How to get rich quickly, what you need to do. Real stories of people who became rich on their own

How to get rich at home from scratch and without investments? Where to start on your path to wealth and what obstacles will need to be overcome?

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine! Vitaly and Dmitry are in touch with you.

Today we will talk about a very interesting and always relevant topic - how to get rich, and in practice we will tell you how to do this.

We hope our article will help you fully realize your creative and commercial potential and gain financial independence!

So let's begin.

1. How realistic is it to get rich quickly from scratch at home?

Wealth and prosperity are, first of all, the result of hard work. Only in isolated cases do people become rich due to luck and fortune. we already wrote in one of our articles.

2. What do you really want: to get rich or to be happy?

Material wealth is certainly important: it makes a person feel happier and more fulfilled. However, wealth is far from the only condition for comfort and well-being. Karl Marx also wrote that the prosperity of a society is measured by the amount of free time its citizens have.

"Wealth- this is the amount of time you can not work while maintaining a comfortable standard of living for yourself.”

Robert Kiyosaki, famous entrepreneur

That is, in order to get rich, you must first of all have time - a universal resource that can be turned into money. But in a general sense, a rich person can be called someone who develops equally successfully in different areas of life.

Truly successful and rich people pay attention to:

  • health;
  • relationships;
  • creative and personal development;
  • material well-being.

Human happiness lies in harmony. A person becomes happy if he is healthy, has the opportunity to implement his own ideas and projects, does what he loves, relaxes with his family and communicates with interesting people, that is, has happy relationships with others.

Ideally, what you love should also be a way to achieve material well-being. When work is a burden and does not bring moral satisfaction, one can hardly talk about personal well-being (even with a high salary).

In other words, you need to determine for yourself what exactly you want: to get rich in any way or to become happy?

Wealth– not the case when the end justifies the means.

And this is true precisely because wealth itself does not guarantee a person’s happiness, but often, on the contrary, mercilessly takes away a person’s health, happy relationships with loved ones, children, friends, and absorbs almost all of a person’s time!

Unfortunately, we know examples of outwardly rich, but internally deeply unhappy people who, having a solid fortune, look tired and dissatisfied, even disappointed.

Money requires love, but not worship. They are a means and must serve for the benefit of people.


It has been noted that people who get rich quickly without giving back their work often suffer serious psychological trauma and problems.

Big money means big energy, it's a big responsibility that many are not ready for.

Strive for inner peace and tranquility. The most important thing is to understand your nature and engage in activities in accordance with it.

If you really understand who you are and what you want from life, that is, you understand what makes you happy and how exactly you can be useful to other people, and start doing this - money in the right amount will come into your life.

Nowadays, thanks to the development of new technologies and the Internet, opportunities for earning money have increased many times over. and get rich without large financial investments, we have already talked about on the pages of our electronic magazine.

If you are not currently satisfied with your level of well-being, you should try different ways to achieve it that seem attractive to you. The more possibilities you try, the higher the likelihood of success.

The main thing is to remember balance.

3. What prevents you from getting rich - the main obstacles on the path to success

There is only one obstacle that prevents people from getting rich - themselves. By changing your own thinking, you will inevitably attract financial flows to you. Transformations start small: take the first step and you will see how the world around you begins to change.

How to learn to think like rich people

When we talk about creative thinking, we are talking about subconscious attitudes that directly affect our thinking and, ultimately, material well-being.

The books of Canadian subconscious specialist John Kehoe “Money, Success and You”, “The Subconscious Mind Can Do Anything” and others provide practical recommendations for changing thinking in a positive direction.

Other authors also say that thought is material - for example, which we talked about in detail in a separate article. In his works, the author reveals the secrets of millionaires, teaches him to leave his comfort zone and influence his own subconscious.

Never say, “I can’t afford it.” Instead, ask questions like: “HOW will I be able to afford this?”

Robert Kiyosaki

And the subconscious will look for answers.

The crisis in Russia - an obstacle or a chance to change your life

How to get rich in a crisis, when the incomes of the majority of the population are falling, wages are being delayed, and production rates are becoming lower and lower?

Oddly enough, for people with a positive approach to life, unfavorable circumstances are only an additional incentive for creativity.

In Chinese, crisis is also translated as “new opportunity,” we think the hint is clear.

In extreme and uncomfortable conditions there is no time left for complaints and regrets. When a person is threatened with debt and other troubles, his desire to change his own situation increases and he is ready to leave his comfort zone.

The main thing in such circumstances is not to panic and continue to think creatively.

How to get rich without investments? How to get rich on the stock exchange, betting, selling real estate, and making smart financial investments? How can a girl, student, or pensioner gain financial stability? All these questions are of a private nature, but at the same time subject to general rules.

It is the general rules that we want to formulate and present to our readers in the form of specific practical tips and recommendations.

Having understood how to get rich, having mastered the basic “technologies”, you yourself will be able to choose the most effective ways for yourself to make money.

Tip 1. Invest in your education

Investing in your own education is work for the future. Practice shows that the skills, knowledge and talents that you develop almost always turn out to be in demand.

How to learn to make money from your skills is the second question. First you need to create a supply, and only then will there be a demand for it.

To get additional education or learn something new, you don’t even have to leave home. Training can be obtained via the Internet: right now hundreds of webinars, distance learning programs, courses and seminars are being held online.

Today there is a ton of FREE materials online on almost any topic.

All you have to do is choose what you like best or take a course to improve your existing knowledge and skills.

Tip 2. Improve your financial literacy

How to raise your financial IQ? Many scientific and popular works have been written on this topic.

You can also gain real knowledge on this topic through practice. You can take your monthly budget as a basis and try to manage it with the utmost rationality.

Eliminate all unnecessary spending, try to develop a pragmatic attitude towards money, read competent books on economics, use logic and common sense more often.

Try to start saving a portion of your income on a regular basis. Form your investment reserves.

Tip 3. Develop and polish your talents and abilities

A person wastes a lot of time doing things that do not bring him either moral satisfaction or material benefits. Pointless surfing on the Internet, viewing celebrity blogs on LiveJournal and the pages of acquaintances on social networks can be replaced with more useful and promising activities.

For example, if you have literary skills, albeit small and questionable to others, you can try to develop them. Write stories, fairy tales, histories - whatever brings you pleasure.

You yourself will not notice how you will be carried away by the creative process. If you like what you create, perhaps publishers and readers will like it.

Any personal strengths and creative abilities can be developed and improved if you do this regularly and purposefully.

Play the guitar (piano, banjo), do yoga, study foreign languages, attend courses in management, rhetoric, communication - all these skills will definitely come in handy.

Proper time management () is a skill that all wealthy people, without exception, possess. All millionaires and heads of large companies have a detailed plan for the day, week, month, which they try to stick to.

Don't be alarmed: time management won't turn you into a robot or kill your freedom. On the contrary, a competent approach to the most important human resource - time - will save you from haste, meaningless fuss and unproductive activities.

Tip 5: Build the Habits of Rich People

If among your friends and acquaintances there are wealthy people, try to communicate with them more often, be friends with them, learn from them.

First of all, you need to learn how to approach your own resources: successful people know how to manage their time, talents, and skills as efficiently as possible.

They may not work any harder than the average employee, but they get much more out of their work.

If you don’t have rich friends, read books about successful people, watch movies, develop healthy habits, and leave your comfort zone more often. Don't look at money through the prism of emotions, perceive it through logic and reason.

Representatives of the middle class think about advancing their careers, while the rich are focused on owning a business, as well as creating sources of passive income. John Rockefeller also said that the path to large fortunes lies through

When we talk about the habits of millionaires, we do not mean unreasonable spending and other excesses. Most wealthy people practice restraint and a reasonable approach to financial spending.

The table below will help organize tips on how to get rich and remember them better:

Advice What to do Result
1 Invest in your education Learn new things and constantly develop new skills and abilitiesNew perspectives are opening up
2 Improve financial literacy Learn to allocate financial resources effectivelyCash savings, increasing capital for investment
3 Develop abilities and talents Improve and polish your strengthsAchieving the highest level of professionalism in your business
4 Master time management Learn to manage yourself wisely over timeIncreased personal effectiveness
5 Build the Habits of the Rich Learn from rich people, communicate with rich people directly or through booksChanging your thinking and view of the world around you

Make following these tips a habit in your life and the results will not be long in coming.

5. Magic and wealth - is it possible to get rich with the help of magic?

In our opinion, resorting to magic is far from the best idea.

There is an ancient law that says: “You have to pay for everything in this life.” Therefore, at best, you will simply waste your time, and at worst, you understand...

In the end, let's put this dubious method aside. No amount of magic will help you get rich if a person is not internally ready to become a wealthy person.

Real magic is changing your own subconscious and thinking. This “magic” really works, and the good news is that it is available for free to everyone.

6. Movies and books that will help you get rich

A great many books, scientific papers and films devoted to this topic have been written and filmed.

We list the most relevant of them:

  • "Secret"- Rhonda Byrne's book, which reveals the secrets of positive thinking and the materialization of our desires, there is also a popular film of the same name.
  • "Rich dad, poor dad", author Robert Kiyosaki - a book about the benefits of self-improvement and working for yourself.
  • "Reaching the Maximum", “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone” - books by Brian Tracy about ways to change your life.
  • "My neighbor is a millionaire", authors – Thomas Stanley, William Danko.
  • "Think and get rich"- the work of Napoleon Hill, a reference book for many people who became rich through their own efforts.
  • "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"- a practical guide by Stephen Covey.
  • "Billion Dollar Teen"- film directed by Songyos Sugmakanan

Try to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life: reading should have practical benefits. Write down your own observations and conclusions regarding what you read - this will help you better understand the material.

7. Conclusion

Let's sum it up, friends. A person’s wealth is determined not so much by external as by internal circumstances. You can change your financial status only by making specific and focused efforts.

By acquiring the habits of rich people and changing your thinking, you let wealth and prosperity into your life.

It is possible to get rich from scratch, because as Bill Gates said, “A dollar can’t crawl between your butt and the sofa.”

And one more quote in conclusion:

“It is not the one who has little who is poor, but the one who has little.”

Folk wisdom

We look forward to your comments, advice and thoughts on this topic!

Every person wants to live in abundance. Some people are willing to work hard for years to achieve their goals, while others are looking for ways to get rich quick. Yes. You can get rich from scratch. But to do this, you will have to find a unique way to solve other people's problems and work hard to achieve success. Nationality, gender, marital status, type of employment do not matter:

    Bill Gates, Evgeny Kaspersky and Mark Zuckerburg were born into average families, but were able to reach incredible heights in IT technology. Steve Jobs was adopted by an Armenian family. Arnold Schwarzenegger went a long way from an immigrant to a governor. Russian businessman Oleg Tinkov was born in a downtrodden mining village. Igor Kolomoisky took his first steps in business back in the era of socialism.
All these people got rich from scratch thanks to hard work, brains and perseverance. Why are you worse?

I want to become rich quickly

There aren't many ways to get rich quick. They all come down to a lucky coincidence of circumstances. Win money in the lottery. The complexity of this method lies in the fact that you will have to buy a lot of tickets, not miss a single draw and have a game strategy. Even fulfilling all these conditions does not guarantee winning the jackpot. Receive an inheritance. This is not just about rich relatives. Elderly people who have no loved ones sometimes agree to a certain deal: to issue an inheritance to a stranger in exchange for receiving care. A successful marriage. More often, girls are looking for a wealthy gentleman. Not every woman will agree to support a gigolo

How can you get rich?

On anything. Even at a sale of old things. US resident Mary Anderson sold a cane through eBay for $65,000. The success of the transaction lay in the fact that the woman, in the description of the product, assured the buyer that the cane was guarded by a spirit that helped heal people. This is not the only example of an original marketing ploy. Cookies with a person's face visible on them and a jar of bees were also successfully sold at the auction. Man is greedy for everything supernatural. American Diana Dazer earned $28 thousand by selling a sandwich she made 10 years ago at auction. It seemed to her that the face of the Virgin Mary appeared on the sandwich. And they believed her.
    Spend less than you earn. After receiving your salary, you shouldn’t rush headlong to the store for your next purchase. It’s better to put the “unnecessary amount” into a piggy bank. Open a savings account in a bank and transfer at least 10% of your income to it from every salary. Invest wisely. Some people invest in jewelry, others in real estate, and still others in securities. And it is right. It doesn't matter what direction of investment you choose. The main thing is that it is relevant and in demand. Use creativity. Use your brains! Try to create something creative. There is a buyer for every product. Do charity work. John Rockefeller also taught his children that from every receipt of funds at least 10% should be given to the universe as gratitude. Believe in yourself!

To get rich at home you need a minimum start-up capital, an original idea, a desire to develop and faith in your success.

Using the Internet

By using the World Wide Web wisely, anyone can earn extra money or create a permanent and high source of income for themselves. However, it should be remembered that making money on the Internet most often involves unjustified risk. Online games The earning scheme looks like this: invest funds - develop your strategy - make a profit - withdraw money. You can earn money without investment by participating in competitions. That is, you need to choose between investing time and money. The advantage of such projects is that the participant does not need to “play” to earn money. In simulators, the game model is automated. The participant needs to periodically visit the site and make decisions. At first glance, this scheme looks like a soap bubble, but it is not so. The reason lies in the mentality. For some people, making money on online games is associated with luck and fortune, while for others it is a well-thought-out economic strategy. Among the players there are those who, having earned a decent amount of money, do not withdraw it from the project, but continue the game for the sake of pleasure and self-affirmation in the gaming world. Exchanges Anyone can trade on the foreign exchange and binary options exchanges. To work, you just need to download the application with the platform and have access to the Internet. You also need to open a trading account. You need to take broker training courses (approximately $500), develop your own trading strategy, and test it on a real account (from $100). A successful trader must have a couple of dozen working strategies for different assets (commodities, currencies, stocks). The most important rule that a beginner should remember: trading with binary options is always a game against the exchange. The broker's income is the traders' losses. That’s why there are so many negative reviews about the work of each broker online. However, you can understand how the foreign exchange and stock markets function without risking large capital using options. If you want to engage in trading, then you should switch to professional markets. Advertising You can make money from advertising through your own website. Each owner of a website (from 2 pages) and with good content (average traffic from 100 people per day) can earn money by placing banners of other sites on it. Depending on the conditions of the exchange, funds are paid either for clicking on a link or for placing the banner itself. At the same time, clients have the opportunity to independently choose the type of advertising (contextual or banner) and banner size. Internet sales The main advantage of Internet marketing is that the seller does not have to have his own production to start a business. You can offer products from another online store and make money from it. This scheme is called affiliate marketing. The store hires partners who advertise its products on their website, blog, forum, and page on social networks. The partner will receive income only after a new participant registers in the system or after the client purchases a product in the online store. In the first case, a fixed income is paid per one attracted person, and in the second - a percentage of the sales amount.

In this case, we are talking about investing not money, but your time in the development and implementation of an idea. Invent and patent something new You can monetize intellectual property rights in the following ways. 1. Launch a unique invention into production, “earning” a name for yourself. 2. Sell ​​a license to use the patent to third parties and receive income for using the technology. 3. Sell ​​the patent itself and receive the entire estimated value of the patent immediately in full. Write and publish a book A writer's salary is not a transparent indicator. The range of income depends not so much on the talent of the writer, but on the relevance of the topic. You can write about anything: sports, cooking, business. The main thing is to reveal in detail in the book how to solve a specific problem or achieve a goal. If you specialize well in a certain area and know how to solve a problem, just share it with other people. You can promote your book through a large publishing house. In this case, the author's income will be minimal. The publication will pay at its own expense all expenses from layout of the material to distribution of the book. It must cover its costs and make a minimum profit. Draw pictures and earn money at exhibitions An artist can make money by selling his paintings, as well as by organizing exhibitions. You can, for example, exhibit the works of your students and other artists in your workshop or in a rented space and take money for it. If there are a lot of people willing, then the earnings will be good. Exhibition organizers often gain audiences by inviting famous artists to exhibitions. People are willing to pay money for the opportunity to communicate with a person who creates masterpieces or inspires them. Work exclusively for yourself You need to choose a matter that you are well versed in and offer other people your services to solve a specific issue. All stages of the business will have to be taken over: from the production (purchase) of goods to the development of distribution channels. At first, you will have to work hard to earn a name for yourself. As the volume of orders increases, you can hire assistants and develop the next stages of business development. Investments and bets By participating in online lotteries and casinos, you can earn money from bets. It is necessary to have a gaming strategy, invest funds for placing bets and participate in drawings as often as possible. It is better to choose large casinos. They have higher rates, but the initial deposit bonus is also high. Tourism People buy city tours to learn something new and interesting. The more legends and incredible stories are known about a particular place, the more people will want to see it. To do this, it is not necessary to use the services of a travel agency. It is enough to study history on your own and arrange excursions for your friends and acquaintances for a minimal fee. If the story is really interesting and the trip is memorable, then they will definitely recommend you to their friends. With the appearance of clients, the cost of services needs to be increased. Tutoring or coaching Graduate students often take sub-courses or study at home with tutors before taking exams. To engage in tutoring, it is not at all necessary to have a teaching diploma. You need to be able to tell a student material from a textbook in simple language and teach a person to solve problems from exam papers. You can study with schoolchildren in their home in comfortable conditions.

The fastest and easiest way to get rich is to not spend too much and learn to save

The main recommendation of rich people is to learn to save money. This is not at all about denying yourself all material goods and eating only bread and water. You need to learn how to properly distribute family budget funds. At least 10% of each receipt of funds should be put into a piggy bank. The remaining amount of funds can be distributed as follows:
    50% - for monthly expenses (food, communications, utilities, transport). 30% - clothing, household chemicals, medicines and other equally important items. 10% - entertainment.
To avoid buying a blouse on sale again, you can install an application on your phone, for example, Spendee, which not only creates a budget, displays expense statistics, but also signals when a certain expense item exceeds the permissible value.

Steal once and get rich, is it worth doing?

The desire to get rich makes people commit crimes. But the game is not worth the candle. Especially when it comes to the theft of an expensive and unique item. It will not be possible to sell them quickly and quietly. Most often, criminals are found and forced to answer according to the law for the crime:
    “The Scream” is a painting by the artist Edvard Munch depicting a screaming human figure. Over the past 20 years, the painting was stolen 3 times, but each time the criminals were found and the painting was returned to the museum. Vincent van Gogh created more than 2,100 paintings that cost incredible amounts of money. For the theft of two of them, “View of the Sea” and “Exit from the Church,” worth $30 million, the thieves were given life imprisonment. In 1994, in France, three men robbed a jewelry store in the Carlton Hotel. They stole £30 million worth of diamonds. The jewelry was never found. During the investigation, it turned out that the thieves had blank cartridges.

People who got rich from scratch are role models and motivation

Jan Koum- emigrant from Ukraine. When his family moved to the United States 20 years ago, they ate by exchanging ration cards for food. In 2009, Ian and his friend Brian Acton launched an application for people to communicate in real time. In 2014, Facebook bought the WhatsApp application for $19 billion. Jack Ma He repeatedly tried to get a job in fast food establishments, but was constantly rejected. In 1995, after moving to the USA, he discovered the Internet. Ma founded the China Pages portal. The project failed, but Jack did not give up and in 1999 he created the Alibaba store, which brought him $20.2 billion.

You constantly ask yourself the question: “How to become rich?” You may have already consulted business literature on this issue. Our site is not the first that claims to provide an answer to the question posed, however, unlike many, it will only offer effective ways to get rich .

Let's talk about the main thing straight away. It is ineffective to dream of multimillion-dollar profits and do nothing about it. The tips below will not work for those who do not want to devote a single minute to work and are waiting for a bag of money to miraculously fall on them from heaven. Since you found yourself on our website, you are not satisfied with your financial situation.

What did you do to become rich or improve your financial situation? Clearly not enough. Are you ready to do more if you want to become richer? Forget the word: “I want.” Start giving yourself the following attitude: “ I CAN get rich " Are you ready to believe that you can really do this? Then you will achieve a lot.

So, from this article you will learn:

  • How to become a rich and successful person - tips and tricks + practical exercises;
  • How to get rich from scratch in Russia;
  • Ways to gain financial freedom and live happily.

A detailed guide on how to become a successful and rich person. Millionaire Principles and Advice + Ways to Find Financial Freedom

Let's look at 15 important and useful tips that will help you get rich or become richer.

Tip #1. Don't stop dreaming

By themselves, without action, dreams will not bring any benefit. But if you don’t dream of anything, you’re unlikely to achieve much. It is with the cherished desire to achieve something that great things begin. Look to the stories of those who have already achieved a lot and become rich and successful people. Is there at least one of these stories that begins with the words: “I didn’t really want anything, the wealth just came”?

Tip #2. Find time

Find half an hour to be alone with yourself and give sincere answers to several global questions:

  • What do I do better than others?
  • What real benefit can I bring to society?
  • What do I consider the meaning of life?
  • If money worries didn't take up my time, what would I devote my life to?

The main thing in this self-analysis is not to deceive yourself. You will be surprised, but sincere answers to these questions will really allow you to answer the main one: “ How to become rich? »

Tip #3. Time to study

Spend a certain amount of time every day studying the biographies of multimillionaires. Absorb useful material investment in your knowledge will always remain the most profitable. In addition, some thought of a famous person can inspire you to create your own business idea.

Write down quotes that set you up for success and post them in prominent places. The more often your gaze falls on the right thoughts, the faster your consciousness will be reorganized.

Tip #4. Constantly think about making money

Every minute think about how to become rich, how you can get rich, ( from one hundred thousand dollars or more) per month and .

At first, this will seem unattainable to you; only crazy ideas will appear. But one day you will be pleasantly surprised by the results of constant reflection.

Tip #5. New acquaintances

Make new acquaintances, be more sociable. Money comes to us through other people. It is almost impossible to make a fortune alone.

Tip #6. Think about how busy you are

Still working for someone? It's time to leave slavery behind! The more time you spend bringing profit to someone else’s uncle, the less resources you will have for self-realization, personal business and achieving your goal - wealth.

Tip #7. Think about your professional activities

Not ready to leave your office job yet? At least forget about the requirements of corporate culture. Do only work within the framework of your interests, do not allow the company to profit from your knowledge and skills just like that.

Tip #8. Think about sources of passive income

What could consistently generate income, regardless of your efforts? Often the road to wealth begins with the answer to this question. Later in the article, several investment options will be offered.

Tip #9. Minimum effort, maximum results

Apply minimum effort to achieve maximum results. No matter how difficult the tasks may seem, they are easier than they seem. Leave long thoughts behind - feel free to start completing tasks and solve problems as soon as possible.

Tip #10. Be kinder

Be kinder to others: compliment them, give your support. Compliment your colleague on how stylish he looks. Prepare a delicious dinner for your loved one.

Use your imagination and do something nice for your family, friends and even those you are seeing for the first time. The support provided will be returned a hundredfold, and, believe me, it is worth a lot.

Tip #11. Help people unselfishly

Today you helped - tomorrow you will. You never know in advance what benefit this or that person can bring, but there are no such things as chance acquaintances. Look for like-minded people, they will support your faith in yourself and will pull you upward to success and wealth.

Tip #12. Choose your social circle

When communicating with people, choose your social circle carefully. The poor environment, if you do not professionally fight it off, drags you into its swamp of poverty and despondency. Surround yourself with optimistic people who know what they want in life and know how to achieve it.

Tip #13. Stop looking for someone to blame for your failures

Forget about whining and stop looking for someone to blame. It's only your own fault that you're sitting without money. When you accept that the source of failure is within yourself, you will understand that you can ensure success for yourself.

Tip #14. Keep a diary of achievements

The human psyche is designed in such a way that we often fixate on the negative. Write down your small victories and re-read these notes every time you get discouraged. Such a joy diary can concern any area of ​​life, not just work.

Tip #15. Do you want to make big profits?

Bring something real to the market valuable ! It has long been known that people do not need a specific product. They need to get something more, and the product is just a means to achieve it. Describe the real benefits for people so that they themselves bring you money. Much money.

Use these tips, start doing something today to achieve your goal (wealth and success), and the result will not keep you waiting.

2. What is wealth - concept and formulation 📚

Not many people can give a clear answer to this question. And if you don’t know what exactly you want to achieve, you’re unlikely to ever achieve it.

Of all the definitions of wealth, perhaps the most accurate belongs to the American millionaire Robert Kiyosaki.

He defines wealth as amount of time, which a person can afford not to work, while maintaining his usual comfortable standard of living.

Who would have thought, right? But it is very logical to measure wealth precisely by this time interval, and not by the amount of money, because each person needs his own amount in order to recognize his standard of living as comfortable.

In fact, rich man- this is someone who owns assets that bring in sufficient income, that is, not dependent on labor effort.

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Why do some people manage to make a lot of money and get rich, while others don’t?
  • Why is it that someone is forced to work for days, but gets paid pennies, while someone does what they love for several hours a day, has time to actively relax, but gets paid decently?
  • Why is someone lucky in the financial sphere, while others live from one salary to another, or even on credit?

You may still consider these questions rhetorical. But a lot will change soon.

3. Thoughts of a rich man - speech patterns and statements of rich people 📃

If you think like poor person, you will not be able to hold on to the money, even if it suddenly falls into your hands.

If you think like the middle class, then your eternal goal will be a job search, and the boldest demand will be salary increase. As you age, you will remain dependent on social services.

If it's really important to you to continually build wealth, start watching your thoughts and words. Get rid of the speech patterns typical of the poor (“give me a discount”, “buy as cheaply as possible”) and start thinking in terms of the rich.

Here are just some of the words and speech patterns that can be heard from wealthy, rich people (list taken from Kiyosaki):

  • I can do it;
  • I can create businesses;
  • I can afford it;
  • financial freedom;
  • excess money;
  • there are a huge number of favorable opportunities around;
  • my money is in constant motion;
  • money works for me;
  • capital building;
  • I work only when I want to;
  • I attract money flows;
  • I control finances;
  • making money;
  • money lies under your feet;
  • developing financial intelligence;
  • I make profitable investments;
  • my money is returned quickly.

It doesn't matter if you currently have a decent amount of funds. Scroll these thoughts constantly, even if there is no reason. The habit of thinking this way will gradually transform you and the reality around you.

Learn to react differently to the usual. If earlier you negatively turned away from an expensive foreign car, muttering that you couldn’t afford one, now take a closer look at it and say: “ That's what I need. How can I afford it? “This applies to any chic thing you see.

But this is not the main thing. The most important – searching for financial ideas that will really make money work for these higher goals. If before you worked and your money was idle, now everything should be the other way around.

Reprogramming settings

If some negative attitudes often come back to you, write them down on a piece of paper and work with them. Close your eyes and imagine the negative attitude on your mental screen as an inscription. Now in the same place, mentally erase this formula with an eraser and write down a new, supporting one. Put all the power of your positive emotions into it.

For complete reprogramming negative installations in positive the subconscious mind will need about a month. Do this exercise every day.

Basic wealth principles that millionaires adhere to

4. How to get rich from scratch in Russia - 10 principles of millionaires 💰

Each of us is allowed rare weaknesses. Many successful entrepreneurs asked themselves questions at the beginning of their journey: If" Will I be able to get rich if I was born in Russia, if I was born into a poor family, if I don’t have influential acquaintances? Can I cope if I don’t have large assets that allow me to maintain a decent standard of living? These same “ifs” gnaw at newcomers to business. In vain. In short, everything is real if you work hard.

And now more details.

Follow the principles of millionaires.

In search of financial freedom, it would be a good idea to attend seminars of large entrepreneurs whose profits are transparent, that is, they can prove how much they earned and in what time frame.

There is one famous seminar dedicated to the so-called millionaires' commandments. This is what a successful businessman called his principles. Some of these commandments lie on the surface, and some will become clear to you. stunning discovery .

You can follow the workshop leader through the brief principles, or even place the list on your desk.

Periodically re-read it, and it will give you a dose of inspiration, regardless of your location. After all, there are rich people in the USA, in Africa, and in Russia.

Principle No. 1. Consider whether the goals you are striving for are yours

Let me explain. Some of our goals are just introjects, absorbed from our environment or imposed by our parents.

At an age when awareness was still lacking, we followed the example of others so as not to look worse than them.

But one day we stop and ask ourselves why this path to success is difficult, because we copy the actions " sample" Here we return to the self-analysis technique described above (“What is the meaning of my life?”)

Remember: If you personally are not attracted to the chosen path deep down in your soul, it is useless to copy the actions of other people - this way you will not be able to achieve success, or it will not satisfy you.

Give yourself a break. During this time, watch yourself: what do you do most often? What makes you happy?

Correlate how this activity compares with the previous one along the copying path. Are you doing things to achieve goals that make you personally happy? Or are you still lacking motivation?

Principle No. 2. Understand that only you are responsible for what happened and is happening to you

Even if you realize that current place of work- the result of ideas imposed by parents or the environment (“Everyone needs a higher education,” “If you work for pennies for the sake of experience, only thieves and scammers become rich,” etc.), do not rush to blame anyone out of habit. And from the moment you stop doing this, everything is under your control.

When you understand that other people's influence is always present, but you are free from it and free to build your life as you wish, you can begin to take active steps towards achieving your goal - wealth, success, etc.

Don’t think that it just takes time, that changes will happen on their own, that you will get lucky and become rich and wealthy in no time. No. Changes will begin only when you take responsibility and begin to change your life, including wealth.

Principle No. 3. Analyze the main goal

So, you have goals, and now you know which ones - really yours . Now analyze your main goal.

What do you need it for? Imagine: now you have achieved it, and? What's next? Our psyche does not tolerate emptiness and does not allow the option of aimless pastime after reaching a certain financial threshold - some kind of self-development should always be implied.

Explain to yourself the logic of your actions, and then your resources will be directed in the right direction.

Principle No. 4. Change your attitude towards money

Understand that this is only a means to obtain specific material benefits. There is no need to elevate money to the rank of a cult. By giving something too much potential, you run the risk of not achieving it.

Principle No. 5. Break a big goal into small tasks

If you move towards gaining wealth consistently, step by step, it will be easier. Write down specific steps to achieve wealth and monitor their implementation.

Don’t set yourself such global goals as “becoming self-confident” and “getting rich” for one step - except for the final one, which requires preliminary preparation and training.

Principle No. 6. Plan your every day and find opportunities for self-realization in it

When you start keeping track of how much time each activity takes you, you will be horrified at how many hours you used to waste. Once you start planning your day, you probably don’t want to lie in bed until lunch, spend two hours mindlessly surfing the Internet, an hour chatting on the phone, etc.

Most of the energy you will want to direct it into creative activity. Create your own theories that seem effective to you and test them in practice. Many great people once created them.

Principle No. 7. Act constantly

The result comes with experience, and experience will not come without constant action over a long period of time. The more global the goal you set for yourself, the more time it will take to complete.

This does not mean that you need to overload yourself with work so much that you soon no longer want to do anything at all. Proceed as usual, just Not stop.

Principle No. 8. Don't work for leisure

If you are currently overloading yourself with work, cherishing the dream that the day will come when you will earn enough to stop doing it, it’s time to change something in your views. Man stands one step higher, compared to all creatures, precisely because he cannot live aimlessly. He needs action.

Challenge yourself: set a goal to get rich from scratch, achieve it and do not stop on what has been achieved. To start, take a not very high bar, reach it, then raise it. And so time after time.

Principle No. 9. Find peace of mind

Your main task is not to get rich. Your main task- know yourself. Once you solve it, you will come to an intuitive understanding of everything that is important. Big money can only be made in a calm environment.

Get to know your character while earning money, make mutually beneficial acquaintances, and you will be satisfied.

Remember the proverb: “ Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends" It is not at all about the fact that friends are more important than money, as we were told at school (remember the erroneous imposed thoughts).

In fact, the essence of the proverb is that priority task– create a harmonious environment and make many friends. It is these people who will help you earn amounts that you could never even dream of on your own.

Let's make a retreat. You will probably argue and say that there are examples of people who achieved wealth alone. Eat. But what did it cost them to achieve this wealth? With what set of psychological traumas do they then come to a psychologist (for example, with depression) and give him a considerable part of their earnings? (We have already written an article - “”, what this disease is and what it can lead to)

And look at the people on whom wealth fell “from heaven” - this lottery winners. The world does not know a single such story with a happy ending. At best, these people a year later were deeply in debt due to illiterate management of an unusual amount of finances, and at worst... Let's not talk about the bad.

But still, if you are interested in the lottery topic, then especially for you we have prepared an article “”, in which we talked in detail about the main methods and technologies for winning a large sum of money.

Principle No. 10. Do not give up

You will always have time to abandon your goal, and returning to it will be much more difficult than continuing to work in the right direction now. Don’t create a life scenario for yourself in which you return to an office job, where you live from paycheck to paycheck and torment yourself with one question: “ What would have happened if I hadn’t given up then?»

Constantly work on changing your thinking. Everything that's happening neutral . Only our perception gives events positive or negative assessment. But you can and should work on your perception.

5. Exercises to achieve wealth 📈

If you realize how strong the motivation for wealth should be, it's time to move on to practice.

Exercise 1. Get rid of the mood of poverty

When you first start working towards achieving your goal, your consciousness will begin to protest. The mind will whisper that you have nothing will work out. You will have doubts in your abilities, you will begin to envy those who are more successful.

You will think that you will never be able to do what you love and make a profit at the same time. Such sentiments are natural, because since childhood you have been told that it is impossible to get out of “rags to riches”.

Start fighting these limiting attitudes. This exercise will help.

  • Relax.

As soon as you feel despondency and lack of faith in your strength, seclude yourself. Take a couple of minutes to relax and sit with your eyes closed.

  • Give free rein to your imagination.

Imagine that you are already very rich, that you have everything you dreamed of. You can finally afford what you love. Disconnect from reality, no matter what your actual financial situation is.

Play rich man. Do you think this is a useless game? Not at all. Such games are useful to our consciousness, as they expand the boundaries of reality. Imagine that you have achieved something - and it will actually begin to happen.

  • Wish other people to get rich.

Now think about those whom you envy because of their wealth. Remember the game? Now you are rich, you are on an equal footing with them. No, you are even richer! So wish them to become more wealthy. Imagine the financial flows coming to them. Let them grow stronger until they are drowned.

  • Wish to get rich for yourself.

Now you can imagine large financial flows coming to you. The more streams you send to others, the more you will receive yourself.

  • Wish everyone well.

Wish yourself and those around you all the best. Tell yourself silently: “ I am rich and worthy of it!»

You can now open your cases and get back to your daily routine. Return to this exercise if negative thoughts suddenly return

Exercise 2: Plan your wealth

Now that you have gotten rid of unnecessary doubts, it’s time to flesh out your plans.

  1. Decide how much money you want to earn first and imagine it as clearly as possible. You see this money in front of you. What kind of currency is this? What packs does it come in? Where is this money: in a suitcase, on a table, in a personal safe, or in your hands?
  2. Imagine how the banknotes feel to the touch, how they crunch and rustle.
  3. Set yourself a specific deadline by which you will receive this amount - the start date of your financial independence.
  4. Decide how much of the amount you will invest in your business to get an even larger amount. Set yourself up to invest a large share in order to increase your capital many times over. Imagine exactly how many times richer you will become.
  5. Decide how you will spend the remaining amount. You should spend it on yourself.

Pay attention to the order, it is very important! First you do profitable investment that will work for you, and only then spend on personal needs.

  1. Write it down on a piece of paper : what amount is needed and by what time, how exactly will you distribute it.
  2. Compose and write down key phrases , which begin with the words “I want.”

For example:

  • “I want a life of financial freedom.”
  • “I want to stop depending on others financially.”
  • “I want money to start working for me.”
  • “I want to do what I love.”

The more similar phrases you can come up with, the better. Every day, take out this sheet of notes and re-read it - this will strengthen your determination. When in doubt, sometimes return to the first exercise.

6. How to deal with the fear of losing money 📌

If you really want to get rich, you need to learn ri shackle. If you are afraid, you will never be able to make your money work, because to increase profits you need to invest, and investments always involve risk.

Of course, no one is talking about investing without sufficient financial literacy, but you need to consider the possibility of failure and be able to accept it.

To overcome the fear of losing money, take the following steps:

  1. Life will endlessly challenge you, so there is no point in hiding from danger. Take on the challenge- this is how life becomes brighter. If you lose, it will be with dignity, and if you win, then it will be big.
  2. Crash– this is not bad and not shameful. Major victories are always preceded by a series of failures.
  3. Totally normal– learn from mistakes. We can only gain the experience we need by trying and making mistakes. There is no point in lamenting – it’s better to analyze the situation, draw conclusions, develop a new strategy of action instead of the one that didn’t work, and start over, again and again.
  4. Never give up if you failed the first time. Many people quit because they are afraid that it will come second failure and third etc. But these failures are the payment for subsequent success. So learn your lessons.
  5. The most important. Remember that the so-called stable life with a regularly paid job only gives the illusion of a comfortable life. In fact, workers inevitably take risks for wages, because they are guaranteed a poor old age.

If you cannot accept these attitudes, if the pain from loss lasts much longer than the joy from success, you too you can become rich, but not so quickly.

In your case, the correct strategy is don't take big risks, act only for sure.

Practice - mini-training

This mini-training will help you overcome your fears.

When we try to run and hide, we only become more afraid. You need to look your fear in the eye - and it will pass, and the freed energy can be directed to creative purposes.

Take a comfortable position and allow yourself to relax, close your eyes. Imagine that You- a fairy tale hero traveling through an imaginary world. It’s not without reason that we tell you to imagine a fairy tale: “ A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...»

So, you walk and see a mountain, and on it there is a castle, in which an extraordinary reward awaits you (think of what it is). This castle is your goal. There are obstacles ahead of you, but you have enough determination to overcome them. As soon as you have drawn up an action plan, an impenetrable wall rises in front of you, sky-high, infinitely long to the right and left. Think about how you will get around it. Make different attempts. Do not give up! Conventional methods won't work, but keep looking for less-than-standard solutions.

Remember that you are in a fairy tale, which means that any event is possible here. Maybe there is a secret door? Or will you use magic that allows you to walk through walls? One way or another, you must find a way out of the situation.

You have overcome the first obstacle and are moving on. On the way, a deep and wide abyss appears, at the bottom of which there is a stormy river with sharp stones. Think about how you will overcome it.

You move on, you are almost there. On the approaches to the castle, out of nowhere, there is a forest with ferocious predators. A tiger jumps out and lets out a terrible roar. If you turn your back on him and run now, you will die. Look for a way out. Whether it is a battle with a beast or an attempt to make friends is not important. You must overcome the obstacle.

This is the last obstacle. If you have overcome it, you will pass through the wilds of the forest and finally reach the castle, where you will receive your long-awaited reward.

Do you think it's just a game? In fact, your subconscious will remember this and form an algorithm for the actions of a winner who overcomes any obstacles without fear or excuses.

Yes, at first you struggle with obstacles only in your imagination. But if you successfully learn this, it will be much easier for you in reality, because fear will no longer have power over you.

7. How to manage profits wisely - 7 useful tips 📖

How to manage your wealth - 7 tips

Surely you know more than one story in which a person confidently developed and began to earn good money, but overnight returned to zero or even went into negative territory.

If you don't want this to happen to you, listen to a few tips.

1. Save at least 10% of your profits

Earned fifty thousand for the first month? Put at least five in your piggy bank, and preferably ten to fifteen. Your wealth– this is not the amount that we managed to earn, but the amount that we managed to save.

Only yesterday's poor people determine the wealth of those around them by status things: expensive housing and cars, branded clothing, etc. In fact, people who flaunt such things often live on zero or even on credit. Instead of showing off, focus on your future. And save for it.

2. Choose effective ways to save your deferred amount

If you put money in a drawer at home, anything can happen to it. Let's not even talk about natural disasters, fires or floods.

Most often everything is much simpler: The owner of money cannot cope with the temptation to spend it.

The only safe place to store savings today is bank. You can rent a safe deposit box from which you can withdraw funds at any time, but with rising inflation every year you will have less savings left.

It makes sense to study deposit offers from leading commercial banks. Put into a non-withdrawable deposit an amount that will be enough to live for a year or two.

In the event of an unforeseen situation and the collapse of your current business, you will be able to afford not to work during this period in order to create a new business.

While others take out loans to maintain their usual standard of living, you will stay afloat using your own funds set aside in advance.

If you have a large amount of money, take a closer look at deposits with the possibility of partial withdrawal and replenishment. The monthly interest you withdraw will be a nice addition.

3. Use cashback

Throw away old plastic cards, which only become an additional expense ( annual maintenance, mobile services…)

Get a debit card with more from any purchase paid non-cash, and monthly interest accrual on the amount available on the card. We have already talked about where you can order the best one in one of our articles.

4. Invest

So you put it off 10% for deposit. Another 10% must be invested: in stocks, bonds or your own business. Or at least set aside this amount for further investments. Don't miss this point! Without it, it is impossible to increase capital.

Develop analytical skills to choose the most profitable types of investments. The richest investors believe that there is nothing more profitable than investing in shares (purchasing shares of a business) or real estate.

Try this path or your own, but be sure to invest. We recommend reading the article - Ways to invest money"

5. Do charity work

Someone will argue with me, but I believe that 10% You must donate your income to charity. Why? Because you cannot receive without giving anything. And on the contrary, money given to a good cause will be returned threefold.

By parting with such a sum, you seem to come to an agreement with your mind: “ I have enough money. I can not only provide for myself, but also for those around me" The only rule: help from the bottom of your heart, only to those you really want to help.

6. Give up all loans

We have already decided that it is risky to spend all the money we earn. It is even more risky to borrow money. Even if you're on 150% If you are confident in your business and want to improve it with credit funds, think three times.

Don't drive yourself into a hole of debt for the sake of vague prospects. Better move towards profit growth slow, But independent And confident in small steps.

We have already discussed above the stereotypes about rich people created by poor people. At the first stage, yachts and mansions are not needed. The only thing that really distinguishes rich people is it's their self-control.

While weak people want more spend And consume, strong personalities buy only what they need, and the remaining funds are invested and reinvested.

Fight your usual temptations, make profitable investments (after analyzing the risks), and you will be closer to wealth and success than ever before.

8. 7 proven ways to gain financial freedom 💎

Of course, there are many more ways to become financially independent. Every wealthy person today has come his own way to the success that he now enjoys and is proud of.

But first, we will offer you seven schemes that really work and are guaranteed to bring income to everyone. To do this, you only need the desire and ability to work exclusively for yourself.

Method 1. Creating passive income

This method of earning money comes first for a reason. The logic is this: if you don’t understand what this concept means, it’s too early for you to start any business on your own.

Passive income - this is something that will bring you profit, regardless of whether you take part in the project every day. We believe that providing passive income is the most important component of financial independence.

There are several typical ways to generate passive income:

  • rental housing;
  • receiving interest from a bank deposit;
  • receiving dividends when dealing with securities;
  • work as a distributor in the field (suitable only for sociable individuals);

This type of income is suitable even for those who are afraid to quit working for someone else. You can continue to go to your usual job and receive a salary, but at the same time you will additionally have passive income.

Agree, even a few thousand rubles a month is not at all superfluous, considering that you don’t need to do practically anything for this.

Method 2. Mediation in large transactions

Think about in which area your abilities are developed at a decent level. Acting as an intermediary in large financial transactions, you will receive a certain percentage from each transaction.

The more solid the deal turns out to be, the more decent amount you will receive personally. For example, experienced realtors now earn more than 5000$ monthly.

Method 3. Earn money on the Internet

Right now, while you are reading this article, tens of thousands of people are earning money without leaving their home. is gaining momentum, new ways of earning money are emerging: from freelancing and remote work to information business.

Method 4. Creating a profitable website

If you have at least some understanding of Internet technologies and understand that sites today are created as platforms for displaying advertising, then you will be able to earn money this way.

Read more in the article - "". And the same thing about the online store - “”

Method 5. Starting your own business

Don't be afraid: it's much easier than it seems. Of course, starting a serious business will require certain financial investments, but some types of earnings will allow you to start practically from scratch.

For example, now you can implement your knowledge and skills via the Internet. Tens of thousands of people are doing this right now and finding grateful listeners.

Method 6. Investments in the stock market, shares

By investing in the stock market, you will understand what your true relationship with money is.

The next significant reason to create your own business With. When you work for someone else, there will inevitably come a time when the employer considers you “too old.” It doesn't matter that you will feel great in 40-50 , and your head will be full of ideas - employers always need younger employees.

And you will understand that everything is yours career , your self-improvement in your chosen profession, your tireless work have led you to a dead end. All that’s left for you is unskilled work as a janitor or watchman for a pittance.

Another scenario may also come true. In office work with its strict rules, professional burnout is almost inevitable. Suddenly, one day, you discover that you no longer want and cannot work with the same enthusiasm. You will become inattentive, start making mistakes, and get fired. The result is the same.

The problem is that in universities we they don't teach you to look so far ahead. If you are now about twenty, these are empty words for you. But years later 10-20 (and they will fly by quickly), you will understand what we are talking about.

And the last reason to create your own business. You can always sell it! Unlike your usual workplace, which feeds you for a long time and then suddenly stops, your own business will always remain a useful investment.

The sooner you start thinking about starting your own business, the better. But if you already over 40, and you nodded in agreement, reading about dismissal from a heated place, and it’s not too late for you to start!

In this matter in general it's never too late : There are no age restrictions, no burnout problem, no pitfalls. You just go about your business until you decide to retire when you become rich enough.

10. How to make a business successful and make a profit - laying the foundations of a business 🔑

A common belief is that starting a business is impossible without initial capital. In fact, the main thing is this is the idea and the goal. If your only goal and idea is to make a lot of money, it’s better not to even start. Failure Guaranteed .

Yes, such a practical goal must be present, but the main one must be some kind of spiritual goal or mission that gives consumers what they need now. Focus specifically on the mission.

Evan Asano

CEO and founder of Mediakix - a marketing agency for promoting top brands through social networks and media channels. A popular blogger whose posts are published by Huffington Post, Forbes, Time, Fortune. Graduated from Stanford University (USA).

An Italian billionaire was once asked what he would do if he had to start a business from scratch again. He replied that he would take on absolutely any job just to save up $500 with which to go out into the world.

The goal is to meet a person who will offer a good job or help in some other way.

I'm almost forty years old. Before starting my own business, I built my career as an employee five times. And only once did I get a job by looking through the job bank.

But connections don't appear out of nowhere. You can't do without simple communication skills. And when I talk about acquiring simple skills, I mean a couple of hours of reading Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People. Read and try the tips in action. You will be amazed at how effective the book is. You just have a conversation with a few people, and they will want to help you, even if you don’t ask for anything.

I once asked my old boss, the coolest sales manager I've ever met, what he did to grow professionally. He replied that he left college without any experience or diploma and got a job as a limousine driver.

When establishing contact with clients, he asked the question: “What do you do?” Notice he didn’t ask, “Where do you work?” There is a subtle difference in this. If you ask about a company, many people will simply describe it to you in a few words. If you ask about their occupation, you will most likely get a long story.

At the beginning of my career, I was engaged in research in the field of medicine and realized that I had no future in this profession. I wanted to make good money in a real business.

Therefore, for almost nine months I tirelessly wrote cover letters, looked for suitable companies and tried to get a job in them. I did everything wrong.

One night, my roommate suggested we go to a party. I immediately agreed, although I didn’t know a single person there.

Everyone was drinking a little, so I went to the kitchen to grab some beer. There was another guy in the room. I introduced myself, after which we started talking. I was curious about what he was doing, and it turned out that he was working in the field. I mentioned looking for a job and then heard that his company was currently hiring.

After this meeting, I sent my resume to the HR manager and a couple of weeks later I had an interview. As you guessed, the place was left to me.

There are a million paths to wealth. There are even more people who have already gotten rich: idiots, despots, manipulators, cunning people and just complete idiots. When you work in different directions, it will seem to you that all successful people are one of them. In fact, these people have something else in common: the strong impression they leave. Moreover, this impression is by no means connected with the person’s high status.

So, let's get back to our question.

How to get rich quick

1. Constantly learn

Read books, including ones about success, social skills, and anything related to prosperity and wealth. Pay close attention to personal stories of successful people.

In his autobiography, Mark Cuban says that he wants to buy and read every business book that he thinks can be useful. Dropbox's Drew Houston talks about how he spends every weekend reading books about commerce, sales, and marketing all day long.

2. Learn to understand people

This skill can be learned. No one is born a great salesman. Of course, some people have natural abilities, for example, as often happens among athletes. But the best thing is to study, read, study and practice again. Tirelessly.

Countless people with natural talent have failed to make it to the top because it was too easy for them at first. On the other hand, people who worked nonstop woke up one morning as skilled marketers or executives. Their dream became a reality.

3. Work hard

I speak as an employer: what sets employees apart is their good work ethic. Put aside your demands and ego, concentrate on hard work. You will see how pleasant events for you will immediately begin to happen.

4. Take risks

But without nonsense and adventures. Smart, calculated risks are ideal when you have a good chance of success. Luck will not always be on your side, but along the way you will learn a lot for yourself and collect a lot of respectful feedback about yourself from others.

5. Get a job in a rapidly growing industry

Focus on quick money and opportunities. In short, catch the wave that will take you to the top. A promising industry or a rapidly developing company is that same wave.

6. Work for the best or most recognizable company

This will give you instant professional weight. Starting as an intern in the right organization will put your capabilities in the right direction.

7. Become an expert

Choose an area within your interests and study it in great detail. Share your knowledge on a blog or on specialized websites among other specialists. You will quickly realize that your qualifications open many doors.

8. Create multiple streams of income

Start, take up tutoring, repair things, that is, find an additional influx of money. This will awaken your thirst for profit, and you will redouble your efforts to study. You will see that working on the side can be the start of your own business.

9. Be too busy to spend money

Do you feel like you are flying away into the wind? Can't postpone? Direct all your efforts to work, training, communication, and additional income. Then you will spend less than before.

10. Start your own business

Name a billionaire who hasn't launched a startup. Okay, there are a few of those, but they ultimately ran the companies they joined (Sheryl Sandberg, Steve Ballmer, Eric Schmidt).

Starting a company may seem like an absolutely unattainable and incomprehensible goal, but moving forward will still lead to the only logical outcome - your own business.

Successful companies don't start out with 50 employees and $10 million in revenue. They start small, with crumbs. They originate in dorms and garages. The founders beg, borrow and steal in order to get theirs.

Walmart grew across the country from a single store in Newport. Have you ever even heard of this town? Me neither.

Michael Dell started selling computers from his dorm room. distributed music by mail. Don't look at the most successful people and companies in the present - you will become despondent. Evaluate how they originated - then it will become clear that nothing is impossible.

It may seem strange to hear, but statistics once again show that 5% of children from low-income families will achieve financial wealth in the future, while the rest continue to maneuver with money in the same way as their ancestors and survive on small earnings.

In today's difficult hour, almost every third person is tormented by one of the main questions of life: “Why has life deprived us so much?” The answer can be easily found, but it will be more difficult to radically change your life and make your cherished dreams come true. Wealth, it turns out, is associated with art, which any person can learn. Most people in our society often wonder how to become rich? Naturally, you can’t do without the past in which your life began, what social status your parents occupied. However, the state of financial success in the future is in your control.

How to get rich? So …

Listen to your subconscious, where some beliefs and your attitudes are present. If you constantly assert: “This is not a threat to my finances,” “I’m endlessly short of money, I’m deeply in debt,” or “I just need a little bit,” then it will be so. With such thoughts, you unknowingly push money away from yourself. Money comes where it feels need and love, in two words - it is a flow of energy. This kind of energy has its own attractive laws, thanks to which you can change your financial situation for the better if you often think “How can you get rich?”

Adhering to the conditions of the first law, money requires love. Being rich is similar to wanting to be healthy and loved. Money carries with it a very subtle energy, thanks to which it is directed towards processes where there is joy and spending. Just do not confuse greed and respect for money, since money lives where it is spent with pleasure, and not where it is simply possessed.

But how can you still rejoice in a terrible financial situation? It doesn’t matter what age you are or your lack of education, the main thing is to always be ready to turn your life into a successful direction. However, most people, unconsciously, with a good financial situation, feel guilty. This is certainly not bad, but every minute you should be accompanied by the thought that you must certainly have the best.

The second law tells us about our expenses, which we should make with pleasure. The science of attracting money shows us that even when buying bread or milk, you should be in a festive mood and pay with the confidence of a millionaire, and always think about how to get rich? At the moment, the number of banknotes and their denomination does not matter, the main thing is that it is always confident and joyful. The bills in the wallet should be placed face up. Once again, it is worth recalling that wealth is an art where every person is able to learn its intricacies and always find the answer to the question: “How to become rich?”

The third law will teach you independent programming for a successful and happy life. It’s hard at first to imagine that your situation can be changed. Our parents, management or authorities are always to blame, but not us. This circle is so vicious, in order to leave the rat race, you have to make considerable efforts, the main thing is to believe, want and achieve. But no matter how much they say, you still build your life status yourself.

Don’t let the opinion of the society next to you confuse you when your constant beliefs are aimed at a fortune, or you will be puzzled by the thought “How to get rich?”, but your soul is empty. And the fact that every day you get by from penny to penny is, first of all, your brain setting for poverty and lack.

In psychology, there are principles such as the daily pronunciation of beliefs that are deposited in your mind in the form of an attitude towards your future financial situation. Some of them:

  • I will have all the best;
  • Every day, money comes to me with ease;
  • Receiving and giving money brings me great pleasure, and so on.

The more often your own beliefs change, the faster the rhythm and state of well-being of your life will change. By constantly thinking about how to get rich, you will have an incentive to quickly improve your own well-being.

And finally, the fourth law states that the main thing is fundamental changes in one’s own personality. One of the main rules of abundance in psychology teaches us: “Regardless of age, day, country, you will be able to improve your financial condition. My possibilities have no limits. I will quickly find a way to get rich." If you have decided to leave the dullness and poverty, go for it!

In addition to negative attitudes, another factor that can negatively affect material pleasure is the fear that you don’t deserve it or are afraid of losing it. But keep in mind that having courage is much more profitable than being afraid. You can overcome fear by doing one exercise. When you feel a feeling of fear, you just need to say the word “No!” Whenever a feeling of anxiety comes to you, in your subconscious, begin to drive it away and think about the good.

But still, when will the desired turn into reality? Here, human karma, willpower and the human subconscious will play an important role. Each person is individual. How strong his desires are, how long he will have to wait. This can happen either in a week or after a couple of years.

A short story about a poor man who lived in a small hut and warmed himself with wood. He was poor, but he had old books and a great desire to change his unsuccessful life. And visually, he began to imagine how he had a large supply of logs, the number of rice grains in the pilaf became larger. In the near future, they began to turn to him for advice. A few years later, this unfortunate poor man was relaxing on his own balcony, in one of the most luxurious hotels in the world, remembering the journey of his life and his thoughts spent with thoughts of how to get rich? and at the same time admiring the laws of abundance.

Currently, this person has become popular throughout the world - this is the publicist, Canadian scientist John Kehoe. If one person can do it, then another can do it too. Try!