Yuri Titov, the singer, where has he gone? Ex-star Factory participant Yuri Titov insists on meeting with his illegitimate daughter

A graduate of the Star Factory-4 project, Yuri Titov writes music and songs himself. A full 12 years have passed since the singer’s participation in the TV show, and he is still remembered by the girls who waited for Yura’s every performance on Channel One and sang the hits “Pretend,” “Kiss Me” and “Forever.” Now the musician has new jazz compositions in his collection, he goes with concerts all over Russia. The artist talked to StarHit and talked about his successes and dreams, and also remembered how Star Factory-4 changed him. The young man got there at the age of 19, so he had to pass the test of fame without developing star fever. Titov claims that he has not changed a bit over the years.

Yuri, once upon a time the whole country knew your name, hundreds of thousands of young girls who had already grown up, became wives and mothers, spoke about you. What should they know about today's Yura Titov?

I try to treat myself with humor. I became more comfortable both on stage and in life. I write music and lyrics. I had never seen this before. I made my debut as a composer when I recorded the track “My Happiness” with Alexa. Many then asked the question: “Whose song is this? Igor Krutoy?” - because everyone is already accustomed to the fact that Igor Yakovlevich is inextricably linked with us as a music producer. You can imagine how flattering such a comparison was for me, as an author. The collection of my songs is gradually growing. I'm planning to release soon new single and sing in a duet. By the way, my concert program has also changed significantly: now it contains jazz compositions, including English language. Today's Yura Titov is happier than ever.

Are there still fans who still listen to you from 2004 to 2016, maybe you have become friends with some?

Of course, there is one most devoted, in my opinion, fan and friend who recently became a mother. We have been friends since 2004 to this day. There are also new listeners, the list of which is growing every day. I just love the public.

Many of your colleagues, with whom you were at the Factory at one time, remember with a shudder the period when you lived under the gun of cameras. For example, Alexa talked about the terrible conditions in which all of you, Star Factory graduates, had to work, about the pittance of fees, lack of sleep... What can you say about this time?

Of course it wasn't easy. But at the same time, it was incredibly exciting. Like on a roller coaster. I don't think Alexa would argue with that. You see, if we talk only about the camera that hung above us in the shower and toilet for three months, it was not easy. And if you remember that I met Lara Fabian, who came to visit us, then it was unforgettable. I sang with Garou - it was amazing. At the age of 19, I started working with one of the best musicians in our country, Igor Krutoy. I see many positive situations that happened to me at the Star Factory. They decolorize the negative aspects of this project. Tours and fees are another story, not related to music.

Has fame changed you? Did you subsequently have to reconsider your attitude towards her and the world around her?

Psychologically, at the age of 19, it is impossible not to prepare for such a TV show. In a good way, you should be guided by a psychologist. And this is not “fame”, this is the promotion of your face. It's just a show. For me, everything that happened then became a lesson. The point here is not at all that the person is arrogant, but that at that age the teenager’s psyche has not yet strengthened.

Many of your colleagues from the “Star Factory” have achieved unprecedented heights in their profession - Irina Dubtsova, Stas Piekha, Dominic Joker... Do you follow the successes of your friends? Do you keep in touch with them?

Despite the fact that we rarely communicate with the three listed colleagues, I believe that all three of these artists are very talented, but I am closer to the work of Ira Dubtsova. I keep warm with many guys friendly relations. We even go on tour with many of them: with Anton Zatsepin, Masha Weber, Nikita Malinin, Nadezhda Igoshina, Prokhor Chaliapin.

After the release of the album “Room” you took a break in creativity. How have you been making a living all these years? Where have you worked and in what capacity?

The album "Room" was an experiment. Five songs from this album were written by Igor Krutoy, the other five by Anton Koch. I didn’t take a break from creativity, my contract with the record company just ended. I am interested in jazz, musicals, acting, and even opera. I make my living by touring; fortunately, I don’t do anything else.

You spend a lot of time with your family, even go on vacation with them. You have a lot of photos with your mother on Instagram. Have you been in such close contact with her since childhood?

I'm not a mama's boy, if that's what you mean. But, fortunately, it so happened that my mother is both a friend, a colleague, an adviser, and a fair critic. We communicate with her as equals, and we are very interested in her.

Have you ever thought about creating your own strong family? We know that you have a growing child. Are you helping raise your daughter?

September 2, 2017

“It’s all about love, and I’m so offended - I just can’t see the tears in your eyes...” - a few years ago the words of this song were heard, if not from every iron, then from every receiver for sure. And its performer, a short brunette with a languid look named Yuri Titov, was frequent guest on television and an idol of the younger generation. Time does not stand still, and some stars are destined to go out. So Yuri disappeared from sight. How did his fate turn out? We will talk about this further.


Yuri Mikhailovich Titov was born on Cosmonautics Day in 1985 in the Moscow district of Kuntsevo. The family was musical. The example of his parents influenced the choice of little Yura’s life path - even as a child, he firmly decided to become an artist.

You can talk about Yuri Titov as a singer from the age of six - that’s when he first started singing. And a year later I ended up in music school to the violin department, where he studied with pleasure and made progress. The news of Yura's talent reached the regular educational institution where he studied, and soon the boy was already appointed soloist of the choir there. Together with him, Yuri visited Turkey at the children's song festival. And he won his first prize a year later, at the age of eight, when he became the first prize winner at one of the festivals. Then he was given candy and a plush toy.

Singer Yuri Titov: the beginning of the journey

At the age of 15, our hero graduated from the last two classes as an external student and entered the second year of the pop-jazz studio. One year later young man admitted to the Institute contemporary art(ISI) to the Faculty of Music. And then, as they say, away we go...

When Yuri turned 17 years old, the start of casting for the project “Become a Star” was announced. This is exactly what Titov dreamed of becoming. Therefore, he hid his age from the jury (only children over 18 were allowed to participate) and was admitted. However, he did not go far - the second (dance) round failed the young man. Yura simply didn’t learn his number, but he didn’t despair. This was only the first project in a series of many others in the biography of Yuri Titov. The singer visited many of them - both on Channel One and Channel Two. But first things first.

After the project “Become a Star” there was “ National artist"(a year later on the same channel). When filling out a form before the casting, Yura wrote that he strives for sincerity on stage. Perhaps these words also played a role. One way or another, he was accepted into the project. And they didn’t just take it - there he won true love, including from the masters Evgeny Fridlyand and Larisa Dolina, since he showed himself to be professional, talented singer. Yuri Titov was able to enter the top thirty competitors, but, unfortunately, that was all. Nevertheless, he received an offer to go on a tour, which he could not accept due to personal circumstances.

The year was 2004. For the fourth time, the Channel One project “Star Factory” opened its hospitable doors to young ambitious talents. Among the sixteen participants who came out to the audience at the first concert was nineteen-year-old Yuri Titov.

"Star Factory"

The story of how the young man got on this show is interesting, which once again proves the singer’s determination. Yuri Titov, having successfully completed the first round, jumped out into the street unbuttoned. It was winter, and Yuri was sweating indoors. As a result, the next morning he had a high fever, he lost his voice and, not only could he sing, but he couldn’t even speak. The parents insisted on calling doctors, but for Titov there was no question of hospitalization. He didn't want to lose his chance. And therefore, barely able to stand on his feet, he went to the second qualifying round, not yet really knowing how he would behave there - without a voice. However, a miracle happened. Entering the stage, Yura felt so confident and good that he began to sing. His vocal cords succumbed to his unshakable self-belief and perseverance. Yuri successfully became a participant in the project and after all the castings he learned that he had suffered severe pneumonia on his legs.

Life in the Star House was not easy. There were cameras in all rooms, even in the bathroom and toilet, and it was impossible to hide from their sight either day or night. Every day there were vocal lessons, dance training, acting and other activities. But we also had to prepare for weekly reporting concerts! And in general, spending several months side by side with complete strangers is not an easy task.

However, Yura remembers more good things than bad about the project. He not only gave him friends and useful connections in Russian show business, but also gave me the opportunity to perform together with various artists, including world-class ones. And this is only at nineteen years old! The artist maintains relationships with some of his “factory” colleagues to this day. In addition, Yuri Titov considers his meeting and work with composer Igor Krutoy to be a great success - it was Igor Yakovlevich who was the producer of the fourth release of “manufacturers”, as well as the author of the hits with which singer Yuri Titov conquered the star Olympus in the early 2000s.

At the Factory, Yura progressed much further than in his previous attempts - he reached the final, although he did not become the winner. Nevertheless, the artist does not consider this a loss. When the project ended, the manufacturers went on a long-term tour of the cities and towns of their vast homeland. Yuri and I went on tour with colleagues. Such a mobile life also had many disadvantages, including the small fees that the tired “stars” received for their performances. But it’s Yura’s character to look for the good in things that happen. Traveling around Russia brought him many acquaintances, some of which later resulted in strong friendship for many years.

Life after "Star House"

Immediately after “Factory”, Yuri Titov was shot with a video for the sensational song “Ponaroshka” (another name is “All about Love”). It was followed by the second - “Forever”. Filming for magazines and television programs, broadcasts on radio stations - the artist’s name constantly appeared in the press. In 2005 he took part in the competition " New wave" in Jurmala, two years later released the first (and only this moment) album “Room” with eleven songs recorded and two video clips of the singer. Reviews about Yuri Titov and his work were mostly only positive. And suddenly everything disappeared as if by magic. Yuri disappeared from the screens, just as his songs and videos disappeared from the airwaves. The old ones have been replaced by a new generation of “stars”.


Yuri does not hide in his interviews that he has never done anything other than music. When popularity had to be “paused,” he toured, thereby earning a living. In addition, his work received new round- he became interested in jazz, writing lyrics and music himself, which he had never done before. Still tours a lot.

He still does not lose hope to remind himself, to give a new birth to himself as an artist. For this purpose, Yuri constantly appears on various music competitions. So, a couple of years ago I tried myself at the casting of the show “ Main stage"(channel "Russia"), in this year I went to the casting of the project “Voice-6” (Channel One), but failed both there and there. In response to perplexed questions, like why do you need this, Titov throws up his hands and answers that he cannot live otherwise.

Yuri Titov: the singer’s personal life

Having enough interesting appearance, Yuri has always been popular with girls and did not hide his passion for the female sex. So, at the Star Factory, Titov became interested in two of his colleagues at once - Irina Dubtsova and Zhenya Volkonskaya. But if the first one immediately turned the young man away, the second one reacted to his advances more favorably. However, their romance did not last long, and immediately after the end of the project, Yuri began a relationship with jazz performer Teona Kontridze. After some time, they also ended, and after parting, Theona informed Titov that she was expecting a child. Yuri did not marry her, but he took and continues to take all possible part in raising his daughter. The girl is over ten years old, and she and her father maintain a relationship, according to the singer himself.

Now the personal life of Yuri Titov is shrouded in the darkness of the unknown. He does not talk about his hobbies, but nevertheless he posts them on in social networks photos hugging girls. However, they are all different. In an interview, Yuri says that his heart is free, but he knows for sure that future wife must be related to creativity.

Here are some interesting things about the Star Factory graduate:

  • IN free time playing sports.
  • He loves to read poems, especially the lyrics of Marina Tsvetaeva.
  • He dreams of starring in a musical film as himself.
  • He maintains a very close relationship with his mother, whom he considers his best friend.
  • Plays the piano and violin.
  • Likes to listen to Madonna, Michael Jackson, and the A-Studio group.
  • Tries to treat himself with humor.
  • Interested in design, he could try himself as a fashion designer.
  • He could try his hand at being in a group, but he still prefers a solo career.
  • IN Lately I started writing songs myself.
  • He has younger sister Nastya (age difference 15 years).

Stay afloat, make your way in cruel world Not everyone succeeds in show business. Sometimes talent alone is not enough for this. However, if there is a will to win and perseverance, more than one rock can be conquered. Obviously, Yuri Titov thinks approximately the same way. And with such thoughts, he will definitely succeed!

“It’s all about love, and I’m so offended - I just can’t see the tears in your eyes...” - a few years ago the words of this song were heard, if not from every iron, then from every receiver for sure. And its performer, a short brunette with a languid look named Yuri Titov, was a frequent guest on television and an idol. Time does not stand still, and some stars are destined to go out. So Yuri disappeared from sight. How did his fate turn out? We will talk about this further.


Yuri Mikhailovich Titov was born on Cosmonautics Day in 1985 in the Moscow district of Kuntsevo. The family was musical. The example of his parents influenced the choice of little Yura’s life path - even as a child, he firmly decided to become an artist.

You can talk about Yuri Titov as a singer from the age of six - that’s when he first started singing. A year later I entered a music school in the violin department, where I enjoyed studying and made progress. The news of Yura's talent reached the regular educational institution where he studied, and soon the boy was already appointed soloist of the choir there. Together with him, Yuri visited Turkey at the children's song festival. And he won his first prize a year later, at the age of eight, when he became the first prize winner at one of the festivals. Then he was given candy and a plush toy.

Singer Yuri Titov: the beginning of the journey

At the age of 15, our hero graduated from the last two classes as an external student and entered the second year of the pop-jazz studio. A year later, the young man was accepted into the music faculty. And then, as they say, away we go...

When Yuri turned 17 years old, the start of casting for the project “Become a Star” was announced. This is exactly what Titov dreamed of becoming. Therefore, he hid his age from the jury (only children over 18 were allowed to participate) and was admitted. However, he did not go far - the second (dance) round failed the young man. Yura simply didn’t learn his number, but he didn’t despair. This was only the first project in a series of many others in the biography of Yuri Titov. The singer visited many of them - both on Channel One and Channel Two. But first things first.

After the project “Become a Star” there was “People’s Artist” (a year later on the same channel). When filling out a form before the casting, Yura wrote that he strives for sincerity on stage. Perhaps these words also played a role. One way or another, he was accepted into the project. And they didn’t just take it - there he gained true love, including from masters Evgeny Fridlyand and Larisa Dolina, because he showed himself to be a professional, talented singer. Yuri Titov was able to enter the top thirty competitors, but, unfortunately, that was all. Nevertheless, he received an offer to go on a tour, which he could not accept due to personal circumstances.

The year was 2004. For the fourth time, the Channel One project “Star Factory” opened its hospitable doors to young ambitious talents. Among the sixteen participants who came out to the audience at the first concert was nineteen-year-old Yuri Titov.

"Star Factory"

The story of how the young man got on this show is interesting, which once again proves the singer’s determination. Yuri Titov, having successfully completed the first round, jumped out into the street unbuttoned. It was winter, and Yuri was sweating indoors. As a result, the next morning he had a high fever, he lost his voice and, not only could he sing, but he couldn’t even speak. The parents insisted on calling doctors, but for Titov there was no question of hospitalization. He didn't want to lose his chance. And therefore, barely able to stand on his feet, he went to the second qualifying round, not yet really knowing how he would behave there - without a voice. However, a miracle happened. Entering the stage, Yura felt so confident and good that he began to sing. His vocal cords succumbed to his unshakable self-belief and perseverance. Yuri successfully became a participant in the project and after all the castings he learned that he had suffered severe pneumonia on his legs.

Life in the Star House was not easy. There were cameras in all rooms, even in the bathroom and toilet, and it was impossible to hide from their sight either day or night. Every day there were vocal lessons, dance training, acting and other activities. But we also had to prepare for weekly reporting concerts! And in general, spending several months side by side with complete strangers is not an easy task.

However, Yura remembers more good things about the project than bad. He not only gave him friends and useful connections in Russian show business, but also gave him the opportunity to perform with various artists, including world-class ones. And this is only at nineteen years old! The artist maintains relationships with some of his “factory” colleagues to this day. In addition, Yuri Titov considers his meeting and work with composer Igor Krutoy to be a great success - it was Igor Yakovlevich who was the producer of the fourth release of “manufacturers”, as well as the author of the hits with which singer Yuri Titov conquered the star Olympus in the early 2000s.

At the Factory, Yura progressed much further than in his previous attempts - he reached the final, although he did not become the winner. Nevertheless, the artist does not consider this a loss. When the project ended, the manufacturers went on a long-term tour of the cities and towns of their vast homeland. Yuri and I went on tour with colleagues. Such a mobile life also had many disadvantages, including the small fees that the tired “stars” received for their performances. But it’s Yura’s character to look for the good in things that happen. Traveling around Russia brought him many acquaintances, some of which later resulted in strong friendships for many years.

Life after "Star House"

Immediately after “Factory”, Yuri Titov was shot with a video for the sensational song “Ponaroshka” (another name is “All about Love”). It was followed by the second - “Forever”. Filming for magazines and television programs, broadcasts on radio stations - the artist’s name constantly appeared in the press. In 2005, he took part in the “New Wave” competition in Jurmala, two years later he released the first (and currently only) album “Room” with eleven songs recorded and two video clips of the singer. Reviews about Yuri Titov and his work were mostly only positive. And suddenly everything disappeared as if by magic. Yuri disappeared from the screens, just as his songs and videos disappeared from the airwaves. The old ones have been replaced by a new generation of “stars”.


Yuri does not hide in his interviews that he has never done anything other than music. When popularity had to be “paused,” he toured, thereby earning a living. In addition, his work received a new twist - he became interested in jazz, writing lyrics and music himself, which he had never done before. Still tours a lot.

He still does not lose hope to remind himself, to give a new birth to himself as an artist. To this end, Yuri constantly appears at various music competitions. So, a couple of years ago I tried myself at the casting of the show “Main Stage” (channel “Russia”), this year I went to the casting of the project “Voice-6” (Channel One), but failed both there. In response to perplexed questions, like why do you need this, Titov throws up his hands and answers that he cannot live otherwise.

Yuri Titov: the singer’s personal life

Possessing a rather interesting appearance, Yuri was always popular with girls and did not hide his passion for the female sex. So, at the Star Factory, Titov became interested in two of his colleagues at once - Irina Dubtsova and Zhenya Volkonskaya. But if the first one immediately turned the young man away, the second one reacted to his advances more favorably. However, their romance did not last long, and immediately after the end of the project, Yuri began a relationship with jazz performer Teona Kontridze. After some time, they also ended, and after parting, Theona informed Titov that she was expecting a child. Yuri did not marry her, but he took and continues to take all possible part in raising his daughter. The girl is over ten years old, and she and her father maintain a relationship, according to the singer himself.

Now the personal life of Yuri Titov is shrouded in the darkness of the unknown. He doesn’t talk about his hobbies, but nevertheless posts photos of himself hugging girls on social networks. However, they are all different. In an interview, Yuri says that his heart is free, but he knows for sure that his future wife should have something to do with creativity.

Here are some interesting things about the Star Factory graduate:

  • In his free time he goes in for sports.
  • He loves to read poems, especially the lyrics of Marina Tsvetaeva.
  • He dreams of starring in a musical film as himself.
  • He maintains a very close relationship with his mother, whom he considers his best friend.
  • Plays the piano and violin.
  • Likes to listen to Madonna, Michael Jackson, and the A-Studio group.
  • Tries to treat himself with humor.
  • Interested in design, he could try himself as a fashion designer.
  • He could try his hand at being in a group, but he still prefers a solo career.
  • Recently I started writing songs myself.
  • He has a younger sister, Nastya (age difference is 15 years).

Not everyone manages to stay afloat and make it in the cruel world of show business. Sometimes talent alone is not enough for this. However, if there is a will to win and perseverance, more than one rock can be conquered. Obviously, Yuri Titov thinks approximately the same way. And with such thoughts, he will definitely succeed!

In 2004, the most provocative and rated "Star Factory". We all followed the broadcasts from the “star house” with interest, and the whole country sang the guys’ songs. Bright, young, ambitious and talented - these are the boys and girls I recruited at the casting new mentor project, famous music producer Igor Krutoy.

Surely you remember the romantic Alex, brutal Stas Piekha and romantic Yuri Titov.

Today we will tell you how the lives of those who “got cool on TV” turned out.

Ivan Breusov, 32 years old

At the time of casting, Ivan was 21 years old, and he had already become popular singer V Kazakhstan, where he came from to conquer Moscow. At that time, Breusov was the lead singer of the group "101". This casting was not the only one in the musician’s life, since as part of the group he represented the country at the competition "New wave".

On "Factory" Ivan was the calmest participant and did not achieve any special results. After the show, Breusov returned to the group and at the same time took up solo career. In Kazakhstan he is a real star!

In 2014, the musician married the lead singer of the group Lila Meruert Asanova. Currently, Ivan Breusov is producing and participating in various musical projects.

Natalya Korshunova, 29 years old

Ambitious, bright and cheerful - this is exactly how we remember the “manufacturer” Natalya Korshunova. Before getting into the show, the girl managed to work in a group "Propaganda". But a year later Natalya pulled out happy ticket– participation in the “Star Factory”. At that time, Korshunova was studying at the Institute of Contemporary Art, but the girl did not abandon her studies, but decided to combine everything. Natalya Korshunova captivated the jury not only with her talent, but also with her bold image. After “Factory” the girl did not leave music.

In 2007 she released her first solo album "Tenderness", after that almost nothing was heard about the singer.

Anton Zatsepin, 33 years old

“Only Gubin is shorter”- the first thing that comes to mind after the mention of Anton Zatsepin. This song became business card musician. But first things first. Since childhood, Zatsepin has been dancing, which is not surprising, because his mother is a professional choreographer. He graduated from St. Petersburg state institute culture, worked for some time as a fitness instructor, choreographed dances for children and was team captain KVN "The Fifth Volume". But Zatsepin was engaged not only in dancing; at the age of 15 he began singing as part of VIA "Caprice". Anton passed the "Factory" casting, where he became one of the most bright participants and took an honorable second place. 2004 was a very fruitful year for the young singer: he released a video for a song written by composer Igor Nikolaev, “Books about Love,” and in the same year Anton received "Golden Gramophone Award" per song "Wide River", which he performed together with N adezhda Kadysheva.

If everything went well in his work, the musician’s personal life did not work out; he managed to get married and divorced twice. His first wife is a musical reactor Muz-TV Lyubov Khvorostinina, their marriage lasted two months and ended loud scandal. In 2008, he married again - to a journalist Ekaterina Shmyrina who gave birth to a beautiful girl Alexandru Marto(6), but also this love story ended soon.

After “Factory” Zatsepin disappeared from TV screens for some time. He took up his studies and graduated acting departmentGITIS and began raising his daughter. Now Anton Zatsepin continues to tour. He has an album to his credit "You alone" and seven video clips, the last one, "Olyushka", came out in May of this year.

Timur Yunusov, 32 years old

Timur Yunusov, better known as Timati, is one of the most successful people from the Factory. Today his name is known not only in Russia, but also in the West. Timati became addicted to music early age. When he was 14 years old, he created a group VIP 77. Participation in the “Star Factory” brought real fame to the musician.

And his touching romance with one of the project participants, Alexa, became the most discussed. The whole country watched with great interest how the guys built love. But this romance soon ended in a break.Together with his friends, Timati created the group “Banda”, which we have already talked about, and after its collapse he began a solo career.

The musician not only actively shoots videos, records new songs and publishes albums, he has also proven himself to be a successful businessman. The first one was released in 2006 debut album Timati Black Star , and in the same year he founded his own production center Black Star, which successfully works with such artists as L"One (30), (21), Nathan(29), and many others. The musician also produces his own clothing line, Black Star Wear. The film was released in 2014 "Capsule" with Timati in leading role. For my creative career Timati published four albums and collected great amount awards, acted in films, recorded duets with such famous rappers as Snoop Dogg (44),P Diddy(45), and still attracts real sold-out crowds.

The eternal womanizer and heartthrob Timati seemed to have settled down in 2014 and became a father. His lover, a model, gave birth to a daughter for the rapper Alice (1). But, alas, the musician loves freedom and girls so much that things never came to a wedding.

Anastasia Kochetkova, 27 years old

Before you get to “Star Factory” Nastya Kochetkova performed in a group VIP 77 together with other “manufacturers” – Timati and Dominic Joker. By a happy coincidence, the friends passed the casting and got into the project, where they created the successful team “Gang”. Nastya was remembered by the audience not only for her soulful voice, but also for her generosity - all the girls at the Factory often wore her clothes.

After “Factory”, despite her young age - 17 years old, the girl married an aspiring director Rezo Gigineishvili (33). Nastya entered VGIK in the acting department and starred in her husband’s film "Heat". A year later, the newlyweds had a daughter, Maria (9). But this union broke up two years later - Rezo went to his daughter famous director Nikita Mikhalkova Nadezhda. Nastya had a very hard time with the divorce and disappeared from view for some time.

And in 2010, she began work on her first solo album. In 2011, Nastya took part in music project"Star Factory. Return". And the other day she shared her joy in Instagram: together with Music Hayk they recorded new song "Do not leave".


Ksenia Larina, 30 years old

– a sweet-voiced and modest girl. An interesting fact is that Larina had already tried to get into the second “Factory”, where she went along with her sister Maria Rzhevskaya, who passed the selection. And then Larina returned home. But in 2004, luck smiled at her too.

For a long time, the girls’ relationship was kept secret, until they sang a duet at one of the shows.

Larina did not become the winner of the project, but can boast of her work in voicing the role Gabriella Montez from the popular production of "High School Musical", where the singer became her partner. And also the girl graduated Theatre Institute named after Boris Shchukin and took part in the project « Last Hero» . Today, Ksenia Larina still continues to engage in musical creativity.

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Natalya Polyanskaya, 28 years old

Natasha just graduated from school and immediately went to the casting, where she was immediately loved for her childish spontaneity. The girl with pigtails had a mischievous and cheerful character, which was reflected in her repertoire. "Pippi Long stocking» − the solo song was written specifically for the young artist, and this image stuck with Natalya. After the girl left the “Star Factory” during one of the votes, nothing is known about her.

Nadezhda Igoshina, 27 years old

Before "Star Factories - 4" Nadezhda Igoshina, better known as Angina, danced in ballet Alla Dukhova "Todes". The crazy hooligan with a tongue piercing left the stage after the project and went to television.

For some time the singer worked as a TV presenter on Muz TV. Nadezhda is married and has two children. The girl devotes time not only to her family, but also to creativity. Igoshina graduated from the Sidakov acting school and plans to pursue an acting career.

Nadezhda Igoshina in Facebook

33 years

Irina Dubtsova is the winner of “Star Factory – 4”. Participation in the project completely changed the life of a girl from Volgograd. In 1999, a disc with songs performed by Irina came to famous producer Igor Matvienko, who was just at that moment recruiting girls into the group, which received the name, oddly enough, "Girls".

In addition to Dubtsova, the team included Tatiana Gerasimova, Valentina Rubtsova And Olympics Teterich. The group became truly popular, their song "Mom said" everyone knew it by heart. And in 2004, Dubtsova was casting for the most popular project of Channel One. Song "About him", written by Irina, becomes a real hit and thunders throughout the country.

Yuri Titov was born on April 12, 1985 into a family of musicians. Mine life path Yuri, like his parents, decided to devote himself to music. Yuri Titov not only sings amazingly, but also knows how to play the violin and piano. In addition to music, the singer is very interested in the work of a designer and fashion designer and loves sports. Yuri Titov is a participant in the Star Factory-4 project and the New Wave 2005 competition in Jurmala.

The singer probably never lived a day in his life without music. Already at the age of 7, Yuri Titov entered the music school named after. Prokofiev. The singer learned to play the violin, and A. Kanevsky taught him. Six months later, Yuri was already a soloist in the school choir, went on tour to Turkey for international festival Children's Song, was invited to the radio, where he recorded songs for the program “Album Bim-Bom” and much more.

At the age of eight, Yuri Titov became the laureate of the first prize at the festival " Kind heart", where he was given a huge stuffed lion and a bag of sweets. It was then that the singer first appeared on stage Kremlin Palace Congresses. At the age of 15, having graduated from grades 10 and 11 as an external student, Yura Titov entered the Variety and Jazz Studio on Ordynka under the music of the same name. school immediately for the second year with teacher Stepanov A.Yu. At the age of 16, Yura passed the exams at the ISI and was enrolled in the first year of the music faculty in the class of teacher Natalya Mitrofanovna Dubovitskaya. And at the age of 17, although only children over 18 were allowed, Yuri Titov, hiding his age from the jury, took part in the “Become a Star” project. But here he was a little unlucky, and the singer dropped out on the second, dance, round. This excerpt was shown on TV: Yuri Titov stands proudly in the center, dancing, and around him they carefully perform complex “steps” of five beautiful girls. “Well, I didn’t have time to learn the task, since I had one of the last serial numbers,” Yuri Titov explained his “failure” to journalists.

As soon as Yuri Titov turned 18, he immediately ran to participate in a new project. This new project was “People's Artist”. Here he performed a solo song “Castle of Rain” from the repertoire of Vladimir Presnyakov and passed the qualifying round, and then all the others. And most importantly, Yuri Titov entered the top thirty best performers. The producer of the project himself, Evgeny Fridlyand, highly praised Yuri Titov and prophesied that the audience would certainly vote for him. But the singer ended up only in sixth place, which means he did not qualify for the semi-finals. Yuri Titov was very worried about the failure, but did not despair and rushed to “Star Factory-4”. Here a new misfortune awaited him. After the singer completed the first round, he went outside in the bitter cold with his jacket open and caught a cold. At home it turned out that his temperature had risen to 41 degrees. What kind of singing is there if the singer couldn’t even get out of bed in the morning. All night Yuri Titov lay barely alive, and his mother stood over him and repeated like a spell: “Yura, don’t. Yura, don't go. Yura, God bless this Factory.” But Yura just wheezed: “This is empty talk. I’ll go anyway.” And he asked to light a candle near the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which stood on the shelf above his head. The candle burned all night. And so in the morning, when he had to go to participate in the next tour, the singer ordered his parents to take him to Ostankino. His parents dressed him, put him in the car and drove him away. And when they arrived at the place, Yuri Titov got up, got out of the car and walked.

In Ostankino it turned out that Yuri Titov could not sing. They tried to help him in every way possible. The guys from the “Factory” gave the singer medications to restore his vocal cords, but to no avail. Then Yuri Titov raised his eyes to the sky and asked: “Lord, give me a voice for five minutes. Only for five minutes." And so Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy calls the singer and asks him to sing. And then a miracle happened - Yuri Titov began to sing! Yuri Titov performed Harry Moore's song “Another time”. Afterwards, this moment was shown on TV more than once: Yuri Titov sings a melodic beautiful song with feeling, and the jury listens and nods favorably to the beat. And after the speech, Yuri Titov, going out into the corridor, sat down on the floor against the wall and asked the guys to urgently call him a taxi. I rode lying down in the taxi, then somehow made it to the apartment and collapsed into bed. Subsequently, during a medical examination, it turned out that the singer had severe pneumonia. Doctors prescribed antibiotics to Yuri Titov and then took the “manufacturer” for repeated examinations from star house. Then the singer became fine both with his health and with the “Factory”. As Yuri Titov himself says, “It was a great success for me to get to the Factory, meet and start working with such a master as Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy. I am grateful to fate for this meeting.”

Now Yuri Titov is one of the most popular artists, especially among young people. Finally, the singer is doing what he loves. Yuri Titov tours a lot, he also records his first solo album and pays debts to the ISI that have accumulated due to long tours. The singer does not part with music even at home. Yuri Titov's music plays day and night. Most often this Western performers, but Yuri Titov also loves to listen to the voices of his friends - colleagues: his beloved since childhood Anzhelika Varum, Polina Griffis, the brilliant jazz singer Teons Kontridze. And how little sister Nastya loves her brother and his songs, whom Yuri Titov, despite the 15-year age difference, often takes with him to “parties”, to shops, to sushi bars. She has already taught all the children in her kindergarten to sing Yuri Titov’s song: “In the void-e-e... I hear words-and... and sounds-and... I want so... your lips-and ...and ru-u-ki...” Children listen and sing with pleasure along with Nastya the “imperishable hit” “Ponaroshka” from Yuri Titov, which can be listened to and downloaded in the “MP3” section. She also distributes postcards and photographs of her popular brother to all the children in the same kindergarten.

Yuri Titov's debut album is called “Room”. The album contains 11 tracks plus two video clips for the hits “Ponaroshku” and “Forever”. The videos were filmed by director Rezo Gigineishvili. The songs on the album included different musical styles, and some of them were written by Igor Krutoy himself: (“Kiss me”, “Make-believe”, “Simply not easy”, “Forever”, “Enemy”). Today Yuri actively performs at various events and holidays. In the meantime, fans of his talent are looking forward to the appearance of the next album in his discography.