Summer sports entertainment scenario for kindergarten. Senior - preparatory group

Sports leisure scenario
"Sun, air and water are ours best friends».

Goal: Create a cheerful, cheerful mood, develop creative and physical activity, physical qualities. To form in children the need for healthy image life. Reinforce the rules and motor skills in games, competitions and relay races. Foster friendliness, honesty, hard work, responsibility and respect.

Equipment: balls, baskets 2 pcs., water containers 2 pcs., basins with water 2 pcs., spoons 2 pcs., children's raincoats 2 pcs., galoshes big size 1 pair, 2 balls and clubs, 2 training sticks, skittles. Audio recording of a song with the movements “Three claps”, “We will go right first”, cheerful music for relay races.

Acting roles: Aibolit, girl Kaprizka, presenter.

Good Doctor Aibolit,

He is sitting under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

He will heal, he will heal,

Never hurt!

Aibolit entrance.

Aibolit: Hello, guys!

Good afternoon friends.

How are you feeling?

I came to you today

So that together we can find

What is the secret of health.

Health is a fragile gift, friends!

We can't live without him!

And they want to be healthy

Both adults and children!

To live a happy life,

Don't lie in bed for a long time,

Start your morning with exercise.

Music sounds and a girl runs in (Kaprizka)

Capricious: I don’t want to Have a good mood!

I don’t want to smile, and there’s no point in laughing,

It's better for everyone to cry and whine, in bad mood be!

Aibolit: Hello, girl. What is your name? And why are you so capricious?

Kaprizka: My name is Kaprizka! So I don’t want to do anything.

I don’t like to walk or wash my face or even do exercises.

I’m generally afraid of the sun and that’s why I get angry all the time!

Aibolit: Today the guys and I will tell you that the sun, air and water are our best friends!

Capricious (crying) I don’t want to. Is this interesting?

Aibolit: Very interesting! The morning begins with exercise.

Warm-up-exercise (“Three claps”)

Aibolit: Well, Kaprizka, did you like the exercise?

Kaprizka: Yes, very fun.

Aibolit: And in the morning after exercise, you need to wash your face and brush your teeth.

Capriciousness: What else? I don't want to. Don't want to wash your face?

I don’t want to brush my teeth, I’m tired of everything! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH

Aibolit: Guys, is it possible not to wash your face and not brush your teeth?

Children: No.

Sun, air and water -
Our best friends!
We will adhere to the regime -
We will defeat all diseases!

Aibolit: I see in a wide circle, all my friends have stood up,

Now we'll go right, now we'll go left,

We will gather in the center of the circle and everyone will return to their place.

Let's smile, wink and start playing again.

(song with movements “We will go right first”).

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

To the wrong answer

Say: “No, no, no!”

Don't bite the cabbage leaf:

It's not tasty at all!

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right advice?

To give shine to teeth

You need to take shoe polish,

Squeeze out half a tube

And brush your teeth.

Is this the right advice?

Always remember

Dear friends:

Without brushing my teeth,

You can't go to sleep.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands

Constantly need to eat

For your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, omelette,

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Remember this useful advice:

You can't chew on an object


If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

To strengthen teeth,

It's good to chew nails.

Is this the right advice?

Aibolit. Well, what did you like about us, Kaprizka?

Capricious. Yes. But it's very boring.

Aibolit. And the guys and I not only love water, but also fresh air. After all, it’s summer now and we love to go for walks.

A song about summer sounds.

Aibolit. We love to play on walks. Will you play with us?

Capricious. Yes.

Aibolit. Then we begin our competition.

To grow and harden, you need to play sports.

Leading. Let's split into two teams. One team is Aibolit, the other is Kaprizka.

1. Relay “Sun, air and water are our best friends!”

(There is water in basins on the starting line; at a signal, participants take spoons of water and carry them to the opposite side, pour them into water containers, return and pass the baton to the next participant.)

Leading: Dress for the season -

There is a big reason for this!

We don't need colds

We must take care of ourselves!

2. Relay race “Get ready for a walk”

(each team is given one galosh and a raincoat; at a signal, the participants put them on, move to the landmark, return, pass the galoshes and raincoat to the next participant).

Leading: You need to make friends with sports

To all those who are not yet friends with him.
He will help you all to cheer up,
It is very necessary for health!
One of our favorite sports in Russia is hockey. And now our guys have to play bandy.

3.Bandy relay

(At the starting line, the first participants receive a stick and a ball; at the signal, the participants dribble the ball with the stick between the pins, return at a run and pass the equipment to the next participant.)

Leading: It's time to compete in accuracy.

4. Relay race “The most accurate”.

(There are small balls in a basket on the starting line, an adult stands on the opposite side holding the basket, at a signal, team members take a ball one at a time and try to get the ball into the basket.)

Leading: Our holiday is over.

Move more, play,

Always be cheerful!

Try to be healthy

Never get sick!

Aibolit. Take care of your health,

You can't forget about him!

And also - when with you

True friends are nearby!

Kaprizka: Oh, thank you, friends! You taught me.

I won’t be harmful anymore and I’ll forget about anger.

I will often go for walks, fresh air breathe.

I will wash my face more often and sunbathe in the sun.

After all, now my friends are the sun, air and water! Goodbye, guys!

Natalia Isakova

Sports leisure « Sun, air and water are our best friends»

For children senior group

Age: 5-7 years

Location: playground


Create at children joyful mood, desire to play.


Instill a love and interest in physical education;

Strengthen physical health;

Develop intelligence, observation, dexterity and endurance;

Learn children communicate with each other, remain friendly in various situations;


Audio equipment, 2 landmarks, 2 hoops, 4 sundresses, 4 headscarves, 2 plastic cups, 2 basins with water, 2 hot air balloon, 12 pins, 2 fitballs, 2 tunnels, cubes.

Sports the site is festively decorated. Children enter the playground to the music. They are met by the presenter.

Leading. Hello guys! Today is our day of health, and it’s called from “ Sun, air and water are our best friends" And therefore, everyone should be in a cheerful mood and desire to take part in all competitions and relay races. You are ready?

Answers children.

Leading. Then I invite you to take part in a fun competition. I will need 2 boys from each team.

Competition 1 "Matryoshka"

Headscarves and sundresses are prepared for everyone on the chairs. You need to run to the chair, put on a sundress, tie headscarf: Who is faster. "Matryoshka" dancing to the music. The game is repeated several times.

Leading. Yes, I see you children are cheerful, but let’s see how friendly you are?

Competition 2 "Who is faster"

The team stands opposite each other at a certain distance. At the signal, the teams jump on two legs towards each other, are trying take the enemy's place.

Relay 3 "Carry the water in a glass"

So, the obstacle is water.

You can't run, you can't tremble.

You can laugh

But just be careful.

The first players of the teams have a glass in their hands, and a bowl of water stands next to them. The first participant scoops up water from the basin with a glass and, without spilling, walks the distance to the landmark. Having walked around him, he comes back and passes the glass to the next participant.

Let's relax a bit and play a game "Sea snake".

Here is a sea snake swimming,

Smoothly skirting the stones.

Right, left, up and down.

Hey snake, hurry up!

Teams stand in a column one at a time, children place their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. So "snake" moves around obstacles to a landmark and back.

Leading. Well done boys! And I suggest you new competition which is called "Ball".

Competition No. 4 "Ball"

Two participants stand facing each other and press their stomachs balloon . In this position they move to the landmark and back. Pass the baton to the next pair.

Leading. I suggest you play a game "Traps with tails".

Well done, clever guys, and to continue our competitions, first you need to restore breath:

I breathe through my nose, I breathe freely,

Deep and quiet, whatever you want.

Now attention:

I'll hold my breath.

Relay 5 "Rain"

On command, the first participants put on rubber boots, pick up an umbrella and run around the landmark. They return to their team and pass the baton to the next participant.

Leading. So we found out how you walk in the rain. Now let's play a game "On the Cloud"

Competition 6 "Who is faster on the cloud"

Children line up in two columns. The first child is holding a fitball. He jumps on the ball to the landmark, goes around it, returns back to his team, passing the fitball to the next participant.

Leading. You can jump, but what about agility? Shall we check?

Contest "Tower"

Opposite each team there is a tunnel, followed by a hoop at a certain distance. A basket with blocks stands next to the children. You need to take the cube, crawl through the tunnel and put it in the hoop, return to your team. We build a tower from cubes.

Leading. Well done boys. Today you showed how dexterous, brave and friendly you are. And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Goodbye, guys!

Publications on the topic:

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Summary of the summer sports festival "Sun, air and water are our best friends."

Educator: Red summer, clear sky,

To the sun, to all the guys

Turns into chocolate

Let's shout loudly, kids,

Hello to our physical education center! Hooray!

We gathered at the sports ground to celebrate the summer with fun games and relay races. Let the summer sun see you cheerful, seasoned, dexterous, and skillful. So we start sports summer holiday, and we invite everyone present to take part in it.

Who among you does not know boredom?

Who's the jack of all trades here?

We have to go through an obstacle with an obstacle.

And come back to your squad.

The first obstacle is water-water!

Carrying it is a disaster!

Who can carry the bucket badly?

He will leave the game wet!

1 relay race "Water carrier"

(In small buckets, transfer from one large bucket to another)

2nd relay race "Let's plant potatoes"

(1 child plants potatoes, 2 collects)

Educator: The third obstacle is bags!

Take small steps

Under the river - crawling

And ring the bell.

Then take off the bag and quickly run,

Give your comrade your bag.

5 people per team take part in the relay.

Relay 3 "Big Relay"

(In bags, jump to the stick - jump over, remove the bag in front of the arc, crawl through, run around the cube, go back.)

Educator: Let's continue our holiday. Remember and name the sports you know.

A loud scream is heard. Carlson appears. He is riding a bicycle, in his bag there are galoshes, 2 umbrellas, a pillow, and a towel.

Carlson: Wait! Wait! Oh oh! Late!

(Takes out a pillow, lies down on it, tying a towel around his head)

Educator: Carlson, are you lying down? Get up with us sports festival, and you are lying.

Carlson: Late! I was in such a hurry, I was in a hurry and I probably got sick! And no one can cure me!

Educator: Guys, what should we do? I probably know... Only sweets can help Carlson.

(Carlson eats candy)

Well, is it easier now? Well, tell me what happened to you? Why do you have so many things in your bag?

Carlson: I found out that the guys had a sports festival today and decided to come to them. And I have so many things on my roof! I collected everything and brought it, but I was in such a hurry, so tired, that I felt sick.

I'm a little fat

I'm a little modest.

But trust me guys

This is not my fault.

Educator: Tell us, Carlson, what do you do in the morning?

Carlson: Guys, I sleep for a long time,

I snore until noon.

Guys, maybe there is such a remedy,

To become strong, dexterous,

Keep up with others?!

Educator: There is such a remedy, yes!

Eat less sweets!

Don't lie around for a long time in the morning,


Run, jump and gallop,

Take a cold shower!

Carlson: Woo-hoo!

Educator: Don't be afraid of anything, Carlson!

You're not a coward.

Stand next to us,

Repeat after us!

Dance of little ducks "

Carlson: I like it!

Educator: Tell me, why do you need galoshes and an umbrella? After all, today the weather is so good!

Carlson: Ahh! It was no coincidence that I grabbed them from the roof. Just in case. One time I was running from the rain. Want to see how it was? (shows) But I wonder if the guys can do this?

4th relay race "Running under an umbrella in galoshes"

Carlson takes out flowers and turns to the teacher:

The teacher thanks and invites the children to play the game:

"Whose group will gather around the flower faster"

Carlson: Now be careful! Let's play the game:


(Carlson says “Ear”, touches his nose)

Educator: Well, guys, training

You did it very cleverly!

Get your rewards... (candies)

Congratulations! So happy! (diploma)

Carlson: Oh, what delicious prizes!

Educator: And we have prepared a special prize for you!

(Hands over children's weights)

Carlson thanks and says goodbye.

What dexterous athletes

I saw it now!

What does training mean?

Well, simply top class!

I will toughen up


And a deft champion

I will grow up, friends!

Educator: To grow and harden

Let's play sports!

Toughen up, kids!

Good morning! Physical training!!

Target: satisfy children's natural need for movement.

Tasks: to protect and strengthen the health of children, their comprehensive development, create a cheerful, cheerful mood, develop creative activity, physical qualities, expressiveness of motor actions; to form in children the desire for systematic physical education and the need for a healthy lifestyle.

The teacher reads to the children a letter from Comrade Owl, who invites the children to visit her in a forest clearing. He suggests going there by car. To the cheerful song “Song of Friends,” children set off on their way to the site kindergarten. They sit on benches - stumps, and a wise Owl appears.

“Hello children, do you recognize me? Yes, I am an Owl, I told you a lot about a lot in my lessons, and today, I am very glad that you came to visit me. You are all so big and tanned.”

Educator: T. Owl, our children are friends with sports, they do exercises every day, let us teach you too?

Children perform exercises as shown by the teacher, accompanied by music.

T. Owl: Thank you, I will definitely teach all the animals this exercise.

Did you know that the sun, air and water are our best friends? Educator: The sun rose in the morning and caressed all the children. Summer is calling us to go for a walk, the sun has been waiting for us for a long time. It's good to sunbathe in the sun, isn't it, kids?

T. Owl: To be friends with the sun, children, remember my advice:

1 always wear a Panama hat when you go out for a walk;

2 you can sunbathe only in the morning and evening;

Take care of your skin; if you get dirty, wash yourself immediately.

Educator: In order for us to be healthy, children and the sun will be friends.

Game “Sun and Children” (middle group)

Game attraction “Whose team will draw the sun faster” (senior group).

Educator: The breeze breathes coolness, let's be friends with the air?

We guys need air,

Let's all take a deep breath

We held our breath

Don't rush, everyone pay attention!

And now we can breathe calmly,

Now we will hear Owl’s advice!

T. Sova: Walk more in the fresh air,

In the summer, sleep with the window open,

Learn to breathe correctly.

Children talk through the rules together.


Let's strengthen our strength

Easy to train.

Estonian folk game“Have fun, kids!” (middle group)

Relay game “Wind, wind, breeze, catch up with me, my friend” (senior group).

Educator: Guys, a cheerful breeze drove the clouds towards us, look, they are also cheerful.

Rhythmic gymnastics. Girls of the middle and senior groups. (“Clouds.” Music by Shainsky, lyrics by Kozlov.)


Bul, gul some water,

The elephant and the bird need it

And the fish and the kitten,

And to every child.

T. Sova: Children, you probably all like to swim?

Then remember:

1 you can’t go to the lake without your parents;

2 if you don’t know how to swim, wear inflatable armbands;

3 don't swim too far;

4 Do not throw sharp or glass objects into the water.

Children talk through the rules together.


So that we can be healthy,

Let's be friends with water!

Games-attractions with water.

"Most accurate shooter"(middle group).

“Whose team will collect more water” (senior group).

Educator: guys, it’s time for us to say goodbye to Comrade Owl, let’s say thank you very much to her for her good advice, we must definitely follow them.

Educator: Be healthy!

Children: Always healthy!

Educator: Our best friends?

Children: Sun, Air and Water!

Together: Sun, Air and Water,

Our best friends!

T. Owl gives children pinwheels and toys for playing with water.

The children thank Comrade Owl, say goodbye to her, get on the bus and leave the clearing to the song “Cheerful Friends.”

Gulnara Nabieva
Summer leisure “Our best friends are the sun, air and water!”

Target: To introduce children to a healthy lifestyle. Preserve and strengthen children's health.


Create a festive mood in children and give them a boost of energy for the whole day.

Nurturing friendly relationships.

Progress of entertainment:

Leading: Welcome to our sunny meadow. And we have gathered to celebrate entertainment, and our motto today will be such:

Leading: « Sun, air and water...-

The children are all together: our best friends

Leading: What kind of guest is in a hurry to the holiday, what is his name, find out?

And for this, a riddle quickly guess:

She is both a cloud and fog,

And the stream and the ocean,

And it flies and runs,

And it can be glass!

Children: Water

Comes out to the music WATER.

Water: Hello guys! You recognized me? Who am I?

Children: Water

Water: Don't wash, don't get drunk!

The leaves won't bloom

They can't live without water

Birds, animals, people,

Everyone always needs water!

Leading: Another guest is in a hurry for us to celebrate. What is his name, do you know?

And for this, a riddle quickly guess:

It's not fire, but it warms.

It's not a lamp, but it shines.

Like a ball, round.

Like a pumpkin, yellow.

Children: Sun!

A song is being performed: « Sun, Sun, come out...

It turns out Sun.

Sun: Hello, Friends! And you recognized me! Everyone calls me Sunshine. I'll take a look and tell you. How are you doing!

Leading: To the festive area

We invite everyone now

Celebration of sports and health

It starts with us!

Water and sun: Before we start playing, we need to warm up. We suggest doing a warm-up.

Children are warming up to a song. « The sun is radiant»

A game « Sunshine and rain» .

Sun: I have another game for you. "Bubble".

They fly in the wind in a flock, and sparkle in the sun.

A game: "Bubble".

Soapy, air,

Obedient to the wind.

One two three four five,

The bubbles are flying again. (Adults cheat bubble, children run, catch them to the music).

Water: And I have riddles for you. (Water makes riddles) .

Water and Sun: Guys, how interesting it is to play yourself. We really enjoyed.

Leading: I suggest we all play together and show our dexterity.

And now a super game "The Owl and the Mice". You, Water, you will be an Owl, and the children will be mice.

Under cheerful music mice run around the site.

The music changes - an owl flies out.

Leading: And as soon as night falls, he flies out to hunt

The scary bird is the owl, it will scare everyone.

And while she flies, all the mice freeze.

(Water-"owl flies", "mice-children" freeze. The owl takes those who move. After the game, the children take their places.

Water and Sun: How friendly you all are! We really enjoyed your stay. Well, it’s time for us to say goodbye and return to our home.

Leading: Well, you always exercise, do it from sunshine, Gain summer health from the air and water.

Children and presenter together: « Sun, air and water are our best friends

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