2 ml gr reading fiction. Perspective plan of fiction in the second junior group

Target: introducing children to fiction, through familiarization with the story of V. Suteev "Three kittens" through integration educational areas « Speech development», « cognitive development", "Physical development".



  • to help children understand the content of V. Suteev's story "Three Kittens",
  • form an emotional-figurative perception of the story,
  • teach children to answer the teacher's questions according to the text of the story,
  • explain to children the meaning of the words soot, samovar pipe,
  • activate the words in the speech of children: flour, soot, samovar pipe,
  • show through cognitive research activities how the kittens changed color in the story.


  • develop dialogic speech,
  • develop a sound culture of speech,
  • develop attention, memory,
  • develop interest in cognitive research activities.

to cultivate interest in fiction, the desire to listen to literary works,
educate responsiveness (desire to help).

Developing subject-spatial environment for GCD: toy-character of the cartoon "Kitten named Woof", flannelgraph, characters from the story for flannelgraph, containers for each child with flour, soot, water, towels.

Abstract of a lesson in fiction in the 2nd junior group "Reading Suteev's story" Three kittens "

GCD progress

Creating motivation for upcoming activities.

The song "I'm fluffy" sounds little kitty…”, a character appears in the group, a soft toy “kitten”.

- Guys, look who came to visit us (children's answers).

I draw attention to the fact that children respond with a proposal in the process of all direct educational activities.

The kitten's name is Woof. Let's say hello to him (children say hello to the character)
- Guys, the kitten Gav whispered in my ear that he had no friends at all, he was bored and lonely.
Are you willing to help the kitten? (children's answers)
How can we help him? (children's answers)

- If the children find it difficult to answer, I suggest. Let's introduce him to other kittens. I know nimble and very curious kittens. Now I will show you and our guest a story that happened to these curious kittens. This story is called "Three Kittens", it was written by Vladimir Suteev. You, together with our guest, listen, look, and then we will find out together with you what happened to the kittens.

Showing the story on flannelgraph (with repetition).

I explain to the children the meaning of the word soot, samovar pipe.

- Guys, the kitten Woof offers to play.

Fizminutka "Marquis"

It will bend, then bend the back, stretch the leg forward
This is what our Marquis, the fluffy cat, is warming up to.
He scratches himself behind the ear, closes his eyes and purrs (murmur, murmur).
The Marquis is all right: claws wool and appetite.

- Children, did you like the story "Three Kittens"? Let's ask our guest if he liked the story? (children ask a kitten).
What color were the kittens at the very beginning of the story? (children's answers)
- Whom did the kittens see and who were they chasing in the story? (children's answers) If children are at a loss, I make visual cues using images on a flannelgraph.
Why did the kittens turn white? (children's answers)
Why are the kittens gray? (children's answers)
Why are the kittens wet? (children's answers)
What color did they become when they dried? (children's answers)
The kittens were curious, they explored the world.

Do you want to turn into curious kittens and go through all their adventures? Then, I turn you into little kittens, we pass and sit down at the tables.

On the table are three containers for each child (with flour, soot and water) and towels.

- Guys, let's remember where the kittens first jumped? (children's answers) We dip the pens in flour. What color were they? (children's answers)
- Where did the kittens climb when they were chasing the frog? (children's answers) What did the kittens get dirty in the samovar pipe? (children's answers)
- We dip our hands into the soot. What color were they? (children's answers)
- And then where did the kittens jump? (children's answers)
We dip our hands into the water, what happened to our hands? (children's answers) And now we dry our hands with a towel.
What happened to the kittens when they jumped out of the water? (children's answers)
What color did the kittens turn when they dried up? (children's answers)

Summing up activities

— Children, did you like the story about curious kittens? (children's answers)
- Guys, the kitten thanks you very much for introducing him to kittens, now he has friends. They will have fun playing together.


On the table are the muzzles of kittens - funny, sad and neutral. I suggest that the children choose any one as a keepsake of how the kitten was helped.




S. Cherny "Private";

G Tsyferov "About friends",

"When there are not enough toys" (from the book About the Chicken, the Sun and the Bear Cub);

“Two greedy bear cubs” (Hungarian; arr. A. Krasnova, V. Vazhdaeva);

“Finger is a boy ...”, “Braves”, English, arr .. From Marshak.


"Cat Rooster and Fox", arr. Bogolyubskaya; K. B.;

K. Balmont "Autumn";

A. N. Tolstoy "Hedgehog";

K. D. Ushinsky "Cockerel with his family";

“Dance the hare…”;

"Wolf and goats".

Mitten", Ukrainian, arr. E. Blaginina;

K. Chukovsky. "Confusion",

B. Zhitkov. "How we went to the zoo" (from the book "What I saw");

M. Zoshchenko. "Smart Bird"

P. Voronko. - Sly hedgehog, trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak;

Learning by heart: N. Saxon. "Where is my finger?"

Reading"I'm going to go to my grandmother, to my grandfather...".

K. Balmont. "Autumn";

A. Maikov. "Lullaby",

S. Cherny., "About Katyusha";

Ch. Yancharsky. "Games" "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko

Learning by heart:"Cucumber, cucumber..."

List fiction

« I and my family"



"Hare, dance..."

"Stubborn goats", Uzbek, arr. Sh. Sagdulla;

Ah, Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are mighty! .. ”, (from“ The Tale of dead princess And. seven heroes");

K. Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun",

T. Alexandrova. "Bear cub Burik";

K. Chukovsky. "So and not so";

L. Muur. "Little Raccoon and. The one who sits in the pond, trans. from English. O. Exemplary;

Learning by heart:



"Hare, dance ...",

"Help!" per. from Czech. S. Marshak.

"Stubborn goats", Uzbek, arr. Sh.

S. Cherny "Private";

K. Chukovsky. "Moydodyr",

B. Zhitkov. "Zebra", (from the book "What I saw");

M. Zoshchenko. "Smart bird";

Learning by heart:. A. Pleshcheev. "Rural song";

List of fiction

" Autumn"



"Kolobok", arr. K. Ushinsky;

"What a Rumble", trans. from Latvian. S. Marshak;

S. Marshak. "Zoo", (from the cycle "Children in a Cage");

K. Chukovsky., "Moydodyr",

B. Zhitkov. "How the elephant bathed" (from the book "What I saw"); . A. Milne. "Three Chanterelles", trans. from English. N. Slepakova; L. Mileva. "Swift Foot and Gray Clothes", trans. from Bulgarian M. Marinova;

Learning by heart:. V. Berestov. "Petushki";


"Forty, forty ...?,

"Kolobok", arr. K. Ushinsky;

Songs. "Ship", English, arr. S. Marshak;

S. Marshak. "Giraffe", "Zebras", (from the cycle "Children in a Cage"); B. Zhitkov. "Elephants", (from the book "What I saw");

Ch. Yancharsky. "Games", "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko


A. Blok. "Bunny";

“Tili-bom! Tili-bom!...”;

A. Pleshcheev. "Autumn has come..."

A. Maikov. "Lullaby", ... "(from modern Greek songs);

S. Marshak "Polar Bears", "Ostrich", (from the cycle "Children in a Cage");

K. Chukovsky. "Confusion",

M. Zoshchenko. "Smart bird";

D. Bisset. "The Frog in the Mirror", trans., from English. N. Shereshevskaya; A. Barto, P. Barto. "Girl grimy";

List of fiction

"My house, my village"



"Forty, forty ...?,

"Cat, rooster and fox", arr. M. Bogolyubskaya;

Ah, Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are mighty!..”, “(from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and. Seven Bogatyrs”);

S. Marshak. "Penguin", "Camel", (from the cycle "Children in a Cage"); G. Tsyferov. "About Friends", from the book "About the Chicken, the Sun and the Bear");

K. Chukovsky. "So and not so";

Learning by heart:. V. Berestov. "Petushki";


S. Marshak. “Where the sparrow dined” (from the cycle “Children in a Cage”);

K. Chukovsky. "Stolen Sun" "So and not so";

A. Milne. "Three Chanterelles", trans. from English. N. Slepakova;

List of fiction

« New Year»



The night has come...

"Two Greedy Little Bears", Hung., arr. A. Krasnova and V, Vazhdaeva;

K. Balmont. "Autumn";

A. Blok. "Bunny";

K. Chukovsky "So and not so";

E. Vieru. "The Hedgehog and the Drum", trans. with mold. I. Akima;

Learning by heart: K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree"



"Like our cat..."

"The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl;

S. Grodetsky, "Who is this?";

Learning by heart: A. Pleshcheev. "Rural song";


"Snow Maiden and the Fox" arr. M. Bulatova

"A squirrel is sitting on a trolley..."

Ah, Pushkin. “Our light, sun!.” (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and. Seven Bogatyrs”);

D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "Tale about brave hare- Long ears, slanting eyes, short tail";


"Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi"...,

"Geese-swans";, arr. M. Bulatova;

"Buy a bow ...", trans. with shotl. N. Tokmakova; "The brave fellow", trans. from Bulgarian L. Gribovoy;

Ah, Pushkin. “A month, a month ...” (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and. Seven Bogatyrs”);

S. Kapugikyan. “Who will finish drinking sooner”, trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova

A. Bosev. "Three", lane, from Bulgarian. V. Viktorova;


"We lived with my grandmother ...",

"Snow Maiden and the Fox"; arr. M. Bulatova

V. Berestov. "Hen with chickens"

L. Voronkova. " It is snowing"(from the book" It's snowing ");

A. Bosev. "Three", lane, from Bulgarian. V. Viktorova

Learning by heart: E. Ilyina. "Our Tree" (abbreviated);

List of fiction

" Winter"




"Little Fairies", English, arr. S. Marshak;

S. Marshak. "Silent fairy tale"

A. N. Tolstoy. "Petushki".

Y. Chapek. "A Hard Day", "(from the book" The Adventures of a Dog and a Kitty "), trans. . Czechs. G. Lukin;



"Swan geese"; arr. M. Bulatova;

V. Berestov. "Bull";

N. Nosov "Steps";


"Swan geese";

"Mitten", Ukrainian, arr. E. Blaginina

"Kisonka-murysenka ...",

"The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl;

"Nanny Fox", trans. from Finnish E. Soini;

N. Zabolotsky. "How mice fought with a cat";

D. Kharms. "Brave hedgehog";

Learning by heart: K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree" (abbreviated);

List of fiction

" Defender of the Fatherland Day"


  • a week
  • Reading

    "Like our cat..."
    "Buy a bow ...", trans. with shotl. N. Tokmakova;

    “Visiting the sun”, trans., from Slovak. S. Mogilevskaya and L. Zorina;

    Y. Chapek. "In the Forest", (from the book "The Adventures of a Dog and a Kitty"), trans. . Czechs. G. Lukin;


    "A squirrel is sitting on a trolley..."
    "The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl;
    K. Chukovsky. " "Fly Tsokotukha",

    Y. Chapek. "Hard Day" Yarinka Doll "(from the book" The Adventures of a Dog and a Kitty "), trans. . Czechs. G. Lukin;

    . Learning by heart: N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?"


    "Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi"...,
    D. Kharms. "Brave hedgehog";

    N. Zabila. "Pencil", trans. from Ukrainian 3. Alexandrova;

    "Like our cat..."

    Learning by heart: K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree"

    List of fiction



    V. Berestov. "Petushki";
    "We lived with my grandmother ...",
    Ah, Pushkin. “Our light, sun!.”, “Month, month ...” (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and. Seven Bogatyrs”);

    E. Bekhlerova. "Cabbage Leaf", trans. from Polish. G. Lukin;

    Learning by heart:. V. Berestov. "Petushki";


  • a week
  • Reading

    "The brave fellow", trans. from Bulgarian L. Gribovoy;

    S. Marshak. "Silent fairy tale"

    V. Mayakovsky. What is good and what is bad?, A. N. Tolstoy. "Hedgehog", "Petushki".

    B. Potter. "Uhti-Tukhti", trans. from English. O. Exemplary;

    List of fiction

    " Health"


  • a week
  • Reading

    P. Kosyakov. "All of her";


    L. Tolstoy. "The bird made a nest...";


    "There are three chickens outside..."

    “Goby - black barrel, white hooves”, arr. M. Bulatova;
    "Three Trappers" English, arr. S. Marshak;

    “Forest bear and naughty mouse”, Latvian, arr. Yu. Vanaga, trans. L. Voronkova;

    P. Kosyakov. "All of her";

    K. Ushinsky. "Vaska",


    "Shadow, shadow, sweat ..",
    “Fear has big eyes”, arr. M. Serova;

    D. Kharms. "Brave hedgehog";

    A. Maikov. "The swallow has rushed..." (from modern Greek songs);

    K. Chukovsky "Aibolit"

    L. Tolstoy. "Tanya knew the letters...";

    Learning by heart:. "Mice lead a round dance.,." - Russian nar. songs;

    List of fiction




    "Rain, rain, more ...",
    "Teremok", arr. E. Charushina

    "The Rooster and the Fox", trans. with shotl. M, Klyagina-Kondratieva;

    K. Chukovsky "Aibolit"

    L. Tolstoy. "Vari had a siskin, ..",

    M. Carem. "My cat", trans. from French M. Kudinova.


    A. Pleshcheev. "Spring" (abbreviated);

    « Ladybug..,»,

    "The Pig and the Kite", a tale of the peoples of Mozambique, trans. from Portuguese. Y. Chubkova

    A. Barto, P. Barto. "Girl grimy";

    K. Ushinsky. "Lisa-Patrikeevna";

    "The Finch Sings", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova;
    S. Kapugikyan. "Masha does not cry" trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova;

    O. Alfaro. "Goat Hero", trans. from Spanish T. Davityants;

    List of fiction

    "Victory Day"



    "Rainbow-arc ...",
    "The Rooster and the Fox", trans. with shotl. M, Klyagina-Kondratieva; S. Marshak. "The Tale of the Smart Mouse";

    K. Chukovsky. "Turtle";

    L. Tolstoy. "Spring came...";

    O. Panku-Yash. "Goodnight, Dooku!", trans. from Romanian. M. Olsufieva, “Not only in kindergarten"(abbreviated), trans. from Romanian. T. Ivanova.


    A. Pleshcheev. "Spring" (abbreviated);

    "Ribouche hen..."

    "Frog Talk", trans. from Czech. S. Marshak.

    V. Mayakovsky “Whatever the page is, then an elephant, then a lioness”; V. Bianchi. "Bathing cubs";

    "Not Only in Kindergarten" (abbreviated), trans. from Romanian. T. Ivanova.

    List of fiction

    " Safety"


    S. Mikhalkov. "Song of friends";

    E. Moshkovskaya. "Greedy";

    Y. Dmitriev. "Blue hut";

    "The Finch Sings", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova;


    “Goby - black barrel, white hooves”, arr. M. Bulatova;

    "Shadow, shadow, sweat ..",
    "The Intractable Hoopoe", trans. from Czech. S. Marshak.

    "Puff", Belarusian, arr. N. Myalika;

    I. Tokmakova. "Bear".

    K. Chukovsky. "Wonder Tree"

    S. Prokofiev. "Masha and Oika",

    A. N. Tolstoy "Fox",

    "The Finch Sings", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova;


    "Chicken-ryabushechka ...",
    L. Muur. "Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond", trans. from English. O. Exemplary

    K. Balmont, "Mosquitoes-makariki";

    P. Kosyakov. "All of her";

    S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Ill-mannered Mouse" (from the book "Fairy Tale Machines");

    "Mice lead a round dance.,." - Russian nar. songs;

    Kolybelnikova Olga Vladimirovna

    Educator MDOU "CRR - Kindergarten No. 247", Saratov

    Educational and methodical development. Long-term plan in preschool educational institution

    A long-term plan for reading fiction for the younger group under the program "Kindergarten 2100" in accordance with the FGT, taking into account thematic planning.

    Texts are attached.

    September "We and our kindergarten"


    "What the sun looks like" T. Bokov

    Remember that in the summer children played a lot with toys; help remember familiar verses

    Introduce children to the concept of "rhyme"; develop thinking

    "My toys" by Z. Petrov

    "Once" by B. Iovle

    Help children learn to listen to poetic texts; cultivate respect for toys

    Cultivate the ability to distinguish between bad and good deeds

    "Summer" V. Orlov

    "Morning Rays" K. Ushinsky

    Fix the main signs of summer

    Develop listening skills short stories; continue to introduce children to seasonal signs

    N. Kalinina "In the forest"

    Poem "Autumn"

    Continue to teach children to listen to small works; consolidate knowledge about trees, flowers

    Continue to acquaint children with autumn signs; broaden one's horizons

    October "We and nature"

    The poem "Grass. bushes. Trees"

    I. Tokmakova " Autumn leaves»

    To consolidate children's knowledge about the types of vegetation

    Continue to introduce children to the main autumn signs

    F. Gurinovich "Garden"

    "Berries" by Y. Taits

    To consolidate knowledge about vegetables and their place of growth

    Continue to learn to listen to small works; cultivate love for loved ones

    N. Kisileva "Kitten and Puppy"

    Russian folk song "Korovki"

    Maintain interest in fairy tales; consolidate knowledge about pets; introduce children to elementary rules traffic

    Continue to meet the little ones folklore genres; consolidate knowledge about domestic animals; learn to answer questions from the text

    S. Marshak "Children in a cage"

    K. Chukovsky "Aibolit"

    Continue to teach children to listen poetic works; consolidate knowledge about wild animals

    Continue to learn to listen to large-scale poetic works, answer questions; consolidate knowledge about wild animals

    November "Colored country"

    L. Razumova "Red"

    "Traffic light" B. Zhitkov

    Consolidate knowledge of red color; continue to teach children to find red objects in the environment

    Continue to develop the ability to listen to stories; consolidate knowledge of red color; continue to acquaint with the elementary rules of the road

    K. Chukovsky "Chicken

    "The sun, like a mother" A. Pavlov

    Maintain a steady interest in fiction; consolidate knowledge yellow color.

    Continue to introduce children to natural phenomena; teach children to find yellow objects in the environment

    V. Suteev "Naughty cat"

    "Colorful gift" P. Sinyavsky

    Learn to evaluate the actions of heroes; consolidate knowledge of primary colors

    Continue to teach children to listen to poetry; consolidate knowledge of primary colors

    "Pencil" Y. Taits

    "The Tale of How Paints Were Painted" by M. Shkurina

    Learn to understand the humor of literary works; consolidate knowledge of blue color

    Introduce children to the fact that when mixing paints, a different color is obtained.

    December "Winter"

    M. Klochkova "Snowflakes"

    Winter for health Z. Aleksandrova

    Continue to acquaint with the main signs of winter, with the properties of snow

    Help children understand the benefits of frosty air

    Poem "Bird"

    Poem "Wintering Birds"

    Continue to acquaint children with the distinctive features of birds

    Consolidate existing knowledge about wintering birds, cultivate a desire to help birds in winter

    Poem "Beasts in Winter"

    “Like snow on a hill” by I. Tokmakova

    Introduce children to how wild animals hibernate

    Continue to acquaint children with what animals do in winter

    O. Chusovitina "Soon, soon the New Year"

    N. Migunova "New Year"

    Help children memorize the poem

    Continue to acquaint children with New Year's verses

    January "We and our family"

    Rhyme "Here are our pens"

    About the nose and tongue. Permyak E. A.

    Continue to acquaint with small forms of folklore; consolidate knowledge of the parts of the human body

    Continue to introduce children to the purpose of body parts

    Z. Alexandrova "Bad girl"

    "Sam" V. Stepanov

    Help children understand that all people are different and act differently; learn to evaluate the actions of heroes

    Instill positive habits in children

    E. Blaginina "Naked - baby"

    "One Hundred Clothes"

    Consolidate children's knowledge about the types of clothing

    Expand children's vocabulary with the names of items of clothing

    February "Our family"

    N. Pavlova "Whose shoes"

    "Fashionista and shoes"

    Viktor Polyanskikh

    Continue to learn to listen to small works; consolidate knowledge of shoes

    Continue to introduce children to a variety of types of shoes

    The poem "My family"

    "Helper" E. Blaginina

    Help children understand who their family is

    Help children understand how to help at home

    Enjoy, toys!

    E. Blaginina

    Come take a look!

    E. Blaginina

    Raise the desire to help adults

    Encourage children to do good deeds

    Z. Aleksandrova "Rain"

    I. Pivovarova "Magic Wands"

    Develop perseverance, attention; consolidate knowledge about purple

    Develop the ability to perceive poetic texts; consolidate knowledge of primary colors

    March "We and our home"

    Z. Alexandrova "What you took - put it back"

    “The table has four legs” S. Ya. Marshak

    Help to understand the meaning of the poem; consolidate knowledge of furniture

    Continue to introduce children to furniture

    What can't be bought?

    Vladimir Orlov

    "Three kopecks for purchases" Sh. Galiev

    Help children understand that not everything can be bought with money

    Help children understand that toys are expensive; cultivate modesty

    I. Tokmakova "Ah yes soup"

    “Oh, how delicious shami smells”

    Help to memorize small verses; consolidate knowledge of kitchen and tableware

    Consolidate knowledge of tableware and kitchen utensils

    D. Kharms "Ivan Ivanovich Samovar"

    K. Chukovsky "Fly-clatter"

    Learn to answer questions on the text; consolidate knowledge about tea utensils

    Learn to listen to large-scale poetic works; keep learning to answer questions

    April "Spring and Seasons"

    A. Pleshcheev "My garden"

    R.s.s. "Zayushkina's hut"

    Learn to find seasonal signs in a poem

    Introduce new fairy tale; help to understand the reason for the melting fox hut

    "The Old Man and the Apple Trees" L. Tolstoy

    "The Tale of the Kitten Kuzka and beautiful flower» M. Shkurina

    Introduce children to what is planted in the spring fruit trees

    Cultivate respect for nature

    V. Suteev "Ship"

    « solar paint» M. Skryabtsova

    Help to understand the meaning of the work: consolidate knowledge blue color

    To bring to the consciousness of children the meaning of the story; fix blue color

    E. Moshkovskaya “We ran until the evening”

    N. Kalinina "In the Morning"

    Consolidate knowledge of the parts of the day

    Continue to introduce parts of the day

    May "What we know and can do"

    Rhythm "We shared an orange"

    Summer of L. Korchagin

    Help memorize the counting rhyme; consolidate knowledge about fruits

    Continue to introduce children to seasonal signs

    "Bear" G. Ladonshchikov

    "Seasons" by A. Kuznetsov

    To consolidate children's knowledge of the seasons; cultivate a sense of humor

    Consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature

    V. Oseeva "Bad"

    « scary story» E. Charushin

    Help children understand the meaning of the story; cultivate kindness, compassion

    Develop the ability to listen to works of large volume; make sense to children

    “Hello, summer” by T. Bokov

    Riddles about toys

    Develop the ability to perceive a poetic text, highlighting seasonal signs

    Develop the ability to guess riddles; thinking

    What does the sun look like? Tatyana Bokova

    What does the sun look like?

    at the round window.

    Flashlight in the dark.

    It looks like a ball

    Damn hot too

    And on the pie in the stove.

    On a yellow button.

    To a light bulb. On an onion.

    On a copper patch.

    On a cheesecake.

    A little bit of orange

    And even on the pupil.

    Only if the sun is a ball - Why is it hot?

    If the sun is cheese

    Why can't you see holes?

    If the sun is a bow

    Everyone would cry around.

    So it shines in my window

    Not a penny, not a pancake, but the sun!

    Let it look like everything


    Download long term plan on reading fiction for the younger group

    Reading fiction in 2 junior group is great way for intellectual and aesthetic education the rising generation. It has a positive effect on communication skills, as well as on the development of speech skills.

    The Importance of Reading in Preschool

    Collective reading of fiction in the 2nd junior group allows the teacher to open through poetic and artistic images to their pupils the world of relationships and human feelings, the beauty of nature, the features of life in society. It is it that enriches the emotional world of children, contributes to the development of their imagination, introduces them to the amazing images of the literary Russian language. Such images differ in the mechanism of influence on the child's psyche.

    For example, reading fiction in the 2nd junior group in the form of stories introduces children to the accuracy and conciseness of the word. Poems give an idea of ​​musicality and rhythm.

    Hygiene aspects

    Reading the work "Moydodyr" in the 2nd junior group is aimed not only at introducing preschoolers to poetry. Together with the children, the teacher highlights the basics healthy lifestyle life, forms hygiene habits in their wards. This work can be considered a reference book for the first acquaintance with human hygiene. Reading the work "Moydodyr" in the 2nd junior group can be carried out in the form puppet theater so that the guys not only hear, but also see how to wash themselves, so as not to be sloppy people.

    What is the best way to exercise dow reading fiction? 2 younger group (a card file of books can be compiled for convenience) is distinguished by the use of a large number poems, fairy tales that will help the teacher to form a stable interest in reading among children.

    • Fairy tales: "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Wolf and seven kids", "Geese-swans", "Fox and Hare", "Snow Maiden", "Cat, rooster and fox".
    • Poems: “Grass-ant ...”, “Finger-boy ...”, “Squirrel sits on a cart ...”, “Rainbow-arc ...”, “Magpie, magpie ...”, “Chiki-chiki-chikalochki ...”, “Like our cat…”, “There are three hens on the street…”, “Zarya-Zaryanitsa”. “We lived with a grandmother ...”, “Shadow, shadow, sweat ...”, “I’m going, I’m going to my grandmother, to my grandfather ...”, “Tili-bom! Tili-bom!

    In addition to reading fairy tales, poems also in preschool institutions the educator uses memorable children's songs to develop creativity and communication skills in his pupils.

    For example, while learning the song “Ship”, the children form an idea of ​​the sea, the first acquaintance of the kids with the world of professions is carried out.

    • “Rhyme with riddles” by J. Baltvilks;
    • "Rain" by A. Bosev;
    • "Hedgehog and Drum", G. Vieru;
    • "Cunning hedgehog", P. Voronko;
    • "Pencil", N. Zabila;
    • “Who will finish drinking sooner?”, “Masha does not cry” by S. Kaputikyan;
    • "Swift and Gray Clothes" by L. Mileva.

    List of prose works for preschoolers

    Among the works of this literary genre, which are recommended for reading in preschool institutions, can be distinguished:

  • "Cabbage leaf", author E. Bekhlerova.
  • "The Frog in the Mirror" by D. Bisset.
  • "Little duckling", author A. Karaliychev.
  • "Uhti-Tukhti", author B. Potter.
  • "In the toy store", "Friends", "Games", "Scooter", author Ch. Yancharsky.
  • Shaping Humanity

    Reading fiction in the 2nd junior group, for example, folk tales, helps preschoolers get to know expressive Russian, figurative speech, humor, and figurative comparisons. With the help of folk tales, the younger generation is interested in the traditions of their ancestors, a sense of pride in their country is laid. The child who is preschool age learn to empathize literary heroes, will not experience problems when communicating with peers, adults. It is in the process of reading in the younger generation that such humane qualities as kindness, sympathy, justice, and care are formed.

    What else does it matter artistic reading? The 2nd junior group is the optimal age for the development of communication skills, the formation of the foundations of citizenship.

    Aesthetic education

    With the help of the artistic word, children understand the beauty of the sound of Russian speech. It gives children an idea of moral character that a person should have. V. A. Sukhomlinsky said that reading is a path along which a thinking and intelligent educator will find an approach to a child’s heart. It is reading in kindergarten that contributes to the formation of language forms and verbal characteristics in preschoolers. The 2nd junior group is the time when it is important to form poetic vocabulary, emotional mood, metaphors, comparisons, epithets in the younger generation.

    Reading Functions

    Reading literature in the 2nd junior group performs an educational function. Child psychologists consider this process a complex mental activity that combines emotional-volitional and intellectual motives. As a characteristic feature of perception artwork it is possible to single out the mental transfer of the hero of the work into real life. Educators often use role-playing games in the process of reading, emphasizing certain qualities of the main characters of the literary work in question.

    Methods of acquaintance of preschoolers with literary works

    Why is this great importance has in kindergarten reading to children? 2nd junior group is the time when psychologists recommend developing creative thinking. In order for the book that the teacher reads to be interesting for children, role-playing games and puppet theater can be used.

    While reading a book, the educator changes intonation, focusing on positive and negative traits hero, highlighting certain storylines. An obligatory element after reading the work is its discussion. The teacher asks the children questions, answering which the children form their speech skills. They not only learn to express their thoughts, but also develop communication skills.

    How to turn into real performance reading a fairy tale Gingerbread house"? 2 the younger group can take an active part in the "revival" of this work. With the help of facial expressions, movements, armed with soft toys, the children can “read” this work together with the teacher.

    Speech development

    What other function does reading perform in the 2nd junior group? List of those works that are recommended by the new federal educational standards, we will give below, but we note that all books should contribute to the development of communication skills of the younger generation.

    The program of preschool institutions involves the formation in children of a certain category of words that denote the names of objects, elementary actions, phrases. All of them are present in the literary works included in the DOW program.

    Particular attention is paid to expanding the orientation of preschoolers in existing reality. short stories, nursery rhymes, poems, considered during this period in the classroom, contribute to the development of active speech, the development of the ability to ask questions, convey impressions from a literary work heard.

    Role play while reading

    Special classes for the development of speech, which are an obligatory element of the program in preschool institutions, involve the use of motor activity, independent role-playing. The use of visual aids: living and inanimate objects, images, toys, pictures is accompanied by words, cues, allows kids to enrich speech.

    Folk works oral art, art word, nursery rhymes, jokes, fairy tales - all this involves the use of visualization at a younger preschool age. The teacher shows actions, movements, using toys for this. The child, listening to figurative speech, perceives movements in full accordance with the voiced text, reproduces small excerpts from a fairy tale or poem he heard.

    Of particular importance is the use pedagogical methods contributing to the development and improvement of the independence of preschoolers. Gradually, the tasks that preschoolers must perform become more difficult. For example, they not only listen to a fairy tale, but also have to describe appearance hero, list the qualities that he possesses. Similar tasks are developed in the younger generation logical thinking, form the imagination, teach to observe and analyze the phenomena and events seen.

    While reading books that are complemented by bright and colorful illustrations, the teacher focuses the pupils' attention on the image, asks the children to describe the picture. After listening to the work, the teacher invites the children to reproduce excerpts from the book they read. In addition, in the process of reading poetry, the teacher uses the method of collective memorization. Children repeat 1-2 lines of the poem in turn, by repeated pronunciation they memorize a short poem.

    Thanks to this method of work, the educator fully fulfills the task assigned to him by the Federal State Educational Standard, namely, forms a harmoniously developed personality.

    During role-playing games, children learn to communicate with their peers, use speech to explain their own actions.


    In order for preschoolers to develop a stable interest in reading, it is important to include in the program preschool education reading books of domestic and foreign authors.

    For example, you can read the poem “Bunny” by A. Blok with the guys, then beat him using soft toys. When introducing the kids to K. Balmont's poem "Mosquitoes-makariki", the educator simultaneously carries out the ecological education of his wards.

    D. Mamin-Sibiryak in his stories “The Tale of the Brave Hare - Long Ears, Slanting Eyes, Short Tail”; “The Parable of Milk, Oatmeal Kashka and the gray cat Murka” pays special attention to the beauty of nature, the importance of caring for the environment. That is why his works are included in the list of books recommended for reading in the 2nd junior group of kindergarten.

    What other works are included in this list? These are, for example, the stories of K. Ushinsky: “Vaska”, “Cockerel with his family”, “Lisa Patrikeevna”, “Ducks”, “Wind and Sun”.

    The works of A. S. Pushkin should not be left without attention in the kindergarten. For example, in given age the children will be interested in his "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs."

    In the list of children's books recommended for the second youngest DOW groups, there are also poems by S. Marshak: “Giraffe”, “Zoo”, “Ostrich”, “Zebras”, “Polar Bears”, “Penguin”, “Swan”, “Camel”, “Eskimo Dog”, “Monkey”, “Where did the sparrow dine?”, “The Tale of the Smart Mouse”, “Quiet Tale”.

    All children's books teach toddlers careful attitude to the environment, other people, contribute to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality of preschoolers.

    Natalya Samotoeva
    forward planning in reading fiction in the second junior group


    №1. The story of Y. Thais "Cube to cube" Develop interest in reading and telling adult works of art; draw attention to the rules of the game with other children in the group. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 29

    №2. The story of V. Stepanov "Game" Develop interest in reading and telling literary works to adults; cause a desire to speak out, to enter into verbal communication. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 31

    №3. Fairy tale by N. Pavlova "In the car" Develop auditory perception, interest and desire to listen to an adult reading or telling; take part in the general conversation. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 32

    №4. Fairy tale by V. Suteev “Apple Develop auditory perception, interest and desire to listen to an adult reading; teach to carefully consider the illustrations, if necessary, ask questions, take part in a general conversation on the content of the tale. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 33

    ABOUT October

    №5. Belarusian folk tale"Puff" Maintain interest in reading books; develop the ability to listen carefully, look at illustrations, join the discussion, answering questions from an adult. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 34

    №6. Rhymes about a cockerel Develop auditory perception, interest and desire to listen to poetic speech, understand its main meaning; engage in memorizing a small poem by heart; teach to carefully consider the illustrations. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 35

    №7. Fairy tale by V. Stepanov "House for a Sparrow" To develop the ability to listen to the reading of a work of art together with a group of children, to understand the main meaning; develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to participate in the conversation. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 37

    №8. Stories by V. Bianchi "Belkin's dryer", G. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplina "How a squirrel hibernates" Develop the ability to carefully listen to the reading of a work of art, to understand the main meaning; develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to participate in the conversation. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 39


    №9. Fairy tale by S. Marshak "Mustachioed - striped" Develop interest in reading books; improve auditory perception, emotional responsiveness; cause a desire to participate with other children in some game activities. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 40

    №10. Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear"(in the arr. M. Bulatov) Develop the ability to listen to the teacher's story together with a group of peers; develop interest in fairy tales, emotional responsiveness, a desire to participate in a conversation by answering simple questions. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 42

    №11. Ukrainian folk tale "Mitten"(translated by E. Blagina) To develop interest in reading books, the ability to perceive the text by ear; cause a desire to take on the role of one of the characters, to participate in role play according to a fairy tale. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 43

    №12. Fairy tale by M. Plyatskovsky "A hedgehog that you can stroke" To arouse interest in reading books, an emotional response to the read work. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 44


    №13. Lullabies Develop auditory perception, emotional responsiveness, interest in the poetic word; create a game situation that in the future children will be able to transfer to independent role-playing games. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 45

    №14. The story of L. Voronkova "It's snowing" Develop auditory perception, the ability to carefully listen to a descriptive text, understand the general meaning, arouse a desire to answer questions; relate the content of the work to personal experience children. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 48

    №15. Poems about birds Develop auditory attention, interest in the poetic word; through literary works to enrich ideas about the life of birds in winter; enrich vocabulary. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 49

    №16. New Year's poems Learn to follow the progress of the action in short works; correlate the content of the works with personal experience. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 52

    №17. E. Moshkovskaya's poem "The Greed" Develop interest in reading books, auditory perception, emotional response; to accumulate experience in conveying the content of the work with gestures and actions; bring up negative attitude to greed. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 54


    №18. Folk songs and nursery rhymes about a cat and a kitty To form interest in the poetic word, the ability to carefully consider the illustrations to the text, to correlate their content with what they heard; develop emotional responsiveness, the ability to convey the actions of characters with gestures. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 56

    №19. Polar bear(stories by E. Charushin and S. Sakharnov) To develop interest in reading, attention and concentration when listening to a descriptive natural history story, understanding its general meaning based on an illustration. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 58


    №20.Fairy tale by S. Kozlov "The Lion and the Turtle" Create conditions for literary characters, re-meeting them through watching a cartoon; develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to take part in general imitation actions, singing along. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 59

    №21. Fairy tale by V. Suteev "Cat - fisherman" To form interest in reading books, attention and concentration when listening, understanding the general meaning of the work (based on illustrations); develop a desire to answer questions, speak out. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 61

    №22. Tale of V. Suteev "Different wheels" Develop interest in reading, the ability to listen carefully, understand the general meaning; give an idea of ​​the spinning wheel, well, mill; enrich the vocabulary with new words. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 62


    №23. Fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Fly-clatter" Develop auditory and visual perception, interest and desire to listen to reading, emotionally respond to events occurring in the book, answer questions; introduce new words into the dictionary: samovar, cowardly, brave, villain, win. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 63

    №24. Russian folk tale "The wolf and the seven kids"(in the arr. A. Tolstoy) To develop auditory and visual perception, an emotional response to the events of a fairy tale; arouse interest in reading books, the desire to answer questions, speak out. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 64

    №25. Sun, show yourself (folk songs and nursery rhymes) To develop children's interest in the genre of folklore, emotional response, desire to take part in the conversation; to teach to carefully consider the illustrations, correlating the text of the nursery rhyme with the picture, noticing small parts talking about what they saw. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 66

    №26. Tale of K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr" Develop interest in books, reading; emotional responsiveness to literary work, the ability to carefully listen to the reading of an adult, the desire to speak on the meaning of what was read; teach to consider illustrations, correlating them with the text of the work. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 68

    №27. Meet the birds Develop auditory attention, understanding the general meaning of poems; enrich ideas about the life of birds. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 70


    №28. Fairy tale by M. Plyatskovsky “How two foxes shared a hole” Develop emotional responsiveness; follow the development of the action, convey the general plot with words, gestures, answer questions. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 72

    №29. The story of E. Charushin "Sparrow" Develop emotional responsiveness to a literary work; be able to relate what they read with personal experience, to talk about it. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 74

    №30. Stories by V. Charushin about animals To learn to listen carefully to prose texts, to correlate verbal description with illustrations, to express one's impressions; lead to guessing riddles according to a verbal description. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 75

    №31. Rain, rain, stronger, the grass will be greener Develop the ability to listen to poetic works, emotionally respond to their content; create conditions for various improvisations based on read songs and nursery rhymes. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 77

    №32. Russian folk tale "Goby - tar barrel" Develop interest in a fairy tale, the ability to listen, understand the main content, join in general conversation when answering an adult; learn to change the intonation and timbre of the voice, pronouncing the text on behalf of different characters. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 80

    №33. S. Marshak's poem "Good day" Learn to listen carefully expressive reading poems, understand its meaning, follow the development of the plot; relate content to personal experience, talk about it. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 82