How to close an individual entrepreneur account in VTB 24. Why do you need to close a bank card? Algorithm for closing a credit card and possible difficulties encountered in the process

At VTB 24 Bank, you can close a deposit in accordance with the conditions specified in the agreement. When making a deposit, the closing rules must be indicated in it. If necessary, the depositor can claim the deposit before its expiration, but the terms of settlement with the client will change.

How to close a deposit at VTB 24 Bank

Investors may need information on how to close a deposit in VTB 24 in order to adjust their own actions and do it competently.

The bank offers two closing options:

  • due to the expiration of the contract;
  • ahead of schedule, at the client’s initiative.

In order to close an existing deposit, the following methods are provided:

  • directly in the inpatient department;
  • remotely through your personal account online.

At VTB 24 Bank, it is necessary to close the deposit upon expiration of the agreement in deadlines. If the depositor for some reason does not do this, the deposit will be automatically extended. According to the bank's terms, automatic prolongation occurs twice. This rule applies to all programs.

Methods for closing deposits

Today, each VTB 24 depositor can choose one of two ways to close a deposit: online or by contacting a bank branch. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

At a bank branch

Let's look at how to close a deposit in VTB 24. If you close it personally, you will need to write a corresponding application at the inpatient department. You must have your passport and your own copy of the contract with you. The same documents will be required for early closure.

Online through your personal account

It is possible to close a VTB 24 deposit online through your VTB 24-Online personal account. After logging in personal account You will need to select the desired deposit, confirm your action and indicate the account number to which the client’s funds will be transferred.

Early closure of the deposit

In case of early closure, the calculation procedure will be changed. If the contract is terminated in the first six months, then interest will be paid in accordance with the bank's rules, with a demand interest rate of 0.01%.

In the future, payment will be made in the amount of 0.6% of that specified in the agreement interest rate. The profit that has already been paid will be recalculated and reimbursed at the expense of the client. If capitalization was carried out, then the interest will also be recalculated, since capitalization is not provided for early closure of the deposit.


These are the basic rules by which you can close a deposit in VTB 24 by coming in person to the branch, or online through your personal Internet banking account. They are indicated when drawing up the contract. Interrupting its operation is not beneficial for the investor, since he loses interest. If the client assumes such a possibility, then it is recommended to open a deposit with the possibility of partial withdrawal or a Savings Account, which allows you to withdraw funds from the account almost completely without losing interest (they are accrued on the actual balance).

The question is one of the most popular, because probably every plastic owner has heard about people who have accumulated serious debts to the bank for a couple of unpaid rubles, which in the future led to lengthy legal proceedings.

The fact is that in any case the bank remains the owner of the plastic card; the card is issued to the holder and serves as a kind of key to this account.

This means that you cannot break the plastic or simply throw it away - this does not lead to the closure of the account, but only adds problems. Closing credit card VTB 24 is a simple procedure, the main thing is to follow the generally accepted algorithm of actions.

The procedure for closing a VTB 24 credit card does not require the client to explain such a decision. No longer want to use plastic? It's time to contact the lender to write an application to close it.

This is especially important because some plastic cards after their expiration, they are reissued automatically, maintaining their status and the current tariff plan. This may result in additional unwanted debits from your balance.

These rules apply not only to credit cards; holders of salary or social cards also need to close their accounts if, for example, you decide to quit your job or move to another country.

Procedure for closing debit cards

The process is not at all complicated, but it does take time. You can submit an application for blocking directly in your personal account on the website, but only after visiting the nearest branch and writing an application for blocking, the application will be executed and the account will simply remain frozen and will be permanently closed. So please be patient.

The client is not required to repay the debt on the card, because debit plastic does not have an overdraft and only the person’s personal funds are stored on it. You must have the card and your passport with you; the branch will ask you to write an application for closure.

A copy is made of the application, which you must take for yourself and keep until you receive a certificate stating that the card account is closed and the bank has no claims against you.

This is the procedure on how to close a credit card VTB card 24 can be considered completed. After about 30-45 days, you need to visit the bank again and pick up a certificate certified by signatures and seals stating that the card is closed.

The plastic itself is simply destroyed by cutting the magnetic tape in half with scissors. It is not recommended to throw away the closure certificate.

Algorithm for closing a credit card and possible difficulties encountered in the process

The first step is to check whether there is any debt to the bank. Do not forget that even if a credit card was issued but not used, this cannot guarantee the absence of debt.

For example, an additional paid SMS notification service was issued along with a credit card. You will have to pay for it even when the client does not use the card, but simply keeps it for a convenient occasion.

In this case, a debt may arise on the account that the client has not repaid. This means that you will not be able to close the card before it is redeemed. This point should also be taken into account.

In order not to waste time, it is recommended to close all your debts to the bank in advance. As soon as the money has been written off, you can apply to close the credit card. To avoid unpleasant situations, it is recommended to leave an amount in the account that is slightly larger than the total debt.

Before submitting your application, you will definitely need to provide documents to close a VTB 24 credit card:

  • passport;
  • credit card.

The bank has all the necessary data, so you can immediately contact a loan specialist at one of the bank’s branches. If there is a loan debt, he will provide a statement with the exact amount.

After this, you need to extinguish it and contact a specialist again. He will issue an application form to close the credit line, which you will need to fill out and sign. After this, the procedure for closing the credit card will begin.

After 45 calendar days, the account will be completely closed. During this time, the client can withdraw the application and continue to use the account. After complete closure, it is recommended to take a certificate of no debt to the bank so that there are no troubles in the future.

Subtleties of closing a card

It is important to say that no one except the account owner can close it. Even if the client contacts customer support and communicates his intentions, the employee will not be able to close the credit line.

Even a remote banking system with wide functionality does not allow you to close the account completely, and the most that can be done is to pay off the debt to the bank from another card.

To initiate the procedure for closing a credit account, the owner will need to personally write an application and provide identification documents to a VTB employee at one of the nearest branches. After accepting the application, the credit card will be blocked and it will be impossible to make payments on it.

But in order to completely close the account you will need to wait 45 from the day the application was submitted. The account will exist throughout the entire period. To avoid unpleasant situations, it is recommended to leave some money in your account.

If some paid service was activated on the card, then the extra money will cover its subscription fee and there will be no debts. In this case, after the account is completely closed, you can get a certificate from the bank about the absence of debts.

If additional services was not activated, then after 45 days you can simply pick up the certificate after complete closure.

VTB 24 significantly increased minimum amount deposits that can be opened at bank branches: from 10 thousand to 100 thousand rubles. Thus, the bank intends to reduce costs and relieve branches in order to increase the loyalty of wealthy clients who are a priority for the bank. However, according to experts, given the weak influx of deposits into the banking system, small depositors should not be neglected.

Yesterday, VTB 24 Bank announced the introduction of a new deposit line for individuals. It does not imply the possibility of opening deposits in an amount of less than 100 thousand rubles (or the equivalent in dollars and euros). Before this, the minimum deposit amount in the bank was 10 thousand rubles. As the head of the passive and commission department explained to Kommersant VTB operations 24 Ashot Simonyan, the increase in the minimum deposit amount is aimed at increasing the efficiency of the bank and is generally consistent with its business model. “Our model provides a focus on the premium class of clients - with incomes above average, so we focus on servicing them,” explained Mr. Simonyan. “We leave the possibility of opening deposits from 15 thousand rubles in remote channels.” According to him, for a bank the cost of opening a deposit in the Internet bank is on average three to four times lower than in the office. “This approach allows us to relieve branches, increase the loyalty of our main customers by reducing service time, and free up employees to sell products that are more profitable for the bank,” he adds.

VTB 24 found it difficult to assess the economic effect of increasing the minimum deposit amount. According to sources close to the bank, it can be noticeable: “Clients with deposits of less than 100 thousand rubles - 30% of all bank depositors.” In total terms, as reported by VTB 24, such clients account for about 1% of all deposits. As of August 1, the volume of funds of individuals placed with VTB 24 amounted to 1.393 trillion rubles, since the beginning of the year it has grown by 4.1%. This is more than in the system, where, according to the Central Bank, the increase over eight months is 0.9%. VTB 24 ranks second in the deposit market (8.13%).

VTB 24’s main competitor, Sberbank (46% market share), is not going to abandon small depositors. “Sberbank is focused on all client segments. Among the bank’s clients there are many representatives of socially disadvantaged sections of society, people with incomes below average, so we will continue to serve small amounts, including small amounts,” the bank said. “The smaller the transaction amount, the less beneficial in terms of transaction costs. But there are other ways to optimize them."

According to market participants, VTB 24, in an effort to live up to its status and control costs, forgets that even a small client with the right attitude can become a big one, and voluntarily abandons part of the business. “Very often, clients with small deposits increase the deposit amount to significantly more than 100 thousand rubles, the main thing is to provide the opportunity to constantly replenish the deposit,” says Raiffeisenbank board member Andrei Stepanenko. “We do not intend to increase the minimum deposit amount (currently 15 thousand. rubles in branches, 5 thousand - via the Internet)." According to Evgeny Lapin, Managing Director for Retail Products and Segments of Promsvyazbank, depositors with small amounts often not only increase the average deposit amount through replenishments, but also open new savings products.

How to close a VTB 24 card

Closing a bank card is by no means a simple procedure. It is mandatory and should not be neglected. Any card is only a physical item for accessing bank account and to conduct operations. It is owned by the bank, so it is strictly forbidden to throw it away, break it, or forget about it. The procedure for closing a credit card is specified in the rules for using cards. How to stop using VTB 24 plastic and not end up in an unpleasant situation is a very pressing question, so it’s worth considering it in more detail.

Why do you need to close your bank card?

A bank card may be closed for several reasons:

  • No need for further use
  • The client decided to choose another option (different status, with different opportunities)
  • The validity period expires and the client does not want to use it anymore
  • Dismissal from work (if salary)
  • Moving to another country and other reasons.

Features of closure.

With a debit card, the closing process is simpler than with a credit card. This is due to the fact that debit card There is no credit limit, which means there is no need to pay accrued interest and wait for the payment period. Let's consider the action algorithm, how to close a VTB 24 debit card:

  • Approach the bank office in person with your passport and plastic card
  • Write an application to close a plastic account with your own hand
  • The bank employee must print the statement and issue the balance (the balance can be issued in cash, transferred to the client's account or transferred to the bank account (if the amount is, for example, a few rubles/kopecks, and the client does not want to receive it))
  • After the bank employee marks the acceptance of the application for closing the card, you should take a copy of this application for yourself (to present it if there is any failure in the system during closure or a bank error)
  • Give the plastic to a bank employee for destruction (it is cut along the magnetic stripe and chip and thrown into the trash bin or attached to the application)
  • The linked account will be closed after 45 days (this is due to the fact that transactions may still occur on the account, for example, a payment that was made abroad or on the Internet is debited a few days later). After 45 days, you should go to the bank and get a certificate confirming that the account is closed and that there is no debt. It should be stored for several years. This is a must do to avoid getting caught. unpleasant situation, for example, the card account was not closed because some payment went through, the client went into the red, and the bank charged fines for this.

Features of closing a VTB 24 credit card.

Here, the difficulty of closing a credit card lies in the fact that it has credit limit, especially if the client uses it actively. The estimated closing period is the 20th of each month. It is on this date that payments must be made and the debt repaid. You can close it at any other convenient time. In this case, you should leave a certain amount in the account so that it is enough to pay accrued interest. Let's consider the algorithm, how to close a VTB 24 credit card:

  • Approach the branch in person with your passport and plastic card
  • Receive an account statement about the debt
  • Deposit the specified amount with a reserve (since the statement is generated for the current date, and the account is closed only after 45 days)
  • Pick up a copy of the application for closing a credit card with a bank mark (the card should not be handed in, because if the account is not closed due to debt, you will need to deposit the missing amount on the card), and if there is a balance left on the account, then in the application you can indicate your account to which it will be transferred
  • Apply in 45 days for a certificate confirming the closure of the credit card and the absence of debt to the bank. In the case of a credit card, this should be done necessarily, because you can fall into arrears, and the bank will charge fines and penalties for this amount in geometric progression.

Who can close a VTB 24 card?

Closing occurs only at the request of the client. The responsible bank employee, upon receiving such an application, performs the corresponding operations in the bank’s system and monitors whether the card is closed within the specified period. It is worth remembering that it does not close automatically when notifying the employee verbally or by phone hotline or in Internet banking. In this case, it will be blocked, but the account will remain valid, therefore, operations can occur on it (writing off for next year services, commissions for SMS alerts, insurance, etc.).

Therefore, it should be remembered main points on how to close a VTB 24 card.