The great violinist and considerable sex symbol David Garrett. Violinist David Garrett: biography, personal life, creativity

David was born in Aachen, Germany to an American prima ballerina and a German lawyer and jurist, Georg Peter Bongartz. He accepted maiden name mother as a pseudonym. When David was four years old, his father bought a violin for his older brother. Young David showed an interest in music and soon learned to play. A year later he took part in the competition and won first prize. At the age of seven, he played once a week at in public places. He studied violin at the Lübeck Conservatory. At the age of 12, Garrett began working with an outstanding violinist Polish origin Ida Handel often travels to London and other European cities to meet her. Between 1997-2002, David Garrett participated in four Keshet Eilon International Violin Master's Programs, which are located in the town of Eilon, located on Israel's mountainous northern border. World-renowned teachers and artists from all over the world led this program, in particular the violinist, Ida Handel. He continued his studies at the Royal College of Music in London. In 2004, he graduated from the Juilliard School in New York and was one of the first applicants to study with Itzhak Perlman. On this moment What helps David gain more and more fans is not only his charming, mesmerizing acting, but also the appearance of a tall, strong blond man.
A musical career by the age of 13, Garrett recorded two CDs, appeared on German and Dutch television, and gave a residency concert Federal Republic Germany President Villa Hammerschmidt, at the personal invitation of Dr. von Weizsäcker. He was offered to play the famous Stradivarius violin "San Lorenzo", which is one of the best tools"golden period". At the age of 14, Garrett became the youngest soloist ever to sign an exclusive contract with Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft. At the age of 17, he played with Munich Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Zubin Mehta in Delhi and Mumbai in concerts on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Indian Independence.
Two years later, Garrett played with Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester in Berlin, under the direction of Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, and received critical acclaim. This led to an invitation to perform at the World Exhibition (2000) in Hannover. At the age of 21, he was invited to perform at a proms concert.
With the 2008 album Encore, Garrett's goal on DECCA is to arouse youth interest in classical music. The release contains the mechanisms and compositions of his own parts and melodies that have accompanied him in his life until now. Together with his band, consisting of keyboard, guitar and drums, he performs concerts that include classical sonatas (accompanied by a piano), arrangements and compositions, as well as Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" which was performed on the Public Broadcasting (PBS) presentation David Garrett: Live in Berlin recorded January 2009.
In the fall of 2007, Garrett was selected by Montegrappa (whose articles are distributed by Montblanc worldwide), and after the launch of a new pen from the Tributo ad Antonio Stradivari collection. The event will take place in several various places including Rome, New York, Hong Kong, Berlin and London. For this occasion, Garrett was offered a Stradivarius violin from the Gli Archi di Palazzo Comunale collection.

“Crossover” is a word very often used when talking about the art of the German-American violin virtuoso David Garrett, because distinctive feature it is a synthesis of various musical styles.

The musician’s homeland is the German city of Aachen, where he was born in 1980 into the family of a successful lawyer Georg Peter Bongartz, but later the musician took the more sonorous and easier to pronounce surname of his mother, ballet dancer Dove Garrett, as a pseudonym. The boy was only four years old when a violin appeared in the house - it was purchased for his brother, but David became interested in the instrument, and he also began to study. The successes were so great that after a year little musician won the children's competition, at the age of seven he began studying at the conservatory in Lübeck, where he was mentored by Zakhar Bron, and at the age of ten he performed in the Hamburg Philharmonic. A year later, the young musician performed at the residence of Richard von Weizsäcker, President of the Federal Republic of Germany, after which the boy received a most valuable gift - a Stradivarius violin. At the age of twelve, Garrett began taking lessons from the famous violinist Ida.

Garrett recorded his first discs with works when he was only thirteen years old, becoming the most young musician, who has ever collaborated with Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft. Soon the violinist performed on television. At the age of sixteen, after performing with Symphony orchestra Berlin radio Garrett received an offer to perform in a show on the BBC channel.

In 1997, a talented seventeen-year-old young man, who already had a very solid performing experience, went to the British capital and entered the Royal College of Music. Studying at this renowned institution was short-lived - David left after the first semester. One of the reasons was frequent absences from classes due to regular performances. The young musician did not feel any particular regrets about this, perceiving what happened not so much as an expulsion, but as a mutual agreement. In his opinion, he and his college mentors were going in different ways in the performing arts, and the musician’s further activities confirmed this.

However, the young man feels the need to continue music education. Now he turns his attention to the famous Juilliard School in New York. Here his mentor in the art of playing the violin becomes famous musician Itzhak Perlman - Garrett was one of his first students. But David not only improves his performing arts- He also studies composition. The years of study became a difficult time for him - he had to earn a living on his own, and performing activities could not always help with this. The musician was forced to earn not only from concert stage, but also on... the catwalk as a model - fortunately, her attractive appearance predisposed her to this.

Financial difficulties did not interfere professional success. In 2003, the musician won a composition competition, creating a fugue in the style.

But now the studies are over, independent life begins creative path, and on this path Garrett sets himself a difficult goal - to instill in young people an interest in academic music. But how to do that? Of course, presenting it in combination with something that is close and understandable to young people. Concerting, accompanied by a group he created, including drums, keyboards and guitar, the violinist performs and classic melodies in their own arrangements, and compositions in rock style. However, the musician does not ignore the academic direction, performing with symphony orchestras. It is noteworthy that Garrett often performs samples of rock and pop music in an academic manner. Synthesis various directions found reflection in Garrett’s albums – “Free”, “Encore” and others.

Synthesis practiced by David Garrett academic music Not all musicians understand such styles as rock, jazz, and rhythm and blues, but the violinist considers such wariness to be unfounded. He gives examples from the history of music: Franz Liszt, Fryderyk Chopin, Niccolo Paganini - weren’t they for the people XIX century the same amazing idols that they become for modern audience rock stars? Hasn't it become " Turkish Rondo"from the A major sonata by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is as popular a “hit” as many modern pop compositions? The musician is convinced that there are no uncrossable boundaries between styles and directions.

David Garrett's versatile talents also manifested themselves in cinematography. In 2013, the musician played the main role in Bernard Rose’s film “Paganini: The Devil’s Fiddler.” The film features not only works by the great Italian violinist, but also Garrett’s own compositions.

Musical Seasons

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The son of a German lawyer and an American prima ballerina received his first violin at age 4. More precisely, it was a gift for his older brother’s birthday)) Taking the violin in his hands, he did not want to part with it.

When David Garrett turned 10, he gave his first solo concert on the stage State Philharmonic Hamburg.

At the age of 14 David Garrett signed an exclusive contract with Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft as the youngest soloist in the company's history

At the age of 17, after graduating from the Juilliard School of Music, one of the most famous American conservatories, David Garrett began touring with concerts around the world.

At the age of 19, he played with the Rundfunk Symphony Orchestra in Berlin, under the direction of Rafael Frübeck de Burgos, and was very well received music critics. After that, he was invited to perform at the world famous exhibition - Expo 2000 in Hannover.

Music critics call David Garrett a “fashionable pop violinist,” although this is only partly true, since the musician himself really likes to play rock.

The most beloved classics are Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov; in their works, as David Garrett himself claims, one can feel life and passion.

In 2008, the name David Garrett was included in the Guinness Book of Records. He was able to play “Flight of the Bumblebee” (comp. Rimsky-Korsakov) in 66.5 seconds, and two months later he broke his own record, playing “Bumblebee” in exactly 65 seconds.

David Garrett interesting person. There is a lot to learn from him. For him, the place in which he plays and the clothes he is wearing does not matter. He is of little interest in what anyone thinks about his free behavior on stage or his rapper outfit. He breaks stereotypes that have developed over many centuries! He doesn’t care whether he stands on the street in torn jeans and a regular T-shirt and enjoys the sounds of his Stradivarius, or on the stage of London’s Royal Albert Hall! David Garrett is a musician without a "pose", he feels comfortable everywhere. The main thing for him is to bring his virtuoso music to people and make it a part of their everyday life.

David plays two violins: Antonio Stradivari 1716 (4.5 million euros) and Giovanni Battista Guadagnini 1772. (acquired in 2003 for $1 million).

Garrett is considered one of the most successful classical music stars in the world, having released 10 albums and sold 2 million CDs on "Encore" alone. David has several awards, including: Gold Camera, Gold and Platinum Plates.

DDavid Garrett— violinist,listed in the Guinness Book of Records

David Garrett (ur.David Garrett , real name -DDavid Christian Bongartz) - German- American violin virtuoso,working in music direction, synthesizing classical music with jazz and rock, country and folklore.

“...A large symphony orchestra, expanded by several pop
musicians, led by thirty-year-old violinist David Garrett, performed to a packed huge concert venue under the sky dome in Berlin.
The repertoire is based on classical music in modern adaptation and
popular lyrical melodies.

David's long blond hair, three-day stubble, worn jeans -
his entire non-standard image, virtuoso performance, skill
overcome the limitations of genres - make classical music
attractive to young people too. This was clearly visible on the screen - on
Berlin concert, among the listeners of which were the majority
youth. The performance of each piece was met with thunderous applause.
According to the TV presenter, 50 thousand people attended the concert..."

David was born on September 4, 1980 in the German city of Aachen in the family of American prima ballerina Dove Garrett and West German lawyer Georg Peter Bongartz. He adopted his mother's maiden name as a pseudonym because "it is more sonorous and easier to pronounce."

When David was 4 years old, his father bought a violin for his older brother. Little David showed an interest in music and soon learned to play. A year later he entered the competition and won his first prize.

When capable boy 7 years later they found the best one possibleteachers - professor at the Cologne Conservatory of the legendary violinistteacher Zakhar Nukhomovich Bron.

To learn how to easily perceive the audience, he plays every week in a public place.David is a child European culture. He enjoyed traveling withparents to philharmonic concerts and Opera theatre next to Aachen Cologne.

At the age of 9 he made his debut at the Kissinger Sommer festival.At the age of 10, the child prodigy from Aachen gave his first concert atstage of the Hamburg Philharmonic, and two years later he already performed withYehuda Menuhin.

At age 12, he began working with Polish-born British violinist Ida Handel, often traveling to London and other European cities to meet her.

At the age of 13, Garrett recorded two CDs, was first shown on German television and gave a concert at the residence of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, at the Villa Hammerschmidt, where he was personally invited by Dr. von Weizsäcker’s. He was asked to play the famous San Lorenzo violin, created by Stradivarius in 1703, and which occupies one of the main places among the instruments of the “golden period”.

At age 13, as the youngest-ever contracted soloist, Garrett signed an exclusive contract with Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft. In April 1997, at the age of 16, he performed with the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra under Zubin Mehta in Delhi and Bombay at concerts dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Indian Independence.

After 14 years he discovered pop and jazz.By advice smart people, first of all teachers and parents, David,however, he refused in time early glory and concentrated on his education.

In 1997, after leaving home at the age of 17, he was enrolled at the Royal College of Music in London, which he left at the end of his first semester. Asked about his expulsion in an interview, Garrett said: “It’s not an official expulsion... Rather, it was a mutual agreement that the Royal College of Music and I were going down different paths. I did miss classes, but I missed them because of extra practice - but it didn’t help!”

In 1999, when David turned 18, he moved to New York to study at the famous Juilliard School, and in 2003 he won the school's composers' competition with a fugue written in the style of Johann Sebastian Bach. At the Juilliard School, he was one of the first to study under Isaac Perelman.

While studying at the Juilliard School, Garrett worked as a model.

Only after graduating from the conservatory did the young musician begin to give concerts again with increasing success.

Having completed my education with the best teachers in the world, includingIsaac Stern, Garrett works with famous conductors and plays withorchestras - legends.

In 1999, in Berlin, Garrett performed with the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Rafael Frübeck de Burgos, and received critical acclaim. This resulted in an invitation to the performance, which took place at Expo 2000 in Hannover. At the age of 21, David was invited to perform in the BBC Proms show.

As the fastest violin virtuoso, Garrett was listed in the BookGuinness records. He performed "Flight of the Bumblebee" by Rimsky Korsakov for66.5 seconds, playing 13 notes per second. Then he broke his own record,playing this song in 65 seconds.

David Garrett is a musician with wide interests.A big fan of late romance, he loves Tchaikovsky very much andbelieves that this music is in his blood.

In the field of classical music, his idols are violinist Nathan Milstein,conductor Arturo Toscanini, pianist Arthur Rubinstein.

From light music— he performs the orchestral arrangement with interestballads of Metallica.

By releasing the album Encore in 2008, David's goal is to arouse youth's interest in classical music. The album includes his own arrangements and compositions of musical fragments and melodies that accompanied him through life. Together with his music group, consisting of “keys”, guitar and drums, he gives concerts at which, along with classical sonatas accompanied by a piano, arrangements and compositions, rock songs and musical themes from movies.

David Garrett also tried his hand at cinema, starring in leading role in the film "Paganini: The Devil's Violinist", released worldwide on October 31, 2013.
In addition, he also participated in the project as a composer, and also created an original arrangement for the film.

Film: Paganini: The Devil's Violinist

Currently, David Garrett lives in New York, but according to him, hespends more time on airplanes than in his apartment inManhattan. He makes 50 flights a year.

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( DavidGarrett )

David Garrett is a world-famous violin virtuoso of German origin.

David was born on September 4, 1980 in Germany, his mother was an American ballerina, and his father was a German lawyer named Bongartz.

Garrett later chose his mother's surname as more sonorous and suitable for his career. According to legend, when the boy was 4 years old, his father bought a violin for his older brother, but David became very interested in music and soon began to play too. Then he began to take part in competitions, win, and studied at the Conservatory and the Royal College of Music in London.

At age 11, David received a Stradivarius violin as a gift as a sign of respect from the President of Germany for his performances.

At the age of 13, Garrett recorded two CDs and was first shown on German federal television.

At the age of 19, David Garrett moved to live in New York, and in 2003 he won the Juilliard School composers' competition, writing a fugue in the style of Johann Sebastian Bach, and in 2004 he received a diploma.

While studying, he occasionally worked as a fashion model.

David took part in the paramount music concerts and festivals around the world, played other rare Stradivarius violins and received awards and prizes.

With his work, Garrett, according to him, wants to arouse the interest of young people in classical music. He includes his own arrangements in his albums, adds rock and jazz to the classics, and with his musical group he gives concerts at which, along with classical sonatas accompanied by a piano, arrangements and compositions, rock songs and musical themes from films are performed.

The film “Paganini: The Devil's Violinist” brought enormous success to David, where he played the famous maestro. Garrett also acted here as a composer, and also created an original arrangement specifically for the film. This film debuted in October 2013.

Since then, David has been traveling around the world even more, his schedule is packed for years to come, and he also attended a concert in Moscow in March 2015.

Little is known about the musician’s personal life; there are a couple of famous models, such as Alena Gerber, Tatjana Gellert, Jana Flötotto, all the romances did not last long and, in the words of the star, “Sometimes I’m away from home for five, six, seven, eight weeks. Then you don't see the person for five, six, seven, eight weeks. Not every couple can withstand this test...”

As for his fans, they surround him everywhere. Moreover, according to David himself, he has no preference for a girl’s appearance, but he likes women with own style and the rod inside.