“When the new M5 highway appears, the Southern Urals will become a different region. When will the bridge be built in Chulkovo

Reconstruction Volgogradki Novoryazanka - highway M-5

These plans were reported to FKU "Tsentravtomagistral"

Oktyabrsky will be passed on the left

The interchange in Chulkovo will be completed

Text: Vasily IVANOV

Reconstruction Volgogradki in Moscow is nearing completion, and the interchange of this route with the Moscow Ring Road has already been updated. But summer residents know well: in the region, the reconstruction of main highways is noticeably behind what we see in Moscow. This fully applies to Novoryazanka - highway M-5. Last year, a bypass of Bronnitsy was launched here: a 12-kilometer section of the new road from the A-107 concrete road to the village. Ulyanino. But when and how will the remaining problems of the highway be solved?

These plans were reported to FKU Tsentravtomagistral (this is the department of Rosavtodor that services federal highways in the Moscow region, it is the customer for the reconstruction of these roads).

Oktyabrsky will be passed on the left

Perhaps the most anticipated element of the updated Novoryazanka today is the bypass of Oktyabrsky and Ostrovtsy. As reported by FKU Tsentravtomagisral, its project is already ready.

The bypass will begin with a large interchange, which will be built at the confluence of the Ryazanskoye and Novoryazanskoye highways. Staraya Ryazanka will pass under the overpass and then to Oktyabrsky, along the current trajectory of the road. And the main course of the updated M-5 (5 rows in each direction) will be launched at the top, along overpasses, and then - completely new road, which will pass to the left of Oktyabrsky and Ostrovtsev. The 11 km long bypass will have interchanges with Mikhnevskoye and Ostrovetskoye highways and will reach the Moscow River not far from the existing bridge in front of the village of Chulkovo.

The deadlines have been pushed back, but in 2016-2017, preparation of the territory will begin at the construction site; funds have already been allocated for this. The construction of the bypass itself will begin no earlier than 2018 and will last approximately 4-5 years.

The interchange in Chulkovo will be completed

Last year, when the left turn to Zhukovsky, located on the M-5 just beyond the Moskva River in the village of Chulkovo, was reconstructed, motorists immediately noticed one “oddity”. Before the reconstruction there was a traffic light, now there is a two-level interchange, but the traffic jams before the turn did not decrease, but... grew! But the thing is that at the interchange there was a section - small, about 100 meters - where the entire federal highway narrows to 1 lane in each direction!

Of course, there was a reason to organize traffic this way: the exit to the highway from the interchange was covered with something like a traffic island, so that those driving in a straight line and those about to join the flow would not immediately end up in the same lane. But there is a problem: before the reconstruction there were two rows, and although they were held by a traffic light, the flow moved faster. Motorists are perplexed: what will happen when the Oktyabrsky bypass is built? Are 5 rows really going to merge into one?!

Of course not. As reported by FKU Tsentravtomagistral, as part of the construction of the Oktyabrsky bypass, two separate bridges will be built across the river for oncoming flows, each with 5 rows. At the same time, the interchange in the village of Chulkovo will be completed. 2 rows out of 5 will go to Zhukovsky, and 3 will go in a straight line to Ryazan.

Text: Vasily IVANOV

Cover photo of the article: highway

How to extend M-5 Ural in Oktyabrsky and Ostrovytsy July 20th, 2015

The section of the Novoryazanskoye Highway from the confluence with the Ryazanskoye Highway to the Moscow River in Zaozerye is one of the most traffic jammed places in the Moscow region. In the morning and evening hour peak travel takes ten kilometers in best case scenario 50-60 minutes. And during the “country” hours there are traffic jams here for 2-3 hours or more.

I have been asked to take over this position dozens of times. Stopped decision on the construction of a bypass between Oktyabrsky and Ostrovtsy (from 28 to 37 km), which would allow transit traffic to bypass residential areas and finally end traffic jams in this section. The bypass was even designed by order of the Tsentravtomagistral Federal Public Institution; you can evaluate the future traffic management project.

Someday the bypass of Oktyabrsky and Ostrovtsy will go like this.

However, six months ago construction was postponed due to financial reasons. Apparently, it’s fate for us to do it after all.

But before prescribing treatment, it was necessary to make a diagnosis. And our “patient” is very advanced, his disease developed a long time ago and metastasized. One thing was immediately clear: improvements at one or two intersections are not enough; the entire ten-kilometer section with its 10 traffic lights needs to be analyzed.

Where did I start?
First of all, I opened a brainstorming thread on Roads.ru, asking forum members driving along the M-5 to post their analysis of the problems and their suggestions. Many people responded, I would like to acknowledge the help int13H, crenlot, abric, ax3, kold777, magistr_tk, RoadMan, Lord_Teo, JuNiK. I laid out all the proposals collected during the brainstorming on a summary map, marking all the proposals at the point of each traffic light.

As a result of this work it became general outline It is clear which traffic lights create the largest traffic jams, at what time and why, and the main outlines of solutions have been outlined.

I was very helpful with the traffic lights of the Moscow Region Traffic Police in the person of the 2nd traffic police regiment serving the M-5 highway: from there they sent traffic light cards for all 10 traffic lights according to phase-by-phase traffic patterns (“by phases”) and programs by time of day and days of the week (“period shifts”) .

How I analyzed it
But all this was not even half the battle. It was necessary to bring all this data into such a form that a single “diagnostic map” would be obtained, on the basis of which decisions could be prepared for each intersection. Despite our experience in solving road problems, we have not yet taken on tasks of this scale. But after sitting on the problem for a couple of days, I finally found a way to combine 20 A4 sheets into a table on 1 screen.

What does this give us? All the problems and inconsistencies of the 10 traffic lights, their relative positions, phases, and causes of the problems immediately become visible. Let's say it became clear why at intersection 4 shopping center in Oktyabrskoye Highway it is constantly locked. And intersection 6 in Ostrotsy (Tsentralnaya Street - Zavodskaya Street) turned out to be the only one where a left turn is made directly from the left lane, and not from a pocket, as a result, only 1 (one!) lane remains for driving directly into the region. Traffic lights 7 and 8 are located only 230 meters from each other and their cycles simply must be synchronized.

Thanks to the power of Excel the values ​​of throughput and phase coefficients are calculated automatically, using formulas, which greatly facilitates the work, and for forward lanes, reduction coefficients have been introduced due to slowing right turns.

The main thing that catches your eye: The operating modes of the traffic lights are configured as God pleases. One has 3 programs, others 1, and others 2. And the length of cycles at different traffic lights at the same time of day varies from 56 to 250 seconds. There is no difference between “dacha” programs for entry and exit from the city, and so on. It is not surprising that the estimated forward capacity of intersections is not only low, but also varies at many nodes by a factor of more than 1.5! Such places in the right column are marked in orange (2100-2350 cars per hour in the forward direction during rush hour) and red (less than 2100 cars per hour).

Traffic light proposals
Having a summary diagnostic table with automatically calculated throughput values, it was already possible to work with phase lengths and programs, aligning them. It went easier, although I won’t say it was faster. After a couple of days of work, the “as it should” table took on this form.

For 8 intersections out of 10, I found it necessary to make 3 cycle lengths: 120 for off-peak, 150 for average load and 190 for peak load; at 2 intersections, the cycle length had to be increased to 160-190-250 seconds, since they are nearby and it is necessary to ensure their synchronous operation. Some work programs are offered in some places 3, and in others 5: the intensity of left turns in the morning and evening is different. At intersections 4 and 5 it was necessary to add “exhaust” phases against locking.

Expected results visible on the right in the throughput tables: 6 “red” and 2 “orange” points turned into 5 orange. To tighten up throughput places in the orange zone, either re-marking will be required (2 points at intersection No. 6), or local measures (right-turn pockets, express lanes), or the cancellation of some phases and directions. However, the real situation may turn out to be better, since I did not take into account the “turning” flows at the exit, and they are quite significant.

Markup suggestions
For two nodes out of 10, we did not limit ourselves to traffic lights alone. There you can increase both security and throughput by simply re-partitioning!

The worst throughput is node No. 6 (Tsentralnaya - Zavodskaya) in Ostrotsy. By shifting the axis, you can gain a left-turn pocket.



Phased travel

And this is the most dangerous junction - the confluence of the Novoryazanskoye and Staroryazanskoye highways.

The 3 rows to the area here cleverly turns into 2 right before the traffic lights. Moreover, contrary to logic, it is the left lane that ends, not the right: it is not surprising that people constantly break traffic here and get into accidents. In the direction of Moscow, everything is also stupid: 2 lanes turn into 3 immediately after the intersection, preventing you from safely exiting the Ryazanskoye Highway towards Moscow.

What’s most interesting is that the third lane into the region becomes unnecessary from the Lytkarinskaya interchange itself. Because on it, up to 30% of the flow goes from Novoryazanskoe to the south and north, that is, in fact, 1 lane out of 3!

And on the section from the interchange to the intersection there are no connections. It turns out that the flow of 2 lanes after the interchange is “spread out” into 3 lanes without any benefit... only to be integrated into 2 lanes again a kilometer before the intersection.

The solution suggests itself: either make the right lane from the Lytkarinskaya interchange to the merger with Ryazansky one dedicated or close it.

And at the intersection at the confluence, everything should be carefully drained.

Entire area (clickable)

What's next?
The 2nd traffic police regiment of the Moscow region traffic police has already approved our proposals. FKU Tsentravtomagistral also has no objections in advance; now we are waiting for their decision on implementation. It is important to do all this as a whole this year, we will insist on this.

Will this get rid of Novoryazanskoye Highway from traffic jams? Of course not. But we can confidently say that traffic parameters will improve: travel speed will increase, the observation interval for congestion and their length will be reduced. This will make it possible to at least somehow put everything in order here in anticipation of the construction of the bypass of Oktyabrsky and Ostrovtsy.

When all this is done, I will definitely write about it, I will ask you feedback.

By the way, FKU Tsentravtomagistral will soon have news on Ilinskoye Highway. And the news is good: our proposals have been generally accepted and are already being implemented. But more on that next time.

Reconstruction began in the Ulyanovsk region in March 2015 highway M-5 "Ural" - from Moscow through Ryazan, Penza, Samara, Ufa to Chelyabinsk on the section km 814+000 - km 835+000, with a length of 20.085 km (including through the village of Svirino - 1.6 km). Last time This area was completely renovated in 2009. Over its 70-year history, according to the results of the annual diagnostics of the M-5 "Ural", a process of intensive formation of deformations in the form of rutting, potholes, transverse and longitudinal cracks, and destruction of the edges of the roadway has occurred. The transport and operational characteristics of the road deteriorated significantly every year due to under-repair and due to the inability to maintain them in standard condition at the expense of maintenance funds. The traffic flow along M-5 continued and continues to grow.

It was then that detailed plans for the comprehensive reconstruction of the “Ural”, one of the longest federal roads in Russia, began to be developed, provided for federal program"Development of the Russian transport system."

In 2016, as part of the reconstruction of the M-5 Ural highway - from Moscow through Ryazan, Penza, Samara, Ufa to Chelyabinsk on the section km 814+000 - km 835+000, work on the construction of bypass roads has already been completed at the site. Currently full swing communications are being reconstructed and culverts are being built; Work has begun on the construction of the subgrade and the construction of road surfaces.

During preparatory work, special auxiliary structures are currently being equipped for the construction of a bridge across the Syzranka River and an overpass across railway, installation of bored piles has begun. The very process of installing bored piles on these structures is interesting: a special drilling rig is used to drill 20-meter wells with a diameter of 1 meter in the ground, install a metal casing pipe, a reinforcement cage, and the entire structure is filled with concrete.

In total, as part of the reconstruction of the M-5 Ural highway, two bridges and an overpass with a total length of 250 meters will be built at km 814 – km 835.

In 2017, it is planned to complete the construction of the first stage (left half) of the bridge over the Syzranka River and an overpass across the railway with traffic flowing to a new direction, dismantle the existing bridge and overpass and begin construction of the second stage (right part) of the bridge and overpass across the railway. Work will continue on the reconstruction of communications, the construction of subgrades, the installation of road pavement and the construction of culverts.

After the facility is put into operation, the road will be transformed: it will become a four-lane main road (technical category I) with an estimated speed of 120 km/h.

By 2019, an overpass across the railway and two bridges will be built - a bridge over an unnamed stream and a bridge across the river. Syzranka. To ensure the safety of the road section, 4 turning circles will be built, bridges and an overpass will be illuminated, as well as a section of the road in the area of ​​the village. Svirino, with a total length of 4.275 km.

The reconstruction will increase the capacity of the road section, eliminate hotspots of accidents in populated areas, increase safety for the local population and improve the environmental situation of the area. We must pay tribute to the road workers - since the beginning of this year, not a single traffic accident has occurred on the federal roads assigned to the FKU "Povolzhupravtodor" in the Ulyanovsk region due to related road conditions (DR accidents).

Near the reconstructed section along the M-5 Ural federal highway, it is planned to build two modern complexes of road service facilities at km 838+492 (right) and km 838+500 (left). They are planned to include gas stations, gas stations, service stations, retail parks, mobile homes, and parking lots. ("Travel Park")

Also, in 2017 – 2018, artificial electric lighting will be installed on the M-5 “Ural” in the Ulyanovsk region in sections km 786 + 017 - km 786 + 359 s. Nikulino, km 848+146 - km 848+456 s. Tomyshevo, about 1.5 km long.

Attention motorists:

Traffic is on the main road. In areas where new culverts are being built, traffic follows bypass roads in 2 sections (350 and 400 meters long): only in these areas of work is the speed limit of 40 km/h.

For reference:

In the Ulyanovsk region, FKU "Povolzhupravtodor" services 105.5 km of federal highways, of which:
81.5 km on the M-5 Ural highway from km 780+320 to km 861+864 and 24 km on the R 228 Syzran-Saratov-Volgograd highway from km 23+200 to km 47+200

The M-5 Ural highway is one of the longest federal roads in Russia. The road originates in Moscow, then passes through the city of Ryazan and crosses part of the Republic of Mordovia, then the route passes through Penza, covers a small section of the Ulyanovsk region and crosses the border of the Samara region: it passes through Syzran, Tolyatti and Samara; then it runs through the capital of Bashkiria, Ufa, and ends in Chelyabinsk. The total length of the M-5 Ural highway is 1879 km. Of these, FKU Povolzhupravtodor serves 1,100.1 km.

Editorial Board of the Russian Road Portal

The federal highway M-5 "Ural" with a length of over 1800 km passes through the territory of ten constituent entities of Russia - Moscow, Ryazan, Penza, Samara, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Ulyanovsk and Orenburg regions, as well as the Republics of Bashkortostan and Mordovia. It starts from the MKAD in Moscow and stretches to Chelyabinsk through Ryazan, Penza, Samara. The route is part of the international transport corridor "North - South" (NS), the European route E-30 "Cork (Ireland) - Omsk" and the Asian route AH-7 "Ekaterinburg - Karachi (Pakistan)". Last year, the M-5 road appeared more than once in media materials. The DorInfo portal has collected the most significant and resonant events that occurred on the highway in 2017. Repair and reconstruction of road facilities, improving traffic safety, accidents and many kilometers of traffic jams - all this in one material.

Road work on the M-5 Ural highway: what was done and where in 2017

Last year on the federal highway M-5 "Ural" within the borders Moscow region Over 100 km of roadway was restored. During the work, specialists replaced the road surface, repaired junctions and ramps, strengthened shoulders and slopes, and applied road markings.

Thus, the road in both directions from 86th km to 94th km, from 94th km to 101st km, from 101st km to 109th km, from 109th km to 117th th km and from the 117th km to the 124th. Not only the road surface was repaired, but also artificial structures - five overpasses and two bridges across the Moscow River. Specialists repaired spans, supports and cones, restored stairs, replaced expansion joints and installed waterproofing, laid a new bridge deck, installed fences and applied road markings. In particular, such work was carried out in the Kolomna region on overpasses in the area of ​​the 104th km and 106th km, as well as on river bridges in the area of ​​the 35th km and 105th km.

IN Ryazan region Last year, a section of the M-5 Ural highway from km 241 to km 245 was reconstructed. During the work, road workers made the section four-lane, brought exits and junctions to the standard, installed turning loops and transitional express lanes, installed 1 km of noise barrier next to residential buildings, built a drainage system and installed new treatment facilities. The reconstruction made it possible to eliminate the “bottleneck” that was located near the villages of Dobry Sot and Zarechye in the Spassky district. In addition, 145 road signs and 9 km of new fencing appeared on the highway, two pedestrian crossing equipped with traffic lights, marked the roadways with thermoplastic, and installed street lighting.

Reconstruction work also affected the bridge over the Pronya River. For the convenience of motorists, specialists added a new one to the existing structure, which was opened for traffic back in 2015. On the old “half” the movable supports were straightened and protective casings were installed, damage was eliminated and the protective layer, the main beams were strengthened, the bridge deck was leveled, expansion joints were replaced, drainage and stairs were repaired. Also in Ryazan in 2017, construction work continued at the interchange, which is located at the intersection of the M-5 Ural and P-132 Kaluga - Ryazan highways. Currently, traffic is allowed in the right lane of M-5 and the right half-circle.

On a section of the M-5 highway passing through the territory Penza region, restored the worn-out pavement in the area from km 540 to km 548 in the Nizhnelomovsky district and from km 662 to km 678 in the Gorodishchensky district. On the Penza bypass, the section from km 634 to km 645 was reconstructed, during which the roadway became four-lane. Specialists also built an interchange at the intersection of M-5 and Austrian Street. The facility made it possible to reduce the time spent on travel when traveling from the Bessonovsky district to Penza. The second interchange, which appeared on the 645th km of the M-5 highway, provided free exit from Chaadaev Street to federal road towards the village of Chemodanovka. In addition, in 2017, vehicular traffic was opened along the repaired overpass across the railway crossing and the reconstructed bridge over the Sura River.

IN Ulyanovsk region Road workers continued to reconstruct the road from km 814 to km 835. Travel on the two-lane section was allowed within the boundaries of the Nikolaevsky district in mid-September. As part of the work, engineering structures were rebuilt, a culvert system was built, and road pavement was installed. Work was also underway on the bridge under construction across the stream, where the beams of the superstructure were mounted, a fence was installed and a drainage system was installed. The reconstruction is planned to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2018.

To Tolyatti ( Samara Region) the bridge across the Volga, which is located in the area of ​​the 970th km of M-5 near the Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric station, was repaired ahead of schedule. Work at the site proceeded around the clock in four stages. Specialists restored expansion joints, repaired structural elements of the bridge, replaced drainage pipes and installed drainage channels, and laid the road surface in two layers.

IN Republic of Bashkortostan repair work was carried out on two sections with a total length of 18 km. In November, specialists overhauled the 1281st km. At the site, the bank and intermediate supports were restored, the bridge deck was updated, expansion joints and transition slabs were replaced, the drainage system was repaired, the cones were strengthened and the structural elements under the bridge were restored. After reconstruction, a section was opened at km 1418. During the work, the road surface was replaced, the roadway was widened and two pipes were installed.

The overhaul was carried out in 2017 at the entrance to Yekaterinburg ( Sverdlovsk region) in the section from the 138th km to the 143rd km and from the 191st km to the 193rd km. In addition, road workers repaired the overpass across the highway at km 185, as well as the interchanges at km 139, km 157, km 161, km 178 and km 185. IN Chelyabinsk region About 60 km of road surface was restored on sections of the M-5 highway. Seven artificial structures were brought to the standard state: bridges over the rivers Kuvashi (1722nd km), Bishbaytal (1851st km), Serazak (1863rd km), as well as two overpasses over railway crossings - in the area of ​​1852 km and 1777 km.

Traffic restrictions on the M-5 Ural highway

On the M-5 Ural federal highway in 2017, traffic restrictions were mainly introduced in the above sections due to the current and major repairs, construction and reconstruction. We are usually talking about narrowing the road or organizing travel in reverse order. In addition, on the section from km 943 to km 972, which passes through the territory of the Samara region, from May 1 to November 30, in the period from 7:00 to 22:00, restrictions were in force for heavy trucks weighing from 3.5 tons and dimensions more than 3.4 meters. This decision was made from repair work. The highway near Yekaterinburg was blocked twice at night due to the installation of spans for pedestrian crossings. The restrictions were in effect for half an hour.

Spring 2017 melt water A section of the M-5 Ural highway in the Alekseevsky district of the Samara region was washed away from the fields, which led to subsidence of the road surface and, accordingly, the impossibility of travel.

Restrictions were repeatedly introduced on the M-5 highway due to unfavorable weather conditions. Thus, in winter, heavy snowfall, gusty winds and snowstorms led to reduced visibility. The longest blocked section over the past year was the section in the Samara region. To prevent emergency situations, the road was closed from km 890 to km 1194. The length of the closed section was over 300 km. By the way, because of this, the road was stuck for about a day.

Increased security traffic on the M-5 "Ural" highway

To improve the safety of road users and reduce accidents on the M-5 Ural highway, road workers carried out a number of activities last year. In particular, in the Moscow region, to prevent accidents involving pedestrians, a new fence appeared in the sections from the 27th km to the 85th km. The underground passage in the area of ​​the 28th km of the highway near the village of Oktyabrsky was also repaired. Its ground part was protected with a polycarbonate canopy, a railing was installed, lighting was installed, the drainage system was restored, and an automatic platform was installed for the descent and ascent of people with limited mobility. In total, 34 cameras for photo and video recording of traffic violations, five traffic control points and six weather stations were installed on the highway. According to FKU Tsentravtomagistral, from January to November 2017, the region recorded a decrease in accident rates by almost 20% compared to the same period in 2016.

In 2017, within the borders of the Ryazan, Penza, Saratov, Ulyanovsk and Samara regions, the highway was equipped with a lighting system at 14 uncontrolled pedestrian crossings, and traffic lights appeared at eight crossings. In the Samara region, over 6 km of anti-dazzle screens were installed along the axis of the barrier fence. To prevent cars from driving into oncoming traffic, more than 2 km of cable fencing was installed in the Penza region, and about 300 more meters appeared at the entrance to Samara. During the overhaul, 17 bus stops and 17 unregulated pedestrian crossings were equipped with an autonomous lighting system. According to statistics from the Federal Public Institution "Povolzhupravtodor", the measures taken made it possible to reduce the number of accidents on the M-5 highway in these regions by 9%. Over the 11 months of 2017, 1,137 accidents occurred, in which 348 people died and another 1,863 people were injured. In 2016, 1,247 road accidents were recorded with 356 deaths and 1,863 injuries.

On the section of the highway from km 1214 to km 1217, passing through the territory of Bashkiria, specialists replaced almost a thousand linear meters of barrier fencing. Also, on the section from the 1401st km to the 1449th km, duplicate road signs at 17 pedestrian crossings.

According to statistics from the Federal State Institution Uprdor "Priuralye", in the subordinate sections of M-5 in 2017, the accident rate decreased by 19.4%. Thus, in 2016 there were 201 road accidents compared to 162 in 2017. At the same time, the number of victims decreased by approximately 28% - from 292 to 209 people, and the number of deaths by 7.5% - from 53 to 49 people. The Office added that the number of accidents that occurred due to unsatisfactory road conditions decreased by 64% compared to 2016.

A metal barrier fence to separate oncoming flows appeared at all sections of the major repairs of the M-5 Ural highway in Sverdlovsk region. In addition, to improve safety, lighting poles were installed and overhead modular pedestrian crossings were installed in the areas of km 191 and km 193 near bus stops. To prevent pedestrians from entering the roadway, sidewalks with railings to public transport stops have been installed. In addition, at the 191st km and 193rd km of the approach to Yekaterinburg, two turning loops have been installed. FKU "Uralupravtodor" reported that the measures taken had an impact positive influence to reduce accident rates in the region on the M-5 highway, and also increased the throughput of the transport hub.

In the Chelyabinsk region in 2017, specialists replaced and installed over 10.5 thousand linear meters of side metal fencing and installed about 11.3 linear meters of axial fencing. Three pedestrian crossings in the area of ​​km 1779 (“Miass”), km 1840 (“Birgilda village”) and km 1843 (“Vitaminny village”) were equipped with lighting with motion sensors and traffic light objects. To increase the safety of road users, turning left on the 1799th km of the federal highway is prohibited. “Hazardous Area” warning boards were installed in six places. At FKU Uprdor " Southern Urals“Noted that last year, in places where work was carried out to improve traffic safety, there was a decrease in the accident rate and the severity of the consequences of road accidents compared to the same period in 2016.

Major accidents on the M-5 Ural highway in 2017

The federal highway M-5 "Ural" is very popular among motorists - several tens of thousands of cars pass along it every day, accidents often occur on the road in which people die and are injured. The cause of car accidents is driving into oncoming traffic, violating speed limit, failure to maintain a safe distance, overturning the vehicle into a ditch. Bad weather can also lead to an accident.

One of the tragic accidents in 2017 was a collision between a car and a truck, which occurred on M-5 within the borders of the Chelyabinsk region. The accident, recorded on January 24, claimed four lives. According to police, the driver of a Kia Rio car at “high” speed crashed into a KAMAZ snow blower, which was moving in the same direction. The impact was so powerful that the foreign car was thrown into a ditch, and the wheel that came off the KAMAZ flew into the Lada. As a result of this, the driver of a domestic car lost control and broke through a metal fence along the road. The driver of the foreign car and his three passengers did not survive the accident. According to photographs from the accident scene, the Kia Rio was driving at speeds in excess of 160 km/h. According to updated information, there were several bottles of vodka in the cabin.

Another fatal accident involving a truck occurred in mid-February last year in the Ryazan region. In a collision between two cars and a truck, three people were killed and another was taken to hospital. In the area of ​​the 241st km of the M-5 Ural, a 28-year-old man lost control of the steering of a Lada Priora car, as a result of which the car was carried out onto the

the oncoming lane, where she first crashed into a Chevrolet Lacetti and then rammed a Volvo truck. The driver of a domestic car and two passengers died in an accident. The third passenger of the Priora was taken to the hospital with injuries.

A terrible accident involving a truck and a minibus occurred on a highway in Bashkiria in early March. According to the police, a Peugeot minibus with 17 passengers was heading from Ufa to Maloyaz. At 1505, the vehicle collided with a Scania heavy truck moving in the oncoming lane. The front part of the minibus was literally torn apart by the impact; two of its passengers, a man and a woman, died at the scene of the accident, and six more people from it were taken to a medical facility.

Several fatal accidents were recorded on the federal highway last summer. In particular, in mid-June on the territory of the Ryazan region in the area of ​​292 km due to too high speed The driver of a Chevrolet car lost control and drove into oncoming traffic under the wheels of a Volvo truck. As a result of the collision, the man driving the car, as well as his three passengers - a woman, an 11-year-old child and a 16-year-old teenager - died at the scene. During the check, the police found out that the foreign car was shod with “winter” tires. In July, an accident with a Hyundai Solaris passenger car and a Renault Magnum truck in the area of ​​951 km in the Samara region caused the death of four people. The police found out that the car drove into the oncoming lane, where it crashed into a truck. The driver of the car and his three passengers died in the accident. Another person required hospitalization.

That same month, four people became victims of a terrible accident in the Chelyabinsk region. At the 1798th km of the M-5 Ural highway, the driver of a Gazelle car, in order to turn left, drove out of his lane into the oncoming lane, which led to a collision with a Volvo heavy truck. As a result of the accident, the man driving the Gazelle, as well as his three passengers - a woman, a boy and a child - died. At the end of October 2017, a collision between a Volkswagen minibus and a tractor with a trailer occurred in the Orenburg region. The impact was so strong that the tractor overturned on the road. Three people were fatally injured in the collision, and three more were transported to a medical facility.

Three were killed and two were injured in a massive accident at the entrance to Orenburg from the M-5 Ural highway in the Samara region. The accident happened at the end of last year, on December 26. During the check, the police found out that on the 42nd km of the access road to Orenburg four vehicles. The driver of a VAZ-21214 (“Niva”) was towing a foreign car Daewoo Nexia on a flexible hitch. During a heavy snowfall, a domestic passenger car drove into oncoming traffic up to the wheels of a KAMAZ truck. At the same time, a towed foreign car was rammed by a Lada Priora car driving along the highway. As a result of the accident, three people died - the driver of the Niva and his two passengers. Two more people - the passenger of the VAZ and the driver of the Daewoo Nexia were admitted to the hospital with injuries.

Tender: Construction and reconstruction of public roads of federal significance and artificial structures on them: Construction and reconstruction of the M-5 Ural highway - from Moscow through Ryazan, Penza, Samara, Ufa to Chelyabinsk. Construction of the M-5 Ural highway - from Moscow through Ryazan, Penza, Samara, Ufa to Chelyabinsk on the bypass section of Oktyabrsky with a bridge over the Moscow River km 28 - km 37, Moscow region Stage 1A (preparing the territory for the construction of the facility)

2015-11-19 00:00:00: 2015-11-16 00:00:00:Tender for the construction and reconstruction of public roads of federal significance and artificial structures on them: Construction and reconstruction of the M-5 Ural highway from Moscow through Ryazan, Penza, Samara, Ufa to Chelyabinsk. Construction of the M-5 Ural-from Moscow highway through Ryazan, Penza, Samara, Ufa to Chelyabinsk on the bypass section of Oktyabrsky with a bridge over the Moscow River km 28-km 37, Moscow region Stage 1A (preparing the territory for the construction of the facility) at

Moscow region Moscow region

Moscow region Tenders: construction of roads, bridges, tunnels and railway tracks

Tender for the construction and reconstruction of public roads of federal significance and artificial structures on them: Construction and reconstruction of the M-5 Ural highway from Moscow through Ryazan, Penza, Samara, Ufa to Chelyabinsk. Construction of the M-5 Ural highway from Moscow through Ryazan, Penza, Samara, Ufa to Chelyabinsk on the bypass section of Oktyabrsky with a bridge over the Moscow River km 28-km 37, Moscow region Stage 1A (preparing the territory for the construction of the facility). Price: 104,008,000 rubles.

Download documentation for tender No. 22989399 Tender results (Information about the winner of the tender) No. 22989399

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