Blueberries: beneficial properties and contraindications, composition, recipes. Blueberries are a source of vitamins and microelements: medicinal properties of the plant, benefits for the human body

Blueberries have many beneficial properties: diuretic, choleretic, antiscorbutic, cardiotonic, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic properties. Blueberries normalize the functions of the pancreas and intestines. Leaves blueberries for the activity of the heart, intestines and stomach, lower blood sugar.

Blueberries: healthy fruits

Blueberry fruits are rich in mineral salts, organic acids and vitamins. The berries contain sugar, fiber, pectin, coloring and tannins, C, provitamin A. Due to the high content of vitamin C, blueberries are used as an antiscorbutic agent, and are also recommended for vision problems and glaucoma. advises you to buy frozen berries more often in winter, as they retain vitamin C.

Blueberries are simply a storehouse of beneficial properties. Blueberries protect the body from the effects of radioactive radiation, support the functioning of the pancreas and intestines, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and have a beneficial effect on nerve cells. Berry decoctions or blueberry juice are good for feverish patients, as well as people with diabetes, since blueberries enhance the effect of drugs that lower sugar. For fever, it is recommended to drink 100% blueberry juice - 3-4 times a day, at least 2 tablespoons. Due to its excellent antimicrobial effect, fresh blueberries help with many diseases, including dysentery bacillus. Besides, blueberry enhances metabolism and promotes recovery of the body. Because blueberries contain magnesium, they can be taken as a sedative. In addition, blueberries are an indispensable helper for people who have cardiovascular diseases.

What are the benefits of blueberries?

Blueberries contain ascorbic acid, provitamin A, carotene, flavonoids, vitamins P, PP and K, which reduces the risk of varicose veins. Moreover, blueberries contain 6 amino acids that are beneficial for the body. Compared to other berries, blueberries do not contain much iron, but it is almost completely absorbed by the body.

Not only blueberries are useful, but also the leaves. They contain the same beneficial substances, but only in lower concentrations. Blueberry leaves are widely used to prepare decoctions and marinades. Women's magazine JustLady advises you to drink wild blueberry juice as often as possible. American experts explained. Just imagine that this juice is recognized by them as the healthiest of all possible juices. This drink is much healthier than grape, apple and pomegranate juices. The thing is that blueberry juice has unique antioxidant properties. It was found that blueberry juice contains many times more antioxidants than other juices. It also contains a large number of natural compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, if you drink a portion of natural blueberry juice a day, your body will receive the average daily requirement of vitamins that fruits are rich in. This juice can be drunk on any diet.

Blueberries are harvested as they ripen - at the end of summer. The berries are very soft and delicate, so you need to pick them carefully so as not to damage them. After picking, large berries can be eaten or frozen (even frozen berries retain their beneficial properties), while small and bruised ones can be set aside for processing. Blueberries can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to two weeks at a temperature of 0 to +4°C. Frozen berries can be stored for a whole year. JustLady magazine advises you to tightly close the container with berries so that foreign odors do not penetrate into it.

Benefits of blueberries obvious, it’s not for nothing that the northern peoples of Russia necessarily include this berry in their diet. This is a very valuable medicinal plant and a storehouse of many vitamins. In the North, blueberries are eaten for dessert, compotes are made from them, and even wine is made from them. Local residents have great respect for this delicacy, because it is so difficult to harvest without damaging it, and difficult to harvest.

Particularly large benefits of blueberries for people suffering from diabetes. The fact is that the berry helps lower blood sugar levels, thereby helping to fight diabetes. Therefore, people with these diseases simply need blueberry juice. Other beneficial properties of this berry are also known. Blueberries contain not only antioxidants, but also substances that promote the breakdown of fat. This means that the berry will be especially useful for those who are trying to lose their weight. Blueberries make very tasty dishes - jellies, compotes, jams, preserves, sauces, mousses. The berries can also be used in baking.

JustLady magazine advises you to eat more blueberries. Be healthy!

Alisa Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Blueberries are a plant of the lingonberry family, with fruits with a pleasant taste and smell. The berries can be made into jam, marmalade and consumed fresh. What are the beneficial properties of blueberries, as well as why the plant is valued, you will learn from this material.


The berry has an extensive list of minerals and nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the body. It contains:

  • vitamins A, B, PP, K and E;
  • tannins;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • pectins;
  • flavonoids;
  • phenols, sugars and plant pigments;
  • pectin;
  • minerals (iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium).

Blueberries are a low-calorie berry, the nutritional value is 57 kcal. Therefore, it is recommended to add it to the diet menu.

Beneficial properties of blueberry berries and juice

Due to its rich composition, consumption of the culture has a positive effect on almost all body systems. Beneficial features:

  • It has choleretic and diuretic properties, which helps to reduce weight and normalize the functioning of all organs.
  • Antioxidants contained in fruits prevent aging of the body and improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Prevents the formation of tumors.
  • Due to the vitamin C content, the fruits are used to prevent scurvy.
  • Regular consumption of blueberries helps improve vision. The fruits relax the eye muscles and help fight glaucoma.
  • Cleanses the body of toxins and stabilizes metabolism.
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system. Intestinal peristalsis is improved.
  • The fruits slow down the aging of nerve cells, improve mental abilities and memory.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Eating fruits leads to a decrease in blood glucose levels.
  • Increases appetite, promotes the secretion of sufficient gastric juice.
  • Raises the tone of the body and relieves nervous tension.
  • Increases the body's defenses and improves its resistance to viruses and bacteria.
  • If diarrhea or liver disease occurs, it is useful to drink 1/2 glass of juice 3 times a day.
  • Fresh blueberries remove heavy metal salts from the body and neutralize the effects of radiation. This ability of the berry can be used by workers in hazardous industries.

Due to the healing properties of blueberries, its juice also has positive qualities. Doctors recommend using it 1-2 times a week. The drink contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this, the juice has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the manifestation of fever.

However, it does not have any restrictions, so the drink is widely used in dietary nutrition. The medicinal qualities of the culture are used not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for the prevention of many diseases.

Adding fruits to your child's menu

The beneficial properties of blueberries for children are manifested in the saturation of the growing body with all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

Due to the absence of allergens, it can be given to infants up to one year old. Initially, the berry is included in the menu in the form of puree. It is added to porridge or mixed with other fruits. Reception starts with 1 teaspoon, gradually increasing the amount. The serving size must be agreed with the pediatrician.

It is forbidden to consume the berry in large quantities, so as not to cause nausea, vomiting or dizziness.

Blueberries during pregnancy

During pregnancy, adding berries to the menu is recommended for all women. Due to its beneficial properties, blueberries have the most positive effect during pregnancy. This happens due to the content of vitamins B, P, PP and folic acid in the berry, which is sometimes called the “female hormone”. This substance forms new cells and prevents the development of pathologies in the fetus.

In addition, the fruits have the following beneficial effects:

  • The vitamin C content in blueberries stops the development of colds, which have a detrimental effect on the body of the fetus and the expectant mother.
  • Reduces blood sugar, which is especially necessary for women who suffer from diabetes.
  • The iron contained in the berry can maintain normal hemoglobin levels. Rutin prevents blood pressure from rising and gives elasticity to capillaries.
  • The berry has a positive effect on vision. Thanks to a complex of minerals, blueberries have anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties.

But you should not abuse the berry during this period, in order to avoid allergic reactions and intoxication in the child. During pregnancy, it is enough for a woman to eat no more than 80-100 g per day. This norm is enough to meet the needs of the body.

The beneficial properties of blueberries during pregnancy and lactation are manifested in the saturation of vitamins and minerals for both the child and the mother. It is not recommended to consume berries in excessive quantities due to allergies.

Benefits of blueberry leaves

Not only fruits have medicinal properties. The leaves of the plant are often used to prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions. Traditional medicine has many recipes that can:

  • normalize the digestive process;
  • cleanse the body and have a disinfectant effect;
  • eliminate sleep disorders and nervous system disorders;
  • lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels;
  • beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • reduce excessive appetite and prevent overeating;
  • strengthen the human immune system, have a preventive effect against colds and infectious diseases.

A decoction, infusion or tincture is prepared from blueberry leaves. Drinks can be drunk without restrictions if there are no contraindications.

To prepare a medicinal drink, you need the following:

  1. Take dried leaves of the plant (50 g) in a crushed state for a glass of boiling water.
  2. Brew for 2-3 hours.
  3. Strain the broth and drink a tablespoon 5-6 times a day before meals.

The course of treatment with blueberry decoction should be no more than 1 month, then a break is taken and, if necessary, the procedure is repeated.

A decoction of blueberry leaves is a preventive remedy for many diseases: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels. To normalize blood pressure, you can drink it along with fresh berries. The daily norm of berries is 100-150 g.

Winter preparations

Blueberries also have beneficial properties in jam. In this form, its medicinal qualities will be preserved for a long time.

To make jam, grind the berries in a blender until smooth. Add sugar. Divide into containers and store in the refrigerator.

This composition retains all the healing properties of blueberries.

There is a method for making jam when the fruits are cooked. For this you need the following ingredients:

  1. Blueberries - 1 kg.
  2. Granulated sugar - 1 kg.
  3. Water - 100 ml.

Sort and wash the fruits thoroughly. Make syrup from sugar and water and boil for several minutes. Then put the berries in it, boil for 10 minutes and place in sterile jars.

Jam can be used to prevent colds and infectious diseases, and for diseases of the stomach and bladder.

Use while dieting

Having medicinal properties, blueberries are used for weight loss. It can be classified as a dietary product. Polyphenols contained in the berry help break down fat deposits. Blueberries burn extra pounds and prevent the formation of new ones.

To obtain benefits, the fruits should be consumed in limited quantities. The daily intake of berries is 100-200 g. To achieve results, you need to exercise.

Along with the berries, you can drink tea from blueberry leaves and consume fruit drinks. It is good to drink fresh fruits with milk, which can have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility.

Fruits in cosmetology

Due to its beneficial properties, blueberries can be used not only to improve the health of the body. The fact that this plant has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin has been known for a long time. Therefore, the culture is used to prepare facial care products.

The beneficial properties of blueberries for women are manifested in recipes based on the addition of the berry. Masks will help preserve the beauty of your face and prolong the youth of your skin. Flavonoids protect it from ultraviolet radiation. They are able to cleanse and whiten the skin of the face.

To prepare the mask, you need to squeeze the juice from the berries. Combine in equal proportions with sour cream and cottage cheese. Apply the mixture to your face. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. This mask will restore your skin's radiant appearance and get rid of fine wrinkles. But to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to use the product at least once a week.

What plant varieties are there?

A berry that grows in nature has a name or swamp. It is from such bushes that the harvest occurs in forests and swamps.

The first garden varieties were brought from America. The blueberry bush was tall and reached a height of 2-3 m. Currently, many varieties of berries are known that are cultivated in summer cottages.

Garden blueberries are especially popular, the properties of which are constantly used for medicinal purposes. But they also grow it for cooking. In the northern regions, a bush called “Canadian blueberry” is widespread. This plant is frost-resistant and has unpretentiousness and juicy fruits.

For planting, choose a well-lit place with loose soil. She loves acidic soils, but blueberries grow poorly and do not reproduce on neutral and alkaline soils. It needs to be planted with a large lump of earth; if the roots are exposed, the plant dies.

Storage rules

Blueberries are tender. And in order not to lose all its medicinal properties, it is necessary to choose the correct storage method.

The fruits should be frozen. Such blueberries retain all their healing properties and can be used to prepare compotes, fruit drinks and jelly. Most often it is used as a filling for pies.

In some cases, blueberries are dried. You can store it in a glass container in a dark room. Dried fruits, like frozen ones, fully retain their healing properties and can be used to treat various diseases.

Fresh blueberries can be stored in the refrigerator. To do this, you need to choose a container with a tight lid. Store at 0-5 degrees for 2 weeks.

Regardless of the storage method, blueberries retain their properties best when fresh.

Harm to culture

Despite the varied medicinal properties of blueberries, the plant also has contraindications. As a rule, negative effects can occur with severe overeating of fruits. The berry is rich in many nutrients, which, when eaten in large quantities, are harmful to the body.

Signs of poisoning may include:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • general weakness;
  • headache.

When consuming berries by women during pregnancy and lactation, extreme caution must be taken. After all, this can negatively affect the child when harmful substances enter his body along with mother’s milk.

Patients taking blood thinners should not add fruits to their menu.

Blueberries are a unique berry that is very popular. Due to its composition and many useful qualities, it can be used not only in medicine, but also in cooking and cosmetology. The medicinal qualities of blueberries are used for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

The delicate, soft taste of blueberries is very attractive to children. It is especially good in desserts and baked goods. Just a third of a glass of this berry will provide a child with the daily requirement of vitamins and nutrients, and its healing power was known back in ancient times. The pulp of the fruit does not have a seed; its taste is comparable to blueberries, but is inferior to it in sweetness. We invite you to find out how eating blueberries will affect your child’s health, when you can offer them to your baby, and how to avoid allergies.

What are the benefits of blueberries?

The most important property of this berry is its ability to reduce the effects of radioactive radiation. But the usefulness of blueberries is not limited to this:

  • increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, stabilizes the functioning of the heart;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system, activates the functioning of the intestines and pancreas, increases appetite;
  • It is enough to regularly consume blueberries throughout the season to slow down the aging process of nerve cells, including the brain;
  • contains almost all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are necessary for full development;
  • provides an anti-inflammatory effect, which is why it should be included in the diet of children with viral diseases, helps improve the condition of sore throat;
  • helps lower blood pressure;
  • suitable for preventing scurvy;
  • blueberries enhance the effect of pharmaceutical drugs to lower blood sugar - for this reason it is recommended to be included in the diet of diabetics;
  • dried berries will help cure dysentery: only 1 tablespoon is needed per 200 ml of water, brew for a quarter of an hour;
  • if your child spends a lot of time studying, try giving him blueberries for 1–2 weeks: firstly, his vision will improve, and secondly, eye fatigue will decrease;
  • useful for low acidity of gastric juice;
  • contains phylloquinone, which ensures blood clotting;
  • it contains essential acids that promote muscle formation;
  • The fiber and pectins contained in blueberries improve intestinal motility and help cope with constipation;
  • The berry contains anthocyanins; they perform several functions at once: increase the production of collagen (important for the rejuvenation of skin cells), activate the removal of oxidants, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, and enrich cells with oxygen.

With a significant content of nutrients, blueberries have a low calorie content, which means they can be safely given to children prone to obesity. It also activates metabolism, greatly facilitating the fight against extra pounds. Blueberries are very popular in folk medicine. In particular, it is used to treat certain diseases. We offer several simple recipes:

From deprivation. For 1.5 tablespoons of washed and dried blueberries you will need 1 glass of water. Place in a water bath, wait until it boils, then simmer for 15 minutes. Use for compresses.

Sore throat remedy. Mash 2-3 tablespoons of blueberries, pour boiling water (200 ml), leave to steep for an hour, strain. Gargle every 1–1.5 hours.

For bladder problems or diarrhea prepare blueberry tea: pour a glass of boiling water over dried berries (a tablespoon), then leave for an hour (it’s best to do this in a thermos). Drink up to 4 times a day.

Boil 1–1.5 cups of fresh blueberries (dried if in winter) without sugar, drink for colds and fever. This compote also helps with problems with the kidneys and bladder.

Fresh blueberries have the most beneficial properties. If you want to save it for the winter, the berries should be subjected to gentle heat treatment. A great option is to grind the fruits with sugar.

Introduction to blueberries

Is your baby prone to allergies? Does eating berries often cause diathesis? This means that blueberries can only be offered to him after three years. If the baby does not have such problems, offer him a small portion of berries after he reaches one year. It's best to add it to a dessert, such as mousse or pudding. The first portion should be tiny so that the child gradually gets used to the new product - half a teaspoon of ground berries is enough.

Blueberries can be added to fruit puree - apple or pear. It is also good in porridges, including rice or oatmeal. Important! Not only the appearance of the berries matters, but also their origin. It is best to collect them yourself, in an environmentally safe area. You should only buy them from those you trust, since blueberries collected, for example, along the highway, can be harmful to health. Please note that for a child aged 1–2 years, the serving should not exceed 40–50 g. An overdose can cause nausea, rash, vomiting and dizziness.

Precautionary measures

Since blueberries have a strong antioxidant effect, they should be eaten in moderation. It is not recommended to consume blueberries if you have biliary dyskinesia. If a child is taking medications to reduce blood viscosity (thinning drugs), it is better to exclude this berry from the diet.

Blueberry recipes for children

Blueberry pudding

Ingredients: 1 glass of blueberries, half a lemon, 1–2 tbsp. spoons of butter, 100-120 g of sugar, 0.5 cups of flour, baking powder - half a teaspoon, salt on the tip of a knife, 50-70 ml of milk, 1 teaspoon of corn starch, 100 ml of water.


  • Before cooking, light (turn on) the oven to warm it up.
  • Wash the blueberries under running water, place them in a mold, after greasing it with sunflower oil and lightly sprinkling it with lemon juice.
  • Grind butter with sugar (80–100 g).
  • In a separate bowl, mix the sifted flour, baking powder and salt, add it all to the buttery mixture, then combine with the milk, stir until smooth.
  • Pour the resulting dough over the berries.
  • Add starch and salt to the rest of the sugar, mix, sprinkle the mixture onto the dough poured into the mold.
  • Place the form with the pudding in a pan of heated water and place in the oven - cook in a water bath for 50-60 minutes.

Blueberry mousse

Ingredients: 100 g blueberries, 100 g sugar, 500 ml water, 15 g gelatin.


  • Wash the berries and make juice from them.
  • Soak the gelatin.
  • Pour cold water over the pulp, boil, cook for 5–6 minutes, then strain, add sugar and prepared gelatin to the liquid, mix everything well until dissolved, boil, then add blueberry juice.
  • To get rid of the remaining pulp, the mousse must be strained, only then poured into molds and set to harden.

Wild berry smoothie with ice cream

Products: 50 g of ice cream, 70–80 g of strawberries, 50 g of blueberries, raspberries and blackberries.


  • Wash and dry the berries, after removing the sepals.
  • Using a blender, prepare the puree and add ice cream at the end of blending.

Serve in glasses.

Fruit dessert with blueberries

Ingredients: a glass of yogurt, a tablespoon of sugar, 100 g of blueberries (a little more than half a glass), a small banana, 1 large peach or 2 small ones, a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of raisins and cranberries, mint for decoration.


  • Wash the fruits and remove the peel from the banana.
  • Cut all fruits, except blueberries, into small pieces.
  • Wash the raisins and cranberries thoroughly under running water.
  • Grind all ingredients except mint in a blender, leave a few blueberries for decoration. Cool before serving.

Oatmeal dessert with blueberries

Ingredients: 1 chicken egg, a tablespoon of sugar, a pinch of salt, 50–60 ml of milk, 1.5–2 tbsp. spoons of flour, 2-3 spoons of oatmeal, vegetable oil, half a glass of blueberries - fresh or frozen.


  • Carefully separate the yolks from the whites; they must not be allowed to mix, otherwise it will not be possible to obtain a stable foam.
  • Place the whites in the freezer for 5–10 minutes, then beat with a pinch of salt; when foam begins to form, slowly, little by little add sugar - 1 teaspoon. To make the process easier, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture.
  • Mix the yolks with flour and the remaining sugar, add milk, mix well, add oatmeal at the end, it is best to use instant oatmeal, such as “Mistral” or similar. Leave the resulting mixture for 15 minutes so that the cereal swells.
  • Mix the dessert with the chilled egg white; this must be done carefully, from bottom to top; it is convenient to use a spatula for this purpose.
  • Heat the frying pan well, pour in the vegetable oil, place the dough in the frying pan, place the blueberries on top. Fry over medium heat until the bottom is browned, then turn over.
  • Using spatulas, divide the pancake into small pieces and stir them until they fry better.

Before serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar; you can use fresh blueberries for decoration.

Nature has given humanity a priceless gift in the form of wonderful berries called blueberries. These fruits are an inexhaustible source of vitamins, nutrients and minerals. The blue berries grow on a small shrub of the heather family.

The natural habitat of blueberries is swampy forests, tundra, and mountains. It grows in the European part of Russia, Ukraine, the Urals, Siberia, the Far East and the Caucasus.

This amazing plant feels great both in dry mountain areas and in damp soil. It grows better in places where there is free access to sunlight. Blueberries are not susceptible to frost.

The bush can live and bear fruit for about 90 years. Fruiting of the bush under natural conditions begins at the age of 12 – 17 years. From one bush you can collect up to 200 grams of berries. The blueberry harvest begins at the end of June - at the beginning of July.

Until recently, blueberries could only be found in their natural habitat. But scientists and breeders have managed to create many varieties of garden berries. A distinctive feature is that it has taller bushes and voluminous berries than the forest variety.

Also, the garden berry is much more tender than the forest berry. It must be handled very carefully so as not to wrinkle it. After collecting, it is advisable to quickly process it, so as not to crush it, into jam, jelly, juice or compote.

Benefits of berries

The peculiarity of blueberries lies in its unique composition.

Its structure includes many vitamins that are important for normal human life: vitamin A, B1, B2, PP, K, P, ascorbic acid.

It also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper and the following organic acids: acetic, malic, citric, oxalic, tannins and pectins.

Anthocyanins are considered to be of particular importance in blue berries., which are much more abundant in blueberries than in blueberries. Thanks to these substances, blueberries are endowed with anti-cancer and anti-aging properties.

  • The presence of pectin and tannins allows blueberries to rid our body of toxic substances, waste, radionuclides and heavy metal salts.
  • The berry is successfully used to treat the pancreas and intestines.
  • Eating berries leads to a significant decrease in blood sugar levels.
  • A medicine made from the leaves and young stems of the plant is used for bladder ailments and kidney and heart diseases.
  • Blueberry leaves are used as a laxative.
  • With the help of these berries, it is possible to improve the metabolic processes occurring in the human body.
  • These berries have no equal in iron content.
  • Blueberries contain substances such as pylophenols. They promote the expansion of blood vessels and strengthen blood vessels, and prevent the aging of nerve cells. If these berries are used in combination with pribiotics, the number of harmful cocci, which are the basis for the development of inflammatory processes in our body, is reduced.
  • The berry prevents fat cells from forming in large quantities in the body. Blueberries owe this property to the presence of natural antioxidants in their composition - anthacins, which color blueberries dark blue or even purple.
  • Eating these fruits in large quantities is a guarantee that the aging processes of the body will be suspended for some time.
  • Blueberries inhibit unwanted negative processes occurring in the brain.
  • The fiber present in the berries has a beneficial effect on the intestines and prevents the development of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Regular consumption of fruits minimizes vision problems. It is considered an effective remedy in the treatment of glaucoma.
  • The content of highly active antioxidants is a good prevention against the occurrence of malignant tumors.
  • Berries that grow in the wild are endowed with anti-inflammatory properties.
  • A glass of blueberry juice contains all the essential nutrients and vitamins that a person needs throughout the day.
  • The largest amount of useful substances is found in the berries; there are slightly fewer of them in the leaves.
  • Blueberry juice is rated all over the world as the healthiest.
  • Elderly people should eat berries, so they can activate their vitality.
  • Blueberries have anti-scorbutic and anti-sclerotic effects on the body.
  • diabetes, inflammation of the gallbladder, irritation of the colon mucosa;
  • enterocolitis, diabetes, gastric catarrh;
  • arthritis, pyelitis, atherosclerosis;
  • high blood pressure, fever;
  • worms;
  • scrofula in children.

In order for blueberries not to lose their beneficial properties, they must be harvested correctly or pay attention to the quality of the product when purchasing at the market. Do not forget that this berry is very delicate and requires careful handling.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 grams of raw berries contain about 40 kcal, and this is a reason to claim that blueberries are a low-calorie dietary product.

People suffering from biliary tract diseases should not eat berries.

Methods of using traditional medicine

Blueberries are widely used in cooking. Delicious wine, tinctures, jelly, jam, and marshmallows are made from it. It is added to milkshakes and other dishes.

We also invite you to watch an interesting video on the topic of the article:

Who doesn't know what blueberries look like?

This forest berry used to be exclusively a “wild inhabitant”.

But now everyone can buy blueberry seedlings and plant them on their plot.

The article will discuss the benefits and properties of the berry, its use and preparation for the winter.

Blueberries and blueberries - what's the difference?

The common blueberry is a member of the Ericaceae family of the genus Vaccinium. This shrub prefers swampy areas and taiga forests, so not everyone has seen blueberries live in the wild.

What is the difference between blueberries and blueberries is a reasonable question, because both plants belong to the same species and live in a similar environment.

The main difference between blueberries and blueberries is easy to understand by tasting the berries. Their taste is different - in blueberries it is more intense, as is the color of the juice (in blueberries the juice is almost colorless, in blueberries it is dark purple, it gets your hands dirty).

Other differences between plants.

  1. Blueberry bushes are taller than blueberry bushes.
  2. The blueberry stem is woody all the way to the top, while the blueberry stem is hard only at the bottom.
  3. Blueberries have black berries with a white coating, while blueberries are bluish-blue and slightly larger, and sometimes their fruits take on a pear shape.

How and where blueberries grow

In nature, getting to the berry is not easy - it is found in swamps, rocky tundra, dense forests, and taiga. Habitat: Siberia, Far East, Urals, Caucasus.

The places where blueberries grow in Russia may also belong to mountainous areas - the plant thrives at an altitude of up to 3000 meters.

The shrub, up to a meter high, lives for about 100 years and begins to bear fruit at the age of 11-15. Nowadays, varieties of garden blueberries have been developed that produce a yield of up to 100 kg per bush. If you have garden blueberries at your dacha, planting and caring for them are simple: the plant is propagated by cuttings, which are purchased from nurseries.

It is better to plant the crop in autumn or spring. The plant loves mineral fertilizing, so fertilizer is applied to the hole during planting and annually in the fall.

You need to water the shrub occasionally - waterlogging has a bad effect on the yield. There is no need to cover the crop for the winter, it tolerates temperatures up to 25 degrees below zero.

Composition and calorie content of blueberries

The berries of the plant are not only tasty, but also healthy. They contain anthocyanins, substances that can resist cancer.

The product contains a huge amount of pectins, and they are famous for their ability to remove radionuclides and heavy metals.

Why is it useful? Blueberries for the body are easy to understand by their vitamin composition. A lot in berries:

  • carotenoids and provitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins gr. IN;
  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamin K.

Separately, it is necessary to note the rare vitamin P, which is also found in blueberries: it reduces the manifestations of varicose veins and increases the elasticity of blood vessels.

Six essential amino acids, organic acids, tannins, and iron have a beneficial effect on the body (it is almost completely absorbed, which not all products are famous for).

From minerals Sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium were found in the fruits.

Calorie content blueberries – 39 kcal, it contains 1 g of protein, 6.6 g of carbohydrates, 0.5 g of fat (per 100 g). The presence of water is up to 88%, the rest comes from pigments, fiber and other substances listed above.

Blueberries - beneficial properties and contraindications

The berry has a very beneficial effect on the human gastrointestinal tract, helping the intestines and pancreas work especially well.

That is why the beneficial properties of blueberries for diabetes should be taken into account by patients: with regular consumption, the absorption of sugar and the production of insulin improve.

The product is useful for older people - it not only prevents the development of cancer due to the presence of antioxidants, but also saturates the body with energy. The berry is also important for the circulatory system and heart:

  1. improves the process of hematopoiesis;
  2. optimizes blood composition;
  3. tones the walls of capillaries;
  4. normalizes blood pressure;
  5. eliminates the phenomena of atherosclerosis.

Blueberries are beneficial for the nervous system and immunity. It has an antimicrobial effect and helps break down fat deposits.

During pregnancy, blueberries will protect the fetus from harmful compounds and prevent neural tube defects, and improve the functioning of the mother’s intestines.

Blueberries are not contraindicated during breastfeeding, but due to the risk of allergies, they should be introduced into the diet no earlier than the 4th month and in small portions. In large quantities, it can cause colic and nausea in mother and child.

The benefits and harms of blueberries due to the presence of active elements are combined: if overeated, they can lead to headaches. True, to do this you need to eat more than a kilogram of forest delicacy, which is very difficult.

It's better not to combine berries with consumption of black tea, coffee and refuse from it in acute forms of gastritis, pancreatitis, and ulcers.

Application in cosmetology

It is very useful to use the berry to create face masks, because it prolongs the youth of the skin. Flavonoids give beauty, protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, radicals, stress, organic acids whiten, cleanse the face.

Together, the berry ingredients restore the strength of collagen fibers, exfoliate the skin and make it fresh and attractive.

Mask with blueberries it’s prepared like this:

  • squeeze juice from berries;
  • combine the juice equally with cottage cheese and sour cream;
  • apply the mixture to the skin;
  • rinse with warm water after 20 minutes

Healthy recipes with blueberries

Treatment with blueberries involves the use of all its parts. The most famous recipes are given here:

  1. From cardiac ischemia. Chop dry leaves and shoots of the plant, pour 300 ml of boiling water over a spoon. Heat in a bathhouse for 10 minutes, then strain. Drink 2 tablespoons three times a day for a month.
  2. From dysentery. Brew dry berries (a tablespoon) with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Drink 50 ml three times a day for a week.
  3. For a sore throat. Crush 2 tablespoons of berries, pour a glass of warm water, leave for an hour. Filter, gargle up to 8 times/day.
  4. From deprivation. Brew the leaves, berries, and shoots of the plant with water (400 ml per 3 tablespoons of raw materials), cook in a bathhouse for 15 minutes. Wipe the sore spot with the cooled broth and make lotions.

Blueberries - recipes for the winter

There are a variety of ways to store blueberries. It is good frozen, and can be stored in the freezer for up to a year. Compotes, jams, and preserves are prepared from the berries. Blueberry marshmallows and alcoholic drinks with this product are also delicious.

A simple recipe for blueberry jam for the winter

The benefits of blueberries last a long time if you make jam from them. The easiest way is to grind the berries in a blender, add sugar to taste, put them in containers, and freeze. Below is a recipe for jam in which the berries need to be cooked. Products:

  • blueberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 100 ml.

Sort the product and wash well. Make syrup from sugar and water; while it is boiling, throw in the berries. Cook for 10 minutes, let cool, place in sterile jars, and roll up.

Blueberry wine

Homemade berry wine is a delicious ruby-colored drink with a mild aroma. To make wine, you need the ripest berries, but not overripe ones. Rotten fruits need to be removed, they will quickly ruin the entire drink.


  • blueberries – 5 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • water – 5 l;
  • unwashed raisins – 100 g;
  • citric acid – 20 g.

Mash the berries (unwashed) with a wooden rolling pin and place in a wide-necked bowl. Throw in raisins (a source of yeast), citric acid (wort acidity stabilizer), water, half a kilogram of sugar.

Cover the dish with gauze and tie the neck. Leave in a warm room for 3 days, stirring regularly.

Here's another recipe: