Problems of youth in modern Russian literature. The influence of fiction on the formation of the ideals of modern Russian youth

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Lukhmanova

The influence of modern literature on modern youth

Part one

Many educated and gifted writers began and ended their careers in poverty. Others, following some general fatal law, remained in the shadows and received pennies from the editors, precisely at the very peak of their talent, while the thirst for goodness and justice burned in their hearts, an ebullient and inspired thought flowed so that the pen could not keep up with it, and achieved fame and security only when the strength of the soul and mind faded away, when life polished off their too brilliant conscience, their too sharp truth. Many did not live to see the turning point when their name was finally ingrained in the reader’s memory and gained popularity, after which material success began. From time to time, exceptional darlings of fortune appeared on the horizon of the literary world, whose talents developed among enthusiastic fans, which allowed them to immediately step into fame and glory. But for talent and only talent to immediately throw a person out of the very abyss of insignificance, for just the power of a word, and even for the first time heard in the dark little newspaper "Caucasus", which has so little circulation, to immediately stir the minds of readers, this is an exceptional case. If we take from Gorky’s first story to the production of his play “At the Lower Depths,” we will see that ten years have passed, during which the dark tramp, sawing wood and carrying loads, turned into a European famous writer, conquered enemies and envious people with the magnitude of his talent, gained crazy fans and made a fortune for himself. What is the reason that Gorky’s stories made him immediately popular and spread not only throughout Russia, but throughout Europe? The reason for this lies, firstly, in the fact that before him they wrote about the people only, so to speak, from the outside: need, grief, suffering, drunkenness, debauchery, murder, all this was described by intelligent people who heard, saw, observed, but did not experience who were not active participants in body and soul, in passion and hatred, in all that they described. We could be captivated by the artistry of the stories and believe that it was all true. It was as if we were listening to a magnificent mechanical nightingale, and suddenly the real one began to sing, with rolls, breaths, moans and cries, as he sings only on moonlit nights in the spring, in those inaccessible thickets where his female sits on the nest. And everyone perked up, their hearts began to beat, their blood began to stir... What is this? Where? Who took us to the very depths of the forest? Who brought us face to face with a living singer, with living nature? This is the impression of spontaneity one got from Gorky’s stories. The content in Gorky's stories frightened and attracted the reader; it made him think and feel sorry for those people whom until now he had not even recognized as people. It was a whole world of shadows, puppets, rabble, who turned into living people with a completely special worldview, special logic, morality, special happiness, which is often much higher than ours, because it can neither be given nor taken away from a person, because it comes from his own soul and most often harmonizes with the nature around him. The second reason for Gorky's worldwide success is the melancholy with which almost all of his works are imbued. This is not sleepy or angry boredom, which can be walked around and entertained, this is a deep melancholy, pulling along with it, causeless, sometimes causing a desire to express an insane protest against life itself. We have so narrowed, decolorized our life, pressed it so carefully into narrow frames that sometimes we suffocate in it. Everyone, literally every thinking and feeling person, has experienced this melancholy at least at times. A person goes every day to the department or wherever he goes to work, every day at the same hour, along the same streets, past the same houses, signs, cab drivers; for years he hears the same phrases of doormen and servants who open the door for him. door, enters the same room, sits down at the same table, among the same colleagues and takes on the same work, this work is sometimes not even a screw, but only one thread of a screw entering a huge complex machine called “state improvement” . And drawing a pen every day along the same thread of the screw, without knowing either the beginning or the end of the line, should, of course, make the work meaningless and routine. And this official, who spends three quarters of his life doing stupid, unprincipled work, walking obediently like a squirrel in a wheel, suddenly, in a moment of rest, instead of “Niva” or “Zvezda”, picks up Gorky’s stories. And a new world opens up before him. He reads (volume two, story “Konovalov”, p. 49): “You need to be born in a cultured society in order to find the patience to live among it all your life and never want to leave somewhere from the sphere of these difficult conventions, legalized customs, small, poisonous lies, from the sphere of painful pride, ideological sectarianism, all kinds of insincerity, in a word, from all this vanity of vanities that chills the feeling and corrupts the mind.” "But where to go?" “In the village,” says Gorky, “it is almost as unbearably bitter, sickening and sad as among the intelligentsia. It is best to go to the slums of cities, where, although everything is dirty, everything is so simple and sincere; or go for a walk along the fields and roads of the homeland, which is very interesting, very refreshing and does not require any means other than good, hardy legs.” [ "Mallow". Note ed. ] It's well said, tempting, beautiful, but is it fair? Is it true that if we realize that the conditions of our life are difficult and unfair, then we must go to the slums of the cities, where everything, although dirty, is still simple and sincere? Will the sight of simple and sincere debauchery and drunkenness satisfy our search for truth? And is it true that there, in the slums, there is only external, apparent dirt, which often covers a sublime soul? Why is it that on the day that Gorky showed us in his play, we see the same people, weak-willed, evil, greedy, intriguing on the misfortune or simplicity of their fellow man, people with the same painful pride, with the corrupting boredom of idleness and even with the addition of terrible environment? I ask again: “Would we, intellectuals, find peace and consolation if we left our lives for these slums?” In Dostoevsky’s story “Underground,” the hero exclaims: “No, no, the underground is in any case more profitable. There, at least, it’s possible”... and suddenly adds: “Eh, but I’m lying here too. I’m lying because and I myself know that two and two make four, which is not at all better underground, but something else that I crave, which I just can’t find. To hell with the underground.” But Gorky’s readers, especially young people, take his word for it that strength lies underground, that is, in renunciation of everything. You read in Gorky’s stories about the sea how the wind gently strokes his powerful satin chest, how the surface of the sea sighs drowsily under the gentle power of these caresses, saturating the air with the salty aroma of its vapors, how greenish waves run onto the yellow sand, into a sand spit jutting out into the sea, and you see how Malva floats here in a shuttle, funny and cute like a well-fed cat; Vasily, an old fisherman, is waiting for her. Malva has greenish eyes, small white teeth, she is all round, soft, fresh, with dimples on her cheeks. And what are her opinions? “I don’t want to go to the village, I don’t want to, but I have to get married, and a married woman is an eternal slave, reap and spin hair, go after cattle and give birth to children, what is left for herself - only her husband’s beatings and swearing... And I’m a nobody here, I’m free like a seagull, wherever I want, I’ll fly there.” [" On rafts." Ed. . ] And a wild free life, strong, purely animal love unfolds before the reader... He dreams of a quiet splash of a salty wave and the fervent laughter of a bathing Malva, her body is pink, her caresses are passionate, and in comparison with his life all this seems so tempting to him, so insanely good and at the same time so terribly accessible that he begins to yearn, yearn with a new fantastic longing, which in itself is already pleasure, because it woke him up from a stultifying, gray sleep - the sleep of reality. Leaning on the granite embankment of the Neva, the reader looks at the lights of far-floating rafts and remembers another female figure - Marya, whose face is burning under the lips of the old man Silan, who passionately kisses her. [" Zuzubrina". Ed. . ] And the reader dreams, his chest aches under the influx of sensations unknown to him... And in his mind there are still the same thoughts: “After all, you just have to want, shake... and this damned chain of gray, meaningless work will break, you just have to decide and step over the human prejudice, through human laws, which bound me for the rest of my life with family ties, ties that have long since rotten, meaningless."... And he may not shake off these bonds, will not leave his parents, wife and children, will not go to work on the pier, will not become a free tramp , because he has neither the strength, nor health, nor even sincere desire for this. But he will dream about it, images of Gorky’s heroes will fill his soul, and in difficult moments, in an angry outburst, he will shout: “I’ll give up this damned life, break off all my shackles and go free, into tramps.” How can the reader not bow before the writer, whose word pierced his soul like a spear. Both a rich merchant and a well-fed businessman who loves to go on a spree and throw money at the song of the gypsies, and his heart will ache when he reads how they sang in the tavern for the bored miller ("Tosca" p. 269 volume I): "Eh, yes in bad weather, the wind howls and howls, and an evil sadness torments my little head. Oh, and I’ll go to the steppes, to the steppes, and look for shares there... Mother Desert... "And the miller, hanging on his chest head, sits, eagerly listening to the sounds of the song. Having read this, whether a merchant or a businessman, a little ashamed of his revelry, his tavern adventures, receives a kind of sanction; he suddenly understands all the poetry of such revelry, all the spiritual renewal that comes from such songs. He feels like not just a person on a carousing, but a person with a Russian broad, yearning soul. Melancholy will tear your chest apart if you don’t give it such an outcome from time to time. And Gorky revealed this to him, and he will never forget the name of this writer, a man who alone understands all the twists of a yearning soul. The miller was seized with melancholy from meeting him with the funeral of some poor writer, over whose coffin some speaker said the words: “We have covered our souls with the rubbish of everyday worries and have become accustomed to living without a soul, so accustomed that we do not even notice what we are like.” everyone became wooden, insensitive, dead." And suddenly, in the miller’s soul, as if some voice rang out: “That’s right... it’s so.” And then one morning, going out into the garden at dawn, he heard through the fence how his worker Kuzma, cheerfully and passionately responding to the kisses of the girl who passionately loved him, still said goodbye to her, abandoned her only because he was afraid of stagnation, that passion for a wandering life, curiosity for life, “greed for life,” as Gorky says about his heroes, called him to leave his quiet corner, love and a secure job and again go wandering in wide Rus'. The girl is ready to share his every share and begs him: “- Oh, you dear, my Kuzya... you are my good one. Take me, I’m grieving. - Here you go. She’s doing her thing again... I kiss her , sweet as a good girl, and she hangs like a stone around my neck... Well, girl... And this gimmick is always with you. - Yes, am I not a person?.. - Well, a person... Well. me? So I'm not a person? He'll say the same... You and I agreed to love... well, the time has come, now, it's time to separate. We need to love too. You need to live, and so do I, we shouldn't confuse each other. .. And you are nurturing. Fool. And remember: it’s sweet to kiss me. Well. Eh, you... aladya...” Kisses began again, interrupted by passionate, breathless whispers and deep moaning sighs. This freedom, this ultra-simple view of relationships, the ability to cheerfully and calmly break all sorts of shackles fascinates the miller, and introduces him to a completely new world of thoughts and feelings, all this devalues ​​in his eyes his own well-fed, aimless existence, all this brings him to a revelry with a whining song, with a desire not only to turn out your pockets, but also your soul, if it were possible, and the end of all this is a sore head, physical and moral weakness, and the same vague, heavy thoughts... Life.. There is only one hesitation... a ripple... Gorky also well expressed boredom, cruel, terrible boredom, which forced in the story "" to hunt down the unfortunate Arina, the silent, submissive mistress of the watchman Gomozov. And “Zuzubrina”, a cheerful, lively, noisy idol of the prison, who with her antics and reckless gaiety brightens up and infuses life into a dull and boring prison. “Zazubrina” is an artist and envies everyone who the crowd of prisoners pays attention to besides him. He is even jealous of the little fat kitten that everyone is fussing with, and so he dips this kitten in green paint. There are jokes, jokes, songs - and the kitten is christened amid an explosion of wild laughter and unbridled joy of the crowd. And suddenly the kitten dies before their eyes, and in these simple, rough hearts, from under the cloud of oppressive boredom that forces them to pounce on any kind of entertainment, a terrible pity for the tortured animal suddenly awakens, and they beat their former favorite “Zazubrin”. This feeling of at least brutal pity did not awaken in the more cultured hearts of the people who persecuted Arina. The reader often asks himself: who are Gorky’s heroes, the people or the proletariat? By the word “people” we are accustomed to understand a peasant and, at the same time, not only a peasant, inextricably linked with the field and plow, but also a cab driver, a janitor, a craftsman, i.e. that is, everyone temporarily or periodically cut off from the village, but still aware of himself as a peasant, blood-related to the village by kinship, memories and village property in the form of land and a hut. This people, this man is not Gorky’s hero. In the story "" Gorky brings out a peasant, a young guy, stupid, greedy, cruel and cowardly and compares him with a tramp, free, brave, predatory and generous. And the reader is left with complete disgust in his soul for the young, blue-eyed, simple-minded guy, with all the strength of his soul attached to the village, to the land and deciding to kill for the sake of money. All his sympathies are on the side of the thief, the drunkard, the tramp; Chelkash is a hero, his spontaneous nature, his strength captivates and captivates. No, the peasant is not Gorky’s hero. Not a hero of Gorky and a proletarian. What is a proletarian? One will not be born a proletarian, but any of us can enter this category: an officer, an official, a writer, an aristocrat, and a craftsman, having lost money, having no income, having reached a cowardly state of despair, can find ourselves in the ranks of the proletariat. The hand doesn’t reach out to ask, the tongue doesn’t turn to express your need and you’re done... The worse, the better, sooner you’re in the headspace. And the former master today, the former countess, will spend the night tomorrow side by side with the tramp in a flophouse, like the baron in the play “At the Lower Depths,” like Satin and the actor - all weak, phrase-mongers, all bending before life. His hero is a real tramp. Not a barefoot man, unshod by need, not a beggar, shooting the name of Christ from around the corner, but a real tramp, who cannot be tied by any money, by any benefits, either to the land, or to work, or to people. Chelkash is a tramp, Konovalov is the same, he says: “There is nothing comfortable for me on earth, I haven’t found a place for myself”... Konovalov tells about his love for a beautiful merchant’s wife: “It is impossible for any person to live without love No matter how much the planet wasn’t mine, I wouldn’t have left it... But I still left it, because of melancholy.” Konovalov does not respond to the love of the walking girl Capitolina, he frees her from shameful slavery, but cannot connect her life with his. “Well, where do I want my wife? It’s such a mess. And now I don’t like her... So she’s sucking me in, and she’s dragging me somewhere like a bottomless quagmire.” And Gorky notes: it was the tramp instinct that began to speak in him, the excited feeling of the eternal desire for freedom, which was attempted. Out of despair, Capitolina becomes an alcoholic and disappears. Konovalov begins a drinking binge. “I’m sick, oh-so-sick,” Konovalov sobs in the “Zastenok” tavern, during the last meeting of Maxim Gorky with Konovalov - in Feodosia. In Konovalov’s soul there lives the same melancholy, the same rust of bewilderment before life and a series of thoughts about it; “And there are many in Rus',” says the author, “such thoughtful people, and the severity of their thoughts is increased by the blindness of the mind.” Notice this. These are the real heroes, there is nothing to list them, but their characteristic features are clear. Physical strength, the strength of an internal large but undeveloped mind, this blind mind breaks into them like a spirit imprisoned in the prison of the body, it helps them guess, but not resolve the issues of life. This mind constitutes their secret seductiveness, expressed in clear eyes, in childish joy, in good intentions, attracts the hearts of women to them, and it also torments them like a gloomy spirit, makes them struggle in the nets of the incomprehensible contradictions of life and seek a way out in drunkenness, debauchery, heartless trampling of weaker individuals. Gorky's tramp is an allegory, a prototype of every Russian people - a natural mind, a spark of God in the heart and the impenetrable darkness of ignorance, he struggles in these snares, distorts himself and breaks, and where is the light when it comes - God knows. Gorky's heroes are not rejected by life, they are not yet called to live, they have not yet found a form of life, they are not enlightened; truth and light only reach them from afar, indirectly, and sometimes in a distorted form. He has already raised questions in their minds, generated in their souls aspirations somewhere, for something, but still covers all their thoughts and aspirations with the same thick fog of ignorance. Russia is too sharply divided into light and darkness: into people with higher education, striving for the development of the spirit and even beyond, and into complete ignorance, with a spirit submissive to witchcraft, dark forces, with groveling among the dirt and the most stultifying backbreaking work. The peasant, getting into the city from a smoking kerosene lamp, from kvass and onions, from under a leaky thatched roof and a dirty hut, where he lives next to his cattle, - to the capital, where every step unfolds before him the wonders of science and insane luxury, where art, architecture, painting, music begin to come across at every step... He becomes completely confused, and the stronger the nature, the more receptive, the more capable of mental and spiritual culture, the worse, because life does not respond to his awakening internal demands gradually, with gradual explanations, but on the contrary, it hits right on the nerves, confuses all concepts, gives rise to questions: why, why. As Konovalov says: “Where is the point that we can lean on in order to keep ourselves from falling? How can we build a life if we don’t know how to do this, and our life has failed.” And it comes out: “Why did my mother give birth to me? Nothing is known... darkness... cramped conditions.”... And from these questions to a spree, to shout: “Drink, guys! Drink, take your soul away... Blow in full!" - one step, a step from a man to a tramp - to a tramp who has rejected a life in which there is no light for him. In the minds and souls of Gorky’s heroes there is an eternal revaluation of values. Everything that a person has achieved values ​​seems despicable in the eyes of those who cannot achieve anything in the right way. Material value like money, which constitutes leverage in the hands of a civilized person, has no value in the eyes of a tramp. “Do you want to go with me to Samarkand or Tashkent?” Konovalov asks Maxim Gorky. “Let’s go! I, brother, decided to walk across the lands in different directions, this is best - you go and see everything new... And neither you don’t think about anything... The breeze blows towards you and seems to drive all sorts of dust out of your soul. Easily and freely... No constraint from anyone: if you want to eat - you’re stuck, you’ve worked for half a cent... there’s no work - ask for bread - they will give you. So at least you will see a lot of land... All kinds of beauty... let's go"... And the thought of travel, which the intellectual so cherishes, which, due to economic considerations, hovers before him as an unattainable dream, this enormous value of freedom of movement, is resolved completely simply by being a tramp and depends entirely on the desire: “Do you want it? Come on.” The value and value of money disappears, he rejected it, and it becomes an absurdity for him: and you will be well-fed, and you will see a lot of land, and all kinds of beauty. The second value is love. What meaning does a person of society attach to it, what painful question does he create from it... how much suffering, drama and misunderstood violated feelings. And Konovalov says: “A woman lives, and she’s bored, and the people are all rundown... Let’s say I’m a coachman, but the woman doesn’t care, because the coachman, the master, and the officer are all men. And everyone is in front of her pigs." This expressed opinion is naive and false, it only proves that for people like Konovalov, a woman is nothing but feminine nature, and therefore for him, there really is no difference between the prostitute Capitolina and the merchant’s wife who loved him. But Gorky has many such rude, cynical, strongly and authoritatively expressed opinions, and they are accepted by the reader as the truth. And the woman? This is still an unsolved creature. How many volumes have been written about women, how many learned treatises, what a huge question, the “women’s question” has now been raised both in life and in literature, and the same Konovalov says: “Well. .. so you say: “and the woman is a person.” It is known that she walks on only her hind legs, does not eat grass, speaks words, laughs... that means she is not a cattle. Still, our brother is no company. Nah... Why? And... I don’t know... I feel it doesn’t fit, but I can’t understand why." And this value is devalued by him. And the book? The book that the intellectual cannot live without and says: “Well, imprison me Send me wherever you want, but give me a book... A book... this is the world." And the tramp says: "Books. Well, it’s a good time to read books, that’s not what you were born for... And the book... is nonsense... Well, buy “it” (that is, literally one good book) , put it in your bag and go." And learning, without which we feel darkness, and work, without which there is no healthy morality - this is the assessment of learning and work according to the words that Gorky puts into the mouth of Makar Chudra: "To study and to teach - you say? Can you learn to make people happy? No you can not. You turn gray at first and say that you need to teach. Everyone knows what they need. Those who are smarter take what they have, those who are dumber get nothing, and everyone learns on their own. Funny ones work. For what? To whom? No one knows. You see how a man plows and you think: “Here, drop by drop with sweat, he will exhaust his strength on the ground, and then he will lie down in it and rot in it. There will be nothing left for him, he can’t see anything from his field and he dies like he was born a fool.” ". Was he born, then, or something, to dig up the earth and die, without even having time to dig out his own grave? As soon as he was born, he was a slave and a slave for the rest of his life, and that's it. What can he do with himself? Just hang himself , if he grows a little wiser." And the price of human society, without which one cannot live, the price of friendship, camaraderie, the price of mental communication? After all, in solitude, an intelligent person can disappear, go crazy. And Konovalov says: “The sister of mercy read me a book about an Englishman - a sailor who escaped from a shipwreck to a deserted island and made a life for himself on it. I wonder how fear is. I really liked the book. So I would have gone there to see him. You understand what life is like! Island, sea, sky, you live alone, and you have everything, and you are completely free. There was still a wild one there. Well, I would drown a wild one - why the hell do I need him, huh? I’m not bored even on my own.” And Malva says: “I’d like to get into a boat and go far out to sea, never to see people again.” And so the tramp overestimates all the life, material, and moral values ​​of an intellectual. Our principle of life: stretch your legs along the clothes. .. and the task of happiness for an intellectual - to adapt to life and make life fit with oneself in order to achieve contentment and calm enjoyment of life - is incomprehensible and funny to a tramp; he needs life to the fullest. Grigory Orlov says: “My soul is burning... I want space for it... so that I can turn around with all my strength... Ehma! I feel an irresistible strength in myself... You see, I would throw myself at a hundred knives... . So I want to experience this very joy, and so that there is a lot of it... and I would suffocate in it "... [ The Orlovs. Ed. ] And his wife Matryona is looking for work “to the fullest,” and Marya is “greedy to live” on the rafts, and Chelkash’s soul is “greedy for impressions,” and the miller’s backfill, Kuzka says: “You have to live this way and that way... to the fullest.” . Gorky combines with this thirst for life the amazing cruelty of life. Malva, at the moment of the surge of this evil power, says: “I would beat the whole people, and then myself to a terrible death.” Orlov dreams: “I wish I could crush the whole earth into dust, stand taller than all people, spit on them from a height and then downside down and into pieces.” Sledgehammer (“Former People”), he would like with furious pleasure “for the whole earth to burst into flames and break into pieces, if only I would die last, looking first at others.” And all of Gorky’s heroes suffer from this delusion of grandeur, not having the strength to understand their spiritual disorder, having neither moral development, nor universal, cultural life, they cannot feed their starving mind and are looking for an outcome in struggle, in exploits, in revelry, only would pour out, move forward, deploy its power. The power chained in their chest seeks an ugly outlet and gives them direct pleasure. The author himself speaks for them: “No matter how low a person may fall, he will never deny himself the pleasure of feeling stronger, smarter, or at least better fed than his neighbor.” Makar Chudra says: “If you live, then live as kings over the whole earth.” And everywhere in all of Gorky’s stories, as the basis of the characters of all his heroes, this is the desire to rise above all else. But such people are often found in life, precisely among embittered, dark or underdeveloped people. Wine or resentment, which stirs the blood and intoxicates a person no less than wine, suddenly makes him, as they say, break down over people, do not care about everything, reach the point of blasphemy. Insignificant people who have achieved power, no matter to what extent and over whom it is granted to them by chance, will always be intoxicated with this power, there will always be torture and insults of those who are subordinate to them. The merchant's "what does the leg want", the police slap with the words "they ask with honor", and to the childish torture of a dumb animal, everyone knows this cruelty as a sick side of life, and not as an uplifting force. Love as the right to torment is also one of the theses that runs like a red thread in all of Gorky’s stories. The idea of ​​love as the right to torment is not new. This refers to the enjoyment of physical pain. In Dostoevsky's stories there is also a keen pleasure in tormenting each other out of love; love consists in the voluntarily granted right to tyrannize and mock. Malva teases the old man Vasily, who is in love with her, to the point that he brutally beats her, but she does not even groan. Orlov loves and is jealous of his wife, and kicks her in the stomach. His wife, Matryona, “was embittered by the beatings, and this feeling of anger gave her great pleasure.” The author says that she did not extinguish his jealousy, on the contrary, she smiled at him mysteriously, and he beat her mercilessly. Why did she do this? And then, what kind of beatings and insults did I expect passionate, tender words of reconciliation... When Konovalov parted with his merchant’s wife, she grabbed his hand with her teeth and snatched a whole piece of meat. The old woman Izergil says that when her lover once hit her in the face, she jumped up on her chest like a cat and grabbed his cheek with her teeth, from then on he had a dimple on his cheek, and he loved it when she kissed her. ["Old Isergil". Note ed.] And so everywhere, subtly and roughly, the acute pleasure of torment in love and the right to torture and torment, as if granted to love, are scattered everywhere. In all of Gorky's stories there are real tramps, although they are undoubtedly embellished with mental suffering and strength, which the author has endowed them with too much. They are sculpted by the author roughly, boldly, but we still recognize them as people, listen to their words, and they touch our soul, demand an account, disturb our conscience, awaken pity, and partly give rise to envy and admiration. This is all a description of those people with whom Gorky met, lived and worked, but we must not forget that he wrote about them not when they stood in front of him, but when he moved away from them, when he had already emerged from the pool of taverns and underground, evoked by memories, softened by pity for them, they appeared before his soul in their best outlines, and he thickly painted them. Each of us knows that in bright moments past suffering is poeticized; in the terrible pain already suffered, there lies some kind of sweet bitterness. But Gorky also has abstract tramps. It was not for nothing that he was given a haphazard reading of French spectacular literature about poetic vagabonds, about the noblest robbers. Gorky has many such legendary heroes; he loves fairy tales and tells them to himself flowerily and passionately. His Makar Chudra, the handsome Loiko, the beautiful Radda, Izergil - a fantastic old woman, all this is a melodrama, all this is a tribute to the naive, poetic soul of a brilliant tramp, enchanted by the sun, the sea, freedom, a vagabond life, wide steppes, the blue sky and exciting song. All this is unrealistic, all this is naive, but all this is terribly talented and terribly beautiful. Gorky sings, and his song is so good, poetic, so loud and strong that everyone listens to it, and sensitive youth in particular, and they feel sorry for his impossible hero Larra, by whose own name we must understand all Gorky’s tramps. A whole class of people thrown overboard from life, thrown out not through their fault, but due to some strange predestination of fate. Larra is an illegitimate child, a foundling, the son of an eagle and a woman, an unrequited slave who only kneels and cries. He grew up in hatred, lives by violence. Gorky's tramps are nothing new. Such people, with a pile of demands for life, with the shackles of an undeveloped mind that cannot give an answer to these requests, and with an insurmountable aversion to any work, with hatred of society, among which they have not found the right place for themselves, are scattered everywhere. Their types are found in all layers of life, and in the literature of the whole world, scattered among many authors. In French literature, Jean Rictus in his “Loliloques du pauvre” has the same protesting accusatory speech of a ragamuffin, sometimes cynical and rude, sometimes full of noble pride. In Richepin's drama "The Roadside Man" - "Le chemineau" the same melancholy tramp is depicted, handsome and slender, curly-haired, with a song that awakens strength and hope in all hearts; he walks along the roads from village to village, from city to city, everywhere with his mighty shoulder, his resilient back, his strong hands, he helps in his work, and finally he enters one village, where he has not been for 22 years, and there he meets a girl, once beloved , whom, out of a passion for vagrancy, he abandoned his Lyuba just like Kuzma, the miller’s worker, and Konovalov abandoned his merchant’s wife. He also finds his son there, an adult guy, and despite this family, ready to accept him with affection and love, he still leaves her again, and that’s it, and leaves. He is a “roadman”, the road is his homeland, and next to it, in some ditch, is his grave. And this type is often found in modern French and German literature. But, nevertheless, tramps are not a class, tramps are not society, tramps cannot be reborn or re-educated. But such tramps as Gorky describes cannot be created, just as a poet, artist, genius cannot be created... One must be born with the germ of such tramps, such aspirations, such strength, beauty and pride. Such a tramp can come out of all layers of society, he will carry within himself the mysterious heritage of the totality of a million past lives from which his soul was born. And it was in vain that Gorky, in his pity for the wandering homeless Rus', attributed to her the titanic properties of an ideal tramp. He poeticized, clothed the dirt he saw with gold, filled their speeches with his own inspiration, his unfermented acquaintance with philosophers, scientists and writers, with the help of everything he studied and read, forced them to philosophize and speak in a language that was alien to them in a language impossible for them. But he described it all so well, made the youth think so much, suffer, worried them so much that they were deeply grateful to him for the mirage he created. Everyone is so accustomed to listening with longing and grief to life, to the cawing of crows, to their song: “In the fight against harsh fate, We, insignificant ones, have no salvation, Everything you look at with your eye is Pain and grief, dust and decay. The blows of fate are terrible, Let the wise one submit to them." And suddenly the song of Chizh, the ordinary little, gray Chizh, was heard: "I hear the cawing of crows Confused by the cold and darkness... I see darkness, - but what is it to me, If he is cheerful and My mind is clear... Follow me, whoever is brave. Let the darkness disappear. There is no place for a living soul in it. Let us ignite our hearts with the fire of the mind, And light will reign everywhere... Whoever honestly accepted death in battle, Has he fallen and been defeated? He fell who timidly covered his chest and left the battle... Friends! And he fell who, fearing Labor, unrest, the pain of wounds, judges the battle, plunging into a philosophical fog "... Isn’t the discord of the old clearly expressed here and the younger generation, fathers, tired of the struggle and conquered by life, and young fighters, ready to lay down their lives for ideals? Yes, all this is strong, beautiful and terribly sad, because nowhere is the middle indicated, nowhere is it said: “Armed with experience and knowledge, be strong, hope,” but only - either submit, or accept death in battle. Gorky does not mention Nietzsche anywhere, one might think that he has not read him, and yet both Nietzsche and Schopenhauer are so much in his ideas and judgments. True, the Germans do not recognize Nietzsche as a populist and say about him that, despite the fact that he destroys the aristocracy and capital, he is still durch und durch imbued with aristocracy, but he also dreams of dying in some great unattainable feat, he in the same way, for the strong he preaches loneliness - Einsamkeits - lehre, that is, the science of loneliness, he recognizes that in the strong there lives a passionate thirst for power, and that this strong has the right to be cruel to the weak and cowardly, and that this cruelty in brings pleasure to itself. In "Dawn" Nietzsche says that he who is cramped in his fatherland, let him go, go and look for new countries where he can establish his dominion. And even Gorky’s song about “Chizhe” echoes strangely and consonantly in one of Nietzsche’s articles. Gorky's heroes, rude, drunken, criminal people, have a lot in common with Dostoevsky's heroes, especially in painful questions, in anguish, in enjoying the pain and suffering of others, and most importantly - in recognizing the right to be a superman, to be a judge and executioner all ordinary little people. Are Gorky's tramps sitting in a hole? No. In this pit sit and suffocate the involuntary poor, small, vicious, crushed by life people who got there by accident and who have no strength to get out of there. But, after all, these are not Gorky’s heroes, these are the spoils of police stations and the beggar committee; Gorky's heroes are eagles. These people consider our life, the life of the slaves of civilization, to be a pit; we are the cautious woodpeckers who do not believe that there is a way out of our life, who, having once learned that the earth is round, are convinced that no matter where we go, the earth will turn us to the same place - the source of slavery, the pit in which such tramps as Konovalov, Chelkash, various Zobars and Loikos live, where there are such meetings as Gorky himself had in “One Autumn” with the girl Natasha. Gorky filled the hole with rays of the sun, nightingale songs and fragrant roses so that we, people beaten by life, are drawn to it, and the youth are breathtaking, and dizzy from the mere thought of it. Poorly outlined, cloudy figures, like spots in Gorky's stories, are an intellectual and a woman, but the child is missing. For Nietzsche, a woman is a toy, and her best vocation is one: to give birth to a superman, and about the relationship with her, he is of the opinion that if you go to a woman, do not forget to take a whip with you. And in Gorky, the woman is for the most part just a voluptuous female, she cries and clings to the person. There is a lot of debauchery and cruelty in her. Malva pits her fans against each other, Kapitolina Konovalovskaya sees all the salvation in his love and almost needs him, again plunges into the same mud, and Natasha sees nothing higher than a baker with a red mustache, and only the superwoman Radda laughs at Zobar, who is in love with her, yes Varenka Olesova does not succumb to the vile quests of Privatdozent Polkanov and for his nasty peeking while she is bathing, she calls him a “nasty dog” and, rolling up the sheet with a tourniquet, spanks him into unconsciousness. In "Foma Gordeev" he also exhibits a superwoman, reminiscent of both Malva and Izergil - Sasha, who, at Gordeev's tavern trick - to cut the rope of a raft on which some drunken company with women is carousing, responds by throwing herself into the water, sails to the raft where Foma is and, wet, cold as a fish, with insane caresses, chains the heart of this tyrant hero to herself. But we will have to return to Gorky’s heroes and heroines when analyzing his plays “The Bourgeois” and “At the Lower Depths,” but for now, ending with his small stories, I just want to repeat once again that Gorky conquered our youth, firstly, by the power of his talent, and, secondly, by the fact that he bombarded them with a mass of questions, awakened thousands of thoughts, and most importantly, with an imperious hand he squeezed their young heart and made them suffer and cry, suffer and cry like a person who could fly, but where Somehow, in the rubbish of life, I lost my wings. This is where Gorky’s strength lies. This is Gorky’s fault, that under the guise of rough real life, he showed us such a rainbow where you cannot distinguish the main color from the mass of tints and rays. So, summarizing Gorky’s influence on young people, I repeat once again that he owes his exceptional success to: 1) unconditional talent; 2) beautiful, rich and expressive language and 3) not because his heroes are tramps, but because, due to the fact that they are tramps, that is, people who have broken with all the laws of society, he invests in them speech hatred of the authorities, established law, order, life, passionate love for freedom, not only in the form of movement, but for freedom in all respects, for the freedom of familylessness, contempt for women, he seems to give them the right to hate everything that is before Until now, a person obeyed as a family man and as a citizen. Gorky's heroes have no children, there are no mothers among the women, there is strength everywhere, overwhelming weakness, physical strength as triumph and self-indulgence, moral strength only as resistance to violence, and he calls work, love, and family violence. All this makes a huge impression on young people, because youth itself is strength, and strength is always ready to protest and fight back. Young blood boils quickly within itself, and therefore, if there is a leader who will write on his banner: “Follow me! May all violence perish, all oppression, and long live justice and freedom!” - he can be sure that the crowd will rush after him, passionately rush, without even understanding what kind of power he wants to overthrow, what kind of freedom to win, and with such strong, beautiful words Gorky bombards the reader, blinds him, not even allowing him to sort out his feelings. His enormous talent captivates young people, and they are blinded to the point that they do not even allow impartial, conscientious criticism of Gorky’s works. Andreev's unexpected and major success is partly based on scandal. I will tell you a small scene that I witnessed. Leaving Moscow, at the Nikolaevskaya railway station. On the way, I stopped near a kiosk with books. Two ladies came up, one asked: “Do you have Andreeva’s “In the Fog”?” The seller replied: “This is not in the publication.” “Oh, what a pity,” the lady was sincerely worried and explained to another, “you know, they say it’s such disgusting, such disgusting that you need to read it... I couldn’t get it anywhere... When Countess Tolstaya printed her letter, in Essentially speaking, it was completely unnecessary, but this raised interest in Andreev’s stories to such an extent that they were immediately translated into French. In "Russkie Vedomosti" there was a whole correspondence from fathers and "children", many letters were from young people who, with indignation and disgust, justified themselves from the slander leveled at them in the story "The Abyss". But there were also letters in which the writers, even if they found the narrated fact ugly, nevertheless agreed that “the nature of love is base and rude, and therefore immoral, take away from it the everyday atmosphere of tenderness, courtship, well at least simply that necessary introduction, without which people of any conscientiousness cannot do without, and love will turn into animal, rude and cruel lust.” The most accurate thing that could be extracted from all the letters received by the newspaper is that among a certain part of Russian youth there lives the consciousness that chastity and purity are not unnatural violence against nature, but simply a state compatible with the feeling of true human life, for which sexual a question not conditioned by love and the rights of marriage is something base and shameful. If this consciousness, expressed in many letters, is sincere, then it greatly facilitates preaching about the possibility and necessity of the same chastity among young people, which is required of young girls. This means that this sermon will be based not only on the severity and purity of religion, on the arguments of morality, social justice and hygiene, but also on one’s own deep need for purity. There is no point in deluding yourself that such views are shared by the majority of young people; you cannot demand that a young man, ardent to the point of unbridledness, also reason like this. But we must rejoice in the fact that the desire for purity and abstinence is often expressed by many. Between the letters there were also hymns of praise to Mr. Andreev. Letters from mothers boil down to one thing in most cases. Let every father understand that while earning a living, this does not exhaust all his responsibilities towards the family, since he cannot be replaced by a mother in some aspects of raising his sons. How to talk to a mother about certain things with her son, how to start? These are the painful questions. A father, devoting at least a little time to wisely monitor the development of his son, can warn him against many things. And while fathers do not recognize the need to delve into the upbringing of their sons, our children will be “in the fog.” So, some admire the courage of the author, who tore the veil off the secret, others are indignant, saying that the stories push him, impose him with the premature revelation of ulcers and secrets to those who have not yet thought about them. And heated polemics, oral and written, with equally passionate praise and attacks, ensured that the name of Mr. Andreev did not leave the lips of young people, and his book, where “The Abyss” was published, sold 24,000 copies. I will not analyze the story "The Abyss". For me, as a woman, as one of the thousands of women who have already spoken about this story, it is inaccessible, incomprehensible, especially if its hero is a student, a normal young man who loved the dead girl. The second no less famous story, “In the Fog,” I can only make out in its middle part, concerning Pavel Rybakov’s attitude towards his family. I skip the beginning of this story with the youth walking in the forest, jokes, laughter and singing; it is written well, but no better, no brighter than many such descriptions scattered across novels and stories by various authors. I am not taking the last part of the story, i.e. Rybakov’s meeting with the prostitute and the picture of the murder, because in this part only disgusting, anti-literary and implausible details belong to the pen of Mr. Andreev, the rest was taken by him protocol from the murder of a prostitute by a high school student in 1901 year in Moscow, on Bogoslovsky Lane. When I read the middle part of the story “In the Fog,” I became scared, because here I sensed the truth, the truth of the enormous gap between parents and children, the complete inability of some to approach the other, the complete helplessness of the son and the complete unconsciousness of the father. The father may not know that his son is physically sick, but he found a drawing made by his son, a drawing so cynical that he understands that his son is morally sick, that his mind is distorted, his blood is infected, his thoughts are dirty. And so, with this drawing in his pocket, he goes to his son’s room, and a game of cat and mouse begins between them. The son feels that something is about to break out, that all these “smart” and “comradely” conversations of his father are just a prelude, but now something menacing, terrible is coming, which is the real thing. The mother enters, also a kindly, not bad woman, but probably just like the father, she believes that if their children are well-fed, dressed cleanly and provided with the opportunity to learn correctly, then everything has been done for them, and no one has the right to demand more from their parents. The mother affectionately pats her son on the cheek, and obviously delighted that she found him in conversation with his father, leaves without noticing anything, without feeling anything. Her maternal instinct, like maternal blood, is silent, does not feel either the physical or moral suffering of her child, and yet all of us, women, know how painfully sensitive we are to those we love, how difficult it is to hide and deceive our instinct even to more skilled people than the boy standing in front of her, her son. So the mother leaves. The father suddenly takes out the drawing: “Did you draw this?” And this piece of paper, this rubbish with a vulgar design, which still means absolutely nothing, which could not have as much significance as sometimes cynical rude abuse in the mouth of a completely good-natured and unspoiled street boy, at these moments it seems to him the most important thing, and in the consciousness of his son, anger and disgust overwhelms him so much that he finds nothing, cannot say anything, nor call his son out of his soul, and almost runs away, slamming the door and shouting that he was not expected for dinner. He could not foresee what happened after with his son, because he did not delve into the depths of his soul, but with his lordly, disgusting judgment he focused only on the depravity of his son’s thoughts, he did not even make out whether the thought came after the facts, or whether the fact led to thought. Is the drawing a consequence of a fall, or, on the contrary, is the drawing the first step that can lead to a fall. He did not try to penetrate this secret and, abandoning the crumpled, nervously exhausted, painfully broken child to the mercy of his own thoughts and discussions, he fled. This is the horror of how far children are from their parents. The mother still finds her way to her daughter’s heart, she is for the most part the keeper of her purity and girlish secrets, but the father is almost always alien to the spiritual world of his sons, and since the mother in most cases does not know how to approach her son in this matter, our sons are left to their own devices to yourself. And they fight, and fall, and die without help. A mother is required to ensure that her daughter is pure before marriage. Every mistake, and especially the daughter’s fall, is entirely attributed to the mother’s oversight or, even worse, to her criminal indifference. The mother of a dead girl is almost always judged more harshly than even the daughter herself. So wouldn’t it be fair if society blames the fathers for the death and fall of their sons? After all, it is difficult, almost impossible, to fight alone against temptations, bad advice from comrades and a million corrupting side effects of literature, exhibitions, servants and the street, but with the help of the father, whose friendship the son is proud of, with the help of his example, his advice, his society - it is easy or completely to remain pure or, if possible, to treat every phenomenon morally and calmly. I think that the question of involving fathers in raising their sons, not just by words, but also by example of life, has come. Previously, only one thing was required from the father - earning a livelihood, but since the woman agreed to take part in this in one way or another and herself stepped out of the role of an adult child, a burden lying in the arms of her husband, the parents together could resolve the damned issue , destroying sons, and help them, as best we can, to move beyond adolescence sanely and morally. I do not blame Mr. Andreev for writing stories in which he rudely and directly calls facts by their proper names and exposes terrible secrets from the lives of our sons, no - one could thank the author for this. Even isolated cases, if they are taken from life by him and placed before the eyes of mothers and fathers like the specter of death, are useful for life, but I accuse him of corrupting youth. His unnecessary, detailed and at the same time vague descriptions, for example, of a drawing found by the father of Pavel Rybakov and a lot of unbearably cynical details, too real and written in fragmentary words, hints that can tease a poorly directed imagination. His stories are harmful to young people not so much in essence as in form, for which he is certainly to blame. Mr. Andreev's story "Thought" is probably known to everyone. The hero, who recognizes himself as a superman, wants to test his nerves and sneaks into the room of the maid, who shared her caresses equally with him and with his father, on the night when his father’s corpse lies in the room nearby. As a student, he steals money from a friend and squanders it in a restaurant, knowing that at that time the robbed friend is starving. He feigns fits of insanity in order to kill his friend with impunity. Throughout this entire story, the author plays with the reader’s soul, presenting his hero, Kerzhentsev, as either an insane person or a completely normal person. After reading this story, you are left with a feeling of anger and disgust. For a while it torments you like a nightmare, but then you dismiss it as too crude, too bright, too ugly a caricature. You consider it a conglomerate of thousands of human passions and thousands of human dirty motives. You are waiting for criticism to test your thoughts, and suddenly you read that the hero of “Thoughts” is an extremely intelligent, energetic and only too lonely person, a superman who has neither a suitable environment nor a friend, and there were several such critics, and these are... It’s the critics who terrify you. This means that there are reasonable, calm people who consider Pavel Rybakov, Nemovetsky from “The Abyss” to be a common phenomenon among our youth, and Doctor Kerzhentsev to be a type often encountered in our society. This explanation of Andreev’s stories is much more terrible than the text itself. It confuses reading young people, it takes away instinctive, healthy disgust, makes them think, hesitate and, finally, relying on the authority of criticism, agree that this is possible. I accuse Mr. Andreev of the fact that the stories “Thought” and “Abyss” were not caused by his observation of life, but were fabricated, manipulated, painfully conceived and thrown into the public like a stone into the crowd: “Go figure, I’m a hero going alone against everyone, am I a madman who killed a person for no reason, or am I a well-aimed shooter who hit exactly the one whose life I needed.” And it is in this “take it apart and guess” that modern success lies. What did Mr. Bunin want to say by undressing Leo Tolstoy in his painting? Whether this is a mockery of the great writer’s desire to “sorry” or, on the contrary, a symbol of a man who traps people in nets, or whether these are not even portraits at all, but a random resemblance - just take it apart and guess. Mr. Repin paints a student with a young lady walking on the sea as if on dry land, and again all the critics, all the newspapers sound the alarm. What is this? Are they the brave youth who “don’t care about the rocks, the stormy shallows, and the storms of life.” Or is it golden youth that is happy to test its nerves under the influx of a cold wave? Is this just a scandal of a young couple who absolutely don’t care if she gathers a crowd around her, or is this finally the resolution of the entire women’s question, with proof that no wave of life will knock a woman off her feet if she walks trustingly leaning on the hand of a man ? Yes, figure it out here, but in essence Andreev’s stories and the paintings of Bunin and Repin are the only and sure way to fame in our time. The key to success depends neither on strength, nor on beauty, nor on truth, but on dexterity, courage, on the choice of topic and on the amount of noise that arises around. As in the old French song “La corde sencible”, everyone is now in pursuit of this sensitive string - to expose a nerve and pull on it, and how this will respond to others - pain, suffering, scandal, who cares - find the naked one nerve, touch it, and your name will be heard in a terrible cry - glory is created. This especially applies to Andreev. Moving on to Anton Chekhov's play "The Seagull", I must remind you that the play had both its success and its failure. It was taken off the stage as a failure and put on the stage as a first-class play. I will not analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this work, I only want to point out how gray, pale, and how vulgarly female love is expressed in this play. However, this is not even love, this is precisely that painful infatuation that so often replaces love in a woman. The hero of the play Treplev, a young aspiring writer, the son of actress Arkadina, loves a young girl Nina. He says: “I hear footsteps... I can’t live without her... Even the sound of her steps is beautiful... The sorceress... my dream.” Nina answers him: “My heart is full of you.” Treplev kisses Nina and believes that the girl loves him. But Treplev’s play, in which Nina plays, is ridiculed by his mother, actress Arkadina, is not understood by others, and this is enough for the girl not only to turn away from the man who loves her, but, forgetting both her words and her kisses, falls in love with a fashionable writer Trigorin, whom he meets for the first time on the evening of a failed performance, falls in love because this man enjoys both literary and love success. Treplev tells her: “If you knew how unhappy I am. Your cooling is terrible, incredible, as if I woke up and see, this lake has suddenly dried up or flowed into the ground... You didn’t like my play, and you despise me.” Women do not forgive failure. He places a dead seagull at the girl’s feet, and when the girl asks what it is, what it means, he replies: “Soon I will kill myself in the same way.” But this doesn’t bother Nina either, she no longer understands and doesn’t feel sorry for Treplev, she’s glad that he left and left her with Trigorin who came up. Trigorin does not pay attention to her, but she looks after him and flatters him. “You are dissatisfied with yourself,” she tells him, “but for others you are great and beautiful.” When Trigorin leaves, she gives him a medallion on which the title of his story, page and lines are carved, and when he finds these lines, he reads: “If you ever need my life, come and take it.” Nina engraved this inscription on her medallion, of course, not now and, of course, not for Trigorin, it’s just a beautiful motto of the need for love that already lives in her, but which she is only trying on on the men she meets. Trigorin takes this as a tribute and hurries to take the life of a young girl who threw her love at his feet for no reason. Nina runs away from her father to Moscow, Trigorin lives with her for a short time and leaves her with the child. Then Nina acts like a murderer, who, according to legend, returned to the corpse. She knows that she broke the heart of the young poet Treplev, and now, beaten by life, having lost her child, not finding any satisfaction on stage, faded, even cold, she comes to Treplev at night. For what? Heal the wound? Ask for forgiveness for a previous deception? Say goodbye and rest on the chest of the person who loves her? No, she comes because of a momentary, beautiful fantasy and irritates a half-healed wound: “When you see Trigorin, (and Trigorin is quietly having dinner right outside the door) don’t say anything to him... I love him, I love him more than before, I love him passionately "I love you to the point of despair." And then, having recited an excerpt from a play written by Treplev in a mad fit of youth and love, she hugs him and runs away. And Treplev, before whom everything was resurrected: that starry, clear, joyful night in which his poem, which no one understood, was played out, and the voice of his beloved girl, who recited the unforgettable, foggy thoughts of that play, into which he put all the questions and dreams that tormented him, and her love, and affection, and fall, and the exhausted, hungry ghost he had just seen, could not stand it and shot himself. But here is the second love from the same “Seagull”, the love of the manager’s wife, Polina Andreevna, an old woman, burning with absurd jealousy of Doctor Dorn. She does not want and cannot understand that a woman is dead, funny, ugly, disgusting, if she failed to grasp the line that should turn love into a good, lasting friendship. A woman died if she did not cease to be only a woman in certain years and was not reincarnated into a human woman, into a female comrade. Polina Andreevna says to Dorn: “I can’t stand my husband’s rudeness, Evgeny, dear, beloved, take me to you.” Dorn, who did not do this and did not want to lead her to this decision in her youth, while they were connected at least by passion, answers reasonably: “I am 55 years old, it’s too late to change my life now.” “That’s why you refuse me,” Polina Andreevna can no longer hold back, “because besides me there are women who are close to you. I suffer from jealousy.” She cries, and Dorn hums and does not know how to get rid of this funny and pathetic scene. Nina arrives and gives the doctor a bouquet of flowers. The doctor, touched by the attention, takes it, and Polina Andreevna hisses dully: “Give me these flowers... give me”... snatches them, tears them and tramples them. And how embarrassing it is to look from the stage at the humiliation of this gray-haired woman, at the amazing lack of sensitivity and self-love in this woman. All around her is nature, work, farming, her own family, and she, like a blind mole, scurries around in her little selfish world. Of all the women around her, she understands only her daughter Masha and only because she, in the same way, probably due to heredity and upbringing, is completely immersed in her love. Masha is in love with Treplev. She knows very well that he doesn’t pay any attention to her, and even to her, such as she is, sloppy, snuffing tobacco, drinking vodka, the young poet could not help but pay attention, she doesn’t care. Love does not regenerate her, does not inspire her, she, like her mother, tearfully and submissively crawls on the ground, begging only for affection. Masha marries a teacher, whom she herself characterizes as follows: “He is not smart, but he is a kind man and loves me very much,” and in order to break her hopeless love, she marries him. But now a year has passed. Nina has already disappeared, Treplev, who shot himself after her escape, has recovered, works in magazines, is successful. Masha is married, she has a child, but she is still in love with Treplev and, apart from her love, she does not understand anything and does not want to know anything. “- Masha, let’s go home,” her husband pleads. “I’ll stay here overnight...” she answers. The husband begs: “Let’s go, Masha, our child is probably hungry.” - No big deal, his Matryona will feed you. - It’s a pity... this is the third night without your mother. - You’re boring... Still a child... home... child... home... - Let’s go, Masha. - Go yourself. - “Will you come tomorrow?” Masha, sniffing tobacco: “Well, tomorrow... is here.” And indifferent to the child’s hunger, to her husband’s melancholy, she almost snatches the sheets from her mother’s hands in order to prepare the bed for Treplev herself. And this is done and said in the presence of Treplev, which means Masha is not even aware of the feeling of disgust she should arouse in the young poet with her heartlessness, rudeness towards her child, husband and slavish ingratiation towards him. And to top it all off, her mother immediately says to Treplev, running her hand through his hair: “How handsome he has become... Dear Kostya, good, be more affectionate with my Mashenka. She is nice.”... Treplev silently leaves. And again, both women do not understand to what extent they must be disgusting in his eyes. “- So they made you angry,” says Masha. “I feel sorry for you, Mashenka, I see everything, I understand everything.” “Oh, nonsense, mummy, don’t just let yourself go and keep waiting for something, waiting for seas of weather." Meanwhile, this woman is waiting... What? So that this person who does not love her, in a moment of boredom or pity, would call her to him and thereby give her, as it were, the right, in the name of a high feeling of love, to abandon her baby and finally laugh at her husband who loves her. And here is the fourth woman from the same “The Seagull”, and the fourth love: actress Arkadina, mother of the poet Treplev, and her lover, writer Trigorin. She is not young, but beautiful, talented, stingy. She needs both material support and a brilliant connection. Unexpectedly captured by Nina’s passion, he does not want to leave the village, but Arkadina entangles him with an invincible weapon - flattery: “My beautiful, wondrous... (kneels). My joy, my pride, my bliss (hugs his knees).” . Trigorin, intoxicated by flattery, without which he cannot live, weak-willed, spineless, incapable, of course, of true, pure love, answers Arkadina: “Take me, take me away, but just don’t let me go a single step.” Of course, this does not in the least prevent him from casually ruining Nina’s life, abandoning her with the child and continuing his relationship with Arkadina. And Arkadina, who can neither love nor understand her son, who regrets giving him any money even for a decent dress, also plays on high feelings and calls her connection with Trigorin love. And here is the play "The Seagull", full of female love. Here are four types of loving women. And when you leave after the performance of this play, in your female heart you carry away such a heavy, offensive feeling for the female mind, for the female heart, for the female understanding of the word “love”. And here is Chekhov's "Three Sisters". Here he brought out Natasha, seemingly so simple, young, and bashful; Her fiancé Andrei Prozorov says to her: “Oh, youth, wonderful, wonderful youth. My dear, my good one, don’t worry so much... I loved you, I love you, I love you like never before.” And now, in the second act, they are already husband and wife. They have their first child, and Natasha has already developed into a female, self-confident, unceremonious, beginning to subjugate everything and everyone. She takes away a room from one of her husband’s sisters, where there is sun all day long, and Andrei himself, who once dreamed of being a professor at Moscow University, serves as a secretary in the zemstvo government. Then, when the chairman of this council, Protopopov, is sitting with his wife, he pushes the child’s stroller around the garden, and little by little she disperses the old servants, then, with the second child, he unceremoniously says to the maid: “Protopopov will sit with Sofochka, and let Andrey give Bobik a ride.” Sergeevich, i.e. husband." And she evicts her husband from his room somewhere where you can’t hear him sawing on the violin, and so little by little on someone else’s grief, on someone else’s melancholy, with the joyless moans of his sisters: “To Moscow, to Moscow”... The monstrous vulgarity, stupidity and debauchery of Natasha, the only woman in the play who succeeded in love, to whom life gave the satisfaction of being a wife, mother, housewife, blossoms magnificently and calmly. This is how gray and vulgar female love is presented in these two plays by a talented author. So little by little the type of woman - mother, friend, sister, bride, the type of kindness, purity, love and fidelity disappears from literature, only the passionate female or selfish girl, seagull, half-virgin remains. If the best people are writers, young people are assured of this, then they should believe them. But if you believe it, is a family conceivable? Is happiness conceivable? Is life itself conceivable with such a woman? There was a time when a woman was compared to a hen, to that simple hen who, having expanded and spread her wings, sheltered all the chickens under them, warming them, sheltering them from rain, wind and bad weather. But a hen, when making a nest, plucks the feathers on her chest, heating the eggs to bring out the life hidden in them, sits without food, without drink, often dies of exhaustion on the nest if people forget to bring her food, this weak, little hen - the mother, ruffling her feathers, with a cry funny in her impotence, rushes at the kite, at the hawk, in defense of her children. This comparison is now outdated. A woman is compared only to a female, and a girl is a lily, a mimosa branch, now she is a seagull, half-fish, half-bird, a beautiful, white creature, unfit for food, not for a cage, not for a poultry yard, she has neither a voice nor the ability to act manual. Shoot a seagull out of daring and throw it away. Should our youth really believe modern authors and see a seagull in a modern girl, and a female in a woman?

Part two

Naydenov's play "Vanyushin's Children" is one of those plays that parents in charge of raising children should read before taking their children to see it. The play "Vanyushin's Children" is snatched directly from life, but as the heaviest, darkest page, it leaves a bad aftertaste in young, impressionable souls. A word spoken from the stage, life played out in faces, gives the impression of truth, and the better the acting, the more real and deeper the impression. Old man Vanyushin is all penniless for profit, his good-natured weak-willed wife, six children, of whom two daughters are married, their husbands, General Kukarnikova, her daughter Nina... These are the main characters. The eldest son Konstantin, 24 years old, a man without morals, without principles, as they say - without God in his soul, leads cupids with his orphan niece, who lives right there in his father’s house. Alyosha, a high school student who is already beginning to go on a drinking spree, steals money from his mother. Among all this dirt of debauchery, blackmail, reproaches and mutual squabbling, a father’s heart is revealed. He had already said before: “I always wish only good things for all my children, but it turns out wrong. I looked - my soul was crying, and you only saw anger and enmity in my eyes... You don’t know your father.” But when talking with Alyosha, he finally begins to see the light. The son says: “I’m not a boy, and have not been a boy for a long time, but they consider me to be some kind of little one, they don’t talk to me, they bully me, they feed me with truisms. The school authorities, from the height of their greatness, spewed out their instructions and scolded and gossiped to you like the last cook.” . At these words there is always laughter and applause. “I didn’t even know that you could talk like that. So where did you come from like that?” "From above: you lived below, and we lived above. We came to you when we needed something, and you went upstairs when you found it necessary to scold us or beat us. And so we grew up and came down from above as adults, with our own tastes, desires, demands, and you ask: where are we from?" His father kisses him, and Alexey exclaims: “You are kissing. After all, this is his father’s first kiss!” This comedy concerns not the merchant’s or the bourgeois life at all, but all mothers, all fathers. Does it really matter whether it’s an apartment with mezzanines, where the children literally live upstairs and the parents downstairs, or whether it’s an amfilad of rooms where behind the boudoir, halls and living rooms there are rooms for governesses and children? Doesn’t it make the same difference when the children’s parents punish and beat them? or reprimand them in French and English, the fact is that parents feed, water, teach children and do not know their souls or their thoughts at all. The day comes when children come to us as ready-made people, and we ask them: “Where did you come from?” And it was painful for me to attend the performance of Vanyushin’s Children, and it seemed to me that this was not a theater hall, but a courtroom where a terrible indictment of the parents was being read. One more play, and again the parents and children will be judged. This is Gorky's "The Bourgeois". Bessemenov, the foreman of the painting shop, his wife, Akulina Ivanovna, children: Peter - a student, Tatyana - a school teacher, student - Neil, Polya - a seamstress, the daughter of a bird catcher Perchikhina, lodger Elena Nikolaevna Krivtsova and other persons. There is no up and down here anymore, everything is in a heap, and there is nowhere for them to go. The education of Peter and Tatiana pushed them out of their environment, but did not inspire them, for they are lethargic, gloomy, embittered; poor nutrition, bad air gave them bad blood, they despise both their situation and their environment, but they cannot rise from it, cannot take off, and both, due to their weakness of will and at the same time the impulses of a mind enlightened by education, are drawn to the light and instinctively look for support, other people's wings, other people's energy. Peter goes to the empty but cheerful Elena, and Tatyana goes to Neil. For their parents, they also imperceptibly became ready-made people - while they were making pennies, working and fighting, they could not even be interested in the spiritual world of their children, and perhaps they never thought that they had one, and the children did not even imagine , that parents pray to a different God than profit and saving pennies. They cannot stand their mother’s grumbling, their father’s remarks, do not put up with their narrow views, and do not hesitate to express their impatience and irritation; father and mother literally feel cramped in their home, they feel superfluous, unnecessary. The question arises in their minds: “Why is this?”, and they involuntarily come up with the following answer: “It was in vain, without thinking well, that I let you into education - now Peter was kicked out, you’re sitting in the girls.” Tatyana is in the girls because she loves Neil. But the healthy instinct of a worker, strong and courageous, tells Neil that he does not need a sluggish, chilly, half-young lady who cannot even want anything strongly, but he needs a semi-literate, healthy, strong, cheerful and courageous Polya. Such a girl will sing songs while working, and will be able to love, and will give birth to healthy children, and her work will not fall out of her hands. Neil is Gorky’s real hero, he is also greedy to live, and also will not be ashamed to throw the weak out of his way, because he feels that strength, health and courage are three chances against four in the struggle for life. Gorky, without regret, puts so many good, strong words into the mouth of his hero, such an impulse forward, a challenge to fight, a protest against boredom, that the youth are enchanted, they are no longer able to see Nile’s ingratitude to the family that fed him, the terrible dryness, heartlessness , self-adoration and recognition of oneself as a superman who, while walking uphill, is allowed to step on others along the way. Neil is elevated to the ideals of a fighter. To the complaints of Tatyana, who grew up as a sister next to him, he replies: “You really like to complain about everything and everyone... Who will help you? No one will help, and there is no one... it’s not worth it”... And she leaves him That’s why she was waiting for help, and she was reaching out to him for it. "- Where do you get such callousness, Neil? - And this is callousness? - Cruelty... You are inattentive to people. - Not to everyone. - To me. - To you. No, yes... You see, I’m coming to you, that is, I’m you, (Tatyana, waiting for the word “love”, makes a movement towards Neil, but Neil doesn’t even notice him)... I respect him very much... and... I love you, but I don’t like it, why you're a teacher... This thing is not to your liking, it's a huge thing. Children - after all, these are people in the future... You know, I really love forging, in front of you is a shapeless red mass, angry, burning. Hitting it with a hammer - pleasure. She spits at you with hissing, fiery spittle, wants to burn your eyes out, blind you, throw you away from her. She is alive, elastic, and with strong blows from your shoulder you make of her everything you need." Crackling beautiful phrases... A girl who loves him stands sadly in front of him, and he... he tells her: “I... my strength, my feelings”... because for himself he is God, and besides he is not interested in anyone or anything in himself and his feelings. After the scene of explanation with Bessemenov that he is marrying Paul, Neil says: “How I hate this man... this house... all my life, rotten life. Everyone here... is some kind of freaks.” Again, this curse is strong for the weak and old, but is it fair? If instead of hatred there had been a little reflection, a little gratitude to the family, maybe he would have found an excuse for them. After all, Bessemenov does not say anything new, does not demand anything, he stands by his old covenants and acts according to the wisdom bequeathed to him by his father and grandfather. It is not his fault that from the oak roots he grew not into a flexible hazel, not into a flowering linden, but into the same strong and rough oak. But Neil doesn’t think about anyone or anything else. I hate it and it’s over, so I took an ax and chopped it off. When he kisses Polya and, leaving the room, stumbles upon Tatyana, who, according to the author’s remark, silently looks at him with dead eyes, with a crooked smile on her face, he again does not see someone else’s suffering, nor a spark of sympathy for the girl, almost to the sister who grew up before his eyes - almost nothing but contempt: “I eavesdropped. I peeked. Eh-oh you"... And this “uh-oh you” is worse than a slap in the face, worse than spitting... For what? Tatyana was poisoned, but remained alive; sick, weak, she lies on the couch. Teterev explains to her that it is calmer in Russia to be a drunkard, a tramp, than an honest person, sober, efficient, that only people are mercilessly straight, hard as swords, only they will pierce... What... he doesn’t finish speaking, because Neil enters, mercilessly straight and hard as a sword. enters cheerfully after a battle with the clubheaded depot chief, whom he defeated. Why is it only good for scoundrels to live in Russia, and why are all the bosses clubheads? Because anyone who says otherwise, and even though he finds an exception, will himself be counted among the clubheads. That's why , that these biting, sweepingly accusing phrases always have enormous success among young people. An argument arises, and Peter says: “If a person has a different opinion, I won’t grab him by the throat for this.” Neil says: “But I will.” “Who gave you the right to do this?” Neil replies: “They don’t give you the right. Rights are taken... A person must win rights for himself if he does not want to be crushed by brutal duties." Again, a beautiful phrase and completely immoral, because only he has rights who recognizes duties, otherwise people would again return to fist law, - - some would have only rights, others - only duties." “You, Neil,” says Peter, “at every step you try to show your father that you do not respect him.” “Why hide it?” Is this effort to insult the old man at every step - this answer: “Why hide it?” is not cynical and stupidly childish? But Neil talks about life and as he speaks, poetically and powerfully, and too literary for a simple worker. “Living is a glorious occupation, on crappy steam locomotives on autumn nights in the rain and wind, in winter in a blizzard, when there is no space around you, everything on earth is covered in darkness... tiring... dangerous... but This has its own charm. Only one thing is that I and other honest people are commanded by pigs, fools and thieves."... If this is so, if only pigs, fools and thieves really have the right to leadership and vote, then, of course, life is not worth living. But is it so? ? Is everything really so black all around? And most importantly, it is not the first generation that accuses the authorities of cruelty, corruption and inertia, but who is in power? Isn’t it the youth who completed the course and little by little took the highest places? I hear with youth, 30 years ago, the same groans... But a lot could have changed and brightened at the age of 30. Isn’t it the youth’s fault, isn’t it they who forget the impulses, the covenants of youth? Doesn’t it boil and tear the skins like unfermented wine, while it still has no strength, and calms down, goes back to normal when it gains strength? And then again a passionate monologue about life, which ends with words that cause a storm of applause: “Ours will take it! And with all the means of my soul I will satisfy my desire to intervene in the thick of it, knead it this way and that, to prevent this, to help this... That's the joy of life." But this is an eternal dump... because the thick of life is inaccessible to everyday life, God grant that at least in the area where life revolves, in those requests, needs and sufferings that meet on the way of people, help only with reason, composure and enormous kindness and attention, patience and justice, that is, those qualities that are unthinkable in a landfill, and which the literary “Niles” do not possess at all. But what he says is beautiful and powerful. Finally, Neil teases, intensifies Bessemenov to the last scandal, even Peter, who does not love his father, says to Neil: “Well. I’ve waited. Oh, you should be ashamed.” But Neil still breaks down until, finally, Peter, exhausted for himself, and for his sister, and for his father by this scene, shouts to him: “Go away, damn it.” And then he, taken aback, leaves with the words: “I’m going... Goodbye... What, however, are you.” And this Nile, this impossible Nile - a collective tramp, because in cruelty, selfishness and phrase-mongering he surpasses several typical tramps from Gorky's stories, many consider him a bright type, a prophet of life. In a lecture, I cannot go into detail about all the faces from this, nevertheless, remarkably talented comedy - I want to say only a few words about Elena Nikolaevna and her relationship with Peter. Many critics called her a bright personality - I cannot agree with this. Yes, the author gave her a few good, warm words about the prisoners, for whom she dressed in light clothes to brighten their lives, but then - what is she? A cheerful widow who can only remember about her husband that he had a three-inch mustache. She flirts with Peter, but it’s hard to believe why she loves him. This is a man without a face, as even his father says about him. Always gloomy, lethargic, irritable, never completed the course. Already in one monologue of Peter, any woman whose heart is in the right place and whose head thinks would be imbued with contempt for his formlessness - I don’t know how to express it otherwise. Here is this monologue: “I think when a Frenchman or Englishman says: “France, England,” he certainly imagines behind this word something real, tangible, understandable to him. And I say: “Russia” and I feel that for me this is an empty sound. And I don’t have the opportunity to put any clear content into this word.” Is it really possible for us, Russian mothers, to live to the point where our children will talk like that about their homeland? But then we died, then we have no more fatherland, no language, no religion, nothing... This means that we were not able to convey to them with our milk, with children's lullabies, with the graves of their fathers, with prayer at their bedside when they were sick, the Russian feeling - love for our Russian land. What criminal mothers we are, what unfortunate children we have. The Englishman, the Frenchman, the Pole, the German have both pride and passionate love for their homeland, but we have an empty phrase. Isn’t this slander against young people? Is this really true? Peter without a face is not a degenerate, but one of many? Then he says: “The devil pulled me to take part in these stupid unrest. I came to the university to study and studied. I did not feel any regime that prevented me from studying Roman law. No, I didn’t feel it at all. I felt the camaraderie mode... and gave in to it. Two years have been erased from my life... yes... This is violence. Violence against me. Isn't it?" True, violence, since he was a Panurgian sheep, which itself, without knowing what, bleated and followed the herd. But can such a sheep inspire love in a reasonable, energetic woman? Is this a friend, a comrade? No, but it can to be a convenient spineless husband, under the shoe, the kind that Elena Nikolaevna is looking for. She unceremoniously, despite the old people’s obvious antipathy towards her, appears to them and takes part in the persecution of them by both Neil and the children. Peter is not fascinated by the prospect of marrying Elena; he says to Neil: “Firstly, students are not allowed to get married, secondly, I will have to endure a battle with my parents, thirdly”... (he doesn’t say what thirdly). Perchikhin says to Peter: “I don’t love you , Peter. You are a proud and empty person."... But Elena takes Peter's head in her hands and makes him repeat after herself: "I love you." (Peter becomes a sheep). "Oh, yes, yes... But no, you're joking." ... “Really, I’m completely serious - I decided to marry you a long time ago. Maybe this is very bad, but I really want this." At this time, a groan is heard from the sick, suffering woman, who has just been poisoned because of Tatyana’s rejected love. Peter’s conscience stirred, he says, rushing to his sister: “She’s there lies, and we... we." And Elena answers him cheerfully and heartlessly to the point of vulgarity: "What's wrong with that? Even in the theater, after the drama, they give you something fun." And he takes him by the arm. She doesn’t even hear how Tatyana, abandoned by them, groans dully: “Lena... Lena”... As a final characterization of Elena, I give the latter’s monologue, before leaving the parental home with Peter: “Yes, that’s true. Yes, I took him from you myself, myself. I myself, I was the first to tell him, offered to marry me. Do you hear, you owl? Do you hear? It was I who snatched him from you. You know, I may not marry him. You're happy, right? Oh, this may very well be. Don't be alarmed ahead of time. I'll just live with him without a crown, but I won't give it to you. I won't give it. No. And he will never come to you. Never. Never . Never". Isn’t this called feminine, pouring as much poison as you can into your skin, and at the same time, everyone has the conviction in their souls that when this hated, abandoned owl, Peter, married to Elena Nikolaevna, dies (because, of course, , she needs him as a husband), will gladly inherit the pennies he despises, especially since before this inheritance he will have to live on Elena Nikolaevna’s means, and she will then reward herself and sew herself a few light blouses to dispel her husband’s melancholy. And the philosopher Teterev says to Bessemyonov: “He will not go far from you. He rose to the top temporarily, but he will come down. If you die, he will rebuild this barn a little, rearrange the furniture in it and will live like you: calm, reasonable and comfortable.” . Gorky's new play "At the Lower Depths" and new noise, literally an alarm bell, both in the press and among the public. Prohibition, permission, hope to see her, complete disappointment, and finally, Stanislavsky’s troupe arrives, subscriptions for tickets are open, and around the Maly Theater there is a camp of intelligent youth, capable of enduring hunger, cold, sleepless nights, just to get to this “bottom” ", discovered by Gorky. And, meanwhile, this play is certainly inferior to "Philistines". She does not glorify strength, does not call for a fight like Neil’s tirades, but still she asks questions and stirs up controversy. It contains types of tramps that have long been familiar from Gorky’s stories. And there are no colorful, sunny tramps there, there are just thieves, cheaters, drunkards or losers at work, driven into the “pit”. There is Ash, a hero who resembles a pale shadow of the Nile, but he is just a young, daring thief who still wants to live like a human being, because, obviously, in addition to the shelter, he is well acquainted with the plots, and with the prison, and maybe to be subjected to merciless beatings, which the janitors and ordinary people who have caught a thief are so not shy about. He himself is cruel by nature, vicious, he nevertheless dreams of the kind and quiet Natasha. It is very possible that later, like the tramp Orlov, also a dreamer, he would beat his wife with both his heels and his fists (at one word from Natasha: “There’s nowhere to go... I know... I thought”... Ash replies: “ I won’t let you in, I’d rather kill you”), but now he doesn’t need his former mistress, Natasha’s sister, the beautiful Vasilisa, the hostess of the shelter, not because she is vicious, but he is virtuous, that she is evil, and he is kind, no, simply because that two wolves cannot live in one hole. Ash and Natasha are a wolf and a lamb. Ash and Vasilisa are two beasts that sooner or later must rip each other's throats out. Vasilisa persuades Ash to kill her husband. Ash does not agree, he is disgusted by the idea of ​​deliberately killing an old man, but a few hours later, under a flash of anger, he already grabs Vasilisa Kostylev’s husband by the throat, and if not for the accidental presence of the wanderer Luka, the murder would have been committed, and he kills him in the last act and on Vasilisa’s charges goes to prison. Natasha is as colorless as Tatyana in “The Bourgeois”, although she still dreams sluggishly and formlessly: “I think, tomorrow... someone will come... someone... special... or something will happen... also unprecedented... I’ve been waiting for a long time... I’m always waiting.”... She doesn’t have the strength to actively move, and when, after the murder, she, scalded by her sister, first ends up in the hospital and then disappears, then one must think that she’s going to precisely on that road, for the mere thought of which Ash already wanted to kill her. Natasha is weakly outlined, just as she herself is weak in her inner content; her sister Vasilisa, angry, passionate, vile, dreaming of killing her husband, who tortured and scalded her sister, does not value the life of her lover who left her, and with her denunciation throws him into prison. This is the most ordinary type of woman-fist. Satin, the actor, the baron - these are all tramps, voluntary and involuntary, two or three degrees paler than those already described by Gorky in his stories. A prostitute who dreams of the student Gaston in patent leather boots, with a left-hander, is a pitiful, touching type, but has long been used by our literature. The attention of the audience is drawn to the wanderer Luke, a blessed dreamer who accidentally fell to the bottom, but the viewer is confused by the fact that this is the best man, who has left the untruths of life in voluntary wandering, forces two hungry thieves, under the pointed muzzle of his gun, to flog each other with rods in the most merciless way and only then does he give them bread, but if you remember that the peasants still have flogging according to the verdict of the volost court, then it becomes scary for the simple truth that the best of the peasants, like Luka, is also dark, also absolutely deaf to the sense of human dignity; he acts naturally, in his own way he admonishes the guilty, and this is the whole horror. Satin was tired of human words, but this has a deep meaning: nineteen centuries ago, a teacher gave people a simple and short lesson: “Love God, love your neighbor.” These words have become ordinary human words, everyone repeats them, but where is the fulfillment of these words? How strange is it that you can hate such human words and exclaim like Satin: “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters, truth is the God of a free man.” Satin gives the inhabitants of the shelter the highest lesson of love for a woman as a person. Taking revenge for his sister's insulted honor, he kills her offender and ends up in prison, where he is corrupted, learns to cheat and is pushed to the bottom. And, despite all this, his love for his sister has not died, not the slightest anger awakens in him towards her as the culprit of his suffering. He says: “My sister was a good person.” Note, not a woman, but “human being”, which means he is at the bottom, the scum of society, giving his sister the right that many higher minds take away from us women. He recognizes his sister as a good person, and the truth of life is felt in this... But when the same dark Luka, who laughingly tells how hungry poor people flog each other, answers Satin’s question: “Why do people live?” , - quotes from Schopenhauer, then one can already feel the lie and inconsistency not in the answer, but in its depth. "Why do people live?" - says Satin. Luka replies: “But people live for the best, my dear... Everyone thinks that they live for themselves, but it turns out that they live for the best. People live for a hundred years, and maybe more, for the best.” And Schopenhauer says: “Life is by no means a gift given for enjoyment, but the task is to work out a lesson, and accordingly, everywhere we create in both big and small general need, tireless work, tireless striving, endless struggle, forced work with with the extreme tension of all vital and spiritual forces, the blood and sweat of entire nations flows in order to enable individuals to achieve their goals." Luke tells the actor about a house with marble floors where alcoholics are cured, and about how one convict in Siberia, having learned from a scientist exiled there that there was no righteous land, went and hanged himself. Let’s forget that Luke says this, what the author tells us, but how painful and scary it is to learn that there is no righteous land, when all of us, both young and old, live and die all our lives, even with the hope that if not us, that at least our grandchildren will enter the righteous land. Yes, sometimes we need a lie, a lie that, with its rainbow prism, would keep us from despair and suicide. And so, although we feel that all the heroes of the play “At the Bottom” have no connection with each other, no inner world, no ideals, no strength to work, and have no desire to do so, that it is impossible to get them out of there, that neither hospitals with marble floors nor righteous lands will save them, yet the play is captivating, and in the hearts of many it is a huge success. Why? Firstly, because it is Gorky, a man who won the sympathy and admiration of the reader, secondly, because it was banned for a long time, thirdly, it contains many good, deep thoughts, and there is a song that It’s sung in such a way that it grabs everyone’s heart: “The sun rises and sets, And it’s dark in my prison, Days and nights, sentries, yes, eh, Guard my window. Guard it as you wish, I won’t run away anyway, I want to be free , yes eh, I can’t break the chain”... The youth listens, their hearts boil, and they don’t think that this song is sung not by freedom fighters imprisoned, but by petty thieves, drunkards, who Gorky attributed ideas and feelings incompatible with their concepts. God is with them, with those who sing, and it is hard and sweet for those who listen to it. The very setting of the play “At the Bottom” makes a huge impression: “The basement looks like a cave, and the spring sun comes through the window with slanting rays”... And the stage directions: “The noise on the stage goes out like the fire of a fire, doused with water.” After all, this is just a tuning fork. Now we can only wait to see what the writer will give next, who began by wandering alone among empty buildings and trading ports and thinking about how good it was to be well-fed, and now has received European fame and a wealthy fortune. He once said in the story “Once Upon a Time in Autumn”: “By God, the soul of a hungry person always eats better and healthier than the soul of a well-fed one.” Let's see what he will eat now, what songs his soul of a well-fed person will sing next.

Research project "Problems of youth in modern literature (based on the work of Zoe Sugg "Girl Online")"

In the adult world, it is generally accepted that childhood should be happy. However, in life we ​​have to observe episodes that are very far from well-being and happiness. I seriously thought about the problem of my peers when I read Zoe Sugg’s work “Girl Online”. Of course, in modern society this topic regarding the problems of adolescents is not new. But now it seems especially relevant to me. It is raised on television, on the radio, and in newspaper publications. The interest of writers in the “teenage” topic is due, first of all, to the opening opportunity to explore the initial, complex and dramatic process of the formation of a person, his worldview, and the ethical foundations of personality. The image of a teenager in literature is shown in dynamics: the moral and ethical content and the way of characterizing the hero change.
An object- Zoe Sugg's youth novel "Girl Online"
Item- problems of the heroes of Zoe Sugg’s work “Girl Online” and teenagers of our school.
Hypothesis: If we look at Zoe Sugg’s novel “Girl Online,” we can identify a range of youth problems and prove that they correspond to the modern psychological and pedagogical concept of “teenager.”
The purpose of this work: identify the range of problems of adolescents reflected in modern literature (using the example of Zoe Sugg’s work “Girl Online”) and in life.
-study theoretical material about the characteristics of adolescence;
- consider how the image of a teenager is portrayed in modern literature;
- read and analyze Zoe Sugg’s work “Girl Online”;
-study the characters of the heroes of the story, the motives of their actions;
- identify difficult situations in the world of the characters in the novel and the reasons for their occurrence;
- conduct a survey to identify the range of problems of adolescents;
-analyze questionnaires of students in grades 7-9;
-summarize the problems in the lives of teenagers and draw conclusions.
The work represents an experience of independent research. Research methodology:
- studying theoretical material,
- analysis of Zoe Sugg’s work “Girl Online”
- survey of students;
- analysis of the results obtained;
- drawing up diagrams,
- speaking to students.
The structure of the work is: introduction, 2 chapters, conclusion, list of references, appendix.

Adolescent in psychology and literature.
Features of adolescence
Who can be considered a teenager and what is the significance of this period in the development of personality? The works of many researchers in the fields of psychology, philosophy and sociology are devoted to this issue.
Humanity has not always had the concept of “teenager” in its vocabulary. As F. Aries notes, in pre-industrial Europe they did not distinguish between childhood and adolescence, and the very concept of “adolescence” arose only in the 19th century. Art. was the first to propose considering this period as a transition from childhood to adulthood. Hall.
When considering the image of a teenager from the point of view of his psychological characteristics, it should be noted that in science there is no precise definition of the age boundaries of adolescence. Medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, sociological literature defines different boundaries of adolescence: 10-14 years, 14-18 years, 12-20 years, etc. In this study, we rely on the opinion of supporters of the social approach (Averin, Dolto) when determining the boundaries of adolescence, i.e. We consider the main criterion to be social influence on personal development. According to T.M. Prostakova, “personal development in its content is determined by what society expects from a person, what values ​​and ideals it offers him, what tasks it sets for him at different age stages.”
The study of adolescence is a very complex, long and multifaceted process that has not been completed to this day. It is no coincidence that this age is called “transitional” from childhood to maturity, but the path to maturity for a teenager is just beginning; it is rich in many dramatic experiences, difficulties and crises. At this time, stable forms of behavior, character traits and methods of emotional response take shape, which in the future largely determine the life of an adult, his physical and psychological health, social and personal maturity. Adolescence (adolescence) is a time of achievements, rapid growth of knowledge and skills, the formation of morality and the discovery of the “I,” and the formation of social attitudes.
A feature of adolescence is the task of moral maturation, i.e., determining one’s own attitude towards oneself and the world, forming a worldview and moral values, norms and personal meanings.
It is known that the moral, intellectual, aesthetic development of children and adolescents is directly related to the spiritual food they receive. As a rule, teenagers, in search of the correct answer to moral questions, turn to sources such as scientific and popular literature, fiction, works of art, print, and television.
Our immediate future, our tomorrow's society, depends on how today's teenagers solve their problems and what values ​​they choose for themselves. And we need to seriously think about this problem. But what about teenagers and adults, when the frantic pace of life and the struggle for existence leave no time even to think about themselves.
Adolescence is characterized by imitation of models. As noted by modern psychotherapist A.A. Shchegolev, a teenager with his characteristic maximalism, tries not only to copy, but also in many ways to surpass his idol. It is important that such a role model be a worthy, aesthetically elevated and morally stable example. Such an example, in our opinion, can be the artistic image of literature.

1.2 The image of a teenage hero in modern literature
One of the main aesthetic functions of literature is the formation of a fully developed personality. A child’s entry into the book universe occurs primarily with the help of literature specially created for children.
Along with changing life, the image of a literary hero also changes, which is especially evident in works of teenage literature. The process of a teenager entering adulthood is becoming more complicated due to changes in socio-economic and socio-cultural conditions.
Modern teenage prose, worthily continuing the traditions of the classics, reflects the realities of modern life and serves as its illustration; In addition, it creates a feeling of a living image of teenagers.
Today, modern teenage prose is undergoing some stagnation. As Sergei Kolosov notes, at present, despite the fact that the book industry is experiencing a rapid rise (book shelves are literally choking with all kinds of books: from frivolous detective “reading” in cheap bindings to weighty tomes, sometimes costing several thousand rubles), literature about teenagers is in serious decline. "The most important series of books may not be visible - about modern 13-16 year old teenagers. Our Russian ones."
But not everything is as bad as it seems. Currently, there are several interesting writers working who have paid and are paying considerable attention to the teenage theme in their work. These are such authors as L. Matveeva, T. Kryukova, G. Gorlienko, O. Dzyuba, E. Lipatova, T. Mikheeva, V. Zheleznikov, E. Murashova.
Genre originality is not rich, these are: a fantastic story (works by T. Kryukova), a story of a socio-psychological nature (works by E. Murashova, V. Zheleznikov) and romance novels (works by G. Gordienko, T. Mikheeva, L. Matveeva, E. Lipatova ).
As a rule, the heroes of modern teenage prose are ordinary, at first glance unremarkable girls and boys. Teenage heroes strive to gain social independence in the absence of such an opportunity. However, the situations they find themselves in help them gain self-confidence and realize their own importance.


Cyril and Methodius readings“Reading youth is the future of Russia”

Forum II . “Reading and literacy: sociocultural aspect”

Direction: research in the field of Russian language and literature

Problems of teenagers in modern Russian literature and in life

Performer: Alina Barsukova

9b grade, municipal budget

Head: Bobarykina Galina Mikhailovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

educational institution "Gymnasium"




Research plan…………………………………………………………………………………......... .......4

Scientific article……………………………………………………………………………………….....6

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the study of the problem…………………………………………….6

    1. A look at the problems of modern teenagers from a psychological point of view…………………..…6

      Psychologists about the causes of child cruelty………………………………………………………..7

Chapter 2. Problems of teenagers through the eyes of modern children………………………………………….9

2.1 Sociological survey of students “Problems that concern teenagers in our school”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …..9

2.2 Sociological survey of teachers of the MBOU “Gymnasium”………………………………………………………10

2.3 Sociological survey of parents of students at the MBOU “Gymnasium” school…………………..…11

Chapter 3. The image of a teenager in Russian modern literature……………………………...………..13

3.1 The problem of child cruelty in V. Zheleznikov’s work “Scarecrow”…………………......13

3.2 Sociological survey: “Causes of child cruelty”……………………………………………………….14

3.3The problem of friendship in T. Mikheeva’s work “Don’t betray me!”……………...................15

3.4 The problem of relationships between teenagers and their parents (according to the story of T. Kryukova

“The One Who Lied Once”)………………………………………………………………………………………......16

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………................... ......18

Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………………….. ....20

Appendix 1…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21

Appendix 2………………………………………………………………………………...………..22

Appendix 3…………………………………………………………………………………….24

Appendix 4…………………………………………………………………………………….26

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra

Municipal budgetary educational institution



The relevance of the problem lies in the following: More and more often on the pages of newspapers, television screens and in everyday life we ​​see fights between teenagers, the use of rude, insulting words in their speech, including obscene language, daily attempts to humiliate, insult each other, and make it as painful as possible. Moreover, aggression, according to our observations, can be observed in children not only towards each other, but also towards adults. Of course, in modern society the topic of adolescent problems is not new, but now it seems to me especially relevant. The choice of topic was influenced by personal interest, because such people live among us, and if you do not encounter them, then there is a very high probability that your loved ones may suffer from their cruelty. Literature that truthfully depicts the life of young people with all its difficulties meets the need of adolescents to read “about themselves”, to look at themselves from the outside.

The relevance of our problem is confirmed by the results of a sociological survey of parents, teachers and a conversation with the social teacher of our gymnasium. (Annex 1)

The purpose of this work: using literary material to trace how consonant the range of teenage problems is with the real picture of the difficulties faced by teenagers – our contemporaries – on the path to growing up.

Tasks :

1. Study data and statistics confirming the relevance of the chosen topic.

2. Identify the characteristics of adolescence.

3. Conduct a sociological survey to identify the range of problems of teenagers in our school.

4. Explore and describe teenage problems using the example of works of modern literature.

5.Identify the reasons for the appearance of cruelty in adolescents from the point of view of the writer, as well as from the point of view of psychologists, the school’s social teacher and adolescents.

An object : a teenager on the pages of modern literature and in life.

Item : problems of modern teenagers and heroes of works of modern literature.

Hypothesis: we assume that the external and internal problems of the heroes of works of modern literature reflect the problems of today's teenagers.

Research methods:


1Comparative analysis.

4. Contextual.

5. Questionnaire.


1. Literature analysis.


This work relates to theoretical and applied research.

Scientific novelty Our work is due to the fact that the phenomenon under study has not previously been the subject of special study by literary critics, since the work of Tamara Kryukova and Tamara Mikheeva, modern writers, has been little studied; in critical literature it is reviewed only briefly.

Practical significance determined by the possibility of using its results in the study of modern Russian literature,become the subject of discussion atextracurricular activities.The research materials can be used as didactic material in elective classes on the subject, as well as as an argument in literature when writing an assignment for block C1.

Research material

In the course of our work, we relied on the artistic works of V.K. Zheleznikov. “Scarecrow”, Mikheeva T.V. “Don’t betray me!”, Kryukova T.Sh. “Who Lied Once,” as well as on Internet resources dedicated to their creative biography. Each of them reveals images of modern teenagers with their problems and joys that are close to every reader.

We also relied onarticles by psychologists, a conversation with a school psychologist and social teacher at the MBOU “Gymnasium” school,interviews with teachers and parents.

Review of information sources: The research is based on the work T.M. Prostakova "The Crisis of Adolescence". In her work she examines the main approaches to penetrating the inner world of a teenager, problems typical for this age, and behavioral characteristics of adolescents. The question is raised about the responsibility of parents for raising a teenager. In the textbook Averin V.A. the diverse and contradictory empirical material on the mental development of a child from birth to early adolescence is generalized and presented in a systematized form. On the website of Tamara Kryukova (www. fant- Asia. ru ) you can find advice on both creativity and raising children.

Research Article


    1. A look at the problems of modern teenagers from a psychological point of view

We began our work with a review of the problems of modern adolescents from the point of view of psychology, with characteristics of adolescence in general.

Humanity has not always had the concept of “teenager” in its vocabulary. As F. Aries notes, in pre-industrial Europe they did not distinguish between childhood and adolescence, and the concept of “adolescence” itself arose only in the 19th century. The American psychologist was the first to suggest considering this period as a transition from childhood to adulthood. .

When considering the image of a teenager from the point of view of his psychological characteristics, it should be noted that in science there is no precise definition of the age boundaries of adolescence. Medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, sociological literature defines different boundaries of adolescence: 10-14 years, 14-18 years, 12-20 years. In this study, we rely on the opinion of supporters of the social approach when determining the boundaries of adolescence, i.e. We consider the main criterion to be social influence on personal development.

Modern teenagers have a clearly expressed “need for friendship with a person of the opposite sex, which, in essence, expresses the need for love. The relationship between friendship and love is a difficult problem for young people.”

From a conversation with a school psychologist, we came to the conclusion that the study of adolescence is a very complex, long and multifaceted process that has not been completed to this day. It is no coincidence that this age is called “transitional” from childhood to maturity, but the path to maturity for a teenager is just beginning; it is rich in many dramatic experiences, difficulties and crises. At this time, stable forms of behavior, character traits and methods of emotional response take shape, which in the future largely determine the life of an adult, his physical and psychological health, social and personal maturity. As a rule, teenagers, in search of the correct answer to moral questions, turn to sources such as scientific and popular literature, fiction, works of art, print, and television.

Adolescence is characterized by imitation of models. As noted by modern psychotherapist A.A. Shchegolev, a teenager with his characteristic maximalism, tries not only to copy, but also in many ways to surpass his idol. It is important that such a role model be a worthy, aesthetically elevated and morally stable example.

As children grow up, they often experience a fear of loneliness. They have already moved away from their mother, they are afraid of being misunderstood among their friends, so they try to be like everyone else. And the personality inside requires a way out. Hence the conflicts. In public, the teenager tries his best to look “cool” and “successful.” And alone with himself he realizes that he is not so “cool” at all. A young man can be scared and lonely, but it seems that such problems are unique to him. At this moment, you need a person who can listen and understand. An example, in our opinion, can be the artistic image of literature. The heroes of modern literature are living people, with their fears, problems and conflicts. Teenagers see themselves in them. In addition, these works allow readers to look into someone else's soul, to believe that each of them is an individual - this is the main thing that modern teenagers need.

Thus, a feature of adolescence is the task of moral maturation, i.e., determining one’s own attitude towards oneself and the world, forming a worldview and moral values, norms and personal meanings.

1.2 Psychologists about the causes of child cruelty

The problem of child cruelty has always existed. However, in the 21st century, according to statistics, a wave of child cruelty has swept through the prosperous countries of Europe and America. And in our country these data are not reassuring. About 8% of crimes in the country - that is, up to 155 thousand crimes a year - are committed by children and adolescents. According to experts, most modern children from 8 to 17 years old would agree to be torturers. 6% of schoolchildren are ready to kill if it is paid for. There is no particular desire to list all these facts.

Where does aggression in children come from? We tried to understand this complex issue. After studying the theoretical material and talking with school psychologist V.V. Serbina. , we came to the conclusion: throughout the life of mankind, people have always shown cruelty to their own kind. Many scientists have tried to determine the nature of cruelty, the causes of its occurrence, and the factors contributing to its formation and manifestation. Nadezhda Yuryevna Vasilyeva, a senior lecturer at the Department of Social and Ethnic Psychology, divided all currently existing theories of aggression into four main categories.

1. Aggression as an innate instinctive, genetically programmed form of behavior . Even the most positive changes in the environment cannot prevent its manifestation. At most, perhaps weaken it. And if a person has a certain gene, then he will follow the criminal path. In addition, aggression is associated with impaired brain function.

2. Aggression as a need and impulse that arises in response to what is happening to a person in life . A person’s behavior changes especially strongly under the influence of a group. The law of the crowd comes into play when the mass becomes stupid, that is, the general level of intelligence decreases. Each individual would not have done this, but in a crowd, personal responsibility for what they did is removed. And in adolescence, the desire to be accepted into a peer group is stronger than any other need.

3. Cognitive activity and emotions. All information that a person receives and any life experience causes certain emotional reactions. With the spread of social networks on the Internet, the phenomenon of “publicizing” private life arose. In order to increase their ratings, teenagers film violent scenes, which are extremely popular because they evoke strong feelings in viewers, and post them on their pages.

4. Aggression is a model of social behavior acquired in life.

Not only in cinema, but also in everyday life there are plenty of examples of impunity for cruelty and encouragement of violence. If a child sympathizes and experiences strong emotional experiences with every cruel scene he sees, then his heart will simply not stand it. And a kind of immunity to other people’s pain appears, protecting the little person from psychological trauma. And a person who is unable to worry about another can harm him.

We came to the conclusion that children behave this way because violence has become the norm in society.


We have decided on the circle of respondents – these are students in grades 7–9, their parents and teachers teaching in these classes. In total, we surveyed 150 respondents, boys 46%, girls 54%,

2.1 Sociological survey of students in grades 7-9

“Problems that concern teenagers at our gymnasium”

Modern teenagers are very different from their peers, whose difficult time of growing up occurred at the end of the 20th century. Previously, feelings of respect and responsibility were decisive in the relationships of adolescents; now profit and the pursuit of power prevail. Today's children are more practical and calculating, less romantic. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by us in the 9B grade of the MBOU “Gymnasium” in the city of Yugorsk. In order to identify the problems that children have to face during adolescence, students were asked the following questions:

1. Do you have a goal in life? Which?

2. In difficult times, you will turn to ... (parents/friends) for advice.

3.What is your relationship with your parents (prosperous/conflict)?

4.Have you ever experienced such a feeling as love? (Not really)

5.Can you cope with a difficult life situation on your own?

6. Do you think those around you are indifferent to you? (Not really)

100% of respondents see the purpose of their life in their future work. (Appendix 1) At the same time, 25% of teenagers consider family and children to be the meaning of life. 87% of respondents already experienced the feeling of love at the age of 14-15. These data appear controversial. Doubts arise whether young people are confusing two concepts - love and passion. 92% of respondents note a successful relationship with their parents; the remaining respondents found it difficult to answer this question. To the question: “Can you cope with a difficult life situation on your own?” - only 35% answered “yes”, the rest found it difficult to answer. 65% of respondents believe that those around them do not care about them, except for their relatives, 35% are confident that those around them will not stand aside if modern teenagers need help.

Thus, the results of the study showed that modern teenagers are concerned about the eternal questions that arise in children on the way to growing up.

Problems that concern teenagers in our gymnasium

    Be responsible;

    learn to understand each other;

2.2 Sociological survey of teachers at the MBOU “Gymnasium” school

Goal: Identify the main problems of adolescents

The teachers were diagnosed anonymously.

Instructions: teachers are asked to answer a number of questions.

1. Having worked at school for some time, what do you think is the degree of influence of the Internet on the socialization of teenagers?

2. In your opinion, what problems does a modern teenager face?

3. Which one is the main one (takes first place)?

4. Could you name the reasons that encourage teenagers to be cruel?

5. What is your own attitude towards such teenagers?

6. What work do you do to prevent teen violence?

Based on the results of the questionnaire, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Teachers name the main reasons:

60% - dysfunctional family;

10% – the child’s environment;

2.3 Sociological survey of parents of students at the MBOU “Gymnasium” school

In families, problems often exist between parents and teenagers. To understand why this happens, we chose a research method such as a survey, since respondents have the opportunity to truthfully answer questions and provide the necessary information. For this purpose, 2 questionnaires were compiled with questions regarding the relationship between adults and children (Appendix 1). A total of 47 people took part in the survey. Of these, 22 are adults and 25 teenagers. To the 1st question “Where would you like to spend your free time and with whom?” 8 teenagers answered “at home, with their parents”, the rest - “with friends”, “in a society where they understand me”, “on the street”. To the question “how do your parents feel about your friends coming home”, everyone answered “normal”, “positive”, and only 3 people said: “they kick you out”, “depending on which friends”. 15 respondents do not have adults whom they would like to imitate, 5 people see their relatives as an ideal to follow, and only three chose friends. However, almost all respondents prefer to turn to their mother or relatives for advice. Only a few of them go to friends and one of them tries to solve a problem himself.The survey showed that in adult adolescents, the most attractive traits are humor, kindness, freedom to take responsibility for oneself, prudence, honesty and independence. And what repels is reluctance and inability to understand, anger, rudeness, hatred of someone, drunkenness, swearing, laziness, a lot of teachings and explanations, pressure. In communication, teenagers most often prefer to have friends as their interlocutors, because “it’s easier for them to tell”, “I trust them more”, “they better understand the current life of young people”, “and parents don’t want to listen”, “they don’t want to waste time on trifles” . Only 7% of teenagers answered that they do not feel the difference between communicating with adults and friends, and they prefer to spend the evening at home with their parents. In most cases, quarrels in families, according to teenagers, occur frequently and over various trifles, on everyday grounds, but everything ends in a truce or is forgotten. listen to each other and it all ends with long lectures. However, there are also families where conflicts rarely occur or do not occur at all. Bad character traits - grumpiness, hot temper, laziness, selfishness, disobedience, stubbornness, touchiness, inattention, uncertainty, rudeness.

In some families, according to parents, there is always peace and harmony, there are no conflicts or they are very rare. Others resolve conflicts, improve relationships so that “no grudges remain overnight,” and everything ends in a truce. And the causes of problems are seen mainly in the lack of mutual understanding, difference of views and in everyday life. 90% of parents feel good about their children’s friends coming home, and 10% feel bad or because of their mood. Also, most people know who their children communicate with. There are parents who don’t know their teenager’s friends well. Some parents are satisfied with their upbringing and do not want to change anything. Others consider it necessary to devote more time to the teenager and his studies. 50% of parents consider their children to be independent. The rest do not think so, or at least consider children to be independent “not in all matters and issues.” Thus, one can see how in real life teenagers and parents relate to many issues and to each other.

Thus, families are different: with and without problems, it depends on how strong the relationship between teenagers and parents is. Most of the former prefer to spend their time outside the home. This is due to the fact that they do not have a common activity with their parents, and they strive to communicate with peers, as it seems to them that people of equal age can understand and listen to them. At the same time, most parents think that they understand teenagers. This causes conflicts in some families. Despite the problems, teenagers love their parents and turn to mom and dad for advice. That’s why it’s so important to maintain good family relationships, because both parents and teenagers need each other.

2.4 Meeting with the social teacher of the MBOU “Gymnasium” Korolkova Irina Alekseevna

We asked you to answer several questions:

2. How does the family influence the socialization of a teenager?

3. How do teenagers from this family feel about the educational process? Are they having difficulties?

4. Are teenagers registered with a doctor?

5. What assistance is provided to families and adolescents?heroes of modern literature

There are 9 people registered at the MBOU “Gymnasium”.Reasons: extortion - 1 person, theft - 3 people, escape from home - 2 people, damage to property - 2 people, use of intoxicants - 1 person. This happens due to the socially dangerous situation of children, as well as due to a difficult life situation.

Based on the results of the conversation, we determined that there are families that negatively influence the socialization of a teenager. These are children from “difficult families”. Such children do not find a common language with their peers. For many teenagers, their parents are their authority. Individual conversations are held with the teenager and family.

CHAPTER 3.The image of a teenager in Russian modern literature

3.1 The problem of child cruelty in V. Zheleznikov’s work “Scarecrow”

The problems of my peers are confirmed in the works of modern literature.

Where does cruelty come from in children? What are the reasons for the soulless, sometimes chilling statistics of children’s criminal behavior?

For a long time, writers, understanding the importance of this problem, its significance, have been trying to convey this to people. Such a writer, in our opinion, is Zheleznikov, because his works show the very cruelty of children, with all its nakedness and openness, and, most importantly, the true reasons for its appearance are named. After all, if you know the causes of the disease, you can find the appropriate medicine, methods and treatment options.

All his life, Vladimir Karpovich Zheleznikov wrote about children and covered teenage problems.

The story “Scarecrow” is a story about the difficult relationships between schoolchildren. Zheleznikov showed the image of a teenager from the 70s and 80s. There are very few positive characters here. The only bearers of good are the grandfather and granddaughter of the Bessoltsevs. Here everything is upside down - evil is perceived by teenagers as heroism, and kindness is persecuted and considered a manifestation of weakness of character. You can become a real person only by having your own interests, views, beliefs and being able to defend them. The heroes of the writer, Vladimir Karpovich Zheleznikov, come to this conclusion

The story “Scarecrow” is a story about the difficult relationships between schoolchildren. It gradually becomes clear that Lena Bessoltseva’s inner world differs from the world of her classmates. She has the inner strength to resist lies and preserve her spirituality. Unlike all the characters, Lenka turns out to be a strong personality: nothing can push her to betrayal.

The story “Scarecrow” raises another question: Where does cruelty come from in children?

Although the book was written a long time ago, it seems that the writer only looked into our school yesterday and brought to the reader’s attention everything that was happening in it.

After all, even today this cruelty reigns among teenagers and is perceived by many as a normal phenomenon. Whoever is stronger and bolder is right. But the worst thing is that soulless “iron buttons” have support among us. Few people dare to speak out in defense of the weak: they are afraid for themselves.

The participants in the conflict in the story “Scarecrow” behaved aggressively, the sixth graders greet the new girl unfriendly, call her Scarecrow, and then, taking revenge on her for an offense that she did not commit, they drive her around the city, stage a burning scene, and declare a boycott. As a result of this persecution, two people become outcasts and leave the town in which they dreamed of settling.RThe development of the conflict was also determined by bitterness. In its desire to punish the guilty, the class turns into a crowd that knows no mercy. That's why the Iron Button received such a nickname - she will never back down, will not forgive, will not regret.

The very nicknames of the characters in the story speak volumes. Valka the Flayer, he sells stray dogs to the knacker for a ruble, he does it completely calmly, because he is sure that the main thing in life is money. There is a lot of cruelty in the world, and the writer wanted to show that it begins in childhood. Before us are not just classmates, but cruel, ruthless people, even towards each other.

Here are a few moral rules that we formulated while studying the relationships of teenagers in Zheleznikov’s work:

    In any situation, you must remain human, not humiliate the dignity of another person, and not follow the lead of the crowd.

    You can't please everyone, you can't love everyone, not everyone can be loyal friends , because we have different characters, educational needs, tastes. But we can live in harmony with each other.

Thus, we see that in the children's team there is envy, a desire for leadership, bitterness and indifference, and most importantly, cruelty towards each other.

The book “Scarecrow” teaches us to be kind, strong-willed, honest, to hate cruelty and cowardice that poison the lives of other people.

3.2 Sociological survey of students “Causes of child cruelty”

The results of a sociological survey of students in grades 7-9 of the MBOU "Gymnasium" in Yugorsk on the topic "What are the causes of child cruelty?" (Appendix2)

From the answers of the students of our school it is clear that almost everyone in their lives has encountered cruelty towards themselves, but high school students are more able to openly resist evil due to their age characteristics.

As already noted in our work, the main “sources of cruelty,” according to respondents, are the Internet and television. But in determining the main reason for the cruelty of children, opinions are divided: students in grades 7-8 “blame” the Internet and television for this, and high school students blame computer addiction.

3.3 The problem of friendship in T. Mikheeva’s work “Don’t betray me!”

Dysfunctional families, unsettled life, lack of sensitivity, big financial problems - this is the world of teenagers in the 21st century.

Is there a fair “hierarchy” in school classrooms? Where do the “stars” and “outsiders” come from? What does it mean to be an interesting person? Tamara Mikheeva, the author of a wonderful school story, reflects on these and other questions"Don't betray me!"It hurts to realize that

you are an outsider - a person who is not appreciated, not respected.The teenage world is cruel, and a few words, gestures, and glances from adults are always added to the cruelty of this world. Sometimes carelessly thrown, they significantly influence the course or even the outcome of an entire intrigue. And there is plenty of intrigue in the teenage world!At school there are always winners and losers, strong and weak, lucky and losers, “stars” and “outsiders.” And in the class, in addition to the leaders and their subordinates, there are always outcasts. Nobody canexplain why things happen the way they do.

Tamara Mikheeva describes the school exactly as it is, without embellishment and misconceptions, with all the problems that a teenager is surrounded by while studying. At the center of the story is the image of a teenager in the 21st century.Yulia Ozarenok found out by chance that she was an outsider.
This is where her misfortunes began.
What to do when the most secret, the most personal thing - your diary - is read by the whole class? If a classmate constantly bullies and teases, is he simply trying to express his sympathy?

We see: the teenage heroes are at a crossroads: on the one hand, they are enthusiastically involved in the life of the community, and on the other hand, they are gripped by a passion for loneliness. They oscillate between blind obedience to their chosen leader and defiant rebellion against any and all authority.

Yulka is betrayed by her best friend Anyuta. She writes the name of someone other than Yulka on the test.Is this betrayal? Anyuta, unlike anyone else, is smart, open, honest. Only she knew Yulina’s secret.However, being an extraordinary and courageous person, Yulia does not take the path of conformity with her peers, but continues to defend her individuality, even in an unequal struggle..

Thus, adolescence is characterized by changes in the development of friendly feelings. The friendship of the heroines serves as a warning against committing frivolous acts and selfish actions that can break the friendship.

3.4 The problem of relationships between teenagers and their parents

(based on the story by T. Kryukova “Who Lied Once”)

While on a business trip abroad, she and her family survived a military coup. The little son was evacuated, and letters with fantastic stories flew to Russia. And now her exciting and at the same time smart books are read with pleasure by both children and adults.

The amazing phenomenon of T. Kryukova’s creativity lies in the fact that in her works complex human problems are solved against the backdrop of an exciting plot. The main characters of the story:

Lena Semyonova - It was not easy to get along with people, she knew how to be grateful. With strangers she became constrained, tongue-tied, always lost, and could blush. She was distinguished by modesty, did not know how to ask direct questions, even if she was dying of curiosity, and did not know how to lie.

Inna Lena's friend, sociable, frustrated, envious, talkative, loves to gossip, took patronage over a new classmate.

Sasha Pankov This hero's nickname is Pan. He's tall and handsome. He acted relaxed. One of the best students in the school, he intelligently answers the teachers’ questions, and all the girls “run” after him.

Svetlana Pavlovna mother of Lena Semyonova. She loves to read, controls her daughter, and believes that it is too early for Lena to go to night discos. She understands Lena, although the girl feels that her mother is betraying her.

Lena was just a part of the faceless mass, the background against which she and her friend Sergei were counting their not very rich resources, wondering what to buy.
Lena couldn't tell her friend that her father was not a banker. “Lena wanted to blurt out: “No,” but, seeing the interest in his eyes, she only smiled vaguely, which could well pass for a positive answer, and, at the same time, was not a lie.”

Mom, Svetlana Pavlovna, is reluctant to let her daughter go to the disco? “It’s not too early for you to go to such places.” In ordinary discos there is also plenty of dirt: both booze and drugs.”
Lena needs money not so much for the disco as for Pankov, who now had no money. The mother did not give the girl money, because the mother has her own ideas about the relationship between a man and a woman: it is immodest to impose.
Lena assessed her mother’s action in her own way. “Lena stood confused in the middle of the room. How could her mother betray her at the most important moment of her life? How cruel could she be! Is she really

Didn’t you fall in love yourself?”
After a quarrel with her mother, Lena burst into tears and ran away. By running away she can escape the deep pain that the person closest to her caused her. Before, her mother always understood her, and they never quarreled. Lena did not expect that her mother turned out to be so petty. For a few pennies, she was ready to destroy her relationship with Sasha. “The resentment towards the mother came with renewed vigor...” When Lena returned home in the evening, she expected her mother to appear and interrogate her. But to Lena’s surprise, Svetlana Pavlovna did not say a word about what had happened during the evening.

As a result, we see that it was not she herself who was important to Pan, but where her father works!
In moments of shame, she feels: “He only wanted money. And she still condemned her mother!.. Life is over... She will never be able to survive the shame and humiliation... Sasha roughly trampled her love.” He appreciated Lena and turned out to be a true friend of Seryozha. “It’s stupid to be ashamed of your parents.”

So, the heroes of the work - teenagers of the 21st century - are very similar to us. They experience the same feelings as us. They have the same problems that we do. To grow up and develop character, you need to think, you need to learn to understand people, yourself.

Thus, T. Kryukova in the story “Who Lied Once” raises the problem of mutual understanding between adults and children.

We tried to determine the type of conflict that arose between mother and daughter from the story “Who Lied Once.” The test was taken as a basis: “Assessment of one’s own behavior in a conflict situation.”(Appendix3)

The conflict goes through several stages of development :

“A” – “a tough type of resolving conflicts and disputes” (on the part of Svetlana Pavlovna and Lena, who has had a negative attitude towards her mother for some time);

“D” - “leaving” (mother does not go out to her daughter in the evening to read morals);

“B” – a compromise style is achieved when mother and daughter strive to understand each other.

Thus, we have come to the conclusion that we must strive for compromise in resolving conflicts. Our parents are our friends, allies. This is our support, the rear that a person needs at any age.


Results of the studyand dataobtained during the social survey allow us to draw the following conclusions:

    The statistics on child cruelty are not reassuring. About 8% of crimes in the country - that is, up to 155 thousand crimes a year - are committed by children and adolescents.

    A feature of adolescence is the task of moral maturation, that is, determining one’s own attitude towards oneself and the world, forming a worldview and moral values.

    The most significant were the problems of cruel attitudes towards each other among peers and misunderstanding on the part of parents, which confirms the relevance of our work.

    The problems of teenagers from the point of view of a writer's position coincide with the problems named by modern teenagers.

    Having identifiedthe reasons for the appearance of cruelty in teenagers from the writer’s position and from my peers came to the following conclusions:

There are several reasons why child cruelty occurs:

    disagreements with family;

    fear, humiliated pride, terrible resentment not only for parents - for everyone around them;


    the child's environment;

New knowledge gained

In the course of our work, a number of works written at different times were analyzed. The central image of the considered stories and stories is the image of a teenager.

We found that the view of an adolescent changes depending on the period. In the works of the 70s and 80s, the heroes gradually come to the conclusion that you can become a real person only by having your own interests, views, beliefs and being able to defend them.

In the literature of the 90s - the first decade of the 21st century, teenagers face not only their peers, but life. They no longer have the desire for ideals and adventure. They find themselves in difficult life situations and undergo serious tests. These are confused teenagers.

Processing the questionnaires, thinking about them says: the characters in the books and the guys in real life are so similar, and their problems are so similar.

The working hypothesis put forward was confirmed: the external and internal problems of the heroes of works of modern literature reflect the problems of today's teenagers

1. Organize a competition at school for the most cultured and well-mannered student among students in grades 5–9 according to the criteria: culture of speech, culture of behavior, desire to acquire knowledge, emotional balance in relationships with teachers.

2. Organize a campaign among students to collect anonymous letters “Revelation to my parents.”

3. Organize a campaign among students to collect anonymous letters “I wouldn’t tell anyone about this...”.

Work on the study showed us that there are no hopeless situations and the problems of teenagers at school and at home have their own solutions.

The research materials may have practical value: used as didactic material in elective classes on the subject, as well as as an argument in literature when writing an assignment for block C1.


1.Averin V.A. Psychology of children and adolescents: textbook. manual – 2nd edition, revised. – St. Petersburg: publishing house Mikhailov V.A., 1998. – 379 p.

2. Zheleznikov V.K. Scarecrow. Tale. –M.: Pushkin Library: Astrel: AST, 2005.- 382 p.

3. Kryukova T.Sh. The One Who Lied Once: A Tale and Stories. M.: Aquilegia-M; 2009. –

352 pp.

4. Mikheeva T.V. Don't betray me! (romantic story). – M., 2012. – 192 p.

5. Feldshtein D. I. “Psychological aspects of the study of modern teenagers.” Questions of Psychology, 1985, No. 1. 34-43p.

Internet resources

6. .

7. .

8. Prostakova T.M. "The Crisis of Adolescence."

9. .b /article /2399/ Child cruelty

Annex 1

Sociological survey of 9B grade students

A questionnaire was administered to children in grades 7-9.

One of the survey questions: “What teenage problems can you identify?” The guys identify the following problems among teenagers:

    misunderstanding on the part of teachers – 40%

    misunderstanding on the part of parents – 47%

    cruel treatment of each other among peers – 58%

    aggressiveness towards others – 43%

    inability to defend one’s opinion – 27%.

The most significant problems turned out to be cruel attitudes towards each other among peers and misunderstanding on the part of parents.

Survey participants suggested ways to solve these problems as follows:

    Be responsible;

    conduct team-building activities;

    learn to understand each other;

    conduct class hours together with parents.

Appendix 2

Questions for teenagers.

1.Where would you prefer to spend your free evening? With whom?

2. How do your parents feel about your friends coming home?

3. Is there a person among your relatives, adults, or acquaintances who makes you want to imitate him? If so, who is he in relation to you?

4.Who do you turn to for advice?

5.What character traits attract you in adults, and which ones repel you?

6. Do you consider your parents to be good people? Why?

7. Do you have a need to communicate with adults?

8.Have you ever felt that it was easier for you to discuss something with

friends than with your parents? Why?

9. Do quarrels often occur in the family? What is their reason, in your opinion?

Who is most often to blame? How does it usually end?

10.How much time do you spend with friends?

11. Do you love your parents?

Questions for parents.

Please answer the following questions:

1.How old is your child?

2.Do you think you understand him?

3.What topics do you avoid when talking with children?

4. Do you and your children have at least one activity that you would do as a family?

5.What good and bad character traits of your child can you name?

6. Do quarrels often occur in the family? What is their reason, in your opinion? Who is most often to blame? How does it usually end?

7.How do you feel about your children’s friends coming home? Do you know those who are they friends with? your children?

8. Do you think you are a good parent?

9.Are you ready to change anything in your parenting style? Why?

10. Do you consider your children to be independent?

Appendix 3

The results of a sociological survey of students in grades 7-9 of the MBOU "Gymnasium" in Yugorsk on the topic "What are the causes of child cruelty?"

Students from our school were asked to answer the questionnaire.

A) yes;

B) no;

A) indifferent;

B) I sympathize in my heart, but I don’t show it;

B) I stand up;

A) television;

B) Internet;

B) special programs;

D) films;

Survey questions

7-8 grades

9th grade

1.Have there been any cases in your life when you encountered cruelty?

Yes -90%

No – 10%

Yes -98%

No – 2%

2. How do you feel when you see someone being humiliated or insulted in front of you?

Indifferent - 1%

Sorry -76%

I stand up - 23%

Indifferent – ​​1%

Sorry -50%

I stand up – 49%

3. Where can you most often see videos and films about cruelty to children and teenagers?

Internet -62%

Television – 28%

Movies – 10%

Internet -46%

Television – 40%

Movies – 14%

4. Why do you think children are cruel?

From watching videos -77%

Out of desire to stand out - 20%

From family - 3%

From watching videos – 42%

Out of desire to stand out - 10%

From the family -1%

From friends -1%

Computer addiction-45%

From character -1%.

Appendix 4

Test: “Assessment of one’s own behavior in a conflict situation.”

The test is aimed at resolving conflict situations.

Taken from “50 Classroom Scripts” by E.M. Adzhieva

“How do you usually behave in a conflict situation or dispute?”

If this or that behavior is typical for you, put the appropriate number of points after each answer number that characterizes a certain style of behavior. If you behave this way often, give 3 points; occasionally – 2 points, rarely – 1 point.


1. I threaten or fight.

2. I try to accept the enemy’s point of view.

3. I am looking for compromises.

4. I admit that I am wrong, even if I cannot completely believe it.

5. Avoiding the enemy.

6. I wish to achieve my goals at all costs.

7. I’m trying to figure out what I agree with and what I absolutely don’t agree with.

8. Changing the subject.

9. I persistently repeat one thought until I achieve my goal.

10. I will give in a little and thereby push the other side to make concessions.

11. I offer peace.

12. I'm trying to turn everything into a joke.

Processing test results:

Type “A” - the sum of points numbered 1, 6, 11.

Type “B” - the sum of points numbered 2, 7.

Type “B” - the sum of points numbered 3, 8.

Type “G” - the sum of points numbered 4, 9.

Type “D” - the sum of points numbered 5, 10, 12.

“A” is the “Hard” type of resolving conflicts and disputes. You stand your ground until the last moment, defending your position. You strive to win at all costs. This is the type of person who is always right.

"B" is a "democratic" style. You are of the opinion that it is always possible to reach an agreement. During a dispute, you try to offer an alternative, looking for solutions that would satisfy both sides.

“B” is a “compromise” style. From the very beginning you agree to compromise.

"G" - "soft" style. You “destroy” your opponent with kindness. You readily accept the enemy's point of view, abandoning your own.

“D” is the “outgoing” style. Your credo is “leave on time.” You try not to aggravate the situation, not to bring the conflict to an open clash.

Municipal educational institution

“Secondary school named after. A.N. Arapova"

Scientific and practical conference “Verkh-Neivin Readings – 2015”

Project work
“Youth and literature: yesterday and today”


11th grade students


Bril Galina Alekseevna,

teacher of Russian language and literature,

Verkh-Neivinsky urban district



Introduction p. 3

Content part p. 5

    With. 5

    Research on the reading interest of high school students p.7

    Study of the reading interest of student parents

11th grade p.8

    Conducting individual projects “The role of books in life”

modern young man" and presentation of design

works for classmates p.8

Conclusion p. 10



In a dynamically developing Russian society, with the advent of a fairly developed communication system, the Internet, and the media, the role of books in the cultural life of young people is losing significance. A significant part of the leisure time of young people is filled with electronic media - television, video, the Internet, games, through which today the inner world of a young person, his artistic preferences, value orientations, and cultural attitudes are formed.

The modern generation reads little. Teenagers and young people are influenced by television and the Internet; they have neither the time nor the desire to read fiction. But it is literature that has a huge educational influence on the soul of the younger generation, as well as on their speech.

Enough research has already been conducted to answer the question of why young people stopped reading books, what became the source of their social and cultural education, and so on. Therefore, we are interested in studying the specific literary preferences of young people, that is, the answer to the question “If young people read, then what?”, especially since 11th grade graduates will have to take the Unified State Exam in the Russian language and write a final essay on literature, where it is necessary to demonstrate the ability build a reasoned written statement based on read literary texts.

Purpose of the study - attracting the younger generation to read fiction.


1) study the reading range of 11th grade students and their parents and identify the literary preferences of young people of different generations;

2) find out the role of literature in the formation of a person’s moral qualities;

3) present presentations of books on moral and ethical issues.

Intended Product : presentation of project work of 11th grade students on works of fiction based on essay-reasoning on problems of moral and ethical orientation.

Object of study - about11th grade students of MAOU "Secondary School named after. A.N. Arapova.”

Subject of study – level of students’ reading activity.

During the work, the following research methods were used:

Analysis and synthesis of information on the topic;

Analysis of works of fiction;

Questioning, interviewing;

Processing the results of the project.

Practical significance: the materials of this project will help you realize that active and productive reading of fiction is an important part of the life of a civilized person,forming his moral and moral qualities,developing imaginative thinking and creative capabilities in any field of activity. Also, the materials of this project can be used in preparation for an essay-argument on a literary work, in the work of a school library.

Project progress:

    Conducting a survey among 11th grade students and processing its data;

    conducting an interview with parents of 11th grade students and processing its data;

3) conducting individual projects “The role of books in the life of a modern young man”: working with literary sources (works of art), the Internet, writing essays, collecting and processing information, presenting project work to classmates;

4) registration of the results of the class project;

5) presentation of the results of the class project at the Verkh-Neivin Readings conference.

Academic subject : literature

Age of participants : 16-18 years

Duration : one month

Content part

    Analysis and synthesis of information on the topic

The modern period of development of society is characterized by the strong influence of computer technology on it. We live in an era of rapid development of the media, young people actively use the computer and the World Wide Web.

The information system is of great importance inXXIcentury for the younger generation. The general level of awareness is increasing, and therefore new opportunities are emerging. New forms of communication possible on the Internet are increasingly being adopted by young people. The computer is becoming a significant factor in the life of the younger generation. It shapes his worldview. The emerging “computer man” simulates a game situation over and over again, easily destroys and recreates the virtual world, and at the same time begins to transfer its principles to reality. A student who wants to learn something new about a subject will read and watch useful video materials. This is a positive feature of the Internet - obtaining information in an accessible form. The second plus is that the Internet is a source of limitless communication with a limitless circle of people with similar interests.

However, in recent years, the new generation has stopped reading fiction. “Can a computer replace a book?”, “Can a work of fiction provide answers to the questions that concern modern youth?”, “Can the hero of a book become a role model?” - such questions concern both schoolchildren themselves and society as a whole.

It is no coincidence that in 2006, the national Program for the development and support of a reading culture was adopted as the main document of state policy in this area until 2020. The program states that the current situation is characterized as a systemic crisis of reading culture. The country has reached a reading crisis. Today in Russian society one of the main tasks is to attract the younger generation to reading. The purpose of developing the National Program is to increase the intellectual potential of the nation. Russia needs to preserve culture, all the literary and artistic wealth accumulated over centuries.

Modern children are not even interested in the works of the school curriculum. It is easier for a modern young person to use Internet sources than to turn to the book itself. This is due to technological progress and easy accessibility of information. The student does not want to waste time reading, because there is a computer at hand that will find the necessary information in a minute. Thus, the teenager deprives himself of not only pleasant leisure time with a book, but also the development of non-standard thinking.

If you imagine the modern world without books and literature, you paint very bleak pictures. One of them presented in his work “451 0 Fahrenheit" Ray Bradbury. In his utopian world of the future there are no social problems, because all of them were solved by destroying books, because literature makes you think, which means analyze, understand, and draw conclusions.

The most important purpose of the book is to preserve the knowledge accumulated over centuries and pass it on to future generations. Thanks to this, the rapid progress of mankind in recent centuries in the field of science has become possible. Most scientific discoveries are made on the basis of previously accumulated and systematized information, the results of experiments from all over the world. The knowledge we gain from books allows us to move forward without wasting time discovering what someone else already knows. We owe it to the book that today we can enjoy the masterpieces of classical literature.

Communication with a book helps a person develop and improve. Indeed, in order to understand the meaning that the author seeks to convey to the reader, one must read thoughtfully, carefully, use one’s own experience, and be able to analyze information. If the reader succeeds, then a whole world of interesting events, deep emotional experiences, and intellectual discoveries opens up before him.

At all times, the book was treated as a shrine. Once upon a time, even before the invention of printing technology, books were copied by hand, and their covers were decorated with gilding and precious stones. The Bible is rightfully considered a book of books - an ancient and eternal treasury of human wisdom for all occasions, which has come down to us through the difficult history of two millennia. The principles of life outlined in it are still relevant today.

The book, written many centuries ago, helps us understand the worldview and thinking of our distant ancestors, thereby revealing the secrets of human essence. Thanks to books, we can trace the evolution of a person’s worldview, social structure, and ethical standards. Books store the entire known history of our existence on Earth.

    Study of reading interest of high school students

Using the brainstorming technique, wequestions for the survey were compiled11th grade students“Study of the reading interest of high school students of the MAOU “Secondary School named after. A.N. Arapova"(Annex 1).During the work, 9 11th grade students were interviewed.

A comprehensive analysis of the questionnaires showed that

Only 56% of eleventh-graders surveyed like to read;

Among the preferred literary genres, respondents prefer science fiction, fantasy - 56%, romance novel - 11%, classical literature - 11%, read only compulsory works of literature according to the school curriculum - 22%;

Classmates note the reasons why young peopledon't read books, these are:

    Prolonged stay on the Internet, social networks;

    watching TV series and films is more interesting than reading books;

    an active lifestyle (sports, volunteerism, etc.) takes a lot of time, there is not enough time for reading;


    lack of understanding of the importance of reading fiction.

    Reading develops your horizons and increases your intellectual abilities, makes you think and analyze;


    Time flies quickly with a book;

    the inner world is enriched, reading evokes positive emotions;

Respondents suggest the following as activities to encourage schoolchildren to read:

    holding literary evenings (living rooms);

    instilling a love of reading from early childhood in the family

Thus, based on the results of the survey, it was found that 11th gradersThey devote insufficient time to reading fiction, giving preference to those works that are currently being studied as part of the school curriculum. The most preferred genre is science fiction and fantasy; only a few of the respondents choose serious literature.

    Research on the reading interest of parents of 11th grade students

To find out the literary preferences of parents (during their schooling),“Research on the reading interest of parents of 11th grade students of MAOU “Secondary School named after. A.N. Arapova" (Appendix 3). Thirteen parents were interviewed.

During interviews with parents, the following was revealed:(Appendix 4):

Preferred literary genres of fiction: works about nature, historical novel, military novel, classic works of Russian writers, fantasy;

To attract schoolchildren to reading, the following measures are proposed: limit access to the Internet, hold joint events to discuss books read in the family, recitation, literary evenings.

Thus, it was found that parents (high school students aged 70-90XXcenturies) read actively, their literary preferences were varied and individual.

    Conducting individual projects “The role of books in the life of a young person” and presenting project work to classmates

Fiction plays a significant role in the formation of the moral qualities of an individual.Vladimir Vysotsky has wonderful poems:... If you cut a path with your father's sword,You've wrapped salty tears around your mustache,If in a hot battle you experienced what it costs,This means you read the right books as a child...

How accurately and emotionally the great bard defined the role of books in the formation of young people!

During the elective course in literature, each student worked on an individual project on the topic proposed by the teacher: “The role of books in the life of a modern young man”: working with literary sources (works of fiction), the Internet, collecting and processing information. Project works were presented to classmates (Appendix 4).


In the modern world, unfortunately, many teenagers gradually forget about books, because they are convinced that they can easily be replaced by television and the Internet.

It is difficult for any educated and cultured person to imagine the world around him without a book.It is on the pages of the book that you can find answers to many questions that constantly concern people. It is on the pages of books that various ways to solve life's problems are provided; there is a lot of practical advice and recommendations. How to experience true love and friendship, how to choose the right path, where and how to find the meaning of life? Howunderstand yourself and those around you?These and many other questions can be answered on the pages of books.

Are you in doubt? Does this seem impossible to you? This means that you really are not a fan of reading, but it would be worth giving it a try. Take time and pick up an entertaining book. You won't regret your time for a minute!

List of information resources

    Bradbury R. 451 o Fahrenheit: M., publishing house "Eksmo", 2007

    Bulgakov M. Master and Margarita: M., AST, 2002

    Lermontov M. Hero of our time: M., "Eksmo", 2006

    National program for the support and development of reading in the Russian Federation, 2006

    Sapkovsky A. Witcher: M., AST, 1986

    Tolstoy L. War and Peace: M., AST, 2009

    Hemingway E. The Old Man and the Sea:M., , 2010

    Sholokhov M. The Fate of a Man: M.: DOSAAF, 1976

Annex 1

Questions for the survey “Research on the reading interest of high school students of MAOU “Secondary School named after. A.N. Arapova"

Dear classmates!

Survey Questions

    What genres of literature do you prefer to read?

    What books of this genre are you interested in?

    Why don't young people read books?

    What activities are needed to encourage reading?

Appendix 2

« Summary results of the analysis of the survey “Research of the reading interest of high school students of the MAOU “Secondary School named after. A.N. Arapova.”

Diagram 1

Diagram 2

Question 2: What literary genres do you like?

Question 3: What books of this genre are you interested in?





A. Sapkowski “The Witcher”,

Br. Strugatsky "Roadside Picnic"

D. Glukhovsky “Metro 2033”,

R. Bradbury "451 O Fahrenheit" and others.

classic literature

I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”,

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”,

M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" and others.

Question 4: Why don't young people read books?

    prolonged use of the Internet, social networks;

    watching TV series and movies is more interesting than reading books

    active lifestyle (sports activities, volunteerism, etc.), lack of time for reading;


    misunderstanding of why you need to read books.

    horizons expand, intelligence, memory, thinking develop;

    reading develops your horizons and increases your intellectual abilities, makes you think and analyze;

    uhit’s interesting, you can learn a lot of new things;

    every cultured person should know classical literature;

    Time flies quickly with a book;

    the inner world is enriched and evokes positive emotions;

    Fiction improves writing, correct speech;

    poetry develops eloquence;

    literature shows life's mistakes using the example of literary heroes.

Question 6: Activities to encourage reading

    Literary evenings (lounges)

    Instill a love of reading in the family from early childhood

Appendix 3

Interview Questions “Research on the reading interest of parents of 11th grade students of MAOU “Secondary School named after. A.N. Arapova.”

Dear parents!

As part of the literature project “Youth and Literature”, we are offering you questions, the answers to which will be useful in the further writing of your work.

Interview Questions

    Your years of schooling?

    What genres of literature did you like to read during your school years?

    What work of art from the school curriculum do you remember and why?

Appendix 4

Diagram 1

Diagram 2

Question 3

The following literary genres of artistic works were preferred:

Question 4

What work of art from the school curriculum do you remember and why?

“The touching love story of the heroes will not leave anyone indifferent. I myself experienced a similar situation in my life.”

“The adventures of an officer of the Russian General Staff, who became a professional intelligence officer and a witness to the political and diplomatic intrigues that led to the First World War, were interesting.For the main character, honor, duty and service to the Fatherland are above all.”

“A novel about the events of the peasant uprising led by Stepan Razin. Fascinating reading."

“The novel describes the fate of the English physicist Griffin, who invented a machine that makes a person invisible.Probably almost everyone has thought or dreamed about becoming invisible. The author in his novel showed that being invisible is not so simple, and that this seemingly funny property can lead to tragic consequences.”

“Wonderful book. You can find answers to many questions. We admired Natasha Rostova, the nobility of Andrei Bolkonsky, and the humanity of Pierre Bezukhov.”

Question 5

What advice would you give to today's schoolchildren to encourage them to read?

Restrict Internet access,

Conduct joint events to discuss books read in the family, recitation, literary evenings.

Appendix 5

Individual projects “The role of books in the life of a young man”

Adyev Eduard

The main problems that concern modern young people are the problem of choosing a life path and loneliness. In my opinion, the works are relevant for young peopleXXIcenturies: “Dubrovsky”, “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin; “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboyedov; “Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov; “The Old Man and the Sea” by E. Hemingway; “All Quiet on the Western Front” by E. Remarque.

The ideal for me and my contemporaries would be the main character of E. Hemingway’s story “The Old Man and the Sea.”This book is not only about the old Cuban fisherman Santiago, whom the writer simply calls an old man, and not even about the old man’s fight with a big fish, which he eventually defeated, but was unable to save. This is a book about “a man who does not give up,” about his persistent pursuit of a goal, about the interconnection of everything in the world, about the triumph of life.

The main character, old man Santiago, for the modern generation can become an example of inflexible strength of character, because the fisherman went to sea for 84 days and did not catch anything, but he did not despair and went to sea on the 85th day to catch perhaps the most important fish In my life. When the fish bit, the hero was afraid to miss it and therefore fished for three days. And finally, having caught it, he tries with his last strength to protect it from the sharks, but he fails: only the skeleton remains of the fish.

Old man Santiago is an experienced fisherman who works all his life, struggling with hardships and dangers. His whole life is connected with the sea. The sea feeds the fishermen. But it doesn’t want to give anything away voluntarily. People are in an eternal struggle with the elements, it was this struggle that made Santiago a strong and strong-willed person. Only to such people does nature cede part of its wealth if a person learns to understand the language of nature, to feel its deep and complex life.

The story “The Old Man and the Sea” not only evokes pride in a man who cannot be defeated. It makes you think about the principles of its existence, about its attitude towards life and nature.

How I would like to learn from the hero of Hemingway’s story to maintain agreement with myself in any situation and endless faith in victory!

Loginov Ivan

Modern young people are concerned with questions: how to become happy? How to remain sincere in our World? What is duty and devotion? What interests me most is how to become happy?

For young peopleXXIcentury, the epic novel by L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” is relevant, in which, using the example of the destinies of A. Bolkonsky and P. Bezukhov, the author shows how love,relationship with Natasha Rostova makes these characters happy.

My ideal would be Andrei Bolkonsky, the hero of Leo Tolstoy’s epic novel. I am close in spirit to his way of looking at the world. To see in people and things the most important thing that is necessary for an objective description of an object or a person. This character also attracts me because he is a patriot, take for example the situation from the first volume of this wonderful novel, when the defeated General Mack returned to headquarters. Andrei was very angry because he understood that the enemy was already close, but could not do anything about it.

Loginov Ivan

Sometimes we sit idle,

Trying to mentally understand

What does our body want?

And how to relieve the sadness in your soul.

And then I see the one who can

Without saying a word, hug.

And in difficult times she will help,

And it's easy for her to understand you.

You think I'm talking about women

Started his conversation again?

Well, I'll disappoint you.

Today we won’t talk about them

The conversation is one that hits the soul.

I meant our book.

But ours, in the sense, is about people,

And not about all kinds of animals,

They run and climb walls,

They yell and talk a lot

Yes, so I don’t understand at all,

What were we talking about at the beginning?

When the conversation turns

In a stream of mutual insults,

And the difference in social opinions.

Sorry, I got distracted.

What did I tell you about?

Oh yes,

About how a book can become

An advisor and even a friend...

Or a girlfriend. It's not the same for everybody.

There's a lot to learn in it

It's not hard at all if you want

There is a lot in this world you understand.

Those who will help you with this

Who are the novels written about?

Be it Onegin or Stolz,

Oblomov or the same Lensky,

That he was in love like a child.

Or let's say your hero-

This is some Ashik,

That everyone called it Kerib.

Il Danko with a dear heart.

Or the one whose name is famous,

But say it out loud

Not everyone can among us.

After all, he is dangerous:


The late Berlioz,

I dared to argue with him,

About whether there is a God in the World,

Unfortunately, he completely forgot

That we are just God's children.

It's not for us to compete with this evil one,

But moderately attractive,

And also seductive

A little curious

And passionately intoxicating

In relation to others,

But still infinitely evil,

With him, the Devil of the night.

Here you go…

I got distracted again...

Looks like it's time to call it a day,

Otherwise, even in three days

You can't get to the end of the poem.

I'll finish briefly:

I want,

So that people don't waste time,

Developed your carefree mind,

And they didn’t forget about me.

Kitaev Ivan

Literature about the war is the people's memory of the terrible and tragic years. Books about the war remind us of the high cost of victory and in what difficult conditions at the front the character of people was tested and strengthened.

M. Sholokhov's story “The Fate of Man” occupies a special place in Russian literature of the twentieth century. The fate of Andrei Sokolov reflected the fate of those who bore on their shoulders all the hardships of the war, experienced incredible suffering and preserved the humanity within them.The trials did not break Sokolov. The optimism of the hero of the story leaves a deep imprint on the reader’s soul for life and serves as a moral example. The feat of man is shown by the writer in conditions of fascist captivity, behind the barbed wire of a concentration camp. In these inhuman conditions, the courage of the Russian man is revealed, which surprised even the fascists. The hero cannot defeat his enemies physically, but defeats them morally, fortitude and perseverance.

The main character traits of Andrei Sokolov are revealed in his actions. His character reflected the best features of a person - not ostentatious, but deep patriotism, humanism, unyielding will to achieve his goal, love of freedom.Sholokhov portrays Sokolov as a noble and humane man. Sokolov’s humanity was also evident in the adoption of the orphan Vanyusha.He gives all the warmth of his soul to the child, from whom the war also took everything. Without hesitation, he calls himself Vanyushka’s father, who returned from the front.

The fate of Andrei Sokolov reflected not only the terrible evil of war, but also faith in the goodness that exists in man, hope for a better future. The hero of Sholokhov’s story is certainly an example to follow for a modern young man.

Byzov Ivan

Modern young people are concerned about relationships with friends, questions about the future and the problem of finding a place for themselves in society.

Books by modern science fiction authors are relevant for young people, since science fiction in any of its manifestations gives teenagers the opportunity to escape into their fictional world, forgetting about the real one. This raises the problem of young people’s reluctance to perceive reality as it is.

The ideal for me and my contemporaries could be a literary hero from Andrzej Sapkowski’s “The Witcher” series of books. The world of A. Sapkowski is a cruel Middle Ages, where money and magic rule. The main character of the series is Geralt of Rivia, a witcher who hunts monsters that pose a threat to human life. As a child, like other witchers, with the help of mutations, he was given high fighting qualities: great strength, instant reaction. In the character of the hero one can see restraint and self-control in all situations.

Geralt has a difficult character. He is straightforward, rude, harsh, and has a very unique sense of humor. He won’t fawn over anyone, nor will he throw himself at someone’s feet. Reserved and taciturn, like all witchers. Tries to adhere to neutrality and the principle of the lesser evil. No amount of treasure can lure him. Enjoys the attention of women. When he feels that he is being provoked, he first tries to settle everything peacefully. But when he is brought to the boiling point, he cannot restrain himself and grabs his weapon.

What qualities should you adopt from a hero? This is calmness and restraint in any situation, self-esteem, prudence, incorruptibility, and the desire to resolve the conflict peacefully.

Since childhood, we are taught to obey adults and do as they say. When we reach adulthood, we ourselves choose our future path in life. Geralt decides his own destiny and does not obey anyone, and it seems to me that reading the book could contribute to the formation of independence in young people.

Gvozdeva Elizaveta

Modern young people are concerned about many problems: material values, love, family, self-development. However, not everyone sets their priorities correctly. You need to learn a lot, see a lot to do it right.

Roman M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time" will help them with this.Pechorin Grigory Alexandrovich is the main character of the novel. It is he who the author calls “the hero of our time.” The author himself notes the following: “The Hero of Our Time... is exactly a portrait, but not of one person: it is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development.” This character cannot be called positive or negative. He is rather a typical representative of his time.

Pechorin himself says about himself: “I was ready to love the whole world, but no one understood me: and I learned to hate.” This is the reason for the duality of his soul. Two people live in him at once: one lives by feelings, and the other judges him. This inconsistency does not allow Pechorin to live a full life. With a bitter feeling, he evaluates himself as a “moral cripple” whose better half of his soul has “dried up, evaporated, died.”

In order to better understand Pechorin, Lermontov shows him in different settings, and different conditions, in clashes with different people.Pechorin was an egoist. He couldn't care less about anyone else. Both in friendship and in love. In hunting, war, in the love of the savage Bela, Pechorin longs to find the lost taste for life. Although Pechorin was very passionate about Bela, for him she was just a cure for boredom, which he discarded without hesitation as soon as it stopped working.

In the chapter “Princess Mary” he achieves the love of a young girl, while making Grushnitsky unhappy. Pechorin absolutely does not need this love, he is attracted by the game itself, the adventure itself, the achievement of the goal - so that the soul of the innocent and inexperienced Mary opens up to him. Pechorin wears masks, changing them with ease, without showing his essence to anyone. When Mary falls in love to such an extent that she is ready to connect her life with him, the hero leaves the stage - the goal has been achieved.

Vera is the only woman whom Pechorin loves years later and cannot imagine being left without her. After a long separation from Vera, the hero, as before, heard the trembling of his heart: the sounds of her sweet voice revived the old feeling. Great and pure love lives in her heart. However, despite their mutual feelings, the relationship between these people did not work out.

Lermontov in the preface to the novel called Pechorin sick. He did not mean literal physical weakness, but the soul of the hero. The hero finds no use for his extraordinary abilities; no one needs the strength of his spirit. He doesn’t know what he could do that was actually heroic, valuable, and useful. As a result, his strong, rebellious, restless nature brings people nothing but misfortune.Wherever the hero appears, he brings people only grief: smugglers leave their home, Grushnitsky is killed, Princess Mary is inflicted a deep spiritual wound, Vera does not know happiness, Bela dies, Maxim Maksimych is disappointed in friendship. “My love did not bring happiness to anyone, because I did not sacrifice anything for those I loved...”

Using the example of Pechorin, Lermontov shows us what mistakes the young people of his time made. The author draws attention to the fact that Pechorin himself is to blame for everything.

Now let’s return to our days, to the problems of youth.In the novel, Pechorin seemed to “hold a mirror to his entire generation.” I think it would be nice for us to look in this mirror.If any problems arise, then you need to look for them in yourself. You need to analyze your actions. Why did you do this? For what? This must be done in order to minimize moral lapses in the future. If every person, after reading Lermontov’s novel, identifies for himself those qualities that need to be changed in himself, then our world will become more humane, kinder, more beautiful.

Khasanov Ruslan

For me, a modern personXXIcentury, Ray Bradbury's novel “451” is relevant O ByFahrenheit." The title of the work is the temperature at which the paper burns. The book tells about the burning of books, about a man who acted blasphemously with books, but suffered mental changes and became a book lover. But the main idea of ​​the work is a picture of the degradation of society, condemnation of dissent, lack of moral freedom, the right to one’s opinion. The problems described in the work are still relevant today. Yes, nowadays they don’t burn books. But people forget about them, people go into another world, listening to music on headphones, driving a car and the worst thing - THINKING ABOUT NOTHING. They live without thinking about spirituality, about the world around them, they live one day at a time.

R. Bradbury's heroes are loners, rushing into a hopeless battle, striving not so much to win as to assert their human dignity.The profession of the main character of the novel, Guy Montag, is a fireman, but a fireman armed not with a water cannon, but with a flamethrower with kerosene. It does not extinguish, but rather ignites fires. What is designed to save people, help them, make life happier, suddenly turns against them, begins to put pressure, oppress, threaten, and finally kill. There is nothing human left in a gang of cackling teenagers in cars who, seeing a lone passerby, immediately decide: “We’ll knock him over!” They're having fun. Just as their “teachers” who burned books taught them...“If they give you lined paper, write across it” is the epigraph to the novel. Written across is young Clarissa, who stirred up Montag’s soul, a girl who is interested not in how something is done, but in what and why.He keeps books in his house that he took from the house doomed to be burned. He admits this to his wife and offers to read and discuss them together, but finds no response (his wife is a fan of television series).And when Montag flees the city, he is met by tramps around the fires - intellectuals, writers, teachers. Each of them learned by heart some great creation of the past. They believe that the time will come when all the treasures of human thought will be reborn again, preserved by this living library.

The novel "Fahrenheit 451" is a manifestation of the author's optimism, his belief in the ultimate triumph of reason, in the fact that all book creations created by man will be passed on - from generation to generation, and so on endlessly.

Rasputina Maria

In my opinion, the problems that concern the modern generation are as follows: problems of mercy, good and evil, responsibility, compassion. M.A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” will help young peopleXXIcentury to think about these problems and find ways to solve them.

What is good and what is evil? How to fight evil? How to take the path of goodness and not stray from it? - M.A. Bulgakov poses these questions in his novel “The Master and Margarita”. The author describes the events of the 20sXXcenturies and biblical times.

In distant Yershalaim, in the palace of the procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate, Yeshua is accused of inciting the destruction of the Yershalaim temple. Pontius Pilate lives by his own laws: he knows that the world is divided into those who rule and those who obey them. And suddenly a person appears who thinks differently: “...the temple of the old faith will collapse and a new temple of truth will be created.” This man is not afraid to object to the procurator and does it so simply that Pontius Pilate is confused for some time. The procurator is immediately convinced of Yeshua’s innocence. But, despite this, he shows cowardice: out of fear of denunciation, fear of ruining his own career, Pilate goes against his convictions, the voice of humanity and conscience. Yeshua is executed. Pontius Pilate is haunted by nightmares, and his power turns out to be imaginary. He is a coward, a faithful servant of Caesar. The procurator's conscience torments him, and he will never have peace.

Enmity, distrust of dissident people, envy reign in the world where Yeshua lives, and in the world that surrounds the Master. Woland exposes all these vices. This is an artistically reimagined image of Satan. The goal of Satan and his assistants, who appeared in Moscow, is to expose the essence of negative phenomena in human society and expose them to public display. Woland's tricks in Variety and his other tricks once again show the reader the depravity of human nature. Woland accurately defines “who is who”: Styopa Likhodeev, a famous person in the cultural world of Moscow, is a slacker, a libertine and a drunkard; Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy - bribe-taker; Fokin, bartender at Variety, is a thief; Baron Meigel, who works in one of the offices, is an informer, and the poet A. Ryukhin, “carefully masquerading as a proletarian,” is an inveterate hypocrite.

Bulgakov’s problem of good and evil is the problem of people’s choice of the principle of life, and the purpose of the evil that Woland and his retinue carry in the novel is to reward everyone in accordance with this choice. Through the fate of Margarita, he presents to us the path of goodness to self-discovery through the purity of the heart with a huge, sincere love burning in it, in which lies its strength. The writer's Margarita is an ideal.

The master is also a bearer of good, because he was above the prejudices of society and lived guided by his soul. Therefore, the author gives him the peace that the hero dreamed of. On earth, the Master still has a student and an immortal romance, destined to continue the struggle between good and evil.

The time interval of two millennia only emphasizes that the problems of good and evil are eternal and enduring. They are relevant for people of any era.

“Problems of youth in modern Russian literature” (based on the work of T.V. Mikheeva “Don’t betray me!”)


In the adult world, it is generally accepted that childhood should be happy. However, in life we ​​have to observe episodes that are very far from well-being and happiness. I seriously thought about the problem of my peers when I read T. Mikheeva’s youth story “Don’t betray me!” Of course, in modern society this topic regarding the problems of adolescents is not new. Now it seems to me especially relevant. It is raised on television, on the radio, and in newspaper publications. The interest of writers in the “teenage” topic is due, first of all, to the opening opportunity to explore the initial, complex and dramatic process of the formation of a person, his worldview, and the ethical foundations of personality. The image of a teenager in literature is shown in dynamics: the moral and ethical content and the way of characterizing the hero change.

An object – youth story by T. Mikheeva “Don’t betray me!”

Item – problems of the heroes of T. Mikheeva’s work “Don’t betray me!” and teenagers in our group.

Relevance of this work lies in the significance of teenage problems. Young people are often prone to inadequate self-esteem: to overestimate or underestimate it. Both interfere with the normal formation of personality and the development of correct life ideas. Literature that truthfully depicts the life of young people with all its difficulties meets the need of adolescents to read “about themselves”, to look at themselves from the outside.

The purpose of this work : to identify the range of problems of adolescents reflected in modern literature (using the example of T. Mikheeva’s work “Don’t betray me!”) and in life.

Achieving this goal involves solving a number of specific tasks:Tasks:

    study the characters of the story’s heroes, the motives of their actions;

    identify complex situations in the world of the characters in the story and the reasons for their occurrence;

    conduct a survey in group 5PNG52 to identify the range of problems of adolescents;

    analyze profiles of group students;

    summarize the problems in the lives of teenagers and draw conclusions.

Research hypothesis : I assume that the external and internal problems of modern teenagers, illuminated in the work of writer T.V. Mikheeva, truthfully reflect the experiences of growing children, which explains the popularity of the story “Don’t Betray Me!” among readers. Scientific novelty The work is due to the fact that the phenomenon under study has not previously been the subject of special study by literary critics, since the work of Tamara Mikheeva, a modern writer, has been little studied; in critical literature it is reviewed only briefly. Practical significance The work is determined by the possibility of using its results in the study of modern Russian literature. The research materials can have practical value in teaching literature and can be used as didactic material in lessons and extracurricular activities.

Research methods : analysis of specialized literature on the topic of work, descriptive method, comparison and contrast method, questionnaire.

    Review of the problems of modern adolescents from the point of view of psychology

Let us begin our review of the problems of modern adolescents from the point of view of psychology with the characteristics of adolescence in general. This period is complex and contradictory. Difficulties and questions arise for both adults and adolescents themselves. It would be easier to get through this time if the parents remembered themselves at this age, as well as the problems that they had to solve. “The most important function of parents in adolescence is to help the child solve complex life problems, inform, explain, and assist in the formation of an assessment of various aspects of life.”

It is quite obvious that warm, trusting relationships in the family are a guarantee of a normal life, healthy from a psychological point of view. The gap between the aspirations of a teenager, expressed in awareness of his capabilities, and the position of a schoolchild, dependent on the will of adults, causes a desire to break out into an independent life, which is, in particular, reflected in plans for the future. In the dreams of modern teenagers, compared to the dreams of young people of the 50-60s of the 20th century, “the share of romance has significantly decreased and the pragmatic aspect has increased” (4, p. 114).Recently, psychologists have been concerned about the “significant deepening of the crisis of self-esteem in adolescent children. Even compared to the 70s of the 20th century, there are 25-27% more teenagers who have a prevailing negative self-esteem.” Modern teenagers have a clearly expressed “need for friendship with a person of the opposite sex, which, in essence, expresses the need for love. The relationship between friendship and love is a problem for young people” (4, p. 272). Tamara Mikheeva confirms these theses: “When growing up, children often experience a fear of loneliness. They have already moved away from their mother, they are afraid of being misunderstood with their friends, so they try to be like everyone else, to join the “herd”. And the personality inside requires a way out. Hence the conflicts. In public, the teenager tries his best to look “cool” and “successful.” And alone with himself he realizes that he is not so “cool” at all. A young man can be scared and lonely, but it seems that such problems are unique to him. At this moment, you need a person who can listen and understand. My heroes are living people, with their fears, problems and conflicts. Teenagers see themselves in them. In addition, I help readers look into someone else's soul. To believe that each of them is an individual is, perhaps, the main thing that modern teenagers need.”

    Analysis of T. Mikheeva’s work “Don’t betray me!”

Tamara Mikheeva’s story “Don’t betray me!” Just by its name it attracts. And the first chapter leaves no chance to stop reading. From the first lines, the author forces you to open the doors to the world of true memories.The teenage world is cruel, and a few words, gestures, and glances from adults are always added to the cruelty of this world. Sometimes carelessly thrown, they significantly influence the course or even the outcome of an entire intrigue. And there is plenty of intrigue in the teenage world!School is often not a “abode of knowledge.” Rather, it is a battlefield, a battlefield where there are always winners and losers, strong and weak, lucky and unlucky, “stars” and “outsiders.” Mathematical problems in this field are solved as if “by the way,” during short breaks in the fierce battles for recognition, and sometimes even for existence. Here “A”-shki against “B”-eshki, class to class. And in the class, in addition to the leaders and their subordinates, there are always outcasts. No one can explain why everything happens this way. It just happens. Because this is a school...Yulka Ozarenok, a student of 8 “B”, according to the test results, is among the “outsiders” of the class.It hurts to realize that you are an outsider - a person who is not valued, not respected, who is not needed... Quite by accident, eighth-grader Yulia overheard a conversation between her class teacher and a psychologist: according to test results, Yulia was an outsider in her class.

On the battlefield there is always room for a knife pointed at the back. So Yulka is betrayed by her best friend Anyuta - she writes the name of someone else, not Yulka, on the test.Is this betrayal? Anyuta, unlike anyone else, is smart, open, honest. Only she knew Yulina’s secret. However, being an extraordinary and courageous person, Yulia does not take the path of conformity with her peers, but continues to defend her individuality, even in an unequal struggle...

She is also betrayed by her own father, who has his own family and two children. She is also betrayed by her lover, who allows her classmates to mock her. But what caused these betrayals? A mistake? Rules of life? Fear? Is it possible to heal wounds and forgive?Tamara Mikheeva describes the school exactly as it is, without embellishment or misconceptions. With all the problems that a teenager is surrounded by while studying. With those problems that seem “insignificant” to us, adults... The naked truth. The truth from the inside.Here is the imperfection of psychological tests, based on the results of which the work of the class teacher is “simple but effective”. Here is the eternal metamorphosis - when a teacher turns from a personality into a simple “crust”, not only by nickname, but also by his actions. When you dye your hair and dress brightly, even if you are at least three times a good person, you are guaranteed to be disliked by most teachers. And the story “Don’t Betray Me” so accurately describes what the label “not like everyone else” entails.Is it possible not to fall under the influence and not become an instrument of someone’s intrigues? How to learn to understand those who are recognized by everyone as “outcasts” for poor academic performance? And what kind of academic performance can we really talk about when your father has died and you are forced to work part-time after school?! What to do when the most secret, the most personal thing - your diary - is read by the whole class?Fortunately, no one canceled love on the battlefield. This feeling most likely leaves only good memories of school. And when this feeling is mutual...Love in Tamara Mikheeva's story is revealed from all sides. If a classmate constantly mocks and teases, then he is simply trying to express his sympathy. If a girl tries to talk to you as little as possible, it means she is secretly in love. And most often, everyone knows this “secret” except the “object” of love itself. How many secrets, their own and those entrusted by adults, can a teenager’s heart hide? And what does such a “sacrament” threaten him with?Tamara Mikheeva does not strive to teach. And this is what makes the story especially captivating.For some of the heroes, love is a trophy, another “tick” in the list of victories. But the one who will win this trophy is the one who makes it a reality of his existence. After all, love does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. In love, it is important, bypassing all intrigues and obstacles, to believe, trust and forgive...

The teenage heroes are at a crossroads: on the one hand, they are enthusiastically involved in the life of the community, and on the other hand, they are seized by a passion for loneliness. They oscillate between blind obedience to their chosen leader and defiant rebellion against any and all authority.

Thus, in the literature of the 21st century, the problem of moral development of the individual has several aspects. The most important of them is the teenager gaining independence and his place in life. Adolescence is characterized by experts as transitional, complex, difficult, critical and is of utmost importance in the development of a person’s personality: the scope of activity expands, character changes qualitatively, the foundations of conscious behavior are laid, and moral ideas are formed.

Having analyzed the work of art by T. Mikheeva, correlating it with psychological and pedagogical literature on adolescence, we can draw the following conclusions:

    The idea of ​​the victory of good over evil is the main idea of ​​works of modern prose about teenagers; this idea is affirmed through the depiction of contradictions and conflicts that hurt people, especially young ones.

    The plots of works of modern prose about teenagers are based on psychological and pedagogical subtext.

    The work covers not only the problems of moral maturation, but also the social problems of modern society.

    The genre's originality is not rich; it is a story in which the compositional parts are clearly defined.

    The work not only has a spiritual function, but also serves as practical material for educating teenagers.

    The teenage heroes live real lives, their characters correspond to the modern psychological and pedagogical concept of “teenager”.

Processing questionnaires, thinking about them is like the second part of the story “Don’t betray me!” The characters in the books, my friends in life - they are so similar, and their problems are so similar. I didn’t think about them seriously until I read Mikheeva’s book. It makes you think about yourself and about the lives of all people.

6. References

1. Averin V.A. Psychology of children and adolescents: textbook. manual – 2nd edition, revised. – St. Petersburg: publishing house Mikhailov V.A., 1998. – 379 p.

2. “Literary newspaper” No. 37, September 17-23, 2008.

3. Mikheeva T. “Don’t betray me!” (romantic story). – M., 2012. – 192 p.

4. Psychology of a teenager. Complete guide. Ed. A.A.Reana – St. Petersburg: Prime-EUROZNAK, 2003. – 432 p.

5. Feldshtein D. I. “Psychological aspects of the study of modern teenagers.” Questions of psychology, 1985, No. 1. – p. 34-43