Series "New Heroes" (50 books) (Oleg Bubela, Oleg Vereshchagin, etc.). Oleg Bubela - hero Bubela is absolutely a hero download fb2

Oleg Bubela

Blood brothers

What is a wonderful morning? Probably everyone imagines this differently. For one, the morning becomes beautiful if he wakes up in the arms of a beautiful, long-legged female and can even remember her name. For another, the morning may be wonderful if he wakes up next to a completely unfamiliar girl, but he can remember his name. And for some, mornings are great just because they can wake up. I definitely didn’t belong to any of the above, because I woke up on the bare ground, lying on my back under the scorching rays of the sun, and immediately realized that it was in vain that I had forgotten to take off my sword belt last night. But although there was no beauty next to me, or indeed any female representative, when I opened my eyes, I joyfully smiled at the sun, because this morning had truly been wonderful for me.

Last night the boys and I had a good time. They remembered the fallen, went through the details of the battle, and dreamed about the future. During this process, we somehow quietly emptied all the stocks of wine captured by Trit, and then visited the convoy several times, where we managed to get several full jugs. The first two trips were one hundred percent successful. The first - because the rascal Mole managed to come to an agreement with the transporters, thoroughly gilding their handles, and the second - because I came up and, plunging the guards into a deep stupor with just my appearance, simply whistled six hefty jugs, explaining this by the fact that there is good wine in the next world For some reason I can't find it. Unfortunately, I simply couldn’t take more - the jugs were large, about ten liters each, and I slightly slowed down the regeneration so as not to embarrass my friends with my sober face, so I simply didn’t think of using magic.

These jugs were enthusiastically appreciated by the guys. After them, the quiet conversation took on the shape of a riotous drinking session, the sounds of which began to attract soldiers from neighboring tents. Since we were in no particular hurry to share our alcoholic spoils, those who wanted to join brought with them various containers in which liquids of various strengths gurgled merrily. We received such people with great joy, seating them next to the fire and pouring their entry fees into mugs.

However, everything tends to come to an end. When everything had already been drunk, except water, which no one wanted to drink for ideological reasons, we decided to look for supplements. Someone, perhaps even me, expressed the idea of ​​once again shaking the oboznikov. This plan was accepted with a bang, and a friendly crowd of us set off across the entire camp to the convoy. On the way, there was no question of any secrecy, so we woke up a good half of the camp. Some warriors saw our group off with sleepy glances, some with strong expressions. But many soldiers joined our detachment simply out of curiosity, so when we reached our destination, we looked very impressive.

When more than three hundred people with determined faces approached the convoy, the business executives got very scared, but nevertheless quickly organized a strong defense, standing up to protect the reserves with their chests. The mole in his heart suggested taking the convoy by storm, but I, as the most sober-minded person in our detachment, chose a more peaceful solution to the problem - to start negotiations. They ended with the observers shamefully capitulating and handing over five jugs as indemnity, threatening to complain to the king. To this we only smiled skeptically and went back with the spoils, having significantly increased in number. First of all, we sat around our fire and quickly poured one jug. There was only a little for everyone, so the idea immediately arose to return, but then I finally remembered how to enhance the effect of good wine, and ordered it to be mixed with the limel that my guys still had.

They didn’t pour a lot, only three flasks, but the result exceeded all expectations. It turns out that forest elves are rare cretins, because they dilute Limel with ordinary water and have absolutely no idea that when combined with wine, the drink turns out to be simply stunning. In any case, the first experimental subject could not stand on his feet and it took a long time to recover from the impressions he received. Thus, we found out the norm that can be drunk at one time, and continued our gatherings.

Gradually the party gained momentum. We began to sing songs, individually and in chorus, thereby waking up the rest of the camp. The troops of dwarves and elves sent to calm down “those rowdies” were treated to our drink and stayed with us, deciding that after recent events everyone needed to relax a little. Several quick-witted eared ones ran back and brought some of their wine, which was rated by those gathered as “tasty, but weak.” In response, the gnomes soon rammed their reshrock in long bottles and forced me to try it. After drinking half a mug, I realized that this was ordinary vodka. Well, maybe just a little stronger. Under the attentive gaze of bearded warriors, I gave a verdict - it won’t go without a snack! The dwarves looked at me very approvingly and said something like “Our man!”, after which a snack was organized by all those gathered, and many expressed a desire to try reshrock. Unfortunately, it was not possible to mix it with limel. Or rather, it worked, but the result was not quite expected. Having tasted an experimental dose, Dean immediately precipitated and began snoring with a blissful smile on his face, after which they decided not to spoil the product anymore.

Soon our concert by request continued. After listening to several elf ballads and dwarven battle songs, the guys decided to sing a couple from my repertoire in chorus, and then asked me to sing something. Without thinking twice, I performed “Victory Day”, slightly changing the words in a loose translation into a general one. Despite the fact that I was already pretty tipsy, it turned out pretty good. The people got into it, and while I sang there was almost deathly silence. When I finished, I took a sip from my mug and then stared at those around me. They were all silent and looked at me, not making a sound. Not understanding what was the matter, I turned to the Mole, who was sitting next to me, to find out why everyone was suddenly attacked by tetanus, but he made scary eyes and squinted his gaze behind me.

Turning around, I saw Fariam with a dozen absolutely sober warriors standing right behind me. After looking at his serious face for a few seconds, I silently added a little more of the drink we had freshly prepared into the mug and handed it to the king. I don’t know what he thought, but he looked at me very expressively. However, he took the mug and drank it in one gulp under the approving glances of those around him. Slightly staggering from the effect, Fariam quickly regained his footing, and then chuckled thoughtfully, returned the mug to me and ordered:

- All sleep!

- I obey! – I said and saluted bravely, hitting my chest with my fist.

Looking at me again with an attentive gaze, Fariam turned around and, accompanied by soldiers, left. That was the end of the Calves' party. Despite the pitiful looks of those around me, I hid the last half flask of drink away, because I felt that all the guys would have fun the next morning, and then I simply fell to the ground and instantly passed out.

And now, with difficulty remembering all the details of yesterday, I realized that this morning was truly wonderful. Firstly, because no hangover was observed, apparently, the body had long since managed to recover, or the Limel drunk the day before helped. Secondly, because I slept well and felt vigorous and full of energy. And thirdly, because I understood that now there was no need to rush anywhere, and this made my awakening even better.

Rising up and shaking off my fairly wrinkled dress uniform, I looked around. The camp was being wound down, and this process clearly took several hours, as it was already approaching completion. None of my guys were around, but there was a jug with a few sips of yesterday's experimental drink. Without thinking twice, I emptied it and went to look for Fariam. I was very interested to know how yesterday's negotiations went and what came out of my idea.

Looking at the surrounding hills, I realized that the camp was set up very close to the site of yesterday's battle, and when I asked the soldiers collecting tents where everyone else was now located, I learned that most this moment is busy burying the corpses of nomads who were not buried yesterday. It turned out that immediately after the battle no one began to relax, so after finishing off all the wounded enemies, the warriors still had to work, collecting the bodies of their dead comrades. They were solemnly buried already at dusk in common grave along with the fallen dwarves and elves.

Interestingly, the nonhumans were not against it, but on the contrary, they supported the idea of ​​a mass grave, which united the dead heroes of different races who fought shoulder to shoulder. One soldier even said that after the grave was covered with earth, the elves quickly grew a beautiful grove around it and brought a spring to the surface, and the gnomes promised to erect a granite monument in that place so that future generations would never forget about the feat of the fallen. In general, I listened to the story and realized that the seeds of my proposals, which I sprinkled last night, fell on fertile soil. Both Vaz and Mirin, and even Fariam, already, without my prompting, realized the need to establish close contacts between their kingdoms, so the soldier’s story only fueled my desire to find out what ultimately grew out of my ideas.

The life of Alex the Elf (aka Alexey Vetrov) continues, full of dangers and adventures, in the kingdom of Mardinan. The warlike nomads have been defeated, the New Union, bound by blood ties, has been created, and the time has come for peaceful creative work. Alex finally gets to the Undermountain Kingdom - and it turns out that not everyone likes this New Union. Accustomed to being a leader, the Empire does not want to accept changes on the political map.

Alex has to confront powerful servants of the One, uncover conspiracies, and wander through stone labyrinths under the mountains. The conspirators finally managed to lure the half-man, half-elf into a trap, and who knows whether the one who was Alexei Vetrov on Earth will be able to get out of it.

On our website you can download the book “Hero” Oleg Mikhailovich Blotsky, Oleg Nikolaevich Bubela for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Oleg Bubela's cycle "Not a Hero at All" is original look to realize the hero in the world of magic and sorcery. A completely ordinary and ordinary individual, finding himself in new conditions, quickly adapts to the situation and begins to create something unimaginable. A huge plus can be given to the writer for the world that he created, without stinting on descriptions. The smallest details that relate to any sphere give a complete picture of the hero’s new habitat, painting an image of a non-standard and somewhat exaggerated Middle Ages. However, the author's cynical mood towards subsequent books in the series changes in better side, so it can be assumed that the first novel was some kind of literary device to give the reader a better feel for the character's changes after the adaptation. Colorful and bright world The kingdom of Mardinan unites many different races. These are elves, and gnomes, and orcs, and dragons, and even demons and vampires. Perhaps it was this diversity of inhabitants that determined the rather tense political and military situation in the kingdom. The author approached the creation of his creation with humor, so reading these works can lift your spirits and brighten up several evenings. Bubela's novels are aimed more at action, so the reader is provided with both a dynamic plot and numerous action scenes. In addition, the relationships between the characters are of undoubted interest. The series of books “Not a Hero at All” was written between 2010 and 2012. Fans of the genre and fans of the author will enjoy these works. The books have an age limit of 18+ due to rather specific scenes.

The cycle includes six books, which are combined and common character, and the chronological sequence of the narrative, so this series assumes a sequential reading, since in otherwise Essential details for understanding what is happening may be lost. Oleg Nikolaevich Bubela, who created this controversial cycle, was fond of fantastic literature, however, I did not see myself as a writer. Instead, the young man chose a career as a musician. But in 2004, Oleg finally decided to try to write his first work and posted it on Samizdat. His work was liked by fans of fantasy and this prompted the aspiring author to create further. This is how this cycle came about.

The Not a Hero at All series of books takes place primarily in a fantasy world inhabited by magical creatures, with references to Earth dating back to the first book. Main character, programmer Alexey Vetrov, lived quietly and did not think about various kinds of adventures until he went to take a break from his daily work. Having tripped on some slope and rolled head over heels, Alexey ends up in a portal, which takes him to the kingdom of Mardinan. Will Alex be able to become one of his own in the new world? What adventures await him? Will the hero return back to his reality?

Dec 15, 2015


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Title: Hero

About the book “Hero” by Oleg Bubela

Oleg Bubela is a modern Ukrainian science fiction writer. His book, entitled “Hero,” is the fourth novel in the author’s “Not a Hero at All” series of works. Before us is a truly exciting fantasy story, in which fiction is so closely intertwined with reality that one gets the impression of the reality of everything that is happening. The plot is very dynamic, unpredictable and full of all kinds of adventures and exciting, intriguing events. The author's style and manner of narration certainly deserve the highest praise. All the characters are very colorful and unique, thanks to which they complement each other perfectly. Thus, taking into account the numerous ideological and artistic merits of the novel, it will certainly be fascinating to read not only for fans of fantasy, but also for all connoisseurs of good modern prose.

In his book “Hero,” Oleg Bubela continues to describe the life of the main character, Alex Elf, filled with all kinds of adventures and dangers. The bloodthirsty nomads have been defeated, the New Union has been established, and the time has come for calm, unhurried creative activity. Our hero finally arrives in the Undermountain Kingdom, where he discovers widespread discontent with the New Alliance. Accustomed to maintaining primacy, the Empire is not going to come to terms with changes on the political map. And now Alex is forced to fight against the strongest enemies - the servants of the One. In addition, he will have to uncover criminal conspiracies and travel through mysterious mountain labyrinths. The enemies ultimately manage to lure our hero into a trap, and it is unknown whether the one who on our planet was called Alexei Vetrov will be able to escape from it.

Oleg Bubela in the novel “Hero” portrays a very extraordinary main character. Being in our world an ordinary person, in a parallel universe, two entities were combined in him: human and elven. Many trials and difficulties arise everywhere in his life. life path, and often he has to confront them alone. Alex Elf is a truly courageous and fearless hero who never bows his head in the face of adversity and always confidently moves towards his goal. A wonderful setting for describing all his misadventures is the incredible fantasy world, thought out by the author before the smallest details. At the same time, the atmosphere of the book “Hero” is so captivating and bewitching that there is a desire to read and reread it more than once.

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read online book Oleg Bubela “Hero” in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.


Series "New Heroes" (50 books) (Oleg Bubela, Oleg Vereshchagin, etc.)

Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Oleg Bubela, Oleg Vereshchagin and others.
Year of manufacture: 2010-2012
Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of pages: 16200

Description: The new book series New Heroes was created, like many other series, by the Eksmo publishing house. The heroes of the books are young people who find themselves in fantastic situations. How youth helps them get out of it, what advantages it gives them, you will learn from these books.

Oleg Bubela. Hero
If you managed to survive the war and acquire new opportunities, then don’t rush to rejoice. Maybe, peaceful life will turn out to be no easier than the most difficult battles. After all, it is not so easy to understand who your enemy is. And soon you will have to enter into even more merciless battles, where your weapon will not be a blade or magic, but just a word. And it is still unknown what is easier - to fight enemies or bear the laurels of a hero.

Former Afghan officer and now businessman Sergei Tomchin decided to relax in the company of his old army friend Yura and huntsman Uncle Kolya, whom he once saved from bandits. Karelian forests, lakes, fishing - what could be better? But having decided to take a walk before going to bed, the three friends unexpectedly got lost. I had to sleep under open air. And in the morning it turned out that they found themselves... in the steppe! And even Sergei’s considerable combat experience turned out to be useless when they were attacked by short, strangely dressed people armed with knives. Neither Yura nor Uncle Kolya managed to survive, but Tomchin had no time to grieve for his dead friends. He had a long way to go from a powerless slave in a steppe tribe to the all-powerful Lord of War!

It was supposed to be a fantasy adventure book about teenagers and Patriotic War. However, it didn’t work out. What was written did not fit into the laws of the genre, according to which the enemies should be stupid, the adventures should be interesting, and the hero, a young progressor, “killed eight Krauts with a Russian wooden spoon.” Although the adventures are there, and the hero, Boris Shalygin, fourteen years old, really unexpectedly finds himself in wartime, and there is a happy ending, if you can call it that.
It turned out to be true. About that time - and about our time. About us - and about our ancestors. And about our enemies - current and then. And about what a person should be. If he's human.

Ivan Apraksin. Substitute Prince
Evgeny Babarykin. New job
Natalya Boldyreva. Key
Oleg Bubela. Adept. Volume 1. Training
Oleg Bubela. Fugitive
Oleg Bubela. Warrior
Oleg Bubela. Hero
Oleg Bubela. The Dragon
Oleg Bubela. Murderer
Igor Veresnev. Moon Beast
Oleg Vereshchagin. Scout's Oath
Oleg Vereshchagin. The way home. Book 1. Tell the world - “no!”
Oleg Vereshchagin. The way home. Book 2. Don't be left alone
Vladimir Voronov. Red Star Clan. Book 1. Heroes are not born
Anatoly Drozdov. Mister military pilot
Anatoly Drozdov. Quartermaster of the third rank. Herr Intendanturrat
Anatoly Drozdov. His Majesty's Company
Alexey Evtushenko. While the Earth sleeps
Alexander Zolotko. 1941: Time of the Bloody Dogs
Sergei Kalashnikov. Shovel operator
Sergei Kalashnikov. Strange world
Sergei Kalashnikov. Emperor's Fourth Daughter
Pavel Katashov. Magic of three swords
Sergey Kim. Someone else's life
Miloslav Knyazev. Full set. Great Mission
Miloslav Knyazev. Full set. War with Orcs
Miloslav Knyazev. Full set. Dark Elf's Revenge
Miloslav Knyazev. Full set. Your own castle
Pavel Komarnitsky. Day Angel
Pavel Komarnitsky. To be continued
Vadim Kosintsev. Goblin's Battle Manual
Nadezhda Kuzmina. Got it!
Andrey Maksimushkin. Not a hero
Peter Mamchenko. A gust of fresh wind
Ivan Petrov. Lord of War
Andrey Posnyakov. Vandal. Book 1. Dragons of the Sea
Andrey Posnyakov. Vandal. Book 2. The Ghost of Carthage
Andrey Prusakov. The Stranger's Path
Dmitry Raspopov. Shards of Hearts
Dmitry Raspopov. Death Knight
Dmitry Raspopov. Son of the Galaxy
Sergei Sadov. The Imperial Ambassador's Mystery
Sergei Sadov. The Riddle of Old Man Greenver
Sergei Sadov. Prince Voldemar Starinov. Book 1: Leave to Survive
Sergei Sadov. Prince Voldemar Starinov. Book 2. Alien War
Sergei Sadov. Wanderer in Time
Sergey Sadov, Iar Elterrus. Three roads into darkness
Victor Tyurin. Sir Eugene
Oleg Yazykov. Wings of Tour
Oleg Yazykov. Tour trip “All Inclusive”

Oleg Bubela. Adept. Volume 2. Vacations
Vladimir Voronov. Red Star Clan. Book 2. Technique of winners
Natalya Pavlishcheva. Cradle of Time
Andrey Posnyakov. Vandal. Book 3. Black Cloaks
Andrey Posnyakov. Vandal. Book 4. Prince of Thieves
Andrey Posnyakov. Barbarian. Book 1. Man from the Future
Andrey Posnyakov. Gladiator. Book 1. Teutonic Lion
Andrey Posnyakov. Gladiator. Book 2. Iron Legions


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Russian language
Number of pages: 8320
Description: Why is the world like this? Humanity has been asking this question since the beginning of time. Science is an attempt to answer it. The law of universal gravitation, the theory of relativity, number theory, quantum theory, you can get acquainted with all these and many other scientific theories on the pages of this fascinating collection! Feel the spirit of the discoveries of the brightest minds of all time: Newton, Einstein, Planck, Heisenb...


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Publisher: AST, Astrel
Russian language
Number of books: 3
Description: Book 5 Sweet Trail of a Kiss Private detective Jackie Morrisey is forced to admit: “night stalker” Vincent Argeneau is the most amazing man she has ever met in her life. And it doesn’t matter that he’s a vampire—members of the stronger sex have worse shortcomings. However, Jackie should not fall in love with her client; her task is to prevent the killer from turning him into dust. But is there a woman in the world who can resist...

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Number of books: 7
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Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Year of manufacture: 2001-2008
Genre: mysteries, mysteries
Publisher: AiF-Print, Piligrim-Press, Publishing House "Neva"
Number of books: 18
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Author: Dmitry Yemets
Year of manufacture: 2010-2011
Genre: Adventure, fantasy,
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Description: ShNyr is not a first name, not a surname, not a nickname. This is the place where shnyrs gather and can be found on the map. Outwardly this is the most ordinary house, every hundred years it is demolished and rebuilt so as not to attract attention. Shnyrs are not magicians, although their abilities far exceed any human understanding - if something significant or inexplicable happens somewhere in the world, it means that the matter was not without Shnyrs. For a stranger to get to...


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Publisher: Raduga
Russian language
Number of books: 700
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Book series. Cold of Fear (Armstrong, Hamilton, etc.)

Format: FB2
Year of manufacture: 1995 - 2009
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy
Publisher: AST
Russian language
Number of books: 44
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Series “Commander” (Volkov Alexey)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Volkov Alexey
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: fantasy, alternative history.
Publisher: Audiobook with Your Hands
Performer: Alexander Chaitsyn (Alex)
Duration: 69:14:31
Description: A Russian cruise ship has fallen into the past. end of XVII century. Around the Caribbean Sea. Almost all of the ship's passengers and crew died in battles with British filibusters. The survivors were able to win and capture the sailing ship. But what next? In someone else's cruel time, without a means of livelihood, with women and children... And then, in order to return to their homeland, mu...