Abstract of GCD on the topic: “Russian folk outdoor games. Summary of GCD for children of the senior group

Outdoor games as a means of developing social intelligence

Goals: create the need for physical activity; promote the development of agility, endurance, perseverance; cultivate a respectful attitude towards each other, the desire to win, self-confidence, a sense of mutual assistance, responsibility for team results: create a positive emotional mood.

Educational areas : Physical Culture; social and communicative development

Materials and equipment : cards with numbers 2-5; 10-12; 2 racks; hoops 3 blue and 3 yellow; 2 identical pyramids, audio recordings with modern music.


Children march into the hall

Educator: Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all!

Guys, a competition “Get involved in sports” has been announced on the all-Russian website. A video letter has come to our kindergarten - a challenge. Let's watch it. (a video of children playing is played. At the end of the video they say: are you weak at playing so well together? Well, guys, do we accept the challenge?

Is everyone here? Is everyone healthy?

Are you ready to run and play?

    Here's your first game

I have numbers on the cards here,

I'll show you what number.

I'll ask you to stand in circles.

You dance to the music, when the music ends you need to quickly stand in a circle. If I show the number “2”, then how do we get up? (in pairs), if “3”, then in threes, if “4”, then in fours.....(last time the children stand in groups of 12 to make two teams). (if there is no pair, you can invite guests)

Wonderful game! She divided us into two teams.

One team stands to my left, and the other to my right.

Guess the riddle: The thread leads you,

Embroiders, sews dresses,

Very spicy and prickly

Guess what? …….(needle).

2 . I offer you a game" Needle with thread". You need to agree who in your team will be the needle, he gets up first. The needle runs, runs around the counter, takes two players with it, runs around, then takes three and, for the last time, all the rest. Also agree on who the next two, three and the rest will be. Are the teams ready? Attention: 1-2-3- start.

Grade: Well done! The needle in this team constantly made sure that the rope did not break. She correctly assessed the strength of the team and that is why they came first.

3 .So, next game

"Get to the Shore" it's called

Here are the "islands". We need to get to the opposite shore. Who will "get your feet wet"

(touches the floor behind the hoop), leaves the game. Let's see whose team has more players reaching the other shore. So, 5-4-3-2-1-march.

Grade: Well done! This team in full force reached the shore, but here you allowed one player to drown and did not support him with the whole team.

Grade: Well done teams. Your friendship helped you quickly pass the hoop and not give up on your friend.

And now we dance again to the music, and at the end of it we line up in one column in pairs.

Another great game.

She helped us mix up the teams. Now the teams take 4 additional steps to the left, march to the right. 1-2-3-4.

4 .Here's a new game for you

"Assemble a pyramid" it's called

You need to take the rings quickly,

And pass it on to your friends.

If you want to win, then you need to pass the rings in the order in which they should be in the pyramid. Just first agree which of you will take responsibility for choosing the right rings, and who will assemble the pyramid. Make an agreement. Attention: 1-2-3 - bashladyk.

Grade: Well done! You played together, were able to come to an agreement, took into accountopinions of others,

5. Next task"Make a figure" I have words written on cards. Now you will read them and each team will try to depict what is written there. You work on this carpet, and you are here.

Agree on how you will do this. Attention. Let's start.

Grade. Well done! It turned out original. And we will ask the guests to guess what it looks like? (star, snowflake) Children get up, turn to the guests and say: Are you weak?

To keep the competition going, we will send this video to our neighbors in other kindergartens.

Did you guys like the games? . What did you like about them? (we played together, learned to negotiate, helped each other, did one common thing together.)


Everyone is a daredevil today!

Well done everyone today!

You competed with enthusiasm

Let no one become a prize-winner

You fought together everywhere,

Friendship still prevailed.

One for all and all for one.

Fedosova Olga Alekseevna – teacher of the MDOU child development center - kindergarten No. 45 “Kolosok”, Moscow region. Podolsk

Goal: to continue to introduce the history of the Russian people.


  • involve parents in raising children together with the kindergarten;
  • form communication relationships;
  • instill love for the Motherland, for the traditions of the Russian people;
  • continue to introduce children to the culture and traditions of the Russian people, oral folk art and applied folk art;
  • create a certain mood, interest in folk art, develop a sense of involvement in the history of the Motherland through familiarization with folk holidays and traditions.

Preliminary work: conversation with children about the diversity of Russian folk games, about the traditions of the Russian people; holding sporting events dedicated to Russian folk outdoor games; summing up the events - drawing a game you like.

Equipment: the group is decorated with birch branches; there are wild flowers in vases; paintings of Russian nature hang on the walls; on the magnetic board there are pictures of painted pottery, images of an old hut, a stove, clothes of the Russian people; The group presents several Russian folk costumes.

Progress of the lesson

Music plays, children and parents take their seats. The teacher enters the group in Russian national costume.

Educator: Dear guests, today is an unusual day. It’s as if we are going on a journey into the past to the Russian people. Let's see what games our ancestors played, we'll even play some of them ourselves, remember what clothes they wore, what music they listened to. And I will be your escort in this beautiful national costume.

I am more than convinced that Russian folk games will help us and our children not to lose a kind of invisible connection with our ancestors and with our history. As for children, I suggest you, at least for a minute, return to your childhood. Remember those wonderful years when you were happy and carefree. When nothing stopped you from enjoying wonderful moments.

Today, I invite you to remember those wonderful times. We will talk about the most popular games of the Russian people. I am sure that they will be able to bring pleasure not only to you, but also to your children.

Outdoor play is a natural companion in a child’s life, a source of joyful emotions that has great educational power.

Folk games are an integral part of the international, artistic and physical education of preschool children. The joy of movement is combined with the spiritual enrichment of children. They develop a stable, interested, respectful attitude towards the culture of their native country, creating an emotionally positive basis for the development of patriotic feelings.

Folk games are classically laconic, expressive and accessible to children. They stimulate the active work of thought, help broaden horizons, clarify ideas about the world around us, improve all mental processes, and stimulate the transition of the child’s body to a higher stage of development. That is why play is recognized as the leading activity of a preschool child.

Folk games have a lot of humor, jokes, and competitive fervor; the movements are precise and imaginative, often accompanied by unexpected funny moments, tempting and beloved by children counting rhymes, drawing lots, and nursery rhymes. They retain their artistic charm, aesthetic significance and constitute the most valuable, undeniable gaming folklore.

Folk outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, and game beginnings. Such games replenish vocabulary and enrich children's speech.

The presence of rules and the requirement for their implementation, the frequent change of drivers put the participants in the game in the position of equal partners, which helps strengthen emotional contacts between parents and children.

Dear parents, our children already know who invented these games and why they are called folk. What do you say about this?

Parents: These games were invented by ordinary people for entertainment in a rare free moment; such games were passed down from generation to generation and thus have survived to this day.

Parents: After all, games were invented not only for entertainment, but also for casual acquaintance of young people. After all, in Rus' people didn’t meet on the streets or on the bus, then everything was strict and it was customary to first get married and then communicate, and games gave the opportunity to first take a closer look and communicate with the young people.

Parents: And not only for this reason, games also provided an opportunity to measure strength or find out without a fight who was right and who was wrong. After all, there were games where, for example, they measured their strength.

Educator: Dear parents, I am very glad that our conversation is taking place in such a lively manner. And I can also add that people also invented games in order to convey the way of life of people, their way of life, work, national foundations, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhonor, courage, courage, the desire to have strength, dexterity, endurance and beauty of movements, to show ingenuity , endurance, creativity, resourcefulness, will and desire to win.

With the help of games, we can get acquainted with the peculiarities of life of the peoples of Russia, because they retain their folk flavor and unique gaming folklore. In folk games there is a lot of humor, jokes, competitive fervor, movements are often accompanied by nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, and drawing lots. Russian folk games reflect the people's primordial love for fun and movement.

Moreover, if we talk about family games, I can say that folk games are one of the means of creating a positive emotional atmosphere in the family, establishing closer contacts between adults and children. They have a lot of humor, jokes, and competitive fervor. The uniqueness of the game actions maintains this mood until the end of the game and evokes a range of feelings and experiences in children.

When playing with children, parents need to remember that childhood impressions are deep and indelible in a person’s memory. They form the foundation for the development of his moral feelings, consciousness and their further manifestation in socially useful and creative activities.

Dear parents, what games did you play as a child?

Parents: "Stream" , "Ring-ring" , "Hit the String" , "Golden Gate" , "Owl" .

Educator: Yes, this is only a small part of the games of our people. You won’t even remember all the games. But the children and I have prepared for this lesson and can show you how we play in physical education classes and on walks.

Guys, let's start with the game "By the Bear in the Forest" . This game is also available for younger children, the rules are very simple: The bear's den is determined - a hoop in the corner of the group and the children's house on the other side of the group. Children go for a walk in the forest and perform movements according to the verse, which they recite in chorus:

By the bear in the forest,
I take mushrooms and berries,
But the bear doesn't sleep
And he growls at us.

Russian folk outdoor game "By the Bear in the Forest" .

After the children say these words, the “bear” wakes up and tries to catch one of the children. If someone does not have time to escape and the “bear” catches him, then he himself becomes a “bear” and the game begins again. In such a game, a cheerful mood and screams of joy are guaranteed.

Educator: Guys, do you like to play?

Educator: Then, let's show our parents the game "Alyonushka and Ivanushka" .

They choose Alyonushka and Ivanushka and blindfold them. They are inside the circle. The players stand in a circle and join hands. Ivanushka must catch Alyonushka. To do this, he can call her: “Alyonushka!” . Alyonushka must respond: “I’m here, Ivanushka!” , but she herself is not in much of a hurry to meet Ivanushka and, sensing his approach, runs away to the side. The drivers' movements are comical and sometimes unexpected. Sometimes Ivanushka mistakes one of the children standing nearby for Alyonushka and rather grabs onto him. The mistake is explained to him. As soon as Ivanushka caught Alyonushka, other guys take their place and the game starts all over again.

Children especially like this game because here children watch themselves as if from the outside, since the drivers are blindfolded and they can only guess who they caught.

Russian folk game "Alyonushka and Ivanushka" .

Frost - Red nose.

Along the edges of the room, the boundaries of two "houses" . Players gather in one of them.

Driver, i.e. Frost - Red Nose, stands in the middle of the platform and says:

I am Frost - Red Nose,
I freeze everyone indiscriminately.
I'll deal with everyone soon,
Who will decide now?

Set off on a long journey!
The players respond by saying:
We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost!

And then they run in the opposite direction "house" . Frost tries to catch up with them and

"to freeze" : those whom he manages to touch with his hand freeze in place.

At the end of the dash, they are either eliminated from the game or remain in

"frozen" position for subsequent rounds. In this case, the winner is the one who remains the last to escape the touch of Frost.

Russian folk game "Burners"

This game requires a driver, and he is chosen before the game starts. All the rest form pairs, mostly boy - girl. The couples stand one after another, and the driver has his back to the first couple at a certain distance and is strictly forbidden to look back.

Then one or all of them begin to say: “Burn, burn clearly! So that it doesn’t go out. Look at the sky, the birds are flying there!” After which the driver looks into the sky.

After which the back pair runs forward through the sides, one person through the right side, the other through the left side.

The task of the back couple is to try to stand in front of the driver, holding hands. The driver tries to catch or at least insult one of the moving pair. If this happens, the one who was insulted becomes the leader, and the “old” driver takes his place in the pair.

Educator: Well, guys, we remembered some of the childhood games of our grandmothers and mothers. But there are a lot of such games and you and I will definitely play them again. Now let's try to draw what you remember most from our lesson today.

Children drew some episodes of the games they liked, attributes for the games, costumes of the Russian people, and hats.

Educator: And now, dear parents, we ask you to take part in folk games.

I propose to start our fun with a game of low mobility "Friendship" .

Children join hands and begin to move in a circle to the right, while saying:

We're going in circles
Let's find ourselves a friend
Let's find ourselves a friend
Let's find ourselves a friend

At the end of the text, everyone stops.

Educator: One, two, three, find yourself a friend!

After these words, the children find a friend, dividing into pairs. The player who did not have enough pairs stands in the center of the circle. The music turns on. Russian folk song sounds “Oh, you are my canopy” , to which the player performs any dance movements, the rest clap their hands.

At the last repetition of the game, the teacher can say: No one should be bored, we will all dance. In this case, the dance movements are performed by the children of the entire group.

Educator: We played well, everyone became friends, and now, our dear guests, the guys and I will check your attentiveness!

A game "Floor, nose, ceiling" . This game is very simple, its rules are easy to explain.

With my right hand I point down and say: "Floor" . Then I touch my nose and say: "Nose" , and then I raise my hand up and say: "Ceiling" .

Try to repeat after me: Floor, nose, ceiling. (Parents repeat and accompany the words with movements). Now comes the fun part! Repeat after me. "Nose" (pointing to the ceiling). I see someone’s nose fell to the floor and is lying there. The game continues several times with confusing movements or words. The pace of the game increases, everything is accompanied by laughter and comments from the children.

Game of attention "Floor, nose, ceiling" . Now let's play again with our children.

A game "Ice, wind and frost" .

Children and their parents stand in pairs facing each other, clap their hands, saying:

Cold pieces of ice,
Transparent pieces of ice
They sparkle and ring
Ding, ding!

On signal "Wind" children - pieces of ice scatter in different directions and slowly to the music "Waltz of Snowflakes" They run and spin on their toes.

On signal "Freezing!" line up in a circle and hold hands. You can change movements only on a signal "Wind" or "Freezing" . The game is repeated 2 times.

Educator: Thank you, our dear parents, for a wonderful evening of memories of the times of our grandmothers. I hope you enjoyed this meeting and we will repeat it again someday. There are many more games for spending time together. Now let’s go to our exhibition of drawings of your children’s favorite game.

Music plays, parents examine and comment on the drawings, praising the children for their efforts.


  1. Baguslavskaya, Z. M. Smirnov V. O. Educational games for preschool children [Text]. - M.: Education 2012. - 140 p.
  2. Bondarenko, A. K. Didactic games in kindergarten [Text]. - M.: Education, 1988. –98 p.
  3. History of preschool pedagogy in Russia // Reader for teachers. Institutes. – M.: Education, 2000. –S. 122
  4. Kruchinsky, V.V. Summer is in full swing // Preschool education. - 2009. - No. 1. – pp. 45-48.
  5. Lesgaft, P. F. Guide to physics education [Text]. – M., 2000. -67 p.
  6. Litvinova, M. F. Russian folk outdoor games [Text]. - M.: Education, 2010. -52 p.
  7. Litvinova, I. N. Children's folk outdoor games [Text]. - M.: 2010. - 34 p.
  8. Likhachev, D. S. Letters about the good and the beautiful [Text]. – M.: Children's literature, 1999. –111 p.
  9. Mendzheritskaya, D. V. To the teacher about children's play [Text]. – M.: Education, 2009. –170 p.
  10. Pokrovsky, E. A. Children's games are predominantly Russian [Text]. – M., 1887. – 64 p.
  11. Ushinsky, K. D. Selected pedagogical works [Text]. – M.: Education, 2005. –119 p.
  12. Ryakhovskaya, K. N. Folk outdoor games // Preschool education. – 1990. -No. 6. -WITH. 43-50.


  • Educational: teach children to solve riddles, consolidate knowledge about toys, activate vocabulary.
  • Developmental: develop imagination, dexterity, speed, attention, fine motor skills, auditory perception.
  • Educational: continue to cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other;

instill respect for toys. Material:

“dove” on a stick, car, cubes, doll, nesting dolls, ball, balls, rack cones, box with gifts, audio recording: “The Noise of the Forest”, “The Noise of the City”, “The Noise of the River”, E. Zheleznova “Lessons of Logorhythmics”: "Share - Pass"

Organizing time

The teacher invites the children. The children come up.
And shake hands with a friend.
Raise your hands all up,
And move the top.
Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurray!" It's time to start the games!

(Children perform the movements.)

Main part

A child runs into the group, holding a “dove” in his hand, and the dove has a letter tied to its paw. Teacher:

Children, look, a dove has flown to us! And he has a letter on his paw, let's read it.

The teacher reads the letter.

A child runs into the group, holding a “dove” in his hand, and the dove has a letter tied to its paw.“Hello, girls and boys. I invite you to the magical country of Igrandia. I will be very glad to see you all. Fairy of Games.

Children, do you want to visit the Fairy? Children:

A child runs into the group, holding a “dove” in his hand, and the dove has a letter tied to its paw. Yes!
Since you and I are going to an unusual country, we will go on a trip in an unusual way - with the help of imagination. Do you know what fantasy is?

(Children's answers.) Teacher : Fantasy is our dreams, when we dream about something, invent something, sometimes imagine something that actually does not exist.
So, are you ready?! Sit on the carpet, please close your eyes.
Imagine that we are flying in a hot air balloon through the clouds. Listen and tell me where we are flying?

A child runs into the group, holding a “dove” in his hand, and the dove has a letter tied to its paw. Our plane has landed. Here we are in Igrandia.

The Fairy appears.

Hello kids,
Girls and boys.

I am glad to welcome you to my country “Igrandia”. My country is called that because all my people love to play. You see, again no one is visible around, probably because they have come up with some interesting game and are playing it in some secluded place.
Do you like to play? What are you playing? How do you play? (Children's answers).

Fairy: There are a lot of interesting toys in the country of Igrandia. Look, here they are (shows toys to children).

So that we can start playing,
Need to figure it out quickly
Who will help us?
Amuse us, entertain us?

Are you ready, children, to solve my riddles?

Then listen:

1.I'm a good toy
I'll be the girls' friend.
I can sit in a stroller
I can close my eyes.

What is this? (Doll)
How can you play it? Do you know what fantasy is?

2. Who does not eat fragrant honey,
And he doesn’t live in a den?
He doesn't know how to roar.
This is a plush... (bear).

How can you play it? (Children's answers)

We are now going to dance with the bear and the doll.

Children dance to the music "Teddy Bear with a Doll"

Game exercise “Shake and pass”

Children stand in a circle facing the center, one of them has a doll, the other, standing opposite, has a bear. Children take turns rocking the toys and passing them to the next child. The adult says: “Bay-bye, bye-bye, pass the doll with the teddy bear!”

Fairy: Our doll and bear have fallen asleep, let's put them in the crib. Listen to the next riddle.

3. She doesn't need a driver at all.
You start it with the key
The wheels will start spinning.
Place it and she will rush. ( Clockwork machine)

How can you play with a car? (Children's answers.)

Now we will also play with the car, but for this we will need more toys, and you will find out which ones when you solve the riddle:

4. I am building a house from bricks,
It's still nobody's.
Here's brick by brick -
I can build whatever I want!
I don’t like it, I break it,
And I start again. (Cubes)

That's right, these are cubes, we will need them for the next game.

Game “Carry it - don’t drop it”

Children are divided into two teams. Each team has a truck with 5 cubes in the back. The cubes stand on top of each other. The task of each player from the team is to drive the truck with cubes to the cone (5m), go around it, bring the truck with cubes to the next player and pass it on. If during the trip the blocks fall, the “driver” - the child must put them on top of each other and only then continue the trip. The team that completes all the flights the fastest wins.

Fairy: Well done, children! How clever and fast you all are. Listen to the next riddle.

5.It is rubbery, elastic,
So ask to be held in your arms,
To throw and catch,
Ride along the path.
Why am I playing with this?
Tell me, friends? (Ball)

And you solved this riddle! How can you play with the ball? (Children's answers)
Here is the ball ( shows), who will help us play the game “I play - I don’t play.” Everyone sit down on the chairs and get your hands ready. If I name a toy, you must catch the ball. If I name another object, you must push the ball away.

The game is being played.

Fairy: Children, you are not only dexterous and fast, you are also very attentive.

Listen to another riddle.
6.There are different girlfriends nearby,
But they look alike.
They all sit next to each other,
And just one toy. ( Matryoshka)

Our next game “Collect a matryoshka doll.”

The fairy invites two participants to the table on which there are disassembled nesting dolls. At the signal, the children collect them. The winner is the one who collects the matryoshka doll first.

Today everyone is rejoicing!
In the hands of a child
They dance for joy
Air... (Balls)

Take a ball each. Now you and I will play with them to music. Whoever's ball falls is out of the game - he sits on a chair, there is no need to pick up the ball. The last one left with the ball wins.

The fairy congratulates the winner.

Fairy: Children, in my country there are a lot of toys, and in one evening we will not be able to play with them all, so we will play another time. But, I have one request for you. Promise that you will fulfill it.

(Children make a promise).

All residents of my country know two good rules:

1. Don’t break toys
You better play them.
And if you break them,
There will be nothing to play with.

2. This rule is known: “When you play -
Put the toys back where they belong.”

And you too, please do not break toys, take care of them, always put them back in their places.

Turn everyone towards each other
And shake hands with a friend.
Raise your hands all up,
And move the top.
Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurray!"
It's time to end the games!

(Children perform the movements.)

A child runs into the group, holding a “dove” in his hand, and the dove has a letter tied to its paw.

And now it's time to say goodbye
Return to kindergarten.
"Goodbye, Fairy!" - we all say
And we all thank Fairy from the bottom of our hearts.

And now everyone sat down on the carpet, closed their eyes, we are returning to kindergarten.

The teacher turns on calm music. Then the music stops playing.

A child runs into the group, holding a “dove” in his hand, and the dove has a letter tied to its paw. Open your eyes. Here you are again in kindergarten.
Did you enjoy visiting the Fairy? (Children's answers)

Children, do you know what kind of box this is? Maybe one of you put it here? (Children's answers)

Well, since it’s not yours, I, as the oldest in the group, should check what’s there. Doesn't what's in the box threaten our safety? Please move away.

The teacher looks into the box.

Children, and in the box there are gifts - toys, and I think I can guess who they are from. Have you guessed it? (Children's answers)

A child runs into the group, holding a “dove” in his hand, and the dove has a letter tied to its paw. This good Fairy from the country of Igrandia sent them to you. Let's all say thank you to her, I think she will definitely hear you.

The children say loudly: “Thank you!” The teacher gives gifts to children.

Irina Bundeeva
Abstract of the educational activity “Folk Games”


Target: holistic spiritual and moral development of children in the process of mastering their culture people.


1. Cultivate interest in national culture, folk art, customs, traditions, rituals, folk calendar, To folk games.

2. Expanding horizons and cognitive activity. Development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination, fantasy, creative ideas.

3. Promote the development of all components of the nursery games: enrichment of themes and types of games, game actions, plots, skills to establish role-playing relationships, conduct role-playing dialogue.

Materials and equipment: four boxes, a skullcap, a Chuvash embroidered towel, a Mordovian headdress and belt, a balalaika, three envelopes with cut-out pictures "Guess the holiday", blue ribbon, music, laptop, screen, slides

An unusual day begins in Holy Rus'.

Festival The game is coming.

We have gathered here with our own game - unusual, folk.

At a festival dedicated to folk games, representatives arrived peoples living in our village. Meet us!

Hospitable Russians. (children in Russian costumes enter, accompanied by music)

We live in Russia,

Our forests are dense,

We have white birch trees.

And our sky is clear,

And our rivers are fast.

Friendly Chuvash. (children in Chuvash costumes enter, accompanied by music)

We have always been proud of you, Dear Land, our common home. We were born here and became close friends, we live together together! Merry Tatars. (children enter in Tatar costumes, accompanied by music) We carry with great love Friendship of nations, faith, life. I’m proud of this - I won’t hide it, the Spirit of unity is a strong shield! Good Mordovians. (children in Mordovian costumes enter, accompanied by music) Our region Chelno-Vershinsky is like a fairy-tale house. We all feel comfortable and happy in it. We do everything in our house together - we read fairy tales, sing songs, we love to sculpt, draw and play, listen to music and dance. I greet you all! Presenter: Would you like to play? Show off your prowess? Children: Why not play? Games are always welcome! Will there be rewards? Presenter: And the reward will be laughter, friendly and cheerful. Let's see what our guests brought. Opens the first box. Presenter: What is this? Children: Skullcap is a headdress for men. It is customary to decorate the skullcap with beads, embroider with beautiful patterns and multi-colored threads. Presenter: Guys, remember and name the Tatar national holiday, which is very loved by both adults and children. Children: Sabantuy, these are songs, these are dances, this is fun and laughter, this is folk games. Presenter: Well done, right. Sabantuy is a rural holiday and is celebrated in honor of the end of spring field work. Sabantui in translation means "Feast of the Plow". Guys, looking at the screen, name the traditional national games on Sabantui. Children: 1 slide – Bag fight 2 slide – Tatar belt wrestling 3 slide – Horse racing. Presenter: Guys, what game did you bring to the festival? Children: Tatar folk game"Timerbay" Presenter: Thank you! Opens the second box. Presenter: Children, what is this? Children: This is a Mordovian headdress for women - Poncho Presenter: And what's that? Children: Pulai is a belt made of coins and bells? Presenter: Mordovian people love to play their folk games. Mordovian games depict labor adults: sowing, harvesting, hunting, protection from treacherous animals. Guys, what Mordovian folk games you have already played? Children: "Circular", "Boiler" Presenter: What game do you want to play? Children: A game "Paradise-paradise" A game "Paradise-paradise" Presenter: Thank you. Opens the third box. Presenter: What is this? Children: Embroidered towel. Presenter: Guys, please look at the screen. 1 slide. Chuvash people– has been famous for its embroiderers since ancient times. 2 slide. Pay attention to the beauty and originality of the ornament. 3 slide. Embroidery not only decorates clothes, but also serves as a talisman, protection from bad things. Patterns on clothes protect arms, legs, chest - maintaining health, strength, and dexterity. Children: This is what our game says "Needle, thread, knot". Presenter: Thank you! Opens the last box. Presenter: Russian people always loved to have fun. The balalaika is a symbol of fun. And people have fun on holidays. But there are also envelopes here, what are they? Children: And these are our riddles "Guess the holiday" Presenter: Guys, to guess, you need to assemble a picture from parts. Guys, agree with whom you will collect the puzzles and choose an envelope for yourself. Children at tables assemble a picture from parts (Christmas, Maslenitsa, Trinity (holiday of the Russian birch tree) Presenter: Okay, well done! The riddles were solved. Now let's play. Presenter: What game would you like to play? Children: "Zarya - zaryanitsa" Presenter: Thank you! Child reading poem: Chelno-Vershinsky region, my land, dear expanses! We have rivers and fields, hills, forests and mountains Peoples like one family Although their language is different, But we are strong in our friendship And we live beautifully. Song - dance "A friend is with us" Presenter: This concludes our festival. We were glad to see everyone today, we thank all the guests and look forward to your visit again. Until next time.