ICT for children's speech development. “The use of ICT in the correction of speech disorders in preschool children with SLD” (from work experience)

In modern conditions, with the widespread introduction of new information and communication technologies, the problem of preschooler speech development remains relevant. After all, the further acquisition of knowledge and the full development of children depend on the level of development of speech abilities.

I think many will agree that modern children show little interest in fiction; their dialogue speech is not particularly expressive and is limited to simple monosyllabic sentences. Due to underdeveloped speech and poor vocabulary, children often lose interest in speech development activities and lack educational motivation.

In such conditions, modern computer technologies come to our aid as one of the sources of motivation. The possibilities of the computer here are inexhaustible. From the variety of computer programs they offer:

1. Developmental programs of the multimedia publishing house “New Disk”, which includes a software and methodological complex (PMK) for “Speech Development”. PMC is used in classes on speech development and preparation for learning to read and write, in speech therapy classes and in correctional work with children.

2. “Getting ready for school” program with Know-It-All Bunny.” In addition to a computer disk with tasks, the product contains visual aids—cards with bright pictures and songs that help the child quickly consolidate the material he has learned.

3. Interactive DVDs - this is a wonderful product from the “Miracle Baby - Learn like in a fairy tale” series, consists of 5 interactive DVDs. Interactive DVDs are equipped with an audio disc with recordings of the texts of fairy tales. After each cartoon fairy tale, interactive exercises are offered that are appropriate for the age of the children.

3. The multimedia presentation system is one of the components of ICT in the classroom. The most accessible tool for your own computer training products is the Power Point program - a wizard for creating presentations.

4. Computer games series “Little Genius” edition BUKA.

5. Wide possibilities are revealed through the use of Internet resources.

Keeping up with the times, our kindergarten teachers use technology using computers and special developmental programs.

Due to the impossibility of purchasing the offered DVDs, we actively use Internet resources, select games, games that are very interesting for children - presentations using riddles, puzzles, crosswords, age-appropriate and content from other DVDs. To improve my professional level, I purchased the DVD “Developing and Correcting a Child’s Speech.” Having studied it, she offered the children some game exercises to develop phonemic awareness and the syllabic structure of words. Previously, I held a consultation with parents on “Children and educational games”, after which I recommended a number of game tasks for parents to practice with their children at home. On the one hand, children in kindergarten receive knowledge, and at home they reinforce the material - this is doubly useful. Thus, children’s interest in learning increased, speech and cognitive activity intensified, and the quality of assimilation of program material increased.

After studying the disks with game tasks, we organized an excursion to the computer in order to enrich the children’s ideas about it.

The multimedia “Children's Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius” is recommended for ages 7 - 12, so we selected some educational games: “Seasons”, “Make food chains”, “Tools of labor”, “What’s extra” and others. The games were played in pairs. Thanks to the assignments, a lot of vocabulary work was carried out, work on the formation of grammatically correct speech using fragments of illustrations.

The “Fairy Tale Textbook for Preschoolers,” a program from the Novy Disk publishing house, has proven itself well. It includes 11 fairy tales. Acquaintance with these tales took place in subgroups of 4-5 people. Subgroups were formed according to a differentiated principle. The children were offered a variety of tasks. Such as “Describe the picture”, “Let’s help the Snow Maiden”, “Make up a story”, “Let’s make jam”, “Find the bear cub” and others. During the course of the fairy tale, the children were offered tasks from various heroes (the gnome Tirli, the Fairy, the Dragon, the Braggart); the children answered and then compared them with the answers given in the game. During the completion of some tasks, it turned out that children had their own interesting options. This indicates the development of children’s imagination and good vocabulary. When describing the picture, the children chose different methods: one at a time, in a chain. This work has shown that children like this form of play, which enhances children’s creative activity.

The electric quiz “Native Speech” is interesting and entertaining. This game develops the sound culture of speech, phonemic hearing, and improves word analysis skills. At the first stage, I introduced the children to the rules and options of the game. At first, the children played individually in the presence of a teacher, then in pairs and in subgroups.

After the children had mastered the rules well, she offered a game with a complication: find not only the correct answer, but, by drawing out a game token, cope with the proposed task: answer one more question, explain your answer; answer any question you wish.

Observing the children, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to select cards using a differentiated approach, since some children read, it is not difficult for them to cope with tasks that require knowledge of letters.

But such children, playing in pairs with a peer who does not know letters, help him by explaining their choice. Such communication between children contributes to the development of dialogical speech, replenishment of children’s vocabulary, and increased interest in learning.

Recognizing that the computer is a new powerful tool for the intellectual development of children, it is necessary to remember that its use for educational purposes in preschool institutions should be built taking into account health-saving technologies. Therefore, in our work we adhere to the following rules:

1. We conduct classes for a short time - 10-15 minutes, on days of highest performance - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.

2. No more than 3 times a week;

3. We monitor the child’s posture;

4. We do physical exercises and eye exercises after working with the computer.

The forms of using a computer as a teaching tool are different. This is work with all children, subgroups, individually.

In our work on speech development using ICT, we use the following options:

  • Compiling sentences from words based on pictures and supporting words;
  • for the development of phonemic hearing - highlighting pictures for a given sound, “Find 2 objects with one sound”;
  • to develop phonemic analysis skills - “Match a word to a diagram”, “Find a picture”, “Choose a picture whose name has 5 sounds”;
  • development of auditory attention, differentiation of non-speech sounds - the game “Guess what sounds”;
  • Chain stories;
  • “Educational conversations of Aunt Owl. After listening and watching, we then talk about various topics: safety, rules of behavior, etiquette.
  • Using the above options, we selected material of varying degrees of complexity, taking into account the zone of proximal development.

We pay special attention to multimedia in the use of ICT. We create and select multimedia presentations in accordance with a comprehensive thematic plan. In the process of work, I compiled presentations with elements of the game “Entertaining stories”, “Autumn in the works of Russian artists”, “Guess what fairy tale” "

As part of the thematic week “Fairy Tales,” we decided to actively use ICT, not only in subgroup classes with children, but also in individual work (working on a computer), as well as in working with preschool specialists. With the art teacher, the children got acquainted with the work of the artist Vasnetsov through a slide show of reproductions of “Three Heroes”, “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”, “Alyonushka”, “Sivka-Burka”, “Flying Carpet”, drew fairy tales on a chosen topic, talked about their heroes.

During the music lesson we listened to excerpts from the works “Baba Yaga” by P. Tchaikovsky, “In the Cave of the Mountain King” by E. Grieg, “The Sorcerer”, “The Blue Ocean” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov and others. After watching the musical works, the children looked at the illustrative material on the slide, shared their impressions of what they heard, and played out the fairy-tale hero and his actions.

In the process of this work, children became more independent and sociable. Many children are no longer embarrassed to ask questions, and their active vocabulary has expanded.

This work is of interest to all participants. The result we obtained once again proves the effectiveness of the application and use of ICT in the development of children's speech.

Bezverkhova N.V., teacher of the 2nd junior group “Romashka”


Speech to the pedagogical council.

Topic: “The use of modern information communication technologies in the development of speech in children of senior preschool age.



preparatory school group

Parshikova E.A.


To solve problems in the development of speech in preschoolers, the teacher needs to use a variety of forms in practice, techniques, methods and means of teaching, as well as apply modern educational technologies, including information and digital educational resources that help effectively carry out educational work with preschoolers.

With children, I use ICT in the process of OOD on speech development as a modern visual material.

OOD using ICT can be:




The need to improve the quality of visual material is the most compelling reason to think about using computer technology. Because ICT has a number of advantages.

ICT has a number of advantages:

Practice shows that presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way arouses great interest in children;

Information technology provides a person-centered approach;

The capabilities of the computer make it possible to increase the volume of material offered for familiarization.

ICT carries a figurative type of information that is understandable to preschoolers;

Movement, sound, animation attracts the child’s attention for a long time;

Problematic tasks and encouraging the child to solve them correctly with the computer itself are a stimulus for children’s cognitive activity;

The child himself regulates the pace and number of game learning tasks to be solved;

In the process of working at the computer, a preschooler gains self-confidence and his self-esteem increases.

In the case of using ICT, the following series of requirements must be met:

When using a computer in classes with children 5–7 years old, it is necessary to conduct no more than one such lesson during the day. They can be used no more than three times a week on days of greater productivity: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

After completing the lesson, children are given eye exercises.

The duration of continuous work at the computer during educational activities in the form of a game: for children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes, and for children 6–7 years old 15 minutes.

The position of the video monitor screen should be at eye level or slightly lower, but not closer than 50 cm.

A child who wears glasses must work at the computer while wearing them.

A teacher must be present during children's computer lessons.

Our group is forming a bank of computer didactic and methodological materials on the use of ICT for the work of educators in the development of children’s speech in the following areas:

1. Nurturing the sound culture of speech.

2. Formation of lexico-grammatical means of the language: formation of the morphological side of speech (changing words by gender, number, cases), methods of word formation and syntax (mastering different types of phrases and sentences), development of the dictionary.

3. Development of coherent speech (dialogue and monologue speech).

4. Preparing children to learn to read and write.

Let us give examples of the use of ICT in each area of ​​work.

Experience of using ICT in children's speech development.

1. Work on the ZKR I start with the perception of non-speech sounds, audio technology helps to recreate the necessary auditory associations, for example: “water is dripping”, “the clock is ticking”, “the hammer is knocking”, etc. To develop diction and correct sound pronunciation, I use tongue twisters presented in the form of mnemonic tables.

2. To activate and enrich the vocabulary, I use the electronic version of the “Opposites” pictures; this game teaches a child not to confuse opposite concepts (antonyms). The interactive game “Tanya’s Journey” allows you to develop the ability to name the actions of heroes and increases your verbal vocabulary. To practice the use of prepositions in independent speech, the interactive game “Where is the bird?” is used. Games aimed at developing grammatical concepts - inflection and word formation skills - deserve special attention. An example of such games are the games “Name it affectionately”, “One-many” on lexical topics: “Trees”, “Mushrooms”, “Wild and domestic animals”, “Domestic birds”, “Wintering and migratory birds”, “Vegetables and fruits", "Flowers and berries".

3. Development of coherent speech.

When writing descriptive stories, I use supporting pictures in the form of presentation slides. When teaching writing stories, retelling fiction, and memorizing poetry, I use an electronic version of mnemonic tables.

It is very convenient to use the electronic version of both plot pictures and reproductions of paintings by famous artists to compose stories.

4. To master the elements of literacy We use the electronic version of E.V.’s manual. Kolesnikova “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old”, as well as an interactive simulator “Learning vowel sounds and letters (sounds [a] [u] [o])”, “Gather a word by syllables”, “Zvukarik” , which includes games such as “Find words with a given sound”, “Hard-soft”, “Measure the word”, “Caterpillar”, “Pick up words”.

These games help to train children in choosing words with a given sound, to develop the ability to differentiate consonant sounds into hard and soft, to practice identifying the first and last sound in a word, to develop the skills of sound analysis of words, to differentiate sounds into vowels, hard and soft consonants.

We also use the electronic version of N.P.’s manual. Kochugov “Sounds and letters. Picture material for mastering the syllabic structure of a word.”

Thus, the use of ICT allows you to conduct classes:

At a high scientific, cognitive, aesthetic and emotional level (photos, animation, music);

Provides visibility;

Allows the use of a large amount of didactic material, in general, helps to improve the quality of education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.


1. Alekseeva M.M., Yashina B.I. Methods of speech development and teaching the native language of preschoolers: Textbook. aid for students higher and Wednesday, ped. textbook establishments. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. - 400 p.

2. Legacheva E. N., Kochelakova O. D. Development of speech in children of senior preschool age through the use of ICT technologies // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 7. - P. 666-669.]

“Information and communication technologies as a means of developing speech in preschool children”


Currently, significant changes have occurred in the preschool education system due to the introduction of federal state requirements. The practice of preschool educational institutions indicates the need to expand the use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT) in organizing the educational process. Having studied the pedagogical literature and best practices, I had a question: is it effective to use ICT in the process of speech development in preschool children? This is how the topic of my experience was born: “Information and communication technologies as a means of developing speech in preschool children.”

Domestic and foreign studies of the use of computers in preschool educational institutions convincingly prove not only the possibility and feasibility of these technologies, but also the special role of the computer in the development of intelligence and the child’s personality in general (research by Elova, I. Pashelite, B. Hunter, etc.). The importance and necessity of introducing ICT technologies into the learning process is noted by international experts in the “World Report on Communication and Information 1999–2000”, prepared by UNESCO and published at the end of the last millennium by the Business Press agency.

For me, as a teacher, ICT is useful forincreasing professional competence via the Internet (this is searching for information, sharing work experience and distance learning). Maintaining electronic portfolio and documentation. Conducting methodological work: consultations, seminars.

I use ICT in the process of joint communication activities with children as modern visual material. He also noted: “Children’s nature requires clarity.” But problems often arise. Where can I find the material I need and how best to demonstrate it? The visual material available in kindergarten is becoming outdated. And purchasing a new one requires considerable material costs. Do-it-yourself production requires ability, and does not always meet the necessary requirements for clarity. The need to improve the quality of visual material is the most compelling reason to think about using computer technology. These technologies are of great interest to me and are an additional set of opportunities in the development of pupils’ speech. In search of new ways and methods of organizing communication activities, I turned to standard Microsoft Office tools, namely, PowerPoint.

Improving the educational process with the help of ICT in working with children determines the relevance of this problem. The main idea of ​​my teaching experience is the harmonious combination of modern technologies with traditional methods of developing a child’s speech.The realization that I see through the solution of the following tasks:

study regulatory documents, psychological and pedagogical literature on the use of ICT in working with preschool children;

justify the forms and methods of work when using ICT in communication activities with children;

use ICT tools to interact with parents on issues of children’s speech development;

create a bank of computer didactic and methodological materials on the use of ICT in the work of a teacher.

Designing educational activities with children using ICT requires adherence to certain didactic principles, which I am filling today with new content.

Activity principle the child in the learning process has been and remains one of the main principles in didactics. Using ICT, I stimulate children's cognitive activity, thereby increasing interest in classes due to the novelty, realism and dynamism of the image, and the use of animation effects.

Guided by the principle of scientificity, pedagogical expediency I pursue one goal - to help children acquire real knowledge that correctly reflects reality. ICTs give me the opportunity to present realistic, undistorted information materials (reproductions of paintings, photographs, video clips, sound recordings) in multimedia form. I think that you will agree with me that various games and presentations that are publicly available on the Internet do not always comply in their content with these principles. Therefore, I try to be especially careful when selecting material.

Realizing principle of accessibility, I select visual material, forms and methods of organizing educational activities so that they correspond to the level of preparation of children and their age characteristics.

The principle of systematicity and consistency learning is that the assimilation of educational material occurs in a certain order, system. I create and select multimedia presentations in accordance with a comprehensive thematic plan.

The principle of visibility. Preschoolers, with their visual-figurative thinking, understand only that it is possible to simultaneously view, hear, act or evaluate the action of an object. In this regard, in my work I use multimedia presentations - this is a program that can contain text materials, photographs, drawings, slide shows, sound design and narration, video clips and animation, and three-dimensional graphics. The use of presentation tools allows me to bring a visual effect to classes and helps children learn the material faster and in full.

Educational activities using ICT are complex, so I combine traditional and computer-based teaching tools, as well as the integration of educational areas.

I believe that using multimedia presentations in my work prevents children from getting tired, supports their cognitive activity, and increases the efficiency of my work in general. Their use in classes on speech development is interesting for children and, importantly, for me. The screen attracts attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working in groups with children.

Starting work on this topic, I expect to achieve the following results:

1. Students’ ideas about the world around them will expand and their vocabulary will be enriched.

2. Children will express their thoughts more logically and consistently and understand the meaning of words more deeply.

3. The ability to convey one’s impressions of a musical composition listened to, or a picture or illustration viewed, will be developed.

4. Children will use the artistic merits of their native language in speech, and at the end of training they will show a desire to create them independently.

5. Using these techniques will allow you to gradually lead the child to the individual composition of poems, riddles, and fairy tales.

6. In this approach, the provided relationship between group and subgroup, joint and individual forms of organizing work with children will be justified.

Working on this topic, I created a bank of multimedia presentations in the following areas of work: pronunciation formation; development of phonemic perception, mastery of elements of literacy; for the development and enrichment of the dictionary, the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language; development of coherent speech; development of the articulatory apparatus, speech breathing; health-saving technologies.

I began my work on developing phonemic awareness in preschoolers with the development of perception of non-speech sounds; for this, in accordance with a comprehensive thematic plan, I selected presentations: “Gifts of Santa Claus”, “Sounds of the House”, “Tools”, etc. They not only demonstrate some either phenomena or objects, but also recreate the necessary auditory associations, for example, such as: “water is dripping,” “the door is creaking,” “the hammer is knocking.”

Especially necessary, in my opinion, are presentations for the development and enrichment of the dictionary, the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language, the development of the dictionary, and the formation of word formation skills. This is how presentations on lexical topics appeared: “Children’s clothing”, “Hats”, “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “Every thing has its place”, “Professions”, which introduce children to objects and their purpose. On the lexical topic: “Professions”, together with our parents, we created a presentation to help each child write a story about their parent’s profession. This form of work was shown at the parent meeting.

To form pronunciation, develop the articulatory apparatus, speech breathing, and familiarize children with ready-made artistic examples of their native language, I used the method of learning tongue twisters in a playful way.

I developed multimedia presentations “Tongue Twisters from Egorka”. The material is offered to children in an accessible (playful) form, is a system and is well absorbed. Bright, three-dimensional pictures, arranged in sequence according to the text, attract children's attention and help them easily and quickly remember the content of the tongue twister.

The work done expanded children’s understanding of the artistic means of language, enriched their vocabulary, and allowed them to smoothly move on to the next step towards developing creative storytelling skills.

To develop the ability to correlate figurative figures of speech with the subject, I used the technique of guessing and composing riddles using pictures.

I have developed multimedia presentations “Vegetables”, “Fruits”. The playful form of which awakens children’s interest in the task, promotes orientation in the environment, and the use of words related to different parts of speech. The pupils began to actively use antonyms, learned and remembered many riddles, learned to understand and relate what is depicted in the pictures with the content of the text. The first steps were taken to compose your own riddles.

To teach children to maintain a conversation, speak out proactively, ask questions, and summarize their knowledge and ideas about the environment in speech, I use the “Guessing riddles using the Yes-No game” technique. If the riddle is guessed correctly, a picture of the answer appears on the screen.

The multimedia image turned out to be very effective, attracted the attention of children, contributed to the creation of a positive atmosphere, and the manifestation of initiative during the game. Children gained experience in correctly constructing questions, improving the accuracy and expressiveness of speech, activating and enriching their vocabulary in the process of solving riddles.

In my work on developing coherent speech, improving sentence structure, developing the ability to accurately express my thoughts, speak out and reason in the form of a short descriptive text or narrative, I use colorful multimedia presentations based on the stories of Suteev, L. Bondarenko, A. Dementiev.

Colorful pictures on humorous themes on the screen intensified the children's desire for improvisation, as a result of which the children learned to compose short plot stories based on a clearly presented situation. They began to use sentences of different structures in speech.

Compiling descriptive stories based on subject, plot, landscape paintings and still lifes, presented in a large format, allows students to examine a work of art more clearly, teaches children to correctly understand the content, accurately convey the plot, and use linguistic means independently and expediently. For this purpose, I selected works by classic Russian artists based on the seasons and fairy tales. The collected multimedia material is widely used by kindergarten colleagues.

Realizing how important it is to teach children not only to see what is shown in the picture, but also to imagine previous and subsequent events, I use the writing of small fairy tales based on postcards with various plots, but I do this in a multimedia form that is interesting for modern children.

On the eve of the New Year's holiday, while looking at greeting cards, the children were asked to come up with a fairy tale based on them. The first stories appeared as a response to the perceived picture. Some children ended up with short tales in which I started the sentence and they finished it. For others, the fairy tale turned out almost without my participation.

Similar work was carried out on topics according to a comprehensive thematic plan: domestic and wild animals, mothers and their babies, winter activities, marine life, etc.

Thus, the children gained experience in composing improvised fairy tales. Plots that were embodied in the dramatization game.

The development of coherent speech is very effectively carried out through such a form of work as composing stories from personal experience. Pupils enjoy writing short stories based on family photographs. From the collected photographic materials, a presentation “Our Summer” was made.

In order to prevent children from visual fatigue after watching presentations, I suggest children perform a set of eye exercises. To make them more attractive, I spend them in a playful way.

Using electronic eye exercises relieves visual fatigue and improves mood.

The use of presentations plays an important role in the psychological and pedagogical education of the parents of my students. At one of the meetings of the “Caring Parents” club, during a consultation on the importance of the role of joint games in the development of speech in preschoolers, the support schemes I had developed for composing riddles were presented. The importance of joint games with words and rhymes as a kind of experimentation and a condition for the development of children’s speech was accepted by the parents; they were so interested in the proposed material that they happily composed riddles together with the children according to the proposed schemes. Family riddle diagrams were included in the multimedia and printed collection “Riddles from Dwarves,” which was presented to the teaching staff of the kindergarten and included in the methodological collection.

At one of the meetings of the “Caring Parents” club, as a form of joint activity, after watching part of the cartoon, parents were invited to come up with their own ending to the unfinished story together with their child. All fairy tales turned out to be individual, with an unexpected plot. The works were published in the collection “Our Tales”, some of which were prepared for a puppet theater show as part of a week of theatrical activities.

In the next academic year, I will, of course, continue to work in this direction using the original method of the Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation “Game-travel “To Visit Myself.” My students will be a year older, and I am sure that they will be captivated by the bright and colorful journey that will open before them on the screen.

The effectiveness of using information and communication technologies in the development of speech in preschoolers is proven by the results obtained over the past 2 years.

font-size:14.0pt;line-height:150%"> Observing my students, I can confidently say that the knowledge gained in kindergarten, will help them be successful in school, and clear, correct speech will give them confidence.

The accumulated experience in working with ICT allows us to conclude that the use of ICT in communicative activities makes it possible to increase the efficiency of work on speech development, optimize the educational process, individualize the education of children with speech disorders, and also shape the success of children, increase motivation, and significantly reduce the time to master the material.

To summarize, I will try to justifybasic provisions.

The use of ICT enhances:

· positive motivation for learning;

· activates the cognitive activity of children;


The use of ICT allows educational activities to be carried out at a high aesthetic and emotional level (photos, animation, music); provide visibility; attract a large amount of didactic material; contributes to improving the quality of education.

Speaking of the future, I plan to master other computer programs. “PervoLogo” is an open creative environment, a “computer album” designed specifically for preschoolers, which allows them to fully implement the use of modern information and communication technologies within the framework of literacy classes and the development of speech, communication skills and creative abilities of children.

With the advent of the interactive whiteboard, I will have the opportunity to more “densely” use some specific interactive features when creating presentations in the environment of special software included in the set of interactive whiteboards.

List of used literature.

Regulatory and legislative documents:

1. Law of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 000 “On Education”.

2. Model regulations on a preschool educational institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 000.

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 000 “On approval and implementation of Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education.”

4. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2011 No. 000 “On approval of federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education”

5. Federal Law of January 1, 2001 “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development.”

Methodological literature:

1. Antoshin work on the computer. M.: Iriss-press, 2008.

2. , Poddyakov information technologies in preschool education. M.: LINKA-PRESS, 1998.

Magazine "Preschool Education Management". No. 6 2008

3. Ivanova ICT – teachers’ competencies. Journal "Handbook of senior preschool teachers." №12 2009

4.Kovalko technologies: schoolboy and computer. M., 2007.

5. 33 games for developing the verb vocabulary of preschoolers. S.-P.: Karo, 2005.

6. Arushanova and speech communication of preschool children. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. M., 2005.

Internet resources:

1. www. iteach. ru

2. http://www. solnet. ee

3. http://www. detsat. ru

4. http : // sch 1 38. ***** /Infomatic/ PowerPoint/L 1. htm

5. http:// http://www. *****

6. http:// festival.1 ***** / articles

The use of information and communication technologies in classes on speech development in kindergarten

Kiva Irina Yurievna, teacher speech therapist,
Municipal educational institution kindergarten No. 278, Volgograd

In my practice of working with children, I also use an electronic textbook, which can be found on the Internet on websites for preschool institutions or compiled by yourself.

A children's electronic textbook or children's electronic book (DEC) has a number of fundamental differences from a book produced by printing:

1. Multimedia capability
2. Providing virtual reality
3. High degree of interactivity
4. Possibility of an individual approach to the child.

Creating an electronic textbook is a free creative process for the teacher, but it is necessary to adhere to certain methodological requirements (age characteristics, program requirements, individual characteristics).

An electronic textbook consists of basic material with text or verbal accompaniment.

1. Section (fiction)
2. Selection of sources (books, coloring books, photographs, drawings)
3. Work on the text.
4. Making presentations, including text.
5. Animation
6. Questions about the text.

Interactive technologies are firmly integrated into the life of our preschool institution. ICTs significantly expand the possibilities for presenting educational information; game components included in multimedia programs activate students’ cognitive activity, enhance the impact of the material being studied, and contribute to more successful preparation of children for school.


1. Bogatyreva Yu.I., Kosarev Information technologies in scientific activities.-
2. Balovsyak N. Computer and health. - St. Petersburg, 2008.
3. Mashbits E.I. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of computerization
4.Polat E.S. New pedagogical technologies. - M., 2000.
5.Robert I.V. Modern information technologies in education. - M., School-Press, 1994.
6. Elkonin D.B. Psychology of the game. - M., Vlados, 1999
7. Yakovlev A.I. Information and communication technologies in education. 2005

Other interesting articles.

“The use of ICT in the correction of speech disorders

in preschool children with OHP" (from work experience)

teacher of the highest qualification category MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 32 of Yelets "Solnyshko"

The computer has actively entered our lives and has become a necessary and important attribute not only in the life of adults, but also as a means of teaching children. The use of modern communication technologies in working with preschool children is due to the need for significant changes in the system.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education involves the development of preschool educational institutions as a new educational system focused on the education and development of new qualities and values ​​in children, as well as the introduction of modern approaches that should contribute not to replacing traditional methods, but to expanding their capabilities.

Informatization of preschool education is a complex, multifaceted, resource-intensive process in which children, teachers, and the administration of preschool educational institutions participate. This is the creation of a unified information educational space of a preschool institution, use in the educational process, development of integrated classes, .

Domestic and foreign studies of the use of computers in preschool educational institutions convincingly prove not only the possibility and feasibility of these technologies, but also the special role of the computer in the development of intelligence and the child’s personality in general (research by I. Pashelite, B. Hunter, etc.).

The use of ICT in domestic pedagogy is based on the basic psychological, pedagogical and methodological provisions developed by, etc.

The theoretical basis of my experience was: the concept of a systematic approach to the study and correction of speech disorders (,), the activity approach to teaching (,), the concept of using computer educational tools (, etc.), the conceptual foundations of the use of information technology in special education ().

Currently, the use of information and communication technologies with preschool children has become a necessary condition for the education and social adaptation of the child, and especially children with disabilities.

To ensure the sustainable interest of preschoolers in acquiring new knowledge, educational activities should become emotional, bright, involving a large amount of illustrative material, using sound and. All this can be achieved with its multimedia capabilities.

Compared to traditional forms of education and training of preschoolers, the computer has a number of advantages:

Increases interest in classes;

Stimulates cognitive activity;

Helps in implementing an individual approach;

Creates a “success situation”;

Reduces rehabilitation time.

The use of a large and varied range of tasks helps to broaden the horizons of preschoolers and develop their cognitive processes. But at the same time, it is necessary to remember that a computer will not replace emotional human communication, which is so necessary in preschool age. He only complements the teacher, and does not replace him.

Computer technologies have also found widespread use in preschool educational institutions. Teachers of correctional groups of MBDOU kindergarten No. 32 in Yelets “Solnyshko” did not stand aside, but actively participated in the process of widespread use of ICT with children who have general speech underdevelopment.

These disorders are characterized by a complex structure. In this regard, the process of their correction, as a rule, has a long and complex dynamics. Therefore, the use of specialized computer technologies by teachers of groups that take into account the patterns and characteristics of children’s development has made it possible to increase the effectiveness of correctional education, speed up the process of preparing preschoolers for learning to read and write, and prevent the appearance of secondary disorders of written speech in them.

The use of computer programs by teachers of speech therapy groups in our kindergarten in working with students allows them to solve a number of correctional problems:

1. Constantly improve fine and gross motor skills.

2. Reinforce the pronunciation of the sounds assigned by the speech therapist.

3. Purposefully activate the practiced vocabulary.

4. Practice the correct use of formed grammatical categories.

5. Develop memory, attention, logical thinking in games and exercises.

6. Form coherent speech.

7. Strengthen reading and writing skills.

In addition to correctional tasks, the use of computer technologies in the educational process of pupils helps us solve problems of a creative nature - to develop imagination and creative thinking, as well as cognitive activity.

In our work, we use a computer, both in front-line classes and in individual correctional work with students. The use of ICT in frontal classes makes it possible to arouse interest in children, activate attention, increase cognitive activity, and prevent fatigue. In order for educational activities to produce greater results, we try to make each lesson comprehensive, combining the traditional approach and the availability of computer means of correctional training. For this purpose, presentations on lexical topics are used for clarity: “Wild animals”, “Domestic animals”, “Seasons”, “Professions”, “Domestic and migratory birds”, “Animals of hot countries”, “Trees of our forests”, “ Articulatory gymnastics”, “Sounds and letters” and many others. We create some of them ourselves. In addition to presentations, during educational activities, material created on the basis of didactic games is used, which contributes to the development of attention and observation “Compare pictures”, “What has changed”, “What is superfluous”, etc., the development of verbal and logical thinking “Highlight the main thing”, “Find out” and select a diagram”, “Make a diagram”, developing the skills of analysis and synthesis “What first, what then”, etc.

Children really like it when computer games are included in educational activities. This is where ready-made computer programs come to our aid. One of these programs is “Games for Tigers,” designed to correct general speech underdevelopment in children of older preschool age. All exercises in this program are designed in a playful way and are aimed at activating vocabulary, using formed grammatical categories, forming coherent speech, and consolidating reading skills. From the computer side comes the cheerful and amusing computer hero Tiger Cub, who explains to the child the purpose and rules of completing the task, and gives a final or intermediate assessment of the action performed. The exercises of the program contain tasks of increasing complexity, which allows you to select a task that corresponds to the real level and build correctional work in accordance with the individual correctional and educational program.

Second assistant - software and methodological complex “Speech Development. Let's learn to speak correctly." The program contains four sections: non-speech sounds, onomatopoeia, speech sounds, development of coherent speech. The types of tasks are varied: “listen - determine the desired sound (isolated, in a syllable, in a word)”, “distribute pictures according to the presence of sound”, “count the syllables”. Working with such tasks, children learn to be attentive and not mix sounds that are similar in any respect. The disk also contains a section “Development of coherent speech”, where the child is offered an algorithm for creating a descriptive story and a story based on a series of pictures. In an easy, fun and unobtrusive form, this program teaches the child to correctly navigate the sounds of the surrounding world, speak correctly and listen carefully. Exciting tasks help broaden your horizons, increase your vocabulary, develop logical thinking, visual and auditory memory, and intelligence.

To automate the sounds delivered by the speech therapist, the “Home Speech Therapist” program is used, which provides colorful picture slides and examples of correct sound pronunciation (isolated sound, pure tongue twisters, tongue twisters). The child himself or with the help of the teacher finds words-names for a certain sound.

To prepare for learning to read and write, we use the computer game “Bukvarik-Smesharik”, which contains four sections: vowels-consonants, division into syllables, highlighting the first sound, a game to consolidate the images of letters. Adventures together with their favorite characters help children do a sound-letter analysis of a word, highlight a certain letter in all words of the text, divide words into syllables, and remember the graphic representation of letters. A picture-illustration that comes to life indicates to the child that the task is being completed correctly. The result of the work is that the image of the letter and the sounds that the letter represents are fixed in the children’s minds. “Bukvarik-Smesharik” is a game with an educational aspect. The program will not skip to the next level (new letter) if not all the necessary letters in the text are marked.

Thus, targeted systemic polysensory influence, interactive forms of training, as well as the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of positive motivation, allowed us to achieve significant success in correctional work with students who have general speech underdevelopment. This is evident from the results of correctional work over the past 4 years. So in 2012, upon admission to the speech therapy group, no one was diagnosed with a high level of speech development, 46% of pupils had an average level, and 54% had a low level. At school graduation in 2013, these same children showed the following results: the high level of speech development increased from 0% to 16%, the average rose from 46% to 52%, and the low level decreased from 54% to 32%. In the 2014-2015 academic years, ICT began to be widely used in correctional work, which significantly improved the quality of education: graduates of 2015 had a high level of speech development of 19% (2010 -16%), the average indicator increased from 52% to 61%, and the low level decreased from 32% to 20% compared to 2013.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of information and communication technologies in educational activities in the speech therapy group of preschool educational institutions makes it possible to overcome the intellectual passivity of children, makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the correctional and developmental activities of the teacher, and is an enriching and transformative factor in the development of the subject environment and all components of speech. Innovative technologies make correctional work more interesting for preschoolers and more joyful for teachers. At the same time, the effectiveness of work is high if ICT is part of a thoughtful, pre-planned system of work to correct and prevent speech defects in preschool children.


Vrenev information and computer technologies in teaching preschool children with speech impairments. – Magazine “Speech therapist”

No. 5, 2010, p. 46

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