How to eat so as not to gain excess weight. Let's figure out what causes excess weight gain

Wanting to throw off excess weight, we rush to the most extreme measures, sometimes forgetting about health and basic safety measures for the psyche. And this is not a joke, because strict diets that are based on reducing food intake often end a complete failure in the form of gluttony, and this always has a negative impact on self-esteem.

Therefore, the first thing you will need time and attention for is consulting a doctor. Be sure to go to the doctor, do tests, clarify all the nuances of your health. A qualified specialist will tell you how to adjust your diet, what you can lean on, and what you should exclude.

The important thing to note is that you need to get involved and take responsibility for your nutrition. You yourself should understand that you should not skip breakfast if you have diabetes, you should not eat fruit on a full stomach, or you should not drink black coffee on an empty stomach if you have gastritis.

Take note of the basic rules of healthy eating:

  1. Your diet should be a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. There are no vitamins in sausage and white bread with a cup of instant coffee. But there are plenty of them in apples and coarse porridge with milk.
  2. Your meals should be regular. This is especially true for people who are overweight. Of course, a person will not get sick from missing lunch, but in any article on how to develop a diet for yourself, you will find instructions that you need to eat small and often.
  3. More natural products. The more natural your diet, the less susceptible you are to disease. All packaged and canned foods will contain E-additives. Buy domestic fruits and vegetables, eat according to the season, try to choose minimally processed foods, cook and grow them yourself. For reference, a couple of generations ago no one brushed their teeth, but no one knew about caries, but now every third child suffers from bleeding gums.

Thus, you do not need to look for new miracle weight loss formulas, expensive drugs or pharmacy complexes. Of course, follow the doctor’s recommendations, but now rearrange your diet so that it is as healthy and healthy as possible and then there will be no problems with excess weight or health. Correct what you have acquired and just stop creating new problems. This is important, especially when we're talking about about the health of mother and child. Each time, new generations will be at greater risk of a wide range of diseases, and all because the diet consists mainly of chemicals.

Continuation of the article about proper nutrition or how not to gain excess weight. Numbers, proportions and additions.

This is probably a familiar situation for many: with the arrival of spring, we see how nature comes to life and everything is renewed. We are impressed by how people are starting to shed their winter clothes and switch to light ones. We begin to remember and think about our figure.

Somewhere we allow ourselves to eat too much with food, relax and eat sweets, and eat in front of the TV when you can, without noticing you eat more than you needed. Sound familiar?! Yes, I’m generally silent about “extreme” trips to the refrigerator before bed, or even “better” at night.

I've had enough of this distance. Fridge, you're moving into my room.

To be honest, many people do this, but summer season I want to become slimmer and more toned. Some people immediately rush to buy a subscription to Gym, not realizing that exercise should be a good addition to a proper diet. Until you become in the right way eating and exercising will not bring the desired results.

Many people are starting to try all kinds of diets: from the Kremlin diet to the Malysheva and Borodina diets. They starve for days, torturing their body and, as a result, disappointment and disbelief in diets and themselves. But there is a simple way out - eat right and not gain excess weight, and even lose overweight. Hence the conclusion: we start with the right image nutrition. All this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. I repeat that proper nutrition- this is not a diet, but a diagram of how to eat in order to lead healthy image life and not gain excess weight. This scheme is suitable for any person.

How to avoid gaining excess weight, I’ll repeat it somewhere, but it’s important:

Very often girls don’t eat all day, endure it until the evening, and in the evening they boast to their friend that they haven’t eaten all day. Then eat some yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese and all this goes into fat.

In order not to gain excess weight, you need to eat no later than every 4 hours. Why is that? Surely you know that our body has its own rhythms. This is no exception when it comes to nutrition. When we have eaten, for the first 2 hours after eating, our body works on the energy that is released from food.

For the next 2 hours, the body uses the energy it took from burning fat deposits in our body. Simply put, the body burns excess fat. What happens when we take a long gap between meals: as mentioned in the previous article, the body goes into energy storage mode. Imagine that our body, when it doesn’t receive food for about 4 hours, works on the principle “what if tomorrow they won’t let you eat.”

Therefore, with the next meal, he begins to store any food in the form of fat deposits. This is how nature provided during evolution so that we would have some reserve of energy when regular food is not available, and we could survive until we find food for ourselves. Therefore, regardless of whether we have eaten a lot or little, we need to eat something (preferably light and healthy) no later than within 4 hours.

What is the size of one serving for one meal?

Some authors and nutritionists offer roughly similar recommendations in grams, but I think the servings they suggest are overpriced. Do you really want to eat half a kilo of food at a time? I'm definitely not. Even with my own weight of 75 kg, I eat a portion of no more than 350-400 grams at one time. It's better to eat more often, but less. At the same time, the stomach does not stretch, and digestion is easier, there is no heaviness in the stomach.

On average, one serving for men is 350-400 g, if a smaller person weighs, then 300 g. For women, respectively, 250-300g. and 200 gr.

How many proportions of elements are needed for one serving of our food?

Proteins: 50% of serving. Of this: 10% is vegetable protein and 90% is animal protein. Why is that? Plant proteins do not contain all the amino acids needed by our body. They are found in animal proteins. The main thing: protein is the only nutrient that is building material For .

Healthy sources of protein: chicken, turkey, eggs, lean meat, low-fat fish, low-fat cottage cheese.

We exclude (almost): Fatty types of meat - beef and pork, fatty cottage cheese (over 5% fat content), fatty types of fish.

Carbohydrates should make up 35% of the food we consume. Previously, this norm was 50–60%. I suggest consuming less, and I’ll explain why later.

Carbohydrates provide energy to our muscles, provide energy to the liver and our brain.

Best sources of carbohydrates:

  • porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, brown (brown) rice;
  • fruits: bananas, apples, pears;
  • bran bread

Use less in your diet:

  • sweets: sugar, confectionery;
  • flour: pasta, pastries and buns, bread.

Fats should make up at least 15% of food consumed. They cannot be excluded as they are a very important element of our diet. Fats are involved in many life processes in our body.

Their best sources: nuts, egg yolk, fish oil, rapeseed oil, flaxseed oil.

It is best to exclude: sour cream, mayonnaise, sunflower oil, everything fried.

About vitamins and water how important it is, how and what read in this . I'll just add something here:

Water consumption per day:

Water norm: girls – 1.5 liters per day;

Men – 2 – 3 liters per day.

For people involved in sports, water consumption standards will be higher.

The most interesting thing is that by consuming enough water, namely water and not another liquid, you reduce your cravings for sweets. Therefore, you can reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet and lose weight!? Our brain uses water along with carbohydrates as a source of energy. Great, isn't it! Scientists have proven this.

What you should not abuse: all types of tea, coffee, any types of carbonated drinks. Because they remove water from our body. And, of course, alcohol. It deprives our body of water most of all, thereby depriving it of energy.

These are the most important elements in a proper nutrition plan if you want to be in good shape, not gain excess weight and lose extra pounds.

And more about how not to gain excess weight: You need to drink water 15 minutes before. before meals or no earlier than half an hour after eating. Otherwise, the assimilation process will be disrupted, which leads to known consequences.
A COOL POEM AT LAST I'm an idiot, I'm an idiot
Well, why am I such a fool?
Here I sit, smiling meekly.
And I lower my head gloomily.
I remembered - five calories,
well, ten calories at most,
otherwise the man will drive away
or even hang it on a hook...
...I recently looked at a dream,
I flew in it, a juicy carcass
where they fly out of the body
exceptionally fat souls...
Oh, this dream is not good,
oh, I won’t be happy with my diet,
I need – out of grief – to eat jam
and eat the jam with candy.
Punishment will be swift -
I can't fit into jeans or a dress.
The husband will look with silent reproach
on my scale in bed.
They'll drive me out of the elite,
the ballerina will laugh at me.
The horses will break under me,
heels and Manchurian hummocks.
I'm an idiot, I'm an idiot
Well, why am I such a fool?
I still stand smiling meekly
and, lowering his head gloomily,
I drop a tear on the scales,
taking a bite of chocolate,
why didn't they give birth to me?
But on the other hand... take a closer look -
so I’m kinder and sweeter,
this is a fat kind heart
cries, chirps and melts more often.
And my man is not offended at all,
he is drowned and almost lulled to sleep -
he doesn’t disappear from me to Paris,
he won't hang me on a hook.
So much happiness - a song like this
cannot be measured with a scale ruler,
he is on me - the owner of the estate,
General of the General Staff.

No, I won’t be a skinny fool.
No, I won’t be a skinny fool!


Most women worry about weight gain during pregnancy. On the one hand, an increase in the number on the scale indicates the child’s growth, but on the other hand, no one wants to gain excess fat. Weight gain cannot be avoided in pregnant women, but its amount depends on eating behavior expectant mother and understanding the physiology of the entire process.

To understand which kilograms are considered extra, you need to determine which ones are not extra. The child's body weight is small part required additional weight.

Let's look at it in detail:

  • The child weighs 3-3.5 kg;
  • The placenta increases to 650 g;
  • The uterus reaches 1 kg at birth;
  • The breast increases by about 500 g;
  • Blood volume increases by approximately 1.5 kg;
  • Edema accounts for 1.5 kg;
  • Fat reserves that are important for a healthy pregnancy are between 2-4 kg.

Doctors have their own standards for determining acceptable weight gain for women, depending on (calculation for pregnancy with one child):

  • BMI up to 20 - 16-17 kg;
  • 20-25 - 11-15 kg;
  • 25-30 - 7-10 kg;
  • Above 30 - 6-7 kg.

Anything that exceeds acceptable standards can be considered unnecessary. Of course, the norm for each individual woman is determined by her attending physician, and the data in this article are averaged. During pregnancy, weight gain is inevitable and important for the health of the mother and the normal development of the baby, but the question arises, how not to gain excess weight?

Gaining excess weight is associated with eating behavior, in other words, attitude towards nutrition. Many women are sure that during pregnancy they should eat “for two”. Pregnant women's needs for calories and nutrients (protein, vitamins and minerals) are higher than those of other women, but this does not mean that you can not deny yourself anything.

“Eating for two”, “Everything that fits into your mouth is healthy”, “I’ll lose weight quickly after pregnancy”, “Now I can”, “I need to pamper myself” - this and much more is self-deception and irresponsibility. Research has confirmed that the mother’s eating behavior and the number of kilograms gained during pregnancy affect the child’s eating behavior and body composition. If a woman has gained too much during pregnancy excess fat, then the child’s chances of facing the problem of excess weight and obesity increase.

The real needs of women in the first trimester are +100 additional calories per day. Next, the calorie content increases and is maintained at the same level:

  • Sedentary lifestyle - +300 additional calories per day;
  • Having regular workouts - +500 extra calories per day.

Extra calories are added to. In the first half of pregnancy, you need to receive at least 90 g of protein, 50-70 g of fat daily, and the rest of the calories should come from carbohydrates. In the second half of pregnancy, protein requirements increase - 90-110 g, fats and carbohydrates remain at the same level (calorizer). In the case of pregnant women, more protein is better than less. Its deficiency leads to delayed fetal development.

As you can see, there is no need to eat double portions and overindulge. You can cover the new standards with two additional ones.

A pregnant woman's body is a carrier of nutrients for the baby, so food choices should not be taken irresponsibly.

The following should be excluded from the diet:

  • Some types of fish (, king) due to the high content of heavy metals;
  • Tobacco (cigarettes and hookah) and avoiding society smoking people(so-called passive smoking);
  • Unpasteurized and, ;
  • Smoked meats and;
  • Caffeine;
  • Raw animal products (rare meat, carpaccio, sushi, etc.).

You should also sharply limit foods with high content( , ) and not give in to the desire to eat harmful things. The total amount of sugar from all food sources should not exceed 40-50 g per day (calorizator). During pregnancy, a woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for the healthy development of the child.

What foods are necessary during pregnancy?

One could write that everything is except forbidden, but this would not be entirely true. Some foods have higher needs because they contain essential nutrients for the formation and development of the fetus, as well as to maintain the health of the mother.

What to include in your diet:

  • - important to include in the daily diet different sources. For example, breakfast, poultry or lunch, poultry or fish dinner, milk proteins for a snack.
  • Foods high in -, and also be in the sun 2-3 times a week for 20-30 minutes. Doctors often prescribe an additional appointment, since it is difficult to cover the daily requirement with simple products.
  • - fatty fish, .

So how to eat right so as not to gain weight?

It is impossible to fully address this issue in one article, since it is necessary to analyze this issue more deeply from the point of view of the foundations of all components of not only the body, as considered modern science, but also from the point of view of natural laws. Let's try to figure it out...

Before talking about proper nutrition, the term health in general should be mentioned.

Definitions of health According to the WHO constitution, “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” This definition was described long before the appearance of WHO in the books of wisdom of the Vedas, and in one of the treatises of the ancient science of health, Ayurveda.

But before moving on to the issue of proper nutrition and health science, I would like to introduce another term: Vegetarianism.

The word "vegetarian" came into use in 1842 by the founders of the "British Vegetarian Society", it comes from the Latin vegetus, which means "strong, healthy, fresh, vigorous", as in the phrase homo vegetus, which means a spiritually and physically developed person. Initially, “vegetarian” meant a harmonious way of life from a philosophical and moral point of view, and not a way of eating.

There is an opinion in modern society that the word "vegetarian" (vegetfrian - vegetable) does not come from the word "vegetables", but from Latin word vegetare, which means "to revive". When the Romans used the phrase homo vegetus, they meant a strong, active and healthy personality as mentioned above: however, today vegetarians are thought of only as people who eat plant foods.

A spiritually and physically developed person is considered precisely by the health science of Ayurveda and not by a combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as modern science does.

Ayurveda views the body as an integral system with the laws of nature. Ayurveda was revealed to people by ancient Indian enlightened sages - rishis. These great seers, who established a connection with the spiritual world without losing touch with the physical world, were able to penetrate with thought into the very foundations of the universe and comprehend the place of man in the world. The Rishis were great scholars. Thanks to them, disciplines such as surgery, the therapeutic use of plants, minerals and metals, Physical Culture, human physiology, his anatomy and psychology, have taken a giant step forward in their development. In the field of surgery they have even mastered such complex operations, How C-section(which the West learned to successfully carry out only a little over a hundred years ago). This knowledge has been passed on from teacher to student for centuries. Ayurveda had a significant influence on the medicine of Tibet, China, Persia, Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and Indonesia.

We told you that Ayurveda considers the body with the laws of the universe. Let's talk about this in more detail.

So full picture person:

Physical body

Compound- 5 elements: earth, water, fire, air, ether

Needs: Nutrition, Sleep, Sex, Defense.

Subtle material psychic body

Substructures: mind (primary information processing), reason (subtle analysis and planning), false ego (self-identification).

Needs: information, emotions, beliefs, creativity, subtle forms of pleasure.

Soul-consciousness (Jiva)

(source of consciousness and life)

Vedic definition of soul:

"The soul is an eternal antimaterial conscious particle of God, qualitatively one with Him, but quantitatively inferior to Him (like the sun and a ray), partially independent and therefore capable of living either in a liberated state in spiritual world, or in an enslaved state in various bodies of the material world. It has no material parameters and is externally manifested through individual consciousness".

Needs: eternity, knowledge, happiness.

These needs constantly come up against limited opportunities physical body, which creates an insoluble conflict between the needs of the soul and the capabilities of the body.

The question arises: what keeps the eternal soul with its high demands in a limited temporary body? The Vedas answer: force of fate. Fate is not an abstract blind force, but a function of a certain personality, which is located next to the individual consciousness-soul in the region of the heart. This personality is called Paramatma(Supreme soul or Superconsciousness).


Signs of presence in the body: intuition, instinct, voice of conscience, revelations,

gift of foresight.

Functions: the force of fate that holds the soul in the body; control of the most complex

physiological processes in the body (digestion, metabolism, etc.); control of perception processes that deal with the instantaneous restructuring of combinations of millions of neurons in the brain; keeping the “bookkeeping” of our destiny and helping us in our wanderings from body to body.

Schematically it looks like this:

And our task is to ensure that the food that comes to us is more High Quality. In Sanskrit the quality of food is called gunas. Guna - eco quality of food or another definition of guna is the rope that binds us. From here we can conclude that the food we eat gives us the quality of life.

Water and food are the most important factors influence on consciousness, because we have to deal with them every day. Only certain foods are meant for human consumption. The energy of the food with which it is filled becomes part of us and shapes our consciousness, and with it our future.

The purity of food consists of several factors:

  • the quality of the products themselves,
  • the consciousness and mood of the cook who prepares it,
  • consciousness and mood of the one who distributes it,
  • consciousness and mood of the one who eats it,
  • time and place of eating,
  • was the money she used honestly earned?

There are 3 qualities of material nature; they can be divided into 3 components:

2. Passion.
3. Ignorance.

To the blessed and clean products include products of vegetarian origin - cereals, fruits, vegetables, nuts, honey, butter, dairy products. Food in goodness improves health, increases life expectancy, it is fresh, clean, warm, oily, it is not associated with violence against other living beings, that is, everything is natural and natural.

Food in passion has strong tastes, it is very sour, bitter, salty, dry, hot. It gives a person unpleasant sharp sensations, then brings illness and suffering. It immediately hits the senses when we eat it, and then gradually turns into a disease.

Products associated with violence and murder, such as meat, fish, eggs, as well as decomposed and spoiled foods, are classified as ignorant. They greatly influence the state of consciousness, dulling in a person the qualities of compassion, truthfulness, the ability to sacrifice, peace, satisfaction, a sense of justice, and the desire for spirituality.

Food cannot be called blissful if the cook preparing it was in a state of severe irritation, anger, envy and other strong negative emotions. The same applies to the one who distributes food and the one who eats it. If a person eats under the influence of destructive emotions, then his condition will only intensify, because food gives additional energy to our current state and only strengthens it. It is very important that a person eats in a calm place, in a calm environment, peaceful, without haste, surrounded by friendly people.

The term “pure liquids” means: pure spring water, herbal teas, natural juices, milk, fermented milk products. Black and green tea, mate, coffee are not pure liquids due to the content of caffeine and theobramine - substances similar in their action to toxic ones. Also, fermented liquids (beer, wine, alcohol) are not pure. Even water that has passed through the labyrinth of city pipes is polluted and deprived of its pure qualities.

Take clean food, which makes it possible to prolong life, reduce or even prevent diseases, and of course normalize weight.

Sincerely, your personal trainer and nutritionist Andrey Agafonov.

The eternal dilemma of how to lose weight has captured the minds, but when the goal is achieved, an equally difficult question arises: “How to eat properly so as not to gain excess weight again?”

Although...if a person has found a worthy motivation, as well as physical activity If you like it, have changed the course of your thoughts and attitude towards food, then there will be no problems with maintaining the achieved result.

Another thing is abuse of your body with the help of hunger strikes and “magic” diets... (I call this “short-term clouding”), i.e. lose weight at all costs, without thinking about the consequences, but in vain...

Always being slim, healthy and energetic is not difficult, but for this you need follow some rules:

1) Don't overeat. The volume of food at one time should not exceed 300-350 g;

2) Drink clean water (within your norm). Per 1 kg of ideal body weight 30 ml;

Ideal weight body is calculated as follows: height 165 cm – 100 = 65 and we multiply this figure by 30 ml, it turns out that at least 1950 ml. clean water a girl with a height of 165 cm should drink a day, even if her weight is, for example, 80 kg;

3) Your daily diet must include vegetables. Not less than 800 gr. It is fiber, which is found in vegetables and whole grain cereals, that helps us cleanse the body and also get rid of constipation;

4) Consumption of fruits is necessary, but only before 16:00, later we eat vegetables and protein products (meat (give preference to turkey, chicken, nutria, rabbit, beef), fish (white varieties, red fish is best consumed in the morning and lunchtime) , cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses);

5) Eliminate the following foods from your diet:

Juices (packaged and freshly squeezed). It is better to eat the whole fruit, receiving all the dietary fiber and fiber, this way you will not provoke a spike in sugar and the excited body will not send the excess to the fat depot;

Carbonated and sweet drinks. Make water with lemon, mint, lime, ice;

Snacks (chips, crackers, popcorn...). So much has been said about the dangers of carcinogens...

Margarine (found in all confectionery and bakery products). Cook yourself, choosing high-quality food for your baked goods. butter(in small quantities) and whole grain flour;

Sausages, frankfurters...(lots of hidden fats, salt, dyes, flavor enhancers...). Replace with home-baked chicken and turkey rolls;

Fatty varieties of cheeses (replace with white varieties: farmer's, Adygei, mozzarella, ricotta-type curd cheeses);

Alcohol (slows down metabolism, blocks the absorption of nutrients, provokes uncontrolled food consumption);

Sugar and sugar-containing products. Replace with fruits, in winter - dried fruits. If you have a choice over industrial sweets, give preference to marshmallows and marshmallows, but in small quantities (1 piece), during the day and only after the main meal and no more than 2 times a week;

Avoid bread made from premium flour. Read the label, in the first place after the word “composition” there should be peeled flour, wallpaper flour, general purpose flour (M - from soft wheat, MK - soft wheat, coarsely ground). Flour of the highest grade is 100% exfoliated; the production of such flour is costly, so it is more expensive, while general-purpose or second-grade flour is not completely exfoliated; accordingly, fiber and vitamins remain, i.e. it is healthier and also cheaper, because... its processing requires less money and energy.

Well, in conclusion, I want to say - enjoy life and your state, both physical and emotional. Do intense exercises, take a contrast shower and don’t skip breakfast. Take a reasonable approach to solving problems, especially when it comes to the most valuable thing - health. Appreciate him!

I sincerely wish you to achieve your goal!

Proper nutrition always includes breakfast. This is where sweets lovers begin to have problems with overeating. If you are not ready to give up desserts at the beginning of the day, then I recommend you Some healthy pancake recipes:

Banana pancakes

Rich in potassium, fiber and protein. To prepare them, you only need two bananas and 4 eggs. Place the ingredients in a blender and blend. It is better to use coconut oil to grease the pan. Bake pancakes as usual. You can serve with the addition of natural yogurt.

Oat pancakes

Prepare 1 tbsp oatmeal, 0.5 l milk, 0.5 l water, 1 egg and 2 tsp sweetener. Cook oatmeal in milk and water, beat with a blender, add sweetener and egg. Stir. Grease the pan with olive oil and bake.

There are times when we do not have time to have dinner on time. But this does not mean that you need to go to bed feeling hungry. Some foods can be eaten even at night. For example, baked apple, almond, chicken fillet, porridge, etc. But consuming more than 200 grams is not recommended. Full list you can see .

Well, in any unclear situation you need to drink water. It happens that a person does not understand whether he wants to eat or drink. To avoid overeating, drink enough water. May she always be by your side, so you will not forget about her.

For those who want to lose a little extra weight, I advise you to pay attention to potato diet. Its author is Dr. Horvath, who proved that losing weight without restrictions is real. The secret is that you need to exclude animal fats and simple carbohydrates from your diet. Why potatoes? It contains potassium, which removes water from the body and table salt, which improves metabolism. Potatoes are rich in vitamins A, C, K, PP and B vitamins.

Eat potatoes baked in the oven or boiled in their jackets. So, you don’t need to add oil to it, which will ensure a calorie content of no more than 70 kcal per 100 grams.

This diet is perfect for lovers of cakes and buns. You will rid yourself of your favorite sweets and stop gaining weight, and you will also be able to improve your pancreas, which was constantly depleted due to the consumption of sweets and baked goods. But you won’t even think about sweets, since the diet calls for replacing them with honey, crackers, fruits and sweeteners.

You need to switch to proper nutrition:
1. Keep your consumption of sweets and starchy foods to a minimum;
2. Drink plenty of water;
3. Green tea;
4. eat a lot of vegetables and fruits;
5. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking;
6. Accordingly, for a good and fit figure, you need to work out in the gym.

In order to keep your body in good shape, you should pay attention to the following:

1. mandatory breakfast within an hour after waking up;
2. every meal should contain proteins;
3. 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day;
4. 4-5 meals;
5. last meal 3-4 hours before bedtime.

By following simple rules, you can have slender body and good health.

More and more often we ask this question... Today, 56% of Russians are overweight. Buns, muffins, sausages and other high-calorie foods have become a completely common meal in our lives. Snacks on the run in various chains fast food promote more kilocalorie consumption daily norm, and this naturally leads to excess weight gain.

...So what to do? Here are some tips to help you:

1. At home there should always be only those products that are beneficial: vegetables, fruits, herbs, grains, legumes, meat, fish, low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, fermented milk), eggs, vegetable fats (nuts, vegetable oils);

2. Get rid of the habit of snacking on the run: nuts, crackers, sweets, buns, cookies, and so on;

3. Products such as chips, carbonated sweet drinks, fast food, smoked meats, sausages, canned food, buns, White bread, processed foods won't do you any good.

4. If you have a sweet tooth, you can prepare a low-calorie dessert yourself (for example, fitness bars or curd marshmallows). If you still decide to buy sweets, then take them with dried fruits - apricots or prunes, they are lower in calories;

5. Buy a few things that will help preserve all the benefits and quality, as well as the low-calorie content of the dishes you prepare: a multicooker (if possible again), a non-stick frying pan, a baking dish for baking in the oven.

6. Prepare what you will have for lunch and dinner for 3-4 days work week. This will help you discipline your diet and not disrupt it during the week, as well as not waste time cooking every day.

7. Be sure to have breakfast! I understand that many people get up early and say that they don’t feel like eating, but if you try not having dinner once, you will immediately feel a beastly appetite the next day when you wake up!

9. If you didn’t have time to have lunch for some reason and go home hungry, ready to “eat an elephant,” just snack on an apple, banana or drinking yogurt on the way and when you have dinner at home, you won’t eat twice as much. Having a snack will reduce your hunger.

But it’s better not to skip lunch, because about 50% of your energy during the day depends on it! Eat right and be healthy!

The topic of losing weight traditionally remains relevant. While dangerous foods are talked about everywhere, little is said about those that you can eat without fear for your figure. Meanwhile, this topic is relevant. After all, having excluded all harmful products, a person may be seriously puzzled by how to form his menu. I want to eat every day, and in a variety of ways. This is required by the body, and doctors recommend it. In addition, the question “what can you eat to avoid gaining weight” is often tormented by people who have just left the diet. You don’t want to “eat up” the pounds you lost with difficulty again. You can find information on this topic in our article. Here we will give answers to the questions “how to get out of a diet without gaining weight?”, “what to eat at work so as not to gain weight?”, “what to eat at night so as not to gain weight?”.

How to consolidate the results of your diet

Very often, maintaining a diet is not so easy. It involves giving up your favorite foods and usual diet. This bears fruit, and excess weight disappears in most cases. But then problems begin. A person wants to return to their usual lifestyle, and this is fraught with the return of kilograms. How to avoid gaining weight after fasting? To do this, we will have to change the culture of eating, and forever. This includes organizing the correct menu, as well as creating a schedule according to which you will eat. Every little thing here is important, as it can trigger weight gain. It will steadily gain in grams, so another fast will be needed very soon. How not to gain weight after a diet? Follow these rules:

  1. Don't deny yourself the foods you love. It is better to eat them, but in strictly limited quantities. This way, your body won't get hungry and crash. That is, you won’t be caught in the refrigerator at night. It’s better to consume everything in moderation, then no unplanned pizza-eating events will happen.
  2. Eat slowly. Anyway, the brain will understand that the body is saturated only at the 20th minute. Everything that is eaten before this time will pass by the neurons and therefore will not be taken into account. But at the same time it will quickly be deposited in folds on the body. To avoid overeating, chew slowly. This will allow you to eat very little at all until the time when the brain registers satiety.
  3. Reduce your consumption of flour. It is not necessary to completely give up bread and pasta, but their volume in the general menu should be minimal. The same can be said about chocolate and natural honey. Everything eaten in moderation will benefit the body.
  4. Don’t overuse fatty acids, but you shouldn’t stop using them completely. We need fats for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and immunity. At the same time, the abuse of fatty foods primarily affects the same systems.
  5. Be sure to have breakfast in the morning. This way, your body will tune in to the fact that there is food, so there is no need to accumulate supplies. At the same time, having had breakfast, you will not have a ravenous appetite at lunchtime or in the evening, and therefore you will not overeat. In the morning you can eat exactly what you like most, without harming your figure. Shift all the goodies to the earliest possible time.
  6. By eating vegetables and fruits, you will also not gain weight after a diet. But here again it is worth recalling the measure. Many fruits contain sugar. If you use them without measure, you can gain extra pounds.
  7. Eat small meals. This will allow you to curb your appetite without eating too much. This way, you can even eat something tasty, but in small quantities, which will not affect your figure.
  8. Drink plenty of water. But at the same time, limit salty foods so that fluid does not linger in the body. Also follow the rules for drinking water: drink it half an hour before meals and an hour after taking it. This way you will not harm the digestion process. Water will promote normal metabolism, which will prevent you from gaining weight again.
  9. Replace unhealthy sweets with healthy ones. This will allow you to enjoy yourself, cheer yourself up and at the same time not gain weight.

What are the best foods to eat in the morning?

How to quit a diet without gaining weight? To do this, start your morning with a healthy breakfast. And it can be considered this way if it consists of products that accelerate metabolism. Thus, food is quickly converted into energy. You have a lot of strength and not a single extra centimeter. Such breakfasts include the following dishes.

Scrambled eggs with mushrooms and salad

This dish is recommended to be consumed in the morning, as it can energize you for a long time. Eggs contain many vitamins, salad helps digest food, and mushrooms can simply be classified as delicious. These ingredients in your morning meal will not make you gain any weight. Prepare scrambled eggs from two eggs, and fry mushrooms and lettuce (spinach) a little in olive oil.

Cottage cheese with fruit

Cottage cheese is very healthy. If you add fruit to it, the vitamin content in the dish will be enormous. But don’t rush to add sugar here, it will just be superfluous.

Porridge with fruit

Many people believe that they can only eat oatmeal for breakfast. In fact, you can eat any porridge. The main thing is that it is not greasy and not too sweet. You can add fruits, berries or yogurt to it.

Diet pancakes

They can be prepared with low-fat kefir and eggs. They need to be baked without oil. To do this, use a non-stick frying pan.

Rice porridge with nuts

You can cook cereals in milk. This way it will turn out delicious. The added nuts will give you a lot of energy, which will last you throughout the working day.

Omelette with vegetables

It is prepared in stages. If mushrooms are included in the dish, they are sent to the frying pan first. Then add chopped tomatoes, onions, bell pepper, zucchini. After all this is well fried, pour the omelette and finely chopped greens into the frying pan.

What should lunch be like?

A proper lunch does not have to consist of first, second and compote. One serving of food is enough. For starters, you can have borscht or soup. Nutritionists recommend cooking the dish in vegetable or meat broth, but not consuming the meat itself.

It is worth noting that the liquid dish satisfies well and is not too high in calories. The best thing for those who take care of their figure.

You can get by with just a “second” dish for lunch. But it must be correct. Choose your piece boiled meat or fish. Any vegetables are suitable as a side dish. But porridge, potatoes or pasta are contraindicated with meat, although they are traditionally consumed by many.

Salads are recommended for lunch. They saturate the body with fiber, which improves the digestion process.

If a woman has eaten too much. What to do to avoid getting better? Since you can’t control yourself, at least try not to drink what you eat, so as not to complicate the digestion process. Also try to maintain an interval until your next meal.

All this information is good for those who have a long lunch break to go home or to a cafe. But not everyone has such conditions. What to eat at work to avoid gaining weight?

Sandwich with fish and herbs

Even though the sandwich consists of bread, it can be healthy and not cause weight gain. Just don’t use white rolls to make it. Whole grain or rye bread is better. Place fish on it, which contains fatty acids that are beneficial for our body. Salmon goes best with this sandwich. But it doesn’t matter if you don’t have it. Other fish will also work. Greens will brighten up your sandwich and give your body the fiber it needs.


It won’t be difficult to prepare a salad and put it in some container to take to work. Salads can be not only vegetable, but also with the addition of boiled meat or cheese.

You can also take some light snacks to work that are also suitable for an afternoon snack. These include:

  • apples;
  • nuts;
  • hummus with vegetables (can be sold ready-made);
  • sauerkraut;
  • dark dark chocolate.

All these products can be consumed at work without taking a long break from the production process.

What to make a light dinner from?

What can you eat in the evening to avoid gaining weight? Worth giving preference light products, which will not settle like a stone in your stomach. You shouldn’t give up dinner completely, as in this case you risk waking up in the middle of the night with hellish hunger. But what should you eat in the evening to avoid gaining weight?

  1. Buckwheat porridge. She happens to be dietary product, as it is very well absorbed and contains many vitamins.
  2. Stewed or boiled vegetables.
  3. Salads (including meat, but without mayonnaise and other fatty sauces).
  4. Boiled lean meat or fish fillet.
  5. Seafood.

You can combine these products. For example, eat buckwheat porridge with vegetables. You can also practice roasting vegetables in the oven. Knowing what to eat for dinner so as not to gain weight, you can safely enjoy healthy food.

What to replace sweets with?

What sweets don't make you feel better? From natural ones that do not contain huge amount sugar and carbohydrates. They should not be useful, but not destructive to the body. What to drink tea with so as not to gain weight? Desirable products include:

  • dried apricots;
  • marshmallows;
  • prunes;
  • figs;
  • marmalade;
  • smoothie.

These sweets are also good to eat on vacation. But if you are concerned about the question of how not to gain weight at sea, then pay attention not only to sweet treats. Also eat vegetables and seafood.

See also video on this topic.