Watches online. Guide and walkthrough for "night watch"

Watches is a domestic browser project based on the work of the famous science fiction writer Lukyanenko “Night Watch”. The game invites everyone to experience the skin of both “light” and “dark”. In total, players have 6 classes to choose from: sorcerer, witch, werewolf, incubus and succubus. Also in the game there are not only day and night watches, but also the Inquisition.

The gradation of Others according to magical power was also reflected in the Watches. As in Lukyanenko’s books, Others are divided into seven categories: from the first (highest) to the seventh (lowest). The location of the game is still Moscow, and the developers tried to implement the principles of real life, right down to the need to pay for travel on public transport.

The combat system of the Dozors browser offers classic turn-based fights in which players take turns striking each other. It all depends on the level of your character and the coolness of his equipment. Heroes are upgraded mainly by completing quests, but there are many more ways to earn money in the game. Thus, the Watch can boast a large number of peaceful professions, and the creation of goods takes place in several stages: extraction of raw materials, processing (by spellcasters and processors) and improvement with art supplies.

The clan system is also quite well developed in the Watches. Within its framework, any user can create his own clan, after which he must swear allegiance to one of the three sides in the conflict - this will give the clan members various bonuses. At the same time, nothing prevents you from remaining a free Other, but in this case you will be deprived of interesting clan battles.

The game should appeal to all fans of the famous trilogy. To others, the project may seem secondary, since it does not contain any fresh ideas.

September 14, 2013

Game description

Several teams take part in the game (usually 7-10, depending on local conditions in each city). The team consists of field players- crews on cars and stationary headquarters ( coordinators) - people who have access to the Internet throughout the game.

In the task, the code lit up on the indicator of a special device when the desired combination of buttons was pressed

The goal of the game is to consistently complete tasks within the time allotted for the game. Tasks are puzzles, encrypted text that can be used to guess a certain place in the city and/or actions that field players must perform (usually one of the levels is a flash mob). Typically, tasks are accompanied by a “hazard code” - a designation that indicates the degree of risk at the level. The condition for completing the task is to receive a code consisting of numbers and Latin letters D and R, which is transmitted organizer(using a special gaming system - “engine”).

If all the required codes are reported correctly, the organizer moves the team to the next level and gives the next task. The winner is determined by the total net time the team spent at the game levels. All teams participating in the game receive the same tasks, but in different sequences.

Half an hour after receiving each task, the team receives the first hint, and another half hour later - the second. If the players do not provide the correct code within an hour and a half, the task is considered uncompleted and the team is given a penalty time. Some tasks provide the opportunity to receive bonus time. Places between teams are distributed in accordance with the total time spent by the team on tasks, taking into account penalty time and bonuses.

The game is usually played from 22:00 Saturday to 7:00 Sunday (stop play). Teams that have not completed all levels of the game before the stop game are assigned a maximum completion time of one and a half hours and a 15-minute penalty for each uncompleted level.

A few days before the next game, the teams are provided with additional supplies that should help them complete the tasks.

There are currently several variations of the game:

  • DozoR or DozoR.Classic - standard version
  • DozoR.Lite is a light version, only one crew takes part in the game.
  • DozoR.Klad - search for “treasure” in encrypted places
  • DozoR.Online - solving tasks without leaving your computer.
  • Dozor.KaDR - you need to take a certain set of photographs with specified conditions.

Example assignment

Game task February 17, 2007 “King of Spades and Queen of Hearts”, Kiev

Exercise: Six koloboks hid under the bridge. Danger code 2+

Hint 1: Well, imagine that one bun eats 6,779 crumbs of bread a day, and how much will it eat in 109 weeks? Try to find it later.

Hint 2: The roar of the railway and metro prevented the koloboks from being thrown into cards.

A comment: The code is written under the metro bridge over the railway near Bread Factory No. 6. “Kolobok” indicates a flour product, “six” indicates the number of the bakery, “under the bridge” is the location of the code. In hint 1 there is a mathematical problem, solving which you get the number “5172377”, which is the phone number of the Bread Factory.


First of all, the game is extreme and dangerous, so you need to be extremely careful, careful and attentive. In the entire history of the patrol, 3 accidents occurred:

Note that participants in other game projects also die. And there were similar accidents in the Scramble.



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Watches online

On this page you can read a review of the game Watches Online. The review will look at the game itself in detail, including its current state, shortcomings and positive aspects, combat system and the like. The review consists of two parts. From the description of the game itself, written with the goal of creating a general idea of ​​the game for those who have not encountered it. And from a more detailed analysis of the game, including its current state. Attached to this review are several game guides I wrote. So, I guess I'll start.

As a preface:

The game is familiar to me, I spent a long time in it. In fact, “Watches Online” is the first online game that I encountered. This happened in 2006, although I didn’t stay in it then and returned to the game again at the end of 2009. The main feature of the game in 2006, what I remember about it, was the large number of characters in the locations. In 2009, I started playing again as a magician and more thoroughly, approaching level 2, I joined a dark organization.

Description of the game Watches Online:

Watches online is a browser-based multiplayer online game without a subscription fee (free to play model), created based on the works of Sergei Lukyanenko. The game has the possibility of battles, attacks on any character (with the exception of the so-called “inquisitors” - game administrators, although they participate very actively in battles), wars of organizations (clans) are possible, there is a farming and crafting system, there are various quests, as well as competitions and events held by the administration. Another name for the game is “Watches forbidden game.”

The game's combat system is based on turn-based development of events. After entering the battle, a certain time is given to decide who and what to attack with, as well as decide on your own defense and the defense of your allies. All these actions are selected and confirmed in the menu. After time has expired, you, your allies and opponents will have to familiarize yourself with the consequences of the previous move or moves, and decide what to do next (unless, of course, you were put to sleep or killed).

The screenshot shows the combat menu in the game (to view the entire screenshot, right-click “Open image”):

There are two sides in the game - light and darkness, fighting each other, i.e. there is an element of confrontation in the game.

An analogue of clans are the so-called “organizations”. An organization can be created by players if a number of conditions are met. Such as: the presence of a minimum number of people willing to join it even before its creation, the presence of the required amount of thalers from its leader (creating an organization in the “Watches” is far from free), the presence of the ability to support it (since if the clans scatter and it is not possible to find a replacement for them - the organization will be closed by the administration). Each organization has its own office, which can be entered from a certain location (street) of the game. The office is also visible to other players. In addition to those organizations that can be created by the players themselves, there are also such as “Night Watch”, “Day Watch” and “Inquisition”. Any player who meets a number of conditions can join the night and day watch. “The Inquisition” is an organization of administrators, you cannot join it, but its members play (or rather played, in much better times for this game) a certain role to maintain the spirit of the game and the interest of the players.

Talers- a type of game currency that can currently be purchased exclusively through donations of real money (donation) and competitions held by the administration. However, perhaps the third option is still relevant, namely the purchase of thalers for in-game rubles from clans through the organization’s office.

Rubles— the second type of Dozorov Online currency, which is not associated with donation.

The so-called “farming” in Watches Online involves going to the “Labyrinth” and taking out certain resources (wood, metals, herbs) from which you can then create various artifacts. Artifacts and resources can be sold to other players. Farming and accumulating the necessary funds (game rubles) to purchase artifacts and especially modifiers at the moment is not the best spectacle. Before the change in professions, it was at least possible to assemble a set of required modifiers without spending real money on the game; as an example, I can name the owner of the PlamBEER character. Now the situation with collecting modifiers without donation is much more sad. But such artifacts as “Witcher’s Broom”, “Dust of Illusions” and various energy amulets began to be awarded for entering the game. Without these artifacts, participation in battles at the moment is at least very problematic.

Modifiers— items that improve a character’s characteristics have a significant impact on the game. Drop out of the “Probability Lines” with a certain chance. They can be sold to other players for in-game rubles, i.e., in theory, all the required modifiers can be purchased without donation. Partially, modifiers are analogous to character equipment in other online games. Only without modifiers is the game possible in principle, but without equipment in the same Perfect World, alas, it is not.

Probability Lines- an analogue of chests in Perfect World. Each attempt to draw an item from the Probability Lines costs a certain number of thalers, and these, in turn, are purchased for donations.

Artifacts- include consumable items (each item contains a certain number of possible uses) for casting your character and allies before and during the battle, for the purposes of defense and attack. They bring great variety to the game, so with the help of inexpensive artifacts and their skillful use, I easily killed top characters, including donations.

The abilities (skills, skills) of a character depend on the class and schools chosen by him, as well as on the chosen path of development of schools, and of course the character’s level itself, since the level of the school cannot be higher than the level of the character himself, which implies a limitation of those available for certain skill levels (including spells).

Existing character classes: magicians and sorceresses, witches and witchers (for the light ones: witches and witches), werewolves (for the light ones - changelings), succubi and incubi, vampires (and Devons for the light ones).

Werewolves are distinguished by a large amount of HP, speed and, accordingly, a large number of AP (action points). In general, werewolves are now a strong class that pose a serious threat to their opponents.

Witches and witchers (of course, and their light counterparts) can create artifacts that other characters cannot do.

Action Points (AP)— a unit of measurement on which the number of certain actions that can be performed in one turn in battle depends. So, a “crystal shield” requires 4 units of AP to use it, and if a character has 12 units of AP, then he will be able to cast only three crystal shields; he will no longer be able to cast four “crunches”. The higher the character's speed, the more AP he has. AP also depends on the Twilight layer.

Leveling up occurs mainly in battles with living opponents; quests and the creation of artifacts also provide a certain amount of experience. You can also gain experience from the organization’s experience treasury or for so-called “licenses” (purchasing licenses is an expensive pleasure, only for top donations). Up to level 3 (including the entire third level), you can gain experience for fighting golems in the dungeon.

Golems- computer opponents, bots. Characters of any level in the Labyrinth can fight golems. Characters up to level 3 inclusive can fight golems in dungeons, gaining experience (exp). Experience is not earned for battles in the Labyrinth. The golems' level is always equal to the character's level.

Each character has an apartment in which he can store things.

Trade in ingredients and some artifacts takes place in the Trade Center, and is also possible by hand, through the trading booths of the Trade Gallery, private stores owned by players or organizations, and through the organization’s storage facility.

Innovations and current state of the Watches Online game:

There are very few active players left and most of them are those who have been in the game for a long time. Even if three years ago there were locations in which level 2 characters were actively fighting, now they are empty. The newcomers' location "Artek" is now closed, which, however, did not add activity to the main locations of "Moscow is Different". There are also very few battles.

In recent years, online has only fallen and fallen significantly; it has not been possible to maintain it even at its previous levels.

Interesting recent innovations include:
- increasing the importance of firearms in battles;
- the appearance of an artifact directly opposite to the “Khorasan Scroll”, capable of raising a character in battle to a higher layer (so a 1st level character can use it to rise to the 5th layer to VK);
- and the appearance of an improved version of the “magic crystal”; in general, a second type of crystal appeared in the game, giving more shields from various types of influence. The price for the “Big Magic Crystal” at the time of writing this post was 900 thousand in-game rubles versus 400 thousand for a regular “Magic Crystal” (prices with M.T.A.B.).

The old dragon's tooth has fallen in value to more than half what it was worth years ago.

There are 8 stalls left in the shopping gallery. Just 3 years ago there were several dozen of them, more than 50 if I’m not mistaken.

I’m not sure about the ability of such changes to return the previous online performance.

It's a pity. Watches online is in many ways a unique game, which remains so to this day. Despite the battle menu - typical of games from the early 2000s, interface features and much more. It may be that players no longer appreciate such games, or that the administrators themselves have not been involved in the game enough. It's a pity, it's a pity...

I dream of returning from the war,

Where I was born and raised,

On the ruins of a poor country

Under the rains of tears.

Igor Talkov

“Many centuries or even millennia ago, Others appeared among people. It is difficult to say whether this was a random mutation or the result of the natural evolution of the human species - in any case, people cannot answer this question, and the Others prefer that people know as little as possible about them. It is known for sure that the abilities of Others are not inherited, children of Others appear in ordinary people, this happens very rarely and it is almost impossible to predict such an event...”

Game Basics

Role system

As you may know, Night's Watch is based on the same engine as Nival Interactive's Silent Storm series of tactical games. Much has migrated to us from there (including most of the interface); I especially note the appearance of three classic character characteristics from Silent Storm: strength, agility And intelligence. They are strictly defined and do not change during the game. But secondary parameters, such as the amount of mana or action points, are gradually increased. The hero development system is a classic level one (however, development proceeds not by increase, but by decrease, i.e. a character of the 4th level is stronger than a character of the 7th). In other words, we earn experience points, and at a certain moment the game reports: the level has been reached. Secondary characteristics increase, we can choose a new spell to learn. Read more about the latter in the section on the classes of the main character. I will only say that the choice is important and very responsible.

The combat system in the game is turn-based, where each side takes turns, each hero has a certain number action points, which are spent on any action in battle.


  • Force: affects the hero’s physical data, such as the amount of health or the strength of a fist blow.
  • Agility: affects the hero’s mobility, primarily the number of action points.
  • Intelligence: everything related to magic is the prerogative of the intellect. A very important characteristic for purebred magicians.

The options for distribution of stat points proposed by the developers are not ideal. So, for example, a changeling can and should increase agility by one unit, sacrificing intelligence. At the first level we will have enough magical energy through the roof, but the opportunity to bite and scratch not once, as with the standard distribution, but twice a turn won’t hurt. The sorcerer also raises certain complaints - tell me, why does a magician need support, who stands and smokes on the sidelines for most of the battle?! The sorcerer does not fight in hand-to-hand combat; he already has enough lives. It is much more effective to increase agility and intelligence at the expense of a couple of units of strength. The only one who has no complaints about the distribution of characteristics is the magician.

Secondary parameters

In fact, there are many more of them, but you only need to keep an eye on those listed below, the rest are not visible, they are only ghostly shadows that regulate the calculations of formulas in battle. So...

  • Action Points: as already mentioned, they are spent on the character’s actions in battle and depend on dexterity. We watch carefully, arithmetic is your best friend in this game. Otherwise, you can, for example, hit with two strong spells and suddenly realize that there are no points left to heal.
  • Life (VP): By the way, how do you treat it? Very simple. Periodically, enemies drop an item called magic apple(by the way, the sorcerer knows how to “make” them), we eat it and get an increase in health. Which, by the way, is our everything. Perhaps in Twilight, if the character is far from the enemy (and the latter is unlikely to attack your hero), and besides, there is a decent amount of magic units... In this case, you can wait a while with the treatment. Health is indicated by a traditional red stripe under the hero’s portrait.
  • Magic (EP): energy used for spells. Unlike AP, they do not recover by the next turn (or rather, they can partially recover, but for this you need to take a special ability). Artificial restoration is carried out due to magical chocolate bars.


Upon reaching each new level of experience, our heroes have the opportunity to gain use of a new spell. A specific list will be presented to you in the section on character classes, and here I will outline the general line. It’s worth noting right away that all the skills of our heroes are divided into five types: spells, enchantments, creating amulets, abilities and automatically triggered skills. The first type can be divided into “target” spells aimed at a single target; acting in an area, the effect of which can affect several characters at once; and long-term ones, the effect of which lasts for several turns. The latter property, as a rule, is inherent in charms, but among spells there are also “long-lasting” ones, although there are few of them.

It is impossible to develop an old skill at a new level - they all grow and become stronger as they are used. And everything would be fine if “area” spells weren’t affected by hammering a fireball (or an analogue) into the wall, and strengthening ones by repeated casting outside of combat. This is very bad and very sad. And it’s especially sad that some spells, for example, the transformation of a shapeshifter, are almost impossible to bring to the highest levels in an honest way. We usually use this magic only once, at the very beginning of the battle.

Spells have two main parameters: the chance of hitting (I think there is no need to explain, the attack with a more banal weapon, say, a pistol or a magical fluorescent lamp is also implemented) and the effect. Both are expressed as percentages. What's the difference? The fact is that the first indicator is responsible for the chance of hitting the enemy, and the second is for the damage inflicted on the enemy. For example, the main “boss” of the game with all the protections applied can bring this same “effect” to 5%.

It is also worth noting such a parameter as the difficulty of mastering - it determines how many times a spell needs to be used before it is upgraded to a level.


Now this is interesting. Twilight is a kind of magical parallel space where the witchcraft powers of our heroes increase. Each spell increases the level in the skill of handling, and the number of action points increases. In exchange, every turn we give Twilight part of the magical power, and if it is not there, then health units begin to decrease. This system is not as strict as it might seem at first glance; in the second half of the game, you will probably forget about penalties altogether and begin to conduct all battles in the Twilight. And it won’t work out any other way - the enemies won’t let it.



Sturm and onslaught, striking force. Unfortunately, they are not in good health, but this is compensated by the presence of a good changeling in the team. It is the magicians who have the most powerful spells in their piggy banks. Moreover, the list of spells is very wide, but there is little that is really useful. Therefore, you need to choose spells with special care.

The lion's share of the magician's skills are, surprisingly, spells, although other types occasionally delight us with their presence. I’ll also immediately make a reservation that most spells are cast only in human form, but I don’t consider it necessary to focus on this for anyone other than a shapeshifter.


Strike with force

The very first spell available to you if you have chosen the path of a magician. At the first levels, the only attacking magic is, so the question “to use or not” is meaningless. Another important feature is that you do not need to see the target to attack it. You can act “on a tip.”

Take away energy

The character takes the target's magical energy. Not a bad option if you need to calm down an overly zealous magician, and you can also feed on your allies if something happens.

Transfer energy

As the name implies, the magician transfers part of his energy to another character. For me, it’s better for the recipient character to eat a chocolate bar than to spend training points when choosing a spell and action points in battle. Although there are thoughts about combining it with the “Blast Energy” spell (see below), but this, in my opinion, is for perverted wizards. Honest Others have more effective ways of eliminating the enemy.


The character, like a brave Jedi, throws enemies away from him. The latter are damaged only upon contact with the environment in the form of garages, trees, walls and other flora and fauna. Not a bad spell, especially if you need to throw an overly zealous enemy away before he hits you on the hat until he loses consciousness.

Take away an item

And again the Others play Jedi - now snatching objects from the hands of enemies. But there is no point in this - magicians and sorcerers prefer to use spells, you can’t tear out the fangs and claws of a shapeshifter, and you can easily survive the shooting of local bandits with farts.

Feeling of power

I’m having a hard time resisting the Star Wars analogy... With this spell, we can observe the auras of all characters and magical objects in a huge radius. A one-of-a-kind reconnaissance spell. Whether to use it or not is your choice. I would recommend: knowing the location of the enemy is far from useless.

Fire ball

As they say, comments are unnecessary. A classic of the genre - it attacks in an area, hitting several opponents.

Removing the spell

A definite must have! There are many options for use: to remove the madness from your beefy shifter before he shreds you into cabbage, or to disappoint an enemy who hastily imposed a “semi-immersion” on himself - you can’t list everything. It is mandatory to study.


The main value of this spell is its disregard for the enemy’s magical defense, which is very, very good.

Create a Shadow Sword

The magician creates a sword that exists only in the Twilight. The only question is why? The wizard is supposed to stand a little further away and shower his enemies with lightning and fireballs, and not rush hand-to-hand at the enemy. Although you can take it as a safety net - what if the Dark Ones surround you, your allies die, and your magical power is only enough to create a sword?

Get out of the Twilight!

The magician forcibly pushes out of the Twilight all Others who fall within the radius of the spell. In my opinion, not the most useful spell.

Crystal wall

The caster creates an obstacle in the form of a crystalline wall at the specified location. Effective only if you need to lock several opponents in a narrow corridor. Otherwise, it is ineffective.

pillar of light

A demo version of the “Flow of Light” spell, which appears a little later. In the meantime, this will do - it blinds opponents, and also causes damage to vampires and werewolves.

Tactical teleportation

Transports the caster to a specified location, and the location must be within sight. There may also be inaccuracies in determining the end point of teleportation - a spread of five meters. There were no cases of Others melting into the wall, but who knows?.. Be careful.

Stream of light

Quite a serious argument in the fight against a large number of opponents, and if they are also all kinds of undead, then victory is on your side. Unlike the “pillar of light”, it attacks not in a cone from the magician, but in a selected radius.

Aversion to magic

Deals damage to the enemy for each spell cast on him. An ideal means for destroying magicians who are hung with spells like a Christmas tree with toys. In other cases there is little benefit.

Life force theft

Who said that a Light Mage can't also be a little bit of a vampire? This spell is a clear example of that. A very useful “two-in-one” spell - we both heal and take away the enemy’s life force.

Summoning the Spirit

No, soldiers recently drafted into the armed forces have absolutely nothing to do with this. While in the Twilight, the magician summons a spirit warrior under his (and therefore our) control. An extra ally, albeit temporary, has never bothered anyone.

Explode the energy

My heart feels that in my girlhood this spell was called “Scorching Ether” (we won’t get into the wilds of collectible card games, but will focus on “Demiurges” as the primary source). Its essence has not changed - damage is inflicted on the enemy proportional to the amount of his magical energy. Since the absolute majority of our opponents are still the same Others, it is imperative to take them. It is especially good to provoke enemies with this spell at the beginning of the battle.

Dancing Lightning

Another “classic of the genre”. The magician casts a spell on one enemy, and the lightning jumps to five more. The main thing is to make sure that no one from our team is among those close to the object of shock therapy.


I don't think the spell requires a long description. He cast a spell on the enemy - he died. Do you have any doubts about the question “to teach or not to teach”?



The magician partially goes into the Twilight, thereby reducing the enemy’s chance of hitting him. I wouldn’t say it’s an excellent skill; after all, a mage rarely gets involved in hand-to-hand combat, but you will need it often.

Shackle your feet

chewing gum. After using this shamanism, the enemy cannot move or turn to the sides. In my opinion, a very nice, albeit resource-demanding spell.


The enchanted character cannot cast spells for some time. The storm of all magicians. Be sure to study.


This spell will require ordinary flower(judging by the properties, not quite ordinary). The bewitched enemy falls into hibernation, although it is very sensitive - any action awakens the enemy. An ideal tool for dealing with strong opponents accompanied by a group of frail opponents.


Freezes the character for several turns, and the damage inflicted on him is reduced. It can be used both as the previous enchantment and as a kind of cryochamber for a seriously wounded comrade.

Automatic skills

Restore Energy

During the battle, the magician restores a certain amount of magical energy each turn. Very helpful.


If other classes spit magic with all their might, the changeling does not need much energy. A typical “tank”. Only on four legs and with fangs instead of a gun.



The initial skill of a shapeshifter, which allows you to transform into an animal and back into a human. Learned by default, and if it weren’t for it, they would have learned it. Don't go anywhere.

Lick the wound

The Changeling restores a certain amount of life to himself or his allies. When did free treatment hinder us? It was studied from the Tiger Cub immediately after receiving it under our control.


The physical analogue of telekinesis. The enemy flies away from the blow, simultaneously breaking objects in the surrounding world, if any.


The most unsuccessful of the abilities, aimed at reducing the distance between the enemy and the changeling. You indicate a place on the map (very close to the Light Werewolf), the dog (or Tiger Cub) jumps there. This is where the fun ends.


The Changeling hits harder at the expense of accuracy. Moderately useful skill.

A well-aimed strike

The opposite of the previous skill - a more accurate, but much less powerful attack. As for the benefits for the business, decide for yourself. Suddenly there will be fans of “tit in hand”.

Running attack

A very interesting skill. only used two or three times per battle at most. The changeling attacks the enemy from a running start, and the greater the distance between them, the higher the damage.

Hurricane attack

The Changeling strikes all hostile characters standing next to him. You don’t have to be afraid for your own people - they won’t hurt you.

Hit the magic

Another way to deprive the enemy of magical energy. This time we'll change it. One blow - and the Tiger Cub licked off part of the magic points with her tongue.

Bestial Roar

There are two effects from this ability - which one the enemy will feel on his own skin depends on his resistance to magic. The first is fear; the enemy will hit you much less often. The second is horror, forcing enemies to shamefully flee the battlefield.


Not only does the changeling cause damage to the enemy, but he also knocks out a certain number of action points. Thus dooming the enemy to painful death from inaction.

Predator Leap

Improved jump view. Now the changeling chooses not a place, but an enemy as a target, reducing the distance and causing damage at the same time. I highly recommend studying it.

Fangs of a Predator

One of the most successful abilities is that with a successful attack, the changeling restores part of its vitality. A must read for everyone without exception.


Summons a wild beast to the battlefield that fights on your side and under your control. The main difference from the magician’s “summoning of the spirit” is that the beast also operates outside the Twilight.


There are only two of them - transfer energy And take away energy. Absolutely identical to the magician's spells, except that they come at other levels. I see no point in dwelling on them in detail.



Analogous to a magician's spell. The only question is, why is it needed? Can only be used in human form. Dubious pleasure.

Brutal blow

The changeling delivers a rather weak blow (I wonder why the developers called it brutal), which is nevertheless capable of stunning or blinding the enemy. A very useful skill: a blind opponent is not an opponent.

Mad Fury

By activating these spells, for the next few turns we give up control of the character - he automatically attacks the nearest target, and with increased damage.

Electrified wool

Some of the damage dealt to the changeling will return to the attacker. So that it is discouraging to raise your hand against animals.


A very, very interesting spell that works as follows: suppose that the changeling has received damage. Instead of happily forgetting about them, he harbors a grudge and on the next turn, with a successful attack, he adds to his blow the damage received during the previous turn. And so on until he misses. Or they won't miss him.

Automatic skills

Attack of opportunity

If someone carelessly walks near the changeling, he will very unkindly bite the rogue on the soft spot. Moreover, it will bite without spending action points. One of the best skills at the first levels of the game. In general, I recommend studying all the skills described in this section.


If the enemy misses, the changeling launches a counterattack without spending action points. That, however, does not prevent him from missing just as absurdly.

Master of Amulets

Everything is simple here - amulets are used for fewer action points. Moderately useful skill.

Natural regeneration

Allows you to restore vitality directly during battle. The only, but very big disadvantage is that the skill is used only in human form, which reduces its usefulness to almost nothing.


Acts on the principle “I had nothing to do with it, I was just passing by.” As he passes by, he casts strengthening spells on his allies and interferes with his enemies. In a word, a support sorcerer. The main job of a sorcerer is to create amulets. These include magic apples that restore vitality, and dark glasses that increase magical protection, and even a wristwatch that can put a curse on the enemy, from which he will suddenly die.


The sorcerer, like the magician, has the spells “Transfer Energy”, “Take Energy” and “Sensation of Power”, I will not focus on them.

Triple Blade

The sorcerer creates three blades and throws them at the enemy. In this case, there is a chance to miss. Quite a strong attack spell.


Magic press

The very first spell in a sorcerer's arsenal. After casting an enchantment, the enemy loses a certain amount of vitality at the end of his turn.

The power of magic

Standard buff enchantment. In this case, the enchanted character's magical power increases.

Weaken magical abilities

And this is a representative of weakening spells. Reduces the same magical power.


And one more spell, the effect of which weakens the enemy. In this case, the character's action points will be reduced.

Quick Spell

After casting the enchantment, all spells will require less action points to activate. However, the consumption of magical energy doubles. Whether to use it or not is up to you.

Energy Saving

And in this case, the opposite is true - spells require less mana, but twice as many action points.


The enchanted enemy attacks the character closest to him, be it dad, mom or shift supervisor. An extremely effective spell, it’s a pity that it appears late.

Making amulets

Create an amulet of healing

O an ordinary apple. An ordinary apple turns into a magical apple, which restores the character’s vitality.

Create a Crystal of Light

To create an amulet you need a small piece of crystal. Using this skill, we produce “cartridges” for standard patrol flashlights.

Create an Amulet of Restoration

chocolate bar. With a careless wave of the hand, an ordinary chocolate bar turns into an unusual one that restores the character’s magical energy.

Charge the fluorescent lamp

To create an amulet you need Fluorescent Lamp. Another standard weapon of the Night's Watch is made with the help of a sorcerer.

Create an amulet of power

To create an amulet you need energy drink. When used, the amulet will increase the character's strength for several turns.


Create an Amulet of Weakness

To create an amulet you need lens. What the lens has to do with it is not entirely clear, but the fact remains that the enemy is significantly weakened under the influence of the amulet.

Create an amulet of protection from magic

sunglasses. Another symbol of the “movie” Night Watch - sunglasses act as an amulet in the game, which reduces the magical effect on the character.

Create a good luck amulet

To create an amulet you need lottery ticket. Under the influence of the amulet, the character increases the probability of hitting the enemy and the damage dealt.

Create an Amulet of Haste

feather. One of the most useful amulets - it increases the character's action points.

Create a Spell Reflection Amulet

To create an amulet you need CD-ROM. One question torments me - will the properties of the amulet change if you use a DVD instead of a CD... One way or another, when used, the amulet gives a chance to reflect the enemy’s spell within a few turns.

Create a Stoneskin Amulet

To create an amulet you need piece of granite.The amulet increases the character's physical defense. High-level stoneskin amulets are an excellent choice for shifters.

Create a Double Amulet

To create an amulet you need small mirror. When used, a double of the character is created with much less vital energy.

Create an Energy Saving Amulet

To create an amulet you need commemorative coin. Despite the name being similar to a charm, the amulet only reduces the consumption of magical energy without increasing the number of action points required for the spell.

Create an Amulet of Control

To create an amulet you need keychain on chain. What could be more enjoyable than controlling your opponent, setting him against other enemies? This amulet allows you to fully enjoy such moments.

Create a Curse Amulet

To create an amulet you need wrist watch. The most powerful spell of a sorcerer. If you enchant an enemy using an amulet, after a couple of moves he will safely return to his forefathers.

Automatic skills

The sorcerer has only one such skill - “ Master of Amulets”, completely analogous to the changeling skill of the same name. Look for its description just above


Everything is extremely convenient. In the upper right corner are portraits of your characters. Click on the character and it is selected. Outside of battle, there is no need to draw a frame around the heroes; everyone automatically follows the selected character. In battle, the portraits indicate the amount of AP, below them is a red health bar and a silver mana bar. Just below you can see icons of spells cast on the hero (if any).

The bottom panel is responsible for everything else. The leftmost buttons are buttons for viewing the hero’s characteristics, displaying a list of tasks, calling the main menu (duplicated with the Esc and F10 keys) and forcing the start of the battle. The leftmost button is to go into Twilight.

Just to the right of the control buttons you will find a spell panel. You can select what you need either by simply pressing it or using hot keys (1-8). Oddly enough, all the spells learned will sooner or later not be able to fit on the panel. To replace something, right-click on a spell you don’t like and select the one you like from the list that appears.

Finally, the rightmost panel is active items. Click - the item is used. Right click - the inventory opens (by the way, it is common to all characters).

Let’s not forget about the “end turn” button - you will need it in battle.

Diary of Watchman Stas

Walking on the rooftops

Evil does not have to destroy good with its own hands. It’s much easier to let goodness grab hold of you.

S. Lukyanenko, “Night Watch”

The need to urgently get money for an operation for my sick mother forced me to accept a very dubious offer. An offer to become a contract killer. Now, standing on the roof and trying to catch the girl’s head in the optical sight, I understand what a stupid thing I did. But I thought - once, that’s all.

It didn't work out. Instead of pulling the trigger, I threw the rifle down. The streets are still deserted, but it’s scary to even imagine what could happen here during the day. However, it is already too late to change what has been done.

My thoughts were interrupted by a mobile phone. Hmm... We got there in the wrong place.

Footsteps behind you. It turns out that the customer sent observers after me; apparently, he was not entirely confident in me. It seems that it is not in vain. What now? If I didn't kill, they'll kill me. The logic is simple. The two big guys were already cracking their joints impatiently when Olga appeared. That is, then, of course, I still didn’t know that it was Olga. Just some kind of “suddenly-out-of-nowhere-woman.” And she immediately started talking about some kind of patrol, initiation, and generally looked damned like a crazy person. But the big guys apparently didn’t think so: one started to run, and the second died in a sudden flash of light - I didn’t even understand what happened. After throwing out a phrase like “don’t bother the adults to figure it out,” the woman disappeared.

We need to look around. I go behind the nearest cover, and... a man appears out of thin air right in front of me. It's time to flex your fists...

The enemy falls unconscious to the ground (or rather, to the roof) - an apple rolls out of his pocket. Olga’s voice was heard behind her: “Pick it up, it will restore your strength.” At first I didn’t believe it, but it really was an ordinary apple, it would seem, but the effect...

Olga tried to more or less bring me up to speed, but only confused me even more. Having given me a flashlight to protect me from enemies (uh...), the woman disappeared into thin air.

I carefully walk along the roof, there is a small descent ahead. Two aggressive types are waiting for me there. Well, let's try the flashlight. I press the button - and, lo and behold, instead of a modest spot of light, a wide beam bursts out. Getting hit by it is clearly no fun for your opponents. Two “shots” at one, two more at the second. We can move on.

This is interesting: possible, but not necessary. Don’t be lazy, go to the opposite side from your destination and explore this part of the roof. In the very corner you will find a jar of donor blood. Why you will need it - read on.

Everything is quiet. Olga is waiting at the exit and offers to choose who I want to be. I have to think in a hurry, but what can I do... I was just about to really ask Olga about the Watches and other things, when out of nowhere another villain appeared. He was definitely stronger than the previous ones; two “shots” were not enough for him. Olga seems to be much better versed in such matters than I am, so I decided to stand a little behind her and “shoot” with a flashlight as best I could. It’s awkward, of course, to hide behind a woman’s back, but this I could definitely take care of myself.

As soon as I felt that the enemy’s strength was running out, he and Olga also disappeared into thin air. However, not for long, soon both appeared again, however, only Olga was standing. “Where do you keep disappearing to?” - I couldn’t stand it. Then I heard the first confusing story about the Twilight, a parallel space in which the sorcerer increases the power of his spells.

Here Olga and I had to part ways; she had more important things to do, but no one would leave me. Night Watch operative Vera is waiting for me in the subway.

Damn, how confusing everything is! Okay, let's figure it out.


Next station - Polezhaevskaya

They didn't let me on the subway. Moreover, they were rude at the entrance.

How so? It’s very simple: the fat policeman on duty at the entrance said that the entrance was cleared. There was nowhere to retreat, and I insisted on my own. As a result, three policemen pounced on me. In general, it’s not that dangerous, with such and such a flashlight in your hands and newfound capabilities. Since I became a battle mage, I discovered that I had the ability to perform a magical strike, which I used. By concentrating fire on each enemy in turn, I quickly took them out of the battle. If it weren't for magic, I would probably use a flashlight. Delay is very dangerous.

The fight was almost over when Vera came down from above.

On a note: defeating law enforcement officers is actually not at all necessary. If the odds are not in your favor, the video with the appearance of your future assistant will still interrupt the fight.

Vera turned out to be a young and beautiful employee of the Night Watch. And “young” is one of the key words. Somehow hesitantly she called the policeman to order. He realized that he could disobey.

After exchanging a few phrases to get to know each other, Vera and I decided to consult. And we came to the conclusion that it is best to look for workarounds. And indeed: a door was discovered nearby; by entering it and crossing the tracks, you can get to the other side of the station.

This is interesting: You don’t have to look for a workaround - select the “Talk to the Major again” option in the conversation with Vera. Now there are two options - you can either deceive a fellow police vampire by pretending that we are calling Geser (unfortunately, at the time of writing, we were not able to find out what determines the appearance of this item in a conversation with the major - whether high intelligence is required, either the script depends on the character's class - in any case, if you made Stas a changeling, this trick will not work), or bribe him. This is where we need a blood bank, forgotten by someone (no matter how absurd it sounds) on the roof in the previous mission. You can offer your brave blood for fun, but after the meal the major still won’t let you into the carriage, so you’ll have to donate the blood in the jar anyway.

Then I noticed some old lady on the sidelines, a cleaning lady, apparently. It was then that I got the idea to interrogate her, introducing myself as a police officer. It turns out that the people in the carriage were overcome by sudden anger - a fight broke out for no reason. Of course, I wasn’t very knowledgeable in magical matters back then, but you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that everything happened for a reason.

Having received the key from the cleaning lady, Vera and I searched the carriage where everything happened. As soon as we got close to the point of communication with the driver, he started chattering into the microphone some kind of heresy about darkness and chosenness. We hastily jumped out of the carriage and ran to the cabin.

The driver was waiting for us there. Alone, he didn’t have much of a chance against us, but after a while a vampire policeman got involved, and I, in turn, received my first lesson in entering the Twilight.

The main thing was to remember that the main goal is still the driver.

The fight ended, and from somewhere (or rather, not from somewhere, but from the Twilight) a man in a gray robe appeared. Inquisitor. As Vera explained at the beginning of our acquaintance, the Night Watch is a kind of police that controls the actions of the Dark Ones, the Day Watch is the same, but against the Light Ones. And the Inquisition is police number three, which monitors the first two. In short, it will take me a long time to get used to it here.

The interrogation of witnesses ended with the sudden suicide of the driver - he threw himself under a train passing along one of the tracks. The message about the incident in the carriage caused only bewilderment in the Inquisitor. However, the matter was still decided in our favor. And that's okay.

And then the time came to visit the Night's Watch office. A place where I might work.

This is interesting: The design of the station is very good, but even here it is not without its flaws. The trains became two cars shorter, and on one side there was no tape with the stations of the branch and the name itself. Or maybe I don’t go to Polezhaevskaya often enough?

Interlude: blessed Geser

The coffee was tasteless, sour, and apparently the filter had not been changed for a long time. I swallowed a hot drink, looking at the screen, then pulled out my cell phone and dialed the boss’s number.

Speak, Anton.

He always knew who was calling him.

Boris Ignatievich, you can only suspect one thing.

And who exactly?

The voice was dry and official. But for some reason it seemed to me that the boss was now sitting on a leather sofa, half naked, with a glass of champagne in one hand, Olga’s palm in the other, and pressing the phone with his shoulder or levitating near his ear...

But, but... - the boss pulled me back.

Shitty clairvoyant.

S. Lukyanenko, “Night Watch”

Gesar looked truly monumental. In a conversation, he somehow, easily and casually, called himself the Great Other and said that he was hundreds of years old. It's a small thing, isn't it?

A few more things came to light. First of all, my mother is healthy. And that is great. Secondly, this fake disease was set up by the Dark Ones to win me over to their side. And it's terrible. The doctor immediately made a diagnosis and set a price without any examination. And the “brothers” immediately turned up with their order. How did I even get caught? It's nonsense, nonsense...

At least now I understood who was on my side, and I confidently accepted Geser’s offer to work in the Night’s Watch.

This is interesting: Geser is voiced by Mr. Menshov himself. And he does it with exceptional quality. And everything would be fine if the voices of the other characters didn’t seem ridiculous and somehow cardboard against his background.

The next task was to meet in the park with an operative nicknamed Tiger Cub and explore this very park. My imagination still finds it difficult to clearly imagine the appearance of a man who could be hiding behind such a nickname...

About big cats and other animals

The tiger cub stood about ten meters away. I looked at her and envied her for a moment - she certainly didn’t feel the cold. I didn’t know where werewolves and magicians get the mass to transform their bodies. It seems not from the Twilight, but not from the human world either. In human form, the girl weighed about fifty kilograms, maybe a little more. There was one and a half centners in the young tigress, standing in a fighting stance on the icy roof. Her aura glowed orange, and slow, deliberate sparks flowed down her fur. The tail lashed rhythmically from left to right, the right front paw measuredly scratched the bitumen. In this place the roof was torn down to the concrete... someone will be flooded in the spring...

S. Lukyanenko, “Night Watch”

And Tiger Cub turned out to be not a man, but a pretty girl with big green eyes. I felt so embarrassed that I started making stupid jokes. But in reality there was no time for jokes. Having walked a little along the asphalt path, we heard a woman scream.

And soon a girl ran out of the nearby bushes (damn it! It’s the same one! The one they “ordered” for me!), followed by two either wolves or dogs. We know such dogs...

Shout “Night Watch!” - and the dogs turn into a group of frowning big men. And, apparently, it won’t be possible to sort it out peacefully. With a roar, the tiger cub turns into... a tiger, of course. It was she who took the brunt of the blow; Vera and I helped as best we could - Tiger Cub still has more experience. The main thing was not to disperse, to attack one target together. And do not expose the magicians to attack - the spells hit well, but the magicians themselves need little to fall unconscious.

The first group of werewolves was followed by a second, and then a third. Fortunately, they attacked in turns and gave us some time to catch our breath.

It is important: don't rush anywhere - nothing will happen to the girl. The script provides for this.

At the end we had a meeting with the leader of the pack. He turned out to be not so dangerous, but our forces were not as strong as at the beginning. Overall, the proven tactics paid off again.

And the girl ran away. And she escaped through the Twilight. So what do we have? The girl, judging by her aura, is an uninitiated Other - that’s it. He walks into Twilight as if he’s going to his own home - that’s two, and it’s strange. Geser must be consulted.

On a note: pick up pistols just in case. Look, they'll come in handy.

Forced stop

The car's tire burst and we were forced to set off on foot. But our road was blocked by an old friend of mine - a policeman, a vampire (or rather, a major) of the police, and a group of bandits with pistols. The Tiger Cub immediately suggested fleeing to the Twilight - there pistols could not cause harm. But here’s the strange thing: the entrance to the Twilight was blocked. I, of course, am new to all these matters, but this development of events seemed strange and unpleasant to me.

It is important: make sure that the heroes do not get hit by passing cars.

We must fight. First of all, they began to deal not with the policeman, but with the bandits. Of course, the vampire caused the most trouble for us, but, therefore, we needed more time for him. So getting rid of weaker targets first, so as not to interfere, is the right decision.

Then the vampire managed to call for reinforcements, four more bandits. Concentrating fire is a smart tactic. The policeman himself hid near the car. That's what we focused on. Two more vampires were coming from the north, but by the time they got there... And the policeman - here he is, warm. It goes straight into your hands.

The last survivor told us... well, in general, he didn’t really tell us anything. The local Dark One, Zabulon, sent them here, but did not warn them about the impossibility of entering the Twilight.

The call to Geser also clarified little, except for our next task: we need to visit the “ordered” girl. Luckily I remember the address.

Moscow courtyard

This is war. But war is always criminal. Always, at all times, there will be a place in it not only for heroism and self-sacrifice, but also for betrayal, meanness, and stabs in the back. Otherwise, you simply cannot fight. Otherwise, you lost in advance.

S. Lukyanenko, “Night Watch”

An ordinary calm winter Moscow courtyard. There are only many Dark Ones. Two of them met us right at the entrance to the courtyard. And they didn’t want to miss it. In vain - how much could this brave two oppose to us?

The air simply sparkled with magical emanations - it was necessary to act carefully. First we went to the right entrance, if you stand opposite the house. We entered the Twilight in advance (behind one of the benches) and rushed into battle. We had a small head start, and when the enemies only managed to figure out what was happening, one of them was already lying on the ground. By concentrating the fire, we managed to clear the passage without much difficulty. Another similar group was waiting for us at the second entrance.

By the way, we planned in advance where we could retreat in a critical situation. It was necessary to get out of the Twilight and quickly run for the distant garages. In the end, the enemies themselves would have to come out of the Twilight (the forces are not endless), and then we would have slammed them down.

Fortunately, there was no need to resort to such tricks. After the battle, having regained our strength, we climbed to the third floor, to the apartment of our unfortunate girl. And in the apartment there was a pogrom and nothing more.

Meanwhile, they were already waiting for us below. A dark magician who introduced himself as Aristarchus wanted to arrest us. Moreover, he brought with him our “girl”, who... turned out to be Dark. Yes, wow the week is starting...

There was only one way out - to run. But it didn’t work out, because Inquisitor Maxim came out of the Twilight. And so far no one has escaped from the Inquisition. After briefly listening to our testimony, the Inquisitor now wanted to arrest us.

However, everyone’s attention was drawn to the sudden explosion of the car - I didn’t really figure out whether it was Vera’s doing or just one of the Dark Ones who had thrown cigarette butts into the gas tank while on duty... and there was no time to figure it out. I rushed away. Luckily for me, there was a hatch right on the road. And there was no other way for me but down.

...and copper pipes

This is interesting: The Moscow sewer system painfully reminded me of the basements of the UN and the warehouses of the secret organization Hammer of Thor. The developers have completely lost their conscience.

The tail followed me, but the tail was small and weak - a pitiful loner, moreover, it could not withstand even three punches to the jaw.

Well, go ahead! Along the pipes! At one of the next turns I managed to overhear a conversation between two Dark Ones. They decided to smoke. They just didn’t take into account that the door to their improvised “smoking room” could be closed from the outside. Which, of course, I took advantage of.

I passed the next “guard” through the Twilight. He didn't see me. With a calm soul, I went down the nearest stairs and reached the T-shaped intersection, when three enemies jumped out of the Twilight. The dark ones stood quite closely, and the fireball and telekinesis spells were very suitable for such a situation.

It is important: The plot provides the opportunity to lose this battle without failing the mission. Do not worry. You can also not go down the stairs, but find the Dark One and intimidate him to get the key. Then it will be possible to exit through another door altogether and avoid a fight.

Interlude: Level 1 Magical Intervention

And Geser was already waiting for me in Gorsvet’s office. Together with Maxim. With the Inquisitor. While I was walking through the sewers, an agreement was made. The dark ones, in exchange for our three lives (mine, Vera's and Tiger Cub), received the right to first-level magical intervention. Which, it seems, was what they wanted. Damn it, now I understand that you can’t just chop things off the shoulder. But then the deed was done, and for some reason Geser did not consider it possible to surrender us.

The next job turned out to be quite simple, even though I had already messed up - I just had to meet a new employee arriving in the city.

A noisy meeting, or welcome to the Night Watch

And the stop where we were supposed to meet Yurik was simply swarming with Dark Ones. What have they forgotten here? Okay, we'll figure it out later.

Here our new friend gets off the minibus, and... he is arrested by the Dark Ones for carrying out unauthorized remoralization. Magically inclined people towards good, that is. And who should take the rap? Vera and I! It’s good that at least the enemies were seriously distracted by Yurik - my assistant and I just carefully hit from around the corner.

On a note: if you choose “answer evasively” in the dialogue with the Dark Ones at the beginning of the mission, you will a little simpler.

The battle turned out to be simple and fleeting. The main thing is to know what to hit with and immediately enter the Twilight. “Thanatos,” which recently appeared in the arsenal, turned out to be the best solution; we launched fireballs at groups of enemies.

And now the battle is over - everyone is alive. But, unfortunately, civilians who were waiting at the bus stop for their minibus suffered. And that's all Yurik! Damn moralist! At my scolding, the newcomer almost burst into tears, and, lo and behold, the passers-by suddenly stood up and went about their business. The talent seems to have come to us from the outback.

As soon as we became acquainted with the talent, four more Dark Ones appeared around the corner. This time we chose a lazier tactic - even the changeling tried not to immediately run up to the enemies, but waited until they themselves came under attack.

When the fight was over, it was necessary to decide how to get out of here as quickly as possible. The cordon they put up against us was impressive: three groups of 4-6 people. Or rather, Others. Of course, we could handle each one on its own, but if they come to help each other, it might get a little hot. And I made the only possible decision: to retreat through the Twilight, invisible to the enemies.

Already approaching the VDNKh metro station, I thought that everything was very smooth. Why didn't they set up protection in Twilight? Why so much attention? Not because of simple remoralization?

But I quickly suppressed these thoughts. “We’ll figure it out later,” I thought for the umpteenth time.

The man decides

And an ambush awaited us at VDNKh. Only two people, true, but still a bad sign. All decisions ultimately fell on my shoulders. Yurik is clumsy, and Vera is still not a battle-hardened dork, although she swaggers around. However, she herself gave me the reins of government. What can a man decide? Start the fight.

It is important: all trophies must be picked up before the end of the battle - during the next video the heroes They will run away from objects in such a cunning way that they will no longer be able to collect them. And the little things, by the way, are really nothing.

As soon as we caught our breath a little, meteorites rained down from the sky with a roar. However... Fortunately, for some reason the metro station was not affected - we hid there. A small group of Dark Ones arrived (just like the bastards walk around at home! No meteorites!) of six people. I can’t say that it was very easy, especially for the changeling - there was no one else to protect the magicians from the enemy’s attacks. Therefore, Vera and I did not retreat much and took part of the blow. But in general, the concentration of fire solves all problems.

Another small group was waiting for us inside - and two of its members hid from us behind the partition between the escalators. Oh no! You can't lure us out - go yourself! The reinforcements that arrived in time for the enemy consisted of only two werewolves - it’s even somehow funny.

All that remains is to decide what to do next. And I thought that since the station did not come under attack, then, obviously, the one who causes the rain is on the roof. And indeed, as soon as we got up, the Dark Magician, rubbing his fists, came out to meet us and hit Yurik with a powerful spell. And Yurik... responded, and with the same strong blow, without, as it seemed to me, losing a drop of strength. Finishing off the sorcerer was a matter of technique.

But this is what began next... The head of the Moscow Dark Ones himself appeared - Zabulon. With a retinue of four magicians. Fortunately, he himself did not show any aggression, and the magicians could not objectively oppose anything to us. We simply focused fire on each one in turn. There was a temptation to switch to the one who came closer, but we did not do this. Whoever comes closer will kick. Whoever stands further away will cast a spell. It’s not for me to explain to you which is stronger.

The fight is over. Zabulon calmly approaches Yurik and inflicts a powerful magical blow on him. Just one blow - no man. But we won’t forget Yura. We'll take revenge. But not now. For now, you need to talk to Geser.

Interlude 3: Fake Mirrors

And Geser simply beamed at the sight of us. “The operation was carried out brilliantly!” - he told us from the threshold. Brilliant... Yurika cannot be returned. And I demanded an explanation.

The fact is that whenever the balance of forces is disturbed, a magical creature - the Mirror - can appear from the Twilight. He looks like an ordinary person, but in reality he is a soulless robot designed to restore balance. As soon as you hit him, the attack returns a hundredfold, and the Mirror’s powers increase. The only way to destroy the Mirror is to saturate it with energy as much as possible. This is what Zabulon did on the roof of the entrance to the VDNH metro station. Yurik was the mirror.

The operation went brilliantly, as they managed to trick Zabulon into his first level intervention. But there is one thing: Yurik is not a Mirror, but an ordinary Light Other, under the influence of Geser’s spell, who really wanted to convince the Dark Ones that the newly arrived employee is the Mirror. And here, by the way, is Yurik - alive and unharmed, as if nothing had happened, he entered the door.

Now we have to go through a small test: Geser will virtually take us to the year 44, where we will have to take part in the events in which he once took part.

In August '44

What am I doing right?

This question is scarier than “what am I doing wrong.” If you are wrong, it is enough to abruptly change your line of behavior. Now, if you hit the target without realizing it, shout guard. It’s hard to be a bad shooter, accidentally hitting the bull’s eye, trying to remember the movement of your hands and squinting of your eyes, the strength of your finger pressing the trigger... and not recognizing that a gust of careless wind sent the bullet to the target.

S. Lukyanenko, “Night Watch”

Once there, we managed to overhear a conversation between two Germans (strange thing, but we understood them, although I have hated German since school). People are dying at the test site. They die for no particular reason. They simply find a body without signs of violence or bullet holes. We, unlike the fascists, have an explanation for this - Others.

The road went straight - from time to time we came across fascists, but what could they oppose us? We simply went into the Twilight - pistols couldn’t reach us there. We also met a couple of witches. Individuals, of course, posed almost no threat, but the moment was significant.

It is important: Don’t forget to select Mausers and cartridges for them. They will come in handy.

We walked through the arch and found ourselves in a kind of improvised open-air hall. In the center stood Zabulon, his retinue, a mysterious shining sphere and Olga in a frozen state. He considered me, as they had warned, Geser. And he presented me with a difficult choice: the sphere or Olga. If I choose Olga, Zabulon will summon the spirit of Siegfried - a great hero who went crazy at the end of his life. If I choose the sphere, Olga will die, but the hero will remain imprisoned. It's good that all this is not true. In real life it would be much more difficult to decide. And Geser had to decide at one time.

To be honest, I doubted that Zabulon would abandon his plans because of my choice. I chose Olga.

On a note: I strongly advise you to choose this option.

Zebulon kept his word - he freed Olga. And then he freed Siegfried. He appeared before us in the form of a huge skeleton with a shining sword. It was he who became our main target - as the most dangerous enemy, he hit quite hard with his sword. One more point: it was impossible to enter the Twilight (it was then that I began to suspect why Geser sent us here).

Dark magicians periodically tried to cast a “silence” spell on one of us, sometimes it even worked. But it’s not for nothing that we took Mausers?

When the skeleton fell, Olga joined the battle - this was very opportune, her strength was already running low.

It is important: pick up all the things you are interested in before the last enemy dies. The plot will interrupt the battle and prevent you from collecting trophies.

Interlude 4: Sphere of Powers

As I expected, Gesar explained that, judging by the inability to enter the Twilight in some areas, Zabulon was preparing to use the Sphere of Power. Where could he keep it? We don’t know the exact place, but we know the approximate area where Geser sent us.

By the tortuous road

The location of our operation was a forest near Moscow. Vera began to complain that she would ruin her boots and catch a tick (it happened in winter, please note). Unexpectedly for me, Yurik besieged her. He himself is from the outback - he’s used to forests.

There were few enemies along the way, and they were located so well, as if someone had placed them on purpose. They stood close to each other, and it was not difficult to guess that fireballs were very relevant in such a situation.

It is important: The forest area consists of several zones; to get to the desired storage facility, you need to go first to the right and then straight twice.

Finally we came to a huge tree. Moreover, there was no snow near this tree; instead, green grass grew. Here they were already waiting for us, first a lone werewolf ran up - we quickly dealt with him - but then a rather impressive group of magicians arrived. It got to the point that we had to use Mausers of the 1944 model when the magical energy was running out.

On a note: This wonderful weapon works great even in the Twilight. I recommend.

When the last Dark One fell, we realized that we couldn’t just get inside. We need to look for the tongue and interrogate him. And he was found in the previous part of the park.

Taking the Dark One with us, we returned to the tree. Wow, the door became visible - and in the trunk itself. Only, here’s the problem, there’s no way to open it. Fortunately, we thought of trying to unlock the door through the Twilight.


The inside turned out to be, if not beautiful, then at least interesting. A kind of Gothic cathedral with a huge shining sphere at the far wall. No, it's still beautiful. Where did all this fit?

We went inside, and then everything was revealed. Our captive turned out to be a decoy. And we have already met this duck - it was Aristarchus, who set us up so badly with the Light girl, who suddenly turned into the Dark one.

Pass with our hands - and we were surrounded by a crowd of skeletons with swords. Moreover, as soon as one of them fell, Aristarchus called for a new one in his place. It became clear that there was no point in wasting energy on skeletons, so they took on Aristarchus. Fortunately, he turned out to be not so strong.

And when victory was already in our hands, Zebulun appeared. Himself.

Aristarchus stood up, and the head of the Dark Ones thanked him for the brilliantly performed operation and even gave him the twilight name Shagron. Everything turned out completely differently than we expected.

News rained down: firstly, I am not Light. That is, now I, of course, am Light, but I had to become Dark. Geser used my phone to carry out remoralization - I remembered the mysterious phone call. The use of technical means to “repaint” the Others was new to Zabulon, as well as to the memorable Inquisitor Maxim, who was surprised by the incident in the subway. But the head of the Dark Ones soon realized how this mechanism works and wanted, using the Sphere of Fate, to “repaint” all potential Others black through Central Television.

And we are prisoners and follow Zabulon to Ostankino.

If only I had a little time to think about everything...

And again a forced stop

Plumes of smoke poured out from under the hood of the Dark Ones' car. That's it, we've arrived. It turns out a gremlin got under the hood. And the gremlin is a dark creature. And indeed: we have an unexpected ally in the person of Anya, the Light One who became the Dark One. The same one that was “ordered” for me. This is all very strange.

However, a chance to escape appeared - it would be a sin not to take advantage. And the battle was going to be hot: seven against three. The forces, to put it mildly, are not entirely equal. The main thing is not to spread yourself thin and concentrate your forces on the nearest enemies.

It is important: The ability to save during the battle especially helped here. If it becomes really unbearable, try saving before each shot in order to achieve the maximum number of shots hitting the target.

As soon as the first onslaught was repelled, Shagron appeared with his retinue. Just four Others, and even with Anya fully joining us, are not very serious rivals. While exploring the rest of the Ostankino area, we encountered several more similar groups. It was especially difficult with the last one - Shagron appeared in person. We left it for dessert - we dealt with the rest first.

The final blow - Shagron begs for mercy. Where has all the bravado gone? But at the last moment the Dark One disappeared with a sly grin and four more Dark Ones appeared - what are you going to do here? And they also cast some strange spell on Anya. Okay, we'll figure it out there. Four enemies isn't that many.

Anya died in my arms. There was only one thing left: give her my blood. In theory, this is how one Light One can save another Light One (or a Dark One - a Dark One), but in our case this should not have helped. But it helped. My vision became slightly blurred, I began to feel worse and felt that my magical powers had diminished slightly. But these are minor things. Anya stood before us alive.

And then I made a choice. Not the easiest. We must destroy the Sphere of Fate so that it does not go to either the Light or the Dark. Stop playing with the lives of others. Enough. There is no need for good at such a price, and even more so for evil.

Unfortunately, my friends did not share my decisions. Gesar brainwashed them. Not magically. That is OK. Let's try to cope together.


A dark magician can heal, a Light magician can kill,” I said. - This is true. Do you know what the difference between Light and Darkness is?

Don't know. They don't teach us this... for some reason. Difficult to formulate, perhaps?

It's not difficult at all. If you think first of all about yourself, about your interests, your path is in darkness. If you think about others - towards the light.

How long will it take to get there? To the light?

These are just words, Anton. A play on words. What does an experienced Dark One say to a newcomer? Perhaps the same beautiful and correct words?

Yes. About freedom. That everyone takes the place in life that they deserve. About the fact that any pity humiliates, about the fact that true love is blind, about the fact that real kindness is helpless, about the fact that true freedom is freedom from everyone.

It is not true?

No,” I nodded. - This is also part of the truth. Sveta, we are not given the opportunity to choose the absolute truth. She is always two-faced. All we have is the right to refuse those lies that are more unpleasant.

S. Lukyanenko, “Night Watch”

Our road was blocked by a small group of Dark Ones - three people. And everyone tried to freeze us. Well, we’re not blind to it either! They froze two and calmly finished off the third (there’s no point in hitting frozen targets). Then we repeated the operation when our next “client” melted.

I must say that the area was not very well guarded; apparently, they did not expect to meet us. And Anya’s transition to my side was a surprise. However, we came across two more small groups. Since there were only two of us, it wasn’t very easy, but there weren’t any particular difficulties either. Among the spells used on distant enemies (especially on those that stand tightly) - fireballs, on nearby ones - powerful targeted spells. Let's say thanatos. Why reinvent the wheel?

And Alice was waiting for us at the very entrance to the TV tower. A witch, the favorite of Zebulun himself. And she began to enchant Anya. “This is the enemy, there is an enemy next to you”... Well, no, you won’t take us that easily!

I entered the battle. One on one (Anya under the influence of magic) - it seems fair. It would only be very bad if a freezing spell or the like was cast on me. Therefore, I did not immediately approach my opponent. And soon Anya woke up - it was much easier to cope together, believe me.

OK it's all over Now. One last step towards the finale...

Power plant (Olga's note)

A short SMS from Boris's number and we're on our way. We are me, Veronica and Yuri. The task is formulated simply - to cut off the power to Ostankino. At the power plant, the Dark Ones, of course, weren’t exactly waiting for us, but they considered our arrival very likely.

Several small groups. They fit quite tightly. As my new charges told me, Stas preferred to attack the enemy in a crowd. In general, this is true, but it’s a pity for the changeling, who can get hit by fireballs and other “area” spells that you so want to use against a large group. Therefore, I decided: it would be better for the changeling to simply cause confusion in the ranks of the enemy, attacking not the target on which the others were focused, but precisely the one that does not lie in the direction of the main attack.

Having gotten rid of everyone outside, we did not immediately break into the main building - I destroyed two sparkling towers with fireballs. Only then did we go inside. Moreover, we did not push forward, but simply carefully opened the door - there was no point in turning all the enemies towards us at once.

At this point it was no longer a matter of where the changeling was located. Of course, there was no particular desire to touch him, but the enemies climbing through the doorway looked too tempting. It wasn’t easy, I admit, but “patience and work will wear out everything,” as they once said, and now we are already at the control center. Three remotes - three balls, if you don't miss.

Rendezvous with Zebulon

Top of the tower. A strong wind is blowing, you can’t feel the surface under your feet. And Zebulon also meets us. And our attempt did not cause anything but laughter from him. With a wild laugh, he went to the second layer of Twilight, where we could not reach him. Blows... Pain... Darkness...

I feel myself regaining consciousness and get up. What the hell happened? Someone cured us? Zabulon, meanwhile, has taken out his Sphere and is casting a spell over it. Now he can’t hide from us in the Twilight.

On his first move, he froze Anya, who was standing next to him. And with the tenacity of a donkey he began to hammer at it with everything he could. As if I forgot that freezing greatly increases protection.

It is important: trying to specifically freeze Anya (or frame Stas if he is not a magician) is almost the most effective tactic in the current situation. Once Zabulon knocks out one character, the fate of another is sealed. It’s also worth saving more often, excuse the banality, the fact is that your enemy periodically eats apples, which completely restore his health. Moreover, this is dictated not by scenario necessity, but by the result of throwing a virtual dice. By constantly loading, it is quite possible to wean the Dark Magician from this habit. This, however, is unsporting, so it’s up to you to decide.

When Zabulon's strength was already running out, he reincarnated as a huge horned demon - and everything started again. Impacts, flashes, magic... And now, it seems, victory. Anya and I were left alone with the Sphere. How the hell can you destroy it? How? Throw it down?

There was no time to decide - Zabulon began to come to his senses. I took the Sphere, Anya took my hand, and we jumped down. I was sure that nothing would happen. Someone helped us. Someone very powerful.


And nothing really happened. Who is helping us, we would like to know...

We found ourselves on the bridge, sandwiched between two lights, between the Light and the Dark. Geser himself took the side of the Light Ones. He, however, did not particularly interfere in the battle, only slightly helping the others. Apparently, he understood that blows with full force could get him from the Inquisition.

Anya and I simply tried not to interfere, only occasionally casting a spell or two. All the cream turned out to be on the side of the Dark Ones: several faces we had not seen before, Alice (the devil survived!), Shagron and Zabulon himself. Evil and invulnerable.

It was necessary to destroy the Sphere of Power before things got really bad.

Previously, the Light or Dark always tried to activate the Sphere in order to use it for their own purposes. And I came up with a plan. Activate the Sphere, but Anya and I must do this together. Light and Dark must touch the artifact at the same time.

“Stop!” - Geser shouted. “Stop!” - Zabulon echoed him.

But it was too late.

Interlude 5: The Right Choice

Anton, after all, you yourself now speak like the Dark One... You love her, after all! So don’t demand or expect anything in return! This is the way of Light!

Where love begins, Light and Darkness end.

S. Lukyanenko, “Night Watch”

After a short altercation with Geser, Zebulon disappeared. How similar they are - this Light One and this Dark One, although they are different. The Inquisitor appeared, said something about the broken deal and the upcoming meeting, and also left.

The time has come for Geser to explain himself. It all started with the fact that the Night Watch began research in the field of magical influence through electrical devices. The plans of the Great Other were to seize the Sphere of Powers and the subsequent transformation of all potential Others of Russia into Light Ones. It's not meant to be. The Dark Ones and the Inquisition found out about the operation. The latter wished to put the Sphere into her storage. And Gesar compromised. “Not for me - not for anyone!” - he decided. And the joint operation of the Inquisition and the Night Watch began. In which we took a direct part. True, many things did not go as planned. Zabulon did not fall for the trick with the Mirror, and we behaved unusually.

Olga, Yurik and Vera suddenly appeared. Olga immediately stated that the operation to turn off the electricity on Geser’s orders had been completed. Only, as Geser himself said, he did not give any orders and did not send any SMS messages.

Then it became clear who our mysterious ally was - it turned out to be Twilight himself, who stood up to defend the balance between Light and Darkness. Sometimes you learn truly terrible things. The Twilight itself - a seemingly unreasonable instrument - protected the world balance.

It was to clarify the circumstances related to him that Boris Ignatievich wanted to involve me in future operations of the Night Watch. However, Anya interrupted his remark. She said what I knew without her. That the Great Others are playing with the destinies of people, that we are just pawns on a chessboard. And she also said that she loves me. And we must be together - and no patrols, no war. Gesar, in turn, insisted on his own.

There was a difficult choice ahead. I was sure of only one thing: it would be right.

1 2 All

became popular in the CIS countries after the release of a science fiction film with the same name. Today Night Watch is played in almost every city, and for many the Watch has already become a lifestyle, an opportunity to get thrills and a little extreme.

It’s interesting, because not everyone may know that the Night Watch game is regularly held in their city; the time of the Watch is Night time. Up to ten teams can participate in the game at the same time, sometimes this number may change. A prerequisite for each team is availability of a car and mobile communications.

IN command structure includes: captain, coordinator - a person who has a connection to the Internet, as well as mobile communication with the team captain and team members, the number of which is usually determined by the availability of seats in the car.

The essence of the game quite simple. The team coordinator receives the task from the organizer and passes it on to the captain. Then the team, with the help of a coordinator, must decipher the task and go to the specified location. If the location is determined correctly, the team, led by the captain, will find there the code necessary to confirm the completion of the task. The found code is transmitted via mobile phone to the coordinator, who is responsible for receiving the code by the game organizer. When the code is received, the time during which the task was completed is recorded. Total game Night Watch involves completing eight tasks. The final time is the sum of the time it takes the team to complete all tasks. The team that completes all tasks faster than the rest wins.

The Night Watch game requires pre-registration and a certain contribution to the game fund.

In addition to a car and a computer with Internet access, to participate in the game you will need city ​​map and flashlight. Since the game Night Watch is a very extreme hobby and codes can end up in completely unexpected places, for example, a sewer hatch or the basement of an abandoned house, you should dress accordingly for the game. Clothing should be comfortable and something you don’t mind getting dirty. It is also advisable to have rubber boots and other protective equipment.

Basically, the Night Watch game is played twice a month, on the night from Saturday to Sunday so that participants can get a good night's sleep. The Night Watch game usually starts at 20.00 or 21.00, depending on the time of year, and accordingly, on what time it starts to get dark outside. The time of year is not important for the organizers of the game, because the tasks are adjusted to any weather and temperature.

The tasks that the Night Watch game requires you to complete can be completely varied. You will need ingenuity, erudition, a broad outlook, as well as a sense of humor and a willingness to do anything, even the craziest.

Oddly enough, event organizers usually take into account the degree of risk and danger, therefore, no matter how scary the proposed tasks may seem, completing them is always quite possible.

A person who wants to take part in the game may not have his own team. In this case, you need to contact the organizer and he will be assigned to the team where there are places. But, of course, it is much better when the team is made up of people who know each other well and for a long time, this gives them an advantage over their rivals.

The rules and features of the event may vary depending on the city in which the Night Watch game takes place, as well as the organizers. But the essence remains the same.

Participation in such events helps to relax, remove negativity, recharge with extreme emotions and positivity, and also contributes to the development of teamwork skills, logical thinking and organizational abilities.