The “deepest patriotism” of Belarusians is greatly exaggerated.

Fostering patriotism based on the study, preservation and enhancement of the cultural and historical heritage of the Belarusian people

“Youth are responsible for the fate of the Fatherland!” - this slogan contains the formula for the ideological basis of patriotism among young people in the Republic of Belarus. Young people are the most active part of our society, on which the present and future of the state depends. Its share of participation in the rise of all spheres of production is great, scientific activity, in success on the cultural front, preservation and enhancement of the gene pool. Therefore, a very important task at the present stage is to educate young people into citizens who think and act like patriots of Belarus and are ready to give their strength and knowledge to the Motherland and its defense.

Patriotic education is a systematic and purposeful activity organs state power and organizations for the formation in citizens of a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional responsibilities to protect the interests of the Motherland. Patriotic education is aimed at the formation and development of an individual who has the qualities of a citizen-patriot of the Motherland and is capable of successfully fulfilling civic duties in a peaceful and war time.

Patriotism- one of the most significant, enduring values ​​inherent in all spheres of life of society and the state. Patriotism as the most important spiritual asset of an individual characterizes the highest level of its development and is manifested in active self-realization for the benefit of the Fatherland. Patriotism personifies love for one's Fatherland, involvement with its history, culture, achievements, attractive and inseparable due to its uniqueness and irreplaceability, components of the spiritual - moral basis personalities who shape it civil position and the need for worthy, selfless service to the Motherland.

The word “patriot” first appeared during the period french revolution 1789-1793 Fighters for the people's cause, defenders of the republic then called themselves patriots, as opposed to traitors to the motherland from the monarchist camp. Patriotism is one of the most important moral qualities personalities that define life position person and the line of everyday behavior. Its significance in social and spiritual development personality.

In Help and educational literature There are different definitions of patriotism. “Native land, whose place of birth; in a broad sense - land, a state where someone was born,” wrote V. Dahl in 1866 in his “ Explanatory dictionary" “Fatherland, the country in which a person was born and of which he is a citizen,” stated D. Ushakov in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language in 1939. “Fatherland, fatherland; 1.historically owned to this people territory; 2. More narrowly - the place of birth of someone,” it is said in “ Encyclopedic Dictionary» 1964. "Moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the fatherland, devotion to it, pride in its past and present, the desire to protect the interests of the homeland,” say the authors of the philosophical dictionary edited by I.T. Frolov edition 1981.
Along with the differences, these formulations also have something in common - patriotism is defined as “love for the motherland,” based on the fact that the words “patria” in Greek means "homeland". In the etymological sense, “homeland” goes back to the word “clan”. Clan, give birth, relatives, spring... From the root “clan” comes the concept of people, which primarily means people related to each other by blood, place of residence, language, territory of residence, cultural rites, traditions and customs. The homeland is, first of all, the people who historically took shape on this land, who water it with their sweat, improve and transform it with their labor, sprinkle it with their blood in the struggle for freedom and independence.
IN Everyday life the concepts of “homeland” and “fatherland” are used as synonyms. But the word “fatherland” is something higher. The Fatherland is not just a native land bordered by willows, not landscapes familiar from childhood, but a given political, social, cultural environment. The political environment is the state, power. Social environment - society at a certain stage historical development. The cultural environment is, first of all, the ideology dominant in the country.

Patriots are not born, they become them in the process of life in specific natural and social conditions, in a historically given fatherland. The dialectic is such that from birth a person becomes familiar with the natural and social environment, the existing way of life, culture and language, and the entire system of social values. From childhood, he is imbued with feelings that contain the beginnings of love for the Motherland. Gradually in the process of education, upbringing, labor activity his horizons expand, his connections with his homeland multiply, his self-awareness grows. From a sensory perception of his native places and close people, he moves on to an awareness of his native language, culture, traditions of the people, their achievements and, finally, to active service to him and the cause of the prosperity of his beloved Fatherland.

Patriotism is passed on from mothers and fathers to children. At all times, boys were specially trained and prepared for the role of creators and defenders of the Motherland, and girls were raised as inspirations for the heroic deeds of their loved ones. And the first mentors in awakening patriotic aspirations in children were parents, teachers, then army commanders, production organizers and others. Each generation goes through the school of patriotism in its own way.

Patriotism- natural state of mind. Only people with a perverted psyche or extreme selfishness can develop indifference or a negative attitude towards their Motherland and people. It is characteristic that the “Ivans, who do not remember kinship” - traitors to the interests of the Motherland - have evoked contempt among all peoples and at all times. And vice versa, the desire to do everything possible for the Motherland is a healthy reaction of human consciousness to the problems of social existence and human activity. “Love your Motherland,” wrote V.G. Belinsky means to ardently desire to see in it the realization of the ideal of humanity and, to the best of one’s ability, to contribute to this.” "... True man and son of the fatherland,” wrote A.N. Radishchev, - there is one and the same thing... He would rather agree to die and disappear than to set an example of bad behavior to others... he burns with the most tender love for the integrity and tranquility of his compatriots... overcomes all obstacles, tirelessly vigils over maintaining honesty, gives good advice and instructions... and if he is confident that his death will bring strength and glory to the fatherland, then he is not afraid to sacrifice his life.”

The role and importance of patriotic education increase at sharp turns in history, when objective trends in the development of society are accompanied by an increase in the tension of its citizens.

At a certain stage in the development of our state, a strong social differentiation of society began to be observed, a certain devaluation of spiritual values, a decrease in the educational impact of historical and cultural values, art and education as the most important factors in the formation of patriotism.

In recent years, we have become unwitting participants greatest tragedy humanity. As a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the country was overwhelmed by an unprecedented economic crisis and unemployment. More than half of the population of Belarus found itself below the poverty line. Under these conditions, the press, cinema, television, theaters, and literature hammered into the consciousness of young people the cult of violence, sex, and base human feelings.

Facilities mass media launched an active attack on patriotism as the “ideology of Bolshevism”, this proud term began to be used disrespectfully. The Ministry of Education hastened to disperse the qualified military personnel and put a stop to the paramilitary games “Zarnitsa” and “Eaglet”, which were beloved by schoolchildren.
All this could not but affect the consciousness and behavior of young people. Never, even in difficult times post-war years, Belarus was not overwhelmed by such a wave of offenses and criminal offenses as at the present time. Belarus has never known such a shameful phenomenon as evasion from military service and desertion. The restructuring of the social system has entailed enormous changes in the life of our society. Economic and political changes are so strong that we often do not see what a strong factor destabilizing the country is, which is the crisis of values. If in Soviet times collective principles were actively promoted, then the radical socio-economic restructuring caused the opposite trend.

Collectivism and patriotism have become almost dirty words. The change in habitual basic principles led to rampant selfishness, when everyone, to the best of their energy and aggressiveness, disregarding laws and universal human norms, began to strive to achieve material well-being. Essentially, the principle “Get rich by any means possible” was raised on the shield.

Especially willingly, and therefore with worse consequences, young people fall into this trap, for whom, unlike the older generation, the system moral guidelines hasn't worked out yet.

At the dawn of the so-called democratic reforms in the early nineties, this state of affairs was not sufficiently understood by the leadership of our country. But with the coming to power of healthy forces, this issue began to be given priority attention and importance.

As a positive point, it should be noted that this problem was and is being solved in our state on the ideological-theoretical and ideological-practical basis of state ideology, since the postulates of state ideology have a certain set of views concentrated in the national idea, it is impossible to consider these two concepts in isolation from each other. At the heart of the design of the national idea should be the most fundamental category, denoting the basis of the spiritual nature of the nation, pointing to the collective image of individual and mass consciousness. In Belarusian society, at all stages of its development and formation of such a category, the Motherland is considered. The homeland determines our dominant civic feeling - a feeling of patriotism, and this is not some abstract concept. Patriotism is reflected in specific actions. True love for the Motherland - effective love, associated with the direct participation of the citizen in its strengthening, in improving the well-being of the people. In simple terms, you cannot be a theoretical patriot; you must actually prove your readiness to serve your Fatherland.

Do you know in which city of the Soviet Union pedestrians never crossed the street at a red light? In Minsk! Belarus is still in our past Soviet life fascinated me more than even in the Baltic republics.

Recently I was so “de-energized” by the bustle of Moscow with its increased – I’ll use a fashionable word – “traffic” of life that I couldn’t stand it and decided to go on vacation for three days not to Paris, not to Cannes, but... to Minsk! Yes, yes, nowadays you don’t need much intelligence to go to France or Italy. And only those who know the modern adage will dare to go to Belarus, and even on vacation: “If TV convinces us that somewhere is very bad, then it’s definitely good there!” After all, according to another no less modern superstition: “What brings joy to a worker is death to a politician!”

A five-star hotel, like in the center of Rome, but cheaper. Museums, galleries... All the best that has been accumulated over the years of Soviet educational power has not been stolen by merchant democracy! Theater buildings restored at state expense. The premises in them are not rented out for boutiques, car showrooms and halls slot machines... None of the directors humiliate themselves and beg from sponsors for money for decorations for performances. The producers do not tell them that, according to the results of the marketing carried out in Eugene Onegin, for the rating, Tatyana must undress at least twice, and Onegin must swear at her at least once; It is advisable to portray Hamlet as gay, and the three sisters as lesbians...

In the Opera and Ballet Theater there is only a choir - more than 100 people! Symphony Orchestra– one of the best in Europe. IN ballet troupe, in my opinion, also more than 100 dancers. And they are all on government salaries! The curtain opens and I find myself in my childhood, when I came to the theater and the first “ah!” burst out from the fabulously magical scenery. Someone will say: “Not marketing!” But I couldn't get tickets. I had to call the director of the theater and shamelessly ask for a visit.

Why are they trying to present Belarus to us as a backward country? Because it is not ruled by oligarchs and those like them who “go from rags to riches”! God forbid he finds out Russian people that somewhere someone lives more peacefully. That’s why it was necessary to explode this balance, at least during the elections. Several completely different people told me roughly the same thing: “Most presidential candidates are obvious provocateurs. The country was framed for Western handouts. But the authorities fell for it and, unfortunately, fell for this simple trap!”

Only one journalist from those with whom I spoke in Minsk angrily declared: “It’s easy for you to talk about our life like that. And by the way, we don’t have freedom of speech!” To this I answered her: “But in Russia we seem to have it, but what’s the point? Does anyone listen to this word?” If we soberly assess the modern world order, then who needs this current “freedom of speech” anyway? To mediocre film, theater and theater directors in order to stage supposedly brilliant performances and swear from the stage... I have already mentioned more than once that in the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater in the play “Carmen” the bullfighters urinate in the toilets several times during the action. Hooray! Freedom of speech! And, first of all, an obscene word.

In the 90s we had this freedom of speech - choke! Everyone shouted whatever they wanted, even on Red Square, even at the Spassky Gate, even at the Government House, both about the president and about the government... But the merchant caravan of rogues went on their own and did not listen to anyone. In the first 10 years after the onset of the “saving” demo-NkraDia, more than a million people were killed in gang wars and showdowns in Russia! And this is not counting the war in Chechnya. There are bandits in Belarus too. Only, firstly, there are significantly fewer of them in percentage terms, and secondly, when it becomes unbearable for them in their “unfree” country, they want to shoot someone, “order” someone, hang them by their feet, they come to us in Russia! It’s no joke, in Minsk, and in other cities of Belarus, you can calmly walk down the street in the evenings! There are no traffic jams during the day! Officials don’t run around in such numbers with “flashing lights”, pretending to be celestial beings. The Belarusian customs will never allow themselves to have a festive Sabbath at work, like in Vladivostok. Their ministers are beach bums compared to ours. Because they don’t spend money making money from morning to evening. I think most of them don't even have offshore accounts. Which of our “unicorn boyars” will respect them after this? They don’t wear suits from Brioni, watches with diamonds, their wives don’t plug their ears with earplugs with emeralds, they don’t have real estate registered in the names of all their relatives, including their beloved Zhuchka. The state continues to take care of the Union of Writers, Composers... Free education! Free medicine! You can object to me: “She’s useless!” What about us, what’s “cool”? And we have the same one, but only for a lot of money.

Yes, there are dissident dissidents in Belarus. But who are they? Firstly, there is a mass of businessmen who are not allowed to join the treasury with all this mass according to the Russian business standard. Let's think about who are the successful businessmen in Russia? Those who, with the help of officials, established a money drain from the treasury. By the way, it’s interesting - is it possible that in Russian the words “treasury” and “execute” come from the same root? Or is this a hint?

Is it possible to compare the roads of the Belarusian outskirts with our potty roads?

Education in Belarus will never be transferred to just four compulsory subjects in schools, among which there are no state language, no history. This is all that infuriates the West. It’s a pity that we in Russia are still fascinated by Western hypnotists and imitate them in our attitude towards Belarus. Moreover, we do it incompetently and clumsily. When last year Russian authorities made a claim for part of the debts to Old Man, he calmly calculated and replied: “You owe us this, not we owe you!” And, unfortunately, it turned out to be right!

I would not be surprised if soon those Russian parents who do not have enough money to educate their children in England and America will send them to study in Belarus. In addition, it is also much safer in Belarus. And the people are friendly for the most part.

Queue at the store. My colleague is a director of the Riga theater on his first day in Minsk. I haven’t figured out the money here yet. He hands a bunch of banknotes to the saleswoman.

Maybe you can choose for yourself what you need?

The saleswoman takes two banknotes, and incredibly, but... She reports in great detail how much change she should give.

What are you... No need... I believe you... The line is waiting!

From the queue:

Don't worry, we'll wait! Where are you from?

From Riga.

Wow! – the saleswoman is surprised. - Well, how do you like it here in Minsk?

How can I tell you? The queue is waiting!

From the queue:

Don't worry, we'll wait! By the way, really, how do you like it here in Minsk?

Can you imagine a similar conversation in Moscow? Especially the words from the queue: “We’ll wait!”

Of course, the West is furious that it cannot “inject” its next “banana” or “blue” revolution into Belarus and turn Belarusians into economic slaves.

Yes, in stores even in Minsk there is not such a bacchanalia of goods as in Moscow, and such a variety of carpaccio, buratto, mokrelei, focaccio and tartallini in restaurants... But this is wonderful! After all, most of the waste products that are poured into Russia from the West are dangerous to eat. These are not food products, but… chemical industry products!

Local journalists and prostitutes are also dissatisfied with the order in Belarus. I understand that both of them live worse than in Russia. The country that journalists and prostitutes complain about is a respectable country! Today, girls with a low level of social responsibility from all satellite countries are coming to Russia. We are a power of oil, gas and... prostitutes! Therefore, we are not even a power - we are one big hole!

My young friend, Riga resident Garry Polsky, leads the KVN team in Stockholm, which was formed there from Russian-speaking emigrants. He said: those who left Belarus are mainly swindlers and bandits, since even in Sweden it is easier for them to cheat than in Belarus. Some of them are now wanted in their homeland.

But perhaps the most valuable thing is that in Belarus the state takes care of the peasantry. The original Slavic work is peaceful agriculture. If agriculture is not revived in Russia, following the Belarusian example, there will soon be nowhere to get decent people from. Small business, which our Chubaisyat managers take care of, educates mainly petty people.

There is an exact criterion for who lives better in Russia and who lives better in Belarus. Peasants are in Belarus. Workers are equally poor in both places. In Russia, it is much more free and profitable to live for oligarchs, officials, businessmen - i.e., all non-working people.

Oh, today we could learn from the Belarusians! After all, they are our brothers, not brothers!

After all these reflections, today’s actions of the Belarusian authorities are puzzling. Why expose yourself like that? Cruelly disperse demonstrations, beat journalists, put them in prison? Deprive visas of those foreigners who spoke sharply and critically about the Belarusian authorities? Pugnacity is unworthy of strong people! Who benefits from it? Only opponents! Those who were deprived of visas will shout to the whole world: “You see, we were right! There is tyranny in Belarus!” Can't you be more cunning? Well, a demonstrator broke a window... Go to court! And the verdict: carry out European-quality renovations throughout the entire house at your own expense! Next time he will think: should he go to the demonstration at all? Why make heroes out of journalists who fight for democracy on behalf of the West? Of the demonstrators who foolishly or under the hypnosis of Moscow thieves' glamor believed in a bright democratic future - the liberators of Belarusian humanity? Beating up journalists is petty and unworthy of those who care about theaters, museums and peasants. Revenge is generally an ignoble and thankless task. I already deciphered once that the word “revenge” means “eats me.” If this continues for our brothers, then very soon the Western pluto-democrats will have all the trump cards in their hands. And there will be plenty of those who believe that with the change of power, everyone in Belarus will be oligarchs with Faberge eggs.

I often walk around Jurmala in the evening. If a dog barks at me from behind a fence, I don’t get down on all fours and bark back!

The authorities get angry and show excessive force, they threaten with their muscles when they are cowards. Why should the Belarusian authorities be cowardly? For her main part people - workers. True, non-working people have more opportunities and resources. Of course, this cannot be ignored today. But a wedge must be knocked out with a wedge. Their own methods. Look, the Americans, in the name of democracy, manage to conquer entire countries, and at the same time no one accuses them of tyranny. And the rulers who cared about their people and tried to rein in the boyars, senators, congressmen, and speculators were later called tyrants and formidable in history!

Hotel. Administration desk. I'm filling out the form. A cool Muscovite businessman approaches. Our “Muscovites”, spoiled by the concept of “all inclusive”, are immediately visible - they are showing off, their teeth are fanned out...

Do you have a Health Club? What about masseuses? Do they do erotic massage? - Without any embarrassment, he asks the blond “receptionist” a question.

The girl behind the counter blushed. Oh, I wish I could hit him now! But 5-star management doesn't allow it. And yet she could not restrain herself, and rather sharply, at the risk of being fired, answered:

We (she especially emphasized “we”) don’t have this. I put all my pride for the Fatherland into the word “no”.

The businessman chuckled arrogantly:

What a crappy country you are! When will you finally become modern?

I couldn’t stand it and shamelessly butted into the conversation:

In Belarus, riot police provide amazing erotic massage! I can give you my phone number!

The “cool guy” didn’t appreciate the joke and turned purple with anger, not knowing what to answer to the annoying bully. But the grateful “receptionist” smiled at me in a way that probably even erotic massage specialists at 6-star European resorts don’t smile...

I really liked the joke about the riot police :)

Alexey, age: 34 / 01/29/2015

All those who are dissatisfied must be sent to the Russian Federation for 5 years. If Belarus had as many natural resources as the Russian Federation, maybe the standard of living would be different. Although then the thieves would have seized such a tidbit of resource. I hope Belarus won’t be eaten.

Igor, age: 26/06/24/2013

I have already posted in the adjacent topic “Public response to events in Russia and in the world”; I don’t want to repeat myself. Just excuse me, there are three different signatures I had. Everything will be fine, Ekaterina Vitebsk and Ekaterina Bel (it just so happened). I will only say that for foreigners it is quite possible - Belarus is exactly like that. But believe me, the statement “it’s good where we are not” works no worse here than anywhere else. The article is so sweet that with all my love for Zadornov, it’s disgusting to read... And the Russians want to believe it only because they want to humiliate their country as much as possible, excuse me..

Ekaterina, Bel. , age: 24 / 03/16/2012

I don’t know, a year ago we went on vacation to Belarus. We heard stories from friends about how good it was there. We only lived in Minsk for a few days, since we are big fans of the countryside - we went to the outback. We rented a house. The husband talked with the locals and the owner of this very house. It turned out that the majority of the population is very dissatisfied with the situation in the country, their life is far from sweet. And if they are afraid to express dissatisfaction, they will rake you in. And indeed, there are so many police there!!! We walked around and wondered why so much? Only after talking with the locals did it become clear why. And this was a year ago, when there was no talk of any “discontent” in Belarus.

Ladushka, age: 25 / 08/16/2011

The authorities of Belarus are great, keep it up. It is right that the so-called “opposition” is not allowed into power. If this happens, it will be the same as in Ukraine and Russia. Everyone will steal for themselves. State-owned enterprises will be sold to private individuals. There will be a decline in the economy and a decline in the standard of living of citizens. We know from our own example. And what is most pleasing is that the President does not give the West and other countries the right to dictate their terms, and does not bend under him. Belarus is truly an independent state. Not only formally on the political map, but in reality it is. He pursues his own national policy, and does not look back at the opinion of the West and does not ask for permission. With respect to the authorities, to the Belarusian people, citizen of Ukraine, Ukrainian by nationality.

Dima, age: 25 / 07/31/2011

I like the article. Described vividly and without false modesty real life countries and real benefits such a life. I would like to wish all doubters to learn from the mistakes of others. The words “... local journalists and prostitutes are dissatisfied with the order in Belarus. I understand that both of them live worse than in Russia. The country that journalists and prostitutes are complaining about is a respectable country! ... We are a power of oil, gas and ... prostitutes!" - straight into the heart. Apparently, it was not for nothing that Zadornov spoke out like that. He, a man, is probably offended to see the female sex in obscene form on the streets of our country. Even if these are the most respectable ladies, the attire of a priestess of love speaks of her complete depravity; I think sane men simply do not have the urge to marry such women. By the way. Yesterday evening I was walking with a friend in the city park. Mothers with strollers walked past, there were quite a lot of them. Tough. The clothes are ugly. Mom is sacred. Such outfits, which are now worn by so many girls and women, are not only self-expression, but also an example for children to follow. If there are trousers, then they are eaten by the butt and thongs are visible (they look especially disgusting on women over 30, who, by definition, already have at least a conventional brain). If it is a skirt, then such that it is not visible. I won’t say anything about vamp style makeup. High heels in the sandbox, beer in the hands of mothers, children running scared behind, at two or three years old already understanding that this kind of mother’s behavior is the norm... And the last spit. Young people lustfully look at all these beauties, discussing with friends the details of the appearance of these, excuse me, fools, wagging their bodies for show, and standing next to them are OUR CHILDREN, innocent of anything. Crap.

Natalia N.Yu. , age: 34 / 05/04/2011

Addendum: Lukashenko, in an interview with the Washington Post, denounces American “democracy”: WHERE IS THE LINK? ;))))

Mikhail Khasminsky, age: 41 / 04/08/2011

In Belarus, medicine is really bad, even in Minsk. I don’t know why. The rest is all true. As for the cops and riot police, let them put pressure on the opposition, this is the specificity of working in the opposition. But common man A Belarusian cop will never touch you. It’s easy to fine you for crossing. But politely, without any attacks. And the fine is nonsense.

Vladimir, age: 60 / 03/14/2011

Everything is just like that!!! Pros and cons are learned by comparison. I lived in St. Petersburg for a couple of years, now I’m moving to live in the USA, but not because I don’t like Minsk, there are other reasons. The comparison method shows me that Belarus is an excellent country with the right course! Unfortunately, the West and Russia want to impose their own rules, and unfortunately, Lukashenko had to break the law and democratic rules in order to restore order in the country. How can I get out now??? I personally will be very sorry if the country slides to the level of Russia. Russia still has to grow and grow to Belarus... Thanks to the People and fanaticism, Lukashenko’s efficiency. When choosing between the Russian Federation and Europe, it is better to sell out to the West. At least they believe in the truth of their democracy. There are more morals and values ​​for a happy life!

The idea of ​​a nation ( Ivan Ilyin)
Dangers and tasks of Russian nationalism ( Ivan Ilyin)
Can a reveler, a womanizer be a patriot? ( Dmitry Semenik)
Nationalism will not unite the Russian people ( Priest Daniil Sysoev)
The roots of national extremism ( Alexander Galkin)

Homeland. Fatherland. Fatherland. The homeland is our land, our native nature, our society, it is not only the flesh, but also the culture, the spirit of the people.

Love for the Motherland is one of the most beautiful and noble feelings of a person. From the first moments of life, a baby develops love for his mother. Next, he gets to know his family and friends, home, land, and is brought up on the customs and morals of his people, the melodiousness of their songs, and the beauty of his native nature. Francis Skaryna noted that “people where they were born and raised have a great love for that place.” From here, from the “small homeland,” come the origins of love for the Motherland. In the process of education, upbringing and work, a person moves from a sensory perception of his native places and close people to an awareness of his native language, culture, traditions and customs of the people, his achievements and, finally, to active service to him and the cause of the prosperity of his beloved Fatherland.

The concepts of “Motherland”, “Fatherland”, “Fatherland” are the same in meaning. The words “Fatherland” and “Fatherland” are more emotionally elevated and are more often used in cases when we are talking about protection. True love for the Motherland does not depend on the greatness, wealth or well-being of the country; this love is selfless and pure. A person who loves his homeland is proud of it, rejoices in achievements or is upset by failures, contributes to its prosperity in every possible way and will never leave it in trouble.

Republic of Belarus. Our Motherland is the Republic of Belarus. Its territory extends over 207.6 thousand km2 and is geographically divided into rural and urban administrative-territorial regions included in six regions (Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk and Mogilev). The expanses of Belarus, its fields and forests, rivers and lakes, big cities and small villages are incredibly diverse, generous and beautiful.

The greatest value in our country is people. According to the 1999 census, the population of the republic was 10 million people. Characteristics The Belarusian people are their hard work and kindness. Our people know how to work well, relax beautifully and defend themselves courageously. The Republic of Belarus is not mononational: in addition to the indigenous people - Belarusians, a significant part of it are Russians, as well as Poles, Ukrainians, Jews, and representatives of other nationalities. All of them are one people of Belarus. The stability of society and the power of the state depend on the strength of this unity.

Belarus has inherited, carefully preserves and increases its spiritual values. Our people sacredly honor the historical past, traditions and customs of their ancestors, respect religions, develop culture, science, education, literature, and art.

The people of Belarus have chosen their own path of development, adopted their own Constitution, which creates conditions for democracy and civil harmony, free and dignified personal development. The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus proclaims a person as the highest value of society, and guarantees of the realization of the rights and freedoms of citizens as the highest goal of the state. State power in the republic is exercised on the basis of its division into legislative, executive and judicial. The head of state, the guarantor of the Constitution, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen is the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The Republic of Belarus as a sovereign state has its own symbols: the State Flag, the State Emblem and the State Anthem.

The capital of Belarus is the city of Minsk. It arose and grew at the intersection of the formidable roads of history. Many times it was destroyed and burned by foreigners, ravaged by internecine wars of princes. For one thousand one hundred days the city was plundered and turned into ruins by the German fascists, but the hero city fought and won. Minsk has been reborn. The ancient and young city lives, grows, and becomes prettier.

Protecting the Republic of Belarus is the duty and sacred duty of its citizens. Our history has left many examples of selfless love, devotion and faithful service to the Motherland, selflessness, courage and heroism shown in defense of the Fatherland. This story contains the honor, glory and valor of our ancestors.

The legislation of the Republic of Belarus provides for the nationwide nature of state defense. This means that the economy, political and social life of the country, all its resources and capabilities in the event of military aggression must be directed in the necessary and sufficient quantities to suppress it. Men and women, regardless of their age, political, religious or other beliefs; plants, factories, collective farms, farms and firms, regardless of their forms of management and ownership; science, culture, art - everything should work for defense, everyone should contribute to the defense of the republic. The direct armed defense of the Republic of Belarus is entrusted to men who, in peacetime, pass through military service by conscription or contract, military service in the reserve, and in wartime defending their Fatherland by mobilization.

Defense of the Fatherland has always been the lot of men; the military deeds of soldiers were especially revered by the people and the state. Fulfilling their duty to defend the Fatherland, soldiers engage in battle with the enemy, risking their lives. The highest level of morality is manifested here: the willingness to give one’s life for the sake of saving one’s family and friends, one’s home, land, people, the Fatherland, in fulfillment of one’s civic duty. In the book "Memories and Reflections" Marshal G.K. Zhukov wrote: “I saw many times how soldiers rose to attack. It is not easy: to rise to your height when the air is permeated with deadly metal. But they rose!”

In times of peace, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, recruited on the basis of military duty and voluntary

entering military service under a contract, improving their military skills. The work of a serviceman is not easy, his life is harsh, physical exertion is great, but it is all this that shapes the moral and combat qualities of soldiers and predetermines their success in battle.

Citizenship and patriotism. Citizenship is a conscious and deep developed sense the need to honorably fulfill the duties of a citizen of his country.

Patriotism in society is traditionally understood as devotion and love for one’s Fatherland, for one’s people. Patriotism is the highest degree of citizenship, expressed in active work for the benefit of the beloved Motherland. From time immemorial, patriotic feelings have been born, carefully preserved and honored among the Belarusian people, reflecting their interests in the conciliar defense of their home, land, and Fatherland. In the images of heroes heroic epic reflects the heroism and courage of the people, their resilience and ardent patriotism.

The basis of patriotism in the Republic of Belarus is:

    the presence of a single and inalienable territory of the Republic of Belarus with its people, historical and cultural values worthy of their preservation, development and protection;

    the existence of a Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, guaranteeing the construction and improvement of a democratic social and legal state;

    the presence of state symbols of the Republic of Belarus, which expresses authentically folk traditions, has national historical roots and corresponds modern development our Motherland;

    the unity of the people regardless of the ethnic and ideological heterogeneity of society;

    commitment of the Republic of Belarus to universal human values ​​and awareness of itself as a full-fledged subject of the world community.

All this defines the patriotism of the Republic of Belarus as national, devoid of any territorial, national, economic, political, religious or other claims or ambitions, aimed at improving and protecting its democratic legal state.

Memory of the people and awards of the Motherland. The Belarusian people remember and honor their outstanding representatives of science, culture, art, public educators, public and political figures. A special place in the memory of the people is occupied by the faithful sons and daughters of the Belarusian land, who, without sparing their lives, won and defended national independence, honor and freedom of the Motherland with arms in hand.

Hundreds of obelisks, monuments, steles and monuments to the courageous defenders of the Fatherland have been erected on the outskirts of villages and in city centers, on busy highways and among the silence of cemeteries. The Belarusian State University has been created in the center of our capital state museum history of the Great Patriotic War, and a museum-memorial to the defenders was built in the city of Brest Brest Fortress, which was awarded the title "hero-fortress". On the outskirts of the hero city of Minsk, the Mound of Glory was built by the hands of grateful people, and in the center of the capital an obelisk rises majestically in honor of the victory of the unconquered Belarusian people over German fascism. In many cities of Belarus, the Eternal Flame of Glory was lit, Memory Watches were organized, and hundreds of museums of military glory were created and operate in the republic. Hard to find in Belarus locality, in which there would not be a street, square or school bearing the name of the defender of our Motherland. Paying tribute to the courage, bravery and dedication shown in defending the Fatherland and performing the duties of military service, the Motherland rewards the worthy with orders and medals.

The highest order in the Republic of Belarus is the Order of the Fatherland (three degrees). Orders of Military Glory, “For Service to the Motherland” (three degrees), “For Personal Courage”, as well as medals “For Courage”, “For Distinction in Military Service”, “For Distinction in the Protection of Public Order”, “For Distinction” were also established. in the protection of the state border" and "For impeccable service" (three degrees).

The highest degree of distinction in the Republic of Belarus is the title “Hero of Belarus”, which is awarded for outstanding services to the state and people associated with a feat accomplished in the name of freedom, independence and prosperity of the Republic of Belarus. Persons awarded the title "Hero of Belarus" are awarded a sign of special distinction - the Hero of Belarus medal.

"patriotism". Historical types patriotism. Patriotic behavior: unity and diversity

The word "patriotism" means "motherland, fatherland." Patriotism - this is a special state of consciousness associated with love for the homeland, fatherland.

Historically, patriotism originates during the formation of the polis organization of society. IN ancient Greece the concept of “politeia” meant belonging to the polis, the community of citizens of the polis, i.e. citizenship. The formation of the very concept of “citizen” was an achievement of Greek political thought and the polis worldview. The policy structure assumed a high level of requirements for its citizen. A citizen of the policy had full rights and obligations. Only a citizen of the polis had the right to bear arms and serve in the polis army and was obliged to defend the polis from enemies with weapons in their hands. Polis education shaped the ethics of citizenship. This was the ethic of responsibility for the state of one’s policy, its prosperity and safety. The polis organization gave rise to special patriotic feelings of citizens for their polis-fatherland, for their land. To be a citizen meant to be a patriot.

Ancient Rome gave polis patriotism a special pathos. Rome and Roman citizenship were the most important values ​​for the Romans. The dignity of a citizen was associated with collectivism and the subordination of one's interests to the interests of Rome. The Romans highly valued military valor, courage, endurance, discipline, and loyalty to tradition. The Roman citizen performed all his exploits for the glory and greatness of Rome.

During the Middle Ages, when there was feudal fragmentation, the feeling of patriotism retains its meaning in the context of love for one’s native land. Under the dominance of a religious worldview, patriotic feelings were deepened by the need to defend one’s faith. Patriotism was also manifested in the understanding of the fatherland as an inherited ancestral honor, giving the right to protect the ancestral heritage.

In modern times, when modern centralized states begin to form, patriotic consciousness is filled with new content. During the period of bourgeois revolutions, the concepts of “fatherland” and “patriotism” were imbued with the spirit of constitutionalism, citizenship, and protection of human rights.

In the USSR under the influence October revolution, civil war, success in building a socialist society formed Soviet patriotism. Despite the deep classism and ideology, Soviet patriotism was patriotism in its very in a high sense this word. Soviet patriotism showed its vitality to the greatest extent during the Great Patriotic War; it was during this most difficult period of testing that the whole country rose to defend the Motherland. Guerrilla movement in Belarus - one of the greatest examples of heroism, perseverance and courage shown by the people in the name of Victory.

Patriotism occupies a special place in the system public consciousness, it constitutes the spiritual and moral basis of the individual. A person deprived of patriotic feelings becomes a stranger in his Fatherland. Patriotism is distinguished as emotional and psychological state And How active activity. As an emotional and psychological state, patriotism is a deep, sublime feeling of love for the Fatherland, for native land, awareness of inseparability, unity with the Motherland. The active form of manifestation of patriotism is specific activity for the benefit of the Fatherland, serving the interests of the people. Patriotic activity is diverse in its manifestations: defense of the Fatherland; the ability to put the interests of the Fatherland above private interests; readiness to come to the aid of the country in difficult conditions of historical development; conscientious work; selfless, even self-sacrificing, service to the Motherland.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “patriotism” and “nationalism”. Patriotism - a deep feeling of love for the Fatherland - historically arose much earlier than nationalism. Nationalism as an ideology is formed in late XVIII V. In nationalist consciousness, most often there is a fetishization of one’s own national exclusivity, which is combined with distrust of other ethnic communities. Nationalism leads to an increase in interethnic tension within the state, complicates the functioning of the state in international arena. Unlike nationalism, patriotism does not destroy the internal unity of the state, but consolidates society.

Political-ideological and spiritual-moral foundations of patriotism

The role and importance of patriotism increase in critical situations of historical development: war, a sharp aggravation of social conflicts, revolutionary upheavals, struggle for power, natural disasters. Such historical turning points require citizens to exert increased effort and special spiritual qualities in order to respond to the “challenge” of the environment, to survive and survive as a society.

At the stage of the emergence and development of the Republic of Belarus as a sovereign state, the issue of patriotic education arises. Patriotism today acts as the spiritual basis for the revival of Belarus. Without a developed patriotic feeling, it is impossible to preserve the sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus, protect national and state interests, and achieve prosperity in society.

The spiritual and moral foundations of patriotism include:

Love for the Fatherland;

Pride in your country, your people;

Respect for history historical monuments and cultural heritage;

Responsibility for the fate of the country, its future;

Increasing the honor and glory of your country;

Respect for state symbols, pride in state symbols;

Willingness to defend the Fatherland from external enemies.

All these values ​​are expressed in patriotic slogans: “Glory to the victorious people!”, “For Belarus!”, “For a strong and prosperous Belarus!”, “Kvggney, Belarus!” and etc.

Patriotic feeling is characterized by emotional complexity. This is not only love, respect, pride in relation to one’s Motherland. It may contain a feeling of pain and suffering, deep anxiety for the fate of the Fatherland.

In patriotic consciousness, the object of patriotic feeling can be the state. Appearance state (statist) patriotism was in demand under specific historical conditions, when the further existence and development of society depended on the creation and strengthening of the state and the approval of certain forms of state power. In the statist variety of patriotism, the state acts as the highest and special value; the interests and goals of the state become a priority over any others, be it the interests of the individual or society. Pride in the State, in the strength and power of the state, especially military, becomes dominant in patriotic feelings, and the strengthening of the state is considered as the main condition for the effective functioning of society. State, sovereign patriotism is characteristic, for example, of a significant part of the Russian population, which is due to Russian history, in which the state acted as the most important factor in the development of society, as well as the emergence of the Russian Empire and the status of a great power.

The patriotic feeling of Belarusians is dominated by love for the Motherland, Fatherland, native land, why home, native nature. This kind of patriotism is called sublimely emotional.

In transitional societies, which includes the Republic of Belarus, the formation of patriotic consciousness, especially among the younger generation, is the most important condition, without which the revival of the Fatherland is impossible. Solving this problem is particularly difficult, since the old system of patriotic values ​​has been destroyed, and a new one is still being formed

Freedom in the broadest sense is the possibility of a subject exercising -

individual social group or a community of active activity in accordance with his intentions, desires and interests, during which he achieves his goals. Love of freedom is an attitude towards freedom as a social value in all aspects of its manifestation.

Patriotism (from the Greek - homeland, fatherland) is a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for one’s fatherland, devotion to it, pride in its past and present, the desire to protect the interests of the homeland. Like freedom, patriotism is the most important social value, one of the most significant factors in ensuring the life of a community of people.

Love of freedom and patriotism are mutually presupposing and complementary feelings. At all times, they inspired people to feats and self-sacrifice, which are glorified in the best works of world artistic culture.

The love of freedom belongs to the most intimate national feelings of Belarusians, the roots of which go deep into the depths of their history. Being descendants of the ancient or, in other words, chronicle Slavs, Belarusians, as well as other Slavic communities, inherited from their ancestors those features that initially distinguished the Slavs from other ethnic communities. Among these traits, of course, is their love of freedom. It was this property of the Slavs that caught the eye of representatives of those peoples with whom the Slavs somehow interacted. Let us give evidence on this subject from the Greek historian Mauritius Strategus (late 6th century): “The tribes of the Slavs and Antes,” writes Mauritius, “are similar in their way of life, in their morals, in their love of freedom; they cannot in any way be induced into slavery or submission; they are brave, mainly in their own land, and hardy, they can easily endure heat, cold, rain, nakedness, lack of food... they do not keep those in captivity in slavery, like other tribes, for an unlimited time.”

Patriotism as one of the deepest national feelings of Belarusians has also been formed over many centuries of their history. With education Old Russian state East Slavs began to recognize its spaces as the land of their fathers, as their native land, which the generations living on it must cherish, protect and increase. Let us recall once again how deeply we worried about the fate of our homeland - Rus' - such our compatriots as Euphrosyne of Polotsk and Kirill of Turov. In this regard, we can also mention the unknown author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” who talks a lot about the Polotsk land and its princes. Apparently, on this basis, the Belarusian-Polish poet and local historian V. Syrokomlya (1823-1862) considered “The Lay” to be an ancient Belarusian song. The assessment is well known of this work as a call to the Russian princes to stop strife, to unite in the face of the terrible external danger hanging over the Russian land. The “Word” is a passionate and excited speech of a patriot, a speech that is sometimes angry, sometimes sad and mournful, sometimes always full of faith in the homeland, full of pride in it and confidence in its future.

Throughout all subsequent stages of their historical development, Belarusians invariably showed these feelings - love of freedom and patriotism. A range of other feelings are also associated with them - courage, perseverance, courage, heroism, readiness for self-sacrifice for the sake of freedom, which are integral to the national character. Belarusians become especially courageous and decisive during periods of war, when they are forced to defend their fatherland. This suggests that dangerous situations in the lives of Belarusians awaken the abilities hidden in their sociogenetic “code” for struggle, perseverance, resistance, and the manifestation of others. best qualities their ancestors.

The form of manifestation of not only democracy, but also the love of freedom of the closest ancestors of the Belarusians was the Polotsk veche system. In this regard, an interesting fragment from the “Chronicle of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Zhemoit” with a characteristic title: “On Polotsk freedom, or Venice.” The essence of “Polotsk freedom,” according to the chronicler, is in the representative system of government, the control of the city council over the princely power. The chronicler notes that “at that hour the Russian land was held by the Polotsk burghers themselves,” who “sought about their rights and the needs of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and their powers for the sake of their powers.” Moreover, he believes, Polotsk “freedom,” or the practice of resolving common affairs in a democratic way, comes from “those glorious rights of the Greek Athenaeans and Lacedems.” In the same chronicle, Polotsk is compared with Venice, a rich medieval trading city-republic.

Here it should be added that another example of the love of freedom of our ancestors, already at the individual level of manifestation, is associated with Polotsk. We mean tragic fate the Polotsk princess, the beautiful Rogneda, who of her own free will chose her husband-prince, but was taken away by force and married by another prince. She could not forget her, as they would now say, small homeland and could not forgive her husband, Prince of Kyiv Vladimir, who committed violence against her princely family. The image of a proud and freedom-loving Polotsk woman has passed through the centuries and shone with a new, unfading light in poetry, artistic canvases and musical works.

We have already noted the importance of the creativity of domestic thinkers in the formation of the humanistic and democratic ideals of the Belarusian people. Their intellectual activity constituted a necessary moral and psychological prerequisite for the manifestation of the love of freedom and patriotism of Belarusians in practical life, for the development of high civic qualities among the subjects of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

It can be stated with certainty that Francis (George) Skorina was the founder of the national-patriotic tradition in the history of Russian culture, which was truly an innovative phenomenon for that time. If most European medieval thinkers were guided by universal, human values, then for Skaryna the interests of his fatherland, responsibility to the homeland, its people, or, as he himself writes, to “the brothers of Russia, the people of the Commonwealth” were of priority importance. The patriotic principle in his worldview is most expressively formulated in the following words: “Even from birth, animals that walk in the desert know their pits; birds flying through the air know their nests; fish swimming in the sea and in rivers smell their own scent; bees and the like harrow their hives, and so do people, where they were born and nurtured by God, and have a great affection for that place.” In all his works he called on his compatriots, including statesmen, not to spare “all labor and treasures for the good of the commonwealth and for one’s fatherland.”

The efforts of the intellectual elite of society could not fail to bring the desired results. An orientation toward freedom and a sense of patriotism became elements of the culture of various strata of the people; these values ​​were decisively affirmed in the social, political, legal, economic, religious, and cultural areas of life. Even during a period when the idea of ​​freedom was subject to decisive pressure from the papacy (Conreformation), the king and Grand Duke Władysław IV, given life values Belarusians and addressing one of the nobles of the Novogorod district, he wrote: “All residents of our state cannot imagine greater happiness than freedom, for which they are ready not only to give up their property, but also to risk their lives.”

The love of freedom of the Belarusians during the time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania reached its greatest manifestation in the socio-economic and political life cities, especially such large ones as Polotsk, Vilna, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Minsk, Brest, Grodno, etc. Let us recall once again that the tradition of city self-government arose in the era Kievan Rus. During the period of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the social life of cities rises to a new level, with the provision of the so-called Magdeburg law, it receives its legal reinforcement.

Magdeburg law

Feudal city law. It developed in the German city of Magdeburg in the 12th-17th centuries. It was a legal confirmation of the results of the struggle of townspeople against the feudal lords for their rights and freedoms, for the right of self-government. It had a universal character, i.e. interpreted different kinds legal relations: the activities of the city government, the court, its competence and legal procedure, issues of land ownership “within the city”, violation of possession, seizure of real estate, established penalties for various types of offenses. A special place was occupied by the rules that regulated trade and handicrafts, the activities of workshops and merchant guilds, and taxation procedures. Adopted by many cities East Germany, East Prussia, Silesia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland. About 60 cities and towns in Belarus had Magdeburg Law.