How to draw sea waves. How to draw waves with a pencil step by step

IN kindergarten our seascape ended with blue water and a bright sun in the corner of the sheet. But now hardly anyone will praise us for such “primitivism.” It's time to learn how to draw waves with a pencil step by step. Learn the first steps in drawing realistic nature and look at sea ​​paintings great masters so that you know what to strive for.

What will you need?

Take special drawing paper or cut the required size from whatman paper. At first, A4 size paper will be enough. In order to learn how to draw waves, it is better not to use office printer paper, as it deteriorates and tears if you drag an eraser and pencil over it too much. It is not intended for artists, even beginners.

Pencils will need hardness from H to 2B. You can take softer ones if you want to draw a gloomy, stormy sea. But if you want to convey soft transparent waves in a calm sea, then start drawing with a pencil with the softness of HB. N will be needed when you draw the foam on the waves - it is white and the lightest.

How to draw waves with a pencil? To do this, buy an electric eraser. The most popular of them is Derwent. It costs about 500 rubles, but you can argue with the quality and power. When it first falls on the floor, it immediately breaks into pieces; the motor is powerful, but not prohibitively so. The wires that transmit energy from the battery can become disconnected at the most inopportune moment, so it is better to carefully re-solder them immediately upon purchase - it will be more reliable. enough for 2-3 weeks of regular use.

Buy a pencil eraser in advance or take a hard one and cut it so that it has a sharp tip. This will be convenient for erasing fine lines, adjusting contours and performing other small work. It will be inconvenient to erase with a soft eraser, as it bends. And we will need to work with it like a pencil.

How to draw big waves

Draw two with a pencil smooth lines, indicating foam. Swipe below short line- part of a wave that twists into a spiral and is about to fall into the water. Using short lines, outline the location of the foam that forms when water falls.

Imagine that a wave is a hollow cylinder with walls of water. You look through it. Convey this feeling on paper by drawing a concave line inside the wave.

Draw lines of water flow following the shape of the wave. Don't apply them perpendicularly; they have a graceful curved shape.

Draw the waves like clouds at the junction with the sea. Draw the flow of water inside, horizontally, using lines in the shape of a wave.

The inside of the wave is darker, start from here. If you darken the light areas with a pencil, it will be difficult to create contrasting shadows for them. Clearly move the pencil in the direction of the wave, in a semicircle. Erase the outlines with a pointed eraser.

It's best to learn to draw a wave using a clear black and white reference to study the shape, behavior, shadows, highlights and reflexes of the water. Your own observations and experience are the best helpers in how to draw

How to draw small waves on the sea

Artists who live near the sea, lake or river cannot help but take advantage of the moment at least once in their lives to paint a seascape. But difficulties arise in how to convey the surface of the water. After all, it is not always smooth. In some places the waves sway, and ripples can be seen on the distant horizon. Birds land, leaving behind blurry circles of water. How to draw waves on calm water with a pencil?

To begin, observe the shape of the waves. You will find that they can be represented schematically using the following strokes.

Drawing ripples and swaying waves is simple - shade the sheet with a pencil, highlight the places where they will be using an eraser. Draw smooth, neat shadows underneath. Follow the highlights and reflexes and draw them in the waves that are closest. Those that are moving away are enough to be shown with horizontal lines. The further they go towards the horizon, the smaller they become.

Draw a sun reflex on the water using an eraser. And don't make perfectly even strokes. The waves are smooth and curved. Like snowflakes, each of them is individual. In some places it has risen vertically, and in others it lies calmly.

How to convey water transparency

How to draw waves transparent? Waves that are far from the shore do not have transparency. But you can draw an object floating in the water: a person, a fish or a sunken chest, for example. The figures should be dark and slightly blurry. Do not draw clear outlines or draw them in detail. Then it will be clear that they are in water, which is transparent.

Don't draw too much dark water. She has those places, but she's not completely like that. You can see this in the references.

How to transfer to sea

In pictures from stock photos, the sea looks deep blue, ultramarine with hints of green. This is thanks to graphic editors.

It's better to learn to draw using unedited photos. On them you will see that the water is blue in some places and green in others. And from the play of sunlight it can acquire ocher shades. In gloomy weather it turns brownish. In most reservoirs it has exactly brown tint, but this does not always mean that it is heavily polluted.

Famous paintings with waves

One of famous paintings masters of seascape. Many of us have heard about it. This is one of the artist's 6,000 works

"A big wave in Kanagawa." Reproductions of this engraving are widely in demand to this day. It adorns book covers, is used as wallpaper, as a print for clothing items, and more.
This wave is so simple and so skillfully drawn at the same time that it will be an excellent tutorial on how to draw waves on the sea.

Painting "Fort Vimiu". The picture amazes the imagination with its energy. Without drawing anything, the artist drew everything.

Turner is little known in Russia, but his marinas (seascapes) are very popular in other countries.

This is quite a difficult lesson, so it may take you quite a lot of effort to repeat it. If you didn’t succeed in drawing the waves the first time, don’t despair and try again. Try your best to complete this lesson. If it still doesn’t work out, you can try to complete the lesson “”. But I believe that you will succeed.

What you will need

In order to draw waves we may need:

  • Watercolor or oil paints.
  • A clean palette to mix colors and create new combinations.
  • Water for dissolving paints and soaking brushes.
  • Set of brushes. Professionals advise using natural brushes, but beginners can also use synthetic ones.
  • A clean cloth to wipe your brushes.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Natural phenomena are quite difficult to draw. That is, drawing them is not difficult, but achieving realism is much more difficult. I always recommend looking at the original to get the most accurate copy of what you are about to draw. In the Yandex image search, just search for “waves in the photo” to get a large number of the required material.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Advice: paints, especially watercolors, are afraid of time: they dry very quickly, so apply strokes as quickly as possible, but very carefully. A drawing created with paints is quite difficult to correct.

If you are not very confident with a brush and paints, then do not hesitate to sketch with a pencil. This will save you a lot of time and nerves. I recommend doing this before the first step.

On a hot summer day, most of all you want to be somewhere on the shore, feel the light breeze and salty splashes on your skin, listen to the sound of the waves, and plunge into the long-awaited cool water. What to do if there is no sea nearby? You can draw it! After all, we are artists, my friends, and we can easily create our own worlds using simple artistic means. So let's create a piece of the sea for ourselves right now. And when it comes, our drawing will warm you with thoughts of summer.

I will draw a sketch with a wave in a special notebook for oil painting. The notebook sheets have a small format (254 x 178 mm), the paper does not absorb oil and its texture resembles the surface of a canvas.

Let's take this photo of a wave to work with:

First of all, you need to decide on the position of the horizon line. It is partially hidden by the wave, but on the left side it is visible from the level of the shore. The horizon line is located approximately 2/3 from the top edge of the sheet.

In the upper part to the horizon line we draw with a mixture of cobalt blue and white, while stretching the tone, a smooth transition from a darker color in the upper part to a lighter color at the bottom (closer to the horizon line). The sky, and other objects, always look brighter in the distance than up close. This is called the principle of aerial perspective. The further an object is from us, the more air separates us from it. You can use another paint for the sky, for example, fc blue or Prussian blue, but due to the lack of these paints on hand, I use cobalt blue.

To enliven the sky, let's draw the outlines of light transparent summer ones. To do this, apply white in several places using circular movements of the brush; you can use a hard bristle brush. After this, we smooth them out with a softer brush (flat synthetics are best) with gentle movements, with the very tip of the brush, without pressure. On the right side of the photo there are ready-made clouds, on the left - previously applied with a hard brush.

When the clouds are ready, we begin to draw the coast on the left side of the sheet. We depict a piece sandy beach using ocher and white. In the distance, the shore is lighter, it is also somewhat lighter at the foot, here you can mix a little yellow cadmium into the ocher and white, and closer to the water’s edge a dark stripe is visible, here you need to add less white or use pure ocher.

To depict a mountain we will need: ocher, mars brown, grass green. Other colors can be used. Vegetation is visible at the foot of the mountain, here you need to use grass green, and on the slopes you can see a lot different colors. First, you can outline the outlines of the mountains with a thin line, and then, picking up different colors one by one, simply poke the tip of a thin brush (a thin round synthetic or kolinsky brush will do) in different places, creating “spots.”

And now the most interesting part, let’s move on to the image of the sea and waves. You can roughly outline the outlines of the dark part of the wave with a brush with blue paint, while not touching the upper transparent part and the folding foam edge.

We apply the main colors of the sea, which is visible to the left of the wave. We show the dark and light areas of the sea, not yet trying to detail it too much, but at the same time analyzing the direction of movement of the water, the amplitude of the waves and apply strokes accordingly. To depict the sea we use ultramarine, white and green (viridon, grass or other shade). Please note two important nuances: a dark stripe at the edge of the shore and a reflection of the shore, which is visible in the form of color spots of ocher and brown at the base of the wave and on its side.

Now we will write the dark part of the wave, its slope under the crest. In the right corner it is dark, almost black, but I try not to use a lot of black in my paintings. In addition, when we subsequently paint the foam, the black color will mix with the white and may result in an unnatural, dirty color. To obtain dark color sea ​​water I mix ultramarine and viridon green. Closer to the left edge the color is lighter; for this, white is added to the paint. Apply strokes in the direction of water movement. We smooth out transitions from one color to another and uneven strokes using a flat synthetic brush, using light touches, this will give a greater feeling of water transparency.

We move on to the crest of the wave. Between the dark mass of water and the transparent upper ridge there is a transition in the form of a blue edge. We show it with a mixture of ultramarine and white, trying to show the jagged outlines. Don't forget to smooth the paint with a soft brush so that the layer is even.

We begin to write the transparent crest of the wave by marking the upper contour, using white paint with the tip of a thin brush to create splash points. Then, using white and ultramarine, we draw the directions of the flying water using lines. To show the curling part of the wave with foam, take a medium-sized coarse bristle brush, pick up a large amount of white and apply it by tapping the brush, so that on the foam area the paint lies unevenly, in relief; here we will not smooth it out. Partially the white will mix with the lower layers of paint, this is not scary, the foam is not pure white, somewhere you can see a lot of water through it, somewhere it bubbles and swirls, creating areas of different shades.

The last stage is detailing. Apply highlights to the side of the wave. Using whitewash with a thin brush, add foam splashes on the ridge, under the foam splashes and above the dark edge with whitewash we make a small stretch. We show water stains with dark and light stripes. We add foam waves on the surface of the sea, using thick whitewash and applying them unevenly, creating a relief. And this is what I got:

Check your work by looking at it from a distance. From a distance the drawings don't look the same as up close. Have you ever seen how artists stand back and look at their painting while working? At a distance, the volumes and space of the painting are revealed.

Now you know how to draw waves and I hope that you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share this lesson with your friends on social media. networks.

How to draw a wave?

In drawing, you need to be a master to depict incredible landscapes, portraits, and avant-garde figures. But there is nothing particularly complicated about the question of how to draw a wave. If you follow the instructions, this is exactly what will happen.

The first thing that is necessary is to select on paper the place where the wave, its foam and other elements will be located. If you want to depict a person riding the waves, be sure to leave room for him in the center of the picture. If you draw with a pencil, take several so that you have a lead for shading and for marking outlines.

First, draw the bend of the wave with a light outline at the place you have designated, then, after you have accurately determined the size and bend of the wave, make this outline clearer and brighter. Draw a place where the wave will form a strong bend. Draw a wave shape at the top, then draw a clear line underneath it to form the bottom outline of the wave. Both lines should twist to create a “curl” of a wave, a tapering funnel.

Now under the bend of the wave you need to draw clear lines in the shape of curly semicircles. In this way, you can depict the direction of the wind, the shape of the water that it gives to it.

Draw the foam. It may be on the left side of the picture, since it rises opposite the wave when there is a storm at sea. If the wave moves to the right, the foam will also be opposite. Make the contours of the foam with clear “curls”.

Now on the wave and under it you need to depict darker and lighter places to make the wave more beautiful and more realistic. The darkest parts of the wave are the center of the “funnel”, the base of the wave. You can use a grated pencil lead and rub it on the paper to give the effect to the drawing. That's it, the wave is ready! If desired, it can be done in color, but even then the intensity of the color in different parts of the wave must be observed.

Learn more about how to draw sea ​​waves, you can see in the photo lesson. Also be sure to watch the video tutorials below, they will be very useful.

Today is very interesting lesson- we will draw sea waves! Do you dream of lying on the beach right now, sipping a pina colada and enjoying the surf? Perhaps you have heard or read somewhere that when you passionately desire something, you need to imagine it (visualize), or even better, draw it? So, today you will do it! I will try to help you achieve your dream through visualization.

1. Let's start by sketching a compass cube so we can see the directions clearly.

2. Draw a line lightly in the NW direction.

3. Draw an ellipse at the end of the arrow to begin forming a wave.

4. Taper the top of the wave curl using a soft guide line, again in a NW direction. The law of size applies here to make most of the wave appear closer.

5. Pick an anchor point to create bottom part curl.

6. Follow the curvature of the wave to create smooth lines. Start at the anchor point, up the edge of the ellipse and down the back side, and then “shoot” towards the SW. Make sure you draw the guides according to the directional compass!

7. Okay, now things get even more interesting. We want to create the illusion of water curling over the edge of the wave. Let's do this with a guide line to the NW. Erase your additional landmarks and compass directions.

8. Start drawing the foam along the NW guide line.

9. Draw foam across the entire width of the wave. Notice how the foam expands towards the back edge. This happens because in real life the waves break up very quickly.

10. Start shaping the wave using smooth contour lines. Apply them more and more often as you move further into the picture.

11. Finish all the curved lines at the top edge of the wave.

12. Now let's separate the foam using the peeking shadows behind it.

NOTE: At this point I'm asking myself if I need to keep applying contour lines or start applying eye shadow? This is the creative part. The following steps, which we have developed over the last few lessons, do not have to be followed in strict order:

— sketch of the object’s shape;

— clarifications and definitions;

- shadows and shadings;

— adding sharpness to the edges and additional details;

— erasing extra lines.

When you start to ignore this sequence and just work with inspiration and feeling, then you have reached the next level. It is a transition from a student following his teacher's steps to understanding the process so completely that he is confident and comfortable moving on his own.

13. Continue drawing more detail at the base of the wave. Draw more smooth contour lines.

14. Draw some guide lines in the NW direction. They will help you attract light, reflection and shimmer to the face of the wave.

15. Draw the wave with a dark, clear line. Shade the part of the wave below the edge. Make sure to blend it towards the bottom, making it lighter and lighter.

Finish the drawing by adding action lines. Action lines are fantastically fun to draw and connect your viewers to visually participate in your art. Take a look at these action lines that flow in the direction the wave is moving. Draw these smooth lines on your drawing.


Let's take those skills we learned from drawing a wave and apply them to another fun drawing: shhh cloud. 🙂 Practice applying capping foam, peeking shadows, and action lines. Don’t be too lazy to spend more than one day on this!

Look at these pictures. Looking at other students' work increases your motivation every day, doesn't it?

Share your work and see the work of others on

Water is the basis of life. And it tastes nothing, and you can wash yourself. We talked about hot summer days and how good it is to go to the forest and swim. But not all watery places were poured into our modest lessons. We have completely forgotten that endless expanses of water sometimes reach the size of an entire country. Let's talk about the sea and find out how to draw waves.Listening to the sea and the sounds of the surf is a pleasure. Walk along the shore in the morning with the sand still warm, but not so hot that you can jump on your toes. Sit on a small bridge or rock, lower your feet and let the liquid splash against them. The sea is one of the most romantic natural things in nature (after the sky and the moon, of course).

But the sea has another side, more active - waves and surfing. And although I’m not a fan of water sports, it’s still interesting to watch. The waves carry destructive force, and when a person curbs it and remains intact, it’s exciting. But not all waves are worth showing off and jumping with a piece of board under your feet. Water often brings misfortune, and I’ll tell you a little about those:

  • Tsunami. If there is a strong shaking underwater, expect trouble not on the shore. From the name you understand what suffers most from them Far East. Therefore, if you suddenly notice that the water from the shore extends far into the sea, expect that a wall of water will soon fall on you. More precisely, do not wait, but carry all your legs away.
  • Rogue waves. Essentially, these are the same tsunamis, but much more cunning and dangerous. The point is that the appearance of a tsunami can be determined, but killers appear almost out of nowhere. An unsuspecting ship could simply disappear in seconds, even if its name was Trouble. The situation is the same on the shore.
  • Bor. But waves exist not only in the sea. Boron is high wave, arising on the river. The danger lies in the fact that it moves at incredible speed and literally sweeps away everything in its path. Still, such waves are very popular among surfers, and it’s clear why: people rush to see a traumatologist.

But as long as you are safe, the waves are a beautiful phenomenon, beautiful. And now we will try to draw them.

How to draw waves with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, we draw such a zigzag-like shape with a pencil, and inside it - a pentagon for the surfer’s body.
Step two. Using neat, large shading we give our waves the shape and direction of movement. You don't need any special precision, just draw the necessary lines.
Step three. In the center of the wave we draw a surfer on the board. Near it we make the wave more detailed and dark.
Step four. More shadows for the wave, especially around the person. On the left side we draw the steam that appears as a result of the movement of the wave.
Step five. Using an eraser, we erase the lines that served as a sketch for the athlete, remove unnecessary lines, and make the wave more realistic and dynamic.
Here are a couple more lessons for you to warm up.