Beautiful Tatar girls. What Tatars look like, appearance of women and men photos, typical features of Tatar nationality

Gymnasts Laysan Utyasheva and Alina Kabaeva, figure skater Alina Zagitova, singers Alsou, Aida Garifullina and Venera Gimadieva, model Irina Shayk (Shaykhlislamova), TV presenters Aigul Mirzayanova and Liliya Gildeeva, actress Chulpan Khamatova conquered this world forever. All these girls have a special appearance, they attract the eye, they all have Tatar roots.

Model Irina Shayk

Irina’s real name is Shaykhlislamova, she is Tatar on her father’s side. Irina Shayk's height is 178 cm, body measurements 86.5-58-88.

Irina travels a lot around the world, shoots for glossy magazines, and goes on the catwalk. In 2017, she and her chosen one - Hollywood actor and director Bradley Cooper became parents. Now the couple is preparing for the birth of their second child.

Figure skater Alina Zagitova

Alina Zagitova was born on May 18, 2002 in Izhevsk. Her father, hockey coach Ilnaz Zagitova, took his daughter to the skating rink at the age of five. The girl began training in Almetyevsk at the Yubileiny Sports Palace, where her father played for the local hockey club Neftyanik.

Mother is Leysan Zagitova, the family also has a daughter, Sabina, who is also involved in figure skating.

Alina Zagitova is Tatar by nationality and Muslim by religion. Her parents named her after gymnast Alina Kabaeva. The parents' hopes were justified. Today Alina performs in women's single skating.She is the 2018 Olympic champion in individual competition and silver medalist in team competition. Has many other awards and achievements.

Gymnast Alina Kabaeva

Alina Kabaeva was born on May 12, 1983. Alina’s father, Marat Vazykhovich Kabaev, a Tatar by nationality, a Muslim, lived in Tashkent and moved to Kazan in 2011. He was a professional football player, Alina’s mother is Russian, lives in Moscow, played in the Uzbekistan basketball team. Alina also has younger sister- Lisana Maratovna Kabaeva.

Alina Kabaeva’s sports awards include two medals Olympic Games, 14 World Championships medals and 25 European Championships medals. She completed her sports career in 2007.

Now Alina Kabaeva is active social life, and also heads his own charitable foundation"Alina."

Gymnast Laysan Utyasheva

Laysan Utyasheva was born on June 28, 1985 in the family of Albert and Zulfiya Utyashev in the Bashkir village of Raevsky.

Laysan admitted that Tatar, Polish and Russian blood flows in her veins (her father is of mixed origin), and the figure skater’s grandfather, Sultangarei Kiraev, was the head of Raevsky for a long time.

Parents wanted to send Laysan to ballet school, however, one day a trainer saw her in the store rhythmic gymnastics and noted the girl’s extraordinary plasticity. Since then, Laysan’s sports career began. In 2000 and 2001, the figure skater won major awards. Now Laysan is married to a resident Comedy Club– Pavel Volya, raises two children and stars in various shows on TV. So, she is the host of the show “Dancing” on TNT.

Singer Alsou

People's Artist of Tatarstan Alsou was born in Bugulma on June 27, 1983. Maiden name singer - Safina, after marriage she became Abramova.

The singer's musical career began in 1998, when the current star was only 15 years old. Today Alsou - successful singer, happy wife and mother of three children - Safina, Mikkela and Rafael.

Many Bugulma residents still remember how 18 years ago, on her birthday, Alsou gave them a gift - she gave a free concert in the central square of her hometown.

In 2000, Alsou performed at Eurovision and took second place. In 2008, Alsou released an album in the Tatar language and admitted that she is proud of her nationality and always remembers her roots.

Opera singer Aida Garifullina

Honored Artist of Tatarstan Aida Garifullina was born on September 30, 1987 in Kazan.

At the age of 13, Aida performed in Concert hall name Tchaikovsky in Moscow with the State Duma symphony orchestra Tatarstan within the framework of the “Gifted Children of Tatarstan” program.

Last year, soloist of the Vienna State Opera received a prestigious award from the Echo Classic 2017 festival, which is held annually in Hamburg. The award is unofficially called the “musical Oscar”; it is awarded in 22 categories.

Aida also loves to cook, this year she announced her plans to write a book culinary recipes, part of which will be dedicated to Tatar national dishes.

Actress Chulpan Khamatova

Chulpan Khamatova gave birth on October 1, 1975 in Kazan.Chulpan was born into a family of engineers Nail Akhmetovich Khamatov and Marina Galimullovna Khamatova. Translated from Tatar language The name Chulpan means "star of dawn."

Graduated from Kazan drama school, then continued her studies in Moscow. In 2012 she was awarded the title People's Artist of Russia, and in 2017 she became an Honorary Citizen of Kazan.

Since 2006, Chulpan has been a co-founder of the Gift of Life charity foundation. Winner of the “Nika” awards, “ Golden mask", "The Seagull", "Golden Eagle", festival "Kinotavr", "TEFI".

Currently filming leading role in the series “Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes,” which is filmed in Kazan and the Laishevsky district.

Chulpan has younger brother– Shamil Khamatov, who also became a popular actor.

Opera singer Venera Gimadieva

Venus Gimadieva was born on May 28, 1984 in Kazan. The soloist of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia is called the greatest hope of the Russian opera school.

Recently Venera Gimadieva made her debut at the Washington National Opera, performing main party in La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi. Venus is also the winner of the 2014 Golden Mask theater award. World stages are waiting for her, ready to sign contracts with her, but she declares that she intends to continue her career in Russia.

The next rating of the most beautiful women dedicated to representatives Tatar people- the second largest people in Russia (after the Russians). There are about 7 million Tatars in the world, of which 5.3 million live in Russia. The Tatars of the Russian Volga region should not be confused with Crimean Tatars because these two are perfect different people.

The direct ancestors of the modern Volga Tatars are not the Mongol-Tatars from the troops of Genghis Khan, but the Volga Bulgars, who lived on the territory of present-day Tatarstan long before the arrival of the Mongols, as well as the Cumans and Cherkasy, who were the main population of the Golden Horde. The heterogeneity of the origin of modern Tatars confirms the diversity of their anthropological types, of which there are four: Pontic - 33.5% of the total number of Tatars, light European - 27.5%, sublaponoid (Volga-Kama) - 24.5% and Mongoloid (South Siberian ) - 14.5% (data from a study by T. A. Trofimova, conducted in 1929-1932).

Below are eight of the most beautiful, in my opinion, Tatar women. The rating includes only famous Tatars - three actresses, two winners of beauty contests, as well as a singer, an athlete and a world-famous fashion model.

8th place: Aidan Shener(born March 1, 1963) - Turkish actress Tatar origin, known for her role as Feride in the TV series “Korolek - the Songbird”. In 1877, the Tatar ancestors of Aidan Shener left Kazan for Turkey, fleeing forced Christianization. Aidan Shaner remembers her Tatar roots and visited Kazan twice (in 2004 and 2007). Aidan's mother is a Crimean Tatar.

7th place: (born February 3, 1988) - actress of the Tatar State Academic Theater named after Galiaskar Kamal. Nafisa Khairullina's page on the VKontakte website -

6th place: (born November 12, 1987) - Miss Kazan 2009. Rezeda Khazeeva’s page on the VKontakte website -

5th place: Irina Sharipova(born February 7, 1992) - Miss Tatarstan 2010, First Vice-Miss Russia 2010, representative of Russia at the international beauty contest "Miss World 2010". Irina Sharipova's height is 178 cm, body measurements 83-60-87. Irina Sharipova is usually called a Tatar in the media, but her ancestors include not only Tatars, but also Uzbeks, Russians and Ukrainians.

4th place: (born May 12, 1983) - famous Russian athlete: Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics, multiple champion of the world, Europe and Russia. Now Alina is a deputy of the State Duma. Irina Kabaeva's height is 166 cm, body measurements 86-64-86. Alina - daughter famous football player, Tatar by nationality, Marat Kabaev. On her official website, Alina Kabaeva writes that she understands Tatar language: “I was lucky with my grandmother on my father’s side. She always spoke to me only in the Tatar language, and I understood her. Thanks to her, I still understand the Tatar language, although I can no longer speak. In childhood I could, but I have a dad Tatar. Both grandmother and grandfather are Tatar" (

3rd place: (born June 27, 1983) - singer, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan. Alsou's maiden name is Safina, after marriage she took her husband's surname - Abramova. In 2008, Alsou released an album of songs in the Tatar language: “I am proud to be a Tatar, and I always remember my roots. I recorded my first song in the Tatar language back in 2000, but this is my first album where I perform all the songs in native language. I promised to implement this project for a long time, I’m happy that I kept my word and am glad to present the album to my fellow countrymen - Tatarstanians." Alsou's official website -

2nd place: Irina Shaykhlislamova, better known as Irina Shayk / Irina Shayk. Genus. January 6, 1986 in the small town of Yemanzhelinsk Chelyabinsk region. Irina Shaykhlislamova is Tatar on her father’s side. Irina's career as a fashion model began with a victory in the Chelyabinsk beauty contest "Supermodel 2004". Scout Gia Dzhikidze, who also discovered Natalia Vodianova, Evgeniy Volodina and other now famous models, noticed Irina and invited her to become a professional model. Since 2005, she began working as a model in Europe, and then in the USA. In addition to the fact that Irina Shayk regularly appears on the covers of magazines, she Lately appears in the media as the bride of one of the most successful football players in the world - Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo. The couple is planning to get married in the summer of 2012. Irina Shayk's height is 178 cm, body measurements 86.5-58-88.

The next rating of the most beautiful women is dedicated to representatives of the Tatar people - the second largest people in Russia (after the Russians). There are about 7 million Tatars in the world, of which 5.3 million live in Russia. The Tatars of the Russian Volga region should not be confused with the Crimean Tatars, since these are two completely different peoples (see The most beautiful Crimean Tatars).

The direct ancestors of the modern Volga Tatars are not the Mongol-Tatars from the troops of Genghis Khan, but the Volga Bulgars, who lived on the territory of present-day Tatarstan long before the arrival of the Mongols, as well as the Cumans and Cherkasy, who were the main population of the Golden Horde.

Modern anthropology classifies the Tatars as steppe and Volga-Kama-steppe groups of the Caucasoid branch. In 1929-1932, T. A. Trofimova, as a result of her research, identified four anthropological types among the Tatars: Pontic - 33.5% of the total number of Tatars, light European - 27.5%, sublaponoid (Volga-Kama) - 24.5 % and Mongoloid (South Siberian) - 14.5%.

Liliya Gildeeva(born June 14, 1976, Zainsk, Tatarstan) - Russian journalist, TV presenter of the Segodnya news program on the NTV channel.

Venus Sibgatullina- finalist of the Miss Russia 2009 contest (representing Naberezhnye Chelny)

Dina Valieva- singer. Page "VKontakte" -

Alina Shakirzyanova- model, 2nd vice-Miss Tatarstan 2008. Height 174 cm, body measurements 80-63-88.

Dilyara Vagapova(born September 14, 1985) - singer, lead singer of the Murakami group. Dilara's VKontakte page -

Albina Zamaleeva- Miss "Youth of Tatarstan-2012". Page "VKontakte" -

Elmira Khamiranova(born October 10, 1990) - model from Ufa. VKontakte page -

Yana (Yanina) Batyrshina(born October 7, 1979) - Russian athlete, five-time European champion and seven-time world champion in rhythmic gymnastics. After graduation sports career began her career as a TV presenter. Yana's father is Tatar, her mother is Jewish. Official website of Yana Batyrshina -

Albina Gilyazova(born August 12, 1987, Magnitogorsk) - model, winner in the Miss Perfection category at the Beauty of Russia 2009 competition. Page "VKontakte" -

Dilyara Larina(born March 29, 1987) - model, TV presenter and actress. Height 165 cm, body measurements 108-85-118. Dilarina's page on the VKontakte website -

Alsou Zainutdinova, better known by her stage name AsylYar(born July 14, 1986) - singer. Sings in Tatar. For the first time in the history of national selections for the international Eurovision contest, she sang a song in the Tatar language (“Karlygachlar”).

Gulnaz Battalova- singer. "VKontakte" page -

The next rating of the most beautiful women is dedicated to representatives of the Tatar people - the second largest people in Russia (after the Russians). The Tatars of the Russian Volga region should not be confused with the Crimean Tatars, since these are two completely different peoples.

The direct ancestors of the modern Volga Tatars are not the Mongol-Tatars from the troops of Genghis Khan, but the Volga Bulgars, who lived on the territory of present-day Tatarstan long before the arrival of the Mongols, as well as the Cumans and Cherkasy, who were the main population of the Golden Horde.

Modern anthropology classifies the Tatars as steppe and Volga-Kama-steppe groups of the Caucasoid branch. In 1929-1932, T. A. Trofimova, as a result of her research, identified four anthropological types among the Tatars: Pontic - 33.5% of the total number of Tatars, light European - 27.5%, sublaponoid (Volga-Kama) - 24.5 % and Mongoloid (South Siberian) - 14.5%.

40th place: (born June 14, 1976, Zainsk, Tatarstan) - Russian journalist, TV presenter of the “Today” news program on the NTV channel.

39th place: - finalist of the Miss Russia 2009 competition (represented Naberezhnye Chelny)

38th place: - singer. Page "VKontakte" -

37th place: - model, 2nd vice-Miss Tatarstan 2008. Height 174 cm, body measurements 80-63-88.

36th place: (born September 14, 1985) - singer, lead singer of the Murakami group. Dilara's VKontakte page -

35th place: - Miss "Youth of Tatarstan-2012". Page "VKontakte" -

34th place: (born October 10, 1990) - model from Ufa. "VKontakte" page -

33rd place: Yana (Yanina) Batyrshina(born October 7, 1979) - Russian athlete, five-time European champion and seven-time world champion in rhythmic gymnastics. After finishing her sports career, she began her career as a TV presenter. Yana's father is Tatar, her mother is Jewish. Official website of Yana Batyrshina -

32nd place: (born August 12, 1987, Magnitogorsk) - model, winner in the Miss Perfection category at the Beauty of Russia 2009 competition. Page "VKontakte" -

31st place: (born March 29, 1987) - model, TV presenter and actress. Height 165 cm, body measurements 108-85-118. Dilarina's page on the VKontakte website -

30th place: Alsou Zainutdinova, better known by her stage name (born July 14, 1986) is a singer. Sings in Tatar. For the first time in the history of national selections for the international Eurovision contest, she sang a song in the Tatar language (“Karlygachlar”).

AsylYar - "Karlygachlar" (video):

29th place: - singer. Page "In Contact" -

28th place: - Miss Kazakhstan 2007. Alfina’s “VKontakte” page -

27th place: (born April 23, 1988) - model. Height 178 cm, body measurements 92-60-90. Official website -

26th place: (born January 7, 1989) - Russian athlete, European champion in rhythmic gymnastics. Now Zarina is an aspiring actress and TV presenter. Official website -

25th place: (born November 12, 1987) - Miss Kazan 2009. Height 176 cm, body measurements 85-61-92. Rezeda Khazeeva’s page on the VKontakte website -

24th place: (born May 18, 1988) - Russian fencer, silver medalist at the London Olympics.

23rd place: (born October 16, 1987, Kazan) - actress, singer, winner II international festival parodies "Big Difference in Odessa". Irida Khusainova "In Contact" -

22nd place: (born January 1, 1992) - model. Height 180 cm, body measurements 80-59-86. Page "In Contact" -

21st place: Alina Kabaeva (born May 12, 1983) - famous Russian athlete: Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics, multiple champion of the world, Europe and Russia. Now Alina is a deputy of the State Duma. Irina Kabaeva's height is 166 cm, body measurements 86-64-86. Alina is the daughter of the famous football player, Tatar by nationality, Marat Kabaev. On her official website, Alina Kabaeva writes that she understands the Tatar language: “I was lucky with my grandmother on my father’s side. She always spoke to me only in the Tatar language, and I understood her. Thanks to her, I still understand the Tatar language, though I can speak I can’t anymore. In childhood I could, my dad is Tatar. Both my grandmother and grandfather are Tatar" (

20th place: - singer. Sings in Tatar.

Aliya Sharafutdinova "Kүңел пордәләре" (video):

19th place: (born February 3, 1988) - actress of the Tatar State Academic Theater named after Galiaskar Kamal. Nafisa Khairullina's page on the VKontakte website -

18th place: (born May 29, 1990) - winner of the competition of Tatar beauties of Bashkortostan “Navruz Guzale-2013”. Rima's VKontakte page -

17th place: Elmira Abdrazakova (born October 7, 1994, Zhelezinsky district, Pavlodar region, Kazakhstan) - Miss Russia 2013. Elmira’s father is Tatar, mother is Russian.

16th place: (born September 30, 1987, Kazan) - singer, winner of the Operalia vocal competition for young singers (this competition was founded by Placido Domingo). Aida's official website -

15th place: - journalist, TV presenter, CEO ITV channel, winner of the TEFI award.

14th place: Dina Garipova (born March 25, 1991, Zelenodolsk, Tatarstan) - singer, winner of the “Voice” project on Channel One, Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2013.

13th place: Renata Baykova(born March 7, 1987, Ufa) - singer performing under the stage name Rene. Official website -

Rene - "Snow"

12th place: (born December 30, 1980, Tashkent) - film actress. She played young Anna Akhmatova in the film “The Tatar Princess” (2009).

11th place: (born January 25, 1988, Nizhnekamsk, Tatarstan) - singer, who took second place in the “Voice” project on Channel One, Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan. Official website - VKontakte page -

10th place: Venera Gimadieva (born May 28, 1984, Kazan) - soloist of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia, laureate International competition named after N. Rimsky-Korsakov (St. Petersburg, 2008), winner of the International Competition opera singers(Dresden, 2009), winner of the 1st prize at the International Chaliapin Competition “Voices over Plyos” (2010), laureate of the Presidential Prize Russian Federation for young cultural workers 2012. Venera Gimadieva in in social networks: VKontakte -, Facebook -

9th place: Aidan Shener(born March 1, 1963) is a Turkish actress of Tatar origin, known for her role as Feride in the TV series “The Kinglet - the Songbird.” In 1877, the Tatar ancestors of Aidan Shener left Kazan for Turkey, fleeing forced Christianization. Aidan Shaner remembers her Tatar roots and visited Kazan twice (in 2004 and 2007). Aidan's mother is a Crimean Tatar.

8th place: - model, Beauty of Russia 2012, will represent Russia at the Miss Earth 2013 competition. VKontakte page -

3rd place: Irina Shaykhlislamova, better known as / Irina Shayk. Genus. January 6, 1986 in the small town of Yemanzhelinsk, Chelyabinsk region. Irina Shaykhlislamova is Tatar on her father’s side. Irina's career as a fashion model began with a victory in the Chelyabinsk beauty contest "Supermodel 2004". Scout Gia Dzhikidze, who also discovered Natalia Vodianova, Evgeniy Volodina and other now famous models, noticed Irina and invited her to become a professional model. Since 2005, she began working as a model in Europe, and then in the USA. In addition to the fact that Irina Shayk regularly appears on the covers of magazines, she has recently appeared in the media as the bride of one of the most successful football players in the world - Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo. The couple is planning to get married in the summer of 2012. Irina Shayk's height is 178 cm, body measurements 86.5-58-88.

2nd place: (born September 30, 1994, Yegoryevsk, Moscow region) - Russian athlete, London Olympic champion, world and European champion in artistic gymnastics. Official website -

1st place: (born June 27, 1983) - singer, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan. Alsou's maiden name is Safina, after marriage she took her husband's surname - Abramova. In 2008, Alsou released an album of songs in the Tatar language: “I am proud to be a Tatar, and I always remember my roots. I recorded my first song in the Tatar language back in 2000, but this is my first album where I perform all the songs in my native language language. I have long promised to implement this project, I am happy that I kept my word and am glad to present the album to my fellow countrymen - Tatarstanians." Alsou official website -

Tatar women are known throughout the world for their boundless beauty and special attitude to life. For her, her husband’s word is a law that she will never cross; moral principles, such as morality and peacefulness, are the highest value. Relationships with children and the elderly are full of trust and heartfelt helpfulness.

What a beautiful girl with Tatar roots. You will never see her in a black burqa, which hides all the slenderness and musicality of her appearance. In the wardrobe you can find a dress embroidered with appliqués depicting earthly space, with leather boots underneath. Tatar women always dress according to latest fashion, but do not forget about their self-esteem, which does not allow them to show off their body. Its own unique and unique style- this is what exactly distinguishes Tatar girls from everyone else.

Below are the most beautiful Tatar women according to a survey of users of the Top-anthropos website.

Abramova Alsu Ralifovna was born in 1983, Tatar blood flows in her veins. The singer became known throughout Russia in the 2000s; she broke into the top music charts with the song “The Light in Your Window.” This was followed by a performance at Eurovision 2000, in which the artist took second place, which, at that time, was very good result. Alsou does not only creative activity, in 2011, UNESCO awarded her the honorary title of “Artist for Peace” for her enormous contribution to education, science and health.

Aliya Fargatovna Mustafina was born in 1994, on September 30, in the city of Yegoryevsk. The girl devoted her entire life to the sport of gymnastics. It truly brought greatest awards: in 2012, at the international complex sports competitions, which are held under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee, she won gold medal in the uneven bars program, one silver and two bronze. In the same year she was recognized as athlete of the year in Russia. Among her achievements are also the title of Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation and multiple world champion.

Irina Shaykhlislamova, known throughout the world under the pseudonym Sheik, was born in 1986. The girl has an extremely unusual appearance, which the photographers who attracted Shayk to work in the modeling business could not miss. Irina gained a huge share of popularity due to her long romance with one of the best football players in history, Cristiano Ronaldo. Thanks to these relationships and her own hard work, she began to receive only the best contracts with modeling agencies, and appeared on the cover of Sport Illusrtated magazine, which no woman had previously achieved. What distinguishes a girl from others is not only interesting appearance, but also an extraordinary mind and an excellent sense of humor.

Almost every person in our country has heard about the Gift of Life charity foundation. Its founder and ideological representative was the amazing woman Chulpan Khamatova. The outstanding actress of Russian films was born on October 1, 1975. The name Chulpan translated from Tatar means “ morning Star"or "star of dawn.

Since childhood, Chulpan loved to help other people, found the courage to say what others were silent about, and did not turn a blind eye to injustice and cruelty. These qualities later helped the girl in building her career at the Sovremennik Theater, in which she still plays. There was recognition from the public in the form of an award People's Artist, received in 2012.

Renata visited modeling agencies from her youth. She was distinguished by perseverance and hard work. These character traits helped her gain recognition at three beauty contests: “Miss World Fashion 2012”, where she became the winner, “Beauty of Russia 2009”, the girl was content with second place, “Miss Russia 2011”, she reached the finals. With a height of 177 cm, Renata Zainulina has fantastic parameters 81-61-90. On this moment, is the director of a modeling school in the city of Kaluga.

Dinara Sadtredinova was raised in a family that observed and honored the traditions of the Muslim faith. All the girl’s activities are aimed at overcoming problems and violations in Islamic culture. There is a program on television where Dinara works as a presenter. Distinctive feature from other announcers is one small wardrobe detail - the hijab. This indicates that Dinara not only verbally proves her faith, but also, without fear of the condemnation of others, puts on an element of the Islamic world.

Liliya Aimaletdinova is a Russian model and simply a beauty. The young girl has already won several prestigious awards: in 2009 she won the Gyuzal beauty contest, in 2010 she left all her rivals behind at the Domodedovo Beauty, in 2011 she remained among the top eight beautiful girls Moscow region.

The name of Elina Kireeva is written in history in golden letters. The fact is that the girl managed to win the Beauty of Russia 2012 beauty contest; she became the first Tatar woman to achieve such a resounding success. Before her Tatar girls only managed to reach the finals.

Who hasn’t watched the famous Turkish TV series “The Songbird King”? Remember the role of Frida? She was played by the beautiful Aidan Shener. Back in the 19th century, the ancestors of the wonderful actress emigrated from Kazan to sunny Turkey, saving their faith from the general Christianization of peoples. Aidan loves her roots and twice flew to the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan on a friendly visit.

Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia was born on May 28, 1984 in beautiful city Kazan. The girl finished two at once musical institutions– Kazanskoye School of Music and the Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory in St. Petersburg. After this, Venus was invited to participate in a youth training program opera program, representatives noticed her there Bolshoi Theater and invited me to speak to them. At the moment, Venus is the most promising soprano in the world. She sings in theaters throughout Europe, and the world's leading newspapers attribute a great future to her.