How to draw lush lips. How to draw lips with a pencil, step-by-step drawing lesson for beginners

In the drawing of the lips, as well as in the drawing of the nose or eyes, you should not copy the contours. The shape of the lips is voluminous. It's not just an outline. Therefore, for those who want to learn how to draw a portrait, the diagram below will be useful. In it, lips are depicted in a simplified form, in the form geometric shapes. Such a schematic image helps to see the structure and plasticity. For example, the lower lip consists of two ovals. And the top one is divided in the middle by a tubercle.

In this drawing, it is also important to see how the shape of the lips smoothly transitions into the chin, cheeks, and nose. All these shapes bend and are illuminated by light. Some are in the shade, some are in partial shade, and some are in the light. The upper lip, hanging over the lower, most often ends up in the shadow. And the lower lip, when protruding, is usually facing the light. Between lower lip and the chin there is a depression, which is most often immersed in the shadow. What will be in the light and what will be in the shadow depends on the location of the light source. For example, if the light is directed not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top, then the picture will be exactly the opposite.

In addition to the above, you also need to understand that the lip line is not straight. It follows the circumference of the head. For clarity, I drew two options: one is correct and the other is incorrect. It follows that the entire shape of the lips will be subject to this rule.

Next, I performed a step-by-step classic lip drawing. At the first stage, a light linear drawing is laid out, revealing the main planes and edges. At the second stage, the shadow sides are worked out with light shading. At the final third stage, all the details are honed and all the halftones are worked out in more detail. In the tone pattern of the lips, it is important to convey lighting and volume. As in the drawing of a plaster ball in the drawing of the lips, it is also necessary to convey light, penumbra, shadow, reflex, and falling shadow.

Human lips are a tool for expressing emotions. Not because we speak with our lips, but also because they can convey an infinite number of emotions. Like an artist who paints a still image, you must be able to express and show everything in one still frame - your painting.

This may seem simple enough, but in most cases, it is not. You must master the anatomy of various emotions, including techniques of light and shadow, texture and color to convey mood and main ideas.

Take the same pair of lips, for example—some of them are painted in fresh, light, natural colors, while others are done in fiery red, shimmery lipstick shades. Just by seeing your lips you can tell about the mood created!

Therefore, today we will look at the technique (among many others - everyone has their own technique) for creating realistic lips.

Final result

1. Different Lip Shapes

First, a few standard lip shapes. From top to bottom, left column: normal lips, plump lips, small lips.

From top to bottom right column: narrow long lips, angel lips, Hollywood lips.

2. View of Lips from Different Angles

Different views of lips from different viewing angles:

3. Lips Expressing Different Emotions

And a few expressions!

4. How to Draw Basic Lip Drawing

Step 1

Create a new document, set the following dimensions to 600 px width and 400 px height, Background content(background) Transparent(Transparent), Color mode(color mode) RGB.

Once you have created a new document, name the existing layer "Skin". Select the tool Fill(Paint Bucket Tool (G), set the Foreground color to #c99e7e.

Translator's note: fill the “Skin” layer color tone#c99e7e

Step 2

Create a new layer. Name the new layer "Sketch".

Set the Foreground color to #603521 and select the tool Brush(Brush Tool (B), set to a hard round brush, in the brush settings, turn on the options Opacity fluctuation(Opacity Jitter) and Size fluctuation(Size Jitter). Draw the outline of the lips.

Translator's note: press the key (F5) to go to the brush settings. In parameters Dynamics of shape(Shape Dynamics) and Different dynamics(Other Dynamics), set pen pressure in settings Size fluctuation(Size Jitter) and Opacity fluctuation(Opacity Jitter).

5. Add a Base Color to the Lips

Let's assume that the light source is located in front, at an angle of 0 degrees, for simplicity.

Create a new layer, name this layer "Lip Color". Set your Foreground color to #571b13 and select a Hard Round brush and enable it in the settings Opacity fluctuation(Opacity Jitter), start adding color within the borders of the lips. Soften the color a little on the corners of the lips to create a slight transition with the background (skin color):

6. Basic Lip Retouching

Step 1

Create a new layer. Name this layer "Base Retouch". Set the Foreground color to #be4852. Select a tool Brush(Brush Tool (B), set the brush to a hard round shape, turning it on in the settings Opacity fluctuation(Opacity Jitter). Paint the upper areas of the upper lip, as well as the middle area of ​​the lower lip. This will become the basis for creating a small 3D effect.

7. Combine colors

Next, set the Foreground color to #c54d59 and the Background color to #701c1e. Do not forget that lips have a convex structure, and because... our light source is in the center, then on middle area Each lip will receive more light.

Paint carefully, retouching the middle part of the lower lip, then switch the foreground color to the background color using the ‘X’ key to create a “creased” effect in the center of the upper lip.

8. Add volume to the lips and draw folds

Step 1

Set the Foreground color to #701c1e. Paint over bottom part lower lip to add a 3D effect.

Reduce your brush size to its smallest size - say around 3 or 4 px, depending on the size of your working document - carefully paint vertical, slightly curved lines on the lower lip to recreate the folds. Reduce the opacity of this layer almost all the way so that the folds are barely visible:

9. Add natural lighting

Next, we'll start creating natural light that reflects on the lips. Natural light is light (the so-called color in Photoshop program), which is reflected on the surface of the object, enhancing its 3D appearance.

Step 1

Create a new layer, name this layer "Ambient Lighting".

Select a tool Brush(Brush Tool (B), set a hard round brush, turning on the options Opacity fluctuation(Opacity Jitter) and Size fluctuation(Size Jitter).

Set the Foreground color to #8f503b. Paint the bottom edges of the lower lip, creating a beige effect like in the screenshot below:

Step 2

Now, we will do the same thing as in the previous step, but this time, coloring the upper part of the upper lip, as in the screenshot below:

10. Enhance the 3D Look of Lips

Step 1

Next, set the Foreground color to #692229 and then paint over the top of the lower lip. This way we will create a pale shadow that falls on the lower lip at the expense of the upper lip. Next, select a tool Clarifier(Dodge Tool), in settings of this instrument use a soft round brush, Range(Range): Sveta(Highlights) Exposition(Exposure): 30%. Paint the ends of your lower lip to add a soft glow:

Set the Foreground color to #d2a192 and the Background color to #802424. Start by defining certain shapes to the folds in the middle part of the upper lip. Press the 'X' key to easily switch between foreground and background color tones. At this stage, you can also add some soft folds to the upper lip:

11. Wrinkles and lip folds

Step 1

Create a new layer, name this layer "Lip Folds". Set the Foreground color to #490e0e and reduce the brush size to a few pixels. Draw vertical curved lines on the upper and lower lips, do not forget, on the lower lip, the folds should be in the center, and on the upper lip, the folds should be on the edges:

Step 2

Next, set the Foreground color to #c88e82. Use a brush to paint duplicates of the first lines using a new color shade. ( Translator's note: paint the same folds as in the previous step using a different brush color). The main thing is that the light lines are drawn parallel to the first lines and located to the left of them. At the end, you can use the tool Finger(Smudge Tool) to soften the creases a little. You can reduce the opacity of the layer, it's up to you.

12. Add a Base Glitter

Set the Foreground color to an off-white shade, like #f7dcde. Select a soft round brush and enable Opacity fluctuation(Opacity Jitter). Create a new layer, name this layer "Glitter 1".

Randomly draw vertical highlights in the middle part of the lower lip, as shown in the screenshot below:

13. Add More Shine and Work on the Details

Repeat the previous step, adding more glitter, continuing to improve the creases. At this stage I also used the correction Color tone/ Saturation(Hue/Saturation), let's go Image - Adjustments - Hue/Saturation(Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation) to add more red tones to the lips.

Also, set the Foreground color to #3c0a0a. Paint the bottom of the upper lip, creating a shadow from the lip itself.

14. Detailing the upper lip

So, it's time to add some love to your upper lip too!

Step 1

Create a new layer. Draw a blurry spot between the two "curves" of the upper lip. Make sure that this blurry spot is barely visible, like a faint glow. Next, on top of the blurry spot, using the same technique, paint white highlights. Make sure that opacity/fill(opacity/fill) of this layer was set to 100%, in otherwise, you won't notice the difference in light saturation between the blur and the highlights!

Step 2

Create a new layer. Set your Foreground color to #eccece and use a small, hard brush to paint some light creases on the upper lip:

15. Adding Texture to the Lower Lip

Set the Foreground color to #6f1e16. Select a soft round brush big size.

Draw soft, curved, vertical strokes over the bottom lip to enhance the crease.

16. Create reflective highlights

Step 1

Set the Foreground color to #f8d7db. Select a tool Feather(Pen Tool (P), in the settings of this tool, set the mode Shape layer(Shape Layers). Create several arbitrary figures, do not forget about the vertical direction.

Step 2

Reduce the opacity of the highlights layer, the degree of opacity will depend on your choice - the main thing is that the highlights are subtle, as if a lot of highlights were reflected on the lips:

17. Adding finishing touches to the lips

As a final touch to the lips themselves, create a new layer on top of all other layers, change the blending mode for this layer to Lightening the base(Color Dodge). Set the Foreground color to a light shade, for example #f1d992.

Choose a soft round one Brush(Brush (B) and with a brush, paint the middle upper part of the lower lip, as well as the upper part of the upper lip, to intensify your highlights. Next, reduce the degree Fills(Fill) the layer at your discretion.

18. Paint the inside of the lips and draw the base for the teeth

Step 1

Create a new layer below the lips layers (but on top of the background layer, i.e. the “Skin” layer). Name this layer "Background Lips"—yes, I know, a very creative name.....

19. Adding details to the teeth

Step 1

First set the Foreground color to #6d4848 and the Background color to #2f0503.

Select a medium-sized soft brush and enable Opacity fluctuation(Opacity Jitter). Paint the middle of the teeth (not forgetting the convex shape). Use a darker shade to shade the outer edges. Also, reduce the brush size to just a few pixels. Paint the boundaries between the teeth to make them more distinct:

Step 3

Using the same color shade, add a couple of strokes to create highlights in the following areas:

Left corners on the teeth on the right
Right corners on left teeth

Step 4

Finally, set the Foreground color to #a18c8c. Add two highlights to the inner corners of the front teeth on the left and right:

20. Retouching base skin

Step 1

Create a new layer, place this layer on top of the background layer, i.e. layer "Skin".

Using a large soft round brush, paint the top half with a lighter color shade and the bottom half with a darker color shade:

Translator's note: the top half is the top half of the working document, unless of course your lips are drawn in the center of the image.

Step 3

Next, set the Foreground color to #f2d6ab and the Background color to #b76141. Draw two curves that rise from the folds of the upper lip. The highlights should be much lighter, the closer to the lips and weaker, the further away, respectively.

21. Matching lips with skin

Using a dark shade, paint around the corners of the lips, a darker shade in the area where the dividing line between the lips is, and a lighter shade as you move away. Mainly focus on the sides and the top.

22. Adding texture to the skin

Let's go Filter - Noise - Add Noise(Filter > Noise > Add Noise). Install Distribution(distribution) Uniform(Uniform), check the box Monochrome(Monochromatic), noise intensity is approximately 2.5, then click OK. Next, select the brush, which can be downloaded in the attached .abr file. Gently draw pores onto the skin—switch between dark and light shades to create the best effect:

23. Selective step: drawing makeup

Translator's note: Queen Amidala from the movie “Star Wars”.

Set the Foreground color to #ffffff. Create a new layer. Change the blending mode for this layer to Linear light(Linear Light), and also reduce the value Fills(Fill) up to 30%.

Using a medium-sized hard round brush, set the settings to Opacity fluctuation(Opacity Jitter), paint the upper and lower lip in the center.

Additionally, paint in the center and a little on the edges:

24. Admiring our work

A must-do to motivate yourself to create more work!

I hope that this lesson was useful to you and that you enjoyed this trip.

Final result

Learning to draw lips: s

1. Draw lips using simple contours

To draw beautiful lips you will first need to make a simple marking in the form of three parallel lines. Do exactly the same as in my drawing, just keep in mind that the further the small lines are from the main line, the thicker the lips in the drawing will be.
In this figure, the distance between the top and bottom lines is 4 cm, the length of the center line is 13 cm, the length short lines- 3cm.

2. Lips regain their original shape

Using a step-by-step drawing method, you can draw very beautiful lips even without knowing how to draw. You will see this at the end of this lesson. In the meantime, continue drawing the lips and connect short lines to form the corners of the lips.
Look, you can already say that you were able to draw lips.

3. Lips take on a real shape

It would be too easy to draw if all the lines in a portrait could be drawn with a ruler. You will have to use your imagination a little and draw the “real” shape of the lips, dividing the upper lip into two parts with a “heart”. You should reduce the upper contour of the lip, and, on the contrary, increase the lower one.

4. How to draw a lip dividing line

First, remove the old markings with an eraser, and look at your lips almost like “real ones.” But you still need to draw a dividing line between the lips. To do this, almost repeat the contour of the upper lip onto the main dividing line, slightly stretching its central part - the “heart”. It is advisable to do this exactly as in my drawing. Do not rush to remove the marking line from the drawing. It won't interfere with drawing lips. Simply shade the fates resulting from the intersection of the lines with a soft with a simple pencil.

5. Lip drawing is almost finished

To make the lip drawing realistic, you need to make the lip drawing voluminous. Volume is created with the help of shadows, so apply light shadows along the edges of the lips and in the places where they meet. Perhaps you will be lining your lips with colored pencils, then this can be done at this step.
If you decide to draw your lips with a simple pencil, then you need to complete one more step.

6. How to draw a person's lips. Shadows

A person's lips have "wrinkles" or folds that stretch when they smile. To draw your lips accurately and beautifully, draw these “little things” too. After this, apply shadows with a soft pencil and your drawing is now completely finished.
Now I hope you will agree with me that drawing a person’s lips step by step is quite simple.

How to draw lips with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch out guiding lines for the elements of the face and hair.
Step two. Let's draw the eyes, lips and teeth.
Step three. Let's add some shading on the face and lips to show the shadows, this is a portrait after all.
Step four. Let's delete the auxiliary lines and correct the contours. It should look like this:

Step 1.

Draw the outlines of the lips as shown in the picture.

Step 2.

Start darkening your lips.

Step 3.

Darken your lips further.

Step 4.

Continue sketching and darkening the lips.

Step 5.

Use a pencil to darken.

Step 6.

And add darkening to the area around the mouth.

Mouth and lips - very interesting part faces. I'll show you some points and give you a little overview of drawing lips and mouth.

First, let's draw lines through the lips that describe the volume of the mouth. You see - red lines go around all the volumes of the lips. Note that the upper lip is usually darker than the lower lip because less light falls on it. Here our lower lip is convex, so more light falls on it, it is very light. Don't forget about the shadows in the corners of your mouth! The corners of the mouth are often “recessed” into the cheeks, which is why we highlight them as dark.

In this drawing I have marked the most shaded areas of the upper lip in purple. As a rule, the entire upper lip is darker than the lower lip, but the purple areas are especially dark.
In these places, the lip goes especially strongly inward, at a large angle.
This technique helps us focus on the specific curve of the lips, see illustration below

Here I have roughly divided the lips into 5 parts.
Pay attention to the small central piece - this is the so-called “Cupid's bow”.
This is very important distinctive feature lips, always mark it when you want to add personality to the drawing, people's cupid's bow can be very different!

Let's move on to the lower lip: in orange I marked the shaded areas that will go deeper into the cheeks and stick out less.
But still, the lower lip will be lighter than the upper lip, because its main surface faces upward and forward - towards the light.

And here I marked in green the necessary shadows that are always present near the mouth.
They represent the facial muscles surrounding the mouth. Mouth and lips are not just stuck on a flat face! They must be “fitted in”, not forgetting the total volumes.
These shadows are not too deep, but nevertheless they must certainly be present under the lower lip and in the corners of the mouth.

And here, pay attention to the light areas around the perimeter of the lips!
It's small, but important detail, the potretist must never forget about her.
This is the most prominent “edge” of the lips; as a rule, it stands out quite strongly and is not colored. In these places neither beard nor mustache grows, and for dark-skinned people this edge is even more noticeable.
This edge stands out most strongly when the shadows fall, in the language of pilots - at 5 o'clock (that is, the light falls from above, slightly to the left).

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1. Draw a sketch of the lips.

2. Fix the shaded areas on the upper and lower lips with shading, highlight the light areas on the sides of the lower lip and on the upper near the line of the mouth.

3. Work on the shading. Don't forget about the edges of the lips and facial muscles that need to be outlined. Shade the corners of your mouth dark.

Start by drawing a slanted line that will be used to separate the two faces.

Step 2.

Now we need to outline the shape of the man's mouth as you see above and then move on to the next step.

Step 3.

Now you should sketch out the woman's lips as shown in the picture. The chin and lips should touch.

Step 6.

When you're done, your kiss drawing should look like this. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on how to draw a kiss.

P.s. lips too :)))

Step 1.

To draw lips, you need to imagine how they work. Let's first draw a simple sketch that looks like a seed.

Step 2.

The upper lip consists of three parts - a convex middle and two parts on the sides.

Step 3.

The lower lip is also divided into two symmetrical halves.

Step 4.

Let's start adding shadows

Step 5.

We will enhance the shadows on both parts of the upper lip, draw shadows under the lower lip, in the corners of the mouth and a hollow above the upper lip.


Drawing a smile takes a very long time, but you can draw it using these step-by-step pictures. And so, we sketch lines on the sketch of our smile, then we draw the shape of the lips and lines inside for the teeth.

Scary, brr:D

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the first stage

I make a pencil sketch of the marking B. The pencil can be either 2B or 4B - this is not very important, since almost all pencils marked B are suitable for sketching.

The sketch turned out to be quite simple, consisting of only a few lines. There shouldn't be anything superfluous in it. In general, the first stages of drawing in the lessons on how to draw eyes and how to draw lips are almost identical to each other. First a sketch is made, and then shading.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the second and third stages

At the second stage, I lightly shade the sketch and wipe the contours of the lips with an eraser because it is almost impossible to shade without going beyond the contours. Don't forget to erase the sketch a little and outline the lips in more detail.

Of course, you need to leave the light areas of your lips without shading.

I start drawing the lips with pencils of group N. At the third stage, even after minor drawing, the volume of the lips begins to be visible. So I'm doing everything right. Also, with a darker pencil, I draw the corners of the mouth and the line between the upper and lower lip.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: stage four

At the fourth stage of the lesson on how to draw lips with a simple pencil, I already draw the lips in detail, leaving light areas. It is important to draw with semicircular strokes - these are the structural features of the lips that I mentioned above.

Also, in the fourth stage I draw shadows around the lips. More attention should be paid to the shadow under the lower lip - this will give the lips the desired volume. You should not forget about the shadow above the upper lip, but it should be lighter than the shadow under the lower lip.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the last fifth stage

The final, fifth stage, I finish the drawing. In principle, after four stages, the lips already look pretty good - they have volume, both the lips themselves and the corners of the mouth are well drawn, but still, I would like to work on them a little more. I need to tidy up the shadows around the lips and the shadows on the lips themselves, because the light is coming from the right side, and therefore the lips on the left side should be darker. Also, you need to draw a shadow over the so-called “Cupid's bow” - this is a nice hollow on the upper lip.

On this page you can see instructions on how to draw one of the main facial features step by step with a pencil. We are talking about such a part as lips. This page presents a way to draw plump lips with a pencil in several stages.

How to draw lips with a pencil step by step? First we will draw Scarlett Johansson's plump lips. For example, take this photo:

Here Scarlett is captured half-turned, or in ¾. We draw the outlines of the actress’s upper lip. Let's use an HB pencil.

Then we finish drawing the lower lip. We are drawing slightly open lips, so we need to leave a little free space between the lips where teeth will appear in the future.

I decided to draw the tip of the nose. You can do this too if you wish. Draw the front teeth.

How to draw lips correctly with a simple pencil?

Now you can start shading the lips. Cover the drawing with an even stroke. We also shade the teeth, since they cannot be completely white in the drawing.

Now, looking at the photo, we thicken the stroke on some parts of the lips and surrounding areas. Simply put, we look at where the darkest places are in the photo and darken them in the drawing.

Now let's take a softer pencil, for example, 3B. Apply strokes to the shape of the lips.

Gradually draw more and more shadows in the corners of the mouth, in the open space between the lips, in the dog's pit (the so-called small depression between the nose and upper lip).

If you drew the nose, then it should also be darkened.

And finally, we take the softest pencil in our hands (I have it 8B), and put the final touches - we cover the darkest areas of the drawing. Compare your drawing with a photograph as often as possible, try to accurately convey the features of your lips. So, we learned how to draw a girl's lips.

Let me warn you right away that drawing an open smile with teeth is more difficult than drawing closed lips. If you are just learning to draw, start with a simpler drawing. And then try to draw Angelina Jolie’s smiling lips step by step.

Draw the outline of the upper lip and mark the location of the lower lip.

We finish drawing the upper lip and start drawing the lower one.

The lower lip is ready.

Using two lines inside the mouth, I marked the size of Angelina’s teeth.

Use small segments to mark the width of each tooth. Don't draw too many of them. 6 left and 6 right will be enough. Otherwise, the actress may turn into Godzilla...

The two front teeth are the widest, the rest are smaller.

And now we mark the lower teeth. They are not visible on all smiling people, because everyone’s smiles are very different. Angelina Jolie's lower teeth are quite visible, as she has a large mouth and smiles widely.

When a person smiles, folds are sure to form around the mouth. I drew a nose and two such folds.

Now let's shade the drawing of the lips. As in the previous case, first we evenly cover the image with an even stroke, using a hard-soft pencil.

Then, looking at the photo, we will darken the skin in some places.

Take a 3B or 4B pencil and start drawing a shadow under the nose and above the upper lip.

Now let's darken the gums. They should be darker than the tone of the lips, as they are in the shadow of the lip.

The lower teeth are a shade darker than the upper teeth because they receive less light. The boundaries between the teeth should not be outlined too brightly, otherwise it will seem that there are large gaps between Jolie’s teeth or the teeth are damaged.

All that remains is to draw the shadow under the lower lip, thereby emphasizing the volume - the actress has quite plump lips. We drew a smile with a pencil step by step.

How to draw male lips? I propose to draw the lips of the famous French actor Jean-Paul Belmondo.

Draw the contours of the lips. The actor's lips are quite wide and elongated horizontally.

If you look closely at your lips, you can always see thin folds on them. Using a sharp pencil, draw these folds according to the shape of the lips. In this photo the actor is about 50 years old. Accordingly, there are age-related wrinkles near the lips. We mark their location.

Now let's start shading. Fill the entire drawing with strokes in one direction.

Shade the darker areas of the lips on top, creating volume. To draw realistic lips, you need to show their volume. A simple pencil will help us.

Take a soft pencil (for example, 4B). With its help we create the depth of the drawing. Shading the upper lip. We add strokes, emphasizing its shape. We darken with a stripe the place where the lips meet each other.

Now we shade the lower lip. Please note that the middle of the lower lip is lighter than other parts of it. This happens because more light falls on the most prominent areas of the lips. Accordingly, there is almost no need to hatch this area. The area under the lips is quite dark, as it is in the shade.

At the last stage, using the softest pencil, we emphasize the corners of the lips and additionally darken the area under the lips. Please note that there is a thin light stripe above the upper lip along its entire length. If you look at the photo or at your lips in the mirror, you will see that in reality this area is actually quite well lit. This strip of light also helps create volume and realism. The man's lips are ready.

Beautifully drawn lips are one of the integral elements of such a fashionable and modern style as pop art. Many people are impressed by this, so they strive to decorate their apartment or house with some characteristic details of this trend. On the other hand, the ability to draw a mouth can be useful in everyday life, because it is one of the most attractive and important parts of the human face. In this article you will find many tips on how to draw lips.

There are many techniques for depicting a mouth. Lips in the pop art style, which was already mentioned above, will be perfectly shaped. The top one should be two arcs forming a small notch, and the bottom one should be a semicircle. In this case, they certainly add even, snow-white teeth, which are clearly visible to the viewer, since the mouth is slightly open.

But it is much more important to know a living person. Depending on race, they can have different sizes, shapes, and widths. Thus, in Caucasians, the upper and lower valves of the lips are approximately the same thickness. Representatives have a lower part that is much larger and plumper than the upper part. Their mouth, as a rule, is quite large in size. Among the Mongoloids, they are most often narrow.

So, let's figure out how to draw lips step by step. On the beginning day, draw a straight horizontal line. Its length should correspond to the length of the future mouth in the drawing. Then we schematically depict the upper lip. At this step you should not draw it in detail. It is enough to simply outline its contour, giving it an individual shape. It should be symmetrical, and a small depression should be highlighted under the nose. Using the same principle, we outline the lower contour. Thus, the initial stage has been completed. Now you should clarify. Using an eraser, erase the sharp corners of the image and round them, making the mouth more natural.

After this, a logical question will arise: how to draw lips with a pencil so that they are as similar to real ones as possible. Shadows play a very important role in this. So, if the light falls at a right angle, then the upper part of the mouth should be shaded, and the lower part, on the contrary, should be lightened. In most cases, the shadows will need to be positioned this way. The only exception is when a human face is illuminated from below. Then you need to perform the steps described above exactly the opposite.

One of the most important questions remains about how to draw lips if the head is turned in profile or three-quarters. The proportions of the mouth in the second case will naturally be distorted. That half of the lips that is closer to the viewer should remain the same size, and the second should be drawn half as large as the first. When drawing a face in profile, you need to concentrate on the outline of the lips, which protrudes from the line of the face. Half of the mouth will not be visible with this type of image.

So, now you know all the artists' secrets about how to draw lips.

Lips, like the entire human face in general, are difficult to draw. Each facial feature has its own secrets, its own parameters, which directly depend on other parts of the face. Lips, despite the fact that we see them every day, are just as difficult to depict as eyes, or hands, if! you don't know how to do it correctly. Well, if you study this online lesson well, you will no longer have problems with the image of the lips and lower part of the face.

1. Lesson on how to draw lips You need to start, of course, with a sketch of the lips. The first thing we need to do is to carefully study and draw a line that separates the lower and upper lip. This line almost always curves up and down. Initially, it may not be entirely accurate, but in the process all this will be corrected: we will erase it somewhere, we will complete it somewhere. The main thing is to start with this. Also at the first stage you need to sketch out the contours of the so-called Cupid's tubercle. This is the most central and protruding part of the upper lip. A lot of things depend on it (it forms the two vertices of the upper lip), so let’s indicate it in the sketch with light strokes to make it easier to work with later.

2. The second stage of our online lesson also belongs to the sketch. We continue to outline the contours of future lips. Here we have drawn characteristic depressions that are similar to the middle line, all three are equally concave. So to speak, now the base lines are ready, on which we will build the drawing.

3. Finishing our sketch. Connect the top and bottom lines with the ends of the lips. Depending on the shape and line, respectively, different shapes are obtained.

4. To make it easier to understand the shapes, here I show a side view of the lips. So what do we do now? At this stage, apply light strokes to the shadows in the places where they should be. The lower lip is almost always exposed to the upper light, which is why it is the brightest and most illuminated. However, the corners of the lower lip go into shadow from the upper. Also, the shadow from the upper one partially falls on the top of the lower lip. Pay attention to how Cupid's bump is processed! We have already said that this is the most protruding part and the shadows on it play in their own way. The upper edge of the lips is also illuminated by the overhead light; if we paint over it, the three-dimensionality will be lost.

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5. At this stage of drawing the lips, we draw the surroundings or what is located in the lower part of the face. Look at the side view. The space between the lower lip and chin is very noticeable, which inevitably falls into the shadow, so there is always a shaded area in this place. There is also a difficult area above the upper lip that needs to be worked on. This is the distance where two convexities connect the tops of the upper lip with the nose, and form a soft concavity between them. The corners of the lips almost always have some kind of muscle contractions, which are highlighted by light strokes (they are expressed more strongly when smiling or grinning). These lateral muscles are always present on the face, they need to be included so that the mouth does not end up fitting into a flat face.

6. It remains to bring our drawing to the end, wiping away the excess somewhere or using a soft pencil to emphasize some shadows and lines and lips. Pay attention to the line between the top and bottom of the lips, it is always the darkest. All you have to do is practice so that what you draw not only looks like lips, but also looks like the ones you draw.

7. How to draw teeth. A common mistake that novice artists make is thinking that their teeth are perfectly white. This is wrong. In addition, they will look much more beautiful and realistic if they are of such a color that you can show bright highlights on them. The front teeth should be the lightest; the further they go into the oral cavity, the more they go into shadow. The gums should be even a little lighter than the lips and slightly contrast with them, so as not to get fused.

That's all for today. Follow the releases of the site and in the next updates of the Articles section, there will be new training lessons on drawing parts of the human body.

Svetlana Levitskaya's studio offers drawing lessons for adults. Drawing courses will help you master the brush and comprehend the art of painting.