How to prepare an explanatory note sample. How to write an explanatory note about failure to fulfill official duties

No person is immune from accidents, including at work. Violation of labor discipline is punishable unless there is a valid reason.

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How to fill out an explanatory note at work in 2019? Failure to comply with labor discipline threatens the employee with disciplinary measures.

In some cases, violation may result in dismissal. In this case, the employee can influence the management’s decision by citing valid reasons for the violation. How to write an explanatory note at work in 2019?

Basic moments

A situation can happen to any employee when he is late for work, cannot perform his duties properly, or is forced to miss working hours.

From the perspective of labor law, this will be recognized as a violation of labor discipline. But the reasons can be both respectful and disrespectful.

Based on the employee’s explanations, management will decide whether to punish the employee.

The employee must explain the current situation in writing. According to generally accepted rules, an explanatory note is drawn up.

This may be exculpatory or explanatory. The explanatory note is an official document, and it must be drawn up properly.

The main purpose of the note is to explain the reasons for the violation and the possibility of exonerating the employee. But the information needs to be presented correctly.

What it is

There is no concept of “” in the legislation. However, “requiring explanations in writing” is mentioned.

We are talking about situations where an employee committed unlawful actions or the production process was disrupted through his fault.

It is clear that the employee will try to explain the circumstances orally. But such explanations cannot be used in document flow.

Thus, an explanatory note is a document in which the employee sets out in writing the reasons for the violation of labor standards.

That is, it simply states the incident that happened. The employee does not make any statements in the explanatory note. He does not ask to understand the current situation.

This fact distinguishes this note from other official documents, for example, a report or statement. An explanatory note refers to documentation of an informational or reference nature.

Or the employee incorrectly assessed the possible consequences of his actions. The explanatory note displays not only the reasons for the violation, but also the prerequisites that led to the occurrence of the situation.

The circumstances that contributed to the inattention to the details of the work are also indicated. How to write an explanatory note about errors in work?

It is not recommended to shift your responsibility onto your colleagues, however, you should not admit absent guilt.

As an example, an employee made a mistake while working on new equipment. You can, of course, refer to inadequate instructions. But it is better to refer to the lack of proper experience.

For time off

This is absence from work for the entire working day or for more than four consecutive hours during one work shift.

Absenteeism without a valid reason may be grounds for termination of an employment contract. Therefore, the employee is extremely interested in talking in detail about absenteeism.

As a rule, the following are considered respectful:

  • illness of the employee or close relatives, confirmed by a medical certificate;
  • death of a family member;
  • accident;
  • accident;
  • disaster.

In any case, a valid reason is recognized only if there is documentary evidence.

For being late

In some life situations, you may need a sample explanatory note, so it is better to have an idea in advance of how to properly draw up the paper.

If you want to know what mandatory points should be contained in this form of business correspondence, then in this article you will get all the answers to your questions, namely, how to write an explanatory note to work and school.

How to write an explanatory note?

Let's figure out what an explanatory note is. This is a special form of business document that is used when an assessment of the current situation is required from all sides, and for this reason explanations are taken from the participants in the incident.

It is important to understand that explanatory is not the same thing as reporting. The person writing the explanatory note does not make any statements, does not ask the director to sort out some controversial situation, does not draw conclusions, but simply reflects in writing the incident that occurred.

The employee may be required to write an explanatory note in the following cases:

  • Absenteeism.
  • Late for work.
  • Violation of deadlines for completing assigned tasks.
  • Failure to complete the assigned task, etc.

An explanatory note is written using standard rules for business correspondence:

  • All information provided must be reliable.
  • Business style of presenting the situation.
  • Absence of profanity and colloquial language.
  • Brief presentation.
  • Sentences are arranged sequentially, logically, and in chronological order.
  • The explanatory note is written in the first person.
  • At the end of the document, the date of preparation and a personal signature must be placed.

Explanatory note for work. Sample if late

You already know the rules for drawing up an explanatory note, let’s look specifically at how to write an explanatory note for work. A sample document would look like this:

  • The name of the manager (or other person with appropriate official authority) to whom you are writing an explanatory note. It should be written in the upper right corner. For example: “To the director of Severny Bridge LLC, Anatoly Ivanovich Egorkin.”
  • Under the addressee, in the line below, you must indicate your name and position: “from contract specialist Vasily Petrovich Ilchenko.”
  • In the central part of the paper the title of the document is written: “Explanatory”.
  • The main part of the explanatory note contains a description of the specific facts that caused the situation that required explanation. Eg:

    On October 15, 2015, I arrived at work 5 hours late due to the fact that the battery in my house had burst. I called the emergency services and worked to minimize the damage to my property. The emergency service arrived an hour after the call and began work only at 10.00. The work took them 2 hours, so they finished only by 12.00. During the renovation work, I could not leave my apartment, since I live alone. After finishing the work, I immediately went to work and arrived at the office by 13.00. I notified the head of the department about the situation in advance by telephone. I am attaching a document to the explanatory note that records the fact that the heating device broke down, the emergency service was called and the battery was repaired.

  • At the end of the document you should put the date of compilation and sign it personally. Using an example, it looks like this: “10/15/2015 Ilchenko V.P.

Now you know what a sample explanatory note is.

After submitting the document, it will be reviewed by the manager or official authorized to do so. After consideration, the manager puts down a resolution regarding further actions regarding the employee.

If the director has decided to apply disciplinary measures against the employee, then the explanatory note submitted by the employee will be attached to the case as evidence.

Explanatory note to school. Sample in case of omission

If you need to write an explanatory note to school, then it will not have significant differences from the sample given as an example earlier.

The only difference will be in the addressee, and the following persons can act in his capacity:

  • Head teacher.
  • Classroom teacher.
  • Head teacher

At the top of the sheet on the right you should write, for example: “To the head teacher of school No. 15, Yuri Vasilyevich Pimkin.” From whom: “from a student of class 11-“B” Vasechkin Pyotr Gennadievich or “from gr. Vasechkina Yulia Vladimirovna” - in the case when an explanatory note is submitted by one of the student’s parents.

The main part of the explanatory note must contain an explanation of the circumstances that require explanation. We emphasize that if the document is submitted by a parent, then the main part of the paper must contain a corresponding explanation.

I, Nina Mikhailovna Sokolova, mother of 11-B grade student Ivan Petrovich Sokolov, can provide the following explanation regarding absence from classes on 10/10/2015. During the morning preparations, my son had a stomach ache, he felt unwell and told me about it. Having measured the temperature, I noted that it was elevated and therefore called the local doctor. For this reason, I decided to leave him at home and continue treatment according to the doctor's recommendations. A note on my son’s card (photocopy) and a certificate from a medical institution confirming my words are attached.

From this it can be seen that there are no significant differences when writing explanatory notes for work and school. The main thing is to clarify in whose name the document is being drawn up. As a rule, communication between the school and parents in case of minor violations of internal regulations goes through the class teacher. In some cases, the explanatory note may indicate the student, which is a document for controlling access to the educational institution.

This happened. Job. Error. “Write an explanatory note!” – pursed lips, a trained, bossy gaze. Such a requirement is fraught with bad and at the same time legal consequences. They can be minimized if you know what the document threatens, how and what to write about, and what to do. It’s good to have before your eyes a sample explanatory note about an error in your work. This article will talk about these things.

An explanatory note is drawn up by an employee when claims are made about non-fulfillment or improper performance of duties. It sets out the reasons for the current situation. On its basis, management determines whether the employee is guilty or not, and to what extent. Ultimately, the proceedings decide the issue of punishment. There are three options:

  • termination of claims;
  • forgiveness of the employee or verbal warning;
  • disciplinary action.

Let's consider the last case.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 192) allows disciplinary sanctions in the form of:

  • comments,
  • reprimand
  • dismissals.

The employer does not have the right to use other punishments (including “fines”). At the same time, he can specify in the company’s internal documents the impact of these sanctions on bonuses.

Information about comments and reprimands is not included in the work book.

The employer has the right to dismiss an employee (Clause 5 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) if he fails to fulfill his job duties without good reason, if he already has an unresolved disciplinary sanction for the same reason. The latter is valid for 1 year.

A disciplinary sanction can be applied no later than 1 month from the date of discovery of the offense and 6 months from the date of its commission. For facts discovered during an audit, audit or financial inspection, this period is extended to 2 years.

An explanatory note is an integral part of the procedure, which can have far-reaching and unpleasant consequences for the employee. They can be reduced if you prepare the document correctly.

To write or not to write

Is it possible to refuse to the authorities and not write an explanatory note? Yes, you can. The employee has this right. The administration's actions to force this are considered illegal.

On the other hand, the absence of a written explanation will not help the employee avoid disciplinary liability (Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employer will issue a certificate of refusal. The defendant's signature is not required. The foreclosure procedure will go further.

The provided explanatory note will document the employee’s valid reasons for the incident. She will not allow the administration to interpret his actions at its own discretion. The employee will better understand the vulnerabilities of his position.

The process has begun

The employer can request an explanation in writing or orally. At the same time, he is obliged to describe the fact of the violation and demand an explanation. A written request is given on paper with a receipt stamp. It can take the form of a demand, order, instruction.

An oral request sparks debate among lawyers. One position: in this case, the employee should not be provided with a written explanation. It is necessary to politely insist on a paper version of the demand or give oral comments about the incident. The reason is the employer’s unrecorded claims. It will also be difficult for the latter to prove the fact of the request in court - witnesses will be required.

Another position: give an explanation even in the case of an oral request. Argument - if necessary, the employer will easily formalize the demand in writing and submit it to the court.

Softness should not be abused. If the boss cannot clearly say for what violation an explanation is required, then it is necessary to insist on a written request. It is better to do this with a written statement to the employer. It should show the situation in detail (dates, participants, uncertain requirements).

The head of the organization or a person authorized by him can request an explanatory note. If such an initiative comes from your immediate superior, it is not recommended to require him to confirm these rights. On the one hand, if the case goes to court, he will be interested in the legality of the penalty imposed, and not in the identity of the person who requested an explanation. The employer will confirm authority if necessary. On the other hand, such a requirement will further strain the employee’s relationship with the administration.

A written explanation is provided within two working days in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The day the request was received is not included.

You shouldn’t give in to pressure from your superiors and write an explanatory note “right now.” It is necessary to remove the first nervous excitement and analyze the situation in a calm atmosphere. Read the job description again. Consult a lawyer. Then start writing.

An explanatory note should be written with the expectation that it will eventually end up on the judge’s desk. The author’s goal is to clearly characterize himself as a law-abiding citizen, ready to perform the work provided for in the employment contract.

The manager does not have the right to influence the document: dictate the text, demand it be rewritten, indicate “this is not the reason.” The content of the explanatory note is determined by the employee.

The text of the note is laconic. Optional information may raise unnecessary questions from management. Jokes and colloquial expressions are inappropriate. The tone of the story is respectful. If the proceedings go to court, the reputation of a boor will not help win the case. The narrative is presented in chronological order in the first person.

  • confirm or deny the fact of violation;
  • describe the circumstances of the event (date, time, place), its causes;
  • characterize the guilt: intentional, due to negligence, its absence;
  • bring witnesses;
  • express an opinion on bringing to justice;
  • describe your attitude towards further work.

Reasons for the error

Let's look at common options.

  1. High workload is a consequence of peak workload and understaffing. The explanation is good because it shifts the responsibility to the employer. Suitable for a small unit. Does not work in a large team working under the same conditions (at least formally). The management jealously guards its infallibility in the distribution of the workload. If the reputation of a lazy troublemaker is undesirable, it is better to find other reasons.
  2. Little experience - works in the case of a young specialist.
  3. Feeling unwell can serve as an excuse. The employee should emphasize that he worked in this state out of concern for the enterprise and the continuation of its rhythmic activities.
  4. Personal, family circumstances - it can help if the reason is serious. You should not abuse this remedy.
  5. An unclearly written, contradictory clause in the job description that allowed for misinterpretation. The argument is suitable for use, but it is better to first stock up on a certified copy of this document.

Other participants

If other people were involved in the incident, you should impartially inform what each person did. You should not directly name the culprit. This is the right of management. But it must receive sufficient information to make such a conclusion. You shouldn't lie. In a story like this, all participants write explanations, and the truth will come out.


The employee must describe his conscientious work history with the employer, mention the absence of disciplinary sanctions in the past, and list the incentives received (bonuses, certificates, gifts). If the case goes to court, this information will be taken into account when making a decision.

If the employee admits guilt in making a mistake, he must express remorse. It is also necessary to assure management that such incidents will not happen again in the future.

How to compose

There are no statutory standards for the presentation of a written explanation. It is enough to follow the minimum general rules for preparing documents.

The note is prepared on an A4 sheet. It can be handwritten or typed on a computer.

At the top of the sheet, on the right side, in a column it is indicated to whom and by whom the document was sent. Recipient – ​​the person who requested the explanation. His position, surname, and initials are given. The employee writes his department, position, full name.

A few lines below, in the center, the name of the document is indicated - an explanatory note. The text of the explanation follows.

Then the handwritten position, personal signature, initials and surname of the employee are affixed. The date the note was written is indicated. The employee has the right to attach documents confirming his information.

The explanatory note should be registered in the office, having received a copy or a 2nd copy of the note with the appropriate mark. This will protect against possible unlawful actions of the administration.


To the Director of Prod-Service LLC

N.N. Nikolaev

from an accountant

Ivanova Irina Ivanovna

Explanatory letter

On February 12, 2016, I indicated incorrect prices on delivery note No. 331 and invoice No. 434, overstating them by 5%. The buyer therefore refused to accept the goods and it was returned to the warehouse. The error was caused by increased workload that day. The reason was the absence of accountant E.E. Rakova, who was on leave. I performed the duties of two people. I admit the mistake. Please take into account that Prod-Service LLC had no previous complaints about my work. In the future, I undertake to be more careful when filling out documents.

Accountant I.I. Ivanova

The text is drawn up in free form, but the document itself must have a number of mandatory details:

  • addressee - full name and position of the manager, name of the organization, the document must have an indication of for whom it is intended;
  • title of the document and its title;
  • date of writing;
  • employee signature;
  • text describing the event and explaining what happened.

The main focus should be on the text. It is necessary to briefly and succinctly describe the situation - what kind of mistake was made in the work, what consequences this error caused for the organization’s activities.

The text should be concise and concise. An explanatory note should not be turned into an essay; it is still an important document intended for the head of the organization. Excessive information and emotions can raise unnecessary questions from management, so it’s worth writing succinctly and to the point.

After a description of the error made by the employee is given, the reasons for this should be written. You must try to indicate an objective and valid reason. But if this is not possible, you should not shift the blame onto someone else, blame other employees; management will not approve of this. It is better to try to refer to the current circumstances - heavy workload at work, a large and continuous flow of clients, a mechanical error due to a busy day, poor health or another reason.

If an employee admits his guilt in making a mistake, he must express his repentance, assure management that such a mistake will not be made in the future, and convince everyone that all necessary measures will be taken to prevent this from happening.

An example of an explanatory note about a work error:

To the Director of Alpha LLC

Tupolev A.A.

from an accountant

Kuharkina A.P.

Explanatory letter

about an error in filling out documents

On August 26, 2015, I incorrectly indicated the prices for products in the delivery note No. 432 and invoice No. 564; they were inflated by 10%. The buyer, seeing the inflated prices, refused to accept the goods, and therefore he returned to the warehouse of Alpha LLC.

The error that occurred was caused by increased workload on the day the document was prepared. On August 26, my partner was absent due to illness, and therefore had to do the work for two. The documents were prepared at the end of the working day, when severe fatigue caused inattention while performing work.

I admit my mistake. I will try to be more attentive to my work and filling out documents in the future.

08/26/2015 Kuharkina A.P.

Also, as an example, we suggest downloading a sample explanatory note from the link below.

Explanatory note sample about an error in work - .

Discussion: 5 comments

    Hello, I made an overpayment upon dismissal, I need to write an explanatory note.


    1. Hello, Elena.
      Write in free form, indicate the reason for the overpayment - inattention, workload, fatigue, someone distracted, incorrect initial data, etc. Use the sample in the article.


    Hello! At the company from which I was fired on November 18, 2016, there was a check from statistics, as a result, which revealed distortions in the data on the report of 12 tons. They drew up a report and a protocol against me. Tomorrow is the trial. I need to write an explanatory note so that if they punish me, it will be to the minimum. In the job description, the responsibilities stated “Drawing up established reports.” By order, I was not responsible for this report. + besides, I was on sick leave and on vacation, and I don’t know who provided the data for the report. In general, tomorrow we need to explain everything to the judge.


    Hello, tell me how to write an explanatory note. I work as a nurse in a hemodialysis laboratory. I made a mistake in the nephron program. In the month of August. And now, after the inspection, they demand an explanation. I have been working in hemodialysis since June of that year. And that’s why in August I didn’t really understand this program yet. And I don't know what to do


    1. Hello Veronica.
      So write, you did not have a sufficient level of knowledge in the field of the program, you had little experience. You made a mistake, so in the explanatory text, acknowledge the mistake and promise to be more attentive.


A sample explanatory note may be required in certain situations. The ability to correctly formulate an explanation will be useful for everyone. What essential attributes must be present in this form of business correspondence? How to write an explanatory note correctly? Below you will find answers to these questions, the basic rules for drawing up an explanatory note, as well as examples of explanatory notes for work and school.

How to write an explanatory note?

An explanatory note is a special form of business document used in cases where a comprehensive assessment of the current situation is necessary, for which explanations are taken from the participants in the incident. It is important to understand that an explanatory note is not the same as a report or statement. You do not declare anything, do not ask management to consider some controversial situation, do not draw conclusions, but simply reflect what happened.

Examples of cases when you may be required to write an explanatory note include being late, absenteeism, failure to complete a task or violation of deadlines, etc.

However, not everyone knows how to write this document correctly. To resolve the issue you can:

  • set the search query “how to write an explanatory sample” and try to select the desired option from the results;
  • or simply use our tips and examples and learn how to write explanatory notes on various occasions.

And the basic rule will be that when drawing up an explanatory note, the standard rules of business correspondence are applied:

  • business style of presentation, absence of profanity and colloquial vocabulary;
  • brevity of presentation, reliability of the information presented;
  • the document is written in the first person, sentences are arranged logically, sequentially, in chronological order;
  • At the end, a personal signature and the date of writing must be affixed.

Form and explanation form - how necessary are they?

The explanatory form has not been officially approved, so it is usually written in free form. If you do not know how to correctly write an explanatory note at work (or elsewhere), then you may find the example of an explanatory note available on our website useful.

However, it is also necessary to take into account that local acts of the organization may establish its own explanation form. This happens rarely, but it is not prohibited by law, and if such a form is installed where you work, then you will have to use it.

Sample explanatory note to the boss about being late or absenteeism at work

We’ve sorted out the rules, now we’ll tell you specifically how to write an explanatory note (sample) for a job. Let's say you were quite late or didn't even show up to work at all. How to write an explanatory note to the boss in this case?

  1. In the upper right corner, indicate the name of the manager or other official to whom you are submitting the explanation. For example: “To the director of Romashka LLC, Vasily Leonidovich Bulochkin.”
  2. Below, under the addressee, indicate your name and position: “from senior engineer Petr Ivanovich Sidorov.”
  3. In the center you indicate the name of the document: “Explanatory”.
  4. The main part of your explanatory note is a statement of specific facts that led to the situation that requires clarification. Here is an example of an explanatory note: “01/21/2014 I did not go to work due to the fact that a cold water supply pipe at my home burst. After calling the emergency services, I took measures to stop the flow of water and minimize the damage. For reasons unknown to me, the emergency service arrived at the site only 4 hours after the call, that is, at 12:00. The repair crew shut off the water supply and began repair work at 12:30 p.m. Due to the fact that the gust was strong, the total duration of the work took 3.5 hours, that is, they ended only at 16:00. All this time I could not leave the apartment due to the fact that I live alone, and there was no one else to provide workers with access to the apartment. The repair team collected the equipment and left only at 16:30. Due to the fact that the working day ends at 17:00, I decided not to go to work that day. I could not call and report what had happened, because due to the recent snowfalls there was a break in the communication lines, and the landline telephone did not work, and I do not have a mobile phone. I am enclosing a certificate confirming the fact that the accident occurred and the repair work was carried out.”
  5. At the very end of the explanatory note about being late for work, enter the date of submission of the document and your personal signature: “01/22/2014, Sidorov P.I.”

This is what a sample explanatory note looks like. Next, it is submitted for consideration to the manager (authorized official), where he puts down his resolution regarding further actions in relation to the employee. If the manager decides to apply disciplinary measures against the employee, the submitted explanatory note is attached to the case as evidence.

Now you know how to write an explanatory note at work, and the above example of an explanatory note will help you, if necessary, correctly compose this document.

How to write an explanatory note to school (example)

The explanatory note to the school is not much different from the one we cited above. The only difference is the addressee, who can be one of the following officials:

  • classroom teacher;
  • director;
  • head teacher

How to write an explanatory note correctly in this case?

In the “header” you write, for example: “To the director of gymnasium No. 1, Sergei Sergeevich Batalov.” From whom: “from a student of class 10 “A” Ivanov Maxim Anatolyevich” or “from gr. Ivanova Svetlana Igorevna” - in case the explanatory note is written by one of the student’s parents.

The main part sets out circumstances that require clarification. Important: if an explanatory statement is submitted by a parent, then the main part must contain a corresponding explanation.

Here is a sample of an explanatory letter to the school: “I, Svetlana Igorevna Ivanova, mother of a student of class 10 “A” Ivanov Maxim Anatolyevich, regarding his absence from classes on September 21, 2014, I can explain the following. When my son started getting ready for school, he felt unwell, which he told me about. Having measured his temperature, I found out that it was elevated. In this regard, I had to go to the ambulance. The doctor who arrived provided assistance and advised his son to rest. For this reason, I insisted that he skip classes. To confirm my words, I enclose a certificate issued by an Ambulance paramedic.”

As you can see, there are no global differences between the two types of explanatory notes. The main thing is not to forget that before you write an explanatory note, you first need to figure out whose name it is being written in. In case of minor violations of internal school regulations, communication between parents and the school usually flows through the class teacher.

How to write an explanatory note correctly?

An explanatory note is a business document that is in the internal circulation of an organization. The content of the document involves an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between an event, action or fact, usually of a negative nature, that has already occurred. An explanatory note can accompany the main document, then its content will provide explanations of individual provisions of this document.

The purpose of the explanatory note is to clarify the situation by the person who is the main person in the events that occurred, perhaps the culprit; the purpose of the explanatory note is to conduct an internal investigation into the causes of the incident, understand them, and draw the right conclusions.

In Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employer undertakes to request the writing of an explanatory note from an employee in the event of an alleged disciplinary offense. The employee has the right to refuse to write an explanatory note; the law provides for this; in this case, the employer has the right to take disciplinary action against the employee, without the presence of his explanatory note.

The form, template of the explanatory note includes the required details:

  • name of company;
  • indication of the official to whom the note is addressed, his full name;
  • name of the document – ​​“Explanatory Note”;
  • date of preparation and registration number of the note;
  • title to the text (“Concerning...”, “About...”);
  • explanatory text;
  • compiler, his signature.

Example of an explanatory note

To the Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology, N.I. Orlova.
from student of group 218 Ivleva G.P.

Explanatory letter

Regarding missing classes on October 22, 2011.
I, Ivleva Galina Petrovna, missed the school day on October 22 (3 classes and 1 practical seminar), due to the fact that my mother came to my dormitory from the village. Alexandrovka.
My mother has a heart condition, and she is forced to undergo examinations several times a year at the functional diagnostic center, and she came for just such an examination this time. On October 22, 2011, she suddenly became ill, she began to choke, I called an ambulance for my mother.
The doctor gave my mother the necessary injections and said that she needed to rest for the whole day. I decided not to go to classes and stayed to monitor my mother’s condition. The ambulance doctor A.V. Prosyannikov, at my request, wrote a note stating that my mother needed observation. Attached is a note from the doctor. Please consider a valid reason for missing classes.

Student of group 218 Ivleva Ivleva G.P.

Sample explanatory note to school

The preparation of an explanatory note to the school is carried out in accordance with the usual requirements, it can only be written by the student’s parent or his official guardian, a similar note is written to the director, and the note must indicate the class your child goes to.

To the director of Alexandrovskaya secondary school No. 15 Nikitin S.A.
from Kotov A.A., father
student of 6 “A” class, Sergei Kotov.

Explanatory letter

About Sergey Kotov’s absence from classes on October 2, 2012.
I, Alexey Aleksandrovich Kotov, together with my family - my wife and son Sergei, a student of grade 6 "A", on October 2, 2012, were driving from a summer cottage where we were harvesting crops. When we were about 5 kilometers from the city, my car stalled. I couldn't start the car and had to call a tow truck. As a result of this incident, my son was 3 hours late for class. That day he only had 4 lessons; there was no point in going to class anymore. I called the class teacher Anna Petrovna Osipova and explained that my son missed classes for a good reason.

Explanatory note about non-fulfillment of the plan

To the Chairman of the credit and consumer cooperative "Polyot" M.M. Alekseev.
from the manager of additional office No. 4 Igumnov N.I.

Explanatory letter

About the failure to fulfill the plan for October 2010.
I, Nikolai Ivanovich Igumnov, having analyzed the situation in connection with the failure to fulfill the established plan for October 2010, explain that everything that is happening is connected with the bankruptcy of the Oasis CPC. Oasis depositors, who suffered as a result of this bankruptcy, spread negative information in the media about the work of the CPC.
In this regard, our client flow is decreasing; some of our regular clients are worried about the state of their deposits and often call or come to the office. I ask you to intensify your efforts to advertise the services of the Polet CPC.

additional office No. 4 Igumnov Igumnov N.I.

Sample explanatory note to the tax office

To the head of the desk inspection department of the Federal Tax Service No. 2 of Artyom
Stafeeva A.O.
from the General Director of Yuzhnoye LLC Alexandrov I.I.

Explanatory letter

Regarding claims from the tax inspectorate
I, Ivan Ivanovich Aleksandrov, in response to the claims of the desk audit department of the Federal Tax Service No. 2 about the untimely submission of reports, explain that due to the serious illness of the accountant of Yuzhnoye LLC, in October 2010 I was forced to fill out and send quarterly reports on my own.
The report to the tax office was sent by me personally by registered mail, with notification, at post office No. 3 of the city of Artyom on October 20, 2010, which does not contradict existing legislation, the deadlines for sending the report were not violated. Perhaps the postal workers are to blame for the late report.
I am attaching postal receipts to the explanatory note, which indicate the time of sending my registered letter.

Director of Yuzhnoye LLC Alexandrov Alexandrov I.I.

Explanatory note about being late

Lieutenant Colonel Pavlenko S.S.
from an employee of the RF Ministry of Defense, a clerk in the construction department
Zaitseva O.P.

Explanatory letter

Regarding being late for work on July 26, 2012
I, Olga Petrovna Zaitseva, was 2 hours late for work on July 26, 2012. The fact is that this morning, while on my way to the bus stop, I became a witness and participant in an unpleasant incident. A ten-year-old girl walking in front of me was suddenly attacked by a stray dog ​​and bit her. I had to intervene in the situation, as the girl was very frightened and was crying, and her wound was bleeding. I took the girl to the nearest emergency room, called her parents at work, and then went to work. Please consider a valid reason for being late.

Sample explanatory note about absenteeism

To the commander of military unit 55555
Lieutenant Colonel Pavlenko S.S.
from an employee of the RF Ministry of Defense, a mechanic from the logistics department
Petrova O.S.

Explanatory letter

Regarding absence from work on July 29, 2010
I, Oleg Semyonovich Petrov, was unable to go to work on July 29, 2010. The day before, on Sunday evening, there were guests at my house, there were few snacks, but a lot of alcohol. I myself didn’t understand what happened, only I woke up late in the evening with a terrible headache, and there were no more guests in the house. I decided to clear the dishes from the table and lie down a little longer. The next time I woke up, it was late Monday morning. I realized that I was very late for work, my head and whole body still hurt. I didn't go to work. I realize that I was wrong. This won't happen again.

Sample explanatory note from the cashier

To the director of store No. 8
Klimova N.P.
from the cashier of the industrial goods department
Panova O.V.

Explanatory letter

Regarding the erroneously punched check on April 5, 2010
I, Olga Vladimirovna Popova, on April 5, 2010, mistakenly entered a cash receipt and discovered the error before the daily report with cancellation was made. It cannot be my fault for what happened, since I am very attentive to working with cash register machines. I believe the reason for this is a malfunction in the operation of the cash register, since such errors occur for several days in a row. Please pay attention to the operation of this cash register.

Everyone sometimes has “mistakes” at work - being late, voluntary or involuntary violations of discipline, etc. What should you expect from the employer in these cases?

Article 193 of the Labor Code states that the application of a disciplinary sanction by an employer to an employee in the event of a violation must be preceded by a written explanation of the latter. That is, it is necessary to take an explanatory note from him. What it is? How to write explanatory notes? Those who encounter this for the first time often get lost and begin to panic. Meanwhile, everything is not so scary.

An explanatory note is a document containing the official version of what happened on behalf of the “at fault” employee with his signature and date. The refusal of a subordinate to provide the required explanation is not a reason for imposing a penalty. But in this case (if the explanatory document is missing within two working days), a corresponding act must be drawn up.

Who can claim it?

Hence the conclusion - it is the employer who has the right to demand an explanation, and not everyone (for example, a representative of the inspection bodies does not have such a right). And another thing is that it is better to write an explanatory note in order to clarify the situation as much as possible and document the existing valid reasons for the violation.

In case of further disagreements with your superiors, the explanatory note is an officially accepted document, which can work in your favor. The absence of it gives your superiors the right to interpret your actions at their own discretion.

Do not lie!

There are unspoken rules about how to write explanatory notes that must be followed in order to avoid even greater troubles. First of all, never write untruths in your explanatory notes. The likelihood of being caught being unreliable is very high, and you will further ruin your reputation with lies.

Do not try to shift the blame onto your colleagues, as in this case they will also be required to provide explanations. Everyone will provide their own version, and it is not yet known what details may emerge. And you will definitely make enemies.

"I did not know…"

Do not write that something was not explained to you or taught. There is a job description, you signed it when you were hired. Normally, all your duties, area of ​​responsibility and most force majeure situations should be clearly stated in it. It is better, before writing explanatory notes, to go through its provisions again in order to know exactly what not to write.

If you persist in your own ignorance, the employer will request an explanatory letter from your immediate supervisor, who was obliged to tell and show you everything when you were hired. And this is no better than explanations from colleagues.

Instructions are everything

How to write explanatory notes according to all the rules? To give weight to the document, it is better to compose it, referring to the points of the job description. Obvious mistakes can be presented as an incorrect interpretation. And if you really want to blame someone, without unnecessary emotions, refer to misunderstandings based on different interpretations of these very points. Or, in extreme cases, a biased attitude towards oneself.

A little trick: in order to minimize the feeling of your own guilt and give the situation a businesslike character, title the document not “Explanatory” but “Explanatory Note”.

If your violation is too obvious, and there is no point in getting out of it, the best way out is to refer to illness, poor health, or overload at work. In this case, at the end, be sure to indicate that you admit the mistake and undertake to not allow this to happen in the future.

Writing form

How to write an explanatory note correctly? All explanatory notes are written according to a specific template, which includes, first of all, an indication of the organization, position and full name of the person to whom it is addressed. Then - from whom exactly (also indicating the position) and the name “Explanatory (or explanatory) note.”

The text usually begins with the words “Regarding...” or “Concerning...”, followed by a direct description of the situation. It should be informative, but without unnecessary details, and written strictly to the point.

At the end of the explanatory note, the surname of the compiler is indicated, his signature and the current date are placed.

When it's needed

In what cases is an explanatory note written at work? The list of possible situations is given in the Labor Code. Let's take a closer look at them.

Most often, explanatory notes are written in cases of violation of labor discipline. These include: being late, being absent from the workplace for 4 hours or more, appearing drunk at work. By the way, in the latter case you may be fired immediately.

Check the inspector

Another, no less frequent option is inspections and audits. Based on their results, a report is drawn up listing all identified violations and inconsistencies. Such an act must necessarily contain a reference to the paragraph of the instructions that you violated.

It happens that inspectors copy the report form from previous inspections (violations, as a rule, are of the same type), without bothering to check the relevance of laws and instructions. In this case, references to already repealed provisions are possible.

How to write an explanatory note correctly in this case? In your own interests, you should compare the violations charged to you with the points in your job description. In some cases, it may turn out that there was no violation as such. Indicate this in the supporting document. If the acts are not drawn up in accordance with the form or do not contain references to regulations, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to prove a violation.

Oh, these colleagues...

Another option is when a memo was sent to you from a neighboring department or structural unit. There can be many reasons for this. How to react? If your superiors make complaints, it is better to report in detail to avoid misunderstandings.

When colleagues of the same level as you are lying, it would not be superfluous to find out the background of what is happening and present your own version to your superiors. How to write an explanatory note in this situation? This is not an easy question; a lot depends on the existing relationships and atmosphere in the team.

What should you write in cases where explanation is inevitable?

If you are late

So, let's consider being late for work (a widespread option). Strictly speaking, the current Labor Code does not contain the concept of “lateness.” The law uses the term “working time” and talks about “absence from the workplace without good reason.” That is, the employer has the right to apply sanctions if you were not at work during any period of the working day.

What sanctions exactly? If, due to your absence, production was not stopped and no losses occurred, the maximum penalty is a reprimand or reprimand. But the concept of “being late” is usually regulated by the organization’s own (internal) regulations, which you signed when you were hired.

Don't get lost

It is quite difficult to give an example of an explanatory note about being late for work - each case is individual. But general principles for writing it, of course, exist. This paper, like others, is written to the manager and explains the situation and reasons for being late. The date of compilation and, of course, a personal signature must be indicated.

If you plan to dispute the looming consequences of being late in the future, make sure to write this document in two copies. The first one will go to the office, the second one with the secretary’s note of acceptance remains with you.

A good example of an explanatory note about being late for work is when, after indicating the reasons for the violation, one clarifies one’s attitude to the situation, for example, “based on everything stated above, I consider the reason for being late to be valid.”

If there are any documents to justify your absence from work (certificate of a visit to the clinic, subpoena, etc.), they must be attached to the explanatory note.

You are a truant

In the case of absenteeism, which the Labor Code considers absence from one’s workplace for 4 hours or more, the reason is most often disrespectful. An exception may be a force majeure situation - for example, an organization's courier, while performing his duties, is detained by police officers and taken to the department to determine his identity. Moreover, he had no opportunity to contact his superiors and clarify the situation. In justification, you must provide a copy of the protocol.

If an employee has been “lost” at work for a long time (the situation is possible, for example, in a large enterprise with many workshops and a large number of personnel), then the reasons for this can be very different. For example, acute toothache and an urgent trip to the dentist. It happens that a person does not have time or does not have the opportunity to warn about the need to urgently leave work. Then you need to stock up on a certificate from the clinic indicating the date and time of your appointment.

If you have a domestic injury

Not every explanatory explanation is associated with a fault. Sometimes it is necessary under circumstances beyond your control. For example, in the case of a domestic injury. If you happen to be injured, which is recorded on a sick leave certificate, at work you will have to describe in writing in detail the circumstances of the incident. This is required to pay for your sick leave.

In this case, the victims are provided with an explanatory note regarding the injury to the social insurance commission of the organization. A sample of it can be taken from the chairman of the mentioned commission. The note must contain a description of the accident, indicating the medical institution that issued the certificate of incapacity for work and the validity period of the latter.

Explanatory note to school

In addition to explanatory notes at work, all parents from time to time have to draw up a similar document for the school where the child studies. As a rule, one thing is required - to state the reasons for the student’s absence from classes. The form of such an explanatory statement can be arbitrary, but it is still better to adhere to a certain structure.

How to write an explanatory letter to school?

The header of the document must contain the number and name of the educational institution and the surname of the person in whose name it is written (usually the director) in the dative case. The title “Explanatory Note” is given without quotation marks.

In the text, after indicating the fact of missing classes (with the exact date), the actual reasons for this fact are given. Most often this is illness or poor health, participation in a competition, or family circumstances (for example, a trip somewhere).

The explanatory note must bear the date of its preparation and signature.

Throughout life, a person has to face a variety of situations. As a rule, only those who do absolutely nothing make no mistakes.

When bosses or other officials demand an explanatory note, many begin to panic, which is completely in vain.

It would be much better to calm down and carefully think through the drafting of the document.

This will help you outline the essence of what happened without harming yourself, and also not look like an illiterate fool in the eyes of management and colleagues.

Under what circumstances should you write an explanatory note?

An explanatory note is a document describing the reasons for any action or incident, usually of a negative nature.

  1. A supporting document when the event occurred due to the fault of the employee.
  2. An explanatory document in the event of an incident due to reasons beyond the control of a person, of which he is a participant or witness.

The deadlines for providing an explanatory note are established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and are two working days from the date of the request. Therefore, if an employee is upset or doesn’t feel well, and perhaps he needs to collect his thoughts or consult with specialists, it is not at all necessary to comply with management’s demands at lightning speed.

The grounds requiring written explanations are:

  1. Violations of work schedule and discipline (lateness, absenteeism, etc.).
  2. Failure to comply with safety regulations and labor protection standards.
  3. Damage, damage or theft of the organization's property.
  4. Immoral behavior in the workplace.
  5. Failure to perform or improper performance of official duties.
  6. Being on duty while intoxicated.

Attaching supporting documents and certificates to the note will help mitigate the punishment.

Also, “explanatory statements” are often written by participants in road accidents, parents of minors who missed classes in educational institutions, for submission to law enforcement and tax authorities.

In what form and how to write an explanatory note correctly

The law does not provide clear requirements for the preparation of this document, however, there are generally accepted rules that the author of the note should adhere to.

If the enterprise does not have special forms and requirements for the preparation of this document, then you can write in any form.

The document is drawn up on an A-4 paper sheet; it can be written by hand or printed on a computer, which is more preferable for people with illegible handwriting.

This document belongs to the category of business correspondence, therefore, when composing it, it is recommended to adhere to a dry clerical style, without inappropriate humor.

First, in the upper right corner, you need to fill out the “header” of the document, indicating to whom it is addressed and from whom, then the title of the document follows, and only then the essence itself, consisting of three main parts, is stated:

  1. A factual description of the event, that is, what exactly happened and when.
  2. Reasons and circumstances of what happened.
  3. The author’s attitude to the situation, his admission/non-admission of guilt, agreement or disagreement to be punished, conclusions for the future.

In conclusion, an autograph is given with a transcript (full name) and the date the note was written.

When preparing written explanations, it is important to choose the right words to your advantage. For example, the word “missed” is much less suitable than the phrase “failed to appear.”

Legal significance of explanatory notes

Article No. 193 of the Labor Code (LC) of the Russian Federation obliges the manager, before making a decision on the degree of guilt and punishment of the employee, to receive his written explanations, which must certainly be taken into account in the process of the official investigation.

The explanatory note is endowed with great legal significance, because it allows:

  • objectively and comprehensively assess the situation;
  • identify those responsible for the incident;
  • take measures to prevent a similar situation in the future;
  • exclude further labor disputes based on misrepresentations of facts;
  • it is fair to punish (or cancel the punishment) the guilty.

To provide the manager with a legally valuable document, it is necessary to comply with all the rules and regulations when preparing it. From a legal point of view, the note has no evidentiary value and is for informational purposes only.

Find out how to write an explanatory note from the video.

Explanatory note under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (is the employee obliged to write it)

Article number 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that before making a decision on a disciplinary sanction (DS), the manager must require an explanatory note from the employee, but in what form it is not indicated there. Therefore, in the event of a significant violation, especially when the matter ends up in court proceedings, it is recommended that the request be made in writing.

This will serve as evidence of compliance with the Labor Code order and that the manager’s explanations were actually requested. If the enterprise does not accept unified forms of office work, then the requirement for explanation is stated in free form.

Providing explanations in writing is an employee’s right, not a duty, and no one can force him to do so. However, refusal to draw up a note will not prevent the application of punishment.

The DV must apply to the employee within a month from the date of the incident and should not apply after six months from this date. Moreover, the period of absence of the employee due to illness or due to another vacation is excluded from these periods.

Any negative event at the enterprise must be registered, the date of registration of the act will be considered the moment of the incident. If a violation was revealed as a result of an inventory or any other inspection, the application of the DV is given up to two years from the date of its commission.

For any violation it is permissible to apply a penalty only once.

If a subordinate does not agree with the decision on punishment, he has the right to appeal it by contacting the commission for resolving labor disputes or the state. labor inspectorate.

What happens if an employee refuses to write an explanatory note?

The subordinate has the right to refuse to provide explanations, and no punishment or DV is provided for this. Management does not have the right to force or force a subordinate to draw up a note. However, such resistance does not relieve the employee from liability for an “unexplained” violation.

In such a case, the manager draws up a report on the employee’s refusal to provide written explanations, signed by two witnesses.

So, requesting an explanatory note is the responsibility of the manager; writing or refusing to write it is the employee’s right. Refusal in no way can be regarded as a disciplinary offense or a violation of the Labor Code.

It is possible to refuse to draw up a document, but it is not entirely reasonable. Hiding your “head in the sand” will not solve the problem, and there is a high probability of the situation getting worse.

Proud silence in this case can be regarded as if the employee committed the offense intentionally and intentionally due to his obstinate nature. Explanations with attached evidence of innocence or good reasons will help smooth out the situation and avoid penalties.

If relations are strained to the limit and a conflict has flared up, both parties are advised to secure their position. It is advisable for the employer to draw up a written request for explanations, and for the subordinate to provide them within the prescribed period, it is advisable to endorse or register the second copy and keep it for yourself.

Certificate of refusal

In a situation where an employee categorically refuses to write an explanation, an act is drawn up based on this fact. The correct execution of this document determines the degree of its legal significance.

When drawing up an act, a special form is used, adopted by the enterprise or established by the requirements of GOST.

Certain details are required to be specified:

  1. Name of the organization.
  2. Correct title (type and name of the document).
  3. Date and place of compilation.
  4. Document registration number.
  5. Signatures of the head, two members of the commission drawing up the act.
  6. Approval stamp (only if necessary).

The document must indicate the violation that the employee refused to explain and the reasons for the refusal. An employee who does not want to explain must read the document against signature.

The employee has two working days to provide the note, and only after their expiration can a statement of refusal to provide explanations be drawn up.

An explanatory note is not a death sentence and indisputable evidence of guilt. When writing it, it is worth calling on all possible gifts of persuasion in your rightness or repentance, and most likely the “storm clouds” over the workplace will happily dissipate, which is what we all wish for.