Inexpensive birthday table recipes. Ready-made birthday menu (10 people)

    You can make this cake instead of a store-bought cake. I really like this method and it is very easy to do.

    We buy ready-made sponge cakes, they are not expensive. Make cream from sour cream and sugar in a 1:1 ratio, mix thoroughly. We layer our cake layer with the resulting cream and place it on top of each other. You can decorate the top with colored coconut flakes if you wish.

    Homemade pickles are suitable as a snack: tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms.

    You can make the following sandwiches: loaf + mayonnaise + slice of pickled cucumber + sprats.

    Lavash rolls with the following filling: mayonnaise + garlic + ham + dill.

    There are many such ideas, in fact. First of all, these are vegetable dishes; if you look in cookbooks or on the Internet, there are a lot of such cold appetizers.

    Even the simplest dish can be decorated in such an original way that it will seem that nothing else is tastier, and the ingredients are the most ordinary.

    And of course, what would a holiday table be without potatoes? They can be in any form you like.

    And for the potatoes, reach for the prepared jars, and there are all the tomatoes, cucumbers, and mushrooms.

    Well, without sweets, the most budget-friendly cake made from waffles with fruit, in just ten minutes, how to prepare, can be found here.

    It is worth noting that you will be able to have a budget holiday table mainly if you make all the dishes yourself and buy only the necessary products for production.

    You can put homemade twists (pickles) on the table.

    Various types of sandwiches will also look beautiful, for example, white bread is topped with a mixture of grated cheese, mayonnaise and garlic. The composition is completed with tomato rings and herbs.

    For a side dish, boiled potatoes with chicken pancakes would be an excellent option.

    Of course, a lot depends on who we are setting the table for: children or adults.

    If for children, then it makes sense to focus on inexpensive dishes that are traditionally children's favorites: this could be country-style potatoes, pieces of chicken or fish in batter, fruit salads (according to the season). Of course, you can't do without cake. But, if we want to save money, I suggest replacing the cake with... charlotte. The famous recipe 1-3-3 (a glass of sugar, a glass of flour and 3 eggs + soda on the tip of a knife) always delights children. By the way, you can add (optional) apricots, plums, cranberries, lingonberries, and almost any berries to apples.

    A table for adults, of course, would not be complete without meat. But there is a way out here too - for example, a dish like lasagna does not require a lot of meat, but always sells out. It is good to serve homemade pickles and homemade wine at the adult table.

    In addition to pickles, various vegetables can come to the rescue. For example, a good appetizer would be made from eggplant, tomato, cheese and garlic. Eggplants are cut into small circles and fried. Spread the eggplant on one side with garlic, add a slice of tomato, grated cheese and mayonnaise. Place in the oven or microwave until the cheese melts. It turns out delicious and looks something like this

    You can serve mashed potatoes as a side dish. You can also make inexpensive salads. For example, Mimosa salad. You will need sprats, eggs, potatoes, mayonnaise, carrots, and onions.

    Or Spring salad

    Of course, there must be a pie or cake. You can make regular apple charlotte. Just decorate it nicely.

    Firstly, homemade preparations will always help out - various pickles, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, homemade lecho, jam, dried mushrooms and apples :) all this can be cooked and set on the table :)

    What's a birthday without cake? :)

    Rotten stump cake, don’t be scared by the name, the cake is very tasty, and you only need any ingredients :)

    • a glass of flour
    • glass of jam
    • 1 egg
    • 1 tsp soda

    Mix all the ingredients, pour into the mold and bake until done :)

    cool, cut into 2 cake layers, you can soak them in the same jam or make a simple cream:

    • 3 spoons of sour cream
    • 3 spoons of sugar

    or condensed milk. Decorate the top with the same cream.

    You can stew potatoes with meat, hot is always important :)

    You can prepare the simplest and most delicious salads - from canned peas, corn, boiled potatoes, season everything with sunflower oil :)

    If your birthday is in the summer, then salads made from fresh vegetables will not be expensive :)

    You can make a compote from homemade dried fruits, which is also quite suitable for a budget-friendly DR.

    You can bake pies: the filling will use whatever you have on hand - potatoes, cabbage, apples :)

    Don't forget to set the table beautifully and come up with fun competitions :)

    The most important thing at a birthday party is that the table is set very well, perhaps modestly, but correctly and tastefully. For this you will need: alcohol, light snacks - herring, sandwiches, potatoes in almost any form and salads. Drink compote or juices with plain water. It's all cheap and tasty.

    You must make all the dishes on your table yourself, then it will be much cheaper.

    Look what's left in the basement, seaming will save the situation.

    Cook something from chicken - it's the cheapest meat.

    You can also prepare salads; if it’s summer, vegetables at the market will cost pennies.

    I offer the following recipes for quick and inexpensive dishes:

    1. rolls. We buy lavash, two Druzhba cheeses, crab sticks, a bunch of dill. Lubricate the pita bread with cheese, sliced ​​crab sticks and greens on top. Roll and cut.
    2. tartlets. You can buy two hundred grams of ready-made salad and quickly fill tartlets with it.
    3. Tomatoes with cheese are also quick and tasty: cut the tomatoes into circles. Grate the cheese, add garlic and season with mayonnaise. Spread the filling on the tomatoes.

    Potatoes made in a slow cooker are delicious and quick. Don't forget to add a pinch of rosemary and a knob of butter.

    For chicken, we buy Maggi for the main course and bake it or the chicken leg in a baking bag.

    You can skip the cake and serve cookies with tea.

    There is always the question of how to treat your guests tasty and inexpensively, because there are always a lot of them and they are hungry.

    We will be saved by an ordinary chicken, from the fillet of which you can make a large number of chops, which are served with puree. And a couple of salads. We make salads according to the season. In early spring, shredded cabbage is suitable. Add either sunflower oil or mayonnaise to it, or you can do both for variety.

    For dessert you can serve bagels. They are very quick and easy to make. To do this, pour 50 grams of yeast into a warm glass of milk and let it sit. At this time, melt the margarine, add to the yeast, mix everything. add soda and flour until the dough takes. Make 4 balls and put them in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then we roll out each ball, divide the resulting circle into 8 parts, put a little jam and twist it. Dip in sugar and onto parchment. Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake the bagels for 30-40 minutes. The bagels turn out soft and crumbly.

A birthday anywhere will be a sweet, pleasant and long-awaited holiday. In addition to the fact that a birthday celebration is associated with a huge number of gifts and congratulations, it is associated with the arrival of guests. This means that it will be necessary to set the festive table, in particular if the event is held at home.

I would like to celebrate every birthday, but I don’t always have the funds for a big holiday. In order not to deny yourself the next planned meeting with friends and relatives, the site offers its own version of a budget menu for a birthday at home.

This article provides recipe options that can be included in the birthday menu at home. Depending on the number of guests, you should take more or less ingredients. The standard menu design looks like this:

  • Several salads;
  • Several snacks;
  • Hot dish with side dish;
  • Dessert;
  • Separately, it is worth recalling alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks;

Salad with crab sticks and pickled onions

Not quite a traditional salad recipe, it will contain a minimum of ingredients, but it is in this combination that you can get an unusual piquant taste.

Required ingredients:

  • Four eggs;
  • A pack of crab sticks;
  • One onion;
  • Five tomatoes;
  • Two sweet peppers (it will be beautiful if you take peppers of different colors);
  • Mayonnaise and vinegar;

The onion must be cut into thin half rings and poured with vinegar. Leave to marinate while preparing the salad. Peel the pepper and cut into thin strips about 4 cm long. Boil the eggs and chop finely. Cut the tomatoes and crab sticks into medium cubes. All that remains is to mix all the ingredients and add the squeezed pickled onions. Season with mayonnaise, 2-3 tablespoons will be enough.

Simple salad with mushrooms

Required ingredients:

  • 300 grams of mushrooms (you can take pickled ones, you can boil them);
  • One onion;
  • Five eggs;
  • Can of corn;
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream;

The onion should be peeled, cut into 2 parts and pour boiling water for 15 minutes. This will help get rid of the strong bitter taste. Then cut into thin slices. Boil the eggs and grate them on a coarse grater, add corn (drain off the liquid), mushrooms and onions. Mix everything, use mayonnaise or sour cream for dressing.

Zucchini and tomato appetizer

A vegetable appetizer with cheese that is equally delicious warm or cold. Plus, this recipe for a festive dish decorates the birthday table with its bright colors.

Required ingredients:

  • Two small zucchini;
  • Five tomatoes;
  • Greenery;
  • 150 grams of hard cheese;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Three cloves of garlic;

You will need to cut the zucchini and tomatoes into circles. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add garlic, passed through a press and finely chopped herbs. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper on each zucchini slice, add a slice of tomato, and top with a tablespoon of the cheese mixture. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Snack cake with fish

Required ingredients (for cake layers):

  • 100 grams of margarine;
  • A glass of sour cream;
  • Half a teaspoon of soda;
  • One egg;
  • Two and a half glasses of flour;

For the layer:

  • A can of canned fish in oil;
  • One processed cheese;
  • Two eggs (boil);
  • 200 grams of cheese;
  • Two cloves of garlic;
  • Bulb;
  • 300 grams of mayonnaise;
  • Greenery;

To prepare cake layers for a snack cake, you need to melt margarine and add soda to it (quench with vinegar), add sour cream, egg and flour. Stir everything well. Immediately divide the dough into four parts and place in the refrigerator for an hour. Roll out each piece of dough into a layer, pierce it with a fork and bake until done. Readiness can be determined by the golden brown dough.

Each cake should be greased on one side with mayonnaise. On the first cake layer, place grated melted term on mayonnaise (keep in the freezer for 20 minutes so that it rubs well), mixed with garlic, passed through a press. Place the second cake layer on top of the first one and sprinkle with coarsely grated egg, which is mixed with finely chopped onion. Place the third cake layer and lay out the fish, which must first be removed from the oil and mashed with a fork. Now on the fourth cake layer, which has taken its place on the cake, you need to sprinkle hard cheese, grated on a coarse grater, and finely chopped herbs.

This is the simplest and most economical option for a hot dish. The recipe can be safely included in a budget birthday menu.

Required ingredients:

  • One chicken;
  • A kilogram of potatoes;
  • Onions, spices;

You will need to rub the chicken on all sides with salt and pepper and place it on a baking sheet. Wash and peel the potatoes, cut each into 4 parts and place around the chicken. Place in the oven for an hour at 200 degrees. Before serving, sprinkle with herbs and your favorite spices.

Jelly cake

At the first stage of preparing this beautiful cake, you will need three bags of jelly. You just need to fill three trays of multi-colored jelly, as written on the pack. To make the jelly harder, you need to take a little less water than what is written in the instructions.

Next you will need to bake the cakes. To do this, add half a glass of sugar, a teaspoon of baking powder and two tablespoons of melted margarine to three eggs. Mix everything and gradually add three tablespoons of flour into the dough. Mix everything again and bake the biscuit. Prepare the second cake according to the same recipe, but add two tablespoons of cocoa to the dough. When the cakes have cooled and the jelly has hardened in the refrigerator, you can begin to assemble the birthday cake.

Cut the cakes and jelly into cubes, mix everything. All that remains is to fill this cake with sour cream. It is made on the basis of 750 ml of sour cream, a glass of sugar and 30 grams of gelatin (soak in advance). Now put the cake in the refrigerator for a few hours, and by the end of the birthday celebration you can serve a delicious and beautiful dessert to your guests. If you don’t have time to prepare the cake, you can always serve it to your guests or with milk.

We offer such an excellent menu for a birthday party at home. This is a budget option, and all the recipes are easy to prepare. Let your birthday be remembered for a long time not only by the pleasant atmosphere and interesting gifts, but also by colorful dishes!

Birthday Recipes so diverse that it can be quite difficult to navigate among them. As a rule, the hero of the occasion prepares dishes at his own discretion, completely ignoring the taste preferences of the guests. However, this is not entirely correct. When creating a holiday home menu, you must take into account those dishes that guests would like to see on the table. Otherwise, you may spend long hours cooking, but your guests will still be hungry.

A good holiday menu for a birthday should be as varied as possible and consist of appetizers (canapés, sandwiches, etc.), salads, main courses, and desserts (this could be all kinds of cakes, pies, muffins or cupcakes, pastries). Particular attention should be paid to drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Please note that some of your guests may refuse alcohol, and therefore some kind of juice, fruit drink or compote must be present on the table.

The list of culinary recipes for a birthday also depends on the time of year. For example, in the summer you can include seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries in your dishes. A fruit plate will be an excellent decoration for the holiday table, as well as, to some extent, an independent dessert, and especially if one of the guests is on a diet. In winter, the emphasis can be placed more on the main hot dishes. Oven-baked chicken, for example, can become a very impressive, and most importantly delicious, table decoration!

Quite often, birthday people have a question about what birthday treats to prepare for their office work, for their colleagues. In this case, something simple and at the same time not bulky is suitable, so that transportation does not cause additional difficulties. This could be, for example, a home-baked cake with which you can “have tea.” If you want something more substantial, you can prepare salads, canapes, sandwiches, recipes for which, by the way, are available in sufficient quantities on our website, so you will definitely find something suitable! Such treat options, by the way, will turn out to be quite budget-friendly, much cheaper than going to a cafe with all your colleagues.

The children's birthday menu also deserves special attention in this matter. For a child, such a holiday is very important, and therefore you will have to try very hard to make sure everything is perfect. Of course, there is no need to prepare technologically intricate dishes. More attention should be paid to the design of the treat. For example, a cake in the shape of a child’s favorite fairy-tale character would be preferable to exquisite canapés with red caviar. All kinds of cool goodies (cakes, cookies, muffins, etc.) properly decorated will be the best choice!

So, if the question regarding creating a birthday menu is relevant for you, then you are welcome to visit this site. The list of dishes that we offer you to prepare is quite wide and, for sure, you will be able to find something suitable in it. All recipes are provided not only with detailed instructions for each stage of preparation, but also with step-by-step photos. Thus, the process of preparing a particular dish will not be a problem even for a beginner in the matter of cooking.


or for any special occasion

Agree, because properly selected menu - this is the success of any holiday, and my festive table is always a success. The menu is designed for approximately 14-15 people.

You can start preparing the night before: boil vegetables, eggs, meat for salads, peel potatoes, if necessary, for second. And, of course, bake birthday cake . It looks simple, of course, but the taste, mmm...

For the test : 1 tbsp. l. honey, 250 g butter, 1 cup sugar, 4 eggs, 1 tsp. baking soda, quenched with vinegar, 4/5 cup chopped walnuts, 3-4 cups flour.

For cream: 1.5 cups of milk or cream, 1/3 cup of semolina, 150 g of butter, 1/2 can of condensed milk, a bag of vanillin. And 1 banana.

Melt the honey, add the remaining ingredients, knead the dough almost like dumplings. Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll out into cake layers and bake one by one for 25 minutes in the oven at 180 C, then cut each into 2 thin cake layers.

For the cream, add semolina into the milk, stirring occasionally, in a thin stream, bring to a boil, cook for 1-2 minutes, leave to cool. At this time, beat the slightly softened butter with a mixer. Then, continuing to beat, put warm semolina porridge into it and add condensed milk and vanillin to taste.

Grease the cakes with cream and layer with thin slices of banana. Grease the top of the cake with cream, sprinkle with nuts and colored confectionery sprinkles. You can leave a little cream, add food coloring to it and write a congratulation.

We start cooking in the morning salads . I make each type of salad on two plates.


Will need : 300 g of boiled chicken fillet, 150 g of champignons, 1 onion, 3 boiled eggs, cheese - 100-150 g, 3 boiled carrots, chips for decoration, pitted olives.

Preparation : Finely chop the chicken fillet. Grate the eggs and carrots on a fine grater, and grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the mushrooms into slices and fry along with the onion. Place on a dish in layers, greasing each layer with mayonnaise: fillet, carrots, mushrooms and onions, eggs, cheese. There is no need to grease with mayonnaise after the cheese. We cut the olives into 4 parts and place them on top of the salad. That's it, let the salad soak, before serving, place chips in the shape of a sunflower along the edges of the salad.

Little tricks which I use when preparing salads in layers: I cover the salad in a circle with pieces of foil and grate what is needed directly onto the salad, and then remove the foil and enjoy the clean edges of the plate and table around the plate.

I don’t coat the layers with mayonnaise with a spoon, but put the mayonnaise in the corner of the bag, then I pierce a hole in the very corner and pour it over the salad.

Mimosa salad

A classic salad that has been proven over the years can be served in a new way, in the form of a fish.

Will need : 1 can of canned fish (preferably saury in oil), 4 potatoes, 3 carrots, 1 onion, 4-5 eggs, mayonnaise.

Preparation: Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs, cool. Grate them. “Crush” the fish directly in the jar with a fork. Finely chop the onion. Place on a dish in layers, greasing each layer with mayonnaise: potatoes, fish, onions, carrots, egg white and yolk, which we do not coat with mayonnaise. And you can decorate the salad to your taste, in the shape of a fish: add olives and pieces of sausage.

Salad WITH SMOKED SAUSAGE , because I don’t know the name, but it’s very easy to prepare and delicious.

Will need : boiled smoked sausage 250 g, cheese 100-150 g, 3 tomatoes, 3 cucumbers, mayonnaise, 2 cloves of garlic.

Preparation : cut sausage, tomatoes and cucumbers into thin strips. Three cheeses on a grater. Pass the garlic through a garlic press and mix with mayonnaise. Lay out in layers, coat with mayonnaise: cucumbers, sausage, tomatoes, sprinkle cheese on top. It's that simple.

A mandatory attribute on the table is holiday sandwich. Not a single party is complete without it - be it a prestigious banquet or a modest bachelorette party. The variety of sandwiches is almost inexhaustible: in addition to butter, they put everything on the bread that can be eaten in a wide variety of combinations. The main thing is that these components are combined with each other. The most classic option is probably sandwiches with sprats . They are very simple and easy to prepare.

An even more elegant option - tomato sandwich.
It's also very easy to prepare. The number of products is arbitrary, depending on how many sandwiches you want to make.

  • Cut the tomatoes into 2 cm circles and place on plates.
  • Grate hard cheese into another plate, add mayonnaise, garlic cloves passed through a garlic press, mix well.
  • Place the cheese mixture in a thick layer on the tomatoes, sprinkle with herbs on top

That's it, the beauty is ready!

Well, not a single feast is complete without slices - cheese, vegetables, meat. This appetizer is always the first to finish, because it’s not just about your guests’ love of cheese and sausage, it’s about the decoration of these cuts. You can, of course, just beautifully lay out sliced ​​sausage and cheese.

Can you make them canapés on skewers . There are endless types of canapés; it is important to choose products that go well together. Canapés are served on a wide platter, on green lettuce leaves, or just as is. They are beautiful and appetizing in themselves, and each has its own taste.

Fry slices of white bread in a frying pan with sunflower oil, or make toast out of them, then cut into squares. The squares will be the base of the toast, they should not be too small to be stable.

Cut into squares everything that we will stick on a skewer. It can be sausage, cheese, salmon, tomatoes, cucumbers.

First put olives on colored skewers, then, alternating, cut into squares, and lastly croutons.

Fruit platter It is always a decoration for the holiday table, and any housewife tries to beautifully serve fruit on the table. Fruits should be cut immediately before serving and as a last resort.

First of all, it's beautiful, it's simple, and it doesn't take much time.

And secondly, it’s so convenient to eat, and the table is clean (there’s no accumulation of a huge amount of peels, crusts, etc.).

Agree that it is pleasant for any member of your family - both a child and an adult - to contemplate such beauty on the table during an ordinary day or evening meal.

You can beautifully place sliced ​​fruits in a vase, and on top make a beautiful swan from an ordinary apple. Children especially like to eat something unusual. Decorate your holiday table with such a beautiful bird to surprise and delight your guests.

You can also make a hedgehog of pears and grapes on top of the fruit. Hedgehogs made of pears and grapes will not only decorate the festive table, but will also become an original holder for toothpicks that guests may need. This hedgehog is prepared very simply and quickly. You need to take the pears elongated to get a beautiful face. Conference pears are ideal. It is best to take sweet and seedless grapes - quiche-mish.

And now it's time for something hot.

I recommend doing it Meat nests
The guests will be pleased.

You will need (for about 12 pieces): meat (either beef + pork, or chicken fillet) 500 grams (I make it from chicken because it cooks faster), 1 large onion, 1 large potato, 1 clove of garlic, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, 50 grams of cheese, herbs.

Pass the meat, potatoes, onions, and garlic through a meat grinder(I don’t put in a loaf of bread soaked in milk, because the nests will fall apart), add half a teaspoon of salt and ground pepper to taste (I don’t put in an egg, because the white curls and the cutlets turn out tough). To make the cutlets soft, I add either mayonnaise or sour cream, 2 teaspoons is enough.
To prevent the cutlets from falling apart during frying, The minced meat must be beaten while kneading. And beat the cutlets themselves hand in hand during shaping. No matter how much I make it, it never falls apart.
And so, we make round cutlets, rolling in flour. We form nests from the cutlets with a depression in the middle and sides. Place them on a lightly greased baking sheet.

In a separate container add finely chopped tomato and finely grated carrots. And in general, you can put anything in the nests, whatever you find in the refrigerator: eggs, cucumbers, green peas, canned corn. Separately, grate the cheese on a fine grater and chop the herbs.
In every nest add carrot and tomato mixture, sprinkle herbs and cheese on top.
Put it in the oven heated to 200°C. After 10 minutes, add 1 tbsp to the baking sheet. water and reduce heat to 180°C, cook for 20 minutes.
As a side dish you can serve fluffy rice fried with onions and carrots.
A very tasty hearty dish Royal meat , your guests will be very pleased.

You will need: about a kilogram of beef (pulp), 100 g butter, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, 2 large onions, 2 bay leaves, 5 peppercorns, 1 tablespoon mustard, 1 large carrot, 1 bell pepper, 2 cloves of garlic, salt to taste .

Preparation: cut the meat into small pieces, place in a saucepan with a thick bottom (I do this in a cauldron), add onion, cut into half rings, mustard, salt, pepper. Mix everything and leave to marinate for 3-4 hours.

Add butter to the meat and put on fire, add a glass of water and, stirring often, bring to a boil and simmer for an hour and a half. Then add grated carrots, chopped bell peppers, bay leaves, garlic passed through a garlic press, and tomato paste. After 5 minutes, remove from heat. You can serve mashed potatoes as a side dish.

And finally, my little tricks for making mashed potatoes:

  • To make the mashed potatoes fluffy, season the potatoes with oil and add hot milk, whisking. Potatoes mashed with broth will make mashed potatoes not so white and fluffy. If you pour in cold milk rather than hot milk, the puree will turn grey.
  • Mashed old potatoes will be tasty and fluffy if you add whipped egg whites.
  • To make mashed potatoes very quickly, you need to boil the potatoes, cut into small rings. The taste does not change, but it cooks three times faster.
  • Mashed new potatoes are tasteless.
  • When making mashed potatoes, try stirring in a little cream cheese, it will be even tastier.

Happy holiday to you and
Bon appetit!!!

Culinary community Li.Ru -

Hot dishes for birthdays

The most popular holiday dish in our area, the recipes of which are known to many housewives, is chicken with potatoes in the oven. I am sharing a good and simple recipe for chicken with potatoes with photos.

Hash brown is a popular potato dish in American cuisine that is very simple and easy to prepare. We will need potatoes, butter and onions. We will cook in the oven and on the stove. Go!

A popular and very tasty dish of baked meat with potatoes under a beautiful crust of melted cheese. French-style meat with potatoes is something you should definitely try!

For you - a recipe for chicken Kiev with photos. Kiev cutlets made from chopped chicken fillet wrapped around a piece of butter, fried in boiling oil. I'll tell you how to cook!

The name of this recipe is somewhat arbitrary - French chops are the most ordinary chops, only baked with cheese. It has nothing to do with French cuisine. But the main thing is that it’s delicious!

For me, there is nothing tastier and more filling than a well-cooked meatloaf. Meatloaf is a real celebration of life for lovers of meat and meat products. I’m sharing a proven recipe! :)

Beef goulash is a classic dish of Hungarian cuisine. For me, this is both soup and second. You can’t do without the popular Hungarian paprika. You will also need potatoes, bell peppers, onions and spices.

Chicken tabaka is a popular Georgian dish. It is prepared simply and quite quickly. Fry the chicken with coriander and cumin. Two or three chickens will be enough for a family. You will need a hammer and mortar.

Fragrant, juicy potatoes in cream in the oven can be prepared in portioned pots or a large heat-resistant form - choose the dishes yourself, and it will turn out delicious in any case, I promise!

Another “exotic” dish of poultry and fruit - for those who support unusual culinary solutions. The original recipe for chicken breast with pear is also relevant for those who are watching their figure!

Scientists call potatoes a “botanical masterpiece.” This root vegetable is one of the most valuable on earth. There are simply countless options for preparing it, one of them is potato casserole with bacon.

Another unusual fruit and meat dish. The recipe for beef with pear is perfect for a romantic dinner for two or a gala family feast.

Only three ingredients, but what a colorful and tasty dish we get! You can please your family with an unusual dinner, and feel free to display boats on the festive table. I'm sharing the recipe!

I came across an excellent piece of beef just now. It was a pity to cut such meat into pieces. I decided to cook beef, baked in a piece. The beef came out meltingly tender and the spices were baked into a crispy coating.

Chicken with apples is delicious, but chicken with apples and prunes is even tastier! It’s easy to prepare, and the dish turns out amazing - try it! :)

Chicken fillet and bell pepper make a delicious and very beautiful roll. It can be served as a hot dish, cut into a snack or used in making sandwiches.

Chicken legs with apples will amaze you with the combination of the taste of chicken and sour apples flavored with onions. I got this recipe from a friend, and she came up with this dish when she couldn’t buy duck.

French-style meat with tomatoes is an excellent holiday dish for dinner with friends or family members. The meat turns out very juicy and tender, and the dish is aromatic and appetizing.

Here is a simple but very effective recipe for pork in the oven. With this recipe, you can easily prepare a hot dish that you can safely put even on the holiday table.

Tender beef with mushrooms and sour cream served with rice or noodles. The cooking recipe was invented by Count Pavel Alekandrovich Stroganov in 1890 in St. Petersburg.

A properly cooked piece of meat is the best thing you can put on the table. The beef medallion prepared according to this recipe is a dish of exactly this category.

Duck with apples is a classic New Year and Christmas dish in many European countries, especially in Germany and Austria. If you don't know what to cook for the New Year, try this!

Pork zrazy is a great way to prepare pork zrazy. The dish fits perfectly into the harmony of a festive feast - for example, in honor of the New Year. Try it - everyone will be delighted! :)

Turkey drumstick with garlic and rosemary is a trivial dish, but cook it once and you'll be making it over and over again.

Potato Chateau is a very popular side dish of potatoes for meat or fish in France. A wonderful alternative to boring mashed potatoes and fried potatoes :)

Baked Potatoes with Avocado Sauce are a crazy easy vegetarian dish. The potatoes turn out very appetizing and aromatic, and the avocado sauce makes the taste more varied. Try it!

Duck baked with oranges is a very festive and festive dish that I usually cook for New Year or Christmas. The hostess cooks, the owner cuts it and puts it on everyone’s plate...ah!

Pork loin is quite dry meat, and it is not easy to cook it tasty. I’m sharing a very successful recipe - bone-in pork loin with carrots. A couple of tricks - and the meat turns out very juicy.

The recipe for pork with mushrooms and cheese is a wonderful dish for the New Year's table. Festive serving, tender and juicy meat, magnificent spicy aroma - the dish meets all quality criteria.

Chicken baked with pineapples is an easy to prepare, but very tasty dish that can be prepared for a holiday - New Year or birthday. Effective, unusual and original.

French-style spiced potatoes are potatoes prepared in a very original way, which will serve as an excellent side dish for any meat, fish or vegetable dish.

Recipe for cooking chicken with tomatoes, sweet peppers and olives in white wine. French cuisine.

Chicken with garlic and thyme is another simple but very effective way to bake chicken deliciously in the oven. The garlic and thyme marinade makes the chicken very tender and flavorful.

Armenian stuffed eggplants are my signature dish, which was taught to me by a professional Armenian chef. The eggplants turn out simply excellent - you'll lick your fingers!

Chicken with peanuts is somewhat unusual for Slavic people, but a very tasty dish of Chinese traditional cuisine. Properly prepared, it is simply doomed to success. It's very easy to prepare!

"French-style meat" from minced chicken

A recipe for a popular meat dish using minced chicken. Essentially, we cook the same meat in French, but instead of chops we use minced chicken. Delicious!

Pork stuffed with dried apricots and onions is a very unusual and original meat dish, which consists of pork chops with very juicy and tasty minced meat. Surprise your eaters!

If you don’t know how to cook beef, I recommend paying attention to this recipe. Beef chops with garlic are very soft, tender, with a pleasant garlic taste and aroma. Try it!

Puff cabbage in Transylvanian style is a very tasty Romanian national dish, somewhat reminiscent of lazy cabbage rolls. A delicious dish made from simple and affordable ingredients.

Rooster in wine is an exquisite French dish that can be prepared in your home kitchen. As for me, the dish has every right to be called festive - it looks solemn and is very tasty.

Escalopes are lean pieces of boneless meat, fried in a frying pan without breading. It is best to use pork tenderloin. Escalope is prepared from the kidney part, where the meat is especially soft and tender.

If you don’t know what to cook for the New Year, I recommend trying chicken breasts baked in spices. This is a fairly simple to prepare, but very festive and worthy hot dish.

A simple recipe for chops for fans of fried pork. Step-by-step preparation with photographs.

Are you looking for something original for a side dish or an appetizer? Then meet - balls of thread. This chicken dish will not only surprise you with its appearance, but will also delight you with its taste.

I'll tell you how to cook a classic schnitzel - a thin pork chop that is rolled in batter and fried in oil. A wonderful men's lunch or dinner - simple and satisfying.

Breaded pork is a very unusual way of preparing the most trivial pork meat. Thanks to the original breading, the taste of pork is very original and unexpected.

Chicken marinated in kefir with potatoes is an excellent option for a fairly quick and simple dinner or lunch made from simple ingredients. No frills, everything is very simple, but delicious.

Lavangi is a delicious chicken dish traditionally prepared in the southern regions of Azerbaijan. I’m sharing my cooking secrets!

Almond crusted chicken is another great way to prepare everyone's favorite chicken meat. The almond crust gives the chicken a whole new taste - try it, you won’t regret it!

I haven’t cooked such a bright, colorful and tasty dish as stuffed peppers and tomatoes for a long time. The ingredients are simple, but the dish is a real masterpiece both visually and in taste :)

Stuffed baked potatoes are a great side dish for a meat dish. A very satisfying, attractive and beautiful side dish for some (for example, vegetarians) can become a separate serious dish!

Mackerel with bell pepper is a perfect union and a great flavor combination. Before you cook mackerel, remember this instruction and you will get the most excellent dish!

Stew is an excellent solution for those who like to cook dishes in earthenware. Check out this very simple recipe for stew with meat and green beans in a pot.

Zucchini and meat go together simply perfectly, but I don’t like large pieces of meat with zucchini, so I mix this vegetable with minced meat. The result is a very juicy and tender casserole.

Fried tomatoes are one of my favorite snacks for both everyday and holiday table. It takes no time to prepare, but it turns out very tasty and beautiful.

I discovered another interesting way to prepare pork meat - pork with bell pepper. The result is a very juicy, aromatic and tender dish.