Scenario for Mother's Day in kindergarten. Children's poems for Mother's Day in kindergarten

Scenario for children 10-12 years old. The work can be used in school for classroom hours or in preparation for a holiday. The scenario requires a little preparatory work: the children are given the task of composing a poem for one of the competitions, and bringing their mother’s photograph from ten years ago. It is also necessary to purchase props: whatman paper, cardboard, flowers, markers.

Scenario for Mother's Day “Heart for Mommy”

Small children and teenagers all confess their love for their mother, they give them their concert numbers. They read poetry to them. They thank mothers for kind heart and give them little hearts in return. Official congratulations and honors are inserted into the script.

Scenario for Mother's Day for children 5-6 years old “My dear mother”

Scenario of the matinee in kindergarten, dedicated to the day mother. A selection of small quatrains for children, as well as easy-to-sing songs. The scenario involves a group of twenty children. If there is no special hall, all the action can take place in a group.

Scenario for Mother's Day "Family Game: Mom and Me!"

Game for children school age and their mothers. Number of teams - 4-6. The number of spectators is unlimited. The game requires preparation on the part of the participants. You need to come up with a team name and logo. Prepare a small joint room. Prepare a story about each other: the mother briefly talks about the merits of her son (daughter), the child talks about his mother (my mother is the most...

Scenario for Mother's Day for high school students “The light of motherhood is the light of love”

Touching, heart-warming congratulations to moms on Mother's Day. Children will read poetry, dance a waltz, sing songs - everything for the most beloved person on earth. If the scenario for the event is implemented wisely, I guarantee that the children will be able to make the mother cry.

A small script for children "Mother's Day"

Every year in the spring the whole world celebrates the wonderful Mother's Day. The small script designed for children senior group kindergarten or primary classes schools.

Scenario for the children's holiday “Happy Searches with Kuzya and Anfisa”

Scenario children's party“Fun Searches with Kuzya and Anfisa” can be used for children 5-8 years old and dedicated to Mother’s Day. You can celebrate the holiday in any room if there is enough space (cafe, kindergarten, school, apartment). The hosts of the holiday are clowns Kuzya and Anfisa. They and the boys are looking for stolen gifts or sweets.

Scenario for Mother's Day in elementary school “I love my mother very much, I will sing a song to my mother”

Mother's Day is an excellent, touching holiday filled with tenderness. Preparing for this event takes time, but the warmth of feelings and sincerity of emotions is worth it. In order for the holiday to be successful, you need to take care not only of the design, but also of the script. This option festive concert, perfect for 3rd-4th grade students.

Mom is the dearest and close person, who will always understand and support. Who, if not mommy, will give advice and warm us with warmth when it’s hard and sad for us?! Mother's Day scenarios will help create a sincere and festive atmosphere, and celebrate this celebration with dignity. Mom is the first word, the main word in every destiny...

Scenario festive event prepared for Mother's Day in kindergarten musical director kindergarten No. 70, Nizhnekamsk SOLOGUBOVA Milyausha Ferdinatovna.

Scenario for Mother's Day in kindergarten

- It all starts with her...
The calling cry of a child in the cradle
And to wise old age the annoying arrows -
It all starts with her.
The ability to forgive, love and hate,
The ability to compassion and see the complexity in life -
It all starts with her.
To bear the sadness and pain of loss,
Get up again, go and make mistakes.
And so all my life!
But just don't give up -
It all starts with her
After all, she was lucky to be called a mother.

Sounds funny music, children enter.


- Mother's Day is a special holiday,
Let's celebrate it in November:
Nature awaits winter,
And there is still slush in the yard.
But we are dear to our mothers
Let's give a fun concert!
We wish you warmth and smiles,
Huge children's...

All: - Hello!

Leading: — Smile more often, our beloved mothers. You are our sunshine. It is you who warm us with your love. It is you who always give us the warmth of your heart.

1 child:

- May this snowy day be wonderful!
Will be remembered as the most tender!
Like the most joyful and sweetest,
Cheerful, kind and beautiful!

2nd child:

- There is a women's day in the spring,
And this one fell in the fall.
Asking for warmth from the sun?
Not really! We won't ask.
After all, our sun is our mother,
It always shines for us.
And with this autumn day
We congratulate her!

3rd child:

- Let the song flow like a stream
And it warms my mother’s heart.
We sing about mommy in it,
It couldn't be more tender.

To help the teacher: educational toy store "Kindergarten" - sells the necessary costumes for a children's party, as well as didactic material and toys. Here you can purchase children's headwear for performances, demonstration material, musical instruments and disks.

Song: “Song for Moms”, choir.

Fedot's verse.


- Children here are warm and affectionate, like flowers in spring,
Every day there are fairy tales in amazing country!
It’s good that there is a “Kindergarten” state in the world!
There are always children playing there - lots of little kids!

Song "Kindergarten", choir.


— On Mother’s Day we will arrange a real leaf fall
Let the leaves swirl and fly, fly, fly...

Dance “Falling Leaf”.

Poems are read by children from different groups.

Presenter: - You guys, of course, don’t remember the first meeting with your mother. How happy she was, and how happily her eyes shone when she saw you. Moms wanted to look at you for a long, long time. And now that you have grown up a little, your mothers continue to love you just as much. It's no secret that for you your mother is the most beautiful in the world. There is nothing more beautiful than her eyes, more tender than her hands, more tender than her voice. It’s so good that we can congratulate our mothers twice a year: in spring and autumn. For you, dear ones, a song will now sound!

Song: “Fashionista Autumn”, chorus.


- The autumn rain does not let in,
He plays hide and seek with us.
We'll outsmart him
We won't let it drip for long.
We are not afraid of any rain,
We have a naughty umbrella.

Dance “Bad weather”, performed by girls with umbrellas.

Dramatization "Three Mothers".


- There are countless stars in the sky - they burn and shine.
And our stars are here! These are our children!

Song "Confession".

Presenter: - Guys, you know that a grandmother is also a mother, father or mother, so today we congratulate our dear grandmothers.

1 child:

- Who's in the kitchen with a ladle?
Is it always by the stove?
Who darns our clothes?
Who's humming with a vacuum cleaner?

2nd child:

- Who is the tastiest person in the world?
Does he always bake pies?
Even dads who are more important
And who always gets the credit?

3rd child:

- Who will sing us a song at night?
So that we can fall asleep sweetly?
Who is the kindest and most wonderful?

All: - Well, of course, grannies!

Presenter: - Children sing a song for all the grandmothers in the world!

Song "Grandma, bake pancakes."



— On a bench in the yard
Grandmothers are sitting
All day until evening
They talk about grandchildren.

1st grandmother:

- What are young people like?
What about actions and words?

2nd grandmother:

- Look at their fashion.
The fools got dressed!
Previously: dancing and quadrilling,
They wore full skirts.
But now it’s not like that.
Pants - in, (shows length)
And the skirts - ok.

1st grandmother:

- Well, and dancing, and dancing!
Everyone became like foreigners
How they start to dance,
Scratch your feet!
They are shaking as if in a fever,
To look at it is such a shame and disgrace!
We didn’t dance like that with you,
We studied the figures
And went to balls!


- Enough, grandmothers, to grumble,
Young people discuss everything.
You were also like this:
Young, mischievous.

The grandmothers stood up and bowed.

Presenter: — Dear grandmothers, the next number of our concert is for you!

Humorous song-dramatization “Grandmothers - Old Women”.


— My grandmother loves to dance since childhood,
Just something grandma
I started to get tired.
To the side, grandma,
But-shpu, papadol.
The best medicine is rock and roll!

- Well, we can’t master rock and roll, we’d rather dance our favorite dance, Boogie-Woogie!

Boogie-woogie dance (with grandmothers).

Presenter: - For every person, mother is the kindest, most caring, most gentle, and in general, the most main man in life. Surely everyone thinks so!

Children read poetry.


— Many songs are sung about friends everywhere. And without them, life in the world is not interesting.
Friendship is great! Share everything equally. Life will become more beautiful and wonderful.

Song "Children's Friendship".

Presenter (addresses the children): - If you want to make your mother the most happy man, act in such a way that she is happy and can proudly say: “Do you know how good my children are?!” And our guys are really very good, inquisitive and diligent, they prepared a dance as a gift for their mothers.

Dance "On the toe".


- All adults were once children.
And we know for sure,
That they would give everything in the world,
To see childhood clouds.

And the sun in childhood is a hundred times warmer!
And the friendship is stronger, the flowers are more beautiful!
And all the songs seem more fun!
And dreams come true!

Song "Giants".


- If you just try, miracles will happen,
A smile will brighten both your eyes and the skies.
Come on, adults and children, smile quickly,
To make our room warmer and more fun.

Dance "If a friend doesn't laugh."

Presenter: — Our holiday has come to an end. We thank our students for their performances, for the pleasure they brought and for the festive mood! Dear mothers, grandmothers, thank you for your kind heart, for your desire to be close to your children, to give them warmth. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers and the happy eyes of children.

Children become a semicircle.


- We sang and danced,
We entertained you as best we could!
Goodbye! Good morning!

Children together: - We are waiting for you again for the holiday!

Nomination “Methodological piggy bank of a preschool teacher”

Purpose of the holiday: creating a festive mood in children and adults by realizing the creative abilities of preschool children. Raising love and respect for your mothers.


1. Strengthen family foundations and traditions of reverent attitude towards the mother.

2. Develop artistry and Creative skills children.

3. Contribute to the establishment of a warm emotional atmosphere between mothers and children.

Integration educational areas: “Music”, “Communication”, “Socialization”.

Requisites: The use of soundtracks for songs, dances, costumes for dances, for fairy tales: (a wreath for autumn, a scarf for a princess, wooden spoons, wooden horse, wolf masks, dogs, 2 crowns for the prince and princess, plumes for rain and wind, etc.), 5 jars of jam, 5 bags of cereals. Gifts for mothers (felt medals), culinary recipes for the holiday can be found here.

Previous work: Conversation with children about mother, family; viewing family albums; reading works about mother; learning poems, songs, proverbs, sayings about mom, making gifts, drawing portraits of moms.

The script was tested on November 26, 2016. The celebration was highly appreciated by parents and the kindergarten administration.

The progress of the holiday

Children enter the hall to the music and sit down.

On the screen is a video “A Child’s Conversation with God”

Girls’ dance “Tenderness” (Spanish Dayana) (girls run out of place)

Dance of boys with hearts (to the song of their film “Mama”) (they leave the place)

(Boys put girls in their seats - collect hearts)


Today we invited you,

To say loudly and amicably:

“Beloved mothers, we congratulate you

And we want to wish you happiness!

And so that the smile does not leave your face.

The guys and I will entertain you!”

1 child:

The autumn wind tears and swirls the leaves.

A snowball is flying, ringing the ground.

Today we need to congratulate all mothers,

Mother's Day is here in our country, friends.

2nd child:

Mother's Day is a special holiday,

Let's celebrate it in November:

Nature awaits winter,

And there is still slush in the yard.

3 child:

But we are dear to our mothers

Let's give a fun concert!

We wish you warmth and smiles,

Huge children's...

Hi everybody!


Smile more often, our beloved mothers. You are our sunshine. It is you who warm us with your love. It is you who always give us the warmth of your heart.

4th child:

There is a women's day in the spring,

And this one fell in the fall.

Asking for warmth from the sun?

Not really! We won't ask.

5th child:

After all, our sun is our mother,

It always shines for us.

And with this autumn day

We congratulate her!

6th child:

Let the song flow like a stream

And it warms my mother’s heart.

We sing about mommy in it,

It couldn't be more tender.

(children stand in a semicircle and sing A. Petryasheva’s song “Mama”)

There is no word in the world
More dear and more dear.
Let's meet the dawn with him

And we go to bed too.
There is life in this word,
There is a song in this word,
We can't live without him!

Mom, there is one word on the planet - mom!
Mom, your love shines like the sun, mom!
Mom, a breath of joy and light - mom!
Mom, the earth is warmed with your warmth!
Mother Mother Mother!

Today all the flowers
They will bloom for mom!
Today is all dreams.
About good things and about the main thing!
The warmth of beloved eyes,
And the light of your smile
More important than anything else for us!


(Children sit down.)


Outside the windows the blue evening is thickening,
And you came to us to rest at this hour.
Let mother's shoulders straighten,
Let jokes and laughter ring out here with us.

Children perform a dance with pillows to the song “Bow Sponges”


Our mothers are smiling!!!
And this means that joy awakens in the heart
If mothers smile,
So, everything works out for us.

7th child:

There's nothing sweeter
Mom's smile -
As if the light of the sun will flash,
The unsteady darkness will be dispelled!

8th child:

Like a tail flashing,
gold fish -
Will bring joy to the heart
Mom's smile!

Leading: Our children have prepared ditties for you.

We'll sing ditties
And we'll tell you about
How we love our mothers,
And let's sing about them now!

1 child:
Mom was resting at home:
Cleaned, swept,
And she cooked and washed...
I’m already tired of “resting”!

2 child:
Dad decided to help her
Only suddenly it became impossible to
He lay down on the sofa here,
It doesn't interfere - it helps!

3 child:
While mom is at work,
I am all about business and care:
Mom's shoes are too tight for me
But the beads fit so well!

4 child:
Dad tried too
And today I cleaned up myself,
Afterwards my mother was surprised
Well, where did it all go?

5 child:
We all baked a cake for mom,
And we tried our best
The kitchen is shaking
Just don't burn down the house!

6 child:
Today is a holiday for all mothers,
And it's called Mother's Day,
Let us congratulate you on it now,
Thank you mommies for us!

You all love your mothers,
Take care and appreciate
And we sang ditties for you,
How they could and how they did it!

Presenter: During the holidays, every hospitable mother waits for guests and prepares to meet them. I wonder if anyone will come to us to congratulate our mothers???

Carlson flies in to the music. He has a suitcase in his hands.

Carlson: Oh, hello, dear mothers, I congratulate you on your holiday too! I was in such a hurry, I was almost late!

Presenter: Oh, Carlson, how you came on time! Maybe you can continue our holiday!

Carlson: Certainly! Did you tell poems? ( They told). Did you sing a song? ( Sang). Did you dance? ( Yes).

Carlson: But now it's time to play and see!

Presenter: What a great guy you are, Carlson! And what will the first game be?

Carlson: We will play a fairy tale.

Leading: Our children love fairy tales very much, and now we will ask parents to show the children a little fairy tale. There's a lot in it different roles. Adults will draw by lot the role they will have to play.

Having drawn out the role (Autumn, Breeze, Rain, Leaves, Wolf, Dog, Princess, Prince on a horse), parents choose the attributes necessary for its execution (a wreath for autumn, a scarf for a princess, wooden spoons, a wooden horse, wolf masks, dogs, 2 crowns for the prince and princess, plumes for rain and wind, etc.)

Newly-minted artists go behind the scenes and transform into heroes. In the meantime, while the artists are changing clothes, Karloson will ask riddles for the children.

Who is the cutest in the world?
Who do children love very much?
I’ll answer the question directly:
Our dearest...

Reads books in the evening
And he always understands everything,
Even if I'm stubborn
I know he loves me...

Never gets discouraged
He knows exactly what I need.
If suddenly drama happens,
Who will support?

She works during the day
In the evening she is the wife,
If it's a holiday, she's a lady
Who is this? My…

Who opened this world to me,
Sparing no effort?
And always protected?
The best in the world...

Leading: Are the artists ready? I will tell the tale, the actors, during the course of the tale, in the right place, will depict the actions of their character. So, the fairy tale begins...

Autumn came. The wind blew strongly. The cold autumn rain began to fall. The trees rustled their leaves. Far in the forest, a hungry wolf howled. The dog barked furiously in response.

And in the beautiful castle the princess cried bitterly: she was not allowed to go to the ball. Suddenly the clatter of hooves was heard from afar; it was a prince galloping up on a horse. He put the princess on a horse, and they rode together to the ball. (As the tale progresses, the heroes perform the action of their character.)

Leading: thanks for a funny fairy tale. What talented parents we have!

Carlson: Tell me, what is my favorite treat? (jam)

The next game is to guess the taste with your eyes closed jam.

(Competition - guess the taste of the jam)

Presenter: Our mothers are great and they guessed the jam! Our mothers love to cook something tasty for their children.

Carlson: Now we will check whether they can guess the cereals by touch: buckwheat, beans, peas, rice.

(Competition - guess the cereal by touch)

Presenter: Carloson, do you know that scientists have come to the conclusion that there is no more universal machine than mother's hands. But rarely does anyone appreciate mother's work.

For my mother’s daily work, warmth and patience
Unfortunately, they don’t give out important medals.
But we decided to correct the situation.
The medals were made and now - presentation!
For kindness and tenderness!
Patience and care!

Beloved mothers, you are awarded the title “ Best mom- 2016! And you will all be awarded memorable hand-made medals!

(Moms go to the center of the hall, and children give them medals made with their own hands).


There are countless stars in the sky - they burn and shine.
And our stars are here! After all, these are our children!

7th child:

Go around the whole world
Just know in advance:
You won't find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother’s.

8th child:

You won't find eyes in the world
More affectionately and more strictly,
Mom to each of us
All people are more valuable.

9th child:

A hundred paths, roads around
Travel around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mother!

Children come out and perform a song (verses are sung by 4 soloists)

The moon rose stealthily,
Illuminated the sky
Babies in their cribs
Taking a break from the hassle,
A caring mothers,
They don't sleep until midnight
And they sit quietly next to you,
With a mother's kind gaze,
They look at their children.

Thank you, moms, for your kindness,
For tenderness, affection and warmth,
For the life that they gave us,
Thank you, moms!

Mothers are affectionate, mothers
We are happy that you are with us,
We trust you with secrets
And secrets without embellishment.
With your achievements,
We are in a hurry to please you,
For love and understanding,
For your patience and attention,
We say thank you!

Thank you, moms, for your kindness,
For tenderness, affection and warmth,
For the life that they gave us,
Thank you, moms!

Thank you, moms, for every hour,
When you are worried and waiting for us,
That you forgive us everything,
Thank you, moms!


Happy Mother's Day, dear ones!
May this holiday be bright,
May the winds bring you joy,
Let sorrows go away, dreams come true,
May they always give you smiles and flowers!

All: Thank you for everything!

Presenter: And I would like to end our holiday with the traditional waltz of Mothers and Children.

Children invite their mothers to a waltz.The holiday ends with tea in the group.

Goals and objectives:



Goals and objectives:
- develop the emotional sphere and artistry of children;
- cultivate a sense of respect and love for parents and elders.

Create a warm moral climate between mothers and children,

Awaken in adults and children the desire to be friendly and trusting friend to a friend.

The music hall is festively decorated with balloons.

Children of the 1st junior, 2nd junior, senior group under musical accompaniment They go into the hall and sit on chairs.

Children preparatory group They perform the Polka dance and sit down at the end of the dance.

The leader and 2 girls from the preparatory group enter the hall.

Ved: Good afternoon, dear mothers, grandmothers and everyone who came to our holiday on this autumn day - Mother's Day.

Mom is the most beautiful word on earth. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world.

Every last Sunday of November in Russia Mother's Day is celebrated. And our children should know about this. In this way we will cultivate in children’s hearts reverence, respect and love for their mother.

1. Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers.

This is the kindest holiday Anya

Comes to us in autumn

This is a holiday of obedience,

Congratulations and flowers,

Diligence, adoration,

A holiday of the best words.

2. I love you mom, I don’t know why.
Probably because I breathe and dream.
And I rejoice in the sun and bright day, Jennet
This is why I love you, my dear.
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.
I love you mom, you are my best friend!

Ved: Happy Mother's Day, dears!

Let this holiday be bright!

Let sorrows go away and dreams come true!

Let people all over the world give you kindness and smiles!

And now our little pupils want to congratulate you.

Children's performance 2nd junior group poems, song_

Ved: Much has been said about mothers, but this does not make the words lose their essence and their value. I would like to repeat the words of love and gratitude again and again.

(Read by children of the older group)

3. We have gathered here today,

To congratulate our mothers, Milana

Great happiness and health

We sincerely wish you!

4. Mom caresses
Mom will cheer you up. Tanya
If he scolds,
He will always forgive.

5. I’m not afraid of my mother
No villain. Aminate
There is no kinder or more beautiful
My mom!

6. I’m not being naughty today,

I'm not a prankster!

Can you guess why? Dima

Because it's a holiday!

7. Because mothers are with us

There are smiles in the hall, Karina

Because this is a holiday

All the guys like it!

8. Gentle, kind, very sweet,

Good holiday Sasha

And cheerful and beautiful,

Happy holiday to you, mothers!

9. We are the mothers of our kind smiles

We'll put it together in a huge bouquet. Kirill

For you, dear, beloved,

We're singing a song today!

Children sing the song “Dear Mommy, I love you”

  1. Rocking us in the cradle, Mothers sang songs to us,

And now it’s time for us to sing a song for our mothers

Chorus: Children call everything in the world mom

The best, the most expensive.

  1. When we grow up, we will take care of our mother ourselves.

In the meantime, let's bring her joy with our song.

Ved: Guys, let’s play the game “Mommy”.

I will ask you questions, and you will answer in unison, “Mommy.”
- Who came to me in the morning?
- Who said “It’s time to get up!”
- Who managed to cook the porridge?
- Did you pour some tea into my cup?
-Who braided my hair?
- Who kissed me?
-Who is a child who loves laughter?
-Who is the best in the world?

Ved: How friendly you all are... Well done, guys!

Mom... There are no more precious words in the world!

Whatever path you take,

Mom's love shines over her.

To help you in difficult times.

Ved: Now Kirill and Ksyusha will sing a song for you.

Baby Mammoth's Song

Ved: Guys, you know that grandmother is also father’s or mother’s mother, so today we congratulate our dear grandmothers on this wonderful day.

(read by children of the preparatory group)

  1. Who's in the kitchen with a ladle?
    Always standing by the stove,
    Who darns our clothes, Dasha
    Who's humming with a vacuum cleaner?
  2. Who is the tastiest person in the world?
    Kirill L. always bakes pies.
    Even dads who are more important
    And who is honored in the family?
  3. Who will sing us a song at night,
    So that we can fall asleep sweetly? Vova D.
    Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
    Well, of course - grannies!
  4. My grandmother and I

Old friends Andrey P.

How good is that?

My grandmother

Knows so many fairy tales

What can’t be counted,

And always in stock

There is a new one.

  1. And here are the grandmother's hands

It's just a treasure

Being idle for Grandma Lera

Hands don't tell

Golden, dexterous

How I love them

There are probably no others

You can't find them like that.

Ved: Our dear guests,

and now we'll play

Let's encourage our grandmothers and mothers,

May their smiles make you clear

It will make us happier!

Games with mothers and grandmothers.

  1. Game "Find your child" - 2 mothers, 5 children participate.

Target mothers are blindfolded trying to find their baby.

(dark eye masks - 2 pcs.)

  1. Game “Winders” - 2 mothers, 2 children participate. The goal is to quickly wrap the ribbon around the stick to the middle, and give each other a kiss when they meet.(sticks with ribbons - 4 pcs.) The game can be played 2-3 times
  2. Game-relay race “Cleanliness is the key to health” - 5 mothers, 5 children participate, you can different families. The goal is to collect scattered toys; each participant can take only one toy.

(2 cubes, 2 balls, 2 soft toys, 2 books, 2 plates)

  1. Game “Cargo Delivery” 4 mothers and 4 children (boys) participate.

The goal is to transport a car with a load on a string between the cones without dropping the load.(2 cars on a string, 2 cubes, 6 cones)

  1. Game “The Most Dexterous” 4 mothers and 4 girl children participate.

The goal is to carry the cube on a tennis racket without dropping it.

(2 tennis rackets, 2 dice, 2 stands)

Preparatory group performance

1. Everyone in the world loves mom,

Mom's first friend.

Not only children love their mothers,

Loved by everyone around.

  1. If anything happens

If suddenly there is trouble,

Mommy will come to the rescue

It will always help.

  1. Mom has a lot of strength and health

Gives to all of us.

So, really, there is no

Better than our mothers.

They sing the song “My Mommy”

Ved. We all live on this earth only thanks to our mothers. It was they who raised and raised children as they are,

and, I dare say, not bad at all, since the world still exists.

Speech by kindergarten workers:

  1. Take care of your children
    Don't scold them for their pranks.
    The evil of your bad days
    Never take it out on them.
    Don't be seriously angry with them
    Even if they did something wrong,
    There is nothing more expensive than tears
    That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.
  2. If you feel tired
    I can’t cope with her,
    Well, my son will come to you
    Or your daughter will extend her hands.
    Hug them tight
    Treasure children's affection
    This is a short moment of happiness
    Hurry up to be happy.
    After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,
    These golden days will flash by
    And they will leave their native hearth
    Your children have grown up.
  3. Flipping through the album
    With childhood photographs
    Remember with sadness the past
    About those days when we were together.
    How will you want
    Return again at this time
    To sing a song to them little ones,
    Touch your cheeks with gentle lips.
    And while there is children's laughter in the house,
    There's no escape from toys
    You are the happiest person in the world,
    Please take care of your childhood!

Ved. Dear guests, our holiday is already over,

What else can we say?

Let me wish you good health in parting

Don't get old, don't get sick, don't ever be sad!

Stay that young forever !

To the music, the children and their teachers leave the hall.

Scenario for Mother's Day for children of senior preschool age

Integration of educational areas: “Music”, “Communication”, “Reading” fiction", "Socialization", "Cognition".

Target: enrich children's knowledge about Mother's Day.

Tasks: develop the ability to expressively recite poetry, perform songs, and perform competitive tasks; cultivate a caring attitude towards mother.

Planned results: emotionally sensitive to the experiences of close adults and children; shows sensitivity to artistic expression, feels the rhythm and melody poetic text; speech becomes the main means of communication; speech accompanying children's real relationships differs from role-playing speech; V Everyday life he himself, without a reminder from an adult, uses “polite” words; knows and states his first and last name, first and patronymic names of his parents; knows parents how important their work and family holidays are for society; has regular responsibilities at home; is able to accept a memorization task, remembers an adult’s instructions; can learn a short poem; able to retain a simple condition in memory when performing any action.

Contents of organized activities

Music is playing.

Leading. Good evening, we tell you. It is no coincidence that we have gathered today on this November evening in our cozy hall. After all, it is in November that we celebrate such a holiday as Mother’s Day. We welcome all the mothers and grandmothers who came to our evening, which we dedicated to the kindest, most sensitive, gentle, caring, hardworking and, of course, the most beautiful, our mothers.

Today you will be greeted with jokes and surprises, songs, poems, in general, you can’t count everything. But whether today will be fun depends on you, Dear friends. Because we don't have professional artists, but each of you, I’ll tell you a secret, is an artist if you encourage him a little and tune him into a lyrical mood.

1st child.

There are many kind words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important:

Of two syllables, a simple word “mother”,

And there are no words in the world more valuable than it.

2nd child.

Many nights passed without sleep,

There are countless worries and worries.

Big bow to all of you, dear mothers,

But that you exist in the world.

3rd child.

For kindness, for golden hands,

For your maternal advice,

With all our hearts we wish you

Health, happiness, long life.

Leading. Dear mothers! Accept a song as a gift.

Song about mom (at the discretion of the music director).

Leading. There are many proverbs and sayings about mothers; Whether our mothers know them, we will now check. You need to complete the proverb.

Competition 1. “Warm-up - gymnastics for the mind”

- It’s warm in the sun... (it’s good in the mother’s presence).

- Maternal care does not burn in fire... (does not drown in water).

- The bird is happy about spring... (and the baby is happy about the mother).

- Mother's affection... (doesn't know the end).

- For a mother, a child... (a child up to a hundred years old).

Leading. I think everyone in the room will be interested to know how well mothers know their children.

Competition 2. “Find the child by the palm of his hand”

The mother must find her child with her eyes closed by touching the children's palms.

Leading. Where the song flows, life is easier there. Sing a humorous, humorous song.

4th child.

Our dear mothers,

We'll sing ditties for you.

Congratulations to you warmly

And hello huge helmet.

5th child.

They say I'm a fighter

Combat, so what?

My mom is a fighter

Well, then who am I?

6th child.

Who said I was loud?

Who said I'm screaming?

This is me from my dear mother

I'm leaving for my group.

7th child.

Why am I going to kindergarten?

It's not my fault at all.

But only a year will pass

And mom will sigh happily.

8th child.

Luda's mother asked

Wash dirty dishes.

For some reason Luda became

She's as dirty as dishes.

9th child.

Heated up the soup and porridge,

Salt was poured into the compote.

When mom came home from work,

She had a lot of trouble.

10th child.

I found a broom in the kitchen

And he swept the entire apartment.

But what's left of him

Three straws in total.

11th child.

Vova polished the floor to a shine,

Prepared a vinaigrette.

Mom is looking for what to do -

There is no work.

12th child.

We stop singing ditties

And now we promise you:

Listen to you always, in everything,

Morning, evening and afternoon.

Leading. Our mothers have the kindest, most affectionate and skillful hands. But we will now check how rich imagination mothers have.

Competition 3. “Golden Hands”

Mothers should use a scarf, a scarf, and bows to make an outfit for their child.

Leading. Special words are needed to thank our mothers for the care and affection.

13th child.

Mommy is like a butterfly, cheerful, beautiful.

Affectionate, kind, most beloved.

Mommy plays with me and reads fairy tales.

For her, there is nothing more important than me - blue eyes.

14th child.

Mom, I love you very, very much.

I love it so much that I can’t sleep in the dark at night.

I peer into the darkness, I hurry the morning.

I love you all the time, mommy.

The sun has risen, it’s already dawn.

No one in the world better than mom No.

15th child.

There are many mothers in this world,

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother,

She is dearer to me than anyone else.

Who is she? I will answer: this is my mom!

16th child.

I will kiss my mother deeply,

I’ll hug her, my dear.

I love her very much.

Mom is my sunshine.

Leading. A woman should be able to do everything: wash, iron, darn, cook. Mothers and grandmothers know how to do this, but girls are still learning. Now we will check how they can sew a torn button back on.

Competition 4. “Who can sew a button faster”

A grandmother, mother and girl from the same family compete. Each one sews on its own button.

Leading. Rocking my cradle

You sang to me, darling.

And now I’ll sing too

This song is for you.

The song “Lullaby” is sung by a girl and a boy.

Leading. You've listened to the song, now let's see if mothers have forgotten how to swaddle their babies.

Competition 5. “Who can swaddle a doll faster”

Mothers and grandmothers can participate.

Leading. I’ll ask everyone to stand up together, we’ll play now.

Game with a tambourine “Roll on, merry tambourine...”

Adults and children stand in a circle and pass a tambourine to each other with the words: “You roll, cheerful tambourine, quickly, quickly through your hands. Whoever has the tambourine left will now dance (sing) to us.”

Leading. Dear mothers! You probably remember well how your children were small and you had to feed them porridge. Accept a song as a gift.

“Song about semolina porridge” (music and lyrics by L. Abelyan).

Leading. And now I invite mothers to remember how they fed their children.

Competition 6. “Feed the child”

The mother sits blindfolded on a high chair and spoon feeds the baby grated carrots or fruit salad.

Leading. These lines are dedicated to our dear, dear, beloved and only mothers.

1st child.

We wish to be the same as before,

But just a little more fun.

We wish your hopes to come true

As early and quickly as possible.

2nd child.

So that everyday worries

The smile was not removed from his face.

So that you come home from work

Without a shadow of sadness and sadness.

3rd child.

To the autumn breeze

Blown away the sediment from the heart of sorrow

Only by laughing did he disturb the order.

Leading. I propose to hold a competition that will help test the erudition of our mothers, grandmothers and children in the field of poetry and fairy tales.

Competition 7. “Find the mistake and answer correctly”

Dropped the bunny on the floor

They tore off the bunny's paw.

I still won't leave him,

Because he's good.

Sailor's hat, rope in hand,

I'm pulling a basket along a fast river.

And the kittens are jumping on my heels,

And they ask me: “Ride, captain.”

I sewed a shirt for Grishka,

I'll sew some pants for him.

I need to sew a sock on them

And put some candy.

What type of transport did Emelya use (a sleigh, a carriage, a stove, a car)?

Where should a bear not sit (on a bench, on a log, on a stone, on a stump)?

What did the cat Leopold say to the mice (stop being naughty, come and visit, you are my friends, let’s live together)?

Leading. Everyone is probably tired from such a load, we need to rest a little.

Now I invite everyone to dance together, because not only do they work, but mothers need to rest. Let's all dance together.

Dance “One-two-three, on your toes.”

Leading. Today is the kindest, most important holiday- World Mother's Day!

Without the affection, tenderness, care and love of our mothers, we could not become good people. Now I give the floor to our children.

1st child.

We are finishing our holiday.

We wish dear mothers,

So that mothers do not grow old,

Younger, prettier.

2nd child.

We wish our mothers

Never be discouraged

Be more and more beautiful every year

And scold us less.

3rd child.

May adversity and sorrow

They'll pass you by

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you.

4th child.

We want it for no reason

They would give you flowers.

All the men were smiling

From your wonderful beauty.

Leading. Our evening has come to an end. We thank everyone for their attention to the children and for the festive mood. Let your joint preparation for the holidays and your participation in the lives of children in kindergarten remain forever good tradition your family. Thank you for your kind heart, desire to be close to children, to give them warmth.

We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers and the happy eyes of children. For your participation in our holiday and for the fact that you are always with us, for the fact that you are the best, all mothers are awarded medals.

Each mother is awarded a medal in some category: the most beautiful, the smartest, the most hardworking, the most active, the most responsible, the most artistic, the most cheerful, the most patient, the most serious, the most talented.