How intuition can help you make effective decisions. Intuition - the secret of the subconscious

There is no person in the world who has never heard of intuition. Have you ever heard someone say: “My instinct tells me”, “I guess it”? This is intuition, which can manifest itself in various forms. Each of us, at least once in our lives, has experienced an important intuitive experience, which is completely impossible to explain using logic.

Today we’ll figure out what intuition is, whether every person has it, whether it can be trusted, and whether there are ways that really help develop your sixth sense.

What is intuition?

Some people think that intuition is a myth and fairy tales for naive children, so you can’t trust it. Others, when making important decisions, necessarily listen to their sixth sense and do as their inner voice tells them.

Intuition is internal impulses that arise regardless of a person’s will. This happens completely unexpectedly. Blaming them on one's own imagination and ignoring or listening to them is a choice that a person can make several times throughout the day.

You can attribute mystical origins to intuition and argue that it is a supernatural ability, but back in 1981, neuropsychologist Roger Sperry convinced the scientific world that this statement is not true. For this discovery the man received the Nobel Prize. Sperry was able to prove that intuition is a normal human function, for which the right hemisphere of our brain is responsible. It is the right hemisphere that perceives and processes important information in the form of images. The left hemisphere does this using abstract thinking and logic.

Intuition is an alternative subconscious mind that every person possesses. This is the way our inner voice tries to communicate with us.

Developing your sixth sense is not only possible, but necessary! But it should be remembered that intuition and fortune telling are completely different things. One has nothing to do with the other.

Intuition is not just some function that every person has. This is a way of existence, our internal navigator, the path to wisdom and enlightenment. We are equipped with a finely tuned and sophisticated internal navigation system. Thanks to it we can receive psychic information. This process is energetic in nature. Through intuitive sensations, a person can receive and read information, because everything around (people, objects, space) is permeated with energy.

To develop intuition, you need to be positive and not afraid of difficulties. It won’t work out right the first time, you need to be prepared for failures. But after awakening your intuition and its development, you will notice that making important decisions has become much easier, and life itself has changed for the better.

How to develop intuition? We bring to your attention the best ways to help awaken your inner voice and tune it in the right way!

Method number 1. Intuition and you are best friends

American sociopsychologist Thomas Condon argues that each person has his own unique intuitive style. Someone may feel a special warmth in their stomach, another “sees” a picture in their head, a third person’s eye begins to twitch or their nose itches. This is quite normal, because the subconscious sends chaotic signals that can manifest themselves in the most strange and surprising ways.

Your task is to recognize these signals, accept them and make friends with your intuition. To do this you need:

  1. retire and find a secluded place where no one will distract you or disturb you;
  2. remember and analyze in detail all those cases when you acted on a whim and ultimately received positive results;
  3. remember and write down all the sensations that you had then (rapid heartbeat, tinnitus, some strange feeling inside you, etc.);
  4. write down exactly the form in which you received the information: did an image suddenly appear in front of you in the form of a picture that you correctly deciphered, did a clear and distinct solution come to your mind, etc.

After completing the exercise, you will be able to understand exactly what signals your subconscious is sending you. Having understood this issue, next time you will know exactly how your intuition works.

Let's consider this exercise using the example of the girl Nastya. Sometimes her left hand begins to cramp, and then she singles out individual words from conversations. At first Nastya thought it was just a trick of the imagination. But having made friends with her intuition, the girl realized that in this way her inner voice was sending her clues. Now Anastasia always listens to her intuition and easily makes the right decisions.

Method No. 2. Learning to consciously use intuition

Once you figure out exactly how your intuition works, try to learn how to use it consciously. To do this, you need to formulate a clear and precise question that interests you most at the moment. Concentrate all your attention on the part of the body where your intuition is “born”. When familiar sensations arise (this doesn’t always happen the first time, so don’t get discouraged and don’t stop doing the exercise after the first failure), clench your fists tightly.

The exercise must be repeated every day. Over time, you will learn to consciously turn on your intuition by simply clenching your fists.

Method No. 3. Give your intuition as much freedom as possible

Make wild guesses throughout the day. If you are sitting in a cafe, try to guess the name of the waitress. Are you dating your girlfriend? Try to imagine what exactly she will be wearing. Are you going to work? Guess what task the boss will assign you to complete today.

This exercise should not be taken very seriously. Don't scold yourself and don't worry if your guesses don't correspond to the real state of things. The purpose of this exercise is not for you to learn to predict the future, but for you to turn off logic and learn to relax.

Although most of your guesses will be wrong at first, over time, doing this exercise will allow you to predict some events.

To learn how to correctly interpret the signals that your intuition sends you, you need to do the following exercise in the morning. It takes from 10 to 15 minutes. You need to practice the exercise in a good mood.

  1. Take a pen and a blank sheet of paper.
  2. Find a secluded place in the house so that no one will disturb you.
  3. Relax completely, close your eyes, meditate a little.
  4. Write down or sketch every image that appears in your head. If you think it's complete nonsense, push those thoughts away and continue writing or drawing.
  5. Before going to bed, look at the list, remember the key events that happened throughout the day and compare one with the other.

You will be surprised, but much of what you wrote in the morning is directly related to what happened during the day. The more you practice this exercise, the clearer and brighter your stream of consciousness will become.

Method No. 5. Getting rid of filters

This method is a little reminiscent of the previous one and is an excellent addition to it. Take a notepad and write down different words that pop into your head. Then, for each word, write down the first associations that appear when you hear this word. Limit yourself to five words.

At first, you will create boring lists containing standard phrases: “work-work”, “medicine-hospital”, “comfort-home”, etc. When you're done making your list, start over. Take the same words and try to write down other associations. Come up with new associations until you begin to write down the most unexpected and crazy phrases.

Sociopsychologist S. Jagdish, who is the author of this method of developing intuition, writes in one of his books: “On the 15th day of doing the exercise “Getting rid of filters,” I unexpectedly wrote “street - telephone.” That same day, on my way to work, I lost my mobile phone. It’s good that the phone was found by a respectable person who returned it to me and did not demand any compensation.”

Method number 6. Watch for the signs

Very often we ask heaven to send us some kind of sign, but we absolutely do not want to monitor the appearance of these signs in our lives. Try to keep an eye on what catches your eye. Ask a question that interests you, and then throughout the day carefully look at which advertising posters most often appear before your eyes, whether a certain number is repeated more than two or three times a day, etc.

From childhood, we are taught to make thoughtful and hard-won decisions in the spirit of “measure twice, cut once.” But experience shows that intuitive insight often gives more impressive results, and long thoughts lead to the fact that the opportune moment is missed. Maxim Potashev, master of the game “What? Where? When?" and an expert at the educational portal, told T&P where intuitive solutions come from and how to use them to good effect.

Anticipate the answer

Scientists from the University of Iowa conducted an experiment. Its participants were asked to draw playing cards, some of which had red backs, and the other part had blue backs. Depending on the value of the card, a person had to receive money or pay money, and the experiment was based on the idea that cards with red backs were riskier. So, in order to figure this out and understand the algorithm, it was necessary to look at at least 50 cards. However, the participants in the experiment were intuitively inclined to choose blue shirts, having already looked at 10-15 cards, without being able to understand and argue for this.

Nobel laureate physicist Richard Feynman, in his autobiographical book Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! gave some more good examples of how intuition works. For example, in the 1930s, as a schoolboy, he participated in so-called algebra battles between schools from different cities. The essence of the competition was to quickly solve simple mathematical problems. They could be solved without problems by constructing simple equations. But the allotted time was obviously less than what was required for an “honest” decision. Therefore, schoolchildren developed the ability to “see” the answer, to find a solution to a problem without solving it. This skill is intuition, and it develops in the most ordinary people. You don't need a special gift for this.

Unconscious experience

In what follows, Feynman describes his experiences as an adult. When communicating with Albert Einstein, Feynman presented this or that idea or physical theory, and already in the middle of the conversation he could clearly say what he was leading to and whether there was an error in his reasoning. This magical ability is associated with the experience of thinking about a specific class of problems.

The same thing happens when an experienced doctor, at first glance at the patient, determines a diagnosis that turns out to be quite accurate. At the same time, if you ask a doctor to tell in detail exactly what observations led him to this diagnosis, then he, of course, will be able to tell, but it will not be easy - at first glance it turns out easier. This effect, which we call intuition, is provided by accumulated knowledge and practice in a certain, rather narrow area.

Napoleon Bonaparte is often cited as a brilliant example of intuition. It is not humanly possible to fully comprehend the situation during a battle, and many military personnel will agree with this. Too many people are involved simultaneously in the processes taking place there. Therefore, great commanders and, in particular, Napoleon, have the “power of sight” - the ability, by looking around the battlefield, to understand what is happening and make an accurate decision.

Football and basketball players have a similar skill. They see the development of events, looking a little into the future, and can throw a pass where the other player should be, judging by how the attack is developing. Moreover, if Napoleon played basketball, he would not be able to use his intuitive abilities. And a basketball player does not necessarily make a commander. So intuition, as we see, is tied to a specific field of activity, and universal intuition does not exist.

How to turn on intuition

There are many techniques that are offered to those who want to develop intuition, but most are mystical in nature. They are based on the idea of ​​reading the signs that intuition supposedly sends us. But intuition is based on one’s own life experience and works in the area where it exists, so mystical approaches to its development lead nowhere.

Typically, management decisions go like this. The manager is offered a certain amount of information related to the upcoming decision, which he analyzes. Then there is a defense of certain solution options by the employees who defend them. As a result, somehow - collectively or individually - decisions are made.

To make a decision intuitively, you need to familiarize yourself with the materials, formulate a question for yourself and immediately choose the answer you like. This must be done before you begin to analyze and voice the pros and cons in favor of various solutions. The chosen option must be written down on a piece of paper and put away on the table, and only then the discussion can begin.

In the future, no one forces you to take out a piece of paper and voice what is written on it. You can completely forget about it if, upon a detailed consideration of the issue, there is an option that turns out to be the most advantageous, and there is a clear and logical confirmation of this. But in a situation where the pros and cons of various options are almost equal, it makes sense to take your intuitive decision out of the drawer and think about why you liked this particular option and whether you should accept it as the final one.

The main thing when using intuition is to hear the inner voice before consciousness turns on and logical reasoning begins. This is not easy, because our logical thinking is trained and developed and there is a constant temptation to immediately turn it on. Using intuition requires self-control: you need to learn to catch the first thought that arises, and then calmly think about the problem you are faced with.

There are two other important points. The first is the statement of the problem. Intuition is a good assistant, but it will not be able to solve the problem without your participation. To get an answer to your question, you need to formulate it clearly. The second point is that the subconscious does not turn on if you do not have a real internal interest in solving the problem. Intuition only works if the answer is really important to you.

Underwater rocks

Intuition must be used with caution - decisions made on its basis are always unexpected. Interesting military exercises were held in the United States, in which two sides participated. At one, a group of military men spoke, using as much information and analytical reports from specialists as possible. On the other hand, there are people with combat experience who fundamentally refused the services of analysts and used data from electronic devices to a minimum, relying on intuitive decisions. The results showed that the second approach was more effective, including because the enemy had great difficulty calculating his opponent’s actions.

At the same time, an intuitive decision is not always the right one. There is always a risk that it will turn out to be incorrect and will cost you dearly in the future, which is why intuition is not used when another option seems logical. On the other hand, there are cases when intuition saved more than one life. It happened that pharmaceutical companies, for example, did not release drugs to the market because something prevented the top manager from signing. It seemed that all the documents were in order, but something was confusing, and the person could not even explain what it was. And additional studies showed that the drug was dangerous.

Maxim Potashev’s video lecture on this and other topics can be viewed on the portal

Intuition exists! Scientists have even found the place where it is located. This is a small area of ​​the brain above the frontal lobes, just above the eye sockets. Experiments showed that people who damaged this place were deprived of emotions, and with them the ability to make choices. As it turns out, we make the right decisions when we listen to our feelings, not our reason.

Researchers from the University of California conducted an experiment: participants were shown two-second videos in which some people told the truth and others lied. The task was to identify the deceivers. You had to answer without hesitation. The participants, despite the lack of time, coped with it surprisingly easily - all the liars were identified accurately (although even lie detectors misfire in some cases). Why do people figure out lies better than technology?

Brain Experience

The answer to this question was given by frame-by-frame slow-motion playback of the videos. In just two frames (lasting 1/25 of a second), one could see how the face of a person preparing to tell a lie was distorted by a grimace of suffering (scientists say that lying is the greatest stress for the body), and then was replaced by a smile. This facial expression was “read” by the participants in the experiment.

When the conditions changed - participants could watch the video for 5 minutes and think about the answer - the number of correct answers decreased sharply (to 40%). The voice of reason suppressed the feelings... and gave the wrong answer.

In fact, intuition, of course, exists, but it only seems to us that we choose with our hearts,” explains Jonah Lehrer, American neuroscientist, author of How We Make Decisions.- Our preferences are the result of complex processing of data obtained through life experience. The brain analyzes the initial knowledge on its own, giving the correct answer in the form of feelings and sensations. We can only listen to them.

A feeling of discomfort, anxiety, fear after making a decision are clear signs that everything is going wrong.

“This is also based on biological processes,” says Svetlana Shishkova, neuropsychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, head of the psychological center “Dom”. - When events go in the right direction, dopamine (the pleasure molecule) is released in the brain. If troubles happen, the level of dopamine drops sharply, and adrenaline rises at the same moment - the pulse quickens, sweating increases. The brain quickly remembers what makes us happy and what made us sad, and when faced with difficult choices, it tells us what will bring us the greatest satisfaction.

The wrong way

There are situations in which intuition needs to be listened to unconditionally. These are issues in which she is trained to perfection - in the professional sphere, in personal relationships, in the field of choosing goods and services.

But there are moments in which you still shouldn’t rely on it, say professionals. These are situations in which you find yourself for the first time and therefore do not have the proper experience (intuition needs time to find patterns) and in which chance rules the show (lottery, roulette, casino). Oddly enough, intuition, although “involved in feelings,” does not believe in chance in principle and everywhere looks for the right path and relies on logic.

In these cases, it is better to ignore “body signs” and listen only to the voice of reason, explains S. Shishkova.

By the way, intuition can be “trained.”

Since our premonition in the overwhelming majority of cases is the result of understanding the experience gained, the best training for intuition is life itself, he believes Yuri Vyalba, psychotherapist, head of the rehabilitation center “Vozrozhdenie”. - But some rules will help you learn to correctly recognize its “signs” .

  • Valuing uncertainty

A feeling of confidence is a sign that the mind or feelings have won a quick victory, which is often Pyrrhic. Uncertainty is a state in which one can “hear” an unconsidered argument and use it.

  • Appreciate mistakes

Intuition is experience. And experience is the son of mistakes. Therefore, the mechanisms of intuition work best among those who are constantly learning - and, accordingly, making mistakes.

  • Trust yourself

We always know more than we think. For most people, the hardest thing is to allow yourself to tap into your hidden knowledge.

(Advice from the book How We Make Decisions.)

Every person has a sixth sense, but not everyone manages to recognize their inner voice and feel it. In order for us to use intuition in our lives, it must constantly be trained and developed, like other human abilities. And if you decide to seriously develop your intuition, then you should understand how it works.

Intuition, how to understand it?

To understand what intuition is, you need to understand how our brain works. It is divided into two hemispheres - left and right. The left is responsible for thinking and logic; this is what becomes the backbone of the life of most people. Such people follow only the voice of reason and do not pay attention to the signs given by the sixth sense. As a result, they make poor and sometimes disastrous decisions.

The right hemisphere is more developed in creative people, as it pushes people to act rashly and is responsible for inspiration. This is where the human subconscious is located, and our feelings are in it. The subconscious mind accumulates a lot of information in seconds and stores all the knowledge gained for years, all this helps it make the right decisions.

Regarding what intuition is, it is a kind of channel that connects us with. It is through this channel from the right hemisphere that information comes in the form of insight, which helps to make illogical solutions to problems, and also provides answers to life’s most difficult questions.

If a person manages to discover his abilities and gain psychological skills, then he will be able to fully use his brain. According to research by scientists, it was found that the development of two hemispheres occurs in the most successful people.

How to develop intuition?

  • To develop intuition, you need to constantly listen to your subconscious and increase your self-esteem.
  • If a person does not believe in himself, then he will not be able to use his intuition, because he will be afraid to follow the advice that it gives.
  • Anyone who has low self-esteem does what more confident, successful and strong people dictate to him.
  • When you become confident, you will understand that intuition works. If you don’t believe in this, then you won’t be able to use her channel, since it opens to those who believe in it.
  • Learn to ask your subconscious the right questions. Speak each of them clearly, clearly, meaningfully and always in an affirmative form.

Let's take a specific example: you want to get an important position, but you don't know whether you will be hired. Give your subconscious a clear phrase: “I will get this job.” Next, listen to the inner sensations that come from your heart and soul. Those phrases that were constructed in an affirmative form do not affect logical thinking, and therefore do not spoil the answers sent by intuition.

How can you hear your intuition?

Some people think that they will hear direct answers to their questions, but this is not at all the case. After all, our subconscious sends us its signals in the form of encoded images, sensations, impressions, and even smells.

There have been cases when passengers on a plane handed over their tickets right before departure, because they subconsciously sensed danger ahead, and this saved their lives. Such people have a well-developed sixth sense, which they have learned to listen to, especially when it comes to warnings.

The main signals of intuition are a rapid heartbeat, a person feels hot or cold, sometimes feelings manifest themselves in the form of tingling in the fingers. Therefore, before making an important decision for yourself, listen to your inner feelings. For example, if they are joyful, then a positive response comes from your subconscious. But if there is a tightness in the chest, and a feeling of anxiety in the soul, then the answer is definitely negative. Sometimes it happens that the subconscious, with the help of intuition, sends the correct answers in the form of certain smells. For example, before a joyful event, a person could smell the smell of oranges, but before a bad event, the foul smell of rotten fruit.

Of course, there are also people who cannot catch the signals of their subconscious and do not receive signs from their intuition. Many people know cases when you suffer for a long time while making an important decision, but suddenly an ordinary newspaper catches your eye and a bird hits the window, and then it dawns on you. Moreover, different events can happen, but they all push a person to make the right decision.

How to tune into the intuition channel

To develop your intuition well, you should. To do this, you need to find a calm, secluded place and immerse yourself in your thoughts. It is important to completely relax and then ask your subconscious any question that interests you. Next we just have to wait for an answer. You need to be prepared for the fact that the sixth sense does not always respond quickly, but the answer always comes, the main thing is not to miss it. Remember, if you have inspiration and a lot of new ideas, then immediately turn off logic, follow your intuition, and then see what comes of it.

How to use your intuition

If you don’t want to make mistakes in people, then turn on your intuition. After all, many have encountered cases when a person is well dressed, has good manners, but is absolutely not liked. In this case, an inner voice told you: “Don’t trust him, be careful.”

That is, the subconscious on a cosmic level caught the negative energy emanating from a new acquaintance, and then sent a signal through intuition. Therefore, if, when meeting a stranger, you experience a feeling of restlessness, anxiety, headache, stomach cramps, then be sure to listen to yourself, do not ignore this signal, trust it.

The subconscious mind will help you distinguish lies from truth by sending signals through intuition. If a person tells you true information, then your sixth sense picks up his energy vibrations. But if he deceives you, then anxiety and resistance will arise within you. Learn to catch these signals and use them, this will help you avoid mistakes in life. Intuition develops when you begin to listen to your feelings and put thoughts into the background. Also pay attention to the world around you and your natural instincts, catch your inner voice and recognize what it says.

Technique for developing intuition

A special technique from a famous American psychologist called “Glass of Water” will help develop intuition. For it to work, you need to pour a glass of water before going to bed, tune in to your problems and drink only half of the water, saying the following words: “I already know the answer to this question.” Next, go to bed, and in the morning drink the rest of the water, saying these words.

A few days will pass and your subconscious will begin to give you signals. Perhaps it will send you a prophetic message that will tell you the answer to your question. The most important thing here is to formulate your question correctly and only in the direction. Never use a particle outside of your questions.

Practical lessons

If a person has developed intuition, then he gets a lot of opportunities. For example, try sending your family a certain signal using your sixth sense. To do this, before going to bed every day, you need to think about your loved ones who are far from you. Visualize them clearly in your imagination, do this for several days. As a result, your energy flows will reach you and they will contact you. Perhaps they will write you a letter, come to visit you, or just call you.

Find a lost item

Thanks to intuition, you can find a long-lost thing. All you have to do is tune into a specific channel and release the energy needed for the search. For example, if you have lost your phone, keys or other thing in your apartment, then just close your eyes, completely relax and give free rein to your energy waves that come from your subconscious and fill the entire house. Listen to your inner voice, which will tell you where the loss is. Not everyone succeeds the first time, but if you constantly train, you will be pleasantly surprised by your new sensations.

Maps and flashcards

A standard deck of cards helps develop intuition. You need to lay out four cards on the table, hiding the picture, then try to guess what suit they are. Slowly move your hand over the card and listen to your inner sensations. Feel the warmth or cold that will emanate from the card. Trust your impressions, and then turn the card over and see whether you guessed its suit or not. By conducting such training, your intuition will become stronger every day, and over time you will be able to identify a card and its suit without errors.

Blind reading

Another method of getting an answer to a question is blind reading. This method is easy to use and will also help you quickly develop your intuition. For example, if you are haunted by a question or a specific situation, then gather your thoughts about it. Next, place three sheets of cardboard near you and write possible answers on each. Place these sheets of paper with the lettering down on the table, relax, and pass your hand over them. Tune in to the flow of information; after a few seconds you will feel warmth in your palms or a slight tingling sensation. If these sensations were very strong over a certain card, then the answer is obvious.


A great way to develop intuition is mantras. These include special verses in Sanskrit that have a mystical meaning. Many people believe that mantras improve the quality of life and help dreams come true.

There are mantras that develop the sixth sense. They are read only during the waxing moon and combined with meditation. This technique reveals hidden abilities in a person, thanks to which he will be able to see the future or treat people with his biofield. Of course, not everyone can achieve such results, since constant training will be required to develop intuition, and you also need to spiritually develop your soul. Possessing such a gift, a person becomes responsible for how he uses his knowledge.

If a person has developed intuition, then extrasensory abilities are revealed to him, thanks to which he can treat his illnesses and other people. It is enough for such a person to hold his hands over the sick organ of the patient, concentrate and listen to his signs and sensations. The energy waves of the biofield will quickly find the patient’s pain points and give a sign to the palms in the form of cold or heat. Using the power of healing is very difficult, as it requires intuitive experience and a lot of training.

In order to develop intuition, you need to learn one rule: intuition is not a gift to a select few, but a reward for your work that everyone can receive, and then use it to help loved ones and themselves.

Foresight of events, the ability to find the most successful solution, to avoid troubles - all this is given to us by intuition. Some people have it quite well developed, while others notice that their intuition is weak. There is no need to despair, it can be developed, for which you need to do some exercises and, first of all, want to do it.

Why do we need intuition and what is it?

Intuition is the ability to instantly solve problems based on a sense of foresight, as well as on one’s own experience. Many decisions arise spontaneously and unconsciously; a person makes an impulsive action or a refusal to do so. This feeling has a lot to do with the ability to deeply sense current events and people, ahead of actions by a few seconds, minutes or hours. Often, when making intuitive decisions, there is no logic; a person does not always understand why he suddenly did it this way and not otherwise. Sometimes decisions are made that are completely extraordinary and unexpected.

Why do we need this feeling? Intuition helps you avoid dangerous situations. Everyone knows of cases when people suddenly changed their minds about boarding a plane, and then found out about a plane crash. Intuition helps not only to save lives, but also to ordinary work, for example, when making business decisions.

Without this feeling, a person makes many more mistakes, which is why it is so important to develop intuition and help yourself navigate and respond to events most effectively.

11 ways to develop intuition

Even if it seems to you that your intuition is bad, it is quite possible to develop it quite quickly. Next, you will learn the simplest and most accessible exercises on how to develop intuition for any person at any age.

We track the mood of the interlocutor

When communicating with other people, watch their reactions and at the same time try to understand what is hidden behind their emotions and what their true intentions are. Notice any changes in facial expressions, gestures, posture, or tone of voice. Gradually, you will learn to quickly respond to changes in behavior and be able to guess what the person is going to do next. The ability to track facial expressions will help you identify a person who is lying to you or is going to harm you.

Follow your feelings

Set aside a day that you completely devote to studying yourself, your feelings and actions. Evaluate everything you feel, or better yet, write it down. Follow your feelings. Think, for example, what time you need to leave the house in order to be on time for a meeting. Which route would be the most optimal? After completing the action, evaluate the result - whether you guessed the correct time, place or behavior of a particular person.

Feelings can tell us a lot. If it seems to you that it is better not to do something today, listen to your intuition. The more often you listen to it, the more it will begin to develop. Any sense, even the sixth, should be trained, because without training, skills fade away.

Bring your inner world into harmony

If you are tense, prone to fears, nervous breakdowns, doubts, then these states do not allow the feeling of intuition to manifest itself. Bring your world into harmony. Take care of yourself, your mental balance. Calm meditation, yoga or energy practices are well suited for these purposes. Learn to listen to yourself. Learn the ability to calm down and tune in to the current moment.

Ask questions

This practice will allow you not only to learn a lot, but also to relate your answers or assumptions to a real-life answer. Guess what answer you will get and ask a question. It’s okay if you don’t guess right the first time, everything comes with experience. The more questions you have, the more correct answers you will learn to give. By asking questions, stimulate the emergence of new questions. Such exercises in the form of games are good to perform in a group of people. They will also help to develop the creative process.

Don't be afraid of the lack of logic in decisions made

The sixth sense is often incompatible with logic; decisions come suddenly and some of them surprise. If you are wondering how to develop intuition , then don’t be afraid to be illogical and make extraordinary decisions. Listen to the subconscious, it is illogical, but it is capable of giving the right answers, while the conscious mind works to make analytical decisions.

For good intuition, develop the right hemisphere

This hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creativity, imaginative and spatial thinking, perception of music and smells. Do exercises that will help you get your right brain to work.

Guessing events

Before you go to work in the morning, guess who you might meet on your way. Imagine these people. Are they familiar to you or not? Think about what the weather will be like today. Don't take an umbrella if you think it won't rain. Listen to your intuition, it helps it develop.

The phone rings? Before you pick up the phone, try to feel who is on the other end of the line, what his mood is and what he wants from you.

Train yourself to guess events. At first it will be difficult to do this, but then you will begin to automatically know what will happen in the coming hours.

Developing intuition through play

The simplest exercise is a guessing game with a deck of cards. First, try to guess simply the color of the card you are holding in your hands. When the success rate exceeds 50% of the correctly guessed color, you can move on to guessing the suits.

To complicate the process, take cards with drawn pictures. At first they should be the simplest, it is better to take geometric shapes. Then you can add animals, plants, people, etc. You can also play with a coin, guessing which side it will fall on. Statistics say that heads come up in 50% of cases. You need to make sure that the number of guesses differs from the statistics. Even if you guessed 40%, that’s already good - intuition works, just the other way around. In this case, analyze your feelings when you tried to feel which side the coin would fall on.

Program for smartphone or tablet

If you don't have cards at hand or want to develop your intuition anywhere, download a special program to your phone. The principle is the same - you need to correctly guess numbers, figures or other images.

Learning to visualize

Do you know that many things we think about can come true? To develop intuition, it is useful to visualize positive dreams. At the same time, you develop your imagination and help good events come true. Sit back, close your eyes, relax and imagine what you want to receive. You should only replay positive events in your head. As you scroll through events, monitor your feelings. Perhaps you will see exactly the action that will happen. Remember your thoughts.

Get rid of fears

Fears prevent you from thinking and acting effectively. Fears block intuition. You feel doubts whether you understood everything correctly and began to act. Of course, sometimes fear is part of the manifestation of the sixth sense, for example, when for some unknown reason you decide not to board a plane or suddenly change the route. In this case, you need to listen to your fear. Thus, constant anxiety interferes with intuition, and rare bursts of fear can be a way of its manifestation.

We looked at simple but accessible exercises. The most important thing is the desire to do it and constant training. Pay attention to any events that happen in your life. Compare them with your feelings, and especially those that you had shortly before something happened. Try to pay more attention to positive events, but sometimes listen to the fear that has arisen for no reason.

Intuition is, first of all, knowledge and the ability to lead your life. Use it and success will come immediately.