Monica - meaning and origin of the name. Meaning of the name Monica

There are names that captivate everyone around them, that fascinate and force them to learn as much as possible about the owners of these names. The name Monica is exactly that!

This name gives off a feeling of celebration, an anticipation of something mysterious and alluring. Such girls are real magnets for most people. And no matter what appearance they have, people are attracted by their energy, strong and rebellious.

If we talk about the history of this name, there are two versions. According to one version, the name Monica is of ancient Greek origin and is translated as “the only one.” According to another version, this name comes from a Latin word that means “inspiration.”

As you can see, the meaning of the name Monica is very ambiguous. There is no such name in Orthodoxy, so if you like the name Monica and want to baptize your girl, then for the sacrament you should choose a name that sounds similar.

Dream woman

A person’s character is diverse, and in many ways it is determined by our name, so you should always pay attention to the names of the people around you. The meaning of the name Monica begins to reveal itself already in childhood, because from a young age she is an active and noticeable girl.

She becomes the favorite of all adults: educators, teachers and parents. She is creative, charming, charismatic and restless. It’s completely normal for this girl to dance, sing, and play a musical instrument - her energy is enough for everything.

At school she is an active participant in almost all events; she is invited because she is the one who is able to “ignite” any performance. It is important for parents to ensure that Monica does not waste her energy, but directs it in a creative direction.

In her studies, Monica, despite her restless disposition, knows how to be diligent and diligent. She manages to be, if not an excellent student, then a solid student.

As a teenager, Monica continues her active path; she becomes a leader and role model for almost all of her friends. Her popularity among her peers can reach serious proportions.

She is smart and wise, people listen to her advice. Moreover, compared to other teenagers, she looks like a calm and balanced person. She loves to communicate with those who are older than her, and has interesting and rich experience behind her.

Monica knows how to be a friend, she is always able to listen to her interlocutor and support him. She always somehow miraculously has the right words for everyone.

Adult Monica is strong and stylish, she attracts people with her incredible taste in clothes, as well as her captivating gaze.. She loves to smile, and a smile gives her face freshness and a feeling of celebration.

It must be said that this woman has incredible willpower: if she sets out to do something, she will definitely see it through to the end. She is an optimist, which means that she looks at all difficulties in life with a positive attitude and understands that any dark streak is certainly followed by a bright one.

It will also be useful for everyone who bears the name Monica to know some facets of their personality:

  • Monica is a moralist: she understands what is good and what is bad in this world, what is allowed and what is taboo. She will not allow herself, her husband, children and relatives to overstep generally accepted norms.
  • This woman needs to be careful when engaging in active sports, especially extreme ones. And all because she has a tendency to get injured, but there is no need to worry about this, you just need to be careful. Forewarned is forearmed.
  • Study plays a special role in this woman’s life; Monica strives to learn something new until her last days. She is erudite and well-read, it is pleasant to communicate with her and, moreover, she is always able to give practical advice or recommend an interesting book.
  • This woman is made for leadership! She knows how to inspire people and guide them, not through authoritarianism, but through a democratic, sensitive approach. This lady can also realize herself as a linguist or philologist.
  • Intuition is an important component of this girl’s life; the importance of intuition is difficult to overestimate, because Monica listens to it almost every day.

In love and rebellious

Yes, for many men, especially in their youth, Monica evokes a feeling of rebellion and obstinacy. But at heart this girl is affectionate, economical and gentle.

She is looking for a strong and faithful man, capable of being her friend, husband, and lover. It is important for her that she can trust a person one hundred percent.

In a family, this woman is simply a godsend for any man: she is tactful and soft, easily smoothes out any rough edges and lifts the mood when someone is sad. She does not like quarrels and scandals, although her temper is very hot.

She spends all her free time with children, and, I must say, she is an excellent mother. She is kind, sympathetic, strong, brave, loving. Family gatherings at her home become a tradition that continues for many years.

  • An excellent relationship can develop with Peter.
  • There may be a conflict of interests with, and.

Each person can level out their negative qualities and enhance their positive ones; talismans help us with this. For Monica, such a talisman will be a sapphire stone; it will give her strength and inner harmony. Author: Daria Potykan

The exact etymology of the name Monica is unfortunately unknown. As usual, there are several versions of the origin of the name and about them in our article.

The most popular version is that of the Greek origin of the name. According to this version, the name Monica comes from μόνη (mone), which is translated from ancient Greek as “one” or “only”. It turns out that according to this theory the meaning of the name Monica is "one" or "only".

According to the second version, it is believed that the name Monica comes from the Latin word moneo. If you believe this theory, then the meaning of the name Monica is “remind” or “call.” Which version of the origin and version of the meaning you like best, consider the correct one.

The name Monica is also one of the thirty most popular names in France, according to statistics over the last 70 years. Together with the related names Dominic (Dominika) and Nicole, they occupy three places in this ranking. You can find out more in the article "French female names".

The meaning of the name Monica for a girl

Girls named Monica grow up sociable and active. Monica is a fairly independent child and knows how to come up with activities for herself. She has good leadership abilities, which manifest themselves from early childhood. She usually takes a leading role in various children's activities. It is also worth noting that the girl knows how to stand up for herself and always fights back against her offenders. Her character is closer to that of a man and she is more comfortable in the company of boys.

Monica studies well. She is equally good at the exact sciences and the humanities. She is modest and this trait pleases teachers. It is worth noting the girl’s good physical development. She will be happy to go to various sports clubs or dances. Monica is very strict with herself and sets high standards for herself. At the same time, she has sufficient tenacity. Ultimately, the combination of all these character traits often leads her to success.

Monica's health can be called average. She rarely gets sick, but she is not without her weak points. Her weak point is usually stomach problems and allergic reactions. She should be careful about her own nutrition, especially at school age.

Short name Monica

Diminutive pet names

Monya, Monichka, Monushka, Monyusha, Monusya.

Name Monica in English

In English, the name Monica is spelled Monica.

Name Monika for international passport- MONIKA.

Translation of the name Monica into other languages

in Hungarian - Monika
in Danish - Monica
in Spanish - Monica
in Italian - Monica
in German - Monika, Monica (Monica)
in Norwegian - Monica
in Polish - Monika
in Portuguese - Monica
in Romanian - Monica
in French - Monique (Monique, Monica)
in Swedish - Monica

Church name Monica(in the Orthodox faith) not definitely. This means that for baptism you will need to choose a church name. It is this that will then need to be used in church sacraments.

Characteristics of the name Monica

Monica is characterized by fortitude and love of freedom. Other characteristics of her name include energy and perseverance. She knows how to achieve the most difficult goals in life, and her friends do not suit her. Her love for freedom is expressed in her simple attitude towards life. She is not a fan of luxury or ostentatious affairs. Monica herself does not do ostentatious acts and does not allow others to do so. This especially applies to your closest circle of acquaintances. Monica is a perfectionist in everything, which of course leaves an imprint on her life position.

Monica usually works in the field of communication with people. This could be in the field of direct sales, journalism, pedagogy and much more. For Monica, it is important to get results, so “just work” will not suit her. She is persistent in achieving her goal, and without this, life is not sweet for her. If journalism, then truly complex reporting. If it is pedagogy, then students will definitely participate in various Olympiads. Monica loves challenges and even seeks them out herself.

Monica's family relationships are developing quite successfully. Monica is a good wife and a wonderful housewife. She is very particular about the cleanliness of the house, so much so that she can even tire out her family. Monica loves children, but is often too strict with them. She needs to learn to enjoy a quiet time, without overcoming all sorts of difficulties.

The secret of the name Monica

Monica's secret is that she knows how to charm men. She knows about her talent and uses it periodically. Once she gets married, she, of course, stops resorting to this feminine trick, but before that, men should be careful. If Monica suddenly liked you, then maybe she just needs something from you.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius and Taurus.

Totem animal- Cat.

Name color- Pink and Blue.

Plant- Tulip.

Stone- Aquamarine and Jasper.

It is still difficult to say whether the name given to a person really influences his character and personality development. Many parents really believe that what they name their child will directly determine his whole life. The rest of the fathers and mothers believe that it is not the name that dictates our life rules. There is no point in arguing about who is wrong and who is right in this case.

We only have to agree with the fact that people have always been interested in the mystery of a name, especially a rarely encountered one. So, for example, some parents are interested in the meaning of the name Monica. Although it is not very popular in Russia, attention to it from new mothers and fathers has recently been increasing.

Origin of the name Monica

The name, the origin of which we will now discuss, is quite original and sonorous. Where did it come to us from?

The exact Monica is still unknown to anyone. But several versions regarding its origin still exist. The first says that it came to us from Ancient Greece. According to this assumption, Monica (name) comes from the word “mone”, which means “one”, “only”.

The second version is that the name takes its roots from the Latin word “moneo”, which means “reminder”, “call”.

Meaning for a girl

Little Monica is growing up to be an active and sociable girl. She is quite independent and inquisitive. He knows how to invent games and activities for himself, to which he devotes a lot of time. Monica is a born leader. This quality manifests itself in her from early childhood. At children's performances and events, the girl always gets the main role.

Monica can stand up for herself and will never let herself be offended. Her character traits are more reminiscent of a man’s, so the girl likes to spend as much time as possible with boys.

Monica is a diligent student. She is good at both the humanities and technical sciences. The girl pleases teachers with her desire to learn and always be in first place. Monica enjoys attending sports clubs, participating in various competitions and school Olympiads. Girls with this name are quite strict with themselves, so they often set the bar too high. Combinations of character traits usually lead Monica to success.


Monica's health can be called average. Often girls with this name are susceptible to stomach and allergic diseases. The task of parents is to teach their child from early childhood to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Character of an adult girl

The meaning of the name Monica gives reason to consider the girl to be a very strong and purposeful person. Her traits also include persistence, firmness and energy. Girls with this name do not like luxury and wealth. They approach life quite simply, for which it regularly pampers them.

The name Monica gives its owner the right to think that nothing is impossible. The look of a perfectionist sometimes leaves a big imprint on her destiny and confuses her relationships with others.


Monica usually works with people. This could be journalistic, pedagogical or medical activity. Even in such areas, a girl named Monica is looking for difficulties for herself. If she is a teacher, then her students must be the best, if she is a journalist, the report will be the most discussed.

Love and family relationships

It is not for nothing that the literal translation of the name Monica is “one”, “the only one”. This is exactly how she wants to see herself in a relationship with her beloved man. Such a girl will never allow her chosen one to look at another woman. This sometimes scares off the strongest representatives of this world.

Monica needs exactly the man who will put up with her complex leadership character. The meaning of the name Monica gives reason to consider a woman an excellent housewife and mother. She is clean and tidy. Often he bores his household with his pedantry.

Monica loves her children very much. She is quite strict and firm with them. Girls with this name want to make their own, often without noticing their feelings. they need to learn to enjoy life, and not strive to look for difficulties even in family relationships.

Communication and friendship

The meaning of the name Monica characterizes the girl as a pleasant and sociable person with whom it is pleasant to spend time. She is interesting, well-read, and always knows how to start a conversation and on what topic. Monica is quite kind and non-conflicting. Girls with this name know about their shortcomings and try to carefully hide them from others. They are quite self-critical, but they know their worth.

Monica is a very touchy and vulnerable person, despite her leadership qualities. Fortunately, the resentment does not last long. Girls with this name are quite friendly and always welcome guests. It should be noted that Monica never follows the opinions of others. Makes decisions independently, without consulting anyone.

As for friendship, a girl can surprise here too. Friends are sometimes disturbed by her violent reaction to this or that event. But this is perhaps the only drawback. Otherwise, Monica is a very good friend who is always ready to help. Girls with this name have no enemies, they quickly smooth out conflicts and make new friends.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Monica is suitable for a girl who was born under the sign of Sagittarius (November 23-December 22). It is this combination that can soften her hardness, as well as her excessive desire to be the best. Under the influence of Sagittarius, Monica will acquire softness and become even more sociable and sympathetic. At the same time, the girl will retain her curiosity, simple attitude to life, extravagance and cheerfulness.

The name Monika in Orthodoxy

In Orthodoxy, Monika is an indefinite name. This means that parents should choose which one will be used in Orthodox sacraments.

What does the name hide?

The mystery of the name lies in the ability of this girl to charm men. She knows about this quality and tries to use it at every opportunity. Therefore, if Monica liked a man, then she will definitely achieve his favor.

The name Monika is popular in Greece; Monica is the Catholic name for girls.

Short derivatives of the name Monika: Monis, Monik, Nika, Monisya, Monichka, Moni, Monya, Montier, Monikinya, Mika, Nini, Mona, Muniko, Moka and Monikino.

Similar names to Monika: Munika and Monique.

Monica as a name was “born” among the Greeks. According to one of the assumptions, Monica is interpreted as “unity” (from the word “monos”), according to the second - “reminder, inspiration” (from “moneo”).

Monika is pronounced in different parts of the planet with any stress, which usually falls on either the 1st or 2nd syllable of the name. Some nationalities use the name Monika unchanged, only the French change Monika into Monique, and the Norwegians into Munika.

Shortened and affectionate derivatives of Monica - Nika and Mika - became independent names. They are also derivatives of other names, both ladies' and men's.

Catholic believers venerate Monica in their calendar; the patroness of this name is the mother of Augustine (the Blessed) - Monica (the holy helper of married ladies and mothers). But Monika doesn’t celebrate her name day among Christians.

The influence of a name on character and destiny

The person named Monica is distinguished by her strong will and constant activity. Monica has these qualities from the masculine character traits that she naturally possesses. The owner named Monica tends to sometimes show anxiety, and with this quality she can nullify even the best aspirations. This happens because Monica absolutely does not know how to hear personal intuition, preferring common sense and intellect to it.

Monica has an amazing work ethic and persistent pursuit of her goals. Monica usually considers her employees to be rivals, but if necessary, Monica is quite capable of coping with aggressive manifestations towards them. The bearer of the name Monica likes professions related to foreign languages, exact sciences; Monica will be quite successful as a pharmacist or doctor.

About Monica, we can say that it is quite possible to get along with her under the same roof: Monica is kind, erudite, easy-going, and peaceful. Each Monica knows all her own negative qualities and, due to self-criticism, hides and tries to completely eliminate them. If the named Monica is offended by something, then she will not accumulate resentment in herself for a long time - 2 days will be enough for Monica to forget about the unpleasant incident. In life with her husband, Monica is strict with herself and incredibly decent, giving her all for the sake of her household. In the home of the hostess named Monica, comfort, order and cleanliness are constantly maintained.

All Monicas are distinguished by their friendliness, sociability and desire for close interaction with the world around her. It is difficult to persuade Monica to make any decisions if Monica herself does not want them or they contradict her interests. Monica is demanding not only of herself, but also of her surroundings, so she is sometimes capable of showing a violent reaction that can literally knock her off her feet. Since the bearer of the name generally shows herself to be friendly, family and friends can only come to terms with this shortcoming of Monica. By the way, Monica knows how to quickly find contact even with strangers and has practically no enemies.

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Short form of the name Monica. Nika, Mika, Moni, Mona, Monikinha, Nini, Moka, Monikino, Muniko, Monique, Montier, Monya, Monichka, Monisya, Monis.
Synonyms for the name Monica. Monique, Munika.
Origin of the name Monica. The name Monica is Catholic, Greek.

The name Monica has Greek roots. According to one version, the name Monica comes from the word “monos”, which means “the only one”. According to another, from the word “moneo”, which means “to inspire, remind.”

In different countries, the name Monica is pronounced with different emphasis, both on the first and second syllables. In most countries, the name Monika is not modified, but in France the name Monika is pronounced as Monique, in Norway - Munika.

The diminutive and derivative forms of Mika and Nika are also independent names and diminutive forms of other names, both female and male.

The name Monica is not mentioned in the Orthodox calendar. Catholics venerate Saint Monica, the mother of St. Augustine, who is considered the patroness of mothers and married women.

A woman named Monica is characterized by a strong will. She is always active. Monica often has an incredibly strong, rather masculine character. Sometimes, due to Monica's restless nature, the best impulses are nullified. Monica is completely out of character to listen to her intuition. According to the girl, one should rely in life only on intellect and common sense.

Monica is hardworking. She persistently pursues her goal and as a result almost always achieves it. Most likely, Monica will perceive her work colleagues as rivals and enemies, although, if necessary, she is able to moderate her aggressiveness. Monica may choose a career as a doctor or pharmacist; she is also interested in areas related to exact science and foreign languages.

A girl with this name is the type of woman with whom it is pleasant to live. In communication, she is easy and well-read, kind and non-conflicting. Monica is self-critical, well aware of her shortcomings, does not show them and, on the contrary, tries to get rid of them. Although Monica sometimes becomes touchy, she doesn’t remember the insults for a long time. Just a couple of days is enough for a girl to forget the insult he caused her. In family life, Monica is very strict with herself. She is decent, lives only for the sake of her family. Monica becomes the ideal housewife, whose house is always clean and comfortable.

Monica is sociable, even friendly, she strives to interact with the world around her. However, the girl tries not to be influenced by others. Acquaintances and friends will not be able to force her to go against their interests. She always remains demanding of both herself and others. Monica amazes her friends with her violent reaction, which can literally sweep them off their feet. Friends and family can only put up with this. Monica easily attracts strangers, quickly establishes contacts and has almost no enemies.

Monica's birthday

Famous people named Monica

  • Monica ((331 - 387) Christian saint. The main source telling about her life is the “Confession” of one of her children, St. Augustine. A surge of interest in Monica arose in 1430, in connection with the transfer of her relics from Ostia to Rome. Several cities are named in honor of the saint, churches are dedicated to her in Ostia, Rome, Naples, Florence and other places. Francesco Botticini, Ari Schaeffer and others turned to her image in painting.)
  • Monica Seles ((b.1973) famous Yugoslav-American professional tennis player who played for both of these countries; former first racket of the world. She has 9 personal victories in Grand Slam tournaments, 4 of which belong to the Australian Open. In 1990 she became the youngest winner of the French Open. In 1991-1992, she was world No. 1. In October 2007, the Intergovernmental Institutional Program on Spirulina (IIMSAM) at the United Nations, which advocates the fight against malnutrition, appointed Monica Seles as its Goodwill Ambassador and press secretary for this organization.)
  • Monica Samille Lewinsky (b. 1973) was a major participant in the social and political scandal that arose over her sexual relationship with United States President Bill Clinton, whom she met during her work as a White House intern. Clinton's sworn testimony regarding character his acquaintance with Monica became the reason for accusing the president of perjury and the beginning of Clinton's impeachment proceedings.)
  • Monica Geller (later Monica Geller-Bing; a character in the popular American television series Friends)
  • Monique de la Bruchollie ((1915 - 1972) French pianist and music teacher)
  • Monica Niculescu ((born 1987) Romanian tennis player, winner of 2 WTA doubles tournaments, winner of the 2004 Orange Bowl doubles tournament (together with Marina Erakovic))
  • Monica Anna Maria Bellucci ((born 1964) Italian film actress and model)
  • Monika Leskovar ((born 1981) Croatian cellist. Leskovar’s highly successful children’s and youth international performances culminated in 1995 with a victory at the Second International Tchaikovsky Youth Competition.)
  • Monika Mironaite ((1913 - 2000) Lithuanian theater actress, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the third degree (1952); State Prize of the Lithuanian SSR (1965), People's Artist of the Lithuanian SSR (1959))
  • Monica Potter ((born 1971) American actress)
  • Monika Pyrek ((born 1980) Polish athlete, pole vaulter. Two-time silver medalist of the world championships (2005, 2009), bronze medalist of the world championship (2001). World youth champion (2001) and silver medalist of the world youth championship (1998 Silver medalist of the European Championship 2006. Prize-winner of the World Indoor Championships (2003), medalist of the European Championships (2002, 2005). European record holder (2001 - 4.61 m), 69-time Polish record holder, Polish champion. Personal record - 4 .76 m (2005).)
  • Monica Ertl ((1937 - 1972) Bolivian revolutionary of German origin, daughter of cameraman and director Hans Ertl)
  • Monica Vitti ((born 1931) real name – Maria Luisa Cecciarelli; Italian actress)
  • Monica Baltodano ((born 1954) Nicaraguan revolutionary, member of the FSLN leadership, leader of the Sandinista Renewal Movement)
  • Monika Sotsko ((born 1978) nee Bobrovskaya; Polish chess player, grandmaster (2008). Bronze medalist of the European champion (2010) among women. As a member of the Polish women's team, participant in 7 Olympiads (1994-2004, 2008).)
  • Monica Spear Mutz ((born 1984) Venezuelan actress, Miss Venezuela 2004, fourth runner-up at the Miss Universe 2005 pageant)
  • Monica Raymund ((born 1986) American actress; best known for her role as Ria Torres in the TV series Lie to Me)
  • Monica Mayhem ((b. 1978) exotic dancer, is a vocalist and plays guitar in the band Sweet Avenge.)
  • Monica Gyorgy ((born 1982) Romanian skier, participant of the Olympic Games in Turin and Vancouver)
  • Monika Bleibtreu ((1944 - 2009) Austrian theater and film actress, mother of German actor Moritz Bleibtreu)
  • Monique Garbrecht-Enfeldt ((born 1968) nee Garbrecht; German speed skater. Prize-winner of the 1992 and 2002 Winter Olympics. Multiple world champion in the sprint all-around and at distances of 500 and 1000 meters. World record holder at a distance of 1000 meters and in the sprint all-around .)
  • Monica Naranjo ((born 1974) popular Spanish singer)
  • Monica Coleman ((born 1980) American actress)
  • Monica Felton ((1906 - ?) British writer and public figure, member of the Labor Party. Since 1952 - Chairman of the National Assembly of Women. In 1956, while at a peace forum in India, she met the local spiritual leader Rajaji and became his personal biographer , remaining in India for several years. Later she published the book “I am meeting Rajaji” (1962). Since 1953, she has been a member of the World Peace Council. Laureate of the International Stalin Prize “For Strengthening Peace Among Nations” (1952).)
  • Monica Keena ((born 1979) American actress)
  • Mo'Nique ((born 1967) real name - Monique Imes; American actress, in 2010 she won an Oscar for her supporting role in the film "Precious")
  • Monique Angermüller (German speed skater, participant of the 2010 Olympic Games, in 2012 she became the German champion at distances of 1000 and 1500 meters)
  • Monique Wittig ((1935 - 2003) French author and feminist theorist. She wrote about overcoming socially imposed gender roles, invented the term “heterosexual contract.” She published her first novel, “Opoponax,” in 1964. The second, “The Guerrilleurs,” published in 1969, marked a turning point in lesbian feminism.