Let's draw a snowman step by step. How to beautifully draw a cheerful snowman with colored pencils

The child was asked to draw kindergarten snowman, but you don’t know how to explain to your child how to carry out the work step by step? Then this article is for you. Below we will tell you how to draw a snowman. And the pictures will show the sequence of all the work.

Simple snowman

You should always start with the most primitive, and gradually take on more complex projects. It’s the same in drawing. Before entrusting your child with the depiction of a truly worthwhile piece of art, you should teach your child how to make light sketches. How to draw a snowman? The easiest way is to make it up from circles and ovals.

First of all, we outline the torso. This will be a pyramid of three circles. Now you should draw the hands - these are ovals. At the next stage of work, you need to add a bucket and a broom to the snowman, and also outline the carrot nose and eyes. Now you need to erase all the lines that were needed for construction. They should not be visible in the finished image. When all the previous stages of work have been completed, you can move on to detailing. Here you should outline the bristles of the broom, the pupils of the eyes and the relief of the carrot.

Snowman with broom

This character is not entirely ordinary. Using his example, you can explain to a child what stylization is. How to draw a snowman in this style? You should start with a circle and an oval. And if the child asks why the snowman does not consist of three parts, you should explain that this is called exaggerating the shape. Then you should draw a bucket. Now you need to work out the drawing.

The snowman needs to depict hands and nose. Since the character does not pretend to be realistic, his hands can be rested on his sides. The next stage is drawing the scarf and broom stick. Then you can finish drawing the top of the panicle, eyes and buttons. We have discussed how to draw a snowman step by step, but this does not mean that you cannot deviate from these instructions. They need to be followed, but if the child wants to upgrade some part of the hero, let him do it.

Snowman in a hat

If you sit three different children and ask them to draw the same character, they will all come out with different images. Therefore, if a child asks to draw a snowman every day, do not argue. Just make sure that your child doesn’t repeat himself or copy yesterday’s ideas today.

How to draw a snowman in a hat? You need to start with the image of the body. This will be a pyramid of circles stacked on top of each other. Now you should revive the hero a little by drawing his face and legs. Then we draw the scarf, hands and hat one by one. How to do this is shown step by step in the picture above. Lastly, we depict a broom. If desired, the drawing can be colored with colored pencils.

Snowman and snow

The most simple drawings can be the most emotional. You can invite your child not just to draw a character, but ask him to express some feeling. How to draw a snowman with a pencil, while conveying joy? Everything is very simple.

According to the standard scheme, you should first draw a pyramid of circles, then you need to draw a bucket or a hat, but now you can get creative. For example, draw snow and a snowman who is happy about it. But if you needed to express sadness, you could depict rain or sun in the picture. Thanks to such work, the child learns not only to draw, but also to fantasize, and also to better identify his own and other people’s emotions.

Snowman with scarf

Another fairly simple sketch of how to draw a snowman step by step with a pencil. You need to start with a pyramid, but not circles, but ovals. In this version, the snowman will also be a little exaggerated. Now you should draw branches and arms for him.

Moreover, it will be even more interesting if you give them a natural bend of the upper limbs, that is, indicate the elbow joint. Then you should draw a hat free form and put a scarf around the snowman's neck. All that remains is to detail the drawing by depicting the face and adding buttons to the body. If desired, you can add color to the picture by coloring it with felt-tip pens.

Don't be afraid to fantasize

The painted snowmen, the picture of which you see above, may be different. It doesn't have to be a pyramid of circles. After all, you can make a man, a dog or a giraffe out of snow, and all this will be called in one word - a snowman. Therefore, this character can be portrayed in different ways.

Do not rebuke your child if he decides to give his hero the shape of a square, rectangle or pyramid. On the contrary, praise them for their resourcefulness. After all, not all children are able to move away from stereotyped thinking and be creative. Thanks to parental support the child’s thirst for creativity will not die, and a normal vision of the world will still come over time.

Drawing Olaf

This hero of the cartoon “Frozen” is loved by both adults and children. How to draw Olif? You should start by drawing a line of the specific slope of the character. Consider this strip to be axial. You need to “put” two circles and one oval on it. Now we give the oval the shape of a snowman’s head, insert the carrot and eyes into place and make some kind of hairstyle. Don't forget about your mouth and teeth. All that remains is to make branches-arms and snowballs-legs. You definitely need to add buttons to the character.

Complex snowman

When the child has learned to sketch well, he can be asked to draw something more worthwhile. For example, real artistic work. Of course, the child cannot cope without the help of his parents, but the mother can spend time with her child, and therefore, if necessary, she will help. How to draw a beautiful snowman? You need to start with the general form.

Draw three balls different sizes. Then we outline the scarf. We immediately draw creases and folds, so the picture will look more interesting. Now we need to move on to the header. The top hat will be a little shabby, and this should be shown by the hole in the headpiece. We draw branch arms and place a couple of birds next to the snowman. All that remains is to finish drawing the happy face.

When the sketch is ready, you need to shade it. Apply a light shadow on the right side of the snowman, and draw it more actively on the left side. Then you need to tint your hands and scarf. Lastly, you need to shade the headdress. It should be the darkest spot in the picture.

Smoking snowman

This illustration looks very cute, although it is not entirely childish. Here the snowman is not depicted in full; attention is focused on the upper part of the character. You need to draw the head and part of the snowman’s body. Then you should detail the hero. We put a hat on his head, draw a hole in it, then draw a scarf on which you can make a patch.

And you can put a pipe in the snowman's mouth. By the way, it can be exchanged for a lollipop or something else. Now you need to draw a funny bird on the snowman’s nose. The look of this little hero should be directed into the snowman's eyes, and the expression on the face with beak should be extremely interested.

On the eve of the New Year, the “snow” theme becomes very popular.

Having asked the question “How to draw a snowman”, having patience and a step-by-step learning method, you can depict this fairy-tale character on paper.

1. First of all, use a pencil to outline general outline future hero.

2. How to draw a snowman. At the top of the drawing, outline the head with an oval.

3. Then you need to show it using ovals bigger size the middle and lower parts of the snowman's body. How to draw a Christmas tree.

4. Having mastered the outline of the general contour of the torso, you can move on to the arms.

5. Using dots, mark the eyes and mouth of the snowman, and draw the nose in the form of a carrot. Gradually, the task of how to draw a snowman becomes real and quite doable.

6. The next step is to draw a hat for the snowman (with a lapel and a bob). How to draw a cat.

7. Using two parallel lines, mark the broom shaft in your left hand.

8. Don’t forget to show the broom itself made of twigs at the level of the snowman’s feet.

9. To keep our hero warm in cold weather, draw him a scarf and tie it with an elegant knot around his neck.

10. We move on to completing the image of the snowman, removing all the extra lines.

11. Bold and thick lines must be used to draw the outline of the entire design, to indicate the buttons on the clothes.

12. Using light shading and shading of the lines, add volume to the snowman’s body.

13. More dark color draw a scarf and a hat.

14. Don’t forget about small details: eyebrows, lines on a carrot, highlights in the eyes.

15. The final stage of the entire composition will be decorating the scarf and hat with bright snowflakes. By following the steps from simple to complex, imagining and experimenting, you can prepare cards and congratulations of your own for the New Year holidays, and the question of how to draw a snowman will not be as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

With hat and scarf

Step-by-step example of drawing a snowman

First, we suggest you see how to draw a snowman step by step. A snowman is a figure made of snow, which consists of three snow globes and has a characteristic carrot nose, a bucket instead of a hat and coal eyes.

Stage 1
We will also draw the base. First, three balls, slightly different in size: larger at the bottom, smaller at the top.

Let's mark the snow surface on which our snowman stands. Let's draw a face: a carrot instead of a nose, dots to represent the eyes and mouth, and suit buttons.

Stage 3
Let's add volume to the figure with the help of shading, and put a broom in your hands. The picture is ready, you can color it or leave it in black and white.

Drawing from the front

A similar method on how to draw a snowman with a pencil is discussed below. It differs in its working sketch. The technique described below will definitely come in handy in other drawings.

Dividing the work area perpendicular lines by 4 equal square. The lower half will remain unchanged, the upper half will be divided again. This way the size of the balls that make up the figure is marked.

Based on this marking, we draw the component balls. You can immediately add arms and legs.

Extra lines can be removed and only the main outline left. Next, we add the attributes of the snowman: a bucket on the head, a carrot nose, eyes and a broom. In our version, the snow man also has a belt.

We complete the drawing with shading that conveys the shadow.

Beautiful snowman

Snowmen are generally similar. The difference will be in the number of balls that make them up and accessories. Below is an option on how to draw a beautiful snowman. This snow man is a dandy. He has a real top hat and a beautiful scarf.

We draw a sketch, as usual. Two balls with preliminary markings of the face and hands.

Next we will draw a hat and a scarf. This sequence was chosen to make it more convenient to trace the final contour.

The outline will not depend on other accessories, so you can already outline it.

All that remains is to add buttons on the coat, a ribbon on the hat and arms made from twigs.

The drawing is ready for further filling with color.

Simple drawing

The simple sequence below will show how easy it is to draw a snowman without preliminary sketches or preparation.

Let's start drawing the hat. Below it we depict the head of a snowman.

A small strip on the neck will later become a scarf. Add the torso even lower. For simplicity of the image, we recommend drawing a figure of two balls.

The snowman is ready and can be painted. For example as shown below.

With hat and scarf

The New Year's character is similar to the usual one, only with more elegant accessories. We suggest drawing a snowman on New Year in a beautiful hat and a bright scarf.

Let's start with the markup. First, three circles on top of each other. Then we'll outline the hat and arms. Our hero waves his hand to greet the readers.

Then we detail the hat with buckle and scarf.

Now we can outline the general outline, adding the snowball on which our figure is located, and removing the auxiliary lines.

Painting with paints

More the hard way draw a snowman - with paints. To complete it, you need some brush and watercolor skills. But the result will be excellent.

First, draw a sketch with a pencil, using as thin strokes as possible. The main figure consists of a ball of the head and a cylinder representing the torso in a fur coat.

We'll put a cute hat with a bubo and a lapel on our head. Let's place the figure itself in the snowball.

On the face we will draw the coals of the eyes, a carrot nose and a smiling mouth.

Let's add hands, depicted for simplicity in pockets or behind the back. A scarf around the neck. You can also draw buttons on the fur coat.

The sketch is completed, and now it should be outlined with a thin felt-tip pen or pen.

Remove excess lines using an eraser.

Let's start painting with paints. First, let's give the overall light blue background to the snow, including the figure.

We will paint over the coals with black paint: eyes, mouth, buttons.

Now let's take a more saturated one Blue colour and paint over the evening sky. Let's add a character's shadow on the snow.

Next, the picture should be dried and filled with the color of the hat and scarf again for greater brightness. Using white paint we apply snow. On a dried surface, the paint will not spread, and the snowflake will retain a clear outline.

All that remains is to trace the outlines of the snowman over the paint once again for greater clarity. The drawing is ready.

Snowman is one of the important characters New Year's holiday. New Year 2019 is coming soon and many will be wondering how to draw a snowman? Our website is a collection of instructions, we have answers to many life questions. New articles and creative master classes are constantly published on the site. In order not to miss new ones, you can subscribe.

Materials and tools:

Markers for sketching;
- gray pencil;
- black pen;
- pencil;
- ruler;
- paper;
- eraser;

How to draw a snowman step by step?

Note: Alcohol markers from Artisticks were used in the master class. When adding a shadow, the border is blurred by the marker that was there before. If the edges are poorly blurred, repeat the action. If the shadows become lighter, you can apply a dark tone again.

The drawing is drawn on drawing paper.

1. First, make markings on a piece of paper.

2. Now let's start outlining the body. We work with bottom. First, make a rectangle (or square). Find the middle of the sheet. Making notes. From the middle we retreat 3 cm from the left and right side. We draw arcs.

3. We make outlines to draw the head. Find the middle of the sheet and set aside 2 cm from the middle. Draw a scarf and the beginning of the hat.

4. Let's finish drawing the hat. We give the snowman's face an outline. Add buttons to the body.

5. We draw hands, and there will be mittens on the hands. At this stage, you can correct something (erase it with an eraser), add something. If everything suits you, then we proceed to drawing further.

6. We outline the sketch using a black pen. Nothing can be fixed here. Then erase the pencil using an eraser.

7. We work with snowman accessories. Take the blue marker B241 and sketch it. Then we sketch the buttons with a yellow Y225 marker.

8. Add a shadow using a marker one tone darker. Marker B242. We sketch the hands with a brown marker E168. Carrot nose YR158. On the pompom, the border is drawn with a gray pencil.

Here we have such a joyful snowman. You can make a postcard, add New Year's inscriptions, New Year's elements in the form of a Christmas tree, sleigh, New Year's toys, add gifts or simply frame and hang on the wall. .

Video. How to draw a snowman step by step?

One of the most popular New Year and Christmas symbols is the snowman. It is this charming character that is usually depicted on greeting cards. Drawing a snowman is very exciting and fun activity, which will certainly appeal not only to young children, but also to their parents.

  • Cheerful snowman in pencil

How to draw a snowman on skates step by step with a pencil

(picture above)

Colorful illustrations for the New Year can be created not only with watercolors, but also with ordinary colored pencils. We also use liners that add contour and volume through fine lines.

Necessary materials:

Liners 0.7 and 0.1 mm;

Eraser and sheet of paper.

Steps for drawing a funny snowman on skates:

1. Let’s depict the body of the snow creature as an oval. To the bottom part, draw lines for the legs that are in motion. We also draw the hands of the snowman, which will be made from tree branches. But at the first stage, we create only a sketch of the future drawing without detail.

2. We put skates on the snowman’s feet. We draw them in the form of winter boots with a beautiful thin blade at the bottom. We determine the place of the neck and wrap it with a scarf. We put a hat on our head that flutters with the wind. We draw the headdress in the form of an outline of a cap with a small bubo. We will also draw a nose on the snowman’s face, which will be in the form of a small carrot.

3. Draw the character’s arms and legs, which are made from fruit tree branches. Therefore, we thicken them and give them the desired shape.

4. Let’s add the snowman drawing for New Year 2018 small details. Let's draw stripes on the scarf, hat and top of the skates. Let's add fasteners on the skates, and on the body we'll draw buttons in the form of coals. We will also devote most of the time to the character’s face, where we will draw the eyes, eyebrows and mouth in the form of pebbles. Finally, draw an oval at the bottom of the picture under the blade of the skate.

5. Now we move on to coloring the picture. We use a yellow pencil, which we use to paint over the branches and nose in the shape of a carrot. Next, take a light green pencil, which will be useful for painting over fragments of clothing. This includes a hat, a scarf, and the top of the skates.

6. Red pencils will help you color in the remaining areas of the striped parts of the hat, skates and scarf, including the fasteners.

7. Use burgundy color to create the skates and give a tint to the twigs from which the arms and legs of the snowy character are made. We also take an orange pencil, which we use to create volume and bright color on the carrot.

8. Use blue and purple shades of pencils to paint over the white areas of the snowman’s body and head, the white bubo at the tip of the cap and a small area of ​​ice.

9. To create a contour and volume in the form of shading, you should use black liners that create smooth, neat lines. We use two at once with different thicknesses. For example, a thin liner of 0.1 mm is suitable for shading, which will create volume in the drawing. But we create thicker lines with another tool with 0.7 mm. We use it to work out the general outline of the drawing and paint over the coals and eyes.

This is how we get a New Year’s drawing with a snowman.

Cheerful snowman in pencil

For drawing you will need:

- colored pencils;
- eraser;
- black gel pen;
- paper;
- a simple pencil.

Drawing steps:

1. Using a pencil, draw the outline of a snowdrift and a straight vertical line. Try not to press too hard with a pencil, since some of the lines are auxiliary, and then you will need to carefully erase them with an eraser, and strong pressure may leave unsightly marks on the paper.

Continuing this New Year's theme, we would like to offer you another master class on making felt.

2. Draw three circles so that they slightly intersect each other. It is advisable to draw the circles by hand so that they are a little uneven, like a real snowman.

3. How to draw a snowman with a pencil, think about what he will wear. We suggest you draw a snowman in a hat, mittens and scarf. Instead of a hat, you can depict a bucket. But if you want to use our option, draw a cap on the snowman’s head, draw a carrot to his head instead of a nose, and then draw his mouth and eyes. Draw the legs in the form of small snow balls.

4. Draw a scarf, as well as hands in the form of branches in mittens. On the second and third circles draw small buttons.

5. Carefully and clearly outline the snowman with a black gel pen or felt-tip pen (a felt-tip pen will produce thicker lines), and then carefully erase all pencil lines with an eraser.

6. Color the snowman with colored pencils, making his outfit as bright and colorful as possible. Choose the colors of the scarf, hat and mittens at your discretion, but try to make them festive.

That's all, now you know how to draw beautifully merry snowman with colored pencils, and you can even teach it to others. Such a charming and bright character will be an excellent basis for. You can draw a snowman with your child, with a little help from the little artist.

Let's learn together how to draw a snowman in an unusual way - a hat, vest, boots and a cane in the New Year's style. All these details create a festive atmosphere. Therefore, such a drawing should certainly be used to congratulate relatives.

Necessary materials:

- a sheet of white paper;

Medium hard pencil;


Drawing steps:

1. Drawing a snowman is very easy! To do this, at the first stage we will depict the torso in the form of a medium-sized circle. We will place the head on top, which will have the shape of an oval. Then we draw the outline of the hands, resembling an oval. We add a couple of lines to the hands.

2. Draw two ovals below, which will become the legs of the snowman. We will also add to winter drawing the outline of a hat on the head and a vest. We remove unnecessary details with an eraser and draw in others that are very significant. For example, a decoration for a hat.

3. Draw the outline of the legs, which are shod in winter boots. We give the snowman a New Year's striped stick, which will then take on colors.

4. Finally, let’s draw the snowman’s cute face, where we’ll draw small coals to create the eyes, a rounded nose and a line of the mouth.

5. We will also complete the decoration on the hat in the form of berries and small leaves. We clarify the outline of the entire drawing and move on to the next stage, where colored pencils are waiting for the snowman.

6. First of all, we use a yellow pencil, which we paint over the areas of the hat, vest and boots.

7. Then take brown pencils of different tones, which will help add volume and required colors on all yellow areas of the picture. We will also paint over a small object to decorate the hat with a light brown pencil.

8. The New Year's staff will be red and white. Therefore, we take any red pencil to color it. You will also need it for the berries on the hat. But to color the leaves near the berries we use a dark green pencil.

9. This drawing cannot be done without blue and cyan pencils, which will help give the snowman winter shades.

10. At the end of drawing a winter character, you should take a black one charcoal pencil, with which we create a shadow and outline. We also use it to completely paint over the nose, eyes and the ribbon on the hat.

So we get this winter drawing of a snowman with a New Year's touch of the holiday.