Reclamation of desert lands. Land reclamation what is it - land reclamation measures

Concept of land reclamation

Agricultural reclamation(from Latin melioratio - improvement) is a complex of technical, organizational, economic and socio-economic measures aimed at radically improving unfavorable natural conditions in order to obtain high sustainable crop yields.

Land reclamation, reclamation and protection of lands is a field of science and technology dealing with targeted improvement (reclamation), restoration (reclamation), protection of lands for various purposes, combating pollution, natural disasters - floods, flooding of lands, their washout, erosion, landslides, mudflows , dry winds - to increase the consumer value (utility) of land.

Land reclamation is a radical improvement of land as a result of the implementation of a set of measures. Among the various types of land reclamation, the most large-scale are irrigation and drainage. A major role is played by cultural work (fighting shrubs, hummocks, etc.), chemical reclamation (liming and gypsuming of soils), agroforestry, strengthening of loose sand, combating water and wind erosion, etc.

Land reclamation helps preserve and increase soil fertility, increase productivity, sustainability of agriculture, and mitigate the impact of fluctuations in weather and climate conditions on production results. In 1966 - 1985 The area of ​​irrigated and drained land in the country has approximately doubled. The scale of land reclamation is increasing, but the main attention at the current stage is on increasing its efficiency.

In recent years, irrigation and drainage have prevailed in the field of land reclamation. Other types of reclamation have received insufficient attention. Meanwhile, unlike irrigation and drainage, other non-water types of reclamation are less resource-intensive and are often preferable from an environmental point of view; they will receive special attention in the coming years. Great importance is also attached to increasing the economic and environmental efficiency of water reclamation: the emphasis is not on the introduction of new irrigated and drained lands, but primarily on the reconstruction of previously introduced systems, on improving the culture of agriculture on reclaimed lands.
The most important role in increasing the efficiency of land reclamation is played by the rational use of water.

Reclamation is understood as a system of technical measures aimed at radically improving the unfavorable natural conditions of the lands used.

Reclamation objectives

There are three main tasks of reclamation:

  • improvement of lands located in unfavorable water regime conditions, expressed either in excess of moisture or in its deficiency compared to the amount considered necessary for the effective economic use of the territory;
  • improvement of lands with unfavorable physical and chemical soil properties (heavy clay and silty soils, saline, high acidity, etc.);
  • improvement of lands subject to harmful mechanical effects, i.e. water and wind erosion, expressed in the formation of ravines, landslides, soil dispersal, etc.

Types of reclamation

Depending on the specific task, various types of reclamation are used.

Reclamation aimed at removing excess moisture from the territory is called drainage . It is used, in addition to agriculture, in municipal, industrial and road construction, peat extraction, when carrying out recreational activities in wetlands and other types of land development.
Reclamation aimed at eliminating the lack of water in the soils of agricultural fields is called irrigation .

Reclamation of lands with unfavorable physical soil properties is aimed at enhancing aeration, increasing porosity and water permeability of soils. To achieve this, correct crop rotations are introduced, sanding of silty soils and mole drainage are used, which helps to increase the air and water permeability of deep soil layers.

Reclamation of lands with unfavorable soil chemical properties consists of removing harmful salts by leaching, reducing soil acidity by adding lime, increasing the nutritional properties of soils with fertilizers and introducing correct crop rotations with an increased specific gravity of grasses.

Reclamation of lands subject to water and wind erosion , usually includes measures aimed at reducing the amount and speed of flowing surface water, increasing the resistance of soils to erosion and dispersal. These activities are based on the use of a wide range of silvicultural, agrotechnical and hydraulic means.

Considering the importance of reclamation issues for agriculture and preservation of soil fertility, the main definitions of reclamation are enshrined in Federal Law No. 4-FZ of January 10, 1996 “On Land Reclamation.”

In modern conditions, in most territories subject to reclamation work, as a rule, not one of the types of reclamation discussed above is carried out, but several, depending on the combination of natural and economic conditions.
So, simultaneously with the irrigation of the territory, forest strips are created on it, crop rotations are introduced on irrigated fields, fertilizers are applied, saline areas are washed, etc. All this, especially with the huge scale of reclamation construction in our country, makes reclamation one of the leading anthropogenic factors in the transformation of nature into in general and the hydrological regime in particular.

From the various types of reclamation work noted above, it is obvious that many of them do not at all fall within the competence of hydraulic engineering. Among them, for example, forest reclamation, agro-reclamation, etc. Therefore, in the future only those reclamation works that are usually combined into the group of so-called water reclamation will be considered, these are: irrigation, drainage and the fight against water erosion.

Water reclamation has excited people's souls since ancient times. Irrigation canals were built by the ancient Egyptians, who figured out how to increase soil fertility in this way. Water reclamation (irrigation and drainage) is one of the main ways to increase the productivity of agricultural land, which occupies 10% of the planet's land area. A sixth of these lands have been reclaimed, and from 40 to 50% of all agricultural products produced are obtained from them.
Land reclamation is an objective necessity in the transformation of natural complexes, the transformation of swamps and wetlands into highly productive agricultural lands, and the social and economic transformation of the country.
Land reclamation is the most important link in the intensification of agricultural production.

Environmental aspects are inextricably linked with the economic side of the problem and require comprehensive attention and deep understanding.
In Russia and neighboring countries, the areas covered by water reclamation are constantly increasing. This leads to a significant increase in water consumption. When carrying out water reclamation, up to 200 cubic meters are consumed annually. km of water depending on the degree of moisture.
In addition, in the countries under consideration there are practically no lands that do not require one or another type of reclamation to radically improve their fertility.
The development of new agricultural land for irrigation is often hampered by a shortage of water resources, since this type of reclamation is typical primarily for the southern regions of the country.

For many, the concept of land reclamation is something incomprehensible and distant. It is difficult for us to understand what it is and what it is used for. Therefore, we decided to tell you what reclamation is and why it is needed, why chemical reclamation is needed, and what agricultural reclamation is. We will try to clearly show on the map (see photo) which areas require which option.

Reclamation is a specific process of improving the condition of land, which is characterized by a set of measures to improve the condition of the soil. Reclamation of rural lands is used to improve the general condition of the fertile soil layer, and as a result, increase the productivity of agricultural plants. This procedure is characterized by the fact that it is designed for a sufficient duration in time. It should be noted that the reclamation of any land is an important and responsible procedure; it requires large preparatory research work and, accordingly, large capital investments.

What types of rural land reclamation are there?

After we have dealt with the general issue of land reclamation, we should know exactly what types we are talking about. Agricultural reclamation has different functions, and, therefore, it is carried out differently for different types of land.

Hydro-reclamation (from 0.56 to 7 m). This reclamation serves to regulate the water balance of agricultural lands. Simply put, lands that are too wet are drained, and lands that are too dry are moistened. The development of this type of land reclamation occurred very rapidly after its appearance. Measurements of the required amount of water are carried out 3 times a year (and 3 times is the most responsible).

Agroforestry. This reclamation option serves to improve the condition of an agricultural plot (lands) through the use of various plantings, which can protect the land from erosion and displacement. This subtype of reclamation experienced its development after it began to be considered one of the most reliable and widespread.

Chemical. This subtype of reclamation involves the introduction of chemicals to improve the properties of land (suitable for all zones, used according to circumstances). Such a complex is of great importance for agricultural production. Chemical reclamation has become one of those that does not require much labor; its development depends on the depletion of the soil (which is very visible at the moment). Chemical reclamation is not the safest, but one of the most effective.

Cultural and technical. This subtype of reclamation is considered one of the “deepest types”. Procedures are carried out not only for fertilizing the land, but also for cleaning it (suitable for all lands). The development of this method occurs in the agricultural production sector. The top soil is cleared of unnecessary cleaning, loosened and primary fertilized. It became especially popular after the announcement of the results, which showed that with properly carried out reclamation, productivity could increase by 113%.

It is worth noting that these procedures are very important for agriculture and to ensure the development of crops.

What does agricultural land reclamation contribute to?

We would like to highlight several advantages of this procedure in order to understand exactly what benefits it brings to agriculture.

  • helps increase the fertility of agricultural land;
  • promotes productivity growth;

The top soil is cleared of unnecessary cleaning, loosened and primary fertilized.

  • this type of processing helps to avoid damage to agricultural land due to climate change;
  • infertile lands in the agricultural sector are processed, as a result of which they become capable of producing crops;
  • increasing the level of land resistance to wear and tear from constant use.

How to choose the right type of reclamation work?

In order for the lands of the agricultural sector to be fertile and bring as much benefit as possible, it is necessary that the reclamation option be chosen correctly. It is worth noting that chemical reclamation is the most “unsparing” reclamation. The chemicals used to fertilize the soil are quite strong and may have a slight effect on the plants being grown. The development and spread of this species is due to the fact that, despite all its disadvantages for the agricultural sector, it has as many advantages, including rapid impact and long-lasting effect.

Reclamation is all types of work that are aimed at improving the soil and its greater return in order to obtain benefits for humans. As a rule, these works are really closely related to agriculture, which is why quite impressive means and various methods are used in this direction. They may consist of soil enrichment, and in making it suitable for use for harvesting purposes, that is, cleaning and leveling the landscape.

However, one should not confuse all these methods with soil drainage.

If drying them out leads to the fact that the environment may ultimately suffer, then reclamation always implies a close connection with the preservation of all natural reserves and systems both in the cultivated area and in the adjacent areas.

As a rule, land reclamation comes down to the development of garden and crop areas. It can also be carried out to improve the soil after its long-term use for agricultural purposes.

Quite often, these methods are used when the soil is subject to the destructive influence of various natural factors. In any case, reclamation does not include exclusively operational methods, but is a means increasing soil productivity without any negative consequences for the environment.

Soil reclamation in a certain area can be carried out for quite a long time. But its consequences for nature and people last much longer, that is, for tens or even hundreds of years.

What are the different types?

Land reclamation may include organizational, economic and technical measures. Competent logistics also plays an important role in the implementation of all work. In addition, only high-level specialists can determine the need for certain methods and their further impact on the environment.

Exactly how all reclamation work will be carried out depends on two factors:

  1. initial state of the treated area;
  2. for what purposes will reclamation be carried out?

Main types of reclamation lands are:

  • hydromelioration;
  • agroforestry;
  • cultural reclamation;
  • chemical soil reclamation.

Hydraulic reclamation

It is carried out in cases where it is necessary to stabilize the water enrichment of soils and their optimal moisture. Methods of hydraulic engineering, or water reclamation of agricultural lands, are designed to eliminate excess moisture in those areas where it is necessary, as well as enrich dry areas with moisture.

Water, air, thermal and nutrient regimes are brought back to normal, which ensures increased soil fertility and better performance in all respects.

Most Popular irrigation methods- drainage and irrigation.

Drainage reclamation comes down to reducing the excess moisture level in the treated area to normal. The optimal moisture content in the soil is mainly achieved by lowering the groundwater level. The drainage rate determines the level of their reduction to the level that will provide the most favorable conditions for plants. To do this, groundwater is diverted from the root layer along other paths, according to a specific plan.

The essence irrigation is the opposite. All irrigation reclamation activities are aimed at increasing the level of moisture in those areas that lack natural water resources. In particular, all work optimizes atmospheric, soil and hydrological indicators. That is, this is the irrigation of a territory in order to increase its fertility.

You can do the land reclamation yourself - watch this interesting video.

Cultural and technical reclamation

It is carried out in cases where the soil or area simply needs clear away unwanted items. It can include a huge range of different works. But they all boil down to increasing the “usefulness” of the soil, or making it suitable for cultivation.

This type of soil improvement ensures that it is necessary to carry out periodically even on constantly cultivated fields, as they become clogged with stones and unwanted plants over time. This leads to a decrease in soil yield, damage to parts of agricultural machinery and improper harvesting, since the content of stones in the soil makes harvesting on elevated stems. And the overgrowing of the territory with weeds significantly reduces its usable area.

Also, various works on cleaning and optimizing the territory are carried out in order to improve their conditions in areas unsuitable for agriculture. To do this, the land is cleared of unwanted vegetation, stumps, hummocks, and stones. Also loosening, sanding the soil, as well as other reclamation work.

Chemical reclamation

This type of land reclamation and all work on its implementation boil down to improving the chemical and mineral composition of the soil, which was initially unsuitable or unsuitable for good productivity indicators.

The main types of chemical reclamation, firstly, ensure the removal of chemicals harmful to plants from the soil, and secondly, enrich it with useful elements.

However, there are three most common chemical reclamation method, such as:

  • Liming(enrichment of soil with lime fertilizers). This method is mainly used for non-chernozem soils;
  • Plastering(gypsum is added to the soil, which reduces the alkalinity of its composition). The method is relevant for solonetzes;
  • sourness(the soil is acidified) Most often, this method requires the soil on which it is planned to grow tea.

In addition, almost every soil needs to be enriched with chemical fertilizers. This type of agricultural work also refers to one of the methods of chemical land reclamation.

When we went to the village by car, we sometimes drove past beautiful fields, strewn yellow flowers. Of course, I became interested - what is this beautiful flower blooming? The parents replied that this is mustard to “rest the earth”. And something else about some "melioration". I'm completely confused about what this is and why the earth is tired. But when I grew up, everything turned out to be not so difficult.

What is land reclamation

Reclamation is the improvement of land. And the main one The purpose of this improvement is to obtain as large yields as possible.

We even do land reclamation in our own garden: we water it and fertilize the soil.

Land reclamation in ancient times

Even then people understood how Soil conservation is a serious issue. After all, if they will lose fertility, times of famine will come.

Examples of reclamation today

One of the examples is exactly the same "rest of the fields". Some plants the same wheat and potatoes growing in our fields, take a lot of useful substances from the earth. If you plant them for many years in a row, the harvest will be less and less.

To prevent this from happening, fields are being planted, For example, mustard, which puts less stress on the soil. Not as useful, but better than just weeds. For a year or two the fields will delight the eye with yellow flowers, and then It will be possible to plant potatoes there again.

You can also remember about flood fields in Asia. As is known, Rice is highly valued in Asian countries. Most of the harvest can be obtained by flooding the fields with water and creating fences to prevent it from flowing away. When the rice grows, the barriers are removed to prevent water from interfering with harvesting.

Another example - combating desertification. Due to deforestation and unwise agricultural practices, useful soils can become so depleted that they become desert-like. The creepiest thing is that they the volume is growing more and more.

To stop this, trees are planted on the edges of damaged land to help retain moisture in the soil.

The main types of reclamation include:

1. Watering.

It consists of increasing the quantity and supply of water in areas with water shortages in order to meet household and household needs. This is especially necessary for cattle breeding, rice cultivation, etc. in dry areas, and where evaporation is higher. In Russia, watering is widely used by supplying water through canals from high-water reservoirs originating in the mountains or forests, by using, creating ponds and wells.

2. Drainage.

It consists of removing surface or ground water that interferes with production activities. The most widespread use of drainage is carried out to expand arable land, improve thermal conditions and air ventilation of soils in order to increase their productivity by creating open or closed drainage systems. This type of reclamation is carried out mainly in excessively humid natural zones (humid subtropics). It should be noted that extensive drainage can also lead to negative results. Thus, in Polesie, the drainage of swamps led to a decrease in soil fertility, which resulted in the shallowing of rivers and the disappearance of many species of waterfowl. Drainage is widely used to eliminate interference during mining, for the construction of settlements, laying transport highways, and for improving the health of the territory. For example, the drainage of the Rioni lowland was carried out solely for the purpose of destroying malaria mosquitoes, the larvae of which develop in stagnant water.

3. Irrigation.

It consists of artificial soil by supplying water to lands that lack moisture in the layer of soil where the root system of plants develops most. This is the main type of reclamation. Irrigation methods are different:

a) subsoil - distribution of water over the soil surface;

b) introducing water into the soil from below through pipes;

c) spraying moisture with rain installations.

Excessive irrigation without taking into account natural conditions and water consumption rates leads to such negative consequences as soil salinization, and this, in turn, leads to changes in the plant world, and even to its suppression. Soil salinity is associated with rising groundwater levels