Why do you need internal motivation and how to get it? Personal motivation.

Why worry about your motivation? Why waste time learning about this item and its specific features and how it can work for you? These questions need to be answered before you can dive into your inner motivation and reap the rewards that come from mastering it.

What is motivation?

As a rule, this refers to internal impulses that encourage the performance of some action. It is an inner feeling that makes you do something. From washing your face in the morning to pursuing your deepest life goals and dreams, motivation lies at the root of every action you take.

Without this, the world would stand still. Nothing can force a person to work on changes, both in relation to himself and the world around him.

On a personal level, lack of motivation makes it impossible to progress in any area of ​​life. Your health, career, finances, relationships... nothing can develop without internal incentives.

Why manage it?

However, each person has some success in these areas. People take action every day. The reason for this is motivation. But there is one problem. Incentives that force a person to take action are usually not used to their full potential. Typically, this mechanism operates as if on autopilot and therefore cannot offer life-changing rewards and benefits.

By learning how to control your inner urges, you can improve any area of ​​your life to levels never before imagined. When you know what steps to take and what steps to avoid, you literally have the power to make you do whatever it takes to create the life you dream of.

All this becomes possible through studying the principles of motivation.

Where to begin?

The first step to managing a drive within yourself—after understanding its true power—is making a decision. First of all, you need goals. Have you ever met someone who was highly motivated, but had no idea what they were aiming for? This is not only unlikely, but virtually impossible. Using motivation is only possible when you have a fairly clear idea of ​​the desired result.

Hence, the main question that needs to be answered is: “What do you want?” The answer should be as specific as possible. So specific that any outsider will be able to read your goal and understand without any doubt what results its achievement will lead to. When you achieve this clarity, it becomes fertile ground for growth and strengthening motivation.

The ability to motivate yourself to take action is an extremely important life skill. There are few things that compare to its impact on your life. By managing this process, you will make the life you dream about a reality.

Why worry about your motivation? Why waste time learning about this item and its specific features and how it can work for you? These questions need to be answered before you dive into learning about your intrinsic motivation and reap the rewards that come with managing your motivation.

What is motivation?

As a rule, motivation refers to internal impulses that encourage one to perform some action. It is an inner feeling that makes you do something. From washing your face in the morning, playing sports and buying multi-purpose strollers to pursuing your life's most cherished goals and dreams, motivation lies at the root of every action you take.

Without motivation, the world would stand still. Nothing can force a person to work on changes, both in relation to himself and the world around him.

On a personal level, lack of motivation makes it impossible to progress in any area of ​​life. Your health, career, finances, relationships... nothing can develop without internal incentives.

Why manage motivation?

However, each person has some success in these areas. People take action every day. The reason for this is motivation. But there is one problem. Incentives that force a person to take action are usually not used to their full potential. Typically, this mechanism operates as if on autopilot and therefore cannot offer life-changing rewards and benefits.

By learning how to control your inner urges, you can improve any area of ​​your life to levels never before imagined. When you know what steps to take and what steps to avoid, you literally have the power to make you do whatever it takes to create the life you dream of.

All this becomes possible through studying the principles of motivation.

Where to begin?

The first step to managing your motivation—after understanding its true power—is making a decision. Motivation requires a goal. Have you ever met someone who was highly motivated, but had no idea what they were aiming for? This is not only unlikely, but virtually impossible. Using motivation is only possible when you have a fairly clear idea of ​​the desired result.

Hence, the main question that needs to be answered is: “What do you want?” The answer should be as specific as possible. So specific that any outsider will be able to read your goal and understand without any doubt what results its achievement will lead to. When you achieve this clarity, it becomes fertile ground for growth and strengthening motivation.

The ability to motivate yourself to take action is an extremely important life skill. There are few things that compare to its impact on your life. By managing your motivation, you will make the life you dream about a reality.

    To begin with, I propose to understand what motivation is. So, on the one hand, motivation is a strong desire that makes a person get off the ground and take actions that bring him closer to his goal. And ideally, achieve this very goal.

    OK. those. To achieve a goal you need a strong desire. And the larger the goal, the stronger the desire should be.

    The second aspect of achieving a goal is “I must have enough strength/money/knowledge (resource) to cover the distance between the point where I am now and the point where my goal is.” The larger/higher the goal, the farther it is from me, the more strength I will need to overcome this distance.

    If one of the two components is missing, then achieving the goal becomes problematic or completely impossible, and then we say that we lacked motivation. More precisely, when we talk about a lack of motivation, we most likely mean that there was not a sufficient level of desire, but in most cases, there was initially a desire, but there was not enough reinforcement.

    So, we have 2 options:

    1) didn’t really want to

    2) lack of strength

    But if we dig deeper, we will find several options for each item. Sometimes, for example, it seems that I really want this, but if you start to figure it out, then I don’t want this, but something that is only associated with the declared desire. Well, for example, a fairly common scenario is when a young lady (maybe this option is also typical for men, but I’ve encountered it with young ladies so far) lacks attention from her father or both parents, or young people, or a specific young man. But it seems that you can only attract attention with something large-scale. Well, for example, to become a star or a prominent person worthy of respect. Some people become actresses, while others decide that business is also a way. And the person rushes into this very own business. Without business skills and knowledge, without serious preparation, without strategy and generally without understanding what it is. After some time, a person acquires a full set of business problems, without the strength and skills to cope with them, with the desire for everything to be as before and in an attempt to get out of all this with minimal losses. And all efforts are spent on solving problems, although, of course, the person receives attention, but not the one he wants. The issue of relationships is relegated to the second, third or tenth plan, because there is no time for that now. In short, a person is left with a lot of problems, without relationships. It’s good if you have friends and haven’t run away. Whenever I ask people a question in consultation: “Why do you need a business?” - very often it turns out that the initial desire was not the business itself or the desire to earn money, but another desire that has nothing to do with business. Conventionally, business was a means. But the business itself is a project so large-scale that it cannot be a means.

    In such cases, motivation is supported only by the expectation that everything will work out quickly and quite simply. But starting a business is difficult not only because you have to work much harder at the start than before starting the business, but also because you won’t see the results right away. And the lack of results reduces motivation if it is not fed.

    How to feed it? If everything is already complicated with income, then try to figure out “what I really want” and, if business is already a goal, then develop a strategy, optimize tactics, reduce the costs as much as possible and solve the business problem.

    And it's not just about business. As a rule, if there is a desire and it is not fulfilled, then the reason in half the cases is that the person is covering up his true desire with this desire. For example, you want your own apartment, but in reality you want your parents to leave you alone; or you want a relationship, but underneath it is the fear of relationships and a simple desire to show yourself or others that you are no worse than others, or the desire for someone wonderful to show you how high your value is for him.

    The inability to determine your real desires leads to the fact that the subconscious begins to be torn between the internal request and the person’s chosen way to realize it. And the person gets stuck like a fly in a web, unable to either gain freedom from his parents or earn money for an apartment, or between actively searching for a relationship and choosing characters who are absolutely not suitable for this role.

    Point 2 - not enough strength. Strength here means a real amount of energy, the ability to restore it quickly, the ability to withstand the blow and pressure of an aggressive environment, and the ability to calculate options and look at the situation realistically/soberly, and distribute resources in accordance with this very situation. Those. It’s not enough to look at the map and determine the route to the goal; you also need to correctly distribute your forces in order to reach this goal, determine how and in what cases you can replenish the resource, what support and whom to get, etc. and so on.

    And as a result, we have a strange combination where at the beginning of the path, at the stage of desires, from 50 to 70% of cases a person cannot decide on his real desire, and the motivation for secondary gain is weak, and in order to maintain weak motivation the person mobilizes his strength and begins to spend it to support motivation, instead of strong motivation giving a person a resource and facilitating movement towards a goal. And at the second stage, when you have to hold out for some more or less long time on the initial motivation, because there are no results and your strength is being spent, you simply do not have enough temporary safety margin. And you leave the race. And your brain records defeat and forms the belief that you are a loser, that everything in life is difficult and that it is impossible to achieve anything on your own. As well as fear of failure in the future and behavior called learned helplessness.

    What to do?

    1. Split goals. Don't set global goals. More precisely, a global goal can be set, but with the prospect of achievement in 5-10 years. And then it’s immediately clear whether I’m ready to spend 10 years on this or not? Is my desire strong or so-so?

    2. And here and now, go towards intermediate goals that move me towards the global goal. Master the art of small steps.

    3. Achieving an intermediate goal - rejoicing, singing your own praises, having a festive dinner or something like that - this strengthens the behavior and thinking of the winner, adds self-confidence, and creates the mechanism of “I can handle this”

    4. Playing sports restores resources.

    5. Include foods that stimulate the production of dopamine in your diet - this neurotransmitter is responsible for motivation and supports it, so chocolate will help you.

    6. Develop a strategy and tactics to achieve the goal. Even if you change something in them later, it will be easier to move towards the goal.

    7. Spend at least 20 minutes to achieve your goal. up to an hour. If you don’t feel like it at all, then spending 20 minutes thinking or doing some simple actions is simple, but at the same time it develops the skill to act and concentrates your attention on the goal. And where your attention is, there is your energy.

    8. Get a good night's sleep. Any psychological problem begins with a sleep disorder. If you have had a sleep disorder for a long time, this is a reason to contact at least a neurologist, or at most a psychiatrist. (Seeing a psychiatrist does not mean you are crazy.)

    9. Give yourself 2 times more time to realize your goal than you think it will take. We tend to make mistakes when it comes to time. It seems to us that we will manage to do it on time, although in fact we do everything 2 times slower than we expect from ourselves, so if it seems realistic to you to spend 6 months to achieve a goal, give yourself 1 year for this goal, and use p .7

    10. Review your goals, and if they do not correspond to your current aspirations, beliefs, desires, then free yourself from them. Just cross them out of your life plan as irrelevant. This will immediately release a lot of energy.

    How to help a student? We develop memory, perseverance and attention Kamarovskaya Elena Vitalievna

    Why is motivation important?

    Why is motivation important?

    For many students and their parents, homework time becomes a daily test of patience. Parents have to encourage their child to sit down and study many times before he eventually ends up in his room at his desk. If you look at him ten minutes later, it turns out that he is already busy with something completely different. Instead of doing homework, the student looks out the window, draws little people in notebooks, or chews on a pencil. Parents begin to make comments, and - word by word - a scandal breaks out. The child moans more and more often: “School is hard labor!”, and it is increasingly difficult for parents to find arguments against this statement.

    This happens to many children, and it is not a lack of ability, but a lack of motivation. Not only the child’s mental development indicator is responsible for school successes and failures, but also a whole bunch of different factors. Academic success is skill plus desire. Underachieving students often lack interest in learning in the first place. They study only under pressure from their elders and prefer to master knowledge superficially without delving into the material.

    Research shows that every year in school, the majority of students' desire for academic achievements steadily declines. And this process begins earlier and earlier: today teachers deal not only with adolescents at the age of puberty who do not want to learn, but also with elementary school students who have no incentive to learn. The consequences of a progressive lack of desire to learn are very dramatic: about 8% of primary school students regularly skip classes, among secondary school students this figure reaches 15%, 10% of all schoolchildren of the same year of birth drop out of school without finishing it.

    If there is no motivation, everything seems burdensome: math class becomes tedious and never-ending, daily homework turns into torture. The arsenal of tricks that parents use to force their children to study is large: they seduce their offspring with monetary rewards for good grades, threaten with a ban on watching television, beg, scold - and often become desperate. Because without internal motivation to complete tasks, children lack energy, an internal “drive.” And his parents, unfortunately, cannot “start” it with the effort of their will.

    Motivation is not a constant value, it changes depending on the situation, mood, subject of study, but there is not a single child who cannot be “interested” in school subjects. Every person has strengths through which he is able to learn, and it is very unfortunate that these strengths are not always directed towards mathematics or geography. But everything can be changed.

    The benefits of motivated learning are enormous: internal stimulation increases interest and endurance, and enhances concentration. A student who has an internal incentive to learn, as research shows, receives higher grades than children who study without desire. In addition, an interested child enjoys his work. This makes life easier for parents, who in this case do not have to constantly act as an “external stimulator.” Intrinsically motivated students use smarter learning strategies, they connect new information with what they already know, and they test themselves to see how well they have learned the new material. What they learn remains in their memory for a long time.

    Where does the internal incentive to learn new things come from if it requires a lot of effort? How to trigger this mechanism in a child who believes that studying at school is boring? In this part of the book we will explain how motivation is formed and works and what you can do to help your child begin to enjoy learning and improve their performance in school.

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    Good afternoon friends! Elena Nikitina is with you, and today we’ll talk about an important phenomenon, without which there would be no success in any endeavor - motivation. What is it and what is it for? What it is made up of, what types it is divided into and why economics studies it - read all about it below.

    Motivation is a system of internal and external motives that force a person to act in a certain way.

    At first glance, this is something abstract and distant, but without this neither desires nor the joy of their fulfillment are possible. Indeed, even a journey will not bring happiness to those who do not want to go there.

    Motivation is related to our interests and needs. That is why it is individual. It also determines the aspirations of the individual and at the same time is determined by its psychophysiological properties.

    The key concept of motivation is motive. This is an ideal (not necessarily existing in the material world) object towards which the individual’s activity is aimed.

    S. L. Rubinstein and A. N. Leontyev understand motive as an objectified human need. Motive is different from need and goal. It can also be seen as the conscious cause of human actions. It is aimed at satisfying a need that may not be recognized by the individual.

    For example, the desire to attract attention with extravagant clothing is intended to cover the urgent need for love and belonging, which is typical for people who are insecure.

    A motive differs from a goal in that a goal is the result of an activity, and a motive is its cause.

    The need is cognitive.

    Motive – interest in reading (most often on a specific topic).

    Activity – reading.

    The goal is new impressions, pleasure from following the plot, etc.

    To be more specific about your own motivation, answer the following questions:

    1. Why do I do anything?
    2. What needs do I want to satisfy?
    3. What results do I expect and why are they significant for me?
    4. What makes me act a certain way?

    Main characteristics

    The phenomenon of motivation can be described through the following characteristics:

    1. Directional vector.
    2. Organization, sequence of actions.
    3. Stability of selected goals.
    4. Assertiveness, activity.

    Based on these parameters, the motivation of each individual is studied, which is important, for example, at school. These characteristics are also of great importance when choosing a profession. A sales manager, for example, must be consistently focused on high income and active in achieving the goal.

    Stages of motivation

    Motivation exists as a process and includes several stages:

    1. First there is a need.
    2. A person decides how it can be satisfied (or not satisfied).
    3. Next, you need to determine the goal and ways to achieve it.
    4. After this, the action itself is performed.
    5. At the end of the action, the individual receives or does not receive a reward. Reward means any success. The effectiveness of an action influences further motivation.
    6. The need for action disappears if the need is completely closed. Or it remains, but the nature of the actions may change.

    Types of motivation

    Like any complex phenomenon, motivation differs for various reasons:

    • According to the source of motives.

    Extreme (external)– a group of motives based on external incentives, circumstances, conditions (work to get paid).

    Intrinsic (internal)– a group of motives based on a person’s internal needs and interests (to work because he likes the work). Everything internal is perceived by a person as an “impulse of the soul,” because it comes from his personal characteristics: character, inclinations, etc.

    • Based on the results of actions.

    Positive– a person’s desire to do something in the hope of positive reinforcement (overwork in order to get time off).

    Negative– setting to perform an action in order to avoid negative consequences (arrive at work on time so as not to pay a fine).

    • In terms of stability.

    Sustainable– works for a long time, does not need additional reinforcement (an avid hiker conquers the trails again and again, without fear of difficulties).

    Unstable– needs additional reinforcement (the desire to learn may be strong and conscious in one person, weak and hesitant in another).

    • By coverage.

    In team management there are different personal And group motivation.

    Scope of application of the concept

    The concept of motivation is used both in everyday life - to regulate the behavior of the individual himself and his family members, and from a scientific point of view - in psychology, economics, management, etc.

    In psychology

    The science of the soul studies the connection of motives with the needs, goals, desires, and interests of a person. The concept of motivation is considered in the following main directions:

    • behaviorism,
    • psychoanalysis,
    • cognitive theory,
    • humanistic theory.

    The first direction claims that the need arises when the body deviates from a certain ideal norm. For example, this is how hunger arises, and the motive is designed to return a person to his original state - the desire to eat food. The method of action is determined by an object that can satisfy the need (you can cook soup or have a snack with something ready-made). This is called reinforcement. Behavior is formed under the influence of reinforcements.

    In psychoanalysis, motives are viewed as a reaction to needs formed by unconscious impulses. That is, in turn, they are based on the instincts of life (in the form of sexual and other physiological needs) and death (everything related to destruction).

    Cognitive (cognitive) theories present motivation as a result of a person’s understanding of the world. Depending on what his vision is aimed at (for the future, to achieve balance or to overcome imbalance), behavior develops.

    Humanistic theories represent a person as a conscious person capable of choosing a path in life. The main motivating force of his behavior is aimed at realizing his own needs, interests and abilities.

    In management

    In personnel management, motivation is understood as encouraging people to work for the benefit of the enterprise.

    Theories of motivation in relation to personnel management are divided into meaningful And procedural. The first study the needs of a person that force him to act in a certain way. The second considers factors influencing motivation.

    By stimulating subordinates to perform work activities, the manager solves several problems:

    • increases employee job satisfaction;
    • achieves behavior aimed at desired results (for example, increasing sales).

    This takes into account such concepts as the needs, motivations, values, motives of the employee, as well as incentives and rewards. Urge refers to the feeling of lack of something. Unlike a need, it is always conscious. Drives develop a goal to satisfy a need.

    For example, the need for recognition creates an incentive to achieve career heights, and the goal may be to become a director (with intermediate stages along the way).

    Values ​​can be all objects of the material world that are important to a person. In this case it is social position.

    Motive is understood as the desire to satisfy a need. And incentives are those external factors that cause certain motives.

    Motivation aims to form the desired motives in the employee in order to direct his activity in the right direction. After all, the desire for success depends on what is meant by success.

    We wrote in more detail about staff motivation especially for managers.

    In economics

    Among the economic theories of motivation, the teachings of the classic of science – Adam Smith – are interesting. In his opinion, work is certainly perceived by a person as something painful. Different activities are not attractive in their own way. In early societies, when a person appropriated everything he produced, the price of the product of labor was equal to compensation for the effort expended.

    With the development of private property, this ratio changes in favor of the value of the product: it always seems to be greater than the effort expended to earn money for this product. In simple words, he is convinced that he works for cheap. But a person still wants to balance these components, which forces him to look for a better-paid job.

    A look at employee motivation in economics is directly related to the problem of enterprise performance. As the experience of foreign, in particular Japanese, studies has shown, material incentives for labor are not always exhaustive. Often, the activity and involvement of workers in production is ensured by a comfortable environment, an atmosphere of trust, respect and belonging, social guarantees and a system of various incentives (from certificates to bonuses).

    Nevertheless, the salary factor is important for the employee and is taken into account by many economic theories. For example, equity theory talks about the connection between rewards and the efforts of team members. An employee who believes that he is underappreciated reduces his productivity.

    The cost of each type of incentive is assessed from an economic point of view. For example, an authoritarian management style involves an increase in the managerial apparatus, which means the allocation of additional rates and wage costs.

    Labor productivity in such a team is average. While involving employees in production management, the ability to choose their own schedule or work remotely has low cost and produces high results.

    Remote work is good because your income depends only on you, and you are responsible for your own motivation. Check it out - you may soon be able to make good money on your hobby.

    Why do you need motivation?

    The system of motives is an integral feature of the individual. This is one of the factors that shapes uniqueness. Motivation is related to our mental characteristics (for example, choleric people need to move a lot, get as many different impressions as possible) and physical condition (when we are sick, we want almost nothing). This is not by chance by nature.

    The meaning of everyone’s life is to live it according to their own scenario in order to realize their own goals and purpose. This is why each person strives for a unique set of values, actions and experiences. This does not mean that everything we want is certainly good, and what we don’t want is destructive and bad.

    Unformed motivation is common, and you will definitely have to work on it so that a person can overcome obstacles, including laziness, and realize that he is successful. But it’s worth listening to motives, desires, and interests in order to learn and develop yourself.

    It is not for nothing that people who very strongly desire something achieve greater results than others, all other things being equal. As the people say, “God gives angels to those who strive.”

    You can and should manage your aspirations. If development stands still, impressive results can be achieved.

    Stay with us and you will find many more useful things. And may everything you do bring joy!