Affirmations to calm the nervous system.

Affirmations are positive statements that when repeated regularly can change your way of thinking, set goals, and achieve them.

The method of affirmations has long been known as one of the simplest and most effective methods of programming your subconscious. In official psychology there is a share of healthy skepticism regarding affirmations. In psychotherapeutic self-treatment, the method of affirmations is used only at the beginning of treatment, rather to “raise the spirit.” Psychologists do not at all share the opinion of adherents of affirmations, for example Louise Hay, that the disease comes from a certain negative attitude. Although it was Louise Hay who made affirmations a “hit” of positive psychology.

The assertion that affirmations allow you to become rich is also, to put it mildly, ridiculous for official psychology. Psychologists believe that affirmations can only really work indirectly through positive thinking. Of course, if you just say 1000 times a day that you are healthy, then you will not become healthier. Official psychology believes that affirmations only work if they create motivation for action - to achieve what you convince yourself of. Psychologists agree on the mechanism of action of repeated statements. And in fact, a kind of suggestion occurs. But you need to not just talk, but think about how to become healthy.

However, as usual, when we try to get rid of problems, we say mentally or out loud not positive, but negative statements, for example: “I don’t want to get sick. I don't want to be poor. I don’t want to be unhappy”... But we forget that thoughts about success bring good luck, and thoughts about failure bring failure. And the more we think about negative phenomena, the more we aggravate them. The affirmation method turns our negative statements into positive ones: “I am healthy. I'm rich. I'm happy".

Thought - word - health

There is a certain connection between thoughts, spoken words and illnesses. We have noticed that, for example, headaches occur when we feel inferior or humiliated, and heart problems appear when you feel a lack of love and joy in life. Many diseases begin to develop when a person accumulates resentment, irritation, anger, anger. This negativity literally eats away from the inside. Evil thoughts give rise to illness, and by affirming positive emotions, you get positive changes.

Of course, you can object that no one can wish failure and ill health for themselves. Our consciousness makes a choice, but the subconscious embodies it, without evaluating or criticizing. And it translates thoughts and desires into reality much more accurately. The subconscious mind is a well-oiled computer: we enter data, run the program and get the result. Why not put the formulas for luck and success into your subconscious? But first you need to cleanse your subconscious of negativity, of self-destruction. Until we ourselves learn to think positively, everything in our lives will remain the same. All you need to do right now is to get rid of thoughts about unhappiness and ill health and replace them with joyful and pleasant ones. This is precisely the task of affirmation.

How to say affirmations correctly

Affirmations require regularity. They need to be said daily. If you repeat them only occasionally, don’t expect quick success.

Write down 1-2 affirmations on pieces of paper and hang them in front of your eyes. It is very good to say affirmations while looking in the mirror. Stand in front of the mirror and read them loudly, with enthusiasm, 10-20 times a day, but at least once a day. You can sing them like a song to any tune.

Of course, at first you may have difficulty pronouncing affirmations. There will undoubtedly be internal resistance. You may find it difficult to believe what you are saying. There will be irritation and doubts. Give in to them and you will lose. And in fact, at first, positive phrases will not correspond to your current state of affairs. It is impossible to change yourself in one day if you have been complaining about unhappiness all your life. It is important at first to mechanically record the mood for success and health into your subconscious. Even in this case, this attitude will enter the subconscious and, becoming part of it, will become a part of your life.

A very important point: say affirmations only in the present tense. If you talk and think all the time in the future tense, then you will spend your whole life waiting for what you can get right now.

It’s very good if during the day you create 10 new affirmations for yourself on one topic. Come up with them yourself and write them down in your notebook.

Try to give love to all parts of your body, devoting at least a month to each until you see positive results.

Example of affirmations for success and happiness

  • My life is calm and safe.
  • I love me.
  • There is peace and harmony around me.
  • My life is full of joy.
  • I live in complete safety.
  • There is peace and tranquility in my soul.
  • I let success into my life!
  • I am the embodiment of health, energy, life!

How to Create Affirmations for a Healthy Body

If you want to be healthy, it is necessary that in your subconscious there are no attitudes aimed at deteriorating health or reducing life expectancy.

In order to get rid of internal negative attitudes, you must first of all become aware of them. It is clear that the healthier you are, the fewer such attitudes you can find in yourself. Otherwise, a lot of thoughts have probably settled in your head that “nothing can be fixed,” “your health is gone, and nothing can bring it back.”

So, your goal is to identify all your negative programs. To get rid of negative programs, you must first identify them and record them on paper. And then for each negative program you must compose affirmations that are opposite in meaning or use ready-made ones.

Health affirmations need to be repeated many, many times until they displace negative programs from the subconscious. Then your body will begin to carry out new programs that have a positive effect on your health.

Here are examples of ready-made affirmations, but you can create your own.


My brain allows me to understand what a beautiful miracle my body is. I am glad to be alive. I tell my brain that it can heal itself. It is in my brain that the picture of my future is born. My strength is in using my brain. I focus on thoughts that make me feel better. I love and appreciate my beautiful brain!


My head is not tense and calm. I carry her freely and easily. My hair feels comfortable on it. They can grow freely and look luxurious. I concentrate on thoughts lovingly massaging my hair. I love and appreciate my beautiful head!


I believe that life will satisfy my needs, and therefore I grow strong and calm. I relax my scalp muscles and let my beautiful hair grow wildly. I take loving care of my hair and think about how to keep it growing and strong. I love and appreciate my beautiful hair!


I have excellent eyesight. I can see well in any direction. I look back with love on my past, I look to the present and the future. My brain decides how I look at life. I now look at everything in a new way. I see only good in everyone and everything. I'm building a life that's a joy to watch. I love and appreciate my beautiful eyes!


I am balanced, in control and have everything in life. I concentrate on thoughts that create harmony around me. I listen with love to everything good and pleasant. I hear the cry for love hidden in everyone's words. I want to understand others and sympathize with people. I enjoy my ability to hear life. I am able to perceive commands from my brain. I want to hear. I love and appreciate my beautiful ears!


I live in peace with others. No one and nothing has power over me. In my environment I have power and authority. And the thoughts that are important to me reveal my self-worth. I trust my intuition. I trust her because I am in constant contact with the World Mind and Truth. I'm always moving in the right direction. I love and appreciate my beautiful nose!


My food is new ideas, my task is to assimilate and digest new concepts. How easy it is for me to make decisions if they are based on the Truth. I have a zest for life. The thoughts I concentrate on allow me to speak them with love. I'm not afraid to tell others about who I really am. I love and appreciate my beautiful mouth!


I have strong and healthy teeth. I bite into life with joy. I carefully chew all my experiences. I am a determined person. I make decisions easily and do not deviate from them. I concentrate on thoughts, which are the cementing foundation of my being. I trust my wisdom, because I am confident that I will always choose the best decisions at the moment. I love and appreciate my beautiful teeth!


My gums are a sight to behold, they carefully support and protect my teeth. It's easy for me to carry out my decisions. My decisions are consistent with my beliefs. Wisdom and Truth guide me. I concentrate on thoughts that push me only to do the right things in life. I love and appreciate my beautiful gums!

I speak my mind. I say the words loud and clear. My words express happiness and love. They are the music of life. I focus on thoughts that express beauty and gratitude. I confirm my uniqueness with my whole life. I love and appreciate my beautiful voice!


I am tolerant of the actions and views of other people. I am free, and therefore I can accept them. I want to constantly improve. I focus on thoughts that allow me to think broadly and freely express myself as a creative person. I am free and joyful in my manifestations. I feel safe. I love and appreciate my beautiful neck!


I easily bear the burden of responsibility. My load is light, like a feather in the wind. Here I stand - tall, free, joyfully shouldering all my experiences. I have beautiful, straight and strong shoulders. I concentrate on thoughts that make my path easy and free. Love liberates. I love my life. I love and appreciate my beautiful shoulders!


I protect myself and those I love. I stretch out my hands towards life. I take it with joy. My ability to enjoy life is very great. I focus on thoughts that allow me to easily accept any change and move in any direction. In any situation, I remain strong, calm and unshakable. I love and appreciate my beautiful hands!


How flexible my wrists are, how freely they move! It is thanks to them that I so easily let joy into my life. I deserve this joy. I focus on thoughts that help me enjoy what I have. I love and appreciate my beautiful wrists!


I trust my life one hundred percent in my palms. My palms know thousands of ways to deal with events and people. I focus on thoughts that easily cope with my experiences. The divine order of things organizes all the details of my life. Everything I do in life, I do with love, and therefore I feel safe. I am naturalness itself. I live in peace and harmony with myself. I love and appreciate my beautiful palms!


My fingers give me a lot of pleasure. It’s so good that I can touch and feel, check and control, fix and repair, create and design something with love. I have my fingers on the pulse of life, I am attuned to the wave of any person, place or thing. I focus on thoughts that allow me to touch everything with love. I love and appreciate my beautiful fingers!


My nails are nice to look at. I feel protected, completely safe. Because I am relaxed and trustful of the life that is happening around me, my nails grow strong and hard. I love and appreciate all the lovely little things in my life. I focus on thoughts that allow me to handle small things easily and effortlessly. I love and appreciate my beautiful nails!


Life itself supports me. I feel emotionally supported. I was freed from all fears. I feel loved. I freed myself from the past and all the experiences that were in it. I got rid of everything that weighed on me. Now I approach life with confidence. I concentrate on the thoughts that I need. In life you have to be able to wait, because it is full of surprises. I know there is a place for me in it. I stand upright, supported by the love of life. I love and appreciate my beautiful back!


The Lord has endowed me with flexibility and the ability to be flexible in life, like a vine. I can bend and straighten, but I always return to the starting position. I concentrate on thoughts that should increase my flexibility and plasticity. I love and appreciate my flexibility!


Everything that is necessary for growth, everything that I take and give, is perfectly balanced for me. Life gives me everything I need. My “I” is free, and I feel good when people around me are who they really are. Life protects us all. We all grow up in an atmosphere of security. Only love fuels me. I focus on thoughts that set us all free. I love and appreciate my beautiful chest!


My spine is harmony and love itself. Each vertebra is lovingly connected to its neighbor. There is a perfect flexible connection between them that makes me both strong and flexible. I can reach the stars and touch the earth. I think about what makes me feel confident and free. I love and appreciate my beautiful spine!


I rightfully take my place. I have a right to exist. I fully breathe in and breathe out life freely. Inhaling the environment is not at all dangerous. I trust the power that has so generously bestowed my breath. There will be enough air until I lose the desire to live. And there is also enough life and vital material; they will not dry up until the thirst for life runs out in me. I now prioritize thoughts that create a safe environment for me. I love and appreciate my beautiful lungs!


My breath is precious to me. This is the treasure that gives me life. I know it's safe to live. I love life. I breathe life deeply, deeply. My inhalation and exhalation are completely harmonized. My thoughts make my breathing easy and charming. Being around me brings joy to others. The breath of life helps me soar. I love and appreciate my beautiful breath!


My tonsils are the starting point of my self-expression. My self-expression is a unique approach to life. I am a unique creation. I respect my individuality. I reproduce in myself all the good things that come my way in life. My originality begins with the thoughts I choose. My soul and body are strong and harmonious. I am not afraid of life and take from it everything that comes my way. I love and appreciate my beautiful tonsils!


My heart lovingly spreads joy throughout my body, nourishing the cells. Joyful new ideas flow freely within me. I radiate and perceive the joy of life. I focus on thoughts that create a joyful present. Living at any age is not scary. My heart knows how to love. I love and appreciate my beautiful heart!


The blood that flows in my veins is joy itself. The joy of life flows freely throughout my body. I live joyfully and happily. I concentrate on thoughts that help me live. My life is rich, full and joyful. I love and appreciate my beautiful blood!


My only desire is to enjoy life. My true essence is peace, joy and love. I focus on thoughts that make every area of ​​my life joyful. I have a healthy, happy and normal spleen. I feel safe. I strive to experience the beauty of life. I love and appreciate my beautiful spleen!


I have a wonderful nervous system. My nerves give me communication. I sense, feel and understand everything very deeply. I feel confident and safe. My nervous system is designed in such a way that I know how to relax. I focus on thoughts that bring me peace. I love and appreciate my beautiful nerves!


I happily digest life's experiences. I'm okay with life. I easily assimilate everything that a new day brings. I'm fine. I focus on thoughts that glorify me. I believe that life feeds me what I need. I know my worth. I'm good just the way I am. I am Divine, a magnificent manifestation of life. I internalized this idea and it became true for me. I love and appreciate my beautiful stomach!


I let everything that I no longer need leave me. I happily free myself from irritation, criticism and condemnation. My consciousness is now cleared and healed. Everything in my life is in Divine true order. Everything that is done is done for my greatest joy. I find love everywhere in my life. I focus on thoughts that heal, cleanse and uplift me. I love and appreciate my beautiful liver!


I'm not afraid to grow and live the life I created. I let go of the old and welcome the new. My kidneys are doing a good job of eliminating old poison in my brain. Now I focus on thoughts that help create my world. And, as a result, I consider it perfect. My emotions are stabilized by love. I love and appreciate my beautiful kidneys!


I have a wonderful waist. She is very flexible. I can bend as I please. I focus on thoughts that allow me to enjoy exercise because doing it makes me feel good. My waist size is just right for me. I love and appreciate my beautiful waist!


I walk through life maintaining balance. Life always promises me something new ahead. Each age has its own interests and goals. I focus on thoughts that keep my thighs tight and strong. I am strong in all my manifestations. I love and appreciate my beautiful hips!


Every day my buttocks are becoming more beautiful. They are the foundation of my strength. I know that I am a strong person, I am aware of it. I focus on thoughts that allow me to use my power wisely and lovingly. How wonderful it is to feel strong. I love and appreciate my beautiful buttocks!


I am a channel open to the good that flows into me and circulates freely, generously and joyfully. I willingly free myself from thoughts and things that make my existence uncomfortable. Everything in my life is as it should be: harmonious and perfect. I live only in the present. I focus on thoughts that help me become open and receptive to life. The process of intake, assimilation and elimination is excellent for me. I love and appreciate my beautiful colon!


I live in peace with my thoughts and emotions. I live in peace with others. No one and nothing has power over me because I think for myself. I focus on thoughts that keep me calm. With what eagerness and pleasure I free myself from old concepts and ideas. They leave my body easily and joyfully. I love and appreciate my beautiful bladder!


I enjoy my sexuality. For me it is so natural and beautiful. My genitals are amazing. They are perfection and at the same time absolutely normal. I am quite good-looking and beautiful. I appreciate the pleasure my body brings me. I'm not afraid to enjoy my body. I focus on thoughts that allow me to love and appreciate my beautiful genitals!


I see how beautiful every cell, every organ of my body is. My rectum is as normal and beautiful as any other part of my body. I fully approve of every function of my body and enjoy its efficiency and perfection. My heart, rectum, toes - they are all equally important and beautiful. I focus on thoughts that allow me to treat all parts of my body with love. I love and appreciate my beautiful rectum!


I made a decision: it was time to free myself from old childhood wounds and pain. I refuse to live in the past. Now I'm starting to live in the present. As soon as I freed myself from the past, said goodbye to it, my legs became strong and beautiful. I can easily move in any direction. I move forward in life, unencumbered by the past. I don't flex the strong muscles in my legs. I focus on thoughts that allow me to move forward with joy. I love and appreciate my beautiful legs!


I am flexible and plastic. I give and forgive. I bend over with ease and move smoothly. I understand and sympathize and easily forgive everyone and everything that happened in the past. I recognize the strengths of others and praise them at every opportunity. I focus on thoughts that allow me to perceive the love and joy that I encounter every step of the way. I worship myself. I love and appreciate my beautiful knees!


My ankles give me mobility and direction. I was freed from all fears and guilt. I find it easy to please. I am moving towards the highest good for me. I focus on thoughts that bring joy and pleasure into my life. I am flexible and have smooth movements. I love and appreciate my beautiful ankles!


I understand everything clearly. I stand confidently leaning on the Truth. I am beginning to understand myself, others and life better. Mother Earth nourishes me, and the World Mind teaches me everything I need to know. I walk the planet in complete safety in the direction of my greatest good. I move through time and space with ease. I focus on thoughts that help create a wonderful future and move in that direction. I love and appreciate my beautiful feet!


My fingers are scouts of the future that go ahead of me, clearing the way. They are straight, flexible and strong. They are at the forefront, they feel and find the right path in life. I concentrate on thoughts that protect my path. As soon as I start moving, everything comes into complete order. I love and appreciate my beautiful toes!


I am strong and healthy. I am well built and everything about me is proportional. My bones support me, love me. Every bone is important to me. I focus on thoughts that strengthen my life. I am woven from the matter of the Universe. I am part of the universe. I love and appreciate my beautiful bones!


My muscles allow me to move in my world. They are strong and always will be. They are elastic and stretch easily. I focus on thoughts that allow me to perceive new experiences. My life is a dance of joy. I love and appreciate my beautiful muscles!


Nothing threatens my self. The past is forgiven and forgotten. Now I am free and feel safe. I concentrate on thoughts that create a joyful and calm atmosphere for me. I have young and smooth skin all over my body. I love stroking my skin. My cells will be forever young. My skin is the armor that protects the tower in which I live. I love and appreciate my beautiful skin!


I have optimal height. I'm not too tall and not too short. I can look up and down. I can reach a star and touch the earth. I focus on thoughts that make me feel safe, secure, and loved. I love and appreciate my wonderful height!


I am at the optimal weight for me at the moment. This is exactly the weight that I chose for myself. I can change my weight at will. I focus on thoughts that allow me to feel satisfied and comfortable with my body and its size. I love and appreciate my wonderful weight!


I love my appearance. It corresponds to this period of my life. I chose my appearance before I was born and am completely satisfied with my choice. I am unique and special. Nobody looks exactly like me. I am beautiful and becoming more attractive every day. I focus on thoughts that make me beautiful. I like the way I look. I love and appreciate my beautiful appearance!


I'm at an excellent age. Every year is special and unique for me, because I only live it once. Every year from infancy to old age is beautiful in its own way. Like childhood, old age is a special period. I want to experience everything. I focus on thoughts that allow me to grow older in peace. I greet every new year with hope. I love and appreciate my wonderful age!


My body is made for life. I am glad that I chose this particular body, since it is perfection for this moment in my life. I have perfect size, shape and color. It serves me so well. I am delighted that this is my body. I focus on healing thoughts that create and maintain a healthy body and allow me to maintain good health. I love and appreciate my beautiful body!

Affirmations for various diseases

This chapter presents in table form a list of diseases, their possible psychological causes and thinking patterns that will help you tune in to healing. Official psychology absolutely does not share this connection, however, neither do most sober-minded readers. However, despite everything, many people claim that they have experienced their work and are confident that it was the identification of psychological causes that helped them cope with the disease.

According to Louise Hay, everything good and bad in our lives is the result of our way of thinking. Stereotypes of negative thinking cause various health problems. The psychological causes that cause most body ailments are pickiness, anger, resentment and guilt. If, for example, a person engages in criticism long enough, he often develops diseases such as arthritis. Anger causes illnesses that cause the body to boil, burn, and become infected.

Will this information help you or not? Science will say no, fans of Louise Hay will say yes. Let's not interfere in this dispute. But it would be wrong to simply ignore this information. After all, she helped someone, gave hope, forced them to change something in their life. In the end, there is no harm from the fact that a person stops being angry, hating, envying. And if someone likes this information, use it, but if not, just turn the page, in this book there are other psychological techniques that will help you and will not cause internal protest.

So, here is a list of psychological reasons that cause various diseases. First, find your illness in the list of diseases, read the possible causes of its occurrence. You may not find the one that suits you best in the list of possible causes. In this case, analyze your condition and decide what your reason is. Then mentally say: “I want to put an end to ... (stereotype) that made me sick.” Repeat the new healing attitude several times. You need to convince yourself that you are already on the path to success.

Affirmations from the audio mood “Freedom from fears, depression and stress”, authors Igor and Alla Revenko,

1. My soul sings with happiness, with the joy of life, from waking up - in the morning, until going to bed - in the evening
2. I accept changes easily and joyfully. All changes lead to the better.
3. I emit and receive Divine Light and Love.
4. My heart is filled with Divine Light!
5. All my fears and prejudices disappear as quickly as possible.
6. I let go of my past. I accept the present with gratitude.
7. I forgive myself for everything.
8. I work positively, wisely and intuitively to improve my life!
9. My cheerful mood is becoming more and more bright, light, stable.
10. I forgive everyone who caused me any pain and grief.
11. I thank myself and people for my experience of awareness.
12. I accept everything that comes into my life with gratitude and love.
13. With every breath I express gratitude to the Creator for everything!
14. I think positively and optimistically at every moment of my life.
15. I am free from the desire to control people and situations.
16. I feel loving, loved, secure, happy, young and healthy now and forever.
17. I easily let go of all situations that hinder me on my true Path.
18. I allow myself to enjoy and have joy and relaxation.
19. All the difficulties of life are only a source of new opportunities for improving yourself and your life.
20. I love myself with unconditional true love and always take care of myself.
21. I am a determined person! I make important decisions easily!
22. I can quickly find my way around and choose the best way out!
23. I think clearly!
24. I am absolutely calm!
25. In difficult times, I know how to relax!
26. I can easily and quickly find a solution in any difficult situation!
27. I am full of strength and energy HERE and NOW!
28. At the end of each working day, I feel lightness, joy, contentment, acceptance, gratitude and love!
29. My whole body accumulates youthful energy during work and rest!
30. The more I work, the more actively my body is filled with young and healthy energy!
31. I have excellent performance, but I combine work and rest wisely!
32. I happily rest and fully restore my strength.
33. I am full of strength and energy.
34. I smile at the present and the future.
35. My thoughts about myself and my life are always accompanied by positive emotions.
36. My happiness, Divine love, inner harmony and bliss are increasing as quickly as possible!
37. I always keep my self-confidence high!
38. I am a joyful, happy and lucky person!
39. I think positively!
40. I look forward to the future with joy!
41. I focus on all the good things in my life!
42. I am absolutely calm during any of my activities!
43. I control my stress level myself!
44. I am able to consciously lower my stress level!
45. I am completely relaxed when I want it!
46. ​​I relieve tension easily and effectively!
47. I know how to relax!
48. I am completely calm when communicating with other people!
49. I am completely calm in any situation!
50. I de-stress in a positive way!
51. With every exhalation I release tension!
52. I am in an environment that radiates calm!
53. I know how to remain calm in stressful situations!
54. In stressful situations, I continue to eat right!
55. I always remain calm towards other people!
56. I am a calm person! I accept the world with love and gratitude!
57. I can easily make decisions in stressful situations!
58. I easily get rid of anxious thoughts!
59. I am happy, joyful and calm!
60. I love my life and myself!

The concept itself is now well-known among many, although all the ancient healers, sorcerers and magicians knew it. Only before they called it not “affirmations for health and healing,” but conspiracies and love spells. But now we can be our own magicians and magicians if we realize that this is one of the simplest influences on our own brain - this is a positive statement constantly repeated out loud and to ourselves.

The advantage of this exercise is that it can be repeated as many times as you like and wherever you want. It doesn’t matter at all whether you have some kind of room for this and whether you are surrounded by people. We just mentally replay the same thing in our heads. And life gradually changes for the better, your health improves, depression goes away, you begin to feel young and beautiful.

How do health affirmations work?

Over the course of a whole day, more than one thousand thoughts fly through our heads; this happens most often unconsciously. Sometimes we cannot answer the question: what have we been thinking about over the past ten minutes? If we learn to tune our brain to one positive thought and keep it in our heads for a long time, start the morning with it and end the day with it, then the whole body will begin to function differently, because many of our problems are associated precisely with experiences and the inability to control our emotions.

How are such messages compiled? Firstly, health affirmations should not be long (the five most important words are enough). Secondly, any construction of thought must be in the present tense. If you use the installation in the future tense, then the body will not tune in to the fact that you need help in the present. Thirdly, never use the “NOT” particle, the brain will simply miss it and may have the opposite effect.

There are some other nuances. For example, you are seriously ill and constantly try to repeat: “I am healthy, I am healthy, I am healthy.” But the brain seems to resist, because it’s difficult for it to believe it. Then you need to rearrange the phrase: “Every day my health is getting better and better.” Don't expect results the next day. But within ten days there will be a significant improvement in your health.

Louise Hay is recognized as one of the best masters of conscious healing with thought, who has published more than thirty books in her life, which have become a real discovery and a panacea for many diseases. She herself did not live the easiest life with many psychological traumas, and therefore knew firsthand how difficult it is to survive in our world. At the age of 52, Louise was diagnosed with cancer, which she was able to cope with using her own technique. Her books are valuable precisely because they are not unfounded, but are based on many examples from her biography.

The basis A Louise Hay's affirmation of health is based on a positive attitude towards your body. You should never scold your body, you need to love it, accept it, help it perk up and be healthy. The founder of the movement compares the body to a devoted servant who tries with all his might to please his master. If you constantly insult him, he may get tired and stop trying.

Your body will respond to love with love: sleepy, fed with healthy food, and exercised, it will serve you for many years. But if you constantly torture him, and then you are also angry that you are so tired today and have low blood pressure, a stomach ache, constant colds, then sooner or later the body will be offended. Louise Hay's affirmations for health are based on loving yourself and every cell of your body.

You can’t constantly talk about your own illnesses and still get better. No matter what hurts you, care for this organ as if you were caring for a small child, take care of it, constantly scroll through your head words of love and gratitude to your body. Do not accustom yourself to the role of a victim: it is in your hands and thoughts to improve your health. Very often a person invents some diagnoses for himself, cultivates them in himself, and then the disease really appears as if out of nowhere. And we don’t always understand that we ourselves attracted her into our lives.

Create your own health affirmations

Start every morning with positive thoughts about your health, youth, and beauty. You are fresh and beautiful, every cell of your body works in unison with the whole body, the work of the body is harmonious and ideal. There are several examples of ready-made messages to your body.

  • Happiness surrounds me.
  • I am positive and cheerful.
  • My mental health is normal.
  • My body heals easily and quickly.
  • All doctors contribute to the healing of my body.
  • I have the strongest immunity.
  • The love of the Lord flows through my body and helps me recover.
  • I am grateful to God for my healthy body.
  • Every day my hearing (vision, blood pressure, etc.) improves.
  • I eat only healthy food.
  • I'm energetic.
  • I am cheerful, I have a lot of strength.
  • Every day I get stronger and healthier.
  • I am free from negativity.
  • My body is light and beautiful.
  • I feel the advice of my inner voice, they help me.
  • Every joint works great for me.
  • All my nerves are strong and iron.
  • Thank you for your health.
  • Thank you for my perfect vision (working of the heart, lungs, stomach, etc.).
  • I've had enough sleep and am ready to work.
  • I want to eat only healthy food.
  • My favorite drink is water.

Louise Hay, whose health affirmations have become popular all over the world, has compiled a table indicating the main problems, their possible causes and methods of treatment. All diseases are arranged in alphabetical order, the causes are clearly described and sometimes surprising. For example, the cause of gastritis can be a permanent feeling of uncertainty and doom. And many liver diseases are associated with anger and malice, since it is the liver that contains all our rage. Eye diseases are directly related to a reluctance to see any problems or to the feeling of being a person not of this world.

Saying appropriate affirmations for health and healing will help you maintain good health and good spirits for many years to come.

  • 2. I express gratitude that God created man in his own image and likeness, giving him a unique tool of creation to use - the magical power of thought!
  • 3. I express gratitude that God created me!
  • 4.I express my gratitude for the excellent health and high energy. For the fact that every cell of my beloved body radiates waves of health and joy!
  • I thank the universe for the senses that give me a wonderful opportunity to perceive this wonderful world. For the legs that lead me forward in life, for the hands that do good and create. For the head that gives brilliant ideas!
  • 5.I express gratitude for my talents and abilities. For self-realization and inspiration. For the fact that creative energy flows easily and freely!
  • 6.I thank God for brilliant ideas and their implementation. For information and knowledge and for access to them!
  • 7. I thank higher powers for the qualities that lead me to success. For courage and confidence. For determination and purposefulness. For kindness and love for the world!
  • 8. I express my gratitude for success in any of my endeavors!
  • 9. I thank the Cosmos for the constant flow of money into my life. Because I'm getting richer every day. For what I get from... rubles a month!
  • 10. I express gratitude for the coziness and comfort in the house. For harmonious relationships with loved ones and pets!
  • 11. I express gratitude for fashionable and comfortable clothes, beautiful furniture and high-quality equipment!
  • 12. I thank God for wonderful relationships with people. For communication with friends and acquaintances!
  • 13. I thank GOD for meeting my soulmate and for a long and harmonious relationship with her!
  • 14. I express gratitude for a happy and fulfilling life. For rest and entertainment. For travel and sports. Because life gives you 1000 ways to make yourself a happy person!
  • 15. I express gratitude for every moment of life!

Integumentary system(lat. integumentum, from in + tegere - “to cover”) - a complex of varieties of epithelial tissue, elements of muscle, connective and nervous tissues concentrated on the surface of the body. It protects the body from drying out, temperature fluctuations, damage, and the penetration of toxic substances and pathogens into the body. This system is the largest organ system in size.The skin is the largest organ of the human body by area. Its area is about 1.7 m². The skin consists of three layers, the epidermis (outer layer), the dermis and the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the hypodermis.Epidermis includes five layers of epidermal cells. The lowest layer - the basal one - is located on the basement membrane and represents 1 row of prismatic epithelium. Immediately above it lies the spinous layer (3-8 rows of cells with cytoplasmic processes), followed by the granular layer (1-5 rows of flattened cells), the shiny layer (2-4 rows of anucleate cells, visible on the palms and soles) and the stratum corneum, consisting from stratified keratinizing epithelium. The epidermis also contains melanin, which colors the skin and causes the tanning effect. Dermis, or the skin itself, is connective tissue and consists of 2 layers - the papillary layer, on which there are numerous outgrowths containing capillary loops and nerve endings, and the reticular layer containing blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve endings, hair follicles , glands, as well as elastic, collagen and smooth muscle fibers, which give the skin strength and elasticity. Subcutaneous fat consists of bundles of connective tissue and fatty deposits, penetrated by blood vessels and nerve fibers. The physiological function of adipose tissue is to accumulate and store nutrients. In addition, it serves for thermoregulation and additional protection of the genitals.

In addition to the skin itself, the body has its anatomical derivatives - formations that develop from the skin and its rudiments. Various secretions of glands located in the skin are also part of the outer covering of the body.
  1. I rejoice that the new healthy Divine newborn life is pouring into my body.
  2. I love my reborn strong, elastic, flexible, young, healthy, strong and resilient body.
  3. I am convinced that a huge energy of rapid rejuvenation, healing and growth is pouring into my entire body.
  4. I believe that a newborn, beautiful youthful body is being born again within me.
  5. I believe that I am again born with a young, beautiful and strong male body.
  6. I rejoice that the Divine energy of rapid development and rapid creation fills my entire head and my entire body.
  7. I know that the enormous Divine power of life is pouring into my head and my whole body in an inexhaustible stream.
  8. I feel like my head and my whole body are becoming even stronger, much more energetic and completely healthy.
  9. I have complete faith that the Divine energy of life fills my entire head.
  10. I believe that the Divine energy of hair generation flows into my scalp.
  11. I know that on my head, instead of every single hair, ten new, extremely thick, strong, beautiful hairs are born.
  12. I am glad that my head is young, healthy, covered with beautiful, thick, healthy hair.
  13. I know that the hair on my head is getting more and more.
  14. I am convinced that newborn thick, strong, beautiful, young hair is being reborn throughout the entire area of ​​my scalp.
  15. I feel like a whole cap of newborn thick, healthy, strong, beautiful hair is being reborn on my head.
  16. I rejoice that young, energetic, joyful life flows into the skin of my scalp, that new hair follicles are revived in it and that the entire scalp and all the hair come to life.
  17. I am firmly convinced that the same extremely thick and strong hair grows in front of my forehead, on the sides, and on the crown of my head as on the back of my head.
  18. I feel like my head is now newborn, calm, light, healthy, beautiful and young.
  19. I rejoice that my entire scalp, face, throat, neck and whole body are completely renewed, reborn with young, pristinely beautiful skin, like that of a 20-year-old boy.
  20. I am convinced that all the skin, subcutaneous tissues of the head, face, throat, neck and whole body are filled with young, structural, intracellular and intercellular water, which fills my entire body with the elasticity of youth.
  21. I am confident that in all tissues of the head, face, throat, neck and body, the network of collagen fibers that connects the skin to the muscles is being revived, restoring youth, strength, health and beauty to my body.
  22. I feel that all my skin, all the subcutaneous tissues of my head, face and throat are filled with young life, they are elastic and resilient as in youth.
  23. I know that all of my skin on my head, neck, shoulders, arms, torso and legs is reborn incomparable, pristinely fresh and delightfully beautiful.
  24. I am convinced that all the subcutaneous tissues of the head, arms, torso and legs are restored to their youthful, 20-year-old ideal healthy structure.
  25. I feel that both spiritually and physically I am being reborn young and healthy, all my skin, all the tissues of my head, torso, arms and legs are filled with the elasticity and firmness of youth.
  26. I rejoice that all the subcutaneous tissues of the legs, arms, torso and head are reviving a dense network of collagen fibers that fill my entire body with the elasticity and strength of youth.
  27. I like that my face remains young and beautiful, that all the wrinkles on my face and neck are smoothed out and disappear forever without a trace.
  28. I am glad that all the wrinkles on my face and neck have smoothed out and disappeared.
  29. I know that my face is divinely beautiful and calm.
  30. I know that my face and neck are absolutely wrinkle-free, that the muscles of my face and neck are healthy and strong, toned and elastic.
  31. I know that I have elastic, elastic, divinely beautiful and healthy skin on my face, neck, arms, legs and all over my body.
  32. I thank the spiritual forces for my face, which is perfectly reborn and becomes young, beautiful and healthy.
  33. I am glad that the muscles of my face remain youthful and elastic.
  34. I am happy that my face is regaining its healthy skin color.
  35. I feel a pleasant and delightful calm fill my face.
  36. I believe that my face is reborn, becoming young, beautiful and healthy.
  37. I feel how the youthful joyful freshness of youth is born on my face.
  38. I smile at life, my face is smoother and younger. Every day in the mirror I see the beautiful, fresh, rejuvenated face of a happy young man!
  39. I rejoice that the colossal inexhaustible energy of youth flows into me in a constant stream and bubbles up throughout my whole body.
  40. I firmly believe that my skin has regained its youthful, healthy thickness and is now just as perfectly healthy as it was in my 20s.
  41. I am glad that I inherited elastic, smooth and healthy skin, which remains healthy, elastic, beautiful and even in color for up to 110 years.
  42. I believe that I become more energetic and all the excess fat in my entire body quickly burns and disappears.
  43. I am firmly convinced that all the excess fat in my entire body is disappearing like snow under the hot rays of the sun.
  44. I am convinced that under the influence of the colossal energy of youth, all the excess fat in my body quickly burns away, like snow under the hot rays of the sun.
  45. I feel how young structural intracellular and intercellular water flows into my skin and subcutaneous tissues, filling my entire body with elasticity and firmness.
  46. I know that a network of collagen fibers connects my skin to my muscles, to deep structures, making my whole body healthy and strong.
  47. I firmly believe that all the subcutaneous tissues make my entire body stronger.
  48. I feel that the skin of my hands and fingers is filled with young, energetic life, and my palms are warm, tender, healthy and beautiful.
  49. I am glad that my beautiful, clear lip pattern is being revived.
  50. I am glad that my lips are constantly reviving their clear, beautiful, childlike design.
  51. I know that I have beautiful lips, I feel young, cheerful, happy and healthy handsome.
  52. I know that all my skin is elastic and firm. I know all my skin is healthy.
  53. I love my luxurious skin, I am convinced that it is resilient, elastic, strong and healthy.
  54. I know that my whole body is tight, elastic, clean, and delicious.
  55. I believe that all my skin is young, elastic and firm, that all the wrinkles on my body are smoothed out and disappear forever without a trace.
  56. I am glad that all over my young, fabulously healthy, beautiful body, the wrinkles have smoothed out and completely disappeared.
  57. I live openly and freely, I look at the world with wide open cheerful eyes.
  58. I like that royal grandeur, masculine wisdom and the triumphant power of youth shine in my eyes.
  59. I rejoice that my eyes are reborn as brightly shining, strong-willed, intelligent, radiant, brilliant, youthful, young and beautiful.
  60. I love my expressive, healthy, young and divinely beautiful eyes.
  61. I always feel like a handsome young man. A cheerful light often shines in my eyes.
  62. I feel my eyes filled with the young, 20-year-old energy of life.
  63. I know that all the structures of my eyes are now being reborn young, healthy, beautiful and strong.
  64. I know that my eyes are bright, expressive, funny, smart and beautiful.
  65. I love my young, youthful, amazingly straight fingers and toes.
  66. I feel like I now have newborn, free and complete mobility in all the joints of my fingers and toes.
  67. I clearly feel my young, healthy, strong, strong and even fingers, like when I was 20 years old.
  68. I feel my fingers healthy and feel the power of life in my arms and legs.
  69. My fingers are straight and strong, my hands are amazingly beautiful, healthy and young.
  70. I am confident that my feet and legs are filled with young, energetic, joyful, cheerful life and are absolutely healthy.
  71. I am deeply aware that the skin of my feet is now divinely infused with youthful, structural water, which instantly fills my skin with the elasticity and firmness of youth.
  72. I believe that the skin of my feet is now resuming its youthful structure, being born luxurious and pristinely healthy, beautiful and fresh.
  73. I feel like the skin on my feet is exactly the same now as it was when I was 20: elastic, firm, clear, beautiful and delicious.
  74. I feel my legs being reborn exactly as they were in my 20s: strong, fast, healthy, beautiful and tireless.
  75. I know that young, structural, intracellular and intercellular water flows into all the tissues of my shoulders, arms and fingers, which gives the pristine freshness of youth to my entire body.
  76. I am convinced that all the tissues in my shoulders, arms and fingers are reviving the network of collagen fibers that make my entire body elastic and strong.
  77. I am glad that my feet are smooth, young, absolutely healthy and beautiful.
  78. I like that in all the internal organs of the lower abdomen, the nerves become stronger and healthier.
  79. I rejoice that my entire lower abdomen is firmly calm, light and weightless.
  80. I rejoice that structural water fills all the tissues of my abdomen with the beauty of newborn youth.
  81. I know that my pituitary gland sends millions of times more necessary molecules throughout my body, and each one breaks down fat into carbon dioxide and water.
  82. I know that the functioning of my pituitary gland is physiologically enhanced and it is actively breaking down all excess fat in the area of ​​my abdomen, pelvis and buttocks into carbon dioxide and water.
  83. I am convinced that all structures of the pituitary gland are sharply activated, physiologically strengthened and actively perform all functions in the body.
  84. I am glad that my young, beautiful, fit physique is being revived.
  85. I know for sure that my whole body is filled with young, healthy and joyful life.
  86. I know that my body is elastic, strong, pure, divinely beautiful and young.

These affirmations will help you develop your natural sexuality and allow you to feel the absolute freedom to enjoy all manifestations of your new irresistible feminine energy!

  1. I am a sexy person!
  2. Sex is a gift from God!
  3. Sex is joy!
  4. Sex is an expression of love!
  5. My sexuality is limitless!
  6. I am confident in my capabilities!
  7. I can do anything I want!
  8. My sexual possibilities are limitless!
  9. I love sex and find it wonderful!
  10. I allow myself to have sex whenever I want!
  11. I enjoy sex when I have it. I live in joy every minute!
  12. I'm filled with energy! My whole body is filled with powerful strength, I’m ready for sex!
  13. I want sex! I'm excited about sex!
  14. I can have sex unlimited time!
  15. My sexual capabilities are growing every minute!
  16. I enjoy every moment of my life! I am constantly improving my sexual prowess.
  17. I am worthy of love and sex!
  18. I'm excited about sex!
  19. I'm always ready for sex with my lover!
  20. Sex for me is an opportunity to open up and be creative!
  21. Sex is a source of creative energy!
  22. I have enormous sexual energy!
  23. I am the source of sexual energy!
  24. I give my sexual energy to my partner!
  25. My sexual capabilities are constantly increasing!
  26. I experience great sexual desire when I want it!
  27. Sex is a wonderful part of my life and I enjoy it immensely.
  28. I love myself the way I am!
  29. I'm proud of my genitals! I'm delighted with them!
  30. I am proud of my body, my skin, my breasts! I enjoy the thought of my sexy body!
  31. My healthy, beautiful body allows me to have sex as much as I want!
  32. I am proud of my genitals, my breasts, my hips, my sexy and feminine forms!
  33. I do the best I can sexually, and I'm happy with my results.
  34. I love myself regardless of the opinions of others.
  35. I am a sexy, captivating and charming woman, regardless of the opinions of others.
  36. I allow my sexual partner to behave as he wishes.
  37. I give my partner complete freedom!
  38. I find many advantages in my beloved person, I concentrate on them! I patiently help my loved one on the path of change towards my ideal!
  39. I trust Life and know that I will receive as much love as I want!
  40. I find a lot of advantages in my loved one! I will teach my sexual partner everything I need!
  41. I myself show more initiative and receive the attention and tenderness of my loved one!
  42. I find in my beloved an inexhaustible source of sexuality!
  43. I am the source of sexuality! I radiate sexuality!
  44. I believe in my capabilities.
  45. I believe that I am worthy of love and sex.
  46. I speak boldly and openly about my desires!
  47. I am an attractive sexual partner!
  48. I boldly take the first steps towards love and sex!
  49. I am the most wonderful lover!
  50. I easily find a partner to fulfill my wildest sexual desires!
  51. I deserve a lot!
  52. I'm delighted with my capabilities!
  53. I'm delighted with my sensuality!
  54. I'm delighted with my sexuality!
  1. I am convinced that my heart is indestructibly strong, indestructibly strong, virginally heroically healthy, absolutely healthy.
  2. I am firmly convinced that my heart is young, youthful, heroically strong, mighty, indestructibly strong, indestructibly strong, titanically resistant.
  3. What I do know is that my heart is constantly, continually healing and coming into alignment with the one thought of a healthy heart.
  4. I inherited a gigantically strong, powerful, titanically resilient, heroic, all-powerful heart.
  5. I clearly and firmly feel the Divine presence in all the spiritual cells of my Soul, in my entire physical body.
  6. I believe that my whole heart is being reborn pristine, virginally whole, heroically strong and absolutely healthy.
  7. I am convinced that my heart, in accordance with the cosmic heredity of the Universe, lives according to the law of constant comprehensive development, comprehensive improvement, flourishing, constant healing, rejuvenation and strengthening.
  8. I am firmly convinced that I can, with my thoughts and images, induce all the muscles of my heart to regenerate, restore to a completely healthy state and be completely renewed.
  9. I am absolutely sure that all muscle fibers, all muscle cells and valves of my heart have a perfectly correct structure and have enormous heroic strength.
  10. I am convinced that new strength is pouring into my heart like an indestructible strong stream of health.
  11. I am absolutely sure that all the new energy is pouring into my heart in a heroic, mighty, omnipotent stream, healing my heart.
  12. I feel with the brightness of lightning, with the hardness of steel I know that my heart every moment, day and night, is continuously developing, improving and becoming stronger around the clock.
  13. I have a virginally indestructible, strong, indestructibly persistent, titanically young healthy blood pressure that is normal for me.
  14. I have a titanically stable, heroic lower heart pressure that is normal for me.
  15. I know that my brain apparatus perfectly controls the entire life of my heart, giving birth to a titanically stable, healthy, normal birth for me.
  16. I am firmly convinced that my beloved heart lives in complete spiritual comfort, and in complete spiritual comfort my young, healthy blood pressure, which is normal for me, is maintained.
  17. I am convinced that my titanically resistant neuro-brain apparatus of the heart provides a titanically resistant upper cardiac pressure that is normal for me.
  18. My pulse beats at the most pleasant, most beneficial pace of life for my heart.
  19. My beloved heart lives a titanically resilient, healthy, cheerful and joyful young life, which is provided to it by a titanically resilient, physiologically gigantically strong neuro-brain apparatus.
  20. I feel how, throughout my whole body, in all the veins in my arms, in my legs, the nerves are constantly strengthening.
  21. I know that all the veins in the arms and legs with young, enormous force drive the blood upward to the heart.
  22. I believe that in my hands and feet there is youthful, fast and cheerful blood circulation.
  23. I feel in the tips of my fingers on both hands and feet, the pulse is always filled with Divine physiological power.
  24. I feel like a person convinced that in the future my heart will be heroically strong, pristinely intact, cheerful, happy and absolutely healthy.
  25. My cardiac conduction system has completely regained its newborn integrity.
  26. I strengthened the sinus node of the conduction system of the heart millions of times, revived the newborn, complete free conduction of all structures of the conduction system of the heart.
  27. I believe that the entire valve apparatus of my heart is pristinely intact, perfectly healthy, it has been reborn for all time.
  28. I know that my young, beloved heart lives in complete contentment, the feelings in my heart are always light, joyful, healthy and good.
  29. I rejoice in the fact that I have a cheerful, happy, laughing and always healthy heart.
  30. With great persistence and absolute faith, I program my heart for permanent healing.
  31. I believe that in a hundred years and beyond, my beloved heart will always be the pristine, perfectly healthy heart of the young God-man - the son of the God of the Universe.
  32. I believe that I can keep my heart powerful, strong, titanically resilient, absolutely healthy.
  33. I am convinced that I can strengthen my thought about a young heart millions of times so that it has a titanic materializing power, and so that my entire physical body instantly comes into full compliance with the content of my thought about a healthy heart.
  34. I firmly believe that my heart is programmed for constant and continuous healing and regeneration.
  35. I believe that my single thought about a healthy heart has titanic all-conquering power.
  36. I feel that Divine physiological force flows in every atom of my physical body.
  37. I am convinced that all the mechanisms of my heart are absolutely healthy.
  38. I am firmly convinced that all the muscles of my heart have enormous heroic strength, regenerate and renew themselves.
  39. I am convinced that every day my heart becomes stronger, more powerful, heroic, mighty, omnipotent, new forces and energies are pouring into my heart.
  40. I am deeply aware that my entire neuro-brain apparatus of the heart is indestructibly strong, indestructibly resistant.
  41. I am glad that all the muscles of my heart continue to develop.
  42. I am confident that I can have a young, healthy blood pressure that is normal for me.
  43. I am firmly convinced that I have a titanically stable, heroic lower heart pressure that is normal for me.
  44. My nerve-brain apparatus of the heart perfectly and correctly controls the entire life of my healthy heart.
  45. My ardently, ardently beloved heart lives in complete spiritual comfort, and I have healthy, normal blood pressure.
  46. My blood pressure is constantly kept young, healthy and comfortable.
  47. I firmly feel like a person with strong nerves of the cardiovascular system.

Affirmations to maintain the young, rhythmic functioning of the heart, to stimulate the coordinated work of all its parts, in order to calmly live through any situations in life.

  1. I perceive my heart as powerful, strong, titanically resilient.
  2. I am convinced that my heart is indestructibly strong, indestructibly strong, pristinely heroically healthy, absolutely healthy.
  3. I am firmly convinced that my heart is young, youthful, heroically strong, mighty, indestructibly strong, indestructibly strong, titanically resistant.
  4. All my thoughts about health are easily combined into one powerful miraculous thought, which is executed instantly or as quickly as possible, and all anatomical structures and the entire physical body instantly or as quickly as possible come into compliance with my miraculous single thought about healing and rejuvenation.
  5. I am strengthening my idea of ​​a young heart a million times.
  6. I have a titanic materializing power that brings my entire physical body into full compliance with the content of my thoughts about myself.
  7. With absolute faith millions of times, I strengthen my will, my volitional efforts aimed at healing my heart.
  8. I know that my heart is constantly, continually healing and coming into alignment with the one thought of a healthy heart.
  9. I believe that I was inherited a gigantically strong, powerful, titanically resilient, heroic, all-powerful heart.
  10. I clearly and firmly feel the Divine presence in all the spiritual cells of my Soul, in my entire physical body.
  11. I know that all the energies of the development of the Universe flow in my heart.
  12. With great persistence and absolute faith, I take from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, from the entire Universe and pour into all the structures of my heart the great Divine power of life, I pour in the gigantic Divine physiological power.
  13. I like to pour a gigantic stream of energetic, rapidly and rapidly developing embryonic joyful life into all the structures of the heart around the clock.
  14. I deeply realize and fully understand that Divine energy flows in my heart, which, with gigantic embryonic speed, revives the newborn integrity of all the structures of the heart, all the mechanisms of the heart.
  15. I believe that my whole heart is being reborn pristinely whole, heroically strong and absolutely healthy.
  16. I rejoice that nature pours all the energies of the development of the Universe into the neuro-brain apparatus of my heart.
  17. I can develop a gigantic Divine all-conquering force in the brain and spinal cord around the clock.
  18. I am convinced that my heart, in accordance with the cosmic heredity of the Universe, lives according to the law of constant comprehensive development, comprehensive improvement, flourishing, constant healing, rejuvenation and strengthening.
  19. I am firmly convinced that I can, with my thoughts and images, encourage all the muscles of my heart to regenerate, restore a completely healthy state and be completely renewed.
  20. I am absolutely sure that all muscle fibers, all muscle cells and valves of my heart have a perfectly correct structure and have enormous heroic strength.
  21. I thank God and Life for the reborn, newborn, young structure of all muscle cells, all the muscles and valves of my heart.
  22. I know that all the muscles of my heart are regenerated, renewed, revived their newborn, youthful structure, which has enormous heroic strength.
  23. I believe that around the clock my heart is becoming stronger, more powerful.
  24. I am convinced that new strength is pouring into my heart with an indestructible strong stream of health.
  25. I am absolutely sure that all the new energy is pouring into my heart in a heroic, mighty, omnipotent stream, healing my heart.
  26. I feel with the brightness of lightning, with the firmness of steel I know that my heart, every moment, day and night, is continuously developing, improving, and becoming stronger around the clock.
  27. I have virginally indestructible, strong, indestructibly persistent, titanically youthful healthy pressure.
  28. I rejoice that all the muscles of my heart continue to develop, more and more strength is pouring into my heart.
  29. I know that the continued development of my young, healthy, titanically resilient heart will normalize my lower heart pressure.
  30. I have a titanically stable, heroic lower heart pressure, which is normal for me.
  31. I see myself as a person with a healthy, strong, physiologically strong neuro-brain apparatus of the heart.
  32. I know that my brain apparatus perfectly controls the entire life of my heart, giving birth to a titanically stable, healthy, normal pulse.
  33. I am firmly convinced that my beloved heart lives in complete spiritual comfort, and that young, healthy, normal blood pressure is maintained in complete spiritual comfort.
  34. I am convinced that my titanically resistant neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart provides the upper titanically resistant normal heart pressure for me.
  35. My lower heart pressure is always heroically strong and normal for me.
  36. My pulse beats at the most pleasant, most beneficial pace of life for my heart.
  37. My beloved heart lives a titanically resilient, healthy, cheerful and joyful young life, which is provided to it by a titanically resilient, physiologically gigantically strong neuro-brain apparatus.
  38. I rejoice that the happiness of a new birth has filled my heart.
  39. I rejoice that my heart was born so powerful, indestructibly strong, indestructibly strong, titanically resistant.
  40. I thank God and Life for the creation of my young, pristinely intact, heroically strong healthy, indestructibly strong, titanically persistent omnipotent heart.
  41. I concentrate all my efforts in one direction, pour gigantic Divine physiological force into all the nerves of the cardiovascular system, pour in holy Divine energy.
  42. I believe that throughout my entire cardiovascular system the nerves are getting healthier, stronger and stronger.
  43. I feel how in my whole body, in all the veins in my arms, in my legs, the nerves are constantly strengthening.
  44. I know that all the veins of the arms and legs with young, enormous strength drive the blood upward to the heart.
  45. I believe that in my hands and feet there is youthful, fast and cheerful blood circulation.
  46. I feel in the tips of my fingers and toes how my pulse is always filled with Divine physiological power.
  47. I feel like a person convinced that in the future my heart will be heroically strong, pristinely intact, cheerful, happy and absolutely healthy.
  48. I thank God and Life for creating my new, always young, heroically strong, ideally healthy, beloved heart.
  49. With an easy and powerful effort of will, I ensure that embryonic and joyful life quickly and vigorously develops in my heart, which has entered all the structures of the conducting system of my heart.
  50. I am grateful that my cardiac conduction system has fully regained its newborn integrity.
  51. I pour gigantic Divine physiological power into all structures of the conduction system of the heart in a constant round-the-clock flow.
  52. I mentally strengthened the sinus node of the conduction system of the heart millions of times, revived the newborn, complete free conduction of all structures of the conduction system of the heart.
  53. I love that the structures of my cardiac conduction system have Divinely revived their newborn integrity with all the legs and branches of the bundle of His.
  54. I am glad that a new, absolutely healthy, strong conducting system of my heart was born.
  55. I believe that the entire valve apparatus of my heart is pristinely intact, perfectly healthy, that it has been reborn for all time.
  56. I know that my young, beloved heart lives in complete contentment, my heart is always light, joyful, healthy and good.
  57. I have a cheerful, happy, laughing and always healthy heart.
  58. With great persistence and absolute faith, I program my heart for the constant healing and strengthening of my beloved heart.
  59. I believe that in a hundred years and beyond, my beloved heart will always be the pristine, perfectly healthy heart of the young God-man - the daughter of the God of the Universe.
  60. I believe that I can create my heart powerful, strong, titanically resilient, absolutely healthy.
  61. I deeply realize that my heart is indestructibly strong, indestructibly strong, pristinely intact, pristinely heroically strong and titanically healthy.
  62. I use all my spiritual strength to think now that my heart is young, heroically powerful, indestructibly strong, indestructibly strong, titanically resilient.
  63. I have a single thought about my young, healthy heart, the possibilities of which are limitless.
  64. I am convinced that I can strengthen my thought about a young heart millions of times so that it has a titanic materializing power, and so that my entire physical body instantly comes into full compliance with the content of my thought about a healthy heart.
  65. I am making a great concentration of huge and powerful volitional efforts to improve the health of my heart.
  66. I firmly believe that my heart is programmed for constant and continuous healing and regeneration.
  67. I am deeply aware that my heart is in full alignment with my single thought of a healthy heart and has become gigantically strong and powerful.
  68. I believe that my single thought about a healthy heart has titanic all-conquering power.
  69. In all the spiritual cells of my soul I feel Divine love.
  70. I feel that Divine physiological force flows in every atom of my physical body.
  71. I rejoice that God pours into all the structures of my heart from the Subtle World and from the Cosmos the energies and strength my heart needs.
  72. I pour a constant round-the-clock flow into my heart, embryonic joyful life, which revives the newborn integrity of all the mechanisms of the heart.
  73. I am convinced that all the mechanisms of my heart are absolutely healthy.
  74. I like that my heart lives according to the law of constant all-round development, all-round improvement, constant flourishing, constant healing and strengthening.
  75. I am firmly convinced that all the muscles of my heart have enormous heroic strength, are regenerated and renewed.
  76. I am convinced that every day my heart becomes stronger, more powerful, heroic, mighty, omnipotent, that new forces and energies are pouring into my heart.
  77. I am deeply aware that my entire neuro-brain apparatus of the heart is indestructibly strong, indestructibly resistant.
  78. I am glad that all the muscles of the heart continue to develop.
  79. I know that I can always have a young, healthy blood pressure that is normal for me.
  80. I am firmly convinced that I have a titanically stable, heroic lower heart pressure that is normal for me.
  81. My neuro-brain apparatus of the heart perfectly and correctly controls the entire life of my healthy heart.
  82. I rejoice that my ardently, ardently beloved heart lives in complete spiritual comfort.
  83. I am confident that my blood pressure is constantly kept young, healthy and comfortable.
  84. I clearly and firmly feel like a person with a healthy heart.
  85. I firmly feel like a person with strong nerves of the cardiovascular system.
  1. I use all my spiritual powers to infuse gigantically energetic, rapidly and rapidly developing embryonic joyful life.
  2. I firmly believe that a gigantic newborn, titanic force of life is now pouring into all the billions of nerve cells in the brain.
  3. I believe that I am able to revive an absolutely tireless, gigantically energetic, physiologically titanically strong brain.
  4. I have an absolutely tireless, gigantically energetic, physiologically titanically strong brain.
  5. I am convinced that my brain is absolutely tireless, strong, pristine and pristine, perfectly healthy.
  6. I firmly believe that my brain is absolutely absolutely free from any harmful influences and diseases.
  7. I concentrate all my efforts in one direction, I pour a gigantic, titanic Divine newborn life force into my body and my brain.
  8. I am convinced that my brain is absolutely tireless, millions of times stronger, titanically resilient.
  9. I can work on myself with full strength, all day long.
  10. I can work on myself at the highest level of neuropsychic energy.
  11. I know for sure that my brain is absolutely tireless, physiologically gigantically strong, titanically resilient and healthy.
  12. I am convinced that my brain is young, youthful, titanically strong, absolutely tireless.
  13. I thank God and Life that today I work with gigantic energy until late at night, remaining fresh and full of energy.
  14. In the crown area during work, the entire area of ​​my head is healthy.
  15. My nature is capable of infusing the gigantic Divine newborn titanic force of life into all the mechanisms of thinking, into the brain and my body, in a constant round-the-clock flow.
  16. I thank you for the fact that Nature pours gigantic Divine physiological power into me, pours gigantic and inexhaustible spiritual energy, spiritual strength into my brain.
  17. I am convinced that all the mechanisms of my thinking, the power of my thoughts about myself are strengthened millions of times.
  18. I have complete faith that my brain is coming into full agreement with the content of my thoughts about myself.
  19. I am convinced that my brain is young, youthful, absolutely tireless, physiologically gigantic, strong, titanically resilient.
  20. I am capable of working on myself with gigantic inexhaustible energy for an unlimited time, as long as I want, throughout the entire given world cycle.
  21. I am convinced that my entire physical body lives a young, youthful life.
  22. I see that my entire physical body lives a titanically resilient healthy, cheerful, happy and joyful life.
  23. I am firmly convinced that thanks to my healthy and young brain, my entire physical body is improved, and all the structures and all the internal organs of my body are healthier.

Affirmations to stimulate the normal functioning of the brain, to optimize all its internal processes, to preserve youth and active longevity.

  • I concentrate all my efforts in one direction, I recreate the great gigantically energetic, titanically resilient, absolutely tireless brain.
  • I rejoice in the fact that I am reviving a young, youthful, absolutely tireless, energetic, strong, titanically resilient brain.
  • I rejoice that a gigantically energetic, rapidly and rapidly developing embryonic joyful life is pouring into my brain.
  • I firmly believe that a gigantic newborn, titanic force of life is now pouring into all the billions of nerve cells in the brain.
  • I rejoice that in a constant round-the-clock flow, great Divine power is pouring into every nerve cell of the brain, a gigantic, titanic Divine newborn power of Life is pouring in.
  • I believe that I am able to support my absolutely tireless, gigantically energetic, physiologically titanically strong brain.
  • I know that I deserve to have an absolutely tireless, gigantically energetic, physiologically titanically strong brain.
  • I am sure that I have an absolutely tireless, gigantically energetic, physiologically titanically strong brain.
  • I use all my spiritual powers to speed up all working physiological intracellular and intercellular processes in the brain.
  • I enhance all physiological processes in the brain millions of times.
  • I am convinced that my brain is absolutely tireless, strong, pristine and pristinely functional, ideally healthy.
  • I am firmly convinced that my brain is absolutely free from any harmful influences and diseases.
  • I know that all the energies of the development of the Universe are pouring into my brain with boundless boldness.
  • I feel a gigantic, titanic Divine newborn force of Life pouring into my body and my brain.
  • My desire to have a newborn, adolescent brain is being realized with maximum speed.
  • I am convinced that my brain is absolutely tireless, millions of times stronger, titanically resilient.
  • I know that I can work on myself with full strength, all day long.
  • I believe that I can work on myself at the highest level of neuropsychic energy.
  • I am firmly convinced that my brain is absolutely tireless, physiologically gigantically strong, titanically resilient and healthy.
  • I am convinced that my brain is young, youthful, titanically strong, absolutely tireless.
  • I thank God and Life that today I work with gigantic energy until late at night, remaining fresh and full of energy.
  • I see myself as a person with a light head all the time, absolutely weightless, with a soul brighter than the sun.
  • I rejoice that during work, blood flows through all the blood vessels of the head in a spring, wide, cheerful and joyful stream.
  • I like that during the most intense work my head is light, absolutely weightless, completely bright.
  • I know that my eyes see perfectly.
  • I feel that in the crown area while working, the entire area of ​​my head is healthy.
  • I feel that no matter what I do, my body and head temperatures are normal and healthy.
  • I am glad that my crown is always cool while I work, as is the back of my head.
  • All my nerves in the crown during any work of my brain are strong, healthy, steel, titanically strong and calm.
  • I clearly and firmly feel that through all the blood vessels of my head the blood flows in a cheerful, free, joyful, festive stream, like a cheerful spring river in a wide flood at high water.
  • I know that my nature is capable of a constant round-the-clock flow of infusing the gigantic Divine newborn titanic force of life into all the mechanisms of thinking, into the brain and into my body.
  • I am grateful that Nature pours gigantic Divine physiological power into me, pours gigantic and inexhaustible spiritual energy, spiritual strength into my brain.
  • I am convinced that all the mechanisms of my thinking, the power of my thoughts about myself are strengthened millions of times.
  • I have complete faith that my brain comes into full compliance with the content of my thoughts about myself.
  • I am convinced that my brain is young, youthful, absolutely tireless, physiologically gigantic, strong, titanically resilient.
  • I rejoice that my brain comes into complete and total compliance with my thoughts about a healthy, strong and young brain.
  • I rejoice in the fact that I am able to work on myself with gigantic inexhaustible energy for an unlimited time, as long as I want, throughout this entire world cycle.
  • I clearly and firmly know that my beloved, strong, absolutely tireless brain works with full efficiency.
  • I am convinced that my entire physical body lives a young, youthful life.
  • I testify that my entire physical body lives a titanically resilient healthy, cheerful, happy and joyful life.
  • I love my young, gigantically strong body, always filled with the newborn force of life.
  • I clearly and firmly feel like a person whose inexhaustible energy of youth is in full swing.
  • All people see me as an absolutely tireless, physically healthy person with gigantic energy.
  • I am firmly convinced that thanks to my healthy and young brain, my entire physical body is improving, and all the structures and all the internal organs of my body are getting healthier.

Preparing for pregnancy is no less important period in a woman’s life than pregnancy itself. Conscious conception is the key to health and often a guarantee of a happy fate for the baby. A woman’s awareness and state of mind during the period of preparation for motherhood and during pregnancy can play a great role in shaping the character and physical health of the new person. So, these affirmations are for women who: want to get pregnant; want, but cannot get pregnant; are already pregnant, want to easily go through the pregnancy period and easily give birth to a healthy child. A pregnant woman is always irresistible. Somehow, miraculously, she attracts glances and smiles. If we look into the eyes of a pregnant woman, we will see deep peace, happiness and great LOVE. Studies show that children with whom their parents spoke in the womb during pregnancy are significantly attentive at birth, cry less, react more actively to the voices of their parents and begin to develop earlier, unlike children with whom their parents did not communicate in the womb. Tell your baby how much you love him and that you are looking forward to his birth. Tell him that he is the most beloved, wonderful, smart, handsome, talented and it will really be so. Show all your tenderness, love, warmth. Show that you are incredibly happy that you have him. Speak to him from the bottom of your heart, tell him stories, read fairy tales, let's listen to music. Your baby will be delighted! The baby feels your thoughts, reads all your experiences. Both your joy and your sadness are shared in half with the baby. That is why the inner state of the woman during this period plays an important role. These affirmations will help convey to the subconscious the most positive thoughts and beliefs that will help you conceive a child and go through the pregnancy period in a calm, peaceful state and give birth to a healthy baby. Read the affirmations and feel what bright, calming and encouraging thoughts about yourself can become your reality in just a few days. We wish you that this time becomes the most pleasant and memorable for you!

  1. My pregnancy came to me in Love, Happiness and absolute Joy!
  2. I am waiting for my happiest, most long-awaited and healthy child in my life!
  3. I am a strong and healthy woman!
  4. I will completely easily go through all the whims and desires of my body during my pregnancy.
  5. I see only beauty in my pregnancy.
  6. I look forward to meeting you: a new, long-awaited Life in this world!
  7. I have been completely calm and confident throughout my entire pregnancy.
  8. My pregnancy is the most beautiful and long-awaited nine months of my life!
  9. I always give my child only Love, Joy, Peace and all of MYSELF!
  10. Motherhood is the most beautiful chapter of my Book of Life!
  11. I have the best support - my family!
  12. I cope with temporary difficulties during my pregnancy quite easily.
  13. I'm completely healthy. My baby is completely healthy.
  14. I am happy because a completely healthy child is developing inside me!
  15. I am the best and most caring mother!
  16. I'm enjoying my pregnancy! This is a unique trip! I enjoy it!
  17. I am very beautiful, my body is perfect, I am happy because I am carrying my most beloved child.
  18. I am enjoying myself and all the moments of my pregnancy.
  19. My pregnancy is progressing great!
  20. I always feel absolutely safe and together with my baby!
  21. I'm absolutely ready for motherhood!
  22. I watch the process of my pregnancy with great pleasure.
  23. I know what, how and when my baby develops.
  24. I take excellent care of myself and my baby.
  25. I take only healthy food and, accordingly, feed my baby only healthy food.
  26. I know my baby feels good inside me.
  27. I feel great pleasure when he moves.
  28. I experience the development of my child with great joy and pride!
  29. I get crazy-pleasant goosebumps from the thought that I will soon meet my child!
  30. I know how much he also wants to meet me, his dad, his family and the world!
  31. My child knows how good he will be with me, with his dad, family and the world!
  32. He chose me as his mother! He knew that I was the best mother for him!
  33. I love my baby with all my heart and give him all my care and love.
  34. I am absolutely confident that I will help my child be born with a smile and joy.
  35. All my organs are getting healthier and stronger every day, preparing to participate in childbirth.
  36. All my organs accumulate strength and energy.
  37. The brain and spinal cord send clear and healthy impulses to all organs of my body.
  38. My nervous system works absolutely correctly and absolutely accurately.
  39. Blood in large quantities delivers nutrients and oxygen to my organs and my baby.
  40. The muscles of the uterus receive an abundance of oxygen and nutrients.
  41. Nutrients and oxygen are delivered in abundance to all organs and to my baby.
  42. In due time, my uterus will be ready to do its due and important work.
  43. All my organs work clearly and energetically.
  44. My birth will come on time, it will be easy and good.
  45. I am relaxed and sharing peace with you, baby, while you exist peacefully inside me.
  46. All your organs are formed and developed correctly.
  47. I know that my baby will be born completely healthy.
  48. I read, show and tell you only beautiful things.
  49. I always find myself only in positive emotions.
  50. I look at everything only with love and joy.
  51. I communicate only with good, kind and bright people.
  52. My baby is always protected by divine power!
  53. Our baby’s hearts sound in the same rhythm of love!
  54. I am immensely grateful to the Creator for our meeting with you, my child!
  55. I am preparing for a timely and easy birth.
  56. I prepare for childbirth calmly and with love.
  57. I am absolutely sure that my baby will be born completely healthy.
  58. I will cope with childbirth easily and with joy.
  59. Childbirth will be natural, easy and fast!
  60. I deliberately and consciously prepare for childbirth
  61. I know that my birth will be easy and safe. A healthy, cheerful baby will be born.
  62. In my body, God has created all the divinely wonderful conditions for the comprehensive development and rapid growth of my beloved child.
  63. My body is preparing for childbirth correctly and gradually.
  64. The uterus is preparing for childbirth. She is strong and energetic.
  65. My uterus is of divinely correct, healthy structure.
  66. The birth canal is divinely healthy. All structures of the birth canal are divinely healthy. All tissues of the birth canal are young, elastic, resilient, Divinely strong.
  67. I know that pain is a necessary part of the wonderful process of birth.
  68. I am calm and relaxed because I know the birth will go smoothly.
  69. I have enough strength, energy and endurance to give birth to my healthy baby.
  70. I trust medical staff, friends and family and am able to accept their help.
  71. I am sure, as in Divine truth, that the birth will be easy and safe. This fills my soul with the victorious, triumphant joy of life.
  72. I become even more cheerful, even more energetic.
  73. I am happy to see myself after giving birth as a divinely healthy, cheerful, happy beauty, full of health and strength.
  74. I know that the birth of a child is a wonderful miracle! Your birthday, baby, will be a wonderful holiday for me and my whole family.
  75. The birth of our baby and I will come on time, it will be easy and good.
  76. I am sure that I will receive only pleasure and joy during childbirth.
  77. My child is the greatest HAPPINESS in my life!!!
  78. I give all my unconditional love to my beloved future child!
  79. I have enough energy and stamina to carry and give birth to my baby.
  80. Together with the child, we work to ensure that childbirth is easy, quick and safe.
  81. My child already knows how much I love him!
  82. I send my baby impulses of love that help him develop harmoniously.
  83. My pregnancy is developing naturally and harmoniously!
  84. I create only a healthy environment for my child.
  85. I enjoy feeling how you move inside me, my little one.
  86. I take special care of myself now out of love for you.
  87. The peace, confidence and joy filling me become limitless.
  88. My baby is getting ready to meet me.
  89. I thank the Universe for every day I live with you, my beloved baby!
  90. I thank this world and the Universe for having us together!
  91. Being pregnant and carrying a pregnancy is absolutely safe for me and my baby.
  92. Giving birth is absolutely safe for me and my baby.
  93. Being pregnant is absolutely safe for me as a woman; I cope with all my tasks quite easily.
  94. My husband loves me even more. He sees and appreciates the process of creating our child in me.
  95. I am sexually attractive to my lover. He loves me carefully, receiving joy and giving me joy.
  96. Sex during pregnancy is possible and safe. I'm excited to be sexy during my pregnancy.
  97. I am charming, captivating, I am a magical beauty, a Goddess!
  98. I try to always be cheerful and cheerful.
  99. My whole body is energetic and lives a full, young, cheerful life.
  100. The joy of life is in full swing in my soul. My eyes glow with happiness.
  101. I love you, my baby, I love you with great Divine love. You are fully developing, growing healthy and strong!
  102. In the rays of my great Divine love, grow up, my baby, cheerful, happy and cheerful.
  103. My little one, you are developing spiritually. You will be highly spiritual, cheerful, joyful and happy.
  104. I know your life will be divinely beautiful, joyful, happy!
  105. Divine energy of comprehensive development flows into my soul. My soul is developing comprehensively.
  106. My body knows how to take care of you and develop this miracle - you, my baby. My strength and your strength unite to support you in everything.
  107. I know, baby, that you are a living being growing inside me and already now able to feel and experience.
  108. My thoughts become the feelings that I send to you. I am relaxed and share peace with you while you exist peacefully inside me.

These affirmations will help prepare your body for an easy transition into a new cycle of life. This will free you from the difficult experience of living with the symptoms of menopause.

  1. I release my ability to bear children with love and gratitude.
  2. I thank God, the Earth, the masculine and feminine principles, the physical body for the wonderful experience of motherhood.
  3. I easily accept my release from the duty to continue life on earth by having children.
  4. I celebrate my unique experience of conception, pregnancy, the process of birth and nursing a baby.
  5. I thank the Creator, the Earth and my body for the unique physical, emotional and spiritual experience of motherhood.
  6. Now I consciously cooperate with my physical body in restructuring my body and freeing myself from the function of being able to bear a child.
  7. I meet my new stage in life with joy and faith.
  8. I cooperate with my beloved body during hormonal changes in the body.
  9. I easily tolerate the symptoms of hormonal changes in my body.
  10. I have very mild, pleasant, almost imperceptible symptoms of transition to a new state of my body.
  11. I am grateful to my body, every organ, all systems of my body for the easy and quick transition to a new phase of life.
  12. I am positive by nature! I always see the best in a situation, I always focus my attention on what I want to live!
  13. I live the way I think - joyfully and positively!
  14. I am a sincere person and I know how to express any feelings sincerely, positively, I respect the right of any person to have their own opinion about everything.
  15. I know that I am not my mind and my body, I know that I am not my emotions and feelings. I'm just observing it.
  16. I consciously think with my heart.
  17. I consciously feel with my heart.
  18. I look consciously and see with my heart.
  19. I listen consciously and hear with my heart.
  20. I speak consciously with my heart.
  21. I act from my feminine side, from love, acceptance, the wisdom of my heart.
  22. I maintain the purity of my heart and constant contact with the divine by using the best spiritual practices.
  23. I accept all seasons of life with joy, ease and awareness.
  24. I am fully aware of entering the age of maturity and perfection.
  25. I allow myself to throw off everything conventional, artificial, secondary and imposed on me by the old worldview of humanity.
  26. I played all my roles as best I could and I keep all my experience as the experience of life on earth and the experience of love.
  27. I recognize as a gift the possibility of a new Beginning, the manifestation of the New Myself in every moment of my existence!
  28. I allow myself to balance my life so that I pay attention to all the areas of my life that are important to me.
  29. I am confident that a happy, intelligent, healthy, interesting and balanced life in my adult years will ensure a happy, healthy and fulfilling life in my old age.
  30. A happy time has come in my life - the time of harvesting, receiving the beautiful fruits of my life!
  31. I accept the generous gifts of my life with love and gratitude! I accept the fruits of my life in the form of love, gratitude and help when I need it.
  32. I accept a mature, happy, supreme relationship with my lover. I accept true and good relationships with my children and loved ones.
  33. I love my life!
  34. The most important, the truest, the most interesting is ahead of me! I enjoy the present moment and believe in my wonderful future!
  35. By my example, I inspire millions of women!
  36. I accept and consciously realize the right to self-development and the evolution of my consciousness.
  37. I accept and consciously realize the right to realize my life purpose, which my soul indicates to me.
  38. I accept and consciously realize the right to discover and fully realize my feminine principle, my feminine nature, my feminine happiness.
  39. I accept the help of the Creator, the Earth and my physical body in order to live and develop comfortably, in excellent health and in excellent spiritual condition every day.
  40. I accept the help of God and His messengers on Earth in my spiritual evolution.
  41. I easily receive tips from my mind and body on how to take care of my body to stay healthy and fill it with the right energy.
  42. I respect my body's needs and meet them mindfully, with love and gratitude.
  43. I regularly clear my mind using the most effective methods.
  44. I regularly cleanse my subconscious using the most effective methods.
  45. I regularly cleanse my emotional body using the most effective methods.
  46. I regularly maintain the health of my body using the most effective methods.
  47. I am healthy, I am happy, I am wise, I am beautiful, I am happy, I am a saint and I am an earthly Woman!
  48. The energy that has kept my eggs alive for many years now successfully supports my health, my beauty and my creativity!
  49. I am sexy and attractive to my lover.
  50. I am desired and loved!
  51. My lover worships me!
  52. I am a muse for my beloved!
  53. My entire body, all organs and systems of the body easily switched to a new level of uninterrupted supply of divine energy, every moment my body easily maintains its excellent health, strength, youth and beauty.
  54. I am sincerely grateful to my body, consciousness, subconscious, mind, soul and Creator.
  55. I am always in the ocean of life-giving energy; I always have enough energy of any kind to carry out the plans of my Soul on planet Earth.
  56. God feeds me with perfect and pristine energy every moment of my life in complete abundance! I am a wonderful channel of the Pure Energy of the Creator.
  57. God fills my physical body with life-giving energy, giving youth and beauty, excellent health and a comfortable state to the body.
  58. God is the only source of everything, and I am God's beloved and loving child!
  59. My heart radiates Divine Light in its original form, I am simply a channel through which God’s love flows. People feel it in their hearts.
  60. I accept any experience, any situation that comes into my life as a result of my past experience of co-creation, often unconsciously, with gratitude and full responsibility for this experience.
  61. I absolutely respect the right of every soul to live their unique experience on planet Earth.
  62. I pray for my children and loved ones, but with all my heart, wisely, with faith, I accept their right to personal experience and a unique path on Earth.
  63. I am free from the influence on my life, my condition and my choice of the experiences that my children and loved ones consciously or unconsciously chose to live on Earth.
  64. I wisely, with faith in the Creator and His Will, accept that everyone has their own tasks on the path of earthly experience.
  65. I believe in Eternity and therefore I calmly accept the smallness of any event. I always remember that everything will pass and everything will change. The will of the Creator will come true!
  66. Everything that happens is for the better!
  67. I gratefully accept the changes in my body, I happily admire the beauty of young girls, but I know how to appreciate my beauty, my wisdom and the significance of my life.
  68. I know that I have my unique significance in this world, based on the beauty of my heart and Soul, coming from Unity with God.
  69. I'm glad that I'm entering that age when the body ceases to be the main indicator of WHO I AM!
  70. I am grateful to my body for serving me for many years.
  71. I am grateful to my beautiful body for the fact that it continues to serve me wonderfully every moment on planet Earth!
  72. I pray that I have a wonderful relationship, cooperation and harmony with my body for the rest of my earthly days.
  73. I take care of my body with love and gratitude.
  74. I am an example of a new Woman, an earthly woman living from Divine consciousness!
  75. I always cooperate wholeheartedly with the wisdom and awareness of my body.
  76. My body always has enough resources to maintain energy, health and beauty.
  77. I am filled with energy throughout the day.
  78. I have wonderful, deep, healthy sleep. I get enough sleep in 6-7 hours of full sleep.
  79. My brain, all my organs and systems, my skin are constantly rejuvenating naturally.
  80. My body matures, but remains healthy, beautiful, strong, youthful, flexible, resilient, intelligent and self-regulating its perfect functioning in any conditions on Earth.
  81. I am an intelligent, conscious, wise and grateful mistress of my physical body, as well as mental, emotional and other subtle bodies.

1. I thank the higher powers for creating this wonderful world, for its beauty and abundance!

  1. I express gratitude that God created man in his own image and likeness, giving him a unique tool of creation to use - the magical power of thought!
3. I express gratitude that God created me! 4.I express my gratitude for the excellent health and high energy. For the fact that every cell of my beloved body radiates waves of health and joy! I thank the universe for the senses that give me a wonderful opportunity to perceive this wonderful world. For the legs that lead me forward in life, for the hands that do good and create. For the head that gives brilliant ideas! 5.I express gratitude for my talents and abilities. For self-realization and inspiration. For the fact that creative energy flows easily and freely! 6.I thank God for brilliant ideas and their implementation. For information and knowledge and for access to them!
  1. I thank higher powers for the qualities that lead me to success. For courage and confidence. For determination and purposefulness. For kindness and love for the world!
  2. I express my gratitude for success in any of my endeavors!
  3. I thank the Cosmos for the constant flow of money into my life. Because I'm getting richer every day. For what I get from... rubles a month!
  4. I express my gratitude for the coziness and comfort in the house. For harmonious relationships with loved ones and pets!
  5. I express my gratitude for fashionable and comfortable clothes, beautiful furniture and high-quality equipment!
  6. I thank God for wonderful relationships with people. For communication with friends and acquaintances!
  7. I thank GOD for meeting my soulmate and for a long and harmonious relationship with her!
  8. I express gratitude for a happy and fulfilling life. For rest and entertainment. For travel and sports. Because life gives you 1000 ways to make yourself a happy person!
  9. I express gratitude for every moment of life!
These affirmations bring you the joy of deep and healing sleep. Affirmations will help you get into the most relaxed state and set your body up for a restful sleep.
  1. I am completely filled with a pleasant and healthy calm.
  2. All muscles are relaxed and tuned to a healthy, peaceful sleep.
  3. My body is preparing for a deep night's sleep.
  4. Healthy, pleasant peace fills my head, my whole soul.
  5. My breathing is deep, even, calm, silent.
  6. My body is set up to heal while I sleep.
  7. My entire nervous system is reborn and becomes strong and healthy.
  8. I let go of my past and look forward to my wonderful future.
  9. My whole body is filled with peace and sleep.
  10. I always have calm and joyful dreams.
  11. Throughout the night, my sleep is strong and healthy, just like when I was a child.
  12. I am preparing for a healthy and sound sleep.
  13. Sleep is approaching me from all sides.
  14. I really want to sleep until the morning in a healthy, uninterrupted, sound sleep.
  15. My entire body uses all its limitless possibilities for recovery around the clock.
  16. I sink into a sea of ​​deep sleep.
  17. I will sleep until morning in a blissful and sound sleep.
  18. All muscles relax and fall asleep in a calm child's sleep.
  19. Sleep envelops me from all sides.
  20. All internal organs calmly fall asleep.
  21. I feel an irresistible urge to sleep.
  22. My eyes close and I fall asleep deeply.
  23. All night until the morning I sleep completely calmly, motionless.
  24. I sleep sweetly until the morning, like a child.
  25. In a dream, I connect with my Divine source and accumulate enough spiritual and physical strength for a happy, healthy and fruitful life.
These affirmations will increase the effectiveness of vision restoration. These affirmations are compatible with any treatment methods recommended by doctors.
  1. All metabolic processes in my body are normal and intense.
  2. My eyes are completely calm.
  3. My eye pressure is normalizing every day.
  4. I feel my eyes relax and fill with energy, warmth, and health.
  5. My vision is improving every minute.
  6. I can see perfectly.
  7. I perceive the world around me positively.
  8. I see and want to see everything clearly.
  9. I see and feel how my eyeballs take on the correct, natural shape.
  10. My tear ducts are clean and easily moisturize my eyes.
  11. Light, soft, warm moisture envelops the eyeball.
  12. The whites of the eyes are pure, white with a milky tint.
  13. The cornea is transparent, and light enters the eyes unhindered.
  14. The choroid of the eyes has many healthy blood vessels that supply the eyes with blood.
  15. Directly below the cornea is the iris, which has a pure and natural color.
  16. The pupil is like a camera shutter, it works great.
  17. The thin hairs of the circular ciliary muscle are strong, strong, elastic, work clearly and harmoniously, providing clear and distinct vision of near and distant objects.
  18. The ciliary muscle is well washed with blood.
  19. I see clearly and clearly.
  20. I can distinguish a huge variety of colors and shades.
  21. This world makes me happy, I am full of happiness, joy, love and hope.
  22. Impulses from the optic nerve quickly, clearly, and confidently transmit all information to the brain.
  23. A clear and clear visual image is formed in the cerebral cortex.
  24. Visual analyzers work harmoniously and without interference.
  25. I believe in myself, in my strengths and capabilities.
  26. I feel confident in all situations.
  27. I enjoy life simply because I exist.
  28. I'm breathing deeply!
  29. I'm always happy!
  30. I love people and people love me.
  31. I look and see!
  32. My eyes see all the colors and millions of shades of different colors.
  33. I radiate love and kindness!
  34. I perceive life as it is, and that makes me happy.
  35. I am completely calm and balanced.
  36. My view is calm, free and clear.
  37. I look and see clearly and distinctly.
  38. My eyes see everything clearly at any distance.
  39. The fundus of the eye is pleasantly warm.
  40. The fundus of the eye is well supplied with blood.
  41. I see near and far objects clearly and clearly.
  42. My eyes move easily and freely.
  43. My eyes breathe in the air and feel all the aromas.
  44. The tear ducts of the eyes are clean and free.
  45. My eyes are slightly wet.
  46. Everything that my eyes see awakens my interest in life.
  47. The eyelids blink easily and pleasantly.
  48. My eyes relax easily.
  49. My vision is improving HERE and NOW!
  50. Every time I relax, my vision improves even more.
  51. I have made the decision to see clearly, and my decision is being realized right now.
  52. I am becoming spiritually stronger every second.
  53. Tremendous strength of spirit shines in my eyes, and this strength is felt by all the people around me.
  54. Every day Divine spiritual power flows into me.
  55. I become bolder, more determined and more confident.
  56. My will is strengthening, my character is strengthening.
  57. Every day I become healthier.
  58. My nervous system is strengthening and becoming healthier every day.
  59. In the neck and back of the head, young healthy nerves are revived and strengthened.
  60. My eyes adjust to the dark very quickly.
  61. The eye muscles are in excellent healthy condition.
  62. I radiate love and kindness!
  63. I look and see clearly and distinctly!
  64. I am an absolutely healthy person!
These affirmations will increase the effectiveness of treatment for patients with alcohol dependence syndrome. Positive attitudes will strengthen the intention for a healthy lifestyle, increase self-confidence, faith in liberation from addiction, relieve stress and start the process of healing and cleansing of toxic substances in the body.
  1. I feel absolute freedom from alcoholism!
  2. I always have enough spiritual strength to restore my health.
  3. The Creator has endowed me with the ability to overcome any difficulties in life.
  4. I feel the constant support of Life and the energy of Love.
  5. I look forward to the future with confidence!
  6. I'm starting to live happily right now!
  7. Healing Divine light fills my heart and body.
  8. I will know the joy of being free from alcohol addiction!
  9. I am free from my past lifestyle!
  10. I am freeing myself from alcohol addiction and learning to live in a new way!
  11. All systems of my body work perfectly.
  12. I constantly feel support and love from my family and friends on the path to liberation from alcohol addiction.
  13. I choose healing thoughts.
  14. I am free from the shackles of alcohol!
  15. I rejoice at every victory I have over alcohol addiction!
  16. My heart is filled with joy and cheerfulness.
  17. I love and appreciate my beautiful body, my healthy body.
  18. I easily refuse any alcoholic drinks.
  19. I have a strong will!
  20. My will strengthens every day and becomes Divinely strong!
  21. I am a confident person! I can do everything!
  22. I am an independent person, I create my own life!
  23. I create powerful protection for my healthy lifestyle!
  24. I easily fend off any attacks from past habits and trends.
  25. I constantly feel increased strength.
  26. I am constantly protected by Divine blessing in my life.
  27. In any life situations and adversities, I am always confident in myself, confident in success and happiness!
  28. I'm an optimist! I always see positive opportunities to improve the situation.
  29. I live openly and freely. My heart lives openly and freely.
  30. I feel like a healthy person.
  31. Strong, great Divine power flows into my personality.
  32. I give up alcohol easily!
  33. The greatness of the spirit, the triumphant power of youth shine in my eyes.
  34. I am becoming more and more strong-willed, more and more cheerful, more and more happy.
  35. My entire body is actively using its limitless capabilities to recover and free itself from addiction.
  36. My willpower increases sharply.
  37. I am always surrounded by love and understanding!
  38. Im free person!
  39. All my muscles are filled with indestructible strength.
  40. I am constantly filled with pristine, indestructible, Divine health.
  41. I choose a healthy lifestyle!
  42. I am aware of the harm of alcohol and always remain free from the desire to drink alcohol.
  43. I easily overcome any harmful influences that are incompatible with a healthy lifestyle.
  44. I easily and confidently give up bad habits.
  45. I easily and absolutely confidently control my thoughts, feelings and actions, keeping them in joy and optimism.
  46. I consciously choose a joyful life without alcohol.
  47. I intend to live a happy, joyful, healthy life - now, in a year and always.
  48. I constantly strengthen the reliability of a sober and joyful lifestyle.
  49. I constantly strengthen my mood for a sober lifestyle.
  50. Colossal strength of spirit is born within me.
  51. I clearly and clearly see myself stronger than the need for alcohol.
  52. Within me there is powerful self-government, which is a thousand times stronger than bad habits and influences.
  53. My complete dominance over alcoholism and other harmful attachments is forever confirmed in me.
  54. I want to live! I love Life! My life is wonderful without alcohol and other bad habits.
These affirmations promote healing and rejuvenation of the body through internal resources. The true source of health, youth and beauty is in the head, not in the pharmacy.
  1. I always have enough spiritual strength to restore my health.
  2. The Creator has endowed me with the ability to overcome any difficulties in life.
  3. I feel the constant support of life and the energy of love.
  4. I accept and use a constant influx of new energy and Divine power.
  5. I constantly feel an increase in spiritual, physical and sexual strength.
  6. Life-giving Divine love fills and re-creates me young, youthful, Divinely healthy.
  7. All systems of my body work perfectly.
  8. I recover easily and quickly.
  9. Healing Divine light fills my body.
  10. My body easily and quickly eliminates any difficulties and problems.
  11. My teeth are unusually strong, healthy and snow-white.
  12. My whole body constantly reproduces Divine wholeness, strength, youth and beauty.
  13. All my skin restores newborn integrity, pristine Divine health.
  14. I am constantly growing stronger and creating Divine health.
  15. Divine pure energy flows into all systems of my body.
  16. I am constantly changing for the better.
  17. My entire body is actively using all its limitless possibilities for recovery.
  18. My overall performance and willpower are increasing dramatically.
  19. I energetically manage all my feelings, all my thoughts, all my behavior.
  20. My vivid, clear, accurate memory is constantly strengthening.
  21. My semantic and logical memory is constantly improving.
  22. My visual memory is constantly improving.
  23. My auditory memory is constantly improving.
  24. My memorization is constantly improving.
  25. The colossal energy of rapid development constantly feeds my brain.
  26. I have an increasingly clear, ever more vivid, ever more precise memory.
  27. Every day my mental, physical and overall performance increases.
  28. I constantly remain cheerful, fresh, energetic.
  29. Throughout the working day I feel joyful, cheerful, great.
  30. Every day my muscles are filled with strength and become more elastic.
  31. Every day I live increases the length of my life.
  32. And after fifty years, and later, I see myself as a young, cheerful, vigorous and healthy person.
  33. My thoughts are permeated with Divine light.
  34. My vision is becoming more and more youthful, stronger and healthier.
  35. Every day I see better and better.
  36. My gaze deepens.
  37. My hearing organs are constantly rejuvenating and healing.
  38. I hear better and better.
  39. I hear high and low sounds more and more clearly.
  40. My hearing is being reborn and becoming more and more youthful, more and more acute.
  41. Every day my rejuvenation becomes more powerful, more energetic, more intense.
  42. The pattern of my lips is becoming more pronounced and youthful.
  43. My whole body becomes firmer, more elastic, more youthful every day.
  44. There is more and more hair on the head.
  45. The hair on your head is getting thicker and thicker.
  46. The hair on your head grows stronger and becomes healthier.
  47. On the sides, in front, on the top of the head, day and night, more and more new hair is born around the clock.
  48. Newborn healthy Divine life flows into the skin of my head, face, throat, neck and whole body.
  49. I am completely filled with colossal Divine energy of rapid growth.
  50. Life-giving Divine life flows into my heart.
  51. All systems of my body are constantly becoming younger.
  52. My breathing is always deep, even, calm, silent.
  53. My body is rapidly rejuvenating around the clock.
  54. A heroic, powerful force is born throughout my entire body.
  55. All excess fat is rapidly burning throughout my body.
  56. I love my young, fast, strong and tireless body.
  57. A beautiful mane of thick, strong hair is being restored on my head.
  58. My quick, cheerful youthful gait is being revived.
  59. The immunity and power of my body are rapidly increasing.
  60. My blood, in a cheerful and joyful flow in abundance, brings wonderful, nutritious nutrition to my heart.
  61. The life-giving Divine life of colossal power flows into all my joints in a constant stream.
  62. I love my kind heart with a tender, great love.
  63. All my internal organs become young, with a Divinely correct internal structure, Divinely correct size and Divinely correct shape.
  64. I choose healing, rejuvenating thoughts.
  65. I love and appreciate my beautiful body.
  66. I am easily, immediately and completely renewed.
  67. I am constantly protected by Divine blessing in my life.
  68. I live openly and freely.
  69. My heart lives openly and freely.
  70. I feel like a real man.
  71. I respect and show my masculine strength and determination.
  72. Spiritual power, the all-conquering Divine power of the spirit, shines in my eyes.
  73. The greatness of the spirit, the triumphant power of youth shines in my eyes.
  74. I am becoming a more and more developed person, more and more strong-willed, more and more cheerful, more and more happy.
  75. I am a unique person.
  76. I love and accept my appearance.

These magical affirmations will help you maintain beauty, youth, freshness, playfulness, and health. Beauty is a source of energy for a woman! You will be full of energy to complete any task! The admiring glances of men, the slightly envious glances of girlfriends - this is what the use of the miraculous effect of affirmations for women, which we created with joy and love for everything feminine on Earth, will provide you with.

  1. My body is an amazing miracle.
  2. I let life and people take care of me and my needs.
  3. I always make decisions that create my youth, health, love.
  4. I love, accept, respect myself and always take care of myself.
  5. I hear the advice of my spirit, body and mind, and I always follow it.
  6. My body easily and quickly copes with any difficulties and problems.
  7. I always have enough spiritual strength to restore my health.
  8. I feel the constant support of life and the energy of love.
  9. I accept and use a constant influx of new energy and Divine power.
  10. Life-giving Divine love fills and re-creates me young, youthful, Divinely healthy.
  11. All systems of my body work perfectly.
  12. My teeth are unusually strong and snow-white.
  13. All my skin restores its newborn integrity, pristine Divine health and dazzling beauty.
  14. Divine pure energy flows into all systems of my body.
  15. All my creative abilities are quickly activated, strengthened and developed.
  16. All my mental faculties are rapidly increasing.
  17. My bright, strong, durable memory is constantly strengthening.
  18. My visual creative images are becoming more and more vivid and stable.
  19. My memory is constantly improving.
  20. I have an ever stronger, ever clearer, ever more solid memory.
  21. I constantly remain cheerful, fresh, energetic.
  22. I feel energetic and cheerful after a full day of work.
  23. I overcome all difficulties in my work easily, joyfully, and successfully.
  24. My whole soul sings with happiness, with the joy of life.
  25. My heart is filled with joy and joy.
  26. I see more and more clearly a long, cheerful, joyful life ahead.
  27. I constantly feel a surge of strength.
  28. My thoughts are saturated with Divine light.
  29. My vision and hearing are improving every day and are maintained at the level of maximum human capabilities.
  30. Every day I see and hear better and deeper.
  31. I joyfully, calmly and clearly hear and accept life in all its manifestations.
  32. My hearing is restored and becomes more and more youthful, more and more clear, more and more acute.
  33. The freshness of youth shines on my face.
  34. My lips become more and more youthful every day, more and more fresh, more and more vibrant.
  35. Every day a more youthful, more playful, more cheerful soul is reborn in me.
  36. The beauty of youth appears more and more clearly on my face.
  37. My whole body is becoming firmer, more elastic, more youthful, more youthful every day.
  38. The thickest, strongest and most beautiful hair on my head is restored.
  39. My scalp is relaxed and nourishes my beautiful voluminous hair.
  40. Healthy, Divine life flows into the skin of my head, face, throat and neck.
  41. All my internal organs are reborn and become more and more youthful, more and more strong, more and more energetic.
  42. I feel and see the process of growth and rejuvenation more and more clearly.
  43. My entire nervous system is being reborn and becoming more youthful, strong, and healthy.
  44. I have a strong immune system.
  45. Life-giving Divine life flows into my heart.
  46. My heart sends joy and nourishment throughout my body.
  47. My breathing is always even, calm, silent, inaudible.
  48. The powerful Divine energy of life flows into my teeth.
  49. I feel my divinely beautiful, thin waist.
  50. I always maintain a wonderful youthful physique.
  51. My beautiful, slender, girlish body is being reborn easily and joyfully.
  52. The colossal Divine energy of life always supports me.
  53. My toned, youthful, girlish belly is being reborn.
  54. My beautiful thin girlish waist is being revived.
  55. My beautiful and firm breasts are being restored.
  56. I clearly see myself as a cheerful, healthy, happy, joyful and young beauty.
  57. I easily maintain a normal weight.
  58. My legs are light as feathers, my step is light and wide, my head is light and bright.
  59. My voice becomes young, ringing, joyful.
  60. My soul sings with happiness, with the joy of life, from waking up in the morning to going to bed in the evening.
  61. Royal pride, greatness of spirit, the triumphant power of youth shine in my eyes.
  62. My young hot blood flows in a cheerful, joyful and rapid stream.
  63. Life-giving Divine life of colossal power flows into all my joints in a constant stream.
  64. Free mobility is born in all my joints.
  65. I love my heart with great and tender love.
  66. In the rays of my love, my young, happy, laughing, healthy heart is born.
  67. Every thought I have about rejuvenation immediately materializes and rejuvenates me.
  68. All my internal organs are born young, with a Divinely correct internal structure, Divinely correct size and Divinely correct shape.
  69. My body mobilizes all its limitless possibilities for my healing and rejuvenation.
  70. In my body there is round-the-clock improvement, round-the-clock development of all body systems, all internal organs and all my abilities.
  71. I love and accept my unique appearance.
  72. My attractiveness is increasing every day.
  73. I look forward to every day of my life with joyful anticipation.
  74. My body easily and joyfully maintains Divinely correct functioning under any influence of the external environment.
  75. I am a healthy, beautiful and young woman at every moment of my life!

These affirmations will increase the effectiveness of the process of getting rid of nicotine addiction. Positive attitudes will strengthen the desire to get rid of smoking and increase faith in liberation from this addiction. These affirmations are proposed to be used both independently and as an aid to all treatment methods recommended by doctors.

  1. I choose a healthy lifestyle!
  2. I am constantly changing for the better.
  3. I am a healthy person!
  4. I easily give up nicotine addiction!
  5. I rejoice at every victory I have over any addiction!
  6. I have a strong will!
  7. I rejoice in being free from nicotine addiction!
  8. I feel like I’m getting healthier and stronger, and this fills my whole being with the joy of life.
  9. My body is free of toxic substances.
  10. I have a Divine breathing system.
  11. I always have enough spiritual strength to restore my health.
  12. I choose healing thoughts.
  13. The Creator has endowed me with the ability to overcome any difficulties in life.
  14. I enjoy my fresh breath!
  15. I have a healthy, resilient and young heart.
  16. I am free from nicotine slavery.
  17. All my airways are filled with healing light and purity!
  18. I feel absolutely free from smoking!
  19. Every moment my healthy nervous system becomes more and more strong, and my will becomes more and more strong!
  20. I am free from my former lifestyle with a cigarette in my hands!
  21. I constantly feel an increase in spiritual and physical strength.
  22. I feel cheerful and cheerful.
  23. I am always in a loving and understanding environment!
  24. Im free person!
  25. I always make the right choice!
  26. Smoking is forever a thing of the past, and I feel a surge of new strength.
  27. All the difficulties of life are only a source of new opportunities to improve yourself and your life.
  28. I choose a smoking-free life!
  29. I feel the constant support of life and the energy of love.
  30. I take care of my own health and therefore give up smoking easily.
  31. All systems of my body work perfectly.
  32. I look forward to a future life without nicotine.
  33. I am freeing myself from all bad habits and learning to live in a new way!
  34. I energetically manage all my feelings, all my thoughts, all my behavior.
  35. I have a strong will! I am a confident person!
  36. I have high self-esteem!
  37. I constantly feel support and love from my family and friends on my path to quitting smoking.
  38. I have a strong will and strong character.
  39. I love and appreciate my beautiful body and healthy body.
  40. I breathe fresh air and constantly feel increased strength.
  41. I have divinely healthy lungs.
  42. I am constantly protected by Divine blessing in my life.
  43. Healing Divine light fills my heart, body and lungs.
  44. I am becoming more and more strong-willed, more and more cheerful, more and more happy and free.
  45. Life-giving Divine love fills and recreates me Divinely healthy.
  46. My body easily and quickly eliminates any difficulties and problems.
  47. My whole body is constantly reviving Divine wholeness and strength.
  48. I constantly remain cheerful, fresh, energetic.
  49. I enjoy every day I live without a cigarette!!
  50. Spiritual power, the all-conquering Divine power of the spirit, shines in my eyes.
  51. Divine pure energy flows into all the cells of my body.
  52. My entire body is actively using all its limitless capabilities to restore and free itself from addiction.
  53. My willpower increases dramatically.
  54. My entire nervous system is being revived and becoming more and more youthful, strong, and healthy.
  55. Life-giving Divine life flows into my heart.
  56. I am a happy, healthy and free person!
  57. I choose a healthy lifestyle!
  58. I believe in myself, I believe in my strength!
  59. I am aware of the harm of nicotine and always remain free from the desire to smoke.
  60. I easily overcome harmful influences that try to lead me away from a healthy lifestyle.
  61. My circulatory system is working more and more vigorously.
  62. I consciously choose a joyful life without nicotine.
  63. I clearly and clearly see myself stronger than the need to smoke.
  64. My energy reserves are constantly increasing.
  65. I am full of vitality.
  66. My life is wonderful without smoking and other bad habits.
  67. I am a healthy and successful person!
  68. My thinking becomes active and fast.
  69. I have many wonderful friends and like-minded people who live healthy, interesting, rich lives.
  70. My healthy nervous system has become even stronger, stronger and more resilient.
  71. Every breath I take is light, free and silent.
  72. I control myself perfectly!
  73. I love life and want to be a healthy, energetic person.
  74. My body feels great without tobacco smoke.
  75. I feel stronger than my smoking habit.
  76. I love life and want to be healthy!
  77. Smoking is completely a thing of the past.
  78. The whole body feels pleasantly fresh and invigorated.
  79. I choose a healthy lifestyle!

Many women today are obsessed with the idea of ​​losing weight, which is driven more by fashion trends than by pressing necessity. But, one way or another, such a goal appears and we have the right to change our body, because it is ours! The most popular way to lose weight is a diet, but not every person can give up their favorite treats day after day for a long time. In addition, many of the diets currently offered include the exclusion from the diet of substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body and good skin condition. As a result, a thin waist comes at quite a price for its owner: as a result of vitamin deficiency, the skin becomes dry and problematic, and health begins to increasingly send alarm signals, requiring increased attention. Not wanting to pay such a high price for fashionable slimness, we try to find more acceptable methods of losing weight, go through a lot of specialized literature, surf the World Wide Web, and, oh, miracle! - we find it! There is, there is this magical method that not only allows you to become like Angelina Jolie in a matter of days, but is also implemented without much effort and any dietary restrictions.

Often, weight problems reflect low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, harsh self-criticism, and a lack of loving self-acceptance. Therefore, if you really want to achieve stability in maintaining a normal weight, take a comprehensive and intelligent approach to reconfiguring your subconscious.
  1. My body is a reservoir of health and energy.
  2. My body is a beautiful Divine creation.
  3. A bright Divine light shines in my eyes.
  4. I'm at the perfect weight!
  5. I constantly remain cheerful, fresh, energetic.
  6. I hear the advice of my soul, body and mind and always follow it.
  7. I look at my past, present and future with love.
  8. I always make decisions that create my youth, health and love.
  9. My beautiful and slender figure is being reborn easily and joyfully.
  10. My body is at an ideal weight.
  11. All systems of my body work perfectly.
  12. I feel my divinely beautiful body and figure.
  13. My body has an excellent metabolism.
  14. I love, accept and respect myself.
  15. I always take care of myself.
  16. The freshness of youth shines on my face.
  17. My whole body is becoming younger, firmer and more beautiful every day.
  18. My body easily and quickly copes with any difficulties and problems of excess weight.
  19. All my skin is restored to its whole, pristine health and beauty every day.
  20. Every day my muscles become more elastic and strong.
  21. I always maintain a youthful, beautiful physique.
  22. I constantly feel a surge of strength.
  23. I feel and see more and more clearly the process of formation of my beautiful body.
  24. All the excess fat in my body quickly melts like snow under the hot rays of the sun.
  25. My toned stomach is being reborn.
  26. My beautiful waist is being revived.
  27. My slim and beautiful figure is being restored.
  28. I clearly see myself as a cheerful, healthy and happy person.
  29. I easily maintain a normal body weight.
  30. My entire nervous system is being reborn and becoming stronger and healthier.
  31. I feel the constant support of life and the energy of love.
  32. I eat what my body needs to maintain an intense and energetic life.
  33. I lovingly create a life that nourishes and sustains me.
  34. Every thought I have about the ideal shape of my body immediately materializes.
  35. I overcome all difficulties in my work cheerfully, joyfully and successfully.
  36. I choose thoughts that create harmony and love in me and around me.
  37. My whole body is constantly reviving Divine wholeness.
  38. My blood flows through my vessels in a cheerful, joyful and rapid flow.
  39. I love and accept my appearance and body.
  40. The beauty of my body is increasing every day.
  41. I look forward to every new day of my life with joyful anticipation.
  42. Divine pure energy flows into all systems of my body.
  43. My whole soul sings with happiness and joy of life.
  44. My heart is filled with joy and joy.
  45. I discover the joy of getting rid of excess fat cells.
  46. All my internal organs are reborn and become more youthful, strong and energetic.
  47. I am filled with colossal Divine energy of rapid growth, renewal and rejuvenation.
  48. I choose a healthy lifestyle.
  49. I choose clean and healthy food for my body.
  50. My thoughts about myself as a healthy and beautiful person quickly materialize.
  51. I have a strong will!
  52. No force can force me to eat extra and unhealthy food.
  53. I feel cheerful and cheerful after a full day of work.
  54. I constantly feel a direct connection with the Divine energy in me and around me.
  55. Thanks to the Divine Life Energy, all the excess fat in my body quickly disappears.
  56. I always have enough spiritual strength to control my weight.
  57. I accept and use a constant influx of new energy and Divine power.
  58. I easily control my desires when I eat.
  59. I take in as much food as my body needs to live an energetic life.
  60. I will always have a slim figure and a beautiful body.
  61. I do physical exercise with pleasure and great desire.
  62. I always choose healthy foods for my body.
  63. I have a strong will! I can do everything!

Depression is a very difficult experience for anyone. Medicine characterizes depression with the following symptoms:

  • depressed, depressed mood, loss of interest in loved ones, everyday activities, work;
  • insomnia, waking up early in the morning or, on the contrary, sleeping too long;
  • irritability and anxiety, fatigue and loss of strength;
  • lack of appetite and weight loss or sometimes, on the contrary, overeating and weight gain;
  • inability to concentrate and make decisions;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • feelings of worthlessness and guilt, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness;
  • frequent bouts of sobbing;
  • thoughts of suicide.

Very complex conditions... It seems that all life is meaningless and given to man as a heavenly punishment. But this difficult condition can be changed!

  1. My soul sings with happiness, with the joy of life, from waking up in the morning until going to bed in the evening.
  2. I accept changes easily and joyfully. All changes lead to the better.
  3. I emit and receive Divine Light and Love.
  4. My heart is filled with Divine Light!
  5. All my fears and prejudices disappear as quickly as possible.
  6. I'm letting go of my past. I accept the present with gratitude.
  7. I forgive myself for everything.
  8. I work positively, wisely and intuitively to improve my life!
  9. My cheerful mood is becoming more and more bright, light, stable.
  10. I forgive everyone who caused me any pain and grief.
  11. I thank myself and people for my experience of awareness.
  12. I accept everything that comes into my life with gratitude and love.
  13. In every breath I express gratitude to the Creator for everything!
  14. I think positively and optimistically at every moment of my life.
  15. I am free from the desire to control people and situations.
  16. I feel loving, loved, protected, happy, young and healthy now and forever.
  17. I easily let go of all situations that hinder me on my true Path.
  18. I allow myself to enjoy and have joy and relaxation.
  19. All the difficulties of life are only a source of new opportunities to improve yourself and your life.
  20. I love myself with unconditional true love and always take care of myself.
  21. I am a determined person! I make important decisions easily!
  22. I know how to quickly navigate and choose the best way out!
  23. I think clearly!
  24. I am absolutely calm!
  25. In difficult times I know how to relax!
  26. I can easily and quickly find a solution to any difficult situation!
  27. I am full of strength and energy HERE and NOW!
  28. At the end of each working day, I feel lightness, joy, satisfaction, acceptance, gratitude and love!
  29. My whole body accumulates youthful energy during work and rest!
  30. The more I work, the more actively my body is filled with young and healthy energy!
  31. I have excellent performance, but I combine work and rest wisely!
  32. I am happy to rest and fully restore my strength.
  33. I am full of strength and energy.
  34. I smile at the present and the future.
  35. My thoughts about myself and my life are always accompanied by positive emotions.
  36. My happiness, Divine love, inner harmony and bliss are increasing as quickly as possible!
  37. I always keep my self-confidence high!
  38. I am a joyful, happy and lucky person!
  39. I think positively!
  40. I look forward to the future with joy!
  41. I focus on all the good things in my life!
  42. I am absolutely calm during any of my activities!
  43. I control my stress level myself!
  44. I am able to consciously lower my stress level!
  45. I am completely relaxed when I want it!
  46. I relieve tension easily and effectively!
  47. I know how to relax!
  48. I am completely calm when communicating with other people!
  49. I am completely calm in any situation!
  50. I de-stress in a positive way!
  51. With every exhalation I release tension!
  52. I am in an environment that radiates tranquility!
  53. I know how to stay calm in stressful situations!
  54. In stressful situations, I continue to eat right!
  55. I always remain calm towards other people!
  56. I am a calm person! I accept the world with love and gratitude!
  57. I can easily make decisions in stressful situations!
  58. I get rid of anxious thoughts with ease!
  59. I am happy, joyful and calm!
  60. I love my life and myself!

Fundamental Knowledge of all human health problems and disorders

By nature, every person consists of Light, this is confirmed by modern medicine and proven by scientists. With any health problems or disorders, dark spots form, which in quite complex cases turn into black and dense formations.

The darker and denser the formation, the more complex the problem a person has, and it no longer matters what it can be called or what diagnosis a person can be given...!
Doctors, as a rule, treat the consequence, but the disease itself manifests itself only when it “takes root”, and in this case it is already difficult to do anything.

Healers, if they are familiar with LIGHT methods and practices, can dissolve foreign formations and fill darkened areas with Light; only in this case, diseases and problems disappear.

It doesn’t matter what diagnosis was made by a doctor or other specialist and how they labeled the problem, it doesn’t matter!

Even problems that have not yet been identified disappear completely, without having time to manifest themselves, when they are filled with Light, Light, Light!

The natural state of a person is him in the Light. Only when a person is completely filled with Light, then only he will be healthy and happy!

But it should be noted that any problem can be eliminated only on the condition that this is allowed to the person by Karma.

You can gain the right to health and success (if there is no solution to eliminate this problem) only through good thoughts, good deeds and actions!

Medicines do not cure karmic diseases. If you have a predisposition to any disease and tests confirm this, medications will not help you - you must go through this test.

And it will be necessary to work out karma, and only in this case the disease will go away.

Or carry out Harmonization of Karma and only after that the disease will recede.

Going to clinics and hospitals will not bring you stable relief.

About diseases

Diseases can be divided into admitted, sacred and karmic.

Admitted diseases appear when a person is inattentive to his health, commits unconscious actions, violates the rules and laws of life, and with various types of abuse. Accepted diseases can arise with a low level of spiritual development and a false idea of ​​human nature, due to distorted traditions existing in society.

How to cure existing diseases?

Admitted diseases can be cured using traditional medicine; they do not carry negative karmic consequences for healers and doctors. But if the disease is not treated, it can become chronic. If a person dies without getting rid of the emerging disease, then in the next incarnation it will certainly manifest itself as karmic.

Karmic disease is a disease of the soul and spirit that affects the physical body. The cause of karmic illness is an illness that was not cured in the past, as well as violation of Divine commandments and laws (by words, deeds and thoughts), negative emotions in the present life and past incarnations.

How to cure karmic disease?

You can get rid of karmic illness only through mental and spiritual improvement: by correcting your character, changing your attitude towards the world around you and, of course, towards yourself, realizing negative actions and eliminating their consequences. Traditional medicine cannot cure karmic diseases. Healers and healers can relieve the symptoms of a disease by sending the root cause to the person’s future or to his relatives. But this has a negative impact on karma for the patient and the healer.

Sacred diseases appear with rapid spiritual growth of a person. There is a sharp increase in the flow of received energy, which causes tension in the physical body, pain appears in the heart, throat, solar plexus, back of the head, kidneys and other organs and parts of the body. There is a pulling and painful sensation in the limbs. Sacred diseases can arise and disappear suddenly, without manifestations of the cause of the disease, but the course of the disease, as a rule, is not typical, without pronounced symptoms.

Such diseases cannot be cured; they go away on their own after 2 to 4 weeks. When such an illness occurs, it is advisable to get more rest. Healers and doctors who try to treat sacred diseases significantly increase their negative karma.

Dear readers and guests, in order to restore the energy activity of the vortexes (chakras) and avoid the above-described troubles with the vortexes (chakras), I recommend that you undergo training at the Slavic school “Golden Vortex” “Good luck and success in mastering the materials. Be healthy!

✅ A few words, I want to say about the practices of Zhiva, these are very strong and powerful energies, at the moment, I do not know stronger and more effective than the Energies of our Light Gods and Goddesses.

✅ Which help not only to heal, but also to harmonize a person with the surrounding space and nature.

This is the Knowledge of our Ancestors! The connection with the Ancestors is being restored well!

✅ At our Academy we provide training and initiation into Slavic birth practices
In person or remotely, it doesn’t matter where you are in what city, country, continent! If you have any questions, please contact us.

I invite you to study! Are you ready! Light, Love, Harmony!

P.S. Dear readers of the website of the Slavic Academy of Spiritual Development!
Please write your reviews: how and what knowledge you applied, what ultimately changed in your life and the lives of your FAMILY and loved ones.
It is very important for us to know this in order to understand whether all this work that we are doing is necessary, and also so that the Slavs of all countries do not lose hope for the revival of the Slavic root.
With respect and gratitude in advance, Vedagor and Radomira.
We are grateful for your support!
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