Maria Adoevtseva and Mikhail. Maria adoevtseva spoke about the death of the ex-wife of the chosen one

The star of the popular reality show Maria Adoevtseva is rightfully considered one of the most talked about heroines in the history of the project. On the television set, the girl was able to meet love in the person of Sergei Palych and equip her family hearth outside the perimeter. True, a few years later their relationship came to an end. About how Maria survived the breakup with her daughter's father, how her life develops after "House-2", as well as about raising a child, she told in exclusive interview"StarHit".

Mash, almost 6 years have passed since you left the project. Do you regret at all about being on the country's main TV set?

My mother is a devoted fan of "House-2" and still watches it. I fight with her every day so that she spends less time with the "zomboy". After all, Moscow is a place where negative information can envelop you even when you leave the entrance of the house. After a "portion of trouble" you walk all day not yourself. A native home is a quiet harbor where peace and comfort reign. Therefore, I ask you not to turn on the telly, so as not to remind you of the troubles of the city. But when my mother watches Dom-2, I immediately remember how I lived on the site. In the show, I experienced a storm of emotions: I cried a lot, laughed. Of course, I cannot disown "House-2", this is part of my life. If not for him, I would not have moved on to a new stage, which is now in my life - spirituality. Probably, during my stay on the project, I only regret quarrels with friends.

Are you in touch with someone from the TV project?

Yes, with Nelly Ermolaeva, for example. Our rooms in the city apartments were nearby, so we became friends. Nelly was even a bridesmaid at my wedding. True, after my departure from the show, we fell out of communication for a while. Everyone has eternal business. But when we met again by chance, we realized that we were still drawn to each other. Yes, and Nelly loves my daughter Lisa very much. She treats her like a mother. God bless Nelly your children! I also have a warm and trusting relationship with Dasha Pynzar. It just so happened that I communicate only with the TV moms of the project, because the girls have saved human qualities even after leaving the show. I am grateful to fate that they met on my life path!

You do not hide in the least in front of your readers in in social networks who became very religious. How did it happen? What influenced you?

In general, people come to God through sorrow. For example, the circumstances of life caused you unforeseen damage. For some people, it immediately becomes ill and painful. In addition to friends, they immediately turn to God. In my life, too, there was a loss, I lost my husband. Of course, Sergey is alive in body, but for me he is spiritually lost ... My husband and I do not live together now, Sergey left me spiritually ... For me, marriage is a unity of souls. But when such a connection ceases, the family collapses. Some people can live together for years without love and "kinship", I can't do that. When Sergei departed from me on a spiritual level and ceased to be responsible for our family, the Lord revealed himself to me.

People say that "God is always near." Is this an empty statement for you?

Two years ago, Sergei and Lisa and I went on vacation to Abkhazia. Due to my inexperience, I somehow violated the immigration law. At the customs, I was told that I would be able to get to Russia only after a year and a half. They offered, as an alternative, to leave for my native Odessa, but without the right to leave for the Russian Federation. Of course, I refused this option, because at that time there were military operations in Ukraine. So the whole family and I stayed to live in Abkhazia. Sergey at some point left for Moscow for work, and I was left alone with my daughter, the sea and the mountains. And one fine morning I was drawn to the temple, where I myself asked to be given the gospel to read to me. After reading the New Testament, more than one miracle happened, in addition to the fact that the border to Russia was opened to me, my mind seemed to have seen the light and became incredibly clear. Some special look at oneself, at the world, at the Lord was opened... How can one not believe in the power of the Almighty?! I returned to Moscow as a completely different person, as if I had been reborn in these months and since then began to live in a completely different way.

Sudden changes in life always alarm people. How did new interests affect your environment?

I get trolled all the time on social media. They write that she joined a sect. People from ignorance do not understand that repentance can overtake at any moment. And repentance is not when inside we reproach ourselves for a spiritual fall and not even our tears at confession, after which we move on and lead our sinful life. You have to change your mind, improve yourself and improve in practice. Yes, my social circle has changed. People who treated me superficially - immediately weeded out. And the one who is honest with me stayed on in my life. I don't have many real friends, but they are. Some former friends reminded me of today's viewers of Doma-2. Like the project was ordinary girl and became Orthodox. Fans immediately look for double-mindedness, they do not understand what is happening in the human soul and hang labels.

Do you have new family traditions?

Now I have radically changed internally, I began to perceive the world and people in a completely different way. Now I prefer to devote more time to spiritual growth. For example, to read patristic literature, the lives of the saints ... Sundays I started going to work. In all this I see incredible beauty and feel how I am filled with pure energy. Friends sometimes even joke and say: “Masha, you will soon become a nun.” But I'm not offended. I answer them that I would be able to surrender to the monastery if there was no child. Now I strive for solitude, peace of mind.

On your Instagram, Lisa can often be seen wearing a headscarf or even with church candles...

I am instilling Orthodoxy in Lisa, because without it, life will be incomplete. My daughter loves going to church with me. Lizonka even defends the services to the end, without discontent. Of course, sometimes he is naughty and asks for some water, but these are trifles. Because of childish curiosity, she constantly examines the icons, asking who is which of the saints. And the other day my daughter learned the prayer to the Mother of God. A child, when he lives in such an environment, is filled spiritually. Lisa even began to behave like an adult, calmly.

Lisa recently went to kindergarten. Does she like it there?

I recognize myself in her as a child. My mother always told me: "Masha, you are like the leader of the Redskins." She has a lot of friends, she is the soul of the company. When music is turned on for my daughter, she starts to sing along and dance. By the way, I noticed that Lisa has a good memory and hearing. Therefore, I am already thinking of giving it to an Orthodox choir. At the service, she often sings along with local choristers on the kliros and says, “Mom, I also want to sing like angels!”

Many mothers say that with the advent of a child, there is absolutely no time left for themselves ... How are you doing with this?

I often joke that my free time starts at night. Cleaning, laundry, cooking. There is no escape from this. I can sleep three or four hours a day and feel great in the morning. I try to spend most of my time with my daughter. Yes, it’s not always easy for me, but I manage. I never thought about a babysitter. Better mom no one will raise a child. Well, I still do photography. The work not only brings me a good income, but also interesting people.

Many of your fans notice that even after leaving the project, you have not changed at all outwardly. What's the secret?

My recipe is constant movement. I don't sit still. Plus, I eat right and fast.

Is Lisa an obedient child? What parenting methods do you follow?

I think that it is necessary to raise a child in reasonable severity. If Lisa oversteps the bounds of what is permitted, then I am strict. I tell her: "Lisa, I will have to punish you because you do not listen to me." And she understands this. But if my daughter behaves well, then I am kind. I always say that if the baby is not explained what is good and bad, then he himself will not understand this.

Maria Kruglykhina, namely, the girl had such a surname before marriage, was born in the city of Odessa, on March 5, 1985. Zodiac sign - Pisces. The girl clearly knew what she wanted and therefore, after graduating from school, she goes to college hometown at the Department of Political Science. The training was hard, and over time, Masha realized that a creative person was awakening in her.

In connection with a new discovery for herself, she decides to enroll in courses in directing and acting. She liked it so much that she even considered leaving the institute, but eventually changed her mind and decided to combine her studies with the courses. It is worth noting that she did it very well.

After graduating, Maria decides to become an actress and even opens her own acting school, but this is not destined to happen. WITH acting career it didn’t work out, and there may be many reasons for this, and the school did not last long, since her lover at that time took the girl to him, in the glorious city of Kiev.

After some time, Masha moves to Paris, where, as she herself said, she studies French and admits that the craving for foreign languages she had for a long time.

It is absolutely known that the girl’s height is 170 cm, but regarding weight, not everything is clear. Like many girls, Maria does not particularly disclose this information. But some sources say that before the television project "Dom 2" she weighed a little more than 47 kg, but already during the filming and after leaving the show, her weight was 67 kg. There is no definitive information yet.


As you already understood, the main fame came to Masha thanks to the popular TV show Dom 2, where she participated twice. The first attempt was unsuccessful and after a week, the girl left the project. The second appearance was quite unexpected and would hardly have taken place if not for her civil husband Sergey Palych. It was he who, secretly from Mary, first came to House 2, which naturally did not suit the girl, and she followed him. It is worth noting that the couple achieved great success on the project, and only thanks to envious people, they had to leave the show.

Family status

After House 2, the couple finally decided to legalize their relationship and get married. They walked for glory, and as guests, in addition to relatives, relatives and friends, the newlyweds invited the guys from the project. Sergey really wanted Masha to give birth to a child for him, and in 2013, he finally became the father of a beautiful girl, whom they named Lisa. Now, everything is fine with the family, and Maria herself is engaged in professional photography and conducts various photo shoots.


Before the Dom-2 project, Masha did not dream of becoming a TV star, but graduated from the Faculty of Political Science. From her native Odessa, she left first for Kyiv, then for Paris - after all, her creative nature did not give rest. Having managed to learn French and attending acting classes, Maria decided to put her achievements to work. So reality TV appeared in her career. Moreover, Masha came to the project twice. The first arrival was not successful, the couple did not work out, and the participant had to leave the construction site.

But few people know that during the break between projects, Maria met Sergei Adoevtsev, who also decided to try his hand at a television project. So the second time Maria came to the project after her loved one. There were difficulties and jealousy, because Palych (as Sergei was called on the project) had problems with alcohol. And the couple at first could not strengthen their relationship. There were always new contenders for Sergey, which could not but annoy Kruglykhina. However, in 2010, right on the set, the couple celebrated their wedding.

Relations after the registry office lasted six years. What contributed to the breakup, the ex-husband and wife do not comment. But even a difficult beginning family life then led the young people in the right direction. Sergey found himself in photography, Masha soon also began to conduct photo shoots.

Having disappeared from the TV project, young people did not disappear from active life. The habit of living for show continued in social networks. In 2013, a child appeared in the family - Maria gave Sergei a daughter, Lisa. But the joy didn't last long. Fans noticed that Masha began to appear alone more often. Soon she herself admitted that she was left without a husband and support. The wife did not take out dirty linen from the hut, but the people around them commented on the gap with the unwillingness of Sergei Palych to take care of the family. For some time, Masha was left alone with her daughter in a very difficult situation.

With faith in love

Saved and helped to overcome all the troubles ... faith. Mary became a church, forgave ex-husband, divorced, started building new life and ... got married. Maria was introduced to her future husband by a friend. Mikhail also suffered in life - his wife died, leaving him with a little daughter. Masha immediately accepted Varvara and Lisa had a sister and a friend (weather girls). Maria got married to her new husband. It was the kinship of souls that she so lacked in her previous relationship. She wanted to be a "wife with her husband", and not to gain leadership.

Now the puzzle is complete. Maria and Michael have everything to start a long and happy life. They moved off rented apartment V Vacation home while their new home is being refurbished. And in the summer of 2018, the family appeared common child- boy Ilyusha. So Masha became a mother of many children.

Masha is not hiding from the cameras. Now she blogs on Instagram, but there is only faith, family, children. And you can relate differently to those that went through the show "Dom-2", Maria Zaitseva (yes, now it's her new surname) an example of the fact that after going through the meat grinder of life behind glass, one can draw conclusions to forget about the past one.

The ex-participant of the Dom-2 project, Maria Adoevtseva, unlike many residents of the star television set, was distinguished by her intelligence and loyalty to her chosen partner. Ukrainian beauty managed to create a strong couple and build real family, which proved its viability beyond the perimeter for six whole years.

Childhood and youth

Masha's homeland is the legendary Odessa, and real name Kruglykhin. She got it from her mother, who raised her daughter alone, the girl had never seen her father in her life.

After school, Maria entered the institute, choosing a difficult direction - political science. Studying was difficult, even thought of leaving the university, but the purposeful girl nevertheless received a diploma.

While still a student, Masha realized that the soul requires creativity, and thought about the career of an actress. She combined her studies at the institute with acting classes, while simultaneously learning the basics of directing.

Having received a diploma of higher education, Maria did not devote her life to her chosen profession, but opened her own school for aspiring actors. True, not for long. Soon, due to personal circumstances, the girl had to leave for Kyiv, and then to Paris, where she learned French.

"House 2"

Maria Adoevtseva twice visited the show "Dom-2", in total the contract with the producers of the television set lasted about two years. For the first time the girl came to the favorite of the fans of the project. However, the young man did not reciprocate, and a week later Masha left film set.

Maria Adoevtseva in the project "Dom-2"

The Odessa woman met Sergei Adoevtsev, who would later become known to the audience as Sergei Palych. At first, the novel developed over the phone, and soon Maria accepted the man's offer to move to Moscow. Young people began to live together, but one day the beloved simply disappeared. As it turned out, Sergei went for fame and new relationships to the television program of the TNT channel.

Maria did not want to give up just like that, she returned to the project, declaring publicly about a serious relationship with Sergey Palych, although he had already met with ladies scandalous construction. But the stubborn Masha achieved the same reunion with her lover. To reconcile with the former civil wife Jealousy pushed Adoevtsev - he began to look after Maria, and Sergey could not stand it. The couple became one of the brightest on the TV show.

In the future, the union was not hindered by sympathy from other participants: Maria acquired fans, she was looked after, including by Alessandro Materazzo and, and Sergey sometimes stared at other girls. Fans of the show breathlessly followed the development of relations between the philosopher Adoevtsev and the jealous Kruglykhina.

The piquancy was added by addictions and negative qualities Sergei - a young man distinguished himself by his love for alcoholic beverages and aversion to work. Alcohol problems lead to loud scandals with fellow TV project. In 2010, right on the site of Doma-2, the guys celebrated a modest wedding, and soon, according to the results of voting married couple I had to leave the project.

Personal life

Maria Adoevtseva always had enough admirers, in her early biography found a place stormy romances. In her youth, an Odessa woman moved to the capital of Ukraine at the invitation young man with which they developed serious relationship. She also went to France with a man.

Marriage with Sergei Palych lasted six years. After the project, the young man became interested in photography, and finally and irrevocably stopped drinking. Masha opened a showroom where she sold evening dresses, later also learned how to handle the camera, arranged wedding, children's and family photo shoots.

Adoevtsev dreamed of an heir, and in 2013 the wife gave her husband a daughter, Lisa. The couple's relationship was public - fans followed the lives of the ex-participants of the TV show on their pages on social networks and the official website of Doma-2, which generously shared details. Even the wife's daughter was shown to fans almost immediately after birth.

Over time, religion entered the circle of interests of Maria Adoevtseva. Pages on social networks were filled with photographs from the graves of saints and from temples, which the girl often visited with her daughter. In addition, Maria took up charity work, helped the Pochaev Charity House, creating interior gizmos for sale with her own hands.

At the beginning of 2016, Masha disappointed the fans who had already dubbed the Adoevtsevs perfect couple. The girl in an interview said that she was divorcing her husband. main reason parting called a misunderstanding on the part of Sergei, explaining:

“For me, marriage is the union of souls. But when such a connection ceases, then the family collapses.

Later, Maria frankly stated that immediately after the birth of her daughter, she realized that Seryozha was not suitable for the role of a reliable and responsible husband. And after the breakup, the man is not even interested in the child.

Maria Adoevtseva now

After divorcing her husband in "Instagram" photos began to appear where the girl poses with two children - a daughter and an unknown baby. Fans suggested that the Odessa adopted another girl. But it turned out that Maria Adoevtseva was going to get married again.

With a new chosen one named Michael former member Doma-2 got married in 2017. Fans learned that the girl from the photos is the daughter of the chosen one, her mother died a few years ago.

Liza and her named sister Varya, who is only a year older, get along well, spend a lot of time together. The girls accepted their new parents simply and with joy. As Maria admitted on social networks, Varya immediately began to call her mother, and Lisa did not hesitate to address Mikhail as her father.

In February 2018, TV fans who never tire of following the ex-participants noticed changes in the girl's appearance, suggesting that the Ukrainian beauty was expecting a baby again. However, then Masha evaded a direct answer. On the eve of Great Lent, she only wrote about the priest's permission not to fast. But in April, everything became clear without words - soon Maria will become a mother for the second time.

One of the most popular participants in the television project "Dom-2" Maria Adoevtseva gave birth to a son. A happy event happened in the girl's family on August 7th. Young parents named the boy Ilya.

Everything is like in a dream...

The son of Maria and her husband Mikhail was born in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals. Adoevtseva was nervous, but her fears were in vain - everything went well. The child was born healthy.

Masha even said exact weight and the growth of the baby - 3460 grams and 51 cm.

Now Maria and her child are in the maternity hospital and want to be discharged as soon as possible. The young mother still cannot believe her happiness and see enough of the baby. Adoevtseva reports that the newborn "Ilyushka" is very similar to his dad and also "to a funny dwarf." She is very grateful to the fans for the words of support and congratulations. Adoevtseva promises to tell about childbirth later.

Our Ilyushenka❤

During pregnancy, the girl gained only 10 kilograms. For nine months she had no appetite. IN last days before giving birth, Masha complained about her helplessness - she could not even go up to the second floor in her house. In addition, she could not afford to fully rest. After all, Adoevtseva herself is raising older girls.

Moms can do anything

Ilya is the second child that the girl gave birth to. From her first marriage, with a member of "Dom-2" Sergei Adoevtsev, she has a five-year-old daughter. In addition, Maria is raising the daughter of her second husband, Varya.

Recall that the first husband of Mary was a participant in the television project "Dom-2" Sergei Adoevtsev. They got married in 2010. The marriage seemed perfect, and the spouses were bound by deep feelings. But six years later, "Masha and Sergey Palych" broke up. For a while, the girl did not tell anyone about her personal life. And a year ago it became known that she was married to a new chosen one. Finally, Mary is happy again.