Fields of Massacre - Fields of Massacre. Forest of the Dead

Lineage II is truly one of the most popular multiplayer games, and this popularity is due to the fact that the game includes thoughtful, high-quality graphics, gorgeous fantasy world, full of various heroes and creatures and, of course, the balanced forces of good and evil. But in order not to feel like a black sheep among other online players, you can take two paths. The first is to play Lineage 2 for at least two years in order to thoroughly study all the secrets and bugs, or follow guides that will help even a very green warrior gain confidence in his abilities.

Let's assume you already have the basics - you are well aware of the intricacies of certain classes, types of weapons, and even managed to level up a little by completing various quests. But you know perfectly well why you are working so hard on your character - of course, for the sake of battles. For the sake of a massive squabble and showdown, so as not to run errands from one non-player player to another, but to indicate where the crayfish spend the winter to other online users!

Lineage II can offer players hungry for bloodshed to take part in a castle siege. Every warrior can take part in the siege, regardless of whether he managed to join a clan or is a free ronin.

First of all, each player designates his position in relation to the castle that will be besieged. Near each fortress there is an NPC where you must register.

Registration closes exactly one day before the invasion, so there will be no surprise effect. You simply cannot attack with a bunch of thugs without declaring war. And therefore everything has its time.

Castle siege process

Of course, clan members who own a castle automatically become its defenders; there is no need to choose a role. The clan leader can, at will, make the task more difficult for the attackers. Complications are not free, but sometimes, if you don’t want to lose a castle, it is a necessary and reasonable measure. To begin with, you can place guards. The more there are, the more difficult it will be to get through to the castle or its important parts. Of course, they are of little use, just cannon fodder, but still the task of the besiegers becomes more difficult. Then you can activate the traps. This is a very nasty defense system, since when it gets into it, the enemy not only slows down, but also takes damage with every movement. You can also strengthen gates and walls. But this is unlikely to help if a clan gnome from the attacking squad summons a siege golem.

Well, in this case, the besieged can gain some time.

We begin to break through the defenses. It will be great if the besiegers were not stopped on the approach to the castle, then things will go a little easier. In the siege zone of the castle, where it will be difficult for the owners to reach you, plant a flag. He will resurrect everyone who is near him. At least for a short time, it would be reasonable to set up defenses near the flag. Then, by hook or by crook, with the help of a siege golem, break through courtyard. It is very advisable that your numbers exceed the number of the besieged, because while you storm the gates, many may fall.

If you are defending a fortress

Once you get to the besieged, break the crystals. They are located strictly along the perimeter of the fortress walls and resurrect the besieged. This will take a lot of time, so you should expect that the battle will be serious. After destroying the crystals, use the remnants of the army to break into the inner chambers of the castle. Here, again, a siege golem will help, which will destroy the walls or door.

Remember that the leader of your clan must be protected like the apple of your eye, because only he can complete the capture of the castle. This is done inside, in the prayer book, where the head must read a special prayer, ascending to a pedestal, near a special statue. Gather the remaining army around it and defend yourself, since the defenders of the castle will attack it. Daggermen are especially dangerous, as they can throw their weapons across your entire defense directly at the leader. Any blow knocks him out of prayer, and he is forced to start all over again. But, like any other hero, the leader will not be able to endure bullying for long and will soon die, and without him, completing the capture of the castle will be simply impossible.

The siege lasts two hours, so don’t forget that in the remaining time, if you win, the clan that lost the castle will want to return it. This is quite possible, so you should immediately start defending and hold the castle for as long as possible. You should defend yourself according to the same rules that were written above. The better the defense, the higher the chance. That is why, in preparation for a siege, one should not forget that the besiegers must outnumber the besieged, because after the capture, even more exciting and bloody battles begin.

Capturing a castle will give the clan a bunch of bonuses that can only be obtained there; you can buy useful items, and the leader can set taxes on the sale of goods there in the amount of five to fifteen percent. There are a lot of benefits for both the leader and the rest of the clan members, so good luck in the siege! And don’t forget that the vanquished can always take revenge!

Fields of Massacre(TP from Aden), from the city go to the central part of the location next to the Devastated Castle.
In Massacre there are several types of clearings inhabited by specific mobs. These are mostly undead, so from time to time you can meet swinging bishek and EEshek here, but not all clearings are comfortable for them. If you look at the destroyed castle, then on the left there will be mobs on which you can level up from 50.

There is nothing particularly interesting from these mobs, except maybe a few things from C and B crafting, for example, keys drop on . You can spoil the caps for the top T clothes. Please note that the mob is not undead, and if you came here as a bishko, you will have to constantly put liches in the root, since they are social with archers. But none of those around the mob are social, and they can be driven away by the same bishas.

To the right of the TP the mobs are thicker (along the level), and more interesting. It is in the right clearing that I spend quite a lot of time.

I'm mostly here because of the mob that drops me. It will drop from it, and the B armors will be spoiled. From the other two mobs you can get a recipe for BV slippers, a couple of books, or some other crap. From the caterpillar. There are still a bunch of group mobs, in principle they do not interfere, but sometimes they get aggravated, it seems that they are social with some of the other mobs. There is also a tree that is practically useless if you only fill it with 5th grade keys.

If you go uphill from the clearing with doom sideboards, there will be several new mobs, the most interesting of which will be level 61, which drops a 100% recipe for a doom hat. Not a great chance, but you can knock out the retz in an hour. Also lives in these clearings. Also, many clearings are inhabited by group mobs led by minions and.

In this clearing, everything is undead, you can knock out the rets with blows. Just beware of archers, they hit pretty hard from afar, and some of the mobs also hang poison.

Well, the last population of mobs in this location, headed by the well-known groaning beast with an oar in his hands.

They say that you can even knock out Doom Knight

So I started playing on Asterios again, created a new character, leveled up to level 20 and asked myself the question - where is the best place to go to level up so that the leveling goes as quickly as possible? The first idea that came to mind was naturally the idea of ​​going to the katas. And then I suddenly remembered that, despite the fact that catacombs have existed in the game almost from the very beginning, there is still no useful article about them on our website. So now I decided to correct this error and write a detailed guide to the Seven Seals and everything connected with them.

Event Seven Seals was introduced into the game back in Chronicle 3: Rise of Darkness and, no matter how trivial it may sound, it represents an ongoing struggle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness for power over magic seals, granting omnipotence. The name of the event does not justify itself, because there are 3 of these seals: Seal of Thirst(Seal of Avarice), Seal of Knowledge(Seal of Gnosis) and Seal of Struggle(Seal of Strife). Once upon a time, the developers promised to increase the number of seals to seven in subsequent ones. But now five years have passed, and we still do not see the promised changes. Story Seven Seals closely related to general history peace Lineage 2. If you are a fan of RPGs and games and are interested in these tales, you can easily find and read them on the Internet. In this article I will talk about the very essence of this phenomenon and its impact on the overall gameplay.
So, Seven Seals. The event is divided into two periods - Period of Struggle And Ratification Period. During the period of struggle, everyone can register and participate in the struggle for seals.

Each player can go into dungeons and knock out special monsters from there Seal Stones and bring them to your NPC. The more stones players hand over, the more points their side gets. Points for surrendering seal stones are only half of everything a party can receive. The second half is awarded for participation in Festival of Darkness, but I will talk about this in another article. Let me just say that to participate you need a full party of players, and you will have to fight off monsters of increasing difficulty in a cramped room. After a week of fighting, the side that scores more points based on the results of collecting seal stones and the festival of darkness is declared the winner. Players who registered for the winning side will have access to catacombs and necropolises throughout the next week. If somehow a character from the losing side gets there or does not participate in the event at all, then as soon as he approaches the monsters, he will immediately be teleported outside the dungeon. Also at this time, useful NPCs appear in the crypts - Blacksmith of Mammon in the catacombs and Merchant of Mammon in necropolises. At the Blacksmith of Mammon, you can print clothes and jewelry of grade A and higher, insert SA into weapons of grade A and higher, and also exchange C weapons for equivalent ones or upgrade them to top ones by paying in addition to ancient adena. Ancient Adena– a special currency that you, being registered for the winning side, will receive from your NPC registrar after a week of struggle. The more stones you handed over during the week of struggle, the more ancient Adena you will receive accordingly. During the ratification period, you will be able to instantly exchange Seal Stones for Ancient Adena. From the Merchant Mamon, who, like the blacksmith, moves randomly from one necropolis to another every 30 minutes, you can buy many useful things for ancient Adena - such as +4-4 paints and others, which are an order of magnitude better than store-bought ones, blessed scrolls return and resurrection, A and S grade gametones. Also, during ratification, special NPCs appear in cities - Diviners of Revelation(Oracle of Revelations) and Preachers of Doom(Preacher of Doom). The first ones throw a buff to all winners that protects them from kencel, slip and other mental attacks. The latter give the losers a debuff that significantly reduces resistance and casting speed. Of course, you can try to run around them, trying to avoid a twenty-minute debuff, but, as practice shows, this is not always possible. In addition, the winners will be able to teleport to the nearest catacombs directly from their NPC (Priest of Dawn or Priestess of Dusk) for a few ancient adena. And those with noble status can teleport to any catacombs from any gate keeper for a nominal fee of 1000 adena.
Any characters who have reached level 20 can take part in the event. As mentioned above, we will participate in the never-ending struggle between the forces of light and darkness. Therefore, first you have to choose the side for which you will participate - either for Lords of the Dawn(this is a type of light) or for Army of Dusk(darkest darkness). For the first ones you can register with the NPC Priest of Dawn(Priest of Dawn), for the second - at Dusk Priestess(Priestess of Sunset). Registration with the Priest of Dawn will cost you 50,000 adena, registration with the Priestess of Dusk is free. Choosing a side is an extremely important process, because your entire next week will depend on how correct it was. So before you sign up, find out which side often wins on your server. From my own experience, I can say that on most servers the Lords of the Dawn win.
During the registration process for the Seven Seals, you will be asked to choose which of the three Seals you wish to fight for. In principle, for most players this is not so important, since they participate only for access to special dungeons with fat drops and spoils.
After registration, you will have access to special dungeons called catacombs and necropolises. These crypts are scattered throughout almost the entire Lineage 2 world map. Each of them is inhabited by monsters of certain levels. The list below shows the names of all currently existing necropolises and catacombs, the levels of mobs inside them, as well as their approximate location.

Name Mob levels Location
Sacrificial Necropolis(Necropolis of Sacrifice) 20~30 Langk Lizardmen Settlement, Gludin
Catacombs of Heretics(Heretics Catacomb) 30~40 Land of the Executed, Dion
Necropolis of the Pilgrims(Pilgrims Necropolis) 30~40 Partisan camp, Dion.
Catacombs of the Excommunicated(Catacomb of the Branded) 40~50 Giran Harbor
Necropolis of the Novices(Worshipers Necropolis) 40~50 Alligator Island, Hayne.
Catacombs of the Apostates(Catacomb of the Apostate) 50~60 Valley of the Lizards, Oren.
Necropolis of the Rebels(Patriots Necropolis) 50~60
Witches Catacombs(Catacomb of the Witch) 60~70 Forest of Mirrors, Village of Hunters.
Prayer Necropolis(Ascetics Necropolis) 60~70 Ceremonial Altar, Dark Elf Village.
Necropolis of the Martyrs(Martyr's Necropolis) 60~70 Castle of the City of Giran.
Catacombs of the Dark Prophecy(Catacomb of Dark Omens) 70~80 Village of Dark Elves.
Catacombs of the Forbidden Path(Catacomb of the Forbidden Path) 70~80 Hunter Village
Necropolis of Saints(Saints Necropolis) 70~80 Whispering Fields, Hayne.
Necropolis of the Apostles(Disciples Necropolis). 70~80 Ruined Castle, Aden
Oracle of the Dawn(Oracle of Dawn) 20~75 Orc camp, Gludin.
Oracle of Sunset(Oracle of Dusk) 20~75 Hill of the Winds, Gludin.

All monsters in catacombs and necropolises have four times the amount of HP, therefore these places are the most convenient for leveling up melee classes, such as gnomes, daggers, destroyers, shooting galleries and others. Monsters in the catacombs are divided into two types. The first, that is, the main ones, are the monsters from which they fall Seal Stones. There are seal stones Red , Green And Blue, and they cost 10, 5 and 3 Ancient Adena respectively. And those, in turn, depending on the economy of the server, cost from two to who knows how many ordinary adena. The spoil from these monsters is often quite tasty, and if you add the manor to everything, the quality in the catacombs will turn out to be simply amazingly profitable.
The second type of monsters are those that do not drop stones. They are often aggressive. On them at the entrance to the catacombs you can take a couple of very necessary quests. Any Guardian Portal Ziggurat(Gatekeeper Ziggurat) can give you quest Yoke of the Past, after which, when you kill these non-stone monsters, they will appear in your inventory Scrolls Ancient Magic(Scroll of Ancient Magic). Ziggurat will exchange them for Blank Scroll, and they will be very useful when purchasing Merchant of Mammon enchantment scrolls. Of course, you will have to pay extra with ancient adena, but in any case, the cost of the scroll will be about two times cheaper than on the market. Another thing that amused me in this quest is the dialogue with Ziggurat, who tells how noble and pure the monsters are, from which the stones fall, and tearfully asks us not to kill them. Yeah, right now: D Moreover, if you touch an aggressive monster next to you, they will begin to attack you. And what kind of Korean thought of coming up with such a thing?
The second useful quest in the catacombs is This is the quest “In Search of Fragments of Dimension”. It is taken from the large statue that stands in the very first room of the dungeon. During its execution you will receive the same Fracture Particles, which are necessary to enter the Rift. We also need to talk about what a rift is for a very long time, so either I or I will write about it.

The guide was compiled by Kreo for the site, Airin server. When copying material, please leave a link to this article.

The article is aimed at a beginner in Lineage 2 and gives general concepts about the location Forest of the Dead.

In this article you will learn:

  • History of the Forest of the Dead;
  • Tips for leveling up;
  • Quests.

History of the Forest of the Dead.

The Forest of the Dead is located east of the city of Runa, once upon a time this place was the site of a massacre of rebels of the Von Hellman family. That's why almost no one comes here, the forest is still strewn with the rotting corpses of those killed in battle.

Tips for leveling up

It’s beneficial to level up in pairs, but it’s also acceptable to level up solo.

It is important to note that the composition of monsters changes depending on the game time. At night the monsters are more dangerous.

Before going here, be sure to purchase a set of grade A bizhi (phoenix is ​​possible) and stock up on bandages. Almost all mobs have strong drain, which hurts when critiquing and leaves bleeding.

All monsters in Forest of the Dead have lvl from 63 to 73. If you play solo, then you should come here at level 63-65. But I recommend starting with 66. The location is convenient primarily for magicians, supports and summoners. Contact soldiers and archers will feel good only in the daytime and not in all clearings. At night, there is a high probability of dying, despite the fact that here the physical protection of most mobs is weakened.

Almost all mobs are undead, which gives a big bonus to supports. Some monsters have resistance to dark attacks and weakness to wind.

All monsters drop large amounts of mana infusions.

There are 3 very tasty glades in the Forest:

1. A small clearing near the bridge. (Rune->Swamp of Screams ->Pass the bridge and immediately right)

Here the highest exp from mobs is for players from 65-66 to 72-73. Contact soldiers, archers and summoners can level up very well during the daytime. At night, only magicians and supports are comfortable in this clearing. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the unevenness that needs to be monitored. Mobs drain very painfully at the most inopportune moment, and even with a critical hit. If mobs have accumulated in groups, we kill the magicians first, and then the Bone Killer.

To the west of this clearing (across the road) there is great quality for a mage and support at night. Reply is fast, mobs are weak.

2. "Tablet"

The most popular place for mages and supports is the “tablet”. Here you can start from 70-72 to 74-75. A large number of mobs, fast rep. It is convenient to swing both day and night. There is also a good clearing near this place. Usually always busy.

3. Leveling up from 63 to 66-68

All the clearings that can be found above the road are perfect for players 63-68. But the monsters are very nasty, in addition to the drain there is a stun. Mages can quickly throw back their legs (that's why I wrote above that it is better to come to the Forest at 66). We preferably download contacts and bows here (under a good buff).

That's basically it. Required condition for a magician it is the presence of a Kookaburra or support in a party with an emp (increase in magic attack Effect 3).



There are some in the Forest of the Dead Fortress of the Dead. Can be captured by a clan

Fortress of the Dead is located in the southeast of the city of Rune and is captured in the same way as the Ruined Castle. This is the most prestigious and difficult to siege monastery of all that must be conquered.

Only clans whose level is 4 or higher are able to take part in the competition.

Registration for the siege of the Fortress of the Dead takes place two hours before it begins and is done at the NPC located outside the walls of the fortress.

The rules for a siege are similar to the siege of a Ruined Castle. The capture lasts one hour and the clan that made the greatest contribution to the murder of Lydia von Hellman wins. It will become much easier to capture this castle if you first deal with Lydia’s assistants - Alfred von Hellman and Gisel von Hellman.

The siege ends with the death of Lydia von Hellman, and in cases where no one was able to kill her, the Fortress of the Restless remains in the possession of the monsters until the next capture.

The clan that owned this monastery last week is automatically registered for the next siege.

The leader of the clan that owns the Fortress of the Dead is given the ability to control a wyvern.

Raid Boss

Einhalder von Hellman (Raid Boss) level 71 - Eldest son famous family Von Hellman, executed for treason. A pact with the devil gave him a second life and he was resurrected as a vampire. Now he's wandering around Forest of the Dead, dreaming of retribution.

The raid boss appears only at night in the Cursed Village. Has 4 level 70 minions. Resistant to darkness. Throws root.

Aggressive No
Experience 2142425
SP 952990
HP 900867
Phys. Attack 4225
Mag. Attack 1028
Phys. Protection 1443
Mag. Protection 781
Name Quantity Chance

Blade of the Dark Legion

Dark Legion's Edge Blade

14 — 42 7.2557%

Dragon Slayer Blade

Dragon Slayer Edge

9 — 27 11.2866%

Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern

Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern

8 — 22 16.8122%

Blade of the Legendary Sword

Sword of Miracles Edge

5 — 15 22.315%

Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern

Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern

4 — 12 31.5229%

Memory of Death

3 — 7 25%

Grave Stele of Destruction

Destruction Tombstone

1 — 4 25%

Scroll: Enchant Armor (A)

Scroll: Enchant Armor (A)

1 — 3 59.9942%

Book of the Ancients - Divine Inspiration (Original Language)

Ancient Book - Divine Inspiration (Original Language Version)

1 25%

Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S)

Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S)

1 6.3994%

Sealed Majestic Plate Armor

Sealed Majestic Plate Armor

1 1.6822%

Sealed Armor of Nightmare

Sealed Armor of Nightmare

1 1.6822%

Dark Legion

Dark Legion's Edge

1 0.714%

Legendary Sword

Sword of Miracles

1 0.714%

Dragon Killer

1 0.714%


Name Level EXP SP
Risen Knight
(Resurrected Knight)
63 8423 761
Vicious Knight
(Corrupted Knight)
63 9739 880
Dead Man's Body
(Corps of Deadman)
63 0 0
Vicious Guardian
(Corrupted Guard)
64 10051 920
Bloodthirsty Executioner
(Slaughter Executioner)
65 9143 850
Crushed Man
(Trampled Man)
65 7521 698
Risen Guardian
(Resurrected Guard)
66 11449 1078
Bone Collector
(Bone Snatcher)
66 10529 991
(Bone Maker)
66 11515 1084
Bone Creator
(Bone Shaper)
66 11515 1084
(Sacrificed Man)
67 9669 920
Ghost of the Guillotine
(Guillotine's Ghost)
67 10013 954
Ghost of the Guillotine
(Bone Collector)
67 11634 1108
Skull Collector
(Skull Collector)
67 11067 1054
Requiem Beast (type 1)
(Requiem Behemoth)
67 0 0
Requiem Beast (type 2)
(Requiem Behemoth)
67 0 0
Bones Animator
(Bone Animator)
68 11177 1080
Animator Cherepov
(Skull Animator)
68 12223 1181
Devil Bat
(Devil Bat)
68 12528 1211
Bone Killer
(Bone Slayer)
68 14611 1411
Lord of Requiem
(Requiem Lord)
68 14446 1396
Bone Cleaner
(Bone Sweeper)
69 12339 1207
69 13747 1345
Ghost of the Rebel
(Ghost of Rebellion Soldier)
69 12862 1259
Ghost of the Traitor
(Ghost of Betrayer)
69 9068 887
Bone Crusher
(Bone Grinder)
70 15483 1535
Ghost of the Guillotine
(Ghost of Guillotine)
70 11220 1112
Requiem Beast (type 3)
(Requiem Behemoth)
70 0 0
Requiem Beast (type 4)
(Requiem Behemoth)
70 0 0
Priest of Requiem
(Requiem Priest)
71 15300 1535
Bone Whisperer
(Bone Caster)
71 12185 1223
Bone Puppeteer
(Bone Puppeteer)
71 13326 1337
Ghost of the Rebel Leader
(Ghost of Rebellion Leader)
71 13012 1306
Vampire Soldier
(Vampire Soldier)
71 14270 1432
Monstrous Zombie
(Behemoth Zombie)
71 12369 1241
Vampire Adept
(Vampire Adept)
72 13648 1387
Vampire Warrior
(Vampire Warrior)
72 14222 1445
Bone Scavenger
(Bone Scavenger)
72 13435 1364
Vampire Mage
(Vampire Magician)
72 11554 1174
Master of Vampires
(Vampire Magister)
73 11923 1226
Vampire Warlord
(Vampire Warlord)
73 16015 1648
Vampire Sorcerer
(Vampire Wizard)
73 11923 1226

That's all. Thank you all for your attention :) I’ll try to continue making guides.


In connection with what is happening in Cadmus(and not only on it, I think) due to the considerable fuss associated with clan halls, I decided to write a short article on this topic. To begin with, I think it is important to show the importance of the clan hall in the development of the clan. And the benefits are immeasurable. For starters, this is an opportunity. restoration of lost %,MP and HP recovery inside the clan hall, the presence of teleports in strategically important places , inaccessible through regular portal guardians, presence of a store, where you can buy all sorts of crap for fishing, as well as everyone’s favorite bsoe, and, of course, the presence clan hall buffs. In the end, having a clan's own home increases its reputation in the eyes of others. Having a clan hall is prestigious and necessary

About Clan Halls

So there is 5 types clan halls

C grade:
City of Dion

B grade:
City of Stuttgart

City of Gludio

Village of Gludin

A grade:
Aden city
(clan hall in the capital of the kingdom of Aden, the leader can fly on a wyvern, the ability to change wolves for cool wolves, striders, for cool striders)

Giran city

City of Goddardt

Runa city
(clan hall in the capital of the kingdom of Elmore, the leader can fly a wyvern, the ability to change wolves for cool wolves, striders for cool striders)

S grade

Corral of Wild Beasts
Strengthening the Partisans
Bandit Camp
Ruined Castle
Fortress of the Dead
Palace of Rainbow Springs

About Purchasing Clan Halls

The difference between the levels of clan halls lies in their location, the level of buffs offered to the butler, the percentage of lost exp recovered after death, and the amount of MP and HP restored inside the dwelling.
Of course, to purchase a clan hall, the clan cannot be newly created - the minimum level required to purchase a clan hall is 2, and to capture it - level 4.

The purchase of the city clan hall takes place in the form of an auction. The clan leader approaches the auctioneer, indicates the amount, another approaches - indicates a large amount and so on. Whoever runs out of money loses. After the end of the auction, the adena will be returned to him.
The clan leader who offered the highest amount at the end of the auction wins. Amounts offered by losing clan leaders are returned to their warehouses. If one of the clans fighting in the economic market for possession of the clan hall puts up maximum bet(which, by the way, exceeds 2 billion), he automatically becomes the winner of the auction and no one else will be able to block his bid. The auction lasts a week, during which all interested clans must deposit a certain amount of money.

Upon purchase, the clan hall is provided in the form empty room, in which there is nothing more or less significant, four corners, four walls. That's all. To increase the efficiency of the clan hall, the money necessary for its maintenance must be moved to the clan warehouse, from where it will subsequently be withdrawn to pay for electricity, gas and hot water. And here is the list itself utilities, available in clan halls:

A. Remedies

  • Fireplace: HP recovery (number depends on clan hall level)
  • Carpet: MP recovery (number depends on clan hall level)
  • Chandelier (candelabrum): when a character dies and returns to the clan hall, a fixed % of experience is restored (the number depends on the level of the clan hall)
  • B. Miscellaneous equipment

  • Mirror: Allows you to teleport to nearby regions and hunting grounds
  • Curtains: add various buffs to the clan hall manager (NPC) (the level of buffs depends on the level of the clan hall)
  • Magic machine– available in B-tier clan halls and higher. Allows you to produce items corresponding to the level of control.
  • B. Additional decorations

  • Curtain, foyer– these decorations allow you to simply decorate the KH.
  • A description of the capabilities of each city clan hall is located.

    Clan halls S grade

    In addition to purchased clan halls, the level of which does not exceed A grade, there are also S grade clan halls, which cannot be acquired with the ring of a coin. They use pieces of iron, pieces of wood and brains. What I mean is that S grade clan halls can only be captured by taking part in a battle against monsters, or in a certain mini-game.

    Strengthening the Partisans

    Well, everything is simple here. We kill Bloody Lord Nurka, appearing only at night and we have at our disposal a picturesque house with a shabby interior.

    Bandit Camp

    A very mediocre clan hall. Not really good location, not a particularly nice clan hall. Really, what can’t you do for an S grade home?

    To participate in the battle for the clan hall in the Robber Fortress, the leader must complete a certain quest some time before the start of the battle. Only the first 5 clans to complete the quest can participate in the battle. In addition, no more than 18 people from each clan can participate.
    Having decided to participate in the battle, the clan leader must register 18 clan members and select an NPC to guard. The clan that owns this clan hall must register 18 clan members who will participate in the defense.
    The date and time of the battle can be confirmed with the NPC located outside of Bandit Stronghold.
    Based on the principle of a knockout competition, five selected clans must preserve their own NPCs while destroying the NPCs of their opponents. At the entrance to the clan hall there are camps, in front of each camp there is a flag of a certain color. Participants must wait next to the flag of the appropriate color. When the knockout competition begins, NPCs appear next to the flags and begin to move towards the center to engage in battle. The clan NPC is designated in the same way as the clan.
    This is a general battle for a certain period of time until only one clan remains. If the protected NPC dies, all clan members are teleported outside the clan hall. The battle ends when only one NPC remains.

    If the time limit has expired (20 minutes), but 2 or more NPCs remain, everyone is teleported from the clan hall and it is considered that the previous owner of the clan hall has successfully defended it, even without a final battle. As soon as the battle begins, all players not registered for it find themselves outside the clan hall.
    The clan owner of the clan hall must wait in the peaceful zone inside the clan hall during the relegation competition.

    In the final battle, the two clans are teleported to the center of the clan hall, the rules and method of conducting the competition remain the same. However, there is no time limit in the final. If the clan hall did not have an owner, then the winner of the knockout competition becomes the owner of this clan hall; the final battle is not held.

    Ruined castle

    One of the most serious and boring in terms of appearance clan halls. Looks like a ruined castle. The battle takes place according to the principle of war with NPCs, that is, the clan hall is held by NPCs, and those who want to divide and conquer try to capture it. It's not very easy, by the way.

    Corral of Wild Beasts

    Capturing this clan hall is similar to capturing the Robber Fortress. The principle is the same. The clan hall itself is beautiful, conveniently located, and the most important feature is that it is much easier to tame monsters that live on the territory of the clan hall than on the territory of Beast Farm.

    Fortress of the Dead

    The principle is the same as in the battle for Devasted. The killing of NPC Lidia von Hellmann by a certain clan automatically awards victory to that clan. Atmospheric clan hall. By the way, the leader can fly on a wyvern.

    Palace of Rainbow Springs

    Perhaps the most beautiful of the clan halls. Very interesting way competitions. Very good location.
    To take over the clan hall, you need to become the winner of the mini-game. Participants must have at least 5 people in their squad.

    More information about this mini-game

    The clan leader who has the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall War Decree must register his participation at least an hour before the start of the test with the NPC herald. The right to participate in the competition is given to 4 clans that have greatest number Rainbow Springs Clan Hall War Decree, and the leaders of these clans receive a corresponding system message.

    Rainbow Springs Clan Hall War Decree can be obtained by fishing in the lakes in Khoty. But the fisherman must use a special bait (Hot Springs Bait).
    The War for Rainbow Springs Chateau takes place in the Rainbow Springs East Arena.
    After the selection of participants, competition time begins, consisting of an hour waiting period, 58 minutes of competition and 2 minutes of the final part.

    Registered clans must create squads of at least 5 members, the leader of the clan is the leader of the squad. The squad must arrive at the arena before the start of the battle and enter with the help of a Caretaker (caretaker). The area around the arena is a peaceful zone.
    Participating clans enter the designated positions in the prescribed manner and through Caretaker. If a character who is not a member of the party enters, the clan will not be allowed to enter the arena.
    After entering the arena, all buffs available at that moment for all participants are removed, summoned pets/servants disappear, and they cannot be summoned again in the arena.

    As soon as the competition begins, a Hot Springs Yeti and a Hot Springs Gourd appear in the center of the arena, and treasure chests appear scattered throughout the arena.
    Hot Springs Yeti announces the rules of the game and helps players with advice.
    All Hot Springs Yeti clues can be collected and then exchanged for various Hot Springs items. Exchanging text or using the Hot Springs item is only available to the leader and clan members.

    Participants can smash numerous treasure chests in the arena and may receive text scraps. Text items cannot be traded, so to give it to another character you must drop the item on the ground to be picked up.
    Treasure chests can only be broken with bare hands, but Mimics can be attacked with both physical and magical attacks.

    If you use Hot Springs Nectar, an Enraged Yeti will appear at regular intervals and interrupt the game. Enraged Yeti can be attacked with physical and magical attacks.
    Hot Springs items can be used when the Hot Springs Yeti is targeted, they can also reduce the pumpkin's HP, debuff other teams, change the pumpkin, or open it.
    The first team to destroy the Hot Springs Gourd wins the game. Then all participants will be teleported outside the arena after 2 minutes.
    At the end of the game, the NPC manager appears in the arena and picks up all the items.

    That's how it is. Have you already looked at an apartment?