Minimum salary per year. Minimum wage (minimum wage)

On Thursday, February 14, 2019, Russia celebrates a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day. State lotteries cannot stay away from such a bright event, and are holding a special event dedicated to Valentine's Day. holiday drawing number 1271.

In this regard, I would like to wish: lovers - love, lovers - keep them, those who bought a Russian Lotto ticket - win!

The day the program goes on air on the NTV channel is traditionally Sunday. Starting from October 17, the broadcast begins at 14:00 Moscow time.

The broadcast of the 1271st draw of the Russian Lotto on TV, dedicated to Valentine's Day, will also take place on Sunday February 17, 2019, starting at 14:00 Moscow time on the NTV channel .

What will be played on February 17, 2019:

In 1271 editions of the All-Russian State. lottery will draw many clothing and cash prizes, 100 romantic trips and a Jackpot of 500 million rubles.

What a ticket looks like:

Ticket edition 1271 has a pink border. A heart-shaped balloon flies against the background of a blue sky, to the left of it is the inscription “Happy Valentine’s Day!”, and below it is “Jackpot 500,000,000 rubles.” On the bottom left it says "1271 edition". At the bottom, on a white background, there is the inscription “100 Romantic Journeys.”

Let us remind you that the short day on Friday 02/22/2019 will be the only “gift” to the Russian defenders in terms of rest, because The day off from Saturday is moved not to the next Monday, but to Friday, May 10, 2019.

Growing good tomato seedlings in 2019 on a windowsill in an apartment is an art. Knowing the timing of timely planting of seeds, picking seedlings and following the rules of caring for them results in strong and healthy plants. Experienced gardeners also advise not to neglect the calendar of lunar phases, which, in their opinion, have a huge impact on the development of tomatoes. Below we talk about when to plant tomatoes in seedlings and in the ground in 2019, taking into account the lunar calendar.

Dates for sowing tomato seeds for seedlings in 2019:

In 2019, the best time for planting seeds for seedlings at home for central Russia is coming one day after the new moon on March 6, 2019. However, the most favorable days are from 10 to 12 March 2019, as well as 15 and 16 March 2019. Late dates for sowing tomato seedlings 2019 are approaching after the full moon March 21, 2019. On the waning moon, the optimal days will be March 23 and 24, 2019.

Let us remind you that before planting, seeds should be disinfected (for example, in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate) and then rinsed well. To increase the future yield, we recommend soaking the seeds for a day in a weak solution of boric acid (0.1 g per 0.5 l of water). Sow the dried seeds in small (7-8 cm) trays with soil to a depth of no more than 1-1.5 cm, water and cover with film. The seed germination temperature is +22-25 degrees, so they are kept away from the cold windowsill. As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the trays are placed on the windowsill. Water the seedlings only with warm (+20+-22 degrees) water.

Dates for picking tomato seedlings in 2019:

When the first true carved leaf appears between the cotyledon leaves, the seedlings can be planted in separate pots or in boxes with soil 12-15 cm high. In any case, the distance between neighboring plants should be 10-12 cm. In this case, the sprouts are buried in the ground to the very top. cotyledons.

In March 2019 - from March 23 to 27; in April 2019 - April 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17. April 5, 2019 is a new moon, so a pick on the waxing moon from April 7 to April 17, 2019 most preferred.

Time frame for caring for tomato seedlings in 2019 (watering, fertilizing, hardening):

To prevent tomato seedlings from stretching, you need provide her with enough light and reduce the air temperature during the day from +18 to 24 degrees, and at night from +12 to 16 degrees.

It is also necessary fertilize. The first feeding is given 7-10 days after picking, when the plant forms new roots, and then every 8-12 days. To fertilize, mineral fertilizers or wood ash are dissolved in water for irrigation.

In April 2019, any days will be the best for feeding from 7 to 18, from 20 to 26, 29 and 30 April. In May 2019 you can feed from 1 to 4, from 7 to 18, 21-23, 26-31 May.

15-20 days before planting in the ground seedlings need to be hardened off. It is best to take it out onto the loggia or balcony and open the window.

During the last ten days before planting, tomato seedlings become very elongated, especially if the weather is warm. Stunt growth You can stop watering, and water only when the leaves wilt in the middle of the day.

Dates for planting tomato seedlings 2019 in the ground:

Tomato seedlings are planted in the ground at the age of 60-70 days from germination when the air temperature at night exceeds +12 degrees. One or two days before planting, the plants need to be well watered with water and fertilizer to ensure the preservation of the roots and nutrition of the plants after planting in the ground.

In May 2019 seedlings can be planted under arches with covering material as early as May 17-18 on the waxing moon. Let us remind you that May 19, 2019 is a full moon, and it is better to interrupt the work. The best days in May 2019 on the waning moon will be May 26-28 and 31. In June 2019 it is already possible to plant in open ground June 1st and 2nd, 5th and 6th. June 3, 2019 is a new moon and activity in the garden is undesirable.

Let us recall the optimal timing for planting and caring for tomato seedlings in 2019:
* sowing seeds - from 10 to 12, 15 and 16, 23 and 24 March 2019;
* picking seedlings - from March 23 to March 27; April 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 2019;
* feeding seedlings every 8-12 days - from 7 to 18, from 20 to 26, 29 and 30 April, from 1 to 4, from 7 to 18, 21-23, 26-31 May 2019;
* planting seedlings in the ground - May 17, 18, 26-28, 31, June 1, 2, 5, 6, 2019

We also read:

The date of Passover is tied to the lunisolar Jewish calendar, and therefore, according to the Gregorian calendar, the date of the celebration changes annually. The Jewish Passover 2019 begins with the onset of twilight on the 14th day of the spring month of Nisan ( from the evening of April 19, 2019), and lasts 7 days in Israel - from 15 to 21 Nisan (from April 20, 2019 to April 26, 2019), and 8 days outside of it, including in Russia - 22 Nisan each (until April 27, 2019).

According to ancient tradition, every Jewish holiday begins the evening before, after sunset. Therefore, the celebration of Passover 2019 also begins on the evening of April 19, 2019 with the festive Sedar (night Passover meal). And the day of Nisan 14 is also called the Day of Preparation for the Holiday.

Thus, the date of Passover in 2019 will be as follows:
* Beginning - April 19, 2019 (in the evening, at dusk).
*First day - April 20, 2019
* Last day is April 26, 2019 in Israel (April 27, 2019 outside Israel).

We also read:

It is prohibited to work on the first and last day of Passover 2019, so Nisan 15 (April 20, 2019) and Nisan 21 (April 26, 2019) are declared non-working days in Israel. In addition, April 20 in 2019 falls on a Saturday - a non-working day with a five-day working week in a number of countries, including Russia.

One of the traditions of the Passover holiday is eating “flat unleavened bread” - matzo. This tradition is explained by the fact that when Pharaoh freed the Israelites from slavery, they left Egypt in a hurry, in which they could not wait for the bread dough to rise with yeast. Therefore, during the Jewish Passover they do not eat leavened bread.

The minimum wage for 2019 has been increased again. Let's look at how this value has changed over the years preceding 2019 and how it relates to the cost of living.

Federal minimum wage in 2019

The minimum wage (minimum wage) at the state level is approved by the relevant federal law. The minimum wage is valid throughout Russia and cannot be less than the subsistence level of able-bodied citizens for the 2nd quarter of the previous year for the purpose of calculating wages (Article 1 of the Law “On Minimum Wages” dated June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ). In other words, an employee who has actually worked the standard amount of time established by the labor agreement cannot receive a salary less than the established minimum wage. If an employer pays a salary less than the minimum wage, he faces a fine under clause 6 of Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses:

  • from 10,000 to 20,000 rub. on officials;
  • from 30,000 to 50,000 rub. for legal entities;
  • from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. for individual entrepreneurs operating without forming a legal entity.

If previously neither the social nor financial departments of the Russian Federation, nor parliamentarians could establish compliance of the minimum wage with the subsistence level, then in March 2018 the President of the Russian Federation signed Law No. 41-FZ dated 03/07/2018, the norms of which determined that from 05/01/2018 the minimum wage will be equal to the subsistence level of the working-age population for the 2nd quarter of last year.


The minimum wage for 2019 was increased to 11,280 rubles. Since May 2018, the minimum wage has become equal to the subsistence level of the working-age population for the 2nd quarter of 2017 and amounted to 11,163 rubles. Regions also have the right to set the minimum wage, but it cannot be lower than the federal figure.

The economic situation in the country today is quite difficult, so the issue of increasing the minimum wage, as they say, is long overdue. This decision of the State Duma, adopted quite recently, was preceded by events such as the devaluation of the ruble and a decrease in its purchasing power.
Thus, the State Duma adopted a law according to which the minimum wage from July 1 of this year will be 7,500 rubles.

Minimum salary in Moscow in 2016 from January 1

And although the minimum wage is set by the Russian Government, its level mainly depends on the financial capabilities of the region. So the size of the minimum wage in the regions may vary, and it reaches its maximum value in Moscow, which, in fact, is not surprising.

The previous increase in the minimum wage in Moscow was carried out on November 1, 2015, and has not yet changed since the beginning of the year. At the moment, its size is 17,300 rubles. Its next increase should occur, as in the whole country, on July 1, when it should increase again. It is still unknown what exactly the increase will be, but preliminary information suggests that the process of increasing the minimum wage will occur in stages, after which its size will reach 20,000 rubles.

Mrot in Moscow in 2016 from April 1 in Moscow

The minimum wage is the legally established minimum wage per month. Let's consider the regional and federal minimum wage in 2016.

Federal minimum wage for 2016

The federal minimum wage from January 1, 2016 is 6,204 rubles (approved by Federal Law No. 376-FZ of December 14, 2015).

From July 1, 2016, the federal minimum wage has been increased by 20.9% - to 7,500 rubles (Federal Law dated June 2, 2016 No. 164-FZ).

Regional minimum wage 2016

The regional minimum wage is established by tripartite agreement. This document must be agreed upon and signed by the government or administration of the subject (region, territory, autonomous district, etc.), associations of trade unions and associations of employers.

For example, the minimum wage in Moscow in 2016 is established by an agreement between the city government and associations of trade unions and employers. From October 1, 2016, the minimum wage in Moscow increased from 17,300 to 17,561 rubles (by 261 rubles). The procedure for increasing the minimum wage is provided for by a tripartite agreement between officials, trade unions and employers. Accordingly, companies should target this size. And the salary cannot be set below this level.

Subjects of the Russian Federation set their own minimum wage (Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). See table below.

Minimum wages by regions of Russia in 2016. Table

District Region Minimum wage (2016), rub.
Belgorod region

Not lower than the subsistence level for the working population - for employees of the extra-budgetary sphere.

8046 (for employees of enterprises financed from the regional and local budget)

7500 (for employees of enterprises financed from the federal budget from July 1, 2016)

Bryansk region 7500 (since July 1, 2016)
Vladimir region

7500 (for employees of organizations financed by regional and municipal budgets)

Voronezh region
Ivanovo region
Kaluga region The cost of living of the working-age population per month
Kostroma region The cost of living of the working-age population
Kursk region The cost of living of the working-age population, determined for the 3rd quarter of the previous year
Lipetsk region 1.2 times the cost of living for the 4th quarter of the previous year
Moscow region 12 500 (since November 1, 2015)
Oryol region The cost of living of the working-age population
Ryazan region 7500 (from July 1, 2016)
Smolensk region 7500 (from July 1, 2016)
Tambov region

8500 (for employees of commercial organizations)

Tver region 7500 (since July 1, 2016)
Tula region 12 500 (since February 1, 2016)
10 500 (from February 1, 2016) - for employees of state and municipal institutions
Yaroslavl region

9640 (from January 1, 2016) - in the amount of the subsistence minimum of the working-age population for the 3rd quarter of the previous year

8021 (from January 1, 2016) - for employees of small and medium-sized enterprises;

Moscow 17 561
Karelia The value of the current subsistence level in the corresponding area for the 3rd quarter of the previous year
Komi 7500 (from July 1, 2016)
7500 (since July 1, 2016)
Vologda region 7500 (since January 1, 2016)
Pskov region 7500 (since January 1, 2016)
Kaliningrad region 10 000 (since October 1, 2015)
7500 (for employees of organizations financed from the federal budget
Leningrad region.

7800 (from September 1, 2015) excluding compensation and incentive payments; 7500 (for organizations funded from the federal budget)

Murmansk region 13 650 (since January 1, 2016)
Novgorod region Subsistence level of the population per month
Saint Petersburg 11 700 (from January 1, 2016) excluding compensation and incentive payments
7500 (for organizations financed from the federal budget
Nenets Aut. district 12 420 (since January 1, 2016)
7500 (from July 1, 2016) - for organizations financed from the federal budget
Southern Federal District Adygea, Kalmykia 7500 (since July 1, 2016)
Krasnodar region The cost of living of the working-age population
Astrakhan region 7500 (since July 1, 2016)
Volgograd region 1.2 subsistence level of the working-age population
Rostov region 7500
North Caucasus Federal District Dagestan, Ingushetia 7500 (since July 1, 2016)
Kabardino-Balkaria The cost of living for the 4th quarter of last year
7500 (for employees of state and municipal institutions, as well as organizations financed from the federal budget)
Karachay-Cherkessia 7500 (since July 1, 2016)
North Ossetia Alania 7500 (since July 1, 2016)
Chechen Republic 9274 (for employees of the non-budgetary sector of the economy)
7500 (for employees of state and municipal institutions, as well as organizations financed from the federal budget
Stavropol region 7500
Privolzhsky Bashkortostan 8900 (including allowances for work in special climatic conditions)
7500 (for employees of organizations financed from federal, regional, and local budgets
Mari El 9251 (since January 1, 2016)
7500 (for employees of organizations financed from federal, regional, and local budgets)
Mordovia 7500 (since July 1, 2016)
Udmurtia 7500 (since July 1, 2016)
Tatarstan 8252
Chuvashia 7500 (from July 1, 2016)
Perm region The cost of living of the working-age population
Nizhny Novgorod region. 9000 (since January 1, 2016)
7500 (for employees of organizations financed by federal, regional, and local budgets)
Penza, Kirovskaya
Samara region
7500 (since July 1, 2016)
Saratov region 7900
7500 (for employees of organizations financed from the federal budget
Ulyanovsk region 10 000 (not below the subsistence level)
7500 (for employees of budgetary organizations
Ural federal district Kurgan region 7620 (since February 1, 2016)
7500 (for employees of organizations financed from the federal budget)
Sverdlovsk region. from 8154 to 8862(from July 1, 2015) - for employees of organizations in the non-budgetary sector of the economy
Tyumen region 9950 (for an employee of the non-budgetary sector)
7700 (for employees of budgetary, government, autonomous institutions and autonomous non-profit organizations established by the Tyumen region or municipalities of the Tyumen region)
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 16 500
Chelyabinsk region
Yamalo-Nenets Aut. district 12 431 (including additional payments and allowances of a compensatory and incentive nature)
7500 (for employees of organizations financed from the federal budget)
Siberian Federal District Altai 8751 (for employees of extra-budgetary organizations, except for organizations and individual entrepreneurs operating in the field of agriculture and education)
7500 (for employees of organizations operating in the field of agriculture)
Buryatia, Tyva,
7500 (since July 1, 2016)
Altai region

9400 (for employees of non-budgetary organizations, with the exception of housing and communal services organizations, as well as with the exception of disabled employees employed under the established quota in public organizations of the disabled, and employees who participate in public works or are temporarily employed under agreements between employers and employment services

8116 (for disabled employees employed under an established quota in public organizations of the disabled, as well as for employees of non-budgetary organizations of housing and communal services, with the exception of employees who participate in public works or are temporarily employed under agreements between employers and employment services)

7500 (for employees of organizations financed from federal, regional, and local budgets)

Transbaikal region

7500 (for employees of agricultural organizations, as well as organizations financed from the federal, regional and local budgets, as well as the compulsory health insurance fund; for employees of organizations financed from the regional and local budgets and the compulsory health insurance fund, which work in the Far North and equivalent areas

9066 - in Kalarsky district


8059 (for employees of organizations in the non-budgetary sector of the economy (except agriculture)
for employees of organizations in the non-budgetary sector of the economy (except for agriculture) working in the Far North and equivalent areas:

10 429 - in the Canary region

9480 - in the Tungiro-Olekminsky and Tungochensky districts

Krasnoyarsk region

16 130 - Norilsk

14 269 - North Yenisei district

16 130 - Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district (except for the rural settlement of Khatanga)

24 026 - rural settlement of Khatanga

15 313 ​​- Turukhansky district

19 009 - Evenki municipal district

14 114 - Yeniseisk

11 167 - Lesosibirsk

13 788 - Boguchansky district

15 200 - Yenisei district

13 571 - Kezhemsky district

14 548 - Motyginsky district

9926 - other areas

Irkutsk region

12 652 - companies and individual entrepreneurs in the Far North

9717 - companies and individual entrepreneurs in other areas

10 754 - state and budgetary enterprises

8259 - state and budgetary enterprises in other areas

7500 - for employers in agriculture

Kemerovo region.

1.5 times the subsistence level of the working-age population for the 4th quarter of the last year (except for organizations in the sphere of regulated pricing, and individual entrepreneurs)

7500 (for organizations funded from the federal budget)

Novosibirsk region



9390 - for employees of non-budgetary organizations (except agriculture)

Omsk region

7500 - for employees of agricultural organizations

9030 - for employees of public sector organizations (except for organizations financed from the federal budget)

9390 - for employees of non-budgetary organizations (except agriculture)

Tomsk region

8925 - for employees of municipal autonomous, budgetary and government institutions financed from the budget of the municipal formation of the city of Tomsk, as well as employees of other employers operating in the territory of Tomsk

7500 - for employees of organizations financed from the regional and local budgets, territorial state extra-budgetary funds of the Tomsk region, employees of other employers (except for employees of municipal autonomous, budgetary and government institutions financed from the budget of the municipality of Tomsk, as well as employees of other employers carrying out their activities on the territory of Tomsk).

Far Eastern Federal District The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

7500 (for organizations financed from the federal budget

Kamchatka Krai

18 210 - for employees working in organizations located on the territory of the Koryak District

19 510 - for employees working in organizations located on the territory of the Aleutian municipal region

16 910 - for employees working in organizations located in the rest of the Kamchatka Territory.

Primorsky Krai 7500 (since July 1, 2016)
Khabarovsk region

11 414 - for employees working in Bikinsky, Vyazemsky, Lazo, Nanaisky, Khabarovsk districts and the city of Khabarovsk

12 408 - for employees working in Amursky, Vaninsky, Verkhnebureinsky, Komsomolsky, Nikolaevsky, named after Polina Osipenko, Sovetsko-Gavansky, Solnechny, Tuguro-Chumikansky, Ulchsky districts and the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur

14 269 - for employees working in the Ayano-Maisky district

15 510 - for employees working in the Okhotsk region

Amur region 7500 (since July 1, 2016)
Magadan region

18 750 - for employees of non-budgetary organizations of the Magadan region, with the exception of the North Even city district

20 250 - for employees of non-budgetary organizations in the North-Evensky urban district of the Magadan region

Sakhalin region

15 000 - for persons working in Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Anivsky, Dolinsky, Korsakovsky, Makarovsky, Nevelsky, Poronaisky, Smirnykhovsky, Tomarinsky, Tymovsky, Uglegorsky, Kholmsky districts, the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

18 571 - for persons working in Nogliki and Okha districts

20 000 - for persons working in the Kuril, North Kuril and South Kuril regions

7500 (for organizations funded from the federal budget)

Jewish Autonomous Region 7500 taking into account the regional coefficient and percentage bonus for work experience in the southern regions of the Far East
Chukotka Autonomous Republic district 7500 (since July 1, 2016)
Crimea Crimea

7500 (for organizations funded from the federal budget)


7500 (for organizations funded from the federal budget)

Application and refusal of regional minimum wage

The agreement on the regional minimum wage is not a law and becomes binding only for the one who accepted it. The agreement is published in regional media. Afterwards, the employer has 30 days to write to the regional administration an application for refusal to apply the regional minimum wage. It must state the reasons why the company will not pay employees the regional minimum wage. The refusal can be explained by a reduction in sales, a drop in demand for products, etc.

If no such application is received within the specified period, it is considered that the employer has agreed to the published agreement.

If the company does not send a refusal and does not raise wages to the level of the regional minimum wage, labor inspectors during the inspection will have the right to fine the organization 50 thousand rubles (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

In addition, the courts may find that in some cases, employees must be paid based on the regional minimum wage, even if the company does not comply with it. But if an employee works a reduced schedule, then the salary can be paid less than the minimum wage.

It should also be remembered that the regional minimum wage is not established for employees of institutions financed from the federal budget (Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This means that if employees’ salaries are higher than the federal minimum, the institution has the right not to raise wages. Judges also think the same (appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court dated March 24, 2015 No. 33-3285).

When should a regional minimum wage be applied?

Let's consider two situations from judicial practice on the application of regional minimum wages.

With a shortened schedule, the salary may be less than the regional minimum wage.

The company hired an employee for a 20-hour work week. I issued an order and an employment contract. Six months later, the employee resigned of his own free will. The company issued wages for the last month and compensation for unused vacation. The employee decided that he was underpaid because the salary was below the regional minimum wage

The court found that the employee only worked 20 hours a week. Therefore, all payments upon dismissal must be calculated in proportion to the time worked (determination of the St. Petersburg City Court dated May 27, 2014 No. 33-7286/2014).

The company has the right to set a reduced schedule for the employee, but only by agreement of the parties (Article 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). There is no need to reduce the number of vacation days due to a shortened schedule. The time worked is already taken into account in payments, of which vacation pay is counted (clause 12 of the Regulations, approved by Resolution No. 922 of December 24, 2007)

Payments upon dismissal must be calculated based on the regional minimum wage, even if the salary in the employment contract is lower.

Upon dismissal, the employee was given back wages and compensation for unused vacation. But the employee did not agree with the amount of payments and went to court. The reason was that the salary was below the regional minimum wage.

All companies are required to adhere to the local minimum wage. In this case, the terms of the employment contract do not matter (determination of the St. Petersburg City Court dated July 2, 2015 No. 33-9180/2015).

The company has the right to refuse the regional minimum wage (see material above). But refusal may not be accepted. It is safer to write in detail about the reasons for the refusal. For example, you can refer to a drop in sales, difficulties in obtaining a loan, etc.

How will the minimum wage increase in 2016 affect benefit calculations and wages?

The increase in the minimum wage from July 1, 2016 in Russia affected the calculation of benefits and labor relations.

Benefits. From July 1, the amount of benefits, which are calculated based on the minimum wage, has changed. It is used in three cases:

  1. During the billing period, the employee did not have a salary or it was below the minimum wage;
  2. The employee's length of service is less than six months;
  3. The employee violated sick leave.

Transferring benefits were calculated according to the minimum wage that was in effect at the time of the onset of disability (Part 1.1, Article 14 of Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006). For example, an employee with less than six months of experience fell ill in June and closed his sick leave in July 2016. The benefit had to be calculated based on 6,204 rubles. If an employee went on sick leave in July - already from 7,500 rubles.

Wage. The monthly salary must be no less than the federal minimum wage if employees have worked their full time limit (Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If the company has not waived the regional agreement, then it is obliged to adhere to the regional minimum wage.

If any of the employees received less than 7,500 rubles for a full month, from July 1, 2016, the salary must be increased.

Companies have the right to refuse the regional minimum wage, but everyone without exception must comply with the federal minimum wage (Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Otherwise, the labor inspectorate may fine you 50 thousand rubles (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Rostrud noted that they did not intensify inspections after July 1, 2016. Plans for the whole year have been approved; you can find out in advance whether the company will have an audit on the website (section “Inspection Plans”). But a surprise inspection based on an employee complaint is possible. If labor inspectors see wages below the minimum wage, they will probably issue a fine.

By the way, if the salary in a company is less than expected, this is a violation of labor legislation, and not the law on contributions. The company does not underestimate the base, but pays contributions on actually accrued income. Therefore, the fund does not have the right to fine under Article 47 of Federal Law No. 212-FZ dated July 24, 2009. Judges in some regions also think the same (resolution of the Arbitration Court of the North Caucasus District dated January 18, 2016 No. F08-9925/2015).

Insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs. With the increase in the minimum wage, insurance premiums for entrepreneurs for 2016 will not change. The amount is calculated based on the minimum wage at the beginning of the year (6204 rubles) (Article 14 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ).

The fixed payment to the Pension Fund will be 19,356.48 rubles (6,204 rubles × 12 months × 26%), to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund - 3,796.85 rubles (6,204 rubles × 12 months × 5.1%).

From 2017, all entrepreneurs will also count contributions from the minimum wage, but a coefficient will appear.

In 2016, individual entrepreneurs pay 19,356.48 rubles (6,204 rubles × 12 × 26%). In 2017, this amount, taking into account the new minimum wage, must be multiplied by 1.2, in 2018 - by 1.4, etc.

Minimum wage in 2016 and the cost of living

According to Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the minimum wage in the Russian Federation should not be below the subsistence level. However, Article 421 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the minimum wage will be increased gradually to the level of the subsistence level, and the procedure and conditions for such an increase should be enshrined in a separate law. But such a law has not been adopted.

By the summer of 2016, a plan was to be developed to achieve the minimum wage level of the subsistence level. The Cabinet of Ministers has formed a working group. The State Duma, in turn, promised to prepare a legislative plan.

When calculating gray salaries, tax authorities focus on the cost of living and the minimum wage. If the salary is lower, they may suspect schemes. Anyone who underpays to the minimum wage is called to the commission.

Also, the cost of living of the working-age population can be taken into account to determine the size of salary indexation. For annual indexation, it is more convenient to use the inflation rate established by the budget, and for quarterly indexation, it is more convenient to use the cost of living.

The minimum wage in Russia from January 1, 2016 is 6,204 rubles. In 2015, the federal minimum wage was 5,965 rubles.

The minimum wage is used to regulate wages and determine the amount of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as for other purposes of compulsory social insurance.

What do employers need to change since 2016 in connection with the innovation?

Salary is less than the minimum wage

If the salary (salary plus compensation and incentive payments) for the fully worked standard working hours per month for some employees is less than 6,204 rubles, then from January 1, 2016 it is necessary to increase the salary of these employees. An employee can receive an amount less than 6,204 rubles. (at the expense of ).

Average earnings cannot be less than the minimum wage

Average earnings for vacations, business trips, etc., paid in 2016, must be no less than the new minimum wage in terms of a full month.

Monthly benefits and minimum wage

Employees who had no earnings in 2014-2015 or whose earnings did not exceed 6,204 rubles. for each month of the billing period, benefits for temporary disability, maternity and child care must be calculated based on the minimum wage. True, this only applies to those whose illness (maternity leave) began on January 1, 2016 and later (Part 1.1 of Article 14 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).

And for those employees whose insurance experience does not exceed 6 months, temporary disability and maternity benefits should not exceed 6,204 rubles. per calendar month (