rubles. The “Youth” tariff plan has a subscription fee of 100 rubles per month, which includes 3 GB of traffic and unlimited calls to Krymtelecom numbers. Calls to Russian phones - 5 rubles per minute, SMS - 2 rubles.

The third network 25060 2G/3G belongs to the operator Volna Mobile (KTK-Telecom), which has not yet launched.

The cheapest option from MTS is a tariff with the strange name MTS Smart Unlimited, a SIM card with which you can buy in Moscow for 200 rubles. Every day in the first month, 12.9 rubles will be debited, for which you will get unlimited Internet, 200 minutes and 200 SMS per month. Upon return, the tariff can be changed to any tariff without a subscription fee, for example Super MTS. Let me remind you once again that the Internet in Crimea with this SIM card will be very slow - only 2G.

P.s. Important advice. If your mobile Internet does not work while roaming, even though everything is configured correctly, just turn off the phone (do not put it in airplane mode, do not overload it), wait a minute and turn it on again.

2016, Alexey Nadezhin

On the eve of summer and the holiday season, information about the cost of communication services at the largest Russian resorts is becoming increasingly relevant. On this occasion, the Internet project “Be Mobile” analyzed roaming tariffs in Crimea and Sevastopol for the six largest Russian operators. These are Beeline, MegaFon, MOTIV, MTS, Tele2 and Yota. As it turns out, you can communicate on vacation inexpensively. But first things first.

Despite the fact that the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol have been part of the Russian Federation for more than three years, subscribers are forced to pay for roaming. Moreover, this roaming costs much more than roaming on the mainland of the country. The main reason is that Russian operators do not have their own communication lines in Crimea and Sevastopol. They are forced to use the infrastructure of local operators, and accordingly, costs increase.

However, the operators managed to agree on a significant reduction in prices for clients from mainland Russia coming to Crimea and Sevastopol with their SIM cards. Some tariffs by default include preferential roaming; in this case, there is no need to activate additional options. Other offers require the activation of special services that make any incoming calls free, and outgoing calls, SMS and mobile Internet cheap. We will tell you about them in our selection. Let's start alphabetically with the offers of the Beeline operator.



For the summer season, Beeline launched new roaming tariffs in Crimea and Sevastopol. The main advantage is that they operate by default and do not require manual connection. There is no subscription fee or any other additional fee.

On the “Zero Doubts”, “Everything” and “Everything 1” tariffs, all incoming calls cost 1.5 rubles per minute. Outgoing calls to numbers of any Russian operators, including mobile and landline, will cost 4 rubles per minute. Sending SMS - 4.95 rubles, 1 MB of mobile Internet - 9.95 rubles. For subscribers of the “All 2”, “All 3”, “All 4”, “All 5” tariffs, even more favorable conditions apply: mobile Internet is charged at 3 rubles per MB.

It is also worth noting that the prices given do not apply to all archived Beeline tariffs, where the cost of services can hardly be called affordable. However, representatives of the operator assured that they continue to negotiate price reductions with their Crimean colleagues.



MegaFon has very high basic roaming tariffs. For this reason, everyone who travels to Crimea and Sevastopol should activate the “Crimea” option. The subscription fee for using this service is 15 rubles per day.

Under the terms of the option, all incoming calls while in Crimea and Sevastopol are free. Outgoing calls to numbers of any Russian operators - 5 rubles per minute. Sending SMS - 3 rubles per piece. Mobile Internet - 5 rubles per MB.

When returning home, do not forget to disable the “Crimea” option. Otherwise, they will simply write off 15 rubles from you every day.



The Ural operator MOTIV on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula and its resorts has a base tariff comparable to its competitors. To reduce prices, you can use one of three options.

“Roaming NON-STOP” makes all incoming calls free. Prices for other destinations are charged at the base price. Connection is paid - 12 rubles. Subscription fee - 5 rubles per day.

"Roaming. For Conversations”, in addition to free incoming calls, reduces the cost of all outgoing calls to numbers of Russian operators to 7 rubles per minute. Activation of the option costs 20 rubles, subscription fee – 7 rubles per day.

"Roaming. For everything” adds a discount on mobile Internet to free incoming and preferential outgoing. When the service is activated, it is charged at 7.17 rubles per MB. Connection is paid - 50 rubles. Subscription fee - 7 rubles per day.

As is the case with all paid services, when returning, it is important not to forget to disable the option.



The MTS operator in Crimea and Sevastopol has basic roaming, read expensive, valid on all archived tariffs and tariffs without a subscription fee, such as “Super MTS”, “Guest”, “Per-second”.

In order to receive free incoming calls and a preferential tariff for all outgoing calls - 3 rubles per minute, just activate the “Like at home everywhere” option. The cost of its connection is 30 rubles, the subscription fee is 5 rubles per day.

Mobile Internet users should connect to the SuperBIT service, which provides a 3 GB package valid in Crimea and Sevastopol. Subscription fee 300 rubles per month. If at the time of debiting the monthly fee there are insufficient funds in the account, then the option fee is debited daily in the amount of 12 rubles per day until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debit of the full monthly fee. If the monthly traffic quota is exceeded, an additional 500 MB are automatically provided for 75 rubles.

For lovers of conservative communication via SMS, the “50 SMS when traveling around Russia” and “100 SMS when traveling around Russia” packages for 135 and 180 rubles, respectively, may be of interest.

Smart package tariffs provide for separate roaming tariffs in Crimea and Sevastopol. Thus, on the Smart and Smart Bezlemitishche tariffs, 15 rubles per day are automatically debited from the subscriber. Moreover, all incoming messages are free. Outgoing calls to home region numbers, SMS and mobile Internet are consumed from the prepaid service package. There is no additional fee. The only exception is outgoing calls to numbers of Russian operators, with the exception of the home region. Here you will have to pay 5 rubles per minute.

On the Smart+ tariff, the same conditions apply without a monthly subscription fee of 15 rubles per day.

On Smart Top, Ultra tariffs, packages of minutes, SMS and mobile Internet are provided without any additional payment when traveling around Russia, including Crimea and Sevastopol. Outgoing calls within Russia are also included in the service packages, for this reason you will not have to pay for them either.



The Tele2 operator in Crimea and Sevastopol, in addition to basic roaming tariffs, has a special option “Like at home in Crimea.”

When activated, the subscriber is charged 6 rubles every day. The service makes all incoming calls free. Otherwise, the pricing corresponds to the basic tariff: outgoing within Russia - 5 rubles per minute, sending SMS - 3.5 rubles per message, mobile Internet - 5 rubles per MB.



The virtual operator Yota does not have special services and options for those who go on vacation and resorts in Crimea. A basic tariff applies throughout the entire peninsula: all incoming - 9 rubles per minute, all outgoing within Russia - 19 rubles per minute, sending SMS - 19 rubles per minute, mobile Internet - 92.16 rubles per MB.

If you are going to actively use mobile communication services in the Republic of Crimea and in Sevastopol, talking about your travels and vacations on social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Odnoklassniki), and also watch films or TV series, then you should take a closer look at the maps of local operators.

Currently, there are 4 operators operating on the peninsula - K-Telecom (Win Mobile brand), KTK TELECOM (Volna Mobile brand), Krymtelecom, Sevmobile and CDMA operator Intertelecom. About tariffs of local operators, coverage map, availability of 3G and 4G networks

Although Crimea is now part of Russia, mobile communications there do not work the same as in other parts of our country. In Crimea there are no Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Tele2, Yota networks, but there are Win Mobile, Krymtelecom, Volna Mobile networks, so all SIM cards of Russian operators operate in roaming mode in Crimea.

For all Russian operators, except MTS, roaming in Crimea is quite expensive - calls, SMS and megabytes of traffic cost 5-10 rubles. MTS package tariffs, operating throughout Russia, also work in Crimea through Win mobile roaming. There is no additional charge, but there is one unpleasant feature - MTS free roaming only works in 2G mode. Internet speed is on average 0.1 Mbit/sec.

Win Mobile has 3G and 4G networks, but for some reason MTS is only allowed on 2G. Apparently, that's what they agreed on.

I asked several residents of Crimea and even SIM card sellers about mobile networks in Crimea, but to my surprise they knew nothing, talking only about MTS. I had to figure it out myself.

In Yalta, the networks of three operators are caught.

In the Internet S Tariff Plan, 100 MB of traffic costs 5 rubles. The “Youth” tariff plan has a subscription fee of 100 rubles per month, which includes 3 GB of traffic and unlimited calls to Krymtelecom numbers. Calls to Russian phones - 5 rubles per minute, SMS - 2 rubles.

The third network 25060 2G/3G belongs to the operator Volna Mobile (KTK-Telecom), which has not yet launched.

The cheapest option from MTS is a tariff with the strange name MTS Smart Unlimited, a SIM card with which you can buy in Moscow for 200 rubles. Every day in the first month, 12.9 rubles will be debited, for which you will get unlimited Internet, 200 minutes and 200 SMS per month. Upon return, the tariff can be changed to any tariff without a subscription fee, for example Super MTS. Let me remind you once again that the Internet in Crimea with this SIM card will be very slow - only 2G.

p.s. Important advice. If your mobile Internet does not work while roaming, even though everything is configured correctly, just turn off the phone (do not put it in airplane mode, do not overload it), wait a minute and turn it on again.

© 2016, Alexey Nadezhin

So, I’ll tell you what it’s worth here if you’re planning to go here on vacation (there’s a bridge, no matter what), thereby saving you time and money (because here everyone takes money for any information!!)

And so, in Crimea there are 3 operators, 2 official and 1 not (almost).


The former KTK TELECOM is a purely Crimean operator, created in 2016. Provides 4 tariffs:


Subscription fee 150 rub./month.
For these 150r you get:
3GB internet
300 min. to numbers in Crimea and Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter referred to as Dom.region)
300 SMS to any operator in the Russian Federation
unlimited calls within the network (Volna-Volna)
calls within home region (after 300 min.) - 1 rub./min.
calls within the Russian Federation - 3 rubles/min.

From myself: as for me, this is the most favorable tariff for those who need a little Internet and calls within the Crimea. IMPORTANT: when purchasing any Volna SIM card, require setting up the Internet (creating an access point), because it will not work (with the exception of iPhones, it can be configured independently).


Subscription fee 300 rub./month
For these 300r. You are getting:
10GB internet
all calls:
home region (all operators) - 3 rubles/min
Russian Federation (all operators) - 10 rubles/min

From myself: the tariff is purely for the Internet.


Subscription fee - no monthly fee
calls within your home region - 0.60 rub./min
calls within the Russian Federation - 5 rubles/min
Internet - 5 rubles/MB (yes, expensive)
SMS - 1 rub./piece

From myself: the tariff at which you pay “after the fact”. Suitable for those who don’t talk much on the phone (after all, we came to relax =))

I won’t say anything, it’s not very profitable

VIN Mobile

The first Crimean operator. Operating since 2015, it provides 5 (I only have info for 3) tariffs:

Fast and Furious

For 400 rubles/month. provide 15GB of internet.
by home region - 3 rubles/min
in the Russian Federation - 9.5 rubles/min.

In a nutshell, the tariff is purely for the Internet

On the sea

No monthly fee
calls within the Russian Federation (any operator) - 3 rubles/min
Internet: 100MB for 10 rubles/day
SMS: 1.95 RUR/pcs (in the Russian Federation, any operator)

From myself: also payment “after the fact”

Freedom of communication

60 minutes per day online
calls within your home region - 1r/min

On a personal note: the tariff is such that you have to collect everything there yourself (connect services). For example, the “My Russia” service (*803#), while calls within the Russian Federation will cost a monthly fee of 3 rubles / day. + 2 rubles/min

I left the sweetest for the end


There is officially no MTS in Crimea. They work on the equipment of the above-mentioned Volna and Vin. On the territory of the peninsula it works only in roaming (this is purely a formality), including the Internet. At the moment there is only one tariff, it is called “Super MTS 2018” (as amended on May 3).

And so, the conditions:

When purchasing a package, you will have 30 rubles in your account.
calls within the home region to MTS - 0.75 rub./min
calls within the Russian Federation to MTS - 3 rubles/min.
calls within the Russian Federation to other operators - 12 rubles/min

But they allow us to activate the “everything is super” service (not quite super).
6 rubles/day, and at the same time call MTS within your home region unlimited


The MTS company itself imposes paid services (dial tone, they called you, etc.), which are free for the first 14 days from the moment of SIM activation, and on the 15th day they become paid, and you can turn them off. Check with the sellers(!)

Grand total

  • for calls only within the home region - MTS (with the “Everything is Super” service activated)
  • for calls across the peninsula and the Internet (3GB), - Wave “Sea”
  • for the Internet - Wave “Wind” (10GB), or WIN “Forsazh” (15GB)
  • just for calls (pay-as-you-go), or Wave “Sun”, or WIN “Freedom of Communication”
  • You won’t be able to call Russia (the mainland) for less than 2-3 rubles/min.

And here’s another thing, if you want to use your SIM card, you can activate the “home package Russia +” service (works only for MTS), and for 100 rubles/month. and talk according to the conditions as you talked at home. Connection: *111*128#

Have a nice holiday everyone!!