How to beat the bookmaker smart sports betting. How to Beat the Bookmaker: Winning Strategies

Firstly, do not bet blindly, just hoping for an attractive odds. Luck is a very slippery thing, and counting on it is very risky! Sooner or later she will take all your money from you!

Always look at statistics, analyze past games and, if possible, news regarding the situation within both teams. Most often, rates incorrectly determine the current state of affairs on given time, but only justified by the rating, popularity or position of the club in the standings. However, the team can go into decline, it can have suspended or injured key players, etc.!

Secondly, in nature there is no 100% winning bet, as well as 100% certainty in the result of the match!

Try to designate for yourself that the MAXIMUM that can be is 90-95% confidence in the result of the game (this is the highest probability, and often it is no more than 50%). 100% can never be! If such a thought hovers in your head, then you need to do everything so that it disappears ... Find the prerequisites for the fact that such a result may simply not happen ... Find a weak spot that always exists!

Third, do not be lazy to find out the weather, which is expected to be on the day of the game. It plays a very important role, for example, in football and, knowing the weather conditions, we can expect an approximate course of the game for both teams.

Snow or rain are a definite advantage in defense tactics, it is much easier to destroy in such conditions than to attack ... Therefore, the result is like a regular or dry draw, when one and the opponents play for the sake of not losing - the most likely!

Repeatedly without knowing weather conditions, lost very likely bets ... Rain or snow should be a surprise for anyone, but not for you! If at least something hints at the fact that there will be changes in the weather for the worse, then the best way out is to play it safe than just rely on lady fortune!

Fourth, get detailed information from the camps of the two rivals. Disqualifications, absenteeism, injuries - all this will help to predict the outcome as accurately as possible, and, in turn, bet your money correctly!

If there was a disqualification or injury to defensive midfielders or defenders, then this in itself speaks of possible problems in defense and potential conceded goals.

If the disqualification or injury was the main attacking player or the team captain, then the question arises: will the players be able to score, what changes will they make in the tactics of the game, will they be able to implement the standard that will bring them forward.

However, if the main standards performer was injured or disqualified, then this can also make you think.

Thus, try to study the future state of the players in as much detail as possible.

Fifth, you should not bet on a dry victory of a club leaving to play on a foreign field.

One of the most common losses is when the favorite goes to the middle/underdog team and ends up taking home one point... Players on a stronger team often fail to set themselves up for serious attitude to an outsider , and those, in turn, want to squeeze the maximum out of themselves in order to get even closer to the leader.

The most common situation occurs when a club from the top lines of the table plays an away match, scores once and tries to finish the match, practically not playing and not wasting energy, and the opponent uses this slack and equalizes the score at the very end.

Therefore, a bet on the winning of the guest club, wherever the opponent is in the championship table, is always a risk, and the risk should always be minimized! Therefore, the X2 bet is one of the key options for considering this kind of deal!

At sixth, repeatedly weigh all your options and make an adequate decision before directly betting that the club will score away!

To make such a bet, you must first read and complete paragraphs 1-5 of these secret rules.

If you are really 95% sure that a club leaving to play at a foreign stadium will definitely score, then feel free to bet!

But do not forget about the home team, because their task is also to score a goal!

Seventh, you should not bet on too small and large quotes "to win", especially when you like to play accumulator bets!

small and large ratio s - this is almost a 100% loss in the accumulator.

It is better not to bet on:

- large (above 1.85): the outcome is unlikely! If you think that the probability is quite high, then you should carefully read such a match, and you will probably be able to understand why the bookmaker puts such a high quote! On top of that, remember about match-fixing! You probably don’t know about them, but there are people who earn huge money from this!

- small (1.09 and below): because it will not have weight in the multiple bet, and this fact alone should already dissuade you. Why an unjustified risk in one bet to the whole chain! And yet, they are often simply based on the position in the championship and ratings, since they are not able to closely monitor all championships, tournaments and cups (this situation does not apply to the most popular championships. Everything is carefully calculated in them, and any change that may have an impact on the result will be taken into account) ...

Eighth, no need to bet on clear WINS in friendly or pre-season, insignificant games!

The best option would be to ignore such matches altogether. However, if you still really want to bet on similar game, then keep in mind that the probability of WIN in such matches is reduced by half or three times!!! You will ask why? But because the plans of the coaching staff for these games are unknown to anyone. Maybe he wants to try a new defensive tactic, maybe he wants to test his young subjects by giving leaders a break, and so on. Or maybe the players are just not set up, which happens most often!

Ninth, do not type EXPRESS from a huge number of games! The fewer games, the more your chances of winning increase!

The best would be an accumulator of 2-3 games. Playing with express bets is a very big risk, and if you decide to play 8-9 matches, then the probability of winning sags to a large extent, which is not advisable!!! If, nevertheless, you rave about a big jackpot, take risks, but the result will be sad for you! Fortune can smile only once, but soon you will give up your money anyway! (I mean exactly the express system).

tenth, you should not include an unconsidered result or a result with a small degree of probability in an express bet ...

A fairly common mistake is when you have selected all the matches that you wanted and calculated, but the coefficient came out much less, what you expected, or it is simply not round or ugly, AND THEN you deliberately insert into the accumulator an outcome that you have not even looked at! And what, in your opinion, the result will not justify the hopes? Eleventh, do not chase after large coefficient! The best EXPRESS is the one that consists of 2-3 games, with a total quote of 1.5-3.5.

Don't take big odds! Do not dig yourself a financial hole!

Eleventh if, nevertheless, the desire to score a lot of matches overcame your common sense, then it makes sense to explain to you the so-called "SYSTEM" ...

If you have looked at the bookmaker's line of matches and you are interested in the games you want to bet on, but there are more than 7-8 such matches, then the Accumulator will most likely be lost in this case ... It's better to just bet "SYSTEM"!!! The probability of winning money from "SYSTEM" is much higher, since often in such a large accumulator one or two results may not converge!

It is an official organization that accepts forecasts for the outcomes of various events. Thus, she makes bets with clients. Modern online and offline accept bets both on sporting events, and events that are not directly related to sports. For example, to win a certain presidential candidate, the series finale, etc. In this article, we will tell you about this organization, as well as how to win at a bookmaker.

The principle of cooperation

How does the client interact with this organization? Very simple: online or at the reception point, he makes a bet. If he managed to guess the outcome, then the bet money is returned to his account or directly into his hands plus a certain profit, the amount of which will depend on the coefficient. If the client did not guess correctly, then his money goes to the organization.

Reasons for losing

Ninety percent of people don't know how to win at a bookmaker. Therefore, they lose their own money. There are both objective and subjective reasons for the loss of funds. Let's take a look at them.

All-in bet

This is one of the most popular reasons for bankroll loss. An attempt to return what you lost in order to get a profit makes you bet unreasonably. And this leads to bankruptcy.

Emotional stakes

Feelings should not interfere with sports predictions. Emotional, impulsive and self-confident people are not threatened with earnings in bookmakers.

Betting on the first games of the season

Before betting, experienced gamblers study in detail the statistics of each player or team. Before the start of the first games, this cannot be done, and past statistics are not entirely relevant.

Desire to make quick money

When playing at a bookmaker, you need to regularly analyze information from different sources, up to the physical state of each player. The less time you devote to analysis, the more rash the decision will be.

Betting on your favorite team

To make money a reality, forget about betting on your favorite team. The decision on the bet is made solely on the basis of statistical data, and not sympathy for a particular team (player). An experienced capper has no favorite or least favorite teams (players).

Buying 100% Predictions

It is impossible to extract 100% profit from bets all the time. Forecast sellers with a 100% guarantee are scammers.

Purchasing match fixing information

Remember, "agreements" are sold only by scammers. At ordinary people no access to insider information. Maybe there is a chance to buy it, but not on social networks and not for a thousand rubles.

In addition to the reasons listed above, a separate point is the inexperience of the player. Anyone inspires people with thoughts about easy earnings of huge sums. But a beginner should not immediately invest in betting. First you need to open a demo account (play money) and practice for several weeks. This way you can evaluate your existing skills and see progress in learning.

How to avoid mistakes?

Earnings in bookmakers is possible only when the gambler adheres to a number of rules when placing a bet. The following tips will not only streamline the game, but also make a good profit:

  • Betting should be treated the same as any job. After all, making bets takes as much time as regular office work. At the same time, much more discipline and hard work is needed.
  • Analyze statistics. Don't expect to have winnings at bookmakers without some painstaking analysis of your bets. It is a support for absolutely any capper. The choice in favor of one or another outcome of an event can only be made after a thorough study of the statistical data.
  • Withdraw money regularly. Make a withdrawal schedule and stick to it. A large bankroll will provoke you to play big, and with a constant withdrawal of funds, this can be avoided.
  • Play in multiple organizations. Moreover, these should be official bookmakers with many years of experience. This way you can compare odds and pick the best ones. After all, it makes no sense to bet where the odds are very low.
  • Take your time! If there are 10 minutes left before the event, and you have not yet analyzed, then refuse the bet, no matter how profitable the odds are. Hasty decisions are the fastest way to lose.
  • Do not put express. Express is a bet that includes several events. The more of them, the higher the probability of losing money. It is better to do exclusively ordinars, that is single bets. The profit, of course, will be small, but the probability of winning will increase significantly.
  • Pay attention to sports news. Bookmakers on the Internet place them directly on their websites. So you don't even need to search specifically. Bad news leads to corresponding results. For example, the loss of a key basketball player due to an injury in practice is likely to lead to an unstable team game. So when deciding on a bet, do not forget to read the related news.

A bit about strategies

IN real life There are no 100% winning gaming strategies. This is due to many reasons - the nature of the participants in the game, the circumstances of the match, the day and even the championship. It's impossible to predict everything possible factors influence. Therefore, there is no absolute passage of an event in nature.

But this does not mean at all that the player cannot develop a strategy that allows him to win money. First you need to draw up a schedule of events that you want to bet on. As soon as fresh statistics appear (it is provided by the bookmaker itself), the results of meetings between teams (players), etc., you need to do the most in-depth analysis. Only then can you place a bet.

Almost every review of bookmakers contains information about the possibility of betting in the course of the game (live). Experts do not recommend doing them, especially for beginners. As a rule, the odds for such events are quite small, and the risk is too high. After all, even if there is a clear favorite in the match, this does not mean that he cannot become an underdog in the near future.

Another betting strategy is called catch-up. Its meaning is that you still win, you just need to constantly bet until you win. For example, in a football match between Chelsea and Liverpool, you bet on the victory of the first team. But Chelsea are losing and you are losing money. In this case, you need to immediately look for the second event, on which you bet twice as much. For example, the bet on Chelsea was 10 rubles. On the second event, you must bet 20 rubles. Thus, you can cover the previous loss and your initial investment. If the second event did not play, then the bet on the third one will be 40 rubles, etc.

The d'Alembert technique is also popular. Numerous reviews of professional cappers speak of its high performance. Its essence is that, as in the case of the catch-up, you need to constantly bet. But only these should be events with the same coefficient. The bet size does not change. It is quite easy to do this. There are at least 5-10 events with the same odds in the line of any bookmaker.

Well, the last strategy that we will talk about is a fork. It is the only way to guarantee a profit. What is it? A fork is a set of bets on one event in various bookmakers, which guarantees a win in any outcome.

The only disadvantage of this strategy is the low profit (from 0.1 to 5%). In addition, the development software and technology already practically does not allow a large discrepancy between the odds of different offices. But despite this, some bookmakers still make mistakes. Players just have to find them. The simplest fork includes at least a couple of events. For example: 1-2, 1X-2, X-12, 1-X2. In more complex surebets, there are three non-overlapping outcomes. For example: P1-X-P2, P1-X-F2(-1), F1(-1)-X-P2, F1(-1)-X-F2(-1).


Now you know that making money in bookmakers is possible. To do this, the gambler needs to take this activity seriously, without self-confidence. When planning a bet, you need to be aware of all the news about the selected event. Never ignore statistics. It allows you to evaluate the data of all participants in the event and take the most the right decision. Follow the advice given in the article, and winnings at bookmakers will become a habit for you. Good luck!

Many people believe that it is impossible to beat the bookmaker. After all, if everyone can make money on bets, then why didn’t bookmakers go bankrupt and are still working? And why are about 90% of players in the red?

In fact, everything is simple. You can earn money on bets at a bookmaker, but desire alone is not enough for this. To begin with, the player will have to acquire a significant amount of knowledge, as well as show discipline, diligence and resourcefulness. That's when there will be profit. The problem is that most players do not understand a simple truth: before you do something, you need to learn how to do it, and only then act. Therefore, to the question: “Is it possible to beat a bookmaker’s office?” The answer is quite obvious - "Yes". And in this article we will show you how to do it.

Components of success

Professional betting is based on three pillars: full accounting, competent analysis and operational management. Failure to comply with at least one of them will greatly reduce your chances of consistently winning on bets. If you already have experience in this area, then you probably know the most common game scheme: today you won 200 rubles, but tomorrow you lost 300 ... Often, players who do not know how to beat a bookmaker simply throw sports bets without even understanding in a situation. The reason is banal: they violate one, and more often all three fundamental ones. It is necessary to understand that compliance with each of the factors has great importance because they are all interconnected.

Factor operational management maintains the state and controls the distribution of your Money. The success of the bets depends on how competent the analysis is. Well, full accounting is a summing criterion summing up the work of the first two and the whole game as a whole. Are there ways to beat the bookmaker? Of course yes. Just don't break the three rules above.

Start-up capital

Get start-up capital. It is a specific amount of money intended exclusively for betting at a bookmaker's office. Treat your capital as long term investment on which dividends will be accrued in the form of winnings. The game bank can only be used for its intended purpose. squandering start-up capital- obviously not The best way how to beat a bookmaker. Betting strategies can be found below. Also, be prepared to take risks.

Choice of financial strategy

Every successful bettor who knows how to beat the bookmaker has a certain strategy. But there is general criteria which should be adhered to.

1. There should be no excessive aggression in the strategy. That is, do not increase the bet if you lose. It is best to make its size fixed or set a certain percentage of the bank.

2. The strategy must contain an element of analysis, when the percentage of the probable win is determined when calculating the size of the bet.

3. Do not use catch-up and other unsupported strategies. They are designed for beginners and lazy people who do not have the desire to engage in analysis.

Be guided by these principles when choosing your own financial strategy. You can use several if you wish. Only in this case, do not forget to have a separate starting capital for each strategy.

Formula for success

What does the formula for success look like, thanks to which you will learn how to beat the bookmaker? It is quite simple: Analytics + Statistics + Intuition = Forecast.

Event analysis is the most important factor. It directly affects the accuracy of the forecast. When analyzing a game event, you need to consider all possible factors that can affect the outcome.

Statistics are used not only by players, but also by bookmakers when setting odds for events. Analysis of statistics will help to better assess the actual alignment of forces of players and teams. You don't need to go deep into it. The most valuable statistics are the last 3-4 games.

All professional bettors have excellent intuition. They can skim the line and immediately predict the outcome of an event. Listen to your inner voice. But just listen, and do not blindly obey.

Keep records

When investing your money, you always need to plan the amount of investments and calculate the amount of profit. The sports betting industry is no exception. Always keep track of your bets. Firstly, it will allow an objective assessment of the current situation. Secondly, you will be able to learn from your own mistakes. Don't be like a crowd of players who constantly make typical mistakes and still do not know how to beat the bookmaker. The betting strategies have been given above.

Improve yourself

Improve your level of knowledge daily. And, of course, improve your game strategy. Knowledge is never enough! Develop intuition, analytics and other qualities that are characteristic of a successful bettor. The strength of any professional lies in his knowledge, which can be effectively applied in practice. Become a betting expert and then you won't have to think about how to beat the bookmaker. Good luck!

  • 5. Bookmaker Leon
    • Benefits of this bookmaker
    • Method 1 - Your individual forecasts
    • Method 2 - Buying predictable results
    • Method 3 - Search for surebets
    • Method 4 - Bet on the underdog
  • 12. Conclusion

IN last years Almost everyone has started using the Internet. And in this regard, work on the Internet has become very hot topic. After all, it is very convenient for every person to be able to earn money without leaving home.

IN this material You can learn a lot of useful and new information about the concept of "bookmaker's office" (BC), and how to quickly get the necessary amount of money with its help. Read below about how to make money at a bookmaker, types of earning strategies, and we will analyze the main points and nuances.

What job to choose?

1. Earnings at the bookmaker

First of all, you need to remember that it is quite difficult to make money on bookmakers, and you first need to know the principles of the offices, and only then bet on various sporting events.

However, it will be extremely difficult for a beginner to make money on the Internet in this way.

The principle of operation of the Bookmaker's office is generally quite simple. The office offers its customers to bet on various sporting events with different odds. Odds can vary significantly depending on the event. The more likely the predicted outcome, the lower the coefficient will be. The coefficients also change depending on from the number of bets placed for certain events, this is done so that the bookmaker receives his profit in any outcome. The main thing is that this is not a scam or a scam.

The player who correctly indicates the outcome of this event will receive his winnings, but it is important to know that bookmakers never remain in the red. It is most profitable to bet money on sporting events in which you understand, because there you have a significantly higher chance of making money. (We recommend reading -)

The difference between the totalizator and the bookmaker

2. How to make money on sweepstakes

The totalizator is a card with various sporting events that the bookmaker selects (on average there are 14 of them). In order to bet on the totalizator, the player must mark the outcome of all events in his opinion in special fields and then bet the amount he needs.

The main factor is that the odds are not taken into account on the totalizator. All bets made by players form the prize fund (pool). Then, after all sports events from this card have passed, there will be a calculation and payment cash prizes those players who correctly predicted the required number of outcomes from the betting slip. Prize fund divided as a percentage between the players, guessing from 11 to 14 sporting events in this ticket.

Do not forget that there are a lot of bookmakers and by and large they all work the same way. The differences are only the design of the sites, as well as the number of sporting events held. The difference in the coefficients of different bookmakers is insignificant. Before you start making money in this area, you must carefully read the rules of bookmakers, as well as choose the bookmaker you need or convenient for you.

Let's consider, in as much detail as possible, how you can earn, namely, at bookmakers.

Any bookmaker works according to the following principle: everyone can bet on a specific team, which, in his opinion, should win. Here you can place bets on any kind of sport, including championships. The bet itself can be placed on the final result of all competitions or on the intermediate result at the end of one game or half. Bets can be placed at the beginning of the game or in its middle.

Such earnings can be attributed to gambling, no one has any doubts about this. When bets are made, adrenaline is produced in the player's blood, he is overwhelmed with sharp emotions. This is especially true when the person making bets is not just a player, but a real fan of a particular team.

Making money at the bookmaker - control your emotions

Making the prediction of victory concrete sports team, you have a great opportunity to make money at the bookmaker's office and get a win.

You can bet on absolutely any sport: basketball, football, swimming, boxing, etc.. A huge advantage of such a "work" is making money on vacation with friends. you can watch Soccer game with their best friends and have a good time, while receiving income from bookmakers. Agree, everyone dreams of such a job.

During Olympic Games There are also a great opportunity earn a large sum money. In summer you can bet on football, volleyball, tennis and baseball matches. In winter, you can bet on winter sports. You can also choose a winner, finalist or a specific place in the ranking and place a bet.

Today, there are a lot of ways to make money available to every Internet user, but the most convenient of them is making money on betting shops online. But not every Internet user knows how to do this.

If your goal is to regularly receive income in bookmakers, you need to always know the latest sports news. To do this, you must constantly be interested in and read the news in online sports news publications, as well as watch the news. In addition, each novice player must have the initial capital, which is necessary to open an account.

The future fate of the deposit on the bookmaker depends on your patience, fortune and ability to analyze and predict events in the world of sports. But first, you need to familiarize yourself with all the points and rules for working with the bookmaker.

3. How to make money quickly at a bookmaker's office?

For some young people, the desire to beat the bookmaker is not just a desire to make money, but the achievement of beating the bookmaker. Many want not just to take their legitimate earnings, but to show that the office can fail.

On this moment There are many special programs with which it is possible to automatically follow the forecasts of competitions. Such programs are very popular among players, as they promise very good winnings even for beginners.

This is what a bookmaker's office looks like from the inside

There are programs that help analyze the lines on the bookmaker and find "arbs", as well as give a guarantee of the most likely sporting events.

With the help of such programs, you can greatly facilitate your task, since sometimes a person cannot do detailed analysis of this or that event and predict the probability of winning in such a short time. It is also necessary to understand that just downloading such a program is not enough, in addition, you must study in detail the features this market, as well as methods and methods of work at such offices.

Programs are an excellent assistant in achieving the desired result at large bookmakers. But you should understand that this is not enough. You will be able to accurately predict the victory of one or another team when you have the necessary knowledge base and enough experience in this field.

4. Which bookmaker is better to choose?

The next step on the road to victory will be right choice bookmaker's office. It is best to choose among those offices that have been on the market for more than one year and have a wide customer base, as well as a certain authority among the players. These offices include bwin, sportingbet and betfair.

In order to choose a good bookmaker, you should seek advice on thematic forums, where experienced players will be able to advise you and choose a good bookmaker.

After choosing and registering at the bookmaker, you will be offered various bonuses that you can use.

Most often, offices offer a certain amount of funds, which is equal to the first installment. In addition, regular customers can enjoy special promotions and discounts.

And now let's give examples of specific bookmakers.

5. Bookmaker Leon

Bookmaker Leon is very accessible in the bookmaker application, which contains a "user-friendly" interface. This bookmaker is great for beginners.

The main disadvantages of this office are

Benefits of this bookmaker

  • Payments are made regularly minimum amount payout is $5;
  • A large number of good reviews about this office;
  • There is an opportunity to play poker;
  • A large number of options for depositing money.

6. Bookmaker "League of Champions"

The Champions League is a good bookmaker that participates in a large number of games. The office began its existence in 2010 and has been working steadily since then. This office is suitable for both beginners and pros.

Pros of the Champions League

  • The office offers permanent bonuses;
  • High odds;
  • A large number of games;
  • "User-friendly" interface;
  • A large number of options for depositing funds.

7. What is better to bet on at a bookmaker?

There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to make money in this area. And a large number of authors of such articles assure their readers that beginners in this business lose because they bet on their favorite teams. They also talk about what a player can win if he bets against the winner that most players predict. To double your chances of winning, you need to study the history of winnings. If you want to save your personal time, there is an opportunity to use special programs for this, which will help you figure out who to bet on.

Bets that are made impulsively without analytical arguments rarely allow players to win. Every day the number of those who really understand this business is increasing.

To get a regular income from bookmakers, you need to be able to correctly predict wins in games where there is a small risk of losing, as well as pay attention to real statistics and facts in the world of sports, and not be guided by an impulse that will definitely not lead to anything good.

In the office, the main person is the quoter, the specialist who sets the coefficients. He uses his theories, calculates everything to the smallest detail, and also analyzes how any factor can affect the results of the game. The quoter must be a specialist who knows the history and statistics of all sports.

8. What strategies of earning at the bookmaker can be used?

The study of statistics is far from everything. by the most an important factor, which affects the player's victory, is considered to be the possession of basic strategies for playing in offices.

There are several main types of strategies:

  • fork,
  • fixed profit,
  • bank interest,
  • "flat"
  • and many others.

In order to achieve real success, you should study all the strategies, and then choose the one that you think is suitable for yourself and place bets according to it. If you manage to develop your individual exclusive strategy, success is guaranteed to you.

9. What methods of earning are there in bookmakers?

Method 1- Your individual predictions

If you choose this method to earn money, you must use your own knowledge in this or that sport. For example, you watched the Champions League matches, when analyzing them, you need to highlight the following important points:

  • Team composition;
  • Did the players have cards;
  • Were there injuries and players;
  • Transfers;
  • Composition of trainers, etc.

If you manage the acquired knowledge correctly, you will be able to make your own forecasts and make a profit.

Benefits of earning on your own forecasts

  • You do not need to spend money from your wallet to purchase predictable game results,
  • You can choose and bet exactly the amount of money you see fit;
  • This is rightfully considered the most reliable way to make a profit on bets.

Method 2- Purchase of predicted results

At the moment, many people make a good profit from the fact that they themselves sell predicted results. There are even individual groups people involved in game analysis, as a result of which they make up the maximum accurate forecasts and sell them.

Finding such groups of people is not difficult. Today it is very convenient to search for them using social media, where special groups are created that sell forecasts. There are also dedicated websites.

Using search engines, you can find thematic forums where forecasts are provided absolutely free of charge.

Disadvantages of earning on the acquisition of results for money

  • You spend money buying this or that forecast. In order not to remain in the red, you need to bet such an amount of money to return the money you paid, and also keep something for yourself.
  • On the Internet, you can stumble upon a large number of scammers who sell "100%" forecasts. Therefore, it is best for a beginner not to use this method or use it already through proven channels.

Method 3- Search for surebets

Fork in the totalizator, as in chess, involves betting on several teams or players at the same time in the same game in different offices.

The essence of this method is to search for the same match in different offices and with different coefficients. Thus, in one office you can bet on the victory of one team, in another office you can bet on its defeat, and in the third office you can bet on the result of a draw. In this case, in any case, players earn - they receive income from bookmakers more than they spent.

But there is one nuance that you need to pay attention to - it is almost impossible to find a profitable fork on your own.

For this, special scripts are used that search for such surebets. Some players think that this method is guaranteed to lead you to victory, but is it really true?

The main disadvantages of making money on surebets

  • You will have to pay a considerable amount for the script, in addition, the player must be able to handle it. If you do not know how to use the script, you will also have to pay a programmer who will do it for you.
  • In order to make money on surebets, you need to be the owner of a solid capital in several bookmakers.

Method 4- Bet on an outsider

This way is that you find bets that overestimate bookmakers.

For example, a bet in football with Total (1.5), which means whether more than 1.5 goals will be scored during the match or not. There is a bet in hockey: will the puck be scored during the game from the first to the seventh minute, etc. If you notice that a particular team is winning, then you can safely place a bet.

This method is most suitable for use with Live bets, which are made directly during the match itself.

Methods of earning in bookmakers

10. How to succeed as a beginner and earn income from bookmakers - basic rules

In order to achieve success as a beginner, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. First you need to study the theory, after which you can already begin to practice, as in any other business;
  2. You need to keep track of all the news in the world of sports;
  3. Participate in thematic forums that have sections about the sport you need;
  4. Create your account and constantly communicate with those who understand this topic, receive new information;
  5. Every day to read sports online publications.

11. Other ways to make money online

Almost everyone who at least once made a bet in a bookmaker's office via the Internet and successfully received a win thought about other ways to make money online. Indeed, if you decide to leave the betting market for a while, but dream of earning money by working in free time, then be sure to try other ways to make money on the Internet.

In general, there are many ways to make money on the Internet, such as buying and selling goods, completing tasks on order, and providing various services. We advise you to download free book specialist Andrey Merkulov about the main ways to make money on the Internet from scratch.

Many bettors believe that only a few can honestly beat the bookmaker, relying on their own deep knowledge, unsurpassed intuition and analytical skills. Others either regularly drain the bank, or look for all sorts of loopholes with which you can outwit the office and get the desired profit. We will analyze the main ways of how to deceive a bookmaker based on the reviews and stories of bettors in this article.

Fast passage

"Winning" Strategies

There is a lot of information circulating on the Internet regarding win-win strategies sports betting. Some of them are outright nonsense, others have a right to exist.

Often, scammers offer to purchase a 100% winning system at a bookmaker for a small amount, and after transferring money to their account, they either disappear or send a dubious scheme, which is a slightly modified version of some well-known strategy.

Naturally, using this method, you will only be able to deceive yourself and lose money twice: first with a stupid purchase from a scammer, and then at a bookmaker’s office using the system sent without additional information and knowledge. We recommend that you do not contact those who zealously prove that buying seller data will pay off 10 times in a week, and the winnings will follow one after another.


This option can also be conditionally called a strategy, but unlike the first method, you can run into blocking and sanctions from the office for using it. It is necessary to look into the terms of the agreement with the bookmaker more often, or at least get acquainted with the basic rules for accepting bets and paying out winnings.

The essence of the method is in the game on the difference in the coefficients of several bookmakers, at least two. The arber opens several accounts and bets on opposite events. Thus, regardless of the outcome, the player will win. It is a fact that bookmakers have a negative attitude towards arbers and quickly track them down, since from the side of betting it is a scam. The office has the authority to cancel such a bet and even block the account. It takes a bookmaker several days to identify a dishonest player, so there is no reason to seriously count on profit in this way.

Playing on the mistakes of the office

There is a whole class of players who are looking for errors in the bookmaker's line. This may be an untimely update, betting on events that have already occurred (playing ahead of the curve), using a faster provider, errors in the line.

All these shortcomings are not so rare, especially for new bookmakers, however, disputed cases are clearly defined in the rules of each bookmaker, so the office can safely cancel such a bet and not pay out money on winnings.

Fixed games

In the vastness of the worldwide web, there are a great many offers for the sale of match-fixing data. False informants offer "information from the first sources" and guarantee their veracity. The requested amount varies from a few hundred to tens of thousands of rubles. All these people, without exception, are scammers.

We do not deny the presence of match-fixing in modern sports, which is only worth the recent scandal in one of the highest football leagues Italy. Real doggers are people close to the sport (coaches, referees, athletes, etc.) and will never leak information, and even more so, they will not trade it on the Internet for a penny.

How more people becomes aware of the agreement, the greater the likelihood of disclosure of fraud and punishment of the perpetrators. Why do betters believe imaginary doggers and allow themselves to be deceived? The point is the scheme used by scammers.

Pseudo-doggers post information about a “fixed” match on all available networks and promise 99% passability. They recruit as many people as possible who want to earn money and even guarantee a return of money in case of 1% failure. Let's say they manage to recruit 1,000 people. For information about the outcome of the match, they ask for 2,000 rubles. The total amount transferred to the scammers will be:

2000 * 1000 = 2000000 rubles.

The next step is to split the group of bettors in half, 500 people each, and choose an event with two possible outcomes. For example, total goals in football. Most often they find the match expected by the fans between the teams of the main major leagues or European cups.


In the Champions League semi-finals of the 2016-2017 season, the Italian Juventus and the French Monaco meet. It is for this match that the scammers promise a forecast. Half of the bettors who paid for information about the outcome of the match will receive information that the total game total will be less than 2.5, the other half will be advised to bet more on the total.

As a result, the match ended with a score of 2:1 and the group of 500 people who received the first prediction lost 500 people, a million will have to be returned. However, the second half of the clients of false dogs will win (the scammers will make 1,000,000 rubles), believe in the veracity of the information received, buy the forecast again and share the information in the reviews. The group will be typed again and will again be divided by 2, and the forecast will be made according to the same scheme.

When participating in such a scam, it is better to lose right away, because, having won twice, the player will finally believe in the existence of a dogger and the third time he can risk a serious amount, not suspecting that his fate is in the hands of scammers, and the chance to win is not so big. Moreover, the losers are not always given money, but they simply do not respond to letters anymore (it is unlikely that buyers will have more contacts than just an email address).

Account promotion

In the betting world, there is a certain caste of players - cappers, who are well versed in sports and often make correct rates(they are consistently in the black), however, their offices are “liked” even less than arbers. Constant winnings strain the bookmakers, and they reserve the right to block the accounts of the lucky ones.

Cappers, anticipating this scenario, offer less fortunate players to bet on their advice on their behalf for a small fee. Such actions are illegal, they are prohibited in any BC. Sooner or later, the scam will be revealed, and your account will be blocked without the right to restore and withdraw funds in the future.

To date, there is not a single way to deceive a bookmaker with impunity. For the use of each of them, the player will face unpleasant consequences: from canceling the bet and temporarily blocking the account to blacklisting and losing all the money in the account. Therefore, it is better to play honestly right from the first day, use statistics, analyze each outcome and fully devote yourself to the cause, than to spend a lot of time on countless attempts to snatch a tidbit by fraudulent means, which, in the end, are doomed to failure.