Dmitry Malikov Jr.: what do we know about the aspiring restaurateur and friend of the stars. New generation: Dima Malikov Jr. about his holidays Dmitry Malikov, Elena Malikova daughter Stefania and son

(41), Dmitry’s sister, and her son (also, by the way,) made an exception - they told us about family traditions, how they choose gifts for each other and what memories they especially treasure.

Dima: Watch, OMEGA Speedmaster Moonwatch Chronograph; T-shirt, Calvin Klein; Jacket, Strellson. Inna: Watch, OMEGA Seamaster Aqua Terra 150m; Jacket, Escada; Top, Liu Jo; Pants, Roseville

“Go to the end and never be lazy. Even if some problem seems unsolvable, you need to finish it today and never put it off until later. This is the main advice that my mother gave me,” admits Dima. He clearly listened to his mother and by the age of 19 he had already achieved a lot - now Dima is studying in Geneva, studying the restaurant business and is interested in IT applications. With such a serious approach, every minute counts, and Dima (like her mother) chooses the Swiss watch brand OMEGA, a symbol of family traditions and continuity of generations. Inna is (immediately visible) proud of her son: “I always taught Dima to think about the consequences of his actions. A person from a public family must understand that he is responsible not only for himself, but also for his family and surname. Now he is an adult, serious guy with whom we communicate as equals.”

Watches, OMEGA Speedmaster Moonwatch Chronograph

Dima and Inna speak almost unanimously about the main family tradition; you can immediately see how many emotions a summer trip to Italy brings. “This year we celebrated our 15th anniversary at the Forte dei Marmi resort. We always meet there for a few days. Dima and Stesha grew up there, and now the next kids will grow up, because going to the sea with the whole family is so cool. We don’t have a second opportunity like this, this is the only time and place,” explains Inna.

Inna: watch, OMEGA De Ville Ladymatic; Dress, ALEXANDER TEREKHOV. Dima: watch, OMEGA Speedmaster Moonwatch Chronograph

And, of course, January 1st! New Year Usually the family celebrates separately, but on January 1 (Inna's birthday) everyone gets together to exchange gifts. “This year my family gave me very “cozy” things - gloves, candles and cool slippers. We know each other well, so choosing gifts for each other is usually not that difficult. Or you can find out with leading questions ( laughs) – I sometimes ask Nastya, Dima’s girlfriend,” says Inna ( Anastasia Tolstaya is a student at the Faculty of Economics of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov and a participant in the Miss Russia contest. - Approx. ed.). Although, of course, it is difficult to surpass the gift that Dima received eight years ago - then he was given a Jack Russell terrier, Kenny. “This is the happiest memory from childhood. Now Kenny lives with us in Moscow,” says Malikov Jr.

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Dima Malikov Jr. presented his first culinary show

And fed his delicious dishes cousin Stefania

The Forte Bello restaurant in the VEGAS Crocus City shopping center hosted the first culinary master class “Everything for the Table”, conducted by Dima MALIKOV Jr., the son of Inna MALIKOVA and nephew of Dima MALIKOV.

The young chef clearly demonstrated to the audience the skill of creating dishes, talked about what he considers the main thing in this process, and treated his cousin Stefania Malikova to delicious home-cooked dishes.

Even before the start of the event, it became clear that Dima takes his business as seriously as possible: he thinks through the menu in advance, personally checks that all the necessary utensils are in place, he himself selects the composition of the dish and prepares everything necessary ingredients, which, by the way, were provided by the “Your House” hypermarket chain. When a sister appeared, invited as a “zero user” to teach the art of cooking, the master class was declared open.

The first dish that Malikov Jr. prepared was Stefania’s favorite delicacy - “Warm salad with chicken.” During cooking, the chef communicated with the audience: he talked about the history of a particular product, shared his vision of modern cooking and gave practical advice, which will be useful to everyone in the kitchen. For example, he recommended rolling up the greens before cutting and showed how you can peel a pomegranate without any extra effort. Meanwhile, Stefania, having received a freshly prepared salad, began to taste it gracefully and with appetite. To Dima’s caring reminder that she still had a lot of things to try, the girl confidently replied:

- I’ll eat everything!

The second item on the program was pasta. It was decided to cook it in Mediterranean traditions - with seafood and cilantro. When preparing the sauce, Dima used such an unexpected ingredient as... the water in which the pasta was cooked. While studying culinary arts in Italy, where the young man went last summer, the Italians shared this trick with him. For their country, this is a common practice - to dilute the sauce with such water if, for example, there is no white wine or you want to replace it with something. Then Malikov Jr. brewed aromatic tea with spices and treated Stefania to freshly squeezed pomegranate juice.

The head of VIA "Gems" Yuri Malikov came to support his grandson and shared his thoughts on what was happening:

- I feel good about his initiative. He has been interested in cooking for about a year and a half, but very seriously: he learned the intricacies of the profession during internships in Italy and France. Seeing Dima’s desire to grow and develop in this direction, our whole family supports him.

Inna Malikova also approves of her son’s hobby and is proud of his success:

— Despite the fact that Dima could choose an artistic profession, continuing family tradition, he preferred his own path and confidently follows it, developing his talent in this direction. It was entirely his idea: no one from the family suggested or advised him to engage in culinary work, and he made his choice on his own, which makes me very happy. It is a great happiness to do what you love, to do what interests you and in which you feel like a professional.

Malikov Jr. himself approaches his chosen business with responsibility and soul:

“It’s important to me that the food is not only tasty and beautiful, but also as healthy as possible.” So that people are not afraid to experiment. Include new foods and ingredients in your diet.

He also talked about the preferences of friends who come to visit him:

— For Arseny Shulgin and Denis Baysarov, knowing their taste preferences, I most often cook meat or pasta. If it falls to adults to treat them - for example, Uncle Dima - then the choice is made towards healthier food. It can be different salads, fish or risotto.

The young chef, who made his debut to a wide audience, has big plans: his own program on one of the TV channels and admission to the Culinary University. In addition, work will begin in April official channel Dima on YouTube with a number of sections dedicated not only to the culinary process itself, but also to other useful information: Dima will tell you which restaurants serve interesting and delicious dishes, where promotions and discounts are held, will conduct tours of grocery stores for viewers.

In addition, Dima will share gastronomic thoughts about a wide variety of cuisines around the world, her own impressions gained while traveling to various countries and studying their kitchen traditions, and will inspire with her experience and talent everyone for whom cooking is not an ordinary household chore, but a real creativity and art.

The wife of the Soviet and Russian composer and singer Elena posted a photo with her newborn son on her Instagram microblog.

The 54-year-old woman shared her revelations with subscribers and also thanked her star husband for the opportunity to have an heir and again experience the joy of motherhood.

Dmitry Malikov, Elena Malikova daughter Stefania and son

“I was the only child in the family. Beloved, smart, beautiful, but the only one. When I turned 20, my mother suddenly died, then my father. It was my very little daughter Olya who saved me from the horror of what happened. Simply because she was. After some time, my life changed dramatically: I met Dima, thanks to him I found a wonderful family: he, his parents, sister, grandmother, aunts, nephew, our wonderful daughter and son... Family is a team! Where one is for all and all is for one! And the more young players there are, the stronger it is!” - Elena wrote on the microblog.

In the photo, the face of the youngest family member is obscured by a smiley face. Stesha looks at her brother touchingly. Elena and Dmitry merged in a kiss. Users social network actively leave wishes to the artist’s wife.

“With all my heart I congratulate you on the addition! Happiness and love to you!”, “Congratulations to all the Malikovs! There are more of you now. What a blessing for a baby to be born into such a wonderful family! Health and happiness to everyone!”, “Everything is correct! Congratulations! Just why did they think for so long and make such a difference between the children? Could Stesha soon have her own family? In any case, well done! Let him grow up healthy and happy!” - social network users commented on the photo.

Earlier, a post appeared on Stefania’s microblog, where she indirectly announced that her brother had arrived in the capital.

“Yesterday we welcomed the whole family back from St. Petersburg,” wrote the Malikovs’ daughter.

Dmitry Malikov and daughter Stefania expecting a newborn

IN Lately Dmitry preferred to share the fruits of his creativity with fans, but rarely talked about the lives of loved ones. That is why the addition to his family came as a surprise to many.

The portal website reminds: recently it became known that . The boy was born in St. Petersburg. The singer's fans are now wondering why he hid the upcoming addition to the family, and are also arguing about what he will name his son.

Dima Malikov(17) is one of the brightest heroes of our "". At 17, he was already admitted to the best culinary university in the world. (Paul Bocuse in Leon) and is preparing to move to France. But before the hard academic year you need to have a good rest and gain strength, and Dima told PEOPLETALK about where and how he did it.

I decided to connect my life with cooking. Why? The story is extremely simple: I was left alone at home. I came home from school, there were a lot of classes in the evening, but there was nothing to eat at all! Then I realized that I had to somehow get out of the situation. I don’t remember what I prepared then, but the process itself fascinated me very much. That's why I spent last summer traveling around Italy. It was a real gastrotour! I interned in the best Italian restaurants and met a lot of interesting people. On Capri, for example, with the designer of all " Coffee mania» Moscow. This summer went according to a different scenario. After I passed all the exams and found out that I entered the university, I flew away to rest. I spent the last week of July in Dolomites and stayed with my mother in one of the hotels Italian cityCortina d'Ampezzo. During this week I walked about 100 kilometers - I walked for 6-8 hours every day, played sports and simply enjoyed the beauty of the Alpine nature.

I overcame all the ups and downs not alone, but with coaches Andrey And Alexey– my sports mentors, comrades and tormentors. ( Laughs.) In general, I am the champion of the Moscow region in cross-country skiing, and I also play football and go to the gym three times a week, but in the Dolomites we just climbed the mountains - that was enough. The most incredible memory that I brought from there was our climb in the rain to the most high point Dolomites - mountain Marmolada. Its height is 3342 m! I wanted to spend time alone with myself and nature, and there is no better place for this than the Dolomites. Next was a week with my mother. We spent it in the most beautiful places Greece: Halkidiki And Peloponnese. There I recovered from my “mountain adventures” on beaches and massages. ( Laughs.) And at the end of summer, my sister (16) and her parents arrived in Forte dei Marmi. We fly there every year with our whole family. I love Forte for the food, the sea, great amount friends, and I also play sports there. For site readers PEOPLETALK I can wish you two things: stay in good spirits and improve your cooking skills!